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sºlatrag Cibil #erbice,








- * *

- *
* º

º * *



- REGLA. r
- ****-****






sº - AND,









THE following Dictionary was commenced soon after the


publication of the Author's Teloogoo Grammar; and, the

copy-right of it having been purchased by the Madras Govern
ment, they have directed it to be printed at the College Press.
The situation which the Author formerly held in the Col
lege of Fort St. George first led him to endeavour to promote
and mature it's objects, by the publication of a set of elementa
ry works on the Teloogoo language. This, he hopes, has
been effected, by his former, and the present publication;
and he performs a grateful duty in publicly recording his obli
gations both to the Madras Government, and to the Hono
rable the Court of Directors, for the great liberality, with
which his humble labours have been rewarded by them.
The Dictionary, as the sequel to the Author's Grammar,
has been compiled on the same principles, respecting the
formation and derivation of the Teloogoo language, as have
been laid down in the introduction to the Grammar. It is
unnecessary, therefore, to recapitulate them in this place.
But, composed, as this work has been, at intervals, and often
in the midst of all the bustle of a Collector and Magistrate's
Office, the Author begs to crave for it some indulgence from
the public.
In the preparation of the present work, a manuscript Teloo
goo Dictionary by Maumadi Wencaya, a learned Native at
- º

Masulipatam, has been of material assistance to the Author.

In that native manuscript, the words are inconveniently ar
ranged, the explanations are given exclusively in Teloogoo,
and but few pure Teloogoo words occur; yet the work contains
"a vast number of terms, chiefly of Sanscrit derivation, and they
are explained, though concisely, with the correctness of a
scholar, well versed in Teloogoo literature, and master of the
subject on which he writes.
The Author has also availed himself of another manuscript
Dictionary, in which many of the most common Teloogoo words
are arranged, absurdly enough, in the order of the French, and"
not of the Teloogoo, alphabet. He is indebted to Mr. C. M.
Lushington, and Mr. W. Harington, of the Madras Civil Ser
vice, for two copies of this work; but subsequently obtained a
more complete copy of the same from the Pere Mottet at Pon
dicherry, and another from the Government Office at Madras, *
deposited there many years ago by Mr. Daniel Ince. These
two last contained (what in the others was deficient) explana
tions in French of the Teloogoo words arranged as above
explained; but the explanations thus given, though full, are by
no means correct. This manuscript appears to have been the
result of the labours of successive Jesuit Missionaries, in the
neighbourhood of the Guntoor district.
The Author's obligations to these Teloogoo manuscripts,
however, are inconsiderable, compared with those which he
owes to the excellent Sanscrit Dictionary published by Mr.
Wilson at Calcutta. That publication did not reach him until
the present Teloogoo Dictionary was in the Press ; but, as it
passed through it, the Author, in explaining words of Sanscrit
origin, has borrowed very freely from Mr. Wilson's work ; and,
in general, has introduced verbatim such of the explanations
given by Mr. Wilson as continue in Teloogoo to be attached
to the Sanscrit term ; adding any new meaning it may have.
acquired, after it's adoption into Teloogoo.
In consequence of the Author's removal to an Office at a
great distance from the Presidency, Mr. Henry Mortlock, the
present Secretary to the College of Fort St. George, was so
good as to undertake the revision of the sheets of the Diction

ary as they passed through the Press; and the public are in
debted to him for the care with which that troublesome task has
been executed. The Author is further obliged to Mr. Mortlock
for many valuable additions of various Arabic, Persian, and
Hindoostanee terms, in illustration of the derivation of several
Teloogoo words. These additions may generally be distin
guished from those of the Author, by the omission of the word
from, which has usually been inserted by the Author, before
the derivations given by him.
BELLARY District,
10th December 1821.
º - •
-º aº
º º
* *

- - a
~ *
- **
- º

T. denotes Pure Teloogoo words, such as in the Grammar are termed ##$º

- . Deshyumoo, * **

S. 35 Sanscrit words, assuming Teloogoo terminations and forms, in theº


Grammar termed Śē);& Tutsumumoo,

* -

TU D. ,, Teloogoo corruptions of Sanscrit words, in the Grammar termedº-


§§ º So Tudbhuvumoo. . *. *
º º

G. :* , Provincial terms, in the Grammar denominated QNº. /*S*. Gra

* -

myumoo, *

º º - . . .
A. 5: Words of Arabic derivation. - *

º -

P. 32 » Persian 2, ,*

He xx ** Hindoostance, - * º * *

. -
~ - - -
º º
s. In- ,, . Substantive moun. - - * * *
- - º
adj. ,, . Adjective. * * * * *

adv. ** Adverb. - - • *

postpos. 33 Postposition.

interj" - Interjection.
v. a. , Verb active. -

- * -

W, n. *: Verb neuter. º º

W. CauS. 3, Verb causal.

- º
* .
v. comp. , Verb compound, or that peculiar verb in Teloogoo which is formed - - º
* *

from the roots"Kº, as explained in this Dictionary under that head,

and in the second edition of the Grammar, between rules 484 & 485. tº

N. B.---When &c. is added to a sanscrit adjective terminating in So, it denotes -


that it is given in it’s neuter form, but that it admits of the masculine and
feminine forms explained in the Grammar under rule 289, &c. of the
second cdition ; and that in these masculine and feminine forms, it may
be used as a substantive.
- -

- - º
* º> ... --

* -
* - -

• * *
** *
*- *

* . º

º -

- º


º -


º º

º º

- * *

• º * *

* -
- *
* * .

* -

- º

- •.

* *
* -



2 -- º

- *
º -
º- - º º
º sº

* ** *. -

- .** s
* *** * º

sº º

- * * º
* -
* * . º
. .. -

- * *
º º A º
* •. * *

- * ** º • ----e-ele----. . º s º ** * •
.** * , eos - * * * ex * * * "... *

* - sº Al- |
The first letter of the Teloogoo mark) 1. A mark or spot. 2. a nume-".
- phabet. In Teloogoo,it is often used ral figure. 3. the inside of the thigh.
before words beginning with a con 4. the side above the hip. 5, in thea--
º , sonant, for the longe, (the indecli-| trical language, an act or scene; a + '.

* mable adjective pronoun that;) in || canto or chapter. 6. vicinity. "

which case, the following consonant eBoš Šo s. n. War; battle. * . º
is doubled; thus, *S**) So is often
written º' es that time. Prefix eos & 3. . . s. n. The name of a ,
. ed to nouns of Sanscrit derivation eosº, village Goddess. }
beginning with a consonant, it im ebošč Šo &c. adj. Marked; num- -
plies negation; thus, §-83c2S a | bered; paged. 908&#& v. a.
brave man, eº-Scº a coward; as ºjoš So
To dedicate a book;
before words of the same derivation | -ovº ºbeyeoščºoRº"c:3 he
commencing with vowels, it is used in dedicated that work to the King.
the same sense, but between it and the eošč) s. n. An obstacle; impediment.
vowel, the consonant 5 is inserted, to eošSöSo s. n. A germ; a sprout ;
a bud.
prevent hiatus.
e5os easºo s. n. The space between || evoš-bºyco s. n. (from s, eboº, a
two beams, or pillars. germ and s. ***Nº placing) A preli
S. ejoš º s. n. A kind or amorous minary ceremony performed in Hin
embrace. *
doo temples, at the beginning of a
s, eosº, s. n. (from the roots. ** to
- º * *

.* * *

- **
tº -
etc), a - - -
* º e-Sox - 2

(from $5 a street) A market place. * -

s, eos35 33 s. n. An elephant hook; eoxº~. s. n. (from ºvč a º

* the instrument by which the driver º

- guides the elephantecºcêeº range). A range of shops. 9oK as

adj. (a corruption of the Sanscrit oğo v. a. (from ºšcº to throw, or."
wordeoSºx an elephant hook, and put) To establish or open a shop.
- - rºve the negative relative participle s. ebox.cosº s. n. 1. A court or yard. º
* of the verb, sº) to come, that does 2. the open square, forming the cent
* - not come; viz. that which will not obey tre of every native dwelling. s

º direction) Ungovernable, head-strong, T. ebox& s. n. Calamity, danger, dis- *

º • untractable, indocile. ejošć ozyśſ" tress. - **

s & T. eox& s. n. (from s. ejox
z, (Sys. n (from ecº sº an elephant
-ºok, and T. S".8) like) The 19th the body and T. & close or tight)
of the 27 Asterisms, from its simi Drawers, trowsers, such as are worn
• litude to the elephant hook. Quatuor by Mussulman women, or Hindoo *
* stelle, in cauda scorpionis. Beschi. dancing girls. - º

s. eSoxö& s. n. An ornament won '.

| s, eosvěšo s. n. Vide ºoººº. on the shoulder, peculiar to Kings. -
Tup. eSotº s. n. (from s. “Pos a mark) It resembles a short wing, erect.
º A numeral figure, sign, or mark. ** s. eSox&SC& s. a. The sun of *S*č) .
º ... º Sexsºvº. v. a. (from Šºše to join) Vali, who is the brother of the IKing
: To add up figures. ejo Sexy?3 230+$o
of the Southern race, represented in
"...v. a. (from X tºo & to count) To the Ramayanam as monkies.
º multiply figures:eo sex º'exº')
• v... a. (from *ex,294&y to take
s: ebox 333 s. m. One of the 56
Countries in the world, in the vici- -
, shares) To divide figures. 9o Seº’ nity of Calinga, a division of Telin- "
x3-88oš v. a. (from *Xà"boº gana. " --

to subtract) To subtract figures. s. ebox5 s. n. A woman.

T. ebo Sºo s. n. 1. A stirrup. 2. half s. eoxºSºx s. n. A repetition of
of a bullock load, or what is loaded religious formulas, with the hand in,
on one side of the bullock. different positions, laid on various
T. ebo 35 ºn s. n. A stirrup. parts of the body; as, the palm of
* T. ebox s. n. A long stride. the hand on the breast; the finger or
S. e50X23S0 s. n. (from S. e5 ox the
the palm on the mouth ; the ends of
body, and s. * born) The hair. the fingers on the crown of the head&c.
s. eSoxºcºs s. n. (from s. *ox the s. ebox& s. n. 1. The body. 2. a
body and s. 2; born) 1. A son, 2. the limb, or member of the body. 3. a
god of love. part or branch. 4, a rank, condition,
or state, 3-oxºs s. n. (from +5x5
T. evoxa s. n. A shop. 9ºK38% s. n.
- -

* * *
* -
- - -

º •

~: º

º -
* *
-" - -- . . - º • , º, * - *
º sº

º: - º * ejojº " 3 - tºo?.3 º

º * º
*> * º º º
... . . the Pédum) The branches or subor-ſt. eo?\{) s. n. The uvula, eoñº *
- dinate Hindoo sciences, connected s. n. (from sº a thorn) A di
- - - with the Hindoo scriptures. Cºol sease in the throat, generally peculiar
* ... X&o s. n. (from s. O'zis a king) to children. * . º
• " Regal state. T. eboň s. n. (probably derived from s. :
º T. eoxº~9 s. n. Nakedness. ecºs" a jacket) A long gown; a
s. & Tud. 9oKöS" s. n. (from s. eSox the robe generally worn by Mussulmans,
- body and Tud & Sº protection) A or Hindoos connected with the Ma
* - short jacket, or vest; such as is worn homelan Government. ebošŠ"<x3a
* * by . Hindoos connected with Eu- S Ko v. a. To put on a robe. esoło
ropeans. * * &is v. a. To take off a robe.
s... ebox-ºxºo s. n. (from s. eBox the s. eo's boss, v. a. 1. To consent, ac
* *- : body and s. -5v X causing pleasure) 1. quiesce, or accept a proposal. 2. to 8 .

- " A cosmetick. 2. the rubbing of ground admit. 3." to approve eboň-Sºo a

º * sandal-wood &c. upon the body. 3. s. n. Consent, the acceptance of as
- -- ... ground sandal-wood. proposal; admission, approval. 2 *
* T." eoxeſº) v. n. To grieve, to la- *s-of-s-83. Half consent, º

ment, to cry, to weep. - doubtful admission. esoßsº &c.

* s. ex=\;” s. n. (from s. 9oK the adj. Accepted, admitted. * ** -
º w and s. 5, Ś a cloth) A man's T. ºoº adj. Agreeable ; pleasant # -
*- - \-2) handsome. This word is also used as
upper garment, generally thrown over a substantive, when it denotes beau- -

* the shoulder, or respectfully tied . ty, agreeableness &c. - - *

round the waist. * * * * s. 20%& sº s. n. 1. A finger; a toe.2.

s. eSovčºcº s. n. The planet Mars; the thumb, or great toe. 3. an inch. º

according to mythology, the son of |s. ecº s: n, 1. A finger or toe. 2, the . * ,

the earth. º: t S. thumb or great toe. exºry
(from s. Fºč
third day a week.
of the day) Tuesday, the £255×5 s: n. (from s. \eyr, pre-
_º ~ º:

s. eSoºYº So s. n. 1. Coal. 2. charcoal. serving) A piece of leather or iron, º

3. a live coal. “SoTNº 8 ASTROS s. n. often in the form of a broad ring, a . º

(from s. 5°ºs" that in which any placed on the finger. of the right " -
thing is kept) A stove, any vessel in hand, to prevent their being cut by. º

which fire is placed. eo-N-63's 3 || the bow-string, in discharging an *

(from 8. 5 §43 ar cart) A stove.
S. II. arrow. eox335-53, S. n. (from ... :
s, ebow8 &Cº. s. n. Angirasa, the name s. Sº a measure) A measure with
of a holy Moonee, t the fingers or arms, such as a span,

- *-, * - . . * * * - " -
• * - * = * -e ºr * * * ºf ."
º º * - • * : • ** * * *- : *
- * * * º º

* *º, . . . . . . º

º -b
• • e5: . -
- - - a cubit &c, eosºcºs & s. n. A- º

mark of a man's foot. 3. the measure

.* finger ring. of a foot. --

º * S. ecºs s. m. The thumb, the ecºss, s. n. 1. The elephant at the
* -- great too. It is often written “oxº western point, one of the eight sup
* * è3S0. -

porting the world. 2. the smoke of a

.g. ecº-Sºº s. n. (from the Per lamp made into paint, used by women
. . . . sian word Ҽx38 grapes and the t. and children to blacken the eyes. A
word.Ӥ a tree) The grapevine.
e5 o
conjurer called in to discover thieves,
\*,s. n. The foot ---

or anything concealed, places some
* - TUD. e5oº s. n. (from * 3-oš) A of this paint in the palm of his hand,
fabulous kind. of swan. e56; 33 or in a plate, or applies it to his eyes,
* &é3 s. n. (from T. Tāºš a horse, and by this means the figure of thes"
thief and the whole transaction are
- - - and T. §983 a chief; viz. the great supposed to. be represented to him *
--- being whose steed is the swan) The
º co

God Brumha, the creator. self only; hence, eozº S. So some- -

- • * cº,

* T. e553 Rye s. n. An estimate, a valu times means conjuration and ‘902;

* * ation, an appraisement. e553 Rºv STS"CŞo a conjurer. º

o -

- *
<-- is, or ed&R-5cºo v. a. To
* - -
eozº's 8 s. n. The female of the

form an appraisement, to estimate. -

º -
elephant at the north east point. -- º

º º e553'svt.setSc:3 s. n. (from zsvö co º -

eozºs s. m. A species of lizard.

C) º - º

º Hindoostanee, an agent) A person ©oº 3 s. n. The palms of both hands •

* who estimates the quantity of corn in
a field, or salt in a heap &c. held together, so as to contain any
thing. * *

S. escºexº, sin. The selvage of a gar esoºvoootºs v. n. To delay; to be in

ment, the border of a cloth. doubt; to hesitate.
º … eoběšo &c. adj. Revered; pleas eoz. Sºoº-ex s. ºn, used only in
w Ing. º º
the plural. A play with shells, pecu
º TUD. ºotº s. n. (from s. “20 & 9) 1. liar to women and children.
* The ornamented border of a cloth. eosº s: n, (from T. º g

º º 2. the edge, end, or selvage. 3. the tree) The plantain or banana tree,
blade of a sword. musa sapientum.
T. e5oº sm. A relay, or post, at different €o° v. 1. To touch, to handle. 2. to
stages. be joined, to come in contact with,
r, edºs, n. 1, The foot of a man. 2, the to stick, 3, to infect, to be contagious.
* -
-- * * º
- -
* *
- º

tº J & YS - º 5 tºok; -

--> *
* º
. *
4. to be attacked by insects. 5. to what has been communicated to one; º
anoint, eo ex æ"> s. n. Ear-rings to reveal a secret. ŚRecºots (from -
that "hang close to the ear, touching §§ business) To employ.
it. eoexo-Kºšexy s. n. The Deity ºoº s. n. (from the v. as explained
that cannot be touched; the god of above.) 1. Touching. 2. a graft, 3.
fire. © 242 s. m. lit. That which is imaginary uncleanness, or legal impu
joined, viz. 1. leaves stitched together, i

rity. 90°o: To have the menses,"

which the IIindoos use as plates for or any other legal impurity, eo® . .
their rice 2. the clotted hair of a men ** or 5&ex To become free from
dicant. ecºxº v. a. (from S㺠the menses, or from any other legal
º .
to tie) To fasten or join together; to impurity, such as from that arising

tighten; to clot the hair, evokº on the death of a relative &c. ->
º º -
eoč s. n. 1. Proximity, vicinity,
s. n. (from *K, a louse) A small neighbourhood; 2. support, protec *.
louse that sticks to the
* -
skin ; tion. esołºśS"K To put oneself º
crab-louse. e5°xsº Rºeboºs under another's protection. esočR* →
* That disease has infected me. e3S-5
tº s. n. (from tub. 8°º a wall) A
X&o eSotº, CŞ" Is that disease buttress; a sloped wall, built to sup
contagious 2 cºsºe» eoë858 port another. .* . . º
White ants have attacked it. §eyeo *
ebočSo s. n. 1. An egg. 2, the testi
&39 To touch, rub, or anoint the head.
cle. ebočº "cºok.) The disease aris
ebočoos"Ko v. comp. I. To touch sº

for one's own advantage. 2. to anoint

ing from the swelling of the testicle.
or wash the head. This phrase im evo: Sº 30 (from s. sº a nest), 4.

co *

plies also to bathe for when the Hin The scrotum. eboč 2:So (from s. 2;
doos anoint the head with oil, they produced) An oviparous animal.
always bathe afterwards. 3. to cling e5ozºos & s. n. A species of bird.
or stick to ; to hold or fasten upon. (Jacana. Parra Goensis &c.) Cole- **
4. to take away clandestinely. “Poº || brooke.
Sºgº) To steal. | T. eo & s. n. 1. That part of a sack a* *
eoë3o49 v. caus. 1. To cause to in which goods are placed, when
- touch. 2. to join, to paste, to glue. 3. laden on a bullock. 2. half a bullock --"

to sting. 4. to light or set in fire. load.

Täeogsoº The scorpion stung. || T. °95 an indeclinable adjective and
zºooººoº (from A^* blows) substantive pronoun. 1. So, so many,
* ºn
To beat, to flog, 53-83ejoë3o4S(from such, thus. 2. that, tºot; *3) So "
* *
$resex words) To repeat improperly" long. *95&o? So many persons... "

* * - - ** *

. .. - • *

e5 2 &
Q = . e5 oš 6 = -

* * , -
heart. 2. the mind: figuratively, secre
ecºsys Such

a quantity, so cy, privacy; hence also eoš Šox3C

* • much...e5035& §§ So far, thus far.
&S a confidant, as ºš Fºčo:5
It is sometimes affired to words. *
8 ox3c:S he is his confidant.
&gos such as a copper pice i. e.
* - the size or weight of a copper pice. & Tup. e5038 7"Kö s. n. (from S.
eboč8 the middle space, and tub.
* ejoseº within that; in the mean ~558 a lilly) A water plant, with
time, ecºs oº Than that. “º out any root in the ground, swim
• &o:38. Before that. e503s oë SS By ming upon the surface of lakes &c.
degrees, eoë7. Much; frequently escº, Ssº, s. m. 1. The middle space ; : -
vide e5973°. º
interval. 2. difference. 3.rank. e5oš

- esos º The inflected ablative of *** -nvo:38:So Difference, or distinction

$5, afterwards; in the mean time. of rank.
s esos 82% of From that time; thence eosºvº, s. n. The interior soul ;"
• forward. ebots 83 the inflected adjec that portion of the universal soul, or
tive from €905, Such, alluding to supreme being, which, the Hindoos,
something written or said before ; as believe to be confined in the body of
if we should say, such a man we shall each existing creature.
not see again, +\ošooč83-5 of 23" eoss-ovoº s. n. Obstacle, im
&o. pediment; • *

s." ecºs & eos s. n. (from s. ebots 5 &o:5-5-3 Soo s. n. The middle space;
internal, and s. S & to an organ) 1. interval. *-

The heart. 2. the mind; figuratively, eosby, so s. n. The sky; the at

favor, regard. mosphere.
- s. eSoč33)630 s. n. (from s. ebotsä s. eoë35° s. n. An island.
e50383:30 s. n. A lower garment:
internal and s. 3)6 a habitation) A S. eosº, &c, adj. (from s. esot;5
- seraglio, the inner apartments for the
WOmell. within, and s. Kö went) 1. Forgotten.
T. eois's 30 s. n. A total, or aggregate. 2. included. 3. internal.eošščºS
ebogs 303& v. a. To add up or & Internal fever. -

esočºo s. n. (from s. esot;5

make a total.
s, eosºcºs s. n. The God Yama; the within,' and s. 5°S placing) Disap
pearance, vanishing. eSoč5 †sº $)
killer, and judge of departed souls. .v.m. (from e553) to become) To disap
s, esočsºo s. n. 1. An end, consumma
tion. 2. death, destruction. 3. the pear, to vanish.
waist, adj, beautiful. S.
eos; s. m. Anything which hides,
s. eSočöox:So s. n. (from S. esot;5 or keeps from sight; a covering.
ejoš &\ss &c. adj. (from S. eSotº
- within, and S. eox the body) 1. The 's.
e "a - º
*. • a == - º º º
* * * ºr * • ** ***

º º . . . * * ..." J.
7 “Solºšb
- º -

5. within, and s.3°ébeing) Included. a scholar, one who is under the care
egºsº &c. adj. (from s. “ºo of a tutor. *

35 within and s. 3"> belonging to - eos secº s. m. A person of the

the earth) Subterraneous. lowest cast. -

eosićSºx s. n. The space be eočSºx' &c. adj. (from s. eos the
tween the sky and the surface of the end) Final; ultimate ; last ; conclu
earth; the air, the atmosphète. , ding.
ecºsº adj. (from s, eos 5 eºs s. m. The entrails. *.
-- a

within, and s. 55 an attributire of . ºoºoº v. n. 1. To be adorned.

possession) Pregnant, big with child. 2. to take up one's discourse, to
eošTS-3 adj. (from s. e5985 support one's argument.
within, and s. ~~~3 learning) Skilled . eBoº SS adv. Till that time, as far º

in arts and sciences ; learned. as that place. vide eoº"S.

tud. eBošS. s. n. (from s. ees;) A . . eboº s. n. Beauty; as "Koš)
story, or range, placed one above CŞočSo the beauty of Rama. adj.
another; as the decks of a ship, the Beautiful; as "C"SºSoap-oººo..." •
stories of a house. Rama's face is beautiful. sº
ess; s. m. A name given in gram A handsome fellow. eboº"S&
mar to the letters cº-5-e) and &. &c. Ugly, deformed. -
- T. eos s. n.sometimes written eoë T. eočeº indef pro. All. Sto.

The whole; every thing—pro. all– tup. eošešo s. n. (from s. 30

adv. completely, altogether, wholly. "s") A palankeen. “Sočević)S"º .
The pole of a palankeen.
eosis? In all parts, eošē" eo'º's adv. Till that time, as far as
Every where. eo 3 That is all. eo
Társ' Is that all? esoº"2.5 T-8 All that place. vide eboºkoš.
at On Ce. -
. “ºoãoº s. n. A silver ornament,
eBoöð& s. n. The seraglio. vid worn by women round the ankle.
eboč3%)ösºo. . . eboº adv. There, in that place.
TUD. “bočo s. m. The whole, total, or . eSočo pron. defective, not used in
the nominative, genitive, or accusa
aggregate. adj. Total. This word is
used chiefly in accounts. tive cases; That. eSotº by that. - -
ejoºsºvox, s. n. (from s, eois eosº for that eosºse upon.
that. It is likewise joined to the rela
the end, and s.e5?"ox's sitting) 1. tive participles of a verb, to convert
A person of the lowest cast, or order them into nouns, admitting of de- -
in society. 2. a barber. clension; thus, .535oºts by
eoſé Fºo s. n. (from s. ebots near, having done. +5+.&èzo:335
- +5 by do- .º
- and s. Fºs who drells) A pupil, ing, ... •

tº •* * * *
** ** * * . .. . . .
. . e6? S

T. escº postpos. In. Cºxº~~& eo & KºśSºo s. n. (from s, & Y

in Rama. * blind, and s. 5&S obscurity) Great
T. eboºb v. a. 1. To reach, 2. to take darkness.
hold of 3. to obtain evo&s sº v. ecºsº s. n. Water; darkness.
comp. To reach. £&cs V. a. ecºs &c. adj. Blind. .
... To intermarry. °oğ) s. n. Food ; boiled rice.
T. ecº s. n. The name of a êočS$) s. n. A well.
* =º ..." tree. Boswellia integrifolia. R. Mss. . eos. Sºo s. ... e-QSS
• s. n. (from T.º eSº, (1/2 t
Colebrooke. arrow, and T. Sºo a staff). The 3
s. eBošo') s. n. 1. The chain used to fix shaft of an arrow.
an elephant by one foot. 2. an orna eošXe3 s. n. (from t. 9&, an
ment worn by women round the arrow, and T. Xe; a feather) The
ankle. 3. the thread or string tied feather of an arrow.

round a man's waist, by which is . Ҽose) s. n. Arrows. This word is

supported the lungoti, or small cloth,
º concealing the privities.
used in the plural only,
T. eBoºs s. n. vide €90&oS3.
. ecº) v. a. (The causal form of the
- g -
root &%) to go) 1. To cause to go; to
o, eo-azoo & 3:0 adj.(from esoººoº, send away, to delegate. 2. to forward;
a cant word, derived from 9973 an to dispatch. Sºseo:3) To accom
ornament worn round the ankle, figu
pany one for a short way on the road, .
ratively expressive of restraint, and out of civility. 90%95S v. caus, used
Tºo wanting) Unrestrained; uncon precisely in the same sense as “boſſ)-
- troulable; helpless. êošššo s. n. The act of sending;
s. eboºks & &c. adj. Blind. vide tºo permission, dismissal, congé, “boss'
&&. & Räckºo v. a. To send away.
s, eo;s biºcºs s. n. (from s. ºoºs eozo s. n. 1. A mother. 2. one of
the name of a giant, and s. 8%) a. the names of the wife of Siva.
a foe) One of the names of the god Siva. ebozos & s. n. I. An eye. 2. an arrow.
s: eboºts"8& s. n. (from 8. eo; ebozºo s. n. 1. Cloth; apparel. 2.
* -
blind, and s. sº making) Park the ether or sky. 902) Oºoººcłę s.
ness, obscurity. eosis-8:303,88"

'n. (from s, eboot; the sky, and s.

* . ** To dispel darkness. esoº's "5Ko eboot apparel, viz, one whose ap
§§ 38&ssa Darkness disappears. parel is the sky) A name of the god
º eox's-833-35°o°FAA Or Siva.
s'ssstow:33. Darkness spreads s: eboº s. n. A frying pan.
-swºroº's "3:30 or ºr s: ebooëscº s. n. The name of
one of the 16 ancient kings.
* *
- #60;
s’8:30- Excess
of love. *

º sº
SºCº) eciK -

‘92° 9 s. n. A kind of pap, made & 8 ºx s. n. (from s. sº $ to a
from the grain called "C"YSexy the monkey) The porpoise. ecºt"?
cynosurus coracanus Lin. s. n. (froms. Sº a multitude) The
ecºcks s. n. 1. A man sprung Sea. ecºyºs s. n. (from s.
from a Bramin and a Vysya woman.
a physician.
2. a barber; 3.
§ ye. braking) A bubble.
eč2» s. n. An arrow ºozooeciº"A. s.
*****čº s. n. 1. A heap, a maga n, a quiver of arrows. eczºścº,
zine. 2. the Government share of the
v. a. (from #oº to throw) To shoot
produce. Sºo & Sºcºo (from t. an arrow,
*cº to pour) To heap up grain. T. e5ozłº, adj. 1. Helpless; poor. 2.
eoº"5 s. n. A Howdah, the seat or
unable to speak when necessity re º
tower placed on an elephant's back,
quires it. 3. talking incoherently.
which accommodates several persons. S.
°ožº s. n. The fruit of the tama
°o º'S3):29& s. n. A tick, infest rind tree; sourness.
ing animals. ** o

©O sº s. n. The name of ecºsº) s. n. Water. eo 35°23:33

a tree, spondias mangifera. -

s. n. (from s. 23 produced) A lotus,

°ožos s. n. 1. A mother. 2. one of
nelumbium speciosum, or nymphaea ne
the names of the wife of Siva ; also |
lumbo. Sºo **** s. n. (from s, &ö a
that of the mother of Dhrootarash.
nest) The sea. ©o 35°º s. n. (from s,
tra, an ancient king.
eboº) s. n. Water ºczyś to:So s. n. à holding) The see. Soº
(from s. 5 to a particle) A particle of
s. n. (from s. 5-8 a multitude) The
o sº

water. Sºozºoººo s. n. (froms. 2; pro eoſºyººs & s. n. The lowing of º

ç »
duced) vide eo?”& under eo? S.
*903 s. n. A share, a part, a portion.
Ky-eozoº s. n. (from s. Sº a nest) 2. good fortune or luck; as Tº
The sea. “2-2\\? s. n. (from s. 5 hold
ing) The sea. eoºpº s. n. (from
&o; 3%a his good fortune is
s. 9oº? the sea, and s. 33.9% a great. -

quiver: one whose quiver is the sea) eo? & s, n. A share, a part, a por
A name of the god Siva. *2229,3,7- tion. -áēeasoºrs 33 To be
& So s. n. (from s. Ú/ú's clear borne from a portion of the Deity; to
ing) Clearing-nut, strychnos potatorum. partake of the divine nature.
ebozoº &eocºs s. n. (from s. ºGº eołoś. So s. n. 1. Cloth. 2. the end
<to ornament) The regent of the of the upper part of a woman's cloth,
waters, the Hindoo Neptune. *****) in general thrown over her shoulder.
- tºo 10 tº §

eošš) s. n. A ray of light, a beam. privative, and s. 30 SS little) Very

eo㺠o ºscºs s. m. (from s. SS-57 poor or indigent; avaricious.
* possessing viz. radiant, emitting rays) s' & Sºº "Sº s. n. (from s, e a pri
1. The sun. 2. the moon, eošš-š) vative, s. & little, and s. A vö a
s. n. (from s, ºver" a neck lace) bank; that of which the bank is
The sun." great) The sea. . -

s. ePoº sº s. m. The scapula; the

T. es” A particle, expressing doubt ;
shoulder-blade. ©ošš"e2&o s. n. as && S. It may, or may not.
(from s. Šº a peak) The protube T. es. s. n. An elder sister es. 5.
rance or hump on the back of Indian ºo: Sisters, including both elder
oxen. ©oße Sºo &c. adj. (from s. 9 and younger.
possessing) Robust, strong, lusty. TUD. es. 33. s. n. (from s. e3%)
T. es ea or **ś “Tº interj. An expres &S) Wonder; surprise.
sion of sorrow ; alas ! t. es ess s. n. The essence of regard,
G. e55 & 23)S ºsºbo or €95 &yºvá š &S$30 or favor; mercy.
adj. Inverted, topsy-turvy. Fºc㺠T. *š & adv. (from T. tº that, and T.
sex's ex) K-tºex, ºr ºxº-> § 3; a place) There, in that place;
He speaks invertedly; he prevari it is opposed to #3 & here. This
word is the inflected ablative of a
cates, or shuffles.
defective noun, as its derivation
s. *ššo s. n. 1. Sorrow; grief; a pang.
2. sin. evinces. **ś, & Fºg: The man of

s. 25 öscºs s. n. A collector of cus

that place. 9%. 33 To that place
*ś, & & Here and there
s. eST.&^* adv. By chance; by TUD. **ś & s. n. (from s, e&ö) A
accident; suddenly. letter of the alphabet.
s. ePTS’ So s. n. (from s. © and s. Sº T. *š e2 s. n. 1. Necessity. 2. want;
need. 3. occasion. Rºsses eº a
ö a termination added to all the
simple letters) The name of the first I want; literally, want is to me. **
letter in the Teloogoo alphabet.
eº It is not wanted, or necessary.
s. 9"S"e:So s. n. Improper time. adj. ësé’s fºº ea what have
you to do with this 2 or what occa
• Untimely, or out of season, as & Sº sion or necessity have you for this 2
ex5& 5 to So or esteº S.
eş estás-ºſ-> To speak as
n.(from s. 388 to and sºyººs death) necessity demands, as circumstances
Untimely or premature death. “9 S" require. **ś eščğ) To relieve
©5&FSo Unseasonable or unti from want. e *śs &) To be of
mely rain.
CT) use. **ś •ºo::s To be inte
s. ºo's S&N &c. adj. (from s, tº a rested in.

e5X 11 e5-7Rs *

T. tº oš 8 s. n. A species of medi eX8'S')Necessity, adj. Necessary. tº

cinal root. XéSºx" Necessarily, positively.
T. e to 3 v. a. To contract the 3) Jºb exes $307-wºo ST-3K, You

muscles of the belly. must positively come.

T. eº s. n. The breast ; the bosom. eX3& v. n. 1. To appear; to seem.
=-se; eo-º-ex53323so lit. 2. to be found exºes: v. a. To
his breasts and cheeks are dried up. point out, to shew.
He is emaciated. *% 33 s. n. (A ëX35°S) or ex:So s. n. (from s. e5
cant word, from s. 3&s a bird) A a privative and s. X& or X that
blockhead ; a stupid fellow. moves) 1. A mountain. 2. a tree.
eş-; s. n. A sort of grain, called ex<Sº &c. adj. (from s, eº a
also eley’ve. privative and s. X&S moveable) 1.
Inaccessible. 2. impassible. 3. impe
s. *Sjº &c. adj. Irregular, out of netrable. * -

rank or order s. n. Irregularity.

*XS s. n. A red sort of sandal
*94'o: Soo &c. adj. (from s, tº a pri
wood. --

vative, and s. 4°oč a bit or piece) i.

Whole, entire, without interstice. 2. exºcº's s. n. The name
indivisible. 3. undivided. of a tree, Cissampelos herandra.
s: “932°So&c. adj. (from s. Sº a privative ©Xex) v. n. To be broken, to burst.
and s. 4°9 separated) All, whole, en . exbowº or exex) v. a. To break;
tlre. to split. - º

exº~3) or ebXR-3350c & s. n.

exiºs.n. this word is used only in A gold-smith.
the plural, and denotes. 1. A very dis
tressed and helpless state,or situation. exºşçºs s, n. (from s. ebX a
- - -
mountain, and s. & S a leveller)
2. calamity; adversity, exºcºs The holy sage Agustya, named also
v. a. To suffer great distress; to fall Soº Koºcłº, the regent of the"
into adverse circumstances. e5X star Canopus, and the supposed in
—a *
ventor of the Tamil language.
**-* or see tº v. a. To throw e57 & s. n. 1. The van, or front of
one into distress, exº33-5 A
an army. 2. the ropes tying the fore
distressed person
- ex: ºff
**983) feet of a horse.
To free from distress. Se e57"&o &c. adj. (from s. e5 a
. . ebX:S s. n. An accusation. ©X:S3 privative, and s. 7S’s a fired place)
e3+S v. a. To prefer an accusation. T. 1. Deep, unfathomable. 2. abstruse.
9X % s. n. A ditch, or trench; a °7'339 s. n. A house, a habitation.
In Oat.
eTºº, s. n. (from Hind. ºf
c. ext:Sº s. n. (probably from s.' before) An advance of money.
tºº. 12 *Qy
eXTº s. n. The lin, plant lon lead-wort, Plumbago zelanica. 4.
Linum usitatissimum. e^*S*S marking nut, the simecarpius anacar
s. n. Linsced-oil e^Tºš"8 The dium. ºn 5Aſſows. To kindle.
leaves of the Lin plant, which the º?"Se s. n. Flame, tº Kºve
Hindoos eat as curry. s. n. The south-east point, over
e5X3& s. n. vide eXS. which the god of fire is supposed to
ex3 &$) s. n. ride Sºx S. adj. (from s. preside. “º tos s. n. (from s.
e a privative and s. XSS heavy) Light, § to a particle) A spark of fire. Sº,
O *š s. n. (from s. *5 one who col.
e8°383 &c. adj. Incomprehen lects) One who has taken and placed,
sible, imperceptible. or consecrated, a sacrificial fire. ©º
tº v. n. To be seized, or taken. RT&S, s. n. 1. Ceylon lead wort.
exis adj. Possible 33 5v5 3.e5
2. marking nut; see tº - eº
Sº lit. This is possible to him, he O *\O
can do this. - 2: So s. n. (from s. 3)2; a seed) Gold.
T. exo~ adj. Intolerable, hard to e’ss-o-Sº s. n. (from s.
be borne, not to be endured exo K-ºs dullness or extinction) In

&X3 v. n. (from T. e^3 to become) digestion; a morbid weakness of

To become intolerable. * stomach. SºoYº s. n. (from s.
Öox an indication or sign) Smoke.
T. exboº v. a. To surpass, to excel.
TU D. e? s. n. (from s. sº.) Fire. eºs. 34. s. n. (from s. & pv) l.

Saffron. 2. a sort of pot-herb. 3. a

ešºv. or e^*& v. n. (from
flower or dust of a vermilion co
T. 3×3 ex or t. TCS to touch) To lour. 4. minium or red lead.
be kindled by fire; to be fatigued.
ešºv scº s. n. (from T. & "3 al exº~ s. n. (from s. §§
child) The son of Siva and Parvaty; an oblation) A holy sacrifice or
the god of war, also called Koomá ceremony, in which oblations are
rasăwmy. presented to the god of fire. ‘9%.
“ºos v. a. 1. To commend or K 3-So s. n. (from s. Sº to bear
applaud. 2. To supplicate or pray. or suffer) A frog. eº-º-0)
Tud. “º adj. (from s. ety) Cheap, & s. n. (from s. TºS-ey"(*) an
of small value, easy to be had. S & E oblation) 1. The articles necessary
Śoºseºn exº, for the daily fire sacrifice performed
*& The merchants sell rice very by Bramins. 2. fire. 3. an oblation
cheap. ess-wºº, To buy at a to fire, eºTººwº, C3 s. n.
cheap rate. 1. The god of fire.
eºs s. n. 1. The element or god of s. elºw s. n.1. The fore part; the
fire. 2, fire, 3, the plant called Cey. " front. 2, a peak, 3, the point of a
e5 & 13 6-9 ^)

bird's bill. 4. the end. 5, the begin | i

*** a place) There, in that place;
ning *Q)* &c. adj. l. I’irst. 2. |

chief, excellent, eminent, principal. it is cpposed to §§es here.


*Q9X-Sº &c. adj. (from s. ° &e s.cº, n. (from s tº a privative,

^*S that may be enumerated) Esti . and s. CŞe) moving) The eartli.
mable ; conspicuous; commanding. cº)

ë CŞe So s. n. (from s tº a priva

e&º s. n. (from s. *s- - cº)

birth) 1. An elder brother. 2. a man

tive and s. Sex moving) A mountain.
of the sacerdotal or braminical tribe. eacășº &c. adj. (from s, 9 a
&T) privative and s, toëS imaginable)
evjects s. n. (from s. 23 born) Beyond inquiry; incomprehensible.
An elder brother. “UºNº s. n. The number formed by a unit,
* SSF a bow) Indra,
5. n. (from s. followed by thirty one cyphers, or

the regent of the sky, and king of other figures. -

angels. eVºjšº s. n. (from s.

eºsº s' n. (from s. ê º tem

3- ) to take or #8 a necklace) 1. porary, and s.

ning. -
&Sº light) Light
- ºr

A village or street inhabited by bra

mins only. 2. a superb necklace. e?:35:30 &c. adj. Inanimate, stu
pid, insensible.
e&Jºse, &c. adj (ſoms. “O)1.
First. 2. prior. 3. excellent. TUD. eº adj. (from s tº pure)
e&Jºcs s. n. (from s. *Q9) An Pure, real, unmixed.
- —-r

& Sºxx,

clqer brother. > -º- .*

s. n. pure Teloogoo, tº & Yº sº.

ejº Sc:S s. nº (ſom tº, s. in
s. n. (from T. Nº oxº a ball and T.
the front and s. & © a mover ; the TºS a necklace) A necklace, com
person who moves first, or who walks _ fº --

posed of pearls and gold. & T.) º .

in front) A chief; a commander of
s. n. used only in the plural. (from
an army or party ; a leader.
se tº s. n. 1. Sin. 2. passion. 3. pain.
T. & men) Chosen men.
, º, –6.

ejvsº &c. adj. (from s. e5533 tº §) tº adv. ride (95 °.

—o - -

sin and s. 333 ready.) 1. Obstinate tº F.YSTN-33 s. n. A round ball,

or stubborn. 2, inclined to mischief. made of clay, tamarind stones, &c.
ex-SSºo adj. Horrid, frightful, used as a toy by children.
dreadful. & fix "Sotº v. n. 1. To ečyº or tºº.)>7, adv, an
grieve, to lament. 2. to be in alarm emphatic particle which denotes
or agitation. l’ersonality, or individuality ; as
—o - ~ -

T. & Sº adv, (from T. tº that, and T. | 65 *...) Şo-Rº-5' 2" ºf a Soko the King
eº * 14

that and T. ºf or ºt tº place)

went personally, or himself. eº - —o

sº º Rºhedrank milk only. There, in that place. ride e < **.

Tud. ejº) 8 s. n. (from s. 9%); F) *św s. n. A bear.
Any one of the “9%)& Sºx, celestial **\º &c. adj. Pure; clear; lim
nymphs, or courtesans. - pid ; real. vide eśy.
ex-Yºo s. n. Money given to eºs, s. n. (from s tº
make a bargain firm; earnest money. pure and tº water) The pleasure-tank
e tºys & s. n. Deficiency. or pool of Cubera, the god of riches,
eRºy v. n. 1. To be indebted ; as and regent of the northern point.
§§§§98)Rºw am I indebted exSºcks s. n. (from s. -9
to you? 2. to suffer loss; as ecºy §5 impºrishable, viz. Vishnoo, the
sº Kºsºvº) R-KS, I pervader and preserver, and s. “”

suffered a loss of 100 Pagodas, on Ü & first born) A name of Bala

account of that village. ***): $ºy ráma, the elder brother of Vishnoo,
in his incarnation as Krishna.
v. n. (from T. Ҽ) the past partici O

ple of ‘938) and T. S. &Y to come) °23

s. n. A she-goat.
To be advantageous, or prosperous. **Xº s. n. A large snake. (Boa
e Kºše) or *9%) ºx s. n. Debt constrictor).

incurred in a former existence. S. *923X& So s. n. The name of the

bow of Siva.
eş) s. n. 1. A weaver's reed. 2.
o (T)
a printing type. 3. a mould. “938) e323So s. n. A he-goat. ex: ºroº s.
ºšº To print, to stamp. eº); n. (from s. STwº smell) A medical
$53& A bull that is marked or drug, Carum carui.
stamped, allowed to wander at large,
in commemoration of a deceased exº~ adv. Constantly, conti
nually, always.
person, or as consecrated to the cºo s CT)

deity. “ºyº (from T. & ******) s. n. (from s. 32; a goat,

& Jaggory) A stamped lump of and s. 3283) #T subsisting) A goat
Jaggory, used as a sweetmeat. herd.

f. *93) s. n. A vowel. Se ea-sºcks s. n. (from s. &

T. 958)7Nº adv. Agreeably. ** worn and . 3 & an enemy) 1.

Tup. ºbsº or eº)&% s. n. A person without enemies; an inno
(from s. **N*S) Astonishment, cent man. 2. a name of Dhurmarajah.
surprize, wonder. e? §§oo &c, adj. Unconquered.
T. e ‘º Or e Sºyº adv, (from T. & * 2: S. & s. n. A hide, generally that “
6–9 & 5 15 €583

T. ebec's Stºà s. n. The name of

of an antelope, used by religious
persons. a plant.
e?830 s. n. An open square, for
T. ee>S O s. n. A preparation of green,
gram, and other substances, used as
ming the centre of every native soap, chiefly for the purpose of
house ; a court or yard. washing the head, after it has been
e5 º'cºs s. n. (from s, tº a privative, anointed with oil.
and sº born) 1. The Creator Brum &Bé5 S" oxo~$o v. a. 1. To hinder
ha. 2, the Indian Cupid. 3. Siva. 4. or prevent. 2. to arrest, to detain.
Vishnoo. 5. that son of Rughoo who 3. to molest. **) Sº) s. n. 1. Pre
was the origin of the race in which vention. 2. detention. 3. molestation.
Ráma was born. *29 s. n. The notched extremity
e #& &c, adj. (from s. “” a of a bow. * * **

privative, and s. #3 conquerable) eºséSotº or e54:3380 K. v. a.

Inpregnable, invincible. To deceive, cajole, or usurp, by
eg's ~K & s. n. (from s. “” plausible words or address. º'
*5 unknown, and s. FS inhabit ee-3 s. n. A forest, a wilderness.
vide €3.3). *
ing) The act of living incognito. -

egºs s. n. (from s. “º a privative, *993 5 s. n. A small earthen pot,

and s. g’s knowledge) 1. Ignorance. with a large mouth.
2. a want or ignorance of religion. e's particle 1. There. 2. that. 3.,
eggs s. n. (from s. ** a privative So, as tºº go there. ****
and s. ; knowing) An ignorant or -o-Sº, after that, eºso's like
that, such. e.9°39'i' ox's do so.
illiterate man.
€9&º s. n. vide €9 & S.
ee> adv. There, in that place vide *Sex, s. n. pl. Paddy, which,
e53e3. -

after having been scalded in the

ee> a particle (from the v. & to husk, is beaten and deprived of that
say) It is said, or they say ; as covering, and becomes bruised or
~"cºsº).S tº It is said, or they flattened rice; it is then eaten, gene
say, he is come. rally without further preparation,
eºs s. n. A few boards are placed but sometimes after being boiled.
under the shelving roof of a na eg s. n. I. The body. 2. the leather
tive house, so as to form a flat cei forming the sole of a sandal.
ling over part of the room ; the egº, S. n. 1. An upstair house. 2.
space between this flat ceiling and the upper part of a house. 3. an
the shelving roof is used as a store airy room on the top of the house.
house, and is termed €9°35. egºs, s. n. (from s, eº;
ejky-w 16 tº &

much, and s. **s laughter) 1. The ey "Nº manner) In that manner; in

defiance or shout previously to bat- -
such a way. eº-No-3 Ot ex-3
tle. 2. affectation of superiority. adj. Such, alluding to some thing
written or said before.
egº; Święcº v. a. To give -

one self airs. T. *93 s. n. 1. A lump of tamarinds.

eg-oxº s. n. A house built 2. clotted hair. ex: Nº v. n. To be
over the fort gate; an upstair house. clotted or entangled, as the hair.
e; adj, pron. Such. * eºs º or eº s. n. The scis
tº s. in. A particular kind of sars used for cutting beetle nut.
cake, baked on an iron plate. eº v. n. To be reduced; to be
tº particle. This word is a cor humbled; to be depressed, or press
ruption of 9° that, and "when ed down vide ºb.
added to thº, indefinite relative
eºcºs or ëºc?\c & v. a. To reduce,
participle in Tºš, or to the past to humble &c. ººs (abstract noun)
relative participle of the verb, ex Humility; submission; modesty; po
presses, 1. So that, so as. 2. as. 3. as
liteness ride efo'º under ºrocłS.
if, ser, *º $ºcº e5& s. n. A beetle-nut pouch.
oo:: * Give medicine, so that this e5%3 Sºcº s. n. (from T. 5°CŞs an
man may live, or so as to preserve agent) The person that carries his
his life. Šišić sº master's beetle-nut-pouch.
I did as thou saidst. Fºc & ‘958 º e5: Seo s. n. An entangling, as of
*&sº exº~. He ap. the hairs of the head. ºeox.’
peared, as if he would go farther. v. p. pile tº under €58%.
e. *3sº a Teloogoo phrase e5:30 & v.a. To discharge, or send
(from r. º so, the emphatic T, forth.
e5???.S. v. n. To shine.
and T. Kºč) to go) Literally it is
gone thus ; corresponding with the e5%X3 s. n. IIeartfelt sorrow.
e5% ºxy v. m. l. To bawl ; to weep;
English phrase “never mind.”
ešº's sº s. n. A com to cry loudly. 2. to be afraid.
t. ºx) s. n. Fear ; terror.
plete description of the origin, and
existing condition or appearance, of tub. ex:9 s. n. (from s. 295) A
any person, thing, or action. forest ; a wilderness. e5&Yoğ s. n.
e-D §es adv. Thus, videº". (from s. s of a root) A large wild
root, the Tacca pinnatifida e5?? 3)3
ey's s. n. videºs.
e5’s- adv. 1. Thus, in that man S. s. n. (from rud. & a dog)
nº 2. so, in such a manner. e) A wolf. e355° 3. s. n. (from rud.
ºx. adv, (frºm T. tºº so, and T. s' 3 a fowl). A jungle fowl, ****
e is 17 e5? *:

3.29% s. n. (from T. Feº sugar mark or measure of a foot. 3, the foot

cane) Wild sugar cane, e&#3 & S.A.s. or bottom of any thin . . . '
In, (from T. ŠošA an buffalo) A wild & XS Xo & v.a. (from t. ºo - f :

buffalo. 9:3, 32.8 s. n. (from t. touch) 1. To fall to the bºtton to

&c & a hoſ/) A wild hog, A wild boar. subside. 2. to be burned as rice at the
9:5 s, ,º s. n. (from t. CŞy bottom of a pot. “93 * * Nº S adv. 1.
*.*.*, the cotton tree) The wild cot. Step by step. 2. ever and anon, from
ton tree, Hibiscusvitifolius. ****** time to time es *...* adv. Fre.
83% s. n. (form T. <sº a
quently; often. ex-x-exes, W’, a ,

habitation) An anchoret, a hermit. To cut close to the root. ex-x. Sº

ex:3.5 x s. n. Nerium anti
º,\ows v. a. To pull up by the
dysentericum “233 ST Ros s. n. A roof. * * * *

sort of plant called also ºë38 &rºo T. “º v. a. To ask : to questiºn;

to demand. e&A is, vº catts. Tº
33.35. e8.5 Fºx s. n. (from
T. ºx jasmine) A kind of cause to ask &c. g.º. 3 (ºr m
T. tºo bºy) To beg;
to entrea. ... "C -

jasmine. (J. Auriculatum). T. eºs V. a. To beat ; to strºke.

y * .

****)3 s. n. An alarm or distur

t. “Pº s. n Mire; mud, º
bance excited by a hostile or preda ~~

T. Sº s. n. A measure, qnal to twº.

tory incursion.
mannikas. " . .
*** ****v. n. To hop; to jump ×2×2 * * ". . *
with a quick motion ; as fox. 5 r. **śos s. n. 1. Delay 2. hin'erance;
*93 tº the grass-hopper is prevention
*Y -
; obstacle, ride ebº. Sºo. - wº

hopping. - T. e. £2 s. n. (from T. *** * across

***św s. n. A scymitar. and T. ** a bank) A dam, to shut
**** s. n. A bond-man; a slave; up or confine water. º

slavery. -

T. e:sx^ $º, s. n. The upper part of a


**º-oººo s. n. 1. A mark; a
door frame, carved in ºn elegant
token by which any thing is known. In anner.
2. any symbol used as a signature by T. . exºcº V. a. To stºp ; to hinder
those who cannot write their names.
G* €933 s. n. vide “23. Še. from progressive motion ºr action;
*93& "º" s. n. The obtaining goods to prevent ; to arrest.
from a trades-man, in order to sell T. e.Sº s. n. A shie', ; , .klar.
them ; the business of a broker. T. e:33 V, n. (fr im T. & ºn tº oxy

©º v. a. To range ; to pile up. and t. 3 is to fºil) i. * * ** *
T. & Xbºx s. n. Wide & & 9). to impede, to block up. 2. . . .
*93.8 s. n. 1. A foot-step. 2, the fere; to secure.
6-9 tº 18 tº 5

• *-*
- e:s K. s. n. A nose ornament, or & or ecocº v. a. 1. To press
down. 2. to humble, subdue, re
duce, depress, repress, suppress, al
eºs s. n. 1. Anything transverse, | lay, abate, or appease. ****** s.
or in a cross direction. 2 obstacle,
n. 1. Modesty. 2. politeness, civility.
impediment, opposition. 3. a securi 3. submission, humility. 920x NT
ty, a pledge. egºs &y v. n. To
º’ v. a. (from t. sº to beat) To
oppose; to front. * v. n. |
reduce, to suppress, to subdue, to
1. To be in the way. 2. to be secu |

ºr eº:SYTº &oo )
restrain, to annihilate. ***o Sºo
rity for another.
- -

Ҽ v. a. 1.
º -

To put in the way. 2. to mortgage,

rocºşā. Pride is humbled. N-0
&583 CWS 8. The wind is abated. &c
to pledge. ex: F. s. m. pl.’ Im. § 99.2c% Sã. IIunger is allayed.
pediments, obstacles, * ***** § 3& eºscº. He repressel
†oºo-1. To throw impediments in
º -
his anger. “2:30 &#& v. a. (from
the way. 2. to oppose in argument. T. 33 to throw) To suppress or
TUD. e:s & v.u. (from s, *****
&) Justicia adhatoda & gandarussa. conceal unlawfully.
&Fö’ s. n. An ana, the sixteenth
T. egº; s. n. plu. Dice.
part of a rupee.
T. eå s. n. 1. Delay. 2. opposition.
€83.S. s. m.(from
s.9°39 an atom) The
*:Nex s. n. plu. A gold necklace. power of assuming an imperceptible
form; one of the eight supernatural
e; s. n. A deposit. -
faculties. º

e: s. n. 1. Any thing that affords e5:30 SS5 s. n. “Sexº v. a Wide
concealment. 2. any thing used to e5 22c23.
exclude cold or heat. 3, a cover. se êeasº) s. n. An atom ; so small a
T. . exx s. n. IIalf of a fanam. particle as cannot be divided; any
ecosº s. n. An annicut or dam. thing extremely small. *

vide eºs;, T. e5-Nects, e3.cº, º Ko pro. He.

S. erosºcºs s. n. (from s, root *š These words are used in speaking
to make a noise) A base, vile, or honorifically of equals, of the third
worthless man. person.
T. zº-W-S v. n. To be extinguished. e58 tº s. n. Transgression; an
T. eacNS v. n. 1. To be pressed down. act of wickedness; an offence.
2. to be humbled, subdued, reduced, S. €39 Sö oxº s. n. 1. A disorganized
depressed, repressed, suppressed, al or confused state. 2. a tumultuous
layed, abated, or appeased, e5 to cAo disturbance or noise. 3, a jolting.
653, 19 © $º

°3e:So s. n. Hell; the region which iſ a car, who effectually combats the
is supposed to be below the earth. enemy, even after his driver is woun
S. eš s s. n. The lin plant; wide sº ded or killed.
Tº = C.J.
435. tº Kº s. n. (from s, e3 excess
º A Sanscrit particle, which pre and s. & S taste) A sweet cake made
fixed to words adopted from that from a mixture of rice-flour, sugar
language, marks ercess. Very; much:
beyond. e55. Sºo &c. º Exceeding; ex
eºs S. n. A transgression ; cessive.
*9° S. s. n. A woman.
the violation of a law or command. * *

ºš Soo s. n. The fast observed

ºS) ºo is v. a. 1. To pass over
or beyond. 2. to surpass, to excel. 3. on the day preceding the ceremony,
to transgress; to infringe v. n. To in which pindums or oblations are
elapse. - - offered by the Hindoos to the males
of their ancestors.
ºù ſº v. n. 1. To pass away.
2. to be too late. eºsºs. n. (from s. e5 excess and
**@ s. n. A guest; one who is en S. sº rain) Excess of rain. º

tertained at the house of another; a S. tºº &c. adj. (from s, e3er.

stranger that comes to the house of cess and s. 3e, a boundary) Without
another for food. Gº? %rº. Ríos, limit, much; excessive. -

To entertain, lit. to worship, guests. 993 cºx' &c. adj. 1. Wonderful",

e3? Ú sº s. n. (from s. Úcº marvellous, extraordinary. 2. ex
an act) Hospitality. * cellent. 3. uncommon, excessive.
tº $ $3 Sº, &c. adj. (from s, tº eº"Sºw s. n. (from s. e5? excess
e.vcess and s. & SS delicious) very and s. Fº a fioring) A flux or
delicious or delicate; affording de diarrhaca. 997 "Sº, v. n. To
light; grateful to the sense or mind. have a flux, or diarrhoea.
S. n. Licorice. eto èy-ºw &c. adj. (from s. 39
ºs-Jºº &c. adj. (from s, tº beyond and s. 3-3) & the senses)
excess and s. &Tú) a measure) Im Imperceptible. -

moderate ; exceeding : excessive. e555 § jº s. n. (from s tº past

º, Rºo s. n. A kind of creeper; and s. (9&- the action) The past
the Gartnera racemosa, or Banisteria tense ; the action finished or ended.
lengalensis. e853 &c. adj. Past; gone.
tº sc ** s. n. (from s. “23 ercess ‘t’.
° 33° v. n. To be joined, fastened,
and s. ** a car) A horo mounted in united, or soldered : to cling to
C-53 20 §53 *

gether. v. a. To join, fasten, unite, or The want of free agency; entire de

sºlder tºgether. eºšotº v. caus. has pendence upon another; the being
the same meaning as **** in its exclusively under another's directions.
actice sense. “º s. n. 1. Junction. tud, e^Sºx adj. (from s, ºš)
2. a purch ; a piece sewed up ºn a Much; great in quantity; extra.
cloth, to cover a hole; a joint in a T. Sº Ko s. n. An opportunity; a cri
plank &c. tical pºint of time; a juncture. ****

s, eºs. Sº &c. adj. Unparallelled, tin Šºš º Fºcş he came a propos.

precedented. sº -

G. ºº) s. n. This word is derived

T. e... s. n. 1. A mother-in-law. 2, a from the arabic word—-\, and in
maternal uncle's wife. 3, a paternal Teloogoo denotes, Respect; polite
aunt. This last is termed properly ness; awe. **ść)erºo & To keep
# = e5 = 3-5 ex s. m. plu. (a In a We.

compound of € 5 and & sº a S. exº~ &c. adj. 1. Many; consist

father in law) 1. The lather and ing of a great number. 2. much, large
mother in-law. 2, a maternal uncle in quantity. -

and his wife. º

G. e^S cºokº v. a. To frighten; to
T. e º s. n. A bunch of plantain terrify. - _

fruit. *

T. & S v. n. To tremble; to shake;

o, e º s. n. (from A Le) Perfume, to palpitate; to start. 95.8 s. n.
* fragrance; essence, ottar (ºf rose &c.) Trembling; shaking. Sº S^*S s.
T. & eº adv. (from T. & that, and T. n. Fear and trembling. SºoYoo &
& eº time) At that time, then. s. n. (from T. Wºo & a heart) 1. A
s: “” is s. n. in theatrical language, coward. 2. habitual timidity; pusil
elder sister,
An lanimity, º ºs s. n. A sudden
twitch or start.
T. e. f.\ST) & s. n. (from t. & Jº
a tree) The glomerous fig tree, ficus T. ºlotº or º) v. a. To me
glomerata. nace, threaten, or intimidate.
s sº Soss, &c. adj. (from s tº ex G. e. Sººn adv. 1. By chance, by
cess. and s. &cº the end) Lxcessive. accident.2 suddenly. 3. unexpectedly.
adv. Very, exceedingly. T. Sº pro. 1. She. 2. it. 3. that. This is
s. St & W S & s. n. 1. Death. 2. distress.
the remote demonstrative pronoun
3. transgression. of the third person singular, in the
S. º .* &c. adj. Excessive. feminine and neuter genders, from
e5(3) s. m. Atri, one of the seven the masc. Fºc º-e? §ºx). Since
sages, or principal stars in ursa major. | that, from that. e858 sº. Until then,
TU D. tº ºc 3 - Sºx or tºo §§ jº E. in . .
as far as that, º& W-8 adv, (from T.

ex3 21 e?

ºš the negative verbal participle die. 2. to dip. e89% v. caus. To

of ***) to become) Besides that, ex cause to stain &c. ess S. Il.

cept that. º
Tincture; colour; die.
t. ess X* interj. Look there! Lo! be
°º s. n. Hire; rent. eºsovº)
hold' adv. Yonder. This word is used
To let out. exts Ś Ko. To hire.
when we direct the eye to an object e. º A rented house.
in view.
exºs s. n. Wonder; surprize.
*33 s. m. Aditee, the mother of the adj. Wonderful ; surprizing ; excel
gods, the daughter of Dutcha. e583
Sość9ex s. n. plu. (from s. Koºs °Cºy s. n. A mountain. eleſcºe
a son) Gods or deities, so called, be
cause they are born of Aditee. s. n. (from s. T & ET a king) The
©º $3 v. or s. n. vide €593. snowy mountains in the north of
India. -
T. ex: 8° adv, ride es &#.
S. “93 & Sºo &c. adj. Inferior; low;
eSSo v. a. To press; to compress. vile; base, adv. At least.
eºs v. m. wide ess-e:S&# *
A kind of native petard, used as a eºscºs s. n. (from s. Sºo
firework. " inferior and s. 29)) to debt) A debtor.
& 53 ޺s A creditor.
eºyº adj. (from s, e a privative s. *** 5× &c. adj. That which is below
and s. sº sight) Blind. or underneath. s. m. The underlip.
ºšº s. n. (from s, sº a privative ºx's, n. (from s.e privative and
and s. º seen) 1. Fortune; luck. 2. s: º, justice) 1. Injustice. 2, want
fate. 3. casual, and unseen danger (as of charity. 3., unrighteousness. 4. all
from conflagration &c.) & Sºyśº behaviour contrary to the Sruti and
Bad luck. exº~ss &c. adj. Smriti, or oral and written institutes.
Unfortunate. eºsº) Or “º S v adv. (from s. Sº down and
e-ºws exº To become fortu s. F" or) Otherwise.
S. e? A Sanscrit particle, which, pre
nate.º.º. A fortunate person. fixed to words adopted from that
TU D. ex adj. (from s. *: half) Half. language, expresses excess or superio
egºsos s. n. (from T. Tö cox rity in rank, place, or degree.
night) Midnight. e? § & &c. adj. Much ; excessive;
TU D. egº, s. n. (from s. es a mirror) cxtra ; superior; great.
A mirror; a looking glass. esser e? § 5 to So s. n. in logic, The
continent; that which contains or
isIn 11 ss tº To be represented in *
trol'. comprehends any thing, in grammar.
º v. a. 1. To stain, to colour, to The locative case.

e5 tQ 22
ºS º

e: º SºčS$o s. n. (from s. particle |s. ****) SA s. n. The elder or superior

e? superiority and s. Sº making) wife ; a woman whose husband has
1. The Government, or ruling power. married a second wife.
2. authority; power. 3. a right to e? Ös tº (from s, particle tº
property. 4. an employment. 5. a and s. © to cook) A furnace, fire
chapter. e? Sº Yo Soy To entrust place, or hearth.
with power; to authorize, or empow S. easos v. n. To be contained.
et. ei, sº SS R& To exercise |
e; ºss S. n. 1. A town. 2. that
power; to be in a powerful situation. comprehends any
which contains or
e5? sº or Rºb Power to
thing. eysz, 5 s. n. The deity
be current, or to extend to. Sº? Sºč
s. n. 1. A Governor. 2. one invested
presiding over any thing; as 3 º'S
§§s ess. The deity presiding
with authority or power; a public
over learning.
officer. 3. the rightful owner of a
thing. **Sºx &c. adj. Subject to, depen
dent on s. n. 1. Possession or charge.
enº s. n. 1. Table-land. 2. land 2. power.
upon a mountain.
e; Sºx &c. adj. (from s. sº a pri
s, ºs s. n. A girl under eleven vative and s. 39 brave) Cowardly ;
years of age. -
e?33 s. n. (from s, particle e? e; Sºx S. n. Cowardice; unstea
and s. sº a master) 1. A Governor; diness.
a ruler ; a king ; a severeign. 2. an
OWner Or in aster. e $**s Sº s. n. (from s, ºr ST
below, and s. 3's S the world) The
***śº s. n. 1. A monkey or ape. subterraneous world; hell.
2. the black cuckow. 3. a large black
fly. 4. a black beetle, S. ei's ecºs s. n. The God Vish
7100. - -

**ś)cºs s. n. (from s. particle e?

and s. v. W." to preserve) 1. A sove ei Sºº s. n. Reading; study.
reign ; a supreme ruler; a lord. 2. This is generally applied to the study
all OW her Or master. of the Védas, or of the arts and sci
tº 5 °3-23 s. n. (from s. particle ences, in Sanscrit. en Sºssº
“93 and s. v. & 35 ° to ascend) A cºo. To study the Védas.
ladder. ºf SS STSX s. n. Perseverance;
tº Fºº s. n. (from s, particle constancy in progress, *

tº and s. v. S K to dwell) A house: *S § sº - - -

&c. adj. (from s, particle **

an abode. ** and s. sº on rye) Perceptible.

º €$ e55

S. e; Sº s. n. (from s, particle escă ş, &c, adj. Endless: eter

e? and s, e3, an eye) 1. An over mal; infinite. & Koš & 23& Sºx s. n.
seer; a superintendent. 2. a chief ; a (from s. 3,23 S victory) The name
grandee. of the conch or shell of Dharmarája,
© GRS <<<> s. n. A teacher of the in the Mahábhárat.

Védas. t
e5Koš5 oroš to s. n. The name
5. ez's ãooks v. a. To teach the of a city in the province of Malabar.
Védas. eºs of 3 CSSRocºs s. n. (from s.
eºs SSSX s. n. A chapter; a sec ‘95 oš the chief of serpents, and s.
* cºs a bed) The god whose couch
tion ; a lecture.
is the king of serpelts, Vishnoo.
s. e i sãºs. s. n. 1. Argument, S. *Soč Cº. s. n. The infinite Be
reasoning. 2. a word not expressed
ing. Vishnoo,
but understood.
e Ss. n. A road, way, path, or route. ºxº. s. n. Adam, vide º and
e5 22 S ed
ex Sºcks S. Il- (from S. exSH- a.
road and s. X5 to go) A traveller. . ©s C78° adv. (from t. 959 to say, and
T. S" the infinitive of €5) to become)
e-Sºº s. n. The holy sacrifice, or 1. When it is said. 2. to wit; name
solemn ceremony, performed by bra
mins; in which a he goat is killed, ly; videlicet. Koºes c-A-Tº lit.
and a particular part of the inside When Sundhi is said, what is it?
fat, being offered to the deity, is eaten What is the meaning of Sund hi. “2
R c-Krebs' cºw 20 * TC 239 ×ec X-There
by them. -

e-Sºscº s. n. (from sº e-S8) was a certain king.

The reciter of the Yujoor Véda, at T. tº Nº.5CNS v. n. To have playful or
the sacrifice abovementioned. amorous daliance together.
e FSºo adj Bad ; corrupt : €95iSºo &c. adj. (from s tº a priva
spoiled. tive and s. º sin) innocent; pure.
Koº, sº s. n. (from s. ** a privative T e.9N cº ºf º s. n. vide
e sº.
and s. “So the body) 1. The sky; S.
et a S <-ºw s. n. A bull or ox.
the atmosphere. 2. the mind or heart. es-Sº- s. n. A cow.
e55 ox3 CŞs s. n. The god of love; Tud. eS: s. m. wide s. º S^3 .
lit. he who has no body.
Tup. e5 - No so adv. (from s. **** al
e55 of s. n. (from s. “2 a privative
and s. eBoš the end) The earth.
ways) Always ; eternally ; continu
e5Soč Šo s. n. 1. The sky; the ally.
air. 2. a unit followed by thirty cy
T. tº Sex, s. n. plu. The vitals; the
phers or other figures. parts essential to life.

Sº Ryº, *

esº &c. adj. (from s. “2 a pri. s, e a privative and s. ** & 2 & 3

vative and s. es; a bar) lit. with & respect) Inattention; disrespect;
out opposition. 1. Fluent ; voluble. disregard; incivility.
2. abundant. S. * Nº adj. Without beginning ;
*95's Sºo &c. adj. (from s, e a priva etermal. -

tive and s. e3 = signification, utility) $9 Nº s. n. (from s. Sº a privative and

Nonsensical ; useless; to no purpose. s. F# a master) 1. A poor helpless
ess s. n. (from s. 2 and s. ** wretch; a vagabond; used as a term
prosperity) Calamity; distress ; dan of slight or contempt. 2. a widow. e
Ryº Sºocșo The protector of the
8. & S exsº s. n. Fire. ©SexyCŞs The helpless, God.
god of fire.
e5 Rºcº or e5 NºoSocº s.
**śs tº v. n. Rice, or other grain, n. (from s. “9 a privative and s.
after it is boiled, and separated from Rººs & Rºsº a name ) 1.
An anonymous person ; one who has
the water, to settle, dry, and cool a lit.
no name. 2. a man of no consequence.
tle, so as to be fit for eating.
©SS FR 3 s. n. (from s, e a priva 9W"SocºSo s. n. (from s, eº a pri
tive and s. 25 S"SE" attention) In vative and s. 3& CS disease) Health;
advertence; mistake. salubrity; welfare,
S. e5 Sºos s. n. (from s, “2 a privative
e5533 So &c. adj. Continual ;
and s. Fºo FT a name) The finger
eternal; frequent, adv. Frequently. next to the little one.
©SS"> s. n. Unusooya, the wife
of the great sage Atri. e Nº. 5&o &c. adj. Continual, eter
nal; frequent. adv. Frequently.
e STS-8 adj. from s. 9 a privative
and s. *S*3 form) Ugly; deformed.
s -
ex-soº s. n. (from s tº a privative
°F"XöSo &c. adj. (from s, eº a and s *sº rain) A failure of rain;
privative and s. 3X3 returned) Not a drought. -

returned ; not received; not arrived G. eRT"K 3oº s. n. A pine apple.

s. n. The future. S. e3S":3–5 So s. n. (from s. Sº a priva
*R*-83 s. n. (from s. Sº a pri tive and s. “33”3 beaten) 1. A new
vative and s. 37°S q. v.) 1. Irreli unbleached cloth. 2. the heart ; a
gion. 2. rusticity; incivility. 3. un vital part.
cleanness. 4' any thing contrary to ** s. n. Battle ; war; fight.
religious custom, or to established *** The past verbal participle of the v.
moarls. ** to say. This word is of very fre
8. *555-38 tº or ºrºššo S, In, (from quent occurrence in Teloogoo, When
25 Gºo

the speaker states what another has tº Ko adv. Always; constantly.

said, he does not, as in English, use adj. Constant, eternal.
the infinitive mood, but repeats the essº &c. adj. (from s. © a priva
words of the original speaker, adding tive and s. º desired) Hated; dis
*** ; thus, he told me to write would, agreeable ; injurious ; ominous of ill.
in Teloogoo, he rendered SKAE) ešššº s. n. 1. An army, a force. 2.
cºśSººyºo viz. Søy me \sy war; battle.
cºos write thou º having said e&#9 s. n. (from s, tº sº battle) 1.
*Tºykº he told. e5K is used, in the An army, a force. 2. an army con
same manner, when we address, to a sisting of 2,187 elephants, 2,187 cha
second person, orders to be delivered riots, 6,561 cavalry, and 10,935 in
- fantry.
to a third; as Koš o &R 355 Tell * S.
to send lit. send thou, having said, tell. | *** A Sanscrit particle, prefixed to
words, and denoting. 1. After. 2. like.
. “S&ots v. caus. (from T. “959 to say)
3. under. 4. along. 5. with. 6. in part
1. To cause to say. 2. to cause to give
of 7. every, each. 8, near to. 9. in re
out, or pretend. Sºo &S"Ko lit. to gard to. 10, to. 11. orderly, metho
cause to say for one's own advantage. dically.
1. To be called, to obtain the name of: |
* v. a. 1. To say, to tell. 2. to call
2. to pass for. 30°22' Sºciego
*5 SS That king was called a names. 9595 & lit. to say for one's
great man. “38&Sośc >3)-S CŞoc & own advantage, To say to oneself.
Sºejić (from Krees, word) To
§3 ovºS*SKö That fool passed for a
learned man.
abuse, vide ‘95 cwt -es - erºes.
• ****ššo s. n. (from s, eo a privative
**śos s. n. Clemency, mercy;

ands. &#39% a twinkling) A fish. tenderness; kindness; compassion.

eRS $ $30 &c. adj. Lustful, lewd,
. &R 3305& ex) or Ҽpexy S. m. plu. afn orous. -

The Deities, or gods. ** adj. Of a consistence like bat

ess; ° s. n. The son of the god ter, nearly liquid, but not trans
of love, and husband of Oosha. parent. .x

esºscºs S. n. The incomprehen S. & Š3-e Şo &c. adj. 1. Favorable. 2.

sible ; one of the names of the su salubrious. *Tº sºjeº &ve,
preme Being. * This country is salubrious to me,
*99& s. n. The god of wind. In eRošºo s. n. 1. Consent. 2. fa.
the plural, this word denotes a set of vor. 3, aid. 4. protection. 5. amity;
divinities, also called vusoos, who are
the being on good terms with ano
eight in number. ther 6, convenience. 7. interest. 8.
e: Ky º
e S) 26

success. 9. procuring, obtaining " || "" p.e5K CX s. n. A friend.

§3 obo-soº's exe5& Sºejsºv - "S" S eº co-ºw &c. adj Suitable, con
sistent; conformable.
or 3:3: I have not yet obtained
the money. &;3& & Sºe: Stºve SS & exº-sº s. n. 1. Favor; regard.
rºw Will this business succeed with 2. kindness; benignity. 3. indul
you ? e553-335 30-seasº e gence, eRºjº, & To gain
is ºwess: He has great interest favor.exº~~ $$. v. a. To grant
a favor ; to shew mercy 3 to favor.
with the king. estros Syºğ cº,

sº. False friendship, concealed en e5K, $83& s. n. (from s, particle

mity. eşş-95% ºccº, To assist; e553 and sº going) A follower ;
to favor; to espouse one's cause: an attendant; a servaut ; a compa
eš983 vo:3:… or eº) To conduce, In 10Il

to contribute,
to be reconciledtoashave good succes”;
***** §3 oey83
e5K, 33 SO &c. adj. (from s, tº a pri
vative and s. 6, 85 fit or proper) Im
-&-83 or es's "sº oboFS They proper.
sº reconciled or made friends. e5K)
e5& S v.a. 1. To send ; to dispatch.
sº-exes tº Ko To reconcile others; 2. in books, To cause to make.
to ingratiate oneself. * ºf $398 & e5Koźf s. n. (from s, particle &
§3 os):3es tºº &TO’ &ssº-be and s. & F who lives) A servant.
<&tº Tº &. Having ingra e3eº s. n. (from s, particle 9K3.
tiated himself with the soldiers, he
and s. 2; born.) A younger brother.
attempted to usurp the crown. ©iº es; s. n. 1. Permission ; leave. 2.
$3 vootº. v. n. 1. To consent. 2. to
command, or order. es: $)$)

favor. 3. to be on good terms with sts, or §§§"K. To take leave.

e5:59, s ,<rºs s. n. (from s, particle esge's) To give leave. esgº
cºo To order.
ević, and s. 5) Stº arrangement)
A-method, mode. S.
ex35% tº s. n. (from s, particle
ess J5 & s. n. Clemency ; mer e5K, and s. 33&s to thirst) 1. A ves
sel from which spirituous liquor is
cy; tenderness; compassion. drunk. 2. a distribution of spirituous
S e5K, X535& s. n. (from s, particle
e553 and s. K&K going) lit. going e5KočT3:30 s. n. (from s, particle
with. A woman's burning herself, on
the same funeral pile with the dead eRo and s. 35 to burn) Distress in
body of her husband, consequence of some thing done;
e5K) 27 e553

remorse; repentance. 959 tº an auriliary verb. 3. connexion, alli

*C& v. n. To repent. ance, union, affiuity.
eRºoso adj. (from s tº a priva e5&#)ož),553 v. n. (from s, particle
tive, and s. Gä & best) Peerless, eş and s. 30.0%) the sun or moon's
most excellent, chief. disk) To throw back, or reflect light,
eRo85& adv. Daily. as a mirror, or water.
. . 'eºfºo Soº So s. n. 1. An apology. 2. s-
eKoº & So s. n. (from s, particle
condolence. 3. consolation. e5533 S oxyo ©K and s. *s being) 1. Experience;
*S v. a. 1. To condole, to comfort, to frequent trial ; knowledge acquired
console. 2. to apologize. by practice. 2. experiment. 3. enjoy
“Koš Sºcº s. n. The pod of a cer ment. 4. suffering. 5. carnal con
tain bean, videº. nexion. Sö'S'Koº & The suffer
eRoššº s. n. 1. Want of success. 2. ing of hell. §§ 3353. The en
a pretext, an excuse. 3. inconve
joyment of happiness. & 3%;"Kºš
nience. “RošššexºS To make & The suffering of affliction, pain,
excuses or pretexts. or grief ºo & 3) ov v. a. 1. To ex
e5533 SSS s. n. The female of the ele
perience ; to know by practice. 2. to
phant at the south west point. enjoy. 3. to suffer, 4. to copulatc.
se e5K, 3355S-0 &c. adj. (from s. “2 a pri. *3%e233:33 &ois To suffer the
vative, and s. 6.33° resemblance) consequence of sin ; to be punished
Incomparable, unrivalled, unparal for one's transgressions, ºtºșeș,
lelled. Koº £otº To enjoy, the reward of
€9K3# "Sºo s. n. (from s. particle virtue. “Rºſs Sºo #sº To ex
e553 and s. º "S a beverage) Any perience or enjoy., & SKS & 3) otº
liquid used as a vehicle for medicine, To have carnal connexion with a
to disguise its appearance or taste. WOman,

exº~53,83-83) or R$3& To S.
©K $ºo s. n. (from s, particle
mix medicine in any liquid. eR', and s. 35°x enjoyment) 1. Ea.
e3NS:3) v. a vide €9 ozº). joyment. 2. copulation. ©Ko 35°No to
*959%) s. n. 1. A toll. 2. a tax. 3. cus
v. a. 1. To enjoy. 2. to copulate.
toms payable at ferries or passes, or S - e5533& 3 s. n. (from s, particle ‘9K3
on merchandize exported or import and s. & © the mind) 1. Order. 2, con
ed. 4. ambuscade, ambush. sent. 3. permission. 4.- the fifteenth
S. e55332) of Ś So s. m. Hiccough. day of the moon's age, when she
€5, 2005 So s. n. 1. in grammar, An rists a little less than full. & Koš Čo
affix or augment. 2. an indicatory * v. a. To consent, to agree.
letter not sounded, º& •of J&. S
*SS "S& s. n. (from e. particle
e5K) 28 es)
eRS and s. Sº S a measure) 1. In T. “9Kºš adj. 1. Convenient ; proper.
ference. 2. conjecture ; doubt; sur 2. arranged; well made. 3. delicious;
mise. 3. suspicion. 4. hesitation. 35
&\s,8S-ºxº~& - €95 bººt SSSo exºss s. n. 1. The act of mak

Hää, öðCŞ35exºS & The deity is not ing. 2. conduct. 3. the observance of
obvious to sight, he must be known prayer. eRºssºs Without

by inference. “Ross's & To failing in the performance of prayer.

doubt, hesitate, suspect. Zoš Čšº eRºots To make ; to observe.
e5Kośr-Sºº To entertain sus °Košoi o K. v. a. To fix; to join
together. v. n. To meet, to come to
picion of another.
e5Košº s. n. The plant producing. gether.
S. e5533'38 23 or e5533 öroğo S. n.
e5Kosºx, s. m. plu. A kind of bean.
Dolichos Lablub. -
(from s, particle ‘959 and s. SS to
e5K, 33-08c+59 v. p. To consent, to going) 1. The act of following or ob
agree, to approve. serving. 2. assiduity, attachment, or
e5K, 33rox $3.5 s. n. A question, an servility to the great. 9Košēotº
interrogation. v. a. 1. To follow, to adhere to. 2. to
observe, to imitate. 3. to wait on, or
S. exos s. sº &c. adj. Beloved.
e55383, or exo~xº~ s. n. At make court to any great personage.
tachment, regard, love, affection,
exº-S8. or exoſ. Sºo s. n.
tenderness. The nasal character (o)
S. €9R&-S & s. n. 1. A former birth, or
S e5K, 3-3530 &c. adj. 1. Like, 2, fit,
suitable. state of existence. 2. race, family.
e5Koeſ º s. n. (from s, particle e5S-0TS"KSCŞo s. n. A man of the
e5K and s. ejº talking) Tautology. greatest learning ; one who is con
e5Koeſ-3 oiº. To repeat the same versant with the Védas, and six V6
words, over and over again. dangas.
e5K, 335&o s. n. 1. The rubbing e553-3530 s. n. A country or spot
ground sandal wood on the body. abounding in swamps.
€953 S & E-5& s. n. Conformity; the S. e5Kºv Cº. s. n. The name of the
act of following erºs. 3s o § v. a. 1. seventeenth lunar mansion.
To conform to; to observe ; to ad e5K-3CŞ s. n. (from s. ** a priva
here. 2, in grammar, To be implied or tive and s. *S the thigh) The cha
understood, not expressed ; as S$3ro rioteer of the sun.
s 2.5:359s-cié):SSA &
S. erºyº &c. adj. (from s, tº a priva
the compound word is here under tive and s. ºë truth) False. s. n.
stood. A falsehood, a lie.
eºs, 29 eSS
e's sº s. n. (from s, ess many eño, and the plural of Nº a day.
and s. * to drink) An elephant, be 69 §§oé8904's "c & s. n. (from T.
cause it drinks with both its mouth eº all, and t. 904'S "cº an eater)
and trunk.
The god of fire, so called, because
ess sº &c. adj. (from s. Sº a pri he consumes every thing that he
vative and s. Ás one) Many, several. touches. .
*Sé Sºc & s. n. (from s, par eñº or eºs, S. n. A woman.

ticle “”, here implying similarity, TUD. ºf adj. (from s. “See an atom)
$3 deaf, and Kº’s dumb) A per Very minute, very small.
son who is both deaf and dumb. T. eñº) s. m. wide º
S. essº” adv. Otherwise; on the con
eTºvs 3"> s. n. A tree.
*Rºlls, n. An elder brother. This
word is often used to call any one, in es.Sº &c. adj. Other, different, ſo
a familiar manner; as in English we
say friend ? I say.” &c. also as an in erºscºw s. n. (from s tº a pri
vative and s. FS& propriety, jus
terjection, denoting surprize. ©SA
tice) Injustice.
&ºx Brothers. i. e. both elder
and younger brothers.
eR-SSS So &c. adj. (from s. ess
other, reduplicated) 1. Mutual. 2. re
eRºş interj. denoting Surprize. ciprocal. In familiar use, it often ex
eSAŞo s. n. (from s. v. 95 to eat) -

presses mutual affection ; as “U &

Boiled rice; food. eSºlº v.
a. To give rice or food. eBSAŠošo's 38sses sessºr SSS-53.
Between that man and woman, there
To dress victuals.. e55S
K Sºo
is a strong mutual affection. •Tº S
Food and raiment. & Rºs Soe» Sºº-sº Mutual friendship.
Meat and drink. eSºtos s. n. eºrs-Sºº-º-º: To speak
(from s. Kyºtos filling) The wife of familiarly with one another.
the god Visveswara at Câusy, or es.Soºº... s. n. 1. Race, lineage, fa
Benares. ess ºft S. s. n. (from s. mily. 2. h grammar, Construction; as
ūyī 5 eating). The ceremony of ;33° Fºs StºšSoº concord,
giving solid food to a child for agreement. *Sæsørºsscºw go
the first time, generally performed in vernment. *SSoxo~ v. a. To con
the sixth month of it's age.
ebº, adj. pro. collective, in the neu ess º s. n. (from s, particle 959
ter gender. 1. All. 2, so many. “Pº. and s. e; signification) Original
& So many days, a contraction of
rº signification.
€9:3 30 €5:3

ess sº ºw s. n. Lineage; de e53 Soº Soo s. n. 1. Loss, diminution.
scent; family; race. vide essºsº. 2. degradation. 3. the act of plucking
eRS5's &c. adj. (from s, particle “” fruits, flowers, or leaves.
Ko and s. 33 gone) Attended, accom
esºs s. n. Impoliteness; inci
panied, joined.
vility; insult; an affront. Nº &393
eść easº s. m. (from s, particle “”
Ko and s. *š to looking) Research.
~&#& To profane a temple.
€93 tº s. n. 1. Destruction, decrease.
e Sºro or e Sãrosº. s. n. In 2. worship.
quiry, search. essºs So &c. adj. o -

Searched, inquired into. e5:32:cºSo s. n. (from s. particle 9

e53 A particle, which prefixed to § and s. 3& victory) Defeat; rout;
Sanscrit words, denotes. 1. Inferiori loss of battle ; want of success.
ty (below, worse) 2. privation (from) esús NS So s. n. (from s, particle
3. separation (away from) 4 contra e53 and s. 5°y a bed) A pillow of a
riety (against) 5, difference (from) 6. semicircular form.
dishonesty. 7. exultation.
exºcºs s. n. A widower.
e53. Sº So s. n. (from s, particle
est. Sº s. n. (from s. v. §5 to fall)
e5:3 and s. Sº doing) 1. Malice,
hatred. 2. the doing any mischief, in Offspring, either male or female; so
called, because the family is upheld
jury, or harm to another. It is oppo. by then.
sed to Čšš SºčSo Beneficence. Sº
TS"8 A disobliging, or mischievous
S. e53\öjš s. n. (from s, particle “33
and s. Jº- shame) Bashfulness,
. (5:333s− s. n. (from s, particle “33 modesty.
and s. 33s fame) Infamy; dishonor; 6.53*Sº s. n. (from s. Sº a privative,
injury to one’s reputation. e5:333s and.s. §§S regimen) A deviation
Tºys"Ko To bring infamy on one from prescribed regimen.
self. e383 & s. n. (from s, particle ex3
esújº, s. n. (from s, particle and s. eſ a cardinal point) 1. The
€93 and s. ($958 to go) 1. Retreat; intermediate points between the car
flight. 2. disorder. dinal ones; as S. E., N.W., &c. 2. half
a point of the compass.
ess Sº &c. adj. (from sº a priva.
tive, and s. 3s S mature) Unripe, raw, €3&"S s. n. 1. Calumny. 2, in
immature, green. famy. “93& "S$3 To be calumnia
e5:33.535530 s. n. 1. A limb or mem ted or infamous. exº~xº To
ber. 2. the body. calumniate.

Q-93 31 Cºx3

exº; sº s. n. 1. Purpose. 2. aim. 3. ment. 3. punishment. Sº Sº SoFS

pretence; pretext. 4. mask, disguise. fºllows To pardon a fault, e3+º,
essºs s. n. (from s, particle ‘9% &#cº To commit a fault. Rºew
and T. Sºs belief) 1. Distrust. 2. Steºrovºo's" is, To pardon for
jealousy. 3. diffidence. the fourth time, exº~5:3. To
e53Koš s. n. (from s, particle “93 and avoid punishment. “3375°º & 53-2
s. Foº" a reproach) An unjust re *) To condemn to punishment. ex:
proach or censure. 2. defamation ;
Tºo㺠To amerce or fine.
calumny ; detraction.
e3"Cº., SSS 1. Pardoning a fault.
ex\? Joë & s. n. 1. Ungrammati
2. excusing from fine. <253 Cº. A
cal language. 2. an artificial language guilty person. -

different from the Sanscrit idiom. 3.

a stumble, or trip in walking. -
S. escº S. n. (from s. “93 & lat
exºss & s. n. That which is ob ter, and s. ºf the day time) The
tained in loan upon a pledge. afternoon.

e:sºyºSº s. n. (from S. particle is. ë38 3x3 & &c. adj. Immense, in
&93 and s. sºyººs death) Untimely finite, innumerable, immoderate.
or violent death. -

*****śSoo &c. adj. Scarce; unfre

ex So? s. n. The purest gold. quent ; uncommon, rare ; unusual.
€93öSo &c. adj. 1. Other. 2. latter.
ex; s. n. Parrati the wiſe of Sica.
exº~9) s: n, plu. (from s. Vºy
(8 || e530-~35&o s. n. (from s, particle “33
cºv action) Funeral rites. ©3535so |
ands. eTºº saying) 1. A denial. 2. an
Ús s. n. (from s. &o 3) a mysti argument held in support of some
cal tert) The formula used at funeral || i
falsehood. 3. concealment of know
rites. ess tºys. n. (from s. Cº
ledge. 4. affection.
(8) night) midnight. 8. €358 $ $30 s. n. A chamber, a room,
e5:30"? §§o s. n. (from s, eº a pri an inner apartment in a house.
vative, and s. STO"?é vanquished) ‘essº s. n. Beatitude ; the de
The car of Indra.
e53-5°28′Sc:S s. n. (from s.e5 a priva livery of the soul from the body, and
tive and s. STS-285 vanquished) The its exemption from further trans
god Vishnoo. 2 one of the eleven migration ; eternal bliss.
I?oodras. 3. the regent of the north S. e3 SvöSo s. n. (from s, particle
east point. e53 and s. Fès saying) 1. An unjust
ex^*\) s. m. wide ess tºo) reproach or censure ; a false accusa
underè35 Soo. tion. 2. detraction, infamy, blame.
€375°35& s. n. 1. A fault, offence, vide €93& Cº. -

or transgression, 2. a fine, or amerce- || es: Cºx &c. adj. (from s, tº a

e5-à-vo 3 e-º

privative and s. <35) pure) Im and s. 33 a master) The sea, or

pure; unclean.
€93 3 gº s. n. (from s, particle ‘93 e="Gyº &c. adj. (from s. “” a
ands. § 2) a word) An ungrammatical privative and s. **@ proper) Un
word. -

worthy, unfit º’CºScº Ex

exºSºos, or adj. (from s, parti travagant or foolish expense.
cle “33 and s. K SS the right side) 1. S. e?"SSo s. n. 1. The fundament;
The placing the sacerdotal thread on the anus. 2. a fart.
the right shoulder, and letting it fall e5-y-ošºv §s s. n. A medicinal

on the left side. 2. a religious circum plant. The Achyranthes aspera.

ambulation, with the left hand to ***Cºx, s. n. (from s, particle “33
wards the object circumambulated. 3. and s. Sºcº fortune) 1. Calamity. 2.
the motion of a star contrary to the danger, peril. 3. a scrape.
order of the signs in the zodiac. 4. s
eº &c. adj. (from s. sº a pri
the Arabic, Persian, or any other lan. vative and s. Tº a bank) 1. Impas
guage, of which the character is writ sable. 2. excessive ; unbounded ; in
ten from right to left. finite ; immense. -

°3:53 s. n. 1. A confused state . eºs s. n. (from s. a particle ‘93

of mind. 2. any violent passion, ap and s. ex signification) a false signi
proaching to madness. fication, misinterpretation.
~ * ~

essSSX s. n. (from s, particle e5% º'S So s. n. A covering, a screen.

&3 and s. KS3 a tone) l. A hoarse ſ e5.6)×S adv. vide ºb.
voice. 2. a base or false note. 3. an s -
eºsºsº s. n. (from s. © a pri
unpleasant tone, or discordant sound. vative, and s. 3)S §§ a new lirth)
*933-80 & v. a. (from s, particle ex3 Salvation ; beatitude ; eternal bliss.
and s. 3.) to take) To take by vio vide €935 § $3.
lence ; to usurp; to plunder; to rob; “%)KySo s. n. (from s. sº a privative
to pillage ; to ravish. - and s. Kºśy a flower) The glomerous
e3+ºss s. n. (from s, particle fig-tree, ſicus glomerata, vide e9 º
€93 and s. *ś laughter) Derision,
ridicule, mockery.
S. °ićyºs s. n. A cake; a kind of
bread made from flour.
933 A$o tº v. a. To conceal ; to
disguise, ***6) "SSºx' &c. adj. (from s, e a pri
****oxsº s. n. (from s, particle vative and s. KJ-SS former) New,
©3 and s. Sºo?\) The outer corner of never before seen or existing, s. n.
the eye. Advantage; excellence.
ºr —S,
S. e ºvoº s. n. (from s, eº water, S.
- -

*T*& s. n. 1. Desire, wish; want.

*-*N *\S)
2. a coveting. 3. aid. This word, in |
T. ex\ºo tº v. a. To beat with the
composition with Sanscrit terms, de
- - -

open hand ; to slap ; to tap.

notes, in comparison, our Adverb e3S. s. n. Water.
than ; as ex-Sºok- - SKSCX) exy s. n. Debt. exº~& or

ić) tºys"Ko or êcº To borrow.

Sšº seesws & The elephant is
stronger than the horse. exº~ &) To lend. exºSºx
exº~$o s. n. (from s, particle “93 || The general term for debt, due both
ands, &#" reasoning) A false charge; by, and to one. **śS To fall in
blame ; a lie, a falsehood. debt existºs to liquidate debt.
exy s. n. 1. A father. 2. an elder *93S & adv. (from T. & that and T.
sister. This word is frequently added Ś)’s in compos. time) This is, in fact,
to the proper names of men, as a a defective noun, as the derivation
term of common respect ; thus * 5x evinces: in the nominative case, here
§y - &ox<y &c. given, it signifies that time, and in ge
T. exy^ows v. a. 1. To deliver to the neral corresponds with the English
charge of another ; to put into ano adverb then, or if added to a relative
ther's hands. 2. to surrender up; to participle, it represents our term
resign ; to make over. 3. to consign. when, not used interrogatively; as
e5: S^oš s. n. Delivery : consign ºc3 QS Kyºs IPhen he gave. It
ment. admits of inflexion; as ºyº Sº
*9&Nº.) s. m. wide ºy-3Ko. -
T'Sºx. The affairs of that time, ex)
***N*Sºo adj. Pure, unmingled, un **Roo? From that time, since then.
mixed, sheer.
**Y**śyºš3 Now and then.
ºyºs s. n. A sort of pan-cake. °S)”; n. 1. Infamy ; dishonor. 2.

*9%)^2 s. n. (A Carnataca word}} a bad reputation, or character.

Permission ; liberty ; leave, ls.
S exºSº s. n. (from s. 95 water, and
*\SyèS$$º &c. adj. Imperceptible.
s. $9 a master) The regent of the i
eys as . m. (from s. ** a pri
water; the indian Neptune. vative and s. Syss to an oath) Per
| jury. Sººyºº. A perjured
*S** s. n. 1. A tax; tribute. |
man ; a liar.
This word is also used to denote sums
of money, beyond the just revenue due, | s. e Syºğcº &c. adj. Unmeasura
| ble ; incomprehensible ; inconceiva
extorted from the people. |
°ºyºy interj. denoting Excessive ble ; indescribable : beyond human
grief or pain, Oh! understanding.

*9%\S. s. n. A kind of sweet cake. es) & 2:8;& &c. adj. Useless,
eº * > s. m. wide eº. without any cnd or object.
€92) 34 (9:0

- º &c. adj. (from s, $2 a s. 239 strength) A woman ; a female.
privative and s. 13 ſo?'
ſº famous) Not +

e Sºx s. n. (from s, e^* unin

- —s - -

famous, secret ; unknown. structive, and s. 5° time) The time

e'Uš Āš-ššwo s. n. (from s, tº a priva at which, if one studies, it is be
tive and s. &J-5 struck) Unculti lieved no instruction can be obtained;
vated ground. midnight.
s. e5(+º, -o KS& s. n. (from s. 9 a pri S.
- eºs s. n. (from s, eſſ water, and
vative and s. \ºy’s fit to eat) A man S.2. produced) 1. A conch. 2. a lotus.
who is not fit or worthy of sitting 3. a celestial tree, eº-ſo s. n.
with others, to eat. (from s. Sº the pudendum or vul
*Cºyoºs &c. adj. (from s. Sº a va) The god Brumha, the creator; so
“privative and s. &yos beloved) called, because he was produced from
Hated ; disagreeable. a lotus.
“ºyºs s. n. (from s. e5 water and eye s. n. (from s, “º a lotus and
s. Kyto go). An Upsura,any one of the s. “96 an enemy) The moon.
heavenly nymphs, or celestial courte - eºcºs S. m. (from s. *95 water and
sans ; such as Urvasi, Ramb,ha Mana O

ca &c, so called, because they were s. 23 produced) 1. The moon. 2. the

produced from the quintessence of the physician of the gods, produced at
sea which was churned. e;y&to the churning of the ocean, called also
33 s. n. (from s. 39 a lord) The Dhunvuntree.

god Indra, king of the deities of S, egº, s. n. (from s, tºº water, and
heaven. s. Sº to give) 1. A cloud. 2. a year. 3.
e°oº adj. Without order, irre a mirror.
gular, imprudent. eg s: n, (from s. e5 water, and s.
€92)oso2)So s. n. Good and evil; as O

tºs-cºebºokºx: thatboy
§ holding) The sea. ešº S. n. (from

does not know (the difference be s. 23 born) The goddess of wealth, so

tween) good and evil. called, because produced at the churn
eºs s. n. A pot-ladle, made of the - , O

shell of a cocoa-nut.
ing of the ocean. eśs s, n. Sea

“Sº s. n. (from s. 2 a privative salt. egers s: n, vide eºcº

ands. 25 to bind) A lie; a nonsen eśsses S. n. (from s. SS$5
sical expression. eºsics - 6-92) butter) 1. The moon. 2. nectar. 3. am
~e, sº or e^3& A liar. brosia. egºss s, n. (from s.

tºe s. n. (from s, 9 a privative and §s a sprout) Coral.

ey 35 e?)

tº s. n. A father, ride ºy. interj. e?"oššo s. n. vide e53 Fºo.

Ah oh! se
**Sºx s. n. (from s, sº a privative
eº) or º) interj denoting and S. *S happiness) Misfortune;
Great surprize or grief; ah! oh misery; poverty.
e ºyer's v. n. (from T. e. Cºyº e?"S& s. n. (from s. Sº a privative
and T. “33 to play) To grope. and s. 75's existence) 1. Nonexis
eå) or eº) W*C* s. n. A familiar tence; nonentity; a chimera.
term of address, to a young boy. €9 º'S s. n. A corruption, an irregu
ea) v. n. 1. To come into one's en larity.
joyment, possession, or reach. 2. to be *** A Sanscrit particle, which pre
found, to be obtained. This verb go fixed to words of that language, de
verns the dative case; as Oºſ’9 FN notes. 1. Priority or superiority in
&-es-esseyss & Fºssº) time, place, degree, quality, or situ
&. This money, procured by unjust ation; (Before) 2. the means, or cause.
means, will not be enjoyed by him. (By.) 3. after. 4. below. 5. always,
ox-oxº-K's ºo This house every where. 6. against. 7, near.
became his property, or came into his S ©% ŠSo &c. adj. Lewd; amorous.
possession. sº
***S s. n. 1. Radiance; brightness;
Top exy’s adj. (from eş); sº q. glory; fame. 2. an appellation.
v.) Procured with difficulty; not easily
attainable; excellent; rare wonderful. e5?? §§9 s. n. The putting a little
clarified butter, (ghee) upon rice or
Tup. exys sº s. n. ride º'SK & other food, before h is eaten, to
under e? §§oss.
purify it.
°Cºjº, tº s. n. A request to
spare the life of any person ; as "S"2;
****& s. n. Sorcery; an incanta
K & 3p3Sošo'So *Cºyºtºșººse tion or magical ceremony, to procure
$8o35 They, in the presence of the the death of an enemy.
king, spoke, saying, spare his life. e?2:5& s. n. 1. Family; race. 2.
G. eSºoYoº & s. n. vide e^oszºo. mative place. 3. fame.
S. e5??:Rocºs s. n. An old relative.
*** cºs s. n. (from s. Sº a priva
tive and s. * cº fear) 1. A promise e??& s. n. (from s, particle e5%)
of shelter or protection. 2. fearless and s. 35 a conquerer) 1. The space
ness. ©3 cºx s. n. (from s. of time occupied by the last quarter of
*S, the hand) The giving of the the twenty second lunar mansion, and
hand to another, in promise of pro the fifteenth part of the twenty third,
amounting to nineteen Hindu hours.
e? §). Xo s. n. (from s: º a priva 2. the space of forty eight minutes
tive and s. 3 & birth) The god Sira. English, viz. the twenty four imme
e5%) 36 e;
diately preceding mid-day, and the ling. 2. conjuring with certain forms.
twenty four immediately following ºocyº. v. a. To sanctify with
it. 3. mid-day. 4. the zenith. (Muntras) certain formulas. 9% $82
eºgs &c. adj. skilful; clever. ܺ So &c. Sanctified with (Muntras)
etºss s. n. (from s, particle “” certain formulas; consecrated; bless
% and s. g’s knowledge viz. that by
which things are known) A mark or
e?&5& s. n. (from s, particle ebº
stain. and s. 3&ö mind) 1. Consent; appro
bation. 2. choice ; wish. adj. Appro
*93); or tº TSSX s. n. A name;
ved, agreeable, desired.
an appellation ; a title.
eºsºsº s. n. War; battle.
e??Soºoºo s. n. 1. The indication
**S*Sº s. n. (from s, particle “9%
of sentiment or passion, by looks or
and s. STS pride) 1. Honor. 2. pro
outward gestures. 2. the motions of
tection. 3. affection; regard. 4. pride.
the hands or eyes, used by dancing
women, to express the sentiments
93% "Koko v. a. To favor; to pro
contained in the verses which they tect ; to regard with kindness.
sing. -
**śº s. n. (from s, particle ey
*% SS Soo &c. adj. (from s, particle 3 and s. sº the face) 1. The front;
*9% and s. 55 new) New, fresh. any thing opposite to the face. 2. an
. e5?? s. n. Øpium. abatement of anger or disease, adj.
Present. 935°35′S 1. To advance
eñº s. n. A man asleep
in front. 2, toabate. Fºšov.5°xsº
at Sun-Set.
ºššº s. n. 1. Zeal; devoted. ºšē His disease is abated.
e? O'SSSºo &c. adj. . Charming;
ness, 2 insight, knowledge, as F**
pleasant; delightful; beautiful.
§§ex,x3eſºo-ts- easº §§§§
ºv's or eier-sºo s. m. wish;
IIe has a good insight into, or under desire ; inclination, propensity.
standing of, Teloogoo, ** Fºsso s. n. 1. An obeisance
eºs S. n. 1. Opinion;
or prostration. 2. homage paid by
sentiment; notion ; idea; thought.
prostration on the ground, and grasp
2. design; intention. 3. meaning or ing the feet.
signification. *āº S. m. 1. An increase of wealth
e??’s sº s. n. 1. Insult, disgrace, or prosperity; exaltation to some new
dishonour. 2. defeat.
honor or rank. 2, improvement.
S. eºsoyºos s. n. (from s, particle S
***** s. n. 1. Imprecation, a
e5% and s. sº to speak) 1. Cal curse. 2, insult; reproach.
e5?"So - 37 e5 2.5
e?&$) s. n. A ray of light; a beam. e3S Rºg S. n. 1. Leave, permission.
eºsº, s. n. 1. Uuction ; ba 2. command; injunction; sanction.
thing. 2. an installation, coronation, or e5-yS***Tºº &c. adj. Near, proxi
inauguration, by means of unction, or Inate.

bathing, e333's Kołoº To eºs sº ossº S. m. An assault on

anoint a king or an image. <g-3 a fortified place; a siege.
TÉxsºo A coronation. ex$38s, S. n. Food.
*Soxº s. n. wide e?:Soxºo. e? Sºok v. a. 1. To accustom one
*9??"bs s. n. A woman that goes self to any thing; to practise. 2. to
to an assignation. learn; to study. ex-Sº S. m. l.
*** *s. n.a fearless or lustful man. Custom ; usage; practice. 2. exercise;
eº) s. n. vide, eºsi). study; eº-Cº RKºo The study
of the letters; the acquirement of the
eššº &c. adj. (from s, particle 9
first principles of learning.
% and s. §§ desired) Much beloved;
*S** &c. adj. 1. Studied;
learned; read. 2. practised, exercised.
eºs s. n. 1, wish; desire 2 in. • ***'S^&cs s. n. A guest.
clination; penchant. =-seº exºS23 S. n. A procuress; a bawd.
oxº~ 3359 His wish is accomplish ex$ºss s' n. A salutation,
ed. *śvāśs-s-s To accomp used to a stranger or great personage,
lish one's wish.
by rising and making him sit beside
exº-sº &c. adj. Impenetrable, in

accessible. - - ex$ºcºs s. n. Increase of for

tune; prosperity; happiness.
e235°zis sº s. n. (from s, eº a priva e? Sºcºs s' n. A man asleep at
tive and s. 35°zis food) Abstinence Sunrise. º

from food. ** Sºx s. n. plu. Grain, half

e? Soxsº or ex$oºss S. Il. dressed, slightly scorched or parched;
also called éâ3S㺠§.
Unction ; the act of anointing with
oil; often applied to bathing the whole e, ºys & s. n. Talc.
body, because when the natives wash e, ºys s. n. 1. The sky ; the at
the head, they previously anoint it, mosphere. 2. a cloud. eGºjº's O

as well as the body, with oil. XS. s. n. (from s. S-3ox an ele

*SošSº s. n. 1. The space in phant) The elephant of Indra. e.g. /
cluded between two bodies, or points; &R) s. n. The female of Indra's cle
an interval. 2. delay. 3. a false excuse." phant.
tº SSS 38 e5 Sºre

ešºv 23 s. n. Compelled service ; un e3S.) v. a ride ess & S.

paid labour; corree. essozº TO exºS. ×S s. n. (from s, “2 a priva
press workman. tive and s. sº ..S mortal) A deity,
ess: ex or ex ºx s. n. plu. a god.
Twins. esse Sº s. n. (from s. © a priva
e3S&ex) s. m. A species of wild tive and s. soº’sº politeness, civi
grain. lity) Incivility, disrespect; dishonor;
exº~ s. n. A vessel or cup ; a rudeness.
utensil. ex3 & s. m. Rage; anger; wrath.
e5536;So s. n. The name of a Sans
crit Dictionary, also termed the &5):So e553e3So &c. adj. (from s. “2 a pri
vative and s. 3599 filth) Clear; pure;
8&o:3v30. limpid; white. s. n. Talc.
e553.8% ºvXcºs & s. n. A particu S. e55sejºs & s. n. The name of the city
lar kind of brimstone. of Varoona, the god of water.
e55SO 95.89 s. n. (from s. e55S°5 a Tup. e535% s. n. vide “95's &
deity and s. $5 possessing) The city G. e553 vot; Soo s. n. The profession of
of the god Indra. a hawker or pedlar, also º q.
e5& S v. n. 1. To fit. 2. to be fur v. e5Svoč7V"CŞe s. n. A hawker, a
nished. 3. to be placed or employed pedlar.
in a service ; scºsºe's e5:Svoč997," adv. Unexpectedly.
555 5& He is employed in a ser e553 volºcło s. n. A wretchedly thin
vice?eºčS $o or €9&êotº. v. a. 1. man; a mere skeleton.
To place in a service. 2. to furnish or exº~&Scº s. n. A minister; a
supply; to procure; to collect. So eounsellor; a courtier.
(9858), Syº. rove's 'exº')eſt exº~& s. n. (from A. G-J)This
S553805& The minister placed his is a revenue term, used to denote the
son in the service of the king. Taş5×5
immediate management of any branch
gºssºs º-sess-seº of revenue by the servants of Govern
sºjosoe'ssess Davadatta sup ment, of the Zemindar, or of any
plied his friend with every thing he other authority; in contradistinction
wanted. e5538s or esoë's s. n. 1. to its being rented out. x36-53
Arrangement. 2 tranquillity. 3. equ exº~8&soºoºoºoooºoº-ex”
animity; presence of mind. 4, mo Sºesºe of 3 As the renters
desty. have decamped, the district is now
S. e5533& Cº. s. n. (from s, tº a privative under (amanee) immediate manage
and s. 359 º' dying) An immortal; a ment.

god, or deity. |s. & St Koššº adj. (from S. & a priva

esºy e3,
tive and s. K-Ross human) Super cessful physician. 9Kyºsex s.
natural: beyond the power of man. s. n- (from s, eo; S food) Gods or
m. A miracle. Deities.
TUD. e5:Sv33 - €953°5% - e5:3-5;3c
e553 tº oxº or €553 e5 S. Il- (from S es; So adj. (from s, e a privative
and s. *:S pure) Unclean. s. n.
ex-sº) 1. The change of the Human excrement.
moon. 2. new moon. 3. the day of S
eºrošS$30 &c. adj. (from s. sº a
the new moon.
privative and s. Sºviš vain) 1. Ef.
. . ebº vide esºsovº. fectual ; infallible; unerring. 2. pre
***wēsº &c. adj. (from s, e a priva cious, rare.
tive and s. 59.85 measured) Immode °3S, s. n. A mother. This word is
rate; boundless; exorbitant; super used as a respectful term of address
fluous; immense; innumerable. to females in general; (the wife ex
*99"R" s. n. (from A. exº-. ) A cepted) and, as such, is added to the
proper names of women; &&. sº-Kº
revenue term, denoting a person who ô *S.-9& &c.
has charge of any thing, and applied
to petty revenue officers; usually to *& sº interſ (from T. egº, a
such as are only temporarily employ mother 9; an elder sister and 33
ed. a younger sister) denoting lamenta
tion, pain, fear, or surprise. ah
• *** s. n. (from A. J., e) A re. alas! because, on such occasions, the
venue term, denoting, the collection Hindoos invoke their dearest female
of revenue. e55Soex):3 §: To seize relatives.
smuggled goods. eSoe»ºs"&c:S s. *S.S & s. n. (from the v. esº,
n. A superior revenue officer, employ to sell) Sale; the act of selling.
ed immediately under a Collector, or *933,78-83 s. n. (from T. exº, a
mother and t. TºS, a plu. termi
exº~$º &c. adj. Invaluable. nation denoting respect) 1. A queen.
$º s. n. 1. The imaginary 2. the wife of any person eminent in
food of the gods; ambrosia ; nectar. skill or rank. 3. an old matron.
2. water. 3. clarified butter. 4. exemp ex, *33. s. n. A mother. interj. de
tion from transmigration. 5. gold. 6. noting pain.
milk.exy's §e)&oex) s. n. (from s. ess,cºs S. n. (from T. exº, g

**)'s nectar or ambrosia, and s. 39 mother and t. °ºs q.v.) A mother.

Jruit) A kind of sweet cake. exy, *&3 s. m. wide tº rò.
*ść, s: n, lit. a man of a fortu **ś, sº s. n. (from T. ***, a mo
nate hand ; usually applied to a suc- | ther and T. S" & the pronoun they,

40 Q-9 OAN)
89 COO

added as a termination of respect) l' sometimes to other words, has the

power of the emphatic letter *; thus,
A female divinity. 2. a village god
dess. 3. a familiar appellation for wo: ~.3 he himself. It sometimes cor
men of the braminical tribe. 4. the responds with the English word like.
smallpox. 5. the goddess of the small $rº º He stood like a piece
pox. ess, s-ºxºok or 38&S. v. of wood. It is also used in expressing
n. To have the small pox. 9&F’8 such phrases as about to go, come,
38 ovoi's v. a. To inoculate. do &c. as Sāysºč, Šćcº I
est, tº or e^, s. n. A familiar was about to come.
appellation for a young girl. T. evox, 3 The conditional form of the
ešo's s. n. An arrow ; a dart. verb ‘9%) to become, used as a con
T. eºsº, v. a. To sell, to vend, to dis junction to express condition, and
pose of ; opposed to S’K to buy. “9 corresponding with the English
sº 25°C) v. n. To be sold. terms If suppose it were so. but.
e; sº or eºs s. n. The fruit of When added to the past relative
the tamarind tree. participle of any verb, § is inserted,
S. e5cS35&o s. n. 1. Half the solar and it then expresses the condition
al form of the verb to which it is
year; the sun's alternate journies
towards the tropics, each measured thus affixed. #ºsges 3 if I, thou,
by three ºčex or seasons, 2, a he, she, it, we, you, or they do.
road ; a path. 3, a house or habi ex's adj. numeral Five.
tation. T. ecoSošē Rºcº v. n. To retire from
s €oS$30 s. n. 1. Good fortune. 2. a a superior enemy; to retreat.
tax T. êox)& S s. n. A married woman,
ecºſ & &c. adj Dishonor. whose husband is alive. ©oošos $5
able; disreputable. SSo s. n. The state of a married
ecºzossº s. n. (from S. e5cºš' woman; in opposition to widow-hood.
iron, and s. Soc & pleasing) A mag eboob-SSS5"O"ex) s. n. vide e5 oxySo S.
net, or load-stone, because it attracts e ox's The past relative participle
iron. of the verb “98) to become, lit. that
exº- Scº s. n. (from s, ecº became. It is affixed to nouns of qua
iron and s. Sº an agent) An iron lity to convert them into adjectives;
smith, one who works in iron. or sometimes to adjectives, as a mere
ecº) s. n. Iron. expletive. It oxpresses the conjunc
ëoo The past verbal participal of tions either, or; º'c.35.&c.35 Ei
e55) to become, lit. having become. ther this or that man. Added to in

This word added to pronouns, and ' terrogatives, commencing with the
& CŞy-o 41
letter º or 6, commonly written & ecºv$ooººo &c. adj. 1. Hard; not
or 3, it corresponds with the Eng. easy to be pierced or broken. 2. dif
lish term soever A $.3 where 2 A.Ş.
ficult ; abstruse. § sº-sº be
& SoobS wheresoever. F"s obSSSãº
&-3Soº Korºš The science
& My friend. SoºyºA. Ne of Turkum is very abstruse.
vertheless, notwithstanding, although s. & CŞovš3032&O s. n. vide e5-Q&.
Töväcs Cº. At least two pago T.
das. °CŞS s. n. Pure Teloogoo casts, es
pecially the Comtees, use this word to
T. eoxº) v. n.(from T. ºo having denote a father; as & ecºy
become and T. &º) to go.) To be ex
hausted or drained ; to be finished N"cº My father came. But it is
or concluded. generally used, by all persons and
T. ecošN-ex-Nº adv. Obliquely. casts, as a term of common respect,
corresponding to the English word
eboos &) v. n. (from T. ebox hav
ing become and T. & S) to come) 1.
Sir ; &sºcºs what sir 2 ecºs
To be prosperous, or tend to prospe Fºº is a phrase used to denote a
Bramin, or a teacher who is always
rity. 2. to agree with one's health.
eboobs & s. n. (from A. Jºs)1. held in great respect. 9&s is also,
in courtesy, added to proper names.
Any thing substituted
recompense; return. for another, 2.
ecºs^s 1. A preceptor. 2. the
planet Jupiter, the preceptor of the
ecºs; sº &c, adj. Improper; unfit; gods, and son of Angirsa.
unworthy. TUD. ecºS&- Or ecºs &’s interj.
€9&oššo s. n. Ten thousand.
e3rºss &c. adj. Unfit ; unwor
denoting Sorrow, lamentation, pity,
or pain.
e3, Qjº s. n. (from s, eboº ecºS3 s. n. A father. This word
is most generally used by the Comtee
iron, and s. *909 the end) A pestle, CaSt. -

tipped with iron.

ecº-S ° interj denoting Wonder,
°53'S s. n. lit. impregnable. or praise.
Oude, the city in which Ráma reign
ed. ecºs conj. Although : though ,
notwithstanding. $3, exc *&S
e5533-RPKºšo s. n. Pepper.
Though he be pure.
e5&v$2: CŞo s. n. (from s, & a pri.
vative and s. C޺rbº 2; produced from
e3S3 An emphatic particle; as
the womb) A person born in some su
ississ I myself. =-&S3
pernatural manner. He himself.
e53. 42 e55

run, e&rs interj, wide ecºsºr. a house. e&# 93, The bolt or
TUD. e5 adj. (from s. e; Half. s. n. bar of a door.
• ‘93 Fox s. m. A retreat.
A moiety vide eºs. -

953) or So s. n. A lotus.
ëSS s. n. A yoke of oxen, with a O -

plough, and all the other implements e O-2:SSo s. n. (from s, e a pri

of husbandry appertaining thereto. . vative and s, Tz's a king) 1.
T. e58CN3 s. n. A high seat, or sitting A state or kingdom without pro
place, built along the outside of a per government, interregnum. 2.
house; also called tººl, a pial, or anarchy.
open veranda. *Tº s. n. A foe; an enemy.

e8 &; s. n. Ajacket, a coat. *Tºº &c, adj. Crooked; cur
Tup. e55 eošo s. m. (from s. 3-8 to) ved ; bent.
A present given by the father-in T. e38 A particle denoting possession;
law to his son-in-law, at nupti
as 585 or ºs- shill, 3855
e55 & s. m. A piece of wood for or Söyö skillful.
. Sº s. n. 1. A bowstring. 2. the
lighting fire by attrition, at holy
sacrifices. | tax payable to a king; the Govern
8, extºs s. n. A forest; a wilder ment revenue. e5 º' To pay
IneSS- eStºss's A wolf. e5 revenue. e88"sex. s. n. plu. (from
T. S."& the inhabitants share.) The
*S* A great forest. |
share both of the Government and of
ečğ). s. m. A cubit; a measure
from the elbow, to the extremity the inhabitants; the total produce.
of the little finger S -
ë8 s. n. 1. A foe, an enemy. Sº
rup. e55& s. n. (from S. & 3) A êo& Cº (from s. & who tamtés)
car; a chariot. A conqueror. 2. the missile weapon
of Vishnoo. 3, the wheel of a car or
e5533:35-33 s. n. (a cant word)
A traveller, pilgrim, or foreigner. carriage. e8=3&SXe-sºo s. n. (from
Ts e55& 5 s. n. Reluctance, disinclina s. e5 an enemy, s. 35S sit and s.s;
tion. - a class) lit. The class of six enemies.
se eSSX s. n. The spoke of a wheel. The six principal passions of the hu
adj. quick; swift; speedy. man mind; viz. S."& love or desire,
T. €95 cºo v. a. To search, to exa Sºft anger, e^* avarice, & ºv
mine; to inquire. lust, & pride, and & y &S
e& s. m. A door; the gate of hatred.
e5 No 43
ess S v. a. To hinder; to prevent, eS tºo &c. adj. 1. Of a dark red.
to obstruct. - .
2. of the colour of the dawn.

T. *ē7S*ś) s. n. The waiting on a great Se e86 tº 8 º'cºs s. n. (from s, e&to

personage. the sun's charioteer, and s. “935 83
957 s. n. A large parasol, or a younger brother) The king of birds;
umbrella of a peculiar form; general a large vulture or eagle, also called
ly used by kings, and sometimes by X&otºcº, the vehicle of Vish
others of high rank or learning. 7000.

G. eScoo CŞo s. n. 1. The sun. 2. the

ebºox's s. n. The palm of the
hand. charioteer of the sun.
ebºº s. n. The banana or . e553& adj. 1. Rare ; scarce; uncom
plantain tree. Musa sapientum, vide mon. 2. excellent. 3. dear.
escº, T. ëSS s. n. Surprize, wonder. vide.
Tup. e8: 5 & s. n. (from s. 3-bº) ©88.

A yellow orpiment. e583 &c-SS v. a vide €9&WS 3otº.

T. ë8& s. m. Wonder ; astonishment; eSö s. n. Good sense; judgment;
surprise. the reasoning faculty. “988) ºb
e6 3.5sº s. n. The fetid mimosa or 3: S. To lose one's reason, to act
tree. contrary to sound” reason or judg
ebºo s. n. 1. Misery. 2. happiness.
se ë983%) or e5öSSS S. li. A sore; a
3. a sign of public calamity. 4. spiri
tuous liquor. 5. garlick. 6. a crow. In
the common dialect, it has, in general, Ge eSF adj. numeral Sixty.
the first meaning. se e6°ºsº s. n. Tastelessness, aver
S. eSočo &c. adj. (from s, e385 sion to food. esºsºvº To be
a sore and s. & that torments) disgusted with food.
Sharp, corrosive. S es cº s. n. The sun.
S. *Soº s. n. The wife of Vasishta, exº s. n. A wooden bolt or bar,
one of the seven sages.
for fastening a door.
T. ëSNS v. n. Togo, to march; to walk
e553X3 &otº v. a. (from T. Sotº eºs s. n. 1. Price. 2. cheap
ness. 3. reverence; adoration.
in compos. denoting opposition) To
Cornc. s - eşSº Sº n- (from se §s
T. eSX3 s. n. An open veranda round worship) Flowers, grass &c. with
a native house, ride $95&. water, offered as an act of worship,
es“P 44 es)
or of reverence. esse-à-ºse? ing. 2. money; wealth; prosperity.
& 2x Worship or reverence, evinced 3, a thing. Soº's sºot) tº To
by offerings of flowers &c. washing have two significations. “93 = Sočoc
the feet, and other ceremonies. & A rich man. 935s 339 &) To
et.) 5 Or eº s. n. Worship; signify, to mean. exe-ºr-Koczº A

adoration. ©º)&cºs s. n. A worship poor man. eºs subjoined to Sans

per, an adorer. “98).9° W. a. To crit nouns expresses our phrase On
worship; to adore. account of €35's & adj. 1. Sig
e8)Kº) s. n. 1. A flame; a blaze. 2. nificant. 2. rich. es s. m. on opulent
refulgence; 93)3,9 s. n. from s. or rich man
35 possessing) The town or city S. eºs s. n. A half; a moiety; a part.
of the god of fire.
eå s. n. (from A. cº-) A peti
egºs, Ż" to:So s. n. (from s. So
Cºy the moon, and s. 27° to an arrow)
tion, an address, a representation.
An arrow with a head shaped like a
es s. m. The measurement of a heap
of grain, from the bottom to the top,
Crescent. egs-3%. & s. m. (from
or when the correctness of a previous s. R-5 a woman and s. *3 master)
estimate is suspected. The god Siva, in his form of half
ess s: n, in theatrical language, A man, half woman. estas s's se

courteSan. n. A garland or necklace containing

eşşsº &c. adj. White. s. n. 1. ten strings. e;8&cs s. n. (from
Whiteness. 2. gold. s. & a car) A warrior, who is not
e5??’s-Kocłº s. n. 1. Arjoona, the able to oppose, even an archer. e;
third son of Pandoo, friend of Krish ~\ºjº Or egº) s. n. (from
na, and brother of Dharmaraja in s. Sº, night) Midnight. egºsº V.
the Mahāb, harat. 2. a king with 1000
a. To cut or divide in halves. ey's
eº s. n. 1. Water. 2. a letter of sº s. n. (from s. &S the thigh)
the alphabet. Drawers or breeches, that reach as
ejº s. n. The sea. far as the middle of the thigh.
e; § s. n. Asking, begging. e; S. In,
s. e5 Nowº s. n. 1. To give, bestow, de
dicate, or offer any thing to the dei
Aebeggar, one whose subsistence de ty, or to any great personage.98Sto
pends on another. eyes. v. a. To or “ºytosº An offering.
beg; to entreat; to ask. e8.Nº s. n. One hundred mil
eºs s. n. 1. Signification, mean lion.
© tº 45 Cºr to

eşºck s. n. 1. An infant; a (a particular kind of palankeen) is

young person. 2. an idiot.
e3e03"eºs s. n. A man or woman
e 8.9 s. n. Affection; love; tender
nesse below the common size; a dwarf.
eSSºciº s. n. The sun. ëe05Seº or ēeºSeºs s. n. (from T.
et. Sº s. n. A woman of the Vy €eo deceit, and T. & eo a hinge) Sus
syatribe. picion, distrust.
exºSººs S. n. 1. A master. 2. a man eeds adj. Tamil, usually but impro
of the Vysya or third Hindoo tribe. perly termed Malabar. ºeº ºf 30.
**@y s. n. 1. A division in a drawer;
The Tamil country, e.e55& The
a partition in a box. 2. a small room Tamil language. ©eº Sex) s. n. Ta
in a house.
mulians, the inhabitants of Drávida,
eºs s. n. plu. Excessive fondness, the south eastern part of the Indian
love, or affection. peninsula.
e3Sº s. n. A horse. adj. Inferior; ee>Sebºx, s. n. plu. Bits or pieces;
as EvKºš3-5-e Sesex)º Having
*93*s-co s. n. Worship; adoration. reduced his body to pieces.
exº~s-Sºo &c. adj. Worthy; fit; pro *9e3 s. n. The act of fixing the ar
per. row to the bow. -

êee s. n. 1. An apartment in a
house; a chamber, vide *@y. 2.
G. êe3+\º adj. Armenian.
T. ee?&eº adv. From time to time.
deceit, guile, secrecy.
e2e3 = s. n. A cake, made of rice
©eº adj. Inner, as applied to the
hand or foot only. ee>†oss The flour and jaggery.
palm of the hand. *eb Stex, The ee> v. n. To be destroyed.
sole of the foot. T. ‘9é90 s. n. The neck.
ebees or e2e3S 2 adv. By or near T. e2e3SYS v. n. 1. To be digested. 2. to
the side. be wasted by use or time; to wear
Ts eeps & s. n. Indigestion. away. &eºs s. n. Indigestion.
eed WTeocê s. n. Uneasiness, sor ë9e333'55% ex) To be ill from in
row; dissatisfaction. digestion.
e3e3+33 v. n. To make a loud noise; T." ee>5 postpos. With. O’Koc & 3)
to roar. *S*Utºcº Rama
T. eeseSº s. n. vide e8.333,
went with Viswamitra.
G, e3e3-75°ew s. n. Small cross pieces
of wood, connected by two timbers, T. ëe003) v. n. To come into one's
by which the lower part of a Souta possession; to be contained. “Peºš"
©J 46 Sºº)

K. *S & Inexhaustible wealth or |s. °e sº s. n. 1. A sort of sealing

riches. wax. 2. lac, the animal dye so called.
eeºo v. a. To usurp; to encroach. *** * *** s. n. A watersnake.
easº. s. n. plu. Holes. eye, Soseo s. n. plu. A species of
tº s. n. 1. Danger. 2. calamity. 3. pulse, also called sº-sº Dolichos
difficulty. also º q.v.
cationſ, Lin. -
T. €9 pro. used in books only, That. T.
&epsy" CXS That man. ***CŞ v. a. To trouble; to molest.
CŞe s. n. A wave of the sea &c. the ee #3 s. n. Mental pain ; affliction
surf. of the mind.
Sºejo-S"S$90 s. n. 1. An ornament. T.
©ecö s. n. (from T. ººcºo to be
2. beauty. 3. a rhetorical figure tired) Fatigue, lassitude.
evo sº ºr Sºs (from s. **S °º adj. Small, petty.
às a student) A beau; one who T.
“29CŞs v. a. To rub sandal powder
studies dress, not learning. ejejo Sºč &c. upon the body.
* jº Rhetoric, eeošyāsº T.
*9e3%) s. n. (from t. 9e)oºo to be
&c. adj. Ornamented, adorned, beau tired) Fatigue, lassitude. vide “9ecö.
tified. 9eous Joº s. n. Adorning, || “”ºe) So s. n. Anxiety; distraction
of mind, perplexity.
ornamenting ºpos Boiº v. a. To T. ©e)Se2 s. m. Affliction or inquietude
adorn ; to ornament: “” oSox Sox
of mind ; chagrin ; vexation. vide
ºššš Ko v. comp. To adorn or or e3e333.
nament oneself. -

T. ee>S$ 5% v. n. To be afflicted.
T. €ejox$30 s. n. 1. A rampart. 2, a
evº) v. a. To train bullocks,
watch or guard.
O buffaloes &c.to the plough, or to bear
ºozièſ So s. n. A large earthen ves burdens.
sel ; a jar. T. e3e3So v. a. 1. To spread. 2. to wash;
T. evcº & v. n. To moan ; to lament; to cleanse with water.
to grieve. T. ee> s. n. Weeds that grow in
ee>S. s. m. The city of Cubera, the fields of dry grain.
god of wealth. T. &beyoğo v. n. To be tired, wearied, or
ëos s. n. Displeasure, anger, wrath, fatigued; to be exhausted by labour.
indignation, eesbºs To appease e5e) os s. n. vide €e):3). º

one’s anger or displeasure. T. ee& v. n. 1. To shine. 2. to be

ee's S adj. Light, versatile. pleased or delighted. s. n. 1. A flower.
ees Koºx or ëosex s. m. plu. Curls, 2. beauty. ee,8325°cá or 25°-3 lit.
ringlets. one whose body is a flower. A woman.
ºcyt 47 * esſe->

ee>S$ºx's The god of love, be s. eServex)\) s. n. A long gourd, Cucur

cause his bow is made of flowers. bita lagenaris.
e5e) -U– & s. n. 1. A mad-dog. 2, the G. eber-oxo-CŞ"adj. (from A.: ~q=%)
plant called white swallow-wort. Separate, apart.
T e595 & v. n. To be practised in ; to e£) s. n. 1. A scorpion. 2. a large
be habituated, or accustomed to “Pe) black bee or beetle.
ºw & s. n. Habit, custom. Sººs" €8)oššx s. n. A terrace in front of
&º To be out of practice. ** a native house.
oš Šº To habituate, accustom, ex e53)S & s. n. The forehead.
ercise, or teach. ©935 adj. Thin, applied to men or
Tud. ºes s. m. (from s. eBe Fºe)) 1. women only.
A basin formed of earth, round the ebs & s. n. 1. A falsehood ; want
foot of a tree. 2. a railing. of veracity. 2. any thing displeasing.
ee>3) adj. Able to do or effect. 98 3. the forehead. -

Rºeºexº-N"So I am not able to do T. ee>SS v. a. To rub the floor with

this. This is beyond my power. macerated cow-dung. This is done
ee>Sº or €e S 3 s. n. (from the v. by the Hindoos to clean and purify
ë9exoSo to be tired) Fatigue, lassitude. the house. s. n. The washing the
vide e9exó)—eºerº To be weari floor, with macerated cow-dung.
ed or fatigued. e5e)K tº or eº êexpºs s. n. Fear ; terror; dread.
eſſess tº) To feel fatigued. eBeşº êex,& s. n. Any kind of sound;
§§s-S"Ko To rest oneself. a shout ; a noise.
ee>Kö s. n. Inactivity ; laziness ; T. êex)\ v. n. To be angry, or provok
idleness. ed; to be annoyed or displeased. “”
ee>S & &c. adj. Lazy; idle; neg ex's s. n. Displeasure, anger.
ligent; indolent; inactive. ee>x3 s. n. 1. A water channel, for
eek Sºx' &c. adj Trifling, trivial, carrying off the excess of water from
worthless. s. n. Disregard, negligence, tanks &c. 2. the sharp iron point of
eeks Kºścº v. a. To disregard, an arrow, or lance.
neglect, slight, or despise. T. ee>}} s. n. Beauty; comeliness ;
e59-83 s. n. (from A. JT M3)
Desolation ; ravage ; ruin. e5ejvsjº e5exy S5 s. n. Inferiority ; meanness.
e5-34º s. n. A blank book of cad
cºo To ruin, to ravage, to lay waste.
jan or palmira leaves.
s -
eber's So s. n. 1. A fire-brand, whe
ther burning or extinguished ; 2. egº adj. (from H. Kº) Mean,
charcoal. vile, base.

SU) ºx) -
#48 €9 So

S. ©&N So &c. adj. 1. Thin ; small; \*) Seº To plait the hair. tº
little ; 2. mean ; trifling; slight. “
*A*3. A mean, understanding. ** Fe? To fabricate lies. **śse
$2? To compose verses. ºS Se

*S*zºº. A light repast. * n (from T. & ©S a flower) A kind

erºss The common and of water lilly growing in ponds tanks
polite term for making water; be: -

cause a little water is sipped, as a pu T. **cºs s. n. A son-in-law. As

rification afterwards. Sº eys' S ** The son of a man's sister, or
SoA trifling matter. of a woman's brother.
T. eº, pro. vide ee.
S. eºs & s. n. A small bit of cloth, e. S. n. A bow-string.
to conceal the privities, usually °3X s. n. An entertainment given
called a Lungotee. by the bride's parents to a bride
ee>88° or eoSSR" adj. Yonder; groom, after the conclusion of the,
ro rwºo

at a distance within view.

whole marriage ceremonies.
©º adj. Gently; softly. egºščº s. n. the rose ap
©ºo s. n. Ginger. ple tree. Eugenia.
T. °.5 s. n. Anarchy; tumult; com
rro -
e? s. m. wide º.
motion, noise, quarrel. egºšoº ebºoººo s. m. wide e950&.
1. To commit disturbances. 2. to ex
eºs & s. m. wide ºššo.
pose one's vices. e5??) s. n. vide ee 3).
T. ë9297"> or ëº, ººs v. n. (from
rry rºm ro

T. ºp a corruption of Sºex) waves, eºs & s. m. widebsº

and 33° to play) To move as the e5%$9 v. n. To fear, to be afraid ;
waves of the sea; to be violently agi to be diffident. s. n. Diffidence.
tated or shaken. e."> v. n. To T. eºs S. n. vide eºs.
wander about in great distress. e5% v. vide e9ex).
r") ro

ro Q adj. (from T. e5 on
°5. A particle, which prefixed to
and T. & a kiss) Delightful; be Sanscrit words, corresponds with—
loved by all. From, down from, away from, be
°º s. n. A twist, a plait, a braid, low; and denotes 1. Inferiority. 2.
a netting. º
diminution. 3. diffusion. 4. support.
eº S. n. Familiarity, mutual af. 5. command. 6. knowledge. 7. disres
pect. 8. separation. 9. privation. 10.
°º v. to plait, to braid, to twist, to
interlace-seº To make mats. So *Soº s. n. 1. The name of a city;

tº 5 # * 6-5 o

also called #: cºš §º Oojein. quality; a bad disposition ; a de

ſect ; a vice.
2. sour grucl.
S. escºs s. n. A kind of delicate -

*sūjºs s. n. (from s, particle

bread. -
95 and s. N/5" to take) 1. A
escº & sº s. n. One of the fifty drought 2. º of an ele
six kingdoms. phant.
“’s $ $3.8 s. n. sweepings. S -

°s (NJ:sº s. n. 1. A term of
es. Sº sº s. n. 1. An intermediate imprecation or curse. 2. a drought.
spot, intermission, 2. leisure, oppor 3. the forehead of an elephant.
tunity. ride **: sº sºo. e55-Sv% “ºoks v. a. To over-look; to
Soxex)^3. To have leisurc. neglect ; to disregard.
G. esºs s. n. 1. Mischief; evil. €33 &nve) So s. n. 1. The beard. 2.
2. disorder; confusion. 3. danger. the whiskers.

$9573 & &c. adj. Acquainted with, es ºw s. n. (in logic) affected
understood, known.
by. The effect.
S. ©s 7Sºº-Kºo s. n. (from s, particle esºs's s. n. (in logic) that
“25 and s. 7S*5 to agitate). Immer
which affects any thing. The cause.
sion, bathing, esº-Sºos"Ko
v. comp. To dive into the meaning; es: s. n. 1. Disregard ; disres
to comprehend a matter fully ; to pect ; contempt.
commit to memory. or "º"exº~ S. ©5& s. n. A pit or chasm ; a hole
§ 3-syºsswº-sº s in the ground ; a well.
ST-4-Ko I understand fully the esºscºs s. n. A man who has a
contents of this letter.
flat nose.
S. &S 78-3-Sºo s. n. 1. Immersion,
e5 ºxº) s. n. The back of the neck.
bathing. 2. a trough near a well, for
§ 3 or & s. n. 1. An ornament
watering cattle. *s, *ā-sºº) v. n.
for the head.
To be understood, or become the top of the ear.2.s a ring worn at the
object of understanding. ox"Sox9.
R-3 ºy Rº es-Rºessa e5538o3 v. n. To be incarnated :
This subject is fully understood by to descend. Cºs. Tö$º s. n. 1. An
me, or I fully comprehend this sub incarnation of the deity, especially of ,
ject. e55-wv-Sºº & 3"K. v. a. To Jºshmoo, of which the Hindoos reckon
understand ; to comprehend. ten ; viz. the fish, tortoise, boar,
s. e5533 tº s. n. (from s, particle ‘95 ||
- - -
man-lion, dwarf, Parasooráma, Sri
and s. Nº º quality) A pernicious Rāma, Krishna, Buddha, and ono

$50 €S,
és K.

yet to come termed Kulkee. 2. a Not deserving execution. 2. one who

birth. 3., a metamorphosis. * the cannot be killed ; invulnerable.
bank of a tank, pond, sea &c. 5. the s. e5S Söğx &c. adj. (from s, particle
act of descending. est, 8335. To e55 and s. §§ bent) Bent down,
be incarnated. sº Kºš S EST & SSoo bowed, curved.
Incarnation as man. This ter" is s, eºs, SSX s. n. (from s. 35 to pro
applied by the Native Christians, to tect) 1. Preservation. 2. gratification.
3. satiety.
the incarnation of our Saviour. s. &SR s. n. The earth.
e5539 adv. 1. After, afterwards, S. ess Sºw s. n. (from s, particle ‘95
hereafter. 2. next to, further, beyond.
onward, to a distance. This word is and s. $3'S regimen) Transgression of

applied either to time or place. prescribed regimen, ride es; Sº.

eşş-º-ºo &c. adj. White; clean. s

****)} & s. n. A supplemental
s. n. The colour white. sacrifice, to remedy any defect in the
e55&rºo s. n. Calumny ; defama. principal one. ©5, ^y} N \ssº An
tion; false accusation. | ablution made after the conclusion
es: Sº &c. adj. Mean, low, ser- | of a sacrifice.
vile, inferior. s. 25 & 3 Sºo &c. adj. (from s, particle
e5538otS v. a. To condescend to ë5 and s. SS5 respected) Spurned ;
hear, or listen. “957°S The 2d. despised ; disregarded.
person sing of the imperative of this
verb, irregularly formed, is used in |
es&T'Sº s. n. (from s, particle
books only to call attention. Listen! e's and s. 3 º'Sº politeness) Inci
e5575°Koes s. n. A title given to a vility; disrespect.
bramin deeply skilled in the *. e555S-SS. s. n. (from s, particle
e55 and s. STS honour) Dishonour;
inferior to that of Žers gº. |
| disgrace; indignity ; insult; affront.
eºs ºf 22 So s. n. 1. A resolution ;
eºs ºr Sºčcº or es S-Scts
determination. 2. certainty.
v. a. To despise ; to disregard, to
S. ess s. n. A border, limit, or boun
dishonour, to disgrace, to insult. §25
e: S-3 s. n. A naked mendicant. $rº or Rºos To be disgraced,
e's Sº So &c, adj. (from s. parti dishonoured, or insulted.
cle ºs and s. Sº shaken) Thrown, ess-Rûsº &c. adj. ride ess: 3
cast. S$º. -

S. es: Sw &c. adj. (from s. Ҽ a pri ess & adj. ride & *S*w.
ºs º SS3 s. n. A memler, a limb.
vative and s. sº S deserving death) 1.
tº S 5 ſ e55

©S. cº v. n. To be broken. into <2< *ś Sºx &c. adj. White. s. m.

Whiteness. -

pieces : to be destroyed. *Sox9 & .

v. a. To break to pieces, to destroy. esbe s. n. (from s, particle es:
> -ºs.o.es 3.23. His eyesight and s. ber" sport) Facility, ease.
is destroyed. es & s. n. Pride.
“93 & XS. s. n. (from s, particle ©Seſºs SSSo s. n. The act of look
es; and s. & "X a fortunate con ing ; surveying, -
juncture) A bad sign, an evil omen, esſ? §§sºo s. n. (from s. particle
an unfortunate event.
95 and s. 3 $35 a good omen) An
se ex, 5 º'cºs s. n. A younger bro
evil omen or augury, a bad sign.
ther. . s
e556°ºo s. n. (from s, particle 9

°57'º' adv. 1. Unexpectedly;

abruptly; suddenly. 2. providentially.
5 and s. S5 to obstruct) 1. A hinde
rance; an obstruction. 2. the seraglio,
es?;& &c. adj. Left; remaining.
&95 §§sº adj. Absolute or indis
a queen’s apartment. |
es S***"sº s. n. (from s. particle pensably necessary & 8 to Soebox.88
e55 and s. v. & Sº to grow) 1. A €5.5 §§sº Death is to all a matter
fibrous root, issuing from the branches of absolute necessity. “SR-šeš
of certain trees and hanging down from & $3SSö That is indispensably ne
them; for example, that of the cessary to me. adv. Certainly, with
Indian fig tree; also called ěč. 2. out fail. *sesses; $ºsiº, I

the act of descending. shall come tomorrow without fail.

e55e) adv. vide esāe). ess & s. m. A habitation, a
esſesozº SS$30 or €5eozośo s. n. house.
That on which any person or thing . “25 SSS. s. n. 1. Occasion. 2. urgency.
depends; an asylum ; refuge ; sup 3. hurry. 4. necessity, es S5303
port, eºs oozoºs v. a. 1. To de
pend on any person or thing. 2. to ºš If you hurry, the busi
take hold of anything. Zoš & "es ness will be spoiled, e3S-5S°5S
e55e)o’ctº To concur in opinion & 3& I have no occasion for
with another. this. adj. Urgent, necessary. “93 Sö
eºs oºººo s. n. The waist. S$3& Urgent business.
S. ës ejó coso s. n. (from s, particle *S*Sºx s. n. 1. The decline of
es; and s. 23 to a sign) A bad sign, any thing. 2. the end of an action,
an evil2. dirty.
Ugly. omen,3.orimproper,
augury. adj. 1. t
the conclusion. 3. in grammar, The
disjunction of letters, the end of a

€3. 52 ex) -

3. the sun. 4. a woman in her men

word. eSR-S Sºesº The time of
death; the termination of one's life. Ses.

esºs &c. adj. Inseparable ;

es; s. n. (from s, particle “” and
s. F to stand) 1. A condition or S. e53 &-KS) s. n. Ewe's milk.
state. 2. any particular stage of life, *:S s. n. (from s, “’ a privative,
as infancy, youth &c. 3. calamity,
distress. wer Sº child-hood & 8 and s. sº S knowledge) Ignorance,
rºs; The agony of death. es; egos s. m. Calamity; distress; trou’
& To be in distress. eRTA® CŞs ble. adj. Illegal.
es:33: To be reduced, through eg);558;& s. m. wide tºº so.
eºs sº s. n. Benares, also called
want of food, to the greatest misery'
es; sº To reduce to misery, -soº.
to plunge another into difficulties. e:86 Sºo &c. adj. Incessant ; conti
nual ; eternal.
3?reo:3-ove e553 exp$ºo To ex e53.8 s. n. A desease in the eye.
perience insupportable calamity. e53)eožºššx &c. adj. (from s, “º a
ess-ºr-5 5:30 s. n. Neglect; disre privative and s. 32°º slow) Swift,
gard; disrespect. quick, expeditious.
escot;8:30 &c. adj. Intervening: e53) #s sº s. n. (from s.9 a privati
s. n. An invasion or incursion. ve and s. 323s discrimination) 1.
e5-sv tº s. n. The southern point. Ignorance. 2. imprudence; indiscre
e="3Sº &c. adj. (from s. “” a e53) & 73°39 s. m. wide e5XToº &.
privative and s. F" &S fit to be T.
ed ©

spoken) Unfit to be spoken ; un egºtášo s. n. Ewe's milk, vide “”

speakable; obscene. §§§§ sº.
e£5 s. n. A woman who has neither
es-sº s. n. (from P. j97) A se

child nor husband.


voice, a noise, a rumour, a report. T. e55) v. n. 1. To become. 2. to be

T. e5-5°ooyo s. n. A sky-rocket. **** finished. vide ecos - ©ook - “”oº
Tá. eš)K) - 'S' and "S"83.
ox-ºss The reed of a sky-rocket.
eº & s. n. The near bank, or T. e3:3 s. n. The lip. e5):SXes &
shore. To bite the lips from rage.
e5 S"87T" adv. Profusely; abund T. e5533e) adv, vide €35 & ey.
antly ; exuberantly. e55)K adv. 1. The verb “93) in the
€3 s. n. 1. A mountain, 2, a sheep, 3d person singular of the affirmative
e5? 53
. . aorist. 2. a general term of affirmaton, s. tº S and s. Sºos a destroyer)
in reply to all questions, synonimous One who eats voraciously, a glutton.
with the English word yes; but pro e5 Footºo &c, adj. Hungry.
perly confined to affirmations res e? § s. n. The weapon of Indra; a
pecting quality and essence only, and thunderbolt. -

opposed to sº no. 388&eijF" ež öö adj. (from e. e a privative,

will this be of use to you??"Sº and s. 359s corporeal) Incorpore
*NSXST, May you say so? Tºrsº; al; immaterial, e355 Rºtº The
RSS)K, I can do eSTS-S."&" Is it, voice of an invisible being.
or not, e&SöKo Yes, yes. T. e38° or e?ºosoos. n. A wallet.
T. eč)& s. n. A long coarse grass, ge" e? & Cº. s. n. (from s. sº a priva
nerally used to thatch the roofs of tive and s. 385 the head) The
houses, or to make tats; it is also name of an Asura, otherwise called
called $358).
Rāhoo; in astronomy, the moon's
exS sº &c. adj. (from sº a ascending node, reckoned by the
privative, and s. SS-5. evident) 1. Hindoos as the eighth planet.
Unintelligible; indistinct; inarticu e539 adj. Eighty, vide º.
late. 2. invisible. 3. ignorant. *306 s. n. Uncleanness, adj Un.
clean. -
e-Sºº s. n. in grammar, An
indeclinable word, a particle. exºs s. n. Human excrement-adj.
.5- es. Sº3r-5sº &c. adj. Adjoining, Impure. **

contiguous. eºs &c. adj. Inauspicious. s.

T. ess s. n. 1. A grand mother. 2. a m. Inauspiciousness.
mother. -
*śsº &c. adj. (from s. e a
e?:$$$5 -

es-Sew- adv. vide & s-e-w-.

privative and s. *š a part) All,
tº śºo &c. adj. (from s.9 privati whole.
ve and s. 3 # ability) 1. Impotent. eş’ss» s. n. The Asoca tree.
2. sick.

ey's sº or ** 3 s. n. (from s tº a e3.c530s. n. A furnace, a fire

privative and s. 33 power) Want of place.
ability; weakness; feebleness; inca e3,< s. n. A stone; a rock. ex,
pacity; impotency. 5×e-sº s. n. (from s. 5xe- rain)
** *S* &c. adj Impossible.

