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CÓDIGO: VERSIÓN:01 Fecha de actualización: Página 1 de 2
FOR - GAC - 002 29 /01/ 2018

Teacher: Cristian Hernández Salas

Student: Nathaly urbano Garcia

- Supply a suitable SIMPLE PAST or PAST PERFECT TENSE:

1. I had worried (worry) a lot about her before I heard (hear) that she was safe.
2. I I didn’t like the flat. It was (be) much smaller than I had thought (think) at first.
3. He told us he had shot (shoot) a big tiger.
4. They drank (drink) tea after they had finished (finish) dinner.
5. She had just folded (fold) the pink apron and placed it in a table drawer when the door
opened (open) and Joe entered (enter).
6. The police wanted to know why he had brought (bring) a gun to school.
7. After he had worked (work) at the hospital for two years he decided (decide) to give up
the job.
8. When I arrived (arrive) at the party John had already gone (go) home.
9. We had been waiting (wait) until the match finished (finish).
10. They had left (leave) the room before the meeting finished (finish).

- Fill in the following sentences by using PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE:

1. We played (play) football for half an hour whenit started to rain.

2. I studied (study) English for a short time whenthe electricity went off.
3. She did (do) her homework before you came in.
4. His knees and hands were very dirty. He crawled (crawl) in the garden.
5. I drived (drive) the car for five years when I sold it.
6. We were very tired. We travelled (travel) for aboutsixteen hours.
7. They were out of breath. They ran (run) for along time.
8. He lived (live) in London for ten years when he hadan accident.
9. He was tired because he wrote (write) letters allmorning.
10. He repaired (repair) the radio for an hour when youarrived.

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