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Student’s name: __________________________________ Grade: _____ Area: English
Teacher’s name: _______________________________

¿Qué voy a aprender? ¿Cómo voy a aprender? ¿Para qué voy a aprender?
La estructura de la prueba Realizando ejercicios y Para mejorar mi habilidad
Saber de inglés con el fin de actividades que permitan comunicativa en la lengua
identificar estructuras reconocer las diferentes extranjera.
gramaticales del inglés. estructuras gramaticales.

Competencia(s) Derecho básico de aprendizaje

Identifica el propósito de textos orales y
Reconoce las estructuras gramaticales del
escritos de mediana longitud relacionados con
inglés en oraciones y textos aplicados a su
temas de interés general y de su entorno
académico y la comparte con otros.

DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA ACTIVIDAD: Leer las 7 partes que involucran la prueba Saber y

desarrollar ejercicios que le permitan identificar estructuras básicas del inglés. Así mismo,
responder las preguntas en la guía y traducir todas las actividades en el cuaderno.
Esta parte evalúa el conocimiento lexical del estudiante. Para ello, el estudiante debe
comprender una serie de descripciones con el fin de relacionarlas con una lista de palabras.
PARTE 1 Por tanto, el estudiante debe buscar la relación entre una lista de siete palabras disponibles
clasificadas de la letra A a la letra G y las preguntas de esta parte, las cuales describen una
de las siete palabras disponibles de la lista. Cabe indicar que hay más palabras (A a G) de
las que el estudiante necesita.

En esta parte de la prueba se indaga por el conocimiento pragmático del estudiante. En

particular, el estudiante debe reconocer el propósito comunicativo de un aviso y el lugar
donde este puede aparecer, según el propósito. Para ello, el estudiante debe decidir en qué
sitio puede encontrar los avisos que aparecen inicialmente. En cada pregunta hay 3
opciones de respuesta, A, B, C o D de las cuales deberá marcar solo una en su hoja de

La parte 3 evalúa al estudiante en su conocimiento comunicativo. En concreto, el

estudiante debe elegir la intervención más adecuada que un interlocutor 1 haría frente a lo
PARTE 3 dicho por un interlocutor 2. Lo anterior se relaciona con la pertinencia del lenguaje usado
en situaciones particulares recreadas en pequeñas conversaciones.

En consonancia con lo anterior, en esta parte el estudiante debe completar conversaciones

cortas, seleccionando la respuesta correcta de las tres opciones de la hoja respuesta.

Con base en un texto, en esta parte se evalúa el conocimiento gramatical del estudiante.
PARTE 4 Puntualmente, se trata de elegir las palabras más adecuadas para completar un texto. Para
ello, el estudiante debe leer y prestar atención a una serie de espacios, puesto que, para
cada uno de ellos, debe seleccionar la palabra correcta entre las tres opciones, A, B o C, en
su hoja de respuestas.

En esta parte de la prueba, el estudiante debe realizar un ejercicio de comprensión de

lectura literal de un texto. Este ejercicio consiste en seleccionar la paráfrasis que permite
responder correctamente a cada pregunta planteada sobre un texto. El estudiante debe
seleccionar la respuesta correcta, para cada pregunta, entre tres opciones, A, B o C, en su
hoja de respuestas.

Con base en un texto, el estudiante debe llevar a cabo un proceso de lectura inferencial. En
PARTE 6 esta parte se plantean distintas preguntas sobre la intención del autor y los aspectos
generales y particulares destacables del texto. El estudiante debe seleccionar la respuesta
correcta, para cada pregunta, entre cuatro opciones, A, B, C o D, en su hoja de respuestas.

A partir del texto que se presenta, en esta parte de la prueba se evalúa el conocimiento
tanto gramatical como lexical del estudiante. El ejercicio consiste en elegir las palabras
más adecuadas para completar el texto. Para ello, el estudiante debe seleccionar la palabra
correcta entre las cuatro opciones, A, B, C o D, en su hoja de respuestas, que completa
cada uno de los espacios del texto presentado.
Fuente: Guía de orientación Prueba Saber. Acerca de la prueba de inglés (2020)
ACTIVIDADES DE APRENDIZAJE The airport bus arrives at 15:00 hours at the
station. LEARN TO
 Answer the questions from 1 to 6. ANIMALS AND
A. In a soccer class.
Lea las descripciones de la columna de la B. In a drawing class.
izquierda (1-6) y las palabras de la columna C. In a computer class.
de la derecha (A- H) D. In a picture class.