“93 sº s. n. (from e. e5 to eat) 8,

e&AE S. n.,Neglect.
Food; victuals.sºſºvºc*(from 8. eć, sº s. n. A tear, vide *S*).
©33. 54 e3S

e3, ess &c. adj. 1. Eternal. 2. tº adv. So ; in that manner; in

not wearied or fatigued adv. Conti that way.
nually. eºsoe? adj. Such, of that kind.
Se eśsº adj. Eight. ešs so S

... eSºy-Sºx' &c, adj. (from s. 6-9

n. (from s. sº difficulty) The eight
a privative, and s. "Nº"/SS fit to be
difficulties, or miseries of human life.
heard) Not fit to be heard, unharmo viz. 1st. Travelling in foreign coun
tries. 2d. Cooking one's own victuals.
°3) S. n- 1. The edge of a sword
3d. Separation from one's wife, 4th.
&c. a blade. 2. an angle, a corner. Begging 5th. Being obliged to pay
eójö s. n. A tear. vide e&J's. court to a person of equal rank. 6th
ežes s. n. Rustic language. Serving a foreign king. 7th. Being
e5%Ss tos- s. n. A timber tree, term ignorant of learning, in an assembly
ed the Saul. Shorea Robusta.
of wise men. 8th. Poverty. “S”
& s. n. (from s. *č a leg) A fabu
e? Sºo? s, n. A plant. Physalis fle
lous animal with eight legs. *šº
& The eighth; all Sanscrit ordinals
essºs s. n. The holy fig-tree. are taken elliptically for the part
Ficus religiosa. which they express, ºsso there
eſsºrs, s. n. The name of a saint fore denotes an eighth part. *śº
and warrior, son of Drona. The eighth lunar day from the new
e? Sº, s. n. A horse. e; Sèvex: or full moon, eºs s. n. (from
A groom. e; S㺠& The sacrifice s. &vès a form) The god Siva.
ešos 8e (from t. Sos 8 crook
of a horse tº S&. The first of ed) Octangular. eyº & (from s,
the twenty seven lunar mansions, the &# 5 ten) Eighteen ; eighteenth. Ҽ
head of Aries.e3S-53 ocs Atroop §3:sº s. n. (from s, sº a foot)
er, a horseman. e3S3: Scº A far 1. A fabulous animal with eight
fier. ex Sºre A stable. eſs? § feet. 2. gold. 3. the mount Kuelasa,
the residence of Siva. 4. a checkered
&c: A horse-breaker. ex$35. board or cloth, eş's ÇTº s. n. A
The art of breaking horses, the ma"
person who can attend to eight things
nege. ex-Sºciº Or erºs” at Once. eºS&Sºx' s. n. plu
3-cocºo A trooper, a horseman. Q

e3Sº s. n. (from S. ex S a horse) The eight super-human faculties;

The first of the 27 lenar mansions' such as assuming an imperceptible
& Indee, particle ride * or huge form &c.

e5 & " " 55 eš.
§ s. n. 1. Food.
d * S. ex-3 Sº &c. adj. impossible; im
*ś s. n. 1. Inattention; negli.
practicable. es-SSºxº Incura
ble disease.
gence ; 2. contempt, disdain. eºs s. n. A scimitar; a sword. e5% zS*
e5K, 3 s. n. (from s tº a privative and
s: Kö a chaste woman) An adulte § applied to wounds or blows, to
ress, an unchaste woman. denote a superficial wound; a slight
. 9K & s. n. 1. Smallness. 2. thinness. blow. ºoººo s. n. A slight or
3. leanness. superficial wound. e5% Ş& Cº. s. n.
e53 *Sºx &c. adj. (from s tº a pri (from s. 38 holding) 1. One who
holds a scimitar in his hand. 2. the
vative and s. SºS a member of an regent of the south west. 3. the god
assembly) Unworthy of admission in of riches, also called Koobera.
to an assembly; vulgar; mean.
tub. *Sº s. n. (from s. cº; S fame) **śA s. n. A young female servant,
frequenting the apartments of the
Reputation; renown; fame. Women. º

T. ex: So s. n. Excess.
**ēśx' &c, adj. (from s tº a priva
tud. eSöSoTB. s. n. (eºS8 from s. 5 tive and s. ** white) 1. Black. 2.
Sº a giant, and Koſa from s. Ko dark blue.
TS evening) The dusk; because *T*SR 30 s. n. (from s, e^{5
giants then appear.
black and s. 355 a face) The black
*ść adj. (from A. J.2ſ) ori faced monkey.
ginal; radical ; prime. s. n. The prin
cipal, in contradiction to the interest.
essº s. n. (from s. sº sword
and s. *3) a leaf) A certain hell,
°Sex, s. n. Mud; mire; dirt at the
bottom of water. paved with swords.
e&Oys. n. (from s. ** a sword
est-sº s. n. (from s tº a priva.
- © : and s. &\ty a daughter) A knife. . .
tive and s. KºśT endurance, 1.
Envy; malice; malignity. *9&cº-> v. n. To shake.
€5.3 *Sº &c. adj. Insupportable; . *& s. n. A particular village
odious; disgusting; ugly; unpala goddess. º

table. es: Sºx, To be disgusted, e5Soë3 adv. At a distance ; farther

to abhor. -

e?"º"8 easºo &c. adj. (from s. e5
eSö or eºcºs s. n. (from s. 2
a privative and s. Tº"8 to common)
Uncommon; unusual; rare. ****** a privative and s. S5 a diety) A Gi
ant. -

8taxº~<rº To speak fluent. t, tº Sºkº s. n. Great exhaustion

* exº~
eS) 56

or waste of one's strength ; excessive and sº to drink) A Giant; a demon;

weakness or fatigue. an evil spirit. *

©Sö s. n. 1. Any of the five breaths *Sjº or eS 3 s. n. 1, Blood.

which the Hindoos believe to exist in 2. a tear,

the human body, and consider essen S.

*KS&Aeos. m. plu. (from sea
tial to life. privative and s. KSº sleep) Gods
eşr"cº s. m. Malignity; hatred; or deities.

detraction; jealousy; envy. e5:3-vo Sºo Or escosye or tº:3vo

eşrātos s. n. Disregard; disres (8.92% s. n. (from s, exº~53 I and s.
pect; contempt. S.) to make) Self-conceit: pride;
erº s. n. Blood. egotism; arrogance. ebºos boºs v.
• ‘socºsº s. n. (from s. es S53 n. To be proud, arrogant, or pre
disappearance and s. 3 to go.) Sun
s, eºvoč s. n. Selfishness.
set, from the Hindoos believing that
Se ex-coyº s. n. Pride; vani
the sun disappears behind a certain
mountain. ty ; arrogance.

G. e K. $75&o s. n. vide e 3:33:39.

93-c.cºoë) adj. Proud; vain; arro
gant. *
*ś.<' &c, adj. Cast; thrown; sent;
*93°5&o s. n. (from s. sº a privative
disappeared. s. n. The mountain be
and s. *ē beaten) An unbleached
hind which the sun is supposed to cloth.
**śºs s. n. 1. Great self.
° 33 s. n. (from P. JJ., |) 1. The conceit. 2. emulation; rivalry; desire
lining of a garment. 2. a patch. of superiority. -

°3′3& & s. n. Madness. **śº s. n. The day time; a day.

*S*&^ s. n. The foundation of exº-K's 3 & Day and night. e5:3-
an edifice, or building. &*šº (from s. sº the face)
* 3./30 s. n. A missile weapon; Morning. “º or ºxº~i=58
an arrow.
(from s. 39 a ruler) The sun.
S- exº-Ky S. n. vide exº-sºw.eº-ºc
e; S. m. A bone. ešºe, (from
& (from s. 53 s and s. $8 a mak
se*ē, a vessel) An urn. **S* er) The sun.
& An internal fever. e-85s s. n. (from s, e a priva
eSjºcºs s. n. (from . eS, blood tive and s. sºy to take) A mountain.

eš. 57 eº
s: e?" s. n. A snake, or serpent. ‘9 ºre ceremony. 2. fried grain for oblations.
&oăşc: A snake-catcher. e5?," 3. the red mark worn by Hindoos on
& CSSºo (from s. & Cº fear) Fear the forehead.
of latent danger from one's own par s, e336&# =-&c & s. n. (from s, e336 a
ty; so called, because it is like the law suit and s. & F-S who sees) A
fear of a lurking serpent. e5?-vº, Judge.
§ (from s. 363 to eat) 1. Gurut. S. e5% ºrešos- or e5% &vºs-c & se
muntoodoo the king of birds, and n. (from s º a die, and s. & 55
vehicle of Vishnoo. 2. a peacock. a rogue) A gamester. -

e5?-ºváezocº (from s. 33-33 to s. 2&te s. n. A rosary.

an ornament) He who wears snakes s. 23.30 s. n. 1. A die. 2. an eye. 3 an
as an ornament, Siva. axle-tree. 4. a law suite& oš s. n. *
. e53. "& s. n. (from s. 2 a privative • (from s. bºs a science) Play;
and s. ** friendly) Injury; harm; s. 23.cº. s. n.The 60th year of the
enmity. adj. Unfriendly.
o Hindoo cycle of sixty.
e5%rºšoc & s. n. An enemy.
s. 2%.cºo adj. (from s. sº a privative
. . e5?rºocºs s. n. Indra, the lord of
and s. & to waste) Imperishable;
deities or gods, and regent of the durable; permanent; inexhaustible.
sky. excº-\5, lit. the inexhaustible
ebººzye)S$o s. n. The name of a
vessel. A cup for alms.
certain holy place.
• e2%8 & s. n. 1. A letter of the al--
e-º-o-Cº s. n. (from s. “2
3-5 day and s. O'Cºy night) An phabet. 2. exemption from transmi
gration; bliss. adj. Imperishable. “2 .
entire night and day, including the & 8 º'cºo (from
& (from s. gº
** to know) A
space of twenty four hours.
. e5% cºex or e. e5&éex s. n. (from learned man.esºsº (from
s. “9 a privative and s. &ö fallen) 1. S. ex-SS practice) Beginning to
A few grains of rice, mixed with saſ learn the first principles of a langu
fron, put on the fore-head of an age. e5& 8:3:Sºx (from t. 333
image when it is adored, or given to *Y**39 omission) Orthographical err
a bramin, when he is invited to any
. e5 s. n. An eye.
auspicious ceremony. They are also
given by bramins, with benedictions, . ekočex, s. n. wide e9% obſex.
to any one who performs a religious eº?r-ré s. n. A complete army,***

b8 tº Y

consisting of 21, 870 elephants, Hunooman, is reperesented as a

monkey, the vehicle of Vishnoo, in
21,870 chariots, 65,610 horses, and
his incarnation of Rama. He is
1, 09, 350 infantry.
€5 , worshipped by the Madhuvas, one
-o- of the three great Hindoo sects in
es 1. The second letter of the Telo" the Peninsula, who believe him to
goo alphabet. 2: the indeclinable have been incarnated as Mudhuva
remote demonstrative pronoun That: chary, the reformer of their religion,
as, etº, That mother. e5S°:S$300 and founder of their sect.
Those sons. The connected form s. eBoč §º s. n. 1. The mind. 2, opi
of e, (~") when affixed to the last nlon •

word in a sentenge, or to a single S. &o Úº s. n. The bowels, en

word alone, denotes interrogation; trails, or intestines.
as 3ex)SSR." Is it understood? &\"
s, eosºs s. n. A palankeen vide
-oo You? Ryvc-as" He 2 This letter
e5 o'ºejS$30. - -
is also a Sanscrit particle, prefixed
Se esoºšć & s. n. A cook.
to words, and denoting. 1. Diminu
tion. (a little.) 2. limit inceptive
G- eosis s. n. 1. Care, concern. “P
(from, thence, from that time.) 3. AR-seon Sºn's I do not care
limit conclusive. (until, unto, as far about that. 2. protection, or security.
as.) Prefixed to Sanscrit verbs, it s. eo & s. n. And,hra, the Sanscrit
extends or reverses their meaning.
name for the Teloogoo language. Sºo
s. 3-NS So s. n. Any movement, or
emotion of the body; as a gesture, a
Ú3 3 & Telingana. This coun
posture &c.
try seems formerly to have been
s. “B-36's s. n. The sixth year of the divided into the Calinga and And,-
cycle of sixty. hra provinces. The latter was an
inland subdivision to the south of
s. eBoA&cºs s. n. The planet Jupiter,
the Godavery, and the people are
the preceptor of the gods, and son of
described by Pliny as a superior race
Angirasa one of the seven great of men. “ Validior deinde gens And
cº) “hrae, plurimis vicis XXX oppidis,
s. 302; flºo& s. n. The minister to “qual muris turribusque muniuntury
the king of the southern race of “ regi praebet peditum C. M. equitum
Ilindoos, represented in the Ramaya
nam as monkies. He was the chief “M. M. elephantos M.”
means of transporting Rama to s. 3s cookº v. n. To tremble; to shake
Ceylon; and under the name of T. “sº adv. Afterwards.

e58 59 tº

r. es & adv. vide es. 3. T. esºo:3) s. n. The power of the mind

T. exº v. a. To prevent, to hinder, to admit and contain many ideas at
to stop. once; comprehension. ess ºozºº
rup. e85 T-83 s. n. (from s. 3575" ST’S To comprehend.
of a felon) A person void of princi tud. eBS K So s. n. vide e5 S-Y30.
*ple; a wicked person ; an insignifi S. tº, sº adj. Sudden.
cant fellow.
s. *S*oš. s. m. A wish, a desire. *S*o
s. **śS$30 s. n. 1. A mine. 2. founda &ots To wish or desire.

tion or ground for an assertion. 3. an

s. 3's "8 rošo s. n. The act of calling.
authority for the meaning or use of s. eBTS”& So s. n. The form, shape, fi
a word.
gure, mien. *Kºss-8s The
s. tº ºs-os-S v. a. To hear; to listen,
or attend to.
human form. 3's "8:30&"ex.) To -

assume a shape. ess-8:30&35-8

s. 25 Sereo s. n. Attraction. & To make an effigy of any person
8.ex<--> s. n. 1. Attraction, 2. gam
or thing, e3S "S&#9 lit. To
ing. 3. dice, ess &s-otºs v. a. 1. To wipe away or exterminate the form.
draw, to pull, to attract. This is a most common phrase in
T. escs ® s. n. 1. Hunger. 2. appetite. “BC abuse ; as, Svěosºv SºčSo&éº
šč)^*:S3 or ēcs & v. n. To be hun
RTS lit. They have exterminated
gry. escs ®eº) or 33% (from eº) his form ; equivalent to a common
to become or & to raise) v. impers. English imprecation “Sººyº Sc
governing the dative. To be hun & An illiterate man of portly mien'
e5-S."&S oë33. A handsome man.
gy ecs bººs or ecs bºrrº To s. e-S"5 & s. n. 1. The air, the atmos
endure, or bear hunger. * * 53%) phere, the ether. 2. the sky, the hea
To appease, to satisfy hunger. “BC § {}
eroots To repress hunger.e3Csºo
vens, the firmament. es S***"toº
A sky-rocket. €3-Swiſ-Eve? A voice
3) To mortify the appetite. “BCS Đ from heaven.
$5503% o-S or <) The appetite
s. **śrog-sºo adj. 1. Imperious." 2.
to become dull. i. e. weak. Nº ec crowded.
§ 5 §oºooº & I have lost my T. e553 s. n. 1. A leaf. 2. betel leaf.
appetite. w €33e3e3So The second word in this
s: “BS eyºo s. n. 1. Embellishment, phrase has no meaning in itself, but
ornament. 2. dress, added to ess implies Leaves, and -

e sy 60

other greens. e3:373°5'exy Pot herbs, s. eBºo’ey: 33 s. n. One of the names

garden stuffs. ** 33: The of Indra, regent of the sky.
oleander leaved spurge Euphorbia s
e3+)R.S & s. n. 1. A rat. 2. a hog.
s. e832&c & s. n. A thief, a burglar.
Neriifolia. Lin. e333e). A particu
lar insect. ess Stø A betel garden.
a. ***S s. n. (from H. j-T) An end,
a termination.
e5:33 º Emerald green. eºs by
s, &#x2F"33-boCºS s. n. Ganésa, son of
sº. A clove tree. e5533553
Siva and Parvati ; the deity of wis
3) A roll of beetle. dom, and remover of obstacles. This
r. sº-ovox, s. n. A file. ***** name is given to him, because his
Too CŞo or exº-o-oº-ºº: To file.
vehicle is a rat.
s, e3e3, adj. Troubled; distressed; s. 33.3%) s. n. 1. A rat. 2. a hog.
tº s. n. The chace, hunting.
s -

r. e5%K Šºšoex s. n. A particular sort

of Paddy." .**ś s. n. A name or appellation-
S º

s. e553°33'33 s. n. Intention ; design. s tº S㺠&c. adj. 1. Said, spoken.

2. rehearsed.
s: easy s. n. A form, shape, figure,
mien. S ëXo&SC:s s. n. A guest.

T. e55 pro. She. T. eBX&o s. n. 1. A jest, a joke. 2.

T. ess"& s. n. vide eºs &. mirth, fun. 3. derision, mockery. Sº
... ejceos wºn. To weep; to cry a X&ºcº 1. To deride, to mock.
loud; to lament.*&joss &orečjº 2. to jest. e3X&):38%, or ex:
& Weeping, lamentation. TS"CŞ A jester.
8. *Jºos v. a. To encroach ; to s . & T. &#x333%) v. n. (from s. 3×3
usurp; to seize. “Cºyºtº Usur arrived and t. 98) to become) To be
pation; encroachment.
obtained ; to come into one's possess
s. e5(5° Jºos. m. The breast, between ion.
the shoulders'
º s. *X&o s. n. 1. An arrival, a com
es e ºftos v. n. 1. º
To curse. 2. to
ing, or approaching. 2. a Sastra, or
be angry or displeased with. 3. to work on sacred science, of divine
entertain malice against another. ** origin. 3. the ceremonies prescribed
- sºyā > 1. A curse, or impreca in the Sastras. 4. a grammatical
tion. 2. anger, dissatisfaction. 3. ma" augment, a syllable or letter insert
lice. ed in any part of the radical word. 5’


*5 S. . 61 &33) -

* a legal title, a voucher or written of all classes, down to the chandles

testimony. or Pariahs.
O * -

s. 27(Soo or exS) S. m. Sin, offence,

s. *So Sºys s—so adv. (from s, par
transgression, a fault.
ticle “3 s. *2C) the moon and eS =T
T. e^cs $97 s. n. A plant. Momordica
Divica. .. the sun) During the existence of the
sun and moon; as long as the world
G- exºss s. n. Obstimacy ; stubborn exists; for ever.

S. exº~ s. n. The future tense. T. &3 & ady. On that side.


T. &cNS v. a. 1. To stop, prevent, or - **ś&ššº s. n. The sipping of

hinder. 2. to support, or protect. 3. water three times, before religious
to harbour. 4. to watch or preserve ceremonies, or meals ; or after meals
crops, fruits &c. vide &c &. or the necessities of nature; repeating
T. ex3°yºex v. n. To be elated. ** at the same time the 24. principal
names of Vishnoo.
*S*) Elevation, wonder. cº, O
S. e333333 s. n. The south east s. & Cº. ºo s. n. vide tº SS3.
point, of which the god of fire is re S. eş-8s s. n. 1. An established
rule of conduct. 2, a religious insti
s. 3% cºr".\tely
K. K. s. n. A weapon of tute, or observance. 3. the rules of
fire. s. *\ºjº"> S. n. 1. Anger, moral conduct among a people, or
choler,- rage, wrath. 2. trouble, nation. 4. the practice, customs,
annoyance. eVºross To be an habits, usages, or laws of a country,
gry or enraged. -
or of any particular class of men,
a. *š-šSº s. n. wide e^{S*. eºboss, v. a. 1. To practice, or do
s. **śr", 3059 v. a. To smell, to in habitually. 2. to put in practice the
hale. This word is often used to ex precepts of religion. 3. to celebrate
a religious festival.
press parental fondness; parents
being in the habit of smelling a S- *sses s. n. 1. A teacher or in
child's head, instead of kissing the structor of the Vedas. 2. a spiritual
infant. ečjº &c. Scented ; guide. 3. a person who invests one
with the sacrificial thread.
smelled. .
e, *
s. **ś30 s. n. A weight of ten poot
s, tº & Jºeşo s. n. (from s, particle
wº ties. adj. spread; extended; accu
** and s. Wotjºº an outcast) People Inulated.
62 653.
T. &cº v. a. 1. To stop, to hinder, to s, easº s. n. Clarified butter, ghee. ,
prevent, to withhold. 2. to support, T. e3e3 s. n. 1. A dance. 2. a play
to protect. 3. to preserve or watch 3, a game. ****** To dance or
fields, gardens &c. Tºrºcºs":" play. et RJ-> To lose a game.
& To speak considerately or cau e3e3"Reorº To win a game. ****
tiously. vide ec Nº. ***: Dancing and singing tº
tº-3 s. n. 1. A trace, token, or 3) A holiday; a play day granted to
hint. 2. a cause: - school boys. **ślº A dancing
evyssºs s. n. 1. An upper girl. 39's "c & A male dancer, a
garment, clothes. 2. a covering, a gambler, etº"tº sº Danc
screen- e-yºok To cover. ing, accompanied by vocal and in
essesss Ot etºess S strumental music. ***** Play,
n. A satirical laugh. pastime, a joke.
r) O e3ecoššo s. n. 1. Prevention, hin
*323s o zºs & s. n. A family.
drance, resistance. 2. molestation.
e;-&-ºwcºs s. m. A man 3. hesitation.
whose hands reach to his knees: A
€5858 & s. n. A sparrow.
person of this description is conside e583 RT § s. n. A rake, used in hus
red not only handsome, but destined
to be a hero. bandry.
O * ee><º s. n. An abode, a resi
esarºcºsº s. n. A horse of a good dence. -

e3e3 s. n. A bird. Turdus gingini
*38 s. n. War, battle, combat. (17171S, - *

G. **ew adj. Ready, present. ess+3) or etes v. n. To last, to

e38:5& s. n. Livelihood, profession. suffice. -

8, tºº.
s. n. 1. An order, a command. e3&#8%x s. n. Severe pain, caused
2. permission, congé. 3. punishment. by a wound, or sore.
4. custody. egosº To give an 8. tºes”:3&o s. n. 1. Pride, pomp. 2.
order. egg"ºšoº To disobey an fury. - -

order. egºs To punish. erº T. esco, x-cº-ex, s. m. wide eş Ş.

oboots To commit to custody; to e3% adj. Female. s. n. A place. adv.
There. e3& Kºce:353 (from §vc &&.
cause to punish. egrão is To

order or command. º
a daughter) A woman.

tº . 63 S:35


T. & ovex s. m. plu. Women. tºo?, & (from T. &cº swinging) To

Tºšex. A man who has the voice and swing, to hang, to be in agitation.
habits of a woman. Ssss sº-x. (from T. Ss ºf
&c.2) S&S. s. n. 1. A charge sound So a joke) To sport, to jest, to jeer,
ed by musical instruments, 2 the šeň-Sºo (from s. Seº-sºo a
roaring of elephants. 3. the begin quarrel ) To quarrel. SºśTeſºo
ning. 4. pride, pomp. ºšºváozºo
(from T. S"$53, a card) To play
A collection of clouds.
*3áš s. n. Infamy.
at cards. Sºº-ºº (from T. S."&"
a bite) 1. To wrangle. 2. to come
e3S"ex, s. n. A rumour or report,
generally applied to such as are of to blows; to fight as dogs, fºsſex, .
an unfavorable kind. (from s. 59s a dance) To dance.
... ‘B’s v. a. 1. To play, to dance. 2. to sº (from T. gºes a blow)
speak, or promise. 3. to perform. v. n. To fight, to quarrel. Tº K97-33
To shake, to totter, to wag. ‘ºf’ (from T. Wºº an oil press) To
Ko v. comp. To talk to oneself, to
play. e3 &otº. v. caus. To cause to
press oil. Nººr-3 (from T. ×3
play &c. 335& (from ēšS to a blow) To fight. &exº~x.
fail) To break a promise. *% is (from Tup. &ox& chess) To
2. added to a great number of nouns, play at chess. RöRºerº (from
to give them a verbal signification; r. * +8 anger) To be angry.
and, in such cases, takes its meaning Täx&-23s (from T. ºx:43,
from the noun to which it is affixed :
thus, ee>< (from s. ea;s a quarrel) To quarrel, to fight.
ºes sºrº (from rep. ºesº
a lie) To tell lies. 3. "&S (from T.
ablution) To bathe. 5×{}eſºo
*** a play) To play. Ҽ
(from T. º.º., a corruption of ee
(from t. §§§ groping) To grope,
to seek out, or search for, 5% tº ex"
ex) waves) To be violently agitated &S (from T. §§§§ a flash) To
or shaken. §§eſ"> (from T. 3%
dragging) To drag, or pull mutually. shine, to glitter. 5&T &S (from T.
sº the middle) To take moder
3 & Xs sºjºſº (from T. §§ys & ate exercise on foot; applied to
flattery) To flatter, to §le, to
convalescent persons. §§ 3 (from
allure, to coax. *:Seſºs (from T. | T. §§ waters) To bring forth a
-SAC &swimming) To swim, &c & U"
child, because water precedes the

e: 64
º 98.

birth. 3s &Seſºs (from T. §§§§ s, &#3 s. n. Doll, pigeon pea cuysus

a loud laugh) To laugh loudly. cajan. -

~&J wºº (from T. & '89 crawling) ex-Sº s. n. A lord, a master;


To crawl. ~~~3° (from T. & 8 one who is opulent.

creeping) To creep. & eºsº (from T. escoox3ex, s. n. vide tºo?Sex.
T. ºpe-rolling) To roll. &º tº tº s. m. A pin, or nail, adj round,
(from T. &º a stab) To quarrel, as applied to pearls only.
to fight. ºoče º (from T. 2Soº T. e83 s. n. A vital part; a secret.
a ball) To play with a ball. 25°xº~ e; s’. > 1. A man acquainted
erºs (from T. 25°x3-82 a dance) with secrets.
To dance. Kºs (from T. Šyees
s. e860s & s. n. 1. Disease, pain. 2.
a word) To speak, to converse" & fear,
erºs (from T. & a kiss) To s." escºs s. n. The act of turn
caress, to fondle, 58 Seſº (from
T. Söğ relationship) To treat ing fresh milk, by casting butter
another, in joke, as a relative. Tišēj-, milk into it.
T. e8837W C3 or esºs pro. masc. of
& (from T. #e3 hunting) To hunt ||
the 3d. person. He. This word is
? =ver-3s (from s. 35& inspira honorifically applied to equals.
tion or possession) To speak by
inspiration; to be possessed by a s. e553&o adj. Extended, large.
s. eBöToo s. m. A felon, thief, or
spirit. §§ 3's-3s (from *:35,62– murderer.
the first signs of womanhood) To be
T. e88 K. s. m. wide 337N"cº.
come a woman. K&Kºrs (from sº
§§§39 a joke) To sport, jest, or jeer. S. ess 5,3, s. n. A large umbrella.
. (3C:s adj. Female. vide. e53%. 63c & 3) s. e5533 s. n. Sunshine, heat. *ěš
. 1. A female child. 2. the sister of ºvč zºo A large parasol.
one's husband. s. tº $$$$o s. n. Fare, freight.
e33e) s. m. wide ***. S e8:Sº s. n. Food given to a

estáššo s. n. A measure of capacity, guest; hospitality, adj. Proper for a

containing 'about 750 cubical in guest, hospitable.
ches; a mereal. To the northward, S-
ešº s. n. 1. Haste, hurry, preci
this wotd is equivalent to a toom,
pitation. 2. eagerness, avidity. e B&S8o
which, in general, contains about 4 +& v. a. To hurry, to hasten. “ &ö
mercals. 3×3 v. n. To be in a hurry, or haste'
e5-5 65 §58

s: tºo &c. adj. 1. Afflicted with |s. *3&o s. n. vide tº 22 - €3&éo &
disease. 2. devoted to, strongly inclin l. To console, comfort, or caress. 2.
ed to. to respect. 3. to assist, support, or

T. *35 ex s. n. plu. The hair round receive kindly. º

the privities. tud. 3: S3) s. n. 1. Protection, sup

*ē, s. n. 1. The soul. 2. Brumha, port, aid, refuge. 2. subsistence.
the supreme deity, and soul of the
*** = so s. n. A looking glass, or
universe. 3. the body. 4. the under
standing, the intellect. 5, the mind, *325e) ºffey adv. vide &S ºff.
or faculty of reason. 6. life, spirit, the &B CŞ" s. m. wide & Sºcº So.
vivifying soul, in opposition to the e375°35'75° adv. vide e5:58, Yºº.
sentient one. 7. self, the abstract $37.5°CŞSo s. n. Profit, gain, in
individual. eness A son. es. conne.

* CŞs A man who possesses a per T. *3& s. n. A mark left in a book, to

fect knowledge of the deity. eå,3 shew the place where the reader
So &c. adj. Belonging to one's own stopped.
party, e3, 3-ºcºs A suicide, a ** adj. First, prior. s. n. 1. The
- O
self murderer. 35.5o & 535&S";& beginning, the origin. 2. in compos.
To deprive one self of the necessa (&c.) etcetera. 33 º sº One of
the modes by which time is measured
ries of life. 3) Fº"Sºścº A virtuous
Inan- *~~~& < ** A vicious man. in music. *ě Fºx Sunday, so
called, because it is the first day in
TU D. & 3 RS s. n. vide **ś35&o.
the week, e33e3ex) s. m. plu.
*\jo's s. n. A woman in her men The original Velumas. This is the
Ses. principal Soodra cast in the nor
*Gjºcºs s. n. 1. The moon. 2. thern Circars, and is understood to
consist of the descendants from the
the name of a holy sage, the son of
Atri. principal aborigines of that part of
°35° s. n. Satiety, satisfaction, con the country. .
tentment. eaks C3º s. n. 1. The sun. 2. A
&B$ö to s. n. 1. Consolation, comfort. deity of a particular.class, viz. the
2. a kind reception, favorable treat Adityas, of whom there are twelve;
ment. 3. aid, support. 4. . regard, they are forms of Soorya, or the sun,
respect, veneration. -
and represent him as distinct in
G. *35.57°&S adv. In great haste, and each month of the year.
confusion. s. assºsz.: s. n. The chief of scr

es? 6 6 €5.5-

pents, first of its kind. It is under s. tº adj. Placed ; deposited.

stood to have 1000 heads, upon s, tº $*čcºs s. n. An elephant driv
which it supports the earth, and it cr.
forms both the couch and canopy of ren. *S. s. n. (from s. ex an order)
the god Vishnoo. 1. An oath. 2. an adjuration. 3. a
€3&STK3 v. a. To assist, aid, or protestation. 4, a citation on the
protect. |
part, or in the name of the Govern
eºs adj. Respected, respectful, | ment, to arrest any one, or to oblige
honored. e853 & 8.55
one to come to justice. Kºº.
e3735 & s. n. 1. in grammar, Permu- | -

To adjure.
tation, substitution. 2, an order, or . e5Koº s. n. The 48th year of the
e3S"cs. adj. lit in the form of a cow’s Hindoo cycle of sixty. -

|s. €35 cº, S. SK Soo s. m. lit, the grove
tail. Oval, sloping. M. Vencaya. of joy. Benares.
e:Sobº adv. (Rom sea the • e3Soº or ëSotº s. n. Hapi
beginning and S. €993 the end) From
the beginning to the end. s. n. The mess, joy. 35 cºy & 92 1.
beginning and the end. *Sočº £y-o Tears of joy. & Kośció To be glad.
&c 3: He who has no beginning or s, ess's Socº 3 s. n. A name of Wusoo
end, God. deva the father of Krishna.
ex$º &c. adj. First, initial, prima s: ess & s. n. A large kettle drum.
ry. º
2. a tabor. -

8. *37°53 s. n. 1. The placing or s. eS & So adj. Bent, humbled.

holding. 2. a ceremony performed TUD. &#59 s. n. (from s. e; &) 1. An
with consecrated fire. 3. a ceremony
before cohabitation, with the view order. 2. permission, leave.
TU D. & T. &#583 & v. a. To say, tell,
to ensure conception.
*T*S& s. m. 1. A prop ; support ; or relate ; applied to superiors
aid; protection. 2. a receptacle, loca addressing inferiors,
tion. - s es:s s. n. A drum.

8. €375°8's s. n. A centipede of a red s. **ś SSX s. n. The face, or mouth.

colour. G. 35 & Sºcº s. n. A long gourd.
e3? s. n. 1, Mental pain. 2. a pledge | Cucurbita lagenaris.
or pawn. T. “S Svex) s. n. 1. A mark or token. 2.
e?:55.3, s, n. 1, Government, 2. boiled milk.

| S. &3 Nº CŞ$º s. n. A net.
º 67 ee: 25°

*R*š-šº s. n. Length, especially T. Sºcié) v. a. ride &c &.

of cloth. º T.
*Cº) s. n. 1. An obstacle, or preven
$3& v. n. 1. To lean, rest or recline tion. 2. an arrest. 3. watching gard
upon. 2. to bear. 3. to drink. “389& v. ens or fields. vide “BCNS and &c &.
a. 1. To cause to lean, rest, or recline. *To pro feminine, demonstrative
upon. 2. to place against a wall &c. remote. She, applied to superiors
&B&S s. n. A prop. *5 SST R$2 v. only.
comp. To lean, rest, or recline T. ****) v. n. To be satisfied. I be
upon. lieve this word to be derived from
T. exox357 s. n. The creeping plant **, a contraction of *cs ® hunger,
of the long gourd, Cucurbita lagena and &º) to go.
ris. -

*** Sº s. n. The sipping of

eº. s. n. A semi-circular water from the palm of the hand,
pillow. as a religious ceremony, before or
after meals.
exº~SSº sº, s. n. Order, me
thod. s *** &c. adj. 1. Obtained, gained.
T. **Roºx) s. n. plu. Nails of iron &c. 2. intimate, dear, confidential, trust
ed, attached.
ešSt.8 s. n. Logical philosophy; * & s. m. 1. Gain, profit. 2, joining,
metaphysics. binding.
F. *33X s. n. A river, a stream. S.
e-Sºº & s. n. Refreshment,
ë3 to So s. n. A market, a shop. satiety. -

€33 rºck's A dealer. S

eūjºšss S. m. A dress reaching
*3:35, or ess s. n. 1. Calamity, from the shoulders to the feet.
misfortune, adversity. 2. danger, pe *:Sº s. n. Bathing.
ril. T.
*cº s. n. A heifer, two years old.
ë35A$o &c. adj. Unfortunate,
*2% or tº pro. She, that wo.
**ēo & v. a. To accuse. z--

*** "Sº s. n. A public drinking

G. eex,5 or ë 2x-8 s. n. (from P. 23: 1)
place. Honour, character.exes; 9%
S. eśs s. n. A chaplet or garland, STS (from T. 83 ovºsº, to pos.
tied to the lock of hair, which the sess) To save, or retain one's charac
Hindoos wear on the top of the ter, when attacked.
head. -
ecºs s. n. vide écº.&
S. & S. S. s. n. An udder. ecºs. m. A bull which is mark

* 5x5- 68 *5 SS3

ed, and is allowed to wander * *333 Sº s. n. Mucus; bad secretions

large, in commemoration of a de of the bowels tººs º A collec
ceased person, or as consecrated to tion of mucus.

the deity. escº (from T. *3$ocº Sºo s. n. Sickness, disease

8’&S a rider) Siva, whose vehicle S. ë Koes & s. n. Emblic myrobalan.
Phylanthus emblica.
is the bull. ecºsº (from
*3&šč s. n. A cake made of the
rep. "& a sound) One of the
pulse termed phaseolus radiatus,
seven notes in music. soaked in curds.
S. e3? & 83& s. n. I. Ornament, de S **śSo s. n. Flesh, meat.
coration. 2. jewels. “339% s. n. Curd of two milk whey.
tº Yºgoșo s. n. Addressing, speak T. *330 s. n. Fat.
ing: - - - *Soššo adj. 1. Clothed. 2. used.
eº-K & or ëº-S s. n. 1. Cor exº s. n. The castor oil
ruption. 2. disorder, irregularity. 3. tree. Palma christi, or Recinus commu
an indignity, or affront. nis, exº The sediment of
e%33. s. n. A village of herds castor oil. & Castor oil.
Inen - &B&TS"ex) Castor oil seeds.
ež8 s. m. A female of the herdsman ëº pro. vide tºº.
tribe. ... tº 3.5 s. n. The act of inviting or
S. eºscº s. n. A herdsman. calling.
S, ežes, &c. adj. Terrible. **śrºšo s. n. 1. A perfume, float
e335°xsº s. n. Completion, fulness. ing in the air." 2. gladness; joy. **
Tºrvåo's To be glad.
exºcytosº s. n. Calling. *STAoSSX s. n. The Véda.
&ć s. n. The greatest Teloogoo
measurement of extent, equal to four
e& Sº s. n. The mangoe tree.
coss, or about eight English miles. *\āyāššº's n. Repetition, tauto
ë$ºotS v. a. To invite the bride logy.
groom and his relations, during º s. n. The tamarind tree, or

the celebration of a marriage. fruit. tº sº 1. pepper water

escºsº, s. m. 1. Pain. 2. the made with tamarinds. 2. a prepara
tion of tamarinds.
pains of child birth."
T• tº s. n. The season of spring T. °CŞs s. n. (from T. & that and T.
Or summer. ** an elder sister) That woman.
*:533 69 *5 S.

exSS & s. n. The mortgage of a mood, as #3 sº-sºw- If I, thou,

houses, land, or other real property. he, she, it, we, you, or they do.
€33355Soo s. n. 1. An altar, a shed &Bööy-ox$)cºs s. n. A mixed race,
for sacrifice. 2. a house. descended from a Soodra man, and
se °33'3?) s. n. 1. Future time. 2. length. Vysya woman. Their business is the
3. dignity. 3& 3 S-c: A man of preparation of unguents &c.
rank. -
S. €35&v. Sºo s. n. 1. War, battle.
*>3 & adj. 1. Dependant. 2. 2. slaughter.
*38 s. n. A shoe maker's awl or
docile. s. n. Readiness, preparation.
knife. vide Tud. 3T3.
e33& 3:S To be prepared.
*33& S pro. He the masc. honorific, *So? So s. n. A beginning; the
demonstrative remote.
commencement. “Böc?ois To be
T. e333 or 33.3% pro. She fem. gin, to commence.
honorific, demonstrative remote.
e35's "88 s. n. A pilot.
*35 sº s. n. Brass.
e-º or ecºs s. n. A vital
T. *33c2 or ēśc Nº adv. Fully, com
ecºvššº s. n. Length. pletely. vide “S.
ë8?oº v. a. To eat. e8xc3%iss,
8. ecºvK & s. n. 1. Fatigue. 2. trou
v. caus. To cause to eat. “Böció) 1.
ble. 3. displeasure.
Eating. 2. an offering to the deity.
G. °oºš s. n. 1. Convenience. 2. rea These words are in common use
amongst the Vyshnuva sect; by
ëcºo: So s. n. 1. A weapon; an
others they are applied only to
instrument; a tool. ecºs The
persons of rank.
science of arms. ecº º'e) An e858& s. n. A very deep well. .
arsenal. easºcºs An armed
In an a
e83s, s. n. Foppishness.
°sº s. n. Age ; duration of life. *35° s. n. Rest, repose.
ečeºs s. n. 1. the affliction of
ëcºšoºs &c. adj. Long lived.
lovers, arising from separation.
e3&SR) s. n. vide &cºoš). *35?? s. n. An offering of lights, or
e333'N' This is the 3d. person sing. of water, turmerick, and chunam, in
of the past tense of 98) to become, honor of the deity; or to any indi
with the final o changed into T. vidual, to take off the supposed ill
°º being prefixed to it, it is added effects of evil looks. This ceremony
to the past relative participle of any is performed at marriages, or on
verb, to express the conditional other happy occasions.
*5 No 70 * 5x,

eº Rºo s. n. Water in which fully ; as. Tú tº erºs & I heard

rice has been washed, or boiled, it well. lit. with my ears fully.
kept till it ferments. W-so "S&r sº I saw it with

*3? & s. n. A poetic composition, my own eyes, lit. with my eyes

expressive of the passions of fear fully.
and anger. *S s. m. A line of hair, extending
T. *35 & v. a. To inquire, seek, or from the navel, up towards the breast.
search for. *
&SCŞ s. n. The planet Mars, tide
$335& s. n. Sound. e.So-Wvºc: .
*35&cºs s. n. A watchman,
e3"O" & 5:So s. n. 1. vide €35 °35&o. 2.
esújósº s. n. A small red
violent pain, torment, anguish. ****
tº 1. To suffer the affliction of
* 5 interj expressive of Approba
tion. - -

lovers, arising from separation. 2. to TUD. & 3 s. n. vides. 33.

suffer violent pain, or torment.
G. *BT5 adj. Mahratta.
eBºº Sºo s. n. Worship, prayer.
ë75°30 tº To worship, to pray. to D. & Sºx, s. n. plu. (ride 35&c
eºsis &c. adj. Worthy to be *) Watchmen.
worshipped. e Sºx, s. m. plu. A || *S*Xros s. n. Eating. eSºxº
sect of Bramins who wear the lin *5X.) To eat.
gum, and worship Siva exclusively. e3S-8xS $º s. n. 1. Health. 2. recove
*375°39'So s. n. A grove; a garden.
&T"cºo v. a. vide “Böcº.
ry of health. adj. Salutary, salu
*375"S$0 s. m. wide & 55&o.
eê5& v. n. To perfect oneself; to
e3Sº;co S. n. 1. An accusation. 2.

be perfect, qualified, accomplished, a false charge. 3. an imputation e3

or well versed in. Sºo & 1. To accuse falsely. 2. to
*33& s. n. 1. An inclination to impute.
excite quarrels. 2. anxiety. 3. con °57'3" toº s. n. 1. Rising, ascend
fusion.e538 cºsº Narada, the ing. 2. a stair, 3. the treble in music.
son of Brumha, and one of the great s. *S*-ºs s. n. 1. Length. 2. height.
3. a buttock.
*353 v. n. To be full. This verb is s: tº or 3.5& s. n. Acquisition,
used in composition only, affixed to gain, accumulation. “Bºoko v. a. To

another word. as *o-wºo To be acquire, to procure, to get, to amass,

full of excellence. ** adv. Well, to accumulate. sºcks A man who
*3-25 71 *Sey

acquires or procures. es: $39 &c. " **** The food grows cold. Nº
adj. Acquired, gained. -
i cºš-ex &R'S A The wound heals
e: SSS. s. n. Straightness. up. Fºx's sº His ho
*3_3 s. n. Pain; affliction. | nour is lost. **** v. a. 1. To
*@ s. n. The sixth lunar man quench, extinguish, or dry up. 2. to
sion. -
appease or allay. 3. to cool. 4, to
cure a wound. 5. to destroy. 6. to
s. *3) $ sº s. n. Undried ginger. move the eyelid. v. n. To cry aloud,
e.g.s. adj. Wet, damp, moist. t
to shout. “Beºč)ºx) or “eºyºx s.
TUID. eºs s. n. A dreadful cry; | n. plu. Loud cries, shouts. ****) v.
a fearful noisc. | a. The same as ****) in its active
ess s, n. 1. Parvati, the wife of sea. i Sense.

2. a kind of metre. -
** adj. numeral six, ecº º
essº &c, adj. Respectable. “TS *
t 33, X3 s. n. (8 from s. 23)) & a
tº A respectable female. |
star, and T. & & an assemblage)
The third lunar mansion. &e boº,
e.s: s. n. A particular species of
paddy. * &º s. n. iit, the six faced god,
* & s. n. A form of marriage,
in which the father of the bride
*&^o:57 s. n. The plant term.
receives from that of the bridegroom ed Capparis horrida.
one or two pair of kine. êeº & "35) v. n. (from T. eBeº
“Set 3 s. n. 1. Infamy, scandal. sir, T. & "º three and T. e5% to
2. uselessness. e5-93.25°35) l. To be become) To be at sixes and sevens ;
to be in confusion.
useless, to be the subject of scandal.
**2C2) So s. n. Support.
eºs. n, plu. A great noise, a eosis S. n. Slaughter, killing.
T's *e?"Sexy s. m. plu. A species of grain, *89% v. a. To hear, listen, or
attend to. -

Paspalam frumentaceum. .
. &359 v. n. 1. To be quenched, ex. -
*3e3&#3 s. m. A bull. vide “39).
tinguished, or dried up. 2. to be $39× s. n. 1. War, battle, 2.
mollified, appeased, or allayed. 3. to disrespect.
grow cool. 4. to heal up. 5. to be tº 9 × S3 s. n. 1. A house, abode,
lost or destroyed, as, 8 & 353 or edifice, 2, a temple, 3, a place of
Anger is allayed. ess-cº refuge.
tºo 72 e5-ſº

T. tº adj. Independent, without * >. $300& or ºoººo s. n. A ter

controul. t
race, before a house.
eesºsº s. n. A large parasol, T. *39&y s. n. A bivalve shell.
which hangs perpendicularly from S. e55 2: So s. n. An attitude in shoot
its staff. ing ; the left knee retracted, and the
e3e) see Sºo s. n. 1. A garden-bed. 2. right knee advanced.
a basin for water round the trunk &ex) s. n. A wife. This word in
of a tree. composition is converted into "C'ex)
se evKSº s, n. Sloth, inactivity, and expresses a female in general
ë3)s oš F-S lit. those of the wife's
procrastination, idleness, adj. Idle, ->

slothful. tºo & 1. To delay, de side. Relations by marriage. 29.3°

fer, or stop. 2. to trifle time away. sºcºs A wife's brother or sister.
T. tºey---e.8eſ ox3 or *Bey ex35 adv. Thus, T. *ex) s. n. plu. (from $35) a cow)
so, in that manner. ****ś or **T* Cows, kine, “39-35 (from T. S"38
Xo3 adj. Such. •
a watcher) 1. A cow herd. 2. Vishnoo,
eer-SS. s. m. The post to which in his incarnation as Arishna, because
he was then for some time a cowherd.
an elephant is tied.
s &Ber"35 s. n. 1. The humming of" **ex's So s. n. 1. An esculent root
a tune. 2. reflexion, thought. Arumcampanulatum. 2. the creeping
S. &Beſ"3S, s. n. 1. Conversation, dis plant of the Cucurbita lagenaris.
course. 2. expression of grief. §eſ" s - *Beſt's Sºo or ēer-35 Sºo s. n. 1.
&oto To grieve, to cry. Sight, looking, 2. light, 3eſ”30 &
**T*CŞSo s. n. Readiness, prepara v. a. To see or look.
tion. *s, *.cº. v. n. To be ready serºs s. n. 1. Looking at, or ex
or prepared. amining any thing. 2. consultation,
&Bey"Síð ETSX s. m. An umbrella or consideration, reflexion, deliberation.
fan, made of cloth. 3. advice, council. 4. view, intention.
T. *39 or & s. n. 1. A line, row, or This word has now become applied
range. 2. a bank or ridge. 3. a wo to the council of Government, and
man's female friend. -

e32n-sºº'ss 3 g is the usual term for

ë JoxSSo s. n. An embrace. a member of council. ‘BefºotS v. a.
T. **TotS v. a. To hear or listen. vide To view, consider, consult, deliberate,
e3e38c:3s. or reflect.

ejošš or tº cº s. n. A squitº S.
*** s. n. 1. Churning. 2, a
*35 73 e5)

thorough enquiry, eerfão º v. a. es. 2. a potter's kiln, för burning

1. To churn. 2. to inquire thorough bricks, pots, tiles, or any earthen
lv. Ware.
ëres &c. adj. Fickle, unsteady
e355 to:So s. n. The space enclosed
**ś s. n. A species of grain, vide round a house, or garden. 35.80%
e3e3 Tºex). To surround or encompass.
eV. Sº s. n. 1. The bird or vehicle S. *35 & s. n. 1. A whirlpool. 2. hair
of Vishnoo. 2. the Tamil Alwars, of naturally curled.
whom there are thirteen, ending with e35e) adv. vide €55e).
the famous Ramanoojachary, the T. “3590 & v. n. To yawn, to gape. s
founder of the religion of the Shri
n &Sé)oč Yawning.
Vyshnavas, one of the three great
- Hindoo sects of the Peninsula. Se ë59 s. n. A range ; a row.

These thirteen Alvars are considered S. es?-oiº v. n. 1. To enter into the

to have been incarnations of the body of another. 2, the spirit of the
attendants, arms, or instruments of deity to enter into an idol.
I’ishnoo, and each of them wrote a **śsº s. n. 1. A basin for water
portion of the Dravida Prabund,hum, 2 round the foot of a tree. 2, sowing.
or Tamil Véda, contained in 4,003 S. &3Tºe) So s. n. A basin for water
verses, which, by the sect in question, round the foot of a tree.
is held in veneration superior to the *S*śoo s. m. a house.
Sanscrit Véda, of which it is, in fact,
an ancient Tamil translation. *35°3°Sãºo s. n. 1. The invocation
°35 s. n. 1. Low ground outside of of the deity, or of evil spirits, by mys
a village. 2. mustard seed. 3. recollec tical words. 2. the bringing down the
tion. “35 ºvš v. n. To come to one's spirit of the deity into idols.
recollection. 35&-593. Sºoº. Man T. “33) s. n. Vapour, exhalations from
the earth.
goe pickel, made with mustard seed
and oil.
Ts e333% or €33% pro, vide esā)3.
*35°303 v. n. To inhale air; as T. ë3)3 s. n. 1. Steam or vapour. 2. the
ºvc:37No 3)63583.0% Gojºs He heat of the breath. 33) ex's Wºº.
Steam to rise; vapour to exhale.
lived upon air. i. e. he had no means
of subsistence. e83)25 sº-ºo-ºo or tº ºs-º W. I.1.

To be born.
eszö83's s, n. A bitter acute
ë3)ešo adj. Foul, turbid.
angled cucumber.
ess s. n. 1. Mustard seed, ride' S. $38) s. n. A cow. 3- &oºr-53) A cow
with calf. ºvéosºvë) A milch cow. § cº, a couch) The indian cupid, be
e355.3%&š To milk a cow. cause he reclines, upon men's minds.
*3?’ºo-S v. a. To bless.
ë5&CŞo s. n. in theatrical language,
A father. -
e33 s. n. A serpents fang.
cº) -

êºotº v. m. wide &Söois. e?8s tº SSS) or e3-a-sº S. Il.

s: esy& adj. Enclosed, surrounded. A blessing, or benediction. es#8S

ës) # s. n. in comp. A time, when &otº To bless, to give a benedic
added to any numeral; as, two times, tion. sº A blessing.
twice; a hundred times &c. es? 3):33 s. n. (from s. es? a fang
tºxºſ s. n. 1. Haste; hurry. 2. and s. $233 poison) A serpent.
anger. X&o s. n. An arrow.
e3365 s. m. Acute pain from disease. e3%$) s. n. Speed.
*35 & s. n. A manufactory, or o

tº s. n. The usual term of

mourning on the death of a relative,or
e333 sº s. n. 1. Inspiration by the of imaginary pollution, proceeding
deity. 2. possession by evil spirits. 3. from the birth of a child; during
fury; demoniac frenzy. e333'ss;
which the . Hindoos consider them- .
$) To be inspired by the deity; to selves impure. The former is com
be possessed by an evil spirit.
eås's S. n. A ydge, fence, or
monly termed &Yū’ī’º, the
co o

latter ºf "E-Fºo.
enclosure. -

** s. n. 1. Love, attachment. 2. de tº§§º s, n. 1. Wonder, astonish

ment. 2, surprize. 3. admiration.
sire or wish of any kind; curiosity,
avarice. 3. hope. 33 33 1. To fall eć, Šošo s. n. 1. A religious order
in love. 2. to desire, covet, or long or distinction among bramins, of
which there are four kinds, viz. 1. .
for tº 5 exº) To allure, encourage, The student. 2, the house holder, 3.
or give hopes, es?”&c: A the anchorite and 4, the ascetic. 2.
very ambitious or avaricious man. the abode, cell, hermitage, or retreat
e37e).o.º.o. 1. The bond of love, 2.
of an anchorite or sage.
consolation.3, a spider's web. es?ošs
* --> *@333, s. n. 1. An asylum, re
To love, wish, or covet. 33 & fuge, retreat, or place of safety. 2.
Expectation, hope. protection, countenance, support. **
, º cºsº s. n. 1. Meaning, intention. & Joº-Kº (from s, e5 to eat)
2, mind, e? &Y&cºs (from s, The god of fire, because he eats or
* -
tº 3 a 9
destroys his own abode. *J OOOO TUD. &ST" s. n. vide eCŞ, cºsº.
$o To take refuge with, or have re tº 5& s. n. Rum, a spirit distilled
course to another. 2. to court one's from sugar.
favor or protection. 3. to be depend. S ºão & v. a. to prepare, or keep
ent upon another. e(3)3 Soo &c. De in readiness.
pendent on, or courting the great. eş-;3 s. n. Support, prop, protec
e; s: n, the 9th of the lunar man t10I). -

**ºr s. n. (from A. crºsſ 1°
ejšº s. n. An embrace. ejºo An individual. 2, an emplºyment
*So To embrace; to clasp.
****& s. n. A hard shower.
eſsaºs e?Sº s. m. The
eš SSo &c. adj. Seated.
7th. Teloogoo lunar month ; that in
& s. n. Three sticks, in a line,
which the moon's change takes place,
when the sun is in Libra. fixed in the ground, on which cotton
*** SSX s. n. 1. A chapter or sec thread is placed, always passing the
tion. 2. consolation. middle one so as to form the figure
e3S53, S. n. A days journey for a 8; this is done to prepare the warp,
horse. - without entanglement, for the loom.
e333'3&o s. n. The 4th. Teloogoo ess"> A small hollow bamboo,
lunar month ; that in which the through which the thread is passed,
moon's change takes place when the when placed as above.
sun is in Cancer.
*Sö$o s. n. 1. A raven. 2, a form
Tud. eBS s. n. vide 33.
of marriage, in which the bride
es e3SS. Sºo &c. adj. Ardently devoted groom gives to the bride, her father,
to one object; diligent, active, ad and paternal kinsmen, as much as
dicted to. * he can afford.
** 8. s. m. Ardent attachment to efºss's or eºs &
one object or pursuit; inclination.
*S*59' s. n. Any thing to sit upon; adj. Beloved ; charmed. '
a mat, tiger skin, seat, stool &c. 2. ešº's n. (from P. adj's 95"
the anus.
Rest, refreshment. º

tº Kºšo &c. adj. 1. Near, proxi e: 83. s. n. 1. Basis, ground,

mate. 2. ready, prepared. foundation. 2, support, countenance.
e33 &jss s. n. Hard breathing, e3 & § tº s. n. 1. An elephant's
from great oppression or fatigue, housings; a painted cloth or blan
es?” . 76 gox
ket worn on his back. 2. a mat or S ë3-votº s. n. Offering oblations, with
carpet. *-

T. es & s. n. Property, effects, wealth, Se e3 ºvºvić)&S s. n. Boasting,

capital, riches, estate. e & Sºcié). vaunting. -

A rich person ; a rich ryot. eºs 3, sº Sº n- Religious

e3 &cºs s. n. A man who acknow duties, performed in the day-time.
ledges the existence of a god, in tº S or 33 Sº s. n. A name,
opposition to R" ºccº An athe an appellation.
ist. S. e; Sº s: n. A summons; call
e; s, n. Regard, fondness. ing.
eş'ss e;-s s. n. 1.
Or A hall S. eBºöeasºo s. n. 1. Imputation of
adultery. 2. abuse by such imputa
of audience. 2. a court of justice. 3. tion. -

the assembled court of a prince. S. es&Sºcº s. n. A gambler.

ešº s. n. A weapon peculiar to eºs, s, n. 1. Censure, blame,
reproach. 2. a criticism. 3. objection.
e3SN& s. n. 1. Place, room. 2.
situation. 3. basis, ground, authority. 4. a question. “3 &ciº To criti
4. support. cise, to object, to question. & O’
e33 Sº s. n. The face or mouth. & Above all question, blame,
*\S) So s. n. Blood. or reproach.
es:-5?cºšo s. n. One of the
three consecrated fires in the grand The third letter in the Teloogoo
Hindoo sacrifice. It is lighted from
alphabet. It is often prefixed to *
the householder's perpetual fire, and
words beginning with consonants,
is prepared for receiving oblations. instead of the long vowel tº, (the
**śsº s. n. War, battle, carnage. indeclinable adjective pronoun This)
“33° interj. denoting Wonder, sor in which case the following conso
row, gladness. nant is doubled; thus, *S*esºo is
e33.88%) s. n. 1. Food, nourish
often written ºx. This time.
ment. 2. taking, conveying. *}oš adv. 1. Hereafter. 2. more.
*ss s. n. A trough near a well, *}o's" adv. 1. Yet ; still. 2. more.
for watering cattle.
e3+s a S& s. n. An intermittent T. 9oš v. n. To evaporate, or dry up.
fever. 90X&o s. n. 1. Any thing movea
e3-kočcºs s. n. A snake catch ble, or locomotive. 2. a hint, sign,
er, a juggler. or gesture.
goš 77 90°,

tºp. 30×e)& s. n. (tº s, go-Nºe ... t. gºº. Cºcº v. m. To be cracked, or

&O) 1. Fire. 2. charcoal. T. goû An indeclinable adjective and
s. go-Rºe So s. m. Charcoal.
substantive pronoun. l. So, so many,
s: goñésºos. m. 1. A hint, sign, or
so much, such. 2. this, as many as -

gesture. 2. inquiry, research. 3.

this, as much as this, such as this. It
TUD. 90% exºo or goxês sº S. Il. is the proximate of 995 q. v. This
word is some times used in the plural;
- (from s. 3-oxº) Vermilion. as gočexpŠKºe». Eyes such as
T. gońer-ox s. n. A sort of fish.
these. Munoo Churitra. 395 &
Tup. gox35 or goº) s. n. (from s.
ex, So many great affairs as these.
£roX3) Assafoetida. ºn -

• -º - --
goë This is all 30 º'eoč (from
göß adj. Of, or belonging to, the
–0 - goš and €oč) used with a negative,
sugar-cane. 9otº, #9 (from denotes that the quantity, number,
T. ºxy milk and T. s.33) the sea) or quality is inexpressible.
One of the seven seas, viz. that of =-cº CŞy cºrvºgoty"eoğ-K-
the juice of sugar-cane. go tº sºcà & lit. The distress which he has

or goš25°-3 (from T. 25°cá or suffered is neither this, nor that

much. It is not possible to describe
*S*rē in compos, a woman) A wo how much distress he has suffered.
man, because the poets compare the goč º. The inflected ablative of

fair sex to the sugar-cane. goš, , Sye goč. 1. During this ; in the mean
K (from &y K9 a tree) The sugar time. 2. from this time, hencefor
ward, for the future. vide €oë42
cane. goºey& (from £º a under esoč. 9ošē3 inflicted adj.
bow) The indian Cupid, whose bow Such. vide eoče3. under €905.
is made of sugar-cane, vide gð. go3 s. n. A woman. *

gºs adj. Very little.

—o –6 —o
993 ex pro. vide goš.
T. goºooºº, v. n. (from 96 &S goš interj. 1. Come here. 2. here it
-o is ; hold. 9oºo... is used honorifical
very little, 39.9% to exceed, and “º ly for goº.
to become) To be a little on either
side of a certain limit, as regards
T. go: Koš or goº's adv. 1. As far
—º —o
as this, until this time. 2, just before
quantity, or time.965Sºodºo?" On this time. The proximate of tºo?"
either side of a certain limit, as re
gards quantity, or time. § q. v. -
9°ºes indef pro. So many. ing in many respects with the Gre
. 9oë or Öošč s. n. Lutchmi, the
cian Jove. 39.3/8& (from s. 25
goddess of prosperity, and wife of conquered) The son of Ravana, king
Vishnoo. §oš5&cºo (from E. Sö of Ceylon; so called, because he de
a husband) Vishnoo. feated Indra. 39(3) § Koš) The
90&oë5& s. n. A large black bee bow of Indra; the Iris, or rain-bow.
or beetle.
90 Ú Šešº The saphire. go, ºri
99.558 So s. n. The blue lotus.
Nymphaea cerulea. The wife of Indra. Go Cºcº &
. 9oS pro. defective. This ; the (from s. “Boºoº, a weapon) The rain
proximate of ‘90S q. v. adv. Here. bow.995.8 (from s. 26 an enemy)
s. 9oSC:S s. n. The moon. A giant, 30S /SS ecºs (from s.
3-sº s. n. The clearing-nut
es& a younger brother)Yishnoo.
plant, strychnos potatorun. vide tºo?» 995& s. n. Small sticks for fuel. -

ܺ unders. ©o2)0.
vide 3 3.$39. - *

*}oSºx s. n. The fifth lunar man T.

90%) adj. Agreeable, delicious,
sion. -

T. 9CŞ.gcs K or 9C޺včé2 adv. In

• 30& Fºx s, n, lit, the day of the future, henceforward, hereafter.
moon. Monday. -

TU D. §§ s. n. (from s. %g 5’ ) A house.
. 9o (5/8"sº s. n. The fire-fly. T.
cro 353 adv. Here; the proximate of tº
go Öres s. n. 1: Juggling. 2. § 3 q.v.
enchantment. - TU
D. ºx& s. n. (from s, 3-5°) Frost.
vide 95&S.
*0\}) ºs & s. n. A disease, aris
ing from lice, which destroys the 9A9 otS v. n. 1. To grin, to shew the
hair. teeth. 2. to neigh. 988).0%) 1. A
- 39 (3) & s. m. 1. Any of the grin. 2. neighing. -

five senses. 2. any of the passions. 3. ÖSS v. n. To be decocted. 2. to be

the seminal fluid.
evaporated, or dried up. 3x5&#3
3°S)&s. n. Indra, the deity pre To prepare rice with such a quantity
siding over Swurga, or the Hindoo of water, as nearly evaporates by the
paradise, and over the secondary di time the rice is boiled.
vinities. He is also regent of the east 3XSS s. n. 1. A sprout, or young
quarter, and is more particularly the leaf. 2, the gum. vide tº S-3X3 &
deity of the atmosphere, correspond *ě (from Švö a curry) Curry,

#&) 9 3e3
- -o * —o *

generally made of young vegetables, 98) & tºys § (from 3 &ys"K,

without any tamarind juice in it.}^
to take) lit. giving and taking. 1.
& Sºca or 9×8 Sºrè (from *S*c Lending and borrowing. 2. mutual
à or ** in compos, a woman). A connexion, by inter-marriage.
young woman, because she is compar 9 Sºyº-3 Sº Ol' 35 ye- adv.
ed to a tender leaf. §º &N To bud, vide ãºsé2. - -

to sprout, to shoot forth. 3A&Yoº S. gº s. n. 1. Wish, desire. 2. love. 3. .

To cause to bud &c.
will, pleasure. **) oxo~$ To wish,
gº v. a. To pull, to drag, to draw.
desire, or love. *S *}^* adv. Ac
gºeſ-e Mutual pullingºeſ's
cording to one's own pleasure; at
To pull mutually, to drag each other. liberty.
gºe adv. (from * 'this and sº
gº’s, n. (from A. as L2 D 1.
a place) Here. It is the proximate of - W
-o An increase or augmentation. 2. a
e) S by q.v.
surplus or profit.
T. 9 &S$ sº s. n. 1. Flattery. 2. coaxing, G.
**** s. n. (from * , , (siſ) An
- * - l
wheedling, cajoling. 9%) Šºe"& income of variable amount, rented
To flatter, coax, wheedle, cajole, or for a fixed sum ; a farm; a rent.
9**C*-CŞ"&c: A renter or farm
T. ‘gºowº v. n. To consent; to
agree. *
er. 92°-ovºcºo To rent or

9%) v. a. to give. This verb is irre farm.

gular in the infinitive, and 2d. person 9 *& s. n. (from P.J. [j') Long
of the affirmative imperative. In the drawers, or trowsers; such 'as are
former, it makes 95 S or 3&S to worn by Mussulmans, or Hindoo
give; in the latter, go’s give thou, dancing women.
and 9&Soë give ye. Vide grammar -o

for the other forms. This verb, affix geºx3 s. n. Distress, misfortune,
ed to the infinitive of any other, de
notes to allow, to permit; as, F&A. 9*S& s. n. The planet Jupiter, -

F-X88S-o's oxs Allow him to the preceptor of the gods.

COme near me. sºcºs S 942 adv. Here, in this place, the
º, He would not permit me to go. proximate of eº q, y, -
gº &R 3

TUD. 9°35 s. n. (from s. 93 s”) A . 3 #3 s. n. Brass, adj. Brazen.

brick. -
• *}{3\b s. n. An unchaste woman.
9°39 particle. 1. Here, 2, this. 3. so. s. 35S&cºs s. n. A traveller.
vide eº-9°Soº Like this; . 98) pro. 1. She. 2. it. 3. this, the
such as this. proximate of ea q. v. 33.7Wºo:S
. 339sº adj. Great. (from T. "S’ the infinitive of °5 to
. 9; adj, pro. Such ; like this, the become, and T. &oš to be) lit. to be
proximate of €9.3 q v. in this way. 1. To be in such a
strange, unusual, or disordered state,
. 9&ex.9%. 3:-X, or §§ adv. as one finds it difficult to describe.
Thus, in this manner; so, in a man
2. to feel an extraordinary or unac
ner such as this ; the proximate of “” countable sensation.
§ q. v. - gaR* Or g3R" interj. 1. Look
. 9% s. m. 1. The wife of Booddha
here. 2. here it is, the proximate of
and daughter of Itchwäkoo. 2. the
left nostril. 3. a sacrificial vessel. e88° q. v.
. gåcº v. n. To be split or cracked. . 33.3 The masc. and fem, of the
g㺠To fall to pieces. 9&cº neuter numeral Soś Two, whether
R" & To demolish. used as an adjective or substantive.
When the final vowel is lengthened,
. 9% v. a. 1. To give. 2. to place or
or pronounced with emphasis, or
put 9°5's To place for one's when &A is added to this word, it
OWn uSe. denotes Both.
. 9& s. n. Difficulty; trouble; T
& Tud. 3 & adv. (from T. & this
- and TUD. ºr a side) On this side;
- 935 s. n. A cake made of flour, here. ,
and boiled in steam.
9;s &c. adj. Clean; clear;
s. 9533&o adv. Hereafter.
bright ; splendid.
. §§cs pro. He applied honorifical
ly. it is the proximate of €93CŞ
95.3, s. n. vide Goº SSo.
q- W. . 97"So s. n. (from A. rtai) 1.
s. 95& &c. adj. Other; different. A present or gift. 2. an alienation
s. 39S 3 s. n. Unmeaning or nonsensi by government, to an individual, of
cal discourse.
the whole of the revenue payable
s. 99&º s. n. 1. History; tradition to them from a defined portion of
al accounts of former events; ancient land.
legends, 353% v. n. wide 36%.
$$y 33&S
&c ºs s. n. 1. The sun. 2. a master. flowers of the Bassia.
3. the name of a king. |t. 3&So K. v. caus. To cause to give;
. 9Košo & adj. Double, two fold. 3& the causal form of Çiğ) q.v.
& &oºs v. a. To double. T.
9&Sºo adv, (from * this and Ö39
gºo:Soś8% cºs s. n. lit. a second in compos. time) Now; at this time.
..grandson. A great grandson. §§35° It is the proximate of 9&Y’s q. v.
S$9.75"ex) A great grand daughter.
and admits, like it, of inflexion. 3%)
T. 359&º adv. Twice.
T. #Kołoż 9 adv. Twice as much. *S*& The people of these days.
9 Košo s. n. Iron. 35.93 inflected 33N, *S*) N"c & He is just come.
Tºv --> - ~~~ *

adj. Iron. 3Roşşcsex) Iron pivots, #Tºyº s. m. wide 3&SF's-

placed in the wall, upon which the #Tºyº"T" A spirituous liquor,
hinge of a door or shutter turns. distilled from the flowers of the
3& 3 WTex So An iron chain. 3593 tº Bassia latifolia. -

Iron rust, iron dross. 359s & - Gºyº s. n. 1. Distress, calamity,
§ An iron mace. gºošše v SS An difficulty. 2. a period of distress &c.
iron ram-rod. | 3. ambiguity.
3&A adj. pro. collective, in the neu-ji 3°yºn's ºs s. n. A bear. M. Ven
ter gender. So many, as many as cayah.
this. It is the proximate of ***, q.v. $º adj, ride 359sºč.
3S-A* A numeral adj. or sub. 3? & s. n. An elephant. 33. A fe
Two hundred. When inflected as male elephant. -

a subs: it makes 3S-A*3. *S* &c. adj. Rich, opulent.

3Soºs v. n. To be held, contained,
- 33) Fº s: n. A tree, Bassia lati or comprized, within a certain limit
folia. The Oil expressed from its of extent, or space of time. 3>>) -

v. a. 1. To hold, retain, or include,

husk of the seeds, after the oil is within a certain limit of extent or
expressed, is ground into flour, and space of time. 2. to abridge, retrench,
used as soap, for washing the body. or abbreviate. §§ºs Ko To re
9%) 3yr-o-º-ex, s. n. plu. (from serve within oneself.
gºyºy the flowers of the Bassia, T. 3*.* adj. vide 3Rošº 3.
Tº a king, and s. *SAŞoo food) 3S, s. n. I. A house. 2. favor. 3, a
A particular kind of fine rice, which | favorable conjuncture.
has a perfume resembling that of the T.
3&Sºo v. a. To consent. 3&S
*}^3 82 geºs
-: neighbours, adj. Neighbouring: The
g"ex):3) v, caus. To cause to con
sent. first part of this phrase refers to
g5 s. n. 1. The goddess of speech ; those on the right hand or behind ;
the other to those on the left, or in
speech. 2. ardent spirit. 3, water. 4. front.
the earth.
38ssºs s. n. A flash of lightning; T.
93%xº s. n. A tree. Daller.
gia sisu.
the fire attending a thunderbolt.
T. 3& s. m. A house, an abode. 9&ex, s. n. plu. Darkness.
gº's s. n. A measure of capacity,
T. 38 Tºyoºs v. a. To shine. equal to half a toom.
göß"ex, s. n. (from A. J tº J |) A T. 3e3 s. n. Smallness, littleness.
remittance. T. ge?33) v. a. 1. To be united or
2. 98ox cosº, s. n. A violent wind, a joined with. 2. to be squeezed, crush
tempest. ed, or smashed. 3. to be reduced to
3S adj. 1. Two. 2. both. 38% Wec powder. -

Šex) or 3&s; Both sides. |T. geºš or §e}39 & v. a. To press,

squeeze, or crush, between two sub
gö *83 (from Sº SS the inhabitants
stances. 2. to insert with difficulty.
share) Both the Government and s. n. Strait; difficulty; distress;
the inhabitants' share of the produce. narrowness. Geºs oë Strait, difficul
gº — A twice ploughed ty, distress. Geºs tº or §ees’
& Straitness, narrowness, close
field. 3833X or 3 ºx (from tº
three, an obsolete word, now applied ness, géS^3-geºš KS or Geºs
only to the trey in dice.) Six. 9° s & To get oneself inserted or
&vkº Še As much land as requires
cntangled ; as és's X:Sºeſt geºs
two tooms of grain to sow it. ** § 3. To get oneself appointed to a
Fey (from Fº four) Eight.
98.58 (from $8 ten) Twenty. gº
situation. Sºo-eyeº Kº To
be entangled in difficulty. §ºs"
+vows:– (from t. Fºox, the K (from SS-Ko wood) Two pieces
mouth, and TUD. &_ a tird) A of timber, placed perpendicularly
bird with two heads, 38%)& Two. in the ground, so near to each other
G. 3& Twenty. as to admit men, but to exclude
3×3×3 s. m. The neighbourhood, cattle, from passing between them,
the vicinity, adj. Neighbouring, | into the premises which they are
adjoining. Gºº s. n. The intended to guard.
- S$
$º #} º

3=&S, s. n. The axle tree. added to numerals, denotes by, as

: 3. s. n. A deer.
3:25 ex s. n. plu. Staring.
go s. m. The earth. 39'39 (from
**ex, Xce:Xºršoto Multiply
four 3-3 #8 lit. a house name.
Every family has what is called

33 a lord) A king. a house name, generally taken from

geošević v. a. To gnash the teeth. that of their village, profession, or
ge) SS-3 s. n. An old cricket. office, and resembling our surname;
only that it is prefixed, instead of
: 3958 & s. n. A hut without walls.
99 s s. n. (from A. as Xc ) 1.
Dependence, relation, connexion. 2:
affixed, to the proper name. 99s §
(from sº to tie) To build a house.
gºos. 53 (from 58% a range or
charge, possession.
gi) or 33) Sºo s. n. A rat. M. Ven row) Family, race, generation, ped
caya. 39 º'coso Rats-bane. igree. 3."º (from ēo a wife)
lit. the mistress of a höuse, or fami
gºoš3 s. n. 1. The cramp. 2. a
sprain. Nº gººse The ly. I. A married woman whose hus
band is alive. 2. a chaste or virtuous
cramp has seized me. -
wife. 8. a matron. -

gº."<. s. n. 1. A tell-tale. 2 back T. 35' 39 adv. 1. This side. 2. hereaf

biting. ter. 3. nearer, the proximate of €9
gº s. n. 1. A house. This word is
S3 ex q. v.
irregular in its inflexions. In the TUD. 35&o s. n. (from s. 3r"&) Frost.
inflexion sing it makes 39°3; and in
35׺r-3 (from T. & "3 are
the nom. plu. }º. The dative enemy) The sun. vide 3X39.
sing. of this word, 30°33, when add
T. &#98 s. n. A shoot or sprout.
ed to any of the cardinal numbers,
expresses the corresponding English s. 95& s. n. vide essawºsº.
numeral with the word each prefixed s: gºs s. n. 1. A painter's brush. 2.
to it; as, Fe32*o-33:25-3-ex, a blade of grass, 3, a reed or pen.
ox tºys-º I gave ten pagodas to G. 339 vide 3°. 33° Scº Like this,
each forty, X2: Sº? § 30°33&c.; such as this. -

How much each single yard 2 But s: 9:395) s. n. An arrow. }*% (from
when the numeral to which it is
s. º that holds) A quiver. 3’-Sº
affixed is the nominative to the verb,
(from s, tº that throws) A bow.
it expresses the word about ; as Şe
ºoºoºº sº) RTS About forty || * $3.5 s. m. wide 323s.
came. The inflected ablative 9- tº, "s. 3;& s. n. 1. Wish; desire. 2. plea
- -
-čicx3 º
gº 84

sure; will. 3. love; fondness. 4. an or 35 º' $5S Ground fit for the
act of sacrifice; an offering. adj. 1. cultivation of sugar-cane, vide éo &.
Beloved, fond of. 2. desired. 3.
3CSX'NSºcºs s. n. The first monarch
agreeable. 35' 3-5 § An agreeable *-*

in the line of Soorya, or the sun,

company. sº Agreeable which commenced with the second
Yooga, or age of the Hindoos.
*ś s, n. 1. Wish, desire, inclination. -é, -

2. a sacrifice.
3S $ s. n. Sand. adj. Sandy. 3&S
* Sºrºs & SA or 3\ss àºy 1. * goo
1. The fourth letter in the Teloo
alphabet. 2. the indeclinable
A sand bank. 2. hillocks of sand. 3.
proximate demonstrative pronoun
an island of alluvial formation. 3S
š Š"o: A kind of fish. This ; as *. This mother. *S*
&ex). These sons.
&SSSoč adj. Small ; minute.
*ou?:) Sºcºs s. n. (from *cº
- 3Sº s. n. plu. A species of winged
ant, which flies to the light, generally q. v. & F * *s he) A toddy-drawer ;
- - - - - -

in the evening, after rain. It is easily any individual of that cast whose
caught in swarms, and being depriv profession it is to extract the juice
ed of its wings, is fried and eaten by of the date, palmyra, or cocoa-nut
the lower classes of Hindoos, who tree. They are often employed as
esteem it a delicacy. I believe it is palankeen bearers.
the Ten mes in a particular state. T. *ść adv. vide 3 s 3.
th - - T- -

*}º) interj. expressive of Disgust, T- *š v. n. vide go's.

pain, or sorrow. **35 s. n. Dampness, wetness.
**C. § s. n. A feather.
3 &S or 3 Sº s. n. Property;
estate. º * 3 pro. fem. vide *º.
&cx s. n. A fly. **CNº) (from t.
233 "So s. n. 1. The present world ;
our present state or existence; in $)$) a tiger) A spider. *c Xex, so

opposition to Kčkº A future state. Koºs"RA3) The flies fixed or settl

G&S$) s. n. The sugar-cane. 9&OS ed. lit. covered.
to So A plantation of sugar-cane. *** s. n. 1. Giving; a gift. 2. gener
gº tº Koçºs or 3 º'cº osity. vide *3) and 3°).
SSC & The Indian Cupid, because his * NS v. a. To lose. v. n. To be

bow is of sugar-cane. §§o?’s ºxº subordinate or subject to another.

-či >> S5 **** -

***e alſ. Grom'. **S (from T. 3 º' to place) To mort
the hand or arm) Lean-armed, wither
armed. **ś, v. a. wide *:::).
—f —o

* Košāºš) v. n. (from *S$ a *& Sºooë s. n. (from T. **) to

draw and T. &oš a small earthen
derivative from t. *šo to bring
pot) An earthen pot, in which milk
..forth and T. gº to go.) To miscar
is usually drawn from the cow.
ry, to have a premature birth. This
T. * 383 v. n. (from T. ** age and
word is applied to animals only, not
to the human species. T. 88 to attain) 1. To reach the
T. *cºs s. n. A spear; a barbed age of puberty. 2. to be effected,
dart. -

accomplished, or fulfilled. ** 38)

*ś s. n. A master or lord. . v. a. To fulfil, accomplish, or effect.
-ès: adv. Here. vide 3 s & exc **) v. a. To draw, pull, or drag.
**) (from T. &º to go.) To retire, ***) or ëº, 1. Pulling, dragg
to retreat. ing 2. hard breathing previous to
**Necaxºs v. n. To stop or halt, death. 3, a pain in the side. 4. the
from weariness in walking. contraction of a limb. §§§o-oxy
*37' 5"Cºs s. n. ride *o Cº) &N Twº & The water runs

• Ryvcºs. with great force. *ěšoº or és

-6\ 3539 adj. Praised, commended, *Yeº v. caus. 1. To cause to draw
applauded. -

&c. 2. to procrastinate, to put off.

*śs s. n. 1. Age. 2. time of life. *cº adj. Of or belonging to the
3. puberty. 4. pawn, mortgage. adj. date tree. &c.; Sº Toddy, the
Equal. Rºos' 33 How old are fermented liquor drawn from the
you? ºx. ex or ºrº (from date tree. s. n. 1. Swimming. 2. the
T. 99XSex, or ºre 83 to erceed) To act of bringing forth, as applied to
exceed the prescribed age, as regards animals only, not to the human
that fixed for the investiture of bra species, *çú Sºoº. 1. A canoe
mins with the sacred thread, or for formed from the trunk of the palmy
the marriage of females. Women, | ra tree. 2. a long gourd, dried, used
amongst the superior casts of Hin in swimming. *:58-8. (from S'
doos, are generally married, before § to beat) To swim.
the age of puberty. Fºc ºr "Šox -6\57°c :S--& $CŞs Or *štěššo pro.
Tº Is he equal to me? **** He, this man, used honorifically ; it
**s 3 86 **
t". *** >5 s. n. A bush.
is the proximate of ** Nº q.v.
º, s. n. Calamity of season ; as tub. *** * Sº s. n. (from s. **S s )
drought, excessive rain &c. Envy, spite, malice.
***.*, s. n. The east wind. T. * oveº adj. numeral (from T.
*CŞs v. n. To swim. *CŞey-ºº
*S two and T. eefº six) Twelve.
(from T. tº q. v.) To swim. s. n. *8s ex s. n. plu. }. Pieces, bits,
The date tree. **CŞe "º (from T. remnants, slices. 2. sprouts, shoots.
tº playing) Swimming, sporting in
*ē5× adj. 1. Said, told. 2. des.
patched, sent. -

**)' > or **): sº &c. adj. *S s. n. 1. A pit. 2. flesh, meat.

Such, like, similar. adj. 1. Two. 2. low, mean, pro. You.
*5 Sº) is s. n. A blade of long
grass, of which brooms are made. *S*S or ëºys. A comb for
extracting nits or lice. *Tºxx3
s -
*::: v. t. 1. To produce, as fields
of grain. 2. to bring forth young,
(from T. Qºocº the voice) A low
applied to animals only, not to the voice. *S) To comb out mits.

human species. -čkº & CŞ3-5). A *&^*S adv. Freely, at liberty.

cow about to calve.
*3.3 s. n. A sore, a wound.
-ºš Č. s. n. The fibre of a leaf.
*3 s. n. A nit. &\ss - s. m. wide ºx.
**Teoex) s. n. plu. More or less.
*Tº pro. fem, demonstrative She *9 s. n. Whistling. &eicº
applied to superiors only ; it is the
proximate of $37, q. v. (from T. #cº to throw) To whistle.
**) s. n. Will, desire, volition. ºsſes tº v. n. vide 99 Šſes tºº.
&:): or éº & pro. She, this -čej el-ºe-X3 or eter-X35 adv.
woman ; it is the proximate of **** Thus, so, in this manner; the proxi
q. v.
mate of “Beſ” &c. q.v.
T. ** {\58 s. n. Wet, moist. *ex)\, v. n. To die, to lose life.
T. & Ro pro. ride -če Tây. *exº) s. n. Courage.
T. &cº pro. He, this man; the
masc. honorific demonstrative, proxi
mate of ºoºoº q. v.
*ctoº or *cºsº pro. She, this
T -
*še adv. vide 353 e.
*3) s. n. A gift. videº.
* @ pro. Thou.
woman ; the fem. honorific demon -čkºe, Sº, 3 s. n. (from t. º

strative, proximate of “cºošº q. v. oxy gifts and T. § & a tree) The

-6\ }, 87 €io &

fabulous tree in Indra's heaven, €;

which yields whatever is desired.
s, ****Rocºs s. n. Eesha, a uame of
the god Siva, who is also the guardi & The fiſh letter in the Teloogoo al
an of the north east; hence that phabet. -

point is termed ****S*e. écèo K. v. n. 1. To endeavour. 2.

*ść s. n. A lord or master. 2. to be ready, or prepared.
vide &# Kosºs. ëoºs s. n. A marriage portion, or
se *3 Sö s. n. The eleventh year of dowry; the peculiar property of a
the findoo cycle of sixty. woman, given to her at her marriage
**S* s. n. Parvati the wife of by her father-in-law, or other rela
Siva. tives.

*Sºx s. n. 1. Siva. 2. god, the T. êoxösº s. n. A ring. *-xºS)

supreme being. 3. a lord, a master. ex (from ū) ex, a finger) The ring
*ś s. n. The shaft of the plough. finger, that next the little one.
se ***Us) cºo s. n. (from s. * &9%& s. n. A disease amongst cat
& Co love and s. Ü& three) The tle, arising from their grazing on the
three strongest affections of mankind sprouts of cut Jonnaloo, the great
viz. 1st conjugal affection. 2d. the millet or Holcus Saccharatus; or,
love of money. 3d. paternal affection. from their eating the leaves of the
*šš adj. Slight, small, little. castor oil tree, Palma Christi.
*** s. n. 1. A reed for writing, 2. éo tºo v. a. (from ëcs to be q. v.) 1.
a painter's brush. To place, to put-ºº: to keep, to re
T. *K &otº v. a. To hate, abhor, or tain, to preserve. 3. to leave. Go to
dislike. *K & Cº.) Dislike, hatred. £"is v. comp. To keep or retain for
Tud. **ś &c.:S s. n. (from s. **S*) one’s own use ; to entertain in a ser

The supreme being. vice or employment. Go &oiº v.

*:3 s. n. Wish, desire, inclination. caus. 1. To cause to place, put &c. 2.
**śy's s. n. 1. A wolf. 2, a to stop. ***A&& SX-wºod
division of the drama.
R"K, I placed him in the service. **
*ś to So s. n. 1. An eye. 2. sight, <) is sºrº:30 tº Put this
*śrºs s. n. A female fortune tell book upon the table. **s of S
~ . *- - - - •

or. Sºº is Keep this money with you.

&cº 88 é. No

Tºyº £ tº o & is-ºs-a-e Şāo ? T. & -U–

S. s. n. Closeness; sultriness;
R. "CŞs His father left him much pro confined heat; still warmth.
perty. éso tº A kept woman, és & So s. n. 1. An intrenchment,
a concubine. round a camp. 2. an advanced guard
&oiſ So s. n. The gleaning of grain. in front of a camp.
T. éce or ëoš s. n. 1. A round T. & # 803 Scºt) v. n. (a cant
earthen ball, a pellet. 2. a pill. éo
word, derived from tº $ q v. pre
tº A pellet-bow. Gočáš fixed to €35) to become) To be suffo
cºo To ballot. cated; to be oppressed by a close,
êožº v. n. 1. To be, to exist. 2. to sultry, or still heat.
reside or remain. This verb govern &# 5 So adj. Inferior, low, mean.
ing the dative case, expresses the ë s. n. 1. Steel, 2 strength. 3.
English verb to have, or possess. Fº pride. &: 5x steel wire, é &
& owcºca- Is he at home?
3\ročo (8) ë Fºc-as" Is your fa Foº lit, a piece of steel. A brave,
sharp, or active man. és cocº
ther alive? §Koë Gº) &er’s (from T. & cocº to be subdued) To
885:Soe»ºoë3& I remained in that
suffer a diminution of strength, or a
village ten days. RTS3 &eſt §"o
reduction of pride; to be dishearten
sovºsº I have my own ed. e. s roº Aotº or és Pocº
-U– U—
house in town. Gºod adv.
To weaken another's strength, or
suddenly, e&#60;3° I humble his pride, to dishearten.
thought it was ſue. éožcº"+SS from T. és -U–
S_e5 s. n. Baked flour, generally

T. & S to see) 1. To examine, in mixed with sugar, used as a sweet

spect, survey, or review. 2. to mus meat.

ter. S.
és Sºo adj. Spoken, said.
éoù) or tºo Cºyº s. n. videºo"
S. ê š, s. n. 1. Speech. 2 speaking 3.
adj. Round. a word, an expression.
&c & so-ºoººy" or é o |
&4 s, n. An earthen pot. 2. A ray of
\-G') § s. n. plu. Round cakes, like the sun. éâSºx Cakes, dressed
balls, particularly such as are used as or boiled in a pot.
offerings to Gamesa. tud. & 7, 8 s. n. (from s. cºox a con
S. éo:3985) s. n. A rat. juncture and s. 38 the beginning (The

& cº. s. n. The lowing of oxen. | first of the sol-lunar or Teloogoo

--- ---
*_* .* -
© " * -
!- º
º -

º º

ég 89 &\x$,

year. The Telongoo year consists of remember, 4. to calculate or multiply

a certain number of lunar months, mentally, without using any figures.
reckoned from new moon to new T.
§§§x s. n. A rope or cord attached
moon. This number varies, and is to any thing, for the purpose of carry
regulated by the course of the sun. suspending it.
ing it about, or
The lunar month of which the last T. égºcis, v. a. wide éxãois.
day, or that of the moon's change,
happens when the sun is in Aries, is |
T. éºps v. a. To weave of a close tex
the first month of the year; and so ture, so that there be no interstice

on, for each successive lunar month, ||. between the threads either of the

in which the moon's change takes woof or warp.

Gº s. n. 1. A wrinkle in cloth. 2.
place when the sun is in a different
sign of the zodiac. But if the sun, a drink, given morning and even
during two successive changes of the ing, to infants, consisting of the
moon, remains in the same sign of nurse's milk, mixed with castor oil.
the zodiac, the lunar month in which tº To give this drink to
the first change takes place is reckon -

ed e?S or intercalary, and after Gºeoxy-8, v. n. To run into a knot,

that lunation completed, it
is in spinning, or twisting.
commences again, under its proper &Q9 & &c, adj. 1. Angry, wrath
name. When two intercalary months ful, fierce, furious, violent. 2. cruel. '
occur together, the proper month 3. terrific.

intervening between the two is omitt T. &\º, tośo s. n. 1. A store-house.

ed from account, and is termed the 2. a pantry. 3. a treasury. &\ºy to

&cº or the wasted month." This $55°CŞe 1. One who has charge of
happens when no change of the the family provisions; a steward;
moon occurs, during the period of a butler. 2. a store-keeper. 3, a
the sun passing through an entire sign
of the zodiac. The first day of the é\ºwy &c & s. n. (from &\8)
Teloogoo year is celebrated as a holi fierce and e3, the eye) lit. fierce-eyed.
day, by offering the flower of the The god Siva. -
margosa tree, (Melia azadirachta)
with tamarind juice and sugar, to
é &,cºs s. n. A man of a mixed
tribe, from a Chuttriya father, and
Ganāsa, or other deities.
Soodra mother. The employment of
éxãoss v. a. 1. To begin a conver this tribe is to kill animals that live
sation, 2. to plead eloquently. 3. to in holes; some of them are bards ;
*. - 4. * * **
º º
- * *
º º

º ::
º - *
* & 3) C) -

and others have charge of treasure, or s & T. &ºye-Sºcº v. a. (from s.

of hill forts. a co

& º &c. adj. 1. Proper. 2: particle é5 s. sº to break and

convenient. 3. fit, suitable. 4, agree* T. Rºo to do) To exorcise, drive
ble. s. n. A gratuity; a present. €; ºš out, or remove evil spirits.
cºy cº)

Sºo-Nv adv. Gratis, without any S -

éwº sº &c. adj. Various, di
recompence, for charity. verse, multiform.
—o º —o -

€5.) s. n. Urine. é & ) 25°CŞo To éº) s. n. The crown or top of the

make watcr. head.
6:30& &c. adj. Quick. expedi éºyos adj. Of or belonging to
the gigantic swallow wort, Asclepias
cºo Gigantea.
éº & s. n. The zenith ; the êº) v. To enter by force ; to rush
meridian ; the vertical point in the in.
sky, adj. 1. Vertical. 2. high, tall. €5.) s. n. A norse, a snare.

é & Yoº s. n. The knot which & A # , sº or **\ºyº

fastens that part of a female's gar s. n. (from s. & FYK high and s.
ment which goes round the loins.
* , 55 an ear) lit. longg eared. The
The dress of a female Hindoo con
horse of Indra.
sists of a single long cloth, which is
first tied round the waist, then wound, éºw s. n. 1. Spittle. 2. the
in several folds, round the lower leavings or fragments of the table.
part of the body, and the remainder, éºyotes &c. adj. 1. Operated,
being thrown from the waist across perverse. 2. unrestrained.
one shoulder, and spread in front, €; *Q cºšo or és wº oğ So
forms the covering to the rest. The \l-Z *

several casts are distinguished s. n. 1. Height. 2, the highest point of

amongst the females, by the mode in prosperity, riches, or power.
which this cloth is worn. Gwy SK & s. n. 1. Breath, breath

s & 3 NSoº v. a. 1. To pronounce, &= \ s:-sºº. A

ing. 2. a sigh.
articulate, or utter. 2. to recite. 3. to stoppage of the breath, from stitch,
or other bodily pain.
say, ëw.) Sco 1. Pronunciation,
utterance. 2. recitation of prayers, égºes v. a. To quit ; to leave.

&:S º

* , º, water, communicating with the sea,
S. ég ox)& s. n. Oogein, a city in
Malwa, formerly the capital of Vicra
is introduced upon a peculiar salt
soil, previously prepared, and after"
Marka, and lately of the Mahratta evaporation by the sun, the salt re
chief Scindia.
mains crystallized on the surface. . .
t. cº-owº s. n. F. Conjecture, T. €. Ú s&sº s. n. plu. A rich
guess, estimate. dish, consisting of the flour of pulse
T. ég s. n. A match to another ; any of various kinds, seasoned with chil
one able to contest with another ; ly, &c. and made into little balls,
anything equal to another. égé which are fried in ghee or oil. Sº
dº. To pitch two of equal talents, *s,éðsacºw-ºr-sº º

against each other. §§"RTS & He took that man's

s &; Sºx' &c. adj. Splendid, bright, property. (lit. like &(9) āoº
luminous, radiant. s. n. Love, pas with as little ceremony as he would
sion. have eaten his dinner.
T. & 32% or ëºcº adj. Clever, ac é-E-83 adj. High, tall.
tive, nimble. -
. & E-638 adj (from II. :vi to rise
T. & eocșovº v. a. To abstract; to
up) In constant or quick motion, *
abridge; to shorten. without rest. & Sºsº A
o -

s. & 832; So s. n. 1. A house. 2. a her forced march.

mitage formed of leaves, the resi êºoºoo & v. a. 1. To seize sud
dence of holy men. denly, or by surprize. 2. to deny
T, &; s. n. A coarse net work, made what one had just before asserted.
of rope or rattan, in which pots and Čášex v. n. To be angry or provok-- * .
other vessels are suspended from ed, in consequence of being ridicul
the beams of the house, or from the ed.
stick thrown across the shoulder, by é3:56 or éâs") v. n. (from T.
which they are carried about. éé and T. &º) to go.) To become
T. éčx- v. n. (from T. ë. and T. & blunt; to be spoiled.
& to fall) To come, or happen sud &:3 v. n. 1. To boil, to bubble
denly, or accidentally. with heat, to seeth. 2, to be feverish
T. &: s. n. Ground fit for the cultiva from heat. 3. to boil with rage or
tion of salt. On the coast, salt is cul anger. s. n. 1. Boiling. 2. heat. adj.
tivated not manufactured. Brackish Hot. 6,332 tº v. a. To dress or cook
** -

* . .

-U- º

* victuals; to boil, to place on the fire. among the lower casts of Hindoos ;

º asses (from 3% to seize ) To and even among poor bramins, as re

gards their women, when unclº af
º , begin to boil. é: Svěoº (fromě ter child-birth. -

&ois to cause to play) To vex one ésà)*NSo s. n. The china rose.

for amusement &s cºcº (from é:S$o sºn. The iguana. ɺ
&*cºo to pour) 1. To be oppress (from 㺠the young of any creature)
ed with heat. 2. to pour into a A young iguana.
pot, in order to boil. Se & s. n. A lunar mansion. 2. a
T. éºxö s. n. Any present given to a Star.

bride, or bridegroom, during the ce é." s. n. 1. An assemblage, or col

* lebration of their marriage. lection. 2. a heap of four or five ta
T. & XS v. n. 1. To grow thin, lean, marind stones, little balls, or other
or emaciated. 2. to be exhausted. v. similar articles, with which boys
a. 1. To leave, quit, or relinquish. play, in a manner similar to those in
2. to stop or cease. S'Koºs & Europe with cherry stones. Gº-Rº
- Breeding has ceased. Gaščaxº cºo To collect in a heap or crowd.
cºo (from T. #& to do) To do at S.
éssº, s. n. Flying, soaring.
intervals. &áñ&**) (from t. Sº T. étºis v. n. To be suffocated.

to go.) To become lean. €3:ºxs Ne T. ézès s. n. The common native

gative verbal participle, without ceas doors have no hinges; they turn
º ing, &c. used adverbially, to denote upon a pivot, fixed to the top and
Continually, always, frequently. éâ bottom on one side, and inserted
. ... : *otº v. caus. To cause to leave, above, in the beam which passes over
the door way, and below, in a small
- - quit, &c.
piece of wood placed in the ground,
T. & s. m. A squirrel. *
at the corner of the door way. This
s & s. n. A float or raft.
is the Teloogoo name for that piece
T. & v. a. 1. To effice. 2 vide #3 of wood, which is thus placed at the
}\o-CŞo under éxºS. bottom of the door way.
• G. & 3-3) s. n. 1. A dress, or suit of éð Sterºs v. a. wide é& Sºej-exºs.
T . && v. a. To wash or bleach. & 3
clothes. 2. a suit of clothes belonging
to another, borrowed from a washer $oºs v. caus. To cause to wash, &c.
man, in order to be worn. This is a ve S,
éº & &c. adj. 1. Abundant. 2.
ry common custom, on all occasions, excessive. . .*

- º

- º

º tº is
—p -- 93 &5 º

s. &: 83, s. n. "A heap of grain, &c. S. & TU D. é 582,023 s. n. (from s.
s. 6.3 × <> s. n. Excellence. -

é ú8 ercellent, and Tud. Tºo"ašo

s. és” #3, s. n. A bribe. the sacred thread) A gold chain,
8. é; &: ? & s. n. 1. The ospray or which Hindoos of all classes may
º wear, in the same manner that those
sea eagle. 2 implacable hatred, con of the superior casts wear the sacred
firmed enmity. thread. -

T. és à adj. 1. Mere. 2. empty. 3. use ê šššo s. n. 1. The north. 2, a

less. 4. false. # 3-exº-M's cº letter. 3, an answer, or reply. 4. an
He drank mere milk. & sº, *An
order or command. adj. 1. Northern.
empty box. & #ST - A useless or 2. excellent. 3. superior, high. 4'
false word. & 3 sº Bare feet. subsequent. § 385-8 s. n. (from
tº ºoººoºo s. n. plu. A gold neck s. Fºës a speaker, or complainant)
lace, worn by women. 1. A respondent, or defendant. 2. a
security, adj. Responsible. & #83.
Č, Šoššº s. n. 1. An ear-ring. 2, a ~s & CŞ"SCŞs (from P. cy (4.3%
head ornament.

ê š & s. n. Dried flesh. adj. a complaint) lit. a defendant who

Burnt. - complains, An appellant. & 3.53%
ê ššo s. n. A chaste, handsome, or A superior court. § 355-ºxo
affectionate woman. Responsibility, security. § {Tº s.
n. The north. adj. Northern.
ê šššo &c. adj. 1. Excellent,
best, virtuous. 2. chief, principal,
S. & sº-wºº, s. n. The 26th lunar
mansion. -

first. & ºbsº in grammar, The

& ºvºrošº s. n. (from s. & #8.
Jirst person. és Kºsº roos-Cº (from s.
the north, and s. sºcºs going) 1.
Q\\) 22 debt) A creditor.
The sun's progress to the north of
és ºr oxº s. n. (from s. 6, & the equator. 2. the period of the year
chief and s. “297 a member) 1. The during which he is north of it.
head. 2. the penis. 3. the vulva.
& Tº s. n. The 21st of the
ê š8 s. n. The 12th lunar mansion. lunar mansions.
é _jöox& s. n. A wooden arch,
é úT"Soxsº s. n. An upper or
surrounding the door frame. outer garment. vide é ú5&.
& ºš) CŞex) s. n. plu. (from s. & T'Sex, s. n. plu. The beam
ê šS subsequent, and s. ūy oğ-o an above, and piece of wood below the
• action) Funeral rites, or obsequies. door way, in which are inserted the
º 94 .

pivots, upon which the door turns. S éðy & s. n. Birth, creation, produc
vide & 35.
º tion, origin, Čičy ºxº) To be
és —o
& Sotº v. a. 1. To cross or pass born, created, formed, ° or framed.
over. 2. to separate a number of &5) tº To create; to fabri
handkerchiefs or cloths wove in one cate ; to produce.
piece, into their proper number, by S
éâyºos. n. The air, the sky.
cutting the Selvage. ! S
Göyes s. n. 1. A water lily. 2. a
S. És º ºso s. n. An upper or out blue lotus. Nymphaea cerulea.

er garment. vide e; ºzºoxsº.

><^x º
éºyºo & v. a. To root out, or
•eradicate. &T Sº &c. adj.
& 39% s. n. 1. An answer or reply. Eradicated; rooted up.
2. an ºrder or command. 3. permis
... sion, leave, congé é tº To tº Yºº s. n. A prodigy, or phe
nomenon, as an earthquake, a comet
answer or reply. é º ox &y 1.
&c. **

To give leave; to permit. 2. to an & Tysex, & W Sºo v. n. 1. To


swer ; to direct. & ºtºys’ be born 2 to rise 3 tº spring from

Ko To take leave. égºcºs To a Source.

order. Čs Sºyºs s. n. Satirical speech.

*T. & 5333's s. n. The plant term €: Sºyº. s. n. An extravagant
ed Achyranthes aspera.
és Sºx adv. At any future time.
esºs &c. adj. Expanded, or
"... " & jº s. n. Perturbation;
blown, as a flower.
disquietude of mind.
Grºss adj. 1. Shallow. 2, sleep
éºyoxº s. n. The haunch, or
ing supinely. éU.S3 &cs S. n.
part above the hip.
(from s. 5 cº that sleeps) An infant. éºy’s Sº s. n. A gift; the act of
to D. éxicº s. n. (from s. cº, *) A giving. 2. quitting, abandoning,
proper or fit man. êºyºs-S& s. n. A gift or donation.
se €3 Tss s. n. 1. Manly exertion. éºo s. n. 1. A festival, or pub
2. an army. 3. rising or getting up. lic rejoicing, such as on the celebra
This word is used by the catholic tion of a marriage, or of a religious
Missionaries to denote the resurrec ceremony at a temple. 2. elevation,
tion. joy, festivity.
ëöyü Şsº s. n. 1. Flying, soaring. s.
& Wyº-ºw s. n: 1. Encouragement.
2. birth, production. 2. perseverance. 3. joy, triumph: *


º - -

* º, e.

º º -

* & 5 és as- º

&ºyº-oš. v. n. 1. To persevere. OCean. &ºss (from s. Sº to

2. to rejºice, to triumph. drink) A well. º

&\sº &c. adj. Zealously active ; êºo s. n. 1. The rising of the

making exertions to obtain a desired sun, or of other heavenly bodies. 2.
object. the morning. ēścº- (8) (from s.
éº &c. adj. Abandoned; *(8) a mountain) The eastern moun
left. *. -
tain, behind which the sun is suppos
& ºs & s. n. Pride, arrogance. ed to rise. &#5 o'ciº. v. n. 1. To
é ºyſ sº s. n. Height, elevation. rise, as applied to the heavenly bodies.
2. to be born.
& 5 or €3. A Sanscrit particle
éS& s. n. The belly.
prefixed to words of that language,
é8,833 v. n. (from &:3 a deri
and implying. 1. Superiority in de
gree. 2. in place. (over, above &c.) 3. vative from ‘9353 to tremble, and 3×3
pride. 4. publicity. 5. power. 6. to fall, or suffer) To start.
separation, disjunction. 7. ematicipa &S = &o s. n. Future or remote
tion. 8."binding &c. 9. helplessness, consequence. º

weakness. êºo s. n. (from s. é3 water,

éºos & s. n. A leather vessel, with and s. & 3 defended, or covered.) A
a short narrow neck, in which oil or house. º

ghee is generally conveyed. S. &S$ s. n. A mixture, half water,

half butter milk.
éºo & s. n. A cover, made of
burnt earth. &T & s. m. in grammar, The
acute accent. -

êºoğsº s. n. A message. 2. tidings,

intelligence. êº ºx &c. adj. Generous, libe *-

ë's sº s. n. Water. ral.

s. & T. €25 S"Jºs v. a. (from s. Gºs' éº"Kºšo s. n. One of the five airs
& water, and T. & 39 to play) To which the Hindoos believe to be cs
bring forth a child; because water sential to life, and which is under
precedes the birth, vide € 5-Sºej-exºs. stood to rise up the throat.
éºss s. n. A woman in the menses. ézsºčsºo &c. or €7.75 adj. 1. Li
se €3%6SX s. n. Tin. beral, bountiful, generous, munifi
cent. 2. excellent. -

s:- éºsº Water. º. (from s. 5 hold

ing) The sea or ocean, &Sºcºs &zº-ſº s. n. Abusive or foul

(from s. SS 5 possessing) The sea or language. Gººcº 1. To abuse. 2.


º, -3.
96 e.-:

to disgrace. &z-ºverºs (from | S. º s. n. Excellence; happiness.

** to play) To abuse. S- ëzsºyºo tº v. a. (from e. érºyes
s &z-ŚRººs s. n. 1. A stranger. 2.
& A rope and bucket for drawing up
a common acquaintance. water out of a well.) 1. To lift up. 2.
s & CS-3-8 ; 2 or ézs":3-5 to So s. n. eradicate.
1. An example, instance, or illustra S. ºo::sº s. n. 1. Violence, fierce
tion, of any rule or precept. 2. a quo
ness. 2. insolence. 3. tyranny.
tation. 3. an apposite argument. ** T. égº s. n. A bank, or shore, on
3-8o tºo v. a. l. To illustrate, or
which one cannot land, or from
give examples. 2. to quote a rule, as which one cannot embark, on ac
authority for an example, or an ex
ample, in illustration of a rule, count of its natural difficulties,
é85 s. n. Pure gold. T. & s. n. The pawning or mort
gaging of grain, or other such perish
éðess v. p. (from ëso, used in able articles. -

compos. only, reflexion, and ** to T. ég: & s. n. Great celerity, or quick

fall or suffer) 1. To reflect. 2. to
grieve, to regret.
T. ég s. n. 1. vide &g. 2. a low ridge,
s. &#86 s. m. The north.
s. &ozo& s. n. 1. Copper. 2. the in tilled ground, for retaining the
water introduced into it. 3. a bank,
glomerous fig tree. 3, a threshold.
raised above the level of a tank, with
T. &&S v. a vide éð39.
T. & eº adj. Firm, strong, s. m. a channel upon it, on which water,
Strength. -
having been raised, is conveyed from
ºr. 6:35&#xº~$3 s. n. A disobedient, the tank to fields of a higher level.
impudent, or self-willed person. S. &#3s sº s. n. A large black ant.
S- éºcºs s. n. A pair of bleach T. &$o s. n. The pulse termed Pha
ed cloths. seolus Mungo.
8. 㺠s. n. Birth; production. S. àº's s. n. 1. Determination, re
. S. éº &c. adj. Much ; excessive. solution. 2. view, intention, object.
s. & ºbsº s. n. 1. Belching 2. vomit Gºoss, v. a. 1. To determine ; to
ting. resolve. 2. to have in view. 3. to des
S. égºros s. n. Swallowing. tine or intend for another. 4. to fix
s: és ū) § & s. n. Lifting up. the mind upon a particular object.
º és's 97 ë3.
S- &gt;> &c. adj. Rude, arrogant, ill service, or trade. 3. an office or situ
behaved. ation. & 3"§x<& To exercise
&jects v. a. 1. To raise or lift up. &Sºxserºssºs To
an office.
2. to support : to uphold. 3. to re be employed in an office. és $x
establish ; to renew ; to restore ; to
&er's sº.) To procure for
found. 4. to rescue; to deliver. 5. to another an employment. &S"SX&
preserve, to protect. Gººck S.
eſtººš's To place in an office.
n. A deliverer; one who protects,
preserves, upholds &c. és'sºck A person holding a si
S. éº-sº S. n. vide ë)5&. tuation. Šºšo &Jéoos Ú SS
8. &: c)3 ** adj. 1. Raised. 2. extract 30.5° és's XºcºSºo'ºrº.
ed. 3. selected. - * I am trading with the money
S. Gºs& s. n. A fire place. which my father left.
&Sös-Sºo s. n. A mixture of va
éºys & s. n. Birth, production. & rious kinds of ground pulse, used as
tºok sº v. n. To be
Gº Sº-> s. n. Marriage.
éðgº.éºé éºyº or S. Ile
éºxsº S. n. Anxiety; agitation;
1. Sprouting; germinating. 2. a
fear; consternation; uneasiness.
& Sº s. n. 1. Effort; exertion.
ěč, So s. n. An otter.
2. perseverance. 3. readiness. **ś s. n. (from éo:S to be q.v.) 1.
Being; existence. 2. residence. 3.
és's S$90 s. n. A royal public gar state or condition. Gºśsº (from
den. -

T. *...* a place) A house.

êº S35 s. n. 1. The performance
of any meritorious act of devotion, **A& &c. adj. High, lofty.
or of any penance, austerity, or pri &&. s. n. Wool.
vation. 2. the ceremony which takes és, tºº &c, adj. 1. Insane. 2, in
place at the conclusion of the same. toxicated.

G&S Šºo &c. adj. 1. Zealously ac GRC,3& sºn. A trap, or snare.

tive. 2. prepared. &T. & s. n. 1. Insanity. 2. ex
és’s’s s. n. 1. Exertion. 2. an travagance.
employment, occupation, calling, &#9, psº, &c. adj. (from s, particle
6.3 98 &#3

é5 and s. sº the face.) Looking és) $$$$90 s. n. A beginning Of

up, attentively. - - cominencement. és Syses. To

&Kºběšº &c, adj. Eradicated; begin, to commence.

pulled up by the roots. és, º, ? & s. n. Censure; blame;
s. &#xsº s. n. 1. Opening the eyes. reproach.
2. expanding. ë3°3-& s. n. An embrace.
ës a Sanscrit particle, prefixed to *śāºw s. n. Contiguous support. .

verbs in that language, and implying, ***śs s. n. 1. Civility; polite

l. Excess, (over, above, &c.) 2. vici.
ness; honor. 2, service, obliging con
mity or assemblage (near, by the side
of, with, together with.) 3. inferiority, duct, kindness. & 389 & V. a. l.
(less, secondary, &c.) 4, likeness, re To be obliging, kind, or polite. 2. to
semblance. 5. disease, extinction. 6.
shew respect. 3. to serve, to assist.
ornament. 7, command. 8, reproof. S. **Tº s. n. 1. A disease. 2.
9. astonishing. 10, giving. 11, kill haste.
ing. 12. diffusion. 13. wish, desire.
14- effort, exertion, &c. &sess s. n. Land near the foot of
a mountain. -

s: és oš& &c. adj. (from s, particle

&3 and Šoć the neck.) Near, proxi *śs s. n. A present or offering to a
mate. s. n. Contiguity.
S. &#35 & s. n. 1. Instruction; ad
&šš 8 tº s. n. An appendage,
material, or implement; as, the uten vice. 2 initiation in sacred rites, by
sils of a kitchen, the tools of a trade, the communication of prescribed
or the furniture of a house. formulas, or mystical verses.é:333 o
5. É:3's "83 s. n. 1. Beneficence, favor, $.v. a. 1 . To instruct, to teach, to
kindness. 2. aid, help. &;3s 89% v. advise. 2. to initiate as above explain
l. To confer a benefit, to contribute ed.

to a charity. 2. to serve, to be of use €3 Ú & s. n. 1. Annoyance,

to, to assist. & Sº adj. Beneficent, trouble, molestation. 2. grief, afflic
kind, disposed to charity, assisting. tion. 3. suffering, sickness.
€3 S-8& Sºeſ tº Fºcº An un ë: T'Sº s. m. A pillow. vide #3
grateful man * 23:3-e E-S$30.
&c Sex: s. n. The student, S.
éssº, sn.The ceremony of in
or first of the four religious orders, vesting a young Hindoo, of any of the
among the brainins, : three first classes, with the sacred
#3 99 és:
thread, worn by them over the left is. **'. s. n. 1. Obtaining, 2. aid,
shoulder, across the body, and passing assistance, help. 3. convenience.
under the right arm. In the Peninsula, S.
&šº's sº s. n. (from s. particle
Bramins perform this ceremony be. &3 and s. **ēs a crime.) Crimina
fore the age of 12, Chutriyas: before
the age of 22, and Vysyas or Mer lity in the second or third degree;
as killing a cow, selling a daughter
chants at the period of their marriage.
in marriage, atheism, &c.
és * s. n. 1. Rahoo, the moon's
considered as not superior to a ascending node, reckoned the 8th
Soodra ; because it is not until this planet. 2, an eclipse ; a phenomenon.
period that he is instructed in the 3. a general public calamity.
mystical prayers and formulas, to §§º's sº s. n. A pillow, wide
be repeated at sun-rise, noon, and || é:375-5339.
sun-set, in which the sacred string
éºxx. s. n. 1. Enjoyment. 2.
is used. The prayer then taught to
the Bramins includes the famous
satisfaction, pleasure.
Gayetri, translated by Sir W. Jones. *ść s. n. 1. Resemblance. 2. compa
tº s. n. 1. A hoard of concealed rison: 3: a simile or parable. 4. dexte
treasure. 2. a deposit or pledge, gene rity, artfulness, skilfulness, É33333
rally such as is sealed up. & (from T. Rºcº to make.) To
é:35:33 s. n. 1. The theological, contrive; to project. §§§5 s. n. A
and the Vedanta, or argumentative dexterous, skilful, or artful person.
part, of the Vedas; either detached *šš-šº s. m. wide é:3s.
from, or comprised in the principal €3&o s. n. Marriage. vide
work, 2. moral merit.
& cº-ºw.
*** 59°s n. (ſom s, particle *& Šº &c. adj. 1. Convenient.
€.3 and *5) the eye.) A pair of 2. serviceable É5&3 n. 1. s.

Convenience. 2, serviceableness. & 53
ég tº s. n. (from s, particle &;3 CŞo Š&š) v. n. (from t. e55) to be.
and s. 3ºzo a city.) The suburbs of come.) To be convenient, or servicea.
a city or town. -

€333 s. n. (from s. particle $3 and S. £33333-X&o s. n. 1. Utility. 2. advan

s. ** a husband.) A paramour; a tage. 3. serviceableness. Adj. 1.
gallant. -

Useful. 2 advantageous. 3. service

6;3 100 &#3

able. GööSºv?\cºs v. n. 1. To be alleviation; autºment. As § 350c &

useful, or of service to another. v. n. 1. To be calmed or pacified. 2.
. 6,389 s. n. 1. Great or exquisite plea to be alleviated, abated, or assuaged.
sure. 2. coition, in which the male Se ësi ess (from s, particle&s and
is supine, and the female superincum s, 3° to go) 1. A space near a village.
2. the suburbs of a village, in which
éº"Kºo s. n. An eclipse of the outcasts dwell.
sun, Or moon.
s., & Foº s. n. (from s, particle és
ë38 adv. Upon; over. and s. Foëquiet) vide €33 SSSSSo.
ése? s. n. 1. Mind ; understand
S- és & 9 s. n. 1. A good or bad
ing. 2. knowledge. 3. gain ; acqui
omen, as gathered by two persons in
consultation together, from inciden
ë3e3 s. n. 1. A stone. 2. a pre
cious stone.
tally overhearing what is said by a
third person 2. judicial astrology;
ěšešeos s. n. (from s, particle aspect of the stars, fortune-telling, &c.
€3 and s. e5 to a mark.) A synec s. 633& os-Sºº s. n. A lower gar
doche of a part for a whole, or of a
quality for that in which it resides.
ë355&o s. n. (from s, particle tº s. & Cº. s. n. 1. Recalling an
enchanted weapon, so as to prevent
and s. S S a wood.) A garden or
it's taking effect.
€35és-ššo s. n. 1. A country. 2. s. és Kºo s. n. plu. Particles, pre
fixed to roots, &c. in the Sanscrit
a district or purgunnah.
ë35&#30 s. n. A village. - language.
é Fºx & s. n. 1. Fasting. 2, a fast. S. Gºśs So adj. Secondary; subor
é's "3-Sºo s. n. A riding elephant. dinate.
Gºśsº &c. adj. (from s, particle s: €3%tyosº v. a. To depend on ano
ë3 and s. §§ placed) Seated, sit ther ; to court one's favor.
ting. S. és; or Gºs s. n. The parts of
ë3$330 s. n. The sacred thread
generation, of either sex.
worn by the three first classes of Hin
doos, over the left shoulder, and s. 6.3°Nº sº s. n. (from s, particle
under the right arm. ë3 and s. KS3 = the touch.) 1.
6:33 3355So or €35 &&. s. n: 1. Touching, contact. 2. bathing, ablu

Tranquillity, calmness. 2. patience. 3. tion. 3. vide & SSSSSS).

& ºv & -
101 &:3\

. &#53 s. n. A complimentary s. &#"cº s. n. 1. A stratagem, ar.

gift; a present to superiors. vide & tifice, contrivance, or expedient. 2. a
plot. 3, a method or means. 4. a re
ë3$ºo & v. a. 1. To forgive; to medy. §§§º "cºoe» The four
pardon. 2. to take patience.
means of success, against an enemy,
. &#"oxsº s. n. (from s. particle & viz. Nº 55So Conciliation. CŞ"S&
and s. 9oK the body.) The sectarial
mark, made with sandal, &c. on the Presents, or gifts. #3:30 Dividing;
forehead. creating dissension; and Šoššo Chas
ézèvožić) adj. Solitary; private. tisement. &rºvoº'8) A contriver.
é**ścº s. n. Neglect or dis éºvo&s & Sotº To form a plot,
to contrive.
obedience of any ordinance or cus
tom ; disorderly behaviour. s. Gºvejoº 5:30 or ëº, "exoº & s.
&#">"Sºo s. n. 1. Abstraction, n. Abuse.

restraining the organs of sense and s. &# *ś5 or é º ºs s. n. 1. Service.

perception. 2. cause, motive. 3. com 2. Worship.
monly a handful of raw rice, given in rup. 6;~~Kºo s. n. vide €35°Kºo.
alms; begging. ē, "º"Sºos (from s. & Tº oSycºs s. n. (from s, particle
T. & & to lift up.). To beg raw rice. ë3 and s. 32&y Indra. lit. born sub
. Gº? s. n. 1. Virtuous reflection. 2.
in the Vedanta, the mortal forms or
sequently to Indra.) The god Vish
properties which disguise the spirit.
s & #36 s. n. 1, Contempt; disregard.
3. a person attentive to the support
of the family. 4. commonly pain, trou 2. inactivity, indolence. 3. abandon
ble, sickness. 5. prevention. ing. 4. indifference. & *śokº v.
. Gººseºcºs s. n. 1. The bramin a. 1. To disregard, to contemn. 2 to
who performs family ceremonies. 2. be indifferent. 3. to abandon.

one chosen to represent Bramha at a S- G3's Sº s. n. A fast. Gºśsº

sacrifice. 3. a spiritual preceptor. 4. a éožo To abstain from food ; to fast.
school master. This word is honori
s. & & s. n. A sown field.
fically used in the plural, &#" *S T. &Yê s. n. Dilating on the extraor
oxy the wife of a teacher.
dinary prosperity, qualifications, or
- éºvišč, Or étº "Sävsjöo s. n. A
beauty of another. This is always
shoe. blamed by the natives, because it is
ërëvoº & s. n. vide &:33.66:30. believed that injury will thence
&:S - 102

arise to the person described tº $9 (from T. 39 own) Darth on

&oto To d, late as above. which salt is manufactured, or the
run. êºyº s. n. Birth, production. taste of which is salt. &*S*: (from
vide &öS §-êyº & Sº or W . T. Kº, the low banks of a back-wa
ter, into which the tide of the sea ebbs
n: ride éâS sº under éây . and flows.) A salt marsh. §§§ 3
T. éSºx or €ºy's s. n. Saltness. (from T. & a bed or plat.) A salt
T. &Y’ & s. n. The sky or atmos pan. és &ex, (from T. tº a
phere. - shore.) The bank of a back-water
T. & Sº sºcºs or €398 s. n. A male of
communicating with the sea, from
the cast of tank diggers. The female which salt-pans are supplied with
is termed éS S8. They are employ Water. és Koč, & (from So §y
ed in digging tanks or wells, repairing So derived from s. Kºč, So the
water channels and raising embank sea.) The common salt sea. Hindoo
ments, and are said to be descended
mythology mentions six others. §§
from a Soodra man and Soodra wo Žcº (from t. ºoºo to make.) To
man, united by the marriage termed
manufacture salt. BºšS (from T.
Rachasa, where the female is forcibly
Tº to be cracked.) Salt-petre. ~3
seized after the destruction of her
tº Rock salt. &Sºyº. Salt to
relatives, or captured in war.
crystallize. éºyº) sºo; Salt ma
T. & SS7 s. n. 1. The upper story of
a house. 2, a house of more than one
ésà ècºo Or és-o-ex,
kers. or

story. -
éséeº Salt to ooze out of a wall,
T. &Yeşo or ēśyºsº s. n. A salt
marsh; the soil which is cultivated &Tºyº s. n. A sudden rising or
to produce common salt, vide &§. overflow of the sea, causing inunda
T. &Y) s. n. Calamity; misfortune. tion.

T. 6.8 y or éºyº s. m. A thorny T. ë8 Noë v. n. (from T. &"ox3 to cf.

shrub. fervesce.) 1. To be transported with
T. &&.S. v. a. To scald paddy, &c. éS joy; to exult. 2. to overflow.
&2&Rice scalded in the husk. T. éºeſ”& s. n. Regret, from miss
T. &S. s. n. Salt. és àcs (from T. ing anything or person.
T. éºos v. n. 1. To overflow. 2. to
#c; a Jish.) Salt-fish. āşşº swell.

(from §§ water.) Salt water, 6.5%) T. éºos s. n. Rest, repose.

§ 3, 103

**) s. n. 1. Excessive heat or | T.
éºe» v. n. To become fully boiſ.
warmth. 2. closeness.
ed, by confinement in its own steam.
éºox, v. n. (from **) swelling, | This is applied to rice, nearly boiled,
and ºoºº to be reduced.) To be which is strained, and confined in its
lessened, humbled, or abated. OWI) Steam.

éºyºsº, S. n. 1. Swelling, inflation. €3.3% S. n. Closeness; confined

2. tympany. Gºyboº. v. n. T heat adj. Hot. Gºoss. v. n. To be
swell. v. a. To inflate. - affected by close heat, to feel warm
**)0 s. n. Mire, mud. from the closeness or confined heat of
a room.
T. éº)& S. n. Asthma.
éºy s. n. 1. Swelling, protuber T. éº, §§ s. n. (from $83 water.)
ance. 2, being puffed up with joy, The water which precedes the birth
of a child. -

or pride. ,
**) v. n. 1. To swell. 2. to be puffed& 93 s. n. Uneasiness, disquiet.

up with jºy or pride. &#yc+& v. a. Tud. Éxº~, cºoººo... s. n. (from s.

To inflate, or make to swell 2. to ŠToº illusion; and Top. &33,
puff up with joy; to flatter. a pearl.) An artificial pearl.
&? & 5, adv. On both sides; in
both places. G. & Yoğ Sºyº S. Il.
éº, s. n. Spittle. ɺcº (from
T. 33& to throw.) To spit.
plu. Both parties.
tº cº &c, adj. Two. s. n. Both. &T, iſ S. n. 1. The thorn apple.
éº cºoºo Both parties. Datura fastuosa. 2. the Indian night
&S s. n. Parvati, the wife of Siva. shade, Solanum Indicum.
& 39 (from 39 a master.) Siva. & Sº v. a. vid, & booºo.
TUD & Sºx s. m. wide &R. &o. &#59 s. n. I. A Swing. 2. a piece
&cº v. a. To spit; to spit out. of cloth suspended from the roof of a
&šºs s. n. The husk of paddy. & room, wherein children are placed, as
&S R&XS (from F3x3 to icin in a cradle & 3 Sexº~ & (from
now.) To winnow paddy after it is
beaten. + - 3.
TUD. & 93.39 a bed-stead.) A swing
. ing bed-stead, those of the natives
& AS, wº s. n.(from *_ | >a<!) being often suspended by ropes, or
An expectant, a dependant, a candi chains, from a beam in the roof of
date; a person attendant on another, the room. éâşe&c & (from T.
in the hope of obtaining some em. êcts to rock.) To rock a cradle; to
ployment. put a swing in motion.
€83 104 ées,

T. & 3oxsºso or éðXS. s. n. A T. &&. v. n. To roar.

• snake; a serpent. T. &S53 s. n. 1. Violence, impetuosi
T. & 3&ots v. n. To extend, spread, or ty. 2. alacrity. 3. loudness.
T. &&S eSotº v. a. To appal another,
expand. -

8s Čščeošo OT S. &8 g) < S. n. A by heroic deeds in battle, &c.

s: éSR) adj. Great, large.
s. GöSo s. n. The breast, , the bosom. s: éðSö or éðS s. n. The earth.
T. éðS㺠S. n. A kind of tree.
se &88syº &c. adj. Promised,
T. &º s. n. 1. Beauty. 2. abundance,
agreed, approved. excess.
T. Göex v. n. 1. To roll. 2, to fall T.
Geº An affix denoting possession;
down.é89. Sº, is (from Sºys as ºesºe strong, from oesº
to push.) To push down. strength.
T. &#890 to v. n. To shine. T. &eº & K. v. a. (from éeº
• sº &\ s, n, vide éðsº. to thunder, and & So to see.) To
T. &5 s. n. 1. A running knot. 2, a look earnestly, steadfastly, or severely,
noose; a snare; the rope with which
in consequence of anger.
*ēcºs s. n. A braveman.

people are hung. ēbēcº v. a. T. &e?& v. n. To leak; to drop

(from & to pull) To hang through.
another. É825°SSTR (from &º T. Geº adj. vide é865). **

to pour.) To hang one's self. T. Geº v. n. 1. To be fit. 2. to retreat;

T. &boºs v. n. (from T.e3& to play, to retire, or withdraw. v. a. To
q. v.) To tremble. regard, honor, or esteem.
T. &öcº v. n. To get loose. T. &eºš v. n. 1. To run. 2. to jump;
r &&ors s. n. A sort of fish. Spa to vault. GeºSºxº) s. n. (from
rus spilotus. T. Sº a frog.) A species of frog
which is constantly in motion. &es
T. &a adj. 1. Positive.2 strict, rigid.
3. loud. sº (from 25°º a navel.) A
T. és Gyº s. n. (from Sºyº ar
navel which protrudes from the
belly. Many native children have
rope.) A rope with which the calf is • navels which protrude one or two
tied to the cow, when she is milked. inches, proceeding, it is said, from
This is always done in India; other some awkwardness in cutting the
wise, the cow will not allow her navel string, at their birth.
milk to flow. T. &eºs s. n vide éº.

Čex) 105 &ere

&º s. n. Leaking. vide ée3-ºo.

*journey, by those who reside on the
T. **** s. n. Thunder. v. n. To thun I'Oute.
der. v. a. wide éeº & K.
&ex's s. n. A crop of the pulse
evoc X, or éº-servºx, W. I.1.
termed Glycine !omentosa, or horse
(from T. é:29, Or Gºvāºx and
gram. adj. Of, or belonging to that
T. &c.83 to swing.) 1. To swing vio
Pulse tºsſex, s. n. Plu. The pulse
lently. 2. to persevere. 3. to please, to itself.
delight. &ex-sºo's. n: An owl.
é; jS 5 adj. 1. Light, 2. easy. 3. con S.
&evº pesºs * n. A mortar, in which
temptible. *y thing is beaten with a pestle. "
&#93;& s. n. A creeping plant; a S.
é º ** 1. A firebrand. 2, a fiery
spreading creeper. meteor. 3. charcoal.
T. &esex sn.widºws.exander Geos. Se
Gºytosº, &c. *dj Apparent, evident.
T. tº s. n. A chisel.
T. &#933% v. n. wide éeoS3.
S. n. Excess, increase. 33 Sºto
* Excess of bile.
T. & 23 *** s. n. A start.
Gex, sº S. n. A firebrand.
T. &#93 or é53, R’s s. n. A wild,
S. éºpiºs éºpâ953 S. n. 1.
extravagant, impudent, or mischie
vous person. Transgression; the act of deviating
T. &53, 357 s. n. The tree termed or passing over. 2. disgrace. 3. con

Crataeva tapia. tempt. Giºcºco º V.

a 1. To pass
T. &#95) s. n. Beauty. over, to deviate, to transgress. 2. to
disgrace. 3. to despise.
T. tº v. n. To start; to move sud T.
tº s. n. An awning or canopy.
denly, from alarm; to awake abruptly G.
tº s. n. A canopy borne over
from sleep. &#933:9 (from 3×3 to
marriage offerings, or over the bride
Jall or suffer, added to the past verb or bridegroom, as they go in pro
al participle of €s exº.) To start, cession.
&c. as above.

Gºrk, s. n. A fish, resembling éº S. n. 1. The mind. 2. the

a porpoise. T.
tº sº s. n. Satirical reproach.
Čexº~ s. n. (from A Ajº Mºo suh S.
o - - , º,
sº *X) or tºº W.
ºbotº - €ejº


sistence money.) Supplies furnished To rejoice.

gratis to any great personage, on t.
&gº * * A written memoran
º .

&} 106 &S

dum, left with goods or grain, speci ss ÉS$2x)=-&c & s. m. Fire.

fying the quantity, and the owner. --
tº s. n. The dawn or morning.
\ºd K So s. n. A came!.
é."º sº s. m. wide #3%. s

éº & s. n. 1. A chapter or s.
éº &c. adj. Hot. s. n. Sun-shine,
section. 2. joy, pleasure, gaiety, de
light, amusement. ºo:: W. n. warmth, heat. é53, (from 83,
To rejoice, to be gay, pleased, de a ray.) The sun. ășs’t toº (from
lighted or diverted. Fºč to screening) An umbrella.
T. é. adj. Of or belonging to garlick §ows v. m. To be hot.
or onion. Gº (from t. X: a root) és s. n. 1. A turband. 2. a dia
Onion or garlick. £8. (from T. dem. -

&S water.) Onion. Tºš, (from T. ë'ss exy v. a. 1. To hiss, set on, or
Tº white) Galick. &#2 º' To excite a dog. 2. to incite one against
peel an onion.
&ºvºros s. n. (from s. Tº T. &ès adj. Of, or belonging to Em
tašº a stone.) lit. onion-stone. Arse blic myrobalan. Phyllanthus emblica.
nic. &R5s 3 & 4 s. n. A sort of food
§e égº & S. n. vide éº. made like pap, composed of sour
égºes s. n. A surge, a large milk, mustard, and emblic myroba
wave or billow.
lan. &es éeº-Rºcº s. n. Pickle
made of the emblic myrobalan.
é83 adj, False.
ěš s. m. A woman. é& s. n. White ants, or termes,
with wings, vide gº.
T. &S&#3 s. n. A wag-tail.
T. étº v. n. (from T. éðSº in ëS&S v. a. To clean or wash cloth.
comps, fondness, and T. êeº to . &S s. n. 1, Life; vitality. 2.breath.
3. strength. ëSöß v. a. (from T.
spring.) 1. To be very fond of 2, to
be covetous. *RS to say.) lit. to invoke life, to be
much vexed. Čššić) tºys"Ko(from
é's S& adj. All. -

Čš Roc & s. n. A name of the plan T. & ºys"Ko to take.) 1. To kill.

et Soocra, or Venus. 2. to injure or annoy severely. Fºss
Rāºšeš-š-8:30-35 5-foe;SS-355
&#33, s. n. A sort of fragrant root,
usually termed, cuss cuss. Andropo. $37,953 lit, by the injury done to
gon muricatum, | that man, his life touches this man.
al- - :

ºx3 107 tº 3

This man suffers the ill consequences T. &c & s. n. 1. The stalk of the Hol.
of the injury done to the other. cus saccharatus or great millet, com
& Sex s. n. 1. Recovery of health. monly termed Jonnaloo, before the
2. facility. adj.-1. Better in health. 2. grain is ripe. 2. the tender inside of
easy. F-S3 55:303Sexy Wººsa. . . the plantain tree, terminating in the
His health is better. Čšeš) v. n. stalk, which bears the fruit. étº
(from T. 98) to become.) To grow
better. -
ocºSºx s. n. (from T. oxºSº
rice.) Tender or unripe grain of the
T. & E; adj. vide éºyoğ. Jonnaloo or great millet.
s. éUS) s. n. A cow. T. & tº v. n. The hair to fall off, from
8. & S) & s. n. A ray.
T. &cº v. a. wide écNowo under
ëSyöK. v. n. vide éSSK under
&S 83. écx3.

§§§s s. n. An ox or bull. t, &c & s. n. 1. A natural spring or

ët fountain of water. 2. the sap of plants.
3. the juice of fruits. 4. the liquor of
pickles, adj. 1. Heavy. 2. abounding
ê The sixth letter in the Teloogoo al in springs, moist. 3. full of sap. 4.
phabet. juicy. &ct=&S (from T. $8% water.)
êcs s. n. The husk of paddy, vide spring-water, écº'º (from T.
<)* to arise.) To spring or issue
ë Boºs v. a. 1. To shake; to agi forth, as water from a natural spring.
tate, or move. 2. to endeavour, or éctºº (from S& to raise.) To
make an effort.
be spoiled, as growing corn ; or to
T." ëstº or és";& v. a. 1. To make become damp, as the ground by ex
a sort of noise, so as to shew that one cess of rain or water.
is listening to a speaker. 2. to listen, T. &cº v. n. (from écèo a deriva
or hear. tive from T. &cº to be agitated, and
T. ê X v. n. To swing; to be agita T. ex:S to play q. v.) To move as the
ted, or shaken. &cºeſ"> (from T. waves of the sea, to be violently agi
e:S to play.) To swing &^erº tated, or shaken.
s. n. Swinging. ēcºcº v. a. To T. &% s. n. Fibrous roots, which grow
shake ; to move; to swing or rock. downwards from the branches of tho
êtêſ) 108 étº

banyan, and other trees of that spe T. &S s. n. 1. Envy. 2. a swelling, a tu

cies. Čºe»º S v. n. (from T. -->S mour. º Sºtº) s. n. A pot belly.
to run.) These fibrous roots to take T. &SS s. n. A great smoke. &s a
root. - -
§ (from T. & ... to place.) To
éâX:30 s. n. 1. Slavery. 2. domes smoke an animal in a hole, in order
tic service, &#xº~ ** 1: A to destroy it.
slave ; a vassal. 2. a domestic servant.
T.éºe» s. n. plu. A sort of grain. Pani
é:S v. n. 1. To be separated, loosen
cum miliaceum.
ed, or unfastened. 2. to take flight. 3. G. & CŞ" adj. (from H. | < 2 I) Of a
to be dismissed. & 8 º’ v. a. brown colour.

(from T. sº to beat, &c. q v.) 1. To T. &c & v.a. 1. To blow. 2. to blow a

take forcibly anything out of its fas fire with the breath, or with a bel
tening. 2. to depose, or turn out of lows. 3. to blow out a light. The na
office. €ºcãcºo v. a. (from T. ěcº tives seldom extinguish a light with
the breath, because fire is deemed a
to draic.) 1. To extort by artifice. 2:
to pull off, strip, unclothe, or flay. minor divinity. 4. to blow or sound
éº-N3. Tº 3’ s. n. The plant termed any wind instrument. 5. to lean
upon. v. n. To be swoln. êc & Sw
Alamgium herapetalum.
Tº sº (from tub. Fº a musical
eºsis, or ëº) v. a. 1. To sweep. instrument.) A wind instrument.
2. to relax, loosen, or slacken. 3. to écèo K. v. caus. To cause to
transplant tº s. n. 1: Sweeping: blow, as above. &cº &º (from t.
2. transplanting. é::::$)$ 3 s. n. *6 to go.) 1. To be swoln. 2. to be
(from T. & & a plat.) A plat or field puffed with wind. écè53o & Pure
in which grain has been transplanted. silver.

éºcºs s. n. A married man. S. €ºo or êº)

s. n. An udder.

€3 s. m. l. A fishing hook. 2. Sup s. &S& &c, adj. I. Less. 2. defective,

port. € $ sºe (from T. Ste a staff.) s. n. 1. Defect; maim. 2 injury.
A walking cane. T. &K or ëº) v. a. To fix firmly, to
S. éâșo adj. Woven; sewed. place steadfastly, ºbs". Tº To
Se ë9 s. n. 1. Preserving. 2. sewing, speak firmly.
T. &&.8 s. n. Breath; respiration.6%
s, ēgºs s. n. The bartavelle or exº (from T. sº to seize.) To
greek partridge. Perdic rufa. hold the breath. &#883) is tº (from

€$ 109
T. & to leave.) To let out the ë839 & v. a. 1. To comfort; to
breath. &sº s. n. Pain impe console; to appease. 2. to condole
with. -

ding free respiration. #385*)

v. n. (from T. & & ) to come.) To re ěšēex, or &S㺠v. n. To be
cover strength or health. consoled, comforted, or appeased.
êció) v. a. wide écº. *323 s. n. (from ē8 a deriva.
T. tº s. n. The protuberancº or tive from T. &S a village, and T.
hump on the neck of Indian oxen. *o° a hog.) The tame or domestic
éº Fcºs s. n. A eunuch. hog, opposed to the wild hog.
ë3 s. n. Mud, mire.
tºss adv. Commonly written & 8
&ºys S. n. A sparrow.
é &SC:s s. n. (from s. &S the
# 1. Without emotion of any kind;
thigh.) A man of the third or Vysya
quietly, silently, peaceably. 2. at
leisure, in idleness, without employ cast; because they sprung from the
ment. 3. without cause, reason, or thigh of Bramha.
meaning. 4. only 5. gratis. 6, for pas
T. &^*3) v. a vide é5&otº.
time. 7. without success. 8. constant &6= adv. vide éðsſ.
ly. ëS$oºs v. n. (from T. &oxo T. ěš s. n. A village. &Sº S. n,

to be.) To be quiet, silent, idle, un (from t. §§ a small village.) vil

employed, or at leisure. É5 Sox' lages, great and small
*S.) v. a. (from T. Öğ) to give.) To S. ëSºcºs s. n. vide &89 Scº.
give gratis. *ě sº v. a. (from T. ëSº) s. n. Breath. rºyº A
Tºš to tell.) 1. To say for pastime, sigh.
to tell in joke. 2. to lie. 3. to speak
without fear, to tell in confidence.
ěšić s. n. The thigh.
This 3d is its usual meaning, in the T. & Scº v. n. (from t. &S a vil.
affirmative imperative. &#8 E5 $) lage, and T. &cº to go.) To go in
(from $38) to come.) 1. To come procession, through a village, or
without any particular business. 2. town. This is applied to marriage, or
To return without success. 3. to be religious processions. & ©cWots v.
perpetually coming. 4. to get any caus. To cause to go in procession,
thing gratis. &c. & &^oſſ). A procession, &c, as
Y S C&S s. n. The root termed above. -

Tacca pinnatifida, often used as food tºº) v. a. 1. To respire. 2. to sigh.

by the natives. 3. to rub together, and collect with

€ts; 110 &#3

the hand the remains of food, on a T. &eºex or êesãº. v. m. wide é's

plate, or in a vessel, or any liquid &ex).
that falls on the ground. T. &esºs v. n. To be pacified, or con
êºs s. n. 1, Bodily strength. 2. soled.

perseverance. 3. the 8th Teloogoo T. &e?o tº v. n. To tantalize.

month, in which the moon's change T. &eº v. n. 1. To be pickled. 2. to be
takes place, when the sun is in puffed or fat. 3. to spring, as water
Scorpio. from its source. 4. to sink into, enter,
êºx &c. adj. 1. Confirmed; or penetrate, as ink into paper. 5. to
strengthened. 2, stable. be soaked. 6. medicine to affect the
&gs-ºs, s. n. (from s. &g wool, body. Tº ºveº (from T. TRG-63
and s. Nº the navel.) A spider. mouth.) The mouth to water.
êº s. n. 1. The space between T. &eº-N"cº s. n. (from T. ēess to
the eye brows. 2, wool, felt, &c. be pickled, and T. S"CŞ unripe fruit.)
&gaº s. n. 1. A ram. 2. a Pickled fruit.
woollen blanket. 3. a spider. T. &eps cºa s. n. Fruit first mashed,
&; Sº adv. On high, above. and then pickled. -

&gsºsses or *śsº T. &eºcá s. n. Any pulse, fried with

s. n. (from s. ê; S above, and s. -5 ghee and chilly, then ground, and
85 semen virile.) One who has sub made into a thick mixture, by the
dued his passions. addition of salt, and water.

&; Sºrºs & s. n. (from s. &; S s, ºs s. n. The litter generally called

above, and s, eſts a world.) Heaven. a Dooly,
T. ëSS s. n. 1. vide ěšić) 2. a thick s. É:Stoso s. n. 1. Black pepper, 2.
preparation of tamarinds, with vari dry ginger, 3. long pepper.
ous vegetables. s. & s. m. Soil impregnated with
&B, s. n. 1. A wave. 2. spittle, 3, a saline particles.
s & s. n. Ground of a salt soil
fold or plait in a garment.
& 8.5 s. n. 1. A finger-ring 2, a S. ës, s. n. 1. Heat. 2, closeness. 3.

plait or fold. 3, a wave. sunshine. é, Ś Sºo - ěš , Sºo or és

ěčS3 or ë8Sº s. n. Oorvasi, one £ºx$$$x. s. n. The hot season.
of the celestial nymphs. TU D. €4;36:30 s: n, vide é:38&.
ëe0° s. n. 1. Leisure. 2. aid, help. r, tº 6% s. n. An old chamelion.
*A))& 1 li *NX) \

ës' s. n. 1. Thought, reasoning 2.

comprehending es; 3 & and
a guess. êºoks v. a. To think ; to
reason. 2. to guess. ‘S’ês-Sºo-ºº-ºººoº the
QAYYY winter season, containing & "XE-85
“º-º-º- sº and Össº, and $38.2000&#3
* The seventh letter in the Teloogoo The cold season, comprehending & "
alphabet. *ºto3.
§§o and
wº- s. n. The Rik Veda, the first QºSº or ºSecº s. n. An
of the four principal religious books officiating priest ; one who is hired to
of the Hindoos.
perform the grand sacrifice, called
*\})*ě adj. Straight. Yaga.
ºras s. n. A debt, ºros,”
º S. n. Abundance ; plenty ;
cºo (from T. Rºcº to make.) To
wealth. -

contract debt; to borrow. QNX) 22:32:3

(from t. 339 to fall.) To get in °ººks s. n. A name of Indra.
debt. *****68) (from r. 83)
S. º)0) *S* s. n. 1. The white footed
antelope. 2. a fabulous beast, like a
to settle.) To pay debt. ºº *ścs
A debtor. horse, with three horns.
ºš? So s. n. 1. A bull or ox. 2.
*23 So &c. adj. True. s. n. Truth.
ºšč) s. n. The menstrual eva the second of the seven notes in the
cuation. Hindoo gamut. -

*&^% v. n. (from ex3 to be ºs s. n. A saint, or holy sage.

come.) To become menstruous. '^\) There are several orders of these
&P 1. A woman in her courses. saints, as the Maharishi, Davarishi,
2- a season, the sixth part of a year, Rajarishi, &c. the word º, itself
comprising two months. The Hin is especially applied to seven ancient
doo lunar year is divided into six sea. sages, beginning with Vasishta, who
sons, each including two months; hold in mythology an exalted and
viz. Sºotº). The spring, mysterious rank, and who form in as
comprehending 3.5/sº and 3 º' tronomy the asterism of the great
*So- Uyº, The hot sea. bear: the Rishi of a muntra, or mys
tic prayer in the Vedas, is the saint
son, comprizing *śs and 3 Yº:
by whom it is supposed to have been
& -5&s-2))) & The rainy season, remembered or recited.
including Jºy sºs and *@ *** s. n. 1. A star, a constella
<&-3 §§2)& The sultry season, tion. 2. a bear,
N. 112 •o: *

serve for plates, are also Soft), ex

—seeeee cept to one's wife or infants; and in
Qoy" and 2 These respectively are
drinking, the Hindoos pour water
the eighth and ninth letters of the from the cup, with great dexterity,
into the mouth, without allowing the
Teloogoo alphabet; but there are not cup to touch it ; because it would
any words in the language which thereby be rendered impure. Qo?
commence with these vowels.
€395 Asºo (from s. e SA& boiled
rice.) That part of the victuals which
remains in a plate, or leaf, out of
The tenth letter of the Teloogoo al which one has been eating. Soºbsº
phabet. It is often used, before words
& (from T. & 53 to lift up.) To re
beginning with a consonant, for long move the crumbs or droppings of rice,
3 : (the interrogativepronoun Which)
in this case, the following consonant
after eating. So? CŞvesex Silly
is doubled ; thus, $735 & is often words. So? 3 ºr S (from T. RJ-53
a mouth.) A mouth, not washed aſ
written Sºº's Which country 2
Sość) s. n. irregular, inflex. sing:
ter a meal. ºoººººoo (from T. &
Ś a leaf.) The leaves upon which
Yo? 3) Or Soń83; nom. plu. Soº one has eaten a meal. Leaves stitch
or SoNo: 1. The spittle. 2. anything ed together are generally used by the
that has become impure by touching natives as plates.
the mouth. 3. the refuse, crumbs, or &ots v. a. 1. To count, to reckon. 2.
remains of victuals. The IIindoos
to esteem, to regard. 3. to think, be
hold any thing that comes out of the
lieve, or imagine. Qotº S^*S v.
mouth, any thing touching the in
comp. 1. To count, reckon, think, or
side of it, or any thing touched by
that which has been inside of it, as believe, for one's-self. 2. to reflect ; to
revolve in one's mind.
exceedingly impure ; and to this spe
. ºoš s. n. The sun-shine ; the heat of
cies of impurity they apply the term —s -

So?:). The right hand, with which the sun. Tºo! (from T. & the
alone they eat, is So??), until wash might.) Moon-shine.ºcê7"cº (from
ed; because its fingers are placed in T. S"cºo to shine.) To be sun-shine.
side of the mouth, in eating. What Qošš-šex (from T. Krºś) a horse.)
remains of the food touched by that Excessive heat produces an appear
hand, as well as the leaves which ance, at a distance, resembling a sheet
ºo:3 113 Qoş

of water, which is thus named; it is S-3' may

ever, to be observed that
termed by the French mirage. ºš:S be used in two senses, quite op
=-& Tºyº) *33&o-sºooºº posite to each other. §c:39-5
:* lit. at the time when he came to & ºscºs lit. This man, how
day, much sunshine fell. It was very worthy; if pronounced interroga
late when he came to-day. tively, means, Do you call this fellow
Qo: v. n. 1. To become dry, to a worthy man 2 implying that he is
quite the reverse ; while if pronounc
dry up. 2. the body to become lean
or thin. 3. trees, plants, leaves, &c. ed as an exclamation, without any
to wither or die.ºoãºs v. a. To dry. interrogation, it signifies what a
T. Coke adj. (from the above verb.)
worthy man this is 1 & Sočesºs
CŞo°5 lit. what art thou ? what is
Dried. Sožº (from T. ºxy hº. 2 There is a vast difference be
a disease.) A lingering disease, gra tween him and you. ºo's prefixed to
dually reducing the body. the past relative participle of a verb,
Soº s. n. (from T. Sox's to having the final vowel lengthened,
dry, and T. §§ a basket.) A large assumes a universal sense, and de
basket, in which things are spread notes whatsoever, how muchsoever,
to dry. how manysoever, as, 37° 3-3 #3)
**@ TS"cºb or °ovy s. n. A Fººcºs Irhatsoever or how

crab. So 39-? (from s. -5-3 o muchsoever you tell, he will not do.
The relation of Soč and sºoš is
sign of the zodiac.) The sign Cancer.
shewn in the following examples.
*23 An adjective or substantive gyrex® ox-weſt's Soeſt, &cs & eºs
pronoun, not declinable, except in
a few cases. It is the interrogative of sº. Sºecº-assºciº
eoš and 303 q. v. 1. How 2 how sº To whaterer extent you
much? how many? 2, what? It may be practise virtue in this world, to the
used in any interrogation respecting same extent will you possess happi
time, number, weight, Or quantity. ness in the next. Soºººoº
ºo:: **) How long atime? Sossºs i
& O 63 The more you study, so
A How many people? ox"ºo-Wºº, much the better. QoS $9 For how
cºooº. What weight or what price is much ºcãº" Within what time,
this gold 2 ox, ºssºvses or price? &cö 3 (the inflected ad.
JPhat quantity is this grain 3 & Xº3) ; jective of QoS) What? how great?
CŞooš What length 2 &c. It is, how how much, or how great soever, ºo
114 §
* 3:59 (from Soč q v. º:9 there S$ &A * …" Every

is not, and eS to say.) To treat where. Sºº- A twº Or

contemptuously; to despise; to be Tº No where. Ss_&oº or

have to another as if he were a per" R&c'. Whence. S ºs- Any

son of no consideration.
Sočº adv. Much, extremely: where. Sy 28, whither? 858 &
ºwcô) JPhat country man art
Soš º adj. pro. How? how much
how many thou ? §§§ & sºc * 5 & What.
te Qo:eº indef, pro, the interrogative a great difference, or distance, there
of eoxes and gočeº q v. How is betweenthee and him. * s & Rºw
many ? * -
1, &c. know not, or am in doubt,
T. Seº pro. defective (the interroga where.
tive of eoS) and 3& q.v.) What? . Q &USo tº v. a. To make faces; to
Soś3 for what? why? wherefore ? mock; to deride. S$ 805. s. n. 1.

adv, where? what place f ***** Making faces, mockery, derision: 2.

or QoSK's How far ” how long as a vehicle.
far as what place? until when * &o Q -U–
& © s. n. The hiccough.
ºr'. Wheresoever. &c.Soºº. Eve ºš v. a. 1. To ascend, mount, or
ry where. QoSocê Whence? QoSo
climb. 2. to embark, ride upon, or to
Kocá or ~~&Koot. For what get into any conveyance. v. n. To
reason 2 rise, to be augmented, increased, or
~f §3 - -

So?Seºš Šo or So?Seá3 adj. 1. accumulated. §§§§ poison to

Ugly. 2. loathsome, disgusting. rise or mount. 33.3% to get in
. Ss tº s. m. wide ºxº~9. toxicated. lit. intoxication to rise.
As Kº sº s. m. 1. A joke. 2. mock sº to become lèëherous.

ery. -
lit. lust to mount.
- -

&a Soś Inter
i -

& S-3.3 adj. (from P. CŞ. bº est to accrue. A #_ows v. caus. To

all at once.) 1. Sudden, speedy 2. cause to ascend, &c. v. a. 1. To raise,
alone, single. -
augment, &c. 2. to export.
T. &#fºrec: ºº s. n. 1. A master, or lord. - º s. n. 1. A bow string. 2, a
2. a king, or ruler. 3, an owner. hiccough. Q}_ºoks v. a. (from ēo
T. & S. & adj. Alone. *$3 to lower down.) To unbrace a
bow. Sº º (from 33 to put
T. & S. & adv, (the interrrogative of
es_ & and §§ { (). v.) Whero 2 or place.) To brace a bow.
AX 115 &X3

. Sº is adj. 1. Noble; chief, great. *śāsº âcº To lift up one's cloth.

