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Strategic Planning in IBM

D. G. Thoroman*

IBM Director of Corporate Strategy

Development, New York

changes in its brief history, and which cess.

This paper presents an overview of many observers feel is far from mature. The IBM planning system is built on
the corporateplanning system which There is a long lead time from initial three basic principles:
has evolvedfor a large multi-national investment in advanced development to 1. Planning is a line management re-
corporation in the information pro- ultimate profit payout, during which sponsibility. As a result, the bulk
cessing business. An integrated perceived user needs undergo significant of the planning work done through-
planning system is described which modifications, and during which also out the company is done in the
relates, through a cyclic process, competing products and services are being operating units. However, since cor-
the objectives, strategies and action made available by other manufacturers. porate management reserves to it-
plans of the company in response to Since most users prefer to lease rather than self the right to approve plans,
dynamic markets in environments
of intense competition and technol- purchase data processing equipment, cont- the corporate staff and corporate
ogical change. Of particular interest tinued service plays an important role in management have significant invole-
is the combination of periodic influencing a customer's decision to stay ment in reviewing, analyzing, evalua-
planning events with time variable with the manufacturers of his installed ting, and approving operating unit
elements, which gives the system equipment or to replace it with another plans. In addition, at times special
necessary flexibility. Additionally, a manufacturer's product. Stated generally planning studies may be undertaken
brief discussion of the increasing we operate in an industry which is large with corporate sponsorship due to
significance of managementscience and growing, geographically dispersed, unusual conditions.
to strategic planning is included. rapidly changing, highly competitive, tech- 2. The purpose of planning is to make
The computer tool and advanced nologically dependent, and where in- better current decisions. The reason
quantitative techniques have greatly
enhanced the value of a formal vestments must be carefully managed for this principle is to avoid useless
planning system. The planning pro- from idea inception through years of planning work. However, it has
cess has in fact become an integral customer use. further implication to the "life" of
part of the management system at Structurally, the company is divided a plan, once it is assembled, since
IBM, acting as a vehicle for decision into 10 operating units, seven of which are implementing the better decisions
making and delegation of respons- fully integrated (including the World may obsolete the plan which portray-
ibility. In this role, the planning Trade Corporation which itself consists ed their need. A plan properly used
system has had to be an adaptive of numerous integrated country subsid- may well become its own instrument
organism, responsive to variations iaries). The remaining three serve special of destruction.
in management style and sensitive corporate purposes: the Research Division 3. Planning must anticipate uncertainty.
to the lessons of prior experience. The best plan is the one which
conducts basic and applied research in
fields of interest throughout the company; utilizes available resources to provide
the Advanced Systems Development Div- maximum short and long term
ision is a special arm of the corporation benefits with minimum risk. Flexi-
I BMexhibited growth over a long time
to investigate potential new business
opportunities; and the Real Estate and
bility must be incorporated to adapt
to real conditions as they emerge;
period. We operate in over 100 countries Construction Division is responsible for and, thereby, minimize the cost of
around the world, marketing products managing IBM owned buildings and error. This principle implies that
which serve the needs of business, govern- supervising the construction of new facili- plans should change, rather than be
ment, educational and other institutions. ties. Although these three divisions are rigidly adhered to.
Most of our business has a very high involved in the planning system, most of Further discussion of the background
technology content. The largest portion the description which follows applies and philosophy of the IBM Corporate
of it is in the data processing field, a primarily to the seven integrated operating Planning System may be found in an
market which has undergone radical units. The General Managers of these earlier article by W. W. Simmons.1 Par-
operating units report to the top manage- ticularly significant at that time was the
*Mr. Thoroman is IBM Director of Corporate ment of the corporation as do the various emphasis on an increased time horizon
Strategy Development, and has responsibility corporate staffs whose primary function covered by the plans, enabling coverage
for developing and making recommendations on
objectives and business strategies for the IBM is to assist corporate management in of a meaningful strategic time period. It
Corporation as a whole. He has been active planning and managing the company. should be emphasized that long range
during the past 5 years in the design and imple- It will be seen that both line and staff plans are not meant to make the decisions
mentation of the current IBM Corporate Planning
System. are deeply involved in the planning pro- now which may be made better in the


