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Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness | LIC ADO Main 2019

Table of Contents
Financial and Insurance Market Awareness ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Indian Financial Market ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Capital Market and Government ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Money Market ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Stock Market and Bond Market ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
The Role of Money Markets in the Financial System (in India) ........................................................................................................... 5
Derivatives Markets and Private Investing .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Study of the Foreign Exchange Interbank Market ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Primary Markets and Secondary Markets...................................................................................................................................................10
Brexit ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
Mutual Funds ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................12
Role of Discount and Finance House of India ............................................................................................................................................14
Project Financing (in India) ..............................................................................................................................................................................14
Insurance Industry ...............................................................................................................................................................................................15
Regulatory Agencies .............................................................................................................................................................................................16
Establishment of FSDC ........................................................................................................................................................................................20
International Financial Organization ............................................................................................................................................................21
Introduction of Insurance ..................................................................................................................................................................................23
History of Life Insurance ....................................................................................................................................................................................24
History of General Insurance ............................................................................................................................................................................25
Know About IRDAI ................................................................................................................................................................................................25
Types of Insurance ................................................................................................................................................................................................26
Indian Insurance Market ....................................................................................................................................................................................27
ULIP Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) .....................................................................................................................................................28
Public Sector Insurance Companies ..............................................................................................................................................................29
Private Sector Insurance Companies ............................................................................................................................................................30
Glossary of Insurance Terms ............................................................................................................................................................................30
Abbreviation Related to Insurance Industry .............................................................................................................................................33
Employee State Insurance Scheme ................................................................................................................................................................33
Schemes Related to Insurance (PMFBY, PMJJBY, PMSBY etc.) ...........................................................................................................34
Other Important Topics Related to Insurance Awareness ...................................................................................................................35
Insurance Ombudsman .......................................................................................................................................................................................35
Bancassurance ........................................................................................................................................................................................................36
Current Insurance Schemes ..............................................................................................................................................................................37

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Financial and Insurance Market Awareness
Indian Financial Market Primary Market
The primary market provides the channel for sale of new
We are fully aware that business units have to raise short- securities. The issuer of securities sells the securities in the
term as well as long-term funds to meet their working and primary market to raise funds for investment and/or to
fixed capital requirements from time to time. This discharge. In other words, the market wherein resources are
necessitates not only the ready availability of such funds but mobilized by companies through issue of new securities is
also a transmission mechanism with the help of which the called the primary market. These resources are required for
providers of funds (investors/lenders) can interact with the new projects as well as for existing projects with a view to
borrowers/users (business units) and transfer the funds to expansion, modernization, diversification and Upgradation.
them as and when required. This aspect is taken care of by The issue of securities by companies can take place in any of
the financial markets which provide a place where or a the following methods:-
system through which, the transfer of funds by (a) Initial public offer (securities issued for the first time to
investors/lenders to the business units is adequately the public by the company
facilitated. (b) Further issue of capital
(c) Rights issue to the existing shareholder (on their
Main functions of Financial Market:- renunciation, the shares can be sold by the company to
(a) It provides facilities for interaction between the investors others also)
and the borrowers. (d) Offer of securities under reservation/ firm allotment
(b) It provides pricing information resulting from the basis to-
interaction between buyers and sellers in the market when I. foreign partners and collaborators,
they trade the financial assets. II. mutual funds
(c) It provides security to dealings in financial assets. III. merchant bankers
(d) It ensures liquidity by providing a mechanism for an IV. banks and institutions
investor to sell the financial assets. V. non-resident Indians and overseas corporate bodies
(e) It ensures low cost of transactions and information. VI. Employees
(e) Offer to public
Types of Financial Market (f) Bonus Issue.
A financial market consists of two major segments: The primary market is of great significance to the economy
(a) Money Market and of a country. It is through the primary market that funds flow
(b) Capital Market for productive purposes from investors to entrepreneurs.
The latter use the funds for creating new products and
A money market is a component of financial market where rendering services to customers in India and abroad. The
short-term borrowing can be issued. This market includes strength of the economy of a country is gauged by the
assets that deal with short-term borrowing, lending, buying activities of the Stock exchanges. The primary market creates
and selling. A capital market is a component of a financial and offers the merchandise for the
market that allows long-term trading of debt and equity- Secondary Market.
backed securities.
Secondary Market
Capital Market and Government Secondary market refers to a market where securities are
traded after being initially offered to the public in the
The capital market is a market for financial investments primary market and/or listed on the Stock Exchange.
that are direct or indirect claims to capital. The capital Majority of the trading is done in the secondary market.
market comprises the complex of institutions and Secondary market comprises of equity markets and the debt
mechanism through which intermediate term funds and long markets. The secondary market enables participants who
term funds are pooled and made available to business, hold securities to adjust their holdings in response to
government and individuals. changes in their assessment of risk and return. They also sell
securities for cash to meet their liquidity needs. The
The Capital market facilitates mobilization of savings of secondary market has further two components, namely
individuals and pools them into reservoir of capital which the over-the-counter (OTC) market and the exchange-
can be used for the economic development of a country. traded market. OTC is different from the market place
An efficient capital market is essential for raising capital by provided by the Over The Counter Exchange of India Limited.
the corporate sector of the economy and for the protection of OTC markets are essentially informal markets where trades
the interest of investors in corporate securities. The capital are negotiated. Most of the trades in government securities
market has two interdependent and inseparable are in the OTC market. All the spot trades where securities
segments, the primary market and secondary market. are traded for immediate delivery and payment take place in
the OTC market. The exchanges do not provide facility for

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spot trades in a strict sense. Closest to spot market is the possesses the characteristics of equity in the sense that when
cash market where settlement takes place after some time. the authorised share capital and paid up capital are being
Trades taking place over a trading cycle, i.e. a day under calculated, they are added to equity capital to arrive at the
rolling settlement, are settled together after a certain time. total. Preference shares can also be treated as a debt
Trades executed on the leading exchange are cleared and instrument as they do not confer voting rights on its holders
settled by a clearing corporation which provides novation and have a dividend payment that is structured like interest
and settlement guarantee. (coupon) paid for bonds issues.

A variant of secondary market is the forward market, Preference shares may be:
where securities are traded for future delivery and payment. Irredeemable, convertible: in this case, upon maturity of
Pure forward is outside the formal market. The versions of the instrument, the principal sum being returned to the
forward in formal market are futures and options. In futures investor is converted to equities even though dividends
market, standardised securities are traded for future (interest) had earlier been paid.
delivery and settlement. These futures can be on a basket of Irredeemable, non-convertible: here, the holder can only
securities like an index or an individual security. In case of sell his holding in the secondary market as the contract will
options, securities are traded for conditional future delivery. always be rolled over upon maturity. The instrument will
There are two types of options–a put option permits the also not be converted to equities.
owner to sell a security to the writer of options at a Redeemable: here the principal sum is repaid at the end of a
predetermined price while a call specified period. In this case it is treated strictly as a debt
option permits the owner to purchase a security from the instrument.
writer of the option at a predetermined price. These options Note: interest may be cumulative, flexible or fixed depending
can also be on individual stocks or basket of stocks like on the agreement in the Trust Deed.
index. Two exchanges, namely NSE and the Bombay Stock
Exchange, (BSE) provide trading of derivatives of 4. Derivatives
securities. These are instruments that derive from other securities,
which are referred to as underlying assets (as the derivative
The instruments traded (media of exchange) in the is derived from them). The price, riskiness and function of
capital market are: the derivative depend on the underlying assets since
1. Debt Instruments whatever affects the underlying asset must affect the
A debt instrument is used by either companies or derivative. The derivative might be an asset, index or even
governments to generate funds for capital-intensive projects. situation. Derivatives are mostly common in developed
It can obtained either through the primary or secondary economies.
market. The relationship in this form of instrument
ownership is that of a borrower – creditor and thus, does not Some examples of derivatives are:
necessarily imply ownership in the business of the borrower.  Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS)
 Asset-Backed Securities (ABS)
When the instrument is issued by:  Futures
The Central Government, it is called a Sovereign Bond;  Options
A state government it is called a State Bond;  Swaps
A local government, it is called a Municipal Bond; and  Rights
A corporate body (Company), it is called a Debenture,  Exchange Traded Funds or commodities
Industrial Loan or Corporate Bond

2. Equities (also called Common Stock)

This instrument is issued by companies only and can also be
obtained either in the primary market or the secondary
market. Investment in this form of business translates to
ownership of the business as the contract stands in
perpetuity unless sold to another investor in the secondary
market. The investor therefore possesses certain rights and
privileges (such as to vote and hold position) in the
company. Whereas the investor in debts may be entitled to
interest which must be paid, the equity holder receives
dividends which may or may not be declared.

3. Preference Shares
This instrument is issued by corporate bodies and the
investors rank second (after bond holders) on the scale of
preference when a company goes under. The instrument

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Money Market Discount Pricing – Another important characteristic feature
of money market instruments is that they are issued at a
Money market basically refers to a section of the financial discount on their face value.
market where financial instruments with high liquidity
and short-term maturities are traded. Money market has Types of Money Market Instruments-
become a component of the financial market for buying and
selling of securities of short-term maturities, of one year or  Treasury Bills (T-Bills)
less, such as treasury bills and commercial papers. Over-  Certificate of Deposits (CDs)
the-counter trading is done in the money market and it is a  Commercial Papers (CPs)
wholesale process. It is used by the participants as a way of  Repurchase Agreements (Repo)
borrowing and lending for the short term.  Banker's Acceptance (BA)
 Bill of Exchange
It has certain risks which investors should be aware of, one
of them being default on securities such as commercial Treasury Bills (T-Bills)
papers. Money market consists of various financial Issued by the Central Government, Treasury Bills are
institutions and dealers, who seek to borrow or loan known to be one of the safest money market instruments
securities. It is the best source to invest in liquid assets. The available. However, treasury bills carry zero risk. i.e. are zero
money market is an unregulated and informal market and risk instruments. Therefore, the returns one gets on them
not structured like the capital markets, where things are are not attractive. Treasury bills come with different
organised in a formal way. Money market gives lesser maturity periods like 3-month, 6-month and 1 year and
return to investors who invest in it but provides a variety of are circulated by primary and secondary markets.
products. Withdrawing money from the money market is Treasury bills are issued by the Central government at a
easier. Money markets are different from capital markets as lesser price than their face value. The interest earned by the
they are for a shorter period of time while capital markets buyer will be the difference of the maturity value of the
are used for longer time periods. instrument and the buying price of the bill, which is decided
with the help of bidding done via auctions. Currently, there
Important Objectives Served By a Money Market- are 3 types of treasury bills issued by the Government of
 The money market doesn’t only help in the storage of India via auctions, which are 91-day, 182-day and 364-
short-term surplus funds but also helps in lowering day treasury bills.
short term deficits.
 They help the central bank in regulating liquidity in the Certificate of Deposits (CDs)
economy. A Certificate of Deposit or CD, functions as a deposit receipt
 Money markets help short-term fund users to fulfill their for money which is deposited with a financial organization
needs at reasonable costs. or bank. However, a Certificate of Deposit is different from a
 The money market helps in the development of the Fixed Deposit Receipt in two aspects. The first aspect of
capital market, trade and industry. difference is that a CD is only issued for a larger sum of
 To help design effective monetary policies. money. Secondly, a Certificate of Deposit is freely negotiable.
 To facilitate streamlined functioning of commercial First announced in 1989 by RBI, Certificate of Deposits have
banks. become a preferred investment choice for organizations in
terms of short-term surplus investment as they carry low
What Are Money Market Instruments? risk while providing interest rates which are higher than
Money Market Instruments are simply the instruments or those provided by Treasury bills and term deposits.
tools which can help one operate in the money market. These Certificate of Deposits are also relatively liquid, which is an
instruments serve a dual purpose of not only allowing added advantage, especially for issuing banks. Like treasury
borrowers meet their short-term requirements but also bills, CDs are also issued at a discounted price and their
provide easy liquidity to lenders. Some of the common tenor ranges between a span of 7 days up to 1 year.
money market instruments include Banker’s Acceptance, However, banks issue Certificates of Deposits for durations
Treasury Bills, Repurchase Agreements, Certificate of ranging from 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. They
Deposits and Commercial Papers. can be issued to individuals (except minors), trusts,
companies, corporations, associations, funds, non-resident
Money market instruments allow governments, financial Indians, etc.
organizations and businesses to finance their short-term
cash requirements. Some of the notable characteristics of Commercial Papers (CPs)
money market instruments are as follows. Commercial Papers are can be compared to an unsecured
short-term promissory note which is issued by highly
Liquidity – Money market instruments are highly liquid rated companies with the purpose of raising capital to meet
because they are fixed-income securities which carry short requirements directly from the market. CPs usually feature a
maturity periods of a year or less. fixed maturity period which can range anywhere from 1 day
up to 270 days. Highly popular in countries like Japan, UK,

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USA, Australia and many others, Commercial Papers stocks fluctuate according to each company's financial
promise higher returns as compared to treasury bills and are performance and the outlook for its future performance.
automatically not as secure in comparison. Commercial
papers are actively traded in secondary market. Bond Market
When you buy a bond you are loaning money to the
Repurchase Agreements (Repo) underlying company. Ownership of a bond puts you in the
Repurchase Agreements, also known as Reverse Repo or position of being a creditor. A bond pays a fixed interest
simply as Repo, loans of a short duration which are agreed payment every six months, which is why it is called a fixed
upon by buyers and sellers for the purpose of selling and income investment, and these credit instruments with short
repurchasing. These transactions can only be carried out maturities under one year are called money market
between RBI approved parties Repo/Reverse Repo investments. Individual bond prices move according to the
transactions can be done only between the parties credit quality of the underlying company. If the company
approved by RBI. Transactions are only permitted between loses a lot of money and has trouble paying its bills, the bond
securities approved by the RBI like treasury bills, central market will require a higher interest rate return on
or state government securities, corporate bonds and PSU investment, which means the bond price will decline.
Key Differences between the Bond and Stock Markets
Banker's Acceptance (BA) The differences between the bond and stock markets lie in
A banker's acceptance (BA) is a short-term debt the manner in which the different products are sold and the
instrument issued by a company that is guaranteed by a risk involved in dealing with each market. One major
commercial bank. Banker's acceptances are issued as part of difference is that the stock market has central places or
a commercial transaction. These instruments are similar to exchanges where stocks are bought and sold, while the bond
T-bills, are frequently used in money market funds and are market does not have a central trading place; bonds are sold
traded at a discount from face value on the secondary mainly over the counter (OTC). The other key difference
market, which can be an advantage because the banker's between the stock and bond market is the risk involved in
acceptance does not need to be held until it matures. investing in each.
Banker's acceptances vary in amount according to the size of
the commercial transaction. The date of maturity typically Stock Exchange
ranges between 30 and 180 days from the date of issue, A stock exchange is a marketplace where securities, such as
which generally classifies the banker's acceptance as a short- stocks and bonds, are bought and sold. Bonds are typically
term negotiable instrument. To create a banker’s acceptance, traded Over-the-Counter (OTC), but some corporate bonds
the drawer must meet the eligibility requirements as set can be traded in stock exchanges. Stock exchanges allow
forth by the banking institution that serves as the backer companies to raise capital and investors to make informed
in the transaction. decisions using real-time price information. Exchanges can
be a physical location or an electronic trading platform.
Bill of Exchange Though people are typically familiar with the image of the
A bill of exchange is a written order used primarily in trading floor, many exchanges now use electronic trading.
international trade that binds one party to pay a fixed sum
of money to another party on demand or at a Purpose of Stock Exchanges-
predetermined date. Bills of exchange are similar to checks Stock exchanges act as an agent for the economy by
and promissory notes—they can be drawn by individuals or facilitating trade and disseminating information. Below are
banks and are generally transferable by endorsements. A bill some of the ways exchanges contribute:
of exchange transaction involves up to three parties. The 1. Raising Capital
drawee is the party that pays the sum specified by the bill 2. Corporate Governance
of exchange. The payee is the one who receives that sum. The 3. Economic Efficiency
drawer is the party that obliges the drawee to pay the
payee. The drawer and the payee are the same entity unless The Role of Money Markets in the Financial
the drawer transfers the bill of exchange to a third-party System (in India)
Like in any market, certain goods are traded in the money
Stock Market and Bond Market market too. The good that is bought and sold in the money
market is money or near-money financial assets. The
Stock Market money market is a market for short-term money and
When you buy stock, you are buying a percentage share of financial assets that are close substitutes for money.
the underlying company, so if you own some shares of Financial assets of long-term maturity is very much the
General Electric, you are a fractional owner of the domain of the investors of the capital market where these
General Electric Company. Common stock represents long- term securities are traded. ‘Short-term’ in the Indian
ownership or equity in a company. The market prices of context means generally a period up to one year. The term
‘close substitutes for money’ means any finan­cial asset
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which can be quickly converted into money with minimum helped by a team of distinguished experts such as
transaction/conversion cost. M.P.Chitale, R.K. Hazari, F.A. Mehta and C. Rangarajan and an
able research staff.
The broad objectives of the money market are to
provide: The terms of reference were comprehensive comprising:
(a) An equilibrating mechanism for evening out short-term (a) Critical review of the structure and operation of the
deficits and surpluses, monetary system in the context of the basic objectives of
(b) A focal point for central bank intervention for influencing planned development.
liquidity of the economy, and (b) Assessment of the interaction between monetary policy
(c) An access to the users of short-term money to meet their and public debt management in so far as they have a bearing
requirements at reasonable price. on the effectiveness of monetary policy.
(c) Evaluation of the various instruments of monetary and
The short-term money market in India consists of markets credit policy in terms of their impact on the credit system
for inter-bank call and short notice money, treasury bills, and on the economy.
commercial bills, commercial papers, certificates of
deposit and inter-bank partici-pations. What is significant is Narasimham Committee-I
that all these markets are closely inter-linked. The major In the year 1991, the Government of India appointed a
participants in the money market are the commercial banks, Committee to review the financial system under the
finan-cial institutions, corporations and individuals. chairmanship of M. Narasimham. The Purpose of the
committee was to review the Financial System and aspects
The larger the number of participants, greater will be the relating to the structure, organizations and functioning of the
depth of the market. Unlike the stock market where trading financial system. The main recommendations of the
is done on the floor of the stock exchange, trading in the Committee are:
money market is conducted over tele-phone followed by  Phasing reduction of Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) to
written confirmation from both the borrower and the lender. 25 per cent over a period of five years.
The Indian Financial Sector cannot be understood without an  Progressive reduction in Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR).
excursion into the various committees, commissions,  Phasing out of directed credit programmes and
working groups which were constituted from time to time in redefinition of the priority sector.
order to support the progress of financial system.  Adoption of uniform accounting practices in regard to
income recognition, asset classification and provisioning
The various committees and commissions are a product against bad and doubtful debts.
of the decision making process. Once the need for financial  Setting up of Asset Reconstruction Fund (ARF) to take
sector reform was recognised, the government or the over from banks a portion of their bad and doubtful
Reserve Bank of India typically set up a committee that advances at a discount.
included experts, public servants and sometimes  Deregulation of interest rates.
representatives from the corporate sector to spell out a
reform roadmap. The aim clearly is to make the membership Stipulation of minimum capital adequacy ratio of 4 per cent
of the committees as broad based as possible, though to risk weighted assets by March 1993, 8 per cent by March
membership has never included politicians. These 1996, and 8 per cent by those banks, having international
committees are given a clear mandate and a timeframe in operations by March 1994.
which to submit their reports. Sometimes the views and
opinions of the members are very diverse. It is not Narasimham Committee-II
uncommon for a report to have a rather long, and The creation of a strong and efficient financial system,
occasionally more than one, note of dissent by members. functionally diverse and geographically widespread was
Once a report is submitted, it is subject to extensive debate, the objective that has inspired the process of financial sector
then some of the recommendations of the report are reforms since 1992, as part of the broader programme of
accepted. This leads to a fragmentation of policymaking in structural economic reforms. The reform measures taken
the sense that each committee is asked to work out in this area have followed the recommendations of the
possible solutions to a specific policy problem. Committee on Financial System-1 which reported in
November 1991. That report was conceived as a holistic
The Committee to Review the Working of the Monetary exercise. Since the submission of the Report, several
System (1985). The initial stimulus to ameliorate the measures have been instituted in line with its
financial sector came with the submission of two influential recommendations. The Committee made several
committee reports to the Reserve Bank of India - The recommendations relating to the financial sector, on Capital
Chakravarty Committee in 1985. This is referred to as the Adequacy, Investment, Asset Quality, NPA Management,
Chakravarty Committee. The committee was appointed by Directed Credit, Prudential Norms, Structural Issues, and
the Reserve Bank in December 1982, under the Systems and methods in banks.
chairmanship of Sukhamoy Chakravarty to examine the
working of the monetary system in India. The Chairman was