2. exorbitant. s. n. 1. An ascent. 2 38&Xścº To raise the price. 2)
greatness. Aş & 8X3 ×e s. n. Ascent x8"cº v.a. (from T. & cºtopush.)
and descent; unevenness of ground. 1. To lift up. 2. to push in. SXàcº
adj. Unlevel. v. a- (from T. $360 to throw,) 1. To
. & rud. Sº, ºssº s. n. (from throw up in the air. 2. to deceive.
T. º_* great, and Tud. Fošº
a beast.) An elephant. *
3&oº, Axº~ To seize, re
- S3 exº v. a. (from T. &\}_ q.
tain, or appropriate to one's self, the
goods of another. ºxcº. v. a.
v. and t. Tºš to place or put.) 1. (from ŠKº to kick.) To kick up.
To excite; to instigate. 2. to pro
voke. -
Sxsº s. n. 1. A joke, jest, or pas
- S$ 5 Or Sº 6 s. n. 1. Eminence, time. 2. ridicule, derision, mockery.
3. mimicry.
superiority. 2. excess, exaggeration.
&Xcº v. n. vide ºctºo.
3. any thing extraordinary, adj. 1. -

More. 2. high, eminent, superior. 3. SXSS or ºxRTS adv. Above, up,

excessive, exaggerated, superfluous. on high. SXSs sº (from T. S"
4. extraordinary, remarkable. 5. ex cºo to push.) 1. To lift up. 2, to push
2}_s §
cellent, noble. 6, valuable.
in. 3. to pull out, and dress the wick
§5 More or less. S$ 5 º'cºs An of a lamp.
eminent or extraordinary man.
&\cº v. n. 1. To fly. 2. to rise in
SX adv. Above, up, upwards. It is the air; to rise upwards. 3. to fly at
opposed to S^ below. Axx": v. a. another, in order to attack him. ***
(from T. sº to beat.) 1. To toss up. &*@ (from T. &%) to go.) To fly
2. to deny. 3. to disregard what ano away. QXº3×3 (from 3×3 to fall.)
ther says. 4. to turn another's words 1. to fly at another, in order to attack
into ridicule. 5. to refute. him. 2. to spring, or jump. 3. to be
v.a. (from r *@ milk to flow.) To arrogant, or proud.
draw up or retain one's milk; as T. &X3 tº v. a. To shoot or discharge,
es; ºv Excºcº the cow retain an arrow, &c.

ed her milk. s. n. The act of retain . YN3 &^ ºs s. m. or adj. vide º

ing one’s milk. QXcº"33 v. a. (from 3×3 & under the head of ºº
T. i*š to crawl.) To creep over, to &X35-3 s. n. Exportation, shipment.
crawl up. ºxc3& v. a. (from T. à QX3:388x335.3 Exportation and im
cº, to pull.) To draw up, or raise. ' portation. -
1I6 Qky-v
Sº rº

T. SX383 v. m. wide Sºcº. For ***** Sºs (from T. §§ to fail.) To be

§) ride QNºë, and for ...) A833 careless, inattentive; to be off one's

ride º, both under Q?cº. guard.

T. **) v. m. wide Trºy.
For ºxº R’s wide SXX**, under —n —o —o

Qx - \X833, To toss or throw T. Sºyº - Sº) or & Sºyº adv.

up in the air. (from T. % what, and ** a place.)

T. SN33 s. m. The top; the upper part Where; at which place. It is the in
—o —e.
of any thing. terrogative of eº) and 9 & ...) ex
T. &X35 adv. Above, up, on high. q. V.
º s. n. 1. Shame, disgrace. 2 re T. &é9 adv. Where 2 in what place It
proach, blame. 3, injury, mischief,
is the interrogative of **** and 3°
evil. q. v.

. & Sè2 adv, (from T. § what, and T. T. As particle. 1. Where : 2, what? 3.


º, a place.) Where 2 in which how. It is the interrogative of ***

place It is the interrogative of * and gº q v, *Soº or ºS$o
—o —o
e3 What like 2 what sort 2
ºë3 and 33°, q.v. C޺sex) adv. vide Sº-.
Sºbots v. a. 1. To hint; to men Sº adv. With difficulty.
tion imperfectly ; to bring to mind
by a slight mention; to put one in Agios adv. For a long time, for a
mind of any thing. 2. to forewarn; to great while.

Sºoks’s v. comp. To
T. Sºº's n. (from T. &#3 and T.
challenge, as guards do to give a & Soeso the front.) The very front, the
caution. -
point directly opposite.
—º ~

Sºyºs s. n. (from T. Sºboš


S$ adj, pro. What like what kind?
It is the interrogative of **ś and *
v.) 1. A hint, the act of mentioning
§ q. We
slightly, intimation. 2. caution, cir
º Sº Or \º adv. How 2

cumspection, vigilance, precaution.

—o in what manner * in what state or
Sºssº (trom T. & to falº way It is the interrogative of eº
To be cautious ; to be aware of º
and 3: q v. Sº, "ºs" or Sº
5.8 sº (from T. Rºcº to SR-. In any manner whatever; by

make.) To caution or warn: Sº $ any means ; any how.

Q& 117 Q&—º

T. Sº s. n. 1. Place, space. 2. medium, rally, without causing to separate, but

interval. 3. a distance. 4. time. *Soº in common use is equivalent to con
That time. &#39% ow". Separately, tinually without interruption, inces
with intervals between ºbčo TV” santly, always. -

<-iš. 1. To look at one with indiffer S& adj. The left. São Sex, or
ence. ** § 3 (from T. Sº a female.) FoxS The left hand.
Jººs s. n. 1. Space, spot, room. 2.
A procuress or bawd. 23 Sºc &\from cause, ground, foundation. 3. oppor
T. S"cºs a male.) A procurer or tunity, occasion. 4, means, ºvox,
pimp. ºxe adv. (from so possess
$) To give an opportunity.
ing.) Farther. S㺠v. n. (from T.
T3×3 to be broken.) 1. To be separat
T. ºścº v. a. 1. To separate. v. n. To
ed. 2. to be interrupted. ºxs be broken, separated or disunited. A
& v. caus. To cause to separate. v.
without being interrupted. Incessant
a. To break, separate or disunite.
ly. Sºx º'S. An eternal war; a vide ºčišš.
perpetual dispute. Sºś s. n. (from
Jöö s. n. 1. An interval. 2, an op
T. §§ waters.) Cocoanut water. A portunity.
&233 v. n. (from t. 339 to fall.) 1. Cyßexy v. n. To go.
To discontinue. 2. to be separated. A S-a-6 s. n. A desert or wilderness.
**cºo or Qā’s "cºo v. a. (from &c & A particle denoting quantity,
T. & "cº to leave.) 1. To separate affixed to words, and corresponding
from, to quit, to abandon. *****). to the English affix full, in such
To cause to separate, quit or aban phrases as a handful, a mouthful, &c.
don. Y&#73 § (from t. §º to place.) Ağ s. n. vide ºč.
To place, out of a quantity of vic T.
Q & adj. 1. Stupid. 2 obstinate. A
tuals, a certain portion separate from || 38ssº s. n. 1. Stupidity. 2, obsti
what is put upon the leaf or plate, as nacy.
a reserve, to be eaten only in case of S. s. n. plu. of ºğ q. v. Bulls,
the quantity in the plate or leaf not oxen. Sºº-> A stall for bulls
being sufficient. or oxen.

. Y& s. n. Inner thought; secret op Sö 238 Sºc & s. n. A thief; a rogue.

nion ; real sentiment. S& s. n. 1. Height. 2, weight. 3, a
. Yº:35 adv. This is the negative ver burden. 4, a quantity of two vis, or 64
bal participle of Sãº)--thecausal form pounds. 5. a wreath of flowers, adj. 1.
of ºoºo to separate, it signifies lite High. 2. heavy. v. a. 1. to lift up ; to
118 ºšo

raise. 2. to seize ; to take away. 3. *> to to stab.) To reproach, or
to assume. 4. to begin. 5 to obtain or censure. Q &%) v. n. (from T. Kºč)
procure. 6. to find out an item in an to go.) 1. To be disproved. 2. to fade
account. v. nº to rise. * $oº sº in colour. Q.:30&iº v. a. (from T.
sº That pillar is the height & Keiº to leave or quit.) To excite, to
of ten cubits. exºsº"C޺ instigate. * *** (from t. 3&
That horse is very high. ºoš&%. to throw.) 1. To throw away. 2. to
what height 2 or what weight 2 º' abolish. 3. to treat with insolence. 4.
&º 35°57'S" Is the weight of to separate from the rest. º ºy
that stone known to you? cºo (from Gºjº to write.) 1. To
you 9, §§º
sº. That woman is very make a fair copy, to extract from a
book. A fºoto v, caus. To cause to
tall. S&Sox:3)33%. A more at lift up, raise, &c. Q ºs"K,
or & &

chess. S & K-3 To think or con S’Ko v. comp. To take or lift for
sider of a move at chess. Q tº 3& one's own use or benefit. 235's &
(from T. #cºo to throw.) To weigh.
& Sºo (from T. & to fall.) To §) or ºs &º 1. To carry away.
grow feeble. aso º 1. To 2. to steal. Yºs's 5 &) or S$$ 5
be entirely taken away, done away, or $) To bring.
abolished. 2. to grow feeble. **śćs' T. º ºfex) s. n. Endeavour, exertion.
$3RR-3s,3392 & 3"osæ That T. A ºx& s. n. 1. A project; a contri
merchant's credit is entirely gone. vance. 2. an endeavour or attempt.
~£3e3Cs 95995.3 lit. to him hun Qºx:ºx, s. m. The two clods of
ger has arisen. He is hungry. & F) earth made as fireplace or hearth.
§ To become mad. -à-85 1. To T. ** s. n. 1. The mind. 2. the breast.
procure or obtain a good name. 2. to. 3. the heart. Szº"Sãcº v. a. (from
mention another's name. 7, 95& the inflected ablative of 23, and T.
The wind to arise. Nº To take icº to throw.) To take any thing
a rent. §oº. To raise or levy an unlawfully or unjustly.
army. 27°3,538& To dig a well. 3)
°º v. n. To grow; to vegetate; to
*) Soº. To beg alms. sº increase in stature. ~3°53% is a
To begin to talk. & E-Sºº. To girl who is nubile.
purchase a mootah or estate. ºo?& ºğ) s. n. A cow ready for the bull.
30%. To weigh anchor. Fºotº &See s. n. 1. The front, that which
To vomit. A **ś v. a. (from T. is opposite. 2. presence. 3, a parallel
&S 119 *SA
or comparison. It is irregular, and T. AS&Sºº adj. Eight hundred.
makes in the sing inflex. 23% and T. *Soºo v. n. 1. To be united, or at
in the inflected ablative &Sº -º tached to ; to be joined, or mixed. 2.
& 3.-adj. I. Opposite; opposing, ad to be on intimate terms of friendship.
verse. &S ºs (from *33 to play, 3. to be in coitu. 4. to be mixed, as
&c. q.v.) I. To resist in conversation; ingredients in food. 5. to be of one
to oppose in argument. 2. to contra accord, in music.
dict. `Seº K-, tº (from T. *3- tº
T. ºf 3 s. n. A thread, composed of
to see,) 1. To look forward. 2. to ex four single spun-threads united.
pect. &ée?o S. 1. To resist or op T.
pose, either by word, or deed. 2. to
Sºº's adj. Eight. Sº sº.
$º (from T. S"ex, a foot, and T.
contradict. Sºo v. comp. 1. To
advance to meet out of politeness or & a star.) The 25th lunar man
respect. 2. to advance in battle. Q sion. lit. the constellation with eight
& Teº-or S&ºots To feet. Sº sº.es. So (from T. S
cause to meet as above. Q&tº Sºo 9 a month.) The sixth Teloogoo lu
The mutual advance of the relations nar month, or that in which the
of the bride and bridegroom, previ moon's change takes place when the
ously to the celebration of the mar. sun is in Virgo.
riage. §§oexeº "Sº, The middle of ‘t’. &Sºo v. n. vide ºoºo.
the breast, the bosom. 23 e5 1. An T. QRotº or QRo:º) v. a. 1. To mix, or
opponent, rival, adversary, or anta mingle. 2. to stir with a stick, as in
gonist. 2, the opposite party. gredients in a dish. QRS3): The
S$3. s. n. 1. Poverty, indigence. 2. act of mixing, or of stirring as above.
scarcity. T.
º &K &% s. n. A male buffalo. Sºo
& s. m. 1. An ox, or bullock. 2. a || &w or QRoºse 3 (from T. Too!3 a
bull. §§º). A bullock load. female.) A female buffalo. SR33 adj.
&=-cº. A bullock-driver, or own. Oſ, or belonging to, a buffalo, as *
Koš Š-š A buffalo-calf.
er. Sºº-3 The sign Taurus. & T. •Koº 3 adj. numeral. (from T. &S
Kºº. To geld a bull.
3-3 eight, and T. §§ ten.) Eighty.
T. *F adj. Equal. T. &RAC X's adv. (from % what? which 2
T. & K& adj. videº Kosº under ~53&º. 4

and F*** a day) lit. what day? 1.

G. º adj. Eighty. | When 2 2. always, ever. &RA&A
T. As Sºo (º) s. m. pl. Eight persons. I'or ever, everlastingly. SSA&A
120 &S
(inflected dative, with the particle ordinary, as Q:y:Sºssº Ordi
fly.) Constantly, continually. *SA mary food. Sºyº #3. The usual
& ER" (inflected dative with ** time. Q: Nº.35, 3 or Sºyº As
TS'). Whenever, on any day what usual. *S*šº. (inflected dative,
ever. SSAC3" I know not when. with the particle &A) Always, perpet
T.A.Ş. How long? how many days?
But when QF's cº-ºcºa and ually, Q: Nº.3.5 S" (inflected dative,
Sºśs are used with a ne: with ebook") At any time, some day
gative, which is frequently the case, or other.) &Sºº (the conjunction
they then denote never. Kº addedy Always, constantly. &S
Sº adj, pro. collective, in the &R-(eox's- added) Whenever, at
neuter gender. How many ? It is the any time. Qºşş’ (the significant s's
interrogative of 9&A and **A q v. added) I know not when, ºº
Sºs s. n. (from the verb &S) to
&R-S" tº jo:S. To wait with great
count, &c. q. v.) 1. The act of count
ing. 2. a thought. 3. an opinion. 4. T. S3) eºs. 39 adj. Ugly, loathsome,
esteem, regard. 5. conjecture, hope.
Sºśćcº or Qºş º' (from disgusting.
T. &#x 3 s. n. vide ºš.
T. ºoºo to make and T. Tºš’ to
place.) To count or reckon. &FS $ 3 T. Q:No &S ex) or ºS tº "Soe» s. n.
Worms, (Teres) such as are engen
§ (from t. sº to seize.) To ex
amine by counting or reckoning. *SA dered in the human species.
T. &s or Q& s. n. A bone. As
§ 355S°N A person of distinction.
. . Kº s. n. The ear of paddy, or of soº (from r. sº a heap.) A per
other similar grain. son reduced by disease to mere skin
- SSA v. a. 1. To count, to reckon. 2. and bone.
to esteem, or regard. 3. to think, be T. Q'º, s. n. Beauty.
lieve, or imagine, vide ºoº. | T. & 6 s. n. 1. Sorrow, grief. 2, bait, or
T. Sºº adj. numeral. Eighty. prey of any kind, used to catch fish,
. Sº, or Q: Sº adv. (from T. & wild beasts, &c. 3. food.
t \bºo v. n. 1. To burn; to be con
what 2 and T. §):S in compos. time.)
When 2 at what time 2 It is the in sumed. 2. to grieve. Q3X9 or Sº S3)
terrogative of “ºo and 9&Sºo, s. n. Fire in a forest, or jungle.
q. v. and admits, like them, of in T. &SS3) s. n. 1. A thing lent or bor
flection. Sº § (inflection) Usual or rowed, for temporary use. 2. manure.
Se’sº 121 &e)

See s. n. 1. Redness. 2. food adj. 1. acquaint, inform, or apprize. **ś

Red. 2. possible. ºxy (from T. º to tell.) To tell
‘t. &e S ex) s. n. pl. Wings. fortunes, vide Yeºs e FCŞ.
CŞex3 v. a. To prostrate one's-self; Qeº) s. n. Redness.
to bow.
*; adj. 1. Red. 2, of a fair colour.
Seº tº s. n. Flesh. s. n. A red earth-worm, used as bait.
CŞeo:3e3S Sºo s. n. 1. Reluctance, dis Agºss. A red-ant. Sº Sãº) lit.
inclination. 2. aversion, repugnance, the red deity, the sun. *ść,x:
disgust. 3. contempt. Onion, wide é.
Q-9Socesex s. n. 1. A great heat. T. *e adj. Tender, delicate. Qeº.
2. inflammation.
A young mango. ºo Sºx. A female
T. Se35 s. n. vide ºeºcº. of a delicate form.
Qezose secº or QºS FC:S s. n. •e 8"ex, s. n. The van-guard of an
(from T. YeºScNS to know, and t. Fºc army.
& he) lit. one who knows. . The T. &eº s. n. Joy; pleasure ; delight.
male of a certain tribe, inhabiting for
eStS and mountains, of which the fe
T. &e oxo~& v. a. 1. To gladden, or
exhilarate. 2, to give.
males are renowned as fortune-tellers. || Q3) Tº s. n. vide CŞex's.
They speak a language different from
that used by the people of the plains, Sexox375 veyº s. n. A low in
and in their habits much resemble || articulate expression of joy or grief.
the gypsies. . T. Sexos s. n. A rat. Sex's e-Sºo
**CX v. a. 1. To possess a previous || (from T. 25°K, A trap.) A rat-trap.
knowledge of 2. to be acquainted | Qex's ºs lit. the rat-eared
with. 3. to understand, or know. This
plant. The evolvulus emarginatus.
verb is chiefly used in the aorist. & Qexcö s. n. 1. The human voice.
ecºs Rºcº (from T. #& to make) 2. the cry of any animal. 3. sound.
lit. To do unknowingly. To commit 4. a bear. *excNiš) (from T. 33)
a fault unintentionally. Seºchovº v. to give.) To make a noise ; to roar,
caus. 1. To communicate, acquaint, or cry. Qexº. To raise the voice.
or inform. 2. to explain or teach. 3. to QexcN375°CŞo To become hoarse.
reveal, expose, or declare. CŞe3's or || T. Sexy’, R^: Ot Jºce? S. 11.

Seºs s. n. 1. Previous knowledge. 2. A bear.

an acquaintance with another. Seº’s °3, adj. All. s. n. A limit, or boun

*ścº, (from T. *ścº to make.) To dary. Sº, Always, frequently.
I (;

à 122 §§

SºS. Every one. Sºo-oº. A a word to which the significant letter

boundary stone. \ºye” is. To || ~, expressive of doubt, is attached,
fix the boundary. Sºc tºº.
8 . and also by a demonstrative pro
To transgress the boundary. noun referring back to it, 8 has the
effect of our relative who, which,
*... s. n. To-morrow. that; asks&s *...) Rºciº-ES v Kºe»
T. Qā)&o 8. 11. Astonishment, sur

& Call the person who came. In books
prise, wonder.
Sºo 3 s. m. The day after to-mor % is also used for the personal pro
roW. | noun São I. The connected form of
T. QSSC:s pro., interrogative, masº. |
Á (*) when aſixed to the last word
sing. (from T. § q. v. and T. ºw Cºo
in a sentence, or to a single word
he.) Who? its fem. and neuter form alone, denotes emphasis as `S Tā.
is §3. -
That very man. Tº FC 3. He actu
AsS 3 pro. interrogative, fem: sing: ally did. In books, when thus affix
Which woman? wide $3. ed, * sometimes denotes interro
SSSS pro. interrogative, masc. & gation. -a

fem. pl. Who? its neuter form is $$. §cs ex s. n. 1. Hope, desire, expec
G. &5& adv. How? in what manner? tation. 2. intention, design.
in what way? ºšo'3 adj. What $$ 38 s. n. A way, path, or road.
kind or sort? Ass & Like what? : ÁS $o adj. 1. One. 2. alone, single.
3. solitary. 4. joined, combined. &
&K's So s. n. Exaggeration.
Ś SoTº adv. 1. As one. 2. in a body.
&SCX3 v. n. To resemble, to agree 3. altogether, all at once. 4. com
binedly. 5. compactly. 6. singly, alone.
T. Yö83 s. n. Water, boiled for the Ás Šoćexicº (from s. ŠSočo an
purpose of dressing victuals, &c. car-ring) Cubera, the god of riches;
S$o s. m. A flat earthen vessel.
because he wears an ear-ring in one
T. \;<er-SS v. n. To be adorned.
ear only. §§§§o. 1. Solitude. 2. a
§ secret, adj. 1. Solitary, uninhabited.
2. secret. <s &. 1. Unity. 2.
solitude, loneliness. §§§o&
3 1. The eleventh letter of the Teloo (from s. &oš a tooth.) The deity
goo alphabet. 2, the indeclinable in Ganesa, whose head is that of an
terrogative pronoun Which what? elephant, with only one tooth or
as & Sºo what time? Sºº tusk, the other having been broken
which country When followed by in a scºſºe by Karticaya, or accord
& X3 123 &:s

ing to another legend by Parasou 2–2 r– Cº ** * -5

9 & adj.; vide

, ;
& S-$ 5s oš “sº$"

roma. Śs sº (from s. sºs a The twenty first of the lunar man

speech.) The sigular number. 9 S-3 sions. lit. the crooked-bed constella
adj. Alone, solitary. §§"37" adv.
Alone, singly. & Sºc?. A solitary tion. Sºrº Ungrammatical lan
life. & Stoššº Anything made of guage.
one piece, without joint. & Sº sº & v. a. To torment, trouble, an
(from s, & F ten.) Eleventh. 6 sº noy, or harass.
& The eleventh day of either fort $93 adj. What sort? what kind? ---
night, in the lunar month. §§"oš This is also the inflection singular
&. 1. Solitude. 2, secrecy, adj. 1. of two irregular nouns, viz. §eº a
solitary. 2, secret. & sº ex. river, and $23 a year.
Tables of multiplication. 6's": sº T. $38 º' s. n. wide &:Sāsex.
(from s. e. meaning.) Synonimous. T. % º s. n. A blow.
§s sº v. n. To be combined, uni
9 \ºyo's S. n. The small black bird,
ted, or joined. Assow, adv. 1. generally termed the king-crow. Its
flight is constantly consulted by the
Jointly. 2, unanimously. $33.903. Hindoos, as an omen; when it flies
To be unanimous, or of one accord.
from right to left, it is deemed a
és (3)ssºn-Ros ×c (from S. & fortunate omen; and vice versa.
F" the neck, and T. Gox's to he.) To 6% adv, where 2
be unanimous, or of one accord.
& sº s. n. A ram.
$ sº v. m. To whimper or beg for
any thing in a low voice. & &c. adj. Deaf. §§§rºssº
T. 93 v. a. 1. To defame; to publish &c. adj. Deaf and dumb.
another's faults. 2. to clean, pick, or *& Ordinal number. Seventh.
beat cotton. s. m. A roll of cleaned T. ***** s. n. 1. contradiction.
cotton, prepared for the spindle.
6% ºxº To spin cotton. X-3 2. opposition. 6-3-3-&-vº adv.
Še Fo: Cotton cleaners. §§ois. Contradictorily.
Á-a-3 s. n. A year.
v. caus. 1. To cause to defame. 2. to
$35°o s. n. The pole or shaft of
cause to beat cotton, &c.
the plough.
97's s. n. A Hindoo copper coin, f. r -

of the value often cash. T. $3 phrase. Where is he

/. -

& v. n. To go. & Woº v. caus. T. ** s. n. A year, adj. numeral. Seven.
To cause to go. vide éºécº. F-cºsłºsſo"E-533-332,5 yx &a

r r
&Y&y | 24 & Nº

3) Sºvc:S lit. that man has read 'I'- &S v. a. To cherish : to protect.
seven leaves more than this man. $$, or §§ošoš s. n. (from scè a
That man is seven times worse than hog.) The porcupine. lit. the hog
this man.
which protects itself. Sº (from
$3x3 s. n. 1. Protection, refuge. sº a thorn.) A porcupine's quill.
2. interest. 3. quarter in battle. §§§o or Sºsy s. n. Fuel, as wood,
T. & v. m. To cry, to weep. 63 grass, &c. -

30% v. cause. To cause to cry or s.

$35s &c. adj. 1. Increased, grown.
weep. §§§) Weeping. 2. improved.
se &’s sº s. n. A wall, built with $53 or $5S) s. n. 1. Sin. 2. a
rubbish. fault, or offence.
$3s-à s. n. A ceremony performed &FA FS s. m. pl. A cast of savage
by the Hindoos, for the deceased, people, residing in forests.
after the expiration of one year from
his death.
&R"; s. n. The usual presents sent
by the parents of the bride and bride
95° Ordinal number, ride Šč. groom, respectively, to their son and
$3.5 s. n. 1. Excess. 2. persever daughter in law, after the whole
ceremonies of the marriage are
%20sº s. m. A black antelope.
63& or § 5 tº s. n. An engine, ** particle. It is added in the supe
on the principle of the lever, for rior dialect to the first forms of the
drawing up water. It is usually term several affirmative tenses, to express
ed the picotah at Madras. &T’sºozy"
condition or contingency.
$ 8 The leathern vessel, in which
water is thus drawn. §§7 s. n. wide ŠKok X3-98.75°o-as
Śēows v. n. 1. To come, 2. to & An elephant's proboscis.
arrive. %59 adj. numeral. Five.
*ēSº s. n. The name of the con $59 pro. This word is frequently
nected vowel . . used in books for SK. I.
$zsveſvºo or 6-ºre tº 30 s. n. T.
Śscº s. n. An elephant. §§CNS
Inattention. *ex (from run. Fox a leech.) A
83 pro. interrogative, sing: fem, and cockle. ŠKºś. The prickly
neuter. Who? which 33 R’. Any fruited pedalium. Pedalium murer.
thing. Sºº Nothing, 68°s 659CX ST-sºo (from Tcp.
Amy. TST'So a face, and TU D. Rººs a
9:0 125 Q:S

deity.) The deity Ganesa, whose what ? why? wherefore ? 3:083 Of

head is that of an elephant. §§x39 what country, cast, or description?
^*ox (from T. & Ox an enemy ) A e5%:So What is that ? what is the
lion. ŠKozº (from rud. meaning of that $ºrº (with the
&^* a note.) One of the seven significant “) lit. I know not what.
musical notes of the Hindoos.
I cannot say. I am in doubt. It may be
& "ex adj. numeral. Five hundred
so. It may, or may not, be so. This
& s. n. A Dog. It is generally ap is a most common reply to a ques
plied to that species used by the Llin tion; and as it denotes either igno
doos in hunting, rance or doubt, its precise meaning
%) s. n. 1. A great or sudden in must be gathered from the context,
crease, or augmentation. 2. ardour, and the manner of the speaker. It is
impatience, fury. as often the subterfuge of a prevarica
97 pro. fem. honorific. Which fe ting witness, unwilling to declare the
male 2 It is the interrogative of “Tº
truth, as the blunt profession of .
and * º q.v. -

ignorance, on the part of an honest

& Tº s. n. The Saul tree. Shorea
clown. §§T&S. what has happen
ed? what is the matter? what has
Scº adj. numeral. Fifty. become of it? §sºoº lit, if you ask
$33 or §3) & pro. vide § 3. what ? This phrase is used when the
6&Sºo s. n. Nastiness ; filthiness. words of another person are about to
3*S*-3 or Sºjº s. n. 1. A be repeated, and corresponds with
nasty, filthy, person. 2. an idiot. the English phrases, Thus ;... as
§soeº, or §§rves v. n. I. To be sur follows &c. The speaker in Teloogoo,
prized. 2. to be deceived. 3. to be when alluding to what a third person
without vigilance or attention. 35&ešo has said, supposes the person address
tº v. a. 1. To surprize. 2. to deceive. ed, to ask what was said; and then
3. to divert one's thoughts. 33-3- proceeds to recite the very words
too. 1. Surprize. 2, inattention, forget used by the absentee. Šsoo’s Any
fulness, negligence, inadvertence. thing; any thing whatever. 93), and
T. $39 pro. interrogative-defective. $39&ºl, followed by a negative of
What? It is used chiefly in the nomi any kind, respectively denote nothing,
native and dative cases, and occasio and not even the least thing; as Sºo
nally with other affixes. $39883 For * cºsº. He will do nothing. 339
126 % +5
s *A*s, Sºs &S
He will not do even
to put into a shape, form, or appear
the most trifling thing. & e333° ance. Soºyºs s. n. 1. A selection.
What else? what more ? 2. a decision, or rule. 3, a condition,
$º pro interrogative, ride $7.
| or agreement. 3-5 y &#cº wide 3
§oº v. a. To throw. vide 5&. | & Neº.
- -

§§oššo s. n. The castor oil plant. || Seº v. n. 1. To glean, gather, or

Palma christi, or Recinus communis. || pick up. 2. to select, or chuse. Sešo
$8s so s. n. A sheep. is v. caus. To cause to glean, &c. &
Sovex s. n. Joint sisters in law. The eºšš ex) Gleaned pieces of dry
relationship which the wives of two cow-dung, used as fuel.
brothers bear to each other. T. $º s. n. A river. This noun is irre
§§ phrase. Where are they gular, making the inflexion singular
$8% v. a. in compos. To attain, vide $83, and the nom. plu. 6%.
* 383. $eºs s. n. A country.
S. ée or Šeš s. n. The cardamom. So
&S s. n. A plough, with draught
Šex Cardamom seeds.
oxen, and the other implements of
T. Seex) s. n. A kind of cry, used by
§SX3 v. n. To stool; to void excre boatmen, or by coolies or lascars, to
ment. s. n. Excrement. encourage their labour.
$835°S s. n. The commencement Sere adv. 1. Why? for what reason?
of cultivation. 2. how, in what manner. Seſº or
Øerºxo-3 What sort or kind? §eſ"
§§3) v. a. To burn; to consume. .
Nº. How 2 in what manner *
T. &yºs v. n. (from T. §eº to glean, T. 695 s. n. 1. A ram, 2 vide Šex.
and t. §§ q.v.) 1. To be selected.
2. to be separated. 3. to be distin
T. Sex v, a 1. To govern, rule, or reign.
guished. 4. to be established, fixed, or 2. to protect. 690 tº v, caus. To
cause to govern, &c. 90s s. n. A
settled. 5. to be arranged, or placed ruler; a king, or queen. Sex,23 or
in order. 6. to be prepared, or ready.
7. to assume a shape, form, or ap Seyā. 1. Government. 2. a reign.
pearance. 38 yeº tº v. a. I. To chuse, S&T Aeº numeral. Seven hundred.
or select. 2, to separate, or divide. 3. $5× s. n. 1. Ugliness. 2. disgust.
to distinguish. 4. to establish, fix, or 65Aotº v. a. To hate.
settle. 5. to arrange, or place in or 33 particle, denoting emphasis; as,
der. 6. to keep ready, or prepare. 7. 5 # I myself.

95 S 127 2. c ºxy

** adj. Crooked. 20

T. 3% particle, denoting. At the rate “ºbºCº

of; as, Sºgo & At the rate of * The thirteenth letter of the Teloogoo
eight. alphabet, representing the short o.
2O T.
°os s. n. A wooden hook, or peg,
---eee- -
fastened to a wall.
200235) s. n. 1. Calamity, misfortune.
The twelfth letter in the Toloogoo al
2. einbarrassment. -

phabet, representing the same sound

as the English word eye. *9°39 s. n. Enmity, hatred. lit.
&OO Ú ***) Scès s. n. A juggler. disagreement. vide Zoo º.
*oë35 adj. 1. Alone. 2. single. 2-o
*S* s. n. Union. This word is *5X 3 A single woman. 20 ce: 87-vc
often used to express the union, * A single man, 2,0838 &vke s. n.
which the Hindoos believe to take Solitude, loneliness. Zoo & Sºx, s. n.
place, after death, of the soul, with plu. Foot soldiers ; infantry.
the deity. ** adj. 1. Alone. 2 single. 3. one
Ss 993 Sº s. n. Tradition. - of a pair or couple. This is also the
39S adj. numeral. vide e9 oxºo. inflexion of 2-3 the body. 2,023 so
T. 30&S$5 or 80SS5 S"ex) s. n. vide €oxo *7Wºo (from T. S.K.A. the eye, and
TU D. 7"So the planet) lit. the one
& S.
eyed planet. The planet Venus, the
90°5 to So s. n. The elephant of In son of Bhrigu. Zoo'33°º) To go to
dra, regent of the eastern point. make water. lit. to go alone. 20c &SS"
3975°585 So s. n. 1. An orange. 2. sº, 353 (from r. STS, a horn or
vide QTC" & Co So. tusk, and rud. 355 a lord.) The
$975°59's. n. Lightning. deity with one tooth, viz. Ganása.
20:83-yº &so Loneliness, solitude. Zoo
89e?)ex:S s. n. Cubéra, the god of
riches. 833 vö A single fold, or plait. .
& cºcº) s. n. 1. Convenience. 2. aid,
33 SºSº s. n. 1. Prosperity. 2.
help. F-3-3-sexyzoosgo:3)-sºº,
riches. In Sanscrit, it denotes super
I have no money at hand.
human power; such as the divine 200833 or ?ooſé2 s. n. A camel.
faculties of omnipresence, omnipo
Zoo” v. n. To agree with one's
tence, invisibility, &c. &;S §-so health ; to be salubrious.
&cºs or 73°3) A rich man. *oº s. n. plu. Figures, numerical
sity -


20S 128 20 23

zoo’s adj. 1. One. 2. other. s. n. t T. 2, § to s. n. The honorific address

Alluvious soil, deposited by water, in a letter.
after inundation. t. 2, § (*): S. m. (from T. \º
2003"Sex adv. Reciprocally ; mu
time.) A religious fast ; eating but
20085) s. m. wide 2-cº 3). one meal, on any religious occasion.
?oošov. a. 1. To obtain. 2. to pos 2 * \tº $os 1. To fast. 2. to

Sess eat but one meal.

. 20 S numeral. 1. One. 2. single. T. z, sº tºok v. a. To say; to tell ;

This word, in Teloogoo, expresses to describe ; used in books only.
the indefinite article A, an. 295 & 5 T. 2 : adj. Lean, thin, emaciated,
SoTºo $S 1. To be in such a
dried up.
strange, unusual, or disordered state, T. 2, 3 os adj. (from T. 2 & one,
as one finds it difficult to describe.
and T. Goč, so much.) Ever so little,
2. to be dispirited, dejected, or indis
posed. 295 º oxº &)o’s To be short, or trifling.
closely united, in business, or friend
T. 2.3 s. n. Any unripe fruit, pre
ship. 20 S-S-S & ºxers In a cer served by drying in the sun.
tain city. T. 2.É.i. particle,used in books only,
T. 205 o Vºy or *šo. s. n. plu. 1. Se and expressing doubt; as *ēcº
veral. 2. others. 3. strangers' sº. He may perhaps come.
2.588 numeral. One. 2's 33& T. 20x6 s. n. An astringent taste, adj.
lit. to make one. To mix, or join to Astringent.
gether. Zość33%) To be combined. T. 208&) v. n. to breathe hard; to res
zos A3&. Nothing. ºš, R&S$82, pire with difficulty. 2,88%) Diffi
§ 35°CŞāś82,883 I told him culty of respiration. Asthma.
one thing,
S3 and he did another. 20 t, 2.8 s. n. A range, or line.
*S*S*Šeš7V" One by one; one after T. 20X3% s. n. The straw of the great
another. 20 S 837Nº Unanimously, millet, or Holcus saccharatus.
conjointly. t, º v. n. J. To be ready, or prepar
? & Cº. s. n. One man; a person. 29 ed. 2. to yield, to submit.
§ 3 one woman; a female. ZośS T.2, ºyº s. n. 1. Disgrace; dishonor;
plu. applied in an honorific sense, to opprobrium; indignity. 2. defect.

express any individual, male or fe T. & 3 s. n. 1. A tutor, a teacher, or

male, of respectability. instructor. 2, a priest.
> 20 ×Nº.
Zo vº 129 ==

T *:
&J s. n. 1. An oath. 2 a vow. *š
- 8-XYTF)
ão front, formed by the mode in which
the cloth of a Hindoo is tied. 2. č
§§º 1. To take an oath, to swear.
2. to make a vow, or solemn promise. X: (from T. §§ to tie.) To gird
*šº 1. To adjure. 2. to im one's loins ; to prepare one's-self.
pose a vow or solemn promise. T. Zoë's º s. n. Pudendum muliebre.
** v. n. To grow dry; to be dri T. 29 &S sºo adj. Fit, right, proper.
ed up. -
29&cº v. a. 1. To take by force;
T. 20&cºev. a. To agree to ; to comply to snatch. 2. to drop, to drip.
with; to consent. 20% of Seº v. caus. T.
2.3T3:... s. n. A bubo.
To prevail upon; to make one agree, T. ? & & v. a. To defeat, to overthrow.
or consent. 20%993 $1. An agree
ment, compact, or treaty. 2. a bond.
zºo) v. n. To incline, or lean on
one side.
20&S * v. a. To strain, to filter.
T. 20&"3 v. n. To happen ; to
*:::0sº s. n. The arrangement of
troops in various positions; as in a
chance ; to fall out.
line, in a square, in a circle, &c.
T. 2-&S. s. n. A species of pulse, T.
*...*cos s. n. A gold or silver
commonly termed green gram, (Pha zone, worn by Hindoo women.
seolus radiatus) when split and soak
ed in water. 2.T. & s. n. 1. Obstinacy. 2 jeal
zºos, n, 1. Wealth, riches. 2. pro
20 㺠S. n. Pigeons; doves.
perty. T.
?včcºcłs s. n. 1. A lord, sovereign,
*: v. a. I. To bet, or lay a wager.
2. to throw, fix, or plant a net. s. m.
king, master, or governor. 2, a pos 1. A bank; the shore. 2. a stake at
play. 3. the multiplicand, or sum
2-&ex, s. n. The body. 2. čex & 3" multiplied, in arithmetic, adj. Large,
& cºc's (from T. & "3) an eye, and stout, big. 22:35.5"rºoks To
T. ººcºcês a possessor.) lit, one lurk, of lie in wait; to lay an am
who has eyes in his body. The deity buscade; to wait for an opportunity.
Indra, who was cursed by the sage 2.3×o: lit, large balls. Rocks
Goutama, to have his body covered
fallen from a mountain.
with the pudendum muliebre, which
however he subsequently consented T. zoºs & v. a. 1. To take into one's
should appear to others as eyes. possession ; to snatch. 2. to beg or
T. ? & s. n. 1. The lap. 2, a pouch in intreat.
l i
Zoš, 130 29-º-cy

Tup. 2, 3 adj. (from s. %, (3)) of or at land'. n. Swelling, from being

boiled, as rice, &c.
belonging to the Orissa country, or 2.3 postpos. Near; with ; by ; to:
to the tribe of tank-diggers, who are
supposed to have emigrated thence. 23s s. n. 1. Friendship, intimacy,
2.5i exsº s. n. (from T. &
vo Qwº great, familiarity. 2. union, 3. concord. 4.
reconciliation. 5. a collection of ar
and %, oxº an assembly.) 1. A great
ticles requisite.
assembly. 2. pomp, state. 3. triumph.
2-3 adj. Near.
2. Wex or 2, ºv. n. To lay on
one's side. -
2, 3 s. n. Plenty; abundance.
T. 20 ºx) v. m. To go aside ; to give T. 2.5 ׺ v. n. (from 295 a deriva
way. * -
tive from 2.5& q.v. and T. §º
2,53 s. n. 1. The aspiration of a to join.) 1. To be effected, success
letter. 2. closeness of texture. 3. ful, or completed. 2. to be obtained,
thickness. v. n. To give way, or step or procured. 225 ºss v. a. 1. To
aside. v. a. 1. To aspirate a letter, 2. effect, succeed, or complete. 2. to ob
to press or squeeze; hence, to shampoo, tain or procure.
or press the limbs with the hand, to Te 295& s. n. 1. Beauty. 2. elegance.
excite the circulation of the blood, as adj. 1. Beautiful. 2. fit, agreeable,
is practiced in India. 3. to foment, 4. acceptable. 3. elegant. v. n. 1. To
to cut, or break beetle-nut. 5. to happen. 2. to be agreeable, or plea
wipe off the sweat. 6. to blow a conch. sant. 20580 tº v. a. 1. To do, to
2, #36.8% An aspirated letter. make. 2. to compose. 2's Sºcº 1.
2-&S"Ko. To feel pain from press To make fit or proper. 2. to accom
ures modate.
T. 2.53%-8% or zººs s. n. The 2,583) v. a vide 2.58o39 under
blank palmyra leaf, held under that 205&.
upon which the writer indents wri ZošNoºSºos, n. 1. A contract. 2, a
ting, with an iron style. . convention, or agreement. **\oº
29&ex s, n, plu. Gold bracelets, &#& 1. To enter into a contract.
worn by children. 2. to close a bargain. *

29& v. n. 1. To be serviceable, zoºyºots v.-a, vide exy^ois. -

useful, or subservient. 2. to pervade. zoºs Kos s. n. ride ºyºos under

T. 2-&^% v. n. 1. To shrink aside; to
step aside from fear. 2. to be of use, es: Yºo $3.
co -

or convenient. 3, to assist, 4. to be T, & s. Zoº Yº s. n. Agreement.

Zocºre 131 20 ed

*śs s. n. 1. Fitness. 2. dexterity, *& adv. Slowly.
cleverness. 3. beauty, elegance, adj. 1. ? & XX^3 s. n. Water, in which rice
Fit. 2. dexterous. 3. beautiful; hand is the second time washed.
some. v. n. 1. To be fit, or proper.
2,879 v. n. 1. To fall. 2. to incline,
2. to consent, or agree. &#yo & v. or lean upon; to be bent.
caus. To cause to consent; to prevail 205& or 29eºcº v. a. 1. To rub ;
upon. v. a. To assign, or make over
to move one body upon another. 2.
to another. Zošš"Ko v. comp. 1. to try metal, by a touch-stone. 205
To confess, or own; to admit, or ac
S. n. 1. Rubbing. 2. trying metal by
knowledge. 2. to consent, or comply a touch-stone. 29&KošTR or 20&Soš'
with. 3. to accept. 2-3 Sºx s. n. &**) To touch lightly; to graze.
Consent, compliance. Te
& Scº s. n. A stranger.
Zošexºs, n, pl. An elegant species *Sº v. n. 1. To be mixed; to be
of the areca, or beetle-nut tree. united. 2. to meet together. 208305.
Zoº s. n. plu. Sweet cakes, made S. n. Union; friendship; being on
of flour, jaggory, split-pulse, and good terms together.
cardamoms. Zoë9 s. n. Touching, rubbing. 2, a
T. 23)3 s. n. The treading out of scabbard; a sheath, or case, for any
grain, by means of cattle; thrashing. thing.
adj. I. Complete; finished. 2. ready. T. 2. et S & 335-20 eº Svě55% or 2.ex:
** adj. Thick, big. v. n. To agree & s. n. Unevenness, inequality,
with one's health, as ****{\o RT \\ craggedness; usually applied to ine
2,33, 3× This country does not qualities in the surface of a country.
agree with me. &#9.39939.(from T. T.
&eº s. n. (from T. 2 º'cº to
Gośs to be.) To be salubrious. 2, º, rub, and T. sº a stone.) A touch
5 *) (from T. Sºº) to come.) To
be prosperous. *** v. n. 1. To prostrate one's-
self. 2. vide 2. čX3.
& Cº. s. n. 1. Beauty. 2.
haughtiness, pride. 3. affectation, Zoeºx3 à. S. n. (from T. Zoe??& bent,
coquetry, foppery. ZooKTwº s. n. 1. and T. £). round or square.) A semi
A haughty person. 2. a coquette, a circular pillow.
fop. adj. 1. IIaughty. 2. affected. 20 ****) s. n. 1. The act of rubbing,
cºs 3A coquette. Zoo:3-5 Sºc vide *** 2, beauty, adj. Hand
& A fop. 29 cºvčić) Ště39) Boast- | some, beautiful.
ing expressions. T. ****) v. n. 1. To lament: to grieve,
Zoº 132 %

to be sorrowful. 2. to croak; to com placed round the neck, and thence

plain without reason. 3. to chatter, or gracefully arranged.
talk without any object. 2.88) s. m. 1. Secrets ofstate. 2. state
T. 20ee#5 or 29e3 adj. Crooked; curved; of affairs. 3. the neck of a stringed
o co
bent, zoeºsº (from s. $2 a tes.
ticle.) A swelled testicle. 20% $3 s. n. 1. A crime or fault. 2. a
T. 29e3&S s. n. Rubbing.
2-3 s. n. 1. Abundance. 2. excess. 2.É. s. n. The body. It is irregular,
and makes the inflexion sing. *b*;
T. *ś s. n. 1. A heap of grain in the
and the nom, plu. *šex. ~e?...
straw. 2, an opening or crack in the
ground, from excessive heat, or false &ºss a lit. how is his body?
soil. - How is his health? zºº To
grow stout.
T, zº s. m. A mischievous rogue; a -

T. zoº CNS v. a. To give; to present ;

blackguard; a rascal adj. Blackguard; to bestow.
aS 2 º'cs (from T. Š-cö a cry %.
or call.) Blackguard conversation.
Zoectºo v. n. To be fit, or proper.
T. Zoš)3 s. n. A funeral pile and corpse, % The fourteenth letter in the Teloogoo
burnt to ashes. alphabet, which, prefixed to all voca
20 ex)SS v. n. To be dropped or spilled, tives, corresponds with the English in
terjection oh , as, %-ºw oh Ra
from being over-full. Zoe's & cºo
v. a. (from T. &"cº to pour.) To ma! ?,5 3. oh mother /. The con
spill, or let fall. nected form of this vowel (‘’’) affixed
to the last word of a sentence, or to
T. Zoex)+& v. a. To peel, or pare off; to
a single word alone, denotes igno
rance or doubt; as § Sºvcº I
zoºs adv. Without consenting. This know not whether it was you, or he,
is the negative verbal participle of
when it is added to the conditional
the defective verb zoº to consent.
form of the verb ending in ~3, the
Zoº,25°C) v. n. To grow pale, or
change colour. drootuprucrootica affix 5 intervenes,
zººs s. m. The not consenting and Tº then represents the English
zoº. s. m. A child's garment. phrases but if, on the contrary as,
- * cºn

zººs s. n. An upper garment, ske-3, 38&s ºf 3: Kºš39


%2. *
133 %: -
* * * * * -

&&s-ºbj\º 8. &&. or º ºn, i. Strength.

$33& If it does not rain, the 2. bravery, valour, 3. splendor, light,
people will suffer severely; but if it metallic lustre.
rains, they will be happy. *
T. %99s or %& s. n. Defeat, rout.
*o-stºs s. n. The triliteral name,
%rves v. n. To be split; to be
or mysterious appellation of the deity,
broken into fragments.
expressed by the three Sanscrit cha
racters forming the syllable Om. % º s. n. Defeat. *****, v. n. 1.
T. %csº s. n. A small tree, bear To be defeated. 2. to stand motion.
ing an acid fruit. Carissa Carondas. less, from fear, &c.
%c s’s-assº A sort of pap, %2, s. n. A ship, a vessel. %:S^āso
composed of tamarind-juice, mustard, 2) So (from T. S. & a flag, and TUD.
and the fruit of this tree. Soººo a pillar.) A main mast. %2.
%'s sº s. n. An abode; a house; an Těš) (from T. Těš) the shore.) The
asylum. sea-shore, or beach.
8,880 tº v. n. To retch; to feel in . ** v. n. 1. To lose, to be defeated.
clined to vomit. *s 6-?'s boš or 2. to be afraid. 3. to drop, or trickle
out. s. n. 1. Want of success, defeat.
%, sºoty s. n. A retching to vomit;
2. a crack, chink, or hole. *ēotº
v. a. To defeat, to overcome. %3Ao
%,-R- *Sº s. n. Annoyance or vex
tº v. a. To pour out all the liquid in
ation, at expressions of an unpropiti a vessel, by turning the mouth down
ous kind. adj. Unlucky. wards.
%38:30 s. n. 1. Food. 2. Boiled
rice. %:º) S. n. plu. Tiles.
%x, s. n. Evil; misfortune. *\;</ex S. n. plu. The people of
*** s. n. 1. A flock or multitude. Orissa.

2. a flood, stream, or torrent. %5C3) s. n. A cat.

8.2 s. n. 1. The odd numbers in nu %5Sº s. n. The connected form of

meration, as one, three, five, &c. 2. the %, viz. ".

first, and every subsequent alternate %:5& s. n. Boiled rice, food. -

figure, in arithmetic. T. ºw s. n. A pit, for catching ele


%2 s. n. A row, line, or range. phants.

• ? &
T. %:º) or *, r*&) v. a. To com festivals or other auspicious cere
fort; to console ; to condole with. monies, as a decoration to the dwell
%3 s. n. A small heap into which ing. .
grain is thrown, as it is cut with the T. %,8% v. a. 1. To conquer, to van
sickle. *-ºs-ox A kind of crane, quish. 2. to suffer, endure, or bear. 3.
which frequents the fields at harvest to take patience. 4. to pardon. 5. to
be free from envy. %289+&SCRG v.
time. º

comp. 1. To conquer or controul one's

%3) v. n. To be able; to possess the own passions. 2. to suffer, or bear. 3.
power of doing. %3's Abstract noun. to be patient. *S*) Abstract noun.
1. Ability, activity, deligence, assi Endurance, tolerance, patience.
duity. 2. patience. º negative T. * 5x s. n. Boiled rice.
noun. Inability, indolence, laziness. %,8) v. a. wide & Stº.
%3 &R"cº A helpless, sick, or %, 3. s. n. 1. One woman. 2. another
impotent man. female.
T. & 33 s. n. The seed of Bishop's-
%5N5 S. n. A patient person.
weed. Sison Ammi.
*SS vide %.8%), under & Stº.
%sº v. a. To preserve, to cherish.
*X& s. n. An assembly; a meeting.
% ox’ interſ. O: This particle is *es s. n. Shelter; cover. ºesº
often prefixed to the vocative case, or
used in other instances, when we ad
KY 9 v. n. (from Tud. eBS desire,
dress persons of equal rank. and T. S. & q.v.) lit. to desire shel
ter. To be defeated ; to retire.
%5 s. n. 1. The side, edge, end, or
*evºs v. n. (from & q' v.) To
border. 2. the bank of a river.
play, or sport, in water.
%,822:30 S. n. A hawk ; a falcon.
*0 s. n. 1. A marriage portion, or
%,8&ex or %.88% v. n. To move dowry; the peculiar property of a
aside. woman, given to her, at her marriage,
8.8 - •: w T - •4: :l - |
interj, O ! This particle is often by her father-in-law, or other rela
prefixed to the vocatives, or used in tions. 2. a range or row.
other instances, when we address, or T. %58 s. n. 1. Civility, politeness, re
call, a person of inferior rank. spect. 2. a place of cohabitation. 3. a
T. %.S. s. n. 1. Sound, noise. 2. the red bush.

painting upon the lower part of the S *** s. n. An annual plant or herb;
- - - 5.
walls of a native house, used during -

one that dies after becoming ripe. **

13 §

<āşöc is s. n. (from s. ** a lord, the north pole itself, also called

or master.) An epithet of the moon. Dhroova; who, in mythology, is the
%;sº s. n. A lip, especially the up son of Oottanapada, and consequent
per one. ly grandson of the first Menu.
*K box v. n. To move aside. s-
3"ºssº s. n. 1. Anxiety; pertur
**ēe adv. Aside. bation, 2. regret.
%,?, interj. O! This particle is pre Zºcºs s. n. A cook.
fixed to the vocative case, or is used
in other instances, when we address
S. 3'-assº &c. adj. Selfishly voraci
or call females inferior to one's-self, ous. . ."
among whom a wife is always includ 3."<e, adv. on the head.
ed by the Hindoos. T. 3.”3 interj. O ! This particle is pre
%3-839 tº v. n. To retreat, retire, or fixed to the vocative case, or is used
go backwards. -

on other occasions, in calling a person

%3-57-tº-e adv. In confusion, or of very low degree; it is occasionally
disorder. This is applied chiefly to an interjection denoting wonder, or
the state of an army, when defeated. praise.
G. %, sºon interi. Hola! hot ā’83& S. n. A legitimate son.
%, Esº interj. Denoting wonder.
£8Sº s. n. 1. Submarine fire. 2.
a being of flame, with a mare's head,
sprung from the thighs of Oorva,
3.” The fifteenth letter and last vowel of
which was received by the ocean.
the Teloogoo alphabet. 3.”:33:30 s. n. Medicine; any reme
3.”*Sºx s. n. 1. Propriety; apt dy, drug, herb, or mineral, used for
ness; fitness. 2. the context. 3. cir the cure of disease.
cumstances of time, or place. 㺠es; §º
&^***** To speak according -wº

to circumstances, ***Sºre & The sixteenth letter, and first conso

&R&YR-K, I have told the mº nant, in the Teloogoo alphabet. It
ing, according to the context. represents the same sound as the
3'-ºxes & rid, e55): SXeº $9 un English letter k, and is the termina
der € $º. tion of the negative verbal participle;
ãºva S. n. The polar star, or as #&s mºtout doing.
§ oº
* 53 136

T. soses s. n. 1. A cuirass. 2. ar turned up at the rim, out of which

mour; mail. the Hindoos usually eat their victuals.
T. Šoš e3 s. n. A bedstead. e
T. sº-waz, a rid, sos 8-wara.
Šoš eos s. n. 1. A bracelet, or or tud. S of s. n. (from s. S"oë). The
nament for the wrist. 2. a consecrat town of Conjeveram, near Madras,
ed string tied round the wrist, at the containing the highest Hindoo tem
commencement - of a marriage &c. ples in the Carnatic. It is a place of
sos to Q.9°rosa central eclipse. great resort for pilgrims from all
s. Sos ºs s. n. A comb. ་ - c. parts of India. Soºs s. n. A Con
s. Šoš 3 Ú & s. n. An arrow.' jeveram goat. They are generally of
a small species.
s. Šoš Šo s. n. 1. The lotus. 2. a heron.
T. Šošč s. n. Gravel. TUD. S Ctº s. n. (from s. Tošš) Any
T. soś87V"&"a s. n. (from T. 7-33 amalgam of zinc and copper; queen's

an ass.) A mule. metal ; bell-metal. So Sö Sºcłº or

šo's"? & s. n. A skeleton. § otSey isºcºs A brazier; a copper
Šoš s. n. An ear, or head of corn.

: Šoš v. a. To scold is to abuse.

Sośc:S s. n. 1. Yama the regent of
death. 2. a disguised bramin. 3. a ti
smith. Soº- Tºšo (from Tud.
Fºº musical sound.) A cymbal;
a bell ; a gong.
tle of Yoodhishtera, from his assuming
the disguise of a bramin. s. Soºs & s. n. 1. A sort of short bo
• *o #9 s. n. A tree. Jonesia asoca. dice, or tight jacket, worn by Hindoo
females, to confine the breast. 2, a
s. Soś"eošo s. n. A horse.
man's jacket. 3. a serpent's skin. 4.
T. Soº s. n. 1. A ringing sound; hence armour, mail.
Ś oXS&S (from T. & K to say q.v.) o

v. m. To sound as a bell. 2. a drink s. Soºs s. n. 1. A serpent. 2. an at

given morning and evening to in tendant or guard over the women’s
fants, consisting of the nurse's milk, apartments.
o co
mixed with castor-oil, or ghee. s. Soºs s. n. vide soºs. 30 No.
s, Šoště s. n. One particle of the grain 1 and 2. -

termed Panicum Italicum.

T. Soº s. n. 1. A hedge, 2, waste or
s: Sºx s. m. plu. The grain above
mentioned. - fallow ground. Soº Fºx To plant
a hedge. § 255 €2 s. n. The outer
TUD. Šoć & S. m. A small metal plate, hedge round a fort. Hindoo forts, or
Sºo 25 13 l *-
§ ox's

towns, are often surrounded by hedges +, scº s. n. ride sotrºs,

of bamboo, &c. as a defence from | scº sº s. m. The throat. § cšºvč
horse. &#& lit. to make the lesson by
* o
Tud, soºo s. n. (from s. Sotº's.) The the throat. To get by heart. Scèiº,
K. So lit. the bath to the throat. Ba
tight jacket, bonfining the breast, i

worn by Hindoo women. thing all the body, except the head.
S. § - 23:90 s. n. The lotus. scº Srđ, sº The string by which
the consecrated piece of gold is sus
S. scrºss s. n. Bran. pended round the neck of a married
s. Soºs & s, n. 1. A thorn. 2. hatred; | Hindoo woman. This piece of gold,
detestation. 3. severity. 4. the erection among the Hindoos, is similar to the
of the hair upon the body. Soºc & | marriage-ring among Christians. So
A man hated, detested, or abhorred. | T3's "exc:S s. n. (from s. see black.)
Soºo & To hate, or detest, lit. he whose throat is black; the god
T. Soº-Cº v. n. (from Soº, the in Siva, who swallowed the poison pro
flected ablative of ŠKº, the eye, and duced at the churning of the ocean,
<> to fall) lit. to fall in the eye. To which made his throat of a black co
appear; to come in view. |

TUD. Soë9K33 s. n. A necklace.

lour. sºo 38%:30 s. m. lit. the throat
carriage. A palanqueen, because it is
T. soºr-83 s. n. 1. A pack-saddle, borne on the shoulder, or neck.
placed on a bullock, or horse, in |
soë8<sº s. n. A lion.
which a Hindoo carries his baggage | 8.
on a journey. 2. a load of cotton. |
T. Šoć s. n. 1. Flesh; a piece of flesh.
2. the solid or fleshy part of a mangoe,
T. Soº s. n. Antipathy; aversion; ha
tred. soº (from T. Rºº to peach, &c. or of the cucumber, as dis
tinguished from the skin, and stone,
place.) To have an antipathy towards or seed. This word is not applicable
to the soft pulp of oranges, &c. Soč
SoTº adv. Than, the adverb of com
parison, as F**ś oTº than him. *::" (from T. ºº to place.) To
For the derivation of this word, vide grow fat. Šoć's "58 & (from T.
Ts"5& pride) Pride, from supe
rior strength, or stoutness.
T. Šoćo s. n. A thin narrow plate of
solid gold, of silver, bent so as to fit Tud. Soº 8 s. n. Sugar-candy.
the neck, and worn as a necklace by s. Šoć5& s. n. Bran.
Hindoo women, or children, T. So:SS" s n. The cloth which the
§ cºc 138 Sočo

Hindoos usually wear over the upper s. sº s. m. 1. A rag 2 a quilt of rags.

part of the body, or occasionally tied § 02, s. n. 1. A bulbous root of any
round the waist. kind. 2. the root termed Taça pin
S C & Sº Sºoyo s. n. The cross natifida.
beams, supporting at the bottom those Ś o?$$$$o s. n. A ditch, or trench.
which form a shelving roof. Ś cºSo s. m. wide Šoš.
Šoš) or Šoš'83 s. n. 1. An itch Scè& s. n. A cave.
ing. 2. the itch.
. Sºo & s. n. 1. The ear or head of the
$9&s-cºs s. n. (from s. S Bramha,
and &s to inflame.) Kama, the
grain termed mokka jonnaloo. 2. a ball
of thread. º
Hindoo god of love; because he in
flames even the first of gods.
. Šoštejšo s. m. 1. A large basket. 2, a Šošššo s. n. A sort of quilt, placed
safe in which provisions are kept. under the bullock-saddle.
so Gay & s. n. A melancholy event; Soº sº s. n. A germ, shoot, or
a tragical catastrophe, adj. Sad, me sprig.
lancholy, tragic. Šoº"&S s. m. wide Šoš. -

so; s. n. plu. The plural of the irre Šoº"cºšo s. n. The space of four
gular noun sº the eye. Eyes. § o months.
ŠozsºčSo s. n. 1. The fibrous root
§ses s. n. Ophthalmia, sºsºs
S’K v. a. (from T. §§§ & to co growing from the branches of the
banyan and other trees of that species.
ver.) lit. to cover with the eyes. To
2. the root of the lotus.
receive or treat one with great kind
mess, or affection. soścoxº W. II,
Šoš s. n. A crop of the pulse termed
Doll, or pigeon pea, Citysus cajan.
To appear; to be discovered. soa5.cx Se Il- (from T. § o& being
. § oë s. n. 1. A hole, cleft, or open inflamed, and T. *CK a fly.) A
ing. 2. a present given by the bride bee; because it stings.
groom to the bride, on the fourth Šošo s. n. 1. An infant. 2. sugar of
night of the marriage-ceremony. 3, a a light colour, adj. 1. Black. 2, being
present bestowed on a daughter by red or inflamed. S & Soë Impure
her parents, during the nuptial or silver.
other auspicious ceremonies. Ś o& v. n. 1. To be scorched, or
. Ś oë s. n. A wen or excrescence. burnt, by the sun, or by fire. 2. to be
Šoćc & s. n. The Hindoo Cupid, come red, or be inflamed, by a blow.
or god of love. &ys otº it, the mind to be
§ -3 139 § 02A)

scorched. To be vexed, piqued, an to have a tremulous motion. Scºts

noyed, or sorrowful.
* &c. adj. Trembling, shaking so;
ŠošSS & s. n. A ball to play with. S& s. n. A trembling, moving, or
Tud. § ošoºs s. n. (from s. § o: and shaking; a tremulous motion. adj.
s: 5 o'S& q.v.) 1. Koomaraswamy, Trembling, shaking, ººs oššo An
son of Siva, and the Mars of the earthquake.
Hindoos. 2. Kama, the god of love. soś88% s. n. A tree so called.
Šoš 20 s. n. The pulse produced T. Šoć) s. n. 1. A smell of any kind. 2.
by the crop termed soë q.v. fragrance. 3. a stink or bad smell. It
ŠošSS s. n. 1. A hint or token. 2. | is generally used in this last sense.
address, finesse, trick, artifice. adj. adj. Stinking. Soº v. n. (from
Specious, artful.
T. sº to strike.) To stink. Šoć;&
Šošt) s. n. An iron-plate, used as sº, º s. n. A fetid mimosa tree.
a cooking utensil, for baking cakes, Soºs s. n. (from T. Sexys a
&c. rat.) The musk-rat.
§ os-34-ex s. n. plu. The marks, tud. Soº s. n. (from s. Soº). A
or lines, sometimes observable on post, pillar, or column.
the body of a pregnant woman. . Soº & s. n. A blanket; often,
Soºs s. n. Grease, or oil, used in || from this word, termed by Euro
greasing wheels. peans in India a cumbly. The Indian
šo (8) CX s. n. vide § c85&x. |
blankets are usually of dark colour.

Sość or Šoščº s. n. The neck. tud. Soº s. n. vide soºººo- öð.

Šoš s. n. Dried brambles, thorns, scº (from s. 683, a precious
or bushes. Soš Svº (from T. S"ex stone.) lit, an ornamented blanket.
a fort.) A hedge of such brambles, A carpet.
round a fort, or city. Sox 8": . § 230 s. n. 1. Wire. 2. the lines, or
(from tub. 8tº a wall.) A hedge border, at the ends of a Hindoo's
--o –0
of dried brambles, § cºéSºx3 or
cloth. So? &) s. n. (from T. e8%)
$osé º s. n. A large bundle a mould.) A plate, with holes, used
of dried brambles, drawn by a pair as an instrument for drawing wire.
of yoked bullocks. Ś o?»ex s. n. The grain termed
Šoššx s. n. A trembling, shaking, Holcus spicalus, and in Hindoostanee
agitation, or tremor. S cºo & v. n. Bajra.
To tremble, or shake; to be agitated: s. § 229%) s. n. A conch, or shell.
§ of:- 140

G. § o? & s. m. wide § 99X. spread into dangerous tumults. The

T. sess ecs s. n. ride scºs ocs' whole body of artificers often strike
work, on such occasions.
under s º. ^n
s. S & s. n. The hump on the
T. § oëK, s: n, vide § o’c.
ro ro - shoulders of the Indian bull.
Šoššº s. n. 1. Bell-metal. 2, a gob s. S &S or * Sº s. n. A quarter,
let. or direction; as east, west, &c.
S. sof-cº s. n. (from s. sº the T. sº s. n. A father.
name of the demon king, uncle to Tup. §§ 8 s. n. (from s. s's e-rés.)
Krishna, and s. 95° an enemy.) The numidian crane.
The god Krishna, who slew Kumsa, ten. ss. Kºs s. n. (from s s & E-S-
his uncle and enemy.
harsh.) 1. Harshness. 2. dunning a
§ of "ey ºvc is or § of "5 s. n. A
person for a debt due. s's Kser
gold or silver smith; a worker in the
precious metals. This is one of the |
×3 (from T. tº q.v.) 1. To speak
harshly. sº $3:S
~< x (from T. 3 ×e to
five casts of artificers, consisting of
fall q.v.) 1. To be harsh, 2 to be
the so?-0-s 538. § 3,8. sº very importunate for money due.
and 'S' Rosſ"C's The gold or silver §§ ºotS v. a. 1. To use harsh, or
smith; the brazier; the black smith ;
cruel expressions. 2. to dun for
the carpenter and the stone-cutter, or debt.
mason. These casts intermarry, and ||
* 3 s. n. 1. The teeth of a file, or
eat food at each others houses. They
form collectively the principal body saw ; the rough part of a mill-stone.
of what is termed the left hand, in
2, vomiting. 3. the thing vomited. v. a.
contradistinction to the ryht hand To vomit. s: -º (from T. *š'
cast. This distinction was introduced to place.)To sharpen the teeth of a file
in modern times, originally at Conje &c. s}_3&. (from T. #& to
veram, and was a civil institution,
throw.) To cut or make rough,
intended to strengthen the balance a mill-stone, by indenting it. § 3:3)
of the state, by rendering one body || & § 9, (from TU D. s lºss a bridle.)
of the Hindoos a counterpoise
The bit of a bridle. ** 23. W. Call S.
against the other. But in those dis- ||
1. To cause to vomit. 2. to make
tricts in which it prevails, it gives
rise to constant dissensions, of the another regorge, or give back. Sºlº
most violent kind; which, unless vomiting. * * *Sºx (from r. Tº
severely and immediately checked, ex, a disease.) The vomiting disease.
- $ 5.º 141

This is a name which the Hindoos
T. sº s. n. 1. The act of moving
give to the frequent vomiting produ
the pieces, in the Hindoo game
* ced in children by hiccough, and termed Sogataloo, in some degree re
among grown up persons from bile,
or other causes. sembling back-gammon. 2. a bullock
te sº egº Or sº s. n. 1. Precip -cart. 3. vide. S & ).
itance. 2 importunity. 3, want, in
digence. 4. indolence.
s' s 3Y& &c. adj. Foul, unclean.
TUD. Šºš 8 s. n. (from s s's 2-38s) T. Sº Yoº) s. n. vide sºyººs No. 1.

vide $$ 8. T. §§ys s. n. A burnt cake of dried

TUD. sº s. n. (from s. +3) A sword; dung.
a scy metar. T. S. &) v. a. To move the pieces, in the

s. S & s. n. 1. The hair. 2. the tuft

Hindoo game termed Sogataloo.
or band of hair, which females wear T. sº S. m. plu. I. Splendor; glit
upon the crown of the head. tering. 2. lies; frivolous excuses.

s' s sº s. n. The tuft of hair s. S & Yö& s. n. vide sº.

above mentioned. G. § is%) s. n. A dispute, quarrel, noise,
c. * *ēs. n. (from II. cº) 1. A or disturbance. *

s. <\º sº n. A turtle, or tortoise.

cutchery, or public office, for the
transaction of business. 2. the bride,
S. sº s. n. One of the nine ni
or bridegroom, or both, sitting in dhis, or treasures, in the possession of
state, with dancers amusing them. Cubera, the god of riches.
TUD. & T. sº S. n. (from s. § S. sº S. n. 1. A sort of lute. 2.
~5-S $ and T. º a tree.) The the instrument of Suruswaty, the
* zedoary zerumbet, or Curcuma zerum goddess of learning. º

bet of Dr. Roxburgh. From their fra S. sº &c. adj. Contiguous to wa

grant smell, the roots of this plant are ter; watery, s. n. The hem of a
much used by the Hindoos, as a cos
garment. º

metic. They are termed Ś Stößbex).

TU D. $ ) s. n. The end of the lower S. sºs s. n. Lamp-black, applied to
garment, which, after the cloth is tied the eye-lashes by the Hindoos, both
round the body, passes between the as an ornament, and as a medicine.
legs, and is tucked up behind, into T. § ºw S. n. A sweet-cake, fried
the waist-band. in ghee.
§ 83 14 $ 85
- CO

Tud. & T. sº s. n. (from s. thread.) The small string tied round

a Hindoo's waist, whence is suspend
**=-8, and T. Fº a tree.) A ed the bit of cloth which covers the
privities. *
T. Šºš & interj. Expressive of sor
$ 83s adj. 1. Mere, quite, entire,
row, or grief. Alas! alas! Sº Sºº total. 2. cruel, horrid. S &S $$ 3
& (from T. & to fall q v.) To Total darkness. § 88s &S & (from
grieve, or lament.
T. sess & sº or § 38 by-ex) s. n. s &y, an animal.) The rhinoceros.
§§§ 5 º'cºs s. n. 1. An attendant or
pl. A low railing, about two feet high, watchman over the apartments of the
generally found in the verandas or king's women. 2. a butcher.
halls of Mahomedans, and used as
§§§ s. n. vide §§§§ .
the back of a couch, of which the seat
is the ground. § 3 & ºvex, e. m. plu. The poste
sºs so s. n. 1. The town or pro
vince of Cuttack. 2. a bracelet. Se s ess S*3PS3 s. n. Black Hellebore.
§ 230 s. n. 1. A mat. 2. the temples Helleborus nigar. It is used as a
of the head. § 2"S"Sc’s A mat purge, by the Hindoos.
maker; a dealer in wicker-work. s & S s. m. pl. The cheek bones.
T. § & interj, vide $ 855 & 3-9. Ś & s. n. 1. A pungent taste. 2.
Tup. § 3–5 s. n. (from s. Sºº) A solidity, hardness. adj. 1. Pungent. 2.
solid, hard. º
dagger, with a handle which runs up Ś tº s. n. A bier.
the arm, on each side, when it is seiz
§§ s. n. 1. A bundle. 2. a bank, or
ed by the hand.
shore. 3, a dam, or embankment. §§
$ 83-93-530 s. n. 1. A shallow vessel,
for frying grain, &c. 2. a turtle's shell. Xº 1. To tie a bundle; to pack up.
3. a young buffalo.
2. to dam or embank. sºx 8tº,
to break an embankment. sº
§ {~&Sºo s. n. 1. A glance or side
look. 2. favor, regard, compassion, An embankment or dam, to be bro
kindness. 3. protection. In Teloogoo ken. sgåcs, (from T. ºścº, to

it is used chiefly in its second mean throw.) To raise, or throw up, an

ing, servéxotº. v. a. To favor, or
regard. T. §3 or sº interj. ride § & 5 by-e

sº s. n. The hip or buttock. Sººn" s. m. A kuttah, or custom house, for

Ü § s. n. (from s. Sº Ü q
the levy of duties.
§ 3.35 143 § 3.x)
ed ed

T. s. sº adv, (from T. sº the end.) At cause to build. Šºškº s. n. An edi

the farthest point; at the very end. fice, or building sº; #39 (from the
T. sº s. n. 1. An order, or command. past verbal participle of sº, and T.
2. a law, rule, or ordinance; a pre 3& to throw.) 1. To tie up. 2. to
cept. 3. a custom. sº 1. To sequester. sjöotº Or sº º
give an order. 2. to make an enact (from the same participle, and T
ment; to establish a law. ēotº or Tº to place.) I. To lay in
sº-ºxºo. s. n. A necklace of store. 2. to retain, or detain. ***
small gold beads. ---. *39 (from º ºx a derivative from
§ ºã adj. 1. Cruel, hard-hearted, 33 to fall q.v.) lit, falling into a
unfeeling. 2. inflexible. knot. 1. A system. 2. a regulation.
sº s. n. 1. A tie, or bond. 2. a knot sº v. a. 1. To lay down
or bandage. 3. a rule, regulation, or a system. 2. to establish a law. Sº
law. 4. a system. 5. a plot. 6. prohi ŠToxº (from T. SºoYº the hem of a
bition. 7... prevention, or restraint. 8. garment.) That part of a female Hin
a charm, or enchantment. 9, a fer doo's garment, which she ties round
rule, or any ornament, on a stick. 10. her waist, sº sº's A female's usu
the water in which any sort of pulse al garment, sº 1. Aman's lower
is boiled. v. a. 1. To tie, bind, or con garment. 2. a person's usual dress.
nect. 2. to affix, or attach. 3. to build,
sº A cow house, or stall,
erect, or construct. 4. to be with
young as applied to cattle only. 5. to sºx oz (from T. Kºcz, a post.)
charm, or fascinate. 6. to fly in an in A pillar, or post, to which cattle are
auspicious manner. Both the noun tied, sº sº or sºsºs (from
and verb have other meanings, which T. S &\ the eye.) Juggling, legerde
will be best illustrated by the follow main. *T*č. sºl. The tie of kindred
ing phrases, and examples; but it 2. the custom of the cast. &es sº
may be observed generally, that the The water in which gram has been
verb, added to many nouns, converts boiled. Soo ܺ (from s. 39's Ü
them into active verbs ; as, from 25e)
a mysterious formula.) Fascination,
& strength, ºvs'. To strengthen, charming by magic. S&S : A waist
&c. sºs"K, v. comp. 1. To tie, or
bind, round one's own body. 2. to do,
§§sº A stoppage
band, or girdle.
or commit, an action. 3. to embrace.
of urine sº-Ko A float of tim
ine. Ś & im

4. to marry. 5. to conquer. §§-33 v. ber; a raft. §§ºx=-& A complete

caus. 1. To cause to tie, or bind. 2, to suit of apparel, Sºx:#& To
§ * 144 $ ro

lay in store. *śx&eo Goods zºº’ssºs's To conquer a

which have lain long in store ; da kingdom. 2.secsº's"K, To em
maged goods. sºs?A feigned sto brace one ºx's ºst Ko To ſoft
ry; a fable, sº to the arms across; or to join the palms
speak all in the same manner, each of the hands. Both are marks of the

having previously agreed with the highest respect. Sºº's ºs"Ko To

other what to say. sº or Š gird the loins; to be prepared.
§º To stop, restrain, prevent, sº adj. (from T. sº a bond or
or forbid. Rºcºs.” To dress a tie, and Šâ the past verbal participle
wound. S #8 º' lit. to gird on a of 3% to fall &c. q.v.) lit. having
sword. To arm one’s-self against an fallen into a bond. Tied, fixed, per
other. & 's exºsº To payoff money. manent, invariable. This is a reve
—o €) nue term, usually applied to lands on
Sà He has a bruise, from a blow in which a fired, invariable, and favora
his breast. sºs"Fºo;'< A ble rent is assessed; and which have
married wife. Žas ºs Purging to commonly been granted, on that te
stop. zyväs' º' To strike a balance in nure, to peons, liable to be called out
account, against another. 38xº To
occasionally for the service.
set a price. ŠošX'. To charge with T. sº s. n. 1. A stick, or staff. 2, a
piece of wood. 3. firewood.
fornication. Šºšºxº. To compose
T. Ś ºšo s. n. 1. A building, or edi
a Verse, &º-3sº To set the
fice. 2. presents given by relations to
sails of a ship. "Sº To render si each other, during the celebration of
lent; generally by conjuration. Sºs a marriage &c. 3, presents formerly
ex^* To stop the road. s ºxº given by:zemindars and others, to the
To deny one's-self the common neces. governor of a province, 4, a reward,
saries of life. ** ºxº One set of or recompense.

dancing girls to make preparations T. sº scº s. n. (from T. X3&cS a

club.) A club, or cudgel, bound with
for the dance. Kºsº. To congeal, iron rings, at intervals.
to become hard. §§s 's To water,
t. § 257 s. n. A plant. Cissampelos
as applied to fields, &c. &SA Sºl Iºandra.
sºs's To marry a girl. 2.sºtoS T. §§§oč s. n. A necklace of alternate
&^*š"Ko To do a good action. gold and black beads, strung in four
*&^*Sº To commit a sin. or five rows. ---
§: 145 § 2;
Sºx, s. n. A dangerous snake
striped with black. | glance. S &º v. n. It to reach
T. the end. To be finished or concluded.
s: 3. n. That species of litter, which
is generally termed a Dooly. s &ge; wa. To finish, sº
s ºe» s. m. plu. Weights. This is
v. n. (from T. 33 to go.) To be fi

nished, completed, or concluded.
generally applicable to those with sº or sº advº I.Complete
which the precious metals are weigh ly, fully, wholly, without any defici
ed. .
Šºć s. m. wide sºr-8. ency. 2. every where. Śēºošč5
$ 85&o &c. adj. I. Hard, firm, solid. 3.*33& I searched every where, in
2 difficult. 3. severe, eruel, inflexible, the city. Sº R^ * adj. The youngest. º
rigid, untractable. § 2; X" *** The youngest, or last
***** &e adj. 1. Hard, solid. 2. child. S & 383 v. n. (from T. 33
difficult. 3. frightful, horrible. 4. .* reach.) 1. To be recovered from
complete, full; full grown. disease, or relieved from distress, 2.
T. sº s. n. 1. Place.2. quarter or direc. to be concluded or finished. § 3; 3
tion. 3. end, or extremity. 4. side, or
&) V. a. To relieve, or Save, another
corner adj. Last, postpos. Near. from distress, or disease, e.g.,s& 3
When this word is affixed to the in
finitive of verbs, it forms, with it, an
&) To save one's soul ; to ensure
abstract noun. 3 S., & In this place, one's salvation. §§363 or § -a-385
At length; at last, sº I. To the
or here, * * or es & Inna, end 2. from first to last. 3. fully, com
place, or there. Fºs & Near me.-s-s pletely.
&: Coming. 3rés & Going. sºs: At
the very end. Tºo? epšč Early, soon, **ox& s. n. 1. Corn of any kind
of which the ear is empty, in conse
not too late. 33s. In the morning.
Tiš3)x: Dry ground; soil not Water ‘!"ence of drought, or other accident 3.
ed artificially, but by the rains of **P not producing grain. 2. chaff,

heaven. Šºš A field which is situ Ts

ščoº or sºczów. a. 1. To display
ated close to the village. *ºs &
°ourage, or evince intrepidity, in bat
The end, or top, of a tree. Sººra tle. 2. to strive, or endeavour.s:os'
The last time. S & At last, sº;sº s. n. 1. Bravery. 2. the display of
* To be menstruous, sº courage in battle. -

Aside, apart, further. S & 3o Endless. ***o: s. m. plu. Calamities, evils,

$ 86s oenº-sº lit. to look with the
dangers, afflictions, miseries, perse
” of the eye. To give an oblique cutions,
146 §&

§:3 s. n. 1. The under timber of the T. s &#x3 s. n. Valour, bravery, gallant


door frame. 2, the threshold, or en ry.

T. sárºš s. n. The plant termed
trance, gºs ºrºs & & lit. I
shall not hereafter kick the under Nauclea cadamba.

timber of thy door frame. I shallme TUD. Ščoºšo s. n. (from s, Šºš) A

ver again enter your threshold. § 2% bracelet, or ancle-ring.
3-as-c ex To cross the threshold; to T. s & adj. Much; great. S & Sº v. n.
(from Sºo q.v.) To be distinguish
go out.
sº adv. vide under § 3. ed, or signalized in battle.
Ś &X3 v. a. 1. To wash, or lave. 2.
T. šč3 s. n. The remainder, rest, or
to cleanse. s. n. The water in which
residue. adj. Remaining. rice has been washed. Sºo's v.
T. s::) s. n. The sea. § 355°C & caus. To cause to wash, or cleanse."
(from T. $vcöö a daughter.) Lutch sº. K. v. comp. To wash, or
mee, the wife of Vishnoo, and goddess cleanse.
of prosperity; because she was pro T. S. & s. n. 1. The belly, or stomach.
duced from the churning of the 2. pregnancy. 3. the foetus. & X&e:3)
ocean. S & ESA (from T. Fº. This applies to the state of the sto
butter.) The moon ; because it was mach, before a person has broken his
also produced by the churning of the
fast. An empty, or fasting stomach.
s:<)3°Sox. To be pregnant. §
§35 s. n. A large earthen pot, in &@8943 To cause to miscarry; to
which water is generally carried. cause an abortion. S & 3)&\cºs
8-azº s. n. Massy, or pure gold. To miscarry or have an abortion. S &
T. § 3 s. n. 1. A morsel; a mouthful. 2. 3) Rºy Belly-ache, & 8s & ©
a stool of cow-dung. The bottom of the belly, or abdomen.
T. $3330 s. n. A book made of folded s:º)-3}, or º), or Q &S"Kö,
cloth, covered with a black paste, on used with the dative case-To have a
which accounts and memorandums looseness, in the bowels. &s º
are written, with a kind of soft stone, S’Ko used with the dative case-To
chiefly by merchants. The writing be constipated; to have a cessation
may be effaced by a wet cloth, and it oflooseness: used with the nomina
resembles a slate, in this respect, as tive. To refrain from eating much to
well as in the appearance of the white curb the appetite. S &\{}^x) The
writing. -
belly, to swell. §§§)'s "ex lit. the
1. § 38 adj. Large, great, big. belly, to burn. This strong, and very
§ tº Sº 147 sº
expressive phrase, is applied to a Aurºra, who is said to have written
mother, who has lost her child; as on Teloogoo grammar; his works are
Tº or ~$3s sº-sºº's a She has not now extant.

lost her child, or children. §§:º) | TUD. § 3 s. n. vide § 35.

s. S 58 & s. n. The clearing nut plant;
Fººses Tººl, mal. Strychnos Potatorum.
cold, is on the contrary a common
form of blessing a mother, and means
T. $ 3 SS or §§§ v. a. To lap with the
May your children ever be well, tongue.
and happy. Ś & ©sooº lit, burning *** postpos. 1. By, by means of 2.
because. 3. on account of.
of the belly. 1. Fury. 2. envy. 3. ma.
lice. § 3 º' (3) × 1. Want offood. § 53 s. n. Cause.
2. indigence. 3. subsistence. 8 & '8 s. n. A horse.
Ś ºoº s. n. A small pot, or pit sº S. n. Arnour, mail.
cher, with a large mouth. . * 3 s. n. 1. A sword or sabre. 2, a
T. S & s. n. vide Šºš-ščSS-nv?. knife. 3. a razor. S & "cºoTo draw
(from s. Sº a sign of the zodiac.) a sword. S. ºes A sword's scabbard,
The sign of Aquarius. or sheath. ºº's 3 (from s, zyºrs
T. s ºc *s. n. A smallrum. an arrow.) A double-edged sword.
sºcºs, S. n. Compulsion, force, &oxes & A barber’s knife, a razor.
violence, constraint. §§§§ The case hung to the side of
sº S. n. An ingot, or bar of metal. a toddy-drawer, containing his knife,
$ 82&s s. n. vide sºos unders :ox3. and other implements. $33& A
$ 83CN3. v. m. wide sºox3. large kitchen knife, fixed perpendi.
8 & s. n. A barn, or magazine, cularly in a stool, against the edge of
for grain. which vegetables, &c. are cut. $33
exº~~c ºs A knife-grinder.
*** s. n. The temple of the head. T.
$ toº s. n. A small particle, or atom. §§5 s. n. A wooden, pointed,
§ 23 s. n. A hackery, or bullock-cart.
: Ś tº s. m. wide soº.
$ 83 so s. n. 1. An ear of Corn.
proper weight.

spade ; the lower part of which is not

square, but triangular, one of the an
gles forming the point.
used, in the Northern
It is much
Circars, in dig
T. § 2252's. n. 1. An elk. 2. a hawk. ging large clods, when the earth is
T. § exºSS s. n. vide so
& c X. |
T. . . .
§ 29%) s. n. A knot, knuckle, or joint. || T. § 3 s. n. in compos, only, used as an
se See Scº S. n. The saint, or sage,
affix, to denote a female; as, ºf
§& 148 § sº

T. A female friend. The corres G. š Šiº" s. n. A counter-agreement.

ponding male affix is Sºcº, or 7°C S.
s & Sºx' &c. adj. Avaricious, miserly.
&. T. s &ex v, n. To move, stir, or shake.
sº or sºs s’e s. n. Scissors. § &#)S. s. n. Motion. Šč8)otº or

sºão tº or $38o3Toshear, or cut sº ex) v. a. To move, stir, or shake;

in an active sense.
with scissors. Sºčā’ox A pick
pocket, who, in a crowd, or at a fes s & s. n. 1. The plantain. Musa sa
tival, secretly cuts off any ornament pientum. 2. a flag. sºsox's (from
s soº's a barren woman.) A wo.
from the person of another, with
man who has produced only one
–6 child. The plantain tree produces
T. sº tº Or sº s, n. The only a single bunch of fruit.
third lunar mansion, corresponding Te Ś CS" or § 5 particle. This is a cor
with the Pleiades. sº es So ruption of the interrogative form of
(from T. Fe a month.) The 8th Te the negative particle "S"So not, and
loogoo lunar month; that in which literally denotes Is it not so * It cor
the moon's change takes place near responds in use with the English
the Pleiades, when the sun is in Scor words—Since, as, neither, indeed,
pio. vide G7-8. even, really, entirely &c. Added to
$38.2°325ex s. n. plu. An orna infinitives it expresses the precative
ment, set with precious stones, worn imperative ; and has many other va
by Hindoo females, near the top of riations of meaning, to be gathered
the ear. from the context. Soc <&-x sc
§ 3 s. n. A story, tale, or fable, 2, a <xº~~~R Sº *A <-sºcºs
narrative, or relation. 3. a chronicle Tºo As he is a worthy man, I must
or history. §§§3& A relater of an contract friendship with him. & "3c
cient tales. xº~$ Pray look sir. &º ox 3
§§ particle. vide sº. &x & 2.5 S"SX*-Geº I have
Ščcº X s. n. 1. A flock, or multi neither a rupee, nor even a cash.
tude. 2. an arrow. 3. a collection of = <= y; ºx ~&tº
perfumes. Sºoº. A sort of per. Ko (lit. he writes, does he not ? I can
fumed powder. say nothing.) I am unable to express
* Soo-yºsº, s. n. vide § 3 ºbº º, my admiration of his writing. Sºo's
T. s & or § &$3 v. a. wide § 53. $30.3 ozy? 7-c:SX:3-58 Sö3-8 oxy
§§§ s. n-Abad-road. *) Nºcºs Even a person on a small
S. §§5& s. m. War, battle, combat. salary, gave one pagoda, Šºš Šº

§ Ko
s &y - 149
*—xº~30% -s -swi, cºcºox3 and mother of the serpent-race, in
scº's Though I wish to speak with habiting the regions below the earth.
you, I am really out of leisure. Ryo S3 §§§ Seſºs v. n. (from T. §§§ 5
§§owsSse? §§ 335 ºvex º' an imitation of the sound of sparkling
eoser's gºeşoo< 5 o'exºo fire, and t. tº q.v.) Live coals, to
ãootS Pou know that you must give burn red-hot.

me ten pagodas; of these, send me . §§§ 30 s. n. Gold. S Sºs 303

five at present. cºo lit. to bathe with gold. To pour
Š&oºo v. n. 1. To touch, to be con over another's head gold coin, in
tiguous, to meet, to join, to approach. approbation of learning, &c.
2. to be pressed or squeezed. 3 to s & Cº. v. n. vide ŠKość, under
copulate. v. a to obtain. S &oxº Ś &.
To cause to touch, &c.
. §§ 355 s. n. A defile, or pass, be
. §83)otº v. a. wide Ščá)otº under tween tow mountains.
§§o:3) s. n. A herd of cattle, or flock
s & s. n. An acrid, bitter, or dis
of sheep. -
agreeable taste.
S&So s. n. The coagulated blood, . S Sºx) v. n. To be angry. s. n. Anger.
suffused under the skin, after a bruise. . §§§ 6& s. n. Pity, compassion. a* *

v. a. 1. To push away. 2. to extend. sº; s. n. 1. A younger sister. 2. the

Ś SS s. n. 1. A spindle. 2. an awl, little finger.
or puncheon. sšº &c. adj. 1. Small, little. 2.
. S & ex) v. n. vide Ščex). younger. 3, inferior, low.
s & s. n. Gentle warmth. adj. - sºs s. n. The little finger.
§§§s s. n. The pupil of the eye.
§ § The third person neuter, in the
s&sº s. n. A younger sister.
singular number, of the affirmative ŠK v. a. 1. To see or look; to re
aorist of S exp^3 to be possessed; to gard; to perceive; to observe. 2 to
eatist. It is, there is. In reply to ques meet. 3. to bring forth ; to bear
tions respecting eristence, this word young. 4. to beget. 5. to produce, as
represents the general English affirm applied to fruit trees, or crops. 6. to
ative yes, as opposed to & q. v. ; yield a revenue, or profit. s. n. The
thus, sº, ºzº". Is it, or not? With
eye. S & or s 5-339 (from T. &
the dative case, Š § expresses pos
to fall, q.v.) To appear; to seem.
session, as Ryeşş & I have. It is used impersonally, with the
s. Š &) $) s. n. The wife of Kusyupa, dative case. §§3 or S S-3e3+& v. a.
> *
§ K3 150 $ 52–
(from T. Šº iS, the active form of sº-ox (from Tup. &’ow two.)
3:S.) To shew, or point out.S & or Š A pair, or couple, of eyes. s.sº
R-3ootS v. caus. 1. To shew, or point (from T. Geº & to open.) To open
out. 2. to deliver a female, or ani the eyes; to awake. s Koºy Eve»
mal, in labour. This verb is also used iS 1. To wink. 2. to close the eye
impersonally, with the dative case ; lid, sºyººse.” In the
and then denotes—1. To seem ; to twinkling of an eye. s&souts, §
appear. 2. to be sensible of pain, to
feel. 3. to be afflicted with, or labour
ex) The eye-lashes. s&xºs The

ing under, any disease; as ºw & 35 ey eye-ball. S & & 's The pupil of the
Sºys & cº. He has a head
ache. 2.se3e3, Svěšš Āšyotº Any Ś K9%) R’s v. a. (from S Kºš) in
one to have the small pox. $55 & compos, a joint, and T. S. § to cut.)
To cut into pieces.
vulgarly written sº: Ko, (from S'
S KošS s. n. 1. A gap. 2. a pass
§3 to buy, q.v.) v. comp. 1. To see,
through hills.
to look, to regard, to perceive, to
observe. 2. to bring forth young. 3. to S Košoo s. n. The day after the Poon
gal feast, or after any eclipse.
find out, detect, or discover. ŠKoc
X*Ko (from the noun prefixed to S S.A. adv. Than. This word, and
the same verb.) To see, look, or per So 83 which is synonimous with it,
are the common adverbs of compari
ceive. Sºº (from t. Tº to son. It is very generally believed that
place or put.) 1. To watch, or take the former is the relative past parti
care of 2. to expect, or look out for. 3.
ciple, and the latter the subjunctive,
to find out, to discover. 4. to divine of the verb S K to see &c. but it
S Koš Oś The corner of the eve.
sRººs v.a. (from T. Kº to throw) seems more probable that these
words are derived from the corres
To wink, or make signs with the ponding parts of 959 to say, added
eyes. S Koºs"> or sRoºse, The to the dative case; and that ŠK S is
eye-brow. s & Søy Sºo v. a. To
formed from 8 or $3, and eXº ; and
conceal; to put out of sight. S & Fºo Soº from 8 or $3, and esotés; be
e2CNS v. n. To disappear, to vanish. cause these adverbs govern the in
š Rºy The eyelid. S & 3) tºy v. flexion, not the accusative of the
n. (from t. &Y to open.) To noun; and if derived from an active .
awake. sº S. n. lit. eye verb, the reverse would be the case.
warmth. Gentle heat, or warmth. §§§ 5,339 tº 33 There is no
§§A 151 sº
thing better than this, may be liter instrument with which a thief com
ally translated—To those who speak mits burglary, as above defined. §§s.
of this, nothing is better; or if the &#& or Tº To commit bur
other derivation is adopted, To those
glary, as above explained.
who look at this, nothing is better.
When Sº, is used as the past * Nº s. n. A noble, or excellent,
relative participle of S K q. v.
it may occasionally be translated tud. §§e.cº. s. n. vide sšš.
own ; thus $ $353, one's own mo T. Sº, s: n, irregular, making in the
ther, lit. the mother who bore. §§ inflex, sing. Soº, and in the nom.
*: One's own child. lit. the child plu. §o:º. 1. The eye. 2. the joint or
born. §§§§o Úy One's own father, knot in a cane, or in the stalk of any
lit. the father who begot. reed, or plant. 3. the mash of a net.
§§§ s. n. 1. Contempt, disregard. 4. a vital part vide S Ko, whence this
2. indifference; negligence. word is derived. §§yº (from T. §
TUD. Šºššo s. n. The language of ebo water.) A tear. s'K's S* ox" (from
Carnataca, improperly termed the Tud. Sºo two.) A couple of eyes.
Canarese. S & 3 adj. Of or belong ŠKo exãys"K (from T. § 3 NS"
ing to the country of Carnataca. §§ § to cover.) To regard one with
& s. n. An inhabitant of the Carnata.
kindness, or affection. §§§e) \SC)
ca country. The modern term Car
natic has been hence derived ; but K (from T. (Sc) & a tree.) Sugar
Carnataca included only that portion cane. S &Aeºlex Sºcº (from T. 3)
of the modern Carnatic which has ex Sºcº an archer.) The Hindoo
been distinguished by the name of Cupid; because his bow is of sugar
Balaghaut, viz. the great table land in cane. Sºcº To cast the eye
the centre of the Peninsula, consist wistfully at an object. §§Aeſºr
ing of Mysore, and a few adjoining ** To see with one's own eyes; to
provinces, to the northward of it. be an ocular witness of anything, vide
T. §§§o S. n. 1. A hole. 2. a hole made e38 under €383. sºxº Fascina
by thieves in a wall. This is the tion.

manner in which burglary is usually tup. STA s. n. vide sºs - Sºeºsº

committed in India. §§3.7V"cº or s. n. 1. Virginity. 2. the act of first
sºcºs A thief as above defined. cohabiting with a female.
sºã§§ s. n. A sort of duck.
A person who has committed burgla T,

ry. §§ 3)sº or §§§ºve The s. §§§s, n. 1. A girl of cight years of .

§& I52 sº
age. 2. a virgin. 3. the sign Virgo in locks, which pull down an artificial
the zodiac. descent, formed for the purpose.
s's S5 s. n. 1. A little girl. 2, a S. Ś &eſ":3~$o s. n. (from s. S &e taw
maiden, or virgin. ny, and s. erº" iron.) Brass.
§ FSºx s. n. Kinnoje, an ancient TUD. §§)öSo s. n. (from s. S Sy’s-8)
city of great note in the north of Hin Camphor.
doostan. -
Se § 3 º'ed s. n. The elbow.
$3°230 s. n. 1. Dissimulation, artful Se
s &’éso s. n. A dove, or pigeon. §
concealment of one's intentions. 2. 356 ºvá) & A pigeon-house; an avi
cunning, artifice. 3. a feint, or trick. ary.

4. deceit, cheating. § 383 or § 3 ºc Ś &ºes s. n. The cheek.

& A cunning person; a cheat. šy s. n. A frog.
s. ššo s. n. The braided hair of Si. sKyºyeo s. n. A bivalve shell
va. § 38E. The god Siva. T. Sººyºo s. n. Tribute. sºyºos &
Šišve Soo s. n. The scull, or crani
um. S & 3) The god Siva. To give or pay (lit. to tie) tribute.
** s. n. 1. A monkey. 2, the sun. TUD. §§y& s. n. (from s. sans-8) A
... O -
variegated colour.
**śSºcºs (from s. 3s., a flag.) T.
**S v. a. To cover. v. n. 1. To
Arjoona; because he assumed a spread, or extend. 2. to collect or
monkey, as his ensign or arms. settle in a thick covering, as the
§ 8%* s. n. The wood apple tree. clouds before heavy rain, or smoke
Feronia elephantum. Roxb. over a large city. s. n. 1. A covering.
2. thatch. 3-black colour. 4. the black
Šºvšo s. n. A tawny colour. adj.
Tawny. S &e A cow of that colour. composition, with which the Hindoos
§§exc3 s. n. Rupila, the sage who rub their teeth, and which covers the
founded the Sunkhya system of Hin interstices between them. adj. Black.
doo philosophy. " * §§y or šššTº v, comp. 1. To
Sºº s. n. This is the name given to envelope one’s-self; to cover one's-
an engine, of very simple construc self 2 to spread, extend, or collect,
tion, used for drawing up water from as above explained. §§Sº A
wells. A large pulley, supported by padlock, lit a covered-lock. §§ 35
strong pieces of wood, is raised on §ºs"8 (from T. 385) a path, and T.
the highest side of the well; and, by * a possessor.) lit, he whose path is
means of it, the water is drawn up in black. Fire, sºoë (from T.
a leathern bucket, by two yoked bul *K, a body, & T. &c., in compos.
sº 153 § 33

a possessor.) Saturn either because his S.

S$očević) or G. S &očejºs. m. An
body among the Hindoos, is consi earthen or wooden pot, used by Hin
dered black; or because it is covered, doo ascetics. -

by his ring. S &S Cºoºo (from T. row Šsº s. n. A portable furnace,

o” a stone.) The sapphire. for melting the precious metals.
TUD. §§ 53 s. n. vide § 9530. §§§ & s. n. 1. A turtle. 2. a tor
**\8 s. n. 1. An earthen vessel, toise.
used as a plate for victuals, at the T. $398 & s. n. 1. The cultivation
meals of the lower classes of Hindoos. which the owner carries on with his
The superior classes invariably use own farming stock, by means of an
metal vessels. 2. a pot used in beg other. 2. the land of which the ze
ging alms. mindar, jaghiredar, shotiumdar, en
TU D. s (3) & s. n. vide S 95&. amdar, &c. himself retains the farm
in his own hands, or causes to be
§§39 s. n. Phlegm.
S. Sºoººo s. n. 1. Water. 2. a headless
cultivated with his own farming
stock, in contradistinction to the
land rented out by him to others.
Sºoºc & s. n. 1. The name of a
ŠK & W & s. m. The person em
giant. 2. the moon's ascending node,
personified as Rahoo, the son of Sim ployed to cultivate, with the farming
stock of the owner.
$ 86 s. m. The knot into which Hin $398 v. n. To be singed, or burnt,
doo females tie their long hair, on the as applied to hair or leather, and to
top of the head.
the body if burnt black. s. n. The
§ 23 & s. n. 1. A mouthful, a mor- || act of burning as above.
$39s, n. Lutchemi, the goddess of
sel. 2. a physic-ball for horses. Sºo
prosperity, and consort of Vishnoo,
38 v. a. To swallow, to devour, to
the preserver.
T. **** s. n. 1. A bullock-load of $599& s. n. 1. The lotus, or Nym
phaea melumbo. 2. water. 3. an ante
grass, or straw. 2. forage.
G, § 29& s. n. (from A jºs) 1. News, lope. S &eſ" ºcão (from s tº 3
dear.) The sun; because he is dear
intelligence. 2. report. 3. a message. to the lotus, which expands as he rises.
Tud. Sºyº s. n. (from s. s">S) Poe. § &ey-vºc:3 (from s. 3K S a
try. seat.) The god Brumha; because
Sºyº", & s. n. A toddy-drawer. the lotus is his throne. S & ©S s. n.
sº *\ºy
1. A tank abounding with the lotus. ow-cºs. 323s &ºo: Itiner
2. the lotus itself. ant black-smiths.
§ 355eVºjo:S s. n. A small sweet
sºvº s. n. plu. The kummavars,
orange, usually in India termed a numerous cast of Teloogoo Sood
the hill orange.
ras, usually employed in agriculture.
§ 355ex) v. n. 1. To fade, or wither. 2.
s sº es:< s. n. The cast itself, in
to be scorched by the sun. 3. to be the abstract.
burned by fire, without coming in Ts sº, s. n. 1. Wire. 2. a bar. 3. the
immediate contact with it.
line or border at the ends of a Hin
s'33"N 3 sºcºs s. n. vide Ś of "e
doo's cloth, vide So?. 3: ssº, An

§ 53.8%) s. n. The hand, held with the iron bar. S & S $º, The threshold.
fingers bent, and separated. This & sº, or sº ºn. A gold
word is much used with the affix or ornamented ring, worn by women,
&c ºs ful, and is chiefly affixed to and suspended from the side of the
words denoting food, to express a nose, which is perforated for this
handful; as sº scºsº. A purpose. sº, Rºxêsº To draw
handful of boiled rice. wire. Sº, §§ A woman's cloth, with
§ 5% tº v. a. To'swallow, to devour. a stripe on it's border. Sº, ëcº 1.
§§oS v. n. vide S & S. To draw wire. 2. to flee away.
T. sº, s. n. 1. A branch or bough of § & v. a. 1. To cover. 2. to spread,
any tree of the palm species. 2. a let
or extend. 3. to overspread. 4- to
ter of correspondence, written upon surround. ÅToššº, To become
the palm leaf. 3. a kind of ear-ring
hoarse. Sºo s. n. 1. Covering.
worn by Hindoo women, adj. Deli 2. concealing. 3, an escort. 4. aid
cious, pleasant. Šºššº or *% &ºsº, §§ The cloud over
F Adelicious odour or taste § 9,7°
adv. well, in good order. S &^* spread. Fºšºos & Xºsé He is
&cº (from T. Sº a bow.) The completely intoxicated. *Šošº,
Hindoo Cupid; because his bow is 53) The troops surrounded.
of the delicious sugar cane sº s. n. A kind of beetle
s'ss,8-cº or sº.5 s. n. An iron leaf, darker and stronger than the
or black-smith. § 38,85 or $38,88 common One,

A female of that cast. This is one of Ś SJ Sºo &c, adj. 1. Red. 2. lustful,
the five casts of artificers, vide sow" cupidinous,
§6 155 ¥3

5.. § cºrvºº-sºo s. n. A young female iron style in writing on the palmyra

buffalo. leaf.

• T. Ś ox s. n. The hand. Šč$ 6 s. n. 1. Confusion. 2, mixture.

TUD. Šooo s. n. (from s, $3)A poet. Soo . §§§ 7 s. n. A dispute regarding

8 or § owtº Poetry. $ox"SSC boundaries.

&A poet. sº-cº s. n. The fruit of the Šč

§ 75 º, q.v. There are some curious
G. Sooº.) s. n. (from A. Qº) Drunk
phrases in which this word is used,
scºs s. n. 1. A brook, or running viz. Fºrces 8-cºº lit. this
fruit to fall in the mouth. To be
stream. 2, a paddy field.
sºs's s. n. 1. Battle, combat. 2.
prevented. Fºres 8 º'cº - Rºş,
or #oº lit. to force this fruit
a quarrel or dispute. 3. war. into the mouth. To prevent. -

§ 5 s. n. 1. A hedge. 2, an embank ščxº 30 s. n. A saw.

ment, vide Ś ee.
T. Ščc X3 v. a. or n. To melt, dissolve,
Ś Sos So s. m. A plate, or box, for or waste. This verb, like the English
beetle and nut.
verb to melt, is used either in an ac
$ 8 o'ºw s. n. A small box. tivé, or neuter sense. & SS-X8CN3
Ś & cº. So or Ščo? Soo s. n. Flour. To feel compassion. e &s 8.23 An
mixed with curds. estate to be wasted. S &c & v. a. To
§§§ s. n. Hail. melt. § 3?\o $3 v. caus. To cause to
Te § 8sº s. n. The chebulic myro melt, &c.
balan. Terminalia chebula. A strong s & s. n. The nails of the fingers.
astringent, used with galls, as an Ščeošo s. n. A crow.
external application in apthous af § 8, & or § 5% s. n. A wave.
fections. It is also used to make ink; § & co;So s. n. 1. An organ of sense. 2.
and, by dyers, as a yellow dye, or as cause. 3. an instrument or means of
an astringent to fix other colours. action. 4- a curnum or village ac
The powder of the flower is admin countant. In Telingana, these are ge
istered internally, as a slight nerally Bramins; in the Tamil
astringent, in bowel complaints. country, Soodras of the Pillay tribe.
$ 85 So s. n. I. Hail. 2. a small pitch $835 & The office of a village ac
er. 3. the skull. countant. .

T. $ 85 S s. m. 1. Sharpness. 2, the $8.23 s. n. 1. Manner, way, mode, 2.

noise made in chewing, or by the similarity, likeness,
§8 156 § 53

§ 3 º' s. n. 1. A young'camel. 2, an $ 88 s. n. The bridge of the Veena, a

aSS, -

sort of Hindoo guitar.

§ 5:30 s. m. 1. The hand. 2. a ray. 3. $873:So s. n. Agriculture, cultiva
a tax. Šč25 & s. n. The hand from tion. -

the wrist to the root of the fingers. $533, s. n. 1. The shoot of a bam
§ 5 ºs-3&oe» s. m. plu. Grains boo. 2. a sort of plant common in dry
half dressed, slightly scorched, or deserts, Capparis aphylla, Roxb.
parched, so as to be eaten from the
hand. §§§§ "So s. n. The nail of
sè s. n. A lump of dried cow
dung. -

the fingers. § 37°3′ex (from s. 7737

a bough.) The fingers. §§§ s. m. Medicinal drugs burnt to
$ 5& adj. Much, great. ashes, which the Hindoos use with a
§ 55 °ooo s. n. An instrument used mixture of water, during sickness.
by gold-smiths. Ś & XS. s. n. 1. Melted gold, &c. 2. the
§ 5 S"exsºo or TUD. S & Eve» s. n. vessel in which gold is melted. 3. li
A scymitar, or sabre, thirty inches quified or clarified butter, &c. vide Š
long. &c X3.
§ 65°3)s s. n. A short club, or wood T.
Sºs s. n. 1. A lump of boiled rice,
en sword.
or of turf. 2. a wave. 3. a daily ac
$ 855& s. n. A fragrant plant; the count. This term is also applied to
Oleander, Nerium odorum. what we term the surf, which is dis
§ 5% ºx s. n. The root of the lotus. tinguished by the name of Tºoë3S &
. § O’S s. n. (from A.J !;) Agree
& or the female surf, and the ºsſ
ment, engagement. Sºcº v. &’s or the male surf. The former
a. To engage, to agree. S O'S3% denotes the inner or inferior surf, the
v. n. to be agreed. § O'SR'Sr. latter the outward or larger one.
s: n, a written agreement, or engage Ś & £3 s. n. 1. Compassion, mercy,
ment. --

clemency, pity, tenderness. 2. par

Šºšo &c. adj. Terrible, dreadful. don, 3. favor. S & 3otº or s'83 to 3
§ 6 s. n. An elephant. cºo v. a. 1. To have compassion, &c.
$8 s. n. 1. The pudendum of any fe 2. to favor.
male, either of the human or brute
species. 2. a sharp weapon.
sº-sº; 57 s. n. The creep
ing plant of the melon.
§ 623 s. n. A female elephant.
$835°oğ s. n. plu. A particular $ 858) s. n. Wind. $3308s,
cast of weavers, (from TUD. 8 – a star.) The fif
§5 157 § -3
£o r

teenth of the lunar mansions, over -#24->

the lobe of the ear. s gºcºs s. n.
which the god of wind presides. (from 2.5 to recite in a low voice.) An
s & 3) s. n. 1. vide Ševč) and Ś & Nº.
2. the foetus. . informer ; a slanderer, a tale-bearer.
sºčcº) s. n. A male or female ele. se sº €273% sº s. n. vide S S-3 un
phant. der §§§ &.
§ S^3 s. n. The skull, the bones of . § 5 s. n. 1. An agent, doer, or ma
the head. ker. 2. a lord or master. 3. an owner.
§ 5% a s. n. An officer employed to 4. an author. 5. an heir. 6. in gram
superintend a Tanadar, &c. mar, the agent of the action denoted
s: cº) s. n. The Jujube tree, by the verb.
Ziziphus jujuba, or it's fruit. $ 85 s. n. Scissars.
s: ë) >0
ºn 2.
or S. &sº ess
63 s: n, 1. A
S. sº S. n. 1. Mud, clay, mire.
2. sin.
crab. 2. the sign in the zodiac termed
Ś & Yºo s. n. A dirty or tattered
S}_ & s. n. 1. A white horse. 2. a cloth.

S, Ś SyöSo s. n. The skull, or cranium.
sº. 5 sº &c. adj. 1. Hard, cruel, un
S. $ 8 Nº s. n. Camphor.&S & S
ö& s. n. Calomel.
feeling, unmerciful, harsh, unkind,
miserly. s & SS 3erºs s. n. This is a
sº S$ $o s. n. the plant termed beautiful crystallized, foliated Gyp
Convolvulus paniculatus. sum, which the Vytians use for the
s: **ść is s. n. 1. A cruel man. same purposes that the Africans at
2. one of the principal Nagas or ser the Cape do, viz. sprinkling, when
pents of Patala. powdered, on foul ulcers. Ainslie.
sº sº s. n. pl. A sort of $8,) Sº s. n. 1. Gold. 2. variegat
ed colour.”

sº s. n. The ear. § 225-ºc: S.

$3, $3 s. n. A maid, a female servant.
s. n. (from s. §§ a helm, as it were s 8.8 w &c. adj. Finishing carefully.
the ear of the vessel, and Y.) to hare se
$8,228 s. n. Wages, pay, hire.
or to hold.) A pilot. §§ 5) &ex S.
$3.3 s. n. 1. An act or action. 2, a
Orsº-8-ºx s. n. An ear-orna. lot or destiny. 3. moral duty; the re
ment worn by Hindoo women. § 3.3s ligious obligations, or ceremonies, im
Ś s. n. 1. A trinket for the ear. 2. a posed by peculiarities of tribe or oc
roll of any palm leaf, thrust through cupation. 4, funeral rites. 5. in gram
§ ey 158 § ee

mar, the subject, or object of the ac 1. To cause to bite, or gnaw. 2, to

tion denoted by the verb. 5 º'cè cause to teach. "
& s. n. Funeral rites. Š 3. **ś, S. Šes 83 s. n. A wicked person.
n. (from s. Fés an evidence.) The Seºex s, n. plu. Childish desires.
sun, because he beholds all § e5& s. n. Wickedness.

$3, s. n. A workman. §§§ s. n. An

action. sº,9 (3)cºs s. n. An
organ of action, of which they reckon

: Šeo &v35S0 s. n. A cobweb.

Šešić) s. n. A famine; scarcity, defit

five, viz. The hand, the foot, the s & s. n. Blackness, adj. Black, sº
larynx, or organ of the voice, the or #exy s. n. (from T. $oy the deity.)
gan of generation, and that of foccur The god Vishnoo, in his incarnation
lent excretion. as Krishna
sºcks s. n. A cultivator of the T. sº or se? §§o s. n. The
soil; one who lives by tillage. Berjera koenigii, of which the leaves
§§º s. n. A weight equal to about are used to give a flavour to certain
that of two and a half pagodas. dishes, and are deemed tonic'
S$5 s. n. A river. seºs s. n. vide Seº.
Šſed s. n. 1. A stain; dirt ; blackness. T. sº s. n. 1. A staff, or walking stick.
adj. Black. § ess oës s. n. (from s. 2. the stalk of grain. 3. a stain.
Šoš the neck.) A sparrow. § eºs 9 sº s. n. One of the names of Arjoo
&cºs s. n. The god Siva, because na the third son of Pandoo
his neck is black : vide Šoć's "exc
& under Šoć Šo. sg, s. n. A plough-share. This noun
makes in the sing.inflex. se?-seºe
T. Šešeš s. n. Force.
Such a quantity of ground as may be
T. §eº s. n. Roughness, inequality,
sharpness; as of the file, or teeth of a
cultivated by one plough. Šešº
saw, or of any rough surface, adj. The point of the plough-share. § 3
Sharp, rough, harsh. ess; V- II. Tºoe) ex s. n. plu. The iron cramps
to be sharp. -
which fasten the plough-share to the
seº so nº (from T. s: a staff, wooden part of the plough.
Še s. n. A dream. This word is also
and T. §§§ to sew.) Roasted meat; the irregular relative participle of §
because it is fixed on a spit, or staff.
T. Šed tº v. a. 1. To bite, to gnaw. 2. to ex3 and may then be translated pos
learn, study, or acquire, any art, sci sessing. Added to substantives, it be
ence, or business. Seº) v. a. To comes Xo, by the rules for the per
teach, to instruct. Šešovº v caus. mutation of letters, and converts the
Ś ey I59 §ſey

substantive into an adjective. Sex & T.

$9% The irregular third person
v. n. to dream.
singular, in the masculine gender, of
Šejo's "5 s. n. (from P. **3 the affirmative aorist of sox3 q. v.
workmanship.) Chintz-painting. There is, was or will be.
Ś exotS v. a. vide Šejciº under § exc Šeb&S part. vide sº.
X3. - S-
$95'5& s. n. 1. Silver. 2. gold.
šeor’s s. n. (from P. Colos/3) *** s. n. Battle; war; combat.
An inkstand. $9% s. n. 1. The materials for a
Šešoë Kos. n. 1. The black cuckoo. house. 2, the materials for a plough.
2. a goose or swan. 3. a dove or pi sess & s. n. A reed-pen.
geon. Sºos s. n. The aloe plant. Sexos
T. § ex3 ox; Or Šejšo-ajo Se Ins Sugar ** The pulp of the stalks of the
candy. small narrow leaved aloe.
Šeše s. n. The warbling of birds. **97 s. n. The city of Kullurga,
ŠešeščS To laugh heartily, or in the Nizam's dominions.
loudly. *** * s. n. A young elephant.

*** ** s. n. A confused sound, as T. Šošo s. n. A gap.
the buzz of a crowd, &c. **** s. n. 1. Rice sown about the
T. & s. 59's "osso adv. Permanently, month of June, which ripens about

constantly. December. 2. a reed-pen.

Secº v. n. 1. To be in agitation, Šešº s. n. A low but pleasing note.
confusion, disorder, disquiet, or trou se:Sº A sweet tone, or sound.
ble. 2. to be turbid, as water. 3. to be *** s. n. 1. A ship. 2. a reed-pen.
embarrassed or disconcerted. § ejc tº $9°o& s. n. Water which is sprink
v. a. 1. To put in agitation, &c. 2. to led on the ground, after it has been
make turbid. 3. to embarrass, &c. §e, swept.
§§§ (from $83 water.) Turbid wa ***** s. n. A dove, or pigeon.
ter. Socs ºveº To be turbid, trou § 95 s. m. The water-lily.
bled, or confused. ŠejcX. \S)}_ sº Šešoes ºvex s. n. plu. (from T.
*To retire, in alarm or confusion. $9&q.v.) Boiled rice which is se
$ocºo’s The turbidness of water. parately mixed with four different in
Sec6 s. n. The turbidness of water. gredients, and thus forms four distinct
2. perplexity, confusion. 3. a quarrel dishes. These ingredients are 1. ta
or dispute. 4. a false fabricated sto .. marindjuice. 2. curds. 3. the flour of
te $9°ö s. n. Greens of four or five Gingilie or Sesamum seeds. 4. that of
sorts, mixed and cooked together, the seeds of the Phaseolus mungo.
§3) 160

še):58:530 s. m. Fixed reflexion, or Christian aera; the number of it's

years are 432,000, at the expiration
s es5.o.S. v. a. To speak in one's of which the world is to be destroyed,
sleep. Šejsjöoč s. n. Speaking in and again renewed.
sg, s. m. The water in which rice has
one's sleep.
Šej Ś) oš Šo s. n. A sparrow.
been washed, kept until it ferments.
§ of Ko s. n. A water-pot. §3)oz; $ $30 s. n. 1. a mat. 2. a screen
§ º s. n. The milky ocean. Sº of grass, a taty, &c.
7-2 gº Lutchemi, the wife of Vish spoºs s. n. A village of barbers'
huts. ..
noo, because she was then produced.
šex:3°os s. n. A fabulous swan, of a
§ {}s s. n. An unblown flower; a bud.
delightful note. §§§ & s. n. An eye-salve.
§ ex:3°SSo s. n. 1. Disturbance, trou §53 s. n. A woman, adj Beautiful,
ble. 2. a quarrel or dispute. 3. a tu agreeable.
mult, revolt, or insurrection. 4, war, sèro s. n. (from T. Sexº, q.v.) 1.
combat, battle. Šejºtoč83 s. n. An
Wealth, riches, possessions. 2. exis
angry wife, a scold. § ex:3-63 Kºczºs tence, soººoºo (from T. Sº
(from s. 53 S food.) Narada, one of cºS9 a woman.) The goddess of
the ancient sages, who was so fond of riches. §§)3Xºoxºx s. n. An unjust
disputes as to be said to foed on them. tax, exacted from the rich inhabi
Šeſ" tº s. n. A spitting-pot. tants.

Ś eſ-Sec S. s. n. A gold-smith. § {}cºo v. n. 1. To mix or mingle, 2.

Šeſ"330 s. n. 1. The eye in the pea to be joined, united, or connected. 3.
cock's tail. 2. an ornament. 3, a mul to be included in. 4. to be on terms
titude, or assemblage. of intimate familiarity. 5. to be in the
Šeſtá s. n. The peacock. act of copulation. v. a. 1. To join,
ser-5 adj. Of or belonging to arrack. unite, connect, or ally one's-self, with
This is a revenue term, sometimes another. 2. to meet. 3. to overtake.
used as a substantive, to denote the 4. to copulate. S box's s. n. The act
arrack farm itself. of joining, &c. § 9&cºs to add
§ {) s. n. The fourth age of the world, up figures. K & SºThe assembly
according to the Hindoos; the Iron is dissolved, or broken up. §ex5;&ST"
age, or that of vice ; the commence | K9 v. comp. 1. To meet. 2. to associ
ment of the Cali-yug or age is placed ate with. 3. to overtake.
about 3,000 years anterior to the S. § boºs s. n. A bridle.
sex, 161 sey
T. rejº s. n. A particular spe what happened, exactly as it harpen
cies of the Sesamum orientale. ed. §5? § If it be so ; if it so hap
T. Ś exoW3 s. n. A hole. pen. soxscºriºs ºoss
ševº, Tlis is an irregular verb, of Give charity according to yºur
very extensive use in Telongoo. As means. lit. of as much as you poss ss.
a neuter verb, it denotes - 1. To be, or T.
Ś ex).3) v. caus, of $ 3)cºo q. v. l. To
exist. 2. to be born. 3. to happen. mix or mingle, in an active sense. 2.
Used impersonally with the dative to join, unite, &c. 3. to include. 4. to
case, it denotes - To have, to pºssess. form an intimacy. s. n. 1. Mixing, 2.
Est pro habeo regit dativum. As an weeds. 3. curds. S expº) 5 cogs sº
auxiliary verb, it's affirmative nori-t F. n. Intimacy, friendship.
šex5x3 Soß &c. or Še K9 &c., it’s ir te
Ś exp?oo: s. n. vide S exocºş.
regular negative aorist, ºw &c., and T. s os s. m. wide ses, sooseºcºs
it's past tense § 5)^{3^ &c., added to s. n. (from T. €cºs a master.) The
the infinitive of another verb, denote moon, who is termed the ruler of the
the possession, or want, of power or water-lily, which his beams are sup
ability. I can, &c. I cannot, &c. 1 posed to cxpand. -

could, &c. The second form of the T. § ex}5^o & v. m. wide Yeş8o3.
affirmative aorist, Šºšo, &c., thus S.
$995$& s. n. Sin, adj. Turbid, foul,
used as an auxiliary, also denotes muddy. -

futurity. I will, &c. The relative par šº so s. n. 1. Sin. 2. fraud, 3. dirt,

ticiple S 9, after an infinitive, de
notes ſu'urity, as F35c oxcº sediment, ordure 4. the Hindoos in
febrile and biious affections, somc
Sox, The requests which I am a
bout to make. After infinitives, or
times starve themselves for many
days, and then take a decoction of
substantives in the nominative case,
drugs to which they give this name,
the S is changed into N, by a general after which they no longer refrain
rule of grammar. For various othel from food.
parts of this verb, vide & &-Ś o-CŞo
§ 20% ºsés-Soxes There lorr, S. s ). s. n. The name of Vishnoo, in
his future, or tenth Avatara, or in
four merchants. FºšSooYº Sãº
3-ºxb88. Four sons were born to § 9– s. n. A woman. vide § 53. ,
him.s exc à cº, (from T. Rºss to Šey $ $30 or Šey ) §sº s. n. The
do.) To frame, form, invent, produce,
or establish. § {}^S Fºs º A rich celestial tree in Indra's paradise,
man. $9853s SAS ºxy Tell which yields whatever is desired.
§cxx 162 bºo

§eSF s. n. 1. Fabrication, invention. Tºot. A toddy-shop. sº One of

2. fiction. S v NSF& or sºyoºs the seven seas, viz. that of toddy.
v. n. 1. To fabricate, invent, or cºn- || s. S ºo::s s. m. A surge; a billow.
trive. 2. to produce, form, or make.
$ 9.S. s. m. wide Šejsj.
3. to institute, or establish. 4- to "s: S. e.Sº s. n. A small grinding stone,
tore to life.
§ 9) Sº s. n. A day and night o' or unoriar, use chiefly for drugs.
s sº s. n. A red and flagrant
Bruula, a period of 432,000,000
years of mortals, mesuring ille du water lily. -

ratiºn of the worl". adj. in cºmpos. § 3 s. n. 1. Splen'our, brightness,

cclat. 2. a part, or division. 3. the
J.ike, but with a degree of inferiority.
sixteent' part of the moon's diamete",
say ś, cºsº. The des.ruction ofte one of which is considered constant,
and the other fifteen are supposed to
še, sº s. n. 1. Sºn. 2. uncleanli revolve round it. Each of the revolv
mess. 3. the matter of a sore. ing § 2 corresponds will a tº? or
ser,< & s r. Variegated colour. lunar day, the periol during which
se:S3 s. n. 1. The dawn or break the moon travels through twelve de
of day. 2. an auspicious speech. 3. grees of her path. 4, the phases ºf the
toddy, the liquor extracted from the moon. 5. a mechanical art. 6. litern
cocoanut, palmyra, or date tree. Šºš ture. 7. in Telongoo grammar, a par
ºve oc is A drawer of that liquor. ticular class of words. Soºs & Sweet
ser-sº s. n. 1. Good fºrtune, features; a fine hair. Sº The
m twone
happiness, prosperity. 2. marriage. 3.
the name of a city. Se Sºos & s. n. 1. A spot, stain, or ble
T. sº s. n. Unti uth, falsehood, a lie. Š mish. 2. rust. 3. defamation. 4. suspi
£5 A liar. * 28s. A woman who
Se § 3 ūy $oo s. n. A wife.
tells lies. sºcºs A man who tells
T. §§ E33 s. n. The sound of boiling.
T. Šººs s. n. A box, with a lid or
Te sº e. n. 1. Toddy, the liquor ex cover.
tracted from the cocoanut, palmyra, s&ox 333, se ne Čalinga, the
or date tree. 2. a stanc. 3, a wheel.
country which stretches northwards
When it is used in either of the two
along the coast, from the Godavery
last senses, it makes the inflex, sing. towards the Ganges. It takes it’s
Šoć, and the nom, plu. Soº. §§ name from the second of the three
163 s's)
lingums, bounding the Teloogoo written, and to be read, according to
country, situated at Calysair ghaut some fantastic shape; as that of a
on the Godavery. The n tion is men. snake, chess-board, &c. I have seen
tioned by Pliny, as “Calinge prori Telo goo verses in the latter form, in
mi mari,” and “Gentes yangaridum which a letter is placed in each
Calingarum.” square, and the words are formedby
so-sº s, n. (from s. sºo: The combining the letters according to
name of a mountain, and s. -- buri.) the different moves of the pieces, as
The river Jumna, because its soutce placed on the commencement of ill
is in the mountain Calinda. game of chess. .*

§ 5 to $30 s. n. A door.
* ****, *. n. 1. The body, 2, a
§ 3 s. n. 1. A poet. 2. a bird. 3. the
planet Venus. -

5. sv sº n. tile ser’sºsº. S.
s: 5 or $3.8 Sº s. m. a poem,
sº Sr. s. n. The goddess Parvaſy poetry.
the cºnsort of Sirm. T. § 3 ׺ v. n. 1. T excitr, to a tick.
T. § 2. Sºo or § Vºo s. m. The spot of
fre ºr a
2. t let loose to battle. 3. to throw
ground in the open fiel's, in which one's-self on the enºmy.
cattle treal the grain out of the year; T. S $ 3300%.cx, s. 1. plºt. Small balls
the thrashing flºor. made of the sedim nt arisºng fom
T. s? F. n. The plant terined milk the boiling of beetle-nut, "which,
being died, are used with the
hedge, Euphoriia tirucalli.
TU D. s? > Soo s. v. vide s bºsº. beetle nut when chewed.
T. § 3 º' s. n. An account book of the
T. §§ s. n. Thick phlegm. palm or caijan leaf, such as those
Tup. § £w s. n. A bridle; vide *: PS3 us d by the Curuums, or village ac
Soo. countan's, in the Northern Circars,
T. s's s. n. A couple, or pair. §§e sº an the Tamil country.
& or 5 Sex Twins. ‘t’. § {}S s. 1. A light shade of any
§ 5 $3. s. n. Armour, mail. **\º, cºlour.
* *
§'s 3 & An amulet, or charm worn G. š Šex s. n. (from *U .5)1. A spe
on the person. cial agreement, pronº, Ol' COI), WCIle

$5533 s. n. Poetry. e5%.S. 553) tion. 2. a favorable condition, stipula

or $ $5SSo An extemporary poem tion, or assurance. 3. a capitula
or verse, a Syssss A poem tion. 4, quarter in battle, sº
s"; 164 - s's
§ 3.9% s. n. 1. Fainting. 2. a vil
*3) To give cowle, is usually||s.
applied to the safe guard, or favora lage inhabited by the Seeos e Fºo
ble assurance, given to an ab: § q.v.
sconding person, that he may up S § {\"cºo s. n. 1. An astringent
pear free from all apprehension of
taste. 2. a decoction, infusion, or
danger; thus, a rebel sometimes extract. § 3 º'cº STC & To de
comes in on cowl. To give lands on
coci, or infuse. S & Cºo Sºcië
cowl, means to grant then on special To be decocted, or infused.
agreemen. In the districts of Bellari § 3. Sºcºs s n. A burglar.
and Cuddapah, this expression is
applied to waste, granted on favºr S$º s. n. 1. Bodily pain, or suffer
able terms for a certain number of ing 2 labour, fatigue. 3. hardship,
years, and afterwards subjected to difficulty. 4. trouble, affliction, cala

full rent. mily, vexation, sorrow. 5. danger.

s Ryº s. adj. Tepid. s. n. Slight aſj. 1. Painful. 2. laborious. 3. hard,
warmth. difficult. 4. afflicting, vexatious. 5.
s's Sº s. m. The oblation to the dangerous.
T. S K too s. n. 1. Impurity, or dirt, in
any liquid. 2. the dark spots in the
s:S3 s. n. A name of Arjoona. moon's disk.
s'ss==5 (from Tºº) a fiend.)
T. S K Ss. n. 1. Anger, rage 2. a storm
Krishna, because he was the fricnd
3. profit or lºss on the exchange of
of Arjoona. -

coins. 4. bad humours of the body.

§ 5 SSo s. n. A churnint-stick. §§§ v. a. To revile, or abuse.
3) Seo The mountain Mundara ; be Ś S$) s. n. 1. Grass. 2. straw. 3.
cause the Sooras and As-ooras used
sweepings, rubbish.
it as a churning-stºck, in churning
the ocean, in order to recover the
S R cºr” s. n. (from A. ç'tai)
A butcher.
sacred things lost at the deluge.
§ 3 or § 3 & s. n. 1. A whip. 2. a T. § So STS § s. n. The plant termed
string. Casia esculenta.

T, §3 or §§ s. n. Wrath, anger, rage, Ś S part. used in compos. only,

fury. S & K Koč, v. a. To destroy. Small, little. S & Xo3 To fade a
sºsºs s. n. The back bone. little. Ś S7R"cº A young or unripe
§ 38% s. n. A kind of grass, Scir
pus hysoor. G ŠKS 2 s. n. (from A. Assas) The
* -
* **
s” 165 *S*o-tSS

chief city, or head station of a talook. blance, similitude, &c. & "T"KA ob
*S*3 s. n. & v. a. wide ŠK S. $3-2 favox's-ºnvex. 3:S
T. § Rºo s. n. An infusion, from a &\3) If sulty vapours be viewed
mixture of iron, toddy, and chebulic from a distance, they appear like
myr, bolan, Terminalia chebula. water. Wlcm added to the pronoun
TU D. * so* sº Şo s. n.

s. r. vide UTK', it represents the English ex

S. s & "3 s. r. Musk. <<r-s?" A pressions, Spontaneously, of one's own
civrt-ta". §§r-83&3) A sort of
accord; thus, Šiš Fºr?), $º 5vº
scented turnierick. s sºcºs TK, wº sº.) R. Did
§ 3-Sºo s. n. A crane. you call him, or dil he come of his
own accord 2 When added to nouns
s & So s. n. The armpit.
or pronouns in the dative case, it de
s & s. n. 1. One party as opposed notes - For, on account of in behalf,
to another. 2. objection or reply in or in favor of; thus, §§37v Kºšić,

**ś s. n. 1. The armpit. 2. a forest

s"8sº-à: # I spoke to the
gentleman in favor of you. Added
of dead trees. 3. the intermediate
to infinitives, it denot s - 1. JPhile,
space between the outer and inner as. 2 in consequence of; thus, F"S
gate of a fortress. : 83% A&vºic wº:35; e I came
-ee800ee while, or as they both were quarrel
T. "S" part. This is the infinitive of the ling; or I came in consequence of
irregular verb ‘9%), q.v. and being their both quarrºlling. STC Žº v.
generally affixed to nominatives, or a. To fini h. 's cºoks or sºcò”
to words of the class droetuprukroo. ex (from 3°oošo the third person of
tooloo, it is then changel by the the aorist of the verb &ºo to re
rules of grammer into 7S". Added semble.) Perhaps. * -

to any adjective, or to a substan +&ss... n. 1. Gold. 2. the tree

tive qualifying the nominative to
the verb, it converts them into termed Michelia champaca. -

‘S’o 3 s. n. 1. Conjeveram, near. Mad
adverbs; thus, wº wºrs ras, one of the seven sacred cities of
& Sº The win blows coldly. It the Ilindoos, vide Sotº. 2. a woman's
never can be added to the nominative zone or girdle, especially made either
with which the verb agrees. When of gold or silver. . -

added to substantives in the nomi T.

TS*S*S v. a. 1. To see; to look. 2. t
native case, it may also denote resem be brought to bed of an infant.
Trºg 166 -s-s-"

£e -swo:::$o s. m. 1. Water. 2. an oppor used as a particle, denoting - Be

tutiy. 3, an arrow, 4, a stem or sides, Clse, czcept, unless. 's-sºº)
stall. 5. a chapter or sec ion. 6. * v. n.To be unfinis':ed, unaccomplish
horse. S". & K e-Soº (from s. 363 a ed, or unsuccessful. STS §oše To
cloth.) A screen, or blind, surround disagree, to differ. "sºo": l. Iſ it
ing a tent. be not so. 2 otherwise. -s-s-ses-3-
-s-cº s. n. A beloved, or lovely
to or sº why not?
**śX & s. n. The sesamum seeds.
-sºck;30 &c. adj. 1. Pleasing, agree. Se TS’s Soo s. n. A crow.
able, beautiful. s. n. A stone; in which
*S*CŞ 5 s. n. The plant termed Mo
case it is compounded with STSS - mordica charanlia.
sovº, or es S, as Š-SS Stoë ** S’’Sº s. n. A hog.
5$o A crystal lens, &c. ‘S’s $) s. m. A low and sweet sound.
-swo (Tö So s. n. 1. A difficult or bad
TUD. Tºš s. n. A crow. -S-32SoTºvX 1.
road. 2. a forest. 3. sugar-cºne.
s. -s toº s. n. Splendour, light, beauty Tinsel; brass-leaf, glittering like gold.
8, *S*ość Še s. n. A hus' and. 2, 1 alc.

Se To:35 & s. n. A particular kind of is-3-ºxºo or -s-353 or sº? &"

cake, baked on an iron plate. $vex) s. n. The cpilepsy.
-seca: § $on &c. adj. Flying, running -S-33 Soo s. n. 1. Paper. 2. a playing
away, put to flight
is-oº-3; 3 s. n. Camboja or
3&#_e, s. n. It crow's wings.
A particular species of paddy.
Camboya, a country in the north of
India. Tºšč Sc3 s. m. One of the names
. Sº-CŞ. s. n. (from P., & raw, un of Rama.

ripe, and 3. an account) A rough Se *S*ś:3:30 s. n. 1. The palate. 2. the

account, as ºpposed to a fair one. inside of the cheek. *

stoº sº S. n. 1. Queen's metal. 2. *S*ść s. n. Change of voice, in fear,

a cup or goblet. grief, Sºc,
"S"o $ s. n. Wish, desire, inclination, -s’s’es ºn. A pole, for carrying
passion, appetitc. Todacº v. a. To burdrºs.
wish. . 's-sº s. n. A snake, or ser
T. "S"cs s. n. 1. Warmth, heat. 2. anger. pent. .
T. 'S's This is the negative participle *S*š ex:30 s. n. 1. A raven. 2, a
of the verb Ҽ to become, q.v. It is poisonous substance, of a black or
‘gree: 167 *Sºrø

raven colour, prepared from the ing vegetables or flowers, such as tho
Cut o'i, a drug. lily. &c. -

T. *S*N tº s. n. A torck. T. Tº s. n. This word is used chiefly

T. -S-X&o s. m. wide Sºč Šo. in the dative case, to denote - Condi
T. TCS s. n. A large earthen pot. tiºn, state, or qºrºntity; as F& Sº
T. TS"CX3 v. n. 1. to boil, to simmer. 2. 38s co-vs.-38s tº IIis house
to grow hot, to be fevelish. is reduced to this state. º

S. 's-3s, s. n. 1. A glass. 2. a rope nét. 33, svä3 ov, S. 3) For how much, will
work, to carry any burden with. 3, a you give this book? This word, used
disease arising from some affection of as a postpostion, denotes - Near, at,
the optic nerve, or gutta serena. to; as oxoë3S": Ncar, at, or to the
T. Sº SS v. a. 1. To boil. 2. to warm, to house. º

heat. 3. to have ſever. 4. to protect, or T. "S"c & s. n. A yoke. is-cºxs The

preserve. 5. to watch or tend cattle. 6. ridge between two ſields.
to forgive, or excuse. 7. to produce. T. *S*CŞe s. n. regular, making it's in
8. to shine, as the sun or moºn. 9- to flexion sing. Sº ; it is used, instead
wait in expectation or attendance. of Rye CŞs, to denote the agent, when
__ =

*S**$35&cº Sooo s. m. wide $ $8 he is familiar or contemptible; thus

cºoočex5. : º, s-cºs Arakc. & AS's". & A
T. 'S "co $ $30 s. n. Famine. coxconib, a good looking fellow.
*S*~ s. n. Scºles for large weights. S*X s. m. irregular, which makes
T. -SºSayvkey Fºo.s. 1. plu. Jugglers. it's inflexion sing. S"º 1. A funeral
T. TS’º s. n. A bite; a cut or notch.
pile. 2. a cemetery, a place where
‘S’’. ‘’s To wrangle, or fight a dead bodies are burnt or buried. Tº"
dogs, vide exis. Sºº &º) To be
singed, as applied to milk or victua's.
*33 s”; e-º-º-Acºs this
corresponds with the English phrase
*S*& Rººk S A singed smell. Tº IIe has one foot in the grave.
Tºº To notch, cut, or open. "S":S323 v. n. 1. ‘To be insensible.
Te -so so; S. s. m. l. Black smoke, mixed 2. a person to disappear.
with oil, which native women apply "S"cosº s. n. The food of a horse.
to the edges of their eyes. 2. mild w S" to:Soo &c. adj. One eyed. s. n. A
in grain. 5**** ** A wagtail, st crow's

ecºs º ox Sulphurct of antimony. Ge S*rē s. n. A cavny of land, being

s" (º) ? & e. n. A bound-hedge, something more than an acre. 2, in
round a city or fort. arithmetic, the fraction of one sixty
T. Tº s. n. The stalk of long-grow fourth,
-swo 16s -sºvº;

gore:37-5 \ST")
A330gureş-7R-R) v 5 ow Write

-sºº & &c. ad;. Timid; confused,

perp'exed, d'sorde, ed. either on caljans, or on paper. F"c
is rººs s. n. 1. The goddess zºo's 33s; ‘ā Şvºor-3e sº
Parvatee, wife of Siva. o a middle
*83 This business cannot be ef
aged widow, wearing a dress indi fected, unless he come here. oxy":3)
catin: the practice of austerity. Ks s bºss's s's SSS K. I will
-S ºczy So s. m. wide § ecº-o:3.
give this bºok to you only, not to
-5-3c2S3 s. n. Wine, spirituous lim. Evºs ex-N-Kooyo & K S $ 25%
rvº -U-

liquor. & This business cannot be well done

se -sºo Yº s. n. A succession, or long ercept by him. º:*: Sº Rye R. §
line of clouds.
+ste § ºf:S Although you push him
T. -scº. This is the verb º q v, in
by the neck, he will not go. Sºo
the 3d person singular, neuter gen:
der, of the negative aori-t, used as a Bad business. STS 5°CŞ A per on
on ball terms with another; an enemy.
common negative, in denal of quality
or essence; it is to be distinguished Ršš Sº Sºcie A useless, helpless,
or stupid person.
from 3:5, which dent's existence. -S-S ... n. vide S ’83.
mnd is opposed to e553 yos q. v. 9
'Sºcº s. v. An illegitimate son.
a ‘so es S. & That is not good.-*
§s- sº-sº Yes or no 2 's-2,3 So T. s"K, s. m. Curd . .
T. S’Koš s. n. Any gift offered by an
& It does not agree with my body.
inferior to a superior.
Tºrº 3-sºº Sº I an 1 he are upon
T. TS-232X3 rº s. n. The plant termed
ball terms. 98 RTS3 s > lit, it
cannot become by me. I cannot do it. Galedupa arborea. Rox. An oil is
*S**śK. v. a. 1. To deny, refuse or re extracted from the seeds, which is
ject. 2 to forbid to do. used for lamps, and is sometimes ap.
T. -S-5 The irregular infinitive of the plied externally in rheumatism.
verb ŠK, in its first sense, as given G. -sºo R*ox s. n. (from P. .<>3)
under § Ko q. v. An officer of a large district, acquaint
"S"s 5:9 or SºS s. n. A forest, or ed with its customs, and with the
desert. nature of its landed tenures.
T. *S** This is the negative relative T. Tºº, 3) s. n. (from ŠK, q.v.) The
participle of the verb ‘98) q. v., and bringing forth a child.
is used as a particle, to denote S. -s-s-s-s s. m. wide § 38.35×5.
Either, or, unless, only, except, al T. TS"3: So s. n. Fomentation.
though; as 'G'érºr": 7-É.--So TS"33, So s. n. A bad road.
*S*$3 169 Tsºtoxy

T. 'S***:S v. a. 1. To preserve, to the power of assuming any form at

protect. 2. to patronize. 3. to watch, pleasure. Sºo A debauched man.
guard, defend, or take care of. TS"$908) A debauched woman. TS"So
s. S-3, 7°oS35&o s. n. vide Sºčoºë. Ś Sºo &c. adj. Lustful, libidinous.
S*CŞ) s. n. A husbandman, cultiva **śsº &c. adj. Desirable.
tor, ryot, or inhabitant. Tecăş or Ge *** s. n. A pioneer; a person
TS"C3)^ A female of that description. who works with the pick-axe, spade,
or hoe.
T. TS":3) s. n. (from T. S"tºo q.v.) 1.
Heat, warmth. 2. producing fruit. 3. **** (from P. Lºv, , 2-)
watching, guarding. 4. protection, At all events, at any rate, certainly,
preservation. 5. domicile, residence. positively.
6, a guard at chess. S"Sö A watcher, s"sºcºs s. n. Cama, the Hindoo
from 95 particle q. v. Cupid, or god of love.
TS”:3)3&o s. m. 1. A residence, habi Ts’oº s. n. 1. Any unripe fruit, or nut.
tation, or dwelling. 2. a person's 2. the unripe produce of such vege
family, or house. tables as form a head, or pod. 3. awart,
. Sºcº adv. Therefore, consequent thick skin, or callosity. 4. a piece at -

ly. chess. S"cºsºvčex Vegetables. Fºo

& Sºoº. A slap on the cheek. Tºo
s"Cºos adv. Perhaps, probably, §s-cº §§
A blow with the fist.
vide ST".

'Sº s. n. The handle of an axe, hoe, TS"cº A child, *****śsº

or other such instrument, also of an Pulse ; all sort of grain contained in
umbrella. pods. Sºcºs Kº An eye of which
T. Sºo º s. n. A fragrant grass. the pupil is destroyed; a blind eye.
T. Fºotº s. n. The fox grape, Tº "cºº s. n. A medicine, compos
or Solanum nigrum, a species of ed of long pepper, common black
night-shade, said to be eaten with pepper, and seeds of bishop's weed,
impunity by the Hindoos. given to women in child-bed.
T'Sº s. n. 1. Wish, desire. 2. love, *** adj (from A. cºli) Firm, -

lust, concupiscence. Sºoºo fixed, durable. Sºoºoºooºoºo To

(from s. sº a peak) Wanton ca fix, establish, or constitute.
resses, harlotry. Tº or TS">So
"S"cºs s. n. The body. "S"cºarc
TāRo:3) The celebrated cow, in Indra's & The god of love; because pro
paradise, which grants whatever is duced in every body.
desired. S."&"& One who has T. S"ox's sº adj. Slight, not strong.
2 *>
-se& 170 +3
*S*ooššo s. n. Profession, or busi , sº toº) s. n. Wild fire, in forests,
‘sº: Sºw s. n. 1. Ridicule, satire 2.
G. Toxº~ s. n. (from A. s Jºc's) 1. folly.is-ºs-> To ridicule or

Custom. 2. regulation, rule. laugh at. is-ºs-e A silly or

T. Tºcº v. n. 1. To be feverish. 2. to foolish speech.
bear fruit, or become ripe. 8. to Se ‘sºr Sº s. n. Tenderness, com
shine, as the sun or moon. V. a. To
passion, pity.
tend cattle. T. 's-86KºSºx, s. n. plu. The seeds of
"S"8s. n. A prison, or jail. the wild sesamum.
*S*8 tº s. n. 1. Cause, as opposed T. -sºoey s. m. Paddy sown in the
to effect. 2. reason, purpose, motive. wet season. It is the great crop of
3. lot, destiny, fatality. the Tamil country.
*S*8. So s. n. A pungent or hot taste. G. *S*&^*& s. n. (from P. J.Lº J \)
adj. Pungent, hot, spiced.
S-65. s. m. wide -St.CŞ8. Business, occupation.
-sºo's 3 s. n. The pulse termed sº s. n. An artist, artificer, or
Dolichos catiang. agent.
T. "S"Těšo s. n. The hollowed trunk of
-S"80 tº v. a. To cause pain, to afflict.
"S"85 s. n. 1. A verse. 2. an art, or the palmyra tree, used in the Nor
thern Circars in watering fields from
-sºo s. n. The dark colour of tanks.

unbleached new cloth. Se -s eSt.*ěššo s. n. Barm, yeast, froth.

rep. S"835.90 s. n. 1. Business, affair, S.
's-gēść as s. n. The name of a
work. 2 cause, motive. 3. effect, as king with a thousand arms, also call
opposed to cause ; result. ed Arjoona, a celebrated hero dis
*S*S s. n. 1. Pincers, tongs. 2, age. tinct from the Pandoo prince ; he is
adj. 1. Dark, obscure. 2. salt. 3. one of the Jain emperors of the world.
withered; as 'S'S Tº ex Black
-s & 3. n. Gold. -

clouds. S"SSo ū) &The salt sea.

