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Who was it

Ravensburger Spiele Nr. 23 293 2

A mysterious memory game for 2-5 players from 5-99 years of age.

Author: Rainer Knizia

Pictures: Graham Howell
Edited by Monika Gohl

11 animal tiles
3 action tiles
12 suspects (cards with red border)
12 innocents (cards with blue border)
12 food tiles (carrot, mushrooms, bread, pear, grapes, cherries, cheese, peas, apple, nuts,
cauliflower, honey)
1 ghost clock with clock hand
1 playing pawn
1 special die.

In the kingdom of the wise king all live together in peace and happiness. The king has a magic ring
which protects its peoples from the evil sorcerer. One evening the king realizes with fear that
someone has stolen the magic ring. Who was the thief? Ask the animals who live in the different
rooms. If You feed them with their favourite food they give hints whom they have seen. Maybe You
can catch the thief before the witching hour begins and can save the kingdom?

Aim of the game: Aim of the game is finding the magic ring before the time runs out.

Before the first game punch out all parts of the game. Put the clock hand on the ghost clock.
Before each game You decide on playing a basic or expert game. For the basic game You sort out 2
yellow animal tiles, 2 food items, 2 suspects (red framed cards) and the two corresponding
innocents (blue framed cards). For the expert game all parts of the game are used.

Put the ghost clock in the middle of the table. Move the clock hand on the 12 (noon/midnight). Now
position 9 yellow animal tiles and 3 blue action tiles in a circle around the clock. They are
positioned face up.
The action tiles should not be directly adjacent to each other.
Place the playing pawn on the action tile depicting the clock.

Now shuffle the food items and put one food item each next to each animal tile. The food tiles must
be facing picture side down. Shuffle the innocents tiles and put one innocent tile each next to teach
animal tile, again face down.
The last food item is put face down next to the ghost on the ghost clock. The last innocent tile is put
face down on the clock, too. Do not look at the tile! This person is the thief.
Now lay the suspect tiles/cards in a row, picture side up.

The game is afoot!

The youngest player begins and rolles the die. Players turn changes clockwise.
The dies symbols and what they mean:
– clock: The hand of the ghost clock progresses 5 minutes. Move the clock hand. You can roll
again and get another action.
– Ghost: Exchange the food tile next to the playing pawn with the food tile on the ghost clock.
You are not allowed to look at either one.
– Die: You can move the pawn clockwise 1, 2 or 3 tiles.
– A 1, 2 or 3: Move the pawn clockwise the appropriate amount of spaces.

The tiles and the actions to be executed:

– animal tile with food tile: Say loud, which food item You think it is. The other players can
help You. If You do now know which food item it is You take a guess. Then reveal the food
item so everybody can see it. If You said/guessed wrong You must put the food tile back,
face down. Then You move the clock hand 5 minutes forward. If You were right You can put
the food item back in the box. The animal gives You a hint who is not a thief. Reveal the
innocent card next to the animal and put it on top of the red framed suspect card of this
person. This person has been seen and can excluded as suspect.
– Animal tile without food tile: Nothing happens. This animal has already been fed.
– Fairy: Show one food tile of an animal of Your choosing to all players. Then put it back face
– Magic star: You move the pawn to any animal of Your choosing. You can guess their
favourite food then.
– Clock: Move the hand of the ghost clock 5 minutes forward.
When a player has finished his/her action the next players turn begins.

End of the game:

The game can end in one of 2 ways:
a) The time is up! Upon the clock hand reaching the 12 position again the witching hour begins, but
without the players having detected the thief. The players get one last chance: They can guess once,
who is the thief. If thatguess is correct, all players win. If the guess is wrong You can try next time.
b) You have managed to feed all animals before the time is up. Only one suspect remains. That is
the thief. Well done, You have saved the kingdom. The less time You needed for this the better.

Expert variant:
You play with all animal tiles, food tiles, suspect and innocent cards. Now the challenge to find the
thief in the allotted timeframe is much greater.

Too difficult: Then try this: When the player pawn reaches the clock tile instead of moving the
ghost clock hand 5 minutes forward You move it 5 minutes back. Now You sure can find the thief.

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