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At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Differentiate reality from fantasy based on a material viewed.

b. Use contextual cues in understanding unfamiliar words and expressions.
c. Tell whether a sentence is reality or fantasy.


Topic: The Crow and the Sparrow/ Fantasy and Reality EN7VC-IV-a-6.1
Reference: CG, LM, TG,
Materials:CG, TG, laptop, chalk and board,

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routine
a. Opening prayer
b. Checking of attendance
2. Review
I want to congratulate each one of you for surviving the three quarters of your grade 7 journey. We are
now at the last part.

3. Drill
1.limp protect
2.neglect ease the sorrow
3.shield choke
4.startle d.weak and loose
5.comfort e. to confuse hopelessly
6. bewilder f. to surprise
7.suffocate to care or attend

(The teacher use the words in a sentence)

1 .The wilting plant looked limp.
2. We should not neglect our health.
3. Use an umbrella to shield yourself from the sun.
4. I was startled by the loud thunder and sharp lighting.
5. The mother comforts her crying child
6. The pupils were bewildered with the announcement.
7.The passengers of the bus began to suffocate because of the smoke.
4. Motivation

The teacher will show these pictures and will ask the students their idea about the photos.
B. Procedure
1. Presentation of the Lesson
The teacher will tell the students that the topic for today is about REALITY AND FANTASY.

2. Discussion of the Lesson

A fantasy is an idea with no basis in reality and is basically your imagination unrestricted by reality.

Reality is the state of things as they exist. It’s what you see, hear, and experience.

The Crow and the Sparrow

A sparrow made friends with a crow. one day, when they were hunting for food, the crow spied
some red peppers that were spread out on a mat to dry. "look at those peppers" said the crow to the
sparrow. "let's see who eats the most" answered the sparrow. "then, the one who wins will eat the
other" said the crow. the sparrow agreed for he thought the crow was joking.
The sparrow ate the peppers fairly, but the crow cheated. for each pepper that he ate, he hid
three or more under the mat without sparrow's seeing. "i've won! now im going to eat you!" said the
crow. but the sparrow said "before you eat me, you must wash your beak, for everyone knows that
you are a dirty bird and eat lots of nasty things."
So the crow went to the river and asked for water to wash his beak the river agreed but the
crow must get a pot to put in it, then he can have as much water as he wants the crow went to the
potter in the village to get a pot the potter replied: "you want a pot? very well, but i have no clay,
bring me some and i'll make you a pot"
The crow went to the field and began digging up clay with his beak. The earth said “The
whole world knows that you eat rubbish and nasty things. I can not allow you to dig up my clay
unless you use a spade”
The crow went to the village blacksmith, who was working on a wheel. the crow asked the
blacksmith to make him a spade. the blacksmith replied if he wants a spade he must bring the
blacksmith a fire. the crow went to the farmer's house nearby.
The farmer's wife was cooking rice in the country yard and the crow asked the farmer's wife
if she could give him fire. the farmer's wife put the fire on the crow's back and his feathers burst into
flames. the greedy crow was burnt to ashes but the honest sparrow lived to a ripe old age.

“Cheaters never win, Winners never cheat”

3.Practice Exercise
a. Who is the main character?
b.Who challenged the Sparrow?
c. Who’s the author of this story?
d. What is a fable?
e. What did they use in their challenge.
f. Where are they when did they take the challenge?
g. Who won in their challenge?
h. If you are the crow,are you going to cheat or not? Why?
i. What is the lesson of this story?

The teacher will ask the following questions:
a. What is reality?
b. What is fantasy?
c. How are you going to identify if the sentence is real or not?

IV. Evaluation

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 Photosynthesis is a process related to plants.
 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram.
 There are 50 states in the United States.
 If you spit on a grave, the dead will eventually be alive.
 The leaves of growing plants are usually green.
 After 30 years, there will be flying cars.
 Your heart pumps blood through your body.
 Tooth fairy visits children with tooth decay.
 Many people died during the World War 2.
 If a zombie bit you, you’ll be a zombie too.

V. Assignment
On your notebook, compose 5 sentences for reality and 5 sentences for fantasy.

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