-sw-ºvšexy Withered leaves. Ts’S
Ss -sºº's 30 or Svěšo s. n. The 8th
Teloogoo lunar month; that in which
S*K, To spread or cover, as applied
to dark or black clouds.
the moon's change takes place when
the sun is in Scorpio.
T. Sº v. m. 1. To flow, to run or fall
out, to drop through. 2. to distil. 3. -s-p-fºc: s. n. The deity of war,
son of Siva.
to cough up phlegm, in spitting. TS”
Rºos v. caus. To make flow, &c. | T. Tº s. n. The particular constella
TST'e) 171 "S"ey

tion of the 27 in which the sun hap ture tense. *ě sº The past
pens to be. - tense. Sºesºsº. To die. Svoso
*8Stošº s. n. 1. Poverty, parsi * & lit. black throat. 1. A sparrow.
mony. 2. malice. 2. a peacock. 3. a wag-tail. *egº
s"C"Nº s. n. 1. Cotton. 2. a S. n. (from sº to know.) A cock; be
cloth made of cotton.
s"3.5 & s. n. A bow. cause he is supposed to know the
is-SSºo s. n. vide "S"boºb. hours. Sºeg Cºs s. n. An astrologer,
TS"e3.cº. s. n. Corporeal pain. a fortuneteller; because acquainted
is "exº~ Death, TS"
with time.
TS"eº adj. 1. Impenetrable; as "S"es
&#3) an impenetrable forest. 2. diffi ey "obºcº (from s. escº Scºq. v.)
cult, hard ; as "S"eºSvě2 A difficult The god Siva, the destroyer of Yama.
word. 3. wild; as "S"e29&Kº, a wild ‘sºrs, sº one of the 21 hells.
Ts'ºe S. s. n. 1. A water-channel. 2. a
buffalo. Steºs":39,9553 (from
rivulet. S"o:53 &%) To go to stool.
T.S."& a horn, and Tud. As sº a "S"eſ soºººo s. n. Iron.
beast.) A deer.
T. TS"extºs s. n. A stick, parallel with T. TS"ex, s. n. 1. A leg. 2. a foot. 3. a
one wall of the house, the ends of claw or talon. 4. a quarter or fourth
which are supported by being thrust part. Tºrv Sºx, The knee. X38 Stex,
into the two walls at right angles The heel, ºr 7"ex The upper part
with the other. In conjunction with of the foot. Koo:5 S". The fore
the wall to which it runs parallel, it feet of quadrupeds. As # The
serves as a shelf to support pots, &c. hind feet of quadrupeds. Sºo Sex -
Ts'ºe S. s. n. 1. Time. 2. occasion, TS"ex525e)&S - is-eyº or "S"3)2)o
conjuncture, season. 3. tense. 4. * Infantry. Sº) - sº s or zS"8 A
death. 5. black colour, sº Úsº foot-path. Sºejº A poll-tax; so
The circle of time. -s-sº much per foot. S'er-8 Fºcº A tra
cºo To pass time. Sºej Šſ $30 ST". veller. S") CŞ, § (from T. US, exo

§§§ At the current price. S3.xvs--so jingers.) The toes. S"ex ãoº A
exºo The rainy season. Soč's ’930 quarter of a Hindoo hour. -s-eyº
The hot season. Fºe) Sºesºo The &ex, Hands and feet. TS" egº §–
first fortnight of the moon. &cs 3 S
ošo The second fortnight of the v. a. (from \3° }}_ to tread.) To
moon. 555-sºº's Sºesºo The pre marry. s. n. Marriage; because at a
Sent tense. *S*Sº The fu marriage the bridegroom treads upon
- -

172 -sºº)
-S v 35

the foot of the bride, sº maids in England. Sºº The

rope net work, by which burdens are
-S vex) v. m. 1. To burn, to be con
suspended from this piece of wood.
sumed. 2. to be baked. 5*) s. n. TST'S *32; The pole or wood only.
burning. Sºoº..) v. a. 1. to burn. 2. to -s-sess? The bottom of the rope,
roast, or bake. 3. to fire a gun, or can or rattan met work, in which burdens
non. SvěNois, v, caus. To cause to are thus suspended.
burn, &c. T. -s vs 6:So s. m. 1. Fat. 2. pride,
is "exc:S s. n. Yama, the regent of arrogance. Sºo's v. n. To be
death. -

come fat, or proud.

sº s. n. Dawn, daybreak. Te *S*5 ejºo v. m. This is a COIn

*S*čoz8 s. n. A spitting-pot. pound verb, formed of Sº, the in

8 -sºº &# s. n. The fifty-second year finitive of eº) q.v., and & ©oº q.v.
of the Hindoo cycle of sixty Used impersonally, without a nomi
-sºox3 & s. n. A sort of snake, or native, and governing the dative case,
it denotes. 1. To wish, want, or de
serpent. -

-sºo.8 s. n. A name of the river sire. 2. to be requisite or necessary.

ears-ºs-Sºo I want that. So
Jumna. sºoã žºcº (from s.
$3.385-ovexy S"5 & It will require
#35 separating.) Balarama, the el ten pagodas per month. But if used
der brother of Krishna, the eighth
incarnation of Vishnoo; because he
with a nominative governing it, it
divided the Jumna.
denotes- To stand in relationship;
to be connected by blood, or marri
-stºs or sº s. n. Parvatee, the con age. Erec ׺ 3:So sº; ºo In
sort of Siva.
what relation does he stand with
- is "tº s. n. The plural of "S"ex), a leg, you? how is he connected with you?
or foot. q v. ‘sº - sº or sº (from TSv$385 o ū) -sºo He is my
T. §§ the end.) That part of a bed. father.
stead, where the feet are placed. "S" Ts -S"; 3) s. n. 1. A guard. 2. custody.
.Vºy tºy v. a. To kick, to struggle. -sº:33)-5°c & A sentry, sentinel, or
-s-3, *: A centipede of the largest watchman.

species. -s "SS" s. n. The lunging a horse.

T, sº & s. n. A piece of wood, with -S"3) s. n. 1. Redness. 2. a red cloth,
ropes suspended from each end, such as is worn in India by those
placed upon the shoulder, for carry religious orders who profess chastity.
ing a burden, like that used by milk- || adj. Red.
sº 173 svärv.

T. TS"3ºotS3 v. a. 1. To make, or cause. S. -s tº s. m. The holy city of Benares.

2. to fabricate, or invent. 3. to build, S. Soº, “S”
-Sv3 Scºo s. n. The plant termed
or construct. 4. to compose. Gmelina arborea. Roxb.
T. TS"3.5 s. n. Black vapour; any thing
that appears like smoke. -
's-3,5- s. n. 1. The plant termed
Costus speciosus. 2. the country of
T. "S"S) s. n. A black spot, or mark, on
the forehead.
T. S’s) S adv. Therefore.
sº s. n. 1. The earth. 2. Aroona,
the charioteer of the sun
T. Tº) R-cº 5 s. n. A pit for securing
grain, of which the mouth is narrow. se
Sºcº, &c. adj. Red.
S s";3 s. n. The Cauwery, the princi. S
º s. n. A quarter, or region, of
*. the world.
pal river in the southern part of the
Indian Peninsula. It rises in the
s"; sº s. n. Wood. It is commonly
western ghauts, and runs through applied, in Telongoo, to the wood of
the Mysore country, passing the the funeral pile.
capital Seringapatam; thence it flows Tºw s. n. The plant termed
Cassia esculenta.
to the districts of Coimbatore, Tri
chinopoly, and Tanjore. Near Tri S. sº s. n. 1. A cough. 2. asthma.
Se TST'Sº So s. n. A buffalo.
chinopoly, it’s waters are divided,
by the famous annicut, or dam. One T. TS"S55% s. n. A species of paddy.
T. Ts’ºrº s. n. A son by a female slave.
branch of it, which thence flows under
the name of the Cauvery, spreads it's S. Tºº"S&o s. n. A pond, or pool.
waters, by innumerable artificial
channels, all over the fertile district
S. **** s. n. Green vitriol, green
sulphate of iron.
of Tanjore, where it is nearly ab
"S"So s. n. A cash, the smallest cop
sorbed, before reaching the sea. The
per coin. S"Koš (from €oë q.v.)
other branch takes the name of the
Coleroon, and runs into the sea near often pronounced -sº Little, short,
Devicotta. small, concise.
8, T. Tº K s. n. The end or corner of a
*S* = n. A poem, or poetical garment, tucked up behind, into the
Se -svg) Scº s. n. The planet Venus, waist band.

represented by the Hindoos as a T. "S"Tºss-cºs s. n. A stone-cutter, a

male, and considered the preceptor carver, or sculptor. -

of the demons. -

***św s. n. A musical instru

Tº sº s. n. A species of long grass ment, described as a kind of large
f (Saccharum spontaneum.) drum, -
Boğ 174 tº
£383, s. n. The bird called the blue
s postpos. To, one of the signs of |s.
the dative case, added to inflexions in Jay. -

2 5
--> º
| T. 838otºs v. a. 1. To caress. 2. to ca
; : Or a
jole, to deceive.
gos &c:s. n. Amale servant, or slave. §s Kºo, s. m. plu. vide sex-Té
gos & A female servant, or slave. & ex).
got 33 s. n. A tinkling ornament of 83 & v. m. To be in close order,
any kind.
to be pressed, or squeezed together.
go tº adv. A very little; the smalles
possible quantity. $$. s. n. A fox.
O º O

ge $5s 39 or'āotº)339 s. n. A §§§º s. n. The chirping of birds,

rats, &c. -

small red worm, or prawn.

G. 8 & 3 s. m. Rice, and split pulse, mix
goź s. m. The sound of the bow ed, and dressed with clarified butter,
(T) &c.
£ozº_sº s. n. The filament of a
$83 s. n. A hog.
lotus, of which a number surround $33 s. n. A window.
the pericarp. 88s. Sº s. n. 1. An artifice, or trick.
§ox adv. Below, under, down. 3ozsº
2. a secret.
ger-zºº Topsy turvy. Bočº For: ** v. n. 1. To approach. 2 to be
merly. zos Rºos Under one's crowded, squeezed, or shut together.
power, 8-8 & 6) A down-cast look. 3. to agree. §§ *"o The hand-tor-.
£o:583 adj. Former. ture, composed of two pieces of
8. Boºks &c. adj. Avaricious. wood, tied at one end; one is passed
S. Šovššo &c. adj. Silly, childish. over, and the other under the hand,
šo:6&SC:S s. n. A creature pos and then the two open ends are
sessing a human face, and the body squeezed together. It was formerly
of a bird. applied to Ryots who ieſused to pay
their assessment.
3-stº s. n. A rumour, or report, lit.
šo what s, pro. and sºoº do they say, Ss 323sºo s. n. 1. A wart, scar, or mole.
1st per plu, pres, tense of Sanscrit 855), 3 s. n. 1. A gamester. 2. a
root & 3 to speak. cheat.
8Tex s. n. (from A. ºtlas- A.
8. $o?’&š) s. n. The beard of paddy.
8. Boºs & s. m. The tree termed Bu title.
tea frondosa, T,
85 Rººg s. n. Canvass-cloth.
$8 175 §

$39°3' s. n. The orange tree. joona, the 3d of the Pandoo princes.

T. 3&cº v. n. 1. To be angry, or irri. T.
$493e3 s. n. The noise produced by
tated. 2. to demand with importu the rattling of a wheeled carriage, or
mity, to dun. 3. to approach. §§ 5 or by creeking shoes.
* §eº) v. n. To wink.
§§ s. n. Anger, wrath,. rage. §eº & ... s. n. pl. A sort of sandals,
s. §§S Scº s. n. wide $oº SSScº.
which are made so as to produce a
T. g|SA’ſ s. n. A sort of small fiddle, or
creeking noise, in walking.
shrill violin, used by the mussul T
sº s. m. pl. The turning of a
wheel, &c. º
§§">33 s. n. (from A. ex4'xy T. sº s. m. wide 3e03-9.
abundance, surplus.) Benefit, profit, Šešo s. n. The sound of loud
advantage. laughter.
§sº s. n. (from A. <&#3 ) Price, $Jºššo s. n. A blotch, or scab.
value. 35635. Sºo s. n. A mat.
sº.83 s. n. Variegated colour. $9)<$x s. n. Sin, crime.
8 ºr, Sc ** s. n. The name of the
$3 & s. n. An infant, the young of
giant who was slain by Bheema, one
any animal.
of the Pandoo princes.
$º 3 s. n. 1. A span. 2. a cubit.
$5 tºo s. n. A ray.
§§ & s. n. A disease, believed to
$5 T. Ko adj. Christian.
arise in children, from the touch of a
§ 5-5 § 33 & s. m. The name of a
menstruous female, or of a woman
barbarian country, one of the fifty impure after child-birth.
six enumerated by the Hindoos. S. 8Koº s. n. A sprout, or shoot.
S.- 3-5°CŞc & s. n. Any individual of T. §§§ {\rv$o s. n. The raisin, or dried
the race of savages, found in the grape.
hills in India, who wear the feathers
of the peacock as an ori.amcut in § s. n. (from A. L.; ) An instal
their heads. ment. flºo? The settlement of the

*** s. n. (from P. a. !,3) Rent, revenues, or taxes, by instalmerts.

§ part. Below, down, lower. £cx&s.
hire, fare.
A down-cast eye. §§: One's shadow.
$3 s. m. A hag.
8èë Kos. n. A diadem, or crown. Bºxº) The lower part of the
85.8 s. n. One of the names of Ar belly.

$2 176 §§os'

§s Kºs s. n. A bone. renown. § 32% v. a. To praise,


§§ss s. n. A bamboo, rattling or eulogize, or glorify.

whistling in the wind. Se §e, s. n. The flame of fire.
-> —o
$9.5 s. n. The 42d year, of the Hin
Te §§ Sºº & s. m. 1. Confusion. 2.
doo cycle of sixty.
any matter thrown into disorder,
$ossº s. m. wide sº.
by bad management $38 assºs-r
& T & To speak without rhyme $ºss or ées s. n. 1. A gnomon,
or reason. a pin. 2. a wedge.
T, $º or $*o s. m. A jacket *ess. n. 1. Water.2 blood.
pocket. $553 &c. adj. Tied, knotted, "
–6 –6 -

bound. º
T. §§§ adj. Shrill. §§§53 To make a -

shrill noise.
>T. $90 s. n. 1. A joint. 2, a hinge. 3.
§es sº s. n. A worm, or insect. pitch, tar. #93; The joints of the
sessºr? ... n. The fire-fly. hand. Tºo 33; § The hinges of a box.
$ºs s. n. A worm or insect. ~8:39) Ship tar or pitch. $osº.
#9 ºs. n. The name of an (from T. sº q. v.) A knife which .
folds into the handle. 320xo's A
tuft of knotted hair.
§ 2 s. n. 1. Disregard, contempt.
2. inactivity. 3. a range or division § Fºº s. n. A tract of land, round a
in a mud-wall. village, where its suburbs formerly
T, 83 s. n. 1. Evil, misfortune. 2. stood.
danger, mischief. 3:S #º Evil and #3 & or $Xcºs s. n. A monkey.
good. #3 & s. n. vide 3 tº
T. $º s. n. A branch of the cocoanut
*see Cº
tree, with the leaves plaited, so as to
form a sort of mat. & postpos. To. One of the signs of
the dative case, added to all in
$ ) > &c. adj. What? what like z flexions, except such as terminate in
šRºcºs s. n. Yama, the regent of * 5 →

> *, or a .
T. Š-S s. n. A widow. º

se $8s s. n. A parrot.
&cs 333 s. n. A small or fibrous
5 : S. S. n. 1. Praise, encomium. 2. TOOt. r

a hymn. T.
S. § –3 s. n. Fame, reputation, glory, ***** s. n. plu. Curls or ringlets
of hair. -
§§oz; 177 ŠSočSc

co cº)

. Soº's s. n. The soap mut ŚozsöSo s. n. An elephant. Soz.

tree. Sapindus emarginatus. ~3 Sºo (from s, eº; 5 food.) The
. §§oš:S$)&X3 s. n. A sort of red in
holy fig tree. Ficus religiosa ; because
. §§oš&#86 s. m. wide Šošešš89. it is eaten by the elephant.
Śoto s. n. 1. A pond. 2. a square
. Šoš53 s. n. Turmerick, mixed with
land measure.
allum and lime juice, which forms a Śo ºx v.n.To limp. Sooë3 adj. Lame,
fine crimson colour, much used by
crooked. Soº Lameness, crooked
the Hindoos, in marking the fore
ness. Soë37N"sºo (from Tud. Wºo
a planet.) Saturn; on account of the
Šoš353&o s. n. Saffron. Crocus sa
lameness, or slowness, of his motion.
tivus. -

Šo &S s. n. The profession of a

. §§ox3 v. n. 1. To become less. 2. to
pimp, or bawd. Soºs & A bawd.
sink. 3. to be humbled, depressed, or §§o 355 SºC& A pimp.
decreased. §§ots v. a. or Šo boº
v. caus. 1. To make less, shorten, or Šoć3583 &\ex s. n. plu. A kind of
abridge. 2. to sink. 3. to humble, ornament for the top of the ear.
abate, reduce, decrease, or diminish. Šoć Šo &c, adj. 1. Blunt. 2 indolent,
4. to draw back. lazy, slow.
. §§ otS$o s. n. A measure equal to 4 Tud. Šoć s. n. An earthen pot. Šoć
manika. 8°oº"exy (from T. So-e a staff,
. Sotº s. n. A painting-brush, or and 3"exy one who holds.) A person
pencil. who, in token of his renunciation of
Šoº s. n. 1. A fly-flap, usually made worldly enjoyments, assumes the staff
of the white hair from the tail of the and pot of a recluse. Sočºvºo (from
cow of Tartary. 2. a piece of wood, to Tud. Sº a sign of the zodiac.) The
prepare the warp without entangle sign Aquarius.
ment. Šoššo s. n. 1. An earthen-pot. 2, a
. Soºste s. n. An iron rod, of pit for receiving and preserving con
which the end is bent, used to unlock secrated fire.
the doors of Hindoo temples. Šošešo s. n. An ear-ring.
&s s. n. 1. A place overgrown Šoć0 s. n. A snake, or serpent.
with creepers, &c.; a bower or ar

bour, formed by creeping plants over

running a tree, 2, the lower jaw.
: ŠoćSº s. n. The name of a city.
Šoš s. n. A cistern.
Šošće s. n. A son born in adulte
Śoº 178 §§§3

ry, by a married woman, to another of boiled rice. Soº SºC& A pot

man, while her husband is alive. ter. soºcº or Šoºoººcºs
Šoššo s. n. A spear, or lance.
Šošež sº s. n. The name of one (from 2. or Soº's born.) 1. Drona
of the fifty-six countries enumerated the military preceptor of the Pandoo
by the Hindoos, said to be in the princes. 2. the sage Agustya, regent of
northwest of the Indian Peninsula. the star Canopus; because both are
Šoãesºoºo s. m. plu, Hairs. supposed to have been miraculously
Šoë s. n. The name of the mother produced from an earthen pot. Soº
of the Pandoo princes. Ś eos-Cô The name of a giant, the
Šoć s. n. A pillar. younger brother of Ravana, ruler of
Šoć$30 s. n. 1. Impediment, hin Ceylon; because his ears were the
drance. 2. defect, want. size of an earthen pot.
ŠočSSo s. n. Pure gold. S.
Śo? s. n. An elephant.
Šoššo s. n. 1. The plant termed |s. Śožº s. n. The earth.
Jasminum multiflorum. 2, one of the s. Šoššº sin. A snake, or serpent,
nine treasures of Coobera. with wide nostrils.
Śoà s. n. A sort of rim placed upon Šožň-sº S. m. One of the Hindoo
a mortar, to prevent the falling of hells.
rice, &c. when beatenin it.
§§, s. n. A dog. exºs A bitch.
Šoš s. n. 1. Affliction, grief, dis
quietude. 2. repentance. v. n. 1. To § &g A whelp. §§ 8"×x,
be grieved, to sink under affliction. lit. a dog's umbrella. A mushroom.
2. to die.
§§§ &eº lit. dog toolasee. The
soºx3 s. n. A kind of reed, white basil, or country tea, Oeymum
of which pens are made in the east. album, as distinguished from the
Šoćex s. n. A hare. This noun is toolasee proper, Oeymum sanctum.
irregular, and makes the inflection || T. §§ s. n. A small bedstead, of which
sing. §§o 383. the tape is loose, or slack.
. Šošē3 s. n. A chafing-dish; a port- T
• *ś– v. a. 1. To suppress. 2. to
able stove. 2. a portable furnace. push. 3. to beat. 4. to kill. 5. to fill
. Šoć s. n. Bleaching.
up ; to make full; to stuff.
Śoº & s. n. 1. An earthen pot. 2.
the frontal globe of an elephant's
šš º s. n. A cock, Ś ºs

head, 3. the sign Aquarius, 4, a heap *& (from s, Sº a banner.) The

Š383 179 §3 &

god of war, Coomaraswamy; because s. S&NooSºo s. n. 1. Family. 2. a wife.

a cock
is his ensign. $ºož) s. n. The father of a family,
*śs s. n. The female breast, or a householder. Śºožº Amatron ;
pap- -
a woman who has both her children,
§3. Sº*Sºo S. n. 1. Fraud, deceit. 2. and her husband, alive.
pastime, fun. Śēo
#8 s. n. A procuress.
- Śº) S. n. A small hut. S. & S. n. Pavement.
**Y* &c. adj. Wicked, cunning. §§ v. a. 1. To sew or stitch. 2. to
S. m. Wickedness, cunning, malice. sting, or bite, as applied to insects. 3.
& TUD. ššye-sº s. n. The
to bore s. n. I. A seam. 2. sewing.
quadruped called Bos Grunniens. needle-work. 3, a cholic, or stitch. §3
• **)ex s. m. plu. Tassels, hangings. §o° v. caus. 1. To cause to sew,
co -

&c. 2. to cause clothes to be made, or

. SºYe, s. n. 1. A heap of cut corn,
in its straw. 2. a certain land mea sewn. sº. The belly to
ache. §§ *cºo To sew slightly; to
- šº Or Šºš S. n. plu. The stitch. *ºošº To bore the ears.

folds of the lower cloth, which the *ść The point of death, vide &
Hindoos tie round their loins.
Kööö. º A scorpion to sting.
**ścºs s. n. A wicked Inan, •gošš' To sew cloths. $533,53

Šešo s. n. A tree. §: To hem. Fºsº To make

&cº ºn. The planet Mars. & shoes. §§§ FC& or &\ejó)
Fºcão A tailor. §§ - šá53) or 5
F8& s. n. Tuesday.
$6838 & s. m. wide Šē9839. 8959 The seam is unript. §§§
*& s. n. 1. A trec.2, a house. * A fine seam. swº A coarse
*** s. n. The post round which seam, ºgº A double seam.
the string passes, which works the &º s. n. The anus.
churning stick.
Śēorð"2;& s. n. A species of cen Śē esos. n. An opening bud.
tipede. *Q2, s. n. Intrigue.
$383 or $3838:30 S. n. A hut ; a cot Śº"& s. n. An axe.
tage. - - Šáš s. n. A vessel in which sandal,
S&esºo &c. adj. Crooked, cross, s. n. &c. is kept.
1. A trick. 2, imposture, 3. treason. || T.
Šć adj. The right. Šášs. The
Šoš) 180 $335

right side. Šážo's The right |s. §§§ 30 or Ščºvekº s. m. Ea

hand. |
| gerness, vehemence, impetuosity.
. Šáč9 s. n. The water with which Se §§ 9sº s. n. A mountain.
rice, or any split pulse, has been §§ s. n. 1. Reproach. 2. contempt.
cleaned. 3. blame.
. §3&3)075°C&S s. n. 1. A man who
Śºyºsº, &c. adj. Low, vile.
cures persons bit by poisonous ani Šºššo s. n. The trappings or hous
mals. 2. a snake-catcher.
ings of an elephant.
. S&Sox So s. n. An arbour, formed
Šaotºor&aoxotó v.a.1. To abate,
by creeping plants overgrowing a to lessen. 2. to shake grain, &c., in a
sieve or pot, so as to throw the upper
. ŠčS$o v. a. 1. To suck. 2. to eat. under the lower grain.
& v. caus. To cause to suck, . §§8cºo v. n. To become tight, as a
&c. &&. s. n. 1. Eating. 2. food. knot, &c.
& s. n. A certain. Indian $38%)otS v. a. To shake as water in
In easure, a bottle.
. ŠćSSo s. n. A sort of cake, boiled $335 or Š&3 s. n. One of the bits,
in steam.
or portions, into which cords divide.
- & s. n. A wall. T. & 3) v. a. To shake. s. n. Shaking.
. Seooººos.n. The plant termed amo T. §3& v. m. 1. To be re-established,
ranthus tristis, of which the leaves or restored. 2. to be settled, or arrang
and stalks are made into curry, and ed. 3. to be cured; to recover from
eaten by the Hindoos. illness. 4. to be pacified; to be made
. §eoššo s. n. A corpse. calm, or quiet, 5. to be fixed, or plac
Šeć adj. Lean-armed, wither-armed. ed. 6. to become firm, or resolute,
Šč3&o s. m. 1. Mid-day. 2, a in any opinion. 7. to be got, or ob
small leather bottle for oil, &c. tained. s. n. 1. Health. 2. beauty. 3. a
. ŠčejSo s. n. One of the seven re garden-bed. 4. any thing placed un
gions below the earth. der a vessel, to prevent its lingfal, as
. Š9s - š 3s or $3 ºs s. n. The a straw rope, &c. 5. a rim placed over
throat. §§3S oë39 A necklace, tied a mortar, to prevent what is beaten
close round the throat, so as to in it falling out, vide Šoć. This
touch it. word, when used as a substantive,
- $390-39s v. a. To afflict. makes it's inflex, sing. $883 adj. 1.
&S 181 §3

Healthy. 2. beautiful. 3. well-arrang ex,7" adv. (from t. 3: S a float, and

a ed. 4. calm, quiet. . Tº q. v.) lit. like floats of heaps.
T. &y v. a. 1. To re-establish, or Abundantly, as Šºyºyeo-wºws
restore. 2. to settle, or arrange. 3. to X35°S & The rain fell abundantly.
cure, or recover. 4. to pacify, calm, t. Sººyº s. n. A small village, or
or quiet. 5. to fix, or place. 6. to hamlet. -

make resolute, or firm. 7. to procure T. Sººyºos v. a. (from ŠKy q. v.)

for another. **ś3& A place To wash a cloth, by beating it, in a
is not obtained. §§oSºx Set
heap, against a stone.
tlement, arrangement. &Sºyº
Tup. Sºys & s. n. (from s. §§ ºvs-S
The mind to be firm, or resolute.
$) A woman's bodice.
T. & 5 or $35 s. n. 1. A pawn. 2. T. & Sotº v. n. To fix the feet firmly,
mortgage. §§s & To mortgage; when about to jump. Šây Noë A
to pawn. §§os $3&ots To redeem leap. &SXo33& To leap.
from pawn.
8. Šºvšº s. n. An instrument for
T. &SF. s. n. A kind of Anise.
Amethun Sowa. Itox.
digging, somewhat like a short hoe. t. Šº s. n. 1. An ornament worn by
s. $35 & or *\ºyº s. n. A moun
Hindoo females, in their plaited hair.
tain. 2. a jar.
T. §§§ à Or sº s. n. An obstacle,
t. Šºyee-Fº' s. n. The plant
or impediment; a pretext urged to termed Acalypha Indica.

prevent any thing. adj. Cross, crook T. Š2x SSo s. n. 1. The skin of a ser
ed, lame.
r. ŠKošS v. n. To slumber, or dose. s.
pent. 2. a jacket. 3. the pivot of a
n. A slumber, or sleep. §§§§ "** s. §§ 3×3 s. n. Coobéra, the god of
riches, and regent of the north.
s. & RTA& s. n. Glass-ware. S- sº &c. adj. Hump-backed.
s. §§§x &c. adj. Angry, enraged.
T. Šºš) s. n. 1. A collection, heap, or s. $35-87 "Sºo s. n. Carteciya, or
assemblage. 2. filth or sweepings. * comaraswamy, the god of war.
*S*S adv. All of a heap. §§ s. §§§r-8 or $3:Svěš s. m. l. A girl of
& (from exº the bottom q. v.) cight years of age. 2. a daughter.
s, & "Scº s. n. 1. A son. 2. one of
The grains which fall from a corn
heap, when it is removed. §§s 3xx the names of Šºště *"Sº q. v.
Soo 182 §Sö3

&c. s. n. A daugther. $38 oxes or $3×oë3 adv. Near.

sº $$$$oššo s. n. The water lily. 2. the s. Ščox& s. n. 1. A deer, or ante
elephant at the south west point. §§ lope. 2. a monkey. -

$oººy"oº)&S (from S. ºo::s Se & Scēos So s. n. Yellow amaranth.

the friend.) The moon; because the SSoššo s. n. 1. Any enlargement
of the testicles, or scrotum. 2. rup
water lily expands, as the moon ap ture.
pears. &8& A pond abounding
with water lilies.
S. §§§ & s. n. An osprey.
Ščoax) v. n. To be consumed, or Ss $3’ & s. n. A ewe.

inwardly burnt. *
Śēot postpos. vide X35-6.
&º s. n. (from P. CX.5) Aid, . § 68 s. n. (from P. “j” A

assistance. chair.

&SNSSS s. n. A wag-tail. T. $83 s. n. The kernel of the cocoa.

&SR-cºs or ŠK,è s. n. A pot
T. Š38 Sºxº s. n. A bank, for retain
ter. $95,83 or $38,93 A female
potter. $33, § 3 SXS A sort of in ing water, in a field. -

Sect. $33,87-5 Or $33,87-8 A Šēcº v. n. To rain. $36 oxyotº or

Śē&otº v. a. To cause to rain.
potter's wheel. &s,87-8 tº
—o & Sex,35&-tº lit. to cause fire to
(from tº a star.) The sixteenth rain. To be in a great passion, or
of the lunar mansions; from it's
supposed similitude to the pot hurry. §§3) s. m. The act of raining.
ter's wheel. Sºsº An T. ŠSoºoo s. m. plu. Small perpen.
earthen pot. dicular posts, by which short beams
T, Šsº boºs v. a. 1. To pour out of a are raised upon longer ones, and
sack, or basket. 2 to empty; to dis thus form a shelving roof, in the native
charge. -

$33, v. a. 1. To beat in a mortar. T. §§§ 3 s. n. A small S obrº q. v.
2. to butt, or strike, with the horns. . Sº s. n. A hawk.
s. m. A blow from the horns. & 33 sº s. m. The country near
&, s. n. Smoking ashes; fire not
extinguished. T. &xi; s. n. A sheep, with
T. 39 ox) or $ox's s. n. An exclamation

long wool. -

of complaint, or sorrow. T. §§§ Fºº & s. n. A man who

§§ey 183 bºss
weaves blankets, or cumblies, as they §º A female of the same cast,
are termed in India. **, *) A chaste woman. ŠēKocº
ŠSãooššo s. n. 1. Fragrant grass.
A man of honorable descent, of res
2. a fine ruby.
pectable family.
&S) s. n. The thigh.
Šeſ "cºo s. n. A nest.
Šºvš º s. n. Deformity, ugliness.
& & Soo s. n. A dog.
Šervex:S s. n. A potter.
$$93 & s. n. Indra's thunderbolt.
ŠešS$Sºx s. m. plu. A particular Šex3 s. n. Affected gestütes; fop
species of the Sesamum orientale.
pish airs. v. n. To affect such ges
T. Šeºs s. n. 1. Shortness. 2. a little. 3. ture S.
hase. Šeºš"K. v. n. To be in a
T. $32x53)"C"ox s. m. A sort of gem.
T. Šeº s. n. A heap. “Sexº, Kºo s. n. 1. A he-goat. 2 sour
T. *** = n. 1. Shortnes. 2. a dance. Sexs
º s. n. A canal; a channel for ir

adj. Diminutive, short. rigation; a rivulet.

Šeº) s. n. 1. A sore, or boil. Śēoxsº s. n. 1. A sparrow. 2, a
&eºs ºs s. n. A shelving roof. Crow.
Šeesex) s. n. plu. Hairs.
S. $95& s. n. A crab.
- šeº s. n. A plant, with a &#so s. n. plu. The pulse
fragrant root.
termed Glycine tomentosa, or horse
& s. n. 1. An infant. 2. a boy, or gram.
lad. 3. a young buffaloe.
- Šºv. n.To cry; to make a loud noise. *.*otº v. a. To dig slightly.
$995 × s. n. 1. A snake's hole or sºon s. n. A cap.
nest. 2. the connexion of several T. šºv. n. 1. To putrify, decay, or grow
stanzas, protraction of the govern rotten. 2. to envy. 3. to grieve in se
cret. s. n. Putrescence.
ment of the noun, or verb through
several verses, contrary to the practice §§§esºo s. n. 1. A water lily. 2. the
of closing the sense with each verse. fruit of the Jujube.
$39° S. n. An adultress. *Secºsº s. n. 1. A water lily. 2.
the terrestrial globe.
Šešo s. n. 1. Race, tribe, cast, or S. $80scºs s. n. A weaver.
family. 2. a multitude of animals of
the same species. se;& A male Se Śāsā s. n. A fish basket.
of the same cast with one's-self. §§e T. &:S S. Ile a heap.
§§§o 184 $3° tº

& s. n. The Dhurla, or sacrificial & (from s, gº an arrow.) lit. he

grass; Poa cynosuroides. whose arrows are flowers. Cama, the
$33 ÅS3so s. n. One of the great god of love. &&. A shower
Duripas, or divisions of the universe, of flowers.
surrounded by the sea of spirituous §§§Sex, s. n. plu. A kind of paddy.
liquor, supposed by Wilford to be the §§§Teso s. n. A granary.
land of Cush of scripture, and to s-
Šºš)” s. n. 1. Wickedness, depravity.
comprehend the countries between 2. trick, conjuring, slight of hand.
the Indus, the Persian gulf, and Cas $9& 5-S v. a. To caress; to sooth.
pian sea. S.
§§§ & s. n. The sea.
$33 & s. n. Water. Se §3-8&o s. n. A hole.
$33 e5 s. n. 1. Cleverness. 2. pre S. Šºš-wºº's s. n. The black, or in
sence of mind. dian cuckoo.

$93 os s. n. Well-being, welfare, $33, s. n. The belly; the cavity of the

happiness, safety, adj. Ilappy, well, abdomen. Ščacºb adj. Voracious
right. eating. -

$33 esºo &c, adj. Skilful; conversant,
expert. Š"CŞ A3 s. m. A small lock of hair,
Se sºetºrs s. n. 1. A dancer. 2, a under, or above, the long lock, which
the Hindoos leave on the crown of
$3733 cºo s. n. A lotus. the head.

šº s. n. 1. The leprosy. 2. the Š"CŞ&vX s. n. The fork tailed

shrike. -

plant termed Costus speciosus.

& s. n. That portion of the ends of Š"CŞex s. n. plu. Cries, noises.
the bed frame, which is inserted in §vcše, s. n. plu. Doves, pigeons.
the leg of the bedstead. ... Šºšššo &c. adj. Giving a girl in
T. $3852 & v. n. To be discontented marriage, with due ceremony, and
with what is paid, or given. suitable decorations. -

& s. n. The profession of usu T. Š-38% of 30% s. n. The bird cal

ry. $398&CŞe A usurer. led Gallinule.
§§ox-SèS or s. 3So? So s. n. -
S. Šºšč) s. n. A virgin, eight years of
The safflower. Carthamus tinctorius. age.
§§§ošo s. n. A flower. §§§ X T. tº s. n. A pillar, or post.
* Fºx. A female's hair, tied in a tuft, T. $ºo adj. Sharp pointed.
and enveloped in flowers. Sºc G. Šºć s. n. (from P. g;*) A march.
~~r, sº
§OTP2: J.

makes it's inflexion sºve?; thus, Š"

sº. s. n. (from P. J. A gug
&c'. A pot for boiling lice. Šºš
glet. .
§§ Sour gruel. v. a. 1. To associate
Sºo s. n. 1. Copulation. 2. union, with. 2. to copulate. 3. to add, or sum
junction. 3. society, assemblage. +
up, figures. v. m. l. To be joined. 2.
ŠvejSo or Śvēj-Sºo s. n. A hall. to agree, to be on good terms; to
$3"e2S3 s. n. 1. The summit. 2. a be unanimous. 3. to be aunass
house. 3. a hammer. 4. a heap of ed, or accumulated. 4. to be assem
grain, &c. 5. an assemblage. 6. fratid, bled or met. The affirmative and lic
deceit. gative aorists of this verb, when add
º > s. n. 1. The first ancestor ed to infinitives as auxiliaries, de
note possibility or ability, or the re
of a race or lineage. 2. the common
ancestor of different families.
verse. I can, &c. I cannot, &c. & "".
Śvēj-S$9 s. n. A hammer. & The negative relative participle is
used as an adjective to denote- 1.
Śººs s. n. An army, consisting of
cavalry, infantry, chariots, and ele Impossible, 2, improper, bad. Sºº)
v. a. 1. To join or unite. 2. to com
phants. pose. 3. to amass or accumulate. 4.
sº v. a. To pursue, to over to combine, to add up figures. 5. to
assemble or call together, 6. to string.
Šºvšíº) s. n. The meeting of different 7. to sew or stitch. Šveyoğ W.
limits. Sºº & Tº The meeting of caus. To cause to join, &c. Sº
four roads.
A seam, stitch, or joining. Sº
T. sº adv. 1. Along with, accom <3 & He has no livelihood. Nº cºo
panying. 2. also. This word, which, **:S^ A crowd was assembled.
in fact, is merely the infinitive of eo Sex Yºº To reckon up figures.
tº q v, lengthened, is usually: §ºe Income, profit.
added to the postposition Sº with, to T. Šºć s. n. (from $3"cº q v.) 1.
strcngthen the connexion. In books, A cry or exclamation. 2. a claiuour
however, it may occasionally be met or disturbance. The noise made by
with alone in this sense; but, when any animal; as barking, braying,"
used alone, denotes in general also. crowing, mewing; also the note of
wº-styRºo They also any bird.
tºvcº or ŚvēśSS s. n. A daughter.
are come. Šºš To go together,
Śº s. n. 1. Food, victuals. 2. The second word makes it's sing. in
bºiled ricc. This word, as a noun,
flex, Šºć 8 - tº-cº. lit. thic
2 |
SylvèS 186 $3+ ºf

$3 r

daughter's child. The river Ganges; T. & "SS or Šºš . s. n. Sleep. v. n.

according to mythology, it is the To sleep.
child of Lutchmee, the daughter of s. Sº s. m. 1. The space between
Ocean, who is also the husband of the eye-brows. 2. the beard. 3. a
the Ganges. tassel.

Šºš s. n. 1. An infant. 2. a kitten, Śvē) postpos. 1. Towards. 2 on ac.

or whelp. count of 3 respecting, regarding. It
converts nouns to which it is affixed
Šºššº s. n. 1. A large well. 2. a
maSt. * into the accusative case.
Šºššo s. n. A well.
S. Š-8) s. n. A painting brush, or
Š-ºo s. n. The sea. pencil.
S. $5-8) s s. n. 1. A painting brush, or
Šºššo s. n. The pole of a carri
age; the wood to which the yoke is pencil. 2, inspissated milk. 3. a frown.
fixed. -
T. sºvays F-cxs Or Sºsyº-cºs S.

Šºš s. n. A chariot, a carriage. n. A friend. -

Š "sº v. n. 1. To cry or exclaim. 2. T. tº-8) v. a. wide Šºs.

to make a clamour, or disturbance.
T. Š-Syoğs v. n. To be seated; to
3. to make any noise; as to bark,
sit down.
bray, crow, mew, croak, call, or sing:
v. a. To call. s. Sººyº & s. n. 1. The elbow. 2.
the knee.
Šºć s. n. 1. A vegetable; any gar
den greens. 2. curry. The green pro s. sº, sº s. n. 1. A turtle. 2. a tor.
duce of a garden is divided into the toise.
& XS"Sexy leaf vegetables, and § 3. s. n. 1. Affection, love. 2. pity.
the Sºcº NS"Sexy or those of which Šveješ & s. n. A river.
the produce assumes the shape of a s. Švejos & s. n. The whole, from
head, pod, or fruit. first to last.
T. Śwº s. n. inflex, sing. $3"Oº3 T. Švecº & v. n. To fall down sud
Water in which rice has been wash denly.
ed, grown sour, and boiled; vinegar. s. Sºos s. n. A bank, or shore.
Šy-8 ſy postpos, vide Śvē). T. sº s. n. 1. Daily hire, or wages;
T. Šº s. n. 1. Affection, love. 2. cooly. 2. daily labour. -

T. ex) v. n. 1. To fall down, or be

overturned. 2. to die. sºvº) v. a. 1.
$303 v. n. 1. To attain. 2. to sleep.
3. to fill or stuſ any thing; to load To cause to fall, &c. 2, to kill.
fire arms. -
T. $3+ 5 adj. 1. Inferior, low, 2 wicked.

sy's 18
T. Śvēšº s. n. Chaff. -

Syöß- & s. m. wide syºyo

Švý,0:35 S. n. A pumpkin, or 3×Cº.
gourd. syû`oºd & s. n. (from sy's an

Šºvššo s. n. vide §32XSSº, act, and ‘903 the end.) Yama, the
Šºvš-ššo &c. adj. Fraudulent, de god of death. -

ceiving. S.) ºf F& &c, adj. 1. Successful.

-seo®0ee--- 2. fortunate, happy.
Sys & s. n. 1. The vertebrae of the . S.)” s. n. 1. Wise, learned. 2. a success
neck. 2. the larynx. ful, fortunate, or happy man.
$)$º s. n. 1. A lizard. 2. the $39s. n. 1. A composition or work.
2. a dedication.
$)$ F’sº s. n. 1. An old chame Š) éº &c. adj. Cut, divided, pluck
lion. 2. a cock. 3, a hen. 4. a pea
cock. § 3 s. n. The skin, or hide, used
S.) Sºśs s. n. The back of the neck. by the religious student, sº ºw
S.) Ú & S. n. 1. Corporeal pain. 2. Kocs (from s. FºčS a cloth.) The
god Siva ; because he is clothed with
syss & adj. Artificial, factitious;
made, not produced spontaneously. Š) ºs s. n. The third of the lunar
mansions; the Pleiades.
syº &c. adj. Grateful, thank
ful. sysgs s. n. Gratitude. Syºğı $)(8) & Sºo &c. adj. Artificial, de
ceitful. s. n. Artifice, deceit; a trick,
ë Ingratiutde. Syºğı Şo &c, adj. SyðS S. n. 1. An act, or action. 2. a
Ungrateful. deity to whom sacrifices are offered,
Š)3:6)04×3 s. n. A man skilled for destructive or magical purposes,
in archery. 3. pestilence.
syº adj. Done, made. s. n. 1. §§§§º s. n. 1. An act. 2, business,
Creation. 2. kindness, benefaction.
š)ésºo’s The first of the four duty. 3. conduct. 4. any thing pro
Hindoo ages, referring apparently to per to be done. SãS$). Sºo
Daily duties. -

some conjunction of the planets, wheh -

is supposed to have taken place at $9%)ºx adj. All, entire.

the creation. According to the Hin $)3 s. n. Tenderness; favor; grace.
doos, the Supreme Being created the syº A tender look.
world in the first age of this name. S.
S.)3 cošo &c. adj. 1. Avaricious, mi
It consists of 17,28,000 years. serly. 2. fraudulent, deceitful,
S8 3. Ş
sy.` tº s. m. A scymetar. s.
S.) Sº s. n. Rice and split pulse,
sy-º adj. Compassionate, kind, mixed and cooked together.
fondler. ->|Q|&
sº s. n. Water. *...*&^ To adj. Red. Soº, or "Soº-3
(from s. 5&Tº the source, or origin.) ö The red lotus.
Fire; because the Hindoos believe it Téoſſ) s. n. 1. A ruby. 2. redness.
to be derived from water. adj. Red. TSoß)Soč3 s. n. (from T.
*y? s. n. A weaver. Sº the eye.) The black cuckoo;
*..) * So &c. adj. 1. Little, small. 2. because it's eyes are red. TSoº)7NT
& (from TUD. 7S*So a planet.)
thin, lean, emaciated; feeble. sy?o Mars; because he is red. "Soºs,
*S or S.)?oose tº v. n. To become
& (from T. KSS & similitude.) The
lean, to be in a languishing state. 15th of the lunar mansions, consist
S.) F. Koºs s. n. Fire. ing of the star Arcturus; because it
is red.
Syº. s. n. Agriculture, husbandry.
sºcks or ºxx. A hus: Tºcº v. n. To die, to expire.
bandman, or cultivator. Söğ). v. a. 1. To kill. 2. to push
Šºš s. n. 1. The river Kistna, in the T. TSS ex) v. n. 1. To increase. 2. to
Deccan of India. 2. the daughter of spread. 3. to come out. 4. to be angry
Droopada, wife of the Pandoo prin or enraged,
Soño s. n. A side, or part. This
S -
Sys & adj. Black. s. m. Blackness. word makes in the plural TSejošex),
sº So The dark half of the Or Tse Koevo.

month; the fortnight of the moon's Tºššo s. n. Wish, desire.

TSexº v. a. 1. To stir. 2. to scratch.
decrease. Šºšš, s. n. The god of 3. to mix.
fire. sº §s & s. n. A kind of
black serpent. sº S. n. A
Tºcº or Aoss v. a. 1. To
kindle. 2. to exasperate.
black antelope. sº S. n.
TS$ 5) s. n. Distance, space. ,
(from s, tºº q.v.) The hide of Tás s. n. A cry or shout; also that
the black antelope. of the peacock.
sºcºs s. n. 1, Krishna, the 8th in Tiscº sº s. n. One of the fifty
carnation of Vishnoo. 2. Arjoona, the six countries, enumerated by the
third son of Pandoo. Hindoos.
-šū | S9 o–—s

is & &c. adj. Squint-cyed. with steps for descending, on each

is boss v. n. To hawk, in spitting. side. -

#3 s. n. A peacock. 38 or ºs s. n. Sport, play,

Tāāoš v. n. To turn
sº s. n. A shield.


Tººs s. n. The tree termed Pandanus

"fºº s. n. A flag, standard, or

amusement, dancing.
Těšešo adj. Absolute, mere, entire,
sole. adv. Very much; entirely,
Tšč) s. n. Freight. *śsö The
banner. freighter of a ship.
TÉcº) s. n. 1. Ketoo, the dragon's 53 sº s. n. The hair. "53 º
tail, or descending mode. It is reckon A disease, arising from lice, which
ed by the Hindoos as the ninth destroys the hair. º The
planet. 2. a flag, standard, or banner. place where the hair parts, when
**śsº s. n. 1. A field. 2. Kedar, combed down; on each side of the
part of the Himalaya mountains. head. 533& or 55 ºvy's,
*S*ēśs s. n. 1. The helm or Much or ornamented hair. $5 ascº,
rudder. 2. a large oar, used as a rud & A female's hair, tied in a tuft,
enveloped in flowers. ºs-ºss,
sº s. n. A wart. A comb. 3 #5 sº A tress or fillet
cº-ºw s. n. ride eox&. of hair.
Tšº s. n. The province of iſºcºs s. n. One of the names of
Malabar, on the western coast of the Vishnoo.
Indian peninsula. Tº s. n. 1. A filament. 2, a
58 v. n. 1. To laugh loudly. v. a. lion's mane. 3. the name of a tree.
To deride. -

sè s. n. A lion.
*ex s. n. The hand. TÉoss,
-#3 Öğ s. m. plu. A particular
(from 3 º a lotus.) A hand resem
kind of paddy, of which the rice is
bling the lotus. Beyş (from sº reddish.
a hold.) Marriage. TÉer,x33 or 3 -eekee

er-, X33) (from Fºx3% or ºx3 3 s. m. The hand, postpos. To, for,

&) to close.) To shew respect to any on account of SS K v. a. 1. To

one, by joining the palms of both take, receive, or accept. 2. to possess,
to obtain. 3. to undertake. 4. to as
37°3-3 s. n. A large square well, sume a form, or shape. Sºoº. The
..ºx) 19 () 8 to º

hand, or arm, given for support, in | T. .55 & adv. Probably, likely.
walking. S. Gº sº. A cymbol. ..ssº > s. n. A fisherman.
is Rºssºs
a- -U–
(from Fe3 like, ... sess s. n. Beatitude, eternal
and º, a star.) The thirteenth . .5 S" & s. n. 1. Encomium,praise,
lunar asterism, designated by a hand, commendation. 2. circumference.
and containing five stars, one of which 2 <-- ~5, -

is y or G Corvi.
.5 Svö& Tºcº v. a. To praise, to
...sos & s. n. 1. Service. 2, slavery.

TU D. ..ss or S. is ow s. n. The wife of

.338 s. n. A poetic composition, ex
pressive of love.
Dusurudha, father of Rama.
35 ex-o: s. m. plu. The kycola
TU D. SToš gº 33 sº s. n. The Concan,
cast, generally weavers.
in the Indian peninsula.
-º- s. n. The motion of a horse's T. S"oššš s. n. A kind of jackal.
head. T. S"oš 8 adj. Crooked, bent. Sºos &
s -
º s. n. 1. Gaming. 2. deceit, Šoš 57," All crooked ; in complete
fraud. disorder.
...sº s. n. (from A. Cºas) Confine STc3 s. m. A hook, for suspending
ment, restraint. ºścº v. a. To anything from.
confine, to imprison. Sºos s. n. Timidity, fear, shame. v.
n. To be timid, fearful, or bashful.
T. SSK) s. n. A weapon or instrument.

3:) s. n. vide Ś oxy-3).
- 5 °ox s. n. A crane. Sºox is . Long
shanked. lit. crane-legged.
ºx. s. n. The esculent white T. SºoYº s. n. The hem, or border of a
water lily. garment. ^ o
sº s. n. plu. vide § 3.) Boºyo’ey. -

Tup. ST or s. n vide J') o ºx!.

. ºë230 s. n. Deceit, fraud. | T. Sºoº-ºº) or Šiš) v. a. wide Sºo
Sºº & s. n. The kylas mountain, tº or Sºo &Sº) under STK3.
in the Himalaya range; the favorite Sºoººo s. n. 1. A little, a few,
haunt of Siva.
some. 2. contempt, adj. 1. Dittle, as
. Sex s. n. The actual measurement of to quantity only; few, some. 2. trifling,
the crop, after it is thrashed, and be of no consequence. 3. short, as to
fore the gross produce is divided be. time only. 4. low, vile, mean. SToº
tween the cultivator, and those entitl &#& To diminish. Sºo-ºo-wº
ed to the government share. &otº To esteem lightly; to slight,

