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To BNB Consult,

The Management have gone through the document. have observed

some improvement on the analysis part, that is noted well the highlighted parts. However,
on the 
core area of delivery, the strategic plan aspect we still have the following major comments.
1. In line with the vission, the mission statement shall include diversifications
such as hospitality and others as has been discused.Vission:- By 2030, GRE
envisions being a leading real estate company in Ethiopia and preferred in
East Africa in delivering top quality products and world class high tech
services in real estate and hospitality sectors.Mission:-To maximize the
return of investor/s, GRE is committed to develop and deliver quality and
affordable residential and commercial real estate facilities to middle and
high income groups, provide modern property management and related
services, and play critical role in the overall real estate development venture,
and ultimately contributes its role in overall economic development of the
2. The executive summary should have described very briefly what weaknesses are
identified what strategic moves are recommended. Here, the description seems
more of introduction than executive summary  . The summary is supposed to
show the core work of the consultants. It should concisely show what the
findings and the core objectives to be achieved and the major strategies to be
followed to achieving it. But what you see there is  what you would expect to find
in the Introduction chapter.
3. On the strategic plan, table 12, although the strategic goals are put in 5 major
areas, 29 specific objectives. This lacks focus. It mixes objectives and strategies.
29 objectives to achieve and 29 KPIs to monitor will be very difficult to
implement for a management whose problem, as the assessment 
4. said, was internal efficiency and effectiveness. So, focus on the critical success
factors is lacking and the purpose (objective) must be distinguished from the
means (strategy). We would like to suggest if you can help us to focus on the
make or break 4-5 things that we need to do (instead of 29) to transform  GRE.
5. one of Gift's concern was that it has not showed business growth as there is
opportunity. We would have loved to see it clearly  articulated as Business
Growth Goal. In the annex you showed it as projection but  all the pieces and
bits you show on the strategic plan (29 in total) are meant to bring business
growth and corresponding profitability.
6. On table 12  #2.2  it is stated as Production capacity increase to 90% of the
attainable capacity, as important growth  objective as it is, why you do not put
the target instead of putting it as 90% of attainable capacity.

7. On the table 12, it says specific targets are indicated on table 10, when you go
there, you will find it to be only SWOT Matrix summary and no target is
indicated nor should be. It is also said that targets are on the annex. Targets and
corresponding strategies of achieving are the main deliverable of the consultancy
service. Why should it be marginalized to the annex? It should be in the main
8. The document is Too big (bulky and repeated document) to comprehend so that
summarized document needs to be developed.
9. There is over explanation of known terminologies for example Monitoring &
Evaluation on page 97 and 98. Planning horizon not consistent: see page 71 –
vision2030 but most other places, it refers 5 years.
10. 8. So many colors were used in the report – it is difficult to include comments
using further color.
11. 9. Referring noneexisting governance structure “Board” on page 98.
12. 10. Identified risks (page 100) and mitigating measures on Table 15 (page 101)
don’t match.
13. 11. Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators are clearly identified
“5.3 GRE – OBJECTIVE-STRATEGY FIT” section. Terms used for strategic issue also
not consistent
14. Some of the materials seems directly copied from other organization study, see


(…This flat line in net income margin should not be repeated in 2012EFY and in the
coming years as it would further complicate the financial position of thebe company
given the huge debt burden it carries. This situation will also cripple BEAEKA’s
access to working capital if not addressed immediately)
Page 64
(…New line of financial management strategy should be devised and put in place so
that the respective business units (construction, manufacturing, agriculture, and
commerce) become cost conscious and profit making centres. GRE should aim to
reach at comfortable position to be able to cover all investments from its own
financing sources, which would help to fulfil its corporate social responsibilities.)
Page 66

(…Based on Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats analysis and

stakeholders‟ analysis, there are many issues enumerated that are related to public
transport, dry freight transport and maintenance workshop development …), …
raise community awareness of the benefits of public and freight transport
services, page 68.

12. Almost major weaknesses and mitigation plan have been raised by your group in
strategic issue and or in risk mitigation. Whereas to make the management of Gift
Real Estate more alert in combating weaknesses in an organised manner better to
put it as per the attached form.

Action Plan to Mitigate Weaknesses

No Weaknesses Mitigation Activities Time Responsible
. Frame body
· Periodical monitoring of performance should be Daily,
conducted strictly weekly,
Monthly …

No performance- · Review and update technical, operational May 2020

based monitoring and evaluation procedure manuals Top Man-
management · Provide training to the concerned workers and June 2020 agement
system create general awareness to owner of the
· Develop data analysis and reporting format June 2020
· Top level decision should base in accordance July 2020
with measured performance
· Conduct workflow analysis and design the April 2020 Departments
necessary organization structure.
· As per designed organization structure the May 2020 Departments
2 detailed job description should be assigned to
Too Centralized each post
Decision · Decision to be exercised on each post should be June 2020 Top
clearly specified. management
· Monitoring whether on time decision is July 2020 Top
exercised. management
3 No market · Conduct market survey in East Africa Countries Marketing
presence or and Top
· Perform feasibility Study
reputation in Management
east Africa · Asses and procure Lands and conduct product
promotion engagement based on the feasibility
result, and

· Conduct effective and efficient operation and
Little attention · Develop objective performance evaluation
to give human criteria,
4 · Conduct need assessment and gap analysis, and
capacity building · Provide on and off job trainings.
· Check the current organization structure Top
whether it give a room for innovation, Management
Having limited · Establish Business Development Department,
innovation and
· Conduct market survey to conduct both vertical
and horizontal integration.
· The top management should fully focus on Top
Lack of strategic strategy formulation Management
focus at top · Crating and sustaining competitive advantage
6 through vertical business integration
level · Focus on external grant
· Focus on corporate growth via acquisitions
7 Absence of · Introduction of computerized system (ERP Top
automated data system) Management
compilation or · Develop vendor and software selection
ICT system criteria in close collaboration with IT
· Based on the developed criteria, select
vendors through competitive bidding,
· Select the winning vendor and negotiate on
price offering technical aspect,
· Take up the issue with Telecom regarding
the infra- structure of such as broadband,
other facilities and costing, and
· Allocate budget for implementation.
8 Lack of quality · Mobilize required fund for certifications, Top
management Management
· Identify gaps by employing pertinent professional,
system and
standardization · Carryout the recommendations provided by the
professional to correct the identified gaps, and
· Apply to standard certifying companies to obtain
of work the required certifications.

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