future, but to understand the implications ting unit believes to be both challenging planning system. Since it represents a
for the future of decisions which must be and achievable (based on market and significant step in the direction of con-
made now. As the understanding of other studies and development capabili- tinuous planning, it will be described in
resource lead time and generally appropri- ties) and proposes to use as the basis or some detail.
ate life spans for different product lines developing its strategies and producing Business areas are defined by the
has increased, we have been able to tailor its plan. operating units, subject to corporate
the planning horizons to appropriate Once agreed to, goals are assumed to agreement (there are currently in excess
time periods for the various operating remain valid until either the corporation of 50 business areas in total for the
units. This avoids the irrelevant extrapola- or the operating unit proposes a change corporation). For each business area a
tion of quantities for an arbitrary number to them. Goals form the aggregate documented strategy is required which
of years. The importance of the longer performance standard between the corp- includes the assumed environment (in-
range view is that it identifies more fully oration and the operating units, and are cluding competition) for that business
the narrowing of options as a function therefore integral not only to the planning area, its objectives, the major courses of
of time resulting from the decisions system but to the management system as action which will be implemented to
being made in the present. well. achieve objectives, resource requirements
With this as background information, Strategies. A business can be analyzed for these action programs, alternative
the planning system can be described as and dimensioned in a number of ways. courses of action considered and rejected
three inter-related subprocesses: a process For planning purposes, we look at our for stated reasons, known risks and
for setting objectives; a process for business in two principal ways: the exposures, and significant dependencies
developing strategies; and a process for primary strategic dimension is by business on other organizational units within
producing plans. These will be discussed area while the major operating dimension IBM. These strategies must be updated
in that sequence. is by function. The business areas are or reconfirmed annually and must be
defined revenue sources (e.g. electric approved by the operating unit General
SYSTEM STRUCTURE typewriters, large data processing systems, Manager or his designee. The individual
Objectives. The literature of planning direct access storage devices, etc.) and the responsible for developing the business
places significant emphasis on setting functions are the usual production, market- area strategy (usually a product or systems
objectives as an integral part of planning. ing, development, and service activities. manager closely coupled to the develop-
The reason is obvious; "If you don't In general, the operating units are or- ment organization within the operating
know where you're going, then any patch ganized by function, since this has proved unit) must secure the necessary functional
will get you there. ''2 In IBM the planning to be the most efficient structure for commitments to implement the strategy
objectives for the seven operating units operating the business. Each of the and all management approvals within
are gross and net income by year for the functions within an operating unit de- the operating unit.
number of years (up to seven) agreed to velops strategies aimed at improving Once approved, the business area stra-
as a planning horizon for each operating productivity of resources utilized, re- tegy is a key underpinning to the operating
unit. The process by which objectives sponding to changing environmental unit plan. For that reason, the business
are set is an iterative and bilateral one. conditions, and implementing agreed-to area strategies are generally scheduled
Each year in January, the corporate business area strategies. for development and approval during the
planning staff, in cooperation with other An effective planning system should period between the approval of goals
staffs, develops planning targets (gross systematically provide management with in March-April and the submission of
and net income by year) for each operating the necessary information at the right plans in October-November.
unit. These are reviewed by corporate time to make the appropriate strategic Since, in a sense, each business area
management and, upon approval, for- decisions, which provide direction and strategy is a stand-alone plan for a segment
warded to the operating unit as the corp- scope. Traditionally, planning of corp- of the total business, affected corporate
oration's expression of expected results orate operations is tied to the annual staffs have access to them when they are
from that operating unit. During the budgeting cycle. To retain their place as approved by the operating unit General
period from March to June, the operating guides for line management decisions, Manager. Any staff disagreement with the
units respond to these targets with their planning documents must be explicity strategy is expected to be resolved at that
proposed goals. The documentation of updated when events or actions modify time either through negotiation with the
these goals (typically ranging from 6 the strategic direction of the company. operating unit or by appeal to corporate
to 20 pages) is forwarded to affected To achieve this kind of currency is a management for refereeing. Further, when
corporate staffs 2-3 weeks prior to a major goal for the IBM planning system. the operating unit plan is prepared, it is
formal presentation of the goals to However, a 1-year cycle virtually guaran- expected to be consistent with approved
corporate management. The staffs review tees that, for a large part of the year, a business area strategies except for those
the goals for challenge, acceptability, plan will be a historical document rather changes stated in the plan document.
and credibility; prepare a written critique than a chart for the future, because Business area strategies are the primary
of them for corporate management; and significant strategic decisions will soon be vehicle for developing plans which achieve
take a written position of agreement or made which may obsolete the published the goals previously agreed to by the
disagreement with the proposed goals. plan. Budgetary changes can be tracked operating unit. These goals are disaggre-
Staff/line disagreements are umpired by with some facility, particularly on an gated to the business area level to become
corporate management. automated information system. But major a standard against which the business
It should be emphasized that the ration- strategic changes may not be as easily area strategy can be measured. Converse-
ale supporting a set of proposed goals is assimilated, particularly when non-quanti- ly, the goals set the strategic direction for
not a plan, although many of the planning tative factors are involved. the operating unit (and the corporation)
factors used in developing goals come A formal business area strategy process since resources must be applied consistent
from the last approved plan. Rather, has recently been implemented, which is with the sub-goals assigned to the business
goals are an expression of what the opera- critical to the operation of the overall area.