g"es 191 st sº
-- ey

or contemn. SToº Sºos"oº"Nº | T. § -čeº indef adj, pro. m. or f. mak

Little, by little. Sºoºº, Fºcks Al ing in the n. Sº Some, a few.
low or mean fellow. Sºoººººº In T. ŠToº exºs, u. 1. Perturbation, 2.
a few words; for a low price. ŠToº | Sorrow.
So *3) A short time. T. Sºo's s. n. A house.
Sºo & s. n. A wicked, depraved, T.
s's rew or Šºš & s. n. A crane.
roguish, or impudent person. T.
š Š s. n. 1. A crane. 2. an im
Sºoš s. n. A mountain, hill, or rock. mense rat, usually termed at Madras
Sºoš Svobs. A cascade. Sºo:5^sº, the bandycoot. S' sº gº (from
The summit of a mountain. 5°o: C’& a ride.) Ganésa, because the
ºr-9 A hill fort. Sºo::8°º A rat is his carriage.
wild sheep, or kind of deer. Sºoº T. § F.) Sºº-ex) s. n. Words pronounc
§ SS or F. S. A pass between two ed with a lisp.
mountains. SToxº ºxys. A large rock T. 5 *Ss. n. A cotaur, or collection
snake. SºošFºx's The uvula. lit. of salt heaps.
~~~ |-

the hill tongue. ŠTošº Sºy The T. Sºs s. n. 1. A village. 2. a miser.

hill, or large black faced monkey. T. sº sº S. n. A stall.

ŠToºs v. a. To praise, commend, T. sº s. n. 1. A blow. 2, a store-house,

or applaud. a granary. v. a. 1. To beat, strike,
ŠToš s. n. A sling, or bite. smite, flog, or lash. 2. to break. 3. to
T. ŠToš s. n. An infant.
kill, or destroy. 4. to cut. 5. to fix, or
T. 5 ° 339 s. n. 1. An accusation, de affix. In composition, it makes some
nunciation, or complaint ; generally | neuter verbs active, ride €38% Rºy
applied to such as are false. 2 slander.
& - -
under tºº. It has also a vast variety
ŠTo &cº or 8Toº TN-C’s 1. An of other meanings, which will be best
accuser, or informer. 2. a slanderer. explained by the examples given
ST'où) s. n. The oval space describ below. Sºoks v. caus. To cause to
cd by the plough, at it's first wide beat, &c, sº v. comp. I. To
turning ; the ground within which is beat one's-self. 2. to strike by accident
subsequently ploughed, by turning || against any thing. Sºº's or sº
the plough more abruptly.
ŠToš s. n. A little ; a part ; a few : STS-3º) To be carried or swept aff,
some. adj. Little, few, some, short. by a flood, wind, &c. sº I.

£Toš's adj. I. A very little. 2. an To strike out, or cut off. 2. to exclude.

other. 3. to dismiss. sº-sºas 1. To
& ºxy 192 s". As

strike out a word. 2. to defeatin argu at the door. 3XCX" * To break

C 250 Š is
... ment. Fº Sº § #& To dis
* ~e
down or cut off. Töcz Nº 1. To
miss a suit. exºsº To print. make float. 2. to aid, support, or de
fend, in distress. *~Sº Wre º To
ºškº Nºº Tohave good fortune.
•) CO

scs ® To swim. ësº To be possessed of an evil spirit. ‘Cºo

listen. &R’s 1. To take any ex^** To rob, on the high way.
Rºs To drive in. & RT"-Töc-tºw
& Xc
thing forcibly out of its fastening, 2.
$5-8: X" § To march, daily 20 miles.
to depose or turn out of office. ºx
R".* 8.YS
tº or QNXS §
N × X" êoo 1. To toss
+ -

*º ^**To be struck by evil eyes.

up. 2. to deny or disregard what Rºssºs To bruise. Sºo
another says ; to turn another's sº To ruin one lit. to beat
words into ridicule : to refute. ºbs tiles on the head. &c.; ovec Rººs
8’º A rat to eat, or destroy, scº) To knock out one's teeth. 3Xeoc X*
X'?" A smell to stink. Sººyº § To break to pieces, sº wº
To thrash a heap. sº To im
1. To throw down. 2. to thwart an
pale. Sºº To reap, or gain, a other.&c=x^es To pound flour.
great profit, Xcº To die, or &R’s Insects to destroy.
expire. NoºSºº. A clock to strike. X's To lose. \ºy
ºréc †JºeN) or
x <yº To boast, or vaunt. &Kºš's To desire exceed
-Wv Š) Rºs The wind to blow. ST:
9 S-33 So RT & SS
ingly. *38°'s To drink liquor.
Rosº To affix a paper to 2)SS R’s A snake to hiss. Sºo
the wall. º *** To clap .8 & To be disgusted, by a super
the hands. $9.8°º 1. To drive a fluity of food. SºTº A thorn
nail. 2. to split. Fox, R’s To
to prick, & "X&º To have
slap. º To cut down a tree. good fortune. Cºed WT º To strip
Tiščc sº To spoil. geºs or beat off leaves, &c. *** ***
To vaunt. āşx's To have ill Rain to fall. 28x8 & l. To break
luck. *sº To lull an infant to in two. 2. to defeat or rout. K. cº
sleep. * cº-sºº's To break open 8’s To fetter or put in irons. TXc
a cocoanut. * * ** To pitch a R-t § To lengthen any metal, by
tont. sex's To cut off the head, beating. SSA’s 8" tº To white
to behead. § 90%; x's To knock, wash,
sts, l 93 s";3 -

sº s. n. A soucar's or banker's place sº s. n. The pulp of the pal.

of business; a bank. Sºścº To myra fruit.
open, or establish, a bank. § 3 s. n. The residue, or remainder.
Šºššč) s. n. inflex. sing. STâșcé8 A adj. Remaining. -

** s. n. The young of any brute.
§ 3 s. n. 1. The flame of any light. adj. Young.
2. a flag, standard, or colour. eñº. T. S. & vide Sºčos.
Tºrº Ú Kºš & The flame of fire. T. & Sºv. n. To hesitate in speak
s"3 *ox's A hearth or fire place. Ing.

Sºcº& To hoist a flag. Sºo § &S s. n. 1. The rest, remainder,

* > A flag-staff. or residue. 2. want, defect, deficien
ST3 333. S. n. The plant termed cy. 3. discontent, dissatisfaction. adj.
1. Remaining. 2 other. Sºč53%
Echites antidysenterica. & The other half.
T. Šºš s. n. A son. sº S. n. A little. adj.
1. Little, few,
5 &) s. n. 1. That part of a bam
small. 2. mean, vile, low, inferior,
boo which is between two joints. 2. trifling postpos. 1. To the full ex
an iron thimble, placed on the finger tent of 2 in proportion to; suitable
when one plays upon the veena, or to. sº A trifling business. sº
Hindoo guitar.
&oë Few people. =-souss-A
. Sºº' s. n. Akind of terrace, over sº-c * He beat him to the ex
the gate, or entrance, of a house.
tent of his strength.
ST-37 s. n. A heap. * *.s.n. The point, end, or extre
T. ST-380 s. n. Half a handful. mity. Šºš's The very point or
***** s. n. The ashes of the end. STS ** The tip of the ear. S"
lamp wick. SR"cº v. n. To be effected, accom
sº S. m. A tick. plished, or concluded.
§ ºë or sº s. n. The co Sºoº-exºS W. a.
To commend, ap
riander plant. prove, or praise.
STS$3 v. n. wide Stº. * * v- a 1. To buy or purchase. 2.
sº adj. New, recent. . to take. ŠTºoko v. caus. To cause
sºoex, Or sº S. Il. to buy. § 9 when added to the
past verbal participle ofanother verb,
plu. The bastions of a fort.
often in the superior, and always in
*Tº s. n. The joining of a the inferior dialect, changes the final
broken thread, in spinning. # of the past verbal participle into S.
s";3 194
In this situation, it forms what has ciple is sometimes used as a post
been termed, in this dictionary, the position, to denote - By means of;
v. comp', or compound verb. It's power through, &c.; as, e5 S"8:35°o es;
in this situation is-lst, to make some 5 exº~e; eºs" R. & IIe
neuter verbs active; as, ºbsº To brought that business about, by
be understood. Sex)SSºo To un means of that gentleman. STS X*ex
derstand. 2dly, to restrict the action Worth; valuation ; cost; price.
denoted by active verbs, to the agent T. sº s. n. 1. A female's hair, tied in
exclusively; as, Rºcº to do. Fº a tuft. 2. the middle thatch. 3. the
$º to do for one's own benefit. 3dly, bend of a bow.
to alter the meaning in a manner
T. Sºye or sºys s. n. The white
which cannot be defined, except by kernel of the cocoanut, adj. Of or
examples; as, R & To walk. S & belonging to the cocoanut.
*S*Ko To behave 6-ºo To pull.
ëSSS"K, To take, ºyº To pro T. S. & S s. n. 1. Beauty. 2. youth.
strate. \º. S Ko To invoke. adj. 1. Beautiful. 2, youthful. S &
"C"ex) s. n. A beautiful, or young,
STRS is also added to a great num WOman.
ber of nouns, which it converts into TuD. STS-83 cºb Or ST:Śvēścºs s. n. *
verbs, generally of a neuter significa (from s. & 8) 1. A son. 2. a
tion; thus, e3Cs 98 K (from *3CŞ young man.
© hunger.) To be hungry. &Y’ T. S."&Sex, s. n. plu. 1. vide $33.6%
K (from &S thirst.) To be thirsty. ex). 2. the plural of STSSSC § q v.
*S*K (from # the hand.) To ob. Tcp. Sº Sº s. n. A name of ſar
tain: It is added to other words, in ticaya, the god of war.
this sense; thus, S㺠much q. v. S. ST:Ś- 3= s. n. A daughter.
&S";& To be distinguished in bat. . Sºo 5 s. n. A woman.
tle. The present or past verbal parti . Sº, s. n. 1. A branch, or bough. 2.
ciple of STK prefixed to *č) or || a woman. 3. the pointed battlements
stº) alters their meaning; thus, of a fort,
s"Kotº &º) or Sºci&#85) or $** ST sº
e5 83 º 'º
s. n. The Bengal
*ś) 1. To take away, to carry off. 2 || plantain tree.
to conduct another person away. 5’ STsº, s. n. 1. The horn of any ani
Kºšić) Or Sºci&s tº or $º mal. 2. the tusk of any animal, as of
S$) To bring, to bring another | the elephant, or wild boar. 3. a trump
along with one. Sº The past parti et, or blowing horn, 4, the name of
§Tes 195 $Tec

the connected vowel S oo. 5. a piece *7 & or S-3 S Useless, adj. Im

of certain dried roots. 6, the end of a
perfect, incomplete. Sºes ºr 'So An
bank. &Toss"sº, A piece of dried imperfect meritorious act, or one not
ginger. Rºsº, The end of completed . STeº Qº, tº The

the bank of a tank. S & *...* point of death.

ŠTeºš o & s. n. A firebrand, after it
To blow a trumpet. sºostºs
has been extinguished.
$3.To gore with the horns. Sº, S’ess postpos. vide S 83.
~o: A cast of the chucklers, who
are trumpeters. Ś eºsTeº s. n. An angry counte
nancC. STeo Sºebey-ºo To have an
T. sº, Sºs SS "Cºs s. n. A species angry"countenance.
of the Momordica charentia, used as
T. 5Teºs s. n. Indra's rainbow unbent,
a pot vegetable by the Hindoos. invisible to mortals.
ST:Śo, Kºššš, s. n. A woman T. ŠTeºcê s. n. 1. A defect. 2, a maim.
having breasts, but who never is 3. dissatisfaction.
5Teºššo s. n. A curry-comb.
tress s. n. 1. Wood. 2. a staff or T.
ŠTeº s. n. Materials, imple
stick. 3. a ship's mast, adj. Wooden. ments, tools.
stoº sºo (from S'ex, a leg.) lit. ST'esex) v. n. To abound.
a woodenlee. Stubble. SºcºS X3o by-e T. § e53) s. n. A firebrand.
& (from **śo a pin.) lit. a . ŠTºš v. a. To gnaw, to bite, to
wooden pin. 1. A mallet. 2. a piece grind, or gnash. STeºšć)0% A
of wood, with which the clods of Cancer.

earth in the fields are beaten, after Sºx s. m. plu. The grain termed
ploughing. - Panicum italicum.
sº or stoºsteş-8 8.
ST. s. n. making its inflex, sing.
n. The Amaranthus tristis. STé. An impaling spike; a spike.
Te s"833 postpos. To, for; on account ST’s) s. n. I. Measurement. 2. sin. &
of, for the sake of
§ 6-tº" s. n. A whip.
ºys"© False measure.
5 eošex s. n. plu. The irregular
$ 8% s. n. An owl.
plural of 5"exo q, v.
ŠTö < *S v. n. To be benumbed,
or deadened.
T. 5 of "o s. n. The mingléd sound of
birds. -

§ es s. n. 1. A defect. 2. a maim. 3. T.
§ 93 or $78 s. n. Measurement.
a little, 4 dissatisfaction, 5, use. Sº T.
§ 96.8 s. n. 1. Depth. 2. power, glory.
- 196 Stes

3, means. &yo Svě3S exc3. The T. sº s. n. Pillage, plunder. Sº X*

r", fro

depth of the knee. §§Tex8&eºbox

º To reap or gain a great profit. S"
§ Without understanding thy power
***) To be plundered or robbed.
or glory. &STecă.S.R." By any sº-> To attain, as Tºyo &&SS"
meal) S.
*T*** To attain eternal happiness.
T. sters s. n. A tank, or pond. ... • ST" or e-6 - *:

Tup. Sºošo s. n. (from s. So) A race, & s. Sººbs. n. A city so called.

tribe, cast, family, or lineage. SºS S. n. 1. Fat. 2. presumption,
Sºč)3 s. n. 1. The corner of the eye. pride, arrogance. v. n. 1. To be fat. 2.
2. a clasp. STö$303 A loosened to be presumptuous, proud, or arro
knot. -
gant. ŠešT&SS adj. lit. head-proud.
Sºo s. n. A forge. Sº The Headstrong, ungovernable.
bellows. T.
STS s. n. 1. The end, point, or edge.
§Tex) tº v. a. 1. To measure. 2. to 2. a piece of string.
serve, to worship. STO&O's v. caus. STSS or STSS v. a. To ask any
To cause to measure, &c.; ºoks’ thing gratis, in addition to what has
K. v. caus, comp. To cause one to been bargained for ; to demand
measure, &c. for one's own benefit. something to boot. s. n. That which
is obtained in this manner.
ST'ex) {S s. n. Grain.
- --e Qes---
. ST'exº') s. n. The festival of any
goddess; generally applied to that of TST's s. n. 1. A woman's cloth. 2, a
the village-goddess.
T. § expº) v. a. 1. To excite, encourage, TST's S& s. n. The red-lotus.
set on, or prompt. 2. this verb, add
TST's So s. n. 1. A ruddy goose. 2. a
cd to some neuter verbs in § 3,
makes them active as āeos's v, "Sovše) or "Sršešo s. n. I. The
n. To awake one's-self. §ex's ex black cuckoo. 2. a parrot.
3) v. a. To wake another, from sleep. s’s s. n. A coward.
& Sºys"exº) To be inclined. §§ ste s. n. A fort. s'ess";3,&o The
§Tex): 3) v. a. To excite, or provoke. -

pointed battlements of a fort.

éðS"ex):3) To hiss, set on, or excite
Sºssº s. n. The hollow of a tree.
a dog; to incite one against another.
8. Sºes s. n. 1. A crore, or ten millions.
ST'exº') s. n. (from T. S"ex) is q.v.)
1. Service. 2. an employment or 2. the edge or point of a sword; the
place. 3, a hall of audience. end of a bow. 3, a multitude, S’ss
sº:S 197, s";
5 st *: Innumerable persons or T.
5 *s. n. A young bull, adj. Male,
things. young. Sºº. A bull calf. Sº:
s. Sºčº S. n. A crown, or diadem. GT tS A male serpent. S & Sºcºs
T. Sº s. n. The plough placed on A young man.
the top of the yoke, as is done when °oº s. n. A person who wears a
the cultivator carries it to, or brings mask, and exhibits as a buffoon.
it back from, the field. Sºros s. n. 1. A corner, or angle. 2.
T. sº s. n. making its inflexion the sharp edge of a sword. 3. the quill
* sing. sº, and it's nom. plu. or bow of a lute, a fiddle stick, &c. (9)
ão Gº. A daughter-in-law, sº sº 1. A triangle. 2. the puden
& – S exe55 & - Sºoë3šo or dum muliebre. -

Sºeºsº, The duty of a daughter Sºcº s. n. (from T. Sºo q.v.)

Reaping, cutting. Sºciº-sºo Har
T. § 3 s. n. A cock, or hen. Sºfášo-a vest time.

Šo s. n. (from ŠoćSo a wager.) Sºcº s. n. A monkey. Sºcêsºs. A

The game of cock-fighting. sº assoc brown, or monkey colour.
& The crow of a cock. s’ég A
Sºcº s. n. A bow.
chicken, sºãº A cock’s comb. Sºoººo s. n. A rope suspended to
any pole, Qr beam, in order to punish
&ge sºa A brood hen. #35 a A
school-boys, by making them continu
Europe fowl, generally applied to a ally keep hold of it.
turkey. s’āºo: A cock. s"à-g sº, & 90 s. m. plu. A species
A hen. of grain eaten by the poorer people,
T. S"3X s. n. A score; it is used chief.
the Paspalum frumentaceum. vide *
ly in counting rubies, or cloths. Sºs s. n. 1. A village in a forest. 2.
T. § 38s s. n. Ridicule. a herd of cows.
T. st 3 S. n. Aflag, banner, or ensign.
st 53 s. n. A square pond, with
T. sº v. a. 1. To separate broken, steps for descending on each side.
from unbroken rice. 2. to move the Sºo s. n. Anger, wrath, rage,
tongue, as a snake. s. n. I. A rivu indignation. 5°35 A passionate or
let; the branch of a river. 2. a place angry woman. Sºv. n. To be
overgrown with eº)& q' v. angry, or enraged. Sº A passionate
T. Stºs s. n. making in the inflex. sing. or angry person. S & 3 tº or S^3\o
Sº The leg of a bedstead. & v. a. To be angry with another.
g’sº 198 sºo

Šºš Šo 3&YS"Ko To feign to be T. Sºo s. n. A woman.

angry. t. Sºos s. n. The black cuckoo.
T. 5°9 s. n. 1. A side. 2. manner, T. S. CŞo v. a. 1. To cut, sever, or ampu
mode, adj. Extraordinary, uncommon. tate. 2. to pluck, to gather.
Šºć) as "Scº s. n. A copdar, or T. stašºvc; S. m. plu. A cast of
contractor for long cloths. fowlers, or huntsmen.
S’ºes s. n. The cast termed the T. S. 8 s. n. A cup.
Komtee. It is one of the subdivisions
of the Vysya, or third pure cast,
s: sºbs's s. n. A bud, an unblown
flower. *...*
among the Hindoos. Their profession
is trade; and their peculiar deity is a t. Sº 3 s. n. A wall of loose earth.
virgin, named Kunyaka purumesh
s. STö& "3ºx s. n. plu. A species
of grain. Paspalum frumentaceum.
wuree, a native originally of the vide Šeš Čex).
country near Guntoor, and a mem
ber of their tribe, whose beauty in T. Stºv adj. Unbleached, as applied to
duced the Hindoo Rajah of that time cloth; as applied to gold, it denotes
to insist on a forcible marriage with impure, or mixed with alloy.
T. sº-oºs v. a. To turn up the earth,
S"C"> *
her. All her cast were assembled to
discuss the subject ; and, to termi as is done by a rat, hog, &c.
nate the dispute, after ostensibly T. S. Soº s. n. A bramble bush.
consenting, and fixing the day for T. $ 83 s. n. The ryot's share, or por
the ceremony, she, in the presence of tion of the crop.
all, descended into a pit of fire, and T. Sº v. a. 1. To wish. 2. to hope; to
destroyed herself. For this, she has expect. 3. to choose, to select. 4. to
been deified, and is worshipped, as prefer, to like. Stao & v. caus. To
one of the sukters, or female ener cause to wish, &c. S’s B s. n. 1.
gies of the deity, by this cast, by Wish, desire, or longing. 2. hope,
means of Brahmin priests, who as expectation. 3. selection. 4. prefe
sume the title of Bhaskara, and sta Fox-oº- s's E383 Or

whose pooranum gives many particu sta 5 Seºeso A wish, to be ac

lars of the tale abovementioned. This complished. sº-s - co-wºº) -

cast takes the title of Shetty, or Chit ë83) Te03*)

- To accomplish
ty, but they are quite distinct from one's wish.
the Beri cast, the members of which
assume the same title. |t. Ste: s n. A tusk or fang.
5">es &c. adj Soff, bland, beauti T. Sºo s. n. 1. An arrow. 2, a staff, or
ful, pleasing, agreeable. stick, adj. Long. STeſ”& s. n.
st;) 199 -*
E. zºº

(from T. ** a play.) A kind of play, T. s’so s. n. 1. A Hindoo temple. 2. **

with small pieces of stick, in which the black cuckoo

dancing girls or school boys, by mo t. & Tud. 5’ seſſ & s. n. (from
ving in different directions, plait into TUD. & 8×o a note.) The seventh
one rope separate strings held in
musical note, called Punchama; be
one hand, while they keep time, by
cause it is said to be formed by air,
beating the sticks held in the other,
against each other.
drawn from five places; the navel,
Sºo's obocºs s. n. A name of Vish the thigh, the heart, throat, and fore
S. sºs s. n. 1. Treasure 2. a bud.
Sºos & s. n. A grain of pepper.
3. a sheath or scabbard. 4. judiciº
stos ºr s. n. A sort of brass pot
Stos s. n. Length. trial by oath, or ordeal; attesting a
sºe, 3rº s. n. The plant ter. deity, and touching or drinking
water three times, in which some
med Hemionites cordifolia. idol has been washed. 5. the testicle
stoº s. n. 1. A hog. 2. a raft, a or scrotum. 6, a dictionary or voca
float. 3. the fruit of the Jujube. bulary. 7. a book. 8. an egg.
sterº-ess. n. Alow and confused sº S. n. 1. An apartment. 2. the
sound; an uproar; a great and in stomach. 3, a granary. . -

distinct noise.
S. ST"><350
T. Sºo's "cºs s. n. A kolkar, or inferior ?’s adj. Warm, tepid. s. n.
officer, in the custom department.
T. Sºos K. v. n. To be restored to | T. S’Kºo or Sºč8:30 postpos. For, on
account of, in behalf of.
strength, or to a former good state.
T. Stoßcº v. n. To be distinguish 5°Soº sº, s. n. The country

ed, or signalized. -
south of Ayodhya (Oude) in which
Rama was born.
sºjos> S. n. A jackass. 5 & s. n. A coss, or a distance of
sº ºccº v. a. To prepare for two thousand fathoms.
*E ººº
Sºyºs or sº v. n. 1. To be
Ecº s. n. making in the inflex.
lost. 2 to be ruined. Sºoyº) v. a.
1. To lose. 2. to deprive, to destroy, sing. S & 3 The breast. lit. the
to ruin. place of embraec. 5’CXèjotº. v. a.
Sºyº s. n. A royal tiger. To embrace; to clasp. 5°CAOo3
sº s. n. A hollow tube. or 5’ cº-º) s. n. An embrace.
—o -

sº &c. adj. Wisc, or learned. 5 * s. n. A partridge.

§ oš 200
\l/ \sy %
Fešešº s. n. Crookedness. 1. Weeping, lamenting. 2. mutual
Fºš & s. n. 1. Eagerness, vehe daring or defiance, challenging,
mence, impatience. 2, joy; pleasure, braving.
happiness. 3, wish, inclination. 4. the sy %& adj. Much, excessive. s. n.
marriage thread, or ring. 5. a shew, cº)
or spectacle. Jºss S. n. A saw.
5 & "3"exºo s. n. Eagerness, vehe
mences Ús wº & s. n. A curry-comb.
's Ko s. n. The waist.
Úsº adv. 1. Purely, clearly. 2.
Fäss s. n. The small piece of
quickly, swiftly.
* cloth concealing the privities.
T'SºčSo s. n. Youth, childhood. Ús, s. n. Impurity, dirt.
Se TSX.8 s. n. Moonlight. - Ü%) v. a. To wish, to desire.
se 3 & 28.3 s. n. The club or mace of
Qs) & S. n. A sacrifice, or cere

sºoºoºocºs s. n. 1. A bastard. 2.
mony in which oblations are pre
sented. ÜßSoš (from s. So
the son of a female beggar. ºf the destroyer.) A name of Siva,
G. 5*ex) s. m. wide § {\ex).
Tº esº, s. n. 1. Happiness, welfare. because he destroyed the sacrifice of
2. greeting, salutation, friendly en Duktsha. S., & º os S. n. plu.
quiry. 3. skilfulness. (from s, &# to eat.) The deities;
Tº sº s. n. An owl. because they are supposed to feed
on the sacrifice.
*3&c & s. n. A name of Indra,
and also of Vishwamitra. S.
Úº S. n. One of the 56
tº s. n. A silken cloth. adj. countries, enumerated by the Hin
Silken. doos.
TSS s. n. Flesh, meat. 1 § §§§ adv. Quickly, speedily,
†Sºo s. n. The jewel of Vish.
noo, suspended from his breast.
- sºcºs, s. n. A sword, or scy Úº s. m. 1. A sacred precept,
or practice prescribed by the vedas.
2. order, method, uninterrupted
progress, regularity, arrangement.
Us) cºee adv. Quickly, swiftly. Úºoº v. n. 1. To pass as the
Qs) cºss Joë5%
Or 5, In,
time. 2. to pass over. 3. to die.
Ú% 201
- ÜßS
Ú Kosºws. n. 1. The areca or TUD, (8.9% S. n. (from s. 8588) One of
beetle-nut tree. 2. the nut itself. the names of Arjoona, the third son
Úº Ś So s. n. A camel. of Pandoo.

Ü3,” v. n. To return. Ö & (8) ë So &c. adj. Bought, purchased.

e39 & v. a. To recall, to revoke. Ú \89%& S. n. One of the twelve
Sº,” adv. Again. kinds of sons acknowledged by the
T. Uśysº, v. a. vide §§. Hindoo law; viz. he who is purcha
sed from his natural parents. *
s, Sycºs s. n. 1. Buying, purchase.
2. price, value. Gºycºsºcºs s. n.
Te cº, 6% v. n. To drown. s. n.
A purchaser, a buyer. Ú cS33) ūy Drowning.’
cºSoo Trade, traffic, lit. buying and
Ú) ox3 v. n. vide ŚcN3.
selling. . \S) & S. n. Anger, wrath, indigna
Ú5S° s. n. Raw-flesh. Ú F's tion. &yº &c. adj. Passionate.
&c's (from s. e5 to eat.) A giant; *) &º v. n. To roam, to wander,
because he feeds on raw flesh. to ramble, to haunt.
\sºyºº v. n. Tashine, to sparkle. \º/öß &c. adj. 1. Terrible, for
\s)3°43 s. n. (from T. S. Kº an midable, ferocious, destructive. 2.
eye.) lit. the sparkling-eyed. A cruel, pitiless, hard, harsh. 3. sharp.
Woman, 4. hot. GyöSº s: n, Cruelty,
& Još adv. vide Boº. tyranny.
ū)3– e3.cº. v. n. vide 83 e3&o. Ü ^*. s. n. The outer corner of
: ū) ° S. n. An insect, a worm.
the eye.
Ü, Ö S. n. A calf.
Gy cº s. n. 1. An act or action, 2.
means, expedient.3. worship. 4. physi. Te
Uy § s. m. plu. Leaps.
cal treatment or practise. 5. a reli T.
-# .2 -

\ºy & S. n. A side.

gious initiatory ceremony. 6. obse Te
quies, rights performed immediately USCJo adj, New, fresh, recent scye
*S*3) A fresh scent.
after death. 7, purificatory rights, as
ablution, &c. 8. in grammar, a verb. T.
Us") iſ adj. vide sº.
(3)cº S. m. 1. Manner or mode. 2. USTJºë S. m. A tress; a female's
advantage. 3. effect. knot of hair.
Ušjº Sport, amusement, play,
Se 11, T.
\s"yº"Så adj. Very sharp.
pastime, pleasure. T.
JºSv. n, and s. n. vide ŠºćS.
~$5. 202 35X

& Vºss s, n. A female's hair tied *Sº adv. Somewhere.

in a tuft. S.
Ś Stoššo or S Stošo s. n. A tone, or
\5’, & So s. n. 1. A hog. 2. the bo-. musical sound.
som or breast. S.
SSºčº &c. adj. Decocted.
(sº jás boss v. a. To abstract, to S. is Sº sº, adj. Of very little use.
abridge, to shorten. S. 's Stow S. n. vide SSrossº.
\&T) & S s. n. The fifty-ninth year,
in the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
(sºyººs s. n. Anger, wrath. (sº) -º-

The seventeenth letter, and second

&c & or \5 y? A passionate consonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet.
man •

Sºyº s. n. The thirty-eighth year, S -

4:02:53, or +9:53:… s. n. A
in the Hindoo cycle of sixty. wag-tail. -

o .
T. \sºjº v. a. To drink. #2c23> &c. adj. Lame, crippled,
T. sº $) s. n. 1. A hollow tube. 2. a limping.
30%.S & s. n. 1. Division. 2. disser
flute. 3. the plant termed Galedupa
arborea. Roxb. tation, criticism.

(sº )? So s. m. The distance of one Se 3-oxºocºs s. n. The god Siva.

S. £očºo s. n. 1. A piece, part, frag
~6 . ~~
lº s, n. -

A fox, or jackal. ment or portion. 2. a chapter or sec

†", oººo s. m. 1. The name of £očovº v. a. I. To cut into pieces,
one of the Dwipas or principal divi. divide, tear, or break off. 2. to reject,
sions of the world. 2. a mountain in to confute, or render ineffectual. 3. to
the Himalaya range. 3. a curlew. settle a price. £oãº) s. n. The
§ 355; Ko or .333 So s. n. Fatigue. lowest price. 40&oiº) #& To set
rwr, ry,

tle a bargain.
º &c. adj. Wet.
4 oë3 s. n. A woman, whose hus
&c. adj. 1. Tistressed, afflict
band has been guilty of infidelity.
ed. 2. inconstant, contradictory. 3°očŠ&O &c. adj. 1. Cut, torn,
3 of 3 s. n. The neuter gender.
nº broken. 2. strict, rigid.
3.29& s. n. A eunuch. S. 32X&o s. n. 1. A bird. 2, an arrow.

.33% s. n. Pain, affliction, or dis *R*S&cs (from S. tº sº 0.

tress. master.) Gargotmunta, the vehicle of

£ax) 203 3:Sºv

Vishnoo; because he is the chief of #8 s. n. The twenty-fifth year, of the

the winged species. Hindoo cycle of sixty.
4 º' So &c. adj. 1. Mixed, blºnded, 48 to S& &c. adj. Sharp-nosed.
combined. 2. inlaid, set. **Cº v. a. * So s. n. 1. Heat. 2. an ass, adj. 1.
To set precious stones. Hot, sharp, pungent. 2. cruel, harsh.

* 2: ‘S s. n. A spoon, a ladle. 3. figuratively dear, scarce.

***R,” s. n. (from Aajji- 1. 3) Tº adj. 1. True, exact, certain, 2.
Treasure, or money. 2. a treasury.
**s-º A cash chest. #3">3 *T*& s. n. A curry-comb.
#54 osº, s. n. Gambling.
A cash keeper.
32°35′5 s. n. A closed, or doubled fist. 3& s. n. (from P. cx, is pur
S. *S s. n. A bedstead, or couch. chase.) Price, value. #53 ºccº. To
G. #2-3-oxootS v. a. To erect or raise.
set a price ; to value. -

# 5-4-3-oxoº. To raise or pitch a

*S*) adj. Sharp, harsh, cruel.
tent. §ºcº is more generally
*3) s. n. (from Ae-...s.) Expen
#33 s. n. 1. A sword or scymetar. diture, or expence. */
2. a rhinoceros. 3. the rhinoceros' S.
* 6 S. n. The itch ; any cutaneous
G. *ē s. n. vide s3. -
*...*& s. n. The marshy date tree.
*53-9xx s n. (from s, sº the sky, £8sº S. n. The capital of four
and .s. 5 S"> a tree with dark blos.
soms.) 1. Smoke. 2. a cloud. hundred villages; a market, or coun
try town.
se £395 & s. n. (from s. 3, the sky, and
*SSº &c. adj. Short, low ; of little
s. Foš an ornament.) The sun.
** 5& s. n. The tree termed Mino size, or stature.
sa catechw. *Sº s. n. Verdigrease.
*953 adj, Bald, bald-headed.
**S*3, sºn. 1. A fire-fly. 2. the S.
**śx s. m. A thrashing floor, adj. 1.
sun. º

Low, vile, base, inſe: ior. 2. cruel,

*ść 3 s. n. A burglar, or house mischicvous.
#28 s. n. A mine. S. #5sº s. n. The bit of a bridle.
325) ū) &2 s. n. A spade, or hoe. - S. £er-º $v &c. adj. vide ºvº.
s. *@530 s. n. The beetle-nut-tree. +& "SS. s. n. A parade, a place for
Areca, faufel or catechu. military exercise. -

G. *NS s. n. vide $ 29.3°S, *S*º s. n. A blockhead.

#e3" 204 Xox
—S - - a -

37-38 & &c. adj. Eaten. So

#& s. n. Sorrow, grief, affliction,
Se #Tê ššo s. n. The sediment arising distress, repentance, regret. *A* or
from the boiling of beetle-nut, which, $3°59 v. n. To grieve, to lament, to
being made into balls, is used in chew regret.
ing the beetle-nut. - ºcº S. n. A ditch, trench, or moat.
G *R* adj. (from P. CŞ3ts do. #9 or jessº s. n. Sport, play, pas
mestick.) Private, clandestine. time.

*ě s. n. A measure containing about *Sº s. n. Reputation, renown, fame,

80 marcals, 16 dronas, or 3 bushels.
celebrity, notoriety & Säwsc, adj.
*ě adj. (from A. c." ls.) Empty, Known, celebrated, famous, noto
Vacant. -- rious.
Ge #73 o'So s. n. (from * <xi, (s) X

Master, lord.
G. #7 & adj. (from *U2's. ) Own, X The eighteenth letter, and third con
private. * sonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet. It
is the first letter of the five termed, in
à?SAŞo &c. adj. Distressed ; suffer
ing pain, or uneasiness.
Teloogoo grammar, the Köö ex or
soft letters. It is substituted for ini
*9× s. n. Waste, or unploughed tial ś, when words beginning with Š
land. -

are preceded by any of those belong

#328 S. s. n. A hoof, a razor. 398 co
ing to the class termed drootapracroo
§ & &c, adj. Flat nosed, having a tooloo, or by nouns in the nom. case,
nose like a horse's hoof. 495 &è3 A
cven when used accusatively, or by
case of razors.
3×3 s. m. wide 3 & "3S.
any part of the verb ending in *, *,
*: Sºx s. n. Sport, play. and A, or by the words º-º
spºë s. n. (from P. çºis-" 772?!?”. & and º. -

XCX s. n. The river Ganges, or its

derer.) Murder. * *"& Amur personification as ā goddess. XoTVº
Scº (from s. 358 one who receives or
£º 753& s. n. One of the fifty possesses.) A name of Siva ; because
six countries, enumerated by the
the Ganges is said to have alighted on
his head in it's first descent, and con
_c <2
#3 & SC’s s. n. A demi-god. tinued for some period entangled in
ºšº's & or $8.25% s. n. 1. A shield. -
his hair.
2. a suburb, T.
XoxºSex s. m. plu. Skulls.
- Xo3 205 Xo3

T. Xoxâtex, s. n. The dewlap. T. Xoë3 s. n. 1. A bell. 2, the circular

Xox ºbeſº) s. n. A cow of a black plate of mixed metal, on which the
and yellow colour. Hindoos strike the hours. 3. an eng
xoxo~&#3 s. n. The tree termed •lish hour. 4. a bunch or tuft. oxº
Hibiscus populneus. &\Xotoex What o'clock is it at
T. xox&xºş or xox & s. n. A present 2 -

species of the Jujube tree.

T. Xoë3&o s. n. An iron style, or pen.
T. xo~553, s. m. The name of a vil Xcesesº, s. n. The name of a village
lage goddess. goddess.
Xo-Wºo s. n. A large brazen ves T. Xoë3 s. n. A wound, sore, or hurt.
sel, which is used for containing water. Koº To be wounded, hurt, or
xcº, or Xo *ś s. n. A bullock
Xo'º s. n. 1. Animosity, hatred. 2.
taught to dance.
- cT) a knot of hair. 3. a bag or bundle.
X C23 s. n. A small tavern. XcTÉ3 s. n. A spoon, or ladle.

Xoz. s. n. Arable land. . Xo &ex) s. n. plu. The grain of the

Holcus spicatus.
T. xcartºº s. n. The hemp plant, or Xoºs v. a. To pull mutually.
Cannabis sativa ; the leaves of which, Xo3: $ $30 s. n. 1. A rhinoceros. 2. the
mixed with tobacco, and other sub
young of any fish.
stances, are smoked, or sometimes Xoścºs s. n. A robust, or stout man.
eaten, in India, especially by the Xotºoººo s. n. A ring worn
Mussulmans, for their intoxicating round the ancle, as an honorary dis
quality. tinction.
Xo3 s. n. 1. Rice gruel, commonly tub. xoº. §§oº s. n. A fabulous
termed conjee. 2. starch. Xo33°º S bird, with two heads, the prey of
(from S^8's cream.) The cream of which is the flesh of the elephant.
conjee. X- ***sag Starched linen. S. XoššTº s. n. Inflammation of the
G. Xcº" s. n. The name of a game glands of the neck, &c.
played with small tablets or cards, S. Kočº s. n. 1. The cheek. 2, imini
ninety-six in number. The figure of nent danger, great extremity, peril, a
the king and vizier is drawn on some, fatal accident. 3, one of the twenty
and 1 2 3, to the number of ten, seven portions of a circle, on the plane
marked on others. They are gener of the ecliptic.
ally of eight different colours, and Xo35° S v. n. To issue forth, to
the game is played by three people. spring.
Xo; 206 Xo3

Xo3&ex) s. n. plu. Fragments, S. Xo: & s. n. often written Xo3:33.

pieces, chips. -
1. A smell. 2. a perfume. 3. the san
Xo3,393,09 s. n. plu. (from s, Koš dal. 4, ground sandal wood, or any
a cheek, and 39 a rock.) The frag other wood ground, and used in me
ments fallen from rocks. dicine, or as a perfume. adj. Fragrant.
Xoč s. n. A breach in the bank of a Xoº).5 oë (from S^3 a moun
tank, or artificial lake, through which tain.) The mountains in the south
the water has forced it's way. 2. the west of the Indian peninsula, where
opening of a sore. 3. a hole, or chink. sandal wood is procured. xcº-3
4. a lane, or narrow passage.
(from & "3 a powder.) Perfumed pow
Xcºs s. n. Bravery. adj. 1. Brave, he
roick. 2. great, large. 3. male. Xo:S Ś der. Xoºxsº s. n. (from sºy a
beast.) The civet cat. XolºššTSX s.
so s. n. (from T. & an ant.) The n. (from 53° one that bears.) The
large black ant. wind or air; because it conveys smells.
Xo33°3&o s. n. An earth-worm. Xo S^3225) s. n. (from s. 3322 a rat.)
s. Xotºvášo s. n. 1. A handful of wa The muskrat.
ter, held in the hollowed palm of the s. Xoršč s. n. A Gandharva, or ce
hand, for rinsing the mouth, &c.; 2. lestial musician. These are demi-gods,
filling the mouth, and rinsing it. who inhabit Indra's heaven, and form
T. Xo ū) adj. 1. Cunning, sharp, quick. the orchestra at all the banquets of
2. large. the principal deities.
T. Xo3 s. n. A pack-saddle. xoxºs s: n, vide Koºyº un
T. Xošo s. n. A jump, leap, or vault. der Koššº.
xočº or Kočº X' K. v. n. To
Xo: S 3 s. n. 1. The mother of Vya
die, to expire. - -

sa. 2. the name of a city. 3. the earth.

Xoºx, s. m. plu. Pieces of wood
Xvá) exºx s. n. An old fox.
nailed horizontally, across the per Xo $33.3% s. n. (from S. Ko ; a smell,
pendicular planks of a door, to make and tº Čº excellent.) 1. Spirituous
it strong. -

T. xo~68 tº s. n. Confusion. Xo: or vinous liquor. 2. toddy, or fer

8X** >0 ºoºo mented liquor, extracted from the
To throw every
cocoanut, palmyra tree, &c.
thing into confusion.
s. Xoršššo s. n. Sulphur. xoşīº s. n. A wasp.
S. Xolº) s. n. 1. The flower of the T. Xo3 s. n. A wicker basket. Xo33)ex;
Michelia champaca. 2. a fragrant tree, X3 s. n. A wild cock or jungle fowl
so named. (Phasianus gallus ;) because they are
X2: 207 X&ox

constantly brought into villages, by T. Xº, S. n. plu. The groin, the pub
the jungle people, in baskets.
tud. Xoºx-83 s. n. (from s.s. 65-5-3) lic and iliac regions.
Camphor. T.
x; S. n. The itch; any cutaneous
- < boo -

Kołº, &c. adj. Deep, profound. eruption. Xº To have the itch.

TU D. xerº s. n. (from s. 32&T's 8)
Koź 3 #3 s. n. An intoxicated, or res
tive elephant. The date tree, Phoenix dactylifera.
X so s. m. plu. Bells, tinkling or
XXº s. n. The sky, or atmosphere.
^^3 s. n. The erection of the hair Ilaſſients.

on the body. Xeºs s. n. Paste.

T. xºs Foº v. a. 1. To ram down. 2.
^*) s. n. A thorny plant, so called.
—o to beat.
**) s. n. 1. Vaunt, boast, vain os T.
tentation, false promises. 2. mortar
×3 adj. 1. Hard, solid, firm. 2.
—o x:303
strong, able, clever. 3. loud.
or plaster of chunam, or lime. Nº) . v. a 1. To load a gun. 2. to beat into
*T** A boasting or vaunting fe a hard mass. 3. to rub out what is
male. . .
—o –o
written on a plank, used in Hindoo
schools. X§º A substantial work.

^*) & 3)^3 v. n. To be disorder

ed, or discomposed; to be thrown *** A loud talk, ºxº
into confusion. Ršcºo To get a lesson by heart. X§
xº~0s. S. n- ienying 58& Astrong man. X$7, Loudly.
Qo 2 O Xºs & Cleverness, ability. ×3
X&Y) s. n. (from s, X: an ele
Tºo? So F&S (from Čoºšo heart
phant, and &Kyb piper longum.) A or mind, and F*CŞ he.) A brave
large species of long pepper. man ; a man of fortitude. xº~~ Sº ris
co O

X& s. n. 1. An elephant. X**śćc (from T. S" the mouth.) lit. a loud

speaker. A deceitful female. x: -ye
& (from s. 355 a face.) The
deity Ganesa ; because he has the *s (from T. Tº a woman.) An
head of an elephant. adultress, a lewd woman.
T. x33. S. n. The measure termed a T. x? S. n. 1. A mountain. 2. a bank
yard. or shore. 3. a bank, dam or mound of
X&^% s. n. 1. Entanglement, con earth. xº~<g s. n. (from O’ a
fusion, intricacy. 2. trouble. king, and 3; a child.) lit. the child

203 -
of the mountain king or of Hima T. Xào $ v. a. To acquire; to amass,
laya. 1. Parvatee, the wife of Siva, or gain.
and daughter of the king of the T. X&3&o s. n. A plaited garment,
snowy range. 2. the name of the a folded cloth. -

t. X&º s. n. a bolt. Xècºcº To

mountain Minaka Kºvács s. n. bolt.
(from Écºs lord or master.) The
'chief of the mountains, viz. The
Tup. xàº.3 s. n. (from s, $83 Sº) A
Hindoo ghuree, or hour of twenty
snowy range in the north of India,
termed the Himalaya. x3 &excs four english minutes. X&oº
A watch; a clock.
(from £exc:s an archer.) Sira, T. X& S v. n. To pass as time. v. a. I.
whose bow was a mountain. Yº
To pass over. 2. to transgress. 3. to
& (from & "3s an enemy.) lit. the exceed, or surpass. 4. to expire, or
enemy of the mountains. Indra, the elapse. X& 6) v. a. 1. To pass time.
regrat of the sky, who cut the wings 2. to put off or defer. 3. to finish. v.
of the mountains, which formerly all caus. To cause to pass over, &c.
flew about, and reduced them to their T. XXè) s. n. 1. A fixed or expired
present stationary state. term. 2. an instalment. .
X& s. n. 1. A cane, stick, or stalk. 2. s. X:S$) s. n. A hump on the back. X
a long and thick bamboo. SSSX* &ex) CŞ A hump-backed man.
A bamboo stick. & Sºx& The T. X&S s. n. A mean person, adj. 1.
stalk of jonnaloo. Rebºx: The Mean. 2. cruel, inflexible, pitiless. 3.
sugar-cane. X&ois A stand or evil. 4, difficult.
wooden horse. Te x: s. n. 1. A bulbous root. 2. a
T. X& s. n. 1. An acquirement or ac lump, or clod. 3. a boil or ulcer. Tºo
quisition. 2. a regard, esteem. 3. an &eºx: Ayam. ésex: A pota
account. KößCô s. n. (from Ščc
© a woman.) A prostitute. toe. Xäßex^3 s. n. A pickaxe, or
X& 3 s. n. The threshold. instrument for breaking clods. X:
*ě An iron crow.
T. Xà adj. Strong, able, powerful. Xà
UGC) cº A strong rope which ties T. Kºo s. n. 1. The chin. 2. the
two cattle together, to prevent their
wandering x& 3e39 v. n. 1. To come T. X; s. n. Grass, straw. x338s A.
to the age of puberty, or strength. 2. blade of straw. x3 &o "US", C:S
to be experienced. X&S"ox. A noto (from Sooey Jº, Cào the waist cord.)
rious thief. A small cord, made of the Dhurba, or
X3 209 X&

sacred grass, (Poa cynosuroides) worn of success. 4. a course of events, fate,

around the waist by a young Brah fortune, lot, destiny. 5. protection.
min, in the ceremony of investing 6. salvation. 7. state, eondition, si
him with the brahminical thread. tuation. S. help, aid. 9. ability, power.
X: s. n. 1. Force, violence. 2. diffi S-8s ^{9 The motion of the sun.
culty. adj. Rare, scarce. * Rºxb The march of troops. Kºš
Xrosºcło s. n. 1. An astrologer. 2. a *Yoº To invent a means of success
letter carrier.
or expedient. Fºxwoºs a
X23X20 s. n. The tinkling of bells. Such is my fate. Rºsº): Ryväräx
se Xeos s. n. 1. Calculation. 2. regard.
se Xros s. n. 1. A fluck, multitude, or & 3:33 I have not any other protection
than yours." &) &y ex, ºf Eºs3×
assemblage, 2, a tribe, class or troºp.
3. troops of inferior deities, consider &o jº) Persons who have not sons
ed as Siva's attendants, and under will never obtain salvation. Sº CŞ
the special superintendence of his Rščić 53+33% º Rºº co-ºxºs
son, Ganésa, whence his name XF3 Tºyº By his artifice I am reduced
&c & or x**3-cºs. This deity is to this state. xºde 5-cºs A helpless
the god of wisdom, and remover of man. Fºyº-ºx3 & I
obstacles; as such, he is invoked at
am not able to pay. *

the commencement of all under T.

takings, and is represented as a fat
X® v. a. To lap, as a dog,
Xè8 s. n. Disturbance, vexation,
man, with a large belly, and an ele S. XX s. n. A club, a mace. XTS’ Sc
phant's head with one tusk broken.
XP8's. m. lit. counting. A person of a * (from º one who bears or wears.)
One of the epithets of Vishnoo.
certain tribe, who explains the ca
lendar to the lowest casts of Hin
S. X5× s. n. Disease, sickness.
doos. X&oºs v. a. 1. To calculate. S. Kº" (X,**CŞo s. n. A name of
2. to acquire, or gain. X-35 s. n. A Krishna. lit. the elder brother of
harlot; because she prostitutes her
self for gain. Kaº; Koo Arithmetic.
T. Xè s. n. 1. The space between two
XF3x s. n. Ornaments made of beams. 2. a closet, bed-room, cham
wax, worn by maskets. ber, or apartment.
X59 &e. adj. 1. Gone, past, antece S. x: *S s. n. The name of the young
dent. 2, known. -
er brother of Krishna.
X* S. n. 1. Going, moving, motion. T. X&o v. a. To push, to extend.
2- a march. 3, an expedient, a means T. XSS v. a. 1. To obtain, to possess.
210 X-5-
T. Xºy s. n. A stink.
2. to brow-beat. Kºº's v. comp.
To brow-beat. S. X* is s. n. A ray of light; a sun, or
x3:sº s. n. A low, inarticulate, sob moon-beam. ”
bing sound, expressive of joy, or S. Xà & Sºo &c. adj. vide Xo3.5&.
grief. S. XS$ 530 s. n. 1. Motion, going, mov
×3 s. n. A vulture. ×gº. A
ing, marching. 2. movement, course.
º -

sharp nose, a nose like a vulture's 3. attention. & & XSSSSSSSS Co …”

beak. -
habiting 9 wife. & 3-vX
with a stranger's **

xgºs-cº s. n.wide X&.

& S&S lit, going along with. The
T, xeois or x>3:3-c oxo S v. a. To burning of a Hindoo widow alive
brow-beat, scold, or threaten. with her deceased husband. '
T. xº~ s. n. 1. A chair. 2. a throne. T. xº~-cºs s. n. A toddy-drawer.
xºs s. n. The chin. - The origin of this tribe is traced to

T. x: s. n. 1. A chair. 2. a throne. 3. the progeny of a Soodra man, by a

the coin termed a pagoda. 4. fortune woman of the Rajah, or 2d pure
telling, by a gipsey. Hindoo cast.
xzºos sº s. m. plu. Boastings, xxºSºx' &c. adj. Accessible, attain
vauntings, expressions unsuitable to able. -

one's situation. S. Xcº s. n. Gaya, a city in Behar, still

Kºš Or xº~ S. m. Prose. so called, and a celebrated place of
T. X5's or XKoš adv. Therefore, be Hindoo pilgrimage.
cause, since, as. It always closes the
T. xo-oº s. n. A very wicked, or craſ
ty female.
sentence, and never begins it. It is
said to be derived from S K to see, q. xoS3-, 3 s. n. Land unfit for culti
v.; but I cannot trace the derivation. vation.

Xè s. n. A mine. S. Xo30& s. n. The name of a royal or

x^35 or XKºo s. n. A ridge. military saint.
T. x sº or x #sº s. n. The olean Te Xö adj. Rough, rugged.
der, or Nerium odoratum. The root T. x8x8s s. n. 1. Commodiousness.
is often used by Hindoo women, as 2. intelligence, attention, skill adj.
Convenient, commodious, cleanly. -

a poison, to destroy themselves, on XSºo or X5? & s. n. Poison, ve

any sudden excitation of the passi. S.

nonn. -

OilS. º -

T. XO"So s. n. A very wicked person,

T. x^\ex s. n. A bat.
X53 211
X6 s. n. 1. Hardness, stiffness. 2. T.
X88) or x& So s. n. Stony, or
sharpness. 3. the feather at the end sandy soil, mixed with pebbles.
of an arrow.
X33 s. n. A churn. *

X37 s. n. A small earthen pot. X23ST or xºş, S. n. 1. The roaring

Xbºx s. n. A spoon, or ladle. of elephants, or lions. 2. the rolling of
x^3 s. n. 1. A fencing-school, or a
thunder. Xgos v. n. To thunder.
place of exercise. 2. fencing. X& sº s. n. 1. A hole. 2. the hollow
T. X53 s. n. A woman.
of the loins. 3. a pit. XC, tºo (from
X0S s. n. Heaviness, weight. . s. ** to go.) lit. to go in holes. The
^^* *. n. A garce, a measure con large rat, usually termed at Madras
taining 400. mercals. the bandycoot.
^^* &c. adj. Excessively heavy. X&ºw s. n. An ass.
T. X& s. n. The erection of the hair
׺ss &c. adj. Covetous, greedy.
on the body.
S. x<x<<-xxii.ºcxs s. n. The xº~ S. n. 1. The belly. 2. the womb
bird and vehicle of Vishnoo; he is
or uterus. 3. a foetus or embryo. .
generally represented as a being 4. a child. 5. the inside ; the mid
something between a man and a bird,
dle. xºr:A pregnant woman. x-y
and is considered as the sovereign 5 cºo (from 33 cº an abode.) The
of the feathered race; he is the son womb. xºss S. n. (from s.
of Casyapa and Venata, and younger - *TS taking.) A ceremony per
brother of Aroona. The large vulture, formed prior to conception. xº.)
or eagle, vulgarly termed the Brami 7' 5& An inner bed-room, cham
my kite, is considered a personifica ber, or closet. xºss’sos To
tion of this bird. x3- (x) →cs
be pregnant. Nºyºos or x8)
(from evº an elder brother.) SoY6959 To conceive, to become
Aroona, the charioteer of the sun, pregnant. xºsseº To mis
and elder brother to this bird. carry.

x8%; Sºcºs (from *sº a stand ^º ºn. A pillow, in form of a

ard.) A name of Vishnoo; be cause semi-circle.

he bears the figure of this bird on his s: X& 3 s. n. J. Any kind of reed,
standard. grass, or corn. 2. any dried fruit.
S. s. ASS” s. n. Pride, arrogance, haugh
^83, s. n. A wing.
X&ew s. n. plu. Wings. tiness, presumption. xeSotº Ol' X&S
tud. Kös; so s. n. vide X:SKo. ** To be proud. Xè Sºckºº
Xº 212 X&

cº, To subdue another's pride; to x86 & &c. adj. Fallen, dropped, 5
disgrace; to dishonor. * , x&tºcº' To strain,
×gº s. n. Blame, censure. through a cloth.
X. S& &c. adj. Low, vile, con As s. n. Phlegm.
T. Xeº Xe) s. m. Hardness; stiffness;
»;x. s. n. The tinkling of small
crispness. s- XS cºo s. n. A wild ox.
Xe XTeo adj. Imperfect, deficient, XS box s. m. plu. Dice.
less. s. n. Deficiency. X5 esºo s. n. A buffalo's horn.
xe3 s. n. 1. A wing. 2. a feather. X5 exºS"CŞ5 s. n. vide x < . #Sec.S.
xe3"Ex; s. n. A particular kind of S. X:Sv ŠS$35 or Tup. x-Sé, s. n. An
grass. (Agrostis linearis.) air hole, a loop hole, a window.
xe3% s. m. wide Xè3. X3) s. n. A cavern.
T. -

T. Xeº s. n. A tree so called.

X£5 or Xº s. n. The gate of a fort,
T. xºs Ü, §) v. a. To belch, with or ſortified place. -

a great noise. T. Xè73&ex) s. m. plu. A sort of black

Xe part, vide Še) and Sox)\}.
seed, usually mixed with ground san
Xeošš s. n. A small pitcher. dal wood. º

Xe Xe s. n. The tinkling of bells.

T. Xoë So tº v. n. To be struck with a T. X5's 5 s. n. A case or cover, made
of cloth.
T. Xejºo S v. a. To rinse, or shake Te X\}<x s. n. A stink.
loosely, in water. X3)? s. n. A lizard.
X3) zººs s. n. Hog weed. Boer se Xàcº v. a. To seek, search, or
look for.
havia diffusa.
X3)3]3) s. m. Tumult, confusion, dis x=Sº adj. Ofor belonging to a cow.
s. n. Butter, milk, &c.
S. X& Sø s. n. A distance of two coss.
x323 or Xº3 s. n. Disturbance,
noise. XSS s. n. A cowry, or small shell,
Xeošo s. n. The check.
which passes for money in Bengal,
and some other parts of India.
X. s. n. Grain.
T. XS X STex) s. m. plu. The seeds of the
X? § ow? Sºo s. n. The dewlap of a
bull. poppy plant. xi xiº-oº: The
x$ sº s. n. The throat; the neck. poppy plant.
-ro? 213 -ºšo

r. X& s. n. The sediment of clarified 7~s part. vide ‘s’s. This word is
bütter or oil. also added to the aorist of any verb
T. x^s s. n. A stake, or peg. 2. a wedge. to express the optative mood; as, §§
T. X & o: X& s. n. A patrole. X& 8 Sºo-Kocsº's May you be
XS A patrole to go it's rounds. happy.
te 7"x" s. n. A female's under gar
s. X: SSX s. n. A forest, adj. Impervi ment, like a petticoat.
OllS. –6. ch

s. Xà-Sös s. n. 1. A cave, or grotto. Tup. 7, 2* s. n. (from s. Sºs) 1. Glass,

2. a place overgrown with creepers. or china ware. 2. a bracelet, 7R º?,
3. a forest, thicket, or wood. T's (from NSA a cup.) A glass cup,
S. 7\to 7& CSS30 Se Il- Gold.

s. 7'o'ccºo's s. m. A name of Karte or china vessel. 7, assºs (from és

caya, son of the Ganges.
salt.) The refuse of a glass work.

s. Two &ss s. n. The bow of Ajoona.| 7 ****o: A certain cast of the

S. -Rec à 5) s. n. Arjoona, son of Pandoo. Soodras, whose profession is to deal
T. *o ºjosº, v. n. To have a face en- | in glass bracelets.
- - -
7xe e. S. no vide -7-e CŞ.
flamed, or slightly swelled.
T. Nº sºcks s. n. An oil monger. Tºšo s. n. 1. Difficulty. 2. seve
s. 7-cº 8Sº Fº:3-Sºo s. n. The mar rity. 3. hardness.
riage in which a man and woman, by 7 & s. n. A drinking trough, or
mutual consent, interchange their manger.

necklaces, or strings of flowers, and t. 7'37% s. n. An ass. ~3-a-sº

both make a secret agreement to look adj. Bandy-legged.
upon themselves as married to each -xt 3 s. n. A carriage, chariot,
other. - chaise, cart, or native hackery.
Twoº"ST35 & s. n. The country of T. 7\"c & This word is used instead of
Candahar, between the north of In ETFC - q. v., when the agent to be
dia, and Persia. denºted is familiar, or contemptible ;
7 o’º s. n. One of the seven as 53-w-cºs A masker.
primary notes in music. T.
7\c & v. n. or v. a. To pierce, used
7\"oº"3 s. n. The wife of Droota either in a neuter, or active sense.
rashtra, and mother of Dooryod luna. T.
7\cºs s. n. Grosslechery; Furor
~e?:Ss s. n. 1. Depth, profun uterinus. * .

dity. 2. magnificeuce, grandeur. t. ‘n’ & or 7Sºy s. n. The wind.

7-3530 214 -7ºv$3

child.) The planet saturn; because

~ ::$o adj. Much, excessive. 7S"
-7-3)oxSSo A close or tight em he is the child of the sun, according
brace. to the Hindoos.
7S to s. n. A singer. Twoºs & adj. 1. Dear in price. 2.
7-8 part. vide 7 s. clever. s. m. Good sense, clºverness.
*\5, Sºo s. n. 1. The body. 2. a 7\"cºc & s. n. A singer or cymbal
member, or limb. 7S* ÜKosº player, supposed to be descended
(from Kosºs who draws up or from Brahmins, by the marriage
contracts.) 1. A pole cat. 2. a kind of termed ºn of 8S9 Fºº q v.
large lizard. S. 7\º S3 (83, s. n. The Gayitree, or
Twº s. n. 1. A verse, or stanza. 2. a most sacred verse in the Vedas, to be
history of holy men. recited mentally only.
-Rºo s. n. Grass which grows in 7\" So So s. n. A wound. TV">SSo
fields of dry grain. & XS ex) or CTS v. n. To be wound
T. 7-89 s. n. Love, affection, adj. Af
ed. Rºcº Ricº To wound. 7,"
fectionate; dear.
T. TN-73 s. n. A very large and high
cºs º To dress a wound 7"
cºšo Sºkº To heal a wound.
basket, of wicker work, used for se –0

curing grain. ~3)7K-OK & A mortal wound.

T. -R-S adv. vide XK Š. T. 7S & s. n. Plaster, or fine lime.
7\"SSoo s. n. Vocal or instrumental T. w85 s s. n. A tree so called.
music. -
T. 7\º sº) s. n. 1. Conjuration. 2.
T. -R-K× or Tºšo NS s. n. A press trick. 3. trifling.
such as is used in India for express ~8 & s. n. Conjuration.
ing oil, or the juice of the sugar cane. T. 7\" & 5 So s. n. Love, affection,
7te:Sox3) có. The husk of the sesa fondness. 7S**&ots v. a. To love,
mum seed, after the oil is expressed caress or fondle.
from it. .

-7R v Tov 2S$50 -7Nv Tºt 230 - 7 No Oſo sºo or

-N-23-5° s. n. (from H. ſy'sſ) Con
7\*SSºo s. n. The fondling, or caress
fusion, perplexity, adj. Confused, ing of children.
perplexed. T. 7N-S part. This is an honorific affix,
TU D. 7S & s. n. (from s. Q93-) 1. added to any noun denoting a person,
A planet. 2. an evil spirit. 7\osºbe) in token of respect; as, & 3 Wº
& is (from T. & a lord.) The . Master.

£llil. ~&vész.: (from T. §§ a 7\*&čo s. n. An emerald, adj. Of

}\o: 215 Nº)
or belonging to Garooda, the regent nite relative participle of the root
of birds.
Šes to glean, and Kºš living.)
7"Sū,ösº s. n. An emerald. Living upon the gleaning of corn.
T. 7" Soo s. n. plu. Cakes made of the T. Woº's v. n. To move convul
pulse termed Phaseolus mungo. \
sively the hands or legs.
7'3? & s. n. An ass. , T. ^*) v. a. 1. To scratch. 2. to seize
wº *Sºx s. n. The white lily. with the nails. -

-R-S 3 Sº s. n. 1. The state of a
Kº's or Xº

n. The pulp of
s" p
householder. 2. honesty. certain fruits, or vegetables.
7S eSo s. n. A hook. T. ** 7\c & or A237N-cºs s. n. The
7\"9 s. n. 1. The wind. 2. an evil small bird, which builds the very
spirit. 3. an infectious disease among curious hanging nest, with the en
cattle. w-bºyº (from Rºyā) trance at the bottom, generally
a friend.) The god of fire. ~5 # 3 termed the Taylor-bird.
8 (from #59 one who grazes.) A }\º adj. Short in size. We's ſº
serpent; because it is said to feed on To become shoºt.
air. 7:25) - sº or #& The wind T. ** v. n. 1. To dic, or expire. 2. to
to blow. Tº F-5 lit. wind and rain;
consent or agree. Agºs neg, verbal
a tempest. 7'33">> A paper kitc. noun. Enmity, variance, disagree
ºš Rºb Agreat storm. Rºbºx:
$5\%. The wind shifts. T.
Å; s. n. A short person, adj. Short
7ºo & v. a. 1. To seek or search in size. §§35 & S. n. Shortness.
for. 2. to separate grain from the re T.
*:08 s: "... l. An out-house. 2. a gra
fuse, by washing it in water. Wºo mary, store-house, or ware-house. 3.
ió s. n. The act of doing this.
7-57"cºs s. n. An ass. a jail or place of confinement.
7"? §§cºs s. n. A clever man.
Å; S. n. A cow.
7\"985 adv. vide 7-vs. te
** S. n. A hawk, or falcon.
7\º S adv. ride AR5s. T. ^é s. n. A young bull.
7\ºo s. n. Toil, pain, fatigue, trou
^3 or ¥3 s. n. The smallest dry
ble. 7&sº v. n. To take pains;
measure, varying in capacity in dif
to be fatigued.
ferent parts of the country, equal to
7Sºx s. n. Ablution, bathing. the quarter of a Šºe.
–6 - --e —s' -

^& s. n. A seed, or grain. Ādź T.

^*\s. n. A cup, or goblet.
*S83 s. n. (from Seo, the indefi T,
^*) = n. A bull, allowed to wander

5\ey 2] Ö }e

at large, in commemoration of a de T, Neos s. n. A child's ratile.

- –6.

ceased person, or as consecrated to Aoys sº Or Aeº 8. 11.

the deity. the plant termed, Crotolaria juncea.

Wö$ adj. Short. s. n. A short person. WebS adj. Sounding.
A8 & S. Soo s. n. Shortness. Wexy?.S"3S v. a. To rob, or steal.
38s & Sºs. m. The marshy date ź w. a. To pinch. *

tree. Phºenic or elale paludosa. W& 339 &c. alj. Swallowed.

* 8. -

ĀšA5 alv. Circularly, in a revolu ... " NYS v. a. To scrape, scratch, or erase,
tion. Åc & v. a. 1. To draw lines; to draw
G. A875°oºoºo v. a. (from P. cy r toddy. 2. to scrape, scratch, or erase.
round.) To surround. D 3. to shave. 4. to tear with the nails.
T. **5X otS v. a. To kill.
T. ^öß) s. n. 1. Mortgage, 2. a pledge, T. § 3.35 s. n. 1. A line, mark, or stroke.
a hostage, security.
- o 2. disregard. §eº a flat ruler.
- on Q

X5 s. n. A mountain. Aëz; s. n. (from T. *** v. a. To push aside, or throw

º born.) A name of the goddess Par. away. §§3), A & To wink or make
vatee, as daughter of the personified signs with the eye.
Himalaya mountain. As ºcºs Åcö s. n. A line.
(from *Š one who bears.) A name of Āš s. n. A name often applied to
Vishnoo; because he raised the moun. books, as Bhagavatgeeta, which is
tain Govurdhuna to preserve the peo also often called the Geeta only. *
ple from the rain of stones. Å8% º S Å3 Soo s. n. Vocal music, a Song.
sºn. (from %5 that which penetrates.) S. ^3 s. n. 1. Vocal music, a song. o

The we pon of Indra; Wö & Cº or

one of the Arya metres, in which the
W830c & s. n. (from 3 to sleep, and complet consists of two long verses.
-&#3 a lord) Names of Siva ; as
Wº v. n. To cry, to weep.
sleeping upon, or presiding over, the T. A sº s. n. A house.
In Oul Intal in ,
T. *cº v. a. To draw lines; to draw
Äls s. n. 1. A mouse, or small rat. 2.
the name of the wife of king Wusoo. - –6 –6 -

Wö sºoz. s. n. wide tº 3)s wº.

^835 &ex s. n. plu. Toys, play
things. *g s. n. The act of swallowing:
T. ^*ś s. n. A pulley. S. Åa's & Sºo s. n. The name of the
T. We3 s. n. A circle. We?X"K. v. a. To Sanscrit
g -
language. -

surround, to encircle. Ng's adv. At"Rebocºs s. n. A deity.

Circularly, in revolutiou T. Åe
to s. n. A line. -

XScèy 217 X$o 3.

Åeº v. a. 1. To tear with the teeth. & That part of it which consists
2. to scratch with the nails, 3. to shoot of a large block of wood. Nºcºş &ex
an arrow. 4. to beat. *** * v. K. The iron part of it, which juts out
comp. To give one a hint, by touch from the wooden block, leaving an
ing him, or by any other sign. open interstice between them.NSoº-5
ŞexoS’K. v. n. To be inclined to
^*ex.The two pieces of wood which
ward. Åeos"exy or Åsº v. a. 1. connect the front iron piece, with the
To cause to be inclined ; to allure. 2. wooden block.
to place flowers
in the hair, as an al T. XSoë3Xeoxö or x3 cºxbºx, S. Il.

lurement. The shrub termed Eclipta or verbe

ĀšS9 s. n. (from X5 speech, and 38 sina prostrata.
lord, master.) One of the names of XSo°3 s. n. A piece land, allotted off
Broohusputee, the regent of the planet for cultivation.

Jupiter, as preceptor of the inferior rud. XºcłSos n. 1. vide Šo:30No. 2.-

2. any fire-pit.
XSotº &o s. n. A cluster of blossoms,
or flowers. *Sotº" postpos. Through ; by ; by
co means of adj. Brave, courageous.
X3 o2, s. n. 1. The small shrub term
*Soč7 s. n. A large brass, or copper
cd Abrus precatorius. 2. salt soil. vessel, or pot.
XS 223 s. n. A pillar, or post. XS-& adj. Round, globular, spheri
cal. s. n. 1. Anything round, or sphe
X39° s. n. The inside or pulp of a
rical. 2. a ball or bullet. 3. a moun
fruit. v. a. 1. To pull. 2. to wash täin. 4, weights, of any form or size.
clothes.×oºr-3s v. n. To wrestle. 5. a stallion. Xbovºy ox (from tº
Kºczºś"K. v. comp. To draw or ° a stone.) A grinding stone ; a
pull by force. -
roller. Koºis-exy To fire with
Te NSoë2 s. n. 1. A small artificial pond, ball. Kołºść).5~cº. A man
or tank. 2. a pit. 3. any deep hole. 4. wounded by a bullet. Koºs": A
a square land measure. Soººoº small swivel. X3 cºcº 1. A gun
to fire. 2. to die.
e - ššorº. The eyes to be sunk
in the head. T. Koº s. n. 1. The heart, either in a
T. *Soe's s. n. An instrument for lev moral or physical sense. 2. courage,
elling ploughed ground, very differ boldness. Soº Sºcº, The heart, in
ent from the English harrow. XSo°5 a physical sense only.
218 XS 23'
× <) • &

T. XSo Čy or NºoSºº adj. Round, cir fingers with his, in token of inti
cular, globular. 89 Ú &oxx; Kºº s. n. 1. A cluster of blos
s. n. A sort of long rush. X3o Úºs
soms, or flowers. 2. a necklace of
& or Nº o &y § s. n. Roundness; a
thirty-two strings. Nºbs s. n.
circle. (from s, Še fruit.) The grape vine.
T. Åbo Još v. n. The stomach to —o —”

turn, or feel sick. X3o (3) cK) s. In. T. Nº 23%25ex) s. n. plu. Whispering.
1. The act of the stomach turning, or a. Nº," or ^*š. adj. (from P.
feeling sick. 2. malice, envy. 3. dis alº JJ’) Past. This is a revenue
satisfaction. term, usually applied to express the
T. Koš s. n. A pit, any deep hole. year lately expired; the last, or past
T. xScºots v. a. To speak with harsh year, in contradistinction to the pre
ness, malice, or contempt. -

sent year, or to those preceding the

T. x3-3) s. n. 1. A crowd, a mob, a last.
multitude, a flock; an army consist —o

ing of foot soldiers, horse, elephants, T. X3ºe; s. n. An opulent, or rich

and chariots. 2. a knot. In the plural, —o —o

this word sometimes denotes a 7” T. X32°& s. n. vide X3o 2°.

rel. T. ×gsº-> s. n. Food, dressed by

X3oº 30 s. n. Tying, stringing, as a children, for their amusement.

garland, &c. NSºº &c. adj. —o

Tied, strung. S-393 v. a. To tie or TUD. ×gºsº s. n. The country

string flowers, &c. -
of Guzerat. *

T. K. s. n. A single inspiration, or TUD. ×g. s. n. (from s. sº) A short

breathing, Xº3–89%) or Nº sº
person, a dwarf. Xà «3
ºð s. n.
v.n. To hold in the breath. 83 ° -o

adj. As much as the mouth contains. Shortness. ׺es (from #ey

TUD, ×393 ors. Kººs s. n. The a god.) s. n. A name of Ganesa ; be
fragrant gum resin, termed Bdellium. cause he is represented as a short fat
T. Kºś s. m. plu. Grain, half dressed,
not reduced to a pulp. T. Kº s. n. 1. One of the small perpen
T. Kºyv.a. 1. To pierce. 2. to string, dicular posts, by which short beams
or thread. 3. to prick. 4. to take hold are supported upon longer ones, and
of another's hand, and interlace one's thus form the shelving roof of a na"
X3:S 219 xºr,
T. Nº. s. n. 1. A cloth, 2. a bit of
tive house, vide $$$o?ex). 2. the cloth.
thick juice of any fruit. T.
׺s s. n. A single gulp, or swallow. Kºzº s. n. Part of a field of dry
X3°303 or K, *š The sound of land.

T. ×3 #. Blind. Kºšššº s. n.
x345X303 s. n. The bubbling of boiled Blindness. ×3: 8237N adv. By
rice. chance, without exertion, undesign
x34ss-U–K, or X3&_&
v. n. To edly.
die, or expire. x35's ove” s. n. The lap-wing:
×3 s. n. A hillock, unevenness in Xºs s. n. 1. An agg. 2. the eye-ball.
ground. ×gº) (from Štex) ׺ To lay eggs. Kºss-ºs
under §ºx, q.v.) To ruin, to trou STR &**) Quadrupeds to miscarry.
ble. lit. to cause the hillock to fall
Kºº To pluck out the eyes.
down. -

׺ s. n. An owl.
Kºš' s. n. 1. The real state of one's XSºo & So s. n. The multiplier.
affairs. 2. one's private secrèts. 3. re
putation, honor, public esteem.
339s. n. A sort of coarse treacle,or
: X&ºo Sºo s. n. Multiplication.
XScoSo s. n. 1. A quality, attribute,
or property, in general. 2. a property
molasses, commonly termed Jaggory. of humanity; of which three are
X3T3's s. n. Sleep, indolence. X3-&- particularized, viz. the Satwa, Raja,
TÉ%& s. n. (from s. ** a mas and Tama, or principles of truth or
ter.) lit. subduing indolence. A name existence, passion or foulness, and
of Arjoona, the third son of Pandoo. darkness or ignorance. 3. a means of
X3 & 8 Soo or X3-a-S s. n. A tent. defence; one of six expedients in
X33 s. n. 1. A temple. 2. the con
government; as, peace, war, a march,
nected form of the vowel 9, viz. *.
a halt, a stratagem, and recourse to
Kašš. 8, n. The disk of the sun, protection. 4. any quality of the
or moon, -
mind. 5. the attributes of colour, 6.
XS㺠s. n. A cottage, or hut. nature, disposition, temper, humour.
X º s. n. 1. Any round thing, 2. 7. the recovery of health; a good
the connected form of the vowel 9, state of health. 8, a good state, or
viz. *. adj. Circular. X5’s S.5 & 3) condition. 9. good sense, reason, wis
s. n. (from º a weapon.) The dom. 10. excellence, merit, perfec
weapon of Vishnoo. tion. 11. effect, purpose, use. 12. a
X33 220 XSSA
degree, time, or fold. 13. a string; a T. x38x337ſoo s. n. plu. Posts fixed
bow-string. Tâ5X3tošoe» The attri. perpendicularly in the ground, at the
butes of God. 55-3-X520 So The door of a cow-house.
passion of lust. §ex3e3So The t. X38 \Gy C:S s. n. The rope by
colour black. &otº coºboe FC’s which a calf is tied.
A good tempered man. Xºtoxº~$3&
v. a. To cure. Xºrošč) v. n. To re
×acº or Ka s. n. 1. vide x33x3.
2. a club or mace. X373°5"exy s. n.
cover. Kºrošo-wºo's To be sound, Yama, the regent of death; because
whole or recovered; to be in a good
he is armed with a club.
× rosy-wºr-º-
state or condition.

& To speak, wisely, sensibly or

Kaº's go s. m. plu. Sticks placed
horizontally, across the Këcºo
reasonably. =-esº-º-aēx to Tºo q. v.
$oº: It is useless to speak to
T. X38 oxois v. a. To stop, to prevent.
him. Asºtox Twofold. X\to S
tud. Kºš s. n. The anus.
fo The sound of the bow-string.
x3:25 ot; SO &c. adj. Abounding
×3:9 s. n. making in the inflex, sing.
with all good qualities &rº Xºcks, and in the nom, plu. ×go
ass-Sºo s. n. Endowment with superi * A small hoe. Kºos v. a. To
. . or qualities. dig with the hoe.
X3, coex Cº. s. n. A tent. ×3 s. n. A blow with the fist. v. a.
× coš)3.5 & s. n. A mast. To box with the fist. Kºeſ” s. n.
X3:30:33 or XSP3oxo~$2 v. a. 1. To
1. Boxing. 2. Quarrelling. Kºer's
multiply, or calculate. 2. to spell. v. n. To box mutually; to quarrel.
×3:35:Sºo or G. X3 cºo:5&o s. n. 1. X35$ ex) s. n. plu. A sort of grain,
multiplication. 2, spelling. growing wild, without cultivation.
×3 s. n. A rent, or farm. x35355°. s. n. A wild, or jungle,
X32% s. m. A cluster of flowers. fowl.
T. X353533 s. n. An iron crow.
xºssº s. n. A kind of churning
stick. Kočo v. n. To grumble, or mur
X3ºx326ervº v. n.To sob. mur.

X3:So s. n. vide Kj. X3Koš3&X3 s. n. The act of run

X38X; s. n. A block of wood sus ning slowly.
pended from the neck of any animal, XSSA adj. Young. Kºści s. n.
to prevent it's wandering far. A young elephant. KSS, ºcê A
X387V"exos, n. The heel. young hog.
X350 22, X3°Sc

X3;So &c. adj. 1. Hidden, concealed, T. XSSoš v. a. To box; to beat with

secret. 2. preserved, protected. Nº the fist.

Tº s. n. A sort of play among chil T. Kºš' or X&º, **ś, S. n.

dren, like what, in England, is termed The plant termed Gmelina arborea.
hide & seek. *Sãº, s. n. One spirt of the milk
Kºys & 8 adv. Disorderly; in a from the teats of a cow, &c.
confused manner. K33,367 S. n. A gourd. Cucurbita
^: Yºotº or Kººyºots, v.a. wide lagenaria.
$33Soots. Kºčex, S. n. plu. A female orna
ment worn in the lobe of the ear.
T. X$$y @ s. n. making in the inflex.
sing, XS3)*3 The hand closed. ^\,X s. n. A door-way, gate-way,
or entrance. -

T. ^*S v. n. To spread as a smell. v. a.

1. To pound or beat paddy. 2. to
X3º. s. n. A granary.
T. Kºčº s. n. A small drum.
throw or fling to a distance. 3. to
X$37,35 s. n. An itching.
throw any thing contained in the
XSö&á s. n. A wild cow.
closed hand. Kºyotº v. n. To X383% s. n. A wild bull.
spread as a smell. v. caus. To cause
X38o3 postpos. vide Śvē).
to beat or pound. v. a. wide Xºy No. X$5% s. n. A very small earthen pot.
2 & 3.
XS: SS adv. 1. Quickly, hastily. 2. Kºś , n. The seed of the ºx
clearly. TRox; q. v. -

X}^^^ex s. m. plu. The noise of XSSX3º s. n. The sun-flower.

running. Heliotropium indicum.
Quickly, swiftly.
X3?)"exprS adv. XSSc’s s. n. 1. A spiritual parent,
X$ºoks v. n. To shine. from whom the youth receives the

: X33)3) s. n. The wax in the ear.

X32,083 v. a. To box; to beat with
the fist. -
initiatory Mantras, or prayers, and
who conducts the ceremonies neces
sary at various seasons of infancy and
Xbºx & s. n. The thick foliage of a youth, up to the period of investi
tree or shrub; or of corn. ture with the characteristic thread,
×3°) s. n. A woman's breast. X3°) or string. This person may be the
Tºšº s. n. plu. The nails driven natural parent, or the religious pre
into the Kosºx, q.v. ceptor. 2. a religious teacher; one
T. - Kºyo s. n. A mountain. who explains the law and religion to
T. ^º s. n. A multitude, or flock. his pupil, instructs him in the Sastras,
Xbºo 222 • X&es

&c. 3. a name of Broohusputee, the $º s. n. 1. Esteem, regard, distinc

regent of the planet Jupiter, who is tion. 2. indigestion.
considered as the preceptor of the in . XSS Sex, s. n. plu. Running.
ferior deities. 4. a father, or any ve. - N38 Foº s. n. The small shrub term
nerable male relation. In the penin ed Abrus precatorius.
sula of India, the term Gooroo is, in • NSSS s. n. That part of an animal's
general, now employed, to denote a tail, where the hair is long.
head priest of any sect. The Goo ^*S*s. n. A pregnant woman.
roos of the three great sects who fol \es s. n. Snoring.
low the doctrines of Sunkera, Mad XSebX es s. n. vide X35X38.
hava, and Ramanooja respectively, . Seº s. n. 1. A mark. 2. an aim. 3.
are the successive adopted disciples of certainty. 4. trust, confidence. 5. es
these reformers, who still uphold the teem. adj. Certain. ×eº, T6
spiritual power acquired by their take aim. ÅSešššS To miss aim. X3
predecessors. These sects are subdi e37Nºëošov. n. To be trustworthy.
vided into many branches, each of *S*}{}os To cstcem or regard. X,
which has its Gooroo; and the nu e35"cº A good marksman.
merous body of the Soodras who . X&e?S"oã s. n. A vital part.
wear the lingum have, in general, • **ś K. v. a. To try, or endeavour.
Gooroos of their own cast; their . Nºběšo s. n. vide X3X3&S.
creed being very different from the *S*Xoºx, s. n. plu. Seeds.
brahminical faith. Nº 83 SvöSo s. n. 2 -->
. X3e3So
Nº s. n. A horse. ^3%)i&
lit. the day of Broohusputee, regent
of the planet Jupiter. Thursday. s. n. (from *Š– a star.) vide e3S
. X383% or Xºs. n. 1. A mark, a sign. F-Xº3% *x s. n. plu. A horse's
2. an idea. 3. recollection. Nº S&T" face, carved in wood, placed on either
e5%x3 To enquire particularly. XSS side of the upper timber of a door
frame. ^: ) Sv% =S-S s. n. plu.
&TNºv tºo To look into narrowly.
X3& 3e39CX 1. To know by sight. 2. (from Sº a face, and Svö they.)
to know. RT"S&S"SXSS&S 33)c53& Celestial choristers. These beings are
I have no idea of it. Rºx33.33% I
described as having the bodies of
do not recollect. -
men, and the heads of horses. ^: 3)
X586%) s. n. 1. vide X3 &Cº. 2. a long *& s. n. (from º A note.)
vowel, adj. Important, heavy, weighty, The sixth note of the gamut. Kºo
great, difficult, arduous. ×838s R.
§3 v. a. To mount a horse, es:X3
X33) 223

3° s. n. A mare. ^:º S. n. A
a while pustule. Nºs: s. n. A hol.
foal. Kºcs S. n. 1. A horse low stick. Nº s. n. Shell
man. 2. a groom. xº~e?. sºn. chunam. Nº 35 s. n. A small bas
The hoof of a horse. ^ºxbº Tºš ket. ĐoàNº.3 s. n. Tamarinds in the
Sºoex s. n. plu. The horse's paces, as shell or pod. Nº s. n. A cant
the trot, canter, &c. word, denoting jewels, when menti
> -

^º s. n. 1. Snoring, 2. anger. & oned in a careless or trifling manner,
& Ko v. n. To be angry. Kºº or when their value is meant to be
v. n. To snore. depreciated.
XerºaxºS s. n. (from P. GXſ ^39S s. n. A ball; a pill; any small
rose-water; or, in Hindoostanee, a globular substance.
rose.) The rose. Sz X too: So or Kººyº s. n. A

X30 "So s. n. (from * , Mā) A slave. cluster of blossoms, a nosegay.

X3&T" to s. n. 1. The creeping plant,
XSJ-ex ºr 3 s. n. A sort of crimson
termed Heart-leaved moon seed. Me
powder, with which some Hindoo
nispermum cordifolium. 2. the tree
women mark their foreheads; and
which the natives, who observe the which produces Bdellium. -

festival of Cama, throw at each other,

S. X sy's So s. n. The beetle-nut tree,
during that feast. Areca faufel, or catechu.
T- X303) or X3950 s. n. The wax in the
T. ^:S s. n. A dove or pigeon.
ear. Kºos &S s. n. An instrument ^*Sº ſº. s. n. A sort of grass.
for taking out the wax in the ear. XSSXSK s. n. A whisper.
Keys' or ºys a n. The ance. Nº" s. n. A cave, cavern, or grotto.
X$383 cºo s. n. (from 3 to sleep.)
^39, sº s. n. 1. A shrub. 2. a creep
1. A lion. 2. a royal tiger. 3. a bear;
er. 3. the division of an army; a body
because they sleep in caves.
of troops consisting of 9 elephants, 9 S. XS 3-doc & s. n. A name of Kartecaya.
chariots, 27 horse, and 45 foot. 4. the
2. the name of Gooha, chief of fowlers
spleen. 5. a disease, according to some or huntsmen, and a friend of Rama.
a chronic enlargement of the spleen, S. ×33-Sºcºs s. n. A kind of demi-god,
but it appears to be an induration of
attendant upon Cubera the deity of
the mesenteric glands, so as to be
wealth, and guardian of his treasures.
perceived externally.
^2.8 s. n. A spreading creeper, or × Sº Sº. 3 s. n. (from *S
any creeping plant. ö lord.) A name of Cubera, the god
^2 s. n. 1. An oyster. 2. a shell. 3. of riches.
224 7:53
2.):- \º) $55&o s. n. The teak tree.
×3: Sº &c. adj. Secret, solitary,
retired. s. n. A privity; an organ of ^*> s. n. A house, adj. 1. Do
generation. -

mestic. 2. domesticated. 3. house

Kºjšo s. n. 1. A wooden-mallet. 2. hold. Kyº-39 s. n. (from s. 39 a
a stake, a tent pin.
master.) 1. A householder. 2. a man
^*3 s. n. A basket used for raising in the second stage of life, or who,
water for irrigation. 2. a basket, with after having finished his studies, is
a cover, in which the Vyshnavas keep married and settled, 3. a householder
their household idol. 3, a flower bas
of particular merit, giving alms and
ket. 4. the mat used by natives to
performing all the prescribed cere
protect them from rain. -

Kºśs s. n. 1. A nest, 2. a small niche monies, &c. Nyººyºos. n. (from

made in the wall for lights, &c. 3, a s &y a beast) lit, a domesticated
heap of cut Jonnaloo, or suzzaloo, or animal. A dog.
of their straw. rº s. n. 1. vide ºx9 under
Kºšo s. n. A small hamlet, near a 2.): "sº. 2. an honest man. º

village. x)^+ s. n. vide ºb under X)

Kºšo &c. adj. 1. Invisible, hidden, 3 vsºo. -

obscure, secret. 2. abstruse. Kºv

X)?r-r: s. n. A wife.
& s. n. (from *** a foot.) lit. one
whose feet are invisible. A snake. ^ºss & S. n. Any tame, or do
mesticated animal.
K-3 s. n. The protrusion of the
an uS.
»); Sºx' &c, adj. 1. Dependant, 2.
K*S s. n. A large earthen pot. acceptable.
Kºš, s. n. 1. A crooked or humped 7'oeoššo s. n. A cruel, harsh, or
back. 2. a knot in wood." cross speech. -

X3ºz. s. n. 1. An owl. 2. the drum of T. 7'o & v. a. To push.

the ear.
T. To 83 s. n. vide Xo 83.
Kyºsº, s. n. Garlick. 7'o'º v. n. To be unsteady; as a

XºAcºs s. n. A covetous, or greedy box, chair, or table, from the un

man. evenness of the ground, or inequality
7%) Úº s. m. A vulture. of it's legs.
^: s. n. 1. A cow which has calved T. 73 s. n. vide Xà.
Qº wº

once. 2. a hog 7'59&Soš s. n. The root termed

8. xº~&tº S. m. A small lizard. Dioscorea aculeata.
Xe **g.
T. Yes s: n, vide Wes. sometimes applied, red orpiment. 2.
T. We s. n. A bunch. gold. -

T. 7803) s. n. A pleased, healthy, or º v. a. To adorn, to ornament.

bright countenance. adj. Pleased,
healthy, bright.
Rºcº s. n. The act of adorning,
T. 7'exo~$ v. a. 1. To win, gain, con 8Tox s. n. A natural enemy, e
quer, or overcome. 79&otº v, caus.
. X ox3 or Nº ox8 s. n. The native
woollen cloth, or blanket, commonly
To cause to win, &c. Wexº) s. n.
termed a cumbly, Woxº)&X3 s. n.
Gain; victory. -

A species of rough or hairy caterpil

Yeº v. a. To send, or dis lar, the touch of which inflames the
patch. -

skin. -

72 s. n. A salt-heap. WToº:303 s. n. The fruit termed a

Yo:353 s. n. A ball for playing Jimonia pentaphylla.
^"oº" s. n. A mean person. Rºots
Tºào's v. a. To drive before; to *š An inferior sort of areca nut.
drive aside; tº defeat. T. R"o º s: n, vide X*o §s.
wars adj. Spindle-shanked. T. ^Toº s. n. A woman.
T. Yºsex s. n. The caldera bush, Pan TUD. 8 of s. n. vide Šoš.
damus odoratissimus.
T. Yoº s. n. 1. The throat or neck. 2.
* a s. n. A female buffalo. Rºs the voice. 8"oº" tºs-o:S To sit
* s. n. A buffalo-calf, not a year old. on the hams. Wºodºº"cºo or sº,
**** S. n. A young female To be hoarse. Rºotosta The
buffalo, about two years old. 7-a-F gullet. º

** s. n. A young buffalo, about three ^Tošš s. n. The neck.

years old. *zºg S. n. A young ^*os s. n. 1. A lane, or narrow pas
female buffalo about four years old. sage. 2. a harbour.
T. 70s. n. Ridicule, mockery, derision, *3 s. n. 1. A festival. 2. a dance.
joking, sportive insult. Nº adj Uneven. Rººs Uneven
tud. 7& s. n. vide ^*ś. teeth.

*:3-sº s. n. A house. Rºxo, S. m. plu. The name of a

-R †-sº S. n. A lazy, effeminate, or flower. -

boasting fellow. ^*}}< s. n. 1. A long round hollow

38s sº s. n. 1. Red chalk ; or, as case 2. the barrel of a musket. Nº
226 R*g)

#)-Sºº Ko (from Bºsº a lock.) A shipped in the month of Pooshyum.

long narrow padlock. A lump of cow dung, adorned with
R": adj. Difficult of recollection. flowers, is placed in the door way;
2. dear in price. - and, in the evenings of that month,
Rºxxss-cx, or Rºss-cº. young females go round it, singing
n. A shoe-maker, descended from a songs. -

female of the barber cast, by a pot 8T&Yºº s. n. The plant termed

maker. - Barleria longifolia. -

X’835 s. n. 1. Danger. 2. difficulty. T. R**)5 adv. Quickly, swiftly.

R^ ox.S. s. n. making in the inflex.
3. trouble, annoyance. 4. a cast-dis
pute. adj. 1. Difficult. sing. R*8, and the nom. plu: X*&
X*:::X3 s. n. An umbrella. 8"×3× ex) ; A hole in the ground; a pit.
8 &S s. n. The name of a beast.
§ (from ×3 grass.) A mushroom. T. NT$3Soo s. n. vide ŚTes:3%.
lit, the umbrella grass. NT&T'd
"s. n. A whirlwind. NTösos s. n. A bird, usually term
ed the Myna. -

T. R- go s. n. making in the inflex. sing.

R-82 or re-º. n. A hoof.
R":ces, and in the nom, plu. R"go K-eos sº S. n. A cane, or stick,
º An axe, or hatchet. with a ferrule. • -
Rº adj. Barren, sterile. s. n. 1. Any Å"eº v. a. To shave. R*e}}\ots
horned cattle. 2. sterility. v. caus. To cause to shave.
X’eas?S v. n. To murmur, or mutter.
R^g: s: n, making in the inflex. sing.
X" º s. n. vide Å" Şs. Wºe; 1. An instrument of husbandry,
WT& s. n. 1. A bunch, or cluster. 2. used sometimes as a harrow, to re
determination. duce the deep furrows of ploughed
Nº s. n. Hunger. fields into smaller furrows; some
T. X*5S°º adv. Suitably. times, as a drill plough, for sowing ;
T. WTS2x)+\ves s. n. Vocal and instru and sometimes, for weeding, after the
mental music. grain is in stalk. 2. a land measure.
TUD. Rºo s. n. vide Xºtos No. 1.
T. X*Sokóšo s. n. The knot at the end
r& s. n. A sheep. Rºs $'.)or
Rºo, **) Sex The dried dung
of a bow-string.
of sheep. -
T. Nº adj. 1. Large, great, big, high,
eminent, noble." -
T. W'e s. n. A bunch.

T. R*#) s. n. A Hindoo goddess wor T, Å"bºwys, Il- vide Rºyº.

X* 2, 227
ce T. Rºoxº S. n. The name of a tree. or young bramin, from the time of
.* * NTexps s. n. A chain. his investiture with the sacred cord,
4. ^ 3 s. n. A peon or guard over trea. to the period of his becoming a house
Sure • holder.

Nºcès or Xºcºs s. n. A shep. X*2+83 v. a. To ask, or beg, con

herd; a man of the cow-keeper, or
shepherd cast. Rººts Ot x'ga A
-s: -

female of that cast. NTºve S. Il 8 * s. n. 1. Paste, or gum. 2. con

Vulgar language. fusion, trouble, dispute.
–6. - -o

R’s” S. n. 1. A confused noise. 2. ru T.

8** or 8 º'er-ºs v. n. To be con
In Out.
stantly annoying, or plaguing one.
Wºs s. n. A small tent. 8’4” s. n. 1. A border, chiefly as ap
s" ºs s: n. A hasp for shutting plied to that of a female's jacket. 2.
upon a staple, where a padlock is gold or silver lace. 3. a gold bracelet
used. worn by women. 4. self-sufficiency.
Rºo (39.2% v. n. To roar, as a wild ****** A silk border. Rºos-t
beast. & A self-sufficient person.
Rºo & Sº, s. n. A very large and 8% s. n. A wall. -

noisy frog. Rºčº s. n. A mare. º

R"cºw. a. To scratch with the nails. xiàº, S. n. A blow on the head.

Rºx3- º s. n. The name of a plant, i. t". X** s. n. Manner, regularity.
|| T. 8 *:S s. n. 1. Perturbation, disquiet,

of which the leaves are used in curry,

and the stalks are reduced to a coarse affliction, distress. 2. the cause, mat
fibre, or hemp, of which sack-cloth or ter, or circumstances of distress, or
gunny is made. grief. -

-sº Kºrºs s. m. wide x** No. 1.

*** 699 s. n. An object, or organ, of
sense; conception; penetration; pcr. 8° 3 s. n. A bull. -

cºx S - X**3 s. n. Gunny, coarse sack-cloth.

ception. 8"380 K. v. n. To be per
ceived, or conceived.
8**śx s. n. A coarse bag; a vunny
8°os, n. 1. A piece of cloth to con- | bag.
ceal the privities. 2. that part of the 8°5, s. n. The carth.
under garment which a Hindoo tucks 8°S, & s. n. 1. A family, tribe, or
up behind. R*bº"<<< (from ~ lineage. No IIindoo can marry a
&c & a •ebrahmin.)
The Bramhachary, wife of his own gotrum, she must be
º -

º .*

8":3) 228 R*>3

of another race. 2. a mountain. X-É to the high towers over the gates of a
Úy 35% s. n. (from 35 to split) lit. Hindoo temples. º * --

the destroyer of mountains. Indra, X*Sºx' &c. adj. 1. Cherished, pre

served. 2. secret.
the regent of the sky. -

X*& s. n. Any horned cattle. 8°33& s. n. Cow-dung.

Rºo s. n. The brain. 8">"& s. n. A jackall.
X*~8 s. n. The sediment of but 8"><re s. n. A kind of tick, infest
ter, newly melted. ing cattle. -

R*z, *: 8 s. m. The name of the river 8°º s. n. A good, flourishing, vi

Godavery, in the north of the peniu gorous, or thriving state, or condition ;
sula of India. as applied to the growth of children,
X*& s. n. Gum ; paste. trees, crops, &c.
R“s s. n. An iguana. Rºo s. m. The act of smearing
: X*@ s. n. The forehead.
K** s s. n. A gangetick alligator.
the floor over with cow-dung.
K*āºššo s. n. A gem, of a yellow
ish or tawny colour.
X*:333sex or s. X**śrossºvex s. n. x8cº's s. n. The plant termed
plu. Wheat. -

Prickly lawsonia, or ivenie. Lawsonia

*śsº s. n. A name of the saint spinosa. - -

- Patañjalee, the founder of the mimam T. 8°530 s. n. Danger, peril.

sa philosophy, and the author of the S Stöß:Sº s. n. 1. Milk. 2. coagulated
Mahab,hashya, or commentary on the
milk, butter milk. *
annotations of Kateyana, on Panini's s. R*-ove38 or T. R*ēes s. m. The name
grammatical aphorisms. of the bird, usually called the Myna.
R“5:33, s. n. A very large kind of 8°5 s. n. (from P. y'a grave.) A
snake; the Boa. J5.
. Rººs s. n. vide tºº. \
tomb. , -

T. X*S s. n. vides. Xºrš. X*& s. m. making in the inflex, sing:

X**3, and in the nom, plu. xº. The
X*ºvš?o s. n. The wood of a thatch.
nail, or claw, of the fingers, or toes.
R*śoss S$oo s. n. Yellow ochre.
R*3 xº s. n. An instrument for
Xº, s. m. 1. Dawn, break of day. cutting the nails. 3)08°83 s. n. A ti
2, a trough, near a well, for watering ger's claw. R-6& tº The whitlow.

R*3)& s. n. A town or city gate. R*&^* **as s. n. The bean

This word is now commonly applied termed Dolichos ſaboformit.
º *>

R*3 229 Rº 8
X*6*$5:30 s. n. The biliary concre (from &S.) or wºox"ea tail.) The
cow-tailed monkey. R*ścºs s. n. 1.
tions, of a bright yellow colour, oc
casionally found in the gall bladder A cowkeeper, a herdsman. 2. a super
of cows gr bullocks in India, much intendent of a district. R*-ās: & s.
used by the natives in medicine, for n. (from º sacrifice.) The sacri
their tonic and cordial qualities. fice of a cow. R* &c.; or 8*S&
re & s. n. The brain.
Ścº (from 5% or ö&s who pre
R-6 TºSS) adj. Tepid, lukewarm. serves.) A cowherd, a herdsman, a
s. n. Gentle warmth. - cowkeeper. R*** S. n. A cow-pen;
- -ſº

. R* cºw s. m. The name of an ani. a ſold for cattle. R**Y& s. m. A

mal. spot frequented by cows. -

K* $ s. n. 1. An assembly, or meet
8°eº s. n. Ridicule; mockery,
derision. # ing. 2. conversation, discourse.
Te X*e s. n. 1. An ignorant, innocent, T. R"Koń **C. s. n. plu. A cast of
silly, or foolish female. 2. a loud out the Chundalas or Chucklers, viz. the
cry. shoe-makers, or tanners,
Rºoºoº; or R^*eys"o: s. n. The
T. X^{-oxº~ew s. n. plu. A particular
city of Hyderabad, in the Nizam's class of religious persons, called Go
sawyees, who never marry, and whose
R“ofºs s. n. A wag-tail. profession is traffic; the profits of
R*ě s. n. A marble, or round ball,
which go to their Gooroo, called a
with which boys play. Mahunt.
Rººs s. n. An earthen vessel for s. Rºbsº s. n. The name of a plant
R** 35 & s. n. The district of
X** sº s. n. A globe, ball, or any Gour, the central part of Bengal.
thing round, or globular. 2. a hole. S. Kºo s. n. wide Rººs-s0. º
R*@oss v. a. To fry.
X*~& s. n. A young man.
X’oºyºs s. n. A kind of boat,
made of the hollowed trunks of two
8°oo&cºs s. n. A name of Vishnoo. palmyra trees.
8°º s. n. A cow. R*º-exicº (from W*6so adj. 1. Pale-red. 2. white. 3.
s: ºve) who preserves.) 1. A cowherd. yellow. s. n. These colours respec
2. a name of Krishna. R* or Rºs tively.
s. m. A milkmaid, a female cowherd. Se X°o SS3 s. n. 1. Reputation, respec
Rººs R“er-ox-os,
Or s. Il tability. 2, importance, consequence,
* *

weight. 3. esteem, regard. 4. distinc - \º § "toº s. n. 1. Taking, seizure.
tion. * 2. reception, acceptance. 3. an eclipse”
s. W’8 s. n. 1. Parvatee, wife of Siva. 2. of the sun or moon. 4. comprehen
a girl of ten years of age. sion, the taking or receiving of in
s. Kºššośsex, s. n. plu. A kind of struction. º

paddy. Q9 § "So s. n. 1. A planet. 2. a name

Y”ö3 s. n. An elephant. of Rahoo or the ascending node. 3. an
: 7 °e, 55-c2S s. n. vide xxº~. 23.
evil spirit. Q93-39 (from 39 lord.)
X** 33 30 s. m. wide X**ść sºo. l tº the lord of the planets. The sun.
: X”9 s. n. A lizard.
Qy *&s s.a. l. The motion
se CŞ o? Sºo s. n. Arranging, string
ing, tying, or connecting together. of the planets. 2. destiny, fate.
8, & oš So s. n. 1. A book, work, or - Q& $rows v. a. 1. To seize or take.
composition, in prose or verse. 2. the
2. to receiº, or accept. 3. to com

peculiar alphabet in which the San prehend or understand. 4. to learn.

scrit language is written in the Tamil \º)& & adj. Chief, best, excellent,
country. 3. thirty-two letters, or syl pre-eminent. s. n. A surname assum
lables. Úoºsés- The author of a ed by the toddy drawers, in the Ta
book. mil country. - -

* Q9 cº a n. 1. The knot, or joint, of Jºy Ros s. n. A village. Cºyº

a reed, or cane, &c. 2. vide Ś oë. Koń's s. n. (from soº" a lion.)
3- Q9938 So &c, adj. Strung, tied. lit. the lion of a village. A dog. Vºy
8. Q90%iº s. n. A camel. & "oë So s. n. (from s. Sºot; the end.)
T. Ü § &ex v, n. To be much moved, The suburbs of a village, in which
Vºy &Sºx' &c. adj.
outcasts dwell.
or shaken.
Produced in a village. Jºy &Sº
T. Q93 s - Q9;s Or Q939.5 ex) s. n. plu. Fowls, &c.
adv. Speedily, hastily, quickly, im \ºyśSº, º s. n. Copulation.
\ºys sº s. n. A mountain, rock,
0. &ots v. a. 1. To swallow or de
Or St One.
vour. 2. to eat.
C. Sº s. n. 1. A mouthful, or a
* Q93> &c. adj. 1. Inarticulately quantity equivalent to a mouthful. 2.
pronounced; slurred ; uttered with subsistence; forage for cattle.
the omission of a letter, or syllable. º, §º s. n. 1. An alligator. 2. a
2. eaten. hºg- **
º º

$osyº 231 Soß

s, (ºy 5 s. n. The neck. - | ** s. n. A troop of elephants, for
s (ºys & s. n. A ray, a beam of light. martial purposes.
* $9.5 s. n. 1. A troop of elephants,
s: Q9%.< s. n. 1. Heat, warmth. 2.
assembled for war. 2. effort, exertion.
the hot season, comprizing the 3; assembling, bringing together.
months of *S***, and tº &o, *** s. n. 1. A large earthen
videº)&è). adj. Hot, warm. water-jar. 2. the body. º

T.' WS) oš s. n. 1. The act of drowning. ** = n. A small earthen pot.

2. immersion. 3. sun-set. v. m. l. To **Sotº or $480xo~3°v. n. 1. To
sink. 2. to drown. 3. to set. occur, to happen. 2. to be obtained.
T. VX3 § S. na videº . \& K
v. a. To accomplish.
$48s s. m. A Hindoo hour, of
So v. a. To swallow or devour.
twentyfour english minutes.
T. & $º) v. a vide **)-Jº, º) sº v. n. vide Šešotº in its
3°CA@ot& To embrace closely. . Ineuter Sense.
T. Ú tº s. n. Ridicule, mockery, deri $4&old, * s. n. The rope and
bucket of a well; or any machine for
s. Jº #&s or 3, Hass Sº II, raising water. -

A close necklace. $gs S. n. 1. Going, moving. 2.

T. &T) &) v. a. To dig. VST) 3Noº covering.
v. caus. To cause to dig. *šº s. n. A landing place, or
s. Sº s. n. 1. Gaming. 2. a wager.
ſºs Zºo S. n. Languor, lassitude; fati $5%)KNK» s. n. 1. The morunga

gue of body, or depression of mind. tree. Hyperanthera morunga. 2.

$o - $5& s. n. 1. Honor. 2. a cymbal,
-e-O-e- bell, or gong. 3, a mode of dancing,
neither quick nor slow. 4. a cloud. 5.
* The nineteenth letter, and fourth extension, diffusion.6, hardness, soli
consonant in the Teloogoo alphabet, dity, matter, substance. adj. 1. Hono
s. $oº s. n. vide Koko No. 1, and 2. . rable, noble, great, important. 2.
a. Sotoșo s. n. vide Koč2:30. material, solid. 3. coarse. 4. hard,
s. Soº-ºººo s. n. The king's high firm. 5. fortunate, auspicious. 6. per
way; the chief road through a vil manent, eternal. $956 s. n. Great
lage. -

ness, glory, nobility issº. To

- e º

$oºs 232

become glorious. & Rºos s. n. | &Kytosº s. m. Saffron.

(from $5 a cloud, and 6:3e) a stone.) || §orts So s. n. An owl.
Hail. Kºssº or sº S. Il. Turning
$58,333 s. n. 1. Water. 2. cam
round, whirling, rolling, &c. .
$57, "85% s. n. Camphor. Kºrea So &c. adj. Rolling, turning
as in sleep, &c.
$STS-$85&o s. n. 1. A rainy cloud.
2. a vicious elephant, or one in rut.
㺠v. n. To roar, as the sea."
$833, a n. A hand-mill. §yro s. n. 1. Favour, compassion,
$38,30 s. n. 1. Heat, the hot season, tenderness, pity. 2. reproach, blame,
sunshine. 2, sweat, perspiration. -

$)* s. n. A ray of the sun, or moon.

§§to s. n. 1. Grinding, pounding 2.
dispute, contention. is roºdºº To $ºyº sºn. 1. Ghee, or clarified
butter. 2. water.
dispute, to contend.
§§§sº &c. adj. Gluttonous, vora Kyu-º s. n. One of the Upsaras,
clous. or courtezans of swurga.
9 "* -

*S) So s. n. A day. §§ s. n. 1. A hog. 2. a cow which

G. Š-639 adj. Strong. has calved once. 3. a ray of the sun
§vö So s. n. 1. Killing, murdering, or moon. 4, grinding, pounding. 5.
slaughter. 2. a blow, or stroke. 3. a figuratively, memory. 33sºčº"
square reservoir for water. tº-8 to R-šš) §ºw-ºx, That
&višššo &c. adj. 1. Mischievous, example does not now occur to my
hurtful. 2. cruel, savage, violent, fero memory.
Tºrooë3 s. n. The beetle-nut tree,
$3'55 s. n. A kind of sweet-cake.
Tºrvées & s. n. A horse.
ŠºvšSo s. n. Grass. Tºrvé8 s. n. A mare.
$os-8;& s. n. The roaring of an Tºxºto s. n. 1. The nose. 2. the nose
elephant. or nostrils of a horse.
§ooë2:30 or $308.8 s. n. The ankle.
Tºrvº s. n. A hog.
$983s s. n. 1. A small pill, or ball.
2. the ankle. *xrvºo &c. adj, Frightful, horrible,
$ooroºo s. n. An insect that is found terrific. Tºrvö&# =Sºo &c. adj.
in timber. (from & E-S sight.) Terrific, of
Šošoos & sºn. The snorting of a horrid or frightful appearance. s. n.
wild boar. A tiger.
Q O.
~$otº 233 *SO 75°

ºvešo or ºrº sº s. n. Butter. S. § ośw &c. adj. Passionate, violent,

milk. fiery, hot, warm.
S. "3×3 s. n. A noise, or sound. Tº
$xo~$ v. n. To make a great noise. s. So Gºč Š So s. n. A short petticoat,
worn either by men or women.
#x vs. ºo s. n. Speaking loud, mak S. *So-astexyC:S S. n. An outcast, a
ing a great noise.
chandala, a man of the lowest cast of
TºxſwäSo s. n. A station of herds
the mixed tribes, born from a Soodra
father, and bramin mother; a sca
& y CoSo s. n. 1. The nose. 2. venger.
s. & oão º v. a. To cut into pièces.
S. \# / 3&&c. adj. Scented, smelled. O -

2; s. Košš s. n. 1. Parvatee, the wife of

Siva. 2. an angry woman.

This is the twentieth letter, and fifth T. CŞo

Ú Fºº s. m. wide #3 &.
consonant in the Teloogoo alphabet;
s. SočS$o s. n. Sandal, Sirium myr
but no word in the language com
mences with it. tifolium ; it implies either the tree,
the wood, or the unctuous prepara
tions of the wood, held in high esti
&GS sy &T) o

& The twenty-first letter, and sixth con. mation as perfumes, tºo: Nº CŞe Sº

sonant in the Teloogoo alphabet.

(from 959 a mountain.) The Ma
laya mountains, part of the south
T. tº oš s. n. The armpit.
western range of Ghats in the Indian
tº oxºS adv. Quickly, soon. peninsula, where sandal is produced.

Soč5s sº s. n. A large black bee. |Tud. Soº-sº s. n. 1. The moon, 2.

O cº,
the name of a part cut from the
& C& © s. n. Lightning. centre of the sprout, first issuing
cºo CT)

tº oº eSºo &c. adj. Fickle, trem from the palmyra nut, which the na
tives eat.
bling, shaking, moving, inconside —o

rate, inconstant, unsteady, unstable. T. & oººo s. n. 1. Manner, way. 2.

CT, <x -

state, condition.
tºo tº s. n. The bill, or beak, of a —o
—o —S
| T. & o'S' s. n. Subscription. Soº &
*You & J 234



cºo v. a. To subscribe. go US”;8& (from é& ris
quo. ºo:38:30 s. n. (from s, 82°8 ing.) 1. Moonrise. 2. an awning, or
red-lead.) vide Šoš38%. cloth, spread over the large open
courts of native houses, upon festi
G. ºoºo sº s. n. The cloth which o

forms the under ceiling of a room. vals. So Úsº The colour of the
rising moon; a reddish colour, ex
T. CŞ o:35-3C5 s. n. The fish, termed
tracted from the flowers of a thistle.
the Pomfret. O
o *SO Ú) (8%-row, s. n. An eclipse
s. So ū) § s. n. A peacock. o

C -
of the moon. **@ 5cs (from so
s. So Úº oº:So s. n. A necklace § crooked.) An ornament like a cres
of one thousand strings of pearls. cent, worn by Ilindoo women, on
O co cº)

S. *903) $2,530 s. n. Silver. the head. *o CŞ) Sºoššo s. m. A

o fabulous gem, supposed to be formed

S. tºoké) 30 s. n. 1. Gold. 2. camphor. of the congelation of the rays of the
cºo o moon •
S. so Sycº or so Gysics S. Il. co

Q *Soã3$ $o s. n. A tree, bearing a

The moon. So Q3) Fe (from s. yellow fragrant flower. Michelia
73°e, e a hall.) 1. An upper house, an champaca.
apartment on the house top. 2.
O . CŞcº) v. a. To kill, murder, or slay.
moonlight. & O Ú) ºcz (from
- CT) It is the causal of Šiš) q. v. &cso
745 a crest.) A name of Siva. Śo
*S v. caus. To cause to kill, &c.
& #'ss (from *Š what de o

S$339 &c. adj. Fearful, timid.

rides.) Outvieing the moon in bright Q

ness. 1. A scymitar. 2. the sword of *S*& s. n. The bartavelle, or

Ravana, or of Cubéra. -CŞ. O Gays greek partridge. Perdir rufa. * gré-so
3:30 s. n. (from *333 Shining.) 1. 3 s. n. (from e5 to eat.) Moon
Moonshine, moonlight. 2, an awning shine; because this bird is said to

or canopy. Ś9 (3)s s. n. 1. Moon feed upon the moon’s rays.

—o -

shine, moonlight. 2. the covering of a || T. tº part. This word, in composi

letter, written on palmyra leaves. tion, is prefixed to many others; and,
* -
-6 * o

&#_ 235 *@
K) ier- t- * —e
- - -

by the addition of 8,becomes an adjec |

- -

Tickling ºf# 9868- § To tickle.

tive; or, by the addition of -Re, an
T. S.3– S. n. A small bedstead.
adverb. As a particle prefixed to
- -5 —o

other words, it generally denotes, r. Tºš 33:25-8 s. n. Refined sugar

straightness, good order or condition,
T. S § s. n. Six. It is generally used
propriety, improvement, amendment,
repair, correction, restoring to a good
in counting at games. º ºx: S. Ils

state, as sº sº To go straight (from ŠXč one.) Seven.

TUD. &3 ö s. n. (from s. & sº-ov)
away; to go away suddenly. §§,
cºo 1. To amend, repair, reform, Sugar.

correct, cure, or arrange. 2. to do *\s) ° S. n. 1. A ruddy or Brah

well. As an adjective, it becomes miny goose. Anas casarca. 2. a

*ś £, and then denotes-1. Straight. realm, or region. 3. a multitude, a

2. good, proper. 3. handsome, beauti heap. 4, a wheel. 5, a potter's wheel.
ful. * RS"cºs A straight stick. 6, an oil mill. 7. a discus, or sharp
-o 5 circular missile weapon. 8, a whirl
** **ś. Good sense. s *_º \}, pool. 9. a province, a number of
villages. 10, a form of military array,
A handsome woman. &$ cºśS So
a circular position. 11, a particular
s. n. Beauty. As an adverb, it be astrological or mystical figure. 12, an

Comes <<<-w", and then denotes anatomical division, or portion of

1. Straightly, uprightly, perpendicu the body; six of these portions, or
chaeras, are enumerated; viz. the
larly. 2. suddenly. 3. well, properly,
pubis, the navel, the end of the
happily, in good health. 4- fluently.
ensoid cartilage, or pit of the sto
5. firmly, fixedly. <$ 5 S. n. 1. mach; the root of the nose, the hol
Beauty. 2. propriety. adv. well. low between the frontal sinuses, and
the union of the frontal and coronal
T. &jº v. a. To kill.
—o sutures. 13, an ancient coin, of vari
T. *3, S. n. A side, a part. able value, but generally equal to ten

TUD. <3, exº s. n. (from s. # * 0) fanams. CŞ Ü **339 A rocket,

A sort of cake. which turns like a wheel. §Ú%
T. <s oxos Or sº pao 8, 11. & Cº or Sºº-tº S. m. . (from

~5 & Xb 236 *S &

& 8 who holds, and **3 the hand, T
tº s. n. 1. A small sack. 2. the
respectively.) A name of Vishnoo, outside of the thigh. 3, a jacket, or
who is represented as holding a dis coat.
cus in one hand. & Ú §§§o s. n. T

A swan; from it's circular motion. . tº adv. Hastily, quickly.

o O
~5 º s. n. 1. A regulation, rule, or
<\9°o&c & s. n. (from ~5 (S)
law. 2. a plan, a system.
the ruddy goose, and 2\oğo a friend.) -o

The sun; because these birds are || ". *#3 s. n. An earthen pot, with a
supposed to couple in the day time broad mouth.
—o -

only. & Systs s. n. An emperor, T. sº s. n. A mountain.

—o º
or sovereign of the world, the ruler
of a chacra, or region, described as
T. <ºsex, s. m. plu. Wings.
extending from sea to sea. T. *S V&T") coo s. m. A black stone.
~5, §
\,) F's So s. n. The ruddy goose. S. Seas & ex) s. n. plu. The chick pea,
. 3, § 15°; sº s. n. A range of or Cicer arietinum, commonly called.
mountains, supposed to encircle the Bengal gram.
o -

earth, and to be the limit of light *Seasºo &c. adj. in composition,

- o
and darkness; the sensible horizon.
o Skilled, clever; as sºe39 Cºe .
. SVS" yox:So s. n. 1. A fabulous kind Skilled in learning.
of swan. 2. a carriage.
O -
T. *5&#e3c2S:S v. m. To fall down, from
- & 3) s. n. 1. Vishnoo. 2. a snake. fatigue, or weakness.
Q -

- ºxx's s. n. Fuller's earth. $538 oxeye):So s. n. The four kinds

. &) v. n. To die, or expire. of Indian troops, composing an army;
viz. infantry, cavalry, elephants, and
- sº-c. s. n. plu. A cast of war chariots. -

Sºo's s. n. Chess.
- sº adj. Square.
o 3. &Söoë s. n. The earth.
. *S*35 & s. n. A sparrow.
O §&8o3sº s. n. A palanquin.
. Sºose)Sºo &c. adj. Tremulous, trem o

bling. $838:30 &c. adj. Dexterous; clever,

- Sö 237 ºa
O o
*CŞ. &83) So &c. adj. Four corner S.
& Sº s. n. 1. vide &Nº.
ed, quadrangular. 2. the cnclosed empty space of
cºo o -

ground within a native house.

<& O'KKºc:3 s. n. (from S&S cy

four, and **śs face.) A name of & Sö s. n. A widow.

tº São; sº adj. Forty.
$& 3 s. n. A tortoise. c

tº Sêo? & ad. Fortieth.
**śs &c. adj. Fourth. -

TUD. Ščox39 s. n. 1. A chess board.

3§§283 s. n. Indra's elephant. 2. chess. Sº The king. šo 9)
Sºgºs &c. adj. Fourteenth.
cº The queen. §§x The castle. §§ &
333 S. n. The fourteenth lunar The bishop. ×3× The knight.
day, calculated either from the nCW, . tºo & The pawn.
cr full moon. -

co cº, ---
T. *S*SSS) adj. 1. Square. 2. level, even.
*&yecº, s. n. (from s, cº-3
T. &ex) s. m. plu. The beams of
Jour, and ºf: an arm.) A name of the roof, supported by the Ščo
Vishnoo; because he has four arms. Øo QX) q. v.
cro O

*S$33-& s. n. (from s. S&5 T. & s. n. 1. An assembly. 2. the


four, and &oºp a face.) vide & Cº court of a prince.

—o " –6.
5&c &. T.
tº Šex s. n. The sky. Sºobºrº
sºx=-& s. n. The ſour objects &o (from Tud. Sºº's sº, corrupted
of human pursuit. from s, & 'rºss a gem.) The sun.

tº $37,9 s. n. A quadrangular
T. tº §§ecºs v. n. To fall down, from
building, enclosing an open square,
cro cy
T. tº & CS3 v. n. 1. To be bruised to
tº 3 Or <& S. n.
The four. death. 2. to be reduced to a palpable
cºo o powder.
—o -5
£e tº $33.Nº S. In- (from s, $335
T. & & Cº. v. 1. The causal of ~ $º
Jour, and 335 road.) A place where q. v. 2. an active verb, denoting to
four roads meet. give honorary presents during any
ºs 238 tº) º


festival, º&$o:3)ºx s. m. plu. The act t. S&S. s. m. making in the inflex. sing.
of giving such presents. tºo?, and in the nom. plu. & o ż.

r. S SSK, s. n. Evonness; levelness. 1. The nipple, pap, or teat. 2. The


adj. Even, level. T$ &S 733& To breast of a man or woman- <&s tº

level. The breast of any female, either of
–6 -o

T. C. Soº) v. a. To kill. the human or animal species. Sºº

T. & ©v. a. 1. To read. 2. to study.
§ ot º The point or nipple of
s. n. Learning. & 83 o'S v. causal. 1. the breast. & Kºš Šº To suck the
To cause to read or study. 2 to teach.
-> —o
breast ºf oº:: An infant at the
~ $335-53 v. comp. To learn & breast.
39%)exºs. n. (fom 3)ºx)\, a bird.)
s. & So s. n. Lightning.
lit. a learned bird. A parrot. T$$$) o

vº 3 s. n. A school & $39& A s. Sºo-Sºo &c. adj. 1. Trembling, fickle,

tremulous, wavering, unsteady 2.
school-master. Tºs. § 93 exy (from
quick, swift, expeditious. 3. momen
Feo y a deity.) Bramha, the creator. tary, instantaneous. 4. ngitated, vio
T. 32 s. m. Rice cookel at night, and lently overcome with alarm, &c. s. n.
1. Quick-silver, mercury. 2. perplex *
not eaten until next day.
-o ity.
T. S.K. v. n. 1. To go, to depart. 2. to ‘C —s -

pass. 3. to advance in age. 4. to bc. s. Sº 9:30 s. n. 1. The hand with the

fingers extended. 2. a slap, a blow.
fit, or deserving, ºº) v. n. To T. &S or Sºyº adj. Insi pidº' 7\v
—o -

die. & ºo & v. n. To come ; to
adv. Insipidly. & Sºº & To be in a
nrrive. -o *

-> 2 -5

T. tº RN) S, In, vide tº &\. state of inactivity. SSSC: Sº or

—o —e. -

r. S:33 s. n. A body of travellers. *S*NS s. n. Insipidity.

–6 T. cºyº s. n. plu. The clapping of the
T. S & 3 s. n. 1. Amity, friendship. 2. —o
3- AoS ST 8.35 ST’&So
favor. 3. familiarity, freedom. hands. Sº Yº (from T. S. Ś

r. &#Ağ s. n. Cold water, as opposed to beat, &c. q v.) To clap the hands.
to hot.
T. & Nºw s. n. 1. A thatched roof, a
r) r)
*fcº 239
shed. 2. a covered seat in which an
idol is carried about.
cºs adv. Quickly, speedily, soon
—o Se

*55 °C So s. n. 1: The foot. 2. the roct

T. & Söot& v. a. To smack, to suck of a tree. 3. wandering, roaming, go
with a noise. O
ing round, or about. 33%"cºo: So
T. & Sºx s. n. plu. The outer part of
s.n. (from “33&of a weapon.) A cock;
the thigh. because his foot is his weapon.
-> º

a. §§T.S. s. n. A mark, or impression, tº SSSo &c. adj. 1. Last, ultimate,

as from stamping, or printing:
ſinal. 2, west, western.
T. **N* s. n. A noise, adj. Void of any S. tº Se &c. adj. I. Moveable, locomo.
salt taste §§ àsº. A flat nose. tive. 2. trembling, shaking, unsteady.
&T) cº,
—º –6. * .*

s. n. An animal. & O’ & & Soex) s. n.

. Sº s. n. Noise, sound. & 3. Sº
Rºcº To make a noise. plu. The animate and inanimate cre.

sº s. n. (from P.' …” A
ation. (S32 & To wander, to roam.
—º *) t. T&S s. n. Paste §5 %y">30 To paste.

ssºs, s. n. 1. Astonishment, *** -8°C, or ºs ºr 1.

A fixed institute, a peculiar observ.
surprize. 2. dexterity. 3. eloquence, ance. 2. good conduct. 3, a history,
wit. 4, any thing curious, ingenious, chronicle, or talc.
or extraordinary.
. Tºx3x, S. n. A bundle of Johnaloo
S. ~5 SSSSSo s. n. The bos-grunniens. straw, drawn by two bullocks.
-6 ->

T. tº SoS v. a. To rub, or besmear. s. n. T. *5 SSoo v. a. wide & Koš.

1. Clarified butter. 2. oil, &c. - S.
$83.5 s. n. An oblation, chiefly of

Sº s. n. 1. An army. 2. a squa milk and butter, with fire, to the gods
or manese *
dron ; a division of an army.
& s. n. 1. An assemblage, a **) s. n. Reflection, consideration,
multitude; a heap, or collection. 2. deliberation; the act of the mind up
a mound of earth, raised to form the on a subject present to the thoughts.
foundation of a building. 3. a rampart 2. cleaning the person, with fragraut
or mound of earth, raised from the unguents. 3. a dispute, or quarrel.
ditchof a fort. *** s. n. 1. The skin, 2. a hide, 3.

*S eX 240 Tºo

the bark of a tress, sº CŞe (from ||s. &etº, &c. adj. 1. Wandering, roam
Tº maker.) A shoemaker, or tan ing. 2. trembling, shaking, s. n.
Movement, motion.
incr; a worker in leather. $8,893,
s. m. wide Soº. & ºs. The T. & eoSºo s. n. 1. Malice. 2 obstimacy.

3. firmness. SoSºoſ"?otº To aſ
bellowsº, Koºyºo & To flay.
firm, or deny, obstinately. Sexº,
*8S s. n. 1. Perseverance in religious –5

austerities; due and regular observ To be firmly resolved. Čo-à s.

ance of all rites, or customs. 2. con m. An obstinate person.
duct. 3. action. &S &SS (from s. 85 S. tº OSoo &c. adj. Trembling, tremulous,
a day.) A diary. unfixed, or unsteady. *53).o.º. v. n. 1.
to &S to$0 s. m. Chewing, to shake, or move. 2. to hesitate.
cº) o O

- *S §§o &c. adj. Eaten. &8 Sö & T. ‘eS s. n. 1. Cold. 2. any thing of a
*S*0sº Chewing the cud. cooling or refreshing nature. 3.
T. *Yeº Sex, s. n. plu. 1. Flat spots of bleaching, adj. 1. Cold. 2. cooling, 3.
ground, under the tops of mountains. bleached, white. Ses: cat) s. n. A
2. cracks in the ground. canopy supported by pillars, raised in

the high road, and decorated with
*Yeº v. a. 1. To beat. 2, to clap
flowers, &c., as a place for the honor
with the open hand. Tºº A clap.
with the open hand. ary reception of an idol. 5 e Sex
-6 —o
& , lit. colds to cover. To be deadly
T. *Seºxys. n. plu. vide Šešºvo No.1. cold; to be in the extremities of death.
wn o C)

tºo & Yokºč, s. n. The greek par ºos-e S. h. A person who,

tridge. among the Soodra casts, goes from

§exºs s. n. (from s. Sex shaking, house to house, to give information

and & a leaf.) The holy fig tree ; of any death.
–6. –6 cºo
because its leaves are easily agitated.
o co te *53 s. n. Cold, adj. Cold. & 92 S&
Sº Šešº s. n. (from s. &eč sha. O -o

(from s. “Sö fever.) Ague. * Ö37°o

king, and x; the throat.) One whose
throat is in constant movement, viz. tº s. n. (from T. S"oč a mountain.)
A frog. ... - --
The Himalaya or snowy mountains
~5 ex 24l
enre tº $5
—5. *

of India. 393 e5 (from &eº time.) term of great praise, and expressive
vide 338 º under º. of entire satisfaction, applied by the
- ºbsº S. n. The wind; as being people to any popular ruler. &ºcw.
cold. Rºbsoat or ºose & A adv. 1. Coldly, coolly. 2 slowly,
cool shed, in which water, &c. is dis gently.
3. safely, in good health. $ Kool
–ſº -


tributed to passengers. Sößexocº *ścº" & to To look or regard

s. n. (from 529CX brightness.) The with joy, or satisfaction. & %SS So s.
moon; because her beams are cool.
n. Coldness. $3.5 s. n. 1. coldnes.
T. Tºox& •. n. Soil of a sandy sur 2. slowness, safety.
face, with black earth underneath.
T. *šº s. n. The post round which
T. & 0 & s. n. A sort of ant.
the string passes, which works the
• *b**se alſ. 1. Shaking, tromb. churning stick.

ling. 2. gone, departed.

-* –6.
T. &#"*šº s. n. Drawers or breeches,
T. & 6 s. n. vide **. which reach as far as the middle of
T. ºpea s. n. The flour of raw rice, the thigh.

mixed with milk, or water and jag

* * * v. n. 1. To grow cool, or
gory, and used in offerings to the calm. 2. to be allayed, restrained, or
–6 - - ...Tº

Pacified. 3. to be extinguished, &g"

T. & 9995 adj. 1. Cold. 2. damp, wet.
o - *) v. a. 1. To cool, or calm. 2. to al
• *beos ºn via &bos, under
lay, restrain, or Pacify. 3. to extin
*Sexsºo. guish.

T. ****@ v. a. To sooth, to console, T. & ºv.a. 1. To throw away, pour out,

to encourage. or sprinkle. 2. to water. 3. to sow. Tº

T. & exps s. n. vide Seo;3. gº's V. comp. 1. to sprinkle upon

-o -6

T. <3 s: n, vide Sö8.

**self, or upon another. 2. to sow
for one's own benefit.
–0 -->
T. +25 ex 8. In. Butter-milk.
fºre -o –6 T. & or º):S S. n. making in the
T. & Or *...* adj. Cold, cool. Sº inflex, sing. S543 or Rºses Fuller's
*8 lit a cold gentleman. This is a earth. 3s**śS. s. n. Earth salt.

cro -6

Tyv c & 242 +re X

–0 o? ºw

T. & Sex So s. n. The fraction of #, or s-

wroCº) cºros s. n. A religious
§, of a pagoda. or expiatory observance, regulated

T. & 3) s. n. Taste. by the moon's age, diminishing the

daily consumption of food every day,
T. & S s. n. 1. A square shed. 2. a by one mouthful, for the dark half of
single square room, separate from the month, and increasing it, in like
the house. manner, during the light half.
–5 —o -

T. & 3)3 s. n. 1. vide Ščj9 2. the rela Se *otºs s. n. The bud of the

tionship of a man's two wives to each $oss's q. v.

other. & 5883 s. n. A step-mother.
Ge #-sº s. n. (from P. Pts- A ser
T. S. $ 73 s. n. Four dubs, or coins, of
the value of twenty cash each. —o

T. Ryo's ej Secº s. n. A washerman.

T. º s. n. A chow ; the weight by
This cast is traced to the offspring of
which pearls are estimated.
a female weaver, by a gold-smith.
T. & ©s adj. Cheap.
*S*š exts or Tºše) & s. n. A female
T. Rºss, adj. Square. s. n. A square.
of this cast. Tºš adj. Of or belong
T. & sºciº v. n. To leap, or run, ing to this cast. *3 cy's s. n. 1. A
like the antelope.
washerman's pot. 2. the name of a
Tud. Sº s. n. (from s. S&á F-) The bird.
fourth lunar day, from the new, or o

full moon. a. *85 s. n. (from P.C.9 31s) Ser

vice. = y. -->
TUD. §§§o8 s. n. vide & & gotº. cº)

a. *ś s. n. A pen-knife.
T. & S.S. Nº adv. Insipidly. o
S, *Us, 3. *S s. m. 1. An oilman. 2. a
s. S&S So s. n. A vessel for drinking;
a wine glass, or cup. bard who chaunts the praises of
cº) cºo
heroes, &c.
s & Sº s. n. The eye. 3 & & ), 5 —b

So s. n. (from ū,5S the ear.) A TUD. W. KS"cºs s. n. 1. Cubéra, the god

of riches. 2. a generous man
snake ; because his eyes are deemed —o

to be his ears also.

en -6
T. ºxSºx) s. n. A sort of creeper,
a. *S*oà& s. n. vide SoSorºv. Sanseviera zeylanica.
*S*& *243 *cº)
repºxº s. n. (from s. wºx) Libe - * wºg's So s. n. The four spices,
rality, generosity. consisting of cardamom seeds, cloves,

T. ~5-6 s. n. The nipple. the leaf of the clove tree, and the
-6 blossoms of the tree termed Mesua
+cºs s. n. Procrastination, de ferrea.
o - -

—o *śćSº s. n. 1. Eloquence. 2.
~"cº v. a. To stretch. dexterity, address. 3. ability, clever
nesse -

*303 v. a. To proclaim, to pub O o

*&8Sº-> s. n. (from s. 5&

lish by beat of drum, wºoº s. n.
Proclamation. 5 four, and $5 tos a tribe.) The
four original casts, viz. Bramha, Chu
T. ** = n. 1. Shelter, covering 2. " triya, Vysya, and Soodra.
screen, or shade; any thing conceal CT) *...* - -

~&#39 s. n. Entire ignorance of

ing another, adj. Secret, hidden. v. a.
the world, simplicity.
To proclaim. -

*-ºs-83, s. n. A necklace, *CS v. a. To bruise any small sub

stance, with the fingers.
strung alternately with pearls, and
golden beads. . *S s. n. The black ashes of burnt
rice, &c., with which Hindoo females,
*** **ś) s. n. Pleasing, or grateful Or children, mark their foreheads
with a spot. º

T. *ā s. n. 1. An accusation. 2, slan .

RP55 s. n. A woman.
der. *Asts or *Arº S. Il.
-> -o

. . +5°53 s. n. A mat. Sº, "3 The

A talebearer. sail of a ship.
****) ***) Or s. n. 1. A way or *šº's n. A bow.
manner. 2. similitude. —o

+5-3-5°ooo s. n. A large flat stone.

*** - n. A kind of cuckoo. -0

. Wºo s. n. plu. Intricacies.

--J-Ko s. n. A cast of Soodras, co -

+yo:3 ešº s. n. Fickleness.

who worship Vishnoo exclusively, –6.

and whose profession is to sell T. TT"cº) s. n. 1. Length, extent. 2, a

long cloth, containing two or more

*&e s. n. vide *&&. garments. v. a. wide º'ciº.'

Tyloeº 244 £yo5

–ſº -

because it is spotted.
r. --& s. n. 1. A kind of boat. 2, a –5

* WOman. *S*eoš C&S s. n. An esculent and me

T. *s. sºcº s. n. Black, dark blue. dical root, described as sweet, cool
ing, and diuretick.
8, +& Sºo s. n. A fly brush, or chow —o

ri, composed of the tail of the bos ~eºs s. n. A sort of arid pulse.

grunniens. *W*e) & s. n. A sieve, or strainer.


TUD. *32, s. n. plu. (from s. wº TyveyTº adv. Much.

$) The grain called millet. Panicum ~8)otS. v. a. I To cease. 2. to leave,
or quit. 3. to postpone. 4. to adjourn.
... ºr's 8& m. Gold. sºciºs"K, v. comp. To resign, to
rup. Hº-cºs s. n. (from s. "Foº")
* (* 1. A *** * shade.
. give up.
*ex, s. n. A line, or row ; a furrow.
colour, paint. 3, a side. ºwcôS*:S$ v. n. 1. To suffice. 2. to be able. 3. to
(from S*:::$3 a son.) Saturn, in be sufficient. The affirmative and
• Hindoo mythology, the offspring of negative aorists of this verb are added
the sun, by his wife Ch,haya, or to other infinitives, as auxiliaries, to
denote the possession or want of pow
shade. *ašša, To die, to co -
er and ability. I can, &c. I cannot,
lour. &c.
S. *-Scºcº s. n. 1. A dancer. 2, a T. **sa s. n. A hall ; a choultry, or
of the gods. co caravansary.
S. *& 30 s. m. wide 885. —o

. *S*š) s. n. Death, demise.

a. *-ºs s. n. A pad, used as a *33, s. n. The blue jay.
toos ex s. n. plu... l. The grain of the
8. *&cº ºn. A spy, a secret agent, great millet, in its husk, 2 small water
or emissary. channels, in fields.
Q -Q

s. Tº adj. Beautiful, elegant. tootS s. n. The tamarind tree.

+\ots, v. a. To tear or rend. too &ST
T. se ot ==es-s s n. 1. A line. 2. a
-S v. comp. 1. To retreat. 2. to tear
spot. --eeeºos & s. n. (from ºos any thing belonging to one's-self.
So, and s. sº a beast.) The tiger; toº sº n. 1. Reflection, thought,
£85 * 245 £53
- -U–
* sº

consideration. 2. recollection. 3. grief, of knives, &c., or cleaning of arms,

sorrow. tooëcº v. a. To reflect or ºš 5x5 ( *…) A knife-grinder,
consider. v. n. To grieve. ºoº-ex or
polisher, armourer.
ºo: º v. n. To grieve, or to be
afflicted. tośće s. n. Desire to act.
S. tošč Šx s. n. Hair.
T. tooš s. n. The tamarind tree. -adj.
Of or belonging to the tamarind. *ś—oº s. n. A species of comb,
with three or four teeth.
too ºbes s. n. A fabulous gem,
tº row adj. Bland, soft, mild,
supposed to yield its possessor what
unctuous, emollient,
ever may be required. - -
to:33 S. n. A kite. ºš & adj. Thick, tº SSX or 6
T. toº s. n. A shell, a conch. *— S s. n. Thickness.
toº s. n. 1. A fragment, a piece. * Gºº s. To be entangle], or en
2. illness, bad health. 3. ugliness, snared.
dislike. adj. Ugly. 602:55 of 8 xy-N- *š º s. n. A bag of net-work; a
adv. At random, in confusion. 6-85 net work to muzzle beasts.
& Soč8 Récº, To spoil; to cut into T.
oš s. n. 1. Entanglement, perplexi
pieces. ty, intricacy, confusion. 2. difficulty,
tooš s. n. 1. A dance. 2. a drop. v. distrees, trouble. adj. 1. Entangled,
n. To be spilled, toočc 25°3& To 2. difficult. 3. troublesome. v. n. 1.
spill. *ose, sº To dance. To be ensnared. 2. to be seized, or
T. toº) v. a. To tear, or rend, vide apprehended. 3. to be found. 4. to
tookº. 8-8 s. n. A rent, or tear. remain. 5 to grow thin, or lean. :)
T. boºk, s. n. A he-goat, of a large § ec 73 'º To involve in difficulties.
species. - -
tº jº To disentangle. tº wº
&oº To be troublesome. tº
tº) s. n. The practice of medicine;
healing, curing, administering, or ap Sº v. comp. To be seized, appre
plying remedies. 633)3C & s. n. A hended, caught, or ensnared. e58 R
physician, a surgeon. $38%. Sº I have got it, tº Rsº
+899 & v. n. To neigh. ºo:3) Any thing not to be had. A rarity.
Neighing. ºrkseº To fall into a
*39 & 3) s. n. 1. A piercing or snare. Fºs º To lag, or remain
severe look. 2. an unsteady, or occa behind. *— 8%) To become lean.
sional glance. º

T. *š *Toº s. n. The bean called

G. *35 s. n. (A. J.Rao) The grinding Dolichos lablab. . . ."
246 £)ty
* .
T. tº Gºº s. n. A padlock; a T. tºos S. s. n. The extremity, or

staple. utmost point.

~6 - 805
ºš o s. n. vide *}_o º
*ç㺠s. n. An impenetrable wood.
Sºjºs s. n. A squirrel. *gº's s. n. A tree, so called. "

-ºo- 8×3 s. n. A kind of spear .

**śs s. n. Castor oil. -

grass. *š adj. Little, young, s. n. 1. A

*\ S. s. n. 1. A sprout, or shoot. 2. certain measure, the fourth part of a
the gums. 3. the tender part of the *e. 2, a small high vessel, made of
flesh under the nail. adj. Young, brass or copper. -

tender, delicate. ONSotº or ºtºs T. ºc & Tº * s, n. The name of a tree,
v. n. To sprout, or bud. T. ** s. n. Coºrse bran.

**) or **) s. n. A term used in tº s. n. (from é:S$35 &

ed - rwº rº

lulling babes to sleep. boiled water.) Water taken out from

T. **) s. n. The fire. * & Yeº adj. that in which rice is boiled, just as it
begins to simmer.
Fiery. sº *: s. n. plu. A kind
of rocket. tº s. n. The rust of iron.
T. *****, or tº s. n. A noise of T. **ex, s. n. plu. 1. Coloured bor
burning. ******& To look sulky. ders, about three or fºur inches in
£988 s's 3, es s. n. The little finger, length, at the ends of a cloth. 2.
pictures. 3. projects. 4. invention. 5.
Or toe.
T. to°35 s. n. 1. A snap of the fingers. 2.
burning the body with a piece of hot toº v. n. To split; to crack.
turmerick, &c., in order to cure par º"
Gy s. n. A rough daily account
ticular diseases. It is specially appli particulars, a day book.
ed to children. £33, adj. Small, little.
£383 Gºo s. n. A small cymbal, T. *ēsº s. n. 1. Trouble, confusion.
made of bell-metal. 2. vexation, anger.
tº Seo s. m. plu. A kind of
Te *Sº is s. n. 1. A ring-worm. 2. a
grain, so called. kind of play among young people.
T. ***ś or tº &º s. n. The T. ºbSo s. n. The itch.

noise made by the fall of drops of 5, ºë or £3 s. n. The funeral pile.

water from trees, &c. Ge ºb% s. n. 1. Invention. 2, insi
T, *śss S. n. Trick, deceit. nuation. .

* & 247 *\5)

r, 6&S v. n. To burst, as a ripe fruit, s. Ú s. n. vide tº.

or a sores
s: o Sys & s. n. 1. A mark made with
rud.6 tº s. n. (from s, ove.) The four sandal, &c., on the forehead. 2. the
* teenth of the lunar mansions. -
cheeta, or small hunting leopard. 3.
a medicinal plant, Plumbago zeylanica.
T. 63.3 adj. 1. Cloudy. 2. rainy. s. n.
Rain. -
s: 65) sº s. n. A tiger.
s. tºo s. n. 1. The mind, or faculty s: o (ºjºs s. n. Fama's registrar,
who records the vices and virtues of
- of reasoning. 2. the heart, considered
as the seat of intellect. 3, inclination.

4, will, pleasure. §§otº v. a. 1. To . 0& Joooºo S. n. An old chamelion.

keep or retain in mind. 2. to listen, s. 6 &/º"K. s. n. The sixteenth year,
or attend to. 3. to peruse, ºr ºf So of the Hindoo cycle of sixty,
S. 6) Ú & s. n. 1. Wonder, surprise,
lit. your pleasure. As you please, as
you may deem proper. º. is and astonishment. 2. painting, delinea
*ść"ex, are respectively masculine tion, writing, &c. 3. a picture, varie
and feminine affixes, added to any gated colour, adj. 1. Wonderful, sur
noun of sanscrit derivation denoting prising. 2. variegated, spotted, spec
a passion of the mind, to express the kled. to 5) Sºcºs s. n. A painter.
person affected by that passion; as
où) *Koczºs s. n. 1. The god of
the fire. 2. fire. 3. the sun ; because
Koš's ºc: A happy man.
TUD. ºº) s. n. (from s. *5) A pic their splendour is wonderful tº 8
&c & s. n. One of the Gandharvas,
ture, painting, or drawing tº or choristers of Indra's heaven ; lit.
3°2× The canvas, or paper, of a the lord of the painted car. to (5)--
exso s. n. The bluejay. to 8,885)
s. bºy s. n. Disposition. So Very wonderful. & JT, SR Soo
s. º Soº s. n. (from s. b3 the
(from s. 3 S a seat.) A square car
mind, and s. Kºos \º elevation.)
pet, of a variegated colour, used by
Pride, haughtiness, arrogance.
bramins, &c., during prayer. 6 Ús
a. *T*x<x s. n. (from s. 6 ºf the 35 Killing by torture, or in any extra
mind, and s. esºsºx enjoyment.) 1. ordinary, or unusual manner.
Consciousness of pleasure, or pain. s. & T. tot *š <-vº s. n. The
2. the attention of the mind to its
plant called Ceylon lead wort. Plum
own sensations.
bago zelanica.
T. º s. n. 1. A foul draft, or copy. 2. s. 0 5,8w s. m. 1. The name of the
a blot, or erasure. daughter of Banasoora's minister. 2.
- º

*Rºll 248 ºy
the wife of Cubera, the god of riches. ed, or ashamed, or Aºzº Small
£) ºys' s. n. I. A carpenter's plane. 2. and great.
a mark left in a book. T. º So s. n. A weight, equal to one
* Syrº s. m. The Hindoos divide eighth part of the coin termed a ps.
women into four classes, according to goda.
their dispositions; to the second of TUD. ºoº or ºs. n. (from s, toº.)
which they give this name. It de 1. A token, mark, or sign. 2. a scar. 3.
notes a female of a lascivious inclina affectation. © SAeſ"Că s. n. A co
tion. quette. to SAerºcºs A fop.
tº Soº So s. n. Chellumbrum, a holy S. *śje-Sex, s. n. plu. vide e5& Sexy.
place on the coast of Coromandel, T.
*śy s. m. A shell. & 33) tº The
near the mouth of the Coleroon, pearl oyster-shell. ETC 3e3.6%) The
where there is a famous pagoda dedi tortoise-shell. Sº SºeSºy s. n. The
cated to Siva. -

knee-pan. Tºo Sºcº) or stays

tº sº. s. n. A flat nose. **) Half of a broken cocoanut, in
T. toč8 &ex s. n. plu. Domestic quar cluding both the shell, and the ker
*Soš v. n. vide toº. nel, or the shell only. tº º
An artificial pearl.
T. *SXSex, s. n. plu. Small sticks. T.
Լys & s. n. A fragrant grass.
toS3) v. a. 1. To squeeze a fruit, or
Andropogon schaenanthus.
a sore. 2. to kill, or murder.
Ts tośyšošeš s. n. A small lock of hair,
. ºšS$o v. a. vide º No. 1.
either below or above the long lock,
*Sö or ºS893 s. n. A piece, bit,
left upon the crown of the head, by
fragment, or atom. all Hindoo men.
T. ºS3 s. n. A drop of rain. v. n. To oxy": s. n. vide toº) §§§).
T. to Socº v. n. To be torn, or rent. s. T. tºp S. n. An axe, for cutting
n. A rent, or tear. treeS. - -

§§§ adj. 1. Small, little, short. 2. T. ºšNTºtos s. n. Either side of a

young. 3. mean, trifling. 4. narrow, 5. shelving roof.
disgraceful. to SAS "S Childhood, T. ºy& s. n. A parcel, or small bun
youth. ºº & s. n. 1. Infancy. 2. dle.
littleness, smallness. 3. disgrace, dis T, ºSex v. n. To rise, as joy; which is
honor. tº s. n. A girl. tº "c often figuratively represented, by
& A boy, ºxºtº) v. a. To dis. Teloogoo authors, as rising, like sap
grace. *A*S**) To be disgraced. So in a tree. - -

4׺lºss"K. To be disgust to Tºy& s. n. vide ºyśw.

-ºš 249 -ºye)

T. Yºyº-cºs s. n. A tailor. This cast, canoe. In the plural, this word de

among the Hindoos, is said to be de notes the instrument used for the

scended from, a female chuckler, by a handŠº
toč torture,
s. n. Avide time. under $º.
bramin. -

T. ºbě2 s. n. A moth. G. toº s. n. Anger, wrath.

T. &S$5%) or £390 °S s. n. 1. The ex *858 s. n. The chay root, which
tracting of the hair on the face. 2. the produces a red die.
instrument used to extract it. ºo T. &SX3 v. n. & s. n. vide ºxocº.
*r-à-sºo To pull out the hair from the *&^% s. n. 1. A species of halfle
face. . prosy, which causes large round spots
T. & So 35 v. a. To wink. all over the body. 2, the ring worm.
T. & v. n. To overboil. ºº) 35& 3 ex) ܺ, or £&öevºw89 v.
v. a. To overboil. n. To dazzle.

T. &S Nº or º,58°3 s. n. Ts
**** s. n. 1. Anger. 2. sullenness,
A syringe. moroseness. ©eº ºeºeſºo To be an
T. & ©,” s. m. wide tº 2. gry, sullen, or morose.
T. º.3 s. n. Fried sesamum seeds, and toe} or ºeso adj. Little, small, short.
jaggory, pounded together, which the **śćS lit. a young laugh. A smile.
Hindoos eat as a delicacy, *N**ws s. n. lit, the small tongue.
The uvula.
T. & Sº, v. a. 1. To sweep. 2. to squirt,
or spirt. -
*** s. n. A child, adj I. Little,
T. º.º. s. m. wide tº 2. small, short. 2. young. ºxo:S or
s. *Sodº s. n. A crow, adj. Long liv toº º s. n. The cheeta, or small
ed. This is a term of kindness, im hunting tiger.
**º v. a. To burst.
plying a blessing of long life, often
used by superiors to inferiors, by fa ** 33 s. n. vide tº $83.
thers to children, or by elder to *; or *...* s. n. Anger, wrath. *
younger brothers. -
wº Ot *...** v. n. To be
s. º Soº s. n. A woman, married, or angry, sullen, or mörose.
single, who continues to reside, after
maturity, in her father’s house.
*...*&^x) s. n. The root of the
s, ºboš Šsº or tºo &c. adj. 4maranthus campestris, used as a re
Old, ancient, antiquated, long lasting. medy in stranguries.
T. &S X&o s. n. A sort of edible root. T.
toos s. n. A parrot, tosſ E-3 s. n.
T. 9°5 s. n. 1. A cudgel. 2. the round A breast ornament, in the form of
piece of wood at the end of a native two parrots, adorned with precious
32 *
-º)ex) 250
stones. ººs & '89 The indian cupid, of the serpent race, who has a thou
sand heads.
whose steed is the parrot.
tes § "S s. n. A pot-herb. tº s. n. ride ºvs.
toes ex or òes & s. n. A piece of $º v. a. & s. n. vide ºxº.
semicircular wood, like a ring, at the
T. tº adj. 1. Empty. 2. trifling, useless.
end of the rope used as the girth of ºčex Bored ears, without ear
the bullock saddle, through which rings. tºos or tºo & s. n.
the other end is passed, to fasten the A small piece of a broken earthen
—o -

saddle. £e ŠčT3"> The rope used vessel º ºx& Useless disputes.

as a girth, as above described. —o

T. geos boºs v. a. To sprinkle; from ºoz. s. n. The clearing-nut.

£exy & q. v.
Strychnos potatorum.
des esºs s. n. A woman. §§§ adj. 1. Trifling, mean. 2. sun
dry. s. n. Odd sums. RTS 5°Cºë5
tººs s. n. A wooden pin, fixed
ºver-ºs S5 & He owes me
in the wall, on which articles are sus ten and odd pagodas.
pended. T.
*. s. n. A small hole, in a pot, pa
tº s. n. A wicked, depraved, ro per, &c.
guish or impudent person. 89&$S
& s. m. Depravity, roguery, impu
*... s. n. That of which the end di.
vides into two or more from the main
dence. -

T. £3)3·s&So s. n. Malice, wickedness. body ; thus, tº sto—o

A whip with

adj. Malicious, wicked. several lashes. *: & oº). A cow,

ºxys s. n. vide toes. the ends of whose teats branch into
T. tWO.
* Sºcºs s. m. wide toºs.
T. º s. n. 1. An arrow. 2, the resi ºšč s. n. The end, extremity, or
due or remains. 3. vide 8° ...sº W. a. point. -

1. To churn. 2. to sprinkle. *śs s. n. A coin of the value of a

quarter rupee.
ºš º s. n. Water scatter *śs &; S. n. A bat.

ed in spots, here and there.

©ex So s. n. Verdigrease. &#93 v. n. To be damaged, or spoilt.
T. ºbs s. n. A snake. Sexº Sºcº S. n. The spoiling or rotting of goods.
tº S s. n. vide ÖYSS.
s. n. (from Sºcº a girl.) A female
*SS S. n. A battle, combat.
of the serpent race, having a human
face, with the tail of a serpent. ºx)&
*ēS v. a. To sharpen, make round,
S’ô (from Šºć a ruler.) The chief or polish, with a knife; to menda pen.

$75° 251 -ºšSox3

*śSS adv. Quickly, speedily. T. $3)& s. m. A broom.

£3"Alor ºS9 s. n. 1. A mark, T. $335 s. n. An ant.
spot, or stain. 2. a sign, or symbol. X|T. $393 s. n. The mucus of the nose.
& = & \ex, The signs of pregnancy. || ". $so s. n. Matter from a sore; pus.
$ interj. Expressive of disgust, con- || ". $ö s. n. A female garment.
tempt, or shame. Fie! &c. T, $833 - $83.89 or $8 &°33 s. n.
A white louse.
$c $83 s. n. Darkness, adj. Dark.
$cS 837-vºo (from 7\t $30 a planet.) $5& s. n. 1. Lead. 2. bark, rind, 3.
The moon's ascending node, reckon a cloth made of bark.

.ed by the Hindoos as the eighth pla $5S s. n. A moth, a cricket.

net. §§ 38°9X (from 8°ox a na *ěš ex) s. n. plu. 1. Remnants or
tural enemy.) The sun. &S esāşş bits of cloth; tatters. 2, slices.
s. n. (from T. §§ a fault.) Adul $83 s. n. Regard, esteem. $88că"
tery. lit. the crime committed in K9 v. a. To regard, or esteem.
darkness. -

$S v. a. 1. To cut in slices. 2. to
*S*S&S v. n. To be puzzled, or scratch. 3. to tear with the claws or
confounded. ”
tusks. 4. to hiss like a serpent
$80 s. n. A broom. $ 5 s. m. wide $5.
*Šs. n. A blind person, adj. Blind. & s. n. A small chisel.
$& adj. Damaged, spoiled by $499 v. a. To call, to invite.
damp, &c. v. a. 1. To suck. v. n.
vide £5)S. $9 s. n. An iron nail; a wooden pin.
$95Soš s. n. The ankle.
$$$895 - ox s. m. A cricket.
$$$ 5-90 s. n. Darkness.
§3 or $43 s. n. 1. A note, or small
letter. 2. chintz, painted cloth.
8% s. n. A disease; applied either
: §3) s. n. A cat.
$$)"Sexy s. n. vide $5S ex).
$99 v. n. 1. To split, or open. 2. to
part from company. *ex tº or §ex.
to those of animals, or of vegetables. v. a. To divide, or split. $ºyotº v.
$3s s. n. A bundle of thread, con caus. To cause to split.
sisting of seven punjums, or two hun $55S0 s. n. The tattered dress of a
dred and ten QSS q. v. mendicant.
$3.5 s. n. 1. Abhorrence, loathing. Tºoxºs s. n. A trifling or small ba
2. perplexity, distraction of mind.
$$o v. a. To blow the nose. lance, or arrear.

$Rºooºº s. n. A very precious *Sox9ex s, n, plu. The ends of a

or fine cloth. garment.
—b –5

~$3%x5 252 -čbe ox


–6 –5

T. iSois s. n. 1. vide tºyºos 3. 2. up. 2, to go round, to roam, wander, or

the muskrat. 3. a mouse. adj. Young. travelºs's v. comp. 1. To sur
round. 2. to roll, or wrap up. s. n. 1.
*So tºo?"exc3 A young child.

T. So:S s. n. The dandruff. v. n. To Circumference. 2. a toe ring, worn by

women, adv. 1. Around. 2. round
be decocted, evaporated, or dried up. –6

$oão º To decoct, or dry up. about; out of the direct wav.º-Nºto

co CT)

s. Soº So s. n. A kiss. Sož)öSo

º To tie a turband.&B Sºssº & §

&c. adj. Kissed. Sož)o tº v. a. To That road is far about. *** & To
kiss. fall out of the direct route.
T. &Sox s. n. The noise made by fire, º, "tºo or ºS’s
ro tº O “S A square,
ro —o

when it comes in contact with water.

—o formed by four houses tº A
T. & s. n. 1. A drop, dot, or spot. round shell, or conch. *śsº
2. the round mark worn on the fore —o

head, by Hindoos. 3. a star. 4. the To surround. tº Fºx The mis

planet Venus. sº sº An orna sile weapon of Vishnoo.

mental spot worn on the forehead, by G. RSSRS' oºo-S v. a. To plait, or fold,

Hindoo women; also the round any part of the dress.
sectarial mark, worn by both men Tup. SKYRT's s. n. (from s. §r-3s−5
and women. tº e S63 The sky. &T.) The sister of Ravana.
tº e Sºč.
lit. the road of stars.
s. SS230S & s. n. The chin.
(from Šºć lord.) The moon. z

T. <sº S. n. The helm or rudder of || s sºo; sº s. n. A bug.

a vessel. T. seese stov. n. To burn quick
T. $º s. n. 1. A round roll of any ly, with a crakling noise.

T. Seº s. n. 1. Excessive heat. 2.

thing. 2, a roll of tobaccoºrs">3.
—o & —ſo 5 p
force, violence. 3. sharpness. 4. haste,

8.5× 8, Ot &º *2) To smoke a
-5- -
impetuosity, speed. 5. pain. adj. 1.
—o —o Hot. 2. violent. 3. sharp. 4. quick,
To +& s. n. A relation. Kºssº. impetuous. 5. painful.
-p º
Relationship, consanguinity, affinity. T. &eºšić) v. a. To burn, or con
T. & º v, a 1. To roll round; to wrap Sunne.
-º - o
<-- tº 253 <rvč

Rºos & s. n. 1. Lightness. 2. want of smell.) To smell. Foº-sº To feel
importance or difficulty. 3. disregard, the pulse. ~&#yºr. tº:
contempt. §es & adj. 1. Light. 2. * Hear what he says. 6-oxº~s,
unimportant, easy. 3. contemptuous.
To peep. e88&sº To lºgk back.
*Sexys & s. n. The hand hollowed,
so as to hold water, &c.
S’8 Košº I saw, observed, or vi
—o -6

sited, the gentleman. -as-ber-sis- tº.

tº or tº s. n. The penis.
Ts &S sºn. A small supple stick, or 3- tº I met him, on the road. To
cane; a slip of wood. & S& eosº, º I waited for"

*RS part. This is a particle, deno a month. ="rºos º-es, He -

ting reality or certainty, used in the tried to kill him. Fºrt-exº,

superior language only; as #3. Cºx, º §ºsest*ššš Upon consider
ºšērºs ºoca Rºcº & 35, ing his words, I think it is true.<roTºo
TºS If you practise virtue, you will
certainly obtain it's fruit.
-o -
§§ Kºos To wait upon one con
stantly ; to court one's favor; to
ºr. tº v. a. 1. To see; to look; to
perceive. 2. to observe." 3. to visit, 4. watch; to expect. Köö-49. To ex
to meet. 5. to wait. 6. to try. 7, to amine, or compare. &včCXeFºcão.
-o -º
consider. 8. to take care, or be on
one's guard. This verb also ex
(from &º the infinitive of &-tº.
presses the exercise of any of T. Ke possessing, and T. Fºcșs he.)
the five senses, and therefore occa This phrase may denote either a man
about to see, or a man able to see ;
sionally. denotes. either to see, to
taste, to smell, toJeel, or to hear, ac but, in books, it is usually applied to
denote, a man of good looks, a hand
cording to the context. ºvić-Š"K9 80mme Imalle

v. comp. To see ; to see each other. o o, . . . -

-b –6. - se <roºs
& s. n. The nipple.
* *
<-3) or & &otio v. caus. To cause Se tº-86 s. n. A single lock of hair, left
to see, or look; to shew, or point on the crown of the head, at the cere- -*
º co
out. & ºrº (from s. & to taste.) mony oftonsure. &--83.3 The
To taste. Fºrº (from Rºss ceremony of tonsure. Krºść

~3-pex) 234 Roo)
-o º -6
(from s. Sº a gem.) A jewel worn in T. & 's part. vide **S. -

a crest; a diadem.
—o - *
T. Fo adj. Red; as Foxex)S, or Ro
T. & "CŞ*s. -n. Pregnancy, as applied Š"3, The red water lily.
T. Foš s. n. 1. The cheek. 2. a small
to cattle only. Kºwcôoğvić) A cow
with calf.
part of a field. Rosºcº' To slap
on the cheek.

T. & "cºs v. a. To burn. T. Roxeo adv. Near, nigh.

T. *ā- s. n. 1. A look. 2. an eye.

Fox F"exps. n. plu. Leapsin running,

T. Fox8)otº v. n. To shine.
s. & 9 & So s. n. The mango tree. Man T. <oxosº S. n. A drug ; a sort of
gifera indica. costus. .

T. S"33 s. n. A handsome person. T. FoxS v. n. 1. To lose at a game; to

be thrown out of the game. 2. to be
T. & 3) s. n. Sight, a look. loosened, as applied to a knot.
T. 32.38% &#3s & s. n. 1. A small
Or T. FoxS s. n. The border, or hedge, of
knife. 2. a creese, or small dagger. a cloth. ... •

T. &-5 sºn, A knife. (C$228- Hind.) T. Foº's n. The plant termed

Flacourtia cataphracta. -

T. & 23 s. n. 1. The border of a shelv

T. +oğswoº s. n. A certain cast of
ing roof. 2. powder of any kind. & half savage Hindoos, dwelling in the
&sº, A board nailed on the end of hills, and forests. - º

a shelving roof. *
T. 3033°& s. n. A very wicked man.
T. & Sexºs s. n. A kind of rat. T. ºoºo s. n. A ball of cloth, flowers,

sº &-ºoºoºo,

s. m. plu. Curls, • &c., used in play. V. a. To cut in

pieces. v. n. To rise, as applied to any
...* Coringlets. - -

excessive smell. =-35 Eo:S&Kºš
S- 3rº s. m. Powder; dust ; any It smells excessively.
pulverized substance. T. Roº adv. vide ºcK42.

5. <-à- s. n. Sanscrit prose. TUD. Feat's s. n vide Šoššº.

--> º

T. & eº s. n. Plunder. T. Fox v.a. To accrue.9%tºsº"

* * —o
T. ~3-o ex) S. n. 1. The womb. 2. the foe.
tº ºozRo That virtue accrued to
him. Foàoºs v. caus. To obtain, or
attaln. - co
tus. 3. a child. & "ey"ex) A pregnant
woman. •
Tup. So Sys s. n. (from s. soley's".)
º -

º -

ºš3 255 *: º

1. The cover of a letter written on, T. Fºyº adv. Quickly, hastily, spee
palmyra leaves. 2. pale red colour. dily, precipitately. º ... •

Fo:3 s. n. 1. The cheek. 2. the side. g. Révosoko v. a. To reject a peti *

- ** -
ºo:3's "oº s. n. A slap, or blow, on tion, or request; to refuse advice; to * º -

the cheek.
disapprove a suggestion. . . . º

Foº"CŞo s. n. A fisherman. T. *g s. n. 1. Evil.” 2. the hand. adj. -

Foº s. n. A small round metal ves

Bad. Tº s. n. A marriage. v. a.
To marry. lit. to take by the hand.”
ºš-G" s. n. A cart.
ºs &8 s. n. The bit of steel with *š-šš-oxºs"KTo takehold
which fire is struck. Es sºoššcºo of each other's hands, in walking.
v. a. To strike fire with it ºssºs F°. s. n. A tree, bush, or plant.
"O" ox s. n. Flint. -
ºšov. n. 1. To become bad, rotten,
or putrid. 2. to be spoiled, damaged,
º s. n. 1. A piece, slice, chip, cut or destroyed. 3. to be ruined. 4. to
ting, or splinter; as applied to wood,
or large gourds. 2. the bark of trees. be expelled from Öne's cast. 5, a
† ŠTeºSS s. n. An insect in woman to go astray. Rebotº or 55
festing animals. . . tº) v. a. 1. To make bad. 2. to
spoil, or corrupt. 3. to ruin, or in
* 3roº S. n. vide Rºšrea. jure. 4. to defile, or violate, a female.
T. *3_0 S. n. making in the inflex, sing.
+xx's To spoil. Fºx& adj.
F3_48. The cheek. Bad, wicked. Tºà7 s. n. An adul
*š v. a. 1. To plane, pare, chip, tress. Fºs or F: adj. 1. Bad, wick
slice, or make thin. . 2, to cut off, to ed. 2, spoilt, damaged, rotten. 3. de
cut out; to engrave. 3. to slip into a filed. 4. excessive, much, very. Fºo
cleft, or interstice. 4. to set as pre Ot*:-ºxº Very sour. Rºo or
cious stones. 5. to dig slightly. §e) *: - 3 & So s. n. Badness, wicked
sº To make a pen. s. n. 1. The
rind of cucumber and similar fruits. ness. ©87 & A phrase, correspond
2. half a bullock load of tobacco. 3. ing with the English expressions
Never mind, let itpass. lit. it is ruin
the cheek. F. S. R&S. v. n. To be
spoiled. lit. the rind or surface to be ed. F& 3 gº lit. he is ruined,
dissipated, or spent. Fºº F398) V. corresponding with such phrases as,
n. (from $38) to perspire.) To be He be hanged, &c., or rather with a
fatigued, or tired. F$ $375 The more common English imprecation.
tool used in digging up grass by the F. s. n. The clapping of the hand
TOOt. ** on the thigh. This is a mode of ex
º º 256

pressing defiance, amongst warriors. T.

ºść2 s. n. Sweat, perspiration, º
ºroš or Fe2S3 v. a. 1. To touch. & © Sºoº.3 or º:38 Sºoºo s. n. A
2. to provoke. s. n. 1. A small particle pimple, lit. the fruit of perspiration.
or atom. 2. a touch. F&S.) v. n. To be wet with perspi
ºtoxºsº adj. vide ºx& un ration; to become damp, as porous
der ºb. vessels, by water oozing through
Fºº s. n. 1. An equivocal, or am Fºo’s s. n. 1. Deafness. 2. the
biguous expression, a double enten
dre. 2. eloquence. milk hedge plant. Euphorbia tirucalli.
*3 s. n. Rubbish, dirt. + ºx Rºš adj. Deaf.
tº Sweepings. -
R& s. n. Damp, moisture, adj.
T. F&S or F&S v. n. 1. To be dis . Damp, moist. Fºe v. n. To be
persed, dissipated, or spent. 2. to fall damp.
in drops. 3. to be dazzled. `38 X" Fox or FoxS s. n. making in the
** To disperse, route, or defeat. inflex, sing: º3: 1. The hand. 2, the
ºšex) s. n. plu. White ants. Tºrmes. arm. 3. a sleeve. 4. dung cakes, used
Tºšex52) º White ants to attack as fuel. ee> x.S Or erºes
anything. - -
The palm of the hand. * *es
T. FS 3 s. n. A wicked person, The back of the hand. Sºº *S
T. FScº v. a. To touch. The elbow. swoºes The wrist.
T. ºšºo Or * Rºjº, S. &c: Roxs The arm, from the
m. The city of Madras, on the coast shoulder to the elbow. $35ox's
of Coromandel. -
The right hand. Sºo's •or &:
Frº. s. n. 1. Beauty, 2, joy, adj. 1.
Beautiful. 2, joyful. -
FoxS The left hand. Row #83, .
ex) &ST&S tº) To bring along by
F&S v. a. 1. To say, or tell. 2. to force. 2.sºs wºe: To be all
teach, or instruct. 3. to relate, or re
in one cabal. Roobºb?\SE v. & A
cite. F&No.3% v. caus. To cause to
good workman, a good penman. F
say, or tell, &c. Fºsts, v. comp. OOO Śvēść...yº Business which
1. To address, to represent, to an
meets with success. Roboš º To
nounce. 2. to learn a language, or
task. Fºss" exex) lit. words said. clap the hands. Tº oxº~ : To feel
Hearsay. F&Nºo:3) To send word.
the pulse. **Gyo 1. Hand

F&N co-º) To advise. writing. 2, signature. Fox's; v. a.

T. Fºx's, n, plu, 1. Shoes, 2, sandals, 1. To ravish a woman. 2. to protect,
*3e3 257 $53)

support, or assist. Rossa A handle. . Tºšeš or ºSeº part. vide RS8.

TºoboTºo § A little chest; a box. 73 ºš3 s. n. The sugar cane. Rºbº
oxºş, *ēcº To borrow on ver. *ex (from *ex, milk.) The juice
bal promise, without any bond. F of the sugar cane. Sotº s. n. º

oº::$tº To give over a sick per lit. cooking sugar cane. Fuel for
son. 2. to give up assisting one. R38 cooking. The word sºe», which de
$oë38%. A person entirely at one's notes sticks, usually made use of for
disposal. - - fuel, is deemed ill-omened; because
Foºsex s. m. plu. Actions. EcºS sticks are used as fuel at the funeral
exy-88 (from Tup. T35 from s. Fº pile; and, therefore, this better omen
&As a witness,) lit. the witness of ed term is used, to denote sticks º

actions. The sun. -

used for fuel in cooking.
RºotS or º) v. a. videº.
Föcº s. n. The hem of a garment. . . ºbso v. a. To rub.
ºf 576 s. n. Anger, rage.
Fößex s. n. plu. The cheeks.
Fössº s. n. A large pot, chiefly of
brass or copper.
:. Reº s. n. vide R5535).
Recº v. n. 1. To shine, or be
splendid. 2. to be pleasant, or agree
able. 3. to resound.
Rö part. prefixed to words denoting
quantity or number, to denote Each
. Rºos s. n. A hole dug in a dried up
tank, or in the dry bed of a river, so as
of two only; as ="ºbses to collect water from the spring be
*exo~~$ Give ten pagodas to low.
each of them.
TRSSS3 s. n. vide TºSeºš3.
• Fºo CCNS v. n. 1. To be scattered, or
spread over, a country. 2. to be arro
FSXS v. a. To winnow. s. m. wide gant, or insolent.
ºSS) s. n. An artificial lake, or Reſ’s tº adj. Current, as applied to

tank. v. a. To put, stick, or slide, in. Te 59 s. n. 1. A friend. 2. a female

Fºo s. n. vide ºe, under friend, or companion. Rös i A fe
£5. -

male friend or companion.º) Sºciº
** s. n. Captivity, imprisonment. A male friend, or companion.
Ts Tº ejcX3 s. n. vide ºčc×3 - Resc N3 Rºs s. n. 1. A field after its crop
Kºsa lit a woman whose cloth is has been cut, and the gleanings ga
stained. A menstrucus female. thered. 2. a field ploughed, and left
Feber’s v. n. To wander about;
to roam. -
T. *03 s. n. A troublesome kind ofitch.

$33) 2 8 #383

T. ºëº s. n. Friendship. Rob's 3 of the ear. Rººs" as The tip of the

A female friend. Rºo's "CŞ A male
ear. Rºº. To hear. Rºš To
friend. Rºb assºs The name of the be heard. RS5)ex3&expºs To be
º seventeenth lunar mansion. faintish, from want of food. lit. the
*5-sex s. n. videº. bolts of the ears to fall. Rºbeș. OT

absº s. m. The sea-shore. Rºe & A hare.

Tº ex35 s. n. A woman. T. Rö) & s. n. Deafness. R$43 adj.
ºxys & or º) s. n. Beauty, adj. Deaf.
Beautiful. T. #6 s. n. The hand;
Tiš postpos. vide
T. Rºex}{\C23 s. n. A lover. as ºscº. A sign of the hand, 3%
T. *3 or ºc * interj. Expressive of eº - #3 sess or R33-& (from T.
grief, Alas, &c. Śvēs to be joined.) 1. to succeed. 2.
T. +++3 adv. In a disordered, or to obtain; to acquire. #83 veº) To

dispersed state. cause to succeed, or obtain. 35'5"

Rººs s. n. Sport. v. a. (from T. S. Ko to take.) 1. To
T. 3. Fºx, s. n. vide *...ex.
or take, accept, or receive. 2. to recover.
3. to seize, or usurp. #sº 1. To
Tº v. n. 1. To pass, as regards time.
marry. 2. to protect, aid, or support.
2. to pass as money; to be current. $33, To be seized, or caught. +3 ºx
3. to pass by general consent; to be º s. n. A small box, or chest. +$zyo
valid, fit, or proper. 4. to pass from -

ãº. A hand hammer. * &rº)

one to another'; to be paid, or liqui
dated. 5, to pass from this world; to (from T. Fºrº) to fold.) To join
die. 6. to come to pass; to be accom the palms of the hands together, in
plished. 7 to be extended. s. n. A sum token of respect.
paid ; a collection. Rºot® v. a. 1.
T. #sº s. n. Bracelets, composed of
To cause to be current, valid, or ex coral and gold beads.
tended. 2. to pay, or liquidate. 3. to T. #x s. n. Strength.ºxe, Rosſ So (from
perform, or accomplish. Rºº's Tud. Foššo a beast) An elephant.
A bad or uncurrent fanam. Fº $83 ** s. n. A winnowing basket. #9
A receipt. +º-geo Collection Fºo Fos So s. n. lit. the beast with
and balance. zº
3. tººlit. to
fro ears like a winnowing basket. An ele
put a sum paid in account. To credit phant. #ºss- (from K 5&
in account.
like, and 85, a star.) The sixteenth
T. Fºx) or #3 s. n. A younger sister. of the lunar mansions. 3988. So
T. Tº s. n. The ear. *ºº, The lobe The second Teloogoo lunar month ;
* **

#5cs) 259 3&

that in which the moon’s change takes T. iść 'tºo s. n. Loss, waste, dimi
place, when the sun is in Taurus. nution.
• **ścºs s. n. A male servant, or s: #833 & s. m. one of the fifty-six
