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Teacher-Made Learners Home Task 1

Name: Date: __________________

Grade/ Section: Grade - ___________________ Subject Area/s: ____________

I. MELC: Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view

II. Objective/s
Knowledge: Discuss philosophy and its importance as a discipline and a means for understanding life
Skills : Create a diagram that unlock the meaning of Philosophy, holistic to simple unit.
Values / Attitude: Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective.


IV. References Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Roberto D. Abella, M.Div., D.Min.
V. Procedure
A. Readings
Have you, like Juan, come to realization of what you want in life? Have you ever found
yourself wondering about the things you experienced or where your life is healed? Have you ever encountered
a situation where you had to think about the “deeper” questions in life?
As we grow older, our questions are influenced by our experiences and circumstances.
We find ourselves asking more serious questions such as: “Why do I have to study?” “What do I need to do to
get better grades?” “Why can’t I have more friends?” “What should I do to achieve my goals in life?” “Why did
I fail?” “What can I do to be better?” You may have also heard your parents and other older people ask
questions about various concerns such as: “how can our budget cover our family’s expenses?” What should I
do to earn more?” “Would it better to apply for a new job?” “Did I make the right choice in buying this
property?” These are some of the questions that we often hear in everyday conversations.
Still there are other questions that make us pause and think. We often encounter these
“deep” questions in serious conversation, in the books we read, the songs we hear on radio, and even in the
movies we watch. Some of these questions include: “What is love?” “Is love worth giving up everything?”
“Where can one find a true happiness?” “Does the end justify the means?” “Why do good people suffer?”
“Why is there injustice in this world?
A big part of living is spent pondering many questions, and our lives become more
meaningful because we search for answers to these innumerable questions. This is the essence of philosophy –
the search for answers to life’s questions.

B. Exercises for skill subjects / Analysis questions using HOTS for content subjects (Use a separate Paper)
1. What questions about your life are you struggling to find answers to? Share your answer by writing it below.


Exercise 1 Think!
Directions: What words come to mind when you hear the word philosophy? Complete the organizer below by
writing the words in the blank. Use your own word.

What is Philosophy?
The word philosophy comes from Greek words: philos (love) and Sophia (wisdom). The ancient Greeks
used this term to refer to “love to wisdom” and they soon applied it to study or discipline that uses human
reason to investigate the philosophy are called philosophers or “lovers of wisdom”. Among the ancient Greeks,
the philosophers became pioneers in various fields of knowledge such as history, biology, medicine,
mathematics, astronomy, and even physics. It was quite common to hear of ancient philosphers who were
“experts” in various fields of learning.
Exercise 2 Ponder it well!
Directions: Make a short answer/explanation on the following statement below.
1. What does it mean to be a lover of wisdom? What characteristics should a philosopher possess?
2. What is Philosophy? Answer based on your own explanation.
Since ancient times, philosophers have been pondering some of the difficult questions that led them
to unlock new knowledge and wisdom.
3. In your own experiences what other philosophical questions have asked yourself? What led you to
ponder those questions?
4. Do you think that you will be able to figure out the answers to these philosophical questions?
C. Assessment / Application: Discuss it on!
Directions: Make a simple diagram that simplifies the meaning of philosophy.
Prepared by: Verified by:
Teacher’s Name School Principal

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