The business area strategies serve one agement. The various corporate staffs the plan.
other major purpose, viz. to focus attention affected by that plan review it in detail Since the measurement system of the
on the worldwide optimization of business during the 2 weeks following submission, corporation is a subject beyond the scope
strategies. Virtually all of our operations during which questions and areas of of this paper, it will not be discussed in
outside the United States are conducted potential disagreement are communicated detail. However, suffice it to say that
by the World Trade Corporation, an to the operating unit. Other operating measurement against the plan is essential
integrated operating unit which manu- units affected by a given plan also receive not only to evaluate the performance of
factures, markets and services goods a copy of it and analyze it for accepta- the various organizational components
and services in over 100 countries. How- bility. At the end of this 2-week period, of the company, but also to provide
ever, product development responsibility each such staff and operating unit (these feedback to current decisions and sub-
for World trade is assigned to the U.S. are specified as part of the planning sequent plans. The measures used include
operating units. The business area strate- system) must take a written position of the normal financial, budgetary and
gist is responsible for developing a strategy either concurrence of nonconcurrence productivity factors. In addition, we
which addresses the worldwide business with the plan. Nonconcurrences of course monitor action programs, review the
opportunity rather than just the U.S. must be on specific grounds. progress of projects against schedules
market. The World Trade ~Corporation During the next 2 weeks, the operating and scan the environment for early
is responsible for seeing that the strategist unit attempts to resolve any nonconcurren- warning signals.
fulfills this responsibility, and, in the ces which have been raised. In many
event there is a disagreement, bringing it It should be noted that approved plans
instances, additional work must be done, may require change, especially as the
to the attention of corporate management or additional data must be gathered,
for resolution. first year unfolds and conditions or results
to come to a resolution. The noncon- emerge which are at variance with what
To summarize, business area strate- curring staff or operating unit may agree was expected. Depending on the cir-
gies represent the principal strategic to defer its position until such work has cumstances, it may be necessary for the
planning focus of the corporation, are been completed, in which case the non- operating unit to request corporate ap-
developed in response to explicit goals, concurrence becomes an issue with a proval of a plan change at any time during
and serve as the major building block specified later date for resolution. the year. These changes generally affect
of operating unit plans. Approximately 1 week before the only the first and second years of the
Plans. During the last 3 months of scheduled presentation to corporate man- plan and are processed in somewhat the
the year, each operating unit submits a agement, written critiques of the plan same manner as described above. How-
plan to the corporation for approval. from certain of the corporate staffs ever, due to the wide variety of changes
As mentioned above, this plan is expected (Marketing, Engineering, Manufacturing, which can arise, the specific process for
to be consistent with the approved business Service, Finance, and Planning) are for- review and approval of a plan change is
area strategies unless otherwise noted. warded to corporate management and determined by the Director of Budgets
The number of years covered by a given to the General Manager of the operating at the time the change is contemplated.
operating unit's plan is based on the unit. These critiques are an analysis of
lead time for critical planning decisions Strategic issues. The formal structure
the plan from the viewpoint of these staffs, of the planning system has now been
which require the information which is with concentration on matters considered
included in the plan. Because this lead described. This system is designed to
significant to the corporation. They are cover the bulk of the planning work
time varies according to the business compiled along with any remaining letters
characteristics of the operating unit, necessary to manage the corporation.
of nonconcurrence, and corporate man- However, a decade of experience with
the plan horizon ranges from a minimum agement is expected to read them prior
of 2 years to a maximum of 7. For formal long range planning has indicated
to the operating unit's presentation of its the need for more attention to selective
those operating units which produce plan.
plans covering more than 2 years, some strategic subjects at the corporate level.
The presentation of the plan to corpor- We have a process, called Key Corporate
information prepared for the first 2 years ate management is done by the general
is in greater detail than for the remaining Strategic Issues, aimed at handling topics
manager of the operating unit and his with significant long term implications to
years, e.g. departmental budgets are associates. A limited number of required
required for only the first 2 years. the company. When a subject is so
standard charts are presented first, after designated, corporate management, with
The plan reflects the consolidated results which the operating unit describes its staff and line assistance, specifies the
of planning decisions made up to that plan in whatever form it deems best, nature of the issue, the work necessary
point, including the resources required but in two segments. One segment covers to resolve it, the parties responsible
to carry out those decisions. All U.S. the first 2 years of the plan in order to for performing that work, and the schedule
operating unit plans are based on a give special attention to the near term for its completion. Because each such
set of common environmental assump- profit plan. The second portion concen- issue is addressed uniquely, the process
tions (developed by corporate staff) as trates on business area strategies, expected is defined in very general terms. However,
to the performance of the economy, financial results, and functional strat- strategic matters which might otherwise
salary trends, and legislative and govern- egies. not get appropriate attention if embedded
mental actions which could affect our After the operating unit presents its in a comprehensive plan do get addressed
operations. Similar assumptions are gen- plan, any remaining nonconcurrences are by this approach, and also are more
erated within the World Trade Corpora- heard and discussed. Corporate manage- directly related to the planning efforts
tion for its country plans. ment is then in a position to approve or encompassed by the formal planning
Each plan follows the same general disapprove the plan. If disapproved, system. One of the features of this part
pattern of review and approval. The the operating unit resubmits part or all of the planning process is its independence
documented plan is submitted to the of its plan and the process repeats. from normal planning events. Strategic
corporation about 30 days prior to its Once approved, the operating unit is issues may present themselves at any time,
scheduled presentation to corporate man- free to proceed with implementation of and, by their very nature, they demand