slave. *** A female servan t, or slave. countries, enumerated by the Hin
T. #estºs s' n. A square yard, doos. - -

with houses on three sides. T. 3&s. n. Bitterness. adj. Bitter. v.

T. 3's s. n. 1. Destruction, ruin, per a. To draw in, or up, with each hand
dition. 2. misfortune, disaster. R$430 alternately; as in pulling in the string
7\"eºA disastrous period. Håø30 of a paper kite, or drawing up water
in a pot, from a deep well. Häc:5 S. Its
rox3-3° sºvº or ºs To
Drawing in, or up, as above.
be ruined, or destroyed, ºsted T. 33 s. n. 1. A field of dry grain
s. n. (from 5'89 a firebrand.) A mis
chievous person. #Cºyº Ruin. only. 2. a crop. In the plural, it is ir
1. *āos or 33 s. n. A woman. regular; making the nominative ei
r. 33 postpos. This postposition,
#Keo, or *ex).

sometimes contracted into #, is the

T. 33 s. n. A fish. 33-8-8 (from
-ov? a sign ºf the zodiac.) The sign
sign of the ablative termed instru
mental. Pisces.
It is itself the inflected ab
lative case of the irregular noun * T. Rºcº) v. n. Milk to flow. s. m. The
°S the hand, and denotes the cause act of milk flowing. - -

TUDs #soobºs S. n. The flower of

or agency by which any effect is pro
duced. It may generally be trans the Chrysanthemum indicum.
T. #sºx: s. n. The root, termed Cala
lated by the English preposition by.
T. ºcê s. n. (from T. Ricº, q. v.) Do dium esculentum.
ing ; an act; action. T. Rºsºy-e āşşeo s. n- plu. A
s. Rºssº s. n. An animal, or existent peculiar sort of paddy.
being. t. #338 s. n. The sour milk cast into

T. Rººs, n. A kind of pot-herb. fresh milk, to make it curdle.

T. #º S. n. The mind, or intellect ; T. Fox's, n. wide º *S.
the understanding. T. & v.a. 1. To do. 2. to make. 3.
T. Rºcº adj. Bitter. 3:53-8:57: The to cause. 4. to perform. 5. to frame.
plant termed Trichosanthes laciniosa, v. n. To be worth. R$ock v. C3 us.
used as a stomachic laxative medi To cause to do, &c. & sw8:35-5
& To do a favor. Tºcºrtè3 Čy
- #53 260 38 S
-sºº. He performed his into any class, sect, or profession. #
ÖS s. n. 1. Junction, union. 2. ap
promise. Rºgºwo, #3% To frame
proach, contiguity, proximity. 3. fami.
regulations. *xºss, To commit
liarity. $335 s. n. 1. Neighbourhood.
to custody. F-S3S"&Sº Sº It 2. an assemblage; an army, consisting
caused him pain. oº:385-ovex ºf
of infantry, cavalry, elephants, and
KSK, This may be worth ten pagodas. chariots.
+$3& is added to a great number of T. *&^*oã s. n. A female treated as
nouns, to give them a verbal signifi.
a wife, without the regular marriage
cation; and, in such cases, it takes
its meaning from the noun to which it
is affixed; thus, scºcº (from T. #&oº s. n. Rice not per
5oë cooking.) To cook. Tºx&# fectly pounded.
T. $es s. n. The hand, held so as to con
cºo (from ºxas a quarrel.) To
tain anything. Լc's A handful.
quarrel. ** s. n. 1. A string of flowers, &c.
Te ºšS s. n. The native soup, usually 2. a chain. 3. a rope.
termed Mulicatany; more properly
Molugootunny, from molugoo, Tam.
#e3 s. n. 1. Cloth. 2, clothing,
pepper, and tunny, water. 1. 35 s. n. 1, Strength, courage, force.
T. 3& v. n. 1. To arrive; to reach a 2. hardness. 3. the heart of a tree.
destination ; to be received ; to come 55°ocº v. n. (from 3"ecº to go.)
to hand. 2. to be attached to, or con To become weak.
nected with. 3. to be added, or joined T. # 5" & Sºcº s. n. A thief, one of the
to. 4. to be included in. 5, to be as light-fingered cast; also an off-hand
sembled, or collected. 6. to enter as a story-teller. -

member, among any particular class *ś s. n. 1. Gesture, posture. 2. gri

of men, or into any sect, or profession. mace. 3. behaviour, manners.
v. a. To lean upon. #38 º’s v. n. *S postpos. From, by. This postpo
1. To arrive. 2. to assemble together.
#83°K. v. comp. To lean upon. sition is found in books only, subjoin
#53 tº or #3) v. a. 1. To cause to ed to verbal nouns, or to nouns de
arrive, or reach. 2. to join, unite, mix, noting inanimate things. This word is
combine, include, add to, or accumu also the past verbal participle of the
late. 3. to assemble, or collect others, verb #380 q. v.
in a body. 4. to admit as a member, 35& s. n. A place of sacrifice, or
-S"è5 261
€o *:S
religious worship ; an altar, a shed applied to any limb. s. n. A dent, or
kept for sacrifice.’ bend. -

-ſº -

3&/º s. n. The first Teloogoo *N s. n. The straw of the Holcus

lunar month ; that in which the
moon's change takes place when the saccharatus, or Holcus spicatus, jon
sun is in Aries. 3. Jºcs 8, n, maloo, or suzzaloo.
(from s. 33° a friend.) The Indian *S*śyotº v. a. The causal of Sºčo%)
Cupid ; because he delights in spring, q. v. l. To pierce. 2. toestring or
with which the Hindoo year begins. thread.
> Ú öö So s. n. The garden of Cu
bera. Sºyº v. n. To shine.
–6 ->

30, s. n. 1. The day of full moon T.

*S*º s. n. Manner, way. Sºss
in any month. 2. the day of the full adv. Agreeable to, according to, at
moon in the first Teloogoo lunar
month. the rate of 95°º In that man
ner or way.
3&o or 3.8 s. n. A trade, or pro -6
• **śo s. n. The foetus of the mare.
T. *STox s. n. Saliva, spittle.
. *Šs s. n. (from Sºº) q.v.) 1.
*T* *šo s. n. Beauty, adj. Beau Introduction, penetration. 2. bold
tiful, handsome. ness,confidence, firmness. ~$$eº.

**ś & s. n. Beauty, adj. 1. Hand *S*853& He has no inclination for

some. 2. pure- - food.

*S*...* or Sºcox s, n. A jacket.

*S*ee s. n. A species of fish.
*ś s. n. Intoxication, stupefac Sº or Sº, S. n. vide *ox.
tion, faintness. v. n. 1. To be intoxi
*S*s. m. 1. A place. 2, a time.
cated, stupified, or faint. 2. to die. cy o -

–6. -

*S*& s. m. 1. The bark of the Cas

sº Dead, or dried leaves.
sia tree. 2. a cocoanut.
-> -6
*S**) or Sºčovº v. a. 1. To enter
by force, to penetrate. 2. to interfere
Te *S*** s. n. A place. Sºe adv. In a
in any business, or matter; to embark o

in any undertaking, or enterprise. *S* S. m. 1. curiosity. 2. sur

wº adj. l. Withered, or lame, as prize, adj. l. Curious. 2, surprising.
#eir 262 *@
-> -o

§e & Cº. s. n. A thief, a robber. Tup. Sº s. m. wide & Sø.

Hind.) Stě Theft. 'cº Tudºobs. n. vide S$8509,

T. *38 s. n. A Chowdry; the head of
Hind.) & fººs- A secret lover. a village, purganah, or cast, under
the former Mussulman government.
*S*osº s. n. A short jacket; a bodice. o

co **S*s. n. Theft, robbery.

o -

Stº sº s. n. The country of iſ "es s. n. The ceremony of ton

Chola, including part of the Tamil
sure; shaving off the hair of a child,
provinces, on the coast of Coroman
three years old, with the exception
of one lock, left on the crown of the
- sº s. n. plu. The grain usually -

termed Natchenny. Cynosurus cora $5 So &c, adj. Fallen, dropped,

oozed out.
-o -6 —b
. S" adj. Four. s. n. vide Sö - Sº §.
‘s-0%e2 A chair; lit. a seat with
-b —o - —o
four legs. *S*Soč s. n. (from 3 o'S º The twenty-second letter, and se
one.) Five. venth consonant in the Teloogoo al
*S*s adj. videºs. phabet.
$o& or $očğ) s. n. 1. Poetical
. ST’s sº adj. Square. s. n. A square. metre. 2. the metre of the védas. 3.
†"ŠºotS v. m. widºsºok. the védas themselves. 4, wish, desire.
5. wilfulness, independence, uncon
3-3 S. m. l. A custom house. 2. trolled or unrestrained conduct. *

a watch house. (Hind. c.”_2~ $XeoSo s. n. A goat.

J 1943*) a watchman. w

$Xer"că s. n. A kind of convol

-o –6

*S*& S. Ile vide ~55&S. *** s. n. An assemblage number,

multitude, or flock. -

*ē"ex, s. n. A howdah, or seat on

* @º s. n. An umbrella; a para
the elephant. (Arab s Q39. ) sol. §§) *Yoxº (from s. º ox

º' tº s. n. The litter generally * breaking.) 1. Subversion of domi

called a dooly. nion, loss of empire, deposition. 2.
-o *

263 23OX"
9 @y
widowhood. The umbrella is an en S. *A* &c, adj. Cut, divided.
sign of royalty; and, in the latter se $38.8 s. n. A knife. -

sense, denotes any cover or defence, Se

tº s. n. A hearth, or fireplace.
as a husband, &c.
#5 &ex, s. m. plu. Tame or domes
* \ºy $9%) s. n. A mushroom. ticated animals.
$&R & s. n. A leaf. #& or ºSS) s. n. 1. Cutting,
* & s. n. 1. A leaf. 2. a wing. dividing. 2. a part, of portion. 3. loss,
$8 s. n. The thatch, or roof, of a
ruin. Rää95& v. a. To cut, or divide,
house. -

$3,590 s. n. 1. Disguise, masque
rade. 2. deceit, fraud, trick. 3, a con
† Sºx' &c, adj. Covered, concealed,
The twenty-third letter, and eighth
consonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet,
private, secret, solitary. -

It is the second letter of the five,

º§ s. n. Vomiting.
termed in Teloogoo grammar the
$e:So s. n. 1. Wickedness. 2. fraud,
§§§ ex), or soft letters. It is substi
circumvention, stratagem. tuted for initial &, when words be
§ 3 s. n. Beauty, splendour, bril ginning with & are preceded by any
liance, light, lustre. of those belonging to the class term
*Kºo or "Fºxes & s. n. A goat. ed drootapracrootooloo.
*Qöy is s. n. A scholar, pupil, . zoš s. n. fear, terror, apprehension.
disciple, tyro, or novice. “
*ěššº &c. adj. Covered, conceal v. n. To fear, to be afraid. 23030 &
ed. . v. a. To frighten.
8, *Foº s. n. 1. Shade. 2. shadow, re złoś"R" s. n. A carpet.
flected image. 3. the wife of the sun.
złox s. n. vide €oX.
4. beauty, splendour, lustre. "Foº" O

Üß-> JKetoo, the dragon's tail, or Se 23ox SSSSSo adj. Locomotive, move
able. s. n. Any thing which has
descending node, reckoned by the
Hindoos as the ninth planet. motion, as opposed to that which is
* @ Kº s. n. 1. A hole, vacuity, or stationary.
perforation. 2, fault, defect, flaw. 79 złoxso s. n. A cast among the Soo
**) (39° Domestic foibles. dras, who worship Siva exclusively;
+) (8) & &c. adj. Perforated, some of them follow the profession
pierced, -
of tailors,
o ->

2so:3) 264 2: Sº

*_J a procrastination. 3. length. 4, an or

esoº s. n. A wild cat of a large
nament worn by Hindoos, from the
co *

tip of the ear, adj. Long. ºszó

&oiº s. n. 1. The calf of the leg. 2. v. a. To procrastinate.
the leg. O

*oº"exc3 s. n. A quick marcher; *oº’es s. n. Mire, mud, clay.

a rapid walker.
-6 -º
3.05& s. n. The lime tree.
goº"e2:30 s. n. The trouble, or an T. &o?X s. n. A reed.
noyance, arising from a large family. cºo

T. 2sozº) s. n. A dagger, with a &oaws & s. n. A jackal.


handle covered, for defence. S-

*oº) s. n. The rose apple tree. Eu
-6 ->
gemia jambos.
zºo” s. n. A pair, or couple. &oº cº)

Tºrosºvo&ce» (from Tud. Sºo S. 23O ~3S & s. n. The Jumboo dwi
the face, and T. &otº a possessor.) pa, according to the Pooranas, the
The god of fire, who has two faces. central division of the world, or the
zoº (from s. Sº a sign of the known world; according to the Bou

zodiac.) The sign Gemini. dhas, it is confined to India. 2302xº~5

& A fabulous river, said to flow from
2soë Sex, s. m. plu. Cakes made of the mountain Meroo.
baked flour, in the form of a thin O -

rope. 2:09.5 The vessel upon which zoºs s. n. A name of Indra, who
these cakes are made. killed the giant Jumb,ha.

2sočič) s. n. An animal, or living Se 2:03: So s. n. Grandeur, pomp, pride,

creature; any being eudowed with presumption. The meaning of this
animal life; it is more usually appli- | word, in Teloogoo, is quite different
from what it has in Sanscrit.
ed, however, to those of the lowest -0

organization. T. 2: Éio" s. n. A store, or hoard.

-o o

T. ºccº, Šo s. n. A machine. He ū) tud. º. 5 s. n. (from s. & Uj ~$ )

*) 25°33. A puppet. The ruddy goose. 2: ss's bºs
T. Tºoras, S. n. The sacerdotal thread. (from T. §§ a pair, and T. §§ to
separate.) The moon; because this
T. *oº) s. n. 1. Indolence, laziness, 2. bird is said never to couple during
2:X 265 23.8%

moonlight- ** 593-ex, The sun ; 23? & s. n. The relationship of the

as favorable to this bird. husband of one sister, to that of ano
. 233 s. n. A horse.

233Uot's v. a. To be in error, or in
*ś&S v. n. To be agreeable, or
2:3 . A s. n. A married female, who q’ s. n. Eating.
dies during her husband's life-time. QJ
235°S & s. n. Mons veneris.

ºš ex s. m. plu. Demi-gods, or *śSºx' &c, adj. Last, hindmost;

* o **

nymphs, attendant on Cubera. zº low, vile, base. aſsºciº 1. A

e sº-o: s. n. plu.People who worship younger brother. 2, a Soodra. .
–5 -º-o
the goddess of Kamesicuree. º

Tºxºos s. n. Excess ; a great deal. • *; s. n. 1. A rag, or tatter; any

thing torn. 2, laziness, adj. Lazy.
Tºx& s. n. 1. War, battle, combat. -

23° s. n. 1. The hair matted, as worn

2. a quarrel, or dispute. Žx&tº by Siva, or by the Hindoo ascetics. 2.
v. n. To fight, quarrel, or dispute. the fibrous root, growing down from
the branches of certain trees, in India.
T. Tºxo s. n. A raised open veranda.
Se &ö s. m. 1. The world, or universe. 23°39'So adj. Having matted hair.

2. the earth. - Se **"cºot) s. n. A fabulous bird, the

o o . .
son of Aroona, killed by Ravana.
. S. z:x:2 or z:x:So s. m. 1. The world,
the universe. 2. people, mankind. 3x Tºg s. n. 1. Handsel, earnest money.
2. a bargain, or agreement.
§yº, (from s. sºs an eye.) -o

zº s. n. An assemblage, or body
The sun 5 as the eye of the universe. of people.
3x ‘ETN, toocºo (from s. Gº) to 28 & s. n. The belly, adj. 1. Hard,
breath, or being.) The wind, or air. firm. 2. bound, tied.
O o

S. & Tºšo s. n. Juvernaut, on the TUD.23% s. n. (from s. 2;&T) 1. Plaited

coast, near the top of the Bay of Ben or braided hair. 2. matted hairº,
gal, where the famous Hindoo temple 75°9 Abramin, in the third stage of
is situated. life; one who has passed through the
cºo –5

z;&S 266 23K9

conditions of the student, and house
*&#3) s. n. Lac.
holder, and has left his house and fa O

mily for lonely meditation in woods; 235 oxSoCºS s. n. A chandala, or

the hermit, or anchoret. zºº, A Outcast.
o - -

head ornament, worn by Hindoo wo. 235&c & s. n. 1. A father, or proge


men, over their plaited hair. *če's nitor. 2. the name of a king, sovereign
sºo (from Tud. Toššo a beast.) A of Mithela, and father of Sita.
O o 2:53s. n. Mankind, a number of men.
Tud. 2;& s. n. (from s. 23% º') 1. Stu
23S Sºo s. n. 1. Birth, production. 2.
pidity, apathy. 2. aukwardness.
* family, race, lineage.
s ** &c. adj. 1. Cold, frigid, chil Žsº s. n. A mother. ºššºsseo
ly. 2. stupid, apathetic, idiotic 3-in Parents.
animate. o

º T. gas. n. Rain a ~5 Heavy rain. 2:53& s. n. Any inhabited coun

try; a village.
T. 2;&ckºo v. n. To fear, or be afraid.
-> 23S So s. n. Man, individually, or col
2;&#30 tº To frighten, threaten, or lectively; a man; mankind; an indi
alarm. 23%-3) s. n. Fear, fright. vidual, a person; people, population,
-o -

T. *ś s. n. One consonant written be
community. 235 & *3 s. n. (from
low another ; as when the consonant
is doubled, or when two consonants ($99 what is heard.) News, tidings,
come together, without the interven intelligence, rumour.
tion of a vowel.
*Soxºs s. n. A father, or progenitor.
T. &#xsº s. n. A sowing machine.
-b *Sox'\0, s. n. A mother.
cº) o
T. 233 s. n. 1. A pair. 2. a set. 3, equa
*& s. n. Birth, production. 23&ots
lity of shape. adj. Equal. o

or 23& Oxbows v. n. 1. To be born, or

run ºssº s. n. (from s. cººl.) 1.
produced. 2..to arise.
Endeavour. 2. stratagem, expedient’ c)

3. effort, exertion. 4. perseverance, & Kocłº s. n. A man.

cº) -
T. *ś33 s. n. The hemp plant, Can
nabis sativa.
s. 2:55.8 s. n. 1. A bat. 2. lac.
—or Q .”

267 23Soo

Tud. & So s. n. (from s. cº) A T. &^%) s. m. 1. Inattention, negligence

sacrifice, or ceremony, in which carelessness. 2. delay, adj. Inatten
oblations are presented. tive. negligent. 2, slow. 3, insipid.
TUD. 23&S & or 23&S. s. m. (from s. q. 233S s. n. (from A. &= ) A reve
&: <55.) The sacerdotal thread.
-o -*
nue term, signifying collection, or

T. &cº or 2: & adj. Consecrated, - assessment. zºº.cº. To collect.

or devoted, to the deity. 2::$rºpºs An account of receipts
o o -

s. *šº s. n. Birth, production. &S, and disbursements. 235'5Kr"expº"

* @ 8 The paper containing one's
co Q - § Demand or assessment, collection,
horoscope. “Sokº or *s, *š To
co o
and balance, es:<rooš The settle
ment of the assessment.
be born. 2: 35 & or is ºw co -> –o .

Native country. & Rºots& A T. &#x20 adj. Double. a twosº. 9.

former, or future, birth. (from Sº) three feet.) A bee,

S, *S* s. n. 1. War, battle, combat. which has six feet.

T. 23508)s s. n. A kind of tabor.
2. rumour, report.

s. 23& s. n. Repeating inaudibly pas

g. Tຠ"K. s. n. (from P. exº~J ) The
sages from the Vedas, charms, or the land, ground, earth, or soil. 2335-5T
names of the deity; counting silent *S*öScée Azamindar.
ly the beads of a rosary, &c. ãºots rup &c= s. n. (from s. cºo) Ya
o - -

or *% ooo-S v. a. To repeat inaudi ma, the regent of the world below,

cºo O

bly prayers, &c., as above. 233&ve) and the judge of departed souls. 2;
Košš, Boğ (from Q}_805 car
-U– -U-
or 2:3s−0s. A rosary.
riage.) A buffalo; because it is the
s, zºº) s. n. The plant termed steed of Yama.
Hibiscus rosa chinensis.
-o TUD, àss s, n. (from s, cºoſſ").The
8 ... * - -

G. & 3 s. n. (from Alaº possession.) river Jumna, which joins the Ganges
below Allahabad, ºssesſ(from
T. **) s. n. 1. The outer side of the T. ecºs a father.) The sun; in
thigh. 2. the arm. º mythology, the father of the Jumna.
—o o

2383 268 23&d

pire. 2. to get, or move, on; to
T. 23Soºxy s. m. A couple.
—o º creep. 3. to slip, or slide. 4. to flee.
TUD. & T. zºo. §§ s. n. (from s. § ºrv) 23S3) v. a. 1. To spend, as time; to
A tree. Mimosa suma. Rox.
--> -d
procrastinate. 2. to pass time. 3. to
T. assº, S. n. vide 23O2)0' move, or push, forward.

s. 2soº s. n. The 28th year, of the Hin

G. 23& '86 adj. (from A. JºJº) Ne

doo cycle of sixty. * cessary, requisite, urgent. s. n. Ne


s. 23.cºo&CŞe s. n. A hero, and demi cessity, occasion, urgency.

-ſº -o

god, son of Indra. T. 23e.923e3 s. n. The noise arising from

dragging along the ground.
s. zoºsoë3 s. n. The circular plate
of mixed metal, used as a gong in T. & adv. Quickly.
Hindoo temples, &c. T. gosº v. To washearth for gold,

s. 23&So s. m. Conquest, victory, diamonds, &c. &es &Koºoº s.


triumph, success. 23 oxo~$o To con n. plu. A cast of people who search

for articles, in drains, &c.
quer, or win; to be successful. —o
T. 2;eys & s. n. Ablution, bathing.
s. 236 s. n. 1. Decrepitude, the general –0 —o

relaxation and debility consequent a. ºve's s. m. wide 2.5.


upon old age. 2. old age itself. T. 2:eozº"8 s. n. (from Sans. &e water,
and CS"5 a road, or course.) A drain,
s. 2;8& So &c. adj. 1. Hard, solid, 2. a kennel.
old, decayed, infirm. - o cº)

o s. 2;ex So s. n. Water. 23e)?”85 Inclina

s. 23"O"cºok) s. n. The womb, or ute O O
O co
tion to make urine. 2:9 &º
rus. 23.75"cºozºo &c. adj. Vivipa o
rous, born from the womb, as man (from s. 38 to go.) Aquatic animals.
and other animals. o Cº) O *

2:exe:Sºo (from s. 23 produced.) 1.

CT) o
c. 38 s. n. (from P. Jó gold.) Gold The lotus. 2. a conch, a shell. ****
or silver thread, or lace.
b The moon, lit the enemy of the
c. 2:52, s. n. (from A. “45- a land lotus; because its flowers close at
cº, **

measure.) The mensuration of land. night. Jews &

or 2.95&Sc
T. 2;&NS v. n. 1. To pass, elapse, or ex & (from ēśń and &S respect

r) -
2::, 269
O o

ively, a robber.) The sun. &ey’SS) |s. **** s. n. A screen, or wall of cloth,
o o o

or 2:eºčo A cloud. 23.0% or 239 surrounding a tent.

Kö The sea or ocean. S. 3.& s. n. Speed, swiftness, velocity.
• *xis = n. A ruby of imperfect T. Tºs §§ s. n. Straightness, smooth
water. nesºsés adj. Straight, smooth.
-5 -6 -6

2sex,&x s. n. A cold. adj. Cold. 2;ex) T. *S*ex or 2.5S° s. n. A young fe

*** To take or catch cold. male.
-o -5

sº gors S. n. A leech, - -
T. & ©s.n. vide T. 2:23.
-6 -6

T. T. S. n. A long narrow basket, pla T. 23 F& s. n. Civet. & Fºg The

civet cat. *
ced on a cart, to contain any thing C)

loose, which is carried on it. G. **Tº s. n. (from P.

-e –5

cº Or zºº v. n. To tremble, wouth.) A peon. obs

perspire, or have one's hair stand on
* *** s. n. (from A. L. ſ.s.) An - * Tº
end, from any involūntary affection
of the passions. answer sºcºs A surety;

1. 2. S. n. 1. Broken tiles, little stones.

a person responsible. , F-ºf-Seo
2. boasting lies, idle talk. (A. J. is answer.) Discourse, ar-,

T. ºo's v. a. To sift. gument. & Fºoß A writer of or

–5 -6
~f •º ders, or replies.
T. & s. n. A shower. &s-ºº: A -5

shower of rain. T. *ē% v. n. To become soft, or ripe,

T- 2:...: s. n. A sieve, as a boil, adj. Swampy, brakish.
-6 -

T. *ēS v. a. 1. To lash. 2, to collect

T. ** s. n. A frame, or setting. 235 S.

-5 any thing scattered.
§ To set or frame. 2:5-s” & To
transgress prescribed limits.
tub. *S$3. s. n. (from s. cºrº S.)
-6 -6 Youth.
T. & Sº or 2.58 s. n. A net-like sub T. *ēSs. n. Beauty, adj Beautiful.
stance, which surrounds the palmyra
3. **A*Soº s. n. The river Ganges;
tree, at those parts whence the
lit. the daughter of Janhoo; because
branches expand.
the river, in its course, disturbed the

270 *s
devotions of that saint; upon which TUD, & T. & "3"S"CŞ s. n. The nutmeg.
he drank up its waters. Having sub
sequently released them, at the in Tup. & T. rºs. n. The great flow
tercession of the gods, he is thus con . . ered jasmin,

sidered the parent of the stream. Tup. *23 &8 s. m. Mace.

o —f -o

ar"oxes & adj. Rural, picturesque ; T. ** s. n. Red chalk, red colour, adj. *
jungly. e
ar"oxöğcºs s. n. A snake-catcher. 2"& s. n. The mark of a footstep :
9 z -

, ºr "o ºśc:S s. m. A courier, an ex a track; # trace. *č7NººS or -5

-5 –6
2-&-Kºº-3o43 To give a hint. 2.Tº
press. .
&7-383) To slink away. * *
*T*o 2N-S&S) s. n. Gold.
o cº)
*&otºs v. a. 1. To flap about as a
arºxêotº or *-x89 v. n. To wake. horse does his tail. 2. to throw sud
ar"X8 resºo or ºf "TºšŠo s. n. Wa
o denly out the arms or legs. 3. to rinse
king, watchfulness. *X&ºs & &c. about in water.4. to reprove by speech.
adj. Wakeful. *T&S s. m. The tender stalk of the
ºn s. n. (from H. A.K.) 1. A great millet. - -

co -

place, or station, 2. land, ground. erº s. n. 1. Coldness, apathy. 2.

*"Neº s. n. A dog. folly, stupidity, dulness. 3, a disease,
, ºrå83 s. n. (from Pjºtr) A –6

. 2: "23 s. n. A clever or skilful person.

grant of the land revenue payable to cº * - - o

government, from an extensive tract 2:Tºº $ $35 s. n. vide Ś un


of country. der zºº. -


T. & "X3 s. n. Delay. *& s, n. (A. c2 | \) 1. Multi

T. *\8% s. n. 1. Vigilance, careful tude, collection. 2, kind, sort, or spe
ness, caution. 2. activity, adj. 1. Wi cies, adj Born, produced, engendered.
gilant, careful, cautious. 2. active, run rê8 s. n. (from s. oºr"VSC)
ready. * 3,633& 1. To take The festival of any deity, but chiefly
care, to be careful, 2. to make ready, of the village goddess.
—a e

erºf, 271 zºº’ey


***śs s. n. Gold lit assum T. *T*2)3 s. n. A letter of correspondence.


ing-shape. * *
S. *Tº s. n. A name of Parasoo
*rēšć, Šes. n. Fire, lit. producing T. *śāo: s. n. The fruit of the
the Veda. º

o - -
guava tree.
Q ..
*3 s. n. 1. A kind, sort, class, tribe,
s. 27& "3 s. n. A son-in-law, or daugh
or cast. 2, the nutmeg tree. 3. birth. ter's husband.
o Q
*ěš0) Mace. *ějosº, The Q

*T*S*& s. n. A long cloth, without
nutmeg. *35°C& A term used to any coloured border.
express a European.
**K, s. n. (from A. Ü•e U.S.)
T. *T*3 s. n. Splendour, brightness.
–6 —n –o

T. *:So s. m. wide

2: *2°.
Security, bail.
TUD. & "So s. n. (from s, cºvšS) A
. *S s. n. vide #5.
cº, -
space of time equivalent to three En
*S3 s. n. The wife of Rama, and glish hours.
daughter of Junuka. *"cº s. n. A wife, one wedded ac
*"Ko s. n. Beauty, adj. Beautiful. cording to the perfect ritual.

. "Roxex, s. n. plu. Ears. *Toºváčcºs s. n. An actor, dan.

O cer, or tumbler.
*"Koš) s. n. The knee. o 5
–6 –5 -
2-8 o s. n. A female who has gone
~30) s: n, vide ***: ;8., \tº

T. astray. & Scis A paramour, or gal

*Sº adj. Loitering, s. n. Loiter cºd

ing, delay. -
lant. *TööSº Incontinence, adul

s. ***expcºs s. n. A goatherd. tery.


. ***** s. n. (from A.ala,L2 a law, *"eº v. n. 1. To slide, or slip. 2. to

or rule.) A list. trip, or stumble. 3. a knot to slip
F: x ~ +ºn open; or become loose. 4. to drop as
Fºº, s. n. The moon. ****** water. 5. to flee. -

(from T. & a son.) The planet Mer *T*eys & s. m. 1. A window, lattice,
cury. erºs The fifth of the lu or loop. 2, a bud, or germ. 3. a mul
nar mansions. titude, an assemblage, 4, a net.
ar-º- 272 28S
o cº) O
8, *Peº s. n. 1. vide ºos & in all
*:33.5 s. n. wide zºº Scº.
it's meanings, 2 sorcery, magic, il
co T. &cs s. n. An antelope.*oščebš.
lusion, supernatural deception. ** 3) The fifth of the lunar mansions. 289

Ściº or ºf "exe Sºciéo a fisherman. § CŞ"exy A name of Siva, also of the

-6 -o
moon. Żošč’ê The deity presid
are:30 s. n. Delay, loitering. *e ing over the winds; because this ani-.
&#~& v. a. To shuffle off. mal is his steed.

*"exºS s. n. Net-work, fringe. *Te *Xº3 or 3X38 s. m. Paste, or gum.

&š Kºl The mash (lit. the eye) of a *N s. n. Brightness, splendour, adj.
Strong. **śS Substantial work,
*er-8 s. m. wide zoº'8. **ś s. n. Emulation, wish to excel,
Or OVercome.
T, *T*ě s. n. 1. Pity, commiseration. 2.
regret, sorrow. 3, wrath. *ść, adj. Hungry.
zºvo&$) adj. Mischievous, mur
*öð s. n. A painting-brush, or pen
derous, seeking to hurt, or kill. 8, n.
An enemy.
T. *"ex) s. n. The gentle flowing of wa * ºxº adj. Equal in extent to a

ter. argº. To flow gently as water. span, measured by the thumb and
#3.º OT * Wºw s. n. T.
tº s. n. Grease, oil, &c., swimming
A purse. -

upon water, or besmearing any thing.

adj. Greasy, oily. §§s à9 The sea
*e, 3, &c. adj. 1. Cruel, harsh, of milk; one of the seven fabulous
severe. 2. inconsiderate, rash. 3.
low, degraded. 23.3% v. n. 1. To be salubrious. 2.

2: º, ºys S. Il. Gold. to be subdued. 3. to be qualified. 4.

to be accustomed. 333e3+S v. a. 1.
T. *T*S. s. m. A thick drink, made of
To subdue. 2. to qualify. 3. to accus
boiled rice, or wheat. *.
tom. 330iº v. n. To be salubrious,
to agree with. 2Tºo (3) & &c.
G. *Tº adj. More, much.
adj. One who has subdued the pas
ºrº-3 adj. (from A. gº tº ºur | sions.
rent.) Obvious, erº-Šišº To T. &&. s. n. Craft, cunning.
explaiu. 's, ºs s. n. A plough, with three shares.
28& 273 #8
º £9 - go

*ēS& &c. adj. Victorious, tri *** s. n. Hate, disgust.

umphant. **.< &c. adj. Crooked, ºw
*:S s. n. 1. Quarrel, dispute. 2. en (from s. X that which goes.) A snake,
mity. or serpent & Cºo Cºſº (from
. & Sºys. n. (from *o-> genus, 8scºolS) a machine.) A fish-hook.

kind, sort.) A thing, an article. *ś-S s. n. The tongue. 23's Tyv 3

“Sº A longing to eat. 3r

&c & s. n. Ajina; the generic name

of the chief saints of the Boudha, and $o Ú So s. n. Misfortune, misery.
Jina sects. -
T 33 s. n. The juice which exudes from
*śr, s. n. (from A. alsº trust, the stalk of the mango fruit, immedi
charge.) Possession, charge. ately after it is cut from the tree.
2875° s. n. Armour, mail. T.
3&#5 º s. n. The marking nut plant.
G. *T*oº s. n. (from A. v.c Lj) Semicarpus anacardium.
Agriculture, cultivation. T.
# àsº s. n. The cushoo nut
*śs adv. Swiftly, speedily. tree. Anacardium occidentale.
&e s. n. An itching. T. *** s. m. plu. A sweetmeat, com
: *essex s. n. plu. A kind of paddy.
*9309&exº s. n. A low but pleas.
ing sound.
posed of sesamum seeds, andjaggory.
#3 & s. n. Salary, wages, pay.
& s. n. 1. An anchor. 2. a horse
39°NS adj. 1. Very small, and close.
2. troublesome. v. a. To write in a saddle. (P. cy, j) º
T. #ax s. n. A net-like substance which
very close and small hand.
surrounds the cocoanut, and other
2.3%ex, s. n. plu. A kind of sweet
similar trees, at those parts whence
the branches expand.
*::::s adj. Of or belonging to the #&vöß9 s. n. 1. a cloud. 2. a moun
gigantic swallow wort. Asclepias gi tain.
gantea. s. n. The plant itself. *::::s 33 s. n. 1. A line. 2. a crack, or flaw.
Ts"sex s. n. plu. A kind of cakes, 38's sºo - #8 cošo OT 35.5% S. D.
in the shape of it's fruit.
Cummin seed.
889& s. n. vide &Xè2. 33 - 25-5 v23 or 33-sex's v. n. To
*śck s. n. A name of Vishnoo, In hang down, or trail, on the ground.
dra, or Arjoona.
& adj. 1. Old, ruined, worn, tat
sº adj. Victorious, triumphant. tered, 2. digested. ** The act of de
–6. - 5

22°C) 28° e^3

274 ere *

stroying. #8 otS v. m. 1. To be di
. 25 c 2: &S
—” -

£3 s. n. A torch made of
gested. 2. to grow waste ; to decay. sticks, tied together in a bundle.
T, £esg s. n. vide #5 sº. –6 —o

o . 2°oº’ebox, s. n. A lion's mane.

Se 35 cºo s. n. vide 3Sºo. –6 -o

*sº s. n. 1. Life, existence. 2. the *ozºeºso &o, Sex, s. n. plu.

Dishevelled hair.
soul. & Sºx s. n. 1: Life, existence. co

2. water. 3. livelihood, means of sub se *Xºy s. n. Censure, abuse, re

sistence. 4. profession. ***** proach, reviling.
Water. ČšŠ Livelihood, profession, T. º \é, ex) s. n. The forefinger.
or occupation. #35& s. n. Living,
life, existence. adj. Living, alive, ex - º s. n. 1. A long lock, or tuft, of
istent. §§otº To subsist, to exist. hair, left by the Hindoos on the
crown of the head, the rest of which
#3) 3%& (from s. 353 life, and
s.-è3 a lord.) 1. A husband or pa is close shaved. 2. a peacock's crest.
—o -o

ramour. 2. a name of Yama, the judge 2?” §§§ *

s. n. A peacock *:8,50 *
of departed souls. & The knot in which this tuft of hair
#ºcºs s. n. The sentient soul; the is always tied.
emanation of the deity which is in T. Tº zoºx3 v. n. To retire, withdraw,
corporated with the animal body, or retreat
and gives it life, motion, and sensa
tigh; hence also called é s's, ; it T. Tº 5 s. n. A short span, measured
is opposed to that abstract state of from the thumb, to the tip of the ring
the soul (;33& "3.) in which, by finger.
meditating upon it's divine nature T. Tº Ks. s. n. 1. IIoney. 2. cheese. *
and origin, the spirit is set at liberty
Kºo The milk of a cow which
from human feelings and passions. has newly calved, until seven days
2. the name of Broohusputee, the after the birth.
planet Jupiter. T. ºwys adv. Swiftly, quickly.
-5 -o

T. 2”oººo s. m. A torch made of Jon

T. Tºº,” s. n. plu. A kind of birds.
maloo straw, used by the young
people on the new moon of the Ge zººs-N- s. n. (from A. as tº
A fine.
month of $33 Sºx.
-6 -o -

°ozºo s. n. The buzzing of bees, T. º v. a. To drink with a sipping

&c. i In Olse,
7:88 275 ºšš

-6 T. *g s. m. A wrestler. *ś's
a. *ex So s. n. (from A. ºb) Op Wrestling. agºs A combat

pression, injustice. *exº~& v. of wrestlers.

a. To oppress; to distress.
T. ** S. Ii. videº.
T. et Sº s. n. The waved leaf fig T. ºs s. n. The yolk of the egg.
tree. Ficus infectoria. T. & s. n. The mºlk-hedge plant.

T. **S㺠s. 'n. One of the seven Euphorbia tirucalli,

dwipas, or continents, into which
T. Fe2% s. n. An old woman.
the world is divided. T. *:: s. n. A centipede.

s. 2”3-ox"O" coso s. n. 1. The moon, 2. T. *gºs, s. n. A kind of snake.

a horse. 3. the wind.
-6 –6 –5
T. &e s. n. A spring of water.
T. & "2:530 or *& s. n. 1. A game.2. tub. *ex s. n. (from s. Žer's".) A
–5 -5. –6
gambling, play. *zsö or *č5 A
gamester. *:::$rºs To play a
T. &er's oto s. n. A hawk, or falcon.
T. ºs s. n. Strength.
-6 TUD, *š s. n. (from s. *S*) Misfor
T. & "3 s. n. A procuress. tune.
o -

s. 23"83&o s. n. The matted hair of r. Ao Úº s. m. plu. A certain

Siva, the clotted hair of an ascetic. cast of weavers,

T. &T'ex) s. n. The mane of a horse. run ºxoes.n. vide soºoº.

s, zºoº tos or ºyoº & s. n. 1. Ga r. 38& s. n. Red chalk. 3880s
ping, yawning 2. expansion. 3. ex To grow red.
panding, stretching, eyožo's v. n. T. 733 s. n. A deity, male, or female.
To gape, or yawn. *@ož830 s. n. ##exs (from T. ׺ & 17,02472
Gaping, yawning. 2. expansion, adj
Opened, expanded. tain.) The mountain Meroo, the
r. ºoza s. n. A flag, or banner. Tºo abode of the gods. ##e33, (from
*&^\ex The tassels of a flag. T. & a place.) The heaven of
Indra. -

T. ºoë s. n. A wicked young female.

T. *x s. n. Greatness, adj. Great. r. 33 interj. Expressive of joy.
T. *g S. m. 1. A brave man, a gallant s: ºs s. n. A victor, or conqueror.
T. $5 s. m. A span.
sºx 276 jº,

ºw s. n. (from H. Cº-) A votee, or religious mendicant. ºvX3

TO” ex) A female devotee.
pocket. -"

#3. S&S s. n. Food, victuals, eating. T. *X3 s. n. A float, or raft, for cross
#3& s. m. wide #x38. ing a river.
º #383xo: s: n, plu. Finbrasures.r. §§ 3" interj. Expressive of blessing
35) So &c. adj. 1. Victorious, Be happy, &c. It terminates each
triumphant, invincible. s. m. The line of every song used for lulling
chariot of Indra.
children alephºne ºr ‘º q. v.
3-ºxº 's, n. A drug, or
T. *3 s. n. A woman.
medicament, &c. adj. Long-lived.
3=-ºcº s. n. The moon. T. *::s s. n. 1. A pair, or couple. 2.’
& "o:3>So s. n. vide X32XSS.
equality of size. 3. shoes, sandals. 4.
armour, mail. *:Sãoy eês
& ‘à ex) v. m. wide #x38o33 under
—ſo to
(from T. Sexy a deity, and TUD.
ěš– a star.) The sixteenth lunar
- **Fºl. s. n. The jonna grain, or mansion. *&ots v. a. To join,
great millet. Holcus saccharatus. unite, or pair.
&’āyeo v. m. vide &\ex). T. & s. n. A brave person.
-> —ſo

&ºx s. h. vide & eºca. T. sºcié) v. a. To flap away flies.


&’? s. m. Saliva, spittle. Gs Ts'º, or ā-så s. n. (from P.

. &’à ºð s. m. Prostration, salutation. 5 j) Force, compulsion.
interj. Expressive of joy.
—o r. ºe}cx s. n. The dog-fly.
&’s s. n. Independence, possession.
—o T. &ºo s. n. A song for lulling infants
. Sº v. a. To abuse, or revile; to asleep.
use imprecations. s. m. Abuse:
- **** v. a. To lull a child to
T. & 5 or ຠs. n. Purpose, busi
sleep. ness, intention, design ºbs Šiš)
Or **)To meddle in one's concerns.
run, ºxº s. n. (from s. Sºº-K) Ab
straction of mind, intense meditation T. & 3 s. n. A small bag for alms.
on one object. ** s. n. A de T. §º s. n. An astrologer, or astro
ºcs; 277
º Sé &p

nomer. Tà"*S* s. n. Astrology, or S -

*ššº &c. adj. 1. Best, excellent,
astronomy. pre-eminent. 2. elder born. s. n. The
coin termed a pagoda.
1. **& s. m. ii. º. S. #yoºs S. n. The scum of water
s. 3; & s. n. 1. Understanding, com
prehension; the exercise of the in in which rice has been boiled, or
tellectual faculty. 2. recollection.
$, gro s. n. A collateral relation, or dis S. 3$º Or *ššº S. n. The third
tant kinsman ; one who does not Teloogoo lunar month; that in which
participate in the oblations of food, the moon's change takes place when
or water, offered to deceased ances the sun is in Gemini.
tors. O

s. TSSo s. n. 1. knowledge in general. s, sºSºšº s. n. Astronomy, astrolo

2. knowledge of a specific and reli ~f

gious kind, that which is derived from gy,. &§"cañº

Sºicscxs An astronomer or
meditation, and the study of philoso astrologer ; a fortune-teller.
phy, which teaches man the divine
nature, and origin of his immaterial s & sº s. n. 1. Light 2, fire. 3.
the sun. 4. the moon. 5. a star.
part, with the unreality of corporeal cº) O
enjoyments, or worldly forms, and S. *S*)A s. n. Moonlight. £S
which, separating him during life
from terrestrial objects, secures him, ºa Gºyº (from susy cºfond
after death, a final emancipation from of) The Chacora, or greek partridge,
existence, and reunion with the uni whose food is said to be the moon
versal spirit. ge S. n. 1. An astro o

beams. & Sº) A. A moonlight night.

loger, a fortune-teller. 2. a sage, one O C C,

possessing religious wisdom, or gna S. «Sºo S. n. Fever. ***S öSo lit.


S. grass s. n. Remembrance, recol cold and fever. An ague. & gºsº

lection. gºsº To remind, & Abilious fever.

to recollect. s. *Soś& s. n. Fire.

co cT)

s. *S s. n. 1: The earth. 2. a bowstring,

se •rs 8 s. n. Old age, decay, infirmity. s: * Sº or *'Sº s. n. Flame, blaze,
S. *šš s. n. 1. The goddess of pover
-III/6, IIIlle
ty. 2. misfortune. 3. an elder sister. -

4. the eighteenth lunar mansion. | & The twenty-fourth letter, and ninth
& Soś 2 8 Teso-S-

exoS 30 s. m. 1. Pride. 2. a stone cut

consonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet.
ter's chisel. 3. borax.
&ois-Sºo - 830cs)3s or &o &Soš Rºe, s. m. A mint.
syº s. n. 1. A buzz, or humming 2. exos-3:30 or scs)& s. n. The
the loud noise of anger.
& ot:3p s. n. A tempest, or storm. twang of the bow-string.
tº s. n. 1. Deceit, cunning. 2. dis
8308:30 or 8358 s. n. A cascade, or
simulation, hyprocrisy, pretence. V. a.
To deceive; to pretend. *ś–6 or
& 830s-8:30 s. n. A cymbal. 855 &Soš3 s. m. A deceitful, or fraudu
& 9% ow. v. a. To brandish. o lent person.
& 53.590 s. n. A fish,& Sºcºs 83-yvá or ëº, "KS s. m. A cracker.
(from s. SS2, a flag.) The Hindoo 83-ys. n. The post, generally term
cupid, whose ensign is the fish. cd the Tappal, in Southern India.
eSex-soo tº v. n. 1. To take a walk.
83roë330 s. n. An arbour, a bower; a 2. to delay, or put off.
place overgrown with creepers; a ex-3 s. n. 1. A ring used to retain
wood, a thicket. others on the finger. 2. the end or
Se &p?s s. n. A cricket. point of a pen.
º êy-west €3.5 s. n. Deceit, pretence,
-seCG T. 83; s. n. A beast of burden.
& This is the twenty-fifth letter, and €3s s. n. A commentary.
tenth consonant, in the Teloogoo al 83-sº s. n. 1. Inoculation. 2. the small
phabet, but no word in the language pox by inoculation. 3. an ornament,
commences with it. hanging from the hair down upon the
&5 forehead. & Sºckºo To inoculate.
*$3) s. n. Money, deposited as secu
to The twenty-sixth letter, and eleventh rity for good conduct. (H. ****)
consonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet. T. ex-3 s. n. An abstract of the COIl
It is often added to the root of the tents, or purport, of a letter.
verb, to form the verbal noun ; as, T. Têoos s. n. The stone of the mango
*ścºoë2 doing. fruit.
boš 29.5% s. m. Borax. Tup. Tºos toº & s. n. One of the
: *2OS So s. m. An imaginary coin of fifty-six countries enumerated by the
the value of 16 copper dubs, or four
silver fanams. -
| T. Eso's "cº s. n. Acocoanut. Tºo's "cº
8-Sw 2 *9 &
Kr's Cocoanut-oil. Eso's "cºº) place of residence, or resort; abode,
A cocoanut shell. - station.
Tºos s. n. A house.
. Têoo 5 s. n. A shoemaker's awl. º
a. ** adj (from H. Lºsſ) 1. Pro
: Těš ex s. m. plu. The airs of pride. per, just, fit. 2. exact, complete. 3.
Tºš & s. n. A flag, or banner. T. 83 s. n. 1. Generosity, liberality. 2.
ºf oºº-sº (from TUD. 7S"So
posture, state.
a planet.) Ketoo, the descending T. 35 s. n. Glory, power.
node, reckoned the ninth planet.
G. S & s. n. A great sum.
*&#3 s. n. A scate fish. Gs eſ" s. n. A body, or company.
T. **** s. n. The teak tree. Tecto 23
na grandis.
*śā9 s. n. One of the seven dwi
pas, or divisions of the world.
* The twenty-eighth letter, and thir
teenth consonant, in the Teloogoo
*S*ś s. n. 1. A hat. 2. a cap. alphabet. It is the third letter of the
& five termed in Teloogoo grammar
-e-ºe the Kööex, or soft letters, and is
substituted for initial **, when words
The twenty-seventh letter, and twelfth
consonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet.
beginning with ** are preceded by
G. & O"ooks v. a. To resolve, settle, any of those belonging to the class
or fix.
termed drootupracrootooloo, or by
mouns in the nom. case, even when
& Sö5 s. n. Obstacle, or impedi
º: ment. -
used accusatively, or by any part of
the verb, ending in &, &, and 8,
& S F3 s. n. A great drum.
& 58 s. n. A deceitful female. or by the words eºs, 9&Sº,
and Qāşş.
: $59's. n. Deceit, fraud.
.**E* s. n. (H. L.; tgº) I. The head
place of a district. 2. a watch house.
T. &oºšo s. n. Ostentation, adj. Os

tentatious. "Gºož)SSCŞ A coxcomb.
&o?» s. n. splendour, brightness,
-Cºţāzºv:3 (Hylo (; [g, ) One brilliance.

appointed to superintend a district. T. & s. n. A small drum, shaped

Tº s. n. A place, house, lodging, like an hour glass.
or residence. T. & adv. Near; used in books only.
ës” s. n. (from II. L.; & ) A | T. tº gº s, n. A low, choked, inter
-:5tex) <&S
rupted, or sobbing sound, expressive 2. a shield. 3. a banner or flag.
either of joy, or grief. êoXSCŞ s. n. 1. A servant; a slave.
2. A fat man.
& S. s. n. A large noisy drum.
&#y s. n. A small box; a vessel kept ë959 v.a. 1. To let, or put, down. 2.
in Hindoo temples, for the reception to leave another vide &otS.
of presents from pilgrims; or in ão &&. s. n. A small drum.
which the custom servants keep the ào'à83 s. n. Froth, foam.
collections made by them. &očo s. n. 1. Meanness. 2. defeat. v.
T. %2x) s. n. 1. A dub, or copper coin of n: 1. To die or expire. 2. to be de
the value of twenty cash. 2. false feated. Čo:Soše) º v. a. To defeat in
hood, a lie. 3. riches, eclat, ostenta battle. - *

tion. 4. the noise of a drum. <º ãoº & s. n. An infant. 30%& s.

Xe) ºvc: A rich man. n. A male child.
. c.355&S sºoorč&SR) s. m. vide &#_ -

: &c & s. m. A pair of kettle

3x3 or ຠv. n. To descend, or:
alight, vide àNº.
Tup. Öº s. n. (from s. §§ºg-Sº.) A
&K v. n. To die.
Sº &cºo s. n. 1. Flying in the air. large and long pond.
2. the flight of a bird. 3. a car, or lit 㺠v. n. 1. To be immoveable.
ter, carried upon men's shoulders ; a 2. to be astounded. º

palanquin. &S"K. v. a. To butt.

T. tººs v. n. To be fatigued, tired, . Assº, s. n. Flying; the flight of a
wearied, or weakened. bird. -

&eſ toº s. n. A deloyet, or peon. &ex):3% v. n. 1. To become lean,
&\ex) s. n. vide 3’ex. weak, or feeble, 2, to be defeated. à
-3% s. n. A stain, spot, blot, or mark. ex):3e3+3 v. a. 1. To weaken, 2. to
-as-X3 v. n. To hide, vide º'cNS. defeat.
-a-3e adv. On the left side. Tºš9 &oºoººo s. n. A kind of snake,
adj. Left. with two heads.
~50%.S" s. n. Blame, censure. -

~5-2X s. m. 1. A catalogue, or list. 2. & part. This word is found in

books only, added to verbs, to ex
a physician's recipe, 3, a female's press the optative mood; as **S
zone, of silver, or gold.
&555 May it be so.
~5-cºo v. m. To approach. T. &Sv. a. 1. To draw a sword. 2.
. ~5tex s, n. 1. Splendour, brilliance.
**ś3 281 £2

to open out any thing 3. to retire, 3rée) s. n. 1. A swinging cot. 2. vide

or retreat. 4. to pierce. *ts". & servoºr-5:30 adj. Per
&#8) interi. Expressive of defi plexed.
ance to battle.
&ā) s. n. A female turtle.
**b s. n. A litter, or dooly, vide T.J

&º v. n. To fall, as leaves from a *. (H. J 3&

tree. &expiº v. a. To cause to fall ; &“ex s. n. A kind of drum. (H.
to slacken.
Tºoººo s. n. Mind, heart, opinion.
ºš s. n. A hoof.
*ex) s. n. 1. An estimate. 2. appear
ºš v. a. To hinder, prevent, Or

Tºyºo adj. Unattainable. * &SNss,

: ºë or ??) adj. Seventy. # The twenty-ninth letter, and four
T. 3x s. n. A hawk, or falcon. teenth consonant, in the Teloogoo al
737-82 s. n. On the fifth day after a T. §os s. n. vide §§–.
marriage, the bride and bridegroom, Se ## s. n. A double drum.
with all their relations, throw per
fumed powder at each other, and this T. "F"s s. n. (H. 61; an attack made
is the name given to that pastime. by robbers.) 1. Formidable appearance.
Tºo" s. n. A tent. (H. ly. Š) 2. rigorous authority. Fºs-s-oº:
s. m. plu. Thieves, who rob in a dar
&"os s. n. 1. A bush. 2. a road,
ing manner, with torches in their
"amidst cultivated fields, left for cattle. hands.
T. &"oš v. n. To be degraded or de
creased. s. n. Crookedness. T. #3 S. n. The city of Dehli, the ca
&’s. s. n. 1. The belly. 2, the out pital of Hindoostan.
ward shell of a cocoanut.
#"s" s. n. Doubt, fear, suspicion.
&’ or ëº v. n. To tumble, or £9.
roll over ; to fall down.
㺠adj. Hollow.
T. &"sºº" s. n. The hundredth part of This is the thirtieth letter, and fif
any coin. - teenth consonant, in the Teloogoo al
*š v. a. To dig slightly; to root up phabet, but no words in the language
grass. begin with it.
282 & Cº.
&o 3

| reo. ºoº s. n.(from s. 39 Cº.) 1. Craft,
--O-- cunning, subtilty. 2. device, shift.
s $oš RT"X$30 s. n. A shark.
& The thirty-first letter, and sixteenth
consonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet. $osóR"? & s. n. A spider.
S. §o $55S°oºocºs s. n. A weaver.
sorº or ào'ຠs. n.
The eared cassia. Cassia auriculata. § C&S$) s. n. A thread.
ão 3ºx s. m. plu. The little steps, or
T. 5 ozr":SJ'83 s. n. Tanjore, in the bridges, in the handle of the Veena,
southern part ofthe Indian peninsula.
a sort of guitar.
§oë3 or §oºſ" s. n. 1. Difficulty,
trouble. 2. dispute, contention, 3. so Cº) sº s. n. A new and un
bleached cloth.
slander, false report. 4. trick, knave & ovºys s. n. 1. Craft, cunning,
ry. 5. debt.
$očğSo s. n. An instrument for subtilty. 2. device, or trick, 3, an in
trigue, or plot. 4, a tantra, or religi
pulling out hair by the root. ous treatise, teaching peculiar and
T, $o-a” s. n. (from T. Šošo q.v.) 1.
mystical formula, and rites, for the
A heap of filled sacks. 2. a troop of worship of the deities, or the attain
Brinjaries, or Lumbadies. ment of superhuman power. There is
§o:S v. a. To collect, to demand.
a great number of these works, and
$očex s. n. Collections.
their authority, in many parts of In
woxºcºs s. n. One of Siva's door dia, has in a great measure supersed
keepers, and one of the original ed that of the Vedas. 5. that branch
teachers of the arts of dancing and of the Vedas which teaches Mantras, -

mimicry. or mystical and magical formula. 6.

§očSejºoºo s. m. plu. Rice. vesture. 7. a cause, or motive 8. sub
$oº s. n. A tindal, or native off servience, service, dependence.
cer, in a ship, or vessel. so by s. n. vide $oš3.
ão (3) s. n. A father. §o &yº Te & cº; S. s. n. 1. Hesitation. 2. perplex
sºc:3 s. m. A father's brother, or ity, confusion. 3. trembling.
sister. ºo &ys. n. A father's elder §o (3) or $o (8) s. n. Exhaustion,
brother. & Söo (3)A father's youn weariness, drowsiness, lassitude.
ger brother. tº c3 s. n. A fire pit, used for boiling
TUD. §o89 s. n. (from S. 800)) The water.

wire, or string, of a musical instru" . 3 oz); Ryvcº s. n. A man of a mixed

ment. §ob Fºº Stringed instru. cast, descended from a female bra
ments, min, by adultery with a man of the
&X 283 & X3

same tribe. They are generally || G. § 7S*** s. n. (from A. L.2 Lj im

priests in the temples of Siva. portunity.) A claim, suit, or dispute.
§o2xes or $02)0 tº s. n. A musical
instrument, with five strings, resem- T.
&#83 º' s. n. The plant termed
Cassia tora.
bling a quitar. T
&s ºs s. n. (from A.J |rº) Dis . 3×3 v. n. 1. To be becoming, decent,
suitable, fit, proper, worthy, or de
pute, altercation, quarrel. serving. 2. to fit; to suit, 3Å58, or
§ Sº s. n. (from A. Ç$5133.) Tac §§3, the third person neuter of the
cavy; advances for cultivation.
past tense, and 3X& the third per
son neuter of the negative aorist, of
šš adv. Except. this verb, are added, as auxiliaries, to
T. tº v. n. 1. To remain. 2. to stop, the infinitives of other verbs, to ex
or cease. 3. to refrain from. 4. to give press propriety, or impropriety, res
one's self airs. s. n. 1. Deficiency, re
pectively, without reference to any
sidue. 2. affected gestures, foppish
particular time, and may be consider
ed to represent the English auxiliary
tº $5 or 53-3) s. n. 1. Deficien
ought ; as, ºãºcºa I ought
cy, defect. 2. dearness in price. 3. in to do. § {}{}^5 &jö A sheath that
feriority. adj. 1. Deficient, defective. suits a sword. Šºšč& 29 wages
2. dear in price, scarce. 3, mean, in
ferior, low. S$ 553–5 More or proportioned to the work. §§§&otáš
Proper, or due punishment. 5X&S"
- 3.5 & s. n. A pair of scales; a ba • An indecent word. 5*Sº Such
lance. as is fit, &c. wide g.º. 38s ºn
*S s. - •.
3. * s. n. A weight of two ris. In such a manner as is fit, &c.
Ts 8x3e3S. s. n. 1. Lust. 2. love.
ë.3 ee adj. Little, trifling.
$XSexy v. n. 1. To touch, or come in
*S*S s. n. A pillow. (A.A.K.) contact with. 2. to be seized, caught,
§§y So s. n. Butter-milk, with a
ensnared, or entangled. 3. to be af
fourth part water. fected with sickness. 4. to be found.
**. s. n. (from P. c-Saj) A 5. to cost. v. a. i. To touch or hit. 2.
throne, or royal scat. to pursue. 37.9Cºs I. To be caught,
$X:S or *Xº3 s. n. A thin flat or ensnared. 2. to burn, ºxec 3:
piece of metal ; a plate. To burn, or set on fire. § xeckº
$x* So s. n. Tin. To tie on. 3Xerºx So s. m. Connec
T. 3XS s. n. A ram. tion. © & 3 NSºx) To come across.
& X3 284 § 605
O ed

Xoºxºo. To be wounded by a to be abated ; to be humbled. v. a.

shot. SöS$5XSex To be wounded To put down. Šoć v. a. To de
by a cut. SºooošXbºx To be hit by a crease, diminish, abate, or lessen.
stone. eBºbº-Ščxe & His §§o:3) s. n. A reduction, or dimi
abuse did not affect me. SotºčXSex) nution. tºo: v. n. To be hum
To pursue. Eºx 3XSex To be fog
ged. Sºx:30376ex To get sick. Sºo sº s. n. 1. Craft, cunning, sub
XéX 359 The thief was apprehended. tilty. 2. device or trick. 3. derision;
35-5Syºğäxjeo To be understood. a joke. 53 ySer's To joke, or
&SSyséx\ex To impress on the deride.
mind. 7-8)3Xeošo-astº)ožo To $ 855So or § 3 s. n. 1. A shore, or
keep out of the wind. Ptºs-3Xbºx bank. 2. a place.
To cost expence. &\exp^3 s. n. señºx, or sº v. n. 1. To
Charges, cost. § Aboº v. caus. 1. succeed. 2. to approach.
To cause to touch. 2. to stick to, sus
& *ścs s. n. An indifferent man,
pend from, or hang upon. 3. to set on neither a friend nor a foe.
fire. 4. to give, or affect, with any
disease. 350eſºlois To employ, $ 85's So s. n. A tank, pond, or
in business. Tºyºbo's To flog pool.
5&vex).5 adv. Swiftly, quickly.
or beat. Rºxº~ & '88 Rºsato
683& s. n. Lightning. $888) 8
< Tofi, the hasp in the staple. (from s. 39 a master.) A cloud.
&$88)otº To insert a name. 85XSex)
& 83& s. n. A river. º
STK v. comp. 1. To get one's-self - §§ s. n. 1. A small basket. 2, a
entangled in. 2. to take fire of itself metal plate
Koºboºk, To get ſetter . §§ ... n. A small metal plate, turn
ed.6°xsºboss's To get dis. ed up at the rim, out of which
eased. the Hindoos eat their victuals.
5X35) or 3XK) s. n. 1. A dispute. T. tº s. n. A bank, or shore. 2. a
2. a law suit. 3. the presents given by side, or direction. 3. a pony. 4. mea
parents to their daughter, on her sles. v. a. 1. To beat or knock at a
marriage. 3x358 or 3X38 A judge; door. 2. to pat. 3. to clap. 4- to touch
an arbitrator. the heart, or mind.駧aw To make
T. §§ s. n. 1. Deficiency. 2. de a thing fall out of one's hand. 53
fect. adj. l. Deficient. 2. defective. *5) To be disappointed. §§sº
3. short, low. v. n. To be degraded; Utensils, household stuff.
&5 285 *:
T. & $5 s. n. A pony. |s. §§ So s. n. Any stringed musical
instrument, adj Spread, diffused,
T. & ©y Fºcº s. n. A gold-smith.
T. §3 s. n. 1. Delay. 2. hesitation, expanded, stretched, extended.
$83 s. n. 1. A multitude, or crowd.
doubt, suspicion. 3. confusion, embar
2. a line, row, or range.
rassment. ŚāºšS 1. To be impe
ded, or obstructed. 2, to be embar $89 s. n. Proper season, or time.
rassed. 3. to stutter or falter. 4. to . 33sº, s. n. The remainder.
be infirm in walking & as º To
stop by charms.
T. &S s. n. A Tatty, or straw blind;
: §§3 s. n. A horse.
tºo or ööeº’s s. n. Per
plexity, disturbance, confusion, êm
it is also used as a door to huts, &c. barrassment. §§eoššo - éðeşois
T. §§3 s. n. A small piece of any §§e3? or Šišešev v. n. 1. To be
loose fibrous substance, such as perplexed, disturbed, confused, or
hemp, &c. embarrassed. 2. to tremble.
T. §§ºo v. n. To loiter, or trifle s. §§yö& &c. adj. Diligent, attend
away. ing to any thing closely and anxi
T. §§5 s. n. A time; as 295 & 65 ously.
Once. s. 3 *S* s. n. 1. Essential nature; the
T. & v. a. 1. To look, or search real nature of the human soul, consi
for; to feel for, or grope. s. n. Hin dered as one and the same with the
drance, delay, loss of time. 8&ö
divine spirit animating the universe.
&N Slow time, in music. 2. the supreme being, or Brumha. 3..
T. 83 s. n. 1. A wetting. 2. damp, truth, reality, substance, opposed to
wet adj. Wet, damp. Šácºo v. n. what is illusory or fallacious. 4. mind,
To be wet; to get wet. § 3S3) v. a. intellect. -

To wet. s. n. 1. A wetting. 2. wet,

s. 85%)& So adj. Of Sanscrit derivation.
damp. s. §§yº s. n. A bait of flesh, for
T. § &S or ŠčTS s. n. vide §§§ .
catching animals.
T. §§§) vide Ščič). s & Sº s. n. Truth, adj. True.
T. § 897& or § 237N"Soo s. n. A leath
s. 3 &SoščSo adv. Afterwards.
ern bag for water, carried on bullocks.
& rows; A bullock which bears s. 578&S adv. From that time; since
then. -

water, in a bag of that kind. TUD. 5&oº s. n. (from s. *}}cºv) The

s. §§X&o s. m. Wind. third lunar day, either of the light,
s. 38 ºs s. n. The plantain tree. or dark fortnight.
Musa sapientum. T. tºaº adj. Exceeding, much, more.
3& 286 §3)
§§§ & s. n. The annual ceremony Se
Šiš-šāºš s. n. Fire.
for ancestors, lit. that day, the day. §§A v. a. 1. To kick. 2. to flog, s. m.
§8.* s. n. The aorist of the verb. A kick. § Kºš Ko v. comp. To
sº adj. Corrupted from the struggle. §§º's To fight toge
ther. 5 Kºe) 23:S To be beaten.
$S$3 v. n. 1. To shine.2 to be joined.
& sº s. n. (from P. s |2=x}) An êºS s. n. A lean, or thin, female.
§§§oº s. n. Gold.
assignment on the revenues. §§§oc & s. n. The sun.
5 §§o part. This particle is added S. $3so or össº) s. n. 1. Religious
to $5.Sºx adjectives, and sometimes austerity, penance, or mortification;
to 33 Sº nouns, or even occasion the practice of mental or personal
ally to the relative participles of 3 self-denial. 2. the eleventh Teloogoo
ºSº verbs, in order to form ab lunar month,that in which the moon's
stract mouns; thus SotočS&Good change takes place, when the surn is
ness. 325& Childhood. Socº in Aquarius. 333 Sexº) To per
$5& Ignorance. form religious austerities 3 3&S Or
$5&CŞe s. n. A son. §§§ s. n. 1. A penitent, or ascetic.
T. 65.8% or $58.) v. n. To shine. 2. a sage.
& S. SN s. n. Breadth, width. & s. n. The twelfth Teloogoo
§§§ s. n. (from A. 2.3.xy search, lunar month, that in which the
moon's change takes place, when the
ascertaining.) A revenue term, sig sun is in Pisces.
nifying examination, or comparison, §§otS or §§oxotS v. n. To burn;
of an account, &c.; or the ascertain
to be inflamed ; to be hot.
ing it's correctness.
§§cº v. n. To be satisfied, or con 5*er" s. n. A brass pot, in which
tented. §§33) v. a. To satisfy, Šºš) the Hindoos generally cook their
s. n. Satisfaction, satiety, content.
5KA5, &\) or §§ \ºtos S. Il & Sºocºs s. n. A devotee, an as
Armour, mail. cetic, one who performs religious
§§§) s. n. The body, adj. Small, mi penance.

nute, delicate, fine, thin, slender. 3 & &c. adj. Heated ; inflamed ;
K-Sãºo (from s, &" what burnt with heat, pain, or sorrow.
grows.) Hair, as growing on the body. T. 63S adv. the infinitive of 5& q.v.
is often used as an adverb, to denote
§§2 º’c’s or 85 SS-ozec:S s. n. (from Except, unless, without ; as ; gyroëbè5

s. 23 born.) A son. *S Without you. 3: SS "cº Fruit

º 55% 287 § 55

without a heart; such as a nut with 2. to recede from a promise, purpose,

out a kernel. bargain, &c. 3. to be in a hurry, to be
&Sº"ex.) v. n. To pretend, to tell precipitate.
lies. $$$ X&o s. n. A raised open build
5&Sex, s. n. plu. Corn of which the ing, with a high canopy, generally
ears are empty, from disease, or want termed a muntapum.
of rain. § 355°35′So s. n. A large drum.
8&Nºssº s. n. vide 3: S. s . §§oŠo or §§§) s. n. 1. The third of
§§§ s. n. 1. An error, or mistake. 2. the qualities incident to the state of
a fault.3.a crime, any thing improper. humanity; the tamogoona, or property
v. a. 1. To err, or mistake. 2. to miss. of darkness, whence proceed folly,
3. to fail in an engagement, or pro ignorance, mental blindness, worldly
mise. 4, to escape, to elude adj. Bad, delusion, &c. 2. darkness. & Sović
wrong. X3e333's To miss aim. S".8 3-ocº (from s. 333" removing.) 1.
§§§ To miss, or deviate from the The sun. 2. the moon. 3. fire. § 53ro
road.Sººº. To fail in one's word.
& ea (from s. Sotº a precious stone.)
ë&Yokº v. caus. To cause to err,
The firefly.
&c.; to extricate, or save. §§yotº $33 Ös So s. n. Lead.
S K v. comp. To save or extricate
one's-self. §§§ pro. One of the plurals of
T. §§§ adv. Quickly, speedily. E"K, q.v.
$73Sº s. n. A large drum. tº Sooºº s. n. The beetle leaf. 5
G. 5*ś & s. n. (from A. G., 5 (#3) & ex:So The beetle and nut together.
5:3&SS s. n. A dark night.
A difference, a disparity.
§§vK s. n. Long drawers, or trow
&#853 s. n. (from *C;4,35 sers, such as are worn by peons.
tition.) An extra assessment, subdi §§Tºšo s. n. (from A. (43 en

vided upon many. tire.) The whole.

*** * * (from A-Jaaß) De § Svoboo & v. n. To recover one's-
tail, analysis. --
self from falling.
& 298 Sº s. n. A time. §§§ "exºSo s. n. A tree noted for the
êº s. n. A salver, or flat plate.
. 5 §eſ s. n. A stable. (H. Jº)
dark hue of it's blossoms, Xanthocy
mus pictorius. Rox.
§3)*) adj. Distracted. --
&T's, n. (from A. Lº (35) A
ê šo's So s. n. 1. Lust. 2. love. show, or spectacle.
: * SºS or ŠKoš v. n. 1. To hesitate. {5}\} s. n. 1. Love. 2. lust.
S$ 53-o 2S8 & S. º

s. $390 s. n. Night. G. 3 orvés. n.(from A. H. cºlº

T. & #87&ex) s. n. plu. The grain usually tour of service.) Attendance upon
termed Natchenny. Cynosurus cora another. -

s. § 5 ox So or ööck s. n. A wave, or
T. §§ 3 s. n. A nail fixed in the mid surge.
dle part of a yoke. s, 3 SoNº s. n. A river.
êº Sy s. n. A dark night. s. *Soč's so s. n. A raft, or float, made
T. & SošS s. n. 1. A drum. 2. a tam of bamboos, &c.
* bourine. T. §§§§ & or öös R's, n. A quiver.
5& s. n. Beetle leaf, and nuts, T. §§xºSoś s. n. plu. A kind of
which have been chewed. 3 & Seº neck-ornament.
The red stain of them. s. 58 °3 s. n. 1. A raft. 2. crossing, -

$$, ºs s. n. A large drum. or passing over.

$3,5Sº- & 3× or $59,33 T. § 5 tośx or ööStošo s. n. Opportu
X&o s. n. A spitting pot. nity.
§º, s. n. The lotus, Šºš oë3 lit. s. 563 s. n. 1. A ship. 2. the sun.
T. & Söö s. n. Beginning, commence
lotuseyed. Vishnoo. § to. §eo lit. ment.

lotus-hands. This is a complimentary t. §§§§oax adv. Day-by-day.

mode of mentioning the hands. sº T. & 63 Čeſ”& v. n. To fear, or be a
x3&sº lit. the deity whose
throne is the lotus. Brumha, the cre G. 58%-3 s. n. (from A. o e; C0%-

ator. 5 ºf lit. the friend of the tricance, deep consideration.) A reve

tºo,83) One of the
lotus. The sun. nue term, signifying active erertion, or
seven great dwipas, or divisions of contricance ; especially to promote
the world. tºº-º-º: A cultivation; and thence applied some
form of military array, resembling in times to denote cultivation itself.
s, 583 *Sº s. n. Fare, freight.
shape the lotus.
ësº s. n. A younger brother. * *čić) s. n. (from A. G.L.)
- J
A side.
adv. Towards.
tºo, s. n. 1. The lobe of the ear. 2.
that part of the rope round a bul T. & s. n. 1. A class, or sort. 2, a
lock's neck which fastens it. generation. 3. a number of persons,
o. 3 cº-oš adj. (from P. J tº ) or animals. adj. 1. Equal. 2. possible.
*58×9 Classification, rank, order. §
Ready. s. n. Readiness. ( Cs2'4% ) 823 &s ex, The accounts of classi
$38 289 §es

fication. $75085 &7Wve)Koº, 3)ois, | T. §§§ v. a. 1. To churn. 2. to search,

To possess, or enjoy, by uninterrupt- | examine, or investigate. § ecº-tº
ed, hereditary succession.éº"5ösº | To consider thoroughly.
ºš-º-º: To speak according ls & eosº, &c, adj. 1. Young,juvenile.
to the rank of the person addressed. |
2. new, fresh, novel.
$6ex) v. n. 1. To move, or proceed. ||s. $8923 s. n. A female, from 16 to 30
2. to set out. years of age.
& 58 sº &c. adj. Trembling, tremu-lt. §§§) s. n. 1. A calf, one year old. 2.
lous. 2. luminous, splendid, s. n. 1: an artificial diamond. -

Rice gruel. 2, the central gem of a | T. & S Fºč adv. Afterwards, after. 5
necklace. 3. a village of weavers. | & Fº adj. Next; the following.
55 S"º s. n. Sour gruel. | §§§ s. n. A tree.
{55-5-ox s. n. A time.
§ 5 Svě s. n. A sword.
. §§§ s. n. Dunning. 3&#39

§§§§o s. n. Flesh.
58&Ss. n. 1. A royal tiger. 2. a couri
er, or express.
. §§§º s. n. 1. A sort, or kind. 2.
To dun.
§§–$º s. n. 1. Doubt. 2. disputa
tion, discussion, reasoning. 3. supply
ing an ellipsis. 4. the science of logic.
manner, fashion. §3 oiº v. a. To argue, or declaim.
ěšššo or ööð s. n. A hyena. 2. to reflect, or be in contemplation.
. §75°2' or § 75°So s. n. vide ºf 8. S” & ësº s. n. A crow's nest.
T. 88 s. n. Butter adj. Churning. 88s o S.
§§§x s. n. Wrath, anger.
§§§& s.s. n.
n. 'The forefingere

as wide ºx. 55xo~6 A tº:- s. n. (from A. ass- jº) A

cow whose milk is rich in butter. 59 || 6.
8°o A churning stick. translation, or interpretation.
s. 36 s. n. A ship. S.
§§§o s. n. A new born calf.
s. 5 boºs or 38 oxo tºo v.m. l. To cross, S
§§NºoSºos, n. 1. Satisfaction, given,
or get over. 2. to get through. 3. to -

or received; either the act of pleas

obtain salvation, by crossing all the
Hindoo hells. ing, or the state of being pleased. 2.
satiety, fulness. 3. a religious rite,
T. 888 gº-6 s. n. A sort of otherb. presenting water to the manes of the
T. & 83 s. n. A large sack, which joins | deceased. -

the two loads placed on each side of T

a bullock. |. tº v, n. wide §§2).
T. 88%) s. n. Affection; love. |s. §§§o s. n. 1. Thirst. 2, wish, desire.
T. Šēšº s. n. A calf one year old. r. §ess ex) s. n. plu. vide ŠK Sex.
& ex 290 -čexc

T. §eºs v. a. To whirl round. case. Šešo:3)ex s. n. plu. Disgrace.

§eºs or éeº v. a. 1. To pursue. lit. bendings of the head. §e ºyº
2. to turn, or form by the lathe. & Giddiness, swimming in the
§eocºo or § e3.cºo v. n. To enter. head. §eo:3& v. n. 1. To begin. 2. to
appear for the first time in the sea
5 escºcê'º) To intrude or enter son. 3. to meet together, in battle.
in ; to engage in.
T. §eoex) v. n. 1. To set out, or start, §ew "T" A turband. §eºs v. a.
To excel. § oº: To endeavour,
for a place; to proceed. 2. to be afraid.
T. Šeš s. n. A time, or season. or try. Seás 8-sº adj. perplex
T. §e38"exy v. a. To excite, or incite. ing, intricate. 5958 & The pave
Šešº's 33 v. a. To turn, or form ment. §e &’sº v. a. I. To examine
- by the lathe. one measure of capacity with an
other. 2. to soliloquize; to reflect.
T. êeº or §eº s. n. 1. Brokerage.
2. the deduction from all payments, Šešºs"K. v. comp. To relate
termed in India custom. 3. wastage; one's own adventures, or circum
deficiency. v. a. To cut. v. n. To be stances, to another. §exoSo? or ö
come less; to waste. §eºxê or Šes eſ'é. The head of a bedstead.
Xè s. n. A broker. $osº or §exº s. n. 1. An ex
T. tº adj. 1. Close, thick. 2. f.e. cellent person. 2. the name of the
connected vowel .
quent, often.
T. §eºSexy s. n. plu. Wrinkles. čej Ščič) or §eyā)0XSexy v. n. To

T. §e)
; or Šešo
or Ҽ s. n A low, or
- mean push before another.
person. & ecº v. n. To fear, or be afraid.
$e) or §e Sºoº. s. n. The head. § oš's adv. Excessively, much.
& exoks s. n. Anointing the head. v.
a. To anoint the head. Šešešo (from
T. Šoš down.) s. n. Disorder, adv.
: § ex3 s. n. A cord to tie cattle.
êecº v. n. 1. To move, or remove.
2. to lose.

Topsyturvy. 598 & 9 (from T. Šoc & -5ex K or Šex) v. a. 1.

sº º beatings, and Ště an agent.) To think, or reflect. 2. to imagine. 3.
to intend. 4. to invoke. Šešo is v.
An insolent or wicked person, inclin
ed to beat every one. Śož)SS s. n. caus. To cause to think, &c. & ecº)
Stubbornness, pride. adj. Stubborn. s. n. 1. Thought. 2, intention.
ão Féé) The principal door, or en če)2X s. n. (from A. cºlo) Pay,
trance, to a house. Šex86 or Šejº wages.
A pillow. §exćX&T's A pillow secosy ex) s. m. 1. The throwing
§ ex 291 §3-0

of rice over the head of the bride and & or ēść v. n. To be per
bridegroom, as an auspicious ceremo plexed, or vexed.
. . ny, during that of marriage. 2. the tº s. n. A mother. tºo ©ex, Pa
rice itself thus used. rents. & Sö§ 1. A mother's younger
Šešo s. n. 1. Essential nature, in sister. 2. the wife of a father's
composition especially; as, 33rváe younger brother."º 1. A mother's
& the earth itself, the very earth. 2. elder sister. 2: the wife of a father's
depth, bottom, lowness, inferiority elder brother. 3-8:3 or &25 . A
of position, the place under, under stepmother.
$$ 33 s. n. vide 5 §§3.
neath. 3. the palm of the hand, 4. & X or öðcº s. n: 1. A vessel in
the sole of the foot.
which boiled rice is measured in Hin
Šoš v. n. To be agreeable, or plea
Sant doo temples. 2. vide Šo &.
Te $$e);5 s. n. vide Šeſ”5. §§953 s. n. Glitter, lustre, flashing,
iseſ' part. (from T. § 9 q.v.) Each; shining. §§§Tö or & To
per head, as s-oºser-33sº glitter, gleam, flash, or shine.
exo~S Give ten pagodas to each 5. S. n. 1. War. 2, incursion, inva
of them, or ten pagodas per head. sion. -

. §eſ".5 s. n. A village watchman. $5630 s. m. wide 3×3:30.

$93 adv. (from T. S") q.v.) Be . & Sº ox) s. n. War.
fore, previously. Öğ)& s. n. Bran. v. a. To search, or
Śē)& s. n. A sprout, or shoot. 58) feel for; to grope. vide 3&#39.
83.25°. 3 or 60325°-3 A young . §§)ex) v. n. vide §NSexy.
female. 598) v. n. To sprout, or §§§ s. n. A measure of capacity,
shoot forth. equal to half a manika.
5°93) s. n. A door. Šoć -ēcº §§§ v. a. To dig, 5&Sotº v, caus.
or 333i:S To open the door. §expº)- To cause to dig. 39SR"e An in
ºšoº or &&. To shut the door. strument for digging holes on the
čeſ”36 s. n. 1. A woman. 2, a wife,
ground. 55°Sºx s. n. Digging.
or mistress. §§§ s. n. Trick, wile ; deceitful
§ºyº s. n. 1. A bed. 2. a wife. promises. -

Šºšo s. n. Excellence, happiness. tº 8& S. m. A thief, or robber.

adj. Excellent, happy. &_ êois v. a. To steal.
& ex3:33. Šejółotº
no on
- Öe)&exy-tºe):3
to ro on
T. §:3'53" s. n. Distress, fatiguc.
Ty"c X3 292 *S*ś


83-8e0-8& s. m. (from A. T. Gºcić, s. n. A deadly hooded snake,

plex):Acs…) A Tahsildar, or na termed the Cobra de capella.
tive collector, of revenue. T. E."cº v. a. To kick.
$5&SC:S s. n. 1. One of the princi G. E. "a" adj. (from P. sj L3) 1. Fresh,
pal Nagas, or serpents, of Patala. 2.
new. 2, pleased.
a carpenter. -

T, Jºë3 s. n. 1. The bark of a tree. 2.

. §§ 225So adv. Instantly, this instant. the human skin.
It is properly written & . 23S0. |s. E"&Soš Šo s. m. An ear ornament
tº $ocão s. n. A carpenter. worn by Hindoo women.
TUTczáš SSo s: n, Dancing, especially T.
Jºë3 adj. Of or belonging to the
with violent gesticulation, and parti palmyra tree.
cularly applied to the frantic dance T. ET’éSotº v. a. To move the cheeks,
of Siva. as in chewing. 2. to flutter the wings.
-G-cº &c. adj. 1. Faded. 2, wea T. E. Sº too s. n. Deceit, knavery.
ried, distressed, fatigued., s. Tºšo s. n. Beating, whipping,
T. U-oººººo s. n. A large metal ves Tºš5:30 &c. adj. Beaten. Ö"&o
$$$ v. a. To beat.
sel, or plate.
TO"< 2\ºve) So s. m. Beetle and nut. T. Eºs s. n. making in the inflex.
~5-ox-os.º or "Ú"o 2N-3) s. n. sing. Te3
1. The palmyra tree, 2. -

The beetle wine. a rope. *58tº The match of a

G's : s. n. A pawn, or pledge.
T. E-3 s. n. A grandfather. Tº &
*śss. n. (from A. c.33) An A grandmother, great grand-mother
order; an injunction, on the father's side. (Sºs Sgreat
‘E’. §§ v.a. 1. To touch or hit. 2. to grand-mother, on the mother's side.)
oppose in battle. G'céo & v. caus. lit. The third mother.
To cause to touch. Tºščeº"cs Tup. Útě s. n.(from s, Fë) Brumha,)
the creator.
RS8 lit, to him his head touched. He
is now sensible of his error. S. **S*S* s. n. 1. Opinion, senti
C-7Nvcá or "Ú"7"23 s. n. A beam, ment. 2. purport, meaning. 3, object,
placed across the mouth of an open || design, purpose, intent.
well. s. Tº sº, &c, adj. Suchlike.
ºrs ~5-cx3 v. a. To drink. 3"CAotº or rup. Gºssºs, n. (from s, º, º An
T}"cº) v. caus. To cause to drink. ablution, bathin g
*&^*& sºn. A drunkard. s, CTSS s. n. A tune.
T5°33 293 -Eyº

T. T.K. pro. He, she, or it. This is lotus, which is always deemed a most
what may be termed the reflective auspicious flower.
pronoun, as it is always used with re S. T&öğSo s. n. The lotus.
reference to some nominative of the S. CŞ"$$$$$$o &c. adj. Affected by, or
third person preceding it in the same appertaining to the third quality,
sentence; and no other pronoun in that of darkness or vice. s. n. 1. Indo
the language can be used, more than lence, laziness. 2. anger, wrath. K5"
once in the same sentence, with re & An angry person. 3"SSC’s
ference to the same person or thing. An incendiary, a malignant or mis
In the plural, it makes 3"to or "Ú" chievous man. Tºowº v. n. To
&o or §§§o&. delay, tarry, or linger.
T. "C":3 s. n. A ladder. In the plural, -Ey- &y &-4s s. n. A cock.
this noun denotes Steps, stairs.
Tyvº Ú cºšo s. n. 1. Pity, compas S. & Jºo,323s− s. n. The name of a
river in the most southern part of the
sion. 2. grief. 5*ś ū) cºśS 1. to
Indian peninsula, passing through the
pity. 2. to grieve.
province of Tinnevelly. 2. the female
Tâșo s. n. 1. Heat, burning. 2, in elephant at the western point.
flammation; fever, 3. distress. * Gºyº s. n. Copper. & Sºy §3
Tºcº s. n. (from s. 53% q.v.) gº A brazier, or copper-smith.
A devotee, sage, or ascetic.
E"cºšo s. n. A rarity.
T. *& or 373 s. n. 1. A trace. 2. ase T. Toxºş or "Ú"&$s. n. An amulet.
cret. 3, a bricklayer's trowel. GTS s. n. 1. A star. 2. the wife of
S. -E-3}oº & s. n. vide 3&ve sºo. Soogreega. 3. the wife of Broohusputee.
Te Tຠs. n. A set, or company.
~~<ss A sky-rocket. Grová
G. TJ”2)ošo s. n. A species of petticoat. & So The firmament.
T. †cºex s. n. A turtle ; a tortoise.
S. *öS s. n. 1. A star. 2. the pupil of
TUD. E"sº s. n. (from s. E"S$383) 1. the eye.
the lotus. 2. the ring worm. E"S$85 Tös & s. n. A name of the Hin
& "3 The fibre of the lotus. T& doo deity of war.
8 3x It's bulbous root ; a lotusplant. Tºš So s. n. Protection.
T. Tº"35&oššo s. n. Prosperity, im TY'S to s. n. The eighteenth year, in
provement, or increase of a family. the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
T}"S$58&o:33333) To prosper. These *853& S. n. 1. More or less. 2.
words are derived from the foregoing, state or condition. 3, comparison, or
and allude to a comparison with the distinction.
+3+3) 294 ty &

+3-8:30's. n. 1. A high note, or tone, of the bride. This completes the mar
in music. 2. a clear or beautiful pearl. riage, and the piece of gold among
3. crossing or passing over. 4 silver. the Hindoos may be compared to the
adj. 1. High as a note in music. 2. ring among Christians.
radiant, shining, 3. clear, good, ex T. Tex, s. n. vide 5&Yeo.
cellent, well flavoured. Toº Sº s. n. A crocodile.
Se "E"exº) s. n. The palate.
ity-8:35:26.75-8% otº or Tºº
v.a. 1. To meet, or approach. 2. to
T}"ex" S. s. n. (from A. &#Axj) A
talook, or district. Ty"exyo SS adj. Be
engage in battle.
G. J-53 s. n. (from A. £320 Date, longing, or appertaining to.
º'ex.) v. a. 1. To dress, or put on.
2. to assume a form, or shape. 3. to
CŞ"S v. n. 1. To lurk, or lie in wait.
twist thread by the spindle. 4. to fan,
2. to wander. 3. to move about, in a or winnow, in a basket. K? FSTS”
busy officious manner, 4. to become ex) To conceive a child. Axº"ex.)
lean or emaciated.
To deceive.
TEy'83 *Sº s. n. Youth.
~5-83:S→ S s. n. Disorder, confusion.
Se Tº sº s. n. Yellow orpiment.
-Eſt $ 3 Qys s. n. A cymbal.
T. tºº-ro s. n. Proof. Tºrºos v. T}^3. So s. n. 1. Beating time in mu
, a. To convince; to prove.
sic. 2. musical time, or measure. 3. a
T. ~&) v. a. 1. To join as planks, &c. short span, one measured by the
2. to set as precious stones. T&N thumb and the middle finger. 4. a
s. n. 1. Joining as planks, &c. 2, set cymbal of bell metal, or brass. 5, the
, ting as precious stones. palmyra tree. Tº sºoës A fan of
Se 'a-º-c & s. n. vide Xö3:3C&S. palmyra leaf.
T. E"eº v. n. 1. To run. 2. to abscond. T. Tºššo s. n. I. A lock. 2. a key ; but
3. to lurk, or lie in wait. ºoº v. the latter meaning is more properly
caus. To cause to run, &c. expressed by ~5-$3,33) or "Ú"Y
75°3)o-SS v. a. To season food. T5'3)o S$3073 *S.
#3) s. n. The seasoning of a dish. Tº s. n. 1. A breastplate. 2. vide
~5-58 s. n. Any substance rolled -Eyré).25° §’.
into a round shape, between the fin ETX v. n. 1. To bear, or suffer. 2. to
gers, or hands. forbear, or take patience. 3. to wait,
re-bºº s. n. The small piece of or stop. Eºs"K. v. comp. To take
gold tied by the bridegroom, at the patience. Ú"º s. n. Forbearance,
marriage ceremony, round the neck patience.
* , 29 º
* TV S& or tº s. n. A a bagpipe. Sº. A pair of bel
shelving roof, supported by pillars.
TUD. ET’s S& adj. Fixed, stationary, {}_{}5 s. n. A francoline partridge.
stable, immoveable. (H. jº)
T. E.'s 939 s. n. 1. A place. 2. a house, 36 s. n. 1. A lunar day, of variable
residence, or abode. length; being that period during
T. Tº so s. n. A string of beads, &c. which the moon travels through
T. Tº s. n. Fragrance, scent, odour. twelve degrees of her orbit ; it com
TT"3)Kro S Uttur. mences at different periods of the so
T. Gº) s. n. 1. A place. 2. an abode, lar day, with which it by no means
residence, or house. corresponds. 2. the annual ceremony
T. 303 s. n. (from T. 359 q.v.) Food, which Hindoos perform to their de
ceased ancestors.
eating. Poáš º A female glutton.
£oàs", 23 - 303 &% or ëoãc:s ôK v. a. To eat. 9Kºot® v. caus.
A male glutton. to cause to eat; to feed. Tºyºo
8, booby-3 s. n. The tamarind tree. &o To receive blows, or be beaten. &’sº,

(8) rés & The fruit of the tamarind. BK. To make away with property. 9
§§§ To suffer abuse. Fºc ×3×39
T. tº s. n. Madness, adj. Mad. 3. * TSCŞo lit. he ate straw. He is a
* To become mad.
fool, or asilly fellow, he talks foolishly.
s. & S.S. s. n. Bitterness, adj. Bitter. #9593 v. n.To strain, in easing nature.
T. &X s. m. Three. 3X5o S (from T. ëSAS or ēśx s. n. 1. Slowness.
2. straightness. 3. merit, worth. &SA.
Soč one.) Four. These words are * adj. 1. Worthy, good, excellent. 2.
generally used at games. slow. 3, straight. & KAG 7V" adv. 1.
T. &X3% v. a. To take, or lift up. slowly. 2. straightways, directly. 3.
S. 8xº s. n. Heat. adj. Hot. properly. 4. well, in good health.
T. &#3 s. n. A heap of straw. 83 SA. s. n. A high raised seat, or sit
Te bº v. a. To abuse, or revile, s. n. ting place, outside of the house, &c.
abuse, bad language. 9% 25°3 A A pial.
person who gives abuse. ěš) s. n. A hillock.
s: 85& s. n. A sieve. 83)67 s. n. The creeper termed
s. 88%. s. n. Patience, resignation, suf Heart-leaved moon seed. Menisper
ferance, endurance. 39&º adj. mum cordifolium. -

Patient, resigned. 8&S v. a. The causal form of 38%

T. & 3 s. n. 1. A purse. 2. a leather bag. q. v. 1. To turn round; to turn back;
3. a sheep or goat skin. 4, the bag of to turn over. 2. to wind up as a watch.
º, ºr
&9 O 296 $383

3. to change, or alter; to revoke as an Disrespect, contempt, reproach,

order, &c. 4. to turn away the face. 5. abuse, insult. 88; borº v. a. To
to put off, or make one often return. abuse, insult, or reproach.
6. to make to move, turn, or wander &öT&So s. n. Alms. &öTº-Nvcº A
about. 7, to be giddy. 8. to stop, or beggar.
check, a disease, or the effects of &öS&S or ÖSSX 33% v. n. To be
poison. 8: Sº Walking, wandering. in disorder, or confusion; as applied
ěšSSTRS. v. comp. 1. A person to re to a crowd, army, &c.
turn. 2. to retire. 3. to oppose. &#y ©SNS v. n. 1. To turn; to turn
*& To reject, or return any thing. round, to turn back, to return. 2. to
8330 s. n. A fabulous fish, of enor change, as the wind; to be revoked,
mous size, said to be one hundred as an order. 3. to move, wander, or
Yojanas long. 88°o?\e & A sea travel about 4. to be giddy. 5. to go
back, go away, or cease; as applied
fish, so large as to devour the Gºo.
to diseases, or the effects of poison.
&896 & s. n. Darkness.
T. &Soö3 s. n. 1. Numbness. 2. the 88W or 98% adv. Again... 888.ca)
palsy. 3. pride, arrogance. v. n. To & 1. To change or alter. 2. to re
volt, to oppose. 3. to fail in a pro
be proud.
&C's s. n. A monkey. misc. 98% º (from t. Sº a
T. 859.5 s. n. Goodness. male.) A gallant; as being constantly
3837-3& To do
moving about.
8& Kºo s. n. A mixture of milk, over again. CSXàcº To turn
jaggory, and flour, boiled together.
over; to overturn. ©SA&vkº,
T. Ocºs or 9&Sº adj. 1. Sweet. 2.
In Ot SQur. ecºss Ot ecºsºsº S.
Nº To turn away from one's promise.
$)$999885& The poison is check
m. Sweetness. 9&S &T, K, The ed, or removed. 89&XS:S A metal
sugar cane. screw; a rivet, 88%3e) s. n. A
turn. FS # 9&x3:So-Nº S.A
T. oxºSº adj. Acceptable.
T. 895X3) s. n. A hand mill. The disease is upon the turn.
TU D. &ößx adj. (from s. §§.) 1. Im 859 & v. a. To beg alms.
88sº s. n. Any festival at a Hin
moveable, firm. 2. constant.
doo temple.
§§ § 8:3 s. n. An outward tent; a
8& 39 or 89SSSoe, s. n. The sacred
wall, or screen, of cloth, surround
hill of Tripetty, in the Arcot district.
ing the principal tent. ©SSöoxsex, s. n. plu. A kind of
ery * o

88: 85% or tº jo, as s. n. paddy.

§e) 297 ë&

86° 5'5. So s. n. A cover, conceal An oil-monger.99&oCº) sº (from

ment, sheath, veil, cloth, or cloak ; s &o 5) a machine.) An oil press.
any thing which hides and withholds 80-yº” s. m. A very
§33) ox3S0 or
another from sight. 35°3-5× &c. large snake.
adj. Covered, concealed, hidden, re 95.3 s. n. A carpet.
moved, or withdrawn from sight. {}{}+3 v. a. wide {}^{S.
38S$ adj. Moving tortuously;
going crookedly, or awry. s. n. Any
animal which does not move upright,
: 85)& v. a. To wish.
êo (3) ex) s. n. plu. Splendour,
brightness, lustre bo &joiº To
like man. - -

shine, glare, or gleam.

*ś s. n. 1. A light. 2. a lamp. ðx or 57 s. n. 1. Any vine, or cree
89e3 s. n. Twist.
ping plant. 2. the string of a lute, &c.
beºxcz$º s. n. Seasoning in meat.
3. a golden ornament which Hindoo

. beºxº, s. n. vide 35X3).

*NS v. n. To whirl round.
*9eº & s. m. wide ºx3% under
*; s. n. A sort of basket, for catch
women wear about their neck. 678
e3s. The creeping bent grass. Agro
stis stolonifera. ë725°că A woman. •
Teloogoo authers constantly compare
females to the vine, as illustrating
ing fish. both their delicacy of form, and their
s: 9es oš & s. n. A sparrow. dependence on the stronger sex.
99s sº s. n. 1. A mark made with T. êcº s. n. 1. The itch. 2. an itching.
coloured earths, or unguents, upon | TUD. §§§ s. n. vide 88.8.
the forehead, and between the eye º & --

& or ēš) s. n. Sweetness. The latter

brows, either as an ornament, or a
word also denotes a stretching pain,
sectarial distinction. 2. a freckle,
mole, or any natural mark on the or pain in general; and in this latter
sense, is derived from ēzºo q. v.
person. 3. a title, especially in com
position, implying pre-eminence, as 8& v. a. 1. To draw, or pull. 2.
&So? ºesº º the Tilaca of to take. 3. to draw out. 4. to draw
the race of Ragoo ; a name of Itama. back ; to open. 5. to withdraw from
99 Sºos & s. n. A mole, any natu an office; to dismiss, or discharge. 6.
ral spot on the body. to draw out from ; to discover, or
bošo's v. a. To see, to look. find. 7. to draw, or rub, one substance
*ex s. n. plu. The gingily oil seeds. upon another, so as to grind down •
Sesamum orientale. Öošºváš Šcº the softer; as sandal wood, upon
êcºo 29s §8.

stone. 8. to take, buy, or purchase, for ë8×o s. n. A shore, or bank.

money. 9, to take, receive, or collect. ë83 or ēeº v. n. 1. To be finished,
10. to take, or pull off; to carry away. completed, concluded, or ended.2 to
11. to take out; to excavate, or dig. elapse. 3. to be qualified, skilled. 4. to
v. m. 1. To withdraw, diminish, go be settled, decided, or solved. 5 to be
away, disappear, or cease. 2. to draw liquidated. 6. to be adorned, as an
up or pain, as applied to any member idol. When used impersonally with
of the body. êooks v. caus. To the dative case this verb denotes to
cause to draw, or pull, &c. &SS"Ko be at leisure. 58°3 or 35s S. Ins

v. comp. 1. To take for one's own Leisure ; the latter term sometimes
benefit. 2. to buy. 3. to drink. denotes the adorning of an idol. ë83)
&ošx8& To take or levy a s. n. 1. A decree, award, or decisi
fine. &\}cº To collect an as on. 2. an agreement. 3. a settling,
sessment. 33)S.sº està oðox, or final arrangement. 58) or **)
Take further away that book. FS$ v. a. 1. To finish, complete,conclude,
êcºo To draw back, to retire, to re or end. 2, to qualify another. 3. to
treat. & "exoãcºo To draw milk. & settle, decide, or solve. 4. to liqui
ex,38& To open the door. §§sº date. 5. to adorn an idol. 68S9% v.
8& To extinguish the lamp. Kö caus. To cause to finish, &c. $85555
Kºº. A man well qualified. Öses S
Śēcºo To buy goods. Sº Sºo
? A constant, or incurable, sickness.
~ 23). eós's xserº &o 2 öö §§§ 2 ºx s. m. Leisure, opportuni
RPS That gentleman dismissed him ty. W-535.83:So I have no leisure.
from his situation. X oºcºo To
is "cºº) A crow to cross
grind sandal wood. Tº êcº To
from the left, to the right side, which
dig a well ºšcº. To discover the Hindoos consider a good omen.
traces. *ēēcºTo shew the road. 8X3ºx,68.) To remove fear. 5x5
$o Rºsa The head-ache has &) To revenge. Koścº)
ceased. =&ºeºsº The
To solve a doubt. ~3-stºs"
water in the tank is diminished.- ST"
Ko To quench thirst.
§5& To have pain in the legs. T. ëSS. s. n. Duty, customs.
3ºxyºcº&The cloud to be dispelled. §§§o s. n. 1. Water. 2 water in which
§§§cº To dishonor one, Fos an idol or sacred stone has been ba
êº To be thirsty. Tºcº. To
beat. §§s ºº To carry away, Ö thed, used in administering oaths to
§§§ 5 $) To bring. the Soodras, and constituting the

§ox 299 §3 &º

common drink of the Brahmins. hot, S. n. The tree termed Rottlera

3. any holy place, or place of pilgri tinctoria.
mage ; but especially such as are si T. &c & or òoß) v. a. To pluck; to
tuated along the course of sacred gather; to break off.
streams, or in the vicinity of some T. &oë3 s. n. A piece of sugar cane.
sacred spring, or piece of water.
adj. Wicked, mischievous, impudent.
T. 8eºs. n: 1. Beauty. 2. manner, mode, &oë255&o s. n. Impudence. &oe»
way, adj. Beautiful. 2's beº. 6 s. n. A wicked or impudent person.
A person of peculiar temper, or ha &oeºsºcºs s. n. The Hindoo cu
bits. - -
pid, whose bow is of sugar cane. .
T. 85 s. m. wide Öx. T. &oº s. n. plu. The hips, or loins. -

—e —ſo

T. &oº s. m. wide 0xso ºf under ºx. s. &cºo s. n. 1. The face. 2. the

mouth, or beak. dº
rub. 85& s. n. (from s. ëS))
s. &oë s. n. 1. A bird. 2. a young ele
Speed, swiftness, haste, hurry, adj. phant. * -

Speedy, quick. ë58oº v. a. To

T. &očS or §o 330 s. n. A piece
hasten, or hurry. *
&oãotS v. a. To cut into pieces.
s, 55&cºs s. n. A fisherman, fowler, s &o:5&o s. m. The belly. §oà adj.
or hunter. -

Pot-bellied. 2. having a large or pro

T. 89& or 53 s. m. wide éx. minent navel. (H. J.3)
s: 6,5, sº s. n. 1. videºs. 2. heat. T. &oSººs s. n. A wicked, or mis
adj. Hot adv. Much, excessively.
chievous, person.
se §§º s. n. 1. Heat, warmth, pun T. &o:3)&ex or &oić) Š s. n. plus 1.
gency. 2. haste, hurry, adj. 1. Hot, Thin rain. 2. spittle accidentally eject
warm, pungent. 2. zealous, active, ed, when one speaks with emphasis.
keen, intelligent. 3. sharp. 4. quick.
T. &oºje, ºo v. n.To agitate,or move.
T. &oxx; s. n. The long grass, used as s. &oošo s. n. Along gourd. Soł)
food for elephants.
s, &cKºy Čy s. n. The river Toomboo s, n. The plant itself.
T. &s sº s. n. Estimate, or valuation.
- dra, in the Indian peninsula, which
forms at present the northern boun T. & s. n. Any worthless, or use
dary of the dominions of the East In less, thing, adj. Useless.
dia Company, with those of the Ni s. & s. n. Offspring, children.
s & 83 s. n. An arrow.
s. &ox& &c. adj. 1. High, elevated, s &ºº &c. adj. 1. Void, empty. 2.
lofty. 2. chief, principal. 3. passionate, small, little, 3, abandoned, deserted.
300 $38
. §§º s. n. A violent gale, or storm.
. &#x3 s. n. Haste, hurry, adj. Has
ty, hurried.
(A. co's 3|a) -

ºar-oxos v. n. To spoil. v. a. To . §§oočS or &S S. lls wide &

& So.
disregard, or contemn.
o & Soe)S. s. m. 1. A mingled, or tu
T. & & s. m. wide Sööox^e)So.
multuous combat; uproar, clangour,
- &# s. n. 1. A bee-hive. 2. a small
tumult; tumultuous sound, or noise.
quantity of spoilt grain, useless hair,
adj. Tumultuous, noisy.
T. &º s. n. A tree, so called.
- tºx, s. n. A snake, so called.
&º s. n. The plant termed
. &^*S v. a. To wipe, to rub, to Phlomis indica.
clean. §§§) s. n. 1. A wiping. 2. T. & v. n. To sneeze. s. n. A sneeze.
an erasure, ºr blotting out. &^%)?) T. & Rºº, s. n. A very large black wild
& To be blotted. bee.
T. & s. n. A kind of drum. &8ox3355S-0-8:38 oxsºo or &&X&o
s. n. A horse. º
T. & 89*. s. n. The poplar leaved
sida. Sida populi folia. &öcºšāošo s. n. The citron.
& s. n. The end, or point. §§ &8s s. n. A mussulman, adj. Of 9.
& The very point. & At last. belonging to that tribe. (P. Cſjº
. &SS or &Roº s. n. A piece, or bit. A turk.)
&R'cº v. n. To be cut to pieces. v. . & Ovoº cosº, &c. adj. Attached to a
a. To cut to pieces. &Kocº v. n. To particular object, or pursuit. s. n. At
be broken to pieces, & Košo v. a. 1. tachment to a particular object, or
to cut to pieces; to kill. pursuit.
. &S"o s. n. A peculiar weighing Gs $375°oo" s. n. A head ornament, in
machine. the shape of a feather. 2. a nosegay.
- &SAF, woºocºs Sº Tl, A. tailor. & Cº."<voc & s. n. A name of In
. &W-8 s. n. A gun, musket, or match
$8 s. n. 1. A brush, or a fibrous stick,
lock. (H. ( gºes-ºxºes To used by weavers, to clean and sepa
load a gun. & ºvš-š"ex)+& To fire rate the thread from the woof. 2. a
weaver's shuttle.
a. gun.
&S s. n. A small bush. TUD. & 8 & So or && & s. n. (from s.
T. & Sºe» s. n. vide &oº)&ex. *Sèë) Speed, haste, adj. Quick, &
*śS. s. n. Rust.
&#398) Quick time in music.
301 &r-23
- &B& se. adj. numeral. Fourth. s. &or &&. s. n. The husk of grain,
&& X3 v. 2. To stuff in. S. & Yºo or &&. "Sº s. n. 1.
&S$o s. n. Powder, dust, small Snow, frost. 2. thin rain, mist.
e • r ..
bits. v. a. To reduce to small bits, or . §§ s. n. 1. Pleasure, satisfaction,
to powder. gratification. 2. advantage, profit.
& scº s. m. wide & S. & "$3 s. n. Hanging. & "Scècº v.a.
&8$º &c. adj. 1. Fourth 2 spee To hang, & "S&"K, s. n. A gibbet.
dy, hasty.
. & "cº v. n. 1. To sleep. 2. to be
. &Sesox8) or §eº X') s. n. Splendour,
weighed. s. n. Sleep, drowsiness. &vc
brightness. &ee oxboº v. a. To
shine. tº v. a. To weigh. & "30% v. caus.
. &e:SSo v. a. To dress with flowers. To cause to weigh. &Tºs s. n. A
s, n. A female's hair, tied in a tuft. weight. -

tº s. n. Speed, haste. T. & "cºs s. n. A hole. & "cº-x. To

&e s. n. 1. A balance, or pair of
scales. 2. the sign Libra, in the zodiac.
make holes. & “s & v. n. To be
torn ; to have holes. &-c &S$3& v.
3. resemblance, likeness, similarity.
n, l. To have holes. 2. to sustain loss.
. Šešo s. n. The weight of one ru
pee, or 30 Canteroy fanams. . & & "3 s. n. The aquatic plant
&oº s. n. The purple stalked basil. termed Pistia stratiotes.
Ocimum sanctum.
&º s. n. The film or fibres of the
&er-8'3 s. n. An ornament for the lotus ºcê The swan, which
feet. is said to feed on these fibres.
. &ex); s. n. A low, impudent, or mis
chievous person, adj. Impudent.
& "toº orº s. n. A quiver.
&vèc X Ot & ºx s. n. A kind of
&*S* &c. adj. Like, resembling,
butterfly, often seen before rain.
equal, or analogous.
T. &; v. n. To be elated ; to shew
& 3) s. n. An arrow. & "3&^3).5
pride. s. n. Pride; joy.
Š. The 22d lunar mansion, from
it's similitude to an arrow.
. & SöSo s. n. An astringent taste. . & ©º 3 s. n. A drain, a water
adj. Astringent. COutSe.
$358 s. n. The grain termed doll, kun
dooloo, or pigeon pea. Citysus cajan. &"º sº s. m. A bull without horns, :
though of an age to have them.
~. §§§§ s. n. A shower, or drizzling
rain. º & "ºst & s. n. A beardless man.
§yro 302 Töo:3)
* *

T, *** s. n. 1. A sluice, or floodgate. bed, becomes electrically attractive,

2. a drain, or water course. 3. a cer lit. attracting-grass, ºyºo \S) & Sº
tain Indian measure, in the Tamil s, n. A palmtree, of any kind; as
termed a mercal.

& '8 s. n. 1. Drizzling rain. 2. a kind

the cocoanut, date, &c. &yeo *S*s

of aquatic animal, & '89 v. n. To s. n. A bamboo. §yºo O'23S, s. n.

drizzle as rain. the cocoanut tree. §yeo Wycºs
T. &-8 s. n. A time; as Tºys & '8 adj. Contemptible, trifling, easy. §).
Once. rösöoº v. a. To disregard, to con
temn. tºyºs'83, S. n. Contempt,
. & '83 or & '89) s. n. The east.
adj. Eastern. disregard.
&’s s. n. 1. Speed, velocity, §§cº, &c. adj. Third. §§cº
swiftness. 2. haste, hurry, adj. Spee Syö So adj. Thrice ploughed.
dy, swiftly. ë) & s. n. Satisfaction, content, plea
T, & Tºyº, OT &r-o-S Soº v. a. To sure. §) & &c. adj, Satisfied, pleas
ed. .
winnow grain, lit. to lift to the east §§ Or §§ s. n. 1. Thirst. 2, wish,
8, &-& s, n. Any musical instru
Iments . Têo's "cº s. n. ride Têsos "cº.
T. T363 s. n. vide Tèboš.
T, &"eº v. n. To enterin.
. 3o4& or 3oſſ) v. a. The causal form
&"eº v. a. To speak contemp
tuously of another. ofºº q.v. To break, or tear, as ap
plied to ropes, threads, &c., or to the
§"e:So s. n. Cotton.
artificial holes bored in the ear or
& "0s s. n. 1. A painting brush, or nose for ornaments. Tºš Čovº To
pencil. 2. a pen. 3. a mattress, or quilt. break a rope, or string ; figuratively,
4. a bed; a down or cotton bed. this phrase denotes either to ruin a
se & "96 s. n. The silk cotton. person, to destroy every support he
T. & "ex v. n. 1. To faint, grow feeble, may have, or, applied to females, to
stagger, or reel. 2. to hang down. §yo
become a widow, from the custom, on
Öotº v, caus. To cause to faint, &c. a husband's death, of breaking the
s: Ötos s. n. 1. Grass, or any grami string which ties the Gºº q.v.
neous plant, including reeds, corn, 50% s. n. A widow.
&c. 2, any thing as contemptible as 3039 v. n. To sleep.
grass, or straw. tºyºo Cºyº S. Il,
ºść) s, n. 1. Bravery, daring. 2, li
Amber, or any gem, which being rub-l berality, 3, a breaking, vide Túciº -
Tö833 303 TöS
tº J

tºo:35 s. n. A brave or liberal person. Tº s. n. 1. An oar, or paddle, 2, a

es. 38 adv. Undesignedly, unin wooden ladle.
Török X3 s, n, vide 3ex X3- 3&ots,
To translate or turn into Teloogoo.
TSs bisºcºs s. n. making in the
T. &A s. n. Way, road.
plural º ostes A thief T. &y s. n. A raft, or float.
3X s. n. Sort, kind, or class.
3X*, *S v. n. To die, or expire. § Sºyee) - 3:4) ex-º- Tö%)
X*S.) v. a. To kill, or assassinate. 733Neº v. n. 1. To recover
€552x) or

ºx’s v. a. To censure, or chide. from illness. 2. to escape from danger.

3×3 v. n. 1. To be broken, as applied 3. to be cautious.
to ropes, threads, &c., or to the holes TěšNeºšex or Tºšćex v. n. To
in the nose or ears for ornaments, increase, or exceed.
also to the banks of lakes or tanks. 2. ºss adv. Quickly.
353% s. n. Phlegm.
to be cut with a sharp instrument, 3.
to be sharp; to cut, as applied to such
instruments. 4. to die. 3x3% v. a. 1.
to kill. 2. to dare. 3. to break a rope,
: T35-3) otS. v. a. To move, or shake.
º, s. n. vide º:3 wet. adj. Wet.
Tösö.e., s. n. (from T. &eº food.) The
&c. TŠXočo or 3Åotº v. n. To wind ; as dispelling wet.
dare or venture, 3XR-3 To speak & s. n. A screen, curtain, or blind.
rigorously. TSX 3& To cut off. 3 ºš 1. A screen-mat. 2, a ship's
X}^á Ploughing, sail. Tººsw- adv. At intervals.
T. Tº s. n. Disease, sickness. *** s. n. 1. A way, road, or path.
T. Töö5 s. n. 1. Sharpness. 2. liberali 2. mode, manner.
ty, daring. -
T. 353- 383 or 38% s. n. vide 3e03,
Sº) v. a. To bring. Rºys"& W. under §eº.

comp. To bring for one's own advan T. 3507," adv. Loudly.

tage. wº &YSTK To recoverone's T. ºx v. n. 1. To open, or disappear,
senses. &FSyºğ tº NSTS To un as clouds. 2. to move. -

derstand, to recollect. lit. to bring to

T. ... ºš) or 385 s. n. 1. An opening.
2. a way, road, or path. 3. manner,
one's mind. 3&Yokº v. caus. 1. To
cause to bring. 2. to send for any means. 4. order, arrangement. Töö
$8 A traveller. & Rºw & Sºc & A
thing. -

highway-man. Sº 385% *sº

º s. n. A bound-hedge, round a
Dont go near him. Have nothing to
city, or fort. say to him.
+3) 304 T#33

33%) &S3 s. n. Confusion of T. 3ex,&oi="c & s. n. An oil-monger,

(H. J.2% oil)
Töeo or º: adj. Open. s. n. A plain.
. §exciº s. n. The Telongoo lan
Feºs s. n. Wisdom, prudence. guage, adj. Of or belonging to that
: Kºeocº s. m. wide Tºejić).
3es to or 3e39 to v. a. To open. 3
e53 s. m. l. An opening. 2. disclo
language, or country. This word is
written ūjöox - ÖSox - TöexycN3

sure. 3. cessation, suspension. 4. an or Fºº For the derivation of

interval. 5. leisure. these words, I refer the reader to
3e3ex v. n. 1. To pervade, as scent, the introduction to my Teloogoo
or perſuine. 2. to flow over, in boil grammar. 307, sex, The original
ing. WebS exy v. a. To cause a per Soodras of Telingana.
fume to pervade. 373 s. n. rid.sºs.
Töeºs s. n. A woman.
r. 397, ex) s. n. plu. vide Tº ex5c X3. -
Tº or º) s. n. The colour white.
30 s. m. wide º. Tº - 39 or $º adj. White, fair.
. 39S &c.3 s. n. The flour of the se Těe 3e3"<) To become pale, 3
samum seed, after oil has been ex expº) s. n. 1. Whiteness. 2. semen
pressed from it. virile. 3. gonorrhoea. §§§§§o or
Tºcº v. n. To be understood, Tºs s. n. Whiteness. Tº adj.
known, conceived, or comprehended. Apparent, evident, obvious.
This verb is always used imperson T. Tög S"eº v. n. (from T. º white,
ally, with the dative case; as, & "3 and T. S"e29 to become.) To dawn,
"Sex Sºº Do you understand 2
Tö3)?oos Or Tºey'SSK, It is under. to grow white. Tºes s. n. The
dawn, the morning. 3, TSJoeyg
stood. I know. So. 353& To have
the use of one's sight. Têexº) v. a. Until dawn, or morning. Tºbo
$$, or Tºº) To wake until
to explain, or make known. Têex S
§ No v. comp. To understand, to dawn, or morning. Sºº-S lit.
business to become white. To be dis
know. Fºčíčex)\\? The ship
appointed, or ruined; to become
appears. 303.33:S To explain; to bankrupt.
scº TCŞ A blind
T. Tāº v. n. To overflow, in boiling.
man. 30&#& To inform, tell,
or make known. Tê93) or § 5)3)3 s.
T. Tööex) s. n. vide Töö ex
n. Understanding, intellect. T. Těš334.9 s: n, vide º,
"33 305 (S^3X3

r. §§s s. n. Understanding, intellect. T. & v. vide º).

T. 3x s. n. The sprout of the palmyra T. & s. m. wet, damp adj, wet,
nut, when first planted. -
T. Tºxº adj, wide & wasted by T. &S3 s. n. vide 33,539.
use, as applied to coins. *3x3x3-s: T. 3& r. n. To waste, by being
A smooth, rubbed, or wasted fanam. handled, used, or rubbed.
rup. Tºxºs s. m. wide TS XSo under T. 38 adj. Free of cost, or charge. -3
*S*oº. o 883 or 33-Rs Grafis ;
for nothing.
s. m. 1. Splen T. 38% S. n. An idol car; a car v. n. 1.

s. 33s, or º
dour, light, lustre.
O o
2. fame, glory.
- To be saved from danger, to recover
238ex) or º v. n. To shine, or from illness. 2. to reach. S & 33 To
gleam. be finished, or ended. 335-5, To
Tº or 33 s. n. A horse. recover one's strength; to be conva
s. Tºº &c. adj. 1. Sharpened, lescent. §§x: s. n. The settle
whetted. 2. polished, burnished. ment of an account; a conclusion.
Tºcº s. n. 1. Clearness, purity. 2. T.
-6 –ſº
Tºšešš"sº-, 3, Or Töe33-33 V a.
beauty. 3, a clear understanding, adj.
1. Clear, pure. 2. handsome, beauti (from T. & © q.v.) To gaze ear
nestly, to look steadfastly.
Tâcºes tº
ful. 3. evident, obvious.
To clear up, to explain. ºces:
t. Seº v. n. To be clarified. Tºy
To be clear, or evident. v. a. To clarify.
T. &cºs s. m. wide &º,”. 1. Tº s. m. A scorpion. v. n. I. To
T. Tāra) v. a. To belch. 3:3:6) S. n. float. 2. to be settled, or arranged. 3.

A belch. to settle, or fix, on a person. Tºšex5"o

Téa s. n. The day of the solar * The scorpion's sting. T3eo-ovº
ºs s. n. Honev. The sign Scorpio. 300 K. v. caus. I.
y 35.3.x A bec.
To cause to float, &c. 2. to glance,
†ses - 3:3's or º
s. n. Honey-comb. 3 SS^ee s.ſ. as applied to the eyes. 35s s. n.
plu. A kind of sweet-meat. 35 Lightness, adj. 1. Light, 2. easy,
O' A spirituous liquor, made of simple.
honey. s. 393& s. n. 1. Oil. 2. ointment.
Tö3 s. m. 1. A raft, or float. 2. in T. S"ox5 s. n. Splendour, brightness.
crease. 3. lightness, slightness. 4. a adj. Splendid, bright, sparkling.

time, i

t. 3 ox3 v. n. To sleep. 5*ox33x3

& 3 306 C޺ **S

v. m. To lie down, or recline & Cº with buildings on each side, of one

or more of which the native houses
<-- $3 v. a. To peep. consist. - -

T. &"oë3 adj. Former. s. n. The joint & ©ss-S."& ©) or Sºy

of the hip.
Sºot; s. n. 1. A chamelion. 2. that 33s v. n. To be perplexed, or con
animal, of the lizard kind, commonly fused. & Cº.) --~ Ot 3-y-
at Madras termed the bloodsucker. & s. n. Confusion, perplexity.
5°o:::$o s. n. An elephant's trunk. Sº s. n. A child's cradle.
sºo-ºo v. a. To be constantly
&º s. n. The thigh. &º &
hurrying another. s. n. The merchant or Vysya cast :
Sºo-jö s. n. 1. Trouble, annoy
ance, plague, vexation, 2. danger. as sprung from the thigh of Brumha.
3, distress.
(5°&ox3 or $*%CX3 v. a. 1. To
(Sºcº Sºo s. m. Boiled juice of ta dress, or put on, as clothes, &c. 2. to
marinds, mixed with two or three prepare. 3. to place the arrow on the
kinds of vegetables. bow. 4. to begin, or commence. Sº
T. (S^oºsa or $*º adj. Ninety. ê š) s. n. An ornament.
TU D. Sº s. n. 1. The skin. 2. a hide. Šºć's 33° S) v. a. contracted from
3. the rind of fruit. 4. the bark of a & Sºº), under Sºx's, q. v.

$*š €3 s. n. Distress.
S^*S v. a. 1. To obtain. 2. to ex
-U– cite, to provoke. 3. to hesitate in
Sº v, a 1.To tread; to step 2 to speaking.
trample on. 3. to pound, or bruise, $ºëzºo v. m. To be perplexed, or
certain fruits, or cretain garins with confused.
a little water. s. m. Any thing thus (3°&º s. n. The foot stalk of a leaf,
pounded. Sº#, oº, v. caus. To
fruit, or flower.
cause to tread, &c. Šºšeš s. n. A cow.
T. S*X s. m. A water-lily.
T. S"X& or $*NSS s. n. 1. Red co T. Sº, v, a 1.To dress, or put on as
clothes. 2. to place the arrow on the
lour. 2. red coloured thread. adj. bow. s. n. A dress ; dress. Öº?\o
Red Sºx&$ 99% Aparrot: +& v. caus. To cause to dress, &c.
from it's red beak. S*X-X3S"K, or sº §3 v.
T. &^3 s. n. A manger; a trough, post comp. To dress, & 27' 835 & 3 A
pos. Together with, in company with
&";sº s, n. An open square, gold covering.
Jºeyc 3 07 Sºcs'
Šºšš s. n. (from T. sºx's q. v.) move, or step aside; to get out of
Carnal connexion. the way. v. a. To transgress, 3°ocño
& eoc NS v. a. To begin, or com & v. a. To remove, or change from
mence. & eº) v. a. To be constant one place to another.
ly repeating the same words. & 9 s. n. A hole, or cavity; a hol
& "exoS v. n. To wave, or be agitat low, adj. 1. Former, previous.2. old,
ed, as water. v. a. To agitate water ancient. 3, first, adv. In former, or
with the hand. ancient times. 3°3)ooººoº-oº) s.
&º s. n. A female maid-servant, or n. A cow which has calved for the
slave. -

first time. & O Fößo s. n. Sunday,

S’s s. n. One of the divisions in an the first day in the week.
orange, and in other similar fruits. & ex) adj. First.ó"exys 8 or S^exy
T. &"KAoºs v. n. To lie down, or re T'S The first rainy season. Š"ex
cline; to repose one's-self. boº v. n. To rain for the first time
Sºrºs v. a. To spoil. in the season. 3"exp$33) (from T.
T. *** adj. Nine. §§§) eating.) The ceremony ofgi
T. & asso s. n. A woman. |: ving solid food to a child, for thefirst
TUD. 5°6 s. n. from s. *S*. q. v. time; generally performed in the
sixth month. & exps"Yºº At first.
T. (5°öX3 v. n. To shed.
T. &^6389& s. n. A gimblet. 3"exº v. n. wide 6"ecº.
T. ô"Sex v. n. To be mixed. & ex & or $*ex) v. a. 1. To per
T. 3°35'8 adv. Well, properly. forate. 2. to carve wood. 3. to cleanse,
& 32% v. a. To reduce the heat of or rinse, a pot, or vessel.
boiling water, by pouring cold water sº adv. In former times. Sºo's
into it. adj. Former. -

& ebXS v. n. To slacken, or become &^3).o.º. v. a. wide Sºoº.

Sº S. m. A small instrument, for
stee-sº or 3 e5 s. n. A hole,
or cavity; a hollow.
& 3 s. n. A water-lily.
sº § S. n. A maim, or defect. & "S&S s. n. vide Sºx83. *

Sºx' S. m. plu. Cattle. Šºšš' SºS v. a. wide §§S.

A cow-house. &^-5°: or $*:::s postpos. With, a
§ exs. n. vide 3"S. long with ; the sign of the social ab
**cº v. n. 1. To remove, or go
from one place to another. 2. to T.
Sºcs s. n. A tail. Sº, sº sºn.
S*:S 308

A comet, lit, a tailed star. Sº sºo thread. 4. to dig. Sººs"K. v. a.

+& To wag the tail. (from T. S. & q.v.) 1. To take with.
& S So s. n. A child, offspring. v. n. To curdle, as milk. sº:SS"fo
T. Sºs"Ko v. vide &S"Ko, under &*č) To take away, along with one’s-
(Sºs. self; to lead, or conduct, away. Sº
s’s, So s. n. 1. Green or unripe Sºść) To bring,along with one's-
barley. 2. the wax of the ear. self. Sºº (from T. § 3 shade.)
&x3 v. m. wide &-cx3. Aid, and protection. 3 & 2"ex, The
small quantity of water put into
&c & v. n. This verb is used im the pot into which one milks a cow,
personally, with the dative case, and &c. This is the custom throughout
denotes To think, conjecture, or India; it being deemed unlucky to
conceive. rºes: "Sºssº. & I draw milk into a vessel quite empty.
think so. It appears, or seems S0, to $*?sº s. n. A little, a small quan
in e. tity.
T. Sºce, s. n. A garden. Sºvcº, Sºx s. n. Awolf.
or Sºcºs s. n. A gardener. C޺*: or $**ā’s adv. Immediate
& & s. n. 1. Asquib or cracker. 2. ly, forthwith.
a cartridge. 3°-cryºs s. n. Assistance, aid.
Sº postpos, vides’-3’ cº Sº v. 1. To come 2 to ac-"
Sºcºxº Sºcº A sisor
ter, or brother; as born with one’s- Sºjº s. n. 1. A stick, or bam
self. Sºã5°ºex (from T. Sºe» a boo, with a short iron head, used for
daughter-in-law.) The wives of guiding the elephant. 2. any goad,
two brothers to each other; joint
or pike, for driving cattle.
sisters-in-law. *&cºcº (from S. 3'35% s. n. 1. A goad. 2. pain;
T. eºcºs a son-in-law.) The hus affliction from disease, &c.
bands of two sisters to each other;
T. &’s s. n. Batter, paste.
joint brothers-in-law. T. Sº s. n. A cap; a hat.
Sº s. n. 1. A companion, or asso T.
Sºğ) s. m. 1. A grove, or tope as it is
ciate. 2. assistance, aid. 3, a word
termed in India; a tuft of trees. 2. a
equivalent to an oath, corresponding
with the English by, in such phrases push. adj. Red.
as by heaven, &c. v. a. To draw, or T. Sºº s. n. vide Sºcº
take up, as water from a well or pots. sº.

2. to draw aside. 3. to wind up as s. 3’s Sösº s. n. An iron crow.

3-8s 309 ($, $

- Sºro s. n. A string of flowers, &c. union of song, dance, and instrumen

T. 3 & v. A. l. To rub. 2. to clean. 3. tal music. -

to beat. Sºos v. caus. To cause - &S §§o &c. adj. Left, quitted, relin
to rub, &c. ào;3°º To clean the quished, abdicated, deserted, aban
teeth. doned. .

. Sºcº s. n. A cloud. *Secº, v.a. To abandon, quit, leave,


, & CŞSo s. n. Water. Stoºrºº

... Q or resign. TSX& s. n. 1. Gift, do
nation. 2. generosity, liberality, mu
So (from s. Kršs a spy.) A frog. nificence. 3. relinquishing, resigna
. Sº s. n. 1. A rarity; anything tion of TSX s. n. A giver, a donor.
strange. 2. association. Ú%) v. a. To churn.
Sºcº v. a. 1. To push, propel, Uğ) 3 s. n. Shame, modesty.
thrust, or shove. 2. to reject. 3. to
annul, to dismiss. 4. to deduct. Sºo (8, 95 or 5, 9K3 s. n. 1. Tin.
ºcºo To push, &c. out ; to reject, 2. lead.
annul, &c. altogether.
Újºs adj. Three s. n. The three.
. Sºros s. n. A string of leaves, Se (3) ox) s. n. The three Vedas col
flowers, &c. or sometimes of cloth,
lectively; that is omitting the Udur
van veda, which, not being a text
hung over the door-way, or across book for the customary religious rites
the high road, on joyful or triumphal of the Hindoos, is considered very
occasions. -

- Sºssº avow s. n. A false diamond. commonly, rather as an appendix to

the other three, than a fourth work
&’8<s. n. 1. A bracelet. 2, a string of equal authority. Ö oxy-oš Kocło
worn on certain religious occasions, The sun; as celebrated throughout
round the wrist. 3. beauty. 4, large the Vedas.
mess adj. Beautiful. 3, 55-83 & adj. Thirteenth.
. Sºo s. n. 1. The skin of man or ū) &rvº s. n. The thirteenth lu
beast ; the rind of fruit ; the bark of nar day of either the dark, or light
a tree. 2. leather. v. a. To drive ; to fortnight.
drive away. & ©otS v. caus. To - ū) £S v. a. wide §§S.
cause to drive, &c. Sºexpº"exy Siva, Ü §§§o s. n. A piece of straw.
as clothed in skin. Stor-ºw A \ºy ŠSo &c. adj. Moveable, locomo
drum. tive.
T. Sºs s. m. wide 3's. ū, Kºs s. n. A shuttle.
*SQ, sº s. n. Symphony; the Ü & ad. Timid, fearful.
. Sº U
Üß s. n. The lower, or under |s. 8, 3 o'Skºo adj. Third.
ls à, ºocºs s. n. A god, or deity.
part. adv. Down, below.
Vºy c:S s. m. wide Ú"& No. 2. Ú) 2678 °eocºöSSo Indra's heaven.

~5-, 22 s. n. Strength, power, abili {}, &$5 SS) s. n. Heaven.

ty, capacity. Üßcºs s. n. A god, or deity.

-Ey", cos So s. n. Protection.
Jºy Uyº, C & s. n. Siva ; as having
tº or Gºjūº &c. adj. Preserv three eyes.
ed, guarded, saved, protected. Se
Q,&#X s. n. The river Ganges;
Uğ) 3) v. a. wide Ú"CX3. as flowing through earth, heaven,
Gºjšs s. n. 1. Fear, terror. 2. a and hell.
flaw, or defect, in a jewel. Ü) §§§o s. n. A place where three
Ty") SS s. n. A pair of scales, a ba roads meet.
lance. (P. 23;) Józºosºcºs s. n. A name of
Siva. -

\ºy oš & adj. Thirty. \ºyºs v. a vide 83S.

Se ãº, S. s. n. 1. A triangular frame, or,
bar, across the mouth of a well, over (9) āes s. n. The three myroba
which passes the rope of the bucket, lans.
or to which one end of it is tied, to Cyß-ºre, s. m. plu. The three
guard against it's slipping. 2. a wood principal Hindoo deities; viz. Brum
en frame at the mouth of a well, or
ha, Vishnoo, and Siva.
the upper part of the well. 3. a frame T. Ubyss,8 v. n. To wander; to travel.
at the bottom of a well, on which the
masonry rests. 4, the lower part of the
S. (b) cº-sº s. n. Night.
spine. S. Sy é)ox& adj. vide Šexxx3.
Ú) Ś &S & s. m. The aggregate of Wyºr's s. n. The three worlds, viz.
three spices; that is, black pepper, heaven, earth, and hell.
dry ginger, and long pepper. Jerºes s. n. Siva as having
Üy s: 33 & s. n. One of the fifty
three eyes.
six countries, enumerated by the
Úy?(5) & CŞe s. n. Vishnoo; from
his crossing the three worlds, in three
Gyêves s. n.1. A mountain with steps, to the discomfiture of Bali.
three peaks. 2. the name of a moun Ú) & s. n. Heaven.
tain in the Indian peninsula.
Uy Nºs.)& s. n. Ground thrice (9) ār; s. n. The Ganges, lit. with
ploughed. three braids of hair.

& 31 l &cé5

\S) °NS v. n. 1. To die. 2. to be name of Viswacurma; the artist of the

broken. © oiº v. a. 1. To kill. 2. gods.
to break. vide &otº. & Or & S. n. 1. Light, splen
Cº. v. n. vide &š. dour. 2. beauty. e

T. Ú/5-53 v. a. To attain, to obtain. *}^*) s. n. The hilt, or handle of

T. a sword, &c.
Ü% v. n. To fall.
\º SSS. s. n. Beauty. adj. Beauti $
Géjà Or 3 y Teºxºs. n.The * The thirty-second letter, and seven
second, or silver age of the world. teenth consonant, in the Teloogoo
The conjunction of the Jº, Or ||
alphabet; but no word in the langu
three sacrificial fires. The great sacri age commences with it.
fice, in which these fires are used, &
is supposed to have been introduced
*ill|<>III re
during this period, which contains
1, 296,000 years. & The thirty-third letter, and eigh
\ºyś v. a. wide Šºš . teenth consonant, in the Teloogoo
T. Usº *So or Sº, ºb v. a. To alphabet. It is the fourth letter of the
five termed in Teloogoo grammar, the
Sºjº S. n. A push.
Kößex or soft letters. It is substitu
\º 3 s. n. A beak; a bill. ted for initial 3, when words begin
T. \ºycº v. a vide Sfcº. ning with ē are preceded by any of
Gºys s. m. wide sº. those belonging to the class termed
drootupracrootooloo, or by nouns in
ÚSºcº s. n. Sica. $/Scoš the nom. case, even used accusative
§ 39CŞS Cubera, the god of riches, ly, or by any part of the verb ending
and friend of Siva.
in s, &, and *, or by the words
§§§ s. n. The skin, rind, bark, or exº-gº and º.
čotº v. a. To pound, bruise, or
ëSºyºyº S. n. A blotch, scab, or
beat in a mortar. &cNS & adj. Poun
cutaneous eruption.
§§§ or “Söö& s. n. Haste, hurry,
speed, swiftness. & Sº v. n. To
T. &oº s. n. 1. A dexterous, clever, or
be in a hurry. Sº adv. Quickly, intriguing person. 2. a couple, or
hastily. pair, adj. Two. This word, affixed to
*S*. s. n. 1. A carpenter. 2, the others in composition, denotes an

XSo-Cº 312 Šoš

agent, or possessor. & oëºx Twins. s. &oč s. n. A staff, or mace-bearer.

<oë3:3:S To league, or combine. T. &oã adj. Abundant, plentiful.
T. &oº s. n. A stalk. s. 250&otº v. a. (from s. Soššo No.
T. &oš s. n. A garland, wreath, or neck 2. q.v.) To punish, to chastise.
lace of flowers, &c. postpos. Near. TUD. &cºo or Šošić) s. m. (from s.
s. 260&s Ko s. n. A sort of metre, the &oššo No. 5. q.v.) An army, a mi
stanza of which exceeds 27 syllables, litary force, a camp. Soº A
and may extend to 200. high road. &oºš v. n. To levy an
rep. <o:X s. m. wide &oº. army ; to wage war. -

T. <oºxêcºoe» s. m. plu. A kind of Tup. &o:SX s. n. (from s, Šoššº No.

bracelet, worn by Hindoos between 3. q.v.) 1. A fine. 2. an extra, and
the shoulder and the elbow. unjust assessment.
&c.; RS coº s. n. The arm, between 850 & s. n. A rope, &c., upon
the shoulder and the elbow. which clothes are hung to dry.
&o:38Sc:S s. n. 1. Yama, the regent
. &oºs s. n. A peon, under acutwal.
of death. 2. a king. 3, a potter. s. &c & So s. m. 1. A tooth. 2. ivory.
. 80%99s. n. Ethics, the system of
&oë SºśSSo A tree yielding an
morals taught by Chanakya, and
astringent resin. Mimosa catechu, 2.
a tooth brush.
<o:30 s. m. l. A stick, or staff. 2.
punishment, castigation: 3: a fine. 4. &c & Yê šo s. n. The lime tree.
&otº-sºº So or Šoć s. n. An ele
a measure of four cubits. 5. a column
of troops.ºo: Foºc &A general. phant.
. &otášo s. n. Prostration, salutation, &očº So &c. adj. Having a large,
compliments, respects; the joining of and projecting tooth.
the palms of the hands, in token of s. &oš38otS v. m. To shine.
respect. &o 3 s. n. An implement, with wood
&cºcº 5) s. n. 1. Subjection, or en teeth, used for hoeing up the
conquest, of a region or quarter. 2. a ground, round corn, after the plants
bridal procession. 3. a procession have risen a little in the stalk.
moving in state, or with attendants. &otº adj. Dental; of or belonging
<ožoº-oºo s. n. 1. vide ºxº Scè. to the teeth.
2. Yama, the judge of departed souls. . &oºšč adv. Exceedingly, much.
S &o-ast 35& s. n. Deceit, fraud, ro T . SočS or $o:35 s. n. 1. Procrastinati
guery. on, delay, putting off by false but spe
+, ×o-º-º: s. m. wide #~9. cious promises. 2. indolence, tardi
s. & OtºčSo s. n. Butter-milk. ness, adj. Indolent, lazy.
313 <3
×3. £2 -

. &oº's sº s. n. A snake, or serpent. 1. Occupied unjustly. 2. free of cost,

T.Sossº s, n. (from T. & q.v.) The gratis.
& K, v. a. To hide, to conceal.
ploughshare with which wet ground . &X s. n. Thirst. º
is tilled.
&XöX s. n. Gleam, dazzling.
&oš&ex s. n. plu. Husband and
wife. &X 9’s. n. A double quilted jacket.
&7W" s. n. (from P. Lêcy) Deceit,
&o:3) v. a. vide Šois s. n. Beat
ing, pounding, or bruising. trick, chicanery, imposture.
&o? So s. I). 1. Fraud, deceit, &8 or 8.5 postpos. Near, to
cheating. 2. hypocrisy. 3. sin, wick wards, to, with. &593 v. n. To
edness. 4. arrogance, pride. draw near, to approach. 888 adj.
Near. R-888 & lit. it is not near
&oºë s. n. The thunderbolt of
me. I have not got it.
Indra. T.
& v. n. To cough. s. n. A cough.
§oš & s. n. A gadfly. S.
&& &c. adj. Burnt, scorched, con
*s, *s, * S. n. A
sumed by fire.
large cheektooth, a tusk. **** & Q s. n. The number eight. It is

§§o Or &o? S.
used chiefly in games. Š8)s & ex)
n. A wild boar.
The eight points, or quarters, of the
tud, & 5 & s. n. (from s. 3&to.) -

The south.
&èſ-ooooºo v. a. To threaten, re
primand, or scold.
& v. n. This verb is used im
& adj. 1. Thick. 2. close. 3.
personally, with the dative case, and coarse. s. n. A body, or multitude.
denotes- 1. To come into, or remain
&S s. n. 1. Thickness. 2. closeness.
in, one's possession. 2. to be preserv 3. coarseness.

ed. 3. to be digested. &_oks"> & s. n. The covering, or cork,

v. comp. 1. To obtain, take, or re of large leather bottles, &c.
tain possession. 2. to appropriate & § s. n. A zone, girdle, or waist
to one's-self what belongs to others. band, of cloth ; a sash. &s $5">
3. to preserve, or defend, what is To gird the loins; -to prepare.
one's own. 4. to digest. 83—otº & s. n. Fear, trembling.
v. caus. 1. To place in the possess &é s. n.-A wall of twisted palm
ion of another. 2. to defend, or pre leaves, &c.
serve what is another's. Sº ex adj. || T. § 33 sº s. n. ride ºoºº.
314 &oº
Šiššo &c. adj. 1. Given, presented, T. &S s. n. Thirst. &YR 3 To be
made over, assigned. 2. adopted. 3. thirsty.
preserved, protected. **ść, An &#" s. n. (from A. Axso) 1. A
adopted son. <ºrºšš"K To time, or turn. 2. a certain number of
adopt. §§ or & Sº s. n. peons.
Adoption. &2)& s. n. The noise of knocking,
. & * & s. n. Aflat ceiling, or running. .
tºº Or tº v. n. To be alarm & 2)" oxo~& v. a. To frighten, threat
en, or alarm.
ed, perplexed, confused, or con
founded ; to start. . &.) s. n. 1. A piece of split bamboo,
& s. n. A scar; an inflamed mark or palm tree. 2. a slice of any fruit.
on the skin, from the bite of a mus &^\º s. n. The citron tree.
quitoe, &c. &#80% v. n. To be &ºyáo tº v. a. 1. To beat with open
scarred, or inflamed. hands. 2. to close the mouth of a pot.
Tud. &&. s. n. (from s. &\Sy) The &^\5& s. n. A bodkin; a large
cutaneous disease, named Herpes. pack needle.
&@ s. n. Milk curdled, or coagulated, &yeº s. n. 1. A falsehood, or lie. 2.
spontaneously, by heat, or by the ad a sort of bason, adj. False.
dition of butter-milk, & 5 S& &yºys. n. A wedge, to split pal
Boiled rice, mixed with curdled milk, myras, &c.
and seasoned with mustard seeds, and &axy s. n. 1. vide 698°. 2, the
ginger. cover of a large pot, or vase.
*** s. n. 1. The wood apple. 2. &ex)S adv. Quickly, immediately.
the tree bearing that fruit. & tº , §o adj. Little, small.
& s. n. 1. Self-command, self
&# tº s. n. The name of a Mooni, or
restraint; endurance of painful aus
č5š adv, Until, as far as terities, mortification of the flesh. 2.
taming, subduing.
& C:S s. n. A giant, or asoora. &cºoš9 s. n. The wife of Nala, a
&Koš) s. n. A daughter of Duksha, famous Hindoo monarch.
wife of Kusyapa, and mother of the &\,é s. n. The quarter of a dub;
giants or Titans of the Hindoo my five cash.
thology. & s. n. Wet ground, mud, mire.
&Sº s. n. & adj, vide &º. &#85&vesº, A field watered
&S$ sº s. n. The boiled juice of
tamarinds, mixed with any kind of and prepared for plants.
vegetables. &cº s. n. 1. Favour, goodness, re
838. 315
gard, kindness, graciousness. 2. pity, & eos s. n. An imaginary coin, of
tenderness, clemency, compassion. the value of 8 dubs, or two fanams.
&cºvšššo The quintessence of & s. n. 1. A shell, or conch. 2.
favour, kindness, &c. &cºcº 1. fear, terror.
To favour, to oblige. 2. to be so good 38 s. n. 1. The bank, or shore, of a
as, to do any thing ; to be graci river, &c. 2. a point or endº, a side.
ously pleased, to do any thing. 3. to 4. support, shelter, refuge. 5. means
do one the honor to visit, or come. of subsistence. Sº C޺ox'T"ex3
This phrase is applied in a vast va 35:30ervaSoRooss, 833875-3).3
riety of meanings, according to the & It is four days since he went ; yet,
context; all implying honorific men up to this time, there is no sign of his
tion by an inferior of any act which return, lit, the end is not near.
a superior may do. Šoššš To || &6 s. n. A natural, or artificial exca
recal or withhold favor from an vation, in a mountain ; a cave, ca
object that formerly possessed it; to vern, grotto, &c.
be displeased with an old dependent. T. &55 Ko v. m. To be burnt, or con
s. &cºre® adj. Favorable, compas sumed. ŠēšTexy v. a. 1. To burn, or
sionate, tender. consume. 2. to kindle.
s. &ooš s. n. 1. A beloved female. 2, a G. &B 3 s. n. (from P. Jye) A tailor.
s. & Cº, & &c. adſ. Poor, needy, indi
Tud, & s. n. (from s. 35.) 1. A gent, distressed. 78 &Sº s. n.
deity. 2. a demon, or evil spirit. § Poverty.
cºSº An evil spirit to possess T. &$) s. n. Time, or cadence, in mu
one. &.8°o or scocº G. &S*aš adj. (from P. cº". 3.) cy)
To drive out, or expel, an evil spirit.
In India, it is exceedingly common All, whole, adv. Entirely.
for Hindoo women to be possessed, |s. &&. s. n. A frog.
as the natives believe, with an evil
& Sºcºs s. n. The Hindoo cupid.
S. &\to So s. n. A mirror, a looking
& s. n. Price, value. s . &SS. s. n. Pride, arrogance.
G. & S. s. n. (from P. 6. Kºs s. n. (from P.J [.. y Q) 1.
a request or demand.) A revenue term, A court, or hall of audience. 2. a
- - - -
signifying a proposal, or offer for a || public office. ŠT"yº &s- Dur
rent, or farm. | bar expense implies the sums paid, as
- &5. 316 & 3

bribes, to public servants; or dou T. & SSX s. n. A kind of fragrant leaf;

a sort of balm.
ccurs, given to them, in general with
out stipulating for any positive favor, & S. So s. n. Wild fire; a forest confla
but to ensure general countenance gration.
and support. & F-5 s. n. The belt of a peom.
sº s. n. The sacrificial grass. Poa & adj. Very remote, or distant.
cynosuroides. Koenig. . & or ŠćS s. n. Distance.
&S s, n. 1. A ladle, or spoon. 2. the S$)$o s. n. 1. A military expedition,
expanded hood of a serpent. 88S § or incursion. 2. a gallop.
& A snake, or serpent. . &S s. n. That part of a jacket
& or & so s. n. 1. The day of the which hangs below the waist.
new moon. 2. sight, seeing, looking. &S s. n. Pith; the soft part of wood.
s. &\SSo s. n. 1. Sight, seeing. 2. a S & s. n. 1. Power, authority. 2. the
visit. 3, a sastra, or one of six religi influence of a planet; luck, fortune.
ous or philosophical systems; viz. the 3. a stage of life. 4. the ends of a
Vadanta, Sankhya, Vysheshica, Nyaya, cloth. 5, a wick. -

and the Poorva, and Ottura mimamsa, S & S & adj, numeral. Ten.
38,043 v. a. 1. To shew. 2, to see. & Sºx s. n. A tooth. & S Fºy
3. to visit. 4, to pay unjustly.
s. n. A lip.
&er-5 s. n. (from A. C.JXe).” S, & Kºšo adj. Tenth.
Brokerage, the business of a broker. & £o s. n. The tenth lunar day, of
2. a broker. (A. UXe )&er-55 either the light, or dark fortnight.
*Sex Deceitful words. S & & Cº. s. n. The name of a for
& So s. n. 1. A leaf. 2. a part, portion, mer sovereign of Ayod,ha or Oude,
father of Rama.
or fragment.
& & s. n. 1. Thickness, solidity. 2. & gays, S. n. Part of central
Hindoostan, lying on the south east
videº80xeesadi. Thick, solid.
of the Vindhya mountains.
& Fºº To levy troops. & Fox
A general. &TSSC:s s. n. (from s. & E- ten,
and s. ës face.) A name of Ravana;
. & Kö adj. Thick, solid, coarse, s. n.
as having ten heads.
Thickness, solidity, coarseness.
&öSo &c, adj. 1. Blown, full blown, . &5:305 s. m. A flowered silk gar
expanded. 2. split, divided.
T. & s. n. 1. The jaw. 2, the check, - sº S. n. (from P. LaSºn J)Sig
26 sºo; The double teeth, naturc,
23-o 317 -zºvc)3

burning glass. &-oº. v. a. To

& s. n. (from P. Lººs o A
burn ; to consume.
pass, or order. &ss's s. n. Parvatee, the consort
G. &: s. n. (from P. AX, Y) 1. A
of Siva and daughter of Duksha.
quire of paper. 2, a bundle of 24 ar & 3 s. n. The manager of a family.
roWS. -

& to s. n. A present or gift, of

ready money, offered either to the dei
. & 32” s, ii. (from P.;ºTºwe
ty, or to brahmins.
signature, &c.) A document of any
kind; a proof, or document, in
&rosº s. n. The south. adj. 1.
Southern. 2. right, as distinguished
one's own hand writing.
from left. Šētºcºs Yama,
Gs & s. n. (from P. c.º.o the hand)
the regent of the southern point.
lit. that which has reached the hand. &eocºs s. n. 1. Yama, see above.
The money collected, in contradis 2. a candid, kind, or clever man.
tinction to the 3&, or money out &céo:S s. n. 1. Duksha, a son of
standing unrealized. In revenue Brumha, born from his thumb, for
language, the dust balance is that the purpose of assiting in peopling
which has been realized by some one, the world. 2. a clever, or able man.
as the Reddy, Curnum, &c., from TS"oë s. m. Self-command; the en
the Ryots, but has been withheld by durance of religious austerities.
them from the Government treasu
*S*cs s. n. A pot, with wide mouth.
ry; the shist balance is that which T. CSTS” adv. Until ; as far as.
is still due by, and outstanding T. S"S"Ko v. n. 1. To approach. 2.
against, the Ryots themselves. to meet, or enconnter. 3. to congeal.
&r-5 s. n. (from P_3^*e) . Sºex s. n. (from A. Jºſe) a
Custom, manner. -
revenue term, which denotes-1. An
& $jšo s. n. (from Prºse." entry or insertion. 2. an arrival. Sº
record, register.) A bundle of Writ *exº~& v. a. To enter. Zºo
ten documents, tied together in a e55) To arrive; to be entered.
cloth. 75°x5 s. n. A large winnowing bas
&S& s. n. 1. A thief, a robber. ket.

2. an enemy. 75°CX3) s. n. An anvil.

& "Sºo s. n. 1. Fire. 2, burning; 75°CX3 v. n. To be hidden, or con
especially the burning of a corpse. & cealed; to abscond, or disappear.
#3 "Roc & s. n. The god of fire. § 75°CiS v. a. To hide, or conceal ;
<-Trºexº, A crystal lens, or " to scoret TS"c ºšTK v. comp. To
-zºv S. 3.18 --5-3

hide, or conceal one's-self, or any ~5:5-8 (from s. 35 an enemy.)

thing for one’s own advantage. TS” Vishnoo.
§o tº v. caus. To cause to hide, TU D. ~3, tº s. n. vide SºčSSSo.
&c. &S-ch3) &rº s. n. Blindman's T. zS-38355) v. m. 1. To happen, or
buff. - occur. 2. to be under the influence of
*S*c & s, n. 1. vide $380xee zS-3e) adv. On the left side, or hand.
§3. 2. a jump. v. a. 1. to jump, or
leap. 2. to pass, or cross over. 3. to *S*:33) adj. Left.
.copulate, as applied to cattle. 4. *S*3) s. n. Protection, covering adj.
to go beyond, or transgress. Ts'océ8o Neighbouring, next adv. Near. v. a.
To set as precious stones.
+S v. caus. To cause to jump, &c.
-as "c 355S0 s. n. Concealed property;
G. zsvá or ~% s. n. A beard.
from CŞ"CWS q.v.
T. -as-à s. n. A military expedition, -z5933533 s. n. 1. A wreath, or gar
incursion, irruption, or campaign. land. 2. a string, rope, or cord. "
zsvážoº To prepare for battle. Tºro&c & s. n. Vishnoo ; from his
-ºšS$o s. n. The pomegranate mother having in vain endeavoured
to confine him, while a child, by *
G. rºsº" s. n. (from P. Ajlº) Corn; rope passed round his belly.
horse gram, &c. T. -asſo For; Cºyº s. n. A long string,
zs-3 s. n. A generous, or liberal, per
to tie cattle in a line.
SOll, ~&#Sº s. n. Generosity, li
CŞ"cº s. n. An enemy, or foe.
-as-sºo s. n. 1. Heritage, inheri
as-ºses s. n. The piece of wood, used tance. 2. a present from relations.
to support that which a carpenter -as-os-ea s. n. A distant relation; a
descendant from the same original
S. ~& Sº-> s. n. A gallinule. male stock. ~&-assº s. n. Re
S. -zºo Üß s. n. A sickle.

TaS v8 s. n. A nurse. *ationship, of this distant kind.

zºos. n. 1. Donation, 2. a gift, or T. *-os. m. 1. An anvil, videº.
2. anything on which artificers place
present, 3. the fluid which exudes
from an elephant in rut. ** 5"o: their work.
&O &c. adj. Munificent, liberal, ge T. +5°oro s. n. A nurse, vide º
nerous.*s s. n. 1. A giver, or do T. ~& v. n. To approach, or come
In Car.
nor. 2. an elephant.
S. -CŞ"5 s. n. A wife.
ºvkº)& s. n. A giant, or demon.
-zºº 319 &cº

S. *S*5 Söc:S s. n. The charioteer of ~30& s. n. A fisherman.

Vishnoo. *śs ºw s. n. 1. Power, authority.
S. 75°5& s. n. 1. A certain poison, 2. 2. blustering.
quicksilver. 3. vermilion.
TUD. CŞ"&ºoººo s. n. (from s. ~$8 ~Kººs s. m. wide ºs.
2)oº.) A door-frame. 75°K.8 s. n. An individual of that pe
T. ºč& s. n. A thread, cord, string, culiar cast of Hindoos, worshipping
or rope.
Vishnoo exclusively, who go about
*S*ě s. n. 1. A way, road, or path. 2. begging alms, and often dance in a
manner, mode. 3. conduct, character. frantic manner, with fire in their
4. in composition, it is affixed, to de
note, a possessor; as 33°75'8 A pos *šēº s. n. A very large spe
cies of snake.
sessor of poison. (from P. ple pos
*** s. n. 1. A female servant, or
sessing.) -

slave. 2. a prostitute.
. CŞ"885& &c. adj. Torn; divided. "CS"SC& s. n. 1. A male slave, or
S. 75°& eoso &c. adj. Horrible, fright servant. 2. a fisherman, 3, a man of
ful, terrific, fearful. s. n. Horror, fear. the fourth or Soodra tribe. ~$
s. Sºbě) or CS"& s. n. Wood, timber. So s. n. Slavery.
s, zºº Sºº s. n. The wood. ~$8$º s. n. A camel.
pecker. **śs &c. adj, Born, or sprung,
. Sº s. n. A heap of dung cakes, used from a servant, or slave.
as fuel, piled up, in order to cook 75°3'So s. n. I. Thirst. 2. drink, 3.
any thing. -

ardent desire. CS":3°3533) or zS"3"

G. *Tºyº s. n. Cinnamon. KoR"Ko To be thirsty. CS-3-sºoooo
T. *S*ě s. n. Split pulse. wº) To give drink.
TUD. ~boº s. n. vide 75°35′S$o. resºcºpé s. n. A lunar asterism in
T. 75°% s. n. A tinge, or slight shade,
general. 2, the goddess Parvatee, con
of any colour. sort of Siva.
*%5 s. n. The cheek, or jaw. *-ºs- &c. adj. Southern.
TS"5 So s. n. vide &S&o. zsvá, *S* s. n. 1. Pity, compassion,
*F. s. n. (from A. (53 so) A complaisance. 2. concord, harmony,
claim, suit, or complaint. agreement. 3. partiality.
** 83 s. n. A name of Rama, the S- & CS So s. n. A nit.
son of Dushurudh,a. &ots or ëoº) v. a. The casual form
TS”78°3-oxe-C&S s. n. A name of of 8X q.v. 1. To lower; to let, or
Rºrishna. put, down. 2. to unload from a ship,
8X) 320 A&
to disembark, or land, goods, &c. 3. port. 8X35593& To land, to im
to distil, or extract. 4. to cause a mis port. -

carriage, or abortion. 3.3 &o-So T. & XSexy s. n. 1. Fear, terror, alarm. 2.

To unbrace a bow. §§§oão º To cowardice. -

dispel poison. AotºS’Ko v. comp. T. 8X35 adj. (from T. ANS q.v.) Infe
To lower, &c. for one’s-self. Sº rior. lower, adv. Down, below, un
Ot x&soº’s To cause der.
one's-self to miscarry.
s. ašº s. m. Any one of the eight
T. Abºs s. n. A pillow, cushion, or bol: fabulous elephants, at the points of
ster, adj. Much. the compass.
S- &_s. n. 1. Region. 2. Space. 3. a
T. 835 or ASS adv. Immediately.
corner, or quarter, of the world. 4, a
point of the compass. 5. a side, or tud. §§cº s. n. (from s. āşş-S".) A
large oblong pond.
direction. 6. shelter, asylum, refuge, S. ess &c. adj. Smeared, anointed.
protection. 8.89 To be without Q

S. ańsº s. n. Universal con

S. axozoö$oo &c. adj. Naked. quest. *

T. &X3 v. n. 1. To descend; to come T. & tº) Fºx<x s. n. Disappearance.

down, or off; to go down. 2. to alight, —o

or dismount. 3. to land from a ship, 8 tºxºsé To disappear, to

as applicd to persons; to be unladen, vanish.

landed, or disembarked, as applied T. & s. n. A courageous, firm, gallant,

to goods, 4. to halt; to take up one's stout, or clever person. 5°230 orº
residence. 5. to distil. 6. to become & s. n. Courage, bravery. §§5&
s. n. Cleverness, ability.
less, or abate, as applied to any di
sease. AXCzy’s v. m. 1. To sink, or T. & s. n. 1. Firmness. 2. good or
give way. 2. to remain, or be left be der. Aººs v. ºn To be regulated,
hind. 3. to miscarry. 88 Fºº To or put in order; to agree exactly.
forsake. 3x32% & v. a. To leave, & agºe is v. a. To regulate, or put in
Wo:39 v.a. To make one descend, &c., order; to make right, or proper.
ride ào;3-8Xàcº 1. To decrease, T ****39s. n. A back door; a sally
or grow less, 2 to draw down, or ex port.
pel, an evil spirit, &c. AXK & adv. s. 89 s. n. One of the wives of Kusya
IDown, below. & XS:S s. n. Descent. pa, and the mother of the Daityas, .
adj. Mean, base, low. 8X335569 s. n. or infernal race.

1. Disembarkation, landing. 2. im T. & v, a 1. To correct, or rectify. 2.

: 85 321 § 435

to alter. 3. to erase. 4. to adorn. 5. to & So s. m. 1. Heaven, paradise. 2.

teach. sº s. n. Alteration. 5 the sky.
- 32% v. caus. To cause to correct,
85&o s. n. A day.
35&Sº s. n. Indra, the regent of the
8? & 3) s. n. The second husband of & EJ's & Cº. s. n. The sun.
a woman twice married; a virgin . & F-39s s. n. 1. A barber 2, a Chan
widow remarried.
dala, or man of a low, or impure, cast.
àR & s. n. 1. A solar day. 2. day, as
& Fºošo s. m. A palace, or court.
distinguished from night. §§ 355° a Fáčº s. n. An owl. A sº
(from s. & 23 a precious stone.) The
A very cowardly fellow.
sun. asses s. n. A diary. &S&S à Sºeſ" s. n. Bankruptcy. & Ryveſ”-
& Day by day. êcº or 39%. To become bankrupt;
&SSS or 8Košo s. n. Sort, kind. to declare one's-self bankrupt.
& Rºs. n. 1. A covered raised terrace. 89 s. n. 1. Heaven. 2, the sky.
2. a sand-hillock. 8$2°CŞS or 85 °S Sºcłº s. n. A
8°) s. n. A hillock or eminence; a deity.
heap. . 893 s. m. A flambeau, or torch.
bºy& s. n. An earthen cork, or co &Sº &c. adj. 1. Celestial, divine.
vering, of a vase.
2. beautiful, agreeable, supernatural,
& &Yºo s. m. A light, a lamp. excellent.
& "Sº s. n. Haughtiness, arrogance,
pride, disdain, insolence. -
& FS s. n. 1. A light. 2. a lamp. A FS
Sã A wooden lamp-stand, fastened
à & s. n. Thoughtlessness, giddiness. to the wall.
8&ö A thoughtless, giddy person. aş or 33 s. n. 1. A point of the
733 33,8A constant traveller. compass, or quarter of the world. 2.
& S. n. Pain ; as seasº, the
a direction, a side. 3. space, a region.
a;sº s. n. 1. Fate, destiny, fortune,
& FS, s. n. 1. A sort of rocket. 2. a good or ill luck. 2. time.
wooden cork.
T. & Sºoey s. n. Nakedness. adj. Naked.
T. absº s. n. The tree termed t. §§ s. n. vide 32°3.
Mimosa sirisha.
ຠs. n. Equality, conformity, re
G. AerºRº" s. n. (from P. L.Yo) Com semblance. adj. Equal, conforming
* fort,y encouragement,
sº y consolation.
with, resembling. Šºš'K' To be
abººs s. n. The name of a king, equal, resembling, or in conformity
ancestor of Rama. | with.
§§o 322 33-s-s

§§3 s. n. A ray of light. ëöys adj. Long, s. n. 1. A long

ê5& &c. adj. Poor, indigent, needy, vowel. 2. the connected form of €3,
distressed, miserable, pitiable. à56 viz T. à-sº3 s. n. A cockle. lit.
or Šs &Sºx s. n. Poverty, wretched. long shelled. §§38). A wise, learn
mess, misery. Šišč3 s. n. A poor, ed, or experienced man. lit. long
or miserable, condition, or circum
sighted. §§ys &y Death lit. long.
sleep. Šºš A large or long pond.
ŠFös s. n. A gold mohur, or any
current gold coin. (P.J. (243) à: So &c. adj. Torn, rent. s. n. A
āşşsº s. n. 1. vide *-sos. 2.
à9 s. n. An island.
rhetorical beauty; a certain elegance à flows v. a. To bless, à 55 s. n. A
of construction. 3. a certain bird.
blessing, or benediction.
āşşº s. n. A lamp-stand, made ë. s. n. 1. Engaging in a course of
either of metal, or wood. austerities. 2. a religious vow.
êss& s. n. 1. Hunger. 2. the power &ox s n. A block of wood.
of digestion. &ošX& s. n. Dishonesty, crafti
S. $3Rs. n. 1. vide%3×2. Fenugreek. ness. &cºcº A. fraudulent, or
Trigonella foenum graecum. crafty, man.
§3& s. n. 1. A lamp. 2. a light. Š3 &oë s. n. A male buffalo.
*& A lamp-stand. 83% ºw &očoã) s. n. 1. The fifty-sixth year,
Lamp-black, soot. §§otº To shine. in the Hindoo cycle of sixty. 2, a
Ass?? To light a lamp. lit. to drum.
place or put a lamp. Šºv-oº: The &o:3 s. n. 1. A root. 2, a vegetable.
offering of a light to the deity. &očğvö An edible root.
S, §ºrºoººo s. m. wide sº No. 2. T. &o:37.5" CJ
& & s. n. A medicinal
§ 3. s. n. 1. Light, lustre, splendour, root, so called.
brilliance. 2, beauty. §§s &c. adj. &34°So s. n. 1. Pain. 2. sorrow, af
1. Luminous, splendid, radiant, bla
fliction, distress, unhappiness. &# *o
zing, glowing. 2. burnt.
à:S> s. n. 1. videºs. 2. cum +& or &#393 & v. n. 1. To grieve ;

min seed. to be afflicted. 2. to regret. & P &

§ 535& Consolation.
**** s. n. 1. A stratagem, ex
pedient, or contrivance. 2. courage. & Sºrošo s. n. (from P. cky) A.

- & S. n. A certain bird. shop. & S-toº-ºº or #es To

&$º 323 &S

set up a shop. & Sºto-Sºc & A T. & s. n.1. A sort of ear-orna.

shop-keeper (P. ;|356J) ment,
worn by women, 2. the peri
carp of a lotus.
&ves s. n. 1. A silk cloth. 2.
any fine cloth.
&R} or &Kºš S. n. A male
&#_ sºn, 1. Ploughed ground. 2.
ploughing. & Tºš A ploughing &A v. a. To plough.
T. &Yºo s. n. Armour, mail.
ox. &# *es A ploughed field.
&\*3 s. n. A cloth thrown loosely
& Few Texy Balarama, the over the body, and sometimes tied,
younger brother of Krishna; because by men, round the waist. & & )
his weapon is the plough. & 53 * A cloth, or sheet, for sleeping on.
& A fall of rain, sufficient for **) s. n. A male spotted deer.
ploughing. &*) s. n. A tuft, or bunch.
&^ s. n. A couple, or pair; a deuce &$ºo s. n. Dust.
at games. &$5 or &&ervº v. n. To
&KeySo or & Kesos. n. The six leap. & s. n. A leap. &rošoº
teenth part of the coin termed a pa v. caus. To cause to leap; to leap a
goda. Thorse, &c. º

&zºo S. n. A copper coin, of the & s. n. 1. Dust. 2. a bone. -

value often cash. &se)?"oë s. n. A hyena.

& s. n. Spoilt grass, or straw. &S v. a. wide &-cº.
& S. n. 1. Enmity, hate. 2. vain &5. A deprecative particle, which,
hope. prefixed to Sanscrit words, denotes.
1. Pain, trouble. (bad, difficult, ill.)
& s. n. Milk.
2. inferiority, (bad, vile, contemp
T. & &$3 s. n. 1. Inconsiderateness.
tible.) 3. prohibition, (away, hold,
2. the follies of children. adj. Incon. forbear.)
siderate, foolish. 2. wicked.
&ö88% v. n. To regret, to lament.
& S. n. 1. A coin, of the value
&8& s. n. An itching.
of ten, or twenty, cash. 2. a club. & &ööö s. n. Great haste.
*s.& A large stick, or staff. S
- &8tº S. m. Misfortune.
& s. n. An earthen pot, with a &öä):<ressSo or &&vo's "5:30
small mouth.
s. n. Presumption, vanity.
&šº s. n. The thorn apple. •8w Sº So s. n. A bad practice, or
Datura fastuosa. Custom.
&S.) 324
&öSo s. n. Battle, combat, war. | S. &&.3 s. n. 1. Folly, want of sense.
<8s; s. n. A disastrous situation. 2. a bad disposition.
& O’oo-ſo s. n. vide €35 No. 3, and &Sºyºs s. n. Evil advice, or persu
No. 4. asion.

ss & Cº. s. n. Vain hope; unattain &\ss &c. adj. Insupportable.

able desire.
-- $585 Soo s. n. 1. Crime. 2. sin.
& eºs s: n, Abuse; opprobrious
&SS. s. n. Haste, speed.
&5°35& s. n. Gaming; a game. &ºss s. n. A dearth, or famine.
: &: s. n. Parvatee, the consort of
&.8 s. n. 1. The fifty-fifth year, in
the Hindoo cycle of sixty. 2, vide &
&:oº s. n. (from s, particle & &§§
q) -

8 and s. Koº, a smell.) A stink.

& Cº. &c. adj. Vicious, wicked.
&$#& &c. adj. Poor, indigent, dis s. n. Vice, wickedness. *

&: 83 s. n. Hell. &#9 s. n. The thirtieth year, in
the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
&:& So &c. adj. Unattainable, in
accessible, impassable.
&Sºcºs s. n. The elder of the
Kooroo princes, and leader of the war
& s. n. A hill fort. .
against his cousins, the Pandoos and
& cº &c. adj. Ill natured. s. n. Krishna, which forms the subject of
Ill nature. the Mahabarut.
&yes &c. adj. Difficult of attain &º sº, &c. adj. 1. Difficult of at
tainment; scarce, rare. 2. dear, below
& &c. adj. (from s, particle &
6, and s. 35 a man.) Mischievous, &öS 3.§) s. n. Scurrility, obscenity,
malicious. abuse.
&gº s. n. Misfortune, a bad condi
&öSºo s. n. Silver.
&èSº &c. adj. Poor, indigent.
& s. n. (from s, particle &5. &expº) v. a. To shake, so as to throw
and s. 85& q' v.) A cloudy day. off the dust.
&#8& &c, adj. Unbearable; diffi & Fºot® v. m. To shine, to glitter.
cult of attainment. & Sºx's s. n. A sheet, to cover the
&; § & &c. adj. Unbearable. body.
&8 yes, &c, adj. Weak. &S v. a. I. To comb. 2, to stroke,
&reaſ 3.25

to rub gently, or tenderly. & Sº adj. Distant,

s. n. A comb.

s &_& &c, adj. Difficult to be

done. 3, S. m. A menstruous woman.
s & &c. or & adj. 1. Low, s. &-8S or *Sº s. n. A kind of
vile. 2. weak, impotent. 3. bad, wick bent grass.
ed, depraved. T.
* v. a. I. To enter. 2. to pene º

& s. n. A suit of clothes, &c. trate, or pierce. 3. to creep in, under,

& Jºo &c. adj. Insufferable ; or through. 4. to reproach, blame, or
hardly to be borne. abuse. ***** v. caus. To cause to
s. & "3 s. n. A daughter. enter, *** s. n. Abusive language,
T. &-S^3 V.

reproachful words, ill usage, blame.

a. To penetrate, pierce,
or enter in from & "cº, q.v. T. & "º s. n. An itching. º

T. & "X5 s. n. I. The dust of paddy. 2. +... & exWºod” or

º-earea or & s ex 5e)
*2 s.
s. n.
n. The
a cobweb. plant termed Cowitch. Dolichos pru
T. *** s. n. The interior tender sub. riens.
stance of the plantain tree. T. *** s. n. A beam of timber.
T. & "3 s. n. A calf. |s. *što or & Keos s. n. 1. A

s. Sºč s. n. A messenger, a spy. | curse. 2 blame, reproach. 3. a fault, -

s. *0 s. n. A procuress. or defect. &rºots v. a. To curse,

TUD. *** s. n. Cotton, after it has been blame, censure, or reproach.
cleared from the seed. & "3&S3 or |s. &ºs s. n. The Secretion, or rheum,
* & To clean cotton. &#39 of º eye.
*** A cotton cleaner. S. & Sº &c. adj. Reprehensible,
T. & "3 s. n. Thirst contemptible, vile, bad, accursed, s.
n. A tent.
T. *ěoë adj. Extravagant.
*** s. n. A looped knot. T. &-Köö R s. n. The plant termed
T. & "cºo v. a. I. To enter, penetrate, Menispermum glabrum.
or pierce. 2. to draw, as a sword, &c.
S. *}^*_ S. n. 1. Sight, seeing. 2. an eye.
3. to strip leaves, &c. off, by pulling *}^*cºc & A name of Sira,
through the hand. |
whose weapon is his eye.
S. &-325?s— 3, 11.
A wise, or provident, s: ºo? Sº s. n. A shark.
S. ºyº & &c. adj. 1. Much, exceeding.
S- &-Sºº S. n. One who can see 2. hard, firm. 3, able, powerful. 4.
to a great distance. bulky, massive, solid.
Tāş 326 Tås

*A*Sº &c, adj. Visible. . 355& s. n. 1. Sport, play, pastime.

s -
tºº &c. adj. Seen, visible, appa 2, gaming. 3, a dream, or vision.
rent. -
Tés Rºoses so s. n. The name of

*śossº S. n. 1. An example, illus Fort St. David, on the Coromandel

tration, instance, proof, evidence. 2.
science, a sastra. S. ºssº s. n. 1. An ornament round
§§ s. n. 1. An eye, 2, sight, seeing; a horse's neck. 2. the jewel of Krishna.
a look. §§ Sº The influence of S2 3s sºvºys sº &c. adj. Watered by
evil eyes. tºok v. a. To see. º rain, as applied to corn land,"&c.
S. *scºgs s. n. The Homa, or burnt
§oºk tº To look steadfastly. sacrifice.
T. TºšyöS. s. n. Danger, peril, diffi S. Tâscºr-5 s. n. The daughter of Su
culty. kra.
T Tºš v. a. To taunt, jeer, or reproach.
735 cº-Rºe s. n. (from s. 3s a
- Tºº) s. n. A blow; a stroke. Tºyºo
& To be beaten. or
deity, and s. C޺s going.) The car,
or vehicle, of any deity.
sº. To beat, ºyºs's Hard tud. 358 s. n. (from s. 35 a deity.)
rain. Tº adv. Quickly, speedily. making in the nom, plu. 7:55ex, or
TºcºSºos, n. A demon, or evilspirit. -āşş A deity, male, or female.
TUD. Taº s. n. (from s, 87°) wide Aş . This word, among the natives who
T. *o (3) Foº s. n. plu. A particu wear the lingum, is often applied as
lar cast of weavers. an honorific title, to their priests; it
. §§3 v. n. To creep, or slide, along is also used, by all persons, when
the ground, on the posteriors. much deference is meant to be paid
ºss s. n. The mother of Krishna. to men of superior age, rank, or learn
Taşş *\oºs S. n. A garland, or neck ing, and may be said to correspond
with the English phrases Sir, My
lace, of pearls, &c., composed of one
Lord, &c.
hundred strings. 785&c & s. n. A husband's brother;
| S.
3×3 s. n. 1. A deity. 2. a goddess.
but especially his younger brother.
*S*S* s. n. 1: Divinity, the ab
Tºsocºs s. n. An attendant upon an
stract attribute of a divine being. 2.
identification with a deity, deification.
7:5& s. n. The conch of Arjoona. tud. 35° sº s. n. ride &veyoğsº.
Tº s. n. A species of pine. assº s. n. Viswacurma, the artist

T&; as vº s, n. A courtezan. of the gods.

#S 327 S^:

T. ºs-ox3ew s. n. plu. Weavers of a | ºš-šº s. m. The body.

particular cast. -
Tº s. n. The threshhold of a door.
**Folº)&tº S. n. An obsti S. 33&c: Or 35&cs S. n. A gi
nate, or foolish, man. ant, or demon. -

**ocºs s. n. A Hindoo temple. 35& s. n. 1. Meanness, covetous

733 s. n. 1. Any female deity. 2. a ness. 2. poverty, humility.
name of Parvatee, the consort of Siva. 353. s. n. 1. A femalefortune-teller. *

3. a queen. 2. a lizard; which is supposed by the

& v.a. 1. To take rice, &c., with the natives to foretel events, by chirping.
hand, out of water in which it has Tºšºc & A male fortune-teller.
o— 23* :
been washed. 2. to search for ; espe . .3585& s. n. A god, or deity.
cially in water, ºvº 1. to dive 35& s. m. 1. God. 2. destiny, fate,
into water. 2. to search. luck, fortune, adj. Divine, 35X8 or
s- Tāºcºs s. n. 1. God, the supreme 35&vXKo Chance, accident. 3."
being 2. any deity. 3, a cloud. 5&ºto Blasphemy. 33s Ko A
T. Tâûboºs v. n. To beg humbly; to visitation from God.

implore, or solicit. 3 Fºº v. n. 1. To be agreeable, or