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Committee on Capital Account Convertibility- SS  They are bilateral contracts and hence exposed to
Tarapore Committee (1997)- counter-party risk.
 Each contract is custom designed, and hence is unique in
RBI appointed a Committee on capital account convertibility terms of contract size, expiration date and the asset type
headed by S.S.Tarapore, Deputy Governor of RBI, in the year and quality.
1997, to review the international experience in relation to  The contract price is generally not available in public
capital account convertibility, recommended measures for domain.
achieving capital account convertibility, to specify the  The contract has to be settled by delivery of the asset on
sequence and time frame for such measures and to suggest expiration date.
domestic policy measures and changes in the institutional  In case the party wishes to reverse the contract, it has to
framework. The Committee has recommended a phased compulsorily go to the same counter party, which being
implementation of capital account convertibility over a in a monopoly situation can command the price it wants.
three-year period. The Committee also recommended
reduction of fiscal deficit, inflation rate, CRR obligation, Futures
NPA level of Banks and more stringent capital adequacy Futures are exchange-traded contracts to sell or buy
ratios. The liberalized policies and arrangements to facilitate financial instruments or physical commodities for a future
higher level of inflow and outflow of capital were the other delivery at an agreed price. There is an agreement to buy or
important recommendations. sell a specified quantity of financial instrument commodity in
a designated future month at a price agreed upon by the
Role of Government in Financial System- buyer and seller. To make trading possible, BSE specifies
Money Markets are a significant source of funding state and certain standardized features of the contract.
local governments for public projects such as airports,
bridges, road, water and sewage. Difference between Forward Contracts and Futures
Role of Credit Institution in Financial System- Basis Futures Forwards
Credit institutions use the money market funds as cash Traded on
management tools that provide a high degree of liquidity and Nature Over the Counter
organized exchange
stability at a low cost. Money market are attractive for the
institutions because they are high quality assets, Standardized Customized
diversification of funds and economies of scale.
Liquidity More liquid Less liquid
Role of Central Bank in Financial System- Margin Requires margin
Not required
Payments payments
It is responsible for maintaining financial sovereignty and Follows daily
economic stability of a country, especially in underdeveloped Settlement At the end of the period.
countries. The central bank does not deal with the general Contract can be reversed
public directly. It performs its functions with the help of Can be reversed
only with the same
commercial banks. The central bank is accountable for with any
Squaring off Counter-party with
protecting the financial stability and economic development member of the
whom it was entered
of a country. Apart from this, the central bank also plays a Exchange.
significant part in avoiding the cyclical fluctuations by
controlling money supply in the market. A central bank Swaps
should primarily be the “lender of last resort.” A swap is an agreement between two parties to exchange
cash flows on a determined date or in many cases multiple
dates. Typically, one party agrees to pay a fixed rate while
Derivatives Markets and Private Investing the other party pays a floating rate. For example, when
trading commodities the first party, an airline company
A derivative is an instrument whose value is derived from relying of kerosene, agrees to pay a fixed price for a pre-
the value of one or more underlying, which can be determined quantity of this commodity. The other party, a
commodities, precious metals, currency, bonds, stocks, bank, agrees to pay the sport price for the commodity.
stocks indices, etc. Four most common examples of Hereby the airline company is insured of a price it will pay
derivative instruments are Forwards, Futures, Options for its commodity. A rise in the price of the commodity is in
and Swaps. this case paid by the bank. Should the price fall the difference
will be paid to the bank.
Forward Contracts
A forward contract is a customized contract between two Options
parties, where settlement takes place on a specific date in Options are a form of derivatives, which gives holders the
future at a price agreed today. The main features of forward right, but not the obligation to buy or sell an underlying asset
contracts are:- at a pre-determined price, somewhere in the future. When
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you take an option to buy an asset it is called a ‘call’ and institutional and market infrastructure and realignment of
when you obtain the right to sell an asset it is called a ‘put’. regulatory structure consistent with the liberalised
To determine whether it is profitable to exercise an option, operational framework. The changing contours were
the current market price (spot price) and the price in the mirrored in a rapid expansion of foreign exchange market in
option (strike price) need to be compared. By comparing terms of participants, transaction volumes, decline in
both prices, a choice can be made to either exercise the transaction costs and more efficient mechanisms of risk
option or let it expire. When exercising an option there are transfer.
three positions on which the holder can find themselves. The The origin of the foreign exchange market in India could be
first is in the money (ITM), where the strike price is more traced to the year 1978 when banks in India were
favorable than the spot price and thus it will be permitted to undertake intra-day trade in foreign
advantageous to exercise the option. The second is at the exchange. However, it was in the 1990s that the Indian
money (ATM) in which the strike and spot price are equal foreign exchange market witnessed far reaching changes
and so no advantage can be gained. The third is out the along with the shifts in the currency regime in India. The
money (OTM), where the strike price is higher than the spot exchange rate of the rupee, that was pegged earlier was
price. floated partially in March 1992 and fully in March 1993
following the recommendations of the Report of the High
This has three key requisites to invest: Level Committee on Balance of Payments (Chairman: Dr.
Demat account: This is the account which stores your C. Rangarajan). The unification of the exchange rate was
securities in electronic format. It is unique to every investor instrumental in developing a market-determined exchange
and trader. rate of the rupee and an important step in the progress
towards current account convertibility, which was achieved
Trading account: This is the account through which you in August 1994.
conduct trades. The account number can be considered your A further impetus to the development of the foreign
identity in the markets. This makes the trade unique to you. exchange market in India was provided with the setting up of
It is linked to the demat account, and thus ensures that YOUR an Expert Group on Foreign Exchange Markets in India
shares go to your demat account. (Chairman: Shri O.P. Sodhani), which submitted its report
in June 1995. The Group made several recommendations
Margin maintenance: This pre-requisite is unique to for deepening and widening of the Indian foreign exchange
derivatives trading. While many in the cash segment too use market. Consequently, beginning from January 1996, wide-
margins to conduct trades, this is predominantly used in the ranging reforms have been undertaken in the Indian foreign
derivatives segment. exchange market. After almost a decade, an Internal
Technical Group on the Foreign Exchange Market (2005)
was constituted to undertake a comprehensive review of the
measures initiated by the Reserve Bank and identify areas
for further liberalisation or relaxation of restrictions in a
medium-term framework.
The momentous developments over the past few years are
reflected in the enhanced risk-bearing capacity of banks
along with rising foreign exchange trading volumes and finer
margins. The foreign exchange market has acquired
depth (Reddy, 2005). The conditions in the foreign
exchange market have also generally remained orderly
(Reddy, 2006). While it is not possible for any country to
remain completely unaffected by developments in
international markets, India was able to keep the spillover
effect of the Asian crisis to a minimum through constant
monitoring and timely action, including recourse to strong
Study of the Foreign Exchange Interbank monetary measures, when necessary, to prevent emergence
Market of self fulfilling speculative activities (Mohan, 2006).
Against the above background, this chapter attempts to
Globally, operations in the foreign exchange market analyse the role of the central bank in developing the foreign
started in a major way after the breakdown of the Bretton exchange market. Section I provides a brief review of
Woods system in 1971, which also marked the beginning of different exchange rate regimes being followed in emerging
floating exchange rate regimes in several countries. Over the market economies (EMEs). Section II traces the evolution of
years, the foreign exchange market has emerged as the India’s foreign exchange market in line with the shifts in
largest market in the world. The decade of the 1990s India’s exchange rate policies in the post independence
witnessed a perceptible policy shift in many emerging period from the pegged to the market determined regime.
markets towards reorientation of their financial markets in Various regulatory and policy initiatives taken by the
terms of new products and instruments, development of Reserve Bank and the Government of India for developing

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the foreign exchange market in the market determined set (ii) determine the interest rates (subject to a ceiling) and
up have also been highlighted. Section III presents a maturity period of FCNR(B) deposits with exemption of
detailed overview of the current foreign exchange market inter-bank borrowings from statutory preemptions and
structure in India. It also analyses the available market (iii) Use derivative products for asset liability management.
infrastructure in terms of market players, trading platform,  Participants in the foreign exchange market, including
instruments and settlement mechanisms. Section IV exporters, Indians investing abroad, and FIIs were
assesses the performance of the Indian foreign exchange permitted to avail forward cover and enter into swap
market in terms of liquidity and efficiency. The increase in transactions without any limit, subject to genuine
turnover in both onshore and offshore markets is highlighted underlying exposure.
in this section. Empirical exercises have also been attempted  FIIs and NRIs were permitted to trade in exchange
to assess the behavior of forward premier, bid-ask spreads traded derivative contracts, subject to certain
and market turnover. Having delineated the market profile, conditions.
Section V then discusses the journey of the Indian foreign
exchange market since the early 1990s, especially through Foreign Exchange Derivative Instruments in India
periods of volatility and its management by the authorities.
As central bank intervention has been an important element Foreign Exchange Forwards-
of managing volatility in the foreign exchange market, its Authorised Dealers (ADs) (Category-I) are permitted to
need and effectiveness in a market determined exchange issue forward contracts to persons resident in India with
rate and open capital regime has been examined in Section crystallised foreign currency/foreign interest rate exposure
VI. Section VII makes certain suggestions with a view to and based on past performance/actual import-export
further deepening the foreign exchange market so that it can turnover, as permitted by the Reserve Bank and to persons
meet the challenges of an integrated world. Section VIII resident outside India with genuine currency exposure to the
sums up the discussions. rupee, as permitted by the Reserve Bank. The residents in
India generally hedge crystallised foreign currency/foreign
Measures Initiated to Develop the Foreign Exchange interest rate exposure or transform exposure from one
Market in India currency to another permitted currency. Residents outside
India enter into such contracts to hedge or transform
Institutional Framework permitted foreign currency exposure to the rupee, as
The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), 1973 was permitted by the Reserve Bank.
replaced by the market friendly Foreign Exchange
Management Act (FEMA), 1999. The Reserve Bank Foreign Currency Rupee Swap-
delegated powers to authorised dealers (ADs) to release A person resident in India who has a long-term foreign
foreign exchange for a variety of purposes. In pursuance of currency or rupee liability is permitted to enter into such a
the Sodhani Committee’s recommendations, the Clearing swap transaction with ADs (Category-I) to hedge or
Corporation of India Limited (CCIL) was set up in 2001. transform exposure in foreign currency/foreign interest rate
To further the participatory process in a more holistic to rupee/rupee interest rate.
manner by taking into account all segments of the financial
markets, the ambit of the Technical Advisory Committee Foreign Currency Rupee Options-
(TAC) on Money and Securities Markets set up by the ADs (Category-I) approved by the Reserve Bank and ADs
Reserve Bank in 1999 was expanded in 2004 to include (Category-I) who are not market makers are allowed to sell
foreign exchange markets and the Committee was foreign currency rupee options to their customers on a back-
rechristened as TAC on Money, Government Securities and to-back basis, provided they have a capital to riskweighted
Foreign Exchange Markets. assets ratio (CRAR) of 9 per cent or above. These options are
used by customers who have genuine foreign currency
Increase in Instruments in the Foreign Exchange Market- exposures, as permitted by the Reserve Bank and by ADs
The rupee-foreign currency swap market was allowed. (Category-I) for the purpose of hedging trading books and
Additional hedging instruments such as foreign currency- balance sheet exposures.
rupee options, cross-currency options, interest rate swaps
(IRS) and currency swaps, caps/collars and forward rate Cross-Currency Options-
agreements (FRAs) were introduced. ADs (Category-I) are permitted to issue cross-currency
options to a person resident in India with crystallised foreign
Liberalisation Measures- currency exposure, as permitted by the Reserve Bank. The
Authorised dealers were permitted to initiate trading clients use this instrument to hedge or transform foreign
positions, borrow and invest in overseas market, subject to currency exposure arising out of current account
certain specifications and ratification by respective banks’ transactions. ADs use this instrument to cover the risks
Boards. Banks were also permitted to- arising out of market-making in foreign currency rupee
(i) fix net overnight position limits and gap limits (with the options as well as cross currency options, as permitted by
Reserve Bank formally approving the limits); the Reserve Bank.

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Cross-Currency Swaps- Counter where trading is done without using the platform of
Entities with borrowings in foreign currency under external the stock exchange.
commercial borrowing (ECB) are permitted to use cross
currency swaps for transformation of and/or hedging For example- if you go to buy Amazon (AMZN) stock, you
foreign currency and interest rate risks. Use of this product are dealing only with another investor who owns shares in
in a structured product not conforming to the specific Amazon. Amazon is not directly involved with the
purposes is not permitted. transaction.
While primary market offers avenues for selling new
Primary Markets and Secondary Markets securities to the investors, the secondary market is the
market dealing in securities that are already issued by the
The financial market is a world where new securities are company. Before investing your money in financial assets
issued to the public regularly of varied financial products like shares, debenture, commodities, etc, one should know
and services, tailored to the need of every individual from all the difference between the Primary Market and Secondary
income brackets. These financial products are bought and Market, to better utilize savings.
sold in the capital market, which is divided into the
Primary Market vs Secondary Market. This is both distinct Difference between the primary market and the
terms. The primary market refers to the market where secondary market-
securities are created, while the secondary market is one in In the primary market, securities are offered to public for
which they are traded among investors. subscription for the purpose of raising capital or fund.
Secondary market is an equity trading avenue in which
The primary market is where securities are created. It’s already existing/pre- issued securities are traded amongst
in this market that firms float new stocks and bonds to the investors. Secondary market could be either auction or
public for the first time. An initial public offering (IPO) is dealer market. While stock exchange is the part of an auction
an example of a primary market. An IPO occurs when a market, Over-the-Counter (OTC) is a part of the dealer
private company issues stock to the public for the first time. market.
Various types of issues made by the corporation are a Public
issue, Offer for Sale, Right Issue, Bonus Issue, Issue of SEBI Role in the Secondary Market-
IDR, etc. The company who brings the IPO is known as the The SEBI is the regulatory authority established under
issuer, and the process is regarded as a public issue. The Section 3 of SEBI Act 1992 to protect the interests of the
process includes many investment banks and underwriters investors in securities and to promote the development of,
through which the shares, debentures, and bonds can and to regulate, the securities market and for matters
directly be sold to the investors. connected therewith and incidental thereto.

For example- company ABC Ltd hires four underwriting Departments of SEBI regulating trading in the secondary
firms to determine the financial details of its IPO. The market-
underwriters detail that the issue price of the stock will be Sl. Name of the
Major Activities
Rs 20. Investors can then buy the IPO at this price directly No. Department
from the issuing company. This is the first opportunity that Registration, supervision,
investors have to contribute capital to a company through compliance
the purchase of its stock. A company’s equity capital is Market monitoring and inspections of
comprised of the funds generated by the sale of stock on the Intermediaries all market
primary market. Registration and intermediaries in respect of all
Supervision segments of
The secondary market is commonly referred to as the Department the markets viz. equity, equity
stock market. The securities are firstly offered in the (MIRSD) derivatives,
primary market to the general public for the subscription debt and debt-related
where a company receives money from the investors and the derivatives.
investors get the securities; thereafter they are listed on the Formulating new policies and
stock exchange for the purpose of trading. This includes the supervising
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), NSE, NASDAQ and all the functioning and operations
major exchanges around the world. The defining (except
characteristic of the secondary market is that investor’s relating to derivatives) of
trade among themselves. In this market existing shares, Market Regulation
2. securities
debentures, bonds, options, commercial papers, Department (MRD)
exchanges, their subsidiaries,
treasury bills, etc. of the corporates are traded amongst and market
investors. The secondary market can either be an auction institutions such as Clearing
market where trading of securities is done through the stock and
exchange or a dealer market, popularly known as Over the settlement organizations and

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(Collectively referred to as Government securities (G-Secs): These are sovereign
‘Market SROs) (credit risk-free) coupon bearing instruments which are
Supervising trading at issued by the Reserve Bank of India on behalf of Government
derivatives of India, in lieu of the Central Government's market
Derivatives and New borrowing programme. These securities have a fixed coupon
segments of stock exchanges,
Products that is paid on specific dates on halfyearly basis. These
3. introducing
Departments securities are available in wide range of maturity dates, from
new products to be traded, and
(DNPD) short dated (less than one year) to long dated (up to twenty
policy changes years).

