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Porn Addiction: It’s Symptoms, Level and How to Overcome It

Porn Addiction - Gone are the times when access to pornographic content were limited, rated
and difficult as physical purchases were needed to get one's hand on the then nude magazines
and Identification Card demanded by adult video rental shops for age verification and
confirmation. These days, a kid can literarily google adult content on mobile devices and
computers to get free unlimited access to millions of pornographic videos and images covering
an extremely wide variety of fantasies. This explicit exposure to free access to pornography the
internet world provides anyone who needs it, as contributed to a rapid growth in porn
addiction worldwide.

Symptoms of Porn Addiction

Pornography can be especially addictive in the sense that it preys on people's fantasies and
desires. A person addicted to watching pornographic content might necessarily not be easily
spotted as compared to physical addiction like substance abuse. Although traces of addiction
might be left behind on the individual's mobile gadgets and computer web browsers, addiction
to porn can be symphonized by;

Increase in amount of time spent alone - Pornography addicts always finds solace in a quiet
time to feast on the pleasure of porn videos and images with no disturbance. This gives a
temporary comfort and stability while shutting out all worries regardless of how enormous.

Secretive and Social Withdrawn - As with all other behavioral addiction that thrives on secrecy,
pornography addicts gets a withdrawn by stages till they completely shut out every emotional
attachment to avoid owing anyone any form of explanation due to their escapades. Being
Secretive becomes the norm. And sometimes being evasive and defensive becomes another
tool should secrecy stop working. If this persists, the addict might become physical in trying to
avoid explaining themselves especially when caught in the act.

Spends Too Much Time With Pornographic Content - Unlike recreational pornography viewers
who does occasional viewing of adult contents for entertainment or as a way to stimulate
sexual urge, addicts crave for porn on regular basic and are habitual viewers of pornography.
The endless craving and the feeling of not getting enough creates room for constant viewing of
varieties of porn as availability is endless.

Reduce or Total Loss of Interest in Sex - The anticipation of wanting to get a recreation of some
of the scenes in pornography from a partner poses a threat to a healthy sex life of an addict as
most partners might be unwilling or unable to recreate the scenes as demanded. This often
results to a total loss of interest in the mind of a porn addict. Addicts see their partners as tools
to recreate scenes from a viewed pornography ignoring the reality that actors depicted in this
adult movies are professional who have been trained to feature this videos. Partners might be
incapable of duplicating these scenes which in turn becomes unsatisfactory to the addict. He
then eventually finds solace in getting the high from the porn content and shutting out his
sexual life.

Stages of Porn Addiction

Whether substance abuse or pornography, the addiction process parallels in stages of

development. Addiction is a gradual process that catapults into and uncomfortable habit due to
constant repetition and over reliance. Starting from yielding to the temptation of viewing
pornographic to getting overwhelmed by the constant craving and urge, the stages of porn
addiction are;

Early Exposure to Pornographic Contents. The internet as made it easy to get expose porn
regardless of age with or without consent as most promoters of porn sends random messages
over the internet. This exposure might lead to a growing interest that preys on both curiosity
and fantasy.

Constant Craving for More. Just like any other video or image contents, pornography is
designed in a way to capture the interest of individuals in order to rake in more profit from
demands regardless of the danger of viewer getting addicted. After all it's all business. The
desire to want to see more of variety of these explicit sexual activities gives room for bloated
desires the urge triggering a whole lot of negative chain reactions. Release of endorphins to the
brains makes the body build up a tolerance and dependency which is a very integral part of

Desire to Want More. Constant viewing of porn makes the body desire more flare and different
genre as most becomes too familiar and boring. This is the point of escalation. The urge to
exploring more content becomes a norm and anything that appears nude becomes intriguing
even when it's logically disgusting.

Finally the last stage of pornography addiction is acting out the scenes of the viewed contents.
This is the final and most dangerous stage of the act. An addict gets numb to reality after
unlimited inflow of various explicit content and cannot differentiate an act to the real world. At
this stage, he might get physical in his quest to act the part.

How to Overcome Porn Addiction

There's no one-sure way to overcome porn addiction as a result of its complex nature but for a
person who desire to overcome this act, he first need to seek for counseling and therapy.
Making enough effort also involves getting rid of all stored porn contents and cutting access to

Also, in addition to the entire above listed, one needs to find excitement on other places aside
sitting all day with pornography. This will open a new channel to distracting the mind form the
cravings and steadily killing the urge.

Overall for all of this to work, commitment and conviction are the most important emotional
tools to fighting this disease and cleansing the system off of it.

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