Electromagnetic Theory I (PH-424) Problem Set 4

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Electromagnetic Theory I (PH-424)

Problem Set 4

Question 1
A point charge q is brought to a position a distance d away from an infinite plane conductor held at zero potential.
Using the method of images, find (a) the surface charge density induced on the plane, and plot it, (b) the force between
the plane and the charge by using Coulumb’s law for the force between the charge and its image, (c) the total force
acting on the plane by integrating σ 2 /2ε0 over the whole plane, (d) the work necessary to remove the charge q from
its position at d to infinity, and, (e) the potential energy between the charge q and its image. Compare to part (d).

Question 2
A hollow right circular cylinder of radius b has its axis coincident with the z-axis and its ends at z = 0 and z = L.
The potential on the end faces is zero while the potential on the cylindrical surface is given by Φ(φ, z). Using the
appropriate separation of variables in cylindrical coordinates, find a series solution for the potential everywhere inside
the cylinder.

Question 3
A sphere of radius R filled with homogeneous linear dielectric material of permittivity ε is placed in an otherwise
uniform electric field E0 . (a) What are the boundary conditions for the potential Φ(r) at the interface r = R? What is
the value of the potential Φout (r) for r >> R? (b) Using the boundary conditions in (a) solve the Laplace’s equation
∇2 Φ(r) = 0 to find the electrostatic potential Φin (r) inside the sphere. (c) Find the corresponding electric field Ein (r).
(d) Replace the dielectric material with a conductor. Can you guess what is the electric field Ein (r) from the result
obtained in (c)?

Question 4
A rectangular pipe, running parallel to the z-axis (from −∞ to +∞), has three grounded metal sides, at y = 0,
y = a, and x = 0. The fourth side, at x = b, is maintained at a specified potential V0 (y). (a) Develop a general
formula for the potential within the pipe. (b) Find the potential explicitly, for the case V0 (y) = V0 (a constant).

Question 5
A specified charge density σ0 (θ) = k cos θ is glued over the surface of a spherical shell of radius R. Find the resulting
potential inside and outside the sphere.

Question 6
A closed volume is bounded by conducting surfaces that are the n sides of a regular polyhedron (n = 4, 6, 8, 12, 20).
The n surfaces are at different potentials ϕi , i = 1, 2, ..., n. Prove in the simplest way you can that the potential at
the center of the polyhedron is the average of the potential on the n sides.

Question 7
Using the method of images, discuss the problem of a point charge q inside a hollow, grounded, conducting sphere
of inner radius a. Find (a) the potential inside the sphere, (b) the induced surface charge density, (c) the magnitude
and direction of the force acting on q, (d) Is there any change in the solution if the sphere is kept at fixed potential
ϕ? Is the sphere has a total charge Q on its inner and outer surfaces?

Question 8
Consider a metallic disc of radius a carrying uniform surface charge density σ. Such a disc is placed in the x − y
plane with its center at the origin. Calculate the potential due to this disc at the point (r, θ) for r < a. Take the limit
r → 0. Does your expansion give the correct result?

Question 9
A hollow right circular cylinder of radius b has its axis coincident with the z-axis and its ends at z = 0 and z = L.
The potential on the end faces is zero while the potential on the cylindrical surface is given by ϕ(φ, z). Using the
appropriate separation of variables in cylindrical coordinates, find a series solution for the potential everywhere inside
the cylinder.

Question 10
A point charge q is located at the point z = a. Obtain an expression for the potential at the point (r, θ) (where
r < a) as a power series in r. Test if this series gives the correct answer for the case r = a and θ = π/2.

Question 11
Two semi-infinite metallic sheets form an L-shaped wedge. Assume that one sheet is defined by 0 ≤ x ≤ ∞, − ∞ ≤
z ≤ ∞ and the other sheet is defined by 0 ≤ y ≤ ∞, − ∞ ≤ z ≤ ∞. There is a small insulating material along
the z-axis so that the two planes are not in electrical contact with each other. Determine the potential ϕ(x, y) in the
region 0 ≤ x, y ≤ ∞ if sheet in the x − z plane is at potential ϕ0 and the other sheet is at potential −ϕ0 , where ϕ0
is a constant.

Question 12
A conducting sphere with radius R and charge Q sits at the origin of coordinates. The space outside the sphere
above the z = 0 plane has dielectric constant κ1 . The space outside the sphere below the z = 0 plane has dielectric
constant κ2 . (a) Find the potential every where outside the conductor. (b) Find the distributions of free charge and
polarization charge wherever they may be.

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