umque attention. An obvious application of the computer sumptions are explicit and can easily
As would be expected, the system in modelling is to prepare income and be modified. Inputs and results
depends very heavily on a number of expense statements associated with a are objective and can be critically
other activities including a product review given plan. As an example, a financial examined, tested, and improved.
procedure, a system for pricing goods model of the Data Processing Group, 4. Management science models facili-
and services, etc. Furthermore, the opera- has been particularly useful in analyzing tate responsive decisions by allow-
ting units have defined planning systems, the implications of a given plan. This ing more rapid and thorough assess-
some more formal than others, which model includes an approximation scheme ment of changes in environment,
specify the responsibilities and interactions to calculate depreciation of the capitalized and proposed company changes.
of the various groups and individuals rental machine inventory given the opening 5. Management science models enhance
involved in developing and approving inventory distributed by age, additions business communication, since pro-
goals, strategies and plans. Obviously, to the inventory, and retirements from viding better understanding and ob-
the corporate planning system described the inventory. As a by-product, and this jectivity clarifies areas of agreement
above could not function without these is where the model is useful in post plan and more sharply focuses issues of
underpinnings. analysis, information regarding the age disagreement.
It should also be noted that established of the inventory, implied rental life, It would be improper to leave the im-
corporate policies, principles, and prac- and other actuarial data is produced. pression that models are a substitute for
tices provide a framework within which This analysis can be done on the total detailed analysis or for good judgement.
the planning system functions. That is, inventory or on selected types of products. As with all approximations to reality,
the planning system is subordinate to Demand for our goods and services mathematical models must be used with
and supportive of the corporation goals, is affected by the strength of the economies care. However, when used thoughtfully,
principles, policies, and its management in which we operate, and our costs and models can make planning more effective.
system. expenses are affected by the variable which CONCLUSION
influence inflation rates. Projections are
Formal long range strategic planning is
M A N A G E M E N T SCIENCE therefore made of various economic
now entering its second decade at IBM;
variables to form the base for our business
Management Science has become a sub- and, while it has not been a panacea for
plans. In the U.S.A., we have developed
stantial contributor to the major proces- all problems, nor has it guaranteed
an econometric model to forecast the
ses described above. Especially during surprise-free operations, there is strong
major sectors of gross national product.
the past 5 years, the use of advanced evidence that opportunities would have
An auxiliary input/output model helps
quantitative techniques throughout the been lost without this kind of process.
us to forecast value added in many
company has increased dramatically, par- The discipline of planning documents
industries. These forecasts of the economic
ticularly in support of planning. The and schedules involves a certain bureau-
environment are then factored into our
process of developing strategies has come cratic risk, but in a large complex business,
business for planning purposes. For
to be that of selecting a "best" alternative intuitive day-to-day management of the
certain major segments of our business,
from among a number of possible paths, future can lead to costly errors and un-
we have econometric models of demand
not all of which are initially obvious. acceptible delays in commitment.
based on the forecasted economic en-
This has placed a burden on the manage- For the future, if planning is to con-
vironment which produce projections that
ment scientist to develop models for tinue to increase its utility as a line
are helpful in validating the forecasts
evaluating the outcome of various actions. management tool, the process must strive