Debentures: Bonds issued by a company bearing a fixed rate

Products dealt in the secondary markets-
of interest usually payable half yearly on specific dates and
Equity: The ownership interest in a company of holders of
principal amount repayable on particular date on
its common and preferred stock. The various kinds of equity
redemption of the debentures. Debentures are normally
shares are as follows:-
secured/charged against the asset of the company in favour
Equity Shares: An equity share, commonly referred to as
of debenture holder.
ordinary share also represents the form of fractional
Bond: A negotiable certificate evidencing indebtedness. It is
ownership in which a shareholder, as a fractional owner,
normally unsecured. A debt security is generally issued by a
undertakes the maximum entrepreneurial risk associated
company, municipality or government agency. A bond
with a business venture. The holders of such shares are
investor lends money to the issuer and in exchange, the
members of the company and have voting rights. Rights
issuer promises to repay the loan amount on a specified
Issue / Rights Shares: The issue of new securities to existing
maturity date. The issuer usually pays the bond holder
shareholders at a ratio to those already held.
periodic interest payments over the life of the loan. The
various types of Bonds are as follows-
Bonus Shares: Shares issued by the companies to their
shareholders free of cost by capitalization of accumulated
Ø Zero Coupon Bond: Bond issued at a discount and repaid
reserves from the profits earned in the earlier years.
at a face value. No periodic interest is paid. The difference
between the issue price and redemption price represents the
Preferred Stock / Preference shares: Owners of these
return to the holder. The buyer of these bonds receives only
kinds of shares are entitled to a fixed dividend or dividend
one payment, at the maturity of the bond.
calculated at a fixed rate to be paid regularly before dividend
can be paid in respect of equity share. They also enjoy
Ø Convertible Bond: A bond giving the investor the option
priority over the equity shareholders in payment of surplus.
to convert the bond into equity at a fixed conversion price.
But in the event of liquidation, their claims rank below the
claims of the company’s creditors, bondholders/debenture
Commercial Paper: A short term promise to repay a fixed
amount that is placed on the market either directly or
through a specialized intermediary. It is usually issued by
Cumulative Preference Shares: A type of preference shares
companies with a high credit standing in the form of a
on which dividend accumulates if remains unpaid. All
promissory note redeemable at par to the holder on maturity
arrears of preference dividend have to be paid out before
and therefore, doesn’t require any guarantee. Commercial
paying dividend on equity shares. Cumulative Convertible
paper is a money market instrument issued normally for
Preference Shares: A type of preference shares where the
tenure of 90 days.
dividend payable on the same accumulates, if not paid. After
Treasury Bills: Short-term (up to 91 days) bearer discount
a specified date, these shares will be converted into equity
security issued by the Government as a means of financing
capital of the company.
its cash requirements.
Participating Preference Share: The right of certain
preference shareholders to participate in profits after a Brexit
specified fixed dividend contracted for is paid. Participation What is Brexit?
right is linked with the quantum of dividend paid on the It is a word that is used as a shorthand way of saying the UK
equity shares over and above a particular specified level. leaving the EU - merging the words Britain and exit to get
Brexit, in the same way as a possible Greek exit from the
Security Receipts: Security receipt means a receipt or other euro was dubbed Grexit in the past.
security, issued by a securitisation company or
reconstruction company to any qualified institutional buyer Why is Britain leaving the European Union?
pursuant to a scheme, evidencing the purchase or acquisition A referendum - a vote in which everyone (or nearly
by the holder thereof, of an undivided right, title or interest everyone) of voting age can take part - was held on 23rd
in the financial asset involved in securitisation. June 2016 to decide whether the UK should leave or remain
in the European Union. Leave won by 51.90% to 48.10%.
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The referendum turnout was 71.80% with more than 30 Effect on Education sector/students & Travel-
million people voting. Britain is one of the most sought after education destination
for Indians. Before Brexit, British universities were forced
What was the breakdown across the UK? to offer scholarships and subsidies to the citizens of the UK
England voted for Brexit by 53.40% to 46.60%. Wales also and EU. Brexit frees up funds for the other students and
voted for Brexit with Leave getting 52.50% of the vote and more Indian students might be able to get scholarships.
Remain 47.50%. Scotland and Northern Ireland both Reduction in pound value will reduce travelling cost to the
backed staying in the EU. Scotland backed Remain by 62% UK and will make it a good travel destination.
to 38%, while 55.80% in Northern Ireland voted Remain and
44.20% Leave. Mutual Funds
What is Mutual Fund?
Know about European Union? Mutual fund is a mechanism for pooling money by issuing
The European Union - often known as the EU- is an economic units to the investors and investing funds in securities in
and political partnership involving 28 European countries. accordance with objectives as disclosed in offer document.
It began after World War Two to foster economic co- Investments in securities are spread across a wide cross-
operation, with the idea that countries which trade together section of industries and sectors and thus the risk is
were more likely to avoid going to war with each other. diversified because all stocks may not move in the same
direction in the same proportion at the same time.
It has since grown to become a "single market" allowing Mutual funds issue units to the investors in accordance with
goods and people to move around, basically as if the member quantum of money invested by them. Investors of mutual
states were one country. It has its own currency, the euro, funds are known as unit holders. The profits or losses are
which is used by 19 of the member countries, its own shared by investors in proportion to their investments.
parliament and it now sets rules in a wide range of areas - Mutual funds normally come out with a number of schemes
including on the environment, transport, consumer rights which are launched from time to time with different
and even things such as mobile phone charges. investment objectives. A mutual fund is required to be
registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India
Brexit Effect on the Indian Economy- (SEBI) before it can collect funds from the public.
Britain's exit from the European Union took the world by
surprise. Experts describe this event as a ‘once in a lifetime’ What is the history of Mutual Funds in India and role of
which will haunt the economies across the globe for years to SEBI in mutual funds industry?
come. Like every other economy, our stock markets too Unit Trust of India was the first mutual fund set up in India
suffered the effects of Brexit. in the year 1963. In late 1980s, Government allowed public
sector banks and institutions to set up mutual funds. In the
Effect of Global Economic changes on the Indian year 1992, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
Economy: - Act was passed. The objectives of SEBI are– to protect the
India is one of the most lucrative markets for foreign interest of investors in securities and to promote the
investors and, hence, we attract attention globally. So, any development of and to regulate the securities market.
major change across the globe, be it political or economic, is
bound to have an impact on India too. Britain always As far as mutual funds are concerned, SEBI formulates
provided a gateway to the European Union. Many Indian policies, regulates and supervises mutual funds to
businesses have their offices in Britain so they can avail protect the interest of the investors. SEBI notified
benefits and continue to remain a part of the EU. But with regulations for mutual funds in 1993. Thereafter, mutual
Brexit, this benefit will be taken away and may result in funds sponsored by private sector entities were allowed to
companies relocating their business set ups to other places. enter the capital market. The regulations were fully revised
in 1996 and have been amended thereafter from time to
Which are the Sectors which will be affected by Brexit? time. SEBI has also issued guidelines through circulars to
Automobile, Pharma and IT might be the most affected. mutual funds from time to time to protect the interests of
NASSCOM has predicted that the effect of Brexit will be felt investors. All mutual funds whether promoted by public
on the $108 Billion Indian IT sector in the short term. sector or private sector entities including those promoted by
Leading Indian IT firms have not commented on it as since foreign entities are governed by the same set of Regulations.
there is a possibility of renegotiations for all the ongoing There is no distinction in regulatory requirements for these
projects because of the devaluation in the value of pound. mutual funds and all are subject to monitoring and
These things can be covered up in the next few years inspections by SEBI.
wherein alternate arrangements can be placed between the
countries. In the automobile industry, Brexit may lead to How is a mutual fund set up?
reduction in sales and companies that derive good revenues A mutual fund is set up in the form of a trust, which has
of profits from Britain could get hurt majorly. sponsor, trustees, Asset Management Company (AMC)
and custodian. The trust is established by a sponsor or
more than one sponsor who is like promoter of a company.
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The trustees of the mutual fund hold its property for the
benefit of the unit holders. AMC approved by SEBI manages Schemes according to Investment Objective:
the funds by making investments in various types of A scheme can also be classified as growth scheme, income
securities. Custodian, who is required to be registered with scheme or balanced scheme considering its investment
SEBI, holds the securities of various schemes of the fund in objective. Such schemes may be open-ended or close-ended
its custody. The trustees are vested with the general power schemes as described earlier. Such schemes may be
of superintendence and direction over AMC. They monitor classified mainly as follows:
the performance and compliance of SEBI Regulations by
the mutual fund. Growth/Equity Oriented Scheme
SEBI Regulations require that at least two-thirds of the The aim of growth funds is to provide capital appreciation
directors of trustee company or board of trustees must be over the medium to long- term. Such schemes normally
independent i.e. they should not be associated with the invest a major part of their corpus in equities. Such funds
sponsors. Also, 50% of the directors of AMC must be have comparatively high risks. These schemes provide
independent. All mutual funds are required to be registered different options to the investors like dividend option,
with SEBI before they launch any scheme. growth, etc. and the investors may choose an option
depending on their preferences. The investors must indicate
What is Net Asset Value (NAV) of a scheme? the option in the application form. The mutual funds also
The performance of a particular scheme of a mutual fund is allow the investors to change the options at a later date.
denoted by Net Asset Value (NAV). Mutual funds invest the Growth schemes are good for investors having a long-term
money collected from investors in securities markets. In outlook seeking appreciation over a period of time.
simple words, NAV is the market value of the securities held
by the scheme. Since market value of securities changes Income/Debt Oriented Scheme
every day, NAV of a scheme also varies on day to day basis. The aim of income funds is to provide regular and steady
The NAV per unit is the market value of securities of a income to investors. Such schemes generally invest in fixed
scheme divided by the total number of units of the scheme income securities such as bonds, corporate debentures,
on any particular date. Government securities and money market instruments. Such
For example- If the market value of securities of a mutual funds are less risky compared to equity schemes. However,
fund scheme is INR 200 lakh and the mutual fund has issued opportunities of capital appreciation are also limited in such
10 lakh units of INR 10 each to the investors, then the NAV funds. The NAVs of such funds are affected because of change
per unit of the fund is INR 20 (i.e.200 lakh/10 lakh). NAV is in interest rates in the country. If the interest rates fall, NAVs
required to be disclosed by the mutual funds on a daily basis. of such funds are likely to increase in the short run and vice
versa. However, long term investors may not bother about
Different Types of Mutual Fund schemes? these fluctuations.
Schemes according to Maturity Period:
A mutual fund scheme can be classified into open-ended Balanced/Hybrid Scheme
scheme or close-ended scheme depending on its maturity The aim of balanced schemes is to provide both growth and
period. regular income as such schemes invest both in equities and
fixed income securities in the proportion indicated in their
Open-ended Fund/Scheme: offer documents. These are appropriate for investors looking
An open-ended fund or scheme is one that is available for for moderate growth. They generally invest 40-60% in
subscription and repurchase on a continuous basis. These equity and debt instruments. These funds are also affected
schemes do not have a fixed maturity period. Investors can because of fluctuations in share prices in the stock markets.
conveniently buy and sell units at Net Asset Value (NAV) per However, NAVs of such funds are likely to be less volatile
unit which is declared on a daily basis. The key feature of compared to pure equity funds.
open-end schemes is liquidity.
Money Market or Liquid Schemes
Close-ended Fund/Scheme: These schemes are also income schemes and their aim is to
A close-ended fund or scheme has a stipulated maturity provide easy liquidity, preservation of capital and moderate
period e.g. 3-5 years. The fund is open for subscription only income. These schemes invest exclusively in short-term
during a specified period at the time of launch of the scheme. instruments such as treasury bills, certificates of deposit,
Investors can invest in the scheme at the time of the new commercial paper and inter-bank call money, government
fund offer and thereafter they can buy or sell the units of the securities, etc. Returns on these schemes fluctuate much less
scheme on the stock exchanges where the units are listed. In compared with other funds. These funds are appropriate for
order to provide an exit route to the investors, some close- corporate and individual investors as a means to park their
ended funds give an option of selling back the units to the surplus funds for short periods.
mutual fund through periodic repurchase at NAV related
prices. SEBI Regulations stipulate that at least one of the two Gilt Funds
exit routes is provided to the investor i.e. either repurchase These funds invest exclusively in government securities.
facility or through listing on stock exchanges. Government securities have no default risk. NAVs of these

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schemes also fluctuate due to change in interest rates and and 364 days treasury bills are becoming preferred
other economic factors as is the case with income or debt instruments in the money market.
oriented schemes.
Index Funds SBI DFHI Limited is a Primary Dealer, an institution created
Index Funds replicate the portfolio of a particular index such by RBI to support the book building process in Primary
as the BSE Sensitive index (Sensex), NSE 50 index (Nifty), etc. Auctions of Government securities and provide necessary
These schemes invest in the securities in the same weightage depth and liquidity to the Secondary market in Government
comprising of an index. NAVs of such schemes would rise or Securities.
fall in accordance with the rise or fall in the index, though not SBI DFHI are a subsidiary of State Bank of India with
exactly by the same percentage due to some factors known impeccable lineage, created out of the amalgamation in 2004
as “tracking error” in technical terms. Necessary disclosures of the two leading players in the domestic Money and Debt
in this regard are made in the offer document of the mutual Markets, the RBI promoted Discount & Finance House of
fund scheme. India (DFHI) and SBI Gilts Ltd., a subsidiary of India’s
largest commercial bank. It is a market leader in the Primary
Role of Discount and Finance House of India Dealer segment of the domestic debt market, with a Net
Role of Discount and Finance House of India (DFHI)- Worth of Rs. 891.38 crore (as on 31st March 2018) and a
Pursuant to the Vaghul Working Group recommendation presence in all major financial centres of the country. It
for setting up an institution to provide enhanced liquidity to posted an impressive total turnover of Rs. 4,73,155 crore in
the money market instruments, the RBI set up the Dis-count Government Securities/SDL and Rs. 63,007 crore in Treasury
and Finance House of India (DFHI) jointly with public Bills respectively for the financial year 2017-18.
sector banks and the all-India financial institutions. As Primary Dealers, we trade in Fixed Income Securities
DFHI was incorporated in March 1988 and it commenced (Treasury Bills, Government securities, State Development
operation in April 1988. The main objective of this money Loans, Non SLR Bonds, and Corporate Bonds) and Short
market institution is to facilitate smoothening of the short- Term Money Market instruments (Certificates of Deposit,
term liquid-ity imbalances by developing an active Commercial Paper, Inter-Corporate Deposits, Call & Notice
secondary market for the money market instruments. Its Money Deposits). We are active in retailing of Government
authorized capital is Rs. 250 crores. Securities, including small lots. We also actively participate
DFHI participates in transactions in all the market segments, in the domestic interest rate derivatives and equities/equity
it borrows and lends in the call, notice and term money futures markets.
market, purchases and sells treasury bills sold at SBI DFHI Limited obtained a SEBI registered Investment
auctions, commercial bills, CDs and CPs. DFHI quotes its Adviser licence in October 2016. The launch of the advisory
daily bid (buying) and offer (selling) rates for money market services happened in March 2017. Our advisory services is
instruments to develop an active secondary market for all being offered to institutional investors such as co-operative
these. banks, pension and provident fund trusts etc.
Treasury bills are not bought back by the RBI before The Company is led by a team of experienced professionals,
maturity. Similarly, except at the fortnightly auctions these backed by strong research capabilities and driven by core-
cannot be purchased from the RBI. DFHI fills this gap by values. The affairs of the Company are managed by the MD &
buying and selling these bills in the secondary market. The CEO, an official of the rank of a Chief General Manager in SBI,
pres-ence of DFHI in the secondary market has facili-tated under the overall supervision and guidance of a Board of
corporate entities and other bodies to invest their short- Directors chaired by the Chairman of SBI and comprising of
term surpluses and to en cash them when necessary. The RBI reputed market professionals and academicians of eminence.
extends reliance limit to the DFHI against the collateral of
treasury bills and against the holdings of bills of exchange Project Financing (in India)
with a view to impart-ing liquidity to various money market
instruments. Project Finance is one of the key focus areas in today’s
The enhancement of such limits from time to time enabled world because of continuous growth and expansion of the
the DFHI to provide higher and higher levels of liquidity in industries at a rapid rate. Project finance is a centuries-old
the period of stringency wit-nessed in the money market. In form of financing high-risk, development-oriented
the aftermath of the irregularities in transac-tions in money projects. Project finance is the long-term financing of
and securities markets which emerged in 1992, there was a infrastructure and industrial projects based upon non-
reduction in overall trading volumes in almost all segments recourse or limited alternative of financial structure where
of the money market. project debt and equity used to finance the project are paid
The DFHI’s business turnover in certain seg­ments viz. back from the cash flow engendered by the project.
treasury bills and commercial bills con-tinues to remain They are most ordinarily non-recourse loans, which are
subdued even during 1993-94. The easy conditions fortified by the project assets and paid entirely from project
prevailing in the call money mar-ket discouraged secondary cash flow, rather than from the general assets or
market transactions in the treasury bills. Both the 91 days creditworthiness of the project sponsors, a decision in part
braced by financial modeling.
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Methods of Project Financing- sector company. Apart from that, among the non-life
A survey said that 90% of respondents identified money insurers there are six public sector insurers. In addition to
as the greatest obstacle to implementation of any these, there is sole national re-insurer, namely, General
project. The various sources of finance can be broadly Insurance Corporation of India (GIC Re). Other stakeholders
divided into two categories, viz. equity capital and debt in Indian Insurance market include agents (individual and
capital (borrowed capital). The combination of equity and corporate), brokers, surveyors and third party
debt should be judiciously chosen, and it will vary according administrators servicing health insurance claims.
to the nature of the project. The project manager can choose Market Size- Government's policy of insuring the uninsured
any one or a combination of two or more of these methods to has gradually pushed insurance penetration in the country
finance the project. and proliferation of insurance schemes.
 Share capital – equity capital and preference capital. Gross premiums written in India reached Rs 5.53 trillion
 Term loan (US$ 94.48 billion) in FY18, with Rs 4.58 trillion (US$ 71.1
 Debenture capital billion) from life insurance and Rs 1.51 trillion (US$ 23.38
 Commercial banks billion) from non-life insurance. Overall insurance
 Bills discounting penetration (premiums as % of GDP) in India reached 3.69
per cent in 2017 from 2.71 per cent in 2001.
Some more types of financing available are- In FY19 (up to October 2018), premium from new life
Seed Capital- In consonance with the Government policy insurance business increased 3.66 per cent year-on-year to
which boosts a new class of entrepreneurs and also aims Rs 1.09 trillion (US$ 15.46 billion). In FY19 (up to October
wider spreading of ownership and control of manufacturing 2018), gross direct premiums of non-life insurers reached Rs
units, a distinct scheme to complement the resource of an 962.05 billion (US$ 13.71 billion), showing a year-on-year
entrepreneur has been presented by the Government. growth rate of 12.40 per cent.
Assistance in this scheme is accessible in the nature of seed Investments and Recent Developments-
capital which is generally given by way of long term interest
free loan. Seed capital aid is provided to small as well as The following are some of the major investments and
medium scale units promoted by eligible entrepreneurs. developments in the Indian insurance sector.
Government subsidies- Subsidies drawn-out by the Central  As of November 2018, HDFC Ergo is in advanced talks to
as well as State Government form a very significant type of acquire Apollo Munich Health Insurance at a valuation of
funds presented to a company for implementing its project. around Rs 2,600 crore (US$ 370.05 million).
Subsidies may be available in the nature of absolute cash  In October 2018, Indian e-commerce major Flipkart
grant or long-term interest free loan. In fact, while settling entered the insurance space in partnership with Bajaj
the means of finance, Government subsidy forms an key Allianz to offer mobile insurance.
source having a vital bearing on the putting into practice of  In August 2018, a consortium of WestBridge Capital,
many a projects. billionaire investor Mr Rakesh Jhunjunwala announced
that it would acquire India’s largest health insurer Star
Financing stage- Health and Allied Insurance in a deal estimated at
(a) Arrangement of equity/debt/loan. around US$ 1 billion.
(b) Negotiation and Syndication of the same.  In September 2018, HDFC Ergo launched ‘E@Secure’ a
(c) Documentation and checking all the rules and regulations cyber insurance policy for individuals.
or policies relating to the starting of the project.  Insurance sector companies in India raised around Rs
(d) Payment. 434.3 billion (US$ 6.7 billion) through public issues in
Post Financing-  In 2017, insurance sector in India saw 10 merger and
(a) Monitoring and review of project from time to time. The acquisition (M&A) deals worth US$ 903 million.
project manager must keep a check on the proper working of  India's leading bourse Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
the project. will set up a joint venture with Ebix Inc to build a robust
(b) Project closure – It is ending the project insurance distribution network in the country through a
(c) Repayment and monitoring new distribution exchange platform.