Tud. 336 s. n. (from s. 3%) A queen. pleasant. 2. to be born.
& ox s. n. 1. A thief, a robber. 2. a
S. Tº sº s. n. A country, territory, rogue, or rascal. 3. a hard substance in
land, or district; a region, whether
the middle of a young palmyra shoot,
inhabited, or uninhabited. **ścs or of the plantain flower. Sºoxß"
1. A man belonging to any particular °s Stolen property. Sºoxêoš, or
country’; an inhabitant. 2, the appel Š"o?\ex v. a. To rob, or steal. 8°ox
lation of a particular tribe among the & SSS or 8 oxes & s. n. Theft.
brahmins. 37°oº & A foreign Te S’c:37 s. n. The plant termed
country. Journey, travel. 37°53 Bryonia grandis.

& A king, or sovereign. 377-8 Sºo & s. n. A hole. S"oë&ºsis,

To borc a hole. º
Sº The customs of any particular
country. & 29 s. a. A heap of pots, one above
º? §§c23 s. n. A Gooroo, or spiritual another. - -

teacher. Š"osæs. n. 1. The confusion of bat

*S* s. n. The language of a coun tle. 2. a mingled noise.
try, or land, adj. Of or belonging to a St.§ adj. I. Great, large, big, emi
land, or country. ment. 2, excellent, good, 3, rich, pow
Sº 8 32S Sºss
- *

erful. sº s. n. 1. Greatness. die, or expire. Sº Fo S v. a. To

2. excellênce. 3. riches, power. roll.
T. Sº s. n. 1. A backyard. 2. a cow T. & 83% v. n. vide Sºeº S.
house. T. & 835) or S’s S s. n. 1. A spring.
&’āsº s. m. wide Sºsº. 2. a large well. -

T. S’; sº adj, Bandy-legged. T. sº s. n. A crupper.

S’s s. n.". A deep fountain. 2. a ||* Š"eºš vºn. To be found, gotten,
- * procured, or obtained. S^e 33d-33S"
. S"SX3 s. n. Evil, mischief, harm. §3. To apprehend, seize, or secure.
S’s & adj. Worthy, fit. T, cS v. a. To smooth the earth ; to
dig up grass by the root. Sºcs sº
Sºlor ŠºšS s. n. A cup made of
***) To be grazed, as applied to the
SºśSSºx3 v. n. To sink, to be
T. sº or sºczºv. n. To creep on
drowned; to be severely wet by rain.
& ex) v. a. To push. Sºyº & v. the knees, as an infant.
S. Sºx s. n. A cow-herd.
m. 1. To be pushed. 2. to be abused. GP
Sººyoºs v. a. To abuse. S. St N s. n. A mileh COWs
T. S’sº, s. n. A fainting disease, which yº)
affects cattle.
Sº, or sºcºsº v. a. To plun
der, rob, or commit devastation.
S’sº,” swo. s. n. plu. Tumblers, Sºcés n. A long pole with a hook
rope-dancers. -

at the end of it, used to cut off fruit

Sº, s. n. 1. A mingled or confused from high trees.
noise. 2. the confusion of battle.
Sº s. n. A large heavy mallet,
Š"8 s. n. 1. A master, lord, superior, "
ruler, governor, or king. 2. equality, for driving wedges into the clefts of
the palmyra tree, when it is split.
similarity. Sº 3 S&o s. n. 1. Go
vernment. 2. reign. Sº s. n. A || T. s’s s. n. 1. A native vessel with a
queen, or lady. single mast. 2. a boat.
. Š"88"Ko v. a. I. To attain, or obtain. T. Sºcié) Ol' Sºcié):s S. n. Plunder, de
2. to begin, or commence. S &S"ex, vastation, pillage. Sºcºrt 23
s. n. 1. Attaining. 2. commencement. s. n. A robber, a thief -

&’85 foošRTA® s. n. A thief, a rob- || T. Sºcié) v. a. To place, or stick, in ; to

ber. thrust in ; to insert.
Sºoºo v. n. To resemble. T. 8°53 s. n. A musquitoe, a gnat. sº
& Sºx v. m. To roll; figuratively, to & 38 A musquitoe curtain.
sº •- 329
Üß .
reb. Sºos s. n. (from s. *Sº) A § Bad or mortº symptoms, to ap
couple, two. pear. 8"× sº s. n. (from s. S"85
T. Stewo s. n. The two hands joined who makes.) 1. An inferior, or low
together, so as to hold any thing. person. 2. a wicked person.
ox{}otº To hold the hands joined | T. &’s sºoº s. n. A cucumber.
together, in that manner. T. &b s. n. wide Sºost). Sº Rºc &
T. S"s sº s. n. A fruit almost ripe. adj. As much as the two hands joined
T. Sºo or sº v. n. To be bent, can contain.
Sº, s. n. vide Sty.
as applied to trees; to be nearly ripe, || ".
as applied to fruit. S. Sºº-sº s. n. Wish, desire; long
Tud. Sºros s. m. wide Sºrosº. ing in pregnancy.
Tud. &’ssº s. n. (from s, as Sº) A S. sº-sº s. n. A pregnant female,
gate, door, or entrance. longing for any thing.
T. &’ssºs. S. n. A bay colour. Sºº-ºo s. n. Desire, will, wish.
T. S"s v. n. 1. To be bent, as applied
35°3 s. n. The cheek, vide &
to trees. 2. to die.
T. S"> S. n. 1. A road, path, or way. 2.
: 5°ºo s. n. vide &S)^.
& "S"SSC:S s. n. A porter.
3°33', &cºs s. n. A daughter's son.

means, mode, manner. 3, an expedi

s &S9 s. n. Light, beauty, splendour,
ent, vide $ºys. Sºsºy gº) To

miss one's way. Sºs flex to part, or |s - &Sºrø s. n. The sun.
go off, as one road from another.
&As s. n. 1. Wealth, property,
T. S"so s. n. A Hindoo's lower gar
substance. 2. strength, power.
ment; the cloth round his loins. &cº S. n. A god, or deity.
T. Sº s. n. A particular kind of cake, |s. & Sºs s. n. Gaming.
baked on an iron-plate. Sººs &
sº§§s s. n. Sunshine, light, lustre,
To bake this cake on an iron plate. heat.
s: 8°º s. n. 1. The night. 2. the arm.
s sº s. n. 1. Fault, defect, blemish. S. s's Ú Šo s. n. Forked lightning:
2. sin, offence, crime. 3. error, mis- ||s. Čy &#x &c. adj. Very hard, or
take. 4. bad signs, or symptoms, in firm.
sickness, foreboding death. stsº S.
& §yº s. n. Thin, or diluted, curds.
* A learned man, a Pundit, sage, (3) S. So s. n. 1. Juice, essence,
- - 69 ---

or physician. S^3\c & or Sºxx) exudation, wetness. 2. Spittle.

ܺ coś s. n. 1. Wealth, property, S. \&/kš s. m. A stone.
substance. 2, strength, power. ( & ) ºveabcºs s. n. Brumha, the
(8) gºo tº v. To drop. Crcator.

S. &J'Sº s. n. 1. Wealth, proper. Syros s. m. A scorpion.

ty, riches, substance, 2. a thing, 3. Ú/5. S v. a. To oppose, or resist.
elementary substance, nine kinds of
which are reckoned, viz. earth, water, \ºy cºS v. n. To be broken.
fire, air, aether, time, space, soul, and \& to S's So or (Sºros, S. n. 1.
intellect. A raven. 2. the carrion crow.

S. (Tºšº &c. adj. Very long. (sºyºos s: na measure of capacity.

(sºjº s. n. 1. An oval bason, shap
Cºyº ºn. An awkward, or useless
erSOll. ed like a boat, with an aperture in
Ceyssºs s. n. 1. Ointment, 2. front, and used for pouring water,
distillation. &c. 2. the chasm between two moun
\º) 3)&#3 & or \syº's
s. m. The Tamil country, on the south Qsì) toocło s. m. The preceptor of
eastern side of the Indian peninsula, the Pandoo princes.
below the Ghauts, from Madras, to (sº 3-530 s. n. 1. Treason, rebel
Capc Comorin. lion, revolt. 2. mischief, malice, tres
Gyê v. a. To push. pass, injury. 3. treachery, betraying
Uzs") & s. n. The grape vine. confidence or trust reposed in one.
Úy 3.8% v. m. To wander. (8) &ë sº, 3-ºoºo To act treache
s.n. A wanderer of either sex. \@y rously. \sº 3. s. m. A traitor, a
S$o3,5c &S. s. n. A male wan betrayer.
derer. S. (3):38 or \sºy 53 s. n. The wife
T, \&yoxº v. m. To become less ; to of the five Pandoo princes.
decrease. *Soº Sº s. n. 1. A couple, pair, or
\&yistos s. m. A mace, or mal brace. 2, strife, dispute. 3, a form of
let; a weapon formed like a carpen." grammatical combination, uniting
ter's hammer; an axe. two or more words in the same case,
S. & ré s. n. A turtle, a tortoise. properly separated by a conjunction,
~ssoč, £30 ex).
(Sjöº adj, Speedy, swift. s. n. 1.
Quick time in music. 2, the letter S$, & s, n. A pair, or couple :
Cºyºs s, n. A tree. tWO.
*S2: 33] *S*
&Sox Two. muntudoo, the regent of birds.
*Sºs adj. Twelfth. cº) - -

*S 2f"3 s. n. (from s, &S two, and s.

* Sºrø, * s. n. The sun. O Co

*S*3 s. n. The twelfth lunar day, *To birth.) wide as ecº.

ofeither the light, or dark, fortnight.
*S*š Sº s. n. A snake. lit.
*"Sºo s. n. The third age of the double-tongued.
world. It is compounded of &S two, *S**SC’s s. n. lit. double-ton
and *º the next, viz. that which gued. An informer, rogue, scoundrel,
or thief.
followed the two first. This age com o

prises 8,64,000 years. *

*S*cº S. n. (from s. *S two, and s.
* Sºs s. n. The name of a city,
formerly the capital of Krishna. * born.) A man of the three first
* Sº s. n. 1. A door, or gate. 2. Hindoo tribes, viz. a Bramin, Chu
triya, or Vysya, whose investiture
a means; an expedient. 3. a me
with the sacred thread constitutes re
dium, or wayby which any thing takes
place, or is effected. 4. a hole. ligiously and metaphorically their
second birth.
* Söº"exocºs s. n. (from s, ºve,
who protects.) A doorkeeper, or por *Söcºs s. n. A couple, or pair.
ter. * SäcºoCs):< (from s. cºo | AS㺠S. n. 1. The sceondº lunar

Ú a machine.) A lock, bolt, or day, either of the light, or dark, fort

padlock. night. 2. a wife.
*S*so Or * Sº-so S. m. wide *S*& ad; second. Asăcº-o
~$8s. *: in grammar, The objective or
S. accusative case.
*S$ so adj. two.
ASX, *So Double, two-fold. *S*Sº s. n. A double consonant.
*S*S*śo adj. Twice ploughed. *S*X0 s. n. A crocodile.
asºs, & s. n. vide Aşşcº.
*Sºx or AS8& s. n. An ele
phant. º

*S** s. n. lit. twice born. 1. An *Sºx s. m. lit. speaking two lan

oviparous animal; as a bird, snake,
fish, &c.; first born in the shell, and languages. An interpreter; a dubash.
in the second instance produced from
AS35 S& s. n. A snake, or serpent.
o –0 S &S tº s. n. A large black bee.
it. 2. a tooth. *S*** (from s. 5
co *S*C* s. n. An enemy, or foe.
** a king.) 1. The moon, 2, Guroot S,
*S*-*S* adj. Twice ploughed.
*S*c 332 2Sº
s. §§º s. n. 1. An island. 2, any of *ść, s. n. An enemy, adj. Hating,
the seven dwipas, into which the inimical *S* s. n. An enemy.
Hindoos divide the earth. - 2Sº-cºcº s. n. A name of

s. §§§ s. n. A royal tiger. ëS&^\}) Vyasa, the author or compiler of the

& A hunting leopard. Vedas, and Pooranas.
S. 7& s. n. Enmity, hate, hatred.|s. *Sºrº cº s. n. A name of Ga
*S*otº v. n. To hate, or dislike. 726sa

END of volume I.

$SSo §3.
& The thirty-fourth letter, and nineteenth S. &R s. n. 1. Any tubular vessel of
consonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet. the body; as a vein, nerve, or ten
*S*2 s. n. A balance, or pair of scales. don. 2. a tube, or pipe.
s. 25°38 s. n. The string which all male S &S £8.3% S. n. Hair, tied round the
Hindoos wear round the waist.
head, and ornamented with flowers,
. § r3 s. n. A master, superior, ruler, or
pearls, &c.. -

$5S0 s. n. Riches, wealth, treasure, s. §§ s. n. 1. The earth. 2. price, rate.

Se $8 to:So s. n. 1. Holding, possessing,
property. §§&o &c. adj. Benefi
having. 2, a tame parrot. 3, an imagi
cent, liberal, giving away property.
nary coin, of the value of 8 dubs.
S&C& s. n. A name of Cubera,
$8 tº s. n. The earth.
the god of riches. SSS oë So &c. adj.
388858:30-38sº or sovº,
Rich, wealthy.ºs & &c. adj. Rich, S. n. A mountain.
G. $5 s. n. vide T. &S.
. §§cºvex s. n. plu. Coriander seeds. s. §§ois or Šēoxois v. a. 1. To wear.
§§§ s. n. The twenty-third lunar 2. to dress, or put on. 3. to assume a
form. 4. to retain in mind. 5. to hold.
&Koč) or ŠKoś) s. n. 1. A bow. 2.
the sign Sagittarius. &Cº or e; §§)S$894& To obey an order
-- Ç implicitly. lit. to put it on the head.
$&S An archer.
& §§º &c. adj. Fortunate, well-fated, xº~$80s To be pregnant, lit.
virtuous. to assume the womb.
$SSoë6 s. n. The physician of the
$80) S. n. The earth.
gods, who was produced at the churn & or $8.5 s. n. 1. Virtue; mo
ing of the ocean. ral and religious merit, according to
-ºš ºs-S

the law and the Vedas. 2. usage, 75°5 or **):< S. n. Brumha, the
practice; the customary observances Creator.

of cast, sect, &c. 3. duty, especially **& s. m. The tenth year, in the
that enjoined by the Vedas. 4. fitness, Hindoo cycle of sixty.
propriety. 5, nature, character, pro Tºšić) s. n. 1. A fossil, or mineral.
per or natural state, or disposition. 2. red chalk. 3. the pulse. 4. a gram
6. any peculiar, or prescribed prac matical root. 75°&S$) - €3:S -52% tº
tice, or duty; thus giving alms, &c. or sºs"& The pulse to beat. TS"
is the dhurma of a householder, ad *—o

ministering justice, the dhurma of a &$) ºr tº To feel the pulse.

ruler, piety that of a bramin, courage TO) s. n. 1. The earth. 2, the tree
that of a chutriya ; hence this word termed emblic myrobalan. 3. a foster
mother, a nurse.
often denotes charity, justice, and
piety. 7. kind or virtuous speech, or *S*SSoex s. n. plu. Fried barley, or
discourse. 8. a bow. 38,562- 8s n. rice. -

An arbitrator, or judge. Se *śscº s. n. An archer.

**S* s. n. Grain ; corn in gene
- 38, ovº s. n. (from s, $8.5%, q.v. ral, but especially paddy. *S*-
and s. Sº a king.) 1. The name of ö&S (from s. TS essence.) Grain
the eldest of the Pandoo princes. 2. after thrashing.
Yama, the judge of departed souls. Tº"S$390 s. n. 1. A house, or dwelling.
2. brightness, splendour, light. Tºo
. &cºs s. m. wide $8.8°º No. 2. Kº s. n. (from s. ** a nest.) The sun.
- &rosº s. m. l. Disrespect, contume Tº s. n. 1. Distillation, dripping,
ly, contempt. 2, arrogance, vanity. 3. the oozing or issuing of any substance,
frightening. by continued dropping. 2. the sharp
. § 3. tº s. n. 1. A dishonest, or unchaste ness of a sword or any cutting in
woman. 2. the tail of a lion. 3, a strument. Fºčº (from s. 56
sword, or scimitar. what has.) 1. A cloud. 2. a sword.
&cºs s. n. A eunuch. *~Kotºvº. A hard shower.
. 353 Sºo s. n. White colour, adj. 75°83°oºo To give by a formal cere
white, $57°oW (from s, eox the mony, in which water is poured from
the hand of the donor.
body.) Suruswatee, the goddess of
learning. G. "S*śco s. m. Price, valuation.
. §§C& s. n. A husband. s. Tº roºs. n. Holding, having, main
. Sººs s. m. Advancing towards, or taining, wearing.
confronting, an enemy. G. T.S."&S sº n, ride 75°t So.
& "Goy ºSs
º “TC” & 3& s. n. A horse. &-eyº ūy s. n. The tobacco plant.
T“Tºo s. m. 1. Fluency of speech. & "Sº s. n. A sort of purple co
2. generosity, liberality. lour, compounded of black and red.
TS"Sº s. m. The earth. &-gº s. n. A name of Siva.
Tºšºv &c. adj. Virtuous, pious, & s. n. 1. A fraudulent or deceit
ful person. 2. a gamester. -

Tº"Sočo s. n. 1. Grief 2.suffering. S. &vě s. n. Dust. &-ºxº A

7°58's s. m. 1. Going, motion. 2.
mound, or rampart.
cleansing, purifying.
º’sº s. n. A kind of woollen cloth. & "Sö& s. n. The colour grey, adj.
* Bois v. a. 1. To send off, or dis *A*S*&c. adj. Possessed, held, con
miss, abruptly. 2. to speak contemp tained.
tuously. 3. to disregard. $y's *Uses s. n. The father of
*śto s. n. Sense, wisdom, under
Dooryodhana, and uncle of the Pan
standing; the intellect.
doo princes.
$$$eº & s. n. A name of Broohus
putee, the priest of the gods.
$99 s. n. 1. Holding, having, 2 stea
diness, firmness. 3..pleasure, happiness.
§§§º s. n. 1. A star. 2. a house.
‘Ā sºn. Understanding, intellect. §§o ºšºo &c, adj. Impudent, confident,
bold, shameless.
5& &c. adj. Sensible, intelligent. §
*ść's sº s. n. 1. A louse. 2, a milch
&0 s. n. A female of understanding. COW.
ë8s &c. adj. 1. Brave. 2. firm, Tºšić s. n. A milch cow.
steady. 3. wise, sensible, learned.
ºf 8 Sº S. n. 1. Steadiness, firm
ăşöcºs s. n. A fisherman.
$38o353& - $35,230 or &$#& ness. 2. bravery, courage, gallantry.
&c. adj. Bearing a burden. 38Sºº 1. To encourage. 2.
&8 s. n. A burden. to comfort.
& "5& &c. adj. 1. Shaken, agitated. Tº 55S, s. n. The sixth note of the
2. reproached, reviled. 3, abandoned, gamut.
&v35$oos. n. Incense. &v:35 exiſsºo *** s. n. 1. Line, range 2 way, s.
or & ºvës- A censer. style. 4. tradition. 5. experience.
$5°5&o &c. adj. Washed, cleansed,
& "3%30 s. n. Smoke. *-ºs.ºr white.
*The god of fire, whose symbol is 3°58 So s. n. A horse's trot.
smoke & '89 #& s. n. A comet. *3&s,8c. adj. Bearing a burden.
Sºv & $ so s. n. A camel.
*S S&S s. n. Meditation, reflection,
S. Soğ

but especially that profound and ab FoxN** s. n. A simple or innocent

stract consideration which brings it's person, adj. Innocent, simple.
object, fully and undisturbedly, be Soº v. n. To speak through the
fore the mind. This forms the favo nose. SoNS” A nasal sound; a
rite religious exercise of secluded word pronounced through the nose.
bramins. * Seois v.a. To meditate.
Foº s. n. Irrigated ground; land cul
USyss S. n. Ascertainment, cer tivated by artificial irrigation, and
tainty. producing what is technically termed
s -

\Syð& s. n. 1. The polar star. 2. the wet crop.

the north pole itself. T.
Foº v. a. To eat, from disgust, a very
§Soßsº s. n. Perishing, dying.
*Sońsº S. n. Loss, destruction, ex little at a time. So?”ST’S To eat a

tinction. §§ oścºo v. a. To de little of anything, like pickle, &c., as

a relish to the principal food.
stroy, to ravage, to desolate, to anni
hilate. Soº s. n. A lingering, or dormant,
& s. n. A flag, or banner. & disease. Soº-8. To grow pale; to
& &So (from s. \8) & a tree.) swell.

The palm tree. soº: s. n.Flesh-meat.

*S** s. n. 1. An army. 2. the heel. So (º, s-cº s. n. A crab.
*S* s. n. Sound, noise, report, voice. Soč s. n. One of the celestial cows.
US) bºsº An echo.
&Sișo &c. adj. Fallen.
ºSočo s. n. Darkness.
: Sočs & s. n. The sword of Vishnoo.
SočS. s. n. The twenty-sixth year, in
the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
Soč5& s. n. 1. Indra's pleasure
*"Soºs s. n. A crow. ºod, A ground; paradise. 2. a garden, or
female crow.
ºSºx s. n. Sound, noise. SočScós s. n. A son.
S. So8 or So㺠Sºcº S. m. 1. The
-IIIlòllite bull, or vehicle, of Siva. 2. one of his
§ The thirty-fifth letter, and twenti chamberlains.
eth consonant, in the Teloogoo al Soão º v. n. To rejoice.
phabet. As a postposition, it is added Soëf s. n. A celestial cow, related to
only to the singular inflection of nouns the cow of plenty, and the property
denoting inanimate things, ending in of the sage Vasishta,
V, to denote in, by, or with. Soësse-Sé)tº s. n. The broad
§ 3. Sz;"

leaved rose-bay. Nerium coronarium. Suš , Soo s. n. A crocodile.

Sočocão s. n. The cowherd king Sºo or 54,630 s. n. A nail, or
Nunda, the foster father of Krishna.
Soã) 5"CŞe s. n. A priest in the tem
claw. (P. co-ti) sºcºs
(from “boº a weapon.) 1. A cat. 2.
ples of Vishnoo; his cast is traced to a lion.
the descendant of a chutriya female, SX s. n. 1. A robe, or long gown. 2.
by a bramin. a bullock load, as applied to ghee,
. SS ex) s. n. (from A. Jāj copying.) oil, tobacco, or cotton. 3. a jewel or
A copy. sso-Scy cºo orºoºo To ornament. 4, a metal vessel.
copy. S$ exºoooowo To get copied. SX& s. n. (from A. cxxi) Ready
monéy. - -
5's "88"º s. n. The sign of n final; 5X So s. n. 1. A tree. 2. a mountain.
viz. ET.
5X5& or SXè s. n. A city, or
58%.30 s. n. (from A. c, i.53 paint toWn. (H. 23,
ed.) Work in enamel. "
5X& or SXè0 s. n. making in the
S$ošo s. n. The mungoose. Viverra
inflexion singular SXè A palace.
57"C" s. n. A large drum. (A.
S$$exc3 s. n. Nukoola, the fourth of
the five Pandoo princes.
S^3 v. n. To laugh, vide SöS.5×5
Kºš or stos'ss s. n. A jackall.
s. n. Laughter. S^** s. n. A
Kotoşş A fox. § sº Deceit,
SXA s. n. A naked female.
sº S’s 67 s. n. A small species
573.5% &c. adj. Naked.
of cucumber plant. 5*As s. n. 1. A girl before she has
R}_ § s. n. plu. The joints of the reached the years of puberty. 2. a
jaws. -
naked female.
*ś- s. n. 1. A lump or mass of iron.
2. a notch made in trees, to try their 53.) v. a. To confide in ; to trust,
fitness for being cut. v. n. 1. To hide, or believe; to have faith in. s. n. 1.
or conceal one's-self. 2. to crouch Delay. 2. trifling. 3. annoyance, adj.
down. 3. to lie in wait. Troublesome. Stºs s. n. Confi
dence, belief, faith.
§ {& s. n. Night. §§o &&
5.8 s. n. (from A. 333) An offer
(from s. 56 who wanders.) A giant,
who is believed to prowl about at ing, or present, made by an inferior
might. to a superior.
s: 6 Sº

5:6-533-Sès & or S&S 3 s. n.

5855°ož5 So s. n. Yellow orpiment.
588 otS or Šešoooo is v. a. 1. To Conduct, behaviour, demeanour, vide
dance. 2. to affect the airs or appear 5&tS. -

ance of another. Sº s. n. A female S&T3otS v. n. To come, to arrive.

dancer. SeoRSSo s. n. The art, or S&S adv. In the middle ; betwixt,
act, of dancing; pantomime, &c. S
between. S&Kºš I. To in
êobc& s. m. A dancer, actor, or terrupt one in speaking 2. to inter
mime. . . cede as a mediator.
Ts §§ s. n. The middle. This word is S&S s. n. A blade of grass.
used, in composition, only prefixed S&S s. n. The first passage, at the
to others; as 535& In the very entrance of a native house, which
middle. Sº The middle of the leads from the street, into the inner
house. sº The middle of the COurts

T. Sá or S&S s. n. The middle. adj.

Middle. Sàs tº A man's waist
sº s. n. 1. Residence. 2 obstacle,
band, girdle, belt, or sash. S&Kºš
hinderance. 3. procrastination, hesi ex, Rice broken in the middle, Sãº
tation. 4. the bent grass, Nuth: 5 § & The middle, or crown of the
S’K. v. m. To remain; To reside. head. 54 (39° The middle finger.
- TUD, §§§ s. n. (from s. Fre-S) Dan 5& 3ox Midnight. - *

cing. sº sºc & A dancing mas . S&46 v. n. 1. To walk, to go, to

move. 2. to proceed forwards, to go
§§§wºã A dancing school.
or move on. 3... to happen, occur,
§§§§eox, The peacock; from pass, or take place. 4. to behave
it's elegant pace. or conduct one's-self. 5, to take
effect. 6. to continue, to be in ex
Ser-Sex, s. m. pl. 1. An amble, 2.
ambling. istence, to be going on without hin
Sº s. n. 1. Walk, pace, or step. 2, a derance. 7. to beat, as applied to
trip. $$$$$$.5& A man's walk. Kºść) the pulse. Šºć) or Sãºots
v. a. l. To cause to walk, &c.
5&A horse's paces. 335 &ºes? in all of the above meanings. 2. to
evsº The boat has made three break in a horse to his paces. 3. to
trips, S㺠A deep well, with navigate a vessel. 4. to manage a fa
steps down to it. mily. Sºos"Ko v. comp. To be
S&S s. n. 1. Walking. 2, walk. 3. have, or conduct one's-self. S&S$)
conduct, behaviour, vide Sãº. s. m. 1. Walking, 2. a pace, or step.
SS5 / Sº

Kºsº s. n. 1. The middle. 2. the six seasons into which the Hindoos
waist. 5&#x adj. Middle. S&S divide the year.
- §sº To gird the lions, i.e. to be . SS-S or SScº v. n. To expand, or
'ready to do anything. S&S Sex) bloom; to sprout, or blossom.
lit. the waist to become loose. This . Sººooo adj. Imperfectly boiled, as
is a decent mode of expressing emis applied to rice only.
sion of the semen virile. . §§oß) v. n. To agree with one's
53 s. n. The back of the waist. adj. health, or constitution, as ow-73%
Bent, hollow, crooked, turned up. S.
&R-š553 & This country does
Cao-U- A turned up nose. not agree with me. s. n. Want of chas
Sö& &c. adj. Bent, bowed, crooked, tity. S&S 3 An adultress. SKoš)
curved, reclining. Ts"C& Agallant.
58 s. n. Salutation, prostration. T. SKrºebo adj. numeral. Four hundred.
Sºx, or Sãºx s. m. plu. The T. S. Fºl & s. n vide S㺠under §3.
small shell fish, termed muscles. . Sºo SSC & s. n. 1. A eunuch. 2. an
Sºoº. v. n. To lie down, or re impotent man. (H. ~~…) São
KºščS&s. n. Impotency. §§oš's
S 3 s. n. Stammering; stuttering ©ox& The neuter gender.
5& v. n. To stammer or stutter. s. n.
. Så s. n. A grandson, either in the
The nose ring worn by Indian fe male or female line. S & s. n. A
grand daughter, either in the male or
S& s. n. A river; applied only to female line.
those of which the personification is
male; as the Bramhaputra, Sone,
. §§" s. n. (from A. &#3)Profit, gain,
Indus, &c. advantage.
sa s. n. A river. (H., -o-; ) Sã . Sº So s. n. 1. The sky, or atmos
sºys & adj. Watered by rivers. phere. 2. the fifth Teloogoo lunar
Sã58& s. m. Tin. month; that in which the moon's

5** &c. adj Bound, tied. change takes place.when the sun is in

§§ s. n. 1. A flower. 2. a sprout. §§ Leo. Sº Yºcº (from s. 38 who

*S** A female. goes.) 1. A deity. 2. a demi-god. 3. a
SSoº, or SRPoè s. n. A husband's |
sister. s - sº s. n. The sixth Teloogoo
55 5-8% s. n. Spring; the first of the lunarmonth; thatin which the moon's
8 585
Koš -d

change takes place when the sun is | |

both kindness and threats; both by
in Virgo. coaxing and threatening. -

. Sº KS$s. n. Air, wind. Kºsočc SoğSo s. n. Guiding, directing, ei

ther literally, or figuratively as in
23 The deity presiding over it. morals, &c.
... S558) s. n. A peacock. 55 s. n. vide Söğ).
, 5:55ex) or 5&ex v. a. To chew, mas Sös cºs s. n. A low, or mean, man.
ticate, or gnaw. Sös So s. n. Hell; the infernal re
. Sºº & or Kºš-yº s. n. Pros
gions. (H.U.;) -

tration, salutation. Sºś bo tºo or J

56 sºočğcaş (from s. eBoös a
§3. 8:Sooºoºo To prostrate destroyer.) Vishnoo.
one's self; to salute another. T. SöX s. n. A drum.
. Sºss, n. Reverence, repeechwºr . Söö) or SöS3) s. n. The greyness of
the hair.
ship, adoration.
5:30 tº s. m. A demon so named. 5&o SöSo s. n. 1. A vein. 2. a nerve, ten

fºr-3;&c:S (from s. SJ'Sº a de don, or muscle of the body. Sºo

£)KKoS’K. The tendons to contract.
stroyer) Indra.
58& v. n. To grow grey, as applied
. 53,835) s. n. The tree termed Calo to the hair.
phyllum inophyllum. S&S v. a vide Seeoº.
. 53.5% s. n. (from P. UKö Salt. SöSc & s. n. 1. A man. 2. a name of

- S& v. a. 1. To believe, or give cre Arjoona. Sörå&Cº (from s. 35 a

dit to. 2. to trust, or confide in ; to deity.) A king or ruler. Sös"3"Sc
rely on; to have faith in. Fºots W. & (from s. Fº's a vehicle.) The
caus. To cause to believe, &c. *.* deity Cubera. Sºº’8 (from s. **
s. m. 1. Belief. 2. faith, confidence, as º "8 a receptacle.) The earth.
surance, dependence on, adj. Trust 53.8 s. n. An actress, female dancer,
worthy, faithful. or singing girl.
. S \S) $o &c. adj. Bowed, bent, 58& s. n. An actor, mime, or
crooked, curved. juggler.
s. Soº & s. n. An eye. -
§§53 s. n. Dancing, gesticulation,
. Soº adj. Cheap. s. n. A sound or 58,89. & s. n. A rake, lecher, or li
good state; good health. Soº SoTº
$rº-> To speak with kindness. bertine.
. 55.8 s. n. The Narmuda river,
5& Rºo: To be convales
cent. K. CŞ? CŞSoTV" By means of which, rising in the Vindhya moun
Sex) §§
"tains, runs westward to the gulph of body with the flour of green gram,
Cambay. Phaseolus radiatus, in order to cleanse
S&S. s. n. Sport, amusement, pas and purify the skin. v. n. 1. To be
time, pleasure. bruised, or crushed. 2. to be weak
. Seº v. a. To cut; to hew; to fell; from sickness. 3. to be withered. Sex)
to sever. s. n. A cut; a wound. 23.0%)" & or Sex): 3) v. a. 1. To crush, or
ex)Se2S$3 To boast.
bruise. 2. to rub any part of the body.
Seº adj. Little, small. . Sex)^S adj. numeral. Four. This is
the masculine or feminine form of Nº.
T. Rºo s. n. plu. Horned beasts.
T. sº v. n. 1. To wander. 2. to tra
ox, q.v. Soxºsºvº
& News known to everybody; lit.
§e s. n. The fiftieth year, in the Hin to four.

doo cycle of sixty. Sex & s. n. The name of a celebra

T. Se’s s. m. wide Së) No. 1. ted Hindoo king.
Soś"oScès s. n. The name of a Sex:3) s. n. Blackness. adj. Black.
son of Cubera. v. a. wide this word under Sexy?.S.
. §e) &orse): 8:30 adj.Square. . Sexº adj. (from T. Sex four, and
Seº s. n. The root of the Andro T. 38 ten.) Forty.
pogon muricatum, or cuss cuss grass. Rex's s. n. (from T. Sex four,
and T. S" a mouth.) Brumha, the
Sº? adj. numeral. Forty.
Soso s. n. 1. The lotus. 2. the water creator; as having four faces.
Sexº) s. n. Beauty, adº. Beautiful.
lily, Nelumbium speciosum.
T. Sex)S s. n. An atom. Sevićcö As
. Sº s. n. 1. Dust, powder. 2. indispo much as an atom.
sition, illness.
Sº adj. Black; often in it's adjec

. Sos oººººo s. n. A species of li. tive form º or §§§ S. n. 1.

zard. -

Søs & adj. Little, small; thin, trifl Blackness. 2. charcoal. 3 blood. S.º
ing. s. n. Smallness, littleness; thin Kºº (from T. &# the eye ball.)
Iness. The pupil of the eye. §§3&o’s
SöSSX s. n. vide SeoS9. Opium. lit. black medicine. Sº S
. Rex adj. Four; as Sex & Sex Four & or 5.95 s. n. Blackness. Sº,
quarters, or sides. Gºjºs Fºcº A giant, lit. a man
. Sex & s. n. Illness, sickness, weak who drinks blood.
ness. - § RJ- interj. expressive of sorrow,

. Sex)\, s. n. The act of rubbing the Alas! &c. . . . . "

§3 c I () TyvX

T. sº s. n. A bug. S. §§º &c. adj. Lost, destroyed.

annihilated. s. n. Loss, damage,
sºoš s. m. plu. (from T. 3% a
house.) injure, detriment, destruction.
F. & Residence, dwelling.
adj. Of thesize of a span, T. §§ s. m. wide § 5.
or of four fingers breadth. S.
SSSºw s. n. 1. Snuff.2, any powder or
liquid which physicians prescribe to
T. 5.8% s. n. The plant termed Cissus be snuffed up into the nose. (H.
quadrangularis. C-3) Sºssºss To express
SeSºx s. n. A furlong, or distance|
measured by four hundred cubits. the juice of any herb into the nose.
55 s. n. An itching. S5WTK v.
S, 53-toº, c > s. n. The name of a Hin
n. To itch. -
doo king, of the lunar race.
S5's & adj. New ; fresh. s. n. Nine. S - 5% (8) & s. n. 1. A star. 2, a con
553 adj. numeral. Ninety. stellation, or lunar mansion, of which
55&6& s. n. Fresh butter.
the Hindoos reckon 27. sºc
55& adj. Ninth. & (from s. ** a lord.) The moon.
S5&vá)S. s. n. The double jasmin. T
... Tº pro. My. This is the possessive
5550 s. n. The ninth lunar day,
pronoun of ŠKo T. R.'s Mine.
either of the light or dark fortnight.
S. Nºoë s. n. 1. The eulogium of a king,
Rºss-sås sº or S&Sº &c. adj or praise of a deity, recited in bene
New ; fresh.
55& or §3) & v. n. To have dictory verses at the commencement
any lingering disease ; to be weak of a religious ceremony, or the open
from it's effects. ing of a drama, 2. prosperity, thriv
§§eſ" s. n. A woman. ing, increase. -

5-5°& s. n. Refined sugar. RTS & s. n. Heaven, paradise ; sky,

S Sºčo s. n. Broad and strong atmosphere.
. Rºš v. a. To lick. T'Sotº v, caus.
cotton tape.
To cause to lick.
5-5°7′ "XöSoo s. n. Sal-ammoniac.
.. F’sº s. m. 1. An ant or mole hill.
T. S&S v. n. To laugh. s. n. Laugh 2. a snake's hole.
ter; in this sense it is also written Ryox #3 & s. n. The small tree
S$). §§§otº v. caus. To cause to
termed Mesua ferrea.
laugh. KöS*Tex s. m. pl. Laugh S & T. R. "XTºšº s. n. The plant term
ing, joking. Kºſº s. n. Laugh
ter; amusement; fun. ed Euphorbium antiquorum.
T. S?oiš v. n. To be ruined, or de S.
& T. Fºx< ... s. n. The plant termed
stroyed. *
Justicia nasuta.
Tºrex RI TSvºs .

R-XS30 s. n. 1. A serpent, or snake. FX$o? Sºo s. m. Minium, or red

2. a Naga, or demi-god, so called as -

having a human face, with the tail of . Fºx&S&o s. n. A snake-pipe, or

a serpent, and the expanded neck of sort of drone, used by snakemen to
the Coluber Naga ; the race of these fascinate serpents.
beings is said to have sprung from Nº s. n. Interest paid in grain, on
Cadroo the wife of Cusyupa, in order account of grain lent.
to people Patala, or the infernal re Foš K. v. a. To usurp; to seize un
gions. 3. an elephant. 4. tin, lead.
wºxsos cocº (from s. Šoš to a justly. Fostex s. n. Usurpation;
an unjust seizure.
bracelet.) Siva, who wears a bracelet
of snakes. RT"Xerºs sºo(from s, erºs' TS"tº s. n. The aquatic plant, term
a world.) The infernal regions. STX ed Vallisneria octandra.
$37ex, Ear-rings in the shape of the Fºssº s. n. A drama, or play.
expanded head of the Cobra capella. Tºos v. a. 1. To plant. 2. to trans
s. FX&ox$o s. n. An orange tree. plant. 3. to fix firmly. v. n. To
FX&o s. n. 1. Dry ginger. 2. the prick; to pierce. Tyvö3o-CŞo W. CauS.
Devanagree alphabet. To cause to plant, &c. -

FX8s & s. n. 1. Neatness in dress,

Fºx adj. Of or belonging to the
elegance. 2, prudence. country.
T^{) s. n. making in the inflex, sing: Rºšº s. n, 1. Dancing. 2, a
Tylºxc33 A plough. Fºxcessº A
dance. 3. a play.
ploughsharc. F.Xoë833) The wood Tº s. n. Any tubular organ of the
en part of the plough, upon which
the iron share is fixed.
. body; as an artery, vein, or intes.
ºvX sº s. n. 1. The beetle vine. 2.
tine. 2. a Hindoo hour of 24 English
the ceremony which terminates a minutes. Făşºto feel the pulse.
Hindoo marriage, generally perform-f ~&o 35°Sºo s. n. Bellows. Fäo;
ed on the fifth day from the com &c & A gold-smith.
mencement of the marriage ceremony. RºčS. s. n. vide. Fä No. 2.
Fºx Fºx & s. n. (from s, R-X a F&S s. n. making in the inflex.
snake, and s. Fºr abode.) The in sing. Fe3 1. Time, as tº AF&
fernal regions. Infancy, e3RT"> That time. R*88;&o
R"Xºvić & s. n. 1. A staple for a to Since then. 2. a day; as "Boë5
hasp. 2. a dancing school. 3, a set of Rºs The second day. Rºº,
dancing girls. ex) From that day forwards. 3, a
Ryvºj 12 Ryº'cºb C

country; as ŠºšNF& The eas. the stalks, having been cut, have
tern country. 4. a general assembly since thrown out spouts.
of the people. Tºšo Now and TS"&&c & s. n. A barber.
then. RTR'é83 Day by day. Fá s. n. 1. The navel. 2. musk. 3.
Tº & s. m. A weaver's shuttle.
TS v7:530-75° 53:30 or Frošº S. II. poison. sº, c & Brumha, as
1. Fineness, as applied to the texture produced from Vishnoo's navel.
of cloth, purity of metal, &c. 2. ascer. Rºcºsº or F-33 s. n. A
taining the quality of any thing. 3. name, or appellation. Tºšos & eoso
honesty. 4. coin, adj. 1. Fine. 2. good, The ceremony of giving a child it’s
TS".8 s. n. A woman. Tºšo s. n. 1. The white clay,
Fºčoc & s. m. A husband, master, or with which the worshippers of Vish
lord. - noo mark their foreheads. 2. the mark
F&So s. n. Sound in general. Fºo itself, thus made, in the shape of a
*So To sound. trident, of which the middle line is
Rºzsºč adj. (from P. cº, cy to yellow or red, and the rest white, of
have.) Jſ 313 lit. not possessing. Poor, this clay, sºciº-sº
RT"CŞ He deceived him. lit. he
helpless, weak. v. m. To be poor,
marked him with the Namum.
helpless, or weak. -

Fécºs &c. adj. Aquatic, marine.

T. Fºx s. n. The new sprout, growing
from the stalks of the great millet,
R"S s. n. Shame, modesty. after they have been cut.
: TS"N" adj. Many, various, different.
Tº s. n. A sort of neck ornament,
worn by Hindoo women. v. n. To be
**s n. (P.J.2.(3)1. Dis.
grace. 2, shame.
soaked, or steeped. Rºcºs S-3 s. n. A peon appointed
Tº adj. 1. Moist, wet. 2, soak by a collector, oramildar, in order to
cd, steeped, e33); sº RºšR-Koźs superintend the husbandmen, in their
cultivation. -

7"s $YK I recollect that book, by

heart, but not so as to repeat it with Foºcło s. n. 1. A guide, leader,
out some errors. or conductor. 2. a chief, head, or ge
Tºº) v. a. To bleach. Rºot® v. neral. Nº ox's s. n. A mistress, wife,
caus. To cause to bleach. or female. .
R-3353 s. n. (from T. S"So q. v.) Foº s. n. A father.
A field of the great millet, of which RT"cKoº & s. n. A title annexed to
Rºv-50 13 Ryv S.

the proper names of certain casts, place. of coming, or moving; he

among the Soodras. who moved over the water, before
F8 s. n. The hemp of plants, or fi creation. The word has several other
brous bark of trees of the palm spe etymologies.
cies. N*S $5ex) A garment of bark, s. *9 s. n. A woman, in general.
worn by holy sages. T. Nºë s. n. A bow-string.

F8& s. n. Land which has ". F-boº s. n. (P. : JU, H:

chasms, cracks, or chinks. cºj's) The orange tree.
• Fºotºs & s. n. The side timber T.
s"bs & s. n. The COCoanut tree.
of the door frame. T. RT•8 Sºoº.3exy S. n. plu. I. Scars. 2.
F8& Sºcºs s. n. A kind of bitter WartS.

orange. ‘t.
F8& s. n. The guinea worm.
Fºx s. n. A cloud. . R-8 flºw s. n. The COCOanut tree.

• **** s. n. Narada, the son of T. TV"eºs s. n. A young plant, fit to be

Brumha, a celebrated legislator, and transplanted.
inventor of the Hindoo Veena, or |t. Feš s. n. A sort of sedan chair,
termed in India a ton jon.
*& s. n. 1. Water. 2. a crowd of T. RT"e) $5 or Rºvex) X5 adj. numeral.
people, a mob. Fourth.

F’"O" & or RTS & s. n. 1. An ||* *9 s. n. Strength. adj. Slight, gen

iron arrow. 2, an iron style, to write tle. Fö7"8) Asoft breeze.
with. . FošSöğ) s. n. vide R-83833).
. F"Oºoººoºo s. n. 1. The holy fig |T. F-8) 2Nºë So or F-bºx S. II.
tree. 2. prosperity. 3. a fish. A deceitful person.
N"O"< *ś s. n. 1. The wife of || T. R. "ex's or FöTS s. n. The tongue.
Siva, and goddess of destruction. 2. ST'o'; N'exps. The uvula.
the wife of Vishnoo, and goddess of || T. Fewº adj numeral. Four. This
prosperity. 3. the river Ganges. 4. the word is sometimes figuratively used,
plant termed Asparagus racemosa. to express every.
N"o'cºeocºs s. n. The name of |s. Fºº s. n. A hollow, or tubular,
Vishnoo, but especially considered as stalk; the stalk of the water lily, &c.
the deity who was before all worlds, *** s. m. plu. Horseshoe. (A.
--- from s. Fö the primeval waters, Jaj)
derived from Sö the spirit of God, s. Fºssº s. n. The lotus
whence they originate, and ecº ||s. F* or Nº s. n. A ship, boat, or
Rože 14 so-É

vessel. (P. 313) F-32SSC:S. s. m. A || of So is, we sometimes find §o Tºo

used, as a verb.
pilot, or steersman. Koč s. n. 1. Blame, censure. 2. re
FSv35)C& adv. vide escº No. 1.
proach, reproof. 3. abuse. 4. accusa
R"5 & s. n. 1. Destruction, ruin, tion. Kočois v. a. To blame, abuse,
loss. 2. annihilation, death. F-8e0s
vilify, or accuse.
v. n. To decay, decrease, or grow lean. Foºo s. n. The margosa tree. Me
TS-3 s. m. Iat. nasus. 1. The nose. lia azadirachta.
2. the upper timber of a door frame. &S 8330 s. n. 1. Force, compulsion.
75'ſ "3)°35′Sexy s. m. plu. The nos 2. annoyance.
§§ 25% adj. Near, proximate.
Rºos s. n. The nose.
§§ 5& s. n. 1. A flock, or multi
Se Rºčº s. n. Advancing, or skir tude. 2. the pith, sap, or essence.
mishing, in front of an army; leaving
&S 5& adj. Selected, excellent. s.
the line, and defying the enemy, by n. Net balance.
shouts and gestures.
Rºšcºs s. m. An atheist; applied *šš s n. Meanness.
by orthodox Hindoos to any one who §§§ºos s. n. An open space, or
denies the divine authority of the sort of play ground, in, or near, a
Vedas. Rººs & s. n. Atheism; here-l to Wn.

sy; the disbelief of a future world; &S & s. n. A touchstone.

the dehial of a God. -

§§§3.2°cºs s. n. The regent of

So Seº adv. Speedily, swiftly. the south west.
sº S. n. The sky, atmosphere, or . SS-395So adv. Voluntarily; willingly.
air, - -

& SºcºSo s. n. 1. A flock, multitude,

footº-Kočotº or Koź) v. a. To fill.
congregation, or audience. 2. a house,
The causal form of Koš q. v. or habitation. -

&o??) s. n. Uneasiness, grief, sorrow.

KYo-Cºb ad; from Kočo q. v. 1. Full,
*S*CºSºx s. n. A house.
*S*3 & adj. in compositon, Like.
abundant. 2. excessive, exceeding,
rºcºs s. n. An arbour, or bower;
great, much. s. n. Much, a great deal.
adv. Much, greatly. a place overgrown with creepers.
. So GºS or Ko’s s. n. Fulness, com RSSSozosº s. n. A flock, or mul
pletion. titude.
Roºs v. n. 1. To be filled. 2. to be *śo &c. adj. Outcast, despised,
full. Košš Kö v. comp. To be paci. low, vile.
fied, to be silent. In books, instead || S. sº s. n. A house.
& X3 1.5
* &.)
§§ *) -
S. n. Trouble, annoyance.
- -

shoot, as an arrow. 2, to draw, as deep

§§ sº-º: sº or sº sº s. n. sighs. -

Truth, certainty, reality. adj. True, | . & v. n. 1. To grow high. 2. to be

&c. increased.

§§ v. n. To walk erect; to strut; *** s. n. The ashes that remain

to stand on tiptoe; to be proud or over live coal.
presumptuous. s. n. Walking erect, Ts
*ś s. n 1. Great splendour. 2.
&c.; pride, presumption. sº 5Kse Sap, essence, pith. v. n. To be ma
& s. n. (from T. sº erected, rais naged. Rºot® v. a. To manage.
ed up. T. ŠKoº ears, and T. #3_
* @-> S. n. 1. Aversion, dis
favour, discouragement, dislike. 2.
a horse.) The steed of Indra.
RSS rose, Or s sº Stosº S. m. A deviation from rectitude; improprie
musical tone, or sound.
ty. 3. punishing, killing. &#809
§399> adj. All, entire, complete. **śbiº-essº Punishing the
*:::c &A v. a. To stretch forth, as wicked, and protecting the good.
the arms or legs.
*Q9 & "oºl. To disapprove or dis
*X&X s. n. Glittering, shining adv. courage; to disregard. 2. to punish;
to kill.
Brightly. *

KYS& s. n. The Vedas collectively.

sºoº s. m. A dictionary, or voca
exº~3°Sºxs (from s. e3S a bulary; a collection of words, or
horse.) Siva, whose steed the
*. S.

Kºšº &c. adj. Docile, subservient,


dependant, domestic.
*** **św s. n. Eating, swallowing. o

&X&ex) s. n. plu. The dried rind & SoSSo s. n. A heap, assemblage,
or collection.
of any fruit.
&X* & s. n. A fetter, or chain, Kºššo &c. adj. Full, filled, com
& 7S" or &&. s. n. (from P. s' G & plete.

look, observation, custody.) Superin Rºbe) So s. n. The plant termed Ba

tendence, controul. ringtonia acutangula.
R7Rºo s. n. The throat, or neck, *S*es s. n. A cover or wrapper;

of a horse. a veil; a surtout.

&7W"F*KS s. n. The head of a vil K-Sºº Sºo s. n. Seeing, looking.

lage. (P. c,123,13) **) or &&.)ex adv. Always, con

°32 & v, a 1. To discharge, or " stantly, continually.
- ^ -t,
tº 1
**S - |6

T. Rºys s. n. A ladder. and future. 2. regular, fixed, invari

able. adv. Daily, always, continually,
T. &23So s. n. Truth, veracity, certainty,
sureness, reality. adj. True, certain, constantly. SãS $8.5 x Daily actions.
sure, real. §§§ E-S& s. n. 1. An example, or
o illustration. 2. evidence; an instance.
Rzºo adj. Own, perpetual, eternal. Kºššo s. n. vide &sº No. 2.
cº) .

§23& "3So One's own, or natural, & CS’5&o's. n. 1. A first cause, a pri
shape. mary or remote cause. 2. disappear
Roese So or Rºve) So s. n. The fore ance, cessation, or removal of a first
head. Seceºcº (from s. e5& cause. 3. purification, purity, or cor
an eye. ) Siva, who has an eye in the rectness. 4. ascertaining the cause of
middle of his forehead. disease ; the study of symptoms, with
*gos s. n. Certainty. adj. Certain. a view to trace the remote or proxi
T. Fºx s. n. plu. Banks, shares. -
mate causes ; hence this word is the
name of a celebrated medical work.
. Kººyº tº v. n. 1. To overflow.
2. to stand erect, as the hair on the 5. judgment. & SºotS 1. To ex
amine carefully ; to consider, to
body, from fright, joy, &c. judge. 2. to wait or stop a little; to
Å) & 33 s. n. Thirst.
eO take patience, & CŞ"S §cs A just
s. n. Difficult, or hard, - In all.

breathing ; loud sobbing; deep sigh TUD. RSS or sº s. n. from s, & VJ

ing. q. V.
T. every & s. n. The post, or pole, § 33 & s. m. Order, command ;
of a tent, or of a hut. direction, instruction.
Káš)-Kºšč or &&. s. n. Length. Fºss adj. Coarse, gross.
adj. Long. & \&J s. n. Sleep, drowsiness, sloth.
R&CŞe s. n. A snake, or serpent. *\º adj. Sleeping, sleepy,
§§ o2SSo s. n. 1. A woman’s but drowsy, slothful. * @yois or *\ºy
tocks. 2. the buttocks or posteriors &*ē) v. n. To sleep; to repose.
in general ; the circumference of the s: Kºšiššo s. n. 1. Race, family. 2. loss,
hip and loins. 3. the side of a mountain. disappearance, annihilation, death,
§§ož)& s. n. A woman with large
and handsome buttocks. & "S"SS3 s. n. 1. A Nidhi, or divine
**oë So adj. Much, excessive. treasure, belonging especially to
Kºšº &c. adj. l. Eternal, everlasting, Cubera, the god of wealth. 2. a recep
continual, perpetual; past, present, tacle, a place, or vessel in, or on,
R2Y #7 S$3.

which any thing is collected, or depo Rā)& or Kºšš& adj. Coarse,

sited. 3. concealed property. gross; large, bulky. 2. thick, close,
se . §§ s. n. 1. One of Cubera's nine Nid crowded, impervious, impenetrable.
his, or divine treasures. Their na foã)-assoº SºčSo Pitch darkness.
ture is not exactly defined, though Te &?)& adj. Firm ; immoveable.
some of them appear to be precious S. n. Firmness of mind.
gems. According to the Tuntrica ** So &c, adj. in composition. Like
system, they are personified and wor resembling, similar.
shipped as demi-gods, attendant G. fºoxyotº v. a. To suffer, endure,
either upon Cubera, or upon Lutchmi, or bear. -

the goddess of prosperity. 2. a recep . §§§ {Tº or R$S-Svº" s: n. Re

tacle, a place of asylum, or accumu mainder.
lation; as a treasure, a granary, a
fºo s. m. 1. Cause, reason, in
nest, &c.; also figuratively, as ^ 3& strumental cause. 2. mark, sign, spot,
& A man who contains, or is endow
trace, token. 3. object, motive, pur
ed with, all good qualities. Sãºcłº pose. 4. necessity, need, want. This
(from s. ** a lord.) Cubera. word, in Teloogoo, is also a common
§§§§§o s. n. Coition; copulation. postposition; denoting for, on account
§§§§o or SF&So s. n. Sound.
of, about, respecting, in order to, &c.
& S.S. s. n. making in the inflex, sing: *N*83&ºoºoºoººooos-U– &3;

§§§ 3 Yesterday. *YR'S For what reason, or on what

&#"5 Sºx s. n. Causing to descend
or fall, throwing down. account, did you come here 2 º'
Kºvºº's ºys-Rö I came
Kºsso s. m. A trough, or ditch,
in order to see you. & Sox. &o
near a well, for watering cattle.
8. foºtoSoo &c. adj. Clever, skilful, con tº There is no reason or
versant. & 3) to 3 or KºročS> s: need for your remaining here.
n. Eminence in any art; skill. S. fºo or S㺠s. n. The

T. §§y &Y’ So s. n. Poverty, indigence. twinkling of an eye; a second, instant,

or minute. -

§§yº or Sº s. n. A sort of cake. S. §§rves. Sºos, n. Twinkling of the eye;

T. §§§ or ºs s. n. Fire. Kºsºvº) shutting of the eye-lids ; winking.
The hot wind.
T. §§oS v. a. To pass the hand gently
Fºg or *** s. n. Truth, certainty, over another, out of kindness.
reality. adj. True. S. &\X s. n. A river.

Kºš-Fros s. n. Slaughter, killing. is §§§§9 &c. adj. Deep, profound.

R &re 18 * 8.

ar $3.5
&º -

s. n. The lime tree. R$3, º

engaging in any particular task. &
Toº $J-S7Rºcº Lime pickle. &v?\otS. v. a. To command.
&,” sº s. n. Ease, quiet, patience, R&-escºs. n. A servant, or slave.
freedom from annoyance or grief. S. &5. A sanscrit particle, prefixed to
adj. Easy, quiet, happy. §§ºotº words of that language, and implying
v. n. To be at ease, quiet, or patient. 1. Certainty, assurance. 2. negation,
S Scºots s. n. A charioteer; a coach privation. 3. outside, out, without,
In all forth.
S. Roºs & s. n. Drawers, or trowsers, §§ośń Ko &c. adj. (from s, particle
which reach as far as the thigh ; vide F5, and s. ecº an elephant hook.)

*...*&. Unchecked, uncontrolled, self-willed.

S. §oº s. n. 1. Destiny, luck, good or S. §§oööSo adj. 1. Coarse, gross ;
bad fortune. 2. a religious duty, or without interstice. 2. continued, con
obligation. -
tinuous. adv. Always, constantly, fre
S, §cºo s. n. 1. An agreement, con quently, generally.
tract, or engagement. 2. assent, pro §849N'S' s. n. (from P.A.''<s;)
mise. 3. any religious observance, An account of the price current.
voluntarily practised ; as fasting, S. RöCŞSo s. n. Hell.
watching, pilgrimage, &c. 4. Volunta S sº &c. adj. (from s, particle
ry penance, meritorious or superero §5, and s. egº a bolt, or bar.) Un
gatory piety. 5, a religious observance
obstructed, unrestrained, unimpeded.
in general. 6. certainty, ascertain §8. ºw &c. adj. (from s, particle
ment. 7. a rule, or law. Koºyotº
v. a. 1. To direct, or order. 2. to ap 89, and s. e; an object.) Vain, fruit
point. less, unprofitable, unmeaning.
S. Soº-sºcłº s. m. A boatman; a sail §§§ S& s. n. Rejection, denial, con
or ; one who rows, steers, or keeps tradiction, disallowance. K&otºs v.
a look out from the mast head; a pi a. To reject, deny, contradict, or dis
lot, or steersman. -

fºcºş Şo s. n. Ten millions. | S. & &c. adj. 1. Shot. 2, uttered

scº s. n. Close fight; personal rapidly, hurried. 3. sent, thrown, cast,
directed. 4, abandoned, deserted, left.
fººvX&o s. n. 1. An order, com 5. rejected, disallowed.

mand, or mandate. 2. authority, ap

s. sº s. m. A leech.
pointment. 3, occupation ; zealously S. Kºś8& s. n. (from s, particle
S&t §§ gº
&5, s. 33.5, a letter, and s. Šē, sº S. n. 1. A demi-god, or ruler of
the belly.) An illiterate person. e
the south west quarter. 2. misfortune,
& Cº SºčSo &c. adj. (from s, particle calamity.
£5, and s. 3 STS shape.) Shapeless. *S*º s. n. 1. Loss, destruction.
s. n. 1. The sky, atmosphere; heaven. 2. restraint, confinement, check. §5?
2. reproach, censure. fo-yo SvöScºb
à9° v. a. To obstruct, or impede.
The supreme being; Vishnoo, Siva, S.
& s. n. 1. The removing one's bag
the divine spirit. & ovš8o33 v. a.
gage, furniture, &c., from one place
1. To transgress, disobey, disregard, to another, in an auspicious hour ;
or contemn. 2. to disgrace.
when one is prevented, by some
****)33 &c. adj. Removed, re. cause, from removing one's-self, at
jected, set aside. that period. 2. the baggage, or ar
Kºšºv 2539 &c. adj. Easy, unob ticles, thus removed.
structed, without hesitation. S, sº-sº S. n. 1. A thunderbolt.
RTY":SocºS$9 &c. adj. (from s, parti
2. a gust of wind.
cle S5, and s. 35&cº disease.) Well,
hale, recovered from sickness.
sº s. n. Sound in general.
Sº"; s. n. Despair, despondency. sºcks S. n. A deity ; an immortal. -
foºtöğo s. n. Fasting.
º S. m. A cascade, or torrent.
foś3 s. n. (from P.P. jº) Fixed rate; rº,83 S. n. A river.
price current ; tariff; assize.
§§§ 3 s. m. making in the inflex.
º s. n. 1. Certainty, positive
sing. Köse3 The last, or past year. conclusion. 2. resolution, determina
tion. 3. settlement, final arrangement.
S. Rºss's XSo &c. adj. Causeless, 4. result, decree. Sºo & To fix,
groundless. settle, or resolve.
§ &º s. n. Thorough understand
ing ; skill; fluency.
S. sº 2:3& s. n. A washerman.
S. Kºš toº s. m. 1. Sight, seeing 2. 3) ºs. n. An order, or command;
doubt, discussion, investigation. 3. authoritative instruction, or direction.
ascertaining, determining.. S.
sº S. n. 1. Certainty, or as
R & "3&o s. n. An address, or repre certainment. 2. determination, resolu
sentation, in writing; a written order. tion. Fºss, To determine,
or resolve. -

R & "30 & 1. To investigate. 2. to

explain. 3. to determine, or ascertain. *śs ºšº adv. Without cause ; for
4. to prove. In O TCàSOh,
Rºs 20
Rºyoºs s. n. I. Intent, or pertinaci S&Sº-> s. n. 1. Extracted juice,
ous, pursuit of any thing, 2, seizure; • 2. a door. 3, a pin or bracket, pro
laying violent hold of anything. Kºyo jecting from the wall.
§otº or &&.yo5 &#& v. a. To RöS35s s. n. Sight, seeing.
constrain, or oppress. STSros s. n. 1. Nakedness, 2, fi
S, rººs &c. adj. Fearless, un nal beatitude, the emancipation of the
daunted. soul from the body, it's exemption
88.58× adj. Much, excessive, from further transmigration, and re
union with the deity, adj. 1. Naked.
Fºoºoºo s. n. A shark. 2. departed, defunct.
§8,939 &c. adj. Pure, transparent, &T'Sº s. n. 1. Censure, blame. 2.
clear, clean; free from dirt or impu the decision of a controversy. 3. ab
rities. sence of dispute.
Sºseos s. m. Manufacture, pro &T Sºtos s. n. Slaughter, killing.
duction, creation, invention. *8.0% Kºš-šo or Sºº-sº s. n.
v. a. To create, or invent.
Sº, e.Sº s. n. The remains of an 1. Management. 2. power or ability
offering, presented to a deity. to perform, execute, sustain, &c. &SS
$row v. a. 1. To manage, or
§§ 5 º' adj. Loosed, set free, li transact. 2. to sustain. 3. to effect. &
berated, abandoned, quitted. s. n. A
snake which has lately cast it's skin. TS3-&cºs s. n. A manager.
88S3> &c, adj. Senseless; over
Rºos s. n. Extirpation, sº come with fear, or sorrow.
&#& To eradicate.
es: $30 s. n. A serpent's skin, or F&S.)” s. n. 1. Happiness. 2. rest,
repose, tranquillity. 3. death.
Rºstosº S. n. I. Death, demise;
R& S. n. 1. Humility, self-dis
final beatitude. 2, the corner of an paragement. 2, despair. 3. weariness.
4. disgust.
elephant's eye. T. See adv. Very, much, &c.
STSãsº s. n. 1, Revenge. 2, a *gº v. n. To hold up, or erect,
gift. 3. delivery of a deposite. 4. pay the head; to twist back the body,
ment of a debt.
&c., from affected pride, or insolence.
STS$o s. n. Extract, decoction, Secº s. n. A house, or habita
infusion; the natural or artificial tion. * - -

combination of a vegetable substance, Res; SS. s. n. Truth, certainty, adj.

with a watery fluid. ' True, certain. *
º *
* -->
* -


Rexbû) Rºss
S. Rºboč)cºs s. n. A deity. *ś99% v. a. (from s. Rsy % q.v.)
T. Revsº or Sesºs. n. (from Rex tº To abandon, or quit. v. n. To cease,
q. v.) Constancy, firmness, steadiness. or leave off. -
T. &ex & v. n. 1. To stand. 2, to re
& SöS. s. n. A village.
main, halt, or stop. 3. to stop, cease, *śS& s. n. A house, dwelling,
or be interrupted in progress, before residence, or habitation.
the end or conclusion. 4. to be stop S.
&ššº s. n. 1. A flock, multitude,
ped, or terminated. 5. to be placed or crowd. 2. a quantity.
upon; to stand upon. 6. to be pre & Sºčeošo s. n. 1. A remedy; a
served, or saved. 7. to remain after
cure. 2. averting, driving away. 3.
part is consumed. 8. to be repressed, deliverance. 4. prevention. RMSvěo
allayed, humbled, or abated. Rex):3)
° 1. To cure, or remedy. 2. to
v. a. 1. To stop, or cause to stand. 2. avert, or dissipate. 3..to deliver. 4. to
to stop, or interrupt in progress; to prevent.
adjourn, to postpone. 3. to stop, or
cause to cease. 4. to set, or place, up
**9 s. n. Taking away the effect
of evil looks. & FºotS v. a. To
right. 5. to place, or repose, as faith
in another. 6. to preserve or save. 7. take away the effect of evil looks.
to reserve part of a whole. 8. to re S. & FK & s. m. wide Kºš5:30.
press, allay, humble, or abate. Rex, S. §§§sº s. n. 1. The upper garment,
or mantle. 2. a veil. 3. the sacerdotal
$oão or Rescº To stop or stand
still. §§§os. oxºSSA$) The water thread, when suspended round the
neck, on particular occasions.
is fordable. lit. The water gives a T. &#93 v. a. To touch, to feel.
standing. -

**)ešo s. n. The ashes upon live coal.
Rex's or Res s. m. from Rex tº q. S.
&S). 3 s. n. 1. Cessation, comple
v. Residue, balance, remainder. tion. 2. abandoning, resigning, abdi
Rex's boºs v. a-from Sex, tº q.v. cating. 3. rest, repose.
1. To cause to stand. 2. to support, ºšºss s. n. 1. Ground to the ex
manage, or sustain. 3. to make pro tent of 2,400 feet square. 2. vide § 5
ceed, to cause to go on.
T. &exº) s. n. 1. A man's height, with 3 & 3. a camp.
his hand held upright. 2. the unreap &#3 & s. n. A house, or habitation.
ed portion of a field partly reaped. 3. T. & Sº v. n. To overflow; to be
height, adj. High, tall. TºššRex, 5 too full. -

$.”&So He is a very deceitful T. Sº s. n. vide & Sº.

§§ Eyo

scoundrel, lit. his height is all poison. Rºses Rºsex, s, n.

Or Wonder,

Sã) , 22 Kºš

surprise, amazement. S*S*Xo3 º) Ü, 83 *. n. A ladder.

(from eboº to reach.) To wonder, ... Kºº's & &c. adj. Private, secret.
to be surprised, or astonished. Sºśsº s. n. (from s, particle FST,
§§ s. n. 1. Night. 2. turmerick. Sºo and s. 33 remainder.) Whole, coin
& (from s. eSotº the end.) 1. Break plete, entire, all.
of day, or close of the night. 2, a S fo 3, cºs s. n. Beatitude, sal
house or dwelling. Kºścº (from vation, happiness. -
o -

s. 38 that goes.) A fiend, or goblin. §§oX&o s. n. A quiver.

& Féºcºs s. n. (from s. 282 that es; s. n. 1. A market. 2. a shop.
wanders.) An imp, or goblin. 87° & SöS. s. n. Mire, mud.
1. A female goblin. 2. an owl. º S.
£3$$$90 s. n. 1. The name of a
? =- (from s, ºys that sees.) An mountain, or mountainous range,
owl. §§ 39 (from s. 39 master.)The forming one of the principal ranges
moon. S773 &(from s, & 3 a gem.) of the universe, and described as lying
1. A fire-fly. 2, the moon. immediately south of Ilavrata, and
. RTÉ s. n. (from P. col&sj) 1. A north of the Himalaya range. 2. a
flag, or banner. 2. a mark, or sign. country in the south east of India.
Ry?"S$55 So s. n. 1. Sight, seeing, be Rºčº s. n. The first of the seven
musical notes.
holding. 2. hearing.
Fºº SoCºS s. n. A man of a degraded
Rºs s. n. Turmerick. tribe, an outcast; especially the son
§33& &c. adj. Sharpened, keen, of a Bramin by a Soodra woman; the
whetted. -

usual occupation of this cast is hunt

cºs s. n. Midnight. ing, or fishing.
tº or ºs s. n. Night. sº &c. adj. Prohibited, forbid
§3.)cºs s. n. 1. Certainty, ascer
tainment, positive conclusion: 2. po Rºss & s. n. Consummation of mar
sitive resolution, settled determina riage. - -

tion. Rºyosovº v. a. 1. To settle, sº s. m. A prohibition. Sº,

resolve, or determine. 2. to ascertain. àois To prohibit.
F?)3 sº &c. adj. Ascertained, set s. S &S cosº s. n. Service.
tled. sº s. n. The ceremo S$ 5. *So &c. adj. Sincere; without
my of betrothing two persons, in deceit. s. n. Sincerity.
which the terms of the future mar S.
§§ & s. n. A certain weight of
riage are settled, gold. - -
23 § so

s. Kºśs s. n. 1. Determination, settle S- §§§ s. n. The natural state;

ment, final arrangement. 2. certainty. mature ; peculiar character, or condi
Så ºs-oss To determine, settle, tion.
fix, or resolve. TUD. & s. n. (from s. 577) Night. “
Se *ś–5 S. n. A woman past child T. &SR) s. n. The young of any ani
bearing, or in whom menstruation mal, or of the human species.
has ceased. |s. * *, of sº s. n. 1. A scimitar. 2, a
S. ss. *So s. n. 1. A garden, or
sacrificial knife.
grove. 2. the hollow of a tree.
s. §§ 3-& or § -U—3 ºvšo s. n. The
s. & Cºys& s. n. The scum of boiled
hollow of a tree.
s. & $ & s. n. Going out, exit. s. FKSČS. s. n. Sound.
S. &SC:s s. n. An indigent, or poor
s. Kºš s. n. 1. The catastrophe of a Inan, -

drama, the conclusion of a fable, 2.

conclusion in general, end, termina TUD. ºs.n. (from s, particle's 5T,
tion. 3. disappearance, loss, destruc and s. SãS strength.) Weakness;
tion, 4. confirmation, completion. 5. debility.
ordinary and uniform practice, or S. §§y8 tº S. n. 1. Exit, going forth,
profession. 6. good conduct, excel or out. 2. the entrance into a house,
lence. 7. religious practice, devout or city.
and austere exercise. S.- Rºytosº s. n. A kind of drum.
s, ºssº s. n. Sauce, condiment. s. Kººyºo adj. (from s, particle & 5T,
S- §ss S. n. Spitting, ejecting any and s. Tº juice.) Sapless, pithless,
thing from the mouth. " dry.
s. Rººs s. n. An iguana.
s. Fºº &c. adj. I. Cruel, harsh. 2. S. §3-5× &c. adj. Deposited, deliver
hard, solid.
ed, given, entrusted.
s. &S 3 s. n. Completion, termina
S. §3. Aššo s. n. 1. Denial, conceal
s. &Yºº adj. 1. Done, finished, ment of knowledge, dissimulation,
secrecy. 2. mistrust, doubt, suspicion.
concluded, accomplished, completed.
2. born, produced.
Rºss, s. n. A deposit, or pledge.

s. Kºys & ex) s. n. plu. The pulse T. & pro. Thy. This is the possessive of
termed Dolichos lablab. vide €95&Sv. šić) q.v. §8. Thine.
s. * *y, F" tº s. n. New and un s. §§ 3 & adj. in composition, Like,
bleached cloth. similar, resembling.
$83 24 flex,

. §§s &c. adj. Low, base, vile, mean. §'s To be brought to bed; be
cause water precedes the birth. &
- §§3-0 s. n. (from T. $83 the & §§ &” &S*Reboobºo Reeves
inflex. of $83 water, and Tºrº the ox'Sö lit.it is five months since that
womb.) Fire, who in Hindoo mytho woman bathed. That woman is five
logy is represented as the parent of months gone with child. §§ -ºš or
Water. -

. § 3 & 8 s. n. (from T.883 the inflex.

*: A water bubble. §§§§
of §8% water, and T. K5" & a grand Ardor urine. &#823935& 3R-cºo
He has wasted away, from sorrow.
father.) The wind; the father of fire,
and grand father of water. •ow-688% lit gold-water. Gilding.
. § & s. n. Vanity, pride of dress, fop §§§ s. n. Thirst.
pishness. T. & S-6 s. n. A kind of pincers, or
ºf s. n. 1. Shade. 2, shadow. tongs.
& s. n. A nest. §5?: $$@(from T. &Sã s. n. Urine.
s.éºys born.) A bird. T. S& S. n. An onion.
§cºs s. n. A Teloogoo title, added to T. §eºs s. n. 1. A tear; water from the
the proper names of the Kumma cast; eye. 2. ashes over live coal.
as eşošēcºs &c. - s. Seox& e. n. Any insect.
. 89 s. n. 1. Ethics, moral philosophy; s. Sesºs. n. (A.J.A.) 1. The sapphire.
morals. 2. guiding, directing. 3. ob 2. black, or dark blue, colour. adj.
taining, acquirement, acquisition. Black, or dark blue. Šešošo s. n.
& s. n. The tree termed Nauclea (from s. Soº the throat.) A peacock.
Šešoë&s. n. Siva; from his throat
$8o Úº adj. Thick, coarse, gross || having become black, by his swallow
. §§§o s. n. Water.
‘ing the poison produced at the churn
• *Oºo s. n. Boiled water, to mix ing of the ocean,
with Šº q.v. T. &ö s. n. 1. The indigo plant. Indigo
. §§ s. n. making in the inflex, sing.
$43, Water. This word is generally fera tinctoria. 2. dark blue colour. 3.
thread died of that colour. adj. I.
used in the plural number, §§. $83
**śTº A stoppage of urine. § Dark blue. 2. false, ºbsº) False
weeping; crocodile tears. §55-5s
&sº s. n. A water snake. So A false rumour.
§§§ºsts, To shed tears. § T. §ex$or §es v. n. 1. To strut, to walk
Roč 25 R& 3)

proudly. 2. to die. 3. to yawn. s. n. Kość) v. a. To say, express, or tell.

Strutting. S. KQ9 s. n. Praise, eulogium, commen
§§ s. n. The wife of Vishnoo. dation, panegyric, applause, encomi
. §§ s. m. plu, vide §83.
ro -
ultil, Ročo-SS Or Koś3 oxo~$8 v. a. To

§ 5-8:So s. n. plu. Wild corn. praise, or applaud.

: §3 s. n. 1. Capital, principal, stock. & & &c. adj. Sent, ordered, dis
patched. -

2. a stake or wager. 3. a cloth round

a woman's waist, or the ends of the S&S s. n. making in the inflex.
sing. Kość. The forehead.
cloth passed round the loins so as to
T. Kość) s. n. Smoothness, adj. Smooth.
hold the whole together; the tie of
drawers, worn by women, &c. T. Košš s. n. Smoothness. KośAñº or
Šiš) pro. Thou. Kosº adj. Smooth. Koścº v. a.
ês)& Ot &S.) & s. n. Any inha 1. To smooth; to level. 2. to destroy,
or ruin. -

bited country.
KoKAšo &c. adj. Sent, dispatched,
. § 59° s. n. The edge of a thatch. cast, thrown, dismissed.
§3.88% s. n. Frost, hoar frost. Kºš s. n. making in the inflex, sing:
§ox3 s. n. The edible seed of a pal Sv3 a well.
myra fruit, while unripe. T. KSSX3 or Koº) s. n. Froth, foam.
Koot or Kooà postpos. From, away T. Koebois v. a. To thrash corn, by
from ; out of; by ; since. trampling it under the feet, either of
Kººs v. a. To kill, assassinate, or men, or cattle.
slaughter. KoeëSSov. a. To pulverize; to reduce
to powder, or dust. s. n. Powder,
Kºš v. a. 1. To pound, or reduce to
dust. Koeºcº or Koeºsºvº
powder. 2. to speak fluently, in con
futation of others. s. n. 1. Powder. 2. To kill, or assassinate.
Koes s. n. A sort of rope, or string,
a dung cake, used as fuel. Kºš-sc of which the net work which forms
7\" adv. Into powder, or pieces. the bottom of the common native
bedsteads is composed.
Kotº) s. n. Sheep, or goat, dung.
. KQ9 s. n. Griping pain in the intes
33. *"Cöex s. m. plu. Bits of cloth, times. adj. Little, gentle. Robº Ol'

with which the natives tie the teats of K998 Ko To have griping pains. Ko
Öğ)SXSºx, s. n. plu. Worms found in
sheep, &c. –o

Kºč or Košić) s. n. A word, or ex the intestines. Kº S.) Gentle

pression. warmth.
-> -->
RS-2 e53 26

. Kyô5) s. m. Sound in general. T. § -º) v. a. wide Koeëstº. Kº

Keosº or Koeo:3) v. a. wide Kºš. or Kºveyā s. n. Thrashing corn.
, Keošov. a. To twist round the flesh. T. Š-sex s. m. making in the inflex.
sing, either Kºº or Sy-oš) Thread.
Kºš) or KočS s. n. A crop of sesa |
mum. In the plural, this word de | l K-sex soº. An oblong roll, or ball,
notes the sesamum seed itself. |
º of thread. Kº Krºex Fine thread:
§s-eysſº To spin thread. 75°C:3
T. Fºx, or KSex v, n. To trille away
time. -
§§A K-sex): 3: Sº He is
T. Koło s. m. The dust into which woodis becoming very lean, lit. he is spinning
reduced, by insects. Kºš) & XS An fine thread.
insect found in timber. Š-exs"K. v. n. 1. To be excited,
T. Košos3 s. n. The eye-fly. or incited. 2. to be rallied in battle.
. Kre s. n. A contraction of Kºš q.v.; 3. to recover one's senses. v. A. To
as Kºvá)oč. The flour of the sesa accept, consent, or agree. Rººs’
mum seed.
exy v. caus. 1. To excite, or incitc.

K-osſex, s. m. plu. Broken pieces of 2. to rally in battle. 3. to restore to

rice, or of similar substances. one's senses. 4. to cause to accept, *
Kreš v. a. To push violently ; to Rºy & or §§§º s. n. Dancing.
thrust out. Tºoºº-ºº To sweep Syðcs Or Ryº s. n. A ruler; a
away the dust, or dirt. king. -

T. SS-7N*& s. n. A line of hair, from S.

Rºoss, &c. adj. Malicious, wick
the navel to the breast. ed, hurtful, injurious, mischievous,
K-X3 s. n. A sort of dust, which co destructive. -

vers the grain of the great millet. is part. This is a syllable prefixed,
Holcus saccharatus. ' - in composition only, to substantives,
to denote-Saft, smooth; as ºr,
S, KrośSSS or Kºššo &c, adj. New,
fresh, recent, young. & A smooth face. The consonant
Śro's s. n. Oil in general. . following it is always doubled.
Sºvić) ŠS$0 s. n. An ornament for
-Rs. 3 v. n. To be spread.
the ankle.
T. Tºxà s. n. A large fire, lighted for
warmth in cold weather, or for keep
Krvº s. n. making in the inflex.
sing. K-83 A hundred, adj. One ing off wild beasts.
hundred. TSX:3 s. n. A shark, w n. 1. To be
Kroes v. a. To grind. § ºrº To increased or promoted. 2. to spread,
or extend, 3, to be published. Tºx&c
sharpen, or grind a knife.
27 + x;

tº v. caus. 1. To cause to increase, dient. 3, good order, or arrange
or extend. 2. to publish. ment.

T. SXcº v. n. To fly. S㺠v. a. To search, or look for.

T. TRX3 ex) s. n. Perturbation, disquiet. Tºš s. n. The chewing of the
T. sº v. n. To be managed, or ended. cud. SS$o’S -ºš or $oº To
v. a. To push one forward. ºo:: chew the cud.

v. a. To manage. TSS0 s. n. A peacock. Tºšiš),

(from T. Sº the eye.) 1. The eye
T. &Y s. b. A quantity of very small of the peacock. 2. the beautiful round
broken rice, &e. mark, in the feathers of it's tail.
T. Sºyb s. n. A friend; either male, TSSoS v. a. To rub the body with
or female. unguents.

T. Sº adv. Exceedingly, excessively.

Fºº s. n. 1. Quiet, or ease, of
T. Fºotº adv. Destitute of cause, or mind. 2. rest, repose. Sº,37'5)o
reason, & To be free from all disquietude.
T. º v. a. To push, or thrust, away Tºº, s. n. 1. Happiness. 2. meek
ness. 3. friendship. 4. a peacock.
violently. Sºssº v. comp. To
rush in. Fºotº v. caus. To cause
T. Tº ex) s. n. plu. The iron nails,
sharp pointed at both ends, whereby
to push, or thrust, away violently.
boards are conjoined.
T. & W. So s. n. 1. Elevated ground; a - S& s, n. Affection, tenderness.
table land. 2. gaming.
T. S. 3 or "S 3 Sºcº s. n. The head. Tºscºes (from T. º
anger.) Displeasure towards an object
Tº . SJºë3 A burden carried on beloved. —sºscº, A friend, com
the head.
panion, or comrade.
T. Sº s. n. Blood. Tºšºx: A Fox's s. n. making in the inflex.
boil. Tº A serpent sing. ** Clarified butter. Ghee.
with red spots. Sº Sºoš The TSöcºo or Söcºo v. n. 1. To ex
bloody flux. tend; to pervade. 2. to be published.
T. SSS s. n. Affection, tenderness, 3. to grow grey as hair. Tºšić) or "S
attachment. Šiš) v. a. 1. To spread or scatter, 2.
T. S330 s. n. 1. Blame. 2, accusation. to publish. s. n. 1. The act of spread
3. a pretence. ing. 2. greyness of hair.
‘t. Tºy s. n. 1. The destined, fixed, or TSöğ s. n. 1. An atom. 2, a fault,
usual place. 2. contrivance, expc. or mistake.
TEs) 28 $3,
T. T8 s. n. A sympathetic swelling, cent. TSo-Ovoo (from t. Tº ox a
caused by a wound or sore, but in a stone.) vide SoCº) TS"oč Šo under
part of the body different from the Q

precise place where the wound or Socºcãº. Sº, "o: The period of
a month.
sore is.
S&S v. m. The tendons or intes T. TSeoST:Ś v. n. 1. To be extended;
to be scattered. 2. to stand, or stop.
times to pain. v. a. To turn or twist
round a weapon, in a wound, after T. Tºejcó or Seycé$oš s. n. A woman.
it has been thrust into the body. T. Soč) s. n. A house, dwelling, or re
+3835) v. a. 1. To distribute any sidence. Seč,5°S To reside.
thing among a company, either in - Fºº's s. n. The shrub term
equal or unequal shares, according to ed Gmelina arborea.
their rank. 2. to make even, to equa Se º s. n. Emblic myrobalan.
Phyllanthus emblica.
See adj. This is a word always pre Tºšić) or Söğ) s. n. Information,
fixed to substantives, and denoting
acquaintance, knowledge, experience.
Great, entire; as SeeSoº A great TSöß8 s. n. 1. A well informed, ex
flame, or pain. See: 3 Mimickry.
perienced, or clever person. 2. a per
-Sessex, s. m. plu. 1. Vital parts: 2. son well known.
hair TS53) s. n. vide S333).
Tescºo v. n. vide SöcºolNo. 1 & 2.
SSS or SSSºx s. n. 1. Calamity,
Tºšešić) s. n. 1. Breadth. 2. mobility. distress, misfortune. 2. danger, peril.
adj. Noble, excellent. O

Segºšešov. n. To be accomplished, ºf s. n. (P. •jº) A short spear,

perfected, completed or fulfilled. S or lance.
et àeº) v. a. To accomplish, or fulfil. Tº adj. Noble, excellent.
Tºšeš s. n. 1. Merit, goodness, excel Tºs s. n. making in the inflex. sing.
lence. 2. greatness, eminence, excess. TÉ88 To-day, this day.
adj. Good, excellent. T, Tišcé s. n. 1. Weaving. 2. texture. Töc
Tº e88 s. n. A female's under garment.
& Tec: S A weaver.
T. Tºeºcºö or sº s. n. A crack in the
$5 or ºcºs s.

n. A master, or
Tºescºre adv. Entirely, totally. +5 (5) sº s. n. 1. The eye. 2. bleach
T. TSeesex) s. m. plu. The hair.
Tºo s. n. 1. A month. 2. the moon. 3. ed or wove silk. º, *\ºss
an ornament in the form of a cres (from s. 55 to cover.) The eye-lid.
758 29
S. Sašº &c. adj. Very near. crime has been laden upon him. SS
T. & pro. 1. making in the nom. §cs A criminal, culprit, or offender.
plural àº, or in books sometimes T. 3&#3 or 5&) v. a. To learn. The
Tiššo, or §§o. affirmative and negative aorists of
s. 33 *Sº s. n. 1. Dress, ornament, this verb are added to other infini
embellishment. 2. disguise. tives, as auxiliaries, to denote the
s. Tºšº s. n. The country of possession, or want of power or
Nepaul. -
ability. I can, &c. I cannot, &c. Tºy
s. Tº s. n. A tree so called. STRS or $855 & v. comp. To
learn, or acquire knowledge. S&S
T. Sex, s. m. A coin, of the value of 40
v. caus. To teach, to instruct. s. n. 1.
Skill, knowledge, information. 2.
T. Rºssº s. n. 1. Choice, determi
dexterity, ability. 3. contrivance. 4.
nation. 2. a rule, or law. merit. TºS38 or Tööyö A clever
Tup. Tº s. m. wide ecºsº.
s. Tº s. n. 1. A pulley. 2. the frame Person. Tºyoºs v. caus. To cause to
teach; to educate. 38:0 S. n. Skill,
work for the rope of a well. 3.
dexterity. -

the circumference of a wheel.

Tup. Sãooks v. a. 1. To determine, or T. Tºšº s. n. The rose apple tree.
Eugenia jambos. Téléâ3 s. n.
fix. 2. to appoint; from Sºo q.v. -
This verb is also the causal form of vide zoºſvěSãº.
Tāşo q. V.
T. To s. n. Land, soil, earth. TjepºjcX-6
T. & v. a. To sift, to winnow. escº) To turn topsyturvy. +5
T. Scº v. a. To weave. Rowoº v. ecºexº) (from T. Sex, 3) to mir.)
caus. To cause to weave. &oº To kill, to ruin. Sexº~9x A sub
terraneous abode.
CŞo To lace a cot. x3 & To

thatch with grass. T. Tº s. n. 1. Fraud, trick, decep

T. Sºº s. n. 1. Stupidity. 2. mistake, tion. 2. pretence.
fault. 3. failing. This is the negative Tºsº s. n. A kind of necklace,
noun from S& q' v. worn by women.
1. Tº s. n. 1. A crime, or offence. Tºšº s. n. Friendship. ; sºciº
2. a fine. Tºrº) To charge, A male friend, or companion. Tº
lit. to load, with a crime; to accuse. TO”ex) A female friend.
~Kºrºščoºrcºoa He has S.
3.85 s. n. A cow of a superior kind.
been found guilty of the crime. lit. the S.
**Šs ºn. (Heilsº low,
S’āy 30

mean, down.) Meanness, lowness, S’ Sº s. n. making in the inflex.

pretended humility. sing. S & 3 The forehead.
Sº sº s. n. A forest, or wilder Tº S v. a. To perform a meritori
ness, so called. . OuS act.
Sºyº s. n. The ruler of the south T. Fºveošo s. n. Examination of coin
west quarter. by sight. Tººwºc & A shroff, or
s: *Sº s. n. An oblation, or offer money changer.
ing, to the deity. TRºofy" ºxy v. a. To pierce, SO as to
S$$ocłº s. n. A name of Nald, the cause pain. Rºw RT"> To offend; To
famous Hindoo Emperor. cause pain, of sorrow. Tºº To
Toowºo v. a. To pain, or hurt. throw, so as to cause pain. These three
T. Sº -U– s. n. A dent, or bend. v. a.
words are compounded of Fº, the
To press down, to compress. Tº
exº-NS To ask rigidly, or severely. irregular infinitive of Sºtº) to pain,
ºš and the verbs S***, ***, and 9
-U–o S v. caus. To cause to press

down, &c. -
cºo q.v.
T. TV"So s. n. 1. A vow. 2, a meritori
T. Roxex, s. n. plu. The poles connect
ing the carriage with the yoke. ous act. 3. fasting. v. a. I. To lose 2.
Rºe» v. n. To be wearied, or fa to perform a meritorious act.
T. Rºvš s. n. making in the inflex, sing.
T. º s. m. plu. Saliva. TRové3 The mouth. Rºsses
Hold your tongue.
Tºtº) v. n. To smart, pain, or ache.
G. F's 5 s. º (from P. CŞ;3,5) set
ºš S To hurt, torment, or cause
pain. & Sotº) The mind to Vice, sº & A servant. (P. jº)
be displeased. Tºsº, To repent FSoścks s. n. A pupil who resides
in his teacher's house.
of; to be sorry, or afflicted; to regret.
º) v. a. To say, tell, or express. FSº s. n. A deer.
s. n. Saying. & 8) &&ex) s. n. plu. FSº gº s. n. Disrespect, contempt.
The Vedas, lit. the first sayings. S. FSS", §§o s. n. The Indian fig
tree. Ficus indica.
ºśy s. n. Bodily pain, or ache. So
*Yoº v, a 1. To hurt, or pain. 2. *Sºyº s. n. A thousand million.
to afflict, or torment. 3. to displease, §§ išºo &c, adj. Deposited, placed,
Or offend.US) § sº)S*: Sexºcº consigned, delivered.
The pains of labour to appear, or FS&sº s. n. 1. Propriety, fitness.
CO trainence.
2. justice, equity. 3. law, 4, morality
3-3 31 3o &

5. logic. 6, a reason, or cause. RTS Šovš s. n. Pudendum muliebre.

cºSºx' &c. adj. Right, proper, fit, &oxº) adj. Lame, crippled, halt. s.
just. n. 1. One who has lost his legs. 2. the
S. F's $ºo s. n. A deposit, or pledge. planet Saturn.
S. K'Sºx &c. adj. Bent, crooked, T. Śo & s. n. A veranda.
$o& adj. in composition only. Five.
s. Krškº &c. adj. 1. Blameable, vile, O

wicked, despicable. 2. less, deficient, Šoć's sº adj. (from s. affix SET)

defective. Five ; relating to five, made of five,
Sýsº s. m. A name of Siva : as bought with five, &c. s. n. A field of
O Co
ornamented with a garland of human battle. ŠoćNº or Šoć Kºššo
skulls. **

s, n. (from s. 29; or *% concealed.)
A turtle, or tortoise; as having it's
five members hidden by it's shell. §o
o O.
3 The thirty-sixth letter, and twenty O

first consonant, in the Teloogoo al tº 23;&c & s. n. (from s. 235 born.)

phabet. Man in general ; a man, as composed
Q cºo

Šoššº s. n. 1. Mud, mire, clay. 2. of the five elements. $25 ö or Š-S


sin.<0s & or Košš-šo (from ëSºx 5 m. 1. Death, dying; as being

the dissolution of the five elements.
sº born, and S. Sºśv what grows, 2. the nature or condition of five. So
respectively.) The lotus; as produ **śſs sºo S. In- (from S. 35; sº ten.)
ced in wet soil. 3-39&o adj. Muddy. co

Śo S. s. n. (from H. (633) A fan. Fifteen, 3.cº. So s. n. (from s.

cº, *

Šošovº v. n. To receive attention; &# = ten.) Fifteenth. 39.3°33 s. n.

to possess weight, or authority. The fifteenth lunar day, of either the
8, Šo 3 s. m. A line, row, or range. dark, or bright, fortnight. 89& § 3)
3OX s. n. The forked branch of a
tree. 3oxê3otS-3oxêoº or 3ox & s. n. 1. A tiger. 2. an elephant. 3.

êows v. a. To open the legs. 3ox83 a tortoise. lit. five clawed. §o & 39 s.
-º-, adj. (from T. S"ex) the leg.) n. A lizard, or iguana. lit, five clawed.
3oxRT-833X s. n. vide T. R. "S$$$30 3 orº & "3&oex) The five elements;
No. 2. viz. earth, fire, water, air, and aether.

30% s. n. A deep pit, for catching 3o <x<Sº s. n.The five articles de

clephants. rived from the cow; viz. milk, curds,

$$ O'S 32 3ozº

clarified butter, cow's urine and cow and water. This mixture is used as a
- CT)
dung. The Hindoos drink these five
bath for Hindoo idols. Soº & adj.
articles mixed together, as a purifica Q

tion, after any breach of their laws Fifty. §o-3 & adj. Fiftieth. Ko
Q O -

prescribed for purity. Soº (S) s. ~cº s. m. An assembly of five, or

n. 1. Five plates collectively. 2. a small more, persons, to settle a matter by
metal vessel, in the form of a tumbler. arbitration. sow-tº-3350° Sº Il.

30 & 3)3 s. n. The fifth lunar day, of A bond drawn out in the presence of
either the dark, or bright, fortnight. five persons; viz. the debtor, the cre
ditor, the two witnesses, and the wri
soºs &c.ad. Fiſh. s. n. 1. The ter of the bond.
seventh musical note, said to be form
§otº adj. in composition only. Broad,
ed by air drawn from five places; cº)

viz. the navel, the thighs, the heart, wide, spreading; as <ow-KSº
throat, and forehead. 2. one of the (from s. eş a face.) A lion.
—o -

Ragas or modes of music. §o $300 Šovšššo s. n. The quantity of 5.

& s. n. 1. The fifth man. 2. an out tooms of grain.
cast, a Paria ; as not belonging to 333-3 s. n. Sugar. §F" or 335
any of the four pure Hindoo tribes. scº's Sugar candy.
co —o –o

ŠK& s. n. (from s. 5,Q-5)
8. 3oº-3 or Šo Tºš s. n. The roof
of a veranda or balcony.
a face.) Siva. Śoº Scēo s. n. (from T. Soºoºº & s. n. Disappearance,
s. §§ an arrow.) The Hindoo Cu vanishing.
Sotoč So s. m. Cow’s urine.
pid. Soº'+' s. n. (from s. 7'3" a
branch.) The hand. scº-ex is S. $93 v. a. 1. To distribute, divide,
or share 2. to dispatch, or send. 3. to
m. (from sºox a member.) An al command.
manack; as specifying 5 different ** -

§oº s. n. A Hindoo’s lower garment.

things; viz. the lunar day, the day of O

the week, the constellation, the con ŚoºčSo s. n. A cage. (P. sjº
** –6
junction of the planets, and the kurci T. So 2° s. n. A torch.

na, of which there are eleven. §o-Yº soº adj. Poor, helpless. s. m. A
&Yºº s. n. The aggregate of five ar helpless person, so ºssº s. m.
ticles, viz. milk, curds, butter, honey || Helplessness,
3 oš 33 3o:3

30°3 s. n. Produce ; crop. §o°35 exo | T. 39&ex) s. n. plu. A title affixed to the
3 s. n. (from T. Seow a woman.) proper name, and assumed by bra
The earth. Soº'o s. n. A granary mins in the northern circars, when
or magazine. employed by government. 2. a school
$oë3 s. n. A large earthen pot, with master. This word I believe to be a
a wide mouth.
corruption of Šoščex, the plural of
T. Šoć3 s. n. A distaff. Šoć&SC&S q. v.
solesto S. n. A harpoon. &oº s. n. A coward.
&oš s. n. 1. Wisdom, understanding. T. $oë s. n. A hog. ścăş Ş s. n. An
2. science, learning. immense rat, commonly termed 0.
<o-a-F-2:3 s. n. plu. A certain cast
of Hindoos, named Punda.
*andycoot. Šoššº,(from Sº, a
horn.) The tusk of the wild boar. 3o
53 oë&c & s. n. (from s. 3oë q. v.)
A pundit, or learned bramin.
exoG)'s To grunt as a hog.
§oºs s. n. making in the inflex. sing. Koºx. s. n. The name of a certain
edible root.
<oë3 and in the nom. plu. Ko: A Šošcºo S. n. vide 3OTCŞo.
fruit. v. n. 1. To ripen. 2. to produce.
3. to lie down. 4. to be accomplished. *oë5 or Šoë9 s. n. making in the
<ość"S or 3ozº. A yellow or inflex. sing. šoë83, and the nom. plu.
ripened leaf. §o×S 5 SAe s. n. lit. ri Košš A shed made of leaves, or
pened moon light. The height of the wicker work; a pandal. -

full moon. Šoćotº v. caus. To cause *9&sº s. n. (from T. §§ ten, and T.
to ripen ; to cultivate, or raise a crop. & 9:30 q. v.) Ten fooms.
<oš º'S v. n. 1. To begin to ripen. *oº s. n. A wager, stake, or bet.
2. to grow pale, or white. ^:º)32753. A horse race. 56-3
KošSSTS v. comp. (from 30& q.v.) & Jºe Tolose a wager. Soº:30
To lie down, or recline. 7'ex) RS. To win a bet.
ŠošSX s. n. A feast. T.
39 Sºo,” or Šoště,3 adj, mu
:32:3533 s. n. A species of cod fish. meral.(from T. 33 tº, and T. Sº,
$oº or ŠošS$) s. n. vide 3oxºx. & nine.) Nineteen. Kočºo &
<oGºjº or Šoć oxº adj. nume s: n, plu. Nineteen persons.
ral. Twelve. T. Košš & s. n. (from T. Kotº q.v.)
3953 s. n. 1. A vow, promise, or 1. Division, sharing. 2. sending, 3.
engagement-2, a wager. 3, obstinacy, dismission. 4, contrivance, means, ex
firmness, perseverance. Šoš Āo $ v. pedient.
n. 1. To vow. 2, to wager. 3. to per sosºsº or Šošč Sºvić º
Severe. -

§ s. n. The tree which produces the


<s S 34

fruit termed in the West Indies the , dress victuals, &c. 2. to bring any
Shaddock, and in India the Pumple thing to a proper settlement. §§§§
7710S8. X. To become ripe, or mature.
T. 30%) orêościº v. a. wide ecº).The ŠX s. n. 1. Hatred, hostility, enmity.
former word is also a substantive 2. an enemy, or foe. 3x3 & F-S"Ko
noun, and denotes - 1. Sending, dis To revenge; to avenge. lit. To vent
missing. 2, a certain weight equal to one's enmity. ŠX3) §: To entertain
fiveeighths of a seer. 30%) Šºo To or conceive hatred.
send evil spirits to torment another. &X3 s. n. An ace; one, in games,
§o2, s. n. A kind of drum. T. 3X&o s. n. 1. Coral. 2. vide 3×3.
3š Āšex) s. m. plu. Loud bursts of
laughter. <sºs Kºš or 3S 3 Serv <x<oº (from Tud. §§ a star.)
& v. n. To laugh very loudly. The sixth of the lunar mansions.
T. 3s
s. n. 1. The side. 2. a side or di ŠX&c & s. n. An enemy, or foe.
rection. 3. a page. 4. a bed, or bed This word, in the nom. plu. makes
ding, adj. Near, next, neighbouring. 3Xes, or 3X&ex).
§§ oxº The neighbouring house. T. 3Xex) or 3XSexy v. n. To break, crack,
§ <cº The side teeth, as distin or go to pieces ; to be broken, or
guished from those in front. §§ ºe fractured, as a limb ; to break, or
& Auxiliary force; assistance, help. burst, as a sore. s. n. making in the
& 7ºcº) To walk alongside. inflex, sing. 37.83 Day, day-time.
*_C޺s s. n. A rib. & Fº 3Xexºs, º, s. n. A blue light. ŠX
25°2:S^3 To tickle one in the sides. 3)otS - 3?\{}otº or 3×ex.) v. a. To
S. tº toº s. n. The residence of low, break, or crush. &Xºc 8tº To
or outcast tribes. break into pieces, to break open, to
TU D. & sº s. n. (from s, Šč) 1. A break off. Kºº, s. n. plu. Crevices,
side. 2. the lunar fortnight, either of cracks. O'Cºy 3×e Day and night.
the moon's increase, or decrease.
<ºxe Mid-day.
TUD. *}_ s. n. (from s. 3&F) A bird. T.
3×3 s. n. Mode, manner, way.
T. <3. S. Il. A scab. -

|Tud. Kºs s. n. (from s. Sy Qjº)

T. <$3.5 adv. 1. Suddenly. 2 inconsi A rope, rein, or halter.
~ * -*
derately. 3. exceedingly. ---.
oy x Se
TU D. <\cº or ~ 3 - ? (from s.
- S- &J
T. 3.5 ed s. m. Armour, mail.
gº) Arrogance.
... <s Sº adj. 1. Ripe, mature. 2. dress co

ed, cooked. 3. fit for use; fit, conve 3 & 89 & v. n. 1. To walk about ; to
nient, *S$ºss, 1. To cook or wander, 2. to cause to extend.
3é5 35 38.)

co º

. 3~83 s. n. Walking. ** sºciº (from s. sº a mºer.)

s. 339&o s. n. plu. The pulse A weaver. seºs S. n: Old
termed Phaseolus radiata. -
cloth. Šē23&oëoššo s. n. A tent.

. §§) s. n. 1. An emerald. 2. any fi *****śsº s. n. Magnificent ap

gure punctured, or tattooed, into the $429& s. n. 1. A roof; a thatch. 2.
skin. adj. 1. Green. 2. yellow. sº a multitude, train, or retinue. 3. film
5 or sº & s. n. Green or yel over the eye; a cataract in the eye.
4. a flaw in gems.
low colour. sº fo adj. Green, yel $3°25′s Sºo s. n. Perfumed powder.
3°23'S, s. n. A kettle drum; a war
low. §§)^2007'S Yellow, or pure, drum, or one used in battle.
3&T's s. n. A flag, or banner.
- sº s. n. A particular kind of -h

383-93o-Sex, s. m. plu. Dispersion,

cloth, generally twenty-four cubits
long, and two cubits broad. 2. two defeat. §& "3o &epič) To be dispers
cloths sewn together. ed, as an army, &c.
. 35.Yé s. n. A sort of pap, made of TUD. 3935 & s. n. (from s. Kyºs)
vegetables, or curds, mixed with ta Crystal. 3e3S Sºo s. n. Alum. lit.
marind juice, salt, chillies, &c. astringent crystal. $43sº s. n.
. §º) s. n. A bird. adj. Raw, unripe, (from T. &º jaggory.) Sugar
unboiled, fresh, new. candy.
T. &ºys s. n. Grass, verdure. s. $885& s. n. Cleverness, dexterity.
s. 388& s. n. Sandal wood.
T. sºyºos. n. Robbery committed T. 3&oo-Wºë3 s. n. vide 33°3′Sºčo.
in public. SºYé) Sºcº A man who 3&º adj. 1. Clever, dexterous,
robs in public. skilful. 2. diligent. 3. smart, sharp.
T. <g adv. Near. 4. hale, healthy.
. 3e3"S" s. n. A sash. (H. &.,) <esºs s. n. A small cucumber.
. 3e3"S"& s. n. A pair of tongº, or Trichosanthes diſtca; it is also applied
pincers. to Luffa acutangula.
3&2&os, n. 1:Cloth. 2. a picture, when 㺠s. n. 1. The inner bark of a tree.
2. sackcloth. -

finished and mounted. 3. a particular

sort of cloth; coarse thick *śrosº or Šºšo s. n. A city.
canvas. Tºšēošo A paper kite. sºxys, n, vide under ºxes.
3 &Y’ 36 3&

T. ºw-cºs S. m. A boat-man. |
any point. Kººs v.n. To be seiz
~ * ~ * -i-air
&#39 s. n. 1. A stone for grinding ed, or apprehended. Sºoey
2. a diadem. <gº S. n. A queen. §§§ ***ś lit. the qualities of that
** #3x A royal elephant. & man have been communicated to this
x: To crown; to invest with a high man, by assóciation. This man has
dignity. §§ *ex To reign. adopted the habits of the other.
<gs & s. n. A sort of weapon. sºe S. n. 1. Affection, favour. 2.
3& s. n. 1. The inner bark of a perseverance, persistence. § º:23
tree. 2. sackcloth. 3. the puttah or S. n. 1. A sum received or credited in
written document given to ryots, account. 2, the worth or cost of any
LX4 a deed.)
cultivators, &c. (H. T. šºv. a. 1. To seize, or apprehend, to
33-s 2 s. n. A double edged sword. catch, or take hold of 2. to hold, or
sº-º's sº s. n. The coronation take, possession of a country. 3. to
of a king, or installation of any one, hold in, or retain, as breath, &c. 4.
by means of unction, or bathing.
<3 postpos. Through. This is the
to undertake. 5. to find out, or dis

past verbal participle of the verb 3 cover. 6. to press, depress, repress,

*} q. v. or suppress. 7. to begin. 8. to be
T. *3 s. n. A child; an infant. *ść dependant on. 9. to stop, as pay. 10.
to blow, as a trumpet. 11: to admit, as
s. n. A grand-child. a law suit. 12. to take, or receive, as
T. *:: s, n. 1. A written list of abuses,
a bribe. v. n. 1. To be attacked by
committed by public servants. 2, a insects. 2. to cost. 3. to fit, or suit. 4.
roll of beetle, &c. tied up.
to be possessed by evil spirits. 5. to
§§2 s. n. 1. Silk. 2. any external ap arrive, as ships. 6. die to be imbibed,
plication to allay pain, or to a sore,
or absorbed. 7. to hold or contain. 8.
&c. 3. a hold, gripe, or grasp; seizing.
to be affected by disease, or pain. 9.
4. a place; a house, an abode. 5.
cause, reason, or ground, for a pro to take up, or occupy, time. §§º
ceeding. 6. relationship. 7. a prop, is also added to a great number of
support, protection. 8 partiality, nouns, to give them a verbal signifi
favor. 9. a party, or side. 10. an cation ; and, in such case, takes it's
opportunity. adj. Silken. 2. Sº meaning from the noun to which it is
ºn's "º To speak in one's affixed; thus, &Sºº (from T. &
favor, or in one's behalf. Zoš 3 ºw &S rust.) To rust. 999&sº (from
$oš To insist pertinaciously ou T. GeoS3 a sprain.) To be sprained.
3 *> 37 3%

3 &oo
es es: (from T. es, e. 71&

possession of a country. 3. to begin.

cessity.) To be necessary, to be requi 4. to stop as pay. 5. to comprehend,
red. SºS3 º To grow fat. & "º or understand. §§5 & 3) To
§: To grow mouldy. 3°sº To bring by force. 33.5's &º To
take a road. stoº To geld, as carry away by force. 332 tº
applied to animals, lit. to seize the leg. To take along with.
3X29. To conceive hatred. Tº *Tº s. n. 1. The wooden part of a
gºoš To speak distinctly. lit. to bedstead. 2. the tape of a bedstead. 3.

utter so as to seize in the mouth. ºf

a streak, or stripe. Těšº A pal
myra spar.
933. To fel cold. Foº lit to 33% s. n. 1. Broad and strong tape.
seize the hand. l. To ravish a female. 2. an ornament for the neck. 3. an
2. to protect, support, or assist. *g anvil.

*** lit. to take the hand. To marry. T. 3ºcºs s. n. A handful.

Kºº To recover strength. “ & & s. n. A picture.
sºoºoº-Sº-wºº That T. &S s. n. 1. A bed. 2. reclining.
medicine has not affected this sick &X s. n. 1. The hood of the hooded
neSS. <$oº v. caus. 1. To cause to snake. 2. a flag or banner.
seize, hold, retain, begin, arrive, fit,
or be inclined. 2. to rub with any un <&) s. n. A puncheon, or tool hav
ing some figure on it, by which im
guent. It has also other meanings, pressions are struck.
which will be best explained by the
T. 3%C3 s. n. A woman.
following examples. Sº Sº §oº
T. ŠčSSoed s. n. making in the inflex.
To invent or contrive any curiosity.
Sxº~9332-8 To joke. Rºsex; sing. ščS$3831. The west. 2. the west
§2% To laugh. & 323, To
Ščcºo v. a. 1. To obtain or acquire.
annoy, beat, or ruin. lit. to cause a
burnt sacrifice to seize. §§§ § o-CŞo 2. to possess.
(from T. & business.) To punish. e. 33:5 s. n. 1. The cnd of a Calpa, or
&exp3 §otº (from G. “939ex, q.v.) destruction of the world. 2. a boat.
To shew one's authority over another. T. 3& Eve» s. n. The leader, comman
sº, s-3-ºxº To innovate, or der, or general, of an army.
establish any new custom. sºs"K, §§§"ex s. n. A hall.
or <s";3 v. comp. 1. To seize, or T. 33 s. n. A measure of capacity, con
apprehend. 2. to catch, hold, or retain taining a seer and a half.
3×3 38
T. 33sº s. m. 1. A stair, or step. 2. a of cut corn, whence part has been
weight. 3. a degree. carried away.
3&7 s. m. wide 3&X.
& © s. n. 1. A girl. 2. a virgin. adj.
T. Šč73 s. n. Clothes of another bor- ||
Young. v. a. To prostitute one's-self.
rowed, without his knowledge, from
the washerman. &ößsº s. n. 1. Puberty. 2.
Śēcº s. n. A puddle; a dirty pond. youth. 33 ºt"? The sign of the
T. <3 & s. n. A cold, or catarrh. —d

3& v. n. 1. To fall. 2. to occur, or zodiac named Virgo. 3×S$55T K v.

comp. To prostitute one's-self. §§s
happen. 3. to be caught in a snare,
&c. 4. to be killed in battle. 5. to lose $os ºo To subsist by prostitution.
the power of any limb. 3:35"º or &T’s s. n. 1. Ruin, waste, 2.
& Ko v. comp. To lie down, or omission; mistake. adj. Useless, un
recline. All active verbs in Teloogoo, serviceable.
of whatever description, may become & s. n. (from the a. v. §§ {& q.
passive, by adding to the infinitive v.) Prostitution. 33.3%)3%. 9 (from
the different tenses of the verb & T. &cº a female.) A prostitute.
meaning, in composition, to suffer. & 6 s. m. Sprouts produced by
By affixing the same verb to the no secds of pāddy, sprinkled by chance,
minative case of neuter nouns, or to as the crops are cut.
the past verbal participles of neuter 3. s. n. A female buffalo, or cow, fit
verbs, particularly to such as denote for breeding.
any bodily suffering or mental affec § Cocò s. n. A woman.
tion, a compound verb is formed, of s. 32239 s. m. 1. Measure of account, in
a neuter signification; as ſoº cowries or shells; four Gundhas, or
& To fear. Tºšić. To be beaten, eighty cowries; also a weight of cop
&c. &#3)3:32:3 To start. & "Å33 To per of similar value. 2. wages, or hire.
slumber. <<sº To push, or 3. a stake at play, a bet, a wager. 4.
drive down; to overthrow. 3&#39 gaming, playing. 5. price. 6, wealth,
property. 7, a commodity for sale. 8.
To let fall; to mislay. 338 & 1. business. -

To knock down. 2. to thwart another.

S. 3:25&o s. n. A sort of musical in
3&#85) 1. To be mislaid. 2. to die,
strument, a small drum or tabor.
or expire. <& &c. adj. Saleable, vendible.
3&SX s. m. wide ŠčX.
3&NS s. n. 1. The threads which run -
<rº s. n. (from s. 53 street.) SA*

the whole length of the web. 2. a heap

stall, shop, or place of sale. <t's sºJ
3 * 39

s. n. (from s. _º, a woman.) A S.

whore, or harlot. < *ść §C’s s. n. s.

(from s. 335 livelihood.) A mer by silver smiths.
chant, or trader. S. 3 3 *S S. n. An ornament for
§§ox$$$$$30-35 ox& of 33X:So s. the forehead; a sort of tiara.
n. 1. A grass-hopper. 2. a bird. ºS <\ºjº s. n. 1. A leaf of a tree, or of
... §§oNSC:S s. n. The sun. a boºk. 2. a written bond. 3, a vehicle

35923?) s. n. 1. The name of a saint in general; as a cafº a horse, a camel,

or Mooni, teacher of the Yoga philo &c. 4. the wing of a bird. 5, the fea
ther of an arrow.
sophy, which is often called after him
• Patanjali. 2, the author of the Ma 3 (3) & s. n., A bird.
habhashya, or commentary on Pani sº s. n. A fruit-knife.
ni, and of the Characa, a famous me.
dical work.
<\{y s. n. 1. A bird. 2. a sprout, or
shoot, chiefly such as are used in
. §§§ & s. n. An ornamental breast worshipping Hindoo deities.
plate, set with precious stones. ště, s s. n. 1. A letter of corres
º Úsº s. n. A wing. pondence. 2. a leaf.
$5 Gº) s. n. A bird. 353 s. n. A road, or way. Kºść
S, 3 & (ºrks 3') 3-> ſ S. Il.
s. n. A traveller; a way-farer.
A spitting-pot. < Sºx adj. Proper, fit, suitable,
§§§§o s. n. Falling. agreeing with, but chiefly applied
§§ cºrº) adj. Falling, liable or medically, with respect to diet, or
accustomed to fall. regimen. s. n. Diet, regimen.
3TT's s. n. A flag, or banner. 323s So s. n. ride §§§ Sºo.
3 Tº s. n. An army. 32.87°o:S or <sºo’s adj. numeral.
& s. n. A master, or owner; a lord Eleven. -

or ruler ; a husband. T. 338-39 s. n. (from T. & q.v.)

S. Kºšº &c. adj. 1. Fallen in war, de Precipitation.
feated, overthrown. 2. fallen, alighted. T. & s. n. Ashes.
3. fallen from virtue, wicked, aban 3& s. n. vide 3&S.
doned. 3&CŞ& adv. Afterwards.
:38) Ú5 S. n. A chaste and virtuous S. <& s. n. 1. A foot. 2. a foot-step,
wife. the mark of a foot. 3. a foot or mea
§ 3 s. n. A footsoldier. sure in verse, sometimes extending to
§ 3 s. n. Cotton. several syllables, or even to whole
38 40
lines. 4. a word. 5. an inflected word. T.
&R"exº adj. numeral. vide jº.
6, a connected sentence. 7. thing. 8. exy?S.
preservation, defence. 9, place, scite. T.
& Kº s. n. 1. Moisture, dampness. 2.
10. a mark, or spot. 11. a particular sharpness. 3. quickness. 4. a certain
song. ščº To sing a song. measure of rain; a quantity of it
§§§oššŠo s. n. Heaven, lit. the sufficient to render the earth fit for
best place. ploughing.
&->adj numeral videº. T. 3& Sº adj. numeral. vide 3 gº
35& or &&. v. n. To be overhas $33.
ty, or precipitate. §§§) s. n. A herd of cattle.
T. ŠčSexy s. m. plu. Angry expressions. S. 3&vā s. n. vide Tºxº~.
s. & s. n. A road, or path. sº s. n. 1. A vow ; a promise. 2. an
T. §§§ s. n. Fortune, luck. entry in account.
§§§ºs adj. numeral. Sixteen. S. 359's. n. 1. A road, or way. 2, a line,
37°3 s. n. A foot soldier. row, or range. 3. manner, mode. 4. .
S. <--> s. n. 1. Thing; substantial custom, habit.
or material form of being. 2. a cate sº adj. numeral. Eighteen.
gory or predicament in logic, of which
seven are enumerated ; viz. sub 33, s. n. A name of Lutchmi, god
ess of riches, and wife of Vishnoo.
stance, quality, action, identity, va
riety, relation, and annihilation. 4. S. 33.3 s. n. 1. The lotus. Nelumbium
the meaning of a word, or sentence. speciosum. 2. one of Cubera's trea
5. property, personal property, mo sures, or gems. 3. a large number, ten
mey, goods. In Teloogoo, this word billions. & §y R3-sºo vide & Sº,
is used chiefly in the first and last ºs-3-83 under tºo. 37.58
Sen SCS. -
& (from s. 3s 8 a mine.) A large
T. 35 adj. numeral. Ten. 33sºc8 lit. deep tank, or pond, in which the lo
ten persons. Several or many people. tus does, or may, grow. Sºocºo
Śēepšo s. n. Care, caution, security. s. n. (from s, “ecº an asylum.) The
339sº v. a. To Secure, or goddess Lutchmi, º, Fºcșs s.
take care of -
n. (from s. Sº the navel.) Vishnoo,
—S ** -
from whose navel sprung the lotus
T. 38 ºn-> or 38&x's adj. numeral. containing Brumha, sent to create the
~ - -s -*
world. 3 & Cºxsº s. n. (from s. 5
3& Tºo or 38&S, adj. numeral. X colour.) A ruby. 37: KK & s. n.
Fifteen. -
(from s. *SS sitting.) A sitting
3R) 41 &\l
posture in religious meditation; the 2. to kill. §§3%. To employ, or
attitude in which the Boudha sta give work. &oto3& A good or
tues are always represented, and in praiseworthy act. §§ºcºo To work,
which tailors sit in Europe. Or serve. & 35°) To be useful, or
& Soßex s. m. plu. A certain serviceable. §§§Tº adj. Useless,
Soodra tribe. unserviceable. &&. s. n. plu.
33, S. n. An elephant.
. 33.8 s. n. 1. A multitude oflotuses, 385& adv. Exceedingly, much.
or places abounding with them. 2. a
T. <^3\o v. n. To go.
female of one of the four classes into §§§ v. a. 1. To send. 2. to com
which the sex is divided, the first and mand. vide €953 &.

most excellent. 33. §sº %C3S(from . ŠKoš’s v. n. To be accustomed, .

s. Sº a lover.) The sun. inured, or qualified. §§33e) tº v. a.
S. To inure, to accustom.
&Sº s. n. 1. Metre, verse. 2. a ~~ -

• **ś) s. n. 1. Sending. 2. command,

poem, sº Seo-º-º- or & To order. vide Šoš).
read or sing poetry. The Hindoos
read all regular compositions in a
&\Xº s. n. A snake, or serpent.
sort of recitative. 3SAT-3 Kocºs s. n. (from s. e53. S
3Tº exp^3 adj. numeral. Fourteen. food.) The name of Garooda, the
3&tº adj. numeral. Thirteen. bird and vehicle of Vishnoo, which
35 s. n. A sheaf of corn. is famed as the destroyer of snakes.
35 c & s. n. vide 30°3. *SAG) S. n. A leathern shoe, or
§§§ v. a. To encompass, or sur boot.
round. t.
*NAX&o s. n. The canopy over an
35&º s. n. The jack tree. Ar open native palankeen, usually made
of fine scarlet cloth.
tocarpus integrifolia.
. 353 Fo: s. n. plu. A particular T. 3&\S. s. n. Yoking cattle, or joining
cast of people, who live upon alms together instruments of husbandry.
received from goldsmiths. TU De §§§§o s. n. vide ŠoćSS.

3& s. n. 1. Business, work, employ. T. sº. 8 s. m. making in the inflex.

ment. 2. an affair, or matter. 3. ser sing 3*A*3 or <^\& Rose-water.
vice. 4. use, utility. 5. state, condi &\l v. a. 1. To make, to form. 2.
tion. 6. an act. §§§ºe v. n. 1. Busi to invent. 3. to feign or pretend. 4. to
mess to occur, happen or arise. 2. to yoke cattle, or join together instru.
be accustomed to. 3. to be qualified. ments of husbandry.
<Fårö.) 1. To finish a business. T. §§A s. n. 1. A tax. 2. rent.
3 obo 42 :38,

T. &\7V" adv. Properly, nicely, meat- | sure. 2, wealth, property. 3, a coin of

| the value of five cash.
ly; in good order. |

T. 3 SS. s. m. An instrument used by 3 oº"exps s. m. plu. Shoes.

Weavers. 3 oxic *2 s. n. That part of the gar
ment of a Hindoo female which co
c. 3TA ox's adj. numeral. Twelve.
vers the breast.
s. 339 s. n. Mutual or reciprocal § ocê s. n. Gold. 3 oxycéSSSožo (So
drinking; drinking alike together. To betroth. lit. to tie gold. §oºk?
T. &S s. n. A cake. Soº) Affiance.
T. 3:... s. m. Split pulse of any kind; 3 oboc &-Šoć3 or Šoć3 s. n. A cer
split almonds, &c. -
tain bird, the notes of which are con
Tup. §2)03) s. n. vide s. Syºğ. sidered ominous.
T. Kºyº s. n. Particular periods of TU D. 3 oxySSo s. n. (from s. Úcº
the year, such as the equinoxes, &c., Co.) A journey; departing or setting
when offerings are made by the Hin out from any place.
doos to the manes of their ancestors.
3ox'86 s. n. vide &S.
$360° s. n. vide Sox.cº.
T. &ess,” s. m. plu. A large
kind of ear-rings, worn by Hindoo 3 & #83 s. n. (from s. 3&F
females. water, or milk, and s. 3 & containing.)
T. 3& 6 s. n. 1. A southern wind. 2. 1. A cloud. 2. a woman's breast.
a cool breeze. &cº Sotº s. n. Pulse, T. 3&S3 s. n. vide Šošš.
or other crops, to the growth of which T. 38oNº. s. n. China root. Smi.
a strong wind is favorable. lar china.
s. <&Sº adj. Made of milk; as 38o33:So s. n. 1. Eternal felicity,
clarified butter, or ghee ; curds, but salvation. 2. the abode of Vishnoo.
termilk, &c. 35 ošč adj. Successive; proceeding
S. 3&Sºs. n. 1. A milch cow.2. a river. from one to another, from father to
s. <&ly s. n. 1. Milk. 2. water. son, &c.; hereditary. s. n. 1. Race,
T. 3 ox or Šooß adv. 1. On the top, lineage.2. order, method, continuous
upon, over, above. 2. upon, against. arrangement.
3. in future, hereafter. Šºš º To 38's s. n. 1. The fraction one eighth,
advance against another in battle. § or two sixteenths. 2. gold of two
grains weight. 3. the 128th part of a
oxx; s. n. A person placed over a pagoda. 4. the cream on curds.
patrole to controul it. wide &
r. 3 ox's sº s. m. 1. Money, cash, treat S. 388& &c. adj. Another ; be
~ ** *
z $38, 43 3×

longing to another. 388& s. n. §§§-easºs. n. (from s. 38& first,

The wife, or mistress, of another. and s. “Pe39 an atom.) An atom, the
invisible base of all aggregate bodies;
353)'s tº s. n. (from H. 43; thirty of them are supposed to form a
inspection, trial.) Shroffing, or exa mote in a sun beam, the lowest mea
mining money by sight. sure of weight.
35X3 s. n. 1. A field outside of a 3&tiš, s. n. (from s. 38's first,
village. 2. another's possession. and s. **śss soul.) The supreme be
35X&TV adv. By means of another. ing, considered as the soul of the
35X3-3) s. n. (from T. $ $3) the universe.

belly.) The state of the stomach be & "SAŞo s. n. (from s. 38& best,
fore a person has broken his fast. An and s.9SA food.) Milk, boiled with a .
empty, or fasting stomach. -
mixture of sugar, rice, &c., and used
as a delicate food among the Hindoos.
ŠčXE" s. n. (from P. •zºa pur
Se ščSo &c. adj. 1. Other, different. 2.
gunah, or division of a country, of
which several form a zillah.
distant, remote. 3. subsequent. 4. best,
pre-eminent. 5. hostile. 6. excessive.
& XS. v. n. 1. To resemble, or be
s. n. Salvation, final beatitude.
alike. 2. to shine. 3. to be agreeable.
38 X adv. Agreeably, pleasantly.
38.5 S&c: s. n. One of the
names of Siva.
35 & or 38 tº v. a. To spread; to ©
extend ; to scatter. vide 3e3+3. 38 #} s. m. Brumha, the creator.
- <ssocy Šx &c. adj. Subservient, 3öSo?” v. n. To be spread, scatter
obedient, dependant. ed, extended, or expanded.
§§§ex) s. m. plu. A sort of crane. 355 & &c. adj. 1. Subservient to,
KöTS" s. n. (from P. sejº) A cur dependant on, or subject to another.
tain, blind, or skreen. 2. out of one's own controul from

& or <&Sº s. n. Credit, joy, ecstacy, or sorrow.

trust. 35 S"S" s. n. (from P. A.; ;3) A.
// tº
. Ščić) s. n. Extent. v. a, vide 38 tº. written order, mandate, precept, or
<º Or 35%)3 sº s. n. The Warrant.

indian cuckoo. 38%. Cºcºs s. n. A hero and

38 T-8 s. n. Assignment. §§ 726 demigod; the first of the three Ra
~ adv. 1. Separately. 2, indirectly. mas, and the sixth Avatar or incar
Šč&šo &c. adj. 1. Best, most nation of Vishnoo; who oppeared in
excellent, 2. principal, chief. the world as the son of the saint Ju
3-5° 44 38

madagnee, for the purpose of repress-lis. <^***sº &c. adj'Turning away;

ing the tyranny, and punishing the having the face averted.
O ".
violence of the Chutriya, or military $375°2soºo s. n. (from s, particle
tribe of Hindoos,
375° and s. 3& victory.) Conquest,
38%3) or <85 sº s. n. An of
defeat. 375°285&o &c. adj. Con
fensive weapon, resembling a hat quered, overcome.
chet, or axe. $75°3 s. n. The chase, hunting.
385,639 &c. adj More than a hun 3-0-$5& &c. adj. (from s. 36
dred ; many. other, and s. **śS docile.) Dependant
383 s. n. A collection of people at on, subject, or subservient, to an
any festival. other. s. n. Possession by another.
38.338 s. m. The philosopher's 375°25′5 s. n. The fortieth year of
Stones the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
383 s. n. 1. Means. 2, way, mode. 375°35′5 So s. m. 1. Discomfiting,
3. opportunity. overcoming. 2. contempt, disrespect.
<5%).5& &c. adj. Mutual, recipro 3. destruction.
cal, interchanging. *8KS&Nº 3-5°S$355 s. n. 1. Care. 2. exami
nation. 375°3538.0°S v. a. To take
adv. 1. Reciprocally. 2 by some care of, to support. 2 to examine.
means or other.
3-S" part. A sanscrit particle prefix $375°35′S, s. n. 1. Inquiry, investiga
ed to words of that language and im tion. 2. care, watching, 3. consolation.
plying 1. Supremacy. 2. liberation. 3.
3-5-38) or v. a. 1. To investigate.
inverted order. 4. pride contumely: 2. to take care of, or watch. 3. to
5. encounter, mutual presence. 0. console. s. 375°CŞto:So &c. adj.
excess, exceeding. 7, overcoming, Adhering, attached.
surpassing 8 going 9 killing, de 3-5°ox" adj. (from H. [..." ;:)
stroying, injuring. Strange, foreign. -

3ro-Š s. n. Forgetfulness, neglect,

3-5°S$) adj. Dead, expired.
want of attention.
3-5° Üßsº s. n. 1. Power,
3-oxºga s. n. A thief, or robber.

strength. 2. exertion. 3. valour, 35 s. n. 1. A time. 2. vide $380

3-5°xºs s. n. 1. The pollen or farina 238 part. Asanscrit particle, prefixed
of a flower. 2. dust. 3. fragrant pow to words of that language, and imply
der, used after bathing, ing 1, Ubiquity (all round, on
:38 45 38

every side). 2. part, portion. 3. mounted with iron, or an iron club.

abandonment (away). 4. end, term. S. § 5 Soº s. n. Acquaintance, know
5. sickness, infirmity. 6. enforce
ment, stress (even, very great). 7. cº)

Separateness, several, distribution *ēś8& s. n. 1. A guard, or body

(each, by each, &c.) 8. embracing, en guard. 2. an attendant, companion, or
circling, (round, round about). 9. de servant. 335 CŞ &S S. n. Service, atten
preciation, exposure of faults. 10.
dance, dependance. 38-8 Scºo s.
homage, respect. 11. rejection, turning o

off or away. 12. ornament. 13. diffu m. A man servant. 335-55 s. n. A

maid servant.
sion, extension. 14. mark, sign. 15.
sorrow. 16. cessation, stop, impedi 38 tº s. n. vide 383 &.
ment. 17. truth. 18, an exclamation of S.
38sy-sº S. n. Court, train, atten
pleasure or satisfaction. dants, retinue.
ºbs & s. n. 1. A bed. 2. depen 38 Rºssº S. n. The division of a
dants, retinue, train. 3. multitude,
book ; a section, or chapter. 38%)
numbers. 4. secondary food, eat with êotº v. a. To divide.
the principal dish. *ěºSX3 s. m. The spotted beetle,
T. Śēšo'º v. a. To seek for, enquire usually termed a cockroach.
into, examine, or investigate. T. 35%; º v. n. To shine,
3883 s. n. vide 7, "XO". S.
86°25× &c, adj. Ripe, mature.
&ö SX. s. m. The root of the aquatic ŚēeocºöSºo s. n. A marriage, or wed
plant termed Trapa bispinosa. ding.
394 s. n. A moat, or ditch. ***** s. n. Change ofform, or
35X30 s. n. vide ***oxees. 30%"3-530 s. n. Breadth, width.
**7 s. n. Gleanings of corn. 387: S. **ěºoks v. n. To be sorrowful.
3K, A reaped field.
T. $678, or & 75% v. n. To run.
<85s *o S v. a. To abandon, or quit.
sers X&o s. n. Abandonment,
**** s. n. A species of fish.
T. 388 K. v. a. 1. To encompass, or quitting, desertion.
S. $5°S"S& s. n. A bribe. 3525-5
surround. 2. to obtain or attain.
&b:3 º To receive a bribe.
$8&J**śº s. n. Acceptance, taking. $67355 sº s. n. Lamentation.
<809 & vows v. a. To take, accept,
****** s. n. A lower garment.
Or receive. -

Se *9? s. n. 1. A fort. 2. the disk of the

S. Śēšº s. n. "A bludgeon, a stick Sun, or moon. 3, circumference.
38 46 38

S. $38:303 s. n. An enemy, or antago reproof, blame. 2. accusation, or

nist. charge.
38 ST-850 s. n. A lute with seven
35:55 Sºx s. n. Perfect maturity.
adj. Perfectly ripe or mature. strings.
$63 to $30 s. n. Capital, principal, S. 38 ºvššo s. n. Sowing.
stock. 35 Svö So s. n. 1. A dependant. 2, a
38:383) as "ex) 7S" adv. In all sorts of train, or retinue.
ways. Śēs)ºc㺠s. n. A master, owner, or
38-293 s. n. Order, method, ar superior.
rangement. 38 ºve37." Tolerably. S. 385yö & &c. adj. Encompassed,
38-y-ve) & s. n. 1. Protection, foster surrounded.
ing care. 2. performance of any act. 38 #5 s. n. A younger brother,
3. government. 383-90° v. a. 1. married before his elder.
To protect, or cherish. 2. to perform. S. 353:Sº s. n. 1. The disk of the
3. to govern, or rule. sun, or moon. 2. a halo.
38%r-gº. &c. adj. Complete, full. S. <èsovº v. a. To surround, or en
38%y-2 s. n. Completion, fulness; compass.
satiety, satisfaction. -
38 (sy tº s. n. An individual of
3803-E-SSo s. n. Retinue, train, in the highest religious order the men
signia of royalty. dicant devotee.
S. 38? & So s. n. Disrespect, irreve S. se?es s. n. An enquiry, investiga
rence, contempt, disregard. 36% & O tion, or scrutiny. 38% boss v. a. To
tº v. a. To contemn. §5?Sºo &c. investigate. -

adj. Treated with contempt, or dis <6%;s &c. adj. 1. Sacred, holy.
respect; disregarded, despised. 2. pure, clean.
385& So s. n. Fragrance, perfume. S. 385**otº v. a. To examine, or in
#855°o tº To be fragrant. vestigate. 2, to try.
S. 38°53'22&3 s. n. Measure, quantity. S” Śēššº s. n. 1. An assembly, meet
T. 383-eº.) v. a. To kill, or assassinate.
ing, audience, or congregation. 2. mo
Tup. 38&vkº ŠKos. m. from s. 36.3% ney presented to an assembly of bra
mins, in expiation of sin.
§§o q.v.
35&oº &o s. n. An embrace; em S.
38s & s. n. 1. Decoration, 2.
bracing. cleanness, purity. 3. settlement. Kö
38s tº s. m. wide eos $º. § 5ois To make clear, or evident;
Śē Fºº So s. n. 1. Abuse, reproach, to settle, arrange, or adjust.
:35 47 $675

<5: Soxs s. n. Embracing; an em. <&o’s v. n. To lie down; to recline.
brace. -
T. §§73 s. n. 1. Running. 2. a coss, or
s. ŚēščSo s. n. Ground on the skirts distance varying from 2 to 3 miles.
of a river or mountain, or contiguous &S 7& v. n. (from T. 3&x3 run
to a town, &c. ning, and T. *ś to lift up.) To run.
35&S s. n. Perambulation ; wan. $87&^*) To flee; to run away.
dering round, or about. T.
*** v. a. 1. To spread. 2. to scat
38°385) v. n. To be rescued, or ter. &S3) s. n. Bedding, a mattress.
saved, from danger, &c. **** s. n. 1. A stranger. 2. an ex
ŚēśćSo s. n. 1. Remedy. 2. pre cellent man. 3. god. 4, an enemy.
tence. 3. objection. 4. quitting. 383 " $85& adv. 1. Well, properly. 2.
êo & v. a. To throw off, or away; to much, excessively.
quit; to discard, or reject. 383-68. $85& s. n. 1. Ripeness, maturity.
Tº? To pretend, or object. 2. youth.
Śēś& s. n. 1. Mirth, sport, TUD. ŠSS So s, n, vide s. & Sºx.
pastime, jocularity, merriment, jest T. 38%) s. n. 1. Running. 2. ripeness.
ing, raillery.
3. dignity, rank. 4. season, adj. Ripe,
$8% or $536 s. m. Discrimination, Imature.

investigation, examination, test, trial, T. 3S3& s. n. vide 3533. .

experiment. 353,0 & v. a. To ex &SXSo &c. adj. 1. Harsh, abusive.
2. rough, rugged. 3. scvere, cruel,
$85,83& or 383,53 s. n. The unkind.
name of a king, the son of Abhimun TUD. 386 S&K So. 3833 So or 383&
ya and grandson of Arjoona. The
s. n. (from s. 38;&S a deriva
Bhagvat Poorana, in which the ex tive of the above.) Harshness, or se
ploits of Krishna are chiefly comme verity, in word or deed.
morated, is said to have been recited
Tud. 3 ºs So s. n. wides. 38% º.
for this monarch's benefit, in order
338 s. n. A dead or definct person.
to secure eternal felicity for him, af.
tey his approaching death, by the bite ****ś (from s. 5-3 lord.) A
of a snake. name of Yama.

<57°3 s. n. The forty-sixth year, -

sºs s. n. A cow bearing many
in the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
s. <5%)-sº s. n. Disrespect, disgrace, | §§35& &c, adj. Nourished by a
insult, abuse. stranger.
38S 48 3 ed

38°s s. n. A bat. the full and change of the moon. 3

particular periods of the year, as the
35°& adj. Imperceptible, invisi
equinox, solstice, &c.
ble, unperceived.
§§§º s. m. A name of Indra. <&S v. n. To extend, or spread.
T. 3e3?\otS v. a. To shoot arrows, &c.
<& s. n. 1. A leaf. 2. the tree term T. 3 e5 tº v. 1. To flee, desert, or run
ed Butea frondosa. 3. a division or
chapter of the Vedas. sº (from away. 2. to flow as water. This verb
is also the causal of $3° to fall; and,
s. Tex a hall.) A hut of leaves and in that sense, may denote-l. To cause
grass; a hermitage. to fall. 2. to spread, or extend. 3. to
S. 38 yeº s. n. A thin pancake. ride cause to suffer. In this last meaning,
exyº. it is added to many nouns, in order
*Sossº s. n. 1. A bed. 2. the thigh. to convert them into active or causal
verbs, in the same manner that 323s
$8508> adv. Until ; as far as ; up
converts them into neuter verbs ; as,
*Yoğ3%S v. n. To fear. Yoğ3e3+S
sºs & &c. adj. 1. obtained, v. a. To frighten. º ox3 & v. n. To
gained. 2. adequate, able. adv. 1. Wil be disgraced. Yox Seº v. a. To dis
lingly, readily. 2. ably, powerfully. 3. grace.
satisfactorily. 4. unwillingly. T. 3e3 &otº v. n. To come.
& S.Sºººo s. n. 1. Order, arrange 3e03) v. caus, (from Šē9 & q.v.) 1.
ment, regular and methodical dispo To cause to flee. 2. to shoot arrows,
sal or succession. 2. manner, kind. 3.
&c. 3. to annoy or vex.
opportunity, occasion. 4. manufac
3e3S ex) s. n. plu. A particular species
ture, preparation, artificial produc of birds.
tion. 5, the text of a vocabulary, or . 3e3X K. v. a. 1. To surround, or en
the order of the synonimes for any compass. 2. to obtain.
O T. 3e3.cº. s. n. 1. A piece, or bit. 2. a
<&Sºo & Rºss s. n. Debt. chink; an opening, or crack, in the
§ 5)s. n: 1. A swamp, marsh, bog, ground. 3. a pit.
or fen. 2. a measure of capacity, a 3e3 RJº) v. n. To be corrupted, or
parah, forty of which make one toom. spoiled. v. a. To encroach upon; to

3°Sö So s. n. A mountain ; a hill. usurp.

&SSº s. n. 1. A knot; a joint in a Šešić) s. n. Bedding ; a mattress.

cane, or body, &c. 2. a name given to *: S. n. vide &\8). <gº S. Il.

certain days in the lunar month, as Salt spontaneously produced.

38×3 49 se:S
3ex,53 or <º s. n. 1. A word. 2.
sº en.wide seas. speaking, warbling. 3. sound, especi
3exos & C&S s. m. An imp, or goblin.
T. 3es s. n. 1. A plank. 2. a gambling ally of music. 4. a language, 5, sci
table. 3. a board for writing on. 4, the ence. 6, a bit, or piece. 7. the inside
side of a wooden pillar. of any hard substance. v. a. To speak,
T. 3e)'s So s. n. A small bed. utter, or pronounce. <939° v.
T. 3es Aotºv.a. (from T. Sex & q.v.) caus. To cause to speak, or utter. *
1. To ask, beg, or solicit. 2. to hint, ex,335 s. n. (frem T. Rºº a woman.)
or remind. 3. to call aloud. Suruswatee, the goddess of learning.
T.’ ŠeššSox s. n. plu. A necklace
T. 3ex,7"8 s. n. A wicked, or bad,
worn by men.
T. 3expx3 s. n. 1. vide Sexy^*8. 2. an
3exoºcºs s. n. 1. A bricklayer, o iron crow.
plasterer. 2. a tank-digger. -

T. 3×3×3°s s. n. A particular
*** - n: wide soºs. kind of snake. -

$3°230 s. n. 1. A weight, equal to T. Šexy?STO"ox s. n. A white sort of

that of ten pagodas. 2. flesh. Stone.

3e3e)S. s. n. Flesh. T. <oss s. n. Thinness, spareness,

33e)S. s. n. vide 3ex55. -6

ŠejS 80% v. n. To speak in one's leanness. 390 & 9 adj. Thin, spare,
* –6.

sleep. 3e)5 boč s. n. Speaking while lean. 2. not close ; not thick. Sexy &
*S***ex Contemptuous expressions.
T soºoº, v. n. To lament.
Śex):3) s. m. A halter for cattle.
3°ſ "o:S$) s. n. An onion. T. 3 expsoe.95 or $3exy Sveto adv. Often,
Śeſ">SSS3 s. n. Flight, retreat. frequently, constantly, repeatedly.
§ey "ex30 s. m. Straw.
: <eſ"? So s. n. 1. A leaf. 2. the tree <exºs s. n. A wicked, or bad, per
son. adj. Wicked, bad. Sexsº s.
termed Butea frondosa. 3. green co n, plu. Obscene abuse.
lour. adj. Green.
T. 3ex358 otS3 v. m. wide 3e355otS.
ser? s. n. A tree in general.
398, s. n. An old, or grey headed,
T. <ex)o (8) or Ševč)& s. n. plu.
WOman. Many persons. vide Šex).
39 boss v. a vide 3e3S 8o3.
Se $38)öğo. s. n. Greyness of the hair.
sex adj. Many, several. s. n. vide Šº. <º s. n. Low ground.
T. Sexos s. n. 1. A shield. 2. the lams 8. <escºsº, Or <er Sº s. n. A
of a weaver's loom. 3, vide Šeš. saddle.
50 33)

1. Kgºsº, s. n. The name of a village || 7. 83.3°ºsº s. n. A school.

.goddess. ** T. Kºsºs s. n. The plant termed
T. #3 or 33% s. n. A palanquin. small caltrops. Tribulus terrestris.
T. sºfa s. m. A white female buffalo, T. <}<\{S s. n. A small nose ring,
in the shape of the flower of the plant
T. Kºº v. n. To be reduced to abovementioned.
Aš KeSos s. n. A small pond.
**Sex, s. m. plu. Doves. T. ºesº, s. n. The name of a
$º s. n. 1. "A saddle. 2. a pit. village goddess.
3. low ground. 3.939° S. n. The sºs s. n. A small round flat basket
wet crop. -

3 Tºo or 3 §§s s. n. A small

3e3e3)ex, s. m. plu. Useless, or
vº, expressions. metal plate.
3953 s. n. A sprout, or shoot. 2. T. 35&o s. n. Coral.
the extremity of a branch, bearing s. 35.55% or 35& "SS3 s. n. Air, or
new leaves. $3 F" § Kºs s. n. wind. 35R-3 Sºo (from s.93 5
(from 9 & a weapon.) The Hin food.) A snake; because serpents are

doo Cupid ; because his arrows are said to feed on air. & STRocºs s. n.
young leaves. 83°o"
3 ex3-oxº v. n To -
The god of wind.
T. 35 ex s. n. Day; day time, vide *
sprout or shoot. Xex).
323scº or <º s. n. An T. 3 Fºx s. n. A ceremony perform
adulterer ; a paramour. ed by the fanatic worshippers of
33583 &c, adj. 1. Having new Vishnoo, in which they affect to im
sprouts, 2 spread, extended. molate, and subsequently to resusci
<3 s. n. A small village; a hamlet. tate, a human victim.
2. a lizard.
s. 33) s. n. The thunderbolt of Indra.
& Ooss or 33 s. n. A village. §§
rro try
S. < *@sº s. n. Pack-thread; or a
<-e A provincial, or vulgar, term. rope, or net, made of it.
#335-cºs s. n. 1. A villager. 2, a | S. **@* &c. adj. Pure, clean,
fisherman. d
purified; in a religious sense, it is
T, <º s. n. making in the inflex sing: t
applicable to a person who by auste
$o-3 A tooth. <o:S^3S s. m. The | rity and mortification is released
tooth-ache. from all worldly passions and attach
Śº s. n. Low ground, adj. Low; on ments. s. n. 1, Sacrificial grass, Poa
low level. cynosuroides, 2, the missile weapon
3S 51 3%.

of Vishnoo. 3. cow-dung. 4. water. 5. cº, colour.) Yellow colour.

the disease termed the fistula. 6. 333 & or 36ers s. n. A quadru
turmerick. sº 3) \}, ex) s. n. The ped. It is usually applied to horned
ring finger of the right hand; as
deemed purer than the rest. §§§ or §§36 s. n. The expressed
<<Sºok, v. n. To lie down, or re juice of leaves. 2. bilious vomiting.
cline. - $5383554& (from T. *otºcolour)
3? adj. Young, tender, infant. :335 Green colour.

K. So s. n. Infancy, childhood. 3 & & s. n. Food, (H. cytos, jº es

T. 33 º' s. n. Yellow colour.
pecially such as has been offered to
3%5) s. n. 1. An animal in general. the deities. Leavings of a great man
2. a beast. 3. horned cattle. 4. a goat. or spiritual guide. Kindness.)
5. a subordinate deity, and one of 37& "323 v. a. To eat. -

Siva's followers. 339:39 s. n. (froms. & adj. vide 33. s. n. 1. Fragrance,

38 lord.) A name of Siva. smell. 2. cattle. -

<ºs s. n. 1. Remorse, re T. $ºcê s. n. Gold, adj. Golden.

pentance. 2. pity, compassion. &8o3 s. n. (from T. & cattle, and
s?) $$$$$o s. n. The west, adj. 1. Wes T. &oč food.) A tiger.
tern. 2. hinder, behind, after. T. sº s. n. vide 33 &.

<āşşº-&cºs s. n. A thief, or 338S s. m. Young, or tender, grass.

pilferer, who steals in presence of 3%85 º'So s. n. A greenish snake.
the parties, and proverbially applied T. §§3) s. n. vide ŠKič).
35&eº)-N-c:S s. m. wide Śvē3,08.
to goldsmiths.
§§ s. n. 1. Brightness, splendour. 2. 3& oxo tº v. n. 1. To feel shame,
or regret. 2, to bear or suffer.
effect, result. 3. ability, qualification. 3 & Sºx s. n. A house.
§§o& adj. (from P. cxx..., choice, 3&s so or 3% 75"Sºo s. n. A
approbation.) Agreeable, pleasing,
* private, or back, door.
handsome, comely. 3& 3 s. n. 1. The first lunar day, of
TUD. ŠºščSSo s. n. (from s. (395-3 either the dark, or bright, fortnight.
5) Decoration, embellishment. 2. the root, or insertion, of a wing.
Tre 3.3%) s. n. Turmerick. ºoº 3& s. n. 1. The bright, or dark,
(from T. Šoć q.v.) A certain ex half of the lunar month. 2. a wing. 3.
tent of the low land in which turme the feather of an arrow. 4. a side, or
rick grows. Sºº-cº (from r. Hºw flank. 5, a side or party. 6, partiality,
yoo::c 52 #y"cº
2. the white leprosy. s

7. an argument; a position advanced,

or to be maintained. 8, a class or tribe. *-ox$35 sº s. n. A country in
9. the subject of an inference. ** southern part of the Indian peninsu
& CSS In the event of; if ; suppos la, comprehending part of the modern
ing; provided. 3&*ěšº s. n. Par Tamil provinces.
tiality. 3%-8 A partial person. *oºcão s. n. A traveller.
3&#803 To be partial. **ojº) or ºvoS3) s. n. 1. Dust.
#33 s. n. (from s. 33, a wing.) 1. 2. manure.

A bird. 2. an arrow *OKoe) s. n. An unchaste woman.

**s s. n. A house built without
3&4 s. n. A night and two days, or
a day and two nights. large beams, with a shelving roof.
#35, 3 s. n. The eye-lash.
cº) ºn
*5 S"es & s. n. plu. A certain
-ºvoº's zººs s. n. 1. Vishnoo's tribe among the Soodras.
**ść)*3 s. n. A potter's kiln.
conch. 2. fire.
**śso s. n. 1. Maturity; natural,
*-oº-oº-0 s. n. The five casts of or artificial, as the state of being
artificers, viz. the carpenters, wea cooked, or ripened. 2. the young of
vers, barbers, washermen, and shoe any animal.
makers. #Tºš RTSRSCŞo s. n. A name of Indra.
-º-ºo-º-ey"33 & s. n. One of the -8 or ºvšavcºs s. n. A scavenger.
*cs v. n. To creep, or crawl.
fifty-six countries, enumerated by
the Hindoos,
O .
tº-o-º-8) s. n. A name of Drouputy,
the wife of the five Pandoo princes.
: *-CŞtº s. n. A raised wooden shoe.
* "X or ºv7" s. n. 1. A turband. 2.

a stable. ** tºº v. a. To tie on,

or form, a turband.
*~2-0s s. n. 1. A doll, or puppet. -3-ox& s. n. A silver ornament,
2. an image carved on pillars. worn by Hindoo females, round the
+03& s. n. Learning, know ankle.
ledge. co

*oºcão s. n. The name of a S. ***ścós s. n. A cook.

sovereign of ancient Delhi, nominal - *~353, s. n. Looseness of the
father of the five Pandoo princes. bowels ; flux.
*"o:S$30 s. n. Pale, or yellowish ºvcº s. n. 1. Dirt, filth. 2. the un
white, colour. adj. Pale, or yellowish clean substance which covers the
white. teeth. 3. the green stuff produced in
s, ºvo& s. n. 1. vide ºvo&. stagnant water. 4 mouldiness, adj.
Ryo's 5 53. ºre 23

Dirty, unclean. Water is deemed by keep within due limits, or bounds.

the Hindoos to be är"cº, or unclean, ******* Exact measurement.
unless it be brought from the well ***30% v. a. 1. To obtain. 2. to re
on the same day on which it is used. gard, observe, or pay attention to.
*cs"K. v. n. Dirt to attach itself, *32, v. n. 1. To be obtained. 2. to
or to stick. shine.

tud. Rºos s. n. (from s. Ryväſs ) Dice. *** s. n. (from the verb 3×3 q. v.)
T. *cº v. n. To putrify, or become 1. A fall. 2, suffering, distress, mis.
corrupted or rotten. From this verb fortune, pain. 3. labour, work. 4. a
comes & "co q.v. declining state. 5, the falling back, or
*** s. n. 1. A song. 2. a poem. 3. ebb, of the tide. 6. manner, mode. 7.
method, manner, ºvereº 39 The a time, or occasion. 8. pride, ar
seven inusical notes. rogance, presumption. By the ad
dition of this word to certain verbs,
****Q&cbºs. n. A thief, or robber. their verbal nouns are formed; as
**es s. n. Pale red; rose colour. & To alter. 332 vº S. n. Alter
**eſ "SKö& s. n. the name of a ation. Šoš To be settled. &&ºw
city, supposed to be the modern ** s. n. Settlement.*
* > s. n. 1. A lesson. 2. reading,
**35:30 s. n. 1. Cleverness, talent.
2. health. 3. eloquence.
perusal in general. 3. studying the
Vedas or scriptures, considered as
*** s. n. Erasure, blotting out. one of the five great sacraments of
*-ū--sº or bºsº To erase. the Hindoos. -

*** s. n. 1. Computation, as applied T.
*** s. n. 1. Abundance of the pro
to number, weight, measure, extent, duce of cattle ; as milk, &c. 2. equity,
or value. 2, kind, sort, or description. justice, adj. Just, equitable. ºvcá
3. justice. adj. Exact, as applied to cº) s. n. (from T. tº a cow.) A
number, weight, measure, or extent. milch cow.
&**śss. How many people 2 T.
*** s. n. making in the inflex. sing.
ow oozºº & & Yves of what * Ruin, destruction, adj. Ruin.
weight, or value, is this gold 2 oxyv ed, destroyed. v. a. To sing.”&oº
*S*&#ves What quantity v. caus. To cause to sing ºve35e,
is this grain 2 Rºß)53ryws: What (from T. So ground.) Land on which
length $Cºcºş Rºc & what formerly a village stood; in which
kind of man is he? **363) Ś S&S tobacco and other such plants are
* To act according to justice; to generally grown. A-335) (from T.
3roš 54 yº

Töö a bank.) The ruined, or broken, *378 sº s. n. Hell; the infernal re

part of a bank, from which a person gions under the earth, and the abode
can descend to a river. **** (from of the Nagas, or serpents.
T. 93 a house.) A deserted, or ruined Te *9s or à"33 s. n. 1. The fourth,
building ºvšSS"e2 (from T. & " or quarter, of any thing. 2, the sixty
** a word.) An inauspicious expres fourth part of the coin termed a pa
sion. goda.
T. ** 3 s. n. 1. A bier. 2. the funeral ***Us) *S* s. n. Chastity.
pile. *C& v. a. To fix, or fasten, in the
*Sº s. n. The first lunar day of ground. s. n. That portion of the
either the dark, or bright, lunar fort thing so fastened, which is under
night. ground. *cº v. a. To bury in
+\ve? s. n. The hand. the ground.
s. ºvešo'55S$o s. n. A bellows. +ºro ūy s. n. 1. A vessel in general;
**28S s. n. 1. A sort of spoon, or a plate, cup, or jar. 2. a sacrificial
ladle. 2. a paddle. vase, or vessel, comprising various
**º-0 s. n. A bride; one wed forms of cups, plates, spoons, ladles,
ded according to the ritual. &c., so used. 3. a dancing girl.
**śćsº s. n. A marriage, or * @ & &c. adj. Worthy, fit, capa
wedding. ble, adequate. s. n. A tame parrot.
**35°SSo s. n. A clap with the * & cº. s. n. Aking's counsellor
or minister.
*cé adj. Old, decayed, worn out. **śsº or **ś) s. n. Water.
s. n. 1. Cloth. 2. old cloth. §"cº New **śSºo or à"?cºo s. n. Provi
v. n. To grow old, or stale. *cºès' sion, or provender for a journey.
& Oldness, staleness. *-*cks n. A Sodra, or Hindoo
&"5 S & s. n. 1. Sin, crime. 2. the of the fourth or servile tribe; because
cause of falling, literally or figura born from the foot of Brumha. vide
tively; alighting. -āyvö$oo.
*vöSSo or à"5%) s. n. Falling, *&#' s. n. A cobweb.
descending. -º-º:3S0 s. n. A tree.
*cº or *-cass-ex; s. n. A *& s. n. 1. A foot. 2. a quarter.
3. a hill at the foot of a mountain. 4.
pit, in which grain is preserved.
T. ‘āy-eč8ey-&S or yºeſ vs-ào v. n. 1. a ray of light. 5. the root of a tree. 6.
To dance. 2. to walk about in search the foot, or line, of a stanza.7. the line
of something, of a hymn, or stanza of the Riq veda.
*#) 55. Krºś,

*-sà-e A person on foot. ºvš *ść) or à"Kºy s. n. Bedding.

Jyroº (from Qº) to that pre **śSºx's A sheet.
serves.) A shoe, or boot. ºvč7°3′ex) *** s. n. 1. A child. 2. the reflexion
s. n. plu. The toes. `ox & s. of objects on the pupil of the eye. .
n. An ornament for the feet, or toes. *** s. n. The parting of the hair,
on a female's head. § "3 **'s A.
*~~oxºs S. n. An ornament, or
ring, worn on the great toe, ºvº& kind of head ornament, suspended
& s. n. A shoe. on the forehead, from the parting
of the hair.
*šößx s. n. Quicksilver, mercury.
*** s. n. 1. A machine for crossing *****św s. n. A harrow, or hoeing
rivers. 2. a garden bed. *-axº We instrument.
To divide into beds. *330 s. n. Sin, crime, wickedness.
T. *& s. n. A garden bed. v. a. wide This word is also used as an inter
‘āºre cé9. -

jection, denoting compassion, what

****** s. n. plu. wooden shoes. a sin what a pity / poor thing / &c.;
*~$3, s: n, Water, &c., for clean as ºv:3530 ***Nºvrºs sº
ing the feet.
Poor thing ! don't beat that child.
*Ss & s. n. 1. The juice expressed *** **, Sºo &c. adj. Sinful.
from the sugar cane. 2, water in which 'ay->38 *** s. n. The plant termed
jaggory, or sugar, has been dissolved, Cucumis madraspatanus.
used by the Hindoos as a cooling -āºroš & S. n. An arrow, in the
form of a snake.
*ššo s. n. Drinking. ***** T. *3&cºs s. n. (from T. yo:30
(from s. Rºš º a station.) A dram
a snake, and *cs lord.) sala,
shop ; a place where people drink the king of snakes.
together. **śń"R"Seº s. n. plu.
food and raiment. *** s. n. A hunting, or chase.
rup. ºr "Sºo s. n. (from s. 5-yeo) Life. s: º adj. Sinful, or wicked. vide :-
T. *"Sex s. n. plu. Doubts, objections.
T. ~ssº s. n. The lower part of
T. *ś) v. a. 1. To free, or deliver. 2.
to dissipate, or remove. 3. to expiate,
the lingum. |
or efface. 4. to liquidate, or pay, vide
*šššo s. n. A kitchen. Avşâces
S. n. A cook. *~. AºS’K v. comp. To free,
&c. one’s-self.
*Nº s. n. A kind of beetle-nut. *ś, s. n. Sin, guilt.
t. ***cº s. n. Water. s. *Tº s. n. Cutaneous eruption ;
Żyw8 56 3-5

herpes ; scab. s'sss &c. adj. *8385*, s. n. The superintend

Diseased with herpes. ence of a village.
**ś8:30 &c. adj. 1. Wicked. 2. . Sº Soo s. n. 1. The further, or op
vile, low, base. 3. stupid, foolish. posite, bank of a river. 2. the end, or
*So s. n. A snake, or serpent. extremity.
T. *So v. a. To rub. S. Ży"5é5’$$$$$o s. n. vide 383-5).
§"cºs. n. 1. The branch of a river. So, or ºvo&R3sºo.
2. the divisions in garlick, or those *83 &c & s. n. The son of a Soo.
in onions, and similar substances. dra woman, by a Brahmin.
*&^+&) A branch of a river to *8ks 35 sº s. n. The kingdom .
break off from the main stream. of Persia.
§"cº So s. n. Rice, mixed with *"C'es s. n. The decoration of the
sugar and milk. vide #"8 &’3s sº. feet with Šoš53 &c. *T*rēots
T. S"C޺ s. m. Manner; mode. v. a. To decorate the feet, in that
*cº v. n. 1. To seperate. 2. to
leave, or quit. 3. to be rotten. 4. to *S*oºtoşo s. n. 1. Reading a
be deafeated. - holy book at so much a day. 2. tota
*6 s. n. A short hoe, or momaty. lity, entireness.
*5 part. the infinitive of RºS q || *~553 s. n. a dove, or pigeon.
**~& s. n. The sea, or ocean.
v. prefixed to other verbs, to add
force or emphasis to their previous *w-ºscº S. n. The poet Vyasa.
*ě s. n. A milk pail, or rather milk
meaning; and corresponding with
pot ; as milk is always mixed into
off, away, out, &c. in English ; as, earthen or metal vessels.
à-825°º v. a. To pour or empty *ě sº-dº s. n. An ascetick ; one
out. *83& v. a. 1. To throw who devotes his days to devout con
away. 2. to lose. *88"ex v. a. 1. templation; the religious mendicant.
To drive out or away. 2. to defeat. -

-6 s. Rºbarðsºos. a. A tree, in paradise.

****** To pour or empty out. Se ****ś, S. n. A trinket, worn on
*-8o3*S* s. n. 1. Traditional the forehead where the hair is parted.
instruction ; tradition. 2. continuous s. Svězy (3/sº s. n. A tree so called.
order, or succession. *S*&c & s. n. A spectator; a
& "5 to s. n. Eating after a fast. person present at an assembly, or
#y" & s. n. vide ºč& &. congregation.
*8 F-> v. To speak contemptu *b*ēśc & s. n. A maker of gar
ously. lands.
*~8S - 5

S. ****śs S. m. A bracelet worm || *SSº s, n. Parvatee, the wife of

by women. Siva.

*ēody & s. n. A lion. **S*-s s. n. 1. A side. 2. a part.

*& v. n. 1. To run. 2. to purge. 3. 3. the body below the arm-pit. &S &
to fly, or rise, in the air. 4. to begin.
*śSºw-ºver: To speak
in favour of one.
5. to grow or become. 6. to flow as
water. vide #"eº. 3'58%) v. n. To
*śs- s. m. The heel.
run off, or away; to escape. &oč *eo part, vide ºč.
R"eº v. n. vide à"&.
*& To begin to dry, or heal. 30%

77°83 To begin to ripen. Kºśń"S
To grow hard. ã)&Soº-oº:3 To

*&5533 s. m. wide ºv'O'S & So.

*& s. n. 1. Abuse ;

proach ; scurrilous, opprobrious, or

i &"eºs s. n. The flowing of water.
à"eºcºs s. n. A brahmin.
*eº Sotº v. n. To come running.
*e s. n. A small bird, whose flight
is consulted in omens.

*eš s. n. A palanquin. & "esºo

×38s (from T. 25°oñº a bamboo,
unfriendly speech. 2. the property of and Tud. 8s. a star.) The tenth
harshness, &c., in speaking. 3. seve stellar mansion ; because it's shape
rity, violence, either in word, or resembles that of the bamboo of a
deed ; as ~sºyººs & Defama palanquin. -

tion, abuse, or violence of words; and * Scº s. n. A cherisher, preser

<oºs-ºs- Personal injury, ver, protector, or guardian.
assault, or violence of blows. T. *ex863) s. m. A soil, consisting of
*36. & s. n. A king, or prince. sand above, and clay underneath.
*&s-cºs s. n. A name of Arjoona. *oºs S. m. A species of Mimusops.
is oºcº or ºve, 3.cx3 s. n. A par
*öStošo s. n. A particular Srad
dha, or funeral ceremony, at which ticular species of the teak tree.
double oblations are offered ; three *** S&S s. n. Protecting, nourish
cakes to the father, paternal grand ing, cherishing, preserving, guarding.
father, and great grandfather; and *eºgs, n, ride Rºo.
three to the maternal grandfather, his *es Tºls. n. (from T. §§A colour.)
father, and grandfather; and the Pale-red colour.
crumbs of each set to the remoter T. ºyo oº: S. n. 1. The sea of milk, from
ancestors in each line. 2. the cake *exy q. v. 2. a small decorated shed,
erected in the houses of the IIindoos,
-º-cox) 58
*~ 3

in which the idol is placed, and wor to milk. Sº, or & Ko-º-ex Wo
shipped, on particular festivals. man's milk. Avex,&º *Toturn,
r &vejSC 33 s. n. A wicked man. or curdle, milk. -à-vejšyvcx& The
- *exº~ex, s. n. A wicked female. cream of milk. ºx:Soº "ex-Wºłó
àver-cºo s. m. Green colour, adj. lit. the face to distil milk. The face
Green. to be exceedingly handsome, and
. . )o tº v. a. To preserve, cherish, pleasing.
or protect. ºvex) v. n. (from the above.) To be
* 533, &c. adj. Cherished, nour come pale from disease. zºosa
ished. The body has become pale from
ºvex s. n. making in the inflex: sing: disease.

*ē), and in the nom. plu. *~$º 1. , ºvex):<rex) v. n. To be idle, or lazy.

A share, or portion; a division, or al +-ceoSvös s. n. Laziness.
lotment; a part. 2, the ryot's share r, ºvº-Rºcºs s. n. A poligar.
of the whole produce of the crop. 3. T. +\v Šeºs s. n.The river Palaur, which
possession, charge. *5 S"3) A part runs through the province of Arcot.
ner, or sharer. *e c 2) & v. n. To
- * 3: or ºv.3% s. m. plu. Ryots
fall to one's share. *****) v. a. who cultivate with the farming stock
To divide into shares. of another.
ºvex, s. m. plu, making in the inflex. . . àv$ 30 s. n. 1. A manner, or method.
+ºve 1. Milk. 2. milky juice ; juice. 2. a lump, or mass, of metal.
3:39:Sºvex The juice of the plant ºvë s. n. 1. The sharp edge of a
termed Milk hedge, Euphorbia tiru sword, or of any cutting instrument.
calli. The inflexion ºe is also used
as an adjective, to denote: 1. Milch, 2. the tip of the ear. 3, a line, row, or
range. 4. a mark, spot, or stain. 5, the
milk, or milky. 2. milk white. -āy-oe)
3o4 Pure, or milk white, silver. -à-o hip or haunch.
+-vºs s. n. The lobe of the ear.
exicº) A milch cow. ~50% s. n.
plu. lit. milk houses. A female's *~8 s. n. The slit of a pen. 2, a cloth
breasts, ºve):30:lit. milk teeth. The marked with squares, upon which
teeth cast in infancy. ºg boº-º-oex5 games are played.
The juice of the sugarº*. R*. . . + 3 s. n. 1, vide º Ko No. 2-2.
+\vex)Sheep's milk. eš)-vex Cow's the covering which encloses the germ
milk. Avex, Sºci& To boil or heat of the cocoaunt.
milk.-è-exº-oxº Milk to bubble in , ºvº-Rºcºs s. n. A poligar.
boiling. -à-voº To draw milk :
+oğ Rož
T, zºvić sº s. n. A Polliam, or country *3 s. n. A name of ruroona, the
under a poligar. indian Neptune.
#yv Čšo:3 º s. n. An encampment. *ś-eşº S. n. The business of

*ścºs s. n. A stair, or step. a grazier; rearing and keeping cattle.

ŽºvššSC:S s. n. 1. The deified per **ścłºcłº s. n. A heretick ; an
sonification of fire, termed Agni. 2, a impostor ; one who, not conforming
saint, or person purified by religious to the orthodox tenets of Hindoo faith,
assumes the external characteristicks
of tribe or sect ; as a Jaina, &c.
*~ssº-º-ºsº or ſy" Svex) s. ** 225So s. n. A stone.
n. plu. Wooden shoes. T. *so s. m. plu. Dice.
Frešč s. n. A petticoat, vide
Tud. & R&s. n. (from s. 3-cº)
vide ºvo&SSo.
^*šššo &c. adj. Pure, purified. s. n. &ox3 s. n. The fifty-first year, of
1. Purification. 2. penance. 3. water.
the Hindoo cycle of sixty. -

. Sºos"3 s. n. A particular pot

&oxºs s. n. Tawny colour, adj. Of
a tawny colour.
*ē) s. n. 1. A quarter. 2. the quar
ter of the coin termed a pagoda.
T. &ow tº s. m. China ware of any

yvööšo or & "$7.5°ooo s. n. A kind ; as plates, cups, Saucers, &c.

dove, or pigeon. T. &ºs s. n. Pride. 35&tack 1.
**{}eſ's, n. The quarter of a rupee. To suppress another's arrogance. 2.
to kill.
*** So s. n. 1. A fetter, chain, or tye ;
the string for fastening tame animals, &oi & s. n. The peacock's tail.

or the net or noose for catching birds, &c & s. n. Cotton.

deer, &c. 2, in composition with words
&cºs s. n. Tawny, or reddish
signifying hair, it denotes quantity,
as #3 & "3 & Much or flowing hair; yellow colour, adj. Tawny, or reddish
in composition with $ 80s it de
notes beauty, as Ś cos-à-vº Koa hand &oº"6 s. n. 1. A useless, poor, or
helpless person. 2. a cotton cleaner.
some ear; in composition with $ 39, o -

and other words, it denotes deprecia $oº"< 30 s. n. The wax of the car.
tion, as # 5) +3 ºx a shabby &oº s. n. 1. The feathered part of
umbrella. an arrow, 2, the end of a cloth plaited
§§ 60 § *)
o x^. -

up, or drawn together, in folds. $º v. a. To cheat, or deceive. s. n.

S, &oššw s. n. 1. A lump, heap, clus Ambiguity, adj. Ambiguous. &
ter, quantity, or collection. 2. a ball, &T 2 Double entendre.
or globe. 3, a mouthful, or roundish &\933 s. n. A small species of bird.
lump of food, considered as equiva &XSºx v. n. To be burst, by tightness,
cº) Cºx
lent to a mouthful. 4. an oblation to
deceased ancestors; as a ball or lump
& Soššo s. n. The belly. & So &
excº A pot-bellied man.
of meat, or rice, mixed up with milk, O

curds, flowers, &c., and offered to the S. &#93% of $90 s. n. The neem tree.
Melia azadirachta.
manes at the several Sraddhas, by O O
the nearest surviving relations. 5. a & Sebº, or & Sö s. n. Cotton.
o —o -o
gift in honor of deceased relations.
& & ) s. n. 1. vide & 8). 2. shortness
6. the foetus, or embryo, in the early
period of gestation. of measurement. adj. vide & 8)-3 &\
ãošć) s. n. A lump, or mass. $º v. n. Madness to seize, or attack
&o 3 s. n. 1. Flour. 2, a flock, or mul one. s. n. Excessive frugality, or eco
- –o
titude. §oășoesex s. n. plu. Cakes
nomy & ºw-ºo: To be a
made of any kind of flour. Tºš &oë
The flour of ground sesamum seed, miser. 33 yīr-este §§5"K, lit.

from which the oil has been previ to pour on the head both shortness,
and exactness of measurement. To
ously expressed.
&0&S s. n. The nave of a wheel. relate to another all one's adventures,
both fortunate and unfortunate.
&oão s. n. 1. An army, composed of QT)

elephants, chariots, horse, and foot. & & )º S. n. 1. Lead. 2. tin.

2. a multitude. v. a. 1. To press,
squeeze, or to wring. 2. to milk. & Cº.) Bºex s. n. plu. A small species
T. 308-30°CŞ or &o 3 s. n. Young, or of the pulse termed green gram, or
Phaseolus radiatus.
unripe, fruit.
&oś s. n. plu. Leaps. §§yook v. n. To be in great pain,
&ššº s. n. The indian cuckoo. distress, or anguish.
& s. n. The calf of the leg. & 8) s. n. Madness, lunacy, folly, adj.
9 × 1 ºn o
T. Mad, lunatic, foolish.
& Sex, or &S 88% v. n. To be
overflowing ; to be full, or bursting, T.. &3) ºys
s. n. A sparrow.
\ex) or & ºv, o
eX) V, n. -
n. Juice to ſlow r
from the increasing size of what is
confined. -
from pressure.
33% 61 &5)

& &Y’s sºn. A sparrow, vide & ºys.

&#x33 s. n. A fisty cuff, or blow
with the fist. &#890 & To close the
35 ysºcº adj. Lame, or halting, fist. Gºjº ex338cº's lit.
like a sparrow. to hold one's own life in one's own

&º s. n. The gum of the silk cotton fist. To be in the greatest excess of
tree. alarm, or fear.
to -

& ºes adj. Moist. s. n. The silk &#8°º v. a. To geld animals.

cotton tree. T. & 3 R'S$90 s. n. Obstinacy, pertina
S. & ©s & s. n. 1. A basket; a large city.
basket, or receptacle of basket work, 33&R"5 s. n. An anger, or carpen
for keeping grain, &c.; a granary. 2. ter's tool, for boring holes.
a pimple. T. & XS. s. n. A thunderbolt.
§§ s. n. A bird. T. & Stºs v. a vide &oº No. 1.
&º s. n. Flour boiled by steam. &rºss sº s. n. The sediment of
§§§§o or & 36 s. m. A pot, or pan. seeds, &c. ground for oil ; oil cake,
33&S s. n. One of those cakes of dried or the seeds after expression.
dung, which are used for fuel. &&s 3) E-553-toc & s. n. A paternal

exº To form these cakes of dung. grandfather.

33s. Fººd s. n. The gangetic por & 53% v.a. 1. To milk, vide &o’s. 2.
poise. Delphinus gangeticus. to squeeze a sore.

T. 3.33 s. m. A quantity of boiled rice, &öyº s. n. (from s. 35) a progeni

tor, and s. 89? a lunar day.) The
sufficient to be held in one hand. day of the new moon, on which she
&º-cs s. n. A piece of cloth, rises invisible, and on which offerings
used in besmearing, with macerated are made to the manes of one's an
cow dung, the floor of Hindoo dwel ceStorS.

lings. §§§§§ s. n. (from s, 3°) a

ãočğ s. n. A very small earthen pot. progenitor, and S. Üß" parents.}
T. 333 s. n. A handle, or hilt.
Twilight; because then the spirits of
333 s. n. A female, as applied to ani one’s ancestors are abroad.
mals only. &ë). Sºo s. n. (from s. 3,é) a pro
& 339 s. n. making in the inflex, sing. genitor, and s. 5 & a wood.) A ceme
& #3Ce3, and in the nom. plu. 33.3% tery; a place where dead bodies are
The fist. & 3T3C:S Such a quantity burnt, or buried.
as can be held in the clenchcd hand. $ºSººs s, n. A paternal uncle. -
§§ 62 &e?

S. $3.5% s. n. (H. <3) Bile ; the bili &\º s. n. (H. J.A.A.) The holy
ous humour. . - -
fig tree. Ficus religiosa."
35, v. a. To break wind behind. s. n. &šNº) s. n. (H. Jºãº) Long pep
• -- ºr

Breaking wind behind. per. §§yºs & The dried long pep
3) ū) Sº adj. Paternal; obsequial; per vine. &#yºSoos The root of
relating to the parent, or to deceased
long pepper. §§y 3.3-3. The thick
progenitors. part of the long pepper vine.
3 & adv. Afterwards, adj. 1. Frugal, &%) s. n. The remaining solid part
economical. 2. degenerate: of any thing, of which the juice has
T, §§§ v. a. wide &&. been expressed, or strained out.