1. The letters are A. Bike 10. PHOTOCOPYING

Serve yourself count number of copies pay
2. In summer, more ice- B. Watered assistant at till on way out
cream is ______ than winter.
3. If you travel on it, you Competitio A. You’re photocopying and pay for it when
will do exercise and save n you leave.
B. It’s not necessary to pay for 10 copies.
C. Put your money in the photocopier before
D. Sold
4. The blue car is you start to use it.
E. Prize D. Tell an assistant how many photocopies
5. The flowers are _____ by you need.
my mom. F. Typed
11. The electrician cannot reach the ceiling.
6. At the end of this there is G. Eaten So, he says
usually one winner.
H. Stadium A. I wish I had a longer
SECOND PART B. If I had stairs, this
 Answer the questions from 7 to 11. would be easier.
C. I wish I had a light bulb.
Where can you see these advertisements? D. If I had an elevator, I
could do a good job.
7. According to the picture,
the man can’t get into the THIRD PART
house because
A. the windows is too big  Answer the questions from 12 to 17.
B. he is too tall Complete the conversations
C. he is too fat
D. the windows is too high

8. Wait outside station for airport bus-

every 15 minutes

12. Where is the Great Barrier Reef?

A. It takes 15 minutes from the station to the
airport. A. it’s near Australia.
B. The bus waits to collect passengers from B. it’s made of coral.
the station. C. it’s in danger.
C. The airport bus stops regularly at the D. there.
station. 13. Is it made of plastic?
A. it makes plastic 25 A. every B. all C. each
B. Yes, it is 26 A. many B. more C. much
C. That bottle 27 a. There B. anything C. it
D. My mom’s plastic
14. Can I borrow $5?

A. She lends $5 to me
B. My uncle do that for $5
C. I spent $3
D. Sorry I only have $3
15. Do you think it’s too expensive?

A. will be FIFTH PART

B. We’re good
C. I like the color  Reading Comprehension. Answer the
D. I can’t buy it questions from 28 to 189
16. The son gave a nice speech
Ingrid McFarlane, Zoo Keeper
A. Yes , I think yours is good
B. It was long, too When I graduated from high school at
C. I gave one eighteen, I got a job at a zoo as a student
D. No, I don’t know keeper. Now, five years later, things have
17. How often do you go jogging? changed – I have passed my exams and I am
a fully trained animal keeper. The money is not
A. I go with three friends
good. I only get $15,000 a year. You have to
B. I go to the park
be outside in rain and snow, which is hard
C. Most weekends
D. We stay for a weekend work, and you get very dirty. But this doesn't
matter to me because animals are the most
important thing in my life! There are a hundred
FOURTH PART monkeys and fifty deer in my part of the zoo
and I give them their food and clean their
 Choose the correct word for each blank. houses. I also need to watch them carefully to
Questions from 18 to 27. be sure that they are all well. In fact, rhinos are
my favorite animals and so last year I went to
The bear can (18) _____ a dangerous animal. Africa with a colleague for a month to study
The adult bear is very strong and it can kill a them. The zoo is open every day and I work
person. Bears are good at (19) ______ trees five different days each week. I live in a small
and they can run very (20) _____. But they apartment twenty minutes away and I get up at
cannot see well and, (21) ______ most
animals, they find food by using (22) _____ 28. Ingrid would like to
noses. A. take some exams.
B. earn some money.
There are seven kinds of bears. The (23) _____ C. change her job.
is the white polar bear, which is almost three
meters tall. There are two kinds of black bear. 29. How does Ingrid feel about working in the
(24) _______ lives in the forests of North bad weather?
18 A. isand the other
America, B. being C. be
lives in South/East A. she hates getting dirty.
19 A. climbed
Asia. But not (25) B. climb
______ black C. climbing
bears are B. she loves the snow.
20 A.
black. faster
They B. fast
may be dark brown or a C. quickly
reddish C. she doesn't mind it.
21 A. like B. from C. for
22 A. them B. those C. their 30. If Ingrid doesn't check the monkeys
Everyone loves the
23 A. larger black and
B. largest white
large A. they may become ill.
bear, which comes
24 A. both from China. Not (26)
B. one C. he B. they may run away.
______ pandas live in the forest today because C. they may get hungry.
31. The animals Ingrid likes best are the... 34. What is the writer trying to do in this
A. the rhinos article?
B. the monkeys
C. the elephants A. explain why singing has become less
popular everywhere.
B. describe a teacher's ideas about the
32. Ingrid traveled to Africa... importance of singing.
C. advertise a teacher's singing classes.
A. to have a month's vacation D. encourage children to learn to sing.
B. to visit a colleague there
C. to learn more about some animals 35. What can the reader find out from the
33. Ingrid arrives at her apartment in the
evening at... A. how singing is something anyone can do.
A. five fifteen B. where the best places to learn to sing are.
C. ten to seven C. why traditional singing has disappeared.
D. fifteen to five D. how to improve your voice.