The amount taken in the form of loan, equity and debt must Government Initiatives-
be repaid back and proper monitoring and control of the The Government of India has taken a number of initiatives
project must be carried. to boost the insurance industry. Some of them are as
Insurance Industry In September 2018, National Health Protection Scheme was
launched under Ayushman Bharat to provide coverage of up
Introduction- The insurance industry of India consists of 57 to Rs 500,000 (US$ 7,723) to more than 100 million
insurance companies of which 24 are in life insurance vulnerable families. The scheme is expected to increase
business and 33 are non-life insurers. Among the life penetration of health insurance in India from 34 per cent to
insurers, Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) is the sole public
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50 per cent. Over 47.9 million famers were benefitted under
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) in 2017-18. 2. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of Sector: Securities (Stock) & Capital Market
India (IRDAI) plans to issue redesigned initial public offering
(IPO) guidelines for insurance companies in India, which are 3. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of
to looking to divest equity through the IPO route. IRDAI has India (IRDAI)
allowed insurers to invest up to 10 per cent in additional tier Sector: Insurance
1 (AT1) bonds that are issued by banks to augment their tier
1 capital, in order to expand the pool of eligible investors for 4. Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority
the banks. (PFRDA)
Sector: Pension
Road Ahead-
The future looks promising for the life insurance industry 5. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
with several changes in regulatory framework which will (NABARD)
lead to further change in the way the industry conducts its Sector: Financing Rural Development
business and engages with its customers. The overall
insurance industry is expected to reach US$ 280 billion by 6. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)
2020. Life insurance industry in the country is expected Sector: Financing Micro, Small and Medium-Scale
grow by 12-15 per cent annually for the next three to five Enterprises
years. Demographic factors such as growing middle class,
young insurable population and growing awareness of the 7. National Housing Bank (NHB)
need for protection and retirement planning will support the Sector: Financing Housing
growth of Indian life insurance.
8. Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC)
Sector: Financial Sector Development

9. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)

Sector: Food

10. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

Sector: Standards & Certification

11. Association of Mutual Funds (AMFI)

Sector: Mutual Funds

12. National Association of Software and Service

Companies (NASSCOM)
Sector: IT
Regulatory Agencies 13. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce &
Industry (FICCI)
Regulatory Agency- A regulatory agency is a public
Sector: Commerce & Industry
authority or government agency responsible for exercising
autonomous authority over some area of human activity in a
14. Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
regulatory or supervisory capacity. An independent
Sector: Industry
regulatory agency is a regulatory agency that is independent
from other branches or arms of the government.
1. Reserve Bank of India
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is India's central banking
Financial Regulatory Bodies in India- the Financial System
institution, which controls the issuance and supply of the
in India is regulated by independent regulators in the field of
Indian rupee. Until the Monetary Policy Committee was
Banking, Insurance, Capital Market, Commodities Market and
established in 2016, it also controlled monetary policy in
pension funds. However, Government of India plays a
India. It commenced its operations on 1 April 1935 in
significant role in controlling the financial system in India
accordance with the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. The
and influences the roles of such regulators at least to some
original share capital was divided into shares of 100 each
extent. The following are major financial regulatory bodies in
fully paid, which were initially owned entirely by private
shareholders. Following India's independence on 15 August
1947, the RBI was nationalised on 1 January 1949.
1. Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Governor: Shaktikanta Das, Headquarters: Mumbai.
Sector: Banking & Finance, Monetary Policy

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2. Securities and Exchange Board of India Its recommendation was formation of a unique development
The Securities and Exchange Board of India was established financial institution which would address these aspirations
on 12th April 1992 in accordance with the provisions of the and formation of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. The Development (NABARD) was approved by the Parliament
Preamble of the Securities and Exchange Board of India through Act 61 of 1981.
describes the basic functions of the Securities and Exchange
Board of India. NABARD came into existence on 12 July 1982 by
Headquarters: Mumbai, Chairperson: Ajay Tyagi. transferring the agricultural credit functions of RBI and
refinance functions of the then Agricultural Refinance and
3. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of Development Corporation (ARDC). It was dedicated to the
India service of the nation by the late Prime Minister Smt. Indira
IRDAI regulate the Indian insurance industry to protect the Gandhi on 05 November 1982. Set up with an initial capital
interests of the policyholders and work for the orderly of Rs.100 crore, its’ paid up capital stood at Rs.10,580 crore
growth of the industry. Insurance Regulatory and as on 31 March 2018. Consequent to the revision in the
Development Authority (IRDA) set up as autonomous body composition of share capital between Government of India
under the IRDA Act, 1999. and RBI, NABARD today is fully owned by Government of
Headquarters: Hyderabad, Chairperson: Subhash
Chandra Khuntia. Headquarters: Mumbai, Agency executive: Harsh Kumar
Bhanwala (Chairman)
4. Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority
PFRDA was established by Government of India on 23rd 6. Small Industries Development Bank of India
August, 2003. The Government has, through an executive Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) set up
order dated 10th October 2003, mandated PFRDA to act as a on 2nd April 1990 under an Act of Indian Parliament, acts as
regulator for the pension sector. The mandate of PFRDA is the Principal Financial Institution for Promotion, Financing
development and regulation of pension sector in India. and Development of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
(MSME) sector as well as for co-ordination of functions of
The National Pension System reflects Government’s effort to institutions engaged in similar activities.
find sustainable solutions to the problem of providing
adequate retirement income. As a first step towards Headquarters: Lucknow, Agency executive: Mohammad
instituting pensionary reforms, Government of India moved Mustafa, (Chairman and Managing Director).
from a defined benefit pension to a defined contribution
based pension system by making it mandatory for its new 7. National Housing Bank
recruits (except armed forces) with effect from 1st January, The Sub-Group on Housing Finance for the Seventh Five
2004. Since 1st April, 2008, the pension contributions of Year Plan (1985-90) identified the non-availability of long-
Central Government employees covered by the National term finance to individual households on any significant
Pension System (NPS) are being invested by professional scale as a major lacuna impeding progress of the housing
Pension Fund Managers in line with investment guidelines of sector and recommended the setting up of a national level
Government applicable to non-Government Provident Funds. institution. The Committee of Secretaries considered’ the
recommendation and set up the High Level Group under the
Headquarters: New Delhi, Agency executive: Hemant G Chairmanship of Dr. C. Rangarajan, the then Deputy
Contractor (Chairman) Governor, RBI to examine the proposal and recommended
the setting up of National Housing Bank as an autonomous
5. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development housing finance institution. The recommendations of the
The importance of institutional credit in boosting rural High Level Group were accepted by the Government of India.
economy has been clear to the Government of India right The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, while presenting the
from its early stages of planning. Therefore, the Reserve Union Budget for 1987-88 on February 28, 1987 announced
Bank of India (RBI) at the insistence of the Government of the decision to establish the National Housing Bank (NHB) as
India, constituted a Committee to Review the Arrangements an apex level institution for housing finance. Following that,
For Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Rural the National Housing Bank Bill (91 of 1987) providing the
Development (CRAFICARD) to look into these very critical legislative framework for the establishment of NHB was
aspects. The Committee was formed on 30 March 1979, passed by Parliament in the winter session of 1987 and with
under the Chairmanship of Shri B. Sivaraman, former the assent of the Hon’ble President of India on December 23,
member of Planning Commission, Government of India. 1987, became an Act of Parliament. The National Housing
Policy, 1988 envisaged the setting up of NHB as the Apex
The Committee’s interim report, submitted on 28 November level institution for housing. In pursuance of the above, NHB
1979, outlined the need for a new organisational device for was set up on July 9, 1988 under the National Housing
providing undivided attention, forceful direction and pointed Bank Act, 1987. Reserve Bank of India contributed the entire
focus to credit related issues linked with rural development. paid-up capital.

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The Head Office of NHB is at New Delhi, SK Hota is Establishment of the Authority
Managing Director of NHB. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India is
the Administrative Ministry for the implementation of FSSAI.
8. Financial Stability and Development Council The Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of Food Safety
The Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) has and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) have already been
been constituted vide GOI notification dated 30th December, appointed by Government of India. The Chairperson is in the
2010. The Council is chaired by the Union Finance Minister rank of Secretary to Government of India.
and its members are Governor, Reserve Bank of India;
Finance Secretary and/or Secretary, Department of FSSAI has been mandated by the FSS Act, 2006 for
Economic Affairs; Secretary, Department of Financial performing the following functions:
Services; Chief Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance;  Framing of Regulations to lay down the Standards and
Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India; Chairman, guidelines in relation to articles of food and specifying
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority and appropriate system of enforcing various standards thus
Chairman, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development notified.
Authority. The Council deals, inter-alia, with issues relating  Laying down mechanisms and guidelines for
to financial stability, financial sector development, inter– accreditation of certification bodies engaged in
regulatory coordination, financial literacy, financial inclusion certification of food safety management system for food
and macro prudential supervision of the economy including businesses.
the functioning of large financial conglomerates. No funds  Laying down procedure and guidelines for accreditation
are separately allocated to the Council for undertaking its of laboratories and notification of the accredited
activities. laboratories.
 To provide scientific advice and technical support to
The Council and its Sub-Committee (chaired by Governor, Central Government and State Governments in the
Reserve Bank of India) deliberate on agenda items proposed matters of framing the policy and rules in areas which
by any of the members of the Council which broadly include have a direct or indirect bearing of food safety and
matters relating to financial stability, inter-regulatory nutrition.
coordination, and financial sector development. The  Collect and collate data regarding food consumption,
Council/Sub-committee deliberates on these issues and incidence and prevalence of biological risk,
suggests taking appropriate steps, as required. contaminants in food, residues of various, contaminants
in foods products, identification of emerging risks and
9. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India introduction of rapid alert system.
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)  Creating an information network across the country so
has been established under Food Safety and Standards , 2006 that the public, consumers, Panchayats etc receive rapid,
which consolidates various acts & orders that have hitherto reliable and objective information about food safety and
handled food related issues in various Ministries and issues of concern.
Departments. FSSAI has been created for laying down  Provide training programmes for persons who are
science based standards for articles of food and to regulate involved or intend to get involved in food businesses.
their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to  Contribute to the development of international technical
ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human standards for food, sanitary and phyto-sanitary
consumption. standards.
 Promote general awareness about food safety and food
Highlights of the Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006 standards.
Various central Acts like Prevention of Food Adulteration
Act, 1954 ,Fruit Products Order, 1955, Meat Food Products Headquarters: New Delhi, Agency executive: Rita Teaotia
Order,1973, Vegetable Oil Products (Control) Order, 1947, (Chairperson)
Edible Oils Packaging (Regulation) Order 1988, Solvent 10. Bureau of Indian Standards
Extracted Oil, De- Oiled Meal and Edible Flour (Control) The Erstwhile Indian Standards Institution (now Bureau of
Order, 1967, Milk and Milk Products Order, 1992 etc will be Indian Standards) was established in the year 1947 with the
repealed after commencement of FSS Act, 2006. objective of harmonious development of standardization
activity in India. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) was
The Act also aims to establish a single reference point for all established under the BIS Act, 1986 for the harmonious
matters relating to food safety and standards, by moving development of the activities of standardization, marking
from multi- level, multi- departmental control to a single line and quality certification of goods and for matters connected
of command. To this effect, the Act establishes an therewith or incidental thereto. A new Bureau of Indian
independent statutory Authority – the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2016 which was notified on 22nd March
Standards Authority of India with head office at Delhi. Food 2016, has been brought into force with effect from 12
Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and the State October 2017 that reinforces the activities of BIS in respect
Food Safety Authorities shall enforce various provisions of to standardization and certification of goods, articles,
the Act. processes, systems and services.
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Headquarters: New Delhi, Director General- Surina managed organization, playing a proactive role in India's
Rajan. development process. Founded in 1895, India's premier
business association has around 9000 members, from the
11. Association of Mutual Funds in India private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs,
The Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) is dedicated and an indirect membership of over 300,000 enterprises
to developing the Indian Mutual Fund Industry on from around 265 national and regional sectoral industry
professional, healthy and ethical lines and to enhance and bodies.
maintain standards in all areas with a view to protecting and
promoting the interests of mutual funds and their unit CII charts change by working closely with Government on
holders. AMFI,the association of SEBI registered mutual policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and
funds in India of all the registered Asset Management enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and business
Companies, was incorporated on August 22, 1995, as a non- opportunities for industry through a range of specialized
profit organisation. As of now, all the 44 Asset Management services and strategic global linkages. It also provides a
Companies that are registered with SEBI, are its members. platform for consensus-building and networking on key
issues. Extending its agenda beyond business, CII assists
Headquarters: Mumbai, Chief Executive- NS Venkatesh. industry to identify and execute corporate citizenship
programmes. Partnerships with civil society organizations
12. National Association of Software and Service carry forward corporate initiatives for integrated and
Companies inclusive development across diverse domains including
NASSCOM, a not-for-profit industry association, is the apex affirmative action, healthcare, education, livelihood, diversity
body for the 154 billion dollar IT BPM industry in India, an management, skill development, empowerment of women,
industry that had made a phenomenal contribution to India's and water, to name a few.
GDP, exports, employment, infrastructure and global
visibility. Established in 1988 and ever since, NASSCOM’s International Financial Institutions
relentless pursuit has been to constantly support the IT BPM An international financial institution (IFI) is a financial
industry, in the latter’s continued journey towards seeking institution that has been established (or chartered) by more
trust and respect from varied stakeholders, even as it than one country, and hence are subjects of international
reorients itself time and again to remain innovative,without law. Its owners or shareholders are generally national
ever losing its humane and friendly touch. governments, although other international institutions and
other organizations occasionally figure as shareholders. The
13. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & most prominent IFIs are creations of multiple nations,
Industry although some bilateral financial institutions (created by two
Established in 1927, FICCI is the largest and oldest apex countries) exist and are technically IFIs. The best known IFIs
business organisation in India. Its history is closely were established after World War II to assist in the
interwoven with India's struggle for independence, its reconstruction of Europe and provide mechanisms for
industrialization, and its emergence as one of the most international cooperation in managing the global financial
rapidly growing global economies. A non-government, not- system.
for-profit organisation, FICCI is the voice of India's business
and industry. From influencing policy to encouraging debate, The following are usually classified as the main
engaging with policy makers and civil society, FICCI International Financial Institutions:
articulates the views and concerns of industry. It serves its
members from the Indian private and public corporate 1. World Bank
sectors and multinational companies, drawing its strength 2. European Investment Bank (EIB)
from diverse regional chambers of commerce and industry 3. Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
across states, reaching out to over 2,50,000 companies. 4. Asian Development Bank (ADB)
5. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
FICCI provides a platform for networking and consensus (EBRD)
building within and across sectors and is the first port of call 6. New Development Bank (NDB)
for Indian industry, policy makers and the international 7. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
business community. 8. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
9. International Bank for Reconstruction and
Headquarters: New Delhi, President- Sandip Somany Development (IBRD)
10. International Finance Corporation (IFC)
14. Confederation of Indian Industry 11. International Development Association (IDA)
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create 12. International Centre for Settlement of Investment
and sustain an environment conducive to the development of Disputes (ICSID)
India, partnering industry, Government, and civil society, 13. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
through advisory and consultative processes. CII is a non- 14. World Trade Organization (WTO)
government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-

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15. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Rather than trying to find a particular individual to
Development (OECD) insure you, it is easier to go to an insurance company
16. International Labour Organization (ILO) who can offer insurance and help spread the risk of
Financial Intermediaries  Financial Advisers- A financial adviser doesn’t directly
lend or borrow for you. They can offer specialist advice
What is a Financial Intermediary-? on your behalf. It saves you understanding all the
A financial intermediary is an entity that acts as the intricacies of the financial markets and spending time
middleman between two parties in a financial transaction, looking for best investment.
such as a commercial bank, investment banks, mutual funds  Credit Union- Credit unions are informal types of banks
and pension funds. Financial intermediaries offer a number which provide facilities for lending and depositing
of benefits to the average consumer, including safety, within a particular community.
liquidity, and economies of scale involved in commercial  Mutual funds/Investment trusts- These are mutual
banking, investment banking and asset management. investment schemes. These pool the small savings of
Although in certain areas, such as investing, advances in individual investors and enable a bigger investment
technology threaten to eliminate the financial intermediary, fund. Therefore, small investors can benefit from being
disintermediation is much less of a threat in other areas of part of a larger investment trust. This enables small
finance, including banking and insurance. investors to benefit from smaller commission rates
available to big purchases.
Functions of Financial Intermediaries-
Financial intermediaries move funds from parties with Establishment of FSDC
excess capital to parties needing funds. The process creates Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) is an
efficient markets and lowers the cost of conducting business. apex-level body constituted by the government of India. The
For example, a financial advisor connects with clients idea to create such a super regulatory body was first mooted
through purchasing insurance, stocks, bonds, real estate and by the Raghuram Rajan Committee in 2008. Finally in
other assets. Banks connect borrowers and lenders by 2010, the then Finance Minister of India, Pranab
providing capital from other financial institutions and from Mukherjee, decided to set up such an autonomous body
the Federal Reserve. Insurance companies collect premiums dealing with macro prudential and financial regularities in
for policies and provide policy benefits. A pension fund the entire financial sector of India. An apex-level FSDC is not
collects funds on behalf of members and distributes a statutory body. The recent global economic meltdown has
payments to pensioners. put pressure on governments and institutions across the
globe to regulate their economic assets. This council is seen
Mutual Funds as Financial Intermediaries as India's initiative to be better conditioned to prevent such
Mutual funds provide active management of capital pooled incidents in future. The new body envisages to strengthen
by shareholders. The fund manager connects with and institutionalise the mechanism of maintaining financial
shareholders through purchasing stock in companies he stability, financial sector development, inter-regulatory
anticipates may outperform the market. By doing so, the coordination along with monitoring macro-prudential
manager provides shareholders with assets, companies with regulation of economy. No funds are separately allocated to
capital and the market with liquidity. the council for undertaking its activities.

