Theoretical Framework Review of Related Literature

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Chapter 2:

Theoretical Framework

Review of Related Literature:

This chapter features the review of related literature and theoretical framework of this

study about the effects of delays in the SAP distribution to the people of Barangay Abgao

Maasin City. Specifically it features studies and related literature about: A. The Filipino Family

B. The logic behind the implementation of the SAP C. Reasons for delays and it's effects on the


The Filipino Family

In society, family is considered to be the basic unit. It is composed of a couple (Husband

and wife) and Children. Each member of the Family has a role to play if it is to survive and be

successful. Newman 2011 has upheld the Structural Functional Theory which says that

every family member has a specific part to play in the dynamic. Father needs to provide, Mother

needs to care for children and Children need to study and grow. The study from Pitzker 2005

showed that Families need the basics; Food, water, shelter and clothing to survive. Retrieved


Numbers from the government’s National Economic Development Authority (NEDA)

showed in 2018 that a family of 5 needs P42,000 to be above the poverty line. Retrieved from:

survive. However, such an amount is quite hard to achieve in today’s state of life as evidenced

by the study of Orbeta Jr. (2005). His study revealed that as population boomed (as of today we

are at 109 million). Many families found themselves below the poverty line as jobs became
insecure, inflation and the cost of basic commodities rose. Effects of these deficiencies have

contributed to the emergence of squatter areas and many informal settlements that have become

the face of Philippine society. (De Guzman 2012).

It cannot be denied that income inequality has driven families to modify their dynamics

just to cope up with an ever -changing society. Both mother and father now work and children

somewhat stops schooling to contribute to the family cause. Retrieved from: However, this aim is

somewhat easier said than done as the Community Quarantine is enforced by the Government to

curve the effects of COVID-19.

The Logic Behind the Social Amelioration Program

As the Philippines faced the COVID-19 Pandemic, the government led by President

Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed into law Republic Act 11469. This law was known as the Bayanihan

we Heal as One Act. Within it were policies which forced many businesses to close down to

prevent the virus from spreading. Retrieved from:

In order to aid in the impending economic effects of the lack of work and income

opportunities, the government unleashed the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) as embodied in

the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Memorandum Circular number 4

series of 2020. This program, as a product of both the Institutional and Systems Theories aims to

aid the people and provide stability as the country battles the effects the effects of the COVID-19

and as a preparation to transition to the “New Normal”. Retrieved from: and

It is noteworthy to point out though that not all policies are implemented properly. This is

because some of the parts of Government put their interest first above the people. The Elite

Theory explains this fact as the delays in the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) has come from

this way of thinking. Retrieved from:

Reasons for the Delays on the SAP and it’s Effect on the People

Maloy 2013 has upheld that affairs of society has to be handled by a few minds. In the

Philippine context this means that favoritism, nepotism and special favors have plagued the

Government efforts. Many people has become angry and feel left out as complaints of

favoritism to benefit the close family members of local officials. Complaints of including the

names of dead people have also surfaced. This has left a huge backlash among the people. In turn

many families have violated the stay at home order just to have a source of income just to have a

source of income. The government in response to these complaints and many more have filed

show cause orders to try and correct the system and improve the Social Amelioration Program

for the People.

Theoretical Background (Insert ra diri)
Conceptual framework (Insert ra diri ajaw na I explain kay naa nas sud ang explination


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