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Even though we are constantly fighting battles no matter what they may be going

through we are not alone in this world. The Cranberries and Bad Wolves had two different

meanings to the song Zombie. Fighting wars, no matter if they are wars in our minds or in the

world. Wars are a difficult battle to try and do alone but if we have a support system we are not

alone in the battles. The two different battles are hard on families because you could lose the

person you love depending on if it is a family member overseas or if it is someone that

committed suicide because of the “silent killer” also known as depression.

The Cranberries version is how people are going to war for their country and how their

families are suffering. Children go into war knowing what could happen while they are fighting

for our country. “Child is slowly taken” is how a child is slowly taken from earth because they

are dying from war. They are remembered for their sacrifice they made for this country. The

family of a person that is killed overseas is hard on the mothers especially because they carried

their child for 9 months and birthed them. “Another mother’s breaking heart is taking over

when the violence causes silence” is how mothers are suffering when they lose their child while

their child is overseas. The chorus of the song talks about how the family is not in their head it’s

the tanks bombs and their guns crying. Ever since 1916 people have been going to war for their

country and possibly die because they may have been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Bad Wolves version is how people are fighting depression and committing suicide.

Children are constantly fighting depression alone. “Child is slowly taken” is how a child is taken

from this world because they committed suicide and they believed they were alone or that
everyone hated them. A mother breaks when their child commits suicide because they were

there for them when they needed a shoulder to cry on or when they scared. “Another mother’s

breakin heart is taken over” is when a mother’s broken heart for their child takes over and they

feel like they did not do enough to prevent their child from committing suicide. The chorus of

the song talks about how it's not their family in their heads it is their tanks their bombs and

their drones. Their minds play tricks on them and make them think that no one likes them, they

could have also been bullied so much that they thought it was the only way out of the situation.

Since 2018 it is still the same old theme of people dying of suicide. Suicide has been around a

long time, but it has only really had light put on it within the last 10 years.

The simulations between the two songs is that in both songs they are fighting wars.

Families lose their children to many different things whether it be war, suicide, car accident, or

someone killed them. “Child is slowly taken” is how a child is taken from this world to soon due

to many different things. Mothers hurt the most when their child dies because mothers carried

their child for nine months and they were there for them when they were growing up and even

before they died no matter what was going on in the mother was doing at that moment.

“Another mother’s breaking heart is taking over when the violence causes silence” is when a

mother loses their child unexpectedly. The Chorus in the two songs is the same because it talks

about how it's not the family in their heads it’s the tanks, bombs, and guns in their head. They

both throw out a year. They also both talk about how violence causes the silence and people do

not want to talk about what is going on in the world around us.

The world around us is scary because no one wants to talk about what is going on

around us. The two songs represent children dying in war and children dying to suicide. People
never want to talk about the military wars or about the mental wars because it scares them,

and they think if they do not say anything about the two wars it is not real. Fighting wars, no

matter if they are wars in our minds or in the world. Wars are a difficult battle to try and do

alone but if we have a support system, we are not alone in the battles. The Cranberries and Bad

Wolves had two different meanings to the song Zombie. We may constantly fight battles no

matter what they may be going through we are not alone in this world.
Work Cited

The Cranberries. Youtube,


Jun 9, 2020.

Bad Wolves. Youtube,

Accessed Jun 9, 2020.

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