Benefits of Financial Intermediaries Composition of the council

Through a financial intermediary, savers can pool their Chairperson: The Union Finance Minister of India
funds, enabling them to make large investments, which in Members:
turn benefits the entity in which they are investing. At the Governor Reserve Bank of India (RBl),
same time, financial intermediaries pool risk by spreading Finance Secretary and/ or Secretary, Department of
funds across a diverse range of investments and loans. Loans Economic Affairs (DEA),
benefit households and countries by enabling them to spend Secretary, Department of Financial Services (DFS),
more money than they have at the current time. Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs,
Financial intermediaries also provide the benefit of reducing Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Information
costs on several fronts. For instance, they have access to Technology,
economies of scale to expertly evaluate the credit profile of Chief Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance,
potential borrowers and keep records and profiles cost- Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI),
effectively. Last, they reduce the costs of the many financial Chairman, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
transactions an individual investor would otherwise have to (IRDA),
make if the financial intermediary did not exist. Chairman, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development
Authority (PFRDA),
Examples of Financial Intermediaries- Chairman, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI),
 Insurance Companies- If you have a risky investment. Additional Secretary, Ministry of Finance, DEA, will be the
You might wish to insure, against the risk of default. Secretary of the Council.
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generally national governments, although other
Financial Stability and Development Council international institutions and other organizations
occasionally figure as shareholders. The most prominent IFIs
Financial sector regulation is a vital service for bringing are creations of multiple nations, although some bilateral
healthy and efficient financial system in the economy. There financial institutions (created by two countries) exist and are
are different regulators for various segments of financial technically IFIs. The best known IFIs were established after
sectors, like the RBI for commercial banks and NBFCs, World War II to assist in the reconstruction of Europe and
SEBI for capital market etc. provide mechanisms for international cooperation in
At the same time, there should be coordination among these managing the global financial system.
financial sector regulators to ensure better efficiency as well
as for avoiding overlapping of functions. For this, the The following are major financial regulatory bodies in
Government has formed the Financial Stability and the world.
Development Council in 2010, with the Finance Minister as
the Chairman. The immediate impulse for the establishment 1. World Bank
of the FSDC was the tussle between SEBI and IRDAI on the 2. European Investment Bank (EIB)
regulation of ULIPs. 3. Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
Basically, the activity of the Council is to coordinate financial 4. Asian Development Bank (ADB)
and economic regulations through consultations of the heads 5. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
of the various regulatory organizations. The FSDC was (EBRD)
envisaged for performing two sets of core functions. First is 6. New Development Bank (NDB)
to perform as an apex level forum to strengthen and 7. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
institutionalize the mechanism for maintaining financial 8. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
stability. Second is for enhancing inter-regulatory 9. International Bank for Reconstruction and
coordination and promoting financial sector development in Development (IBRD)
the country. 10. International Finance Corporation (IFC)
11. International Development Association (IDA)
Function of the FSDC- 12. International Centre for Settlement of Investment
 It will focus on financial literacy and financial inclusion. Disputes (ICSID)
 It aims strengthening and institutionalizing the 13. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
mechanism of financial stability and development. 14. World Trade Organization (WTO)
 It will monitor macro-prudential supervision of the 15. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
economy. It will assess the functioning of the large Development (OECD)
financial conglomerates. 16. International Labour Organization (ILO)
 It will address intra regulatory coordination issues.
1. World Bank-
The FSDC Sub Committee Chaired by the Governor of the The World Bank is an international financial institution that
RBI provides loans to countries of the world for capital projects.
An important wing of the FSDC, in terms of functional It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for
responsibility is the Sub-committee chaired by the Governor Reconstruction and Development, and the International
of the RBI. It meets more often than the full Council. All the Development Association. The World Bank is a component of
members of the FSDC are also the members of the Sub- the World Bank Group.
committee. Additionally, all four Deputy Governors of the Headquarters: Washington, D.C., USA, Founded: 1944
RBI and Additional Secretary, DEA, in charge of FSDC, are
also members of the Sub Committee. 2. European Investment Bank
The European Investment Bank is the lending arm of the
Other wings within the FSDC- European Union. EIM are the world’s largest multilateral
There are few other regulatory wings within the FSDC lender and the biggest provider of climate finance. EIM help
created for specific purposes: the Inter regulatory technical the economy, create jobs and promote equality. The EIB
group, Technical Group on financial inclusion and financial Group has two parts: the European Investment Bank and the
literacy, Inter regulatory forum for monitoring financial European Investment Fund. The EIF specialises in finance for
conglomerates (IRF-FC), Early Warning Group, Working small businesses and mid-caps.
Group on resolution regime for financial institutions and the
Macro Financial and Monitoring Group. Headquarters: Luxembourg, Founded: 1958

International Financial Organization 3. Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)

An International Financial Organisation/Institution (IFI)
is a financial institution that has been established (or he Islamic Development Bank is a multilateral development
chartered) by more than one country, and hence are subjects financing institution located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It was
of international law. Its owners or shareholders are founded in 1973 by the Finance Ministers at the first

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Organisation of the Islamic Conference with the support of 8. International Monetary Fund
the king of Saudi Arabia at the time, and began its activities The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of
on 3 April 1975. 189 countries, working to foster global monetary
Founded: 1973, Headquarters: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international
trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic
4. Asian Development Bank (ADB) growth, and reduce poverty around the world. Created in
The Asian Development Bank was conceived in the early 1945, the IMF is governed by and accountable to the 189
1960s as a financial institution that would be Asian in countries that make up its near-global membership.
character and foster economic growth and cooperation in
one of the poorest regions in the world. A resolution passed The IMF's primary purpose is to ensure the stability of the
at the first Ministerial Conference on Asian Economic international monetary system—the system of exchange
Cooperation held by the United Nations Economic rates and international payments that enables countries (and
Commission for Asia and the Far East in 1963 set that vision their citizens) to transact with each other. The Fund's
on the way to becoming reality. mandate was updated in 2012 to include all macroeconomic
and financial sector issues that bear on global stability.
The Philippines capital of Manila was chosen to host the new Headquarters: Washington, D.C., USA, Founded: 1944
institution, which opened on 19 December 1966, with 31
members that came together to serve a predominantly 9. International Bank for Reconstruction and
agricultural region. Takeshi Watanabe was ADB's first Development
President. During the 1960s, ADB focused much of its The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
assistance on food production and rural development. is an international financial institution that offers loans to
Founded: 1966, Headquarters: Manila, Philippines middle-income developing countries. The IBRD is the first of
five member institutions that compose the World Bank
5. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Group.
Headquarters: Washington, D.C., USA, Founded: 1944
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD) was established to help build a new, post-Cold War 10. International Finance Corporation
era in Central and Eastern Europe. The EBRD was set up in
haste to meet the challenge of an extraordinary moment in The International Finance Corporation is an international
Europe’s history, the collapse of communism in its East. In financial institution that offers investment, advisory, and
fact, a mere 18 months elapsed between the first mooting of asset-management services to encourage private-sector
the idea of a European development bank, by President development in developing countries.
François Mitterrand of France, in October 1989 and its Headquarters: Washington, D.C., USA, Founded: 1956
opening for business with headquarters in London in April
1991. 11. International Development Association
Founded: 1991, Headquarters: London, United Kingdom The International Development Association (IDA) is the part
of the World Bank that helps the world’s poorest countries.
6. New Development Bank Overseen by 173 shareholder nations, IDA aims to reduce
The New Development Bank, formerly referred to as the poverty by providing loans (called “credits”) and grants for
BRICS Development Bank, is a multilateral development programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities,
bank established by the BRICS states. According to the and improve people’s living conditions.
Agreement on the NDB, "the Bank shall support public or
private projects through loans, guarantees, equity IDA complements the World Bank’s original lending arm—
participation and other financial instruments." the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Founded: 2014, Headquarters: Shanghai, China (IBRD). IBRD was established to function as a self-sustaining
business and provides loans and advice to middle-income
7. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and credit-worthy poor countries. IBRD and IDA share the
he Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a same staff and headquarters and evaluate projects with the
multilateral development bank with a mission to improve same rigorous standards.
social and economic outcomes in Asia. Headquartered in
Beijing, we began operations in January 2016 and have now Headquarters: Washington, D.C., USA, Founded: 1960
grown to 93 approved members worldwide. By investing in
sustainable infrastructure and other productive sectors in 12. International Centre for Settlement of Investment
Asia and beyond, we will better connect people, services and Disputes
markets that over time will impact the lives of billions and ICSID is the world’s leading institution devoted to
build a better future. international investment dispute settlement. It has extensive
Founded: 2016, Headquarters: Beijing, China experience in this field, having administered the majority of
all international investment cases. States have agreed on
ICSID as a forum for investor-State dispute settlement in

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most international investment treaties and in numerous problems. It works with governments to understand what
investment laws and contracts. drives economic, social and environmental change. OECD
measure productivity and global flows of trade and
ICSID was established in 1966 by the Convention on the investment. OECD analyses and compare data to predict
Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and future trends.
Nationals ofICSID Primer Image. 300 x 445.jpg Other States Headquarters: Paris, France, Founded: 1961
(the ICSID Convention). The ICSID Convention is a
multilateral treaty formulated by the Executive Directors of 16. International Labour Organization
the World Bank to further the Bank’s objective of promoting The International Labour Organization is a United Nations
international investment. ICSID is an independent, agency whose mandate is to advance social justice and
depoliticized and effective dispute-settlement institution. Its promote decent work by setting international labour
availability to investors and States helps to promote standards.
international investment by providing confidence in the Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland, Founded: 1919.
dispute resolution process. It is also available for state-state
disputes under investment treaties and free trade
agreements, and as an administrative registry.
Headquarters: Washington, D.C., USA, Founded: 1966

13. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) is a
member of the World Bank Group. Our mandate is to
promote cross-border investment in developing countries by
providing guarantees (political risk insurance and credit
enhancement) to investors and lenders.

MIGA guarantees protect investments against

noncommercial risks and can help investors obtain access to
funding sources with improved financial terms and
conditions. The agency derives its unique strength from the
World Bank Group and from its structure as an international
Introduction of Insurance
Risks and Perils-
organization whose shareholders include most countries of
Every day, we hear stories about accidents and other
the world. This enables us to provide an umbrella of
misfortunes that someone has suffered.
deterrence against government actions that could disrupt
projects, and assist in the resolution of disputes between
Some of these include:
investors and governments. We also add value through our
 All of a sudden, people fall seriously ill.
ability to offer clients extensive knowledge of emerging
 Motor vehicles are stolen and people die or get injured
markets and of international best practice in environmental
in accidents involving motor vehicles.
and social management.
 House and belongings are destroyed by fire.
Headquarters: Washington, D.C., USA, Founded: 1988
 Large scale loss of lives and destruction of property in
cyclones and tsunamis.
14. World Trade Organization
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global
Life is full of uncertainties and surprises. Protecting oneself,
international organization dealing with the rules of trade
one’s families and society from these uncertain events has
between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements,
been one of the biggest concerns of man for centuries.
negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading
nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to help
Definition of Risk- ‘Risk’ is a term that we use to refer to the
producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers
chance of suffering a loss as a result of uncertain events like
conduct their business.
the above.
Headquarters: Geneva Switzerland, Founded: 1995
The events that give rise to such risks are known as Perils.
15. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
We face many such risks in our day-to-day life including
risks to our life, health, property and so on. We don’t know
The mission of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
whether and when something unfortunate will happen to us
and Development (OECD) is to promote policies that will
or our family members or property. It may not always be
improve the economic and social well-being of people
possible for us to prevent such a happening. For instance, we
around the world.
cannot prevent a storm or somebody’s death from occurring.
The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work
Savings and investment-
together to share experiences and seek solutions to common

