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Topic: My experience with COVID-19

Pamela Mora Maridueña

Teacher: Sheela Valle Espinoza


May - August 2020

My experience with covid

My experience with this disease has changed my life a lot, since 03/08 was the last time I
was with my parents, my brother and my puppies at their house, after that day
everything changed as they said in The news that a pandemic had already been declared
in Ecuador, especially the city of Guayaquil, after that Sunday, everything changed for
me. I went to work 3 days after they said that there were many infections here in the city
and I got sick because I was afraid to get infected and therefore infect my husband and
my daughter who is 5 years old, they were very hard days since Where I live, many
people began to become infected by covid, some died, others are still convalescing, after
seeing all that, we decided to go to my mother to quarantine, my daughter and I, since
my husband's mother gave covid and He went to her to take care of her, the covid also
took someone from my family to my uncle, he died in the US because of the virus and
that also affected my mother too much and luckily I was with her giving her strength and
support for the irreparable loss she had, a month later I returned to the house where I
live with my husband but it affected both of us since we could only communicate by
video call on WhatsApp and we could not visit each other. What the covid taught me is
to value the family more to be more united than together we can and also that as long as
there is love through and responsibility we can overcome any adversity and any virus.

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