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Isaac Tardy Summer Homework

08/8/17 “Tech CEO's self-driving car ride upsets Chinese traffic cops“

The article I read, “​Tech CEO's self-driving car ride upsets Chinese traffic cops​“ is
based on self-driving cars and how Baidus (the google of China) CEO Robin Li spoke at a
conference over a live streaming video, showing one of his high tech self driving cars on a test
ride around the city. In Beijing it is illegal to test drive these cars on public roads. Robin Li and
his road test will be investigated, and dealt with according to the law.
I have heard about this topic before and seen videos of these cars being crushed and
destroyed in test runs. I have witnessed other incidents from additional news outlets and about
these self-driving cars. I think that it just isn't safe for the cars to be produced in general, let
alone test driving on public roads. What Robin did was unlawful and he should be punished
accordingly along with his company.
It is important for people to realize how dangerous these cars really can be. Technology
can make mistakes and in this case people are trusting it completely with their lives. Many
scenarios are present while driving that cars couldn’t comprehend like a human mind can.
People should stick to driving cars that keep them responsible for their actions on the road.
The information in this article is based on developing technology in today's world.
Technology is always growing all around us, and it plays a huge role in all people life styles and
many couldn't do their daily routines or jobs without it. These cars have kept people excited and
standing with eyes, mouths, and wallets wide open.
In this article pictures and videos are present. Pictures of the conference at which Robin
Li live streamed his unlawful presentation are available in this article and it helps to explain what
that is and how it really happened for people who may not understand. Also in this article there
is a video of an interview between Robin and a talk show host, where they discuss Us and
China relations, which helps readers connect Robin in what he is doing to us and what we are
working on here in America.

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