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It is possible for us to take measures to reduce the financial by all those who work and earn an income. The Employees’
consequences that arise due to the above mentioned risks State Insurance scheme (ESI) that provides medical care
and protect ourselves financially. One of the ways by which and other benefits to employees and Employees’ Provident
this is normally done is with the help of savings and Fund Organization (EPFO) that provides pensions and
investment. survivors’ benefits in the event of an employee’s death are
the popular schemes under this head.
Example- We would have seen or learnt from our parents or
elders about the need to save for the future. By saving or ii. The second way is through voluntary Private Insurance.
investing money, the money so accumulated can be used to Here, individuals and groups can buy insurance from an
cope with the loss. However, such savings can only give back insurance company by entering into a contract of insurance
our own money plus some returns. with the company. The insurance company enters into a
contract (an insurance policy) whereby it (insurer)
What would happen if a human life is lost or a person is undertakes, in exchange for a small amount of money
disabled permanently or temporarily? (premium), to provide financial protection by agreeing to
pay the insuring person (insured) a fixed amount of money
Example- A person dies suddenly. Where would the person’s (sum assured) on the happening of a certain event (insured
family get the money from to support itself? How would the peril). Insurance companies collect premiums to provide for
person’s family meet the various living expenses after his this protection and losses are paid out of the premiums so
death? A person suffers a paralytic stroke that leaves him collected from the insuring public. In other words, an
permanently bed- ridden. Such an event would result in loss insurance contract promises to make good to the insured a
of income to the household and put the family in a lot of certain sum in consideration for the premium received from
hardship. The loss suffered is so large in all such situations the insured.
that one’s savings may not be sufficient to take care of the
financial burden. History of Life Insurance
Brief History of Insurance-
Insurance- The story of insurance is probably as old as the story of
Luckily for us, there is something called ‘Insurance’. It is mankind. The same instinct that prompts modern
founded on a simple idea. Even though an event like death or businessmen today to secure themselves against loss and
a fire can come as a terrible economic blow to someone, disaster existed in primitive men also. They too sought to
when we take the society as a whole, during any given year, avert the evil consequences of fire and flood and loss of life
only a few would suffer in such manner. If a small and were willing to make some sort of sacrifice in order to
contribution is collected from everyone in the community achieve security. Though the concept of insurance is largely a
and pooled to create a common fund, the amount so pooled development of the recent past, particularly after the
can be used to pay money to the few unfortunate members industrial era – past few centuries – yet its beginnings
who have been subject to the loss. date back almost 6000 years.
Life Insurance in its modern form came to India from
Definition- Insurance is a mechanism of risk transfer and England in the year 1818. Oriental Life Insurance Company
sharing by pooling of risks and funds among a group of started by Europeans in Calcutta was the first life insurance
individuals who are exposed to similar kinds of risks for the company on Indian Soil. All the insurance companies
benefit of those who suffer loss on account of the risk. established during that period were brought up with the
Insurance is, thus, a financial tool specially created to reduce purpose of looking after the needs of European community
the financial impact of unforeseen events and to create and Indian natives were not being insured by these
financial security. Indeed, everyone who wants to protect companies. However, later with the efforts of eminent people
himself against financial hardship should consider insurance. like Babu Muttylal Seal, the foreign life insurance
companies started insuring Indian lives. But Indian lives
Traditionally, “the joint family” has been an informal were being treated as sub-standard lives and heavy extra
social security in India. In modern society, social security is premiums were being charged on them. Bombay Mutual
available only to those who are employed in the organised Life Assurance Society heralded the birth of first Indian life
sector. Insurance is considered one of the tools of social insurance company in the year 1870, and covered Indian
security for formal and informal sectors and is largely lives at normal rates. Starting as Indian enterprise with
carried out in two ways. highly patriotic motives, insurance companies came into
existence to carry the message of insurance and social
i. The first way is known as Social Insurance. Here, the State security through insurance to various sectors of society.
or government takes care of those who are subjected to Bharat Insurance Company (1896) was also one of such
losses due to some risk event. Examples are, providing a companies inspired by nationalism. The Swadeshi
pension when one grows old or providing free medical movement of 1905-1907 gave rise to more insurance
treatment, meeting the cost of hospitalization etc. The fund companies. The United India in Madras, National Indian and
for this purpose comes from a pool made up from taxes or National Insurance in Calcutta and the Co-operative
mandatory social security contributions required to be made Assurance at Lahore were established in 1906. In 1907,
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Hindustan Co-operative Insurance Company took its birth in After a process of mergers among Indian insurance
one of the rooms of the Jorasanko, house of the great poet companies, four companies were left as fully owned
Rabindranath Tagore, in Calcutta. The Indian Mercantile, subsidiary companies of GIC-
General Assurance and Swadeshi Life (later Bombay Life) National Insurance Company Limited.
were some of the companies established during the same The New India Assurance Company Limited.
period. Prior to 1912 India had no legislation to regulate The Oriental Insurance Company Limited.
insurance business. In the year 1912, the Life Insurance United India Insurance Company Limited.
Companies Act, and the Provident Fund Act were passed. The
Life Insurance Companies Act, 1912 made it necessary that The next landmark happened on 19th April 2000, when the
the premium rate tables and periodical valuations of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act,
companies should be certified by an actuary. But the Act 1999 (IRDA) came into force. This Act also introduced
discriminated between foreign and Indian companies on amendment to GIBNA and the Insurance Act, 1938. An
many accounts, putting the Indian companies at a amendment to GIBNA removed the exclusive privilege of GIC
disadvantage. and its subsidiaries carrying on general insurance in India.In
November 2000, GIC was renotified as the Indian Reinsurer
Some of the important milestones in the life insurance and through administrative instruction, its supervisory role
business in India are: over the four subsidiaries was ended.With the General
Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Amendment Act 2002
1818: Oriental Life Insurance Company, the first life (40 of 2002) coming into force from March 21, 2003; GIC
insurance company on Indian soil started functioning. ceased to be a holding company of its subsidiaries.The
ownership of the four erstwhile subsidiary companies and
1870: Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society, the first also of the General Insurance Corporation of India was
Indian life insurance company started its business. vested with Government of India.
Chairman-cum-Managing Director of GIC- Alice G
1912: The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act enacted Vaidyan, Headquarters- Mumbai.
as the first statute to regulate the life insurance business.
Know About IRDAI
1928: The Indian Insurance Companies Act enacted to In India, insurance has a deep-rooted history. It finds
enable the government to collect statistical information mention in the writings of Manu (Manusmrithi),
about both life and non-life insurance businesses. Yagnavalkya (Dharmasastra) and Kautilya
(Arthasastra). The writings talk in terms of pooling of
1938: Earlier legislation consolidated and amended to by the resources that could be re-distributed in times of calamities
Insurance Act with the objective of protecting the interests of such as fire, floods, epidemics and famine. This was probably
the insuring public. a pre-cursor to modern day insurance. Ancient Indian
history has preserved the earliest traces of insurance in the
1956: 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident form of marine trade loans and carriers’ contracts. Insurance
societies are taken over by the central government and in India has evolved over time heavily drawing from other
nationalised. LIC formed by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act, countries, England in particular.
1956, with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 crore from the
Government of India. 1818 saw the advent of life insurance business in India
with the establishment of the Oriental Life Insurance
History of General Insurance Company in Calcutta. This Company however failed in
The entire general insurance business in India was 1834. In 1829, the Madras Equitable had begun transacting
nationalised by General Insurance Business life insurance business in the Madras Presidency. 1870 saw
(Nationalisation) Act, 1972 (GIBNA). the enactment of the British Insurance Act and in the last
The Government of India (GOI), through Nationalisation three decades of the nineteenth century, the Bombay
took over the shares of 55 Indian insurance companies Mutual (1871), Oriental (1874) and Empire of India
and the undertakings of 52 insurers carrying on general (1897) were started in the Bombay Residency. This era,
insurance business. General Insurance Corporation of India however, was dominated by foreign insurance offices which
(GIC) was formed in pursuance of Section 9(1) of GIBNA. It did good business in India, namely Albert Life Assurance,
was incorporated on 22nd November 1972 under the Royal Insurance, Liverpool and London Globe Insurance and
Companies Act, 1956 as a private company limited by the Indian offices were up for hard competition from the
shares. GIC was formed for the purpose of superintending, foreign companies.
controlling and carrying on the business of general
insurance. As soon as GIC was formed, GOI transferred all the In 1914, the Government of India started publishing returns
shares it held of the general insurance companies to GIC. of Insurance Companies in India. The Indian Life Assurance
Simultaneously, the nationalised undertakings were Companies Act, 1912 was the first statutory measure to
transferred to Indian insurance companies. regulate life business. In 1928, the Indian Insurance
Companies Act was enacted to enable the Government to
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collect statistical information about both life and non-life submitted its report in 1994 wherein , among other things, it
business transacted in India by Indian and foreign insurers recommended that the private sector be permitted to enter
including provident insurance societies. In 1938, with a view the insurance industry. They stated that foreign companies
to protecting the interest of the Insurance public, the earlier be allowed to enter by floating Indian companies, preferably
legislation was consolidated and amended by the Insurance a joint venture with Indian partners.
Act, 1938 with comprehensive provisions for effective
control over the activities of insurers. Following the recommendations of the Malhotra
Committee report, in 1999, the Insurance Regulatory
The Insurance Amendment Act of 1950 abolished and Development Authority (IRDA) was constituted as
Principal Agencies. However, there were a large number of an autonomous body to regulate and develop the
insurance companies and the level of competition was high. insurance industry. The IRDA was incorporated as a
There were also allegations of unfair trade practices. The statutory body in April, 2000. The key objectives of the
Government of India, therefore, decided to nationalize IRDA include promotion of competition so as to enhance
insurance business. customer satisfaction through increased consumer choice
and lower premiums, while ensuring the financial security of
An Ordinance was issued on 19th January, 1956 the insurance market.
nationalising the Life Insurance sector and Life Insurance
Corporation came into existence in the same year. The LIC The IRDA opened up the market in August 2000 with the
absorbed 154 Indian, 16 non-Indian insurers as also 75 invitation for application for registrations. Foreign
provident societies—245 Indian and foreign insurers in all. companies were allowed ownership of up to 26% (FDI At
The LIC had monopoly till the late 90s when the Insurance present, up to 49%). The Authority has the power to frame
sector was reopened to the private sector. regulations under Section 114A of the Insurance Act, 1938
and has from 2000 onwards framed various regulations
The history of general insurance dates back to the Industrial ranging from registration of companies for carrying on
Revolution in the west and the consequent growth of sea- insurance business to protection of policyholders’ interests.
faring trade and commerce in the 17th century. It came to
India as a legacy of British occupation. General Insurance in In December, 2000, the subsidiaries of the General
India has its roots in the establishment of Triton Insurance Insurance Corporation of India were restructured as
Company Limited, in the year 1850 in Calcutta by the British. independent companies and at the same time GIC was
In 1907, the Indian Mercantile Insurance Limited was set up. converted into a national re-insurer. Parliament passed a bill
This was the first company to transact all classes of general de-linking the four subsidiaries from GIC in July, 2002.
insurance business. 1957 saw the formation of the General
Insurance Council, a wing of the Insurance Association of Today there are 31 general insurance companies including
India. The General Insurance Council framed a code of the ECGC and Agriculture Insurance Corporation of India and
conduct for ensuring fair conduct and sound business 24 life insurance companies operating in the country.
practices. In 1968, the Insurance Act was amended to
regulate investments and set minimum solvency margins. The insurance sector is a colossal one and is growing at a
The Tariff Advisory Committee was also set up then. speedy rate of 15-20%. Together with banking services,
insurance services add about 7% to the country’s GDP. A
In 1972 with the passing of the General Insurance Business well-developed and evolved insurance sector is a boon for
(Nationalisation) Act, general insurance business was economic development as it provides long- term funds for
nationalized with effect from 1st January, 1973. 107 insurers infrastructure development at the same time strengthening
were amalgamated and grouped into four companies, the risk taking ability of the country.
namely National Insurance Company Ltd., the New India
Assurance Company Ltd., the Oriental Insurance IRDAI Headquarters- Hyderabad, Chairperson: Subhash
Company Ltd and the United India Insurance Company Chandra Khuntia.
Ltd. The General Insurance Corporation of India was
incorporated as a company in 1971 and it commence Types of Insurance
business on January 1st 1973. There are two broad types of insurance:

This millennium has seen insurance come a full circle in a 1. Life Insurance- Life insurance is a contract that offers
journey extending to nearly 200 years. The process of re- financial compensation in case of death or disability. Some
opening of the sector had begun in the early 1990s and the life insurance policies even offer financial compensation
last decade and more has seen it been opened up after retirement or a certain period of time. Life insurance,
substantially. In 1993, the Government set up a committee thus, helps you secure your family’s financial security even in
under the chairmanship of RN Malhotra, former Governor your absence. You either make a lump-sum payment while
of RBI, to propose recommendations for reforms in the purchasing a life insurance policy or make periodic
insurance sector.The objective was to complement the payments to the insurer. These are known as premiums. In
reforms initiated in the financial sector. The committee

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exchange, your insurer promises to pay an assured sum to Home insurance- Home insurance is a type of property
your family in the event of death, disability or at a set time. insurance that covers a private residence. It is an insurance
policy that combines various personal insurance protections,
2. General Insurance- A general insurance is a contract that which can include losses occurring to one's home, its
offers financial compensation on any loss other than death. contents, loss of use (additional living expenses), or loss of
It insures everything apart from life. A general insurance other personal possessions of the homeowner, as well as
compensates you for financial loss due to liabilities related to liability insurance for accidents that may happen at the home
your house, car, bike, health, travel, etc. The insurance or at the hands of the homeowner within the policy territory.
company promises to pay you a sum assured to cover
damages to your vehicle, medical treatments to cure health Health Insurance- Health Insurance is an insurance policy
problems, losses due to theft or fire, or even financial that ensures that you get cashless treatment or expense
problems during travel. reimbursement, in case you fall ill. A health insurance policy
reimburses the insured for medical and surgical expenses
Types of Life Insurance- arising from an illness or injury that leads to hospitalization.
 Term Insurance
 Money-back policy Fire Insurance- Fire insurance is property insurance
 Unit-Linked Insurance Plan covering damage and losses caused by fire. The purchase of
 Pension Plans fire insurance in addition to homeowner's or property
insurance helps to cover the cost of replacement, repair, or
Types of General Insurance- reconstruction of property, above the limit set by the
 Motor Insurance property insurance policy.
 Home Insurance
 Health Insurance Indian Insurance Market
 Fire Insurance Introduction-
The insurance industry of India consists of 57 insurance
Term Insurance- Term Insurance is a life insurance plan companies of which 24 are in life insurance business and
that provides financial coverage to the beneficiary of the 33 are non-life insurers. Among the life insurers, Life
insured person for a defined period of time. In the event of Insurance Corporation (LIC) is the sole public sector
death of term insurance policyholder during policy term, the company. Apart from that, among the non-life insurers there
beneficiary can claim death benefits from the insurance are six public sector insurers. In addition to these, there is
company. sole national re-insurer, namely, General Insurance
Corporation of India (GIC Re). Other stakeholders in Indian
Money-back policy- A money back policy is one of the Insurance market include agents (individual and corporate),
smarter ways to plan your life investment cover. You not brokers, surveyors and third party administrators servicing
only receive money back over frequent intervals of the policy health insurance claims.
tenure, a sum assured at the end of the policy term, bonus
amounts as declared by the insurer but also an adequate Investments and Recent Developments-
insurance cover for the whole of the policy period. The following are some of the major investments and
developments in the Indian insurance sector.
Unit-Linked Insurance Plan- A Unit Linked Insurance Plan
(ULIP) is a product offered by insurance companies that,  As of November 2018, HDFC Ergo is in advanced talks to
unlike a pure insurance policy, gives investors both acquire Apollo Munich Health Insurance at a valuation of
insurance and investment under a single integrated plan. around Rs 2,600 crore (US$ 370.05 million).
 In October 2018, Indian e-commerce major Flipkart
Pension Plans- Pension plans also known as retirement entered the insurance space in partnership with Bajaj
plans are investment plans that lets you allocate a part of Allianz to offer mobile insurance.
your savings to accumulate over a period of time and provide  In August 2018, a consortium of WestBridge Capital,
you with steady income after retirement. Even if a person billionaire investor Mr Rakesh Jhunjunwala announced
has a good amount of savings, a pension plan is nevertheless that it would acquire India’s largest health insurer Star
crucial. Health and Allied Insurance in a deal estimated at
around US$ 1 billion.
Motor Insurance/Vehicle insurance- Vehicle insurance is  In September 2018, HDFC Ergo launched ‘E@Secure’ a
insurance for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other road cyber insurance policy for individuals.
vehicles. Its primary use is to provide financial protection  Insurance sector companies in India raised around Rs
against physical damage or bodily injury resulting from 434.3 billion (US$ 6.7 billion) through public issues in
traffic collisions and against liability that could also arise 2017.
from incidents in a vehicle.  In 2017, insurance sector in India saw 10 merger and
acquisition (M&A) deals worth US$ 903 million.

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 India's leading bourse Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) contributing to the popularity of these investment
will set up a joint venture with Ebix Inc to build a robust instruments.
insurance distribution network in the country through a
new distribution exchange platform. Lock-in-period of ULIP-
One of the changes brought about by the Insurance
Government Initiatives- Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI)
The Government of India has taken a number of initiatives to in the year 2010 as regards ULIPs, was to increase the lock in
boost the insurance industry. Some of them are as follows: a period from 3 years to 5 years. However, insurance being a
 In September 2018, National Health Protection Scheme long-term product, as an investor you may not really reap
was launched under Ayushman Bharat to provide the benefit of the policy unless you hold it for the entire term
coverage of up to Rs 500,000 (US$ 7,723) to more than of the policy which can range from 10 to 15 years.
100 million vulnerable families. The scheme is expected
to increase penetration of health insurance in India from Why you should invest in ULIPs?
34 per cent to 50 per cent. Life cover: First and foremost, with ULIPs you get a life
 Over 47.9 million famers were benefitted under Pradhan cover coupled with investment. It offers security that a
Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) in 2017-18. taxpayer’s family can fall back on in case of emergencies like
 The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of the untimely death of the taxpayer, etc.
India (IRDAI) plans to issue redesigned initial public
offering (IPO) guidelines for insurance companies in Income tax benefits: Not many are aware that the premium
India, which are to looking to divest equity through the paid towards a ULIP is eligible for a tax deduction under
IPO route. Section 80C. Additionally, the returns out of the policy on
 IRDAI has allowed insurers to invest up to 10 per cent in maturity are exempt from income tax under Section
additional tier 1 (AT1) bonds that are issued by banks to 10(10D) of the Income-tax Act. This is a dual benefit that
augment their tier 1 capital, in order to expand the pool you can claim with this policy.
of eligible investors for the banks.
Finance Long Term Goals: If you have long-term goals like
Road Ahead- buying a house, a new car, marriage, etc., then ULIP is a good
The future looks promising for the life insurance industry investment option because the money gets compounded. As
with several changes in regulatory framework which will a result, the net returns are generally more. This stands true
lead to further change in the way the industry conducts its even if you want to exit after the 5 year lock-in period in
business and engages with its customers. comparison to not having invested the amount at all and
retaining it in a savings account or in the form of an FD. But,
The overall insurance industry is expected to reach US$ 280 under ULIP, the mantra is to always keep the policy going for
billion by 2020. Life insurance industry in the country is a longer time horizon to reap the best out of it.
expected grow by 12-15 per cent annually for the next three
to five years. Demographic factors such as growing middle The flexibility of a portfolio switch: As already mentioned,
class, young insurable population and growing awareness of ULIPS are usually designed in a way that they allow you to
the need for protection and retirement planning will support switch your portfolio between debt and equity based on your
the growth of Indian life insurance. risk appetite as well as your knowledge of how the market is
performing. Insurance companies, on the other hand, allow a
ULIP Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) very few numbers of switches free of cost.
ULIP or Unit Linked Insurance Plan is a mix of insurance
along with investment. From a ULIP, the goal is to provide Types of ULIPs-
wealth creation along with life cover where the insurance ULIPs are categorized based on the following broad
company puts a portion of your investment towards life parameters:
insurance and rest into a fund that is based on equity or debt (a) Funds that ULIPs invest in-
or both and matches with your long-term goals. These goals (i) Equity Funds: Where the premium paid is invested in the
could be retirement planning, children’s education or equity market and thereby is subject to higher risk
another important event you may wish to save for. (ii) Balanced funds: Where the premium paid is balanced
When you make an investment in ULIP, the insurance between the debt and the equity market to minimise the risk
company invests part of the premium in shares/bonds etc., for investors
and the balance amount is utilized in providing an insurance (iii) Debt Funds: Where the premium is invested in debt
cover. There are fund managers in the insurance companies instruments which carry a lower risk but in turn also offer a
who manage the investments and therefore the investor is lower return
spared the hassle of tracking the investments. ULIPS allow
you to switch your portfolio between debt and equity based (b) End use of Funds-
on your risk appetite as well as your knowledge of the (i) Retirement Planning: For those of you who plan to
market’s performance. Benefits like these which offer invest for the retirement days while you are still employed
investors the flexibility of switching is a huge factor
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Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness | LIC ADO Main 2019
(ii) Child Education: You can investment with a long-term LIC headquarters- Mumbai
goal of saving to fund your child’s education or save for some LIC Chairman- MR Kumar
unforeseen circumstances
(iii) Wealth Creation: You can make investments to build a 2. General Insurance Corporation of India
heavy corpus that you can utilize for a future financial goal
GIC of India is a state owned enterprise in India. It was the
(c) Death benefit to Policy Holders- sole reinsurance company in the Indian insurance market
(i) Type-I ULIP: This pays higher of the assured sum value until the insurance market was open to foreign reinsurance
or the fund value to the nominee in case of death of the players by late 2016 including companies from Germany,
policyholder Switzerland and France.
(ii) Type-II ULIP: This pays the assured sum value, plus the Headquarters- Mumbai
fund value to the nominee in case of the death of the Chairman-cum-Managing Director- Alice G Vaidyan
3. The New India Assurance Company Limited
ULIPs Vs. Mutual Funds-
Risk exposure - ULIPs are a relatively less risky product The New India Assurance Company Limited, founded by Sir
because they are insurance products. Even though ULIPs Dorabji Tata in 1919, a Multinational General Insurance
have great variety of products available investing in equities Company, today operates in 28 countries and headquartered
and bonds, they have to be more careful in investment at Mumbai, India. Our global business crossed Rs. 22,270
because of the nature of insurance products. Mutual funds crores in March 2017. We have been market leaders in India
are of various types as explained above. Equity oriented in Non-Life business for more than 40 years.
mutual funds are more risky than the hybrid ones and hybrid Headquarters- Mumbai
mutual funds are more risky than the debt funds. Chairman cum Managing Director- Atul Sahai.