36. How does Ruth think singing with other

SIXTH PART people can help you?

 Reading Comprehension. Answer the A. You learn to breathe more easily.

questions from 34 to 38 B. You are able to improve your speaking.
C. You can get to know other people.
Imagine if everyone in your street suddenly D. You become a confident musician.
came out into the road one day and started
singing together. Singing teacher Ruth Black 37. What made Ruth start her own class?
believes it would make everyone so friendly
that they would never walk past each other A. She couldn't find a suitable class.
again without saying hello. Singing helps B. She was asked to teach people she knew.
people live in peace together, she says. All over C. She wanted to improve her own teaching.
the world people have always sung together D. She enjoyed going to a singing class
and in most places they still do, but in England
it is no longer traditional. Nowadays, says Ruth,
people only sing together in churches and
football grounds, although it could be done  Read the article and select the correct
anywhere. Everyone is able to sing, she says, word for the blanks. Questions from 38 to
but most of us either think we can't or have
forgotten what we learned as children.
However, as with everything musical, you need COLOMBIA’S GUADUA
to practice and the same applies to your voice.
Ruth believes that singing itself brings other Bamboo has (38) ________ most perfect
benefits. It encourages good breathing, for structure that exists in nature. Guadua, a very
example. Through singing, people often tall strong (39) ________ of bamboo, has
become more confident and also learn to been of (40) ________ use. People have used
control stress. But more than anything, it brings Guadua to build their homes as Guadua is not
people together. When Ruth first started expensive, it (41) _____easily, and is very
singing, there was little opportunity to sing with solid. Guadua has been planted (42)
others. Then, through a friend, she discovered ________ Colombians in rural areas for
an excellent singing class and became so keen building their homes, but Guadua is (43)
that she started running her own classes. ________ beautiful that it is being sent to
These are held twice a month for all singers, other countries. It can be (44) ________ for
whatever their level, and are now enormously windows, roofs, stairs, or creative arts. In a
local newspaper article, a journalist writes, been (48) ________about this plant, one of
“the fibers inside Guadua are long and strong. (49) _____ says, “The Guadua (50) _____
(45) ________, it deserves to be (46) because it has a heart.”
________ the plant of steel.” As part of
Colombian culture, (47) ________ songs have

38 A. the B. a C. one D. some

39 A. amount B. type C. group D. number
40 A. huge B. big C. large D. great
41 A. increases B. raises C. grows D. climbs
42 A. by B. with C. in D. for
43 A. just B. so C. too D. very
44 A. used B. created C. made D. spent
45 A. instead B. therefore C. furthermore D. however
46 A. talked B. told C. said D. called
47 A. no B. all C. several D. every
48 A. writes B. written C. write D. wrote
49 A. whose B. which C. whom D. what
50 A. cry B. crying C. crys D. cries

Criterio Descripción Nota

Instruccione Demuestra habilidad para seguir claramente las instrucciones y
s especificaciones de la actividad.
Desarrolla la actividad empleando procesos correctos para la solución
Procesos de las situaciones. Además, propone otros procesos válidos para el
desarrollo de la misma.
Se evidencia comprensión, análisis y aplicación de los contenidos.
Calidad del La presentación de su trabajo es excelente se nota un gran esfuerzo y
trabajo dedicación para realizar el mismo siguiendo las instrucciones dadas.
Desarrolla las actividades durante los tiempos establecidos.


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