developed on a product-by-product basis.
Modelling. Probably the most widely for simplicity of use while maintaining
used management science development Other models are currently in use within responsiveness to changes in the status
within the company is a product strategy the corporation. Those mentioned above quo. As a part of the management system
model developed by the Data Processing were selected because of their specific planning should influence resource al-
Group. The data processing marketplace orientation to planning and their relative location decisions, strengthen the delega-
is a complex one, made up of interdepen- significance. It should be obvious that
tion of authority and responsibility, and
dent systems and products with rapid we find Management Science to be helpful still provide a meaningful frame of refer-
rates of technological change. The product to us in a number of ways. To be specific. ence for control.
strategy model in its computer imple- 1. Management science enriches the In a recent issue of the Harvard Business
mentation takes into account the product alternatives available to management Review? George Steiner distinguishes
and systems interdependencies, and helps by providing the capacity to evaluate between two types of corporate planning.
to give the profile of how these change the results of many more alterna- He characterizes the first as 'intuitive,
over time under varying assumptions. tives than would otherwise be pos- anticipatory planning', and states that it
With this tool, the strategist can evaluate sible. is done by all managers based on their
within a very short time period the 2. Advanced quantitative techniques in- experience, a feel for a situation, and deep
incremental effects to a base plan of a crease the realism of decisions by understanding of events, and that no
large number of feasible alternatives. providing the capacity to examine one really knows the thought processes by
The specification of alternative strategies large numbers of variables and which this type of planning is done. The
is quite simple, given an understanding quantities of data which would be second type is formal or organized
by the strategist of what is technically infeasible to examine without such planning--that which has been the subject
feasible, including schedule flexibility. models. of this paper. As Steiner points out, there
Once the number of alternatives has 3. Mathematical models contribute to is nothing inherently contradictory in
been reduced to a small set of potentially a progressive understanding of the these two types of planning. Formal
"best" strategies, more detailed forecasts company's business. Knowledge in- planning has come a long way in the
and financial evaluations are made in corporated into a model becomes the last decade, to the point that, for our
order to develop the recommended stra- base for the cumulative growth of company at least, it would appear that
tegy. understanding of the business. As- it has become integral to the management

of the enterprise. Largely because of this, Long Range Planning, 1, No. 2, pp. 2-9 (1968). "Then it doesn't matter which way you go",
the need for advanced quantitative tech- said the Cat.
(2) This saying has been rather popular in recent
niques has become intensified; with the months. It has been characterized as an old (3) George A. Steiner, Rise of the Corporate
consequence that planning work has African proverb and has been attributed to Planner, Harvard Business Review, 133 (1970).
the Talmud. The nearest source I have
become more useful to management and been able to trace is Lewis Carroll's "Alice's
ingrained in the decision processes of the Adventures in Wonderland". In Chapter VI,
corporation. • Pig and Pepper, the following exchange
(Alice) "Cheshire Puss--would you tell me, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
please, which way I ought to go from here?" Major parts of this paper were presented on
REFERENCES "That depends a good deal on where you September 23, 1970 to the Management Science
(1) W. W. Simmons, Corporate Planning: The want to get to", said the Cat. and Strategic Planning Conference at the IBM
Keystone of the Management System. "1 don't much care where...", said Alice. Scientific Centre, Peterlee, England.


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