Potential of Returns - Since ULIPs invest in relatively low 4. United India Insurance Company Limited
risk products, the potential of returns is also low. The reason
is that they have to promise sum assured irrespective of United India Insurance Company Limited was incorporated
whether the plan makes money. Mutual funds are of different as a Company on 18th February 1938. General Insurance
varieties. Equity oriented mutual funds give higher returns Business in India was nationalized in 1972. 12 Indian
than the hybrid ones. Hybrid mutual funds offer better Insurance Companies, 4 Cooperative Insurance Societies and
returns than debt funds. Indian operations of 5 Foreign Insurers, besides General
Insurance operations of southern region of Life Insurance
Lock-in period - Since ULIP is an insurance product, Corporation of India were merged with United India
insurance companies define a lock-in period for investment. Insurance Company Limited. After Nationalization United
Hence if an investor buys ULIP, he or she cannot sell before India has grown by leaps and bounds and has 18300 work
the lock-in period of 3 to 5 years depending on individual force spread across 1340 offices providing insurance cover
ULIP products and the structure. Most of the mutual funds to more than 1 Crore policy holders. The Company has
typically do not have any lock-in period. You can buy and sell variety of insurance products to provide insurance cover
mutual funds anytime. There is a certain type of mutual from bullock carts to satellites.
funds, known as closed fund, which have lock-in period of 3 Headquarters- Chennai
years. Chairman cum Managing Director- Girish
Liquidity - Liquidity is defined as the ease with which
investors can redeem their investment. It is also about time 5. Oriental Insurance Company Limited
it takes to receive your investment back after redemption. The Oriental Insurance Company Limited was incorporated
Needless to say, mutual funds are more liquid since it is more at Bombay on 12th September 1947. The Company was a
widely traded in the market. wholly owned subsidiary of the Oriental Government
Security Life Assurance Company Ltd and was formed to
Charges - The advantage of mutual fund is its low charges carry out General Insurance business. The Company was a
and professional management. The management fee of subsidiary of Life Insurance Corporation of India from 1956
mutual funds is typically 1% to 2%. ULIP charges are higher. to 1973 ( till the General Insurance Business was
nationalized in the country). In 2003 all shares of our
Public Sector Insurance Companies company held by the General Insurance Corporation of India
1. Life Insurance Corporation of India have been transferred to Central Government.
LIC of India was incorporated on 1st September 1956 by Headquarters- New Delhi
amalgamating 243 Companies by the Act of Parliament Chairman-Cum-Managing Director- AV Girija Kumar
called Insurance Act, 1956. LIC is governed by the Insurance
Act 1938, LIC Act 1956, LIC Regulations 1959 and Insurance 6. National Insurance Company Limited
Regulatory and Development Authority Act 1999.
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NIC (National Insurance Company Limited) is India’s oldest  Apollo Munich Health Insurance Co. Ltd (Based in-
general insurance Company. It was incorporated in Kolkata Gurugram)
on 5th December, 1906 to fulfil the nationalist aspiration for  Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd (Based in- Pune)
Swaraj. 66 years later, after nationalisation it was merged  Bharti AXA General Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in-
along with 21 foreign and 11 Indian companies to form Mumbai)
National Insurance Company Ltd, one of the 4 subsidiaries of  Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based
the Govt. owned General Insurance Corporation of India. in- Chennai)
Headquarters- Kolkata  CIGNA TTK Health Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in-
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director- Tajinder Mukherjee Mumbai)
 DHFL General Insurance Ltd. (Based in- Mumbai)
7. Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited  Edelweiss General Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in-
Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) has  Future Generali India Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in-
been formed at the behest of Government of India, Mumbai)
consequent to the announcement by the then Hon'ble Union  Reliance General Insurance Co.Ltd (Based in- Mumbai)
Finance Minister in his General Budget Speech FY 2002-03  Go Digit General Insurance Ltd (Based in- Pune)
that, "to subserve the needs of farmers better and to move  HDFC ERGO General Insurance Co.Ltd. (Based in-
towards a sustainable actuarial regime, it was proposed to Mumbai)
set up a new Corporation for Agriculture Insurance".  ICICI LOMBARD General Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in-
Headquarters- New Delhi Mumbai)
Chairman-Cum-Managing Director- Alamelu T  IFFCO TOKIO General Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in-
Lakshmanachari Gurugram)
 Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in-
 Liberty General Insurance Ltd. (Based in- Mumbai)
 Magma HDI General Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in-
 Max Bupa Health Insurance Co. Ltd (Based in- New
 Star Health & Allied Insurance Co.Ltd. (Based in-
 Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in-
 Shriram General Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in- Jaipur)
 Tata AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in- Mumbai)

Glossary of Insurance Terms

 Ab initio- A term used to describe avoidance of a
contract from its inception or its beginning. The
Insurance Contracts Act allows an insurer to avoid a
policy ab initio in situations where an insured
fraudulently nondisclosed or fraudulently
misrepresented information when applying for
 Accident- An unplanned and unexpected event which
occurs suddenly and at a definite place.
 Accident Cover- Provides benefits in the event of an
accident occurring during the period of cover. Usually
refers to insurance covering injury or death arising out
of violent, accidental, external and visible means.
 Act of God- An event or occurrence due to natural
Private Sector Insurance Companies causes which occurs independently of human
In India, there are 24 important life insurance intervention and either could not be foreseen, or if
companies in private sector registered by IRDAI. foreseen, could not be reasonably guarded against. (e.g.
 Acko General Insurance Limited (Based in- Mumbai) storm, flood, earthquake, cyclone).
 Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in-  Actual total loss- Where the property insured is
Mumbai) completely destroyed or so badly damaged that it ceases
 Religare Health Insurance Co. Ltd. (Based in- Chennai) to be a thing of the kind insured, or where the insured is

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irretrievably deprived of it. Also called “constructive  Business pack- A number of policies typically required
total loss”. by a business are combined into one policy or package—
 Adjuster- Also known as an assessor is a representative e.g. fire damage to property, burglary, liability, etc.
of the insurer who seeks to determine the extent of the Business packs are sometimes tailored to cover the risks
company's liability for loss when a claim is submitted. of a particular industry or business—e.g. motor dealers,
 Advice- (in relation to Financial Services) A statement builders, etc.
made which influences, or is intended to influence, a  Cancellation- The termination of a policy before the
person to purchase a particular financial product or expiry date.
service. Advice can be personal or general: Personal  Captive insurance company- An insurance company
advice is advice which takes one or more of a person’s that is wholly owned by one or more entities, the main
individual circumstances into account. General advice is purpose of which is to insure the risks of its parent
advice which is not personal—i.e. does not fulfil this Companies. Several large Australian companies and
individual circumstances test. organisations have their own captive insurers.
 Agent- A person holding an agency agreement with an  Catastrophe reinsurance- A form of reinsurance
insurer and who, for reward, carries on the business of whereby the reinsured is protected against an
arranging contracts of insurance as agent for one or accumulation of losses from the same event—e.g. a
more insurers. Such an agent is referred to as an cyclone.
Authorised Representative.  Caveat emptor- Let the buyer beware. Insurance
 Aggrieved party- A party who has been wronged. A contracts are NOT Caveat emptor (buyer beware)
person who is a victim is said to be aggrieved. contracts. They are Uberrima Fidei Utmost Good Faith)
 Agreed Value- (Usually associated with motor vehicle contracts.
insurance) A car's agreed value is set at the beginning of  Cedant- An insurer who transfers all or part of a risk to
each period of cover. It is based on the fair value given a reinsurer.
then for the cars make and model in the motor trade's  Cede- To transfer risk from an insurer to a reinsurer. A
most commonly accepted price handbook. The value ‘cession’ is a particular reinsurance transaction.
doesn't change for the period of cover. Normally, this refers to the proportional insurance of a
 Amount covered- The current amount covered is risk.
shown on the most recent of the insurance schedule and  Ceding insurer- The original insurer. It is the company
the renewal notice. It is the most the insurer will pay, which deals with the client, and reinsures part or all of
less any excess, for a claim that is covered by the policy. the risk.
The amount covered includes GST.  Certificate of Insurance- A certificate that acts as proof
 Arbitration- A system of deciding legal disputes that a policy has been issued.
between an insured and an insurer by use of a private  Cession- The portion of the sum insured of a risk ceded
tribunal outside of the court system. to a reinsurer. A Cession is a particular reinsurance
 Arson- Any unlawful setting fire to property transaction.
 Australian Financial Services Licensee- A person who  Claim- Notification by or on behalf of a claimant that an
holds an Australian Financial Services licence. event likely to be covered by a policy has occurred, or is
 Binder- An authority given by an insurer to an likely to occur, and giving formal notice to the insurer
intermediary to enter into, as agent for the insurer, accordingly. Usually a claim will be accompanied by a
contracts of insurance on behalf of the insurer. Some request for indemnification under the policy.
binders give an intermediary authority to deal with and  Claimant- The party asserting a right of recovery under
settle claims against the insurer, as agent for the insurer. a contract of insurance.
 Broadform- A form of liability wording that extends the  Claims history- The history of losses suffered by an
cover for personal injury beyond physical injury, disease insured which have been covered by insurance. Some
or death to include other causes including mental injury claims histories also record events notified to the
or anguish, fright, false arrest, malicious prosecution, insurer which did not result in actual claims pay-outs—
libel, slander, defamation, wrongful entry, eviction or e.g. events below the policy excess.
other invasion of the right of private property, assault  Claims Ratio- The ratio of the cost of claims to earned
and battery which occurs during the period of the policy. premiums.
 Broker- An intermediary, who acts on behalf of a person  Closing- The document sent by a broker to an insurer
who is applying for insurance. They earn a commission confirming and finalising an insurance cover arranged
from the insurer; however, they have a responsibility to by the broker.
obtain cover appropriate to the needs of the insured. In  Commission- A fee charged by a broker or agent for
certain circumstances a broker can also act as an agent services in the sale of an insurance contract.
for the insurer in terms of issuing a policy or collecting a  Common Law- The principles of law arising from court
premium. decisions.
 Burglary- Theft following forcible and violent entry to  Comprehensive Insurance- (Usually associated with
the premises. Note: this term may not apply for some motor vehicle insurance) Provides specified cover for
states of Australia.

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damage to insured car as well as damage the insured car  Endorsement- Any writing appearing on a policy, or
may cause to the property of others. additional documentation attaching to a policy, whereby
 Contract- An agreement between two or more parties the printed terms of the policy, the parties to it, or other
which is enforceable by law. particulars, are varied.
 Contribution- Where an insured has two or more  Expiry date- The date upon which a policy ends.
insurance policies which are covering the same interest Conventionally, 4.00 pm is the normal time of expiry,
against the same peril, the insured can make his/her although this varies by type of policy and by insurer.
claim in full against one or other of the insurers. The  Financial Ombudsman Service- Any policyholder who
chosen insurer can then require the other insurers to is dissatisfied with the outcome of his or her dealings
make a proportional contribution towards that loss. with the insurer can contact the Insurance Ombudsman
(Given that the insurance policies are subject to the rule Service on 1300 780 808.
of indemnity, the insured is prevented from recovering  First party- The first and second parties are simply the
from all the insurers and therefore making a profit from parties to an insurance contract. A third party is not a
his/her claims). party to the contract but a party who seeks to be
 Coverage- The scope of the protection provided under a compensated for some injury or loss caused by the
contract of insurance. insured. A first party policy may also refer to insurance
 Damages- Compensation for loss suffered, which is for the policyholder’s own property or person.
awarded by courts and endeavours to place a person in  Gross Premium- The net premium plus operating
the position where they would have been had the loss expenses, commissions and other expenses.
not been suffered.  Insolvency- A situation where a person is unable to pay
 Decline- To refuse. For example, the insurer may decide debts as and when they fall due for payment.
not to accept a proposal for insurance or perhaps decline  Insolvent- A company may not be able to settle debts in
to accept a claim. full because its assets are worth less than the liabilities
 Deposit premium- Amount paid by a client as an initial that must be paid off.
premium under a policy. The deposit premium is subject  Insurance- A device for transferring specified risks of
to adjustment at the end of the policy period based on, individual persons to an insurer. The insurer agrees, for
for example, claims experience. After adjustment, the consideration (usually payment of a premium), to
insured receives a refund or is required to pay extra assume, to a specified extent, certain losses that may be
premium, as the case may be. suffered by the insured.
 Depreciation- A decrease in the value of any type of  Insurance schedule- Sets out the information given to
property over a period of time resulting from use, wear an insurer upon which the decision to offer cover is
and tear, or obsolescence. made. It also displays the individual details of a policy.
 Direct insurer- Is an insurer which deals direct with the  Insured- The party to an insurance arrangement to
consumer rather than through an intermediary or agent. whom the insurer agrees to provide cover against
 Direct policy- The parties to a direct insurance contract specified losses, or to render services, subject to the
are the insurer and the original insured. The term is terms of the insurance contract.
used to differentiate the direct policy contract from any  Insurer- The party to an insurance arrangement who
reinsurance contract that may be arranged as a result of undertakes to provide cover or to render services, on the
the direct policy contract. happening of specified events.
 Disaster- A disaster is said to have occurred when the  Liability Insurance- A form of general insurance that
normal community and organisational arrangements provides cover in regard to the insured's legal obligation
cannot cope with a hazard impact. for loss or damage to another person.
 Disclaimer- A person may make a statement to the  Market value- The fair price for which something can
effect that they will not accept any responsibility for be sold in its current condition.
certain things which may (or may not) happen. For  Open policy- Provides cover for all risks of a certain
example, disclaimers are used to try and avoid or limit a type during a set period of time. The sum insured is then
person’s liability for breach of duty of care. adjusted for the actual total sum insured. Commonly
 Due date- The date a policy is in force to and by when a used for marine cargo policies and construction policies.
renewal premium must be paid.  Outstanding claims- The aggregate liabilities (total case
 Earned Premium- Insurance policies usually run for a reserves less amounts paid) faced by an insurer under
period of 12 months. An insured can cancel a policy at lodged claims that at any point in time have not been
any time and request a refund of premium. Therefore, finalised.
insurers must only take into the books of account that  Peril- The cause of a possible loss. Not to be confused
portion of premium which corresponds to actual elapsed with hazard.
time on risk. That portion of premium which can be  Policy- Means the Product Disclosure Statement and the
taken up in the accounts is called earned premium. That policy schedule.
portion of premium yet to expire is termed unearned  Policy schedule- A notice showing the particular details
premium. of a policy.

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 Policyholder- Generally use to describe the policy
owner and/or insured. Employee State Insurance Scheme
 Reinsured- An insurance company or Lloyd’s syndicate The Employees' State Insurance Scheme is an integrated
who buys reinsurance. This term is the preferred usage measure of Social Insurance embodied in the Employees'
to “cedant” in non-proportional reinsurance contracts as State Insurance Act and it is designed to accomplish the task
risks are not ceded to these contracts— losses exceeding of protecting 'employees' as defined in the Employees' State
the deductible being payable by the Reinsurer. Insurance Act, 1948 against the impact of incidences of
 Risk- General meaning is a thing or person insured. sickness, maternity, disablement and death due to
 Third party- A person or entity who is not a party to an employment injury and to provide medical care to insured
insurance contract but who has an alleged or actual right persons and their families. The ESI Scheme applies to
of action for injury or damages against an insured under factories and other establishment's viz. Road Transport,
a contract of insurance. Hotels, Restaurants, Cinemas, Newspaper, Shops, and
 Umbrella Cover- Reinsurance protection for several Educational/Medical Institutions wherein 10 or more
classes of business, usually arranged by combining the persons are employed. However, in some States threshold
retentions and/or deductibles of the different classes limit for coverage of establishments is still 20. Employees of
and protecting them by one excess of loss contract. the aforesaid categories of factories and establishments,
 Written premiums- The total premiums on all policies drawing wages upto Rs.15,000/- a month, are entitled to
written by an insurer during a specified period of time, social security cover under the ESI Act. ESI Corporation has
regardless of what proportion has been earned. See also decided to enhance wage ceiling for coverage of
earned premiums. employees under the ESI Act from Rs.15,000/- to
Abbreviation Related to Insurance Industry
 IRDAI- Insurance Regulatory and Development ESI Corporation has extended the benefits of the ESI Scheme
Authority of India to the workers deployed on the construction sites located in
 NCLT- National Company Law Tribunal the implemented areas under ESI Scheme w.e.f. 1st August,
 TPA - Third Party Administration 2015. The ESI Scheme is financed by contributions from
 TRAI- Telecom Regulatory Authority of India employers and employees. The rate of contribution by
 FDA- Food and Drug Administration employer is 4.75% of the wages payable to employees. The
 FII- Foreign Institutional Investor employees' contribution is at the rate of 1.75% of the wages
 TRIM- Trade Related Investment Measures payable to an employee. Employees, earning less than Rs.
 NSDL- National Security Depository Limited 137/- a day as daily wages, are exempted from payment of
 NAV- Net Asset Value their share of contribution.
 SEBI- Securities and Exchange Board of India
 NASSCOM- National Association of Software and When and how ESIC started?
Services ESIC scheme was inaugurated in Kanpur on 24th February
 NDS- Negotiated Dealing System 1952 (ESIC Day) by then Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lal
 CRISIL- Credit Rating Information Services of India Nehru. The venue was the Brijender Swarup Park, Kanpur
Limited and Panditji addressed a 70,000 strong gathering in Hindi in
 IPO- Initial Public Offer the presence of Pt. Gobind Ballabh Pant, Chief Minister Uttar
 SEZ- Special Economic Zone Pradesh, Babu Jagjivan Ram, Union Labour Minister, Raj
 GIPSA- General Insurance Public Sector Association Of Kumari Amrit Kaur, Union Health Minister, Sh.Chandrabhan
India Gupt, Union Food Minister and Dr.C.L.Katial, the first
 BIFR- Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction Director General of ESIC.
 FDI- Foreign Direct Investment
 GNP- Gross National Product ESIC scheme was simultaneously launched at Delhi as well
 PLI- Public Liability Insurance and the initial coverage for both the centers was 1,20,000
 EEI- Electronic Equipment Insurance employees. Our first Prime Minister was the first honorary
 ULIP- Unit Linked Insurance Plan insured person of the Scheme. The promulgation of
 LIC- Life Insurance Corporation Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948 (ESI Act), by the
 GBIC- Governing Body of Insurance Council Parliament was the first major legislation on social Security
 IIB- Insurance Information Bureau of India for workers in independent India. It was a time when the
 IGMS- Integrated Grievance Management System industry was still in a nascent stage and the country was
 IBAI- Insurance Brokers Association of India heavily dependent on an assortment of imported goods from
 IIRM- Institute of Insurance and Risk Management the developed or fast developing countries.
 UHIS- Universal Health Insurance Scheme
 PLCS – Personal Lines Coverage Specialist Coverage-
 REBC – Registered Employee Benefits Consultant
 ARM – Associate in Risk Management In the beginning, the ESI Scheme was implemented at just
 AIAF–Associate in Insurance Accounting and Finance two industrial centers in the country in 1952, namely Kanpur
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and Delhi. There was no looking back since then in terms of targeting a large number of people who are currently
its geographic reach and demographic coverage. Keeping deprived of even rudimentary financial services. In this
pace with the process of industrialization, the Scheme today, direction, the Pradhan Mantri Jan DhanYojana (PMJDY) sets
stands implemented at over 843 centres in 33 States and out to provide a basic Bank account to every family who till
Union Territories. The Act now applies to over 7.83 lakhs now had no account. The bank account comes with a RuPay
factories and establishments across the country, benefiting debit card with a built-in accidental insurance cover of Rs. 1
about 2.13 crores insured persons/family units. As of now, lakh. During the launch on 28.08.14 in New Delhi, Hon’ble
the total beneficiary stands at over 8.28 crores. Prime Minister also announced a life cover of Rs. 30,000/-
for those subscribing to a bank account with a RuPay debit
Schemes Related to Insurance (PMFBY, PMJJBY, card before 26th January, 2015 to complement the Rs. 1 lakh
PMSBY Etc.) accident insurance cover. This life insurance cover of Rs.
The main schemes related to Insurance sector are:- 30,000/- under Pradhan Mantri Jan DhanYojana, gives life
 Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) insurance cover on death of the life assured, due to any
 Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) reason, to the deceased’s family. The scheme aims to provide
 Life Cover under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana security to families from economically weaker sections who
(PMJDY) cannot afford direct purchase of such insurance. The
 Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana (VPBY) premium subscription for the life cover under PMJDY is
 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) borne by the Government of India.
 Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY)
 Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme 4. Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana-
(RWBCIS) The NDA Government during its last term in office had
introduced the Varishtha Pension BimaYojana (VPBY) as a
1. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)- pension scheme for senior citizens. Under the scheme a total
The PMJJBY is available to people in the age group of 18 to no. of 3.16 lakh annuitants are being benefited and the
50 years having a bank account who give their consent to corpus amounts to Rs. 6,095 crore. For the benefit of citizens
join/enable auto-debit. Aadhar would be the primary KYC for aged 60 years and above, the Hon'ble Finance Minister in his
the bank account. The life cover of Rs. 2 lakhs shall be for the Budget Speech for the year 2014-15 proposed to revive the
one year period stretching from 1st June to 31st May and will scheme for a limited period from 15 August, 2014 to 14
be renewable. Risk coverage under this scheme is for Rs. 2 August, 2015. Accordingly, the revived Varishtha Pension
Lakh in case of death of the insured, due to any reason. The BimaYojana (VPBY) was formally launched by the Finance
premium is Rs. 330 per annum which is to be auto-debited in Minister on 14.08.2014 and has been opened during the
one installment from the subscriber’s bank account as per window stretching from 15th August, 2014 to 14th August,
the option given by him on or before 31st May of each annual 2015. Thus all those who subscribe to the VPBY during this
coverage period under the scheme. The scheme is being period will receive an assured guaranteed return of 9%
offered by Life Insurance Corporation and all other life under the policy. The scheme is administered through Life
insurers who are willing to offer the product on similar Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). Under the Scheme the
terms with necessary approvals and tie up with banks for subscribers on payment of a lump sum amount get pension
this purpose. at a guaranteed rate of 9% per annum (payable monthly).
Any gap in the guaranteed return over the return generated
2. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana(PMSBY)- by the LIC on the fund is compensated by Government of
The Scheme is available to people in the age group 18 to 70 India by way of subsidy payment in the scheme. The scheme
years with a bank account who give their consent to allows withdrawals of deposit amount by the annuitant after
join/enable auto-debit on or before 31st May for the fifteen years of purchase of the policy.
coverage period 1st June to 31st May on an annual renewal
basis. Aadhar would be the primary KYC for the bank 5. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)-
account. The risk coverage under the scheme isRs.2 lakh for The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna was launched on 18th
accidental death and full disability and Rs. 1 lakh for partial February 2016 by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. 21
disability. The premium of Rs. 12 per annum is to be states implemented the scheme in Kharif 2016 whereas 23
deducted from the account holder’s bank account through states and 2 UTs have implemented the scheme in Rabi
‘auto-debit’ facility in one installment. The scheme is being 2016-17. Approximately 3.7 Crores farmers have been
offered by Public Sector General Insurance Companies or any insured in the Kharif 2016 for 3.7 crore ha of land at
other General Insurance Company who are willing to offer premium of Rs 16212 crore for a sum insured of Rs
the product on similar terms with necessary approvals and 128568.94 crore as per figures available on 31.03.2017.
tie up with banks for this purpose.
PMFBY provides a comprehensive insurance cover against
3. Life Cover under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana failure of the crop thus helping in stabilising the income of
(PMJDY)- the farmers. The Scheme covers all Food & Oilseeds crops
The Hon’ble Prime Minister in his Independence Day Speech and Annual Commercial/Horticultural Crops for which past
announced a comprehensive program of Financial Inclusion yield data is available and for which requisite number of

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Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness | LIC ADO Main 2019
Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) are conductedbeing under Other Important Topics Related to Insurance
General Crop Estimation Survey (GCES). The scheme is Awareness
implemented by empanelled general insurance companies. Elimination period in insurance- In the disability income
Selection of Implementing Agency (IA) is done by the insurance or loss of income insurance, the elimination period
concerned State Government through bidding. The scheme is is the amount of time you have to wait before benefits are
compulsory for loanee farmers availing Crop Loan /KCC paid. In other words, it is a time-period between the
account for notified crops and voluntary for other others. beginning of the injury and the benefits you are paid off.
The scheme is being administered by Ministry of Agriculture. Longer the Elimination period lower the premium and vice
6. Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana(PMVVY)-
Based on the success and popularity of Varishtha Pension Endowment Policy- An endowment policy is a combination
Bima Yojana 2003 (VPBY-2003), Varishtha Pension Bima of saving along with risk cover. This type of policy is
Yojana 2014 (VPBY-2014) schemes, and to protect elderly specially designed to accumulate wealth and at the same
persons aged 60 years and above against a future fall in their time cover your life. In this type of policy the insured will
interest income due to the uncertain market conditions, as pay a regular premium for specific time period. And in case
also to provide social security during old age, it is decided to of death the money will be paid to beneficiary but, if you
launch a simplified scheme of assured pension of 8% called outlive the policy tenure, you will receive the sum assured
the ‘प्रधानमंत्रीवयवन्दनायोजना’. ‘प्रधानमंत्रीवयवन्दनायोजना’ ’ is along with accumulated bonus.
being implemented through Life Insurance Corporation (LIC)
of India. As per the scheme, on payment of an initial lump No physical exam- Such insurance company that says,“No
sum amount ranging from a minimum purchase price of Rs. physical exam” gives freedom to the policyholder to take
1, 50,000/- for a minimum pension of Rs 1000/- per month policy and exempt the physical test that is mandatory by
to a maximum purchase price of Rs. 7, 50,000/- for certain life insurance company. Normally, such insurance
maximum pension of Rs. 5,000/- per month, subscribers will company is more expensive and the insured has to pay a
get an assured pension based on a guaranteed rate of return higher premium on their policy.
of 8% per annum, payable monthly.
Group Life insurance- Group life insurance is a single policy
7. Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme that covers an entire group. Such policy is taken by an
(RWBCIS)- employer for the bigger organization to cover their
The RWBCIS was launched on 18th February 2016 by employee, as an individual policy holder, it may cost more
Hon’ble Prime Minister 12 states implemented the scheme in than a group policy.
Kharif 2016 whereas 9 states have implemented the scheme
in Rabi 2016-17. Approximately 15 lakhs farmers have been Third party Insurance- An insurance policy that covers the
insured in the Kharif 2016 for 16.95 lakh ha of land at damage caused by another person or party is known as third
premium of Rs983.96 crore for a sum insured of Rs8536.53 party Insurance. In this type of insurance, the insured is the
crore as per figures available on 31st March 2017. first party, insurance company is the second party while the
damage done by another is referred as the third party. This
Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) aims to type of Insurance policy is purchased for vehicles, so that in
mitigate the hardship of the insured farmers against the case of the accident they can claim it.
likelihood of financial loss on account of anticipated crop
loss resulting from adverse weather conditions relating to Gap insurance- GAP insurance is also known as Guaranteed
rainfall, temperature, wind, humidity etc. WBCIS uses Auto Protection. It covers the difference between the actual
weather parameters as “proxy for crop yields in cash value of the vehicle and the balance still owed on
compensating the cultivators for deemed crop losses. Pay- financing like loan. GAP insurance amount is generally paid
out structures are developed to the extent of losses deemed up front.
to have been suffered using the weather triggers.
Schedule of loss’ in home insurance- Schedule of loss is a
Weather Station (RWS) or Backup Weather Station (BWS) as document submitted to the insurance company to claim the
the case may be, and the claims process shall commence policy; it gives the information of damaged or lost items like
once the weather data is received. Claims processing are model number, when it was purchased, cost of the item etc.
strictly as per the insurance term sheets, payout structure
and the Scheme provisions. All standard Claims are
Insurance Ombudsman
processed and paid within 45 days from the end of the risk
The Insurance Ombudsman scheme was created by the
period. The scheme is being administered by Ministry of
Government of India for individual policyholders to have
their complaints settled out of the courts system in a cost-
effective, efficient and impartial way. There are at present 17
Insurance Ombudsman in different locations and any
person who has a grievance against an insurer, may himself

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Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness | LIC ADO Main 2019
or through his legal heirs, nominee or assignee, make a  The Insurer shall comply with the award within 30 days
complaint in writing to the Insurance ombudsman within of the receipt of award and intimate the compliance of
whose territorial jurisdiction the branch or office of the the same to the Ombudsman.
insurer complained against or the residential address or
place of residence of the complainant is located.

You can approach the Ombudsman with complaint if:

 You have first approached your insurance company with
the complaint and
 They have rejected it
 Not resolved it to your satisfaction or
 Not responded to it at all for 30 days
 Your complaint pertains to any policy you have taken in
your capacity as an individual and
 The value of the claim including expenses claimed is not
above Rs 30 lakhs.

Your complaint to the Ombudsman can be about:

(a) Delay in settlement of claims, beyond the time specified Bancassurance is a French term referring to the selling of
in the regulations, framed under the IRDAI Act, 1999. insurance through a bank's established distribution
(b) Any partial or total repudiation of claims by the Life channels. In other words, we can say Bancassurance is the
insurer, General insurer or the Health insurer. provision of insurance (assurance) products by a bank. The
(c) Any dispute about premium paid or payable in terms of usage of the word picked up as banks and insurance
insurance policy companies merged and banks sought to provide insurance,
(d) Misrepresentation of policy terms and conditions at any especially in markets that have been liberalised recently. It is
time in the policy document or policy contract. a controversial idea, and many feel it gives banks too great a
(e) Legal construction of insurance policies in so far as the control over the financial industry. In some countries,
dispute relates to claim. bancassurance is still largely prohibited, but it was recently
(f) Policy servicing related grievances against insurers and legalized in countries like USA when the Glass Steagall Act
their agents and intermediaries. was repealed after the passage of the Gramm Leach Bililey
(g) Issuance of life insurance policy, general insurance policy Act.
including health insurance policy which is not in conformity Bancassurance is the selling of insurance and banking
with the proposal form submitted by the proposer. products through the same channel, most commonly through
(h) Non issuance of insurance policy after receipt of bank branches. Selling insurance means distribution of
premium in life insurance and general insurance including insurance and other financial products through Banks.
health insurance and Bancassurance concept originated in France and soon
(i) Any other matter resulting from the violation of became a success story even in other countries of Europe. In
provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938 or the regulations, India a number of insurers have already tied up with banks
circulars, guidelines or instructions issued by the IRDAI from and some banks have already flagged off bancassurance
time to time or the terms and conditions of the policy through select products.
contract, in so far as they relate to issues mentioned at Bancassurance has become significant. Banks are now a
clauses (a) to (f) major distribution channel for insurers, and insurance sales
The settlement process- a significant source of profits for banks. The latter partly
Recommendation: being because banks can often sell insurance at better prices
 The Ombudsman will act as mediator and (i.e., higher premiums) than many other channels, and they
 Arrive at a fair recommendation based on the facts of the have low costs as they use the infrastructure (branches and
dispute systems) that they use for banking. Bancassurance primarily
 If you accept this as a full and final settlement, the rests on the relationship the customer has developed over a
Ombudsman will inform the company which should period of time with the bank. And pushing risk products
comply with the terms in 15 days through banks is a much more cost-effective affair for an
Award: insurance company compared to the agent route, while, for
 If a settlement by recommendation does not work, the banks, considering the falling interest rates, fee based
Ombudsman will: income coming in at a minimum cost is more than welcome.
 Pass an award within 3 months of receiving all the
requirements from the complainant and which will be Advantages of Bancassurance:
binding on the insurance company The following factors have mainly led to success of
Once the Award is passed- bancassurance-

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Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness | LIC ADO Main 2019
(a) Pressure on banks' profit margins. Bancassurance offers Current Insurance Schemes
another area of profitability to banks with little or no capital 1. Rashtiya Swasthiya Bima Yojana (RSBY)
outlay. A small capital outlay in turn means a high return on RSBY (Rashtriya Swasthiya Bima Yojana) has been launched
equity. by Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India
(b) A desire to provide one-stop customer service. Today, to provide health insurance coverage for Below Poverty Line
convenience is a major issue in managing a person's day to (BPL) families. The objective of RSBY is to provide protection
day activities. A bank, which is able to market insurance to BPL households from financial liabilities arising out of
products, has a competitive edge over its competitors. It can health shocks that involve hospitalization. Beneficiaries
provide complete financial planning services to its customers under RSBY are entitled to hospitalization coverage up to Rs.
under one roof. 30,000/- for most of the diseases that require
(c) Opportunities for sophisticated product offerings. hospitalization. Government has even fixed the package rates
(d) Opportunities for greater customer lifecycle for the hospitals for a large number of interventions. Pre-
management. existing conditions are covered from day one and there is no
(e) Diversify and grow revenue base from existing age limit. Coverage extends to five members of the family
relationships. which includes the head of household, spouse and up to
(f) Diversify risks by tapping another area of profitability. three dependents. Beneficiaries need to pay only Rs. 30/- as
(g) The realisation that insurance is a necessary consumer registration fee while Central and State Government pays the
need. Banks can use their large base of existing customers to premium to the insurer selected by the State Government on
sell insurance products. the basis of a competitive bidding.
(h) Bank aims to increase percentage of non-interest fee
income 2. Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana (AABY)
(i) Cost effective use of premises Aam admi bima yojana, a Social Security Scheme for rural
landless household was launched on 2nd October, 2007. The
Status of Bancassurance in India- head of the family or one earning member in the family of
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recognized such a household is covered under the scheme. The premium
"bancassurance" wherein banks are allowed to provide of Rs.200/- per person per annum is shared equally by the
physical infrastructure within their select branch premises Central Government and the State Government. The member
to insurance companies for selling their insurance products to be covered should be aged between 18 and 59 years.
to the banks’ customers with adequate disclosure and  On natural death- Rs 30,000
transparency, and in turn earn referral fees on the basis of  On death due to accident/on permanent disability due to
premia collected. This would utilize the resources in the accident (loss of 2 eyes or 2 limbs)- Rs 75,000
banking sector in a more profitable manner. Bancassurance  On partial permanent disability due to accident (loss of
can be important source of revenue. With the increased one eye or one limb)- Rs 37,500
competition and squeezing of interest rates spreads profit
are likely to be under pressure. Fee based income can be 3. Janashree Bima Yojana-
increased through hawking of risk products like insurance. Janashree Bima Yojana (JBY) was launched on 10th August
2000. The Scheme replaced Social Security Group Insurance
There is enormous potential for insurance in India and Scheme (SSGIS) and Rural Group Life Insurance Scheme
recent experience has shown massive growth pace. A (RGLIS). 45 occupational groups have been covered under
combination of the socio-economic factors are likely to make this scheme.
the insurance business the biggest and the fastest growing
segment of the financial services industry in India. However, 4. Universal Health Insurance Scheme (UHIS)-
before taking the plunge in to this new field, banks as The four public sector general insurance companies have
insurers need to work hard on chalking out strategies to sell been implementing Universal Health Insurance Scheme for
risk products especially in an emerging competitive market. improving the access of health care to poor families. The
However, future is bright for bancassurance. Banks in India scheme provides for reimbursement of medical expenses
have all the right ingredients to make Bancassurance a upto Rs.30,000/- towards hospitalization floated amongst
success story. They have large branch network, huge the entire family, death cover due to an accident @
customer base, enjoy customer confidence and have Rs.25,000/- to the earning head of the family and
experience in selling non-banking products. If properly compensation due to loss of earning of the earning member
implemented, India could take leadership position in @Rs.50/- per day upto maximum of 15 days. The Universal
bancassurance all over the world Health Insurance Scheme (UHIS) has been redesigned
Government of India Notification dated 03rd August 2000, targeting only the BPL families. The premium subsidy has
specified ‘Insurance’ as a permissible form of business that been enhanced from Rs.100 to Rs.200 for an individual,
could be undertaken by banks under Section 6(1)(o) of the Rs.300 for a family of five and Rs.400 for a family of seven,
Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Then onwards, banks are without any reduction in benefits.
allowed to enter the insurance business as per the guidelines
and after obtaining prior approval of Reserve Bank of India.

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