Se &-ºviššo s. n. A covering, cover, or &%)š) s. n. A freckle, mole, or mark.
concealment; a sheath. . §§,” adv. Afterwards; subsequently.
$sº &c, adj. Clothed, accoutred, §oxS s. n. making in the inflex. sing.
dressed. 39 Human excrement; also that of
3) RS's So s. n. The bow, or trident, dogs, crows, &c., but not applied to
of Sica. & R-3 A name of Siva that of cattle. -

thence derived. G. &Sox or $8.9% s. n. A great gun, or

35-36 s. n. The river Pennar, which cannon. lit. of or belonging to Franks,
rises near Nundidroog and flows into or Europeans. & 39AF"33%. To
the sea near Nellore. º
blow off from the muzzle of a gun
35s or &S adj. 1. Young, 2 small. lit. to place one at it's muzzle.

&SA ºx Both old and young : . 38.9% ºs s. n. The plant termed

Mimosa octandra.
both great and small. & Kºšššo s.
n. Childhood, infancy. &São (3) 338 Rºß v. To encompass, or sur
(from 3 où) a father.) 1. A father’s round.

younger brother. 2. the husband of a

&c & s. n. (from P. olº;3) A

mother's younger sister. & Söğ (from complaint. 3-SA (from P. CŞe
T. 83 a mother.) 1. A mother's L2,3) A plaintiff.
younger sister. 2. the wife of a fa
ther's younger brother. §eº s. n. The fourth fraction in de
&R’s s. 6 s. n. The partridge term scent by fours from unity; the two
ed Perdric sylvatica. º
hundred and fifty-sixth part of a
33-93 s. n. Thirst. *

s-- & ©s s. n. An ant. &#3 s. n. A coward, adj. Cowardly

63 Rºxo
€0 .

timid. &eºš Ros So The antelope. T.

§§§ &’ſº or &gºs. m. A flute.
lit. the timid animal.
&ºcºsº s. n. A summerset, or
3 e59 or & eºscº adv. Behind. §eºğ) leap, heels over head.
*S v. n. To retire, or withdraw. &eº. o

&."oº s. n. plu. Ornaments worn

& or & 3 s. n. The buttock, or back on that toe which is next to the little

*Sº s. n. plu. The young shoots, &2 s. n. (H. cº) A cat. §§§ºc &
from the root of the parent plant.
&ex & v. a. 1. To call another to Mewing. $ºvs A kitten.

come, or approach. 2. to invite to an - §§§ & Stoš s. n. The plant term

entertainment. &ex) &S"Ko v. comp. ed Asparagus racemosus.
1. To call for one's own advantage,
T. §§ 6 s. m. A name of Ganesa.
or for one's own purposes. 2. to call
&% ox:So s. n. Tawny colour. adj.
each other mutually. &exº) s. n. 1.
- - - so o
A call, or cry. 2. an invitation. #39&o
o o
*S or $oexºo & v. caus. To cause S. 3,7"ºo or 30?’º s. n. A demon,
one person to call, or invite, another. evil spirit, fiend, or malevolent being,
333)3O+SS K2 or &ex)3 or SST R& W. always described as fierce, and malig
caus, comp. 1. To cause one’s-self to nant. 3,793 § s. n. One possessed by
be called, or invited, by another. 2. an evil spirit.
to cause one person to call or invite 3,3330 s. n. Flesh.
another for one's own purposes, or 33 Rº8 s. n. A miser, or niggard.
advantage. &exps. Sošois To send
one person to call another. &exºs &? §§53 s. n. Avarice; the quali
& S.) To bring another along with ty of a miser. -

one's-self. &ex &S &*@ To carry or §§§CŞs s. n. 1. A cruel, or wicked,

conduct away another person, along man. 2. a spy, or informer.
with one's-self. S §§§sº s. n. A cake made of the
§§ S. m. 1. A child, or infant. 2. the flour, or meal, of any grain.
young of any animal. adj. Young, §§§ $ $30 s. n. A sort of round
small, tender. & Sºcº s. m. A child cake, with a hole in the middle.
or infant; applied to the human spe S. §§§ Ś So s. n. Perfumed powder,
cies alone. &2&"eşo A small, or for scenting rooms, garments, &c.;
cross, beam. §s & A puppy. §§ especially the scented dust which
~&A boy, or lad, §§§cº To the Hindoos sprinkle over each other
bring forth young. -
at the Holi or spring festival.
&e 64 & Å)

§§§ s. n. 1. A bit, particle, or small chair, or stool**** To reside

quantity. 2. the refuse of washed permanently. -

§§§§os-cºs s. n. A catamite.
grain. §§§ 5% lit, a particle to go. -

§§sº s. n. 1. A seat, chair, or stool.

The strength to be exhausted. 2. a throne. 3. the seat of the religi
3) R-9 s. n. A wicked, or mean, per
ous student made properly of Cusa
grass. In the peninsula, this word is
3, Rºcº v. m. To emit perfume, or constantly used to express the esta
scent. blished residence, or seat, of the
T, §§§ v. a. To press, squeeze, knead, principal Hindoo Gooroos, or bishops.
or shampoo, with the hand. &^33 s. $8 s. n. A large throne.
n. plu. The tender unripe grain of 38s s. n. 1. vide 38 sº. 2, a preface,
dry crops, deprived of it's husk, by or preamble.
being pressed in the hand, and thus
S. 33 s. n. Pain, anguish, suffering &
& s. m. Inflicting pain; paining.
S. tº-sºº &c. waſ covered, hidden, #353 &c. adj. Pained; suffering
pain, or distress. 3 &ots v. a. To tor
#& v. a. 1. To pluck up, or away ; ment, teaze, or importune.
to root up, or eradicate; to wrest out T. §5 s. n. A crab. 35-3s ex, S. Il.
of another's hand. 2. to turn out of a
situation, or employment: §c &erº plu. The claws of a crab.
35X s. m. 1. Yellow colour. 2.
To quarrel, or wrangle. drinking adj. 1. Yellow. 2. drunk. §
§ 3 s. n. 1. The windpipe. 2. the reed Too S&S s. n. (from s. €902) 8 ap
used in blowing particular wind in parel.) 1. Yellow apparel. 2. the
struments. dress of Vishnoo. Hence & Stoºse
& Vishnoo.
§§s s. n. 1. The lower jaw ; the
chin. -
&#399& s. n. A gallinule.
5. --> ,, 6–2 §§s &c. adj. Fat, bulky, plump,
T. §§§o s. n. Pride. § 53% ºcłS 1. To corpulent, large.
subdue one's pride. 2. to kill, or as
sassinate. º
S. §53 s. m. Cough, catarrh; cold
—o affecting the nose.
Tup.’ Sº s. n. (from s. 395)The pea S. ššš oº: So s. n. A wild hog.
cock's tail. #ºx-3:32 or $59.8 s. n. A corpse'
T. &&. s. n. The fibrous part of plants. or dead body. $59: X39 & 245 A

Tud, & 42 s. n. (from s. # 8 ) A scat, '' heap of dead bodies.

3)o:S 65 3)i&)
& Tºrºs s. m. A cow with a full and sing. §o°3, and in the nom. plu. $)o
large udder. $ An ulcer, bile, or sore. Tººić)o
à cºvššo s. n. The food of the
& The large, or rajah, bile or sore,
gods; ambrosia, nectar. which rises on the back, and affects
àe adj. 1. Thin, slender. 2. spare,
the spine, so as to be deemed mortal
scantyºso" A scanty crop. by the Hindoos. $903&#cºo To
#9 s. n. The rudder of a vessel. raise a blister.
39s s. n. A rag, piece, or bit. Sº $oCº, sº s. n. I. A white, or red,

: 39's" & s. n. A steersman, or pilot.

§ex & v. a. 1. To suck up 2. to in
hale, as snuff, smoke, &c.
variety of the sugar-cane. Saccharum
officinarum. 2. a mark on the fore
head, made with sandal, &c.
§oš s. m. A path, or road, for cattle.
§eº s. n. An elephant (P. J.23)
**) v. a. vide àeº. 3)ošyº) s. n. A harlot, or unchaste
35& &c. adj. Fat, large.
S. 3)oãºo s. n. The feathered part of S-
#3)oš55& s. n. The first of the es
an arrow. -
sential ceremonies of Hindoo initia

3)ox35& &c. adj. in composition, tion; a religious and domestic festi

Excellent, pre-eminent. val, held on the mother's perceiving
-6 -
the first signs of a living conception.
$o2.30 s. n. A poonjum, or certain s. Soń Sº s. n. Manhood, virility.
number of threads.
< *, *) s. n. making in the inflex.
$)ozºs s. n. A heap, quantity, or sing $3_*3The inside of the cheek.
3); borº To rinse the mouth, or
ić)oº s. n. Crops cultivated without gargle the throat.
artificial irrigation, commonly termed
the dry crop.
T. 3) ºs S. n. A virgin ; a girl.
T. *)oº s. n. A cock, $) &§5? s. n. The melon vine. Cu
*}9%össºs. n. 1. A white lotus.2. cumis melo.

the elephant of the south east quar $)$) v. a. 1. To send. 2. to com

ter. 3, a leopard. 4. the white um mand. 3. to divide. v. n. To decay;
brella, one of the insignia of royalty. to dry up, or become rotten. s. n.
<)035 sºciºs s. n. (from s, e3, The sediment of castor oil.
the eye. ) A name of Vishnoo, whose T.
<<\s"K, or Ötys"K. v. a. 1.
eyes are compared to the white lotus. ||
--~~ - -
To take. 2. to receive. 3. to take, or

T. *)** s. n. making in the inflex. eat, food. This is the verb.compound

66 $)3
derived from the preceding verb é) immersed in abstraction, as to have
tº) ; but it's meaning is quite been overrun by ant nests, whence he
different. emerged as from a second birth. §);3
Tāeo s. m. The large black scorpion.
. §)†) s. n. 1. The young unripe
fruit of the palmyra, cocoanut, or 333 Sºxã) s. n. A snake, or
other palm tree. 2. the skull. serpent. lit. the animal-ºliving in a
- Sºº s. n. A tail; the tail, the snake's hole.
hinder part. -
<)& s. n. Cloth.
. §)è3 s. n. The leaf of a book. 3)3 s. n. 1. A certain measure of
$ºssº s. n. A city, or town. capacity, termed candy, or pooltee,
- #3) 235°50'S v. n. To rise, or swell which is divided into twenty smaller
up, as a sore.
measures, called & "sex. 2 a.
3) & 35So s. m. I. A folding, or dou round, or circular, basket boat, cover
ed with leather.
bling, of any thing, so as to form a
cup, or concavity. 2. the eye-lash. 3. tº v. n.1. To be born, or produ
the purifying, or calcining, metals ced. 2. to arise, issue, or spring from.
3. to get, or obtain. s. n. Birth. §)
by fire. 4. the burying of medicine
in the earth, &c., in order to improve §§ Ot <º s. n. Birth, pro
it's qualities. duction, origin. <\ºcº S. Ile

. 3) ºvšč530 s. n. An abbreviated The Hindoo ceremony performed at

3)83 s. n. A cup, or concavity, made
a birth. sº s, n. A natural
of a leaf folded or doubled. mole, or mark, from one's birth, 9
. §)888 or <);s s. n. A small basket.
*** s. n. Produce. tºok We

- <); s. m. I. An ant hill. 2. a snake's caus. To create, generate, form, or

hole. &gº-ºo: s. n. A bear;
because it feeds on ants. lit. the eater M
3)&S ex) s. m. plu. Small sticks; fuel.
whose food is ant hills. $$$.”* S. #):55 s. n. The earth. 3)&#39'5"ex
3) Sesha, the king of snakes, and bed
n. A mushroom. lit. the rat of the
snake's hole. <\ºst*2 s. n. The glacis of Vishnoo; because he supports the
of a fort, 385*Sex The pointed tops earth. §º; The planet Mars,
the son of the earth. §§ººs"
of ant hills.ºws. n. (from &: ex, lit. the waistband of the earth.
ex) the womb.) Valmeekee, the author of The sea.
the Ramayanum, said to have been so T. 3) & 3) s. n. making in the inflex.
<)*S 67 $)$

sing. 3)****The palm of the hand, me. I adjure you by all that you con
held in such a manner as to contain sider virtuous not to beat me. *S
anything placed in it. #3) & Tec: A erºs & s. n. Heaven, lit, the virtu.
handful. ôus world. <)FSº or 23X&
. §):SS v. a. To give. s. n. Giving. S*& To abuse, or quarrel, without
3):S$38°º (from Šºšš a any cause, or reason. Öğ'S is sºo
cow.) The celestial cow, which gives &c. adj. Virtuous, holy, religious. 3)
all that is desired.
. 3) eas 8ois v. a. To give an insuffi
*S*-s- & The purification
ciency. v. m. The fingers to be conv uls of a house, by various ceremonies.
ed in the extremities of death. §)* ić) Šá or º) º s. n. Gold.
$80.5ex, or 3)P3$8očex s, n. plu. *) #98 s. n. An image made of
1. The giving an insufficiency. 2. the masonry work.
convulsion of the fingers, in death. 3) # CºS v. a. To send, dispatch, or
. Öeºs v.a. 1. To spread out the forward, vide é)i&).
fingers of the hand, and then draw $) \ºy s. n. A daughter. *\ºys s.
n. 1. A daughter. 2, a puppet. 3, a
them in again, as in taking up a hand
copy. *) & cºs s. n. A son. 3) Ú
ful of any thing. 2. to touch, to feel. -sº # S. n. The religious sacri
3. to give an insufficiency.
fice for the purpose of obtaining a
- *S* s. n. I. Virtue, moral or
religious excellence, or merit. 2. a son. © CŞ, Kočº s. n. Male
offspring, issue, or progeny.
good action. 3. purity, purification.
adj. 1. Virtuous, good, pure, righte *939&º &c. adj. 1. Beautiful,
handsome, of a handsome form or
ous, excellent. 2. beautiful, pleasing.
*S Soissº &c. adj. Fortunate, figure. 2. having form, or property.
$$exicº.s. n. The soul.
well fated ; virtuous, pious, righteous.
ić)S&s-Sºo s. n. Metempsychosis,
**S*sº s. n. (from s, ex-E- co or transmigration of the soul.
a day.) A holy-day. *S 23 &c & || ić) Šº F& s. n. A finger nail.

S. m. (from S. & man.) 1. A fiend *)5%s 3 s. n. A virgin widow, re

or goblin ; a Racshasa. 2. a Yacsha, married.

or divine being attendant on Cubera, *)SS =TS s. n. The seventh of the

the god of wealth. 3. a pious or vir lunar mansions.
tuous man. 4. the guardian of the $)$ $* s. n. The city Poona, the
south-west quarter. $39°Sºssº, former capital of the Peishwa in the
*Tºº lit, thy virtue: dº not beat Mahratta states,
3) So 68 3) ov

3)R’8 s. n. Foundation ; ground- || s. $)$oV3) s. n. A wife, whose husband

work. and children are alive.

*) FK s. n. The poonasa crop, con $)öešovº v. a. 1. To disregard. 2. to

sisting of corraloo or Panicum itali oppose. -

cum, guntaloo or Holcus spicatus, and

$838cº v. n. To be in exces

alatsundaloo or Dolichos cationg, and sive grief, or sorrow; to be severely

other similar grains. afflicted.
3)Koš or ić) Š, s, n. The skull. §) $).5%)öeſ "ºb v. n. To have a desire,
Koš ČS*ě s. n. Siva, who begs with a longing, or inclination.
skull in his hand. $)ö& s. n. 1. A city. 2. the body.
$)KoK s. n. The civet produced by <5%).< s. n. The nipple of a wo
the cat of that name, termed Öº man.
<)&_ Qösºo &c. adj. 1. Revered,
T. tº 3ex, S. n. A small scorpion. adored, worshipped. 2. placed in front.
Tud. 3)SA& s. n (from s. Kyºtºs-Sº) 3. distressed, or harassed, by an ene
The lunar day on which the moon my. 4. facing and contending with an
is full.
enemy. 5. accused, calumniated. 6.
S. 3) Tºxºo s. n. 1. The tree termed sprinkled with holy water, initiated,
Rottleria tinctoria.2. a white elephant. annointed. 7. promised, agreed.
3. a male serpent. 4, a chief, a pre <)8%)&ces s. n. A chief, or com
eminent man. mander, of an army, or party; a leader.
tud. 3) FAS. s. n. vides. KºtoSºx. 3)"S" to So s. n. A Poorana, or sacred
TUD. §)*NSo s. n. (from s. $)$y ) A and poetical work, supposed to be
flower. compiled, or composed, by the poet
T. $$y s. n. Decay. vide 3) & y & 3) Vyasa, and comprising the whole
ić)’SX3 s. n. An insect found in rot 'body of Hindoo theology; each Poo
ten timber.ºyºA decayed tooth. rana treats of five topics especially ;
the creation, the destruction, and re
$3ryå s. n. (from T. & a flower,
and T. & "à powder.) The pollen, or novation of worlds; the genealogy of
farina, of a flower. gods and heroes ; the reigns of the
$2.) s. n. The eleventh of the lunar Munoos and the transactions of their
mansions. descendants. There are eighteen ac
$) oeſºs v. n. To be strongly bi knowledged Pooranas. 1. Brumha. 2.
Pudma or the lotus, 3. Brumhanda or
assed, or prejudiced, in favor of any
person or thing. the egg of Brumha. 4. Agni, or fire.
ić) ŠošSc’s s. n. A name of Indra. 5. Vishnoo. 6. Garooda. 7. Brumha
§)^3 69 35°
vicurta, or transformation of Brumha. §888 1. An imaginary pollution,
8. Siva. 9. Linga. 10. Narada. 11. proceeding from the birth of a child.
Scanda. 12. Marcondaya, so called adj. Equal ºběšº s. n. The house
from a Moonee of that name. 13. Bha.
in which a woman has been brought
vishyet or prophetic. 14. Matsya or to bed.
the fish. 15. Varaha or the boar. 16.
$)& s. n. Gold.
Coorma or the tortoise. 17. Vamana $988) s. m. wide &ss sy 58s-,
or the dwarf, and 18. Bhagavata, or and Š)&NS, respectively.
the life of Krishna, which last is by S.
$9.59% cºs s. n. 1. A man, generally,
some considered as a spurious and
or individually; a male, mankind. 2.
modern work. adj. Old, ancient.
Se $975°3530 &c. adj. Old, ancient.
a husbandº&#39&s. n. (from
s: é & best.) 1. A name of Vishnoo.
*}^s. n. A town, or city. 2. a common male appellation among
. §8 s. n. 1. Pack-thread, twine, twist. the Hindoos. 3, one of the generic
2. the straw basket in which seed
terms for a deified chief of the Jaina
grain is preserved. §)è23 º To twine,
Or twist. sect. 98&SCŞsº adj. Of the
*985 S v. n. 1. To recollect. 2. to be heighth, or measure, of a man.
careful, cautious, or watchful. 3)6 *983 wººcès.n. A name of Indra.
Ś exiē) v. a. 1. To remind. 2, to ex §)&"Söcºs. n. The son of Booddha,
cite, provoke, or instigate. and second king of the lunar dynasty.
• ‘989%) v. n. 1. To separate. 2. to 35°xº~ &c. &S"x3 &c. or &
loosen. 3. to retreat, or withdraw. Sº-rºo adj. (from s. 6)ö5 in front,
#953§ s. n. An entrail, or gut. and s. X&-X or nºos- who goes.)
<)5×× s. n. Faeces, excrement, or going in front; preceding.
dure. #95°ré s. n. A short letter, or note.
- <\bºycº S. n. A famous Hindoo & Sºcºs s. n. The family, or do
emperor. mestic, priest vide ÖS*3rvićcº.
&&^ or ëº, s. n. 1. A worm. 2. <).5°º adj. 1. Malevolent. 2.
any insect, or reptile; and applied
sometimes to snakes. #3)6°3's so s. n. A corn, or gram,
co -

bag, for horses.

3)öö CŞ. Üß0s- s. n. The name of a 35°3rvčc:S s. n. The Pundit, or
king, the sixth monarch of the lunar family priest, conducting all the cere
monials and sacrifices of a house, or
*9&s, n, making in the inflex, sing. family, vide Ö5**ść.
§3) 70 §§
*3)ešoº or 3. s. n. The skull. S. 3,55S, s. n. 1. A small island of al
T. <); F ox)S. s. n. The left hand. luvious formation. 2. a little sand hil
lock. ~ -

T. §§ s. n. Any solid substance re

duced to a certain state of liquidity;
- 1995. s. n. The matter, or pus,
from a sore.
as miry clay, or excrement in a
looseness of the bowels. . 6)3)398 s. n. A sort of wart.
39es -óe S"cºsº or 39°5'º
T. 3,5593).<) v. n. To turn off the con
sº s. n. The erection of the hair on
versation, with the view of concealing
the subject which has been mention
the body. §)ešovº. The hair to ed.
erect itself on the body.
3)0, or §)ºx - Šºšo NS v. a. To wash
<)0sº s. n. The sediment of water
in which grain has been washed.
pearls. This is derived from the verb 3)3)cºo v. n. To be, or become, sour
ŠºšSX3 To wash; but the word here T, 3)ex) s. n. 1. Grass. 2. a blemish in
. prefixed to it has no meaning when precious stones, vide $)º.
used separately by itself. 3)exsº s. m. wide §)exº,
. 39°58sºos. n. Fever. Ö9s botºv. n. 3)ex)\, s. n. A bird. 3)exº; S. mie
To be attacked with fever.
An owl. 3)ox33.87°S s. m. plu.
. K)e)XSS) s. n. Rice and split pulse
A class of demi-gods, shaped like
boiled together, with which ghee, or birds, and attendant on Cubera, the
clarified butter, is sometimes mixed.
god of riches.
. §)°3 s. n. An acid dish, made of va
rious edible roots.
3)ex)So v. a. 1. To rub. 2. to beat, or
lash. 3. to wash with both hands.
... <)°Kö& s. n. 1. Indigestion. 2. an
3)ex)S. s. n. 1. Acidity, sourness, 2.
acid taste.
the juice of tamarinds, adj. Acid, sour.
3)ešex) s. m. plu. Ear-rings. 3)e^*Sºocão s. n. Pooloma, a saint.
S. 3) J-530 s. m. 1. Shrivelled grain. 2. Qo

rice-water, 3. a grain or lump of boil ić)e^& 2 s. n. His daughter, the wife

ed rice. of Indra.<)e^****ś s. n. Indrahim
T. 3)3) s. n. A tiger. 3)3X*& The claw self, who destroyed the saint, to pre
of a tiger. 3)53°oo A tiger skin. º: vent his curse, for the violation of his
3,3) s. n. A royal tiger, lit. a largeti daughter.
ger. £eºš)3) s. n. The hunting <)3 &cºs or Öº scºs s. m. A
leopard, or cheeta, -čºc)(3)3) s. m. lit. man of the Chandala, or paria, cast.
the fly tiger. The spider ; as devour" *); or $).º adj. Sour. §§§§º Or
ing flies. Koš) is sometimes used as an •’ - - -

adjective to denote - Sour, acid. §).5 s. n. Sourness, acidity.

71 §§§
5%, s. n. A small bit, or piece, of Ajmere, consisting of a small town, on
stick, reed, or stiff grass. This word the bank of a lake, whence its name.
is applied to sticks used as fuel, and 8. the blade, or sheath, of a sword. 9.
even to a bit of reed, or stiff grass, one of the seven great Dwipas, or di
used as a tooth-pick. visions of the universe. -

. §).2, 6 s. n. A tax for pasture. Kºš 8:3 s. n. A square, or large,

§).35% v. n. To stand fixed, or im pond; a pool where the lotus does,
moveable, from amazement, or may, grow.
$ºoxsº s. n. in grammar, The mas. *}_ex &c. adj. 1. Excellent, emi
culine gender. nent, chief, best. 2. much, many, 3.
T. §)? s. n. Grass. full, filled, complete.
3) ov-2 +?
$993 Sex -

s. n. Land which is- -

only §§ S. n. I. Increase, advance, thriv

occasionally fit for cultivation. ing, prosperity. 2, strength. adj.
§)°oššš sº s. n. One of the fifty Strong, able-bodied, fat.
six kingdoms enumerated by the Hin $)*\sº s. n. 1. A bracelet of pre
doos. cious stones. 2. the car of Cubera.
s 3)èošoc:3 s. n. A barbarian, savage, Kºśysočº s. n. The elephant of
or mountaineer, who uses an unculti the north west quarter.
vated and unintelligible dialect; in the *Sº s. n. 1. vide & 2, the
peninsula termed Chentsoo. menses, ºyºs s. n. (from s, 8
§§§ or Šč) s. n. A flower. &\{Se & a car.) A car of any kind, not used
& s. n. A ceremony among the in war, $)$5K & The honey of
Hindoos, in which flowers are placed flowers, ºyer's S& A flower
on a pregnant woman's head. It is seller; a garland maker. §)šSoºcº
performed either on the fifth or sixth & or ºyer"exº~ s. n. A bee.
month after conception.Kerºs *):$)$oºx's n. The sun and moon.
s. n. A rose. ŠišSooYé §) To string §§yw-43s s. n. A flower garden.
a garland of flowers. §): Sºcºs s. n. Spring, the

§)š & S. n. 1. The sky, heaven, season of flowers. ©yré s. n. A
or atmosphere. 2. water. 3. the lotus. menstruous female.
4. the tip of an elephant's trunk. 5. §§§º s. n. The eighth of the lunar
the head of a drum, or place where mansions.
any musical instrument is struck, 6, a $)*Sº s. n. The tenth Teloogoolu
drug, Costus speciosus, 7, the name nar month; that in which the moon's
of a celebrated place of pilgrimage, change takes place when the sun is
now called Pokur in the province of in Capricornus.
<-2. 72 3yvö
adore; to do homage, or evince re
$$ºxsº s. n. The topaz.
o. 3) & eſ-oxoºv.a.(from H li). 4.) werence. Ky"?ößx &c. adj. Wor
To coax, whecdle, or persuade. §§ shipped, adored, reverenced. $y"S
eſ."oooß) s. n. Coaxing, wheedling, Soo &c. adj. 1. Worshipful, venerable;
persuasion. fit for, or deserving adoration. 2.
. 3)3 s. n. The rheum of the eyes. blank, empty, wanting. *S*2:R-R8
§§§ 3 or @S.sº s. m. wide & & 3-ºxºoks To have no
Ś So.
T. & T. s. n. The bit of gold worn thing to live upon & "o s. n. A
round the neck by married women. worshipper, or sacrificing priest, in
vide trºs-3. º S. Il. any temple. It is applied chiefly to
A woman twice married. those who are of the Siva sect.
$y" s. n. A flower. vide ÖğS. §y" $y, ºoo-ºº: v. a. To ornament, or

X33 s. n. A cluster of flowers, a nose illuminate, a book, &c., with flou

gay. rishes, painting, or gilding:
§Jºš s. n. Pudendum muliebre. This #yve. s. n. 1. Half of the day. 2, a
word is never used by any respectable time; as two times, three times, &c.
person. The more decent term is ºf 3. security, surety, bail. 3-8383-?
XSo ; but it is in general expressed Food attained by daily contract. :35°
by a circumlocution. ess-goº. An inn, or boarding
$y"XSo s. n. The beetle-nut tree. house.
Areca faufel, or catechu.
%) vºs.Xà s. n. A sort of long and T. %yvºo s. n. Heaviness, weight.
T. Kyº v. n. To be filled, or closed
stiff grass, of which brooms are made. up. Syº is v. a. 1. To fill, or close
$y" 5 s. n. Responsibility. up. 2. to bury; to conceal under
Ky" & v. n. To bloom, blossom, bud,
shoot out, or expand. S"exps Kyºtº ground. $yväyo K. v. caus. To cause
The tongue to blister, or to become to fill up, or bury.
sore, or discoloured. S &\ºy" tº 3y-cº s. n. 1. Rubbing, besmearing.
The pupil of the eye to become disco 2. blooming, budding. 3. flowers
loured by disease. |
o co
3-5 Jºe” or 3-5 (s) T5 g)
3y-2; or Ky-2:Sº s. n. (P. |-})
=~ *:
s. n. The wife of Indra.
Worship, reverence, respect; homage
of superiors, or adoration of the dei 3yrºs, &c. adj. Pure, purified,
ty. §y"&c & v. a. To worship, or cleaned, cleansed. -
sy-8 73 <-8s
s. Tºxoºv adj. Stinking; ill smell T. 3y-8e0 S. m. plu. Thin cakes, made
ing. of wheat flour. -

T. §y"&eº s. n. Spring. s. §y"Sãºcão s. n. Man ; a male ;

*T. Sy”73 s. n. A round ball. mankind.

T. & '88 s. n. (from T. & a flower, T. ‘T&g s. n. Any bird which

and T. && water.) Rose-water. calls those of its own kind.
T. §y"S v. n. 1. To undertake, engage, S. *Tºyºos S. n. plu. A sort of
or interfere, in any enterprize. 2. to cakes.
bear a burden. §y"Kº) or Kyºyo S. Kyºw &c. adj. 1. Full, filled, com
* v. caus. To cause to undertake,
&c. Syº's or Kyºs s. n. 1. An plete. 2. all, entire. 3. strong, power
enterprize, or project. 2, a vow. ful, able. 3-gº- Ü So or & 3"
. Jºcº s. n. A tender fruit, just form S$ sº s. n. 1. A full cup, or vessel. 2.
ed from the blossom. a vessel filled with cloths, or orna
ments, which are scrambled for by
T. §y-25°cá or <-º'-8 s. n. A hand
some female. lit. flower-bodied. the guests and relations at a festival.3.
a vessel full of rice, presented at a
s. 6)"cºo s. n. Pus, or matter, dis
charged from an ulcer, or wound. sacrifice to the superintending and
T. §J"cº v. a. 1. To smear, besmear, officiating priests. The Šºš **@
daub, anoint, plaster, or lay on by is properly a measure of 256 hand
rubbing. 2. vide $y "iS. §yvoooºo fuls of rice; it may also be composed
... v. caus. To cause to smear, &c. of as much as will satisfy one great
eater. 3-ºxº-Kº S. n. A monthly
s. Kyºtos s. n. Filling; completing.
sacrifice, performed on the day of the
s. Syrºs s. n. 1. A piece of water, a full moon. ić-gº Or <rgº Se
large quantity of water; a lake. 2.
n. The lunar day on which the moon
the flowing of the tide. 3. the healing,
or cleaning, of ulcers. is full. Syºğs-Sºo &c. adj. 1. Filled,
Tud. Tº adj. (from s ºrg) Full. full, complete. 2. covered, concealed.
s. n. 1. An act of pious liberality; as
(Pers; Hind. 1993) &J'8o33 v. digging a well, planting a grove,
a. To complete, to make full. § o? building a temple, &c. 2. nourishing,
Sośſºotº To blow a conch. cherishing. Syºs s. n. Fulness,
T. §J"6 s. n. Grass, or straw. <!-8& completion.
A thatched house. T. $rºw S. n. Any kind of split pulse,
s: ‘T-85& &c, adj. Filled, full, com mixed with jaggory, and boiled.
plete. |s. §y-&SS &c. adj. 1. First, former,
10 -
%)"S $)$
prior, preceding, initial, before,in front Šyº) s. n. Asking, questioning; a
of. 2. east, eastern. s. n. 1. Former question.
or ancient times; days of old. 2. the Kyös s. n. An army; a division of
east. 3. an ancient tradition. Šy"SS an army, a detachment. §yöFºx' § : .
ex) s. n. Ancestors, forefathers.<y" §§ Or sº sº-ºwcas. m. A name
tºo -

*CŞos. n. (from s. 2; born.) 1. an elder of Indra : as if a whole army, or host,

brother. 2. the son of the elder wife, in himself.
even though last born. SJ' “Sºcks §§ s. n. Koontee, the mother of the
s. n. An asura, or demon, as produced | Pandoo princes.
before the gods, ÖvöSSoxs s. n. -
<yºcºs s. n.1. An ignorant man,
The commencement of a drama, or || a fool. 2. a man of low cast. 3, a sin

the prelude to instrumental or vocal ner, a wicked or vicious man.

performance ; a prologue, or over %)?:) s. n. The earth.
ture. <-e S㺠The first part sº Ś oë Kos. n. vide $3.8%)3X3
of the day, the forenoon. under $33,55-cº.
‘re-Sºº & s. m. The twenty 3) & sº s. m. plu. ride e”&es.
“yºcº s. n. The fifth monarch of
fifth lunar mansion. -

the solar dynasty, in the second age.

$yºs ºf s. n. The twentieth *yºes or rºyº) adj. Great,
lunar mansion.
large. -

§r-5°S #8& s. n. (from s. 37-SS $º s. n. 1. A serpent, or snake.

former, and s. 6, §§ subsequent.) 2. a scorpion. -
- -

The former and future particulars, *Y*As. n.1. Aray of ight. 2, a dwarf.
circumstances, or incidents. Sº $53 or sºyºº, s. m. A drop of
*S*S 58& Rº 80 & & I any liquid.
know nothing about it whatever. tº sº s. n. An arrow.
3yvex35'Soš s. n. The plant term Se 3):38%Scº s. m. The god of air;
ed Groetnera racemosa, or Baniste wind divinely personified.
ria bengalenis. S.
systs"&s. n. Ghee mixed with
$y-º) s. n. A flower, vide $y". curds, forming an oblation.
Ky-5&C& s. n. The sun. sº &c. adj. Asked, questioned.
T. §y-3 s. n. Atead. 55A3J's s. n. <\;< s. n. 1. (P. cº) The back.
Butter-3Kººy Kex The joints of 2. the rear, the last. 3. the back, or
the back bone.
T, 3yväs ** S. m. A very sweet cake. hinder part of anythingº&R}
Tºyo-Ca 75 --o)$

S. n. (from s. $ºss
the eye.) A crab. *03-ºo: or Tºo?.9 s. n. making
$)$$roß & s. m. lit, backbit. in the nom, plu. Božo'; or * *o
ing. Slandering. § Marriage; a wedding. Too Gºo
Or +oğāşş-& To wed, or mar
sº s. n videº No. 1. ry, as applied to a husband or wife
Tºos s. n. 1. A tile. 2. a broken piece
of pot. §oºoš lit, the head-tile. only. Tºo??& To marry, or unite
The skull. a husband and wife, as applied to
Too $ adj. Obstinate, stubborn. their relations; to celebrate a mar
+oğ s. n.wide ºoº. v. a. 1. To riage, ºoftºowo is To perform the
marriage ceremony, as applied to the
nourish, or foster. 2. to bring up, or
educate. 3. to support, or maintain. 4. priest. Tºo;sº or +casts."
to increase, or improve. ToowºśTº &cé s. n. The bridegroom." Boé
Š"c & s. n. The bride. The Hin
v. comp. 1. To nourish, &c. for one's
own advantage, 2, to adopt as one’s doos are generally married while in
own, fants; and the term *% is applied
. Tº o żó s. n. A species of rock snake. to this first marriage. The consum
mation of such marriages is termed
. Tºooº s. n. 1. Sweepings, dirt, filth. §§ * S&, at which a distinct cere
2. manure.
mony takes place.
T. Tºoë8 s. n. The female of any animal, T.
or plant. Tºoess & s. n. The fe *očosº or ºose-à adv. Early,
male, inner, or smaller, surf.
T. "ºo"3S s. n. Hard excrement, in T.
*305°º s. n. The thigh. vide 3";.
shape like that of sheep. Tºokº) s. n. (from T. Tºowº q.v.) 1.
Tºoč s. n. The excrement of horned Nourishing. 2. education. 3. main
cattl ce tenance, support. 4. increase, or im
. Tºošešo s. n. The yam. provement. Tºo:3)& adj. 1. Nourish
Tºo-º-5 s. n. A Pindary, or armed ed. 2. adopted, 3. adoptive. Too?"S
(from $3& q.v.) To be increased, or
Tºo 3 s. n. 1. A lath. 2. half a bullock augmented. Tºošebo (from eeeo q.
load of tobacco, &c. v.) Increase, or improvement, to cease.
Tºo? So s. n. The gate of a cow. Tºšš)o tº or Tºš ex) v. a. To root
house, - up, or eradicate ; to pluck up by the
ºo?& s. n. An ornament, worn roots; to pull, tear, or force out by
round the ankle. the roots. -

-> -

- 3oº or Too?"So s. n. A wife, | Toš ex) or ºSºx v. n. To come out

Tºy SoC 76 º *
by the root; to be plucked, or pulled, ing the hands, or by prostration. Tº
out by the root. Sº 3's To grind, so as to sharpen.
- -ºš adj. Many, several. Tºš o * *s To put in good order; to
Q&y or º 8 s. m. plu. Many per repair. Švá ecºs 1. To call out 2.

. Toxêex) s. n. plu. Great, or elderly,

to abuse. 3. to punish. 8°soczº
persons. To abuse. & eº; To commence
—o or begin, lit. to put the head. Sº toº
. Tºº) s. n. 1. The rind of a fruit. 2. & To conceal, or hide. Sºº 1.
an excess in value, or measurement ; to find out, or discover. 2. to wait for,
premium, or profit, in the exchange or expect. ºoººº; To frighten.
of coins. $3 oS’sºto please.º.os 3 &
. 33 s. n. A hen. To accumulate, or store up. Tº
*š' v. a. 1. To place, or put; to lay, à s. n. Assessment, tax. ·s&sº
or put, down. s. n. 1. Placing, put
ting. 2. a blow. This word, used as a v. comp. 1. To place, or put, for
verb, is added to nouns, parts of verbs, one's own advantage, or use. 2. to
particles, and adjectives, in a vast va keep. 3. to give (8. jºs"KTo
riety of meanings, which will be best keep a mistress. +&zºs’s 1.
explained by the following examples. To assume a name. 2. to give, or
* *3,exº To deck another with
bestow a name ; as on a child, &c.
ornaments. Kºšº' To lay eggs. Tºots v. caus. To cause to place,
erº To place boiled rice, or put, &c.
&c. on a leaf before one; to serve with T. º Or *ścº s. n. A box, or
food. Sºº To plant trees. “ chest.

Sºº To adjure. *ścº Todi. *** or Tºcê5ex) v. n. 1. To fire,

vide or separate into shares. 33-57 or go off, as a gun, or anything made

§º, To take patience. -swiss-cz, § of gunpowder. 2. to crack, or open.
To make another wait or tarry. S"58)
ºs s. n. (from T. &S salt.)
** To keep watch. exº~ * Tº adj. 1. Hinder, back, behind.
§: To pay a fine. §º To sus 2. wrong, erroneous. Tº
tain loss. K83: To take aim. Kºš The back of the hand. Tºšºb A
&º To prescribe a diet. Krº wrong way. Tºšº E-SX. An errone
** To wait in expectation of ; to ous meaning. Tºššoesex) To turn
watch.x38sº Tosnore. &So?: So back. *śseca § To be want
** To pay one's respects; by clos ing in sense.
+, ×, 77 798

****) S. n. A loud roar, or cry. tions between the great, and the low.
Tºčišč&s. n. Obstinacy, stubborn Tºšššo s. n. Deafness. lit. a
loud request. º The high road." '
. Totos s. m. A pent roof.
Tud. Tºščews, n, plu. (from s, &c.) *śsº adv. Very, exceedingly. *

TºšoºšS. s. n. A certain village

Ancestors. Tºš&otºs s. n. (from goddess.
*š a star.) The tenth of the lu-. TºšT or 73% adj. 1. Great, large.
nar mansions. TºščSeñº (from 2. heavy.
Tºo lord.) Yama, the regent of Tºs s. n. 1. A twist of rope. 2. a
death. rope tying one animal to another. Tºo
. Tošš)-T&83) or 73%"So s. n. The Sãoº To tie two animals together,
lip. Soãº) The under lip, ºr with one rope.
873& The upper lip. TošCNS-Tºšocãº, or ºScK";3 v.a.
Tºš or Tºš adj. 1. Great, large, 1. To surround, or encompass. 2. to
big, spacious, extensive. 2. chief,
fight, or dispute.
principal. 3. wise, sage. 4. old, anci
Tºššo s. n. A flat thin round iron
ent. 5. long, 6, loud. To &o 3) or
Tº go &y 1. A father's elder bro pan, or plate of iron, used in baking
ther. 2. the husband of a mother's el cakes, &c. Fe3SSºśx A sugar
der sister. º Or Tº º 1. A boiler.

mother’s elder sister. 2. the wife of T. Tº s. n. A twist of rope.

Tºoë3-ºo:3083 or -ºš Āsé8 S.
a father's elder brother. &SA §§eo. n. A husband.
s: n, plu. vide &SA. Tº sº. The
chief, or head, inhabitant. Bo: §§§o 70&cºo v. n. To twine; to inter
Tº ºw Or *geºs sº S. n. 1. lace of itself. ToS is v. a. 1. To
twist, to interlace one with another.
Greatness. 2, age, old age. Tº S^3 2, vide Tºyotº.
This expression literally signifies the Tºñºs s. n. 1. Battle, 2, war.
principal chief, or ruler, and is appli T. Tºo Soſé) s. n. vide Too $).
ed generally to the first in autho
rity at any place. Bºstos A TºcºSs. n. A female calf adj. Fe
male, as applied to horned cattle.
long time. Tºšš& Important busi.
ness. TºšŠ8 s. n. Death, lit, the Toš s. n. Honey-comb, 738 ox"c
long sleep. º:3&eº v. m. To X s. n. A bee.
become nubile, as applied to females. T. Töölºs. m. making in the inflex, sing,
TºšSA9588S. s. n. The distinc Tºš. The batkyard of a house,
- -
Tºy ex
78 ×5-3s

T. +,833 v. To induce, prevail up Tº adv. Much, excessively, s. n.

on, or excite. Excess. -

Tºoë So s. n. Flesh. T. Tº Sex, s. n. plu. The pulse termed

T. Tº s. n. Curds. v. n. 1. To Phaseolus radiatus, or green gram.
grow, increase, or accumulate. 2. to Tº $35 adj. Of or belonging to that
be broken, as applied to string, or pulse.
thread, only ºx33°ºvº. The Tºs s. n. The warp, or cross threads
plant termed Amaranthus polygamus. in a web. The woof, or threads which
Tºro&#N"X& The cream of run the whole length of the web, is
curds. Točič Kočº
The sea of termed 3×3 q. v.
curds ; one of the seven fabulous T.
*x, S. n. An entrail, or gut.
- Q
oceans. |
| S. *&sº s. n. An owl.
-ºš-š S. n. Permaul, a tamil | —S O

name of Vishnoo. Se 3 & 8 s. n. An elephant.

Tº adj.I.Other, another, 2.strange, T. *** s. n. 1. A pettah; the suberb
foreign. Beº-cºs Another man. of a large city, or a village protected
T. *ě s s. n. A large sack, or bag, by an adjacent fort. 2, a row, or
Tºe}. S"e2S, s. n. The lading of string, of any ornament.
oxen, &c. with such sacks. S. ***s & s. n. 1. A chest. 2. a pimple.
Tºeºs v. a. 1. To pluck up by the S. TÉ,é25% s. n. A basket; a large bas
roots; to eradicate. 2. to load oxen, &c. ket. -

T. Tºeº v. n. The porcupine to Tºº-ºo v. m. To wander, or prowl

shoot it's quills. |-
about ; to traverse.
T. Tº expºſadv. Excessively, exceedingly. * 3 s. n. A basket.
–o -0

T. Tº ex) & or Tº Kiš s. m. Stiffness; ºf s. n. The dung of horned cattle.

difficulty in being bent. *::3 s. n. making in the nom. plu.
Tº -U–
ex) epy v. n. To start. - º A piece, cutting, chip, or
Tº or "º. s. m. A lump, or clod.
rvo try splinter. v. a vide º, º& 5, v.
T, Tº ºots or ºo:: v. a, vide m. To chip, or splinter.
Tº sook. -ºooº & lit. ha * 35-cºs s. n. A man upon whose
ving eradicated, to place or put. To face hair does not grow.
transplant. *rēex s. m. plu. Sweet cakes, made
Tº or Tºjº co
v. m. wide of wheat and sugar. -

"Zoś exy, - -
** adj. Poor, indigent. s. m. A poor
3,23 -ºš

-S. … .* -

person. Tºšešš & s. m. Poverty, in famous. v. n. To congeal, or curdle,

digence. as milk, &c.
–S - -

. TºS v. a. To twist, or entwine. s. n.

A louse ; making in the mom, plu.
*&^% of $ 3. K. v. n. To con
geal, curdle, harden, or thicken. v. a.
*ex. 3 &R’eº s. n. A disease 1. To commend, or praise. 2. to call
arising from lice, which destroys the one by his name. This verb is deriv
hair vide goûºx ºw. *Kołº ed from both of the foregoing words,
s. n. Amit, º To kill lice. and STS q.v. -

Tºšo s. m. A rattan-reed, or cane. *& or º &) v.a. 1. To pile, or

T. *8oë230 Or *8o03, S. In , heap up. 2. to display. .
T. * 8& s. n. 1. Running. 2. a gallop.
Married women going to each other's
houses, on any domestic festival. * &^*3 or ~$83.8% v. n. 1.
*8oºrex s. n. 1. A wife whose To run. 2. to gallop.
-S -

oS 699 v. m. wide ºx3.

husband is alive. 2. a wife who dies
before her husband. *ess adj. I. Tender, delicate,
T. & 83 s. n. Running. fine. 2. easy, not difficult.
T. 3533 s. n. Profundity. ºervex s. n. plu. Fried grain. *ēso
'#88 or *3. S. n. 1. Affection. 2.
&oë s. n. Flour made of fried grain.
... *s ºs or ºs ºs S. n. A rag.
friendship. 3, greatness. *ex v. n. 1. To be covered with

... a raisºde eruption, as applied to the body. 2.

to be fried, as applied to vegetables.
*8 s. m. making in the inflex. sing. v.a. To talkin a sillymanner. § ex)
*6:48, and in the nom. plu. *ś v. a. To fry.
A name; an appellation. #3xe adj. Tº es &c. adj. 1. Dexterous, cle
Famous, renowned. § *Sº To ver. 2. beautiful, agreeable. 3. smooth,
mention another’s name. *&^s
To name; to give newly a name, or * 3 s. n. 1. An egg. 2. a ball of flesh,
or meat.
appellation. Sºoxcºgºs
He is notorious as a thief esº-wº
G. -#3* & s. n-(PJ&s3) A Peshcar,
adv. Under that pretence. 30.3%& or revenue servant under an Amildar.

A house or family name.

T. Tº adv. vide 3 o'. -

*8 s. n. 1. A long loose necklace. Ss
ºxºs s. m. wide Ščyca.
2 fame, character, adj. 1, Great, 2. T.
.*śS. s. n. 1, Moncy, cash, trea
ºvos 3rvoº,

sure, 2, ºne quarter of the coin term 3. pride, adj. I. Handsome, well pro
ed a dub, portioned; well formed, or well made.
s, ºs & s. n. An assemblage of cuckoos. 2. fluent, eloquent. 3. proud.
ºx #ex, s. m. plu. vide Šoo. *oxò or 3-ox& s. n. making in the
G. ºws- s, n. plu. Shoes, slippers. inflex, sing, 3roxê3 Boiled rice,
mixed with milk, and seasoned with
T. &cé2 s. n. vide Šox.cº.
sugar, and other articles that give a
ºcê s. n. Gold, vide 3 owcô. high relish. &"oxe3:30&x A great
T. 33soºs.n. vide socãs oº. Hindoo festival, at which this dish
T. &cášość) s. n. vide 3 obocã$o
is used.
&), under 3 o'cè. . &"ox v. n. 1. To effervesce; to boil,
S, IºSºcºcºs sº Sºy Or
or bubble up. 2. to overflow. 3. to be
cºocºo s. m. The son of a paternal overjoyed. 4. to swell from blows. s.
aunt. n, 1. Effervescence; boiling, or bub
bling up. 2, overflowing. 3, excess of
s. 38.8% s. n. 1. Madness, imbecility.
2. a superfluity of the bilious secre joy. 4. the measles.
tion. 3, any bilious complaint. 388 *otº v. n. To lie in wait; to lurk.
7"C&S 1. A fool, a blockhead. 2. a. s. n. Lurking.
lunatic, or mad man. *oto part. With; together with;for.
*oë s. n. 1. A way, road, or path. 2.
Tº s. n. A woman. a bank. adv. Near.
T. 335 adv. vide Šooo.
*05SSX s. n. A happy conjunction
TUD. 35:30 s. n. vide 3 oxºsº, of the stars.
T. &8 s. m. wide so-ce. &voas s. n. 1. vide Rºos & No. 1
T. & 5 s. n. vide Ścº. -

and 2. - 2. regularity of arrangement,

T. 3.83 s. n. Growing corn. 389&8 or construction, of words.
grocºs s. n. (froměšºvcº a king.) 3°o& v. a. 1. To obtain, procure, or
The moon; from it's influence on acquire. 2. to be under the dominion
corn. -

of any of the passions; to experience

S, ..ºs.&ex s. n. plu. Flour cakes, joy, grief, &c. 3. to sustain, suffer, or
baked on an iron plate. undergo; as applied to misfortune,
T. &ºo s. n. Gold. Sºoºº s. n. (from loss, or pain. 4. to enjoy; as applied to
T. ׺ a mountain.) A golden moun happiness, or good fortune. 5. to en
joy by copulation. s. n. 1. Friendship,
T. Rºos & s. m. 1. Beauty, proportion, 2. enjoyment by copulation, ºoão
grace. 2, ºiency, elegance of speech. +$º v. caus, 1. To cause to obtain, &c.,
2rºx 81 º

as above, in all the meanings of &’o gance, presumption. 2. the surf of

&. 38.338"oão º To settle a bar the sea. ººzºº s. n. A very
gain ; as applied to brokers. proud, or haughty, person.
&’s o S. n. making in the inflex. . . 3"Xex or & "XSex v. n. To be very

sing: &’s * A temporary fireplace, sorrowful, or afflicted.

formed with loose stones, &c. **ść) s. n. The seasoning of food.
. To &re3– © s. n. making in the inflex. **Yºo s. n. 1. Sin. 2 impurity.
sing: 3-3 *3 The navel. *3_0 ***ś8otº or 3rºssbots) v. n. 1.
*3 Or 3-3 by-3& (from +yo To rise, or swell up, as a sore. 2. to
§ a child.) Brumha; as produced shoot out anew, as lopped trees.
from Vishnoo's navel. *g s. n. The belly. -

T. fºre § v. n. 1. To be sorrowful, or *g adj. Short; small in size. *g

afflicted. 2. to blister; to be excoriated. ëS& s. n. Shortness.
3. earth when parched to rise up, on ** s. n. The husk, or pod.
being moistened. s. n. A blister, *šo S. n. A ram.
pimple, pustule, or pock. ** o So
v. caus. l. To vex, or torment. 2. to
*śāºr S. n. The vine of the snake
cause to blister or rise up. &vº gourd. *ść)*š. s. n. (from r.
QXY *ś To reveal a matter.
&"X s. n. Smoke. *xºs The to $)" a flower, and T. Rº a star.)
bacco plant. &"Tºšs. n. Tobacco. lit. The eighth of the lunar mansions;
the smoke leaf. &"XTS’K lit. to from it's similarity in form to the
drink smoke. To smoke a pipe, &c.; flower of the snake gourd.
to inhale smoke. &"Xcº v. n. To *šº s. n. 1. A leaf, or paper, fold
smoke, or emit smoke; as applied ed up, generally in a square form ;
to fire, &c. in a burning state. R*X for holding, or containing, anything.
& "S To become black, from ex 2. fomenting medicine, made up in a
posure to smoke.
bag º To apply a fomen
&"X&o or &"X3& v. a. 1. To praise, *č s. n. 1. A visit. 2, a speck, mole,
appland, or commend. 2. to flatter.
or mark. 3. figure, shape. Rºe, 39
*xás-ºxasto.3.x: or ºx Šsº s. n. (from Soššº a beast.) A
& s. n. 1. Praise, commendation, ap spotted deer.
plause, encomium. 2. flattery. **'s v. n. 1. To be remembered,
*X& or *XSS s. n. 1. Pride, arro. or recollected. 2, the appearance of
gºo 82 3rt &

something seen before, to present it T. *ěšº s. n. 1. Powder of any kind.

self to the mind or imagination only, 2. snuff, vide ºč.
but not in reality to the eyes. T. &"tos s. n. A large basket, made of
Te **Two tº or & "3X& v. a. To see, splinters of the marshy date tree, &e,
for holding grain.
or descry. &-3) v. n. To appear. TUD. ºo s. n. (from sº $5)A
*&^% adj. 1. Tall, high. 2. long, s. m. book.
I. Height. 2. length. -
T. 3r 58 or *ss s. n. A bundle of
*čson v. n. To be produced ; to leaves, &c.
arise. * {{5& s. n. A roller or pestle,
&º s. n. A boat. for grinding spices, &c.
*& adj. and s. n vide ºxº. * }s & © s. n. The abdomen, or
*č& 3 s. n. A small hammer. lower part of the belly.
*ě s. n. 1. Any ground powder.
2. snuff adj. 1. Dry, 2 small. 3.
* {^3 s. n. 1. A small piece of
young. gºvá Răcºo To pulverize ; to cloth, used for infants, 2, a kind of
bark garment.
reduce to powder. *ā-āg $J-39 *Š s. n. 1. Friendship. 2, eating in
To solder. lit. having placed powder, the same plate together. ºf X,
to blow.
&#9 To eat together from the same
*&^% v. n. 1. To increase, or plate, or leaf. &ºe="86 s. n. plu
grow ; to be heightened, or lengthen Friends. -

ed. adj. and s. n. vide ºx3. & "3Xo T. &º s. n. The goddess Suruswatee.
39 v. a. To heighten, raise, exalt, or T.
*ś s. n. A bush. ºbº: A place
increase, ºw'é8 adj. 1, High, tall. overgrown with creeping plants; a
2. long. -

*::ºx3x32y) s. n. vide éscºve) bower, or arbour. &ºbošš. s.

under éðcº. - n. (from *š a star.) The seventh
of the lunar mansions.
*& © v. a. 1. To stab, thrust, or
3röex v. n. To shine. &rºbotº v.
pierce through 5 to gore. 2, to prick,
caus. To cause to shine.
or cause pain. 3. to fight, or combat.
4. to rise as the sun, &c. 5. to swell, T. ** s. n. 1. A quiver. 2, the leather
or rise, as a river, &c. &"33.0% v. case used by barbers.
caus. To cause to stab, &c. & 6 s. 8::$ox3 v. a. 1. To cover. 2, to bind,
m. l. A stab. 2. rising of the sun, or cover with leather. 3. to set as
moon, &c. 3. the pain, or pricking, precious stones. 4. to sit on eggs. 5.
of a sore. to surround, or encircle. s. n. The
*8. 83 - &ºey

udder of horned cattle. *a*otº v. in the eye. 7. A secret. gº *S*g) To

caus. To cause to cover, &c. à"3x3 go the wrong way, in swallowing:
** To have the udder swelling, T. *8s s. n. A sweeping broom.
or increasing in size, from the aug T. *ö& s. n. 1. Half of the day. 2. a
mented secretion of milk.
time, or period.
3">3) v. a. wide &"ºx3. T. &"Scºo v. a. To obtain, or procure.
*ś, S. n. 1. The sun. 2. any time, *öex v. n. 1. To roll. 2. to turn in
or period, of the day or night. 3, a sleep. 3. to flow down as water, 4. to
day. The inflected ablative &ºs be afflicted. §'895 or Šºš s. m.
denotes 1. Early in the morning. Rolling. Kºtº"Sex To fail in one's
*3%ics The
2. in the forenoon.
sun to set. Sº The sun to T. *ě adv. Exceedingly, very much.
rise. *ševº) To spend or trifle
adj. Angry. *83-3) Anangry look.
away time. 2. ºššox, lit. to
be one day. To fast, or refrain from
*ex";3.<resºrteº) or "Savºy
food, on religious occasions. v. a. To destroy, or kill.
T. *SöS v. a. To give. v. n. To be *ězsºč, v. m. To die, or expire.
agreeable, pleasant, or splendid. *S 3°83x3 s. n. The neighbourhood, the
bois v. caus. To cause to give. v. a. vicinity, adj. Neighbouring, adjoin
To make agreeable, or pleasant; to ing, adjacent. This word refers par
make shine.
ticularly to what is in front, or on the
*S*Xotº s. n. A plant used as left hand, vide 98°.
a common pot-herb. T. *š v.n. vide 3'Sex, No. 1, 2 and 3.
*sº § S. n. The tree termed Rot T. &e s. n. Flesh meat. gºey803 (from
tleria tinctoria.
ðoã an eater.) A Rachasa, or giant.
**. s. n. I. Gold. 2, a ferrule, or T. §"eº v. n. 1. To wander. 2. to be
rim of metal, at the bottom of a stick, agreeable, or pleasing.
or of a pestle, &c. Te 3°ocò or §"ecºs s. n. A woman.
T, groo or *ox's s. n. making in the *osº, s. n. A field; ground fit for
nom. plu. &"owes A fire-place. cultivation.
.*8 s, n° 1. Duplicity, fraud, deceit. T. &"ecºcos s. n. A quarrel between
2. pretence. 3. a plait, or fold, in cloth. husband and wife.
4. the coat, or fold, of an onion, &c. T. *ecº or 3rbº v. n. To die, or
* a mistake, or error. 6, the cataract expire.
3rºš 35685 -

... ºekºs.n. vide ºe. Te *sº s, n. plu. Childish wishes, or
T. &^0 s. n. An oblation. longings. -

*0308 s. n. A boundary, or limit. T. *Š s. n. (from T. &º q.v.) 1. Go

ing. 2. an opening. 3, expense. grºs
T, *0sº v.n, 1. To miss aim. 2. to
fail in battle. &s-78°ºoºo To be going and com
ing; to frequent.
***) v. a. To roll adj. Agreeable,
pleasant, congruous.
*Xo:Scès s. n. A boy, from 5 to 16
years of age.
T. *exºS s. n. The scales upon fish.
*X8 s. n. A goldsmith's tool.
sº s. n. The empty ears of corn, T. &% s. n. A thread, or string 2, a
which has produced no crop. &res heap. 3. a crowd or assemblage. 4. an
&ºe» Silly and fruitless words. ear-ring.
T. *s s. m. wide ºx. *cº v.a. (from T. &#5 to go,
*śció - ºx3 or ºv. n. 1. and T. sº q.v.) 1. To lose. 2. to be
To be agreeable, or congruous; to fit, freed from ; to get rid of.
or suit; to be on good terms. 2. to §§§ or ëº v. a. To draw out in
happen, or occur. flagsgº's CX&o threads.
These two do not agree together. *ēo s. n. A woman having a beard.
*ściółos, n. An occurrence.*Kc
*ěošº s. n. A large knife, for cut
Woº v. a. 1. To make agreeable, or ting wood. -

congruous. 2. to settle; to cause to

*ē25 s. n. A brave man; a hero.
fit, or suit ; to put, or place, on good
terms. 3. to cause to happen. T. *3$oºsex, s. n. plu. A white spe
rud, ºr $ºs, n. (from s. 33s) A cies of the doll, or pigeon pea. City
book. sus cajan.
T. 38&oo s. n. 1. The swelling of a river,
T. 3°s s. n. (from T. &º) to go.) 1. Go &c.; the flood tide. 2. a stab, or blow.
ing. 2. conduct. 3. pain. *es” (from T. º q.v.)
TUD. &cs s. n. (from s. 3)"X) Beetle or
To be ready for battle.
areca nut, in a raw or unboiled state.
3°cs & s. n. (from T. & & to press, §º v. n. To fight, quarrel, dis
or squeeze.) Scissors to cut areca nut.
pute, or contend. &º s. n. A
T. &es sºoã s. n. The knot of a woman's fight, quarrel, or dispute.
Te 3:3:30 or gºeştº s. n. 1. Natugal
*S*eº) v. a. To destroy. splendour. 2. an ornament, or jewel.
*88 s. n. A blackguard, adj. Black *6 s. n. (from T. &º q.v.) 1.
guard. -
Pouring. 2. casting in metal. 3. the
3rºcºSo 85 gyéext

eruption of the small pox, adj. Mol pox. TS3"cºo To sow seed, in
ten ; cast in metal.
order to obtain plants, which area.
*** s. n. The young of any ani. gain to be transplanted. §§ogrécº,
mal. 2. a young elephant of ten years To suppurate. R&é23°oº To per
old. 3. a vessel; a boat. 4. the scite of
a house, or dwelling. &855 & S.
spire. éºss To make urine. Sº
&*cºo To srtain through a cloth.
n. A voyaging merchant. & 83533-oc
*sºn, 1. A rower, boatman, or steers. **os v. caus. To cause to pour,
man. 2, one of the crew that keeps cast, or inoculate. &#SS"K. v. comp.
watch at the mast head. To pour upon one's-self. §§ grºo
• *ěčo s. n. Pride; boasting, STS To bathe. & gºš's"K, lit. to
* s. n. 1. The male of certain Pour into the belly. To live, or main
birds, horned cattle, and plants. 2. a tain one's-self; to subsist.
&*S*:So s. n. Friendship.
male buffalo. This word is also ap
T. & 885 So s. n. War, battle, fight.
plied contemptuously, to men, or even
to women; as Bºx325°33. A drun * * v. n. To fight, or combat. s. n. 1.
kard, or drunken fellow. R***** A fight, or combat. 2. a quarrel, or
A barren woman. Öo㺠. n. A dispute. 3. enmity. &º 1. To
glutton. Sºos & The male, out fight. 2. to quarrel. 3’-5’ tºo s. n.
1. Combat, battle. 2, quarrel, dis
ward, or larger, surf & E-23 The
male palmyra tree. & 3"sk, s. n. pute. *&#3 To cry as a child.
(from T. O’éo a rider.) Yama be. *S5 s. n. A sheet.
cause his steed is the buffalo. **C* s. n. A boy, or young man.
T. *es sº, S. n. A certain village god
- * 5, sº s: n, vide &#35:30. In

sanscrit, this word denotes the S70M/

of a hog. &*ös or 3,53)3 s. n. Resemblance,
38 ū) S. n. 1. A hog. 2, a male buf.
falo. &*ex) v. a. To resemble, or be like.
• ** adj. Like sºciºcºsº sec The 3d person sing of the aorist of
* A man like Cupid. this verb, added to the infinitive of
• *** s. n. 1. A hint. 2, a wink. 3. a another, expresses power or ability;
trace. as Rãoºc 25°eo; Can it be done?
• *cº v. a. 1. To pour. 2. to cast in &*exºvo&R336-crºss- *Tºo To
metal.9&S"S*& I. The small talk, without rhyme or reason.&tex)+3
P9* to appear, or break out, on the Or *ex) v. a. To compare.
*in 2 to inoculate with the small S. &*evºc: s n. A male servant.
Frodº 86
, & 3 adj. (from &"ex, q.v.) Resemb *\ty s, n. A grand-daughter, either
ling, like; as ºscº’s Like in the male, or female line ; though
Rama. s. n. A sort of flour cake. more usually confined to a son's
. § 3839, s. n. 1. A certain village .daughter.
goddess, 2, the goddess of the small £ro Úcºs. n. A son's son; a grand
pox. 3. the small pox itself. son in the male line only.
, 343 s. n. A cake, made of wheat-flour, #, "Sº F-8) cłº s. n. One of the sons,
jaggory, and doll, or pigeon pea: or heirs, admitted by the old Hindoo
. &%) v. n. 1. To go; to go off, or law; the son of a twice married wo—
away; to proceed 2 to be lost, to maſl.

disappear. 3. to die. The present, per #, "Sexy s. n. plu. Citizens.

fect, and aorist tenses of this verb, #y"&So s. n. 1. The measure of a
may be affixed, as auxiliaries, to the
man, equal to the height to which he
infinitive of any verb, to give it a reaches with both arms elevated, and
future signification, as Glycºcº" the fingers extended. 2, the property
+&R’s K. I am going to write. Sºo of manhood; virility, manliness. 3.
+3 or Sºoty - 3%) v. a. To carry
action, or action incidental to the
away, or off. *ox,5 relative past state of humanity. 4. semen virile. 5.
participle. Gone, lost, past, dead. strength, power, vigour, bravery, adj.
*oošºv & Last week, 2-5 &
\-e) Manly; of or belonging to man.
S$25°3) To go, or cohabit, with a *S*X\}cºs s. n. An overseer, or
superintendent, of the kitchen.
*}\otº v, a (from s. §§) To *S*3-&cºs s. m. wide $5°ºr
nourish, cherish, maintain, support, &c &S,
preserve, or protect. &*Sº A
*ś-º or tºº s. n. The lunar
man nourished by another. **
Śc:S A man who nourishes another.
day, on which the moon is full.
3,553 to s. n. Nourishment, mainten s -
*es S& s. n. 1. Cubera, the god
ance. of riches. 2. Ravana, the king of Cey
... &rs;3 &SU– ex s. m. plu. A particular lon, killed by Rama.
#y"eſtº s. n. The wife of Indra.
species of fish.
*reo Jºſs s. n. A country; one *św s. n. vide ÖğSº.
of the divisions of central India, Chan Úpart. A sanscrit particle, prefixed
to words of that language, and im
G. **. Il- (hom A. zºº) An army.
plying 1. Progressive motion, (forth,
§yś 87
forward, away, &c.) 2. excess, or ex tail of the bos-grunniens, used as a
cellence, (very, much, exceeding.) whisk, or ſan, -

Gyses &c. adj. Displayed, un (Sysjyº &c. adj. Made, comple

folded, manifest, apparent, proclaim ted, accomplished. adv. At present;
ed, public, notorious. Úsº +5 just at this time.
cºTo proclaim, or make public. (3) sº s. n. 1. Nature; in philo
(3,58tos s. n. 1. An introduc sophy, the passive or material cause
tion ; a prologue, or prelude. 2. a po of the world, as opposed to the active
etical fiction, or poem, in which the or spiritual; in mythology, a goddess
story and principal persons are whol united to the primeval male, and the
ly imaginary; the term is especially genitress of the world. 2. the natural
applied to a dramatic poem. 3. a chap state of any thing. 3. the male or fe
ter, or section; a book. male organs of generation. 4. an
Qºy § 5% s. n. A heap; a quantity; uninflected word, the radical form of
a multitude. a word before the affixes, forming
Gy-stoº &c. adj. Excellent, cases, &c., are subjoined. 5. cause,
happy. s. n. 1. The stem of a tree; origin.
the part between the root and the Üßsº s. n. 1. The fore arm. 2.
branches. 2. excellence, happiness. part of the frame of a door.
(3) sº adv. Voluntarily, wil Uğ) E_*. s. n. A tree so called.
3 IS"& s. n. 1. Difference. 2. Ú/újº s. n. 1. Proceeding, go
similitude, likeness, resemblance. 3. ing. 2. leisure, opportunity. 3. begin
manner; method, mode, adv. Accord ning.
ing to, conformably with. Ú -Sv3 Gy's Stos s. n. The sound of the
&7W" Accordingly. Veena, or Hindoo lute.
sº ū) Tº sº s. n. 1. Sun-shine, lustre, Úyºs §§o &c. adj. 1. Celebra
splendour, light. 2. expansion, diffu
ted, famous, notorious. 2. pleased,
sion, manifestation; the word being
equally applicable to physical or moral
subjects, as the blowing of a flower, CŞy *Sès. n. 1. Publicity, notoriety.
diffusion of celebrity, publicity of an 2. praise, eulogium.
event, or manifestation of a truth. A$3 Ú Koššº s. n. The upper .arm,
º?otºv. n. to shine, or glitter; from the elbow to the shoulder.
to be splendid. Ú X*Y* S. n. 1. Confidence, readi
S, Úºws-sº 5, n. A chowri ; the
ness, 2, arrogance, fierceness. 3. pow
88 3 123
Syº \*):
er, eminence, consequence. 4. per about ; tossing, tumbling, as in sleep
verseness, wilfulness.
Ú Kºyº &c. adj. 1. Bold, con
&s adj. 1. Excessive, much,
many. 2. public, notorious.
fident, audacious, firm, ready. 2. il Sjööscº Or Gjºck, Sº II.
lustrious, eminent. 3. strong, able, 4.
shameless, impudent. Vuroona, the Hindoo Neptune. *
Ú/7′s &c. adj. 1. Much, exces CŞ) & S.A. & s. n. 1. A private
sive. 2. hard, difficult. 3. hard, firm. door, within the house. 2. a lattice, a
loop hole. adj. Covered, concealed.
Ú’ſº s. n. A protector.

Syðjº's s. n. 1. The string \Syºs s s. n. Vomiting, sickness.

suspending a balance. 2. a rein, rope,
ūjºs s. n. 1. Progeny, offspring 2.
or halter, for horses and cattle. 3. people, subjects. In the former sense,
confinement, restriction, restraint,
this word is pronounced Prudja ; in
the latter, Pruza.
captivity. 4. a ray of light. cºo

Syðs So s. n. 1. A window, lat US) is sº s. n. 1. Birth, produc

tice, or balcony. 2. a summer house, tion. 2. the vulva.
a pleasure house. 3. a building on the
top of a palace, a painted turret. 4. (3) & s. n. 1. The first impreg
nation of a cow or any otheranimal.
a wooden balustrade, or fence, on
2. impregnation, or pregnancy, of
the edge of a building. 5. a stable, 6. cattle in general. 3. the rutting season.
the top of a tree. o co

(8) § tº s. n. A covered terrace, CŞy *33 s. n. (from s. \3) & "peo

or small portico, before the door of ple, and s. 39 lord.) 1. A name of
a house. Brumha, the creator. 2. the name
o common to the ten divine personages,
Uğ) tºo: So &c. adj. 1. Intolerable, also termed Brumhadicas, first cre
insupportable. 2. excessively hot, or ated by him. 3. a king, or sovereign.
burning. 3. bold, confident, fierce, 4, one of the names of Viswacurma.
presuming'4. wrathful, passionate. 5. a decent term for the membrum
S. Úº cºšo s. n. A heap, quantity,
number, or multitude. \8) $ºy & s. n. The fifth year, in
the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
\8) *Yeſ"3 s. n. A peacock. (S) ºr S.
Üß s. n. Intelligence, understand
s & A peacock's tail.
cº) ing, wisdom, sense, cleverness, ta
S. \ºſºvº owäßw &c, adj. Rolling lent, .*
Gº, Gº 89 & 8
Úgº &c. or & Jºë adj. Bandy &y, and s. $5 to burn.) 1. Majesty,
dignity, the high spirit arising from
&/ºrs So s. n. 1. Knowledge, wis the possession of rank and power. 2.
heat, warmth. 3, valour, prowess.
dom. 2. a mark, sign, or token.
SAS8% Or Újºbos v. n. 1. Us, 378tos s. n. (from s, particle
To shine, or glitter. 2. to burn, or be
Č). and s. 55 ° to cross.) Fraud,
inflamed. deceit, cheating, over-reaching, trick.
Úross &c. adj. 1. Bending, bow Ú/9 A sanscrit particle, prefixed
ed, stooping, inclined. 2. skilful, cle to words of that language, and im
ver. Sytoº. To prostrate one's- plying 1. Substitution, (instead, in
self. lieu), 2, several, in order,(severally,
(8) £89 s. n. Salutation, reverence, each, by each). 3. direction, designa
obeisance, courtesy. tion, (to, towards, upon). 4. belong
Ü tookSSo s. n. 1. Affection, friend ing to, (as a part, or portion). 5. ex
ship. 2. acquaintance. 3. asking, beg change, return, (again, back again).
ging. 4. affectionate solicitation. 6. a little, &c. s. n. Anything sub
Ú/toss S. n. The mystical name stituted for another ; a copy, adj.
of God; the syllable om. Each, every. Úºsº An echo.
\sy tº s. n. Respectful or re
verential salutation, addressed espe \º 3'S"8:So s. n. 1. A remedy,
cially to a bramin, or to a deity. an antidote. 2. a return of offices,
Syrº S. n. 1. A spy, a secret either good or bad.
agent, or emissary. 2. asking, solici Vºy 853 "exºo &c. adj. Contrary, ad
tation, request. verse, cross grained, reverse, inverted.
\ºy e333'58%0 s. n. 1. Prostration, •ºf

\Syðsº 8 s. n. An effigy; figure,

salutation, reverence, obeisance,
image, picture, reflection, or shadow.
made by touching the feet. 2. solici
tation. S. US/809 3~$o s. n. 1. A proper
Úeºššº &c. adj. Praised, celebra donation to bramins; whatever is a
fit present to a bramin, at suitable
ted. Syeºbo º v. a. To praise. periods. 2. acceptance, assent.
*958 s. n. 1. Any creeping plant.
2. spreading; expansion. \ºy &#Sé80% v. a. To oppose.

\ºy &es s. n. The open hand, s. Sy 858& s. n. Anger, wrath, rage.

with the fingers extended. $y 93. s. n. Promise, assent, agree
(5) tº s. n. (from s, particle ment, engagement; determination,

CŞ,” 90 CŞ,9
resolution; a vow. Sjºgºs rry
3. retaliation, recrimination, revenge.
\º) 37-yo sšº s. n. An answer, or

To fulfil a vow. Cybºrgs &c. *

adj. Promised, agreed, vowed.
Ú 35°8 s. n. A respondent; a de
S. Gjørºss s. n. 1. The return or
fendant. Ú9*aos v. n. To an
re-delivery of a deposit. 2, barter, ex swer, or reply.
TUD. Ü95 s: n, vide Ú%. vº) 97 Sºos s. n. Catarrh; cold.
S- (6,883 s. n. 1. A resemblance of ||*
GyêJoss s. m. l. An assem

a real form; an image of a statue, * bly. 2. a place of sacrifice.

picture, &c. 2, a surety. S. USyð $3.85&o s. n. Prohibition, for
bidding, exception, contradiction.
s. Uš) 63& s. n. The first lunar day,
of either lunar fortnight. \8) tºo?& s. n. Impediment,

s. 3,333 s. n. An enemy. obstacle, opposition.

S. (3,0-8ss s. m. I. Gift, dona- || S. Úº s. n. 1. Fame, celebrity. 2.
consecration. 3. endowment. 4. stay º
tion. 2. ascertaining, determining
S. Ú 333e):So s. n. Reflection of a ing, standing, fixation. Jºos
mirror, &c. (Sjößbos To reflect To consecrate. \éry toū, 8; That
back a figure, &c. consecration of an idol which gives
8, Ú $32,0330 s. n. Obstacle, impedi it life, or divine power.
ment, hinderance. 8, 3,93630 s. n. 1. A garland, or
S. (5) booes s. n. A resemblance, wreath. 2. a bracelet. 3. a string
worn round the hand, at nuptials, &c.
or counterpart, of real forms; as a
picture, an image, a shadow, &c. || s. Gyökö s. n. An outer tent; a
\}, $33)ož)o tºo v. n. To reflect back, screen, or wall of cloth.
as a mirror, &c. (399&-8ss's s. n. A lizard; a
s & Jºº s. n. 1. Understanding, in chamelion.
tellect. 2. light, splendour. 3. auda ||s. Vºy 33-3530 &c. adj. Obstructed,
city, boldness, confidence. opposed, overthrown. s. n. Disap
S. Vºjööö s. n. A surety. pointment.
s. \ºy $953 s. n. A resemblance; a fi- || * Jºss s. n. A gate, or doos.
gure, image, or picture
Újºcs s. n. A doorkeeper,
se Gyêcºas s. m. 1. Desire, wish. or porter.
2. taking prisoner, making captive. S. Čy 3?rvcº s. n. Revenge.
\ºyº S 91 CŞy GTS
\& ês sº s. n. A limb, or member. 3, oath, ordeal. 4. cause, motive. 5.
Uğ) ës'8×o s. n. 1. Revenge, re an affix to roots and words, forming
derivatives and inflections. 6. war,
taliation, vengeance. 2. remedying,
administering medicine.
Gyös-à * &c. adj. in composi Syºğ S. n. 1. An enemy. 2, in
law, a defendant.
tion, Like, resembling.
Gyêo s. n. The west quarter. Uš) Syðss-cº s, n. 1. Separa
**śsº adj. Western, west. tion. 2. an impropriety, a fault;
Sjöö So &c. adj. Famous, cele harm, injury.
brated, renowned, known. SjöS& adj. Perceptible, percei
Cºy 59 s. n. 1. knowledge, under vable; present, as cognizable by any
standing. 2, fame, notoriety. ' of the organs of sense.
ūjës”?s-s S. n. A woman. CŞy & Sºs ěšo &c. adj. 1. Remo
Syðssº &c. adj. Turned away, ved, set aside. 2. informed, apprised. 3.
having the face averted backwards; discouraged, prohibited, forbidden.
following an order, or course, the re 4. denied, refused. 5. celebrated,
verse of what is natural ; against the
grain, or stream. & e Sºssº, s. n. 1. Rejection,
(538 & s. n. A shore, or bank. refutation, disallowance, disregard.2.
denial, refusal.
\8) 6& &c. adj. Venerable, res
pectable. &/ºSººs &c. adj. wide (5)
Sys"? s. n. A high street ; the *S*Sãsº.
principal road through a village. - Vºy's Sºcº& adj. Instead of;
in lieu of.
ūy 3 s. n. Cotton, when in the pod.
vide < 8. Ú/ú S.K.§ 3 s. n. Necessity, urgency.
\º §§§ adj. 1. Subsequent, be Sjö Sº § s. n. Proximity, conti
hind, following in time or place. 2. guity.
. 3, §§§§§x &c. adj. Near, pro
SyðS&AEx &c. adj. New, recent, ximate, contiguous.
ū) w$#8 * s. n. 1. Abstraction,
\SyöScº s. n. 1. Knowledge, insensibility, restraining the organs,
apprehension, 2. trust, faith, belief, so as to be indifferent to disagreeable
confidence. or agreeable excitement.
Sjö 92 CŞ) º

ÚºS & s. n. An answer, reply, s -

(3) ºs &c. adj. Chief, princi.

or rejoinder. pal, superior. Jºssº To
GyêSºss S. º Polite recep betroth in marriage.
tion of a visitor; rising to welcome G3, ºcº or 39 ºf s. n. A
him, &c. -
prime, or chief, minister.
Üßsº s. n. A return of (Syº s. n. The circumference of a
good offices; gratitude. wheel.
Újºšić's s. n. Dawn, morning. (3 JN-3 s. n. A drain, or canal; a
Čy & Sº-> s. n. Obstacle, impe sluice, or water-course.
diment, hinderance. \ºy §§§ s. n. Beauty, adj. Beautiful,
Üüssºw &c. adj. Separate, dis handsome.

tinct. Üüssows To separate. S)

ū) is s. n. A place where water is

ºw- Separately; in private, distributed, a place of refreshment.

alone. ejsess s. n. 1. The world, or
Ú% s. n. Fame, celebrity. universe. 2. extent, expanse. 3. copi
Čy $$$$o adj. 1. First, prior, ini ousness, abundance. 4. illusion, or
tial. 2. chief, principal Syö $3:3)& delusion. Sjóo bowº To extend, or
& in grammar, The third person. enlarge.
Sy?& &c, adj. Famous, cele. & Jººs. m.The point of the foot;
prated, made known, declared. the tip of the toes.
ū,& s. n. An arrow. \ºy *ěššo s. n. 1. A cliff or preci
Ú8&tº s. m. Reverential salu
pice. 2. a cascade, or water-fall. 3, a
tation, by circumambulating persons, bank, or shore.
or objects, keeping the right side to ūy-ºff Soo s. n. A road.
wards them.
(39% So &c. adj. Blown as a flower.
& JºãºSo s. n. A place in general; &y 2\o: So s. n. A connected dis
a country, a district, &c. cussion, or narrative.
Uğ) Té?& s. n. The fore finger. Śjøex &c. adj Strong, powerful,
\ºy S*** s. n. Evening; the first pre-eminent. Syºe v. n. To in
part of the night. crease, to improve ; to become great,
ūjºSººs s. n. The Hindoo Cu or powerful. Jjºbo S v. a. To ex
pid. tend, or augment. This verb has
- \ºy & Sºcºs s. m. The sun. also occasionally the neuter meaning
&J §§§o s. n. War, battle. of sy 200X).
Vºys" 93 Q3 º'
S, Syºğº s. n. A man of superior mony, authority. 3. an oath, adjura
tion. 4, limit. 5. cause, motive. SL
intelligence; a sage.
T. ūjºyº º s. n. A reed, or rattan. & eosºvº To take an oath. &
& Sosºftoo & To administer an
Újºy v. To obtain, or procure. oath. Nearly all the Hindoo forms
Sy? s. n. Light, radiance, splen of oath partake of the nature of or
dour. &y *š St & (from s. §§ deals ; and one of the oldest among
that makes.) The sun. them is that of the balance, or weigh
Uğy *oz:Roc & s. n. The god of wind. ing a man twice; once before, and once
3 Jºs s. n. The first year, in the after, he has given his testimony;
Hindoo cycle of sixty. hence the word denoting properly
measure has become applied both to
Úºo< v. n. To be born, or pro
duced. the testimony given, and to the oath
under which it is delivered.
&Jºãº s. n. The dawn, or morn
G@ SST & s. n. 1. Mistake, error,
inadvertence, carelessness, inaccura
Uğy *5 So s. n. 1. Majesty, digni
cy. 2. misfortune.
ty, magnanimity, high spirit.2 power, G&J'Sº s. n. The thirteenth year,
strength, energy. . .
(8) %5) s. n. A lord, master, or ruler. of the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
G3) & "à & s. n. The forty-seventh
(3) %5CŞo s. n. Power, authority, year, of the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
rule, government. T.
CŞjº s. n. The cup of a lamp ; the
§ jºššo adj. Much, many. place which holds the oil.
Cºy Ö º s. n. A chaplet of G3,37'5& &c. adj. 1. Dead, de
flowers, suspended from the middle ceased. 2. immolated, sacrificed.
lock of hair. G3.953"o s. n. Lassitude, enervation,
&ysºe, s. n. plu. The attendants exhaustion from indolence or fatigue. .
on Siva ; hence (*) 33-5°33)c & & &#& &c. adj. 1. Chief, first,
Siva himself. principal. 2. excellent, best.
ë) &&. s. n. Joy, pleasure, delight, 8. &#'cº S. n. Opportunity, occa
rapture. CŞ., & 555& or 3) & CS"
55&o s. n. (from s. 55 a grove.) A (3) Wºº s. n. Pleasure, happi
royal pleasure ground, attached to ness, delight, joy, gladness. Sjºr
the seraglio. &olº v. n. To rejoice; to be de
ūjºrrosº s. n. 1. Measure, size, lighted.
dimension, quantity. 2. proof, testi- | ". CŞ, Svěš-š or 3, &r-23 s. n. The
G3/8- 94 & $5

fourth year, in the Hindoo cycle of cº,5*:S-sº s. n. A bud, or shoot.

sixty. & Jejoº & Cº. s. n. Balarama, the
elder brother of Krishna.
3,&&cºs s. n. A holy or pious
person; one purified by austerity and Jºyeſ";33 s. n. 1. Unmeaning or un
mortification. connected speech. 2. sorrow, lamen
Gºjoº s. n. 1. Endeavour, or tation. 3, eſºotº or Ö oºoº
effort. 2. act, action. v. n. To lament, or grieve.
G3, cº-ros s. n. Journey, march, . C޺vex sºn, plu. Vain speeches;
departure. - useless expressions. Syºcº 1. A
G3,cº-Sºo or 5 oš-š s. n. 1. man who uses vain words. 2. a wick
Trouble, labour, fatigue. 2. difficulty, ed man.
embarrassment. 3. pain. G3, Woº, s. n. The end of a Culpa,
G3,&#x s. n. Ten hundred thou or destruction of the world. ge 3,35
sand; a million.
G3 Dººr" X&o s. n. 1. Consequence,
cº, The deluge. G3 jºcºsº"
adv. 1. In immense or overpowering
result; the main object, or end, of any numbers. 2. with vast pomp. 3. in a
previous action. 2. the operation, or most extraordinary manner.
effect, of magical or mysterious rites: Jsses s. m. The Veda, or
3. example, comparison. 4. effort, ex
Hindoo scripture. -

ertion. 5. act, action. 6. authority for

the use of a word; or the illustration
Se 3,5 toº &c. adj. 1. Devoted, at
of it's use in construction. 7, the ad
tached, or adhering to 2. endowed
with. -

ministration or prescription of medi: (3,58 s. n. 1. Offspring, descendants.

cine. 8, the discharging or shooting
an arrow. Gºjºvkoºs v. a. 1. To 2. family, tribe, lineage. & 55&
make use of a word, in composing, or &c. adj. Excellent. º

writing. 2. to prescribe, or administer. CŞ, 5 §§ s. n. 1. Action, business,

3. to shoot. z

worldly interest or activity, as op

O posed to abstract contemplation. 2.
(3,533roz:530 s. n. 1. Cause, occa conduct, behaviour. 3,58s. 9° or
sion. 2. motive, origin. 3. result, 4. Jºsès-º 1. To act or behave.
occupation, business. 5. profit, ad 2. to be going on, in a state of action.
vantage. 6, use. 7. coa religious ceremo
Jº, sº v. n. To increase, prosper,
ny.50% \;,&r-2:SSo A marriage, or augment.
or other auspicious ceremony. U53 )
G, s2.s s. n. A riddle, enigms,
&rºcło A clever, or able, man, conundrum, or charade. º
95 § 3 -
Gö, # Qº

& Sº-ros s. n. A car, or covered right. 2. good, excellent, best, illus

trious. 3. commodious.
conveyance, for females.
U3) ºvč s. n. Rumour, report. Šy’s or & 33 °s. n. A question,
s. 3, 5** > s. n. 1. Coral. 2.asprout, demand, or enquiry.
or shoot. 3. the neck of a lute. Cºy (3) & s. n. Affection; affec.
& 9 º'cºs s. n. A young man; a tionate regard, or solicitation.
pupil. Géyśº s. n. A leader, conductor,
G3, Fº:3"> s. n. A stream, or cur or preceder; one who goes first, or
rent; the flowing, or course of any before.
thing; continuous passage. 3, § £roo
& *º- s, n. A cow, pregnant with
& To flow; to run as water. her first calf.
(5, 5-3-5 s. n. Diarrhoea. Q3, So? So s. n. 1. A discourse. 2.
Úlyā) 3×3, s. n. Separation,parting. introduction, insertion. 3. association,
e £,
Q-3,5-oxºo &c. adj. Skilful, clever, connection. CŞ, KoMotº To dis
conversant. § $row s. n. Ability, course ; to argue, or dispute.
** **
cleverness. 3 & 8 s. n. An occurrence, or event.
Sys) . s. n. 1. Activity, occupa ÜßSAš s: n, Brightness, pellucid
tion; active life, as opposed to con ness, clearness, purity, Cº, KSA&
templative devotion. 2. tidings, intel &c. adj. 1. Clear, transparent, clean,
ligence. 3. a motion of the bowels; bright, pellucid. 2. pleased, delight
also looseness, or purging, of them. ed, complacent, gracious, favorable.
Jºº &c, adj. Full grown, ex CŞ, K & So s. n. Violence.
panded, diffused, spread abroad, or
(3) SS tº s. n. 1. Surrounding an
dispersed. enemy. 2 spreading over the country,
cº 3 &s. n. 1. Entering, entrance. to forage.
2. arrival. 3. advancement in learning.
J.3, Kö& s. n. 1. A way, or road.
Jºš303 v. n. 1. To enter. 2. to 2. a bed made of tender leaves, 3.
arrive at 3. to interfere in. spreading, extending. 4. speed, velo
~e --S-2
Q) sº s. n. 1. An arm. 2. the fore city. 5. a weaver's shuttle. 6. an iron
arm, or wrist. arrow, Gº, Këo & v. n. To spread,
or extend.
Úº ośs. n. Praise, applause, enco -

mium ; flattery. 2, subject, or matter. Q3, SS So s. n. 1. The bringing

Jºjº cºots v. a. To praise, or com forth, or bearing, young. 2, a flower,
mend; to flatter. or blossom. 3, birth, production, 4.
Jº Kºº &c, adj. 1. Happy, well, offspring, posterity. Ús 5%) ºvºy
~: ~~.
96 & S
Gº, Kº
ex5 The pains, or travail, of child the hand, hollowed as if to hold
birth. Jº Kºo's To bring forth a liquids. 2. the leg.
child. -
Gºvş)0 s. m. The palm of the hand
&S *S* adj. Contrary, reverse, hollowed.

inverted, reverted. *
3, #ss's s. n. A wooden vessel,
5,7-83 s. n. 1. Clearness, clean covered with leather, placed under
mess, brightness, 2. favor, kindness, the neck of a lute, to render the
propitiousness. 3. well-being, wel sound deeper. 2, a crooked piece of
fare. 4. food offered to the deity, or wood, at the end of the lute.
to a Gooroo. G3, Rºots v. a. To *

(3, §53 s. n. 1. A stone, or rock.

favor. 2. a jewel, or precious stone, 3- a
Jº-KS& s. n. Dress, embel couch made of flowers, or grass.
lishment, decoration. (3) & 8&s. n. A jungle thicket, or
G3, ºf s. n. A comb. - 4
wood overgrown with grass.
T. (3, 5-3×3 s. n. To eat. G3 Jū, sº s. n. Opportunity, oc
J*-8s s. n. Going to forage ; casion. 3, §§o $9 v. a. To seize an
spreading over the country for grass opportunity. ' - -

and fuel. . . G3. Sºº &c. adj. 1. Said, reveal

ed, propounded, declared. 2. ready,
Gºjº &c. adj. 1. Adorned, orna
prepared. 3. praised, panegyrised. s.
mented. 2.famous, celebrated, noto n. A feast, or ceremony adv. At
Úº s. n. Fame, celebrity, noto *:
* -

G3, §º s. n. Praise, applause:

riety. &#80s v. a. To place, keep, or
& Krš or G3, Sr-9s s. n. A wo
man who has borne a child, or who
is recently delivered. CŞ, ST3 s. n. cº,3-8 tº s. n. 1. A weapon. 2.
Bringing forth young. a blow. 3. war, battle. 39°boº
v. a. To beat, or flog.
&, K-53 s. n. 1. A flower, bud,
or blossom. 2. fruit.
G3,3-8× s. n. A watch, or the
GjKyºsº, &c. adj. 1. Dispersed, eighth part of an entire day and night,
comprehending about three english
extended, spread abroad. 2. stretch
hours of time. -

ed. 3. modest, humble. 4. swift, quick.

5. gone. 6. attached to, engaged G3, 3-5 s. n. A wall, raised around
in, occupied by, s. n.-1. The palm of | the house.
97 \& 2-0
. Gº 3 °K. S.S. s. n. 1. Loud, violent, bride and bridegroom are blessed.
or hearty laughter. 2. mirth, merri \ºys"K, v. n. vide º'cs So, un
ment. 3. sarcasm, satire, as a branch der & "c to.
of rhetorical composition.
. (3, 3 s. n. A well. Gºś- abi. Before, prior; preced
ing in place, or time. 2. east, eastern.
Gö Brºs s. n. A riddle, or enig
3. past, gone. adv. Formerly,
ma; a puzzling, or enigmatical,
question. Cº. geºs s. n. A country, sup
G3, Gº Sºo s. n. Washing, clean posed to be part of Asam.
ing. s. "Gº & "ros-Scº s. n. A guest.
&y adj. Old, ancient. 8. \&L) to s. n. The east.
Gº) oč&XETS0 s. n. A suburb ; T. \&ºyco s. n. vide ºvca.

or collection of houses, out of the Gy *Sºo &c. adj. 1. East, eastern.

walls of a town. 2. former, prior, ancient, old. s. n. A
Gº, oë& s. n. 1, Edge, margin, bound hedge, or fence. \ºy §§ 3c)
border, end. 2. neighbourhood adj. Śc & s. n. (from 8es a mark.) The
Near, adjacent. moon. Gº)*S***s- A name of
Gºjoð& s. n. 1. A long, or
tiresome, road. 2. frontier, limit, \ºy $5-85% s. n. The sacerdo
tal thread, worn over the right arm,
Qº) oº adj. High, tall, lofty. and passing under the left.
& Jºse S. n. A rampart, or \º) $öSo s. n. vide \\"yśw.
fence; any enclosure, or defence, in \&ºy 35&c:3 s. n. 1. Vuroona,
the form of a wall, upon a raised the Hindoo Neptune. 2. Valmeekee,
mound. the author of the Ramayanum.
• . G.,& v. n. To creep. Gºjºscºs s. n. A man from the
eastern country.
. Sºy & s. n. Dirt.
\ºy syū So &c. adj. Low, vile, s. (33° jºss s. n. A goad.
vulgar; thence it is used as a s. n. to S. \ºyers& s. n. 1. A form of

denote A provincial and peculiar marriage; the gift of a girl respect

dialect of the sanscrit language. fully by her father, to her lover. 2.
. Gº Sºls. n. The peculiar cere a sort of penance ; eating once a day
mony observed by the three first of for three days in the morning, once
the pure Hindoo tribes, in which the in the night for three days, subsisting

Jºy tº \ºyce
three days on food given as alms, the right nostril first with the thumb,
and fasting three days more. 3, a || and inhale breath through the left ;
particular sacrifice, performed before || then they close both nostrils, and fi
appointing a daughter to raise issue, nally open the right for exhalation.
in default of male heirs. 4. authority, The followers of the Tuntras close
power. | the left nostril first, and exhale also
\* /? s. n. A clever,*; or intelligent, i
through it; these operations are se
Woman. verally called Téss-šoºs.
- &yº & s. n. A Pundit : a learned, S. (3) 13 s. n. An animal; a sentient,
or wise man. l or living, being.
\ºyº Sº adj. Much, many. . (& J. & adj. Old, ancient, vide Gº),
and ºvc Ś s. n. vide ºvcüş. Gºy C
Gº) *S*ścºs s. n. A judge, or || &\ex) To become old.
magistrate. | |

Cº) tošo s. n. 1. Air inhaled; in | S. \& / ěž Sºe) S. s. m. The dawn, the

spiration, breath. 2. air, wind, 3. morning.
strength, power 4, life, vitality. 5. in i
S. Gºyºtºss S. m. Manifestation,
| appearance.
grammar a vowel. Sºyrosex. The
five vital airs; or modes of inspira |
S. \& y 783 & sn. The span of the
tion, and expiration, collectively. thumb and fore finger.
CŞcy *\Syºğ The consecrating, or se
Ç)35% or Çy& s. n. Protect
giving life to an idol. Ryvcº Rºjº ion, support.
&ytosº lit, he, upon ū-yss &c. adj. Obtained, gained,
me, quits life. He has a great regard received, procured. Uš’) & s. n. 1.
for me. Gºryeočocês s. n. The cre Gain, profit. 2. acquiring, getting,
ator ; as giving life. Qºros-scº obtaining. 3. improvement, success.
s. n. (from s. Tºš lord.) 1. A hus 4. rise, ascent. 5, one of the eight su
band. 2. Yama. Ç) toº-Ko perhuman faculties, the power of ob
s, n. Intimate friendship. taining every thing; hence, in com
S. \ºy Tā’oº-ºººo s. m. Breathing in mon use, luck, fortune. \ºy $ois
a peculiar way, through the nostrils, v. m. To happen, or occur. Gº) *S
during the mental recitation of the So adj. Attainable, procurable.
names or attributes of some deity. It
Gºycºexº, Or Gº) foSošexS.
is differently performed. The Vydi- | s. n. plu. The Vedas, lit. the ancient
cas, or followers of the Veda, close | words.
Jºy cº

& JºŠso s. n. Superiority, pre \º/ $)?’s n, The rainy season;
eminence, supremacy. the monsoon. vide. §§5-7NN)&º
ūy & rés & &c. adj. I. Speaking under ºbº,
truth. 2. true; of great force, credit,
or authority. from (3)- cošo q.v.
\ºy syū So s. n. A veil, wrapper,
- \ºyº v. a. To rub ; to wash the eloak, or mantle. adj. Covered, en
wall. -
closed, encompassed.

Vºy oššo s. n. 1. Fasting in order \& / sºziº S. n. A frog.

to die. 2. a state, or condition, of life; \ºy’ſRºss. m. Feeding, eating.
as age, youth, &c, adj. Like. \ºyssºs. n. A bearded dart. In
cºcºw) & s. n. Expiation, Teloogoo prosody, it denotes allite
penance. - -

ration. -

Cºy 6ozºo s. n. vide eBöoº &o.

Tº/*& sºn. A temple, a pa
\so ſº s. n. Destiny, luck, for lace; a building consecrated to a
tune. -
deity, or inhabited by a prince.
\;\" º s. n. 1. Asking, begging. 2. \º/º s: n, The forenoon.
prayer, supplication. Gºy §os W. a.
$) Bexlv. m. To grow slack, or be
To pray, or supplicate. come loose.
\º-o13 $530 &c. adj. 1. Asked, beg &)3&º s. n. The tree termed
ged, solicited. 2, said, spoken. 3. ob Mimusops kauki.
structed, or opposed, by an ememy. GS) cºº &c.; adj. 1. Dear, belov.
4, killed, hurt. ed, desired. 2. dear, or high, in price.
Ú" ) exo~30 s. n. A garland, hang Gé, cºcês s. n. A husband.
ing round the neck, and reaching to - -

Gº toss s. n. Satisfaction, satis


the breast.
fying, satiety.
\ºy woãs s. n. A garland; a neck. Gº, 9 s. n. 1. Joy,"pleasure, delight,
happiness. 2. love, affection, regard.
(**) ex) s. n. plu. I. Rice. 2, vide tº 3. the second of the 27 astronomical
&očex) No. 1 and 2. -

Pogas. & & So &c. adj. Pleased,

Wyosºvo, Or (*) erºo W. n. happy, glad.
To be idle, or lazy, vide ºvexº~ex). Jºy of s. n. 1. A swing; a sort of
hammock or swinging cot, either for
\ºy ºcº& s. n. Snow ; frost.
travelling, or diversion. 2. dancing, 3.
\& F-8s s. n. An upper, or out wandering, roaming, or, travelling
er, garment. about.
100 &
</ ºs \ºy
_c = -s-s
\ºyoºs, &c. adj. Agitated, \º/ Ś s. n. A heap, T. multitude,
shaken, swung ; set in motion. or assemblage.
—S . , -S
\3) X3 s. n. vide ºx3. S, ºy is &c. adj. Told, said,
C#) 5 s. n. A ghost, goblin, or declared. -

sprite; an evil being, especially ani \º/ X3 s. m. wide Rºx3, No. 2

mating the carcases of the dead. and 3.
(*) so or \*, &á s. n. 1. Affec
tion, kindness, tender regard. 2. plea \ºy & v. a. To save, protect,
sure, sport, pastime, joy. support, or preserve.
S. \ }) cºs s. n. A wife. TUD. \ºy & s. n. (from s. \º/
tup. (º) ºro or \# / 3 380SSo §) A wise, or skilful, person.
s. n. (from s. S$/ & eo) 1. Sending, \º/ §§o &c. adj. Sewn, stitch
directing. 2. passion; or operation of ed, strung, tied.
the organs of sense. 3. excitement, &* /ššo s. n. 1. The nose of a
- - - —S- -#3 £33 —S
instigation.\ &/ &ots or N_>/ horse, or the tip of it. 2. the loins, or
Tº v. a. To induce, excite, or in hip.
stigate. \º/ Těščc ºs S. n. An \ºy & s. n. Beauty.
instigator. sº

(º, ö) s. n. Protection ; saving,
\_º/* v. a. To prattle, or tattle; vide \ºy ~$3.
to talk in a silly manner. vide TÉex). × */ cºvex s. n. A woman.
Jºy §) s. m. wide \*/ X3, and
TÉ, X3 Sº/ ex, s. n. A city. Ǻyexas
xv. m. wide éºécº To go in pro
$y $º &c. adj. Most or very cession about a city. This term, in
dear, or beloved. marriage ceremonies, is often appli
—S -

( 8) &S s. m. A maid servant. ed to that part of them which con

sists in a fictious procession round
SV *Sºx's s. n. A man servant.
the city, represented by some object
(# 36. s. n. Intellect, understand placed in the house.
ding, sense. º §) s. n vide \ºys, and
(*) Sºº-sº s. m. A fencing 3'x3 No. 2 and 3.
house. \ £/ § 5% ºys-s’ s. n. A wife
\º & s. n. vide *š. whose husband is absent.
\ 3ry ox's s. m. wide frox. S \ºyāsº s. m. The sixth Te
- ºrex®
rry 101 §e) :
loogoo lunar month; that in which ~~ tº .
q) **

the moon's change takes place, when -aº

the sun is in Virgo. § The thirty-seventh letter, and twenty
\º, & eos s. n. 1. Sprinkling. second consonant, in the Teloogoo
sacrifice Gºjºs
2. killing in So&c. alphabet.

adj Sprinkled, killed. Sºy do

5,883 S. m. (from A. ) Afa jº
39 v. a. To sprinkle. keer, dervise, or religious mendicant.
\ºy ¥ s. n. 1. A woman from G- § 38 or §333 s. n. (from A.
thirty years of age, to fifty-five. 2. a casaaaas) Disgrace, ignominy.
description of the Nayica, or mis štos s. n. The expanded hood, or
tress, a woman whose feelings are neck, of the snake termed Cobra di
violent, or impetuous. adj. Skilful, capello.
dexterous, clever. §23 s. n. A serpent, or snake. § 235
. 35 s. n. The thirty-fifth year, in the
- fre
*Yºº s. n. (from s, &ey a bed,
Hindoo cycle of sixty. and X who goes.) Vishnoo, who re
$ox s. n. The fortieth year, in clines on Adishesha, the chief of
the Hindoo sycle of sixty.
. ...soxº-ºxºo or §ox<\, s.
ro rvo
£ºgºs s. n. A delicate sweet

n: 1. An ape, or monkey. 2. a frog. smelling plant, apparently a sort of

basil, with small leaves.
- §5& S. n. A raft, a float.
§3 ºb &c. adj. 1. Told, said. 2.
- º's S. m. A boat, ship, or raft. praised.
§º S. n. Joy, rejoicing. §ooseſ" s. n. (from A. AA-243)
§§o S. n. The waved leaf fig tree. Settlement, decision.
Ficus infectoria. §§§ "cºs s. n. (from P.
ºššº s. n. The third length of Cººl“j” ) 1. Order, commission,
sound given to vowels; the protract direction. 2. pleasure, will. §§§r"
ed, or continuous, sound ; being ||
9°ojº To give orders; to appoint,
three times the length of the short to fix.
vowel, and occupying three moments
in it's utterance.
£75eº v. n. (from A.Jſ;font,
~. -
running away.) To run away; to
ºšº adj. Burnt. desert, or abscond.
jº S. n. Combustion, burning. Šoššo s. n. A shield.
102 2) os
39s s. n. 1. The fruit of any plant; in which the moon's change takes
fruit in general. 2, fruit, (metaphori place, when the sun is in Pisces.
cally) result, produce, consequence. $3r-5 s. n. (from A. J 22.3 weak
3. prosperity, flourishing," thriving.
4. gain, profit, acquisition. jero’ſ S ness. Hind. quarrelling.) 1. Distur
bance, insurrection, rebellion. 2. any
sº s. n. (from s, eºs food.) A par secret, deceitful, or underhand pro
rot; as feeding on fruit. $99° or ceeding.
;38)oot® v. n. 1. to be fruitful ; to
yield fruit; to be productive, 2 to $8oº s. m. wide 38o3+. .
be successful. 3. to be profitable. * T. $80% s. n. vide & 8oN.
5:30 s. n. A tree, especially when . 38o33-03 s. n. (from P. olºrs) 1.
bearing fruit. 305;& &c. adj. Fruit A complaint. 2. an accusation, or
ful. 3e385& s. n. A collation. 53%) plaint, in law. #8&va (from P.
+5-3s-sºo s. n. Purport, meaning. get: j}) A plaintiff, or complain
§erº s. m. (from A. Aj)\})Such a
ant. -

one, adj. Such and such.

£erºdºo s. n. (from s. 39° q.
S. $gº &c. adj. Expanded, blown ;
v. and s. 6;&oº rising.) 1. Gain, opened, as a flower.
profit. 2, heaven, paradise. 3. joy, -ºššo s. n. Scum, froth, foam.
happiness. *Re:So s. n. The soap plant. Sa
pindus detergens, adj. Foamy, frothy.
$ºcºs s. n. A name of Arjoona,
the third son of Pandoo.
*8:55:30 or ºtöö s. m. A jackal.
§§§ adj. Pithless, sapless, vain, 20

unmeaning, empty, useless.
$º-sº s. n. The young of any 2) The thirty-eighth letter, and twenty
bird. third consonant, in the Teloogoo al
#voe»30 s. n. Diluted decoction ; phabet. It is the fifth or last letter
decoction easily prepared. of the five termed in Teloogoo gram
#v=8830 s. n. The inspissated juice mar the Köö ex or soft letters. It is
of the sugar cane ; raw sugar. substituted for initials, when words
. §voots" s. n. (from A. sex (3) beginning with 3 are preceded by
Profit, gain, advantage, utility. any of those belonging to the class
#ve)sºo s. n. The share of a plough. termed drootupracrootooloo.
#ºssº or *ºs & s. n. The 2Soš s. n. 1. Gum, glue. 2. flux, or
twelfth Teloogoo lunar month; that issue, of matter. adj. 1. Viscous, gluti
2}o& 103 2YO 25

nous, sticky. 2. figuratively, stingy. pestle without a ferrule, adj. I. Worn

T&SoošThe bloody flux. oos & out. 2, opprobrious, obscene, 3. cruel.
Kºls. n. Clay. lit. glutinous earth. tooš Fºo; s. n. A certain class of
zoos exy?"CX v. n. To be gummy, or people, who beg with a stone in their
sticky. -
hands; threatening to beat them
T. 2) ox&-2) ow"5&o or exo~& s. n. selves, with it, if alms are not given.
Gold adj. Golden.oo-wºº's Gold a 9&#9 s. n. A bag of money.
T. *Joã5e)So or oo-ſave Sºo s. n. 1.
leaf lit. gold water. oo-N-83%)"cö
s. n. Gilding. oo-wºº's 3 An ingot
Stock, capital, funds, money. 2, the
true extent of one's property, or abi
of gold. wo-wv&Tössex, Plates, or flat lity.
pieces, of gold. Sºś 62007"& T.
Fine, or pure, gold. oo?"&oooºoš •oº"S&#3)s s. m. A gallinule.
Gold dust. T. woë s. m. 1. Any wheeled conveyance;
a carriage, a cart, &c. 2. a wheel. 2)o
T. ooºººs oë3 s. n. Lapwing lit.gold
ãºo An army arranged in
the form of a wheel. 2) oãooebºos.
T. exo~&öYeo s. n. A species of
n. An axle-tree. •oã85 S. ſhe The
paddy. lit. gold-vines.
fourth of the lunar mansions, from
T. & s. 207-8 &#xºs. n. The country it's form, like a cart, or wain. 2) oãs
of Bengal.
º Thewheel of any conveyance. (lit.
• *OW s. n. (from P. L53.) The bang, the stone). Stone wheels are common
or gunjah, plant; a species of hemp, in many parts of India.
Canabis sativa. T. *Yoº s. n. A ball made of flowers, or
zoº adv. As high as; up to. It is cloth.
applied with relation to depth only; TUD. ooë s. n. (from s. Koś) A row,
as ºoë85& Water, as high as line, or rank, ºcê A string, or
the waist. row, of bullocks. This is applied
*o° s. n. 1. A hero, or warrior. 2. || chiefly to those employed to thrash.
a foot soldier. 3, a peon; the lowest corn; six or seven are tied in a string,
civil officer. 4. at chess, a pawn. 2)o or row, abreast of each other, and
*ěššo s. n. Heroism, bravery. made to move circularly round a
. ºo & & s. n. (from T. 2) oëx, q.v. stock of corn, which is thrown under
and T. S."& a rider.) A trooper or their feet as they proceed; and, by
horse soldier; but now generally ap tramplingupon it, they press the corn
plied to a peon. vide 2) oëoo No. 3. out of the ears.
*** s. n. 1. A rock or vast stone. 2, a | T. 2\oč& s. n. 1. A cord, or rope, used
& o'S 104 2) Sº

to tie together the two legs of any army, or one with it's four divisions
animal, to prevent it's escape. 2. the of chariots, elephants, horse, and foot.
rope used by the drawers of toddy, 200855 s. n. Paste, gum, glue; any
to keep their feet together, in climb thing sticky. adj. Wiscous, glutinous.
ing high palm trees. oo:: SSX s. n. Binding, tying, im
. ºoče)& s. m. A pot, with a wide prisoning, confining. ô).9% Kºo
mouth. The tying up, or ſimposing restrict
. ºoº s. n. 1. (P. (3.x: ) Imprison ion upon, the quarters of the world ;
ment, confinement. 2. a captive. ºo so as to prevent the intrusion of evil
spirits, &c.
& Sºc & s. n. One of a gang of rob
bers. 2. a prisoner, or captive. 2008
*oššo s. n. A binding, tie, or fetter.
*** s. n. An incursion of robbers. ©oºoºo v. a. To tie, bind, or tighten.
. ºoº s. n. 1. A hinge. 2. a species of v. n. To be bound, or stopped, as
urine, &c.
bird. 3. restraint, confinement. 4.
2)o:335s sºo or oo::$335& S. n.
stopping, terminating, concluding. (P.
The flower termed Pentapetes phaeni
* cº). Ceol,
•o&šº s. n. Conspiracy, league, ^očocº s. m. wide zyoºbě).
cabal, plot, plan, scheme. Yoss § *otºs s. n. A company, or multi
§§§º v. n. To conspire, cabal, tude, of kinsmen.
form a party, or be leagued together. 29 o'SočSo &c. adj. 1. Uneven, un
TUD. ºo'SXSC& s. m. wide ooºoë). dulating. 2. bent, bowed. 3. pleasing,
TUD. ºoº s. n. (from s. •oã) 1. Impri delightful, handsome. 4. extensive,
much, s. n. A swan. -

sonment, confinement. 2. a fine for a

2)o:SexyCŞs s. n. A bastard.
trespass by cattle.
G. 2) O sºn. (from *** 593)
oo::3%) or ooºoëC& s. n. A kins
man, or relation; but especially 3.
Arrangement, settlement, lation, ma distant or cognate kinsman, and
nagement. subsequent in right of inheritance to
zyoºs & s. n. 1. Binding, confine the Sagotra. ºoğüSºo Relation
ment. 2. engagement. 3. servitude. ship, affinity.
Korºčooºs & The yoke of mar 2\oº & s. n. A large black bee.
riage. ºš (S"5 s. n. A dove, or pigeon.
oo::3 s. n. An unchaste woman, a oš & s. n. A crane; a heron.
harlot, a wanton. *S** *ś s. n. The chay root;
•očo 5) sº s. n. A complete which produces a red die.
2) 439 105 2S3

ośc:3 s. n. A demon so called. 25 sile weapon of Vishnoo. *ēś

35 s. n. (from 35s a foe.) Bhee s. n. A small round pillow.
ma, the son of Pandoo. *$3 s. n. 1. Cloth. 2, clothes, adj.
oSºos. m. A crane. Bald. ****) (from T. “º a cow.)

T. *ś adj. Thin, lean, meager, A cow spotted white.

** s. n. Ashes, dust. *39 ovex s. n. An open plain; a
champaign country, adj. Clear, open,
wºod, s. n. A red powder, which
the Hindoos throw at each other,
evident, º oxes) v. n. To be
discovered, or disclosed.
during the Holi feast. T. wº-oº-cº Or 2) \* / 2?”

ex)087 s. n. The plant termed

creeping annual purslane. Portulica S. n. A bard; a chaunter of praise,
and titles.
quadriftda. .
20 **cºs s. n. The bird termed, in
**) or 2) tº) Fºc & s. n. A bank India, the myna.
er, money-changer, or shroff.
*** s. n. 1. A mare. 2. a woman
T. zººs. n. Paint, colour, adj. Paint who brings water to the house.
ed, ºys Šºš, A Painted doll, 2586 w’sos, Or 2) & 2)"&apºo S. Il.

or puppet. 1. Submarine fire. 2, a being con

wºo (8) ex) s. m. plu. 1. Musical sisting of flame, but with a mare's
instruments. 2. musicians. head, sprung from the thighs of
Oorva, and who was received by the
T. **es, s. n. (P. j9 l 3) A range of Ocean.

shops; a bazar. 2) &ex) or 23&ex33& v. n. To be fati

2, #9 or 23& s. n.wide § 39. gued, tired, wearied, or harassed.
*g s. n. A dish made of brinjal, the 25%8)S. s. n. Fatigue, tiresomeness.
egg plant, or solanum melongena. 23.8%)oº v. a. To fatigue, &c. ºO
*r-sex s. n. plu. Peas. Pisum sati š Šišos-Sºº Ko To rest one's-self.
ºu??, zy-as-ox or 25-a-oo: " s. n. (from H.
2 º'ex, s. n. plu. A sort of baked cº’ ; 3) Pride, arrogance, ostenta
cake. tion.
ºxº adj. Round, circular, spheri -

*ě s. n. A school, adv. As much,

cal. s. n. 1. A circle, or sphere. 2. a used in composition only; thus 32)3
plain gold hoop ring. 2) & 5:S$)
Twice as much, &ºyā Thrice as
(from T. Sº a weapon.) The mis much, -

23&S 106 2)3

T. 2 & 3 or ºcº s. m. A large thick taliation, adj. Substituted, exchang

stick. ed. 2 other, adv. In lieu ; in exchange.
s. 2&\{S_J & s. n. vide seasº. & Sexº & A verbal or written
T. o㺠adv. Repeatedly; one after answer. 2) &expºvěo 1. A verbal
another. reply. 2. a contradiction. 2) Seſºoooo
T. ºccº v. a. To perform any cere to or 2890% v. a. To change,
mony, in order to obviate, or pre exchange, or substitute.
vent, bad effects from evil sight. This T. ºff s. n. 1. A slit, split, or opening.
is done generally, by mixing tur 2. a piece, or slice. 3. split pulse. 4.
merick and fine lime in water, placing split wood. *šeš) To be broken to
the whole in an open vessel, and mov pieces.
ing it, with a circular motion, all over T. ººs & s. n. Laziness, indolence.
the head and body. t. ºo & v. a. To re-measure.
s. 2) #3 & s. n. A fish-hook. T. o: Or 238 s. n. A lie, or false
T. 2)tºo s. n. A heap, or quantity, of hood. adj. False.
new brass pots. T. o: s. n. The end, or selvage, of a
T. 2,885 "ex v. a. To pray, supplicate, web.
beg, or importune. TUD. 2008_j & s. n. vides, ºcº sº.
T. ºbš v. n. To live, or subsist, vide S. *** &c. adj. Tied, bound. s. n.
\º, §§§ s. m. Subsistence, mode of Boundary, limit. *: Kºš º S. n. Con
life, trade, or profession. stipation.
T. 28.9s s. n. A quiver. s. 2) #8 So &c, adj. Deaf.
TU D. ość & S. n. (from s. & S. 2007'- Tud. 2) SAS, s. n. (from s. º ox) 1.
shipped.) 1. A worshipper, a servant. Interruption, prevention. 2. fraud. 3.
2. the sir-name Bhutt, taken by all disgrace, dishonor. 4. evil, misfor
the five casts of artificers. tune, bad treatment.
T. & 330 s. n. Batta, a daily allowance T. & SAŠ5& s. n. A necklace, of
in money, or food, for subsistence. coral and gold beads, alternately.
23:57-30 or ºeſºo s. n. (from P. S. *Cºy CŞo s. n. 1. The god of fire.
c. *jcX.) 1. Infamy, disgrace. 2. 2. Siva. 3. Vishnoo. 4. Brumha.
blame, defamation. S. •Gºº, $) s. n. 1. Tawny colour. 2.
s, zoöð s. n. 1. The jujube tree. 2. the the mungoose, viverra ichneumon, adj.
cotton plant. Tawny.
a. *&º s. n. (from A., |x,) 1. Ex T. & & Sº v. n. To be confused, or
change, substitution, stead, lieu, re confounded.
2S 8. 107 2)&

T. 2) oboe) adv. This is the inflected Ge 2,888%) adj. (from A. & P

irregular ablative of 2) ovex q. v., \–2jºr) Discharged, dismissed.
and it denotes - Out, outside, abroad.
2) oë35)o:S lit. to be out. To be
28.38%) #cºo To dismiss.
menstruous; because Hindoo fe T. & 6&; s. n. A bird, so called, *
*~ -

males, in that state, are deemed un T. 2553&n-ex s. n. A sort of grain.

očºv s. n. (P. asºl-yº H. (“jº)
clean, and are removed from the usu
al dwelling part of the house. 29 ox” An auger; an instrument with which
àº) To go out; to go abroad. ºooo carpenters bore holes.
ë33& To disclose, or reveal. 2 o’’ 2) Svößo s. n. (from P. erº An
*2C2)’s v. n. To be disclosed; to
assignment; a written order.
become public. 2) O'o6 s. n. (from P. Jr.';*) I
T. ooooº.3 adj. (from º oxex q. v.) 1.
Outer, outside, exterior. 2. strange, Equality. 2. good order, or arrange
foreign. -
ment. adj. Right, just, proper.
2) oxº Fºo s. n. vide e90X5 \ºy 238 s. n. 1. A school. 2. the side. 3. a

So. -
line or boundary. adj. Bare, naked.

2Sox)ex) s. n. making in the inflex. obs & s. n. A spear without point.

sing, ºoooº 1. A plain, an open field, 235 S s. n. A small stick, or bough.
23.8% s. n. A spear.
an empty space of ground. 2. an es: 235 & 3)SX3 s. n. The cockroach.
planade. 3. the outside, the exterior.
4. the air, or atmosphere. 5. publi T. *b* s. n. A small box. as ºs -U–

city, adj, Clear, evident. & ovex's; s. n. (from T. sº a star.) The

or 2 oxex-3S or àex v. n. 1. To
second of the lunar mansions.
go abroad, to go out. 2. to set off, or 283 s. m. wide w8%.
start. 3. to be shed. 29 oxexoşeº &
T. 2) SS v. a. To scratch; to lacerate.
To make known; to reveal, or disclose.
.25oooex):33S To be discovered, or abºo s: n, plu. Small tinkling
disclosed. 2) ox'838&º) To go out, in
order to ease the necessities of ma ošššº s. n. Confidence, cour
ture. age. vide & &.
28S So s. n. A load, or bale, of 2) Sº s. n. and adj. vide 2)expº).
Cotton. 2)SS, s. n. 1. Roughness. 2. rude
*& s. n. The bark of the tama ness, adj. 1. Rough, coarse. 2. rude,
rind tree, &c. brutal, brusque.
2) ed 108 253)

ość sº s. n. One of the fifty & s. m. Weakness, impotence, ºe)

sº countries enumerated by the Hin **@ A strenuous, brave, or violent,
doos, said to be inhabited by barba person. •eº-sº s. n. Weakness,
rians. - -

debility. ºe):3e3+S To strengthen.

*& Yºo s. n. The toom tree. 2)ešove? A strong man. 299 Soeº To
*S*šo s. n. A peacock's tail. o co
grow big. 2995očo &c. adj. 1.
&S" s. n. A peacock. oëNT'S2; Strong, lusty. 2. powerful. 3. rich,
s. n. Parvatee, the wife of Siva ; be great, considerable. s. n. Force, con
cause her emblem is the peacock.
straint, violence. aerº botS v. a.
1. To force, to press. 2. to violate,
28S- &#xcº s. n. A deity, or
divinity. or commit a rape, oeſºsº s. n.
28S-30):<, -ošS-$ºys.cº. Or
1. Violence, oppression, force. 2. ex
action. 3, rape. 4. in law, the deten
28S " ºc: S. n. the god of fire. tion of the person of a debtor by his
**S*ššº s. n. A perfume made creditor, and the violent measures
of a certain root. taken by the latter (flogging, &c.) to
*ēST &ys. n. The Cusa, dhurba, or recover his debt.
sacrificial, grass. Poa cynosuroides. Se •eſ's or oeſºs s. n. A sort of crane.
wº s. n. A female buffalo. S. 2)ey-wºº or Øeſ"b s. n. (from s. 2) ex
*exso s. n. A number, or company, a giant, and ‘975°9′ or e5 an
of relations, or kinsmen. enemy.) A name of Indra ; as being
S. oeºcº or •eº & cºs s. n. the enemy of the demon Bala.
The elder brother of Krishna. ºeſ "S& s. n. The phlegmatic hu
*93& s. n. The soft white clay In Out.

substance, or crayon, like slate pen zºeſ":3's So s. n. 1. A cloud. 2, a

cil, used in writing upon a blackened mountain.
board, &c. 29 s. n. 1. A king and Daitya, also
2)e) So s. n. 1. Strength, might, force. Mahabali, the virtuous sovereign of
2. power, virtue, influence. 3. an ar mahabalipura, tricked out of the domi
my, forces. 4. rigour, severity, adj. 1. nions, he had obtained over earth and
Strong, powerful, stout, robust, 2. heaven by Vishnoo, in the Vamana.
or dwarf Avatara, and left, in consi
efficacious. & Soxºes. The four deration of his merits, the sovereign
kinds of Indian forces, viz. Infantry,
ty of Patala, or the infernal regions.
chariots, elephants and horses, hence
-* -
2. tax, royal revenue. 3. an oblation,
* & oxºošº Chessmen. ©ºcº a victim, a religious offering in ge
109 2)So

neral. 4. presentation of food, &c. to T.

*exºşex s. n. plu. A sort of paddy.
all created beings; one of the five T.
***) s. n. Bigness, corpulence.
great Sacraments of the Hindoo reli T.

gion. 5, the sacrifice of an animal, or

ow83 Kºs S. n. The plant term
ed Sanseviera zeylanica.
raw flesh, to the goddess Doorga. T. 2)exp30 & adv. 1. Much, excessive. 2.
6. fragments of food, left at an
oblation, or meal, 239"> & v. a. impetuously, vehemently. 3. severely,
To sacrifice, to kill. abºsof, S.
n (from s. Sººs injuring.) *ē) or º s. n. 1. weight. 2, a
Vishnoo; as having degraded Bali. load, or burden. 3. a charge, or obli
•bºw Or 20% S. n. (from gatory duty; onus. 4, oppression, or
S. Š nourished, and s. 363 that heaviness, in sickness. 5. importance,
eats.) A crow ; as eating the frag consequence. 6. difficulty. adj. 1.
ments of an oblation. 20:35,530 s. n. Heavy, onerous. 2. obligatory. 3.in
(from $3,5T abode.) The infernal disposed. 4. important. 5, difficult. 6.
regions. acute, severe.

203-Evº or *3-8s S. n. plu. 20exºcºs s. n. A strong, vigorous,

powerful, or rich, man.
A very numerous cast, among the
Soodras of Talingana. The Balaja *5°. s. n. A particular thorny
plant, of which the leaves are edible.
cast, ºbż8s & The profession of
that cast. T. & 3 interj. Look! lo! behold!
G. 2)eſt &) oà s. n. Force, violence.
** s. n. Strength, power, force.
20cºov. n. 1.To become corpulent; *$3 S. n. 1. A plank, or board. 2, a
table. 3. a disease of the stomach. 2)
to grow fat, big, or thick. 2. to in *

crease, multiply, or be augmented. $2.&’88 A table drawer.

*0&otº v. a. To fatten, or strength cº S. n. The house lizard; often
en, ºe»&S"K. v. comp. To grow of consulted as ominous.
itself fat, big, or thick. &SC& s. n. A vigorous, or strong,
obsº S. n. A bull, or ox. Inans -

T. ** adj. I. Much, great, exceeding, cºcºo or ºs s. n. A spear.

very. 2. mortal ºscºsº, e. Ts oğ" or ºë interj. Expressive of ap
probation. Bravo! &c. (H. J'ég).
n- (from T. Soº flesh, and Tup.
Tºos & a beast.) An elephant. ºex, T. *: S. n. vide soº.
7\"cºSo A mortal wound, eyew:Sye T. ©Soč Šo s. n. Deceit.
** A deep swoon. T. zSSoº S. n, vide $ºs &
as?»” 110 253 to

. 258 So s. n. Battle, war. sion, degradation, or excommunica

T. *&Sex, s. n. plu. Ornaments worn tion, from sect, or cast.
from the tip of the ear. ** adj. 1. (H. ea) Much, nu
& s. n. 1. Honor. 2. splendour,
merous, many. 2. very large, great. 3.
eclat. 3. estimation in public opinion. severe, violent.
4. rank, condition, state. 5. modesty,
shame. -
©53-tos 8 s. n. A sweeper.
~~ -

*š CŞtº s. n. A cow bearing many *****SS s. n. The twelfth year,

calves. in the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
º, ºr s. n. A house; a temporary abode, . ººººoºos & s. n. An aristocra
a lodging. 23:3-ºcº or ºSS’Ko cy; authority vested in many chiefs.
To lodge, or dwell. - adj. Governed by several chiefs, or
oššCºo or ºs S.S. s. n. A sacred heads.
bull. ©3-oxº~5& s. n. 1. A gift by a su
T. &&. s. n. A female dedicated to Siva, perior to an inferior. 2. recompense,
whose profession is prostitution. reward. 3. honor, adj. Honorable; in
TUD. ^S$$$x s. n. (from s. *3, F) public estimation; creditable, respec
Ashes. -

zºo s. n. A he-goat. S.
233 voºr”, º, & s. n.The diabetes.
lit. much urine.
• **... s. n. (P. A.K.) A bale of goods.
oświę & s. n. The dark lunar fort
ºš adj. (from H. c. **) a popu
night; that of the moon's decrease.
lation, a village.) Populous. adj. Much, or many.
ºš"R" s. n. (from P. ajlgº) Pre
assºsQºşşo adj. Thrashed and
tence, pretext, excuse, contrivance, winnowed.
s & T. 23-8 ox:303& v. a. To make 23:3-oo:5$53, S. m. in grammar, The
known, on public. -
plural number.
o?"g S& s. n. (from S. zyżroRST 293 woś& adj. Various, multiform.
out, and s. 5 Sö a gate.) The princi oãº) & s. n. One of the forms
pal gate of a house, or city. (P. 38'ſ 3) of grammatical composition, the com—
o?--&-s-ºw s. n. A place outside pounding two or more words to fur
of a town, used as a public necessary. nish an epithet, or attributive; as 2.5
à-wºve So Having many necklaces.
** 80% v. a. To expel from a
cast, or sect; to degrade, or excom ^3 to? 3 or ºto?” adv. Often ; in
municate. *3rº- & So s. n. Expul many ways ; for the most part.
zyozºv 111 Zy"cºc

23 o'SSS& s. n. An owl. . 25°2'eº s. n. (P95L) A bazar, or

S. **S* "adj. Voracious, gluttonous.
Tud. 27°oºs s. n. (from s, ºoč) An range of shops. 27°º"eºpoS (from
earthen pot. A. * S.) The rumour, or common
ºo::$3&cºs s. n. A bastard; the talk, of the day.
son of a disloyal wife.
:: 25°42 s. n. A road, way, or path. º'
25°ość)cºs s. n. A relation, or kins
****ě s. n. A traveller.
Zy"&2)S$30 s. n. vide 25& Zy"Sex:So. -

zºo’s Sº s. n. Affinity, relation.

ship, alliance. ºvex s. m. plu. Bramins. *S
75°S" s. n. A large trumpet, such as . So s. n. An assemblage of bramins.
is used at Hindoo festivals. . Wºs s. n. A common sewer, for
z's or zy-3 s. n. (from A. cº L) 1. conveying filth out of a town.
The residue, the remainder. 2, ba . 2)"37 s. n. Hire, rent.
lance ; arrears. adj. 1. Remaining. 2. . 27°á `-zy"&T3 or zy"-as-S$) s. n.
wide. 27°3′283 A wide mouth. A hatchet, or axe.
*śjoš To be in debt; to owe a . 27° 3 s. n. Mud, mire.
balance. `838) To liquidate, or *S*śćo adj. 1. Much, excessive. 2.
clear, a balance, or debt. -
hard, firm.
*CŞ s. n. A short dagger, poig . 25°29& s. n. 1. An arrow. 2. a fire
nard, or creese.
work. & Sºſzy” tº A sky rocket.
ºx&ex, s. m. plu. Cut arecanuts.
zºosºº"<x3 To fix, or place, an
*S*7" adv. 1. Well, properly, right arrow in the bow. 25°ºošo Q3) &v
ly ; in good, or sound, order, or re Wo tº To shoot an arrow. CŞ"eoso
pair. 2. in good health. adj. Hand TS"expiš. To fire sky rockets, or other
some, beautiful. fireworks.
*NS s. n. 1. Good, or sound, state, . 27°228) s. n. making in the inflex,sing.
or condition. 2. beauty. 3. health. º'cocê3 A kitchen utensil, of iron
adj. 1. Good, proper, well, sound. or brass, used as a frying pan.
2. handsome. 3. healthy. zy”x3 +5 - wrº's: s. n. An iron mounted
cºo v. a. I. To mend, or repair. 2. mace, or heavy stick.
to cure. & " or & #8-27°N3 adv.
25°eabc& s. n. 1. The name of a sove
Very good; very well ; yes.
o reign, considered also as an Asoora,
*** s. n. (from H. tº- (4) Music; or infernal being ; the son of Bali,
musical performance. and destroyed by Pishnoo, who is
112 zyw8
hence denominated ºë. 2, a T.
*S s. m. A large earthen pot, much
Hindoo poet, so called. used by washermen. •
*Y"cö adj. 1. Great, large. 2. desired, T. **Tº s. n. A maid servant, or fe
male slave.
wished for. 3, regretted.
^*ěšo s. n. A duck. T. ººcąśo s. n. A bramin.

*&o's "oº s. n. (from P. clot) T. Nº S adj. of or belonging to bra

mins. 25°35′55°C& Abramin. 25°3
An almond.
*S*25 Oºoººooc & s. n. A name of the
§3- *35s or zy":358 Sº Ils A.
bramin woman.
sage Vyasa, the compiler of the
Vedas. º 25° s. n. A horse. 25°25°6’&

*:S v. a. To beat, flog, or chastise. (from T. S."& a rider.) Cubera, the

s. n. Fees in grain, paid to the village god of riches, whose steed is the
servants, before the division of the
º”2x s. n. 1. A father. 2. (from A.
ºš s. m. 1. Pain, trouble, affliction, CL) A point, matter, subject, or
item. -

torment, torture. 2. opposition, con

tradiction. 25°30'S v. a. To torment, 75°So s. m. l. Embarrassment, en
annoy, or cause pain. tanglement. 2. birth, production.
*šššo s. n. 1. Anything oppos *ö s. n. A fathom ; the measure
ing, impeding, or causing difficulty; from the tip of the middle finger of
any argument, or fact, which can be one hand, to that of the other, with
urged in refutation, or in contradic both arms stretched to their full ex

tion of another; inconvenience, an tent. adj. Twelve. CŞoš3 &Svögy&S"

noyance. 2. in grammar, an exception Ko To spin threads.
from the general rule. *SS"cá s. n. A yoke in which un
**S* S. n. vide **S*. trained animals are placed, with those
S, *::$º s. n. 1. Relationship. 2. an already trained.
obligatory duty. 3. a right, or claim T.
*S*e s. n. The ceremony of
to possession. adj. 1. Related to. 2. naming a child.
incumbent on. 3. having a right, or *C*ē adj. Much, many.
claim. *:Sºs v. m. To be obliged,
°6 s. n. 1. Annoyance, trouble. 2
or under obligation to another. ** the front of an enemy. 3. the inclin
&Sºeb & v. a. To oblige, or place ed pit near a deep well, down which
another under obligation. bullocks are driven, to raise the
Żyw:5 113 º:3-to

water, by a pulley, ºbº Soč, v. a. her husband. vide &eecă. 25°58558

To kill. º
& A man's brother in law, either old
*& s. n. 1. A line, row, rank, or er, or younger, than himself.
range. 2. an army. 3. the evolution, *3) s. n. A well.
or exercise, of troops. 27°&S"oğ *558"exº s. n. A gold chain,
s. n. Infantry. `83& To load, suspended as an ornament from the .
as a gun, &c. tip of the ear. It is worn by men only.
T. *&#3) or zy"S*6 s. n. Long **b* s. n. plu. Ornaments worn
cloth; a technical term, applied in by female Hindoos, on the tip of the
India to a particular kind of cotton ears

cloth, woven in long webs. *č) or ºS’K v. a. To eat by

*ö5 s. n. A candy, the greatest large handfuls.
Teloogoo weight, equal to about 500
lb. avoir. *ē& s. n. A male cat.
**) adj. l. Young, tender. 2. pue *ēS&^{}ožov. n. To be solita
rile, childish. 3. foolish. s. n. 1. A ry, or deserted. -

woman. 2. a girl under eight years of *Nº s. n. 1. A tear. 2. rheum. es

age. *e Scès s. n. 1. A boy, or Sočºvex Tears of joy. *
infant. 2. a fool.
TUD. ºr s. n. (from s. Wºº') 1. A
*ostºyº s. n. A pigeon, or dove. word. 2. an oath. 3. a language.
*8)oë Svex s. n. A woman in child T. *S*2 s. n. Assistance, help, aid.
bed. T.
*šº'ex s. n. 1. A penitent. 2, a
*9s s. n. A girl, under eight years deity.
of age. 25°38é5&o s. n. 1. Notoriety. 2.

*03 & &c. adj. 1. Young. 2, igno loudness in reading. º

rant. 3, obstinate. TUD. ºo s. n. (from s. zºº's )

*exces s. n. A boy, under eight The outside, ºvºº To faint,
years of age. Or SWOon.

*ēoº s. n. An aSS, 25°33 to or 25°3-woº) s. n. The arm.

*Sºo s. n. Childhood, infancy. *****cs (from s, as born.) A
*9 s. n. Sorrow, grief, anxiety. Chutriya, or one of the Raja or se
*** s. n. The son of a mother's bro cond pure Hindoo cast; as produced
ther, or of a father's sister, if older from the arms of Brumha. 25°33'03)
than one's-self. 2. a man's brother in Ornaments for the arm, vide
6 s. n.
law, if vider than one's-self. 3. a wo. °ox&. 27°53v3roesºo s. n.
man's brother in law, if older than The armpit. wavasºs Close
£)? 114 3)–o

fight, personal struggle, boxing, austerity. adj. 1. Tight. 2, proud, ar

wrestling. rogant. 3. rigid, austere, rigorous.
xy-3-oesºs s. n. vide sºbe-sºo. 3)}\cºo v. n. 1. To be tight. 2. to
zyºvo 3&C&S s. n. Koomaraswa cease, or terminate. 3. to be proud,
or arrogant. ÖNotS or ã)?\oooowºo v.
my, or Kartecaya,the son of Siva.
**S* adj. 1. External, outer, a. 1. To tighten, or fasten. 2. to stop.
outward. 2. public, notorious.
oxoº. v. a. To draw, or hold in,
as the breath; to restrain any passion,
wºrs Táž Ko s. n. Balkh, a coun or emotion; to detain; to withhold.
try lying north west of Afghanistan.
T. 3)x3 & s. n. Tightness, tension, adj.
wº-sº s. n. 1. Saffron. 2. assa
foetida. 3. a horse from Balkh, consi. T. ox8.08° or Ö3 adv. Aloud.
dered as of a good breed.
posº or Đo $$$o s. n. 1. Pride, tºo-º-º-º: To vociferate.
presumption, arrogance. 2. boasting, Tup, Öº s. n. (from s. 3)\º)
vaunting. 3. ostentation. 30° Sºº Alms. Öº)"cº A beggar. ? & Y
& To vaunt, boast, or presume.
£o&$) s. n. 1. A drop. 2, semen ºS’K To beg alms. dº SoTºo
virile (modest). 3. the letter 9. 3)o
# To give alms.
Aotº.To fall in drops, as rain. T 3) º s. n. 1. Excess. 2. firmness, adv.
Te {}o 3 s. n. A metal water-pot, gener
Much, exceedingly, severely.
ally of brass or copper, but some
times also of silver or gold. T- tº sº, v. n.
To die, or expire.
{}oco& s. n. 1. The disk of the sun, T. §)-CŞo oxotó v. a. To enclose in an
or moon. 2. form, shape, or figure 3. envelope.
a reflected or represented form ; a T. &y-avč&o orá) (3"eºs s. n. 1. A herd
shadow. 4. the gourd of the Momordi of loaded cattle. 2. a heap of the
ca monadelpha. loads of cattle.
{}oººo s. n. A bad flux, or diarrhoea. s. 3) as "exºo s. m. A cat.
{}oã)š s. n. The plant termed Mo T. 3)&oššo s. n. Modesty, shame.
mordica monadelpha- T. &Y& adj. 1. Empty. 2. free, unen

gaged. s. n. Leisure. -

indigent, or poor. 2. lean from disease. O

s. 3)3"º'cèo s. n. A name of Indra.
T. $)$5&o s. n. 1. Alms. 2. begging.
©Nºor oxº s. n. 1.Tightness, ten T. §§ s. n. A child, offspring,
sion, 2, pride, arrogance. 3, rigidity," T. 98.8 s. n vide \ * , 36.
3)ešo 115 ã)?o

** v. n. 1. To drop through a hole, pecially when used to shut a door.

in a pot. 2, to die. agºas, v. n. 1. To be in a hasty
g)2Sººys & s. n. Affectation of in passion. 2. to cease entirely. 3. to be
difference; one of the branches of exceedingly tight.
amorous dalliance, or feminine ac 30°S. s. n. 1. A hole, chasm, or
vacuity. 2. a cave, or cavern. Öº
tions, tending to excite desire or
love. cºº s. n. (from s. Yoº that which
3); %S s. n. Fear. dwells.) A snake, rat, hare, mungoose,
&c.; any animal living, or burrow.
Ö3,42 s. n. Sorrow, grief, perturba ing, in holes.
£ex & "tºos v. a. To kill, or
ocºs. m. Rice; paddy deprived assassinate.
of its husk. - tº * v. n. To be suffocated. vide
305-7" s. n. A peg, or screw; especi Gºść.
ally such as tighten the strings of
musical instruments, or are used as
- ogosº S. n. A small stick, used
corks, to fasten bottles. in play.
30°S& s. n. The tree generally
&88ex s. m. plu. A necklace, worn termed the Bel. Ægle marmelos.
by Hindoo females. *: S. n. 1. Anything made in a
30&& s. n. 1. A brave man; a hero.
round, or flat, form; as a tile, a peon's
2any honorary distinction, as a star, badge. 2. a bump or swelling. .
garter, ribbon, medal, standard, &c., ** s. n. The internal spring, or
conferred for eminent services of any machinery, which gives motion to a
kind. Đº's 9 s. n. The heading, watch, an automaton, &c.
or address, of a letter, in correspon 3):38 oës s. n. A small crane.
s º
©Sºos, n. The film, or fibres, of the
£eºeº-º's or 3)eš5 adv. With o

great haste; quickly.

stalk of the water lily. Öğ 2:30 or 3)
* -

30e2SS s. n. 1. Hardness, firmness. K. G.3 &r-Sºo (from s, z, born, or

2. roughness. adv. 1. Hard, firm. 2. s. Q3) & "S a flower.)The lotus.8%
rough. 8 s. n. An assemblage of lotus flowers.
ãoºoºoºo s. n. plu. A species of fire tº s. n. The cross stick at a door,
work. &c., by which blinds or tats are fas
*::: s. n. 1. Hardness. 2. haste, tened.

speed. 3. a large piece of wood, es * RJ') v. n. To be dislocated.

#)-5°o 116 2x)&

%xsº s. n. 1. A lock. 2. a key. ðeº adj. Excessive; as flºor:

Excessive heat.
& s. n. 1. Cause, origin in gene
ral. 2. semen virile. 3. the testicle. 4. Öeº v. n. To be disgraced,
the seed of plants, &c. 5, the mystical spoiled, or ruined. *

letter, or syllable, which forms the *OK s. n. 1. A long deep basket, of

essential part of the Mantra of any wicker work. 2. half a bullock load;
was applied to jaggory and similar sub
deity. &sºs s. n. The seed ves. stances. 3, a pot with a narrow mouth.

sel of the lotus. ãº-sysSo s. n. A *ś s. n. An aromatick powder. 29

field ploughed, or harrowed, after Jºcàs s. n. A man who deals in,
sowing. or makes, this powder.
$2.5 So &c. adj. Sprung from a *čex s. n. plu. Ornaments worn on
good family. -
the tip of the ear by Hindoo females.
Öeš s s. n. A chink, crack, or open
*3 S. n. 1. The cheek; the inside of

ing, àes Sºcº v. n. To crack. the cheek. 2. a bubble of water. 3. a

Öº s. n. making in the inflex sing. spring of water. 4. the source of a
river, &c.
$8, and in the nom, plu. ăş >
*º s. n. Cinder, ashes, dust.
Waste or uncultivated land. adj. -D Co

Base, low. - Tud. 2x2.5& s. n. (from s. 362.) The

TU p. 66 s. n. (from s $9) Fear.
T. #8 adj. 1. Poor, needy. 2. pitiable, wgaok v. a. 1. To caress, of ſon
piteous. s. n. A poor person. #):56 dle. 2. to cajole, or wheedle.
5&o s. n. Poverty. T.
*# s. n. A basket of wicker work.
㺠s. n. Disgust, abhorrence. T. axºsé7 s. n. The plant termed
adj. 1. Detesting, loathing, changed Bryonia callosa. Its fruit is a com
or averted in mind. 2. cruel, mischie mon Hindoo pickle.
vous. 3. compassionate. 4 wicked. 5. *NTS"ex) s. n. The place where the
envious top of the ear joins the head.
T. $887 s. n. The vine of the acutean T. *wē7 s. n. Half of a bullock load;
gled cucumber. Cucumis acutangulus. as applied to that only which con
tud. É8:30 s. n. (from s. 58) 1. He sists of two large leathern jars, or
roism, fortitude, bravery. 2. ostenta
tion. 3. vaunting, boasting. 2x33 s. n. 1. The swelling from a
T. 5*oºr v. a. To amass; to collect blow. 2, knots, or joints, in a cane.
in a heap. ex,&x,&53
ex-Evo& or exºşeş
rwº U -
2XS & 117
qº * &
°F"9% s. n. A certain class of Soo puberty. wºos & &c. adj. Wise,
dras, who dress themselves fantasti sensible, clever. sabºws,
cally, in many old clothes, and pro This is not proper for you.
fess fortune telling; they beat a Se
*9&y& s. n. A bubble.
small drum, of the noise of which
this word is an imitation. *ścºy cº s. n. An emerald.
. . exºS8 s. n. A child. exºcºo s. *Scès or exScº s. n. The planet
n. A male child. Mercury. 2)08535°5&o or 20& Ryvö
*ossex, s. n. A particular sort of So Wednesday.
paddy. *A*s, n. The root of a tree.
*ś s. n. 1. The disease termed the *%& s. n. Hunger... evº&sº
rupture. 2. a bubble of water. adj. &c. adj. Hungry.
Ruptured. ex: Aoºs v. n. To be *98 Sº s. n. (from A. &#3) A co
swelled. Soš) &awgºo +$o Sº So vering; a veil.
The face to be swelled. *ētēoº v. a. 1. To disregard, or
- avgº's 8+ºğ's. n. The smooth slight. 2. to transgress an order.
leaved heart pea. Cardiospermum ha *NS&C& s. n. A man whose occu
licacabum. Lin. The leaves of this pation is wicker work.
plant are used as a purgative medi
T. *NSö or 2×3 s. n. Mud, mire, aw
cine. &ösſº, The plank in the ground,
across the threshold. 2008&Koč2 A
*śćeºs s. n. A tick, infesting
animals. puddle. *wēś&# Ploughed and
Te *ś S. m. 1. A pot, with small mouth. irrigated ground, ready for the seed.
2. a bottle. . *SS" s. n. A large kind of auger.

** or awg s. n. 1. Intellect, sense, expeº?” s. n. (from A. j3)A bastion.

understanding. 2. knowledge, wis Te *Nº
ed s. n. A nut, or shell; generally
dom. 3. advice, admonition, repri -

applied to the nut of a fruit, such as

mand. 4. inclination, wish, disposi , the cocoanut, &c., after the inner
tion. 5, thought. *śs 1. To substance has been scooped out. ºr
admonish, exhort, or "advise. 2. to
reprimand, or chastise. wº-se S.
8's "cºw? The empty shell of a
-o very large species of the long gourd,
n. Stupidity. wºrk, To which, being dried, is used, as blad
come of one's-self to one’s senses. ders, in crossing, or swimming over,
*3&& 1. To have the use of rivers. adj. Open, as applied to the
one's reason, 2, to reach the age of nostril only, ºgº (from T. &

2Xyrotºş 118 2yrº)

§ the nose.) The nose with open Écºs lord.) Siva ; as presiding over
mostrils. demons.
. 29eoš 8 s. n. A hatchet, or axe. -6 -0
es) —o > T. 2N-2 s. n. Mildew, mould. 2xº~2* or
T. ever-5 s. n. A nose ring.
wº v. n. To become mildew
T. ex8)cºo v. m. To rejoice in expecta
ed, mouldy, or musty.
tion of any thing. expex 3) s. n. Re
***śºo s. n. 1. A lie, or falsehood.
joicing in expectation of any thing. 2. deceit. - *

- *g or awa stoº S. m. Membrum vi

T. 2xvā'ā or wr-g s. n. Ashes. ºxy-3
Töö Cas-SSO-Ash colour. 2N-à-36Rºy.
- ax's S s. n. Food, victuals, boiled rice.
S. n. A tax payable for permission to
aws& s. n. (from t. Š23:3)
burn a corpse.
eating.) The ceremony of feeding a TUD. ºxy"& So s. n. (from s. *S*ē) A
child for the first time. demon, devil, or evil spirit.
- avssoooo or *Bºx. Sºo s. n. A T. 2NT"& s. n. Obscenity; obscene abuse.
peculiar ceremony, performed on the T, 2NT"5 s. n. Ashes of dung eakes.
fourth night of the marriage. T. wrºee> v. n. To become mildew
. 2x 3 s. n. in theatrical language only, ed, musty, or mouldy.
A younger sister. " 2xº~ 3 s. n. The day sacred to Siva,
. 29.3 s. n. Hissing; the noise of ser in the month of Magha.
pents, ºssº or 2062x3eſvöS TUD. oxyvºo s. n. (from s. 36-390) 1. The
To hiss. earth. 2. land, soil.
. 2305&o s. n. 1. Chaff, husk. 2. the T. 2x-ºvex s. n. plu. Fictions; fibs.
thick part of curds. | T. exº~8 or 2N-6X s. n. A blowing horn.
. 20% s. n. Ashes covering live coal. aw-68°sº, s. n. A conch, *čx
$J"& To blow a trumpet. -

. exºsº v. n. To be slightly dis

graced, or spoiled. w"Seº v. n. To evince partiality,
or favor. -

... ºººo s. n. A ball of forced meat. Te w-ºxºş, s. n. The silk cotton

ºxö s. n. 1. Grain mixed with dirt
tree. ex '89%)os The gum of that
and dust, after thrashing, and before
being winnowed. 2. cobwebs, dust. tree. ~~&Xà3) The name of one of
-6 –6. the seven dwipas, into which the
Tup. zy-ºo-oxyviº or 2N-23S0 s. n. Hindoos divide the known world.
(from s, & "3) A demon, devil, or T. ex-Tö s. n. A sort of sweet cake.
evil spirit. ~~&eºcºs (from T. T. exº~8) adj. Sapless, juiceless.
739&S 119 3 *
wº s. m. A cobweb. T. 3×3 s. n. Fear. v. n. To be afraid.
•yoč$o s. n. A heap, multitude, zºo v. n. To be afraid.
quantity, or aggregation. T. *& S. n. The indian crane.
•yo~& S. n. 1. A deity, or im -6 –6.

mortal. 2. a chief. 3. a handsome man.

ºgºs. h. A small hole agº.”
*yoº’s R& s. n. A raised piece of & or $oº Tobore a hole.
ground, inside of a house, within
*šoº v. a. To drive before one.
which the Hindoos of the Vishnoo T. *333, S. m. l. Hardness, stiffness,
sect raise, and preserve, the purple rigidity. 2, severe language; violence,
stalked basil, Ocimum sanctum, a plant
sacred to that deity.
23 & adj. l. Scarce, rare. 2. intolera
•yo?"5& s. n. The roar of the ele ble, insufferable. 33's e3+S To cause
intolerable suffering.
*yº-3 s. n. 1. A large lute. 2. a small
kind of egg plant. Solanum melongena. 73%CX3 adj. Great, big, large.
*})*& adj. Great, large. s. n. The %5 s. n. Evil, misfortune, trouble,
disease termed the rupture. embarrassment, difficulty.
•yº-ºck, s. n. The god of fire. 3áctºo v. n. 1. To be spoiled, or
*Q3) &CŞs,n. A name of Indra. ruined. 2. to separate, or part.
•yºyº s. n. 1. The regent of the *śs. n. A clod of earth.
planet Jupiter, identified astronomi 3.22% or Žeoš v. n. To be sprain
cally with the planet itself. In my ed. s. n. A sprain.
thology, he is the son of Angirasa, 3rox3 s. n. Beauty.
and the preceptor of the gods. 2. the 3e39NSex, s. n. The cross bamboos
name of a saint, and lawgiver. 2);3° used in erecting a pandal, or tempo
Kyö ~& Thursday. rary building made of bamboos and
. Sočºe» v. n. 1. To be afraid. 2, to
ºš s. m. The breadth of the four
fingers of the hand.
3o45; s. n. The plant termed Hi TUD. ººo s. n. (from s. #Us) ) P.
biscus escalentus, a common Hindoo
vegetable. CNº. H. vº! A rattan cane. &
. ºozºos. n. The shrub termed Æschy &-e? or scº To plait the
—o º
nomine aspera. The white and light
corky wood of this shrub is used in rattan. ºew's A rattan mat.
making artificial birds, flowers, and te
ºš s. n. Any thing rising up, or
other toys. coming off, in flakes.
32; 120 23%

Ž3& or 23&S s. n. 1. Fear, fright, T. *Sorºs s. n. A sort of carp, Cy

alarm, terror. 2. a start. v. n. 1. To prinus chrysoparius.
be afraid, to fear. 2, to start, ºbois *ść"ºcess. n. 1. A demon, or evil
or 3850°S v. a. 1. to frighten, al spirit. 2. a dead body, occupied by an
arm, or terrify. 2. to startle. ºboš) evil spirit. •
s. n. 1. Frightening. 2. startling. T. 3a s. n. Purging, looseness of the
32x)') s. n. A royal tiger. bowels. 38's 83's adj. Purgative.
736& s. n. The bark of a tree. –o

23öckºo v. a. To attain, or reach. #8& s. n. 1. A mean, or mischie

vous, person. 2. mischief, trick.
388 adj. Timid.
73&$3 s. n. Distance, reserve, cold #53 s. n. 1. Traffic, trade, com
ness, indifference. adj. Distant, unso merce. 2. a bargain. 3. the offer of a
cial, cold, indifferent. price. 387'cºs s. n. Apurchaser, or
T. *gº S. n. 1. Jaggory, or coarse buyer.
treacle; molosses. 2. membrum virile, 3& s. n. The body.
as applied to children only. . *ě Foºs. m. The Beri cast. This
380% v. a. To coax, or wheedle. is one of the subdivisions of the third
agočºvºe» Sweet words; coax pure Hindoo tribe. They are mer
ing expressions. chants, or banyans, and assume the
T. 38% s. n. A glimmering light. title of Chitty; but they all belong to
T. §§§ v. n. vide 3e3S. s. n. vide the left hand sect, and are quite dis
35&. tinct from the Comtees, or Chittys of
º:Fºo: s. n. plu. A cast of the right hand sect.

fishermen, or palanquin bearers.
37-5 s. n. (from H. JLº.) A per
G. #8. s. n. (P. cº 1. The total,

or aggregate, of an account. 2. the as

son forced to work, with, or without, sessment on a country.
pay ; a pressed cooly, or porter. This T. &e s. n. A simple, ignorant person.
word seems to be derived from the
P. J |S. Cs? unemployed; it having T. #oo s. n. A deception, or trick. Eš

been the custom of the mussulman

exiē)i&) v. a. To deceive, trick, or
beguile. -

government to press all idlers, as

coolies. #s6 s. n. An ornament worn by fe
male Hindoos, on the outside of the
T. ºcès s. n. vide 3 ºs.
T. #3 s. n. The thirty-second part of nostril.
the coin termed a pagoda. 3% adj. Odd ; not even ; as applied
3390 s. n. plu. Split pulse, to numbers only. 23?)s oë33exºS
25°oč 121 25*$3

Siva ; as having an odd eye. He has *očoº s. n. plu. The great millet,
three of them. Kb3? The game of not yet deprived of it's husk.
odds and evens. *** s. n. 1. A small pit, or hole. 2.
tud. 3&F-8sº s. n. (from s. ayº-Ky. a small palmyra tree. *osiº’s s:
***śsº) Thursday. n. A kind of film, or cotton, which is
. 39 adv. vide excooë2. found on the young palmyra leaves.
. 30% or 3-5-3 s. n. (from II. 25°očº To have holes. 25°o:525"
cºſ jº) A wandering religious
^*S To bore holes.
mendicant, practising austerities. *Toº s. n. 1. A jacket, with
. 3ex s. n. vide º oxex).
- Y arms which do not reach below the
elbow. 2. armour, mail.
T. §§º s. n. The bridge of the Veena, 25°oà s. n. The human body.
or Hindoo lute.
*"ošēex, s. n. plu. The natives of
25°oš s. n. A lie, falsehood, or falsi
the Bondelee country.
ty. v. n. 1. To lie, or assert falsely. 2.
to pretend. 25°ošois v. a. To de *** s. n. 1. A parcel of threads.
ceive, or trick. 2-growing corn dried up, from want
25°oxö& s. n. A playing top. of moisture, adj. Big, heavy.
*"oºs. n. 1. Alarge hollow bamboo. *"oºs. n. 1. The edible inner sub
2. a bamboo whistling, or rattling, stance, or heart, of the plantain tree.
in the wind. 3. a pole. *we &Svox, 2. the string for fastening a jacket.
A palanqueen pole. ***ox, A *oš8 adj. Full, complete.
tent pole. S&S 25°ox. A bamboo *... s. n. 1. Any round small hole ;
especially such as are made by rats,
pole. *oº) To become hoarse.
and other similar animals, which
. 25°oč-25°očºvić, or *o-stax's
burrow in the ground, or are bored
s. n. The stocks in which petty sº
in a stick, &c. 2. a mouthful.
criminals are confined.
38° A particular species of snake.
T. “”oë s. n. 1. A quilted jacket. 2. a *š-ššº s. n. 1. A treasury. 2, a
ragged patched cloth. money bag.
T. 25"oë S-3 s. n. A raven. *g_ adj. 1. Sunk in. 2. toothless.
T. *oë Cºooo s. n. A kind of light 3 humpbacked; as sº Trº A
red stone. toothless mouth. *# sº, A

*osecesºs S. n. A particular sunken chest, or humped back.

*pecies of the plantain tree, produc *3_ ** s. n. A small parcel.
ing fruit of a very large size, T. Sº U v. a. To stuff the mouth with

*S** 122 25°º)

any dry grain, &c., and eat it vora. . *ěš s. n. The knot, or excrescence,
ciously. on trunks of trees.
. 25°& Sos.n.The pin in wooden shoes,
25° -U-
35 s. n. 1. A gram, or corn bag.
2. a bucket, for drawing water from a which goes between the great toe and
well. 3. a leathern bag, for baling the that next it, and which, by means of
water out of a boat, &c. a button at its top, enables the toes
25"X&ex s. n. plu. vide ºxéex. to grasp the shoe.
25°º s. n. Charcoal. - *: s. n. The navel, *ś * &

The double jasmine.

25°48') s. n. A quantity of hair; wool.
–5 . 25°237 s. n. A small leathern jar,
25°º) s. n. 1. A particular fish. 2. a filled with any liquid. In the plural,
this word also denotes - 1. A sort of
large pot, or jar, with its upper part
taken off horizontally. cake. 2. dry grain deprived of the husk.
. 25° tº s. n. A hole in any metal vessel,
25°23’Nô s. n. A lover, paramour, or &c.
gallant. . 25°37′ adv. Entirely, wholly, com
*gs. n. 1. The belly. 2. a pot belly. pletely, perfectly.
• 25°3 s. n. The name of the places in
*g-ºx, or ** The belly to a river, or creek, where small vessels
become large. - -
are fastened, and get repaired, in the
25°855 resses,
ū) ex) - eX) or manner of a dock.
- arães or *goš S. n. The insect
*E*@* . . . The dumb. termed the cockroach.
2. the great toe.
25°43′o s. n. A pimple. . 25"Koč3& v. n. To be encompassed,
*g S. m. A large cylindrical basket, or surrounded.

for grain, &c. . ***N s. n. The swelling arising from

25°º's. n. 1. A drop. 2.an ornamental a blow.
round patch of gold, &c., worn on 25*) s. n. 1. A loud noise, or dis
the forehead by Hindoo females. 3. turbance. 2. a blister, or pustule. 25°
the sectarial mark worn on the fore
*Yºos & s. n. (from Tud. As sºo
head. 4. vide *03's. *śsº a beast.) A lion. 23"zybowº v. n.
To tie the Grözy"º; to marry. To cry, or call out.
T. 25"; s. n. A child, or infant. • **)3 s. n. The rind, or bark, of
T. 25**: s. n. An honorary sirname, as roots, &c.
sumed by certain Wydica bramins. • **Y*T s. m. plu. A black species
zSºcg 123 25° rº

of the pulse termed Dolichos catiang. T. * 5 s. n. A bone.

*&yº's "cº s. n. An ornament S. *r- tošo s. n. vide sº S.
worn by Hindoo females on their toes. TUD. *xºs-o: S. n. plu. (from s.
25°S s. n. The eye-brow. 25°59:30& **x enjoyment.) This is the collec
Knitting the eye-brows, in anger. tive term for that classof women who,
25°30's s. n. A bone. vide ºs. in India, are generally termed danc
25°303s & or 25°º,áššo s. n. in99irls. They are of different casts,
A helmet. and religions; but the profession of
Tud. 25°S, s. n. (from s. (ºys.") allis dancing, singing, and prostitu
Brumha, the creator. . tion. An individual female of this
*& s. n. 1. An image, or statue. kind is termed *xsºrs, 25°x
2. a picture. 3. a puppet or doll. 4. an &°, or 25*Xo3. 25"xsºrse, A
idol not consecrated. 5. vide 25°3$o. dance by these females.
T. 25°A s. n. The day preceding the
*šº, bºs. n.(from t. 9º a house.)
poongal feast, or any other great
A doll house. 25°3,erºes s. n. An
Hindoo festival.
exhibition of puppets, moved by
25°ces adj. Like, resembling, equal
to. s. n. A woman.
25°87 s. n. A hoe, used for digging
*::ex, s. n. plu. Particular animals
up grass.
25°8o33-25°e3OS3 or sº s. n. A of that class which generally have
hole; such as is made by large rats, horns, but which themselves have
In One,

25°&X\exp s. n. plu. Fried grain. 25°3 adj Bald, shaven. s. n. 1. Any

25°&S s. n. A wide mouthed ear person whose head is bald, or has
then pot, for frying grain. been shaven; as a Hindoo widow, or
T. *:: s. n. A pot belly. some of their religious mendicants. 2.
25°3 s. n. The white leprosy, adj. vide 25°ré No. 1. 25°303 or 25°3
Spotted white. #& To shave. *āāºš A bul
lock, without horns. sº A.
25.35.& s. m. wide sº. house, without an upper story.
25°º s. n. A lie, or falsehood. adj.
False. v. n. 1. To tell lies. 2. to boast. *** s. n. 1. A tender bodied fe
male ; as 3Jº 25°.3 A female whose
**o-e A liar. -
body is as tender as flowers. 2. the
*cs s. n. 1. A pot. 2. a native ship,
payment of ready money, by the first
or vessel. i
customer who bargains in the course
25** 124

of a day, with any shop-keeper. Un T. 25.85 Xº S. n. A female slave.

til a Hindoo shop-keeper gets paid in T,
25°530 s. n. Food, boiled rice.
ready cash by some one, for the pur T. *K, s. n. A trap.
chase made by him, he deems it in
T. *cº-cºs s. n. A huntsman, or
auspicious to give goods on credit ;
and in reply to a customer asking
goods on credit, will say Ry-SSoºyos' **os s. n. 1. A title assumed by
25°3′s & I have not yet had the mootaraja, and the palanqueen
25°23. bearer casts. 2. a palanqueen bearer.
& s. n. I. The coarse sack cloth, *~& s. n. A title assumed by
in which leathern oil bottles are plac the cast of cow-keepers, or shepherds.
ed, when loaded on a bullock. 2. 25°8 s. n. The breast, or bosom. **
care. 3. nourishing. ö?\exp or asºcos v. n. 1. To lie on
25°. s. n. 1. A small water channel. the face, or breast. 2. to be turned
2. the wooden capital of a pillar. 25.6 topsyturvy. asºcº, or asºos -

T.S."&S The lower part of the door v. a. To turn topsyturvy.

frame, placed in the ground, at the *&5 adv. With great haste, speed,
threshold. Sº ride 25°3No.2.
Or nolse.
25°; s. n. 1. Wisdom, intellect, un
asº adj. Hollow.
derstanding. 2. awakening, arousing. **C. s. n. A broken earthen vessel.
*:S s. n. 1. Instruction, teaching.
2. persuasion, exhortation. 3. advice,
admonition. 4. excitement, induce
ment. SºCº A person who
: 25.8% adj. Toothless.
**S*s. n. A copper, or brass, pot;
in shape like a bason.
(ºy & or (°) Šošºv. n. 1. To live,
teaches, persuades, admonishes or
cxcites. 25°3:32:3 Or 25°xe:) V. Il.
exist, or subsist. 2. to survive. 3. to be
To be understood, or become intelli delivered, or saved. s. n. vide ºčos.
gible. 25°3 - še tº or Häcº or 25° Ç) &šº (from T. 33% a
road.) The means of livelihood. (º)
§o S v. a. 1. To render intelligible;
to explain, to inform. 2. to persuade *303 v. a. 1. To restore, or save,
or exhort. 3. to advise, or adomish. life; to resuscitate, or revive; to save,
4. to excite, or induce. or deliver from danger. 2. to support,
°ºs s. n. A female fortune teller. maintain, or nourish.

25°º USyss& s. n. The holy fig

se \@y & Cº. s. n. The sun.
tree. Ficus religiosa. T. Cºo㺠s. n. The plant
Gºvāº; 125
termed Jamaica yellow thistle. Arge Hindoos believe that a small hole ex
mone mezicana. ists on the top of the head, at the
Q,&#&#º s. n. The opposite birth of a child, which only gradually
leaved fig tree. Ficus oppositi foliis. closes. Sy <<gs S. Ile The
(ºyº s. n. A tree so called. study ofthe Vedas. ©jºs ºs- ŠSo
Újº, s. n. 1. Brumha, the first deity S. n. Holiness, resulting from the stu
of the Hindoo triad, and the opera dy, and observance of the Vedas. (*)
tive creator of the world. 2. an offici *: *a*ašº Identification with

ating priest. ejº S. n. The Brumha. (ºjºs-Gyº The sa

Brumhachari, or religious student; crificial or sacred thread, worn by
the young bramin, from the time of
his investiture with the sacred cord,
bramins. ojº.cºo s.n. The joining
both hands together,whilstreading the
to the period of his becoming a house Vedas. (3) *** S. n. 1. The female
holder; it is also applicable to a per
son who continues with his spiritual energy of Brumha. 2. a sort of per
teacher, through life, studying the
fume. ojºs s. n. Brahmani
Vedas, and observing the duties of cide; the slaying of a bramin. (ºjšºo
the student; it is also given as a title & s. n. The globe, the world; lit.
to Pundits, learned in the Vedas; the egg of Brumha. adj. 1. Excessive,
immense. 2. terrible, dreadful, awful.
and to a class of ascetics; by the
Tuntras, it is assigned to persons 3. pompous.
whose chief virtue is the observance • (ºjº S. n. The divine cause, or
of continence; and it is assumed by essence, of the world, from which all
many sects of religious vagabonds. created things are supposed to ema
\ºyºs *Sº &c. adj. Relating to, nate, and finally to return; the un
or connected with, a bramin.(ºjº, known god. 2. the practice of austere
*S*s. n. Identification with Brum. devotion. 3. the Vedas, or scripture.
ha, or god. Usy & F& s. n. A 4, holy knowledge.
name of Vishnoo, as having produced 25 <-,50 s. n. 1. Silver. 2. brass.
from his navel the lotus, whence \º/ cö adj. Great, large, big.
Brumha arose to create the world. vide T. CŞ"Că).
Ç) #: @ Úsº S. n. A sort of poi - \º, §ºcão s. n. A man of the
son. Vºy $º) \9, & s. n. A name first Hindoo tribe, or of the order of
of Narada. Qº) <-,8o Ú So s. n. priesthood; abramin. Sº/ *: e3s.
The crown, or top, of the head. The n.The wife of a bramin, or a woman of

*Yox3 126 * 2:

the braminical tribe. (ºjº, cº, s.

& otokº v. a. (from s, ºoº to
§C& s. n. A bramin by birth, but break.) To beat.
not by attention to his duties; one * obºšo s. n. 1. War, battle. 2.
who subsists by avocations properly armour, mail. -

'limited to the other tribes. SJº, *otºčo s. n. 1. A treasury. 2.

tº Sºx' s. n. 1. An assembly of bra a money bag.
mins. 2. the state, quality, or busi **_ S. s. n. Manner, mode, way.
ness, of a bramin. *ś. Sºo &c. adj. I. Worshipping, 2.
Gºjº, s. n. Suruswatee; the god- | zealous, devout, pious. 3. devoted, or
dess of speech, and wife of Brumha. attached to ; engrossed by. s. n.
Food; boiled rice. i

(3,899 v. n. To become loose, or

* 8. s. n. 1. Service, worship. 2. zeal.
. (&o, oxº v. n. 1. To sink. 2. to die. devotion, piety. 3. faith, belief. 4.
exy & or º, º s. n. The throne, affection. 5. a part, or portion.
or seat, on which Yetti, and other *X& X s. n. The crackling of fire.
saints are said to sit. | & X&o s. n. 1. Pudendum muliebre. 2.
(25°) is v. a. To nourish, save, or prosperity, fortune. 3. beauty, splen
protect. dour. 4. excellence, greatness.
zy *YX5oºcºo or ºf X35°R&c & s. n. 1.
--eeeee God; the supreme being. 2. Siva. 3.
* The thirty-ninth letter, and twenty Vishnoo. 4. Boodha. 5. any adorable
fourth consonant, in the Teloogoo
alphabet. & XS.8 s. n. 1. The goddess Parvatee,
S. & oxsºos. n. 1. A wave.2. breaking, wife of Siva. 2. any goddess.
*Y*fe s. n. A sister.
splitting; a bit, or piece. 3. defeat, -

discomfiture, degradation. 4. a chasm, *$5&cºo s. n. A certain king,

fissure, or division. 5. dishonesty, de whose austerities brought the river
ceit, fraud, circumvention, cheating. Gunga, or Ganges, from heaven.
ºf ox3% v. n. 1. To be deceived. 2. || *** adv. Suddenly, all at once, as
to be defeated, dishonored, or degra applied to fire, or anger. wº
ded.<rox3-9 tº oxº or ºo To be afraid ; the heart to palpitate.
Xoršov. a. 1. To deceive. 2. to
*X\So adj. Broken, ruptured; over
defeat, dishonor, or degrade.
*Yo?\ s. n. Manner, mode, way.
come, defeated; disregarded. *Xºlo
*Yox$839 &c. adj. 1. Crooked, bent. *****) To be entirely ruined.

2. perishable. *** s. n. Worship, homage, adora

*as 127 *8O
tion. Yºo tºo or ººooooºo v. a. To to fear ºctoº or *****
serve, or worship; to pray. - v. a. To intimidate; to frighten.
**@ sº s. n. Any thing roasted, & 5 ºccº s. n. A potter.
on a spit; as meat, &c. 25 öroğo s. n. 1. Cherishing, main
*Y*.xlcão s. n. 1. A warrior, soldier, taining, nourishing, supporting 2.
or combatant. 2. a messenger. wages, hire. w

***ścº s. n. 1. A sage, moonee, $. * 5 gº s. n. 1. The second lunar

or saint. 2. in theatrical language, a mansion. 2. the sluice of an artificial
king. lake. 3. a small box, for jewels, &c.
*śº s. n. 1. A queen who has been * 6&CŞo s. n. 1. The younger bro
consecrated, as well as her husband ther of Rama. 2. the son of Dooshy
(a theatrical term). 2. the wife of a unta by Sacoontala. 3. the name of a
celebrated writer on dramatic compo
*ś’s n. A surname, denoting excel sition, of which he is also sometimes
lent or chief, assumed by certain considered as the inventor. 4, an actor,
learned bramins.
dancer, or mime. * 58°, º, &
*ś-ºcsorºry • n. This term is applied to the work of
ide 2) ex
vide #33.
Bkarata, which appears to have been
G. *S* s. n. Batta. wide *Tºo.
a body of Sootras, or rules, relating to
& © *9 s. n. A name of Parvatee, every branch of theatrical writing and
wife of Siva. exhibition. It is said to be lost, but is
* Úsº s. m. 1. Care, attention, constantly quoted by the commenta
tors on the Natacas, or Indian dramas.
precaution, watchfulness. 2. safety,
security. 3. happiness, prosperity, for *8. SS * ... n. A sky-lark.
tune, adj. 1. Careful, attentive, watch
25 8-Sºcº s. n. A saint, so called.
ful. 2. safe, secure. 3. happy, prospe
rous, lucky, propitious. interj. Take & & adj. 1. Much, excessive. 2.
care! beware! be on your guard heavy.
*& Sösº s. n. A dagger. . $85,330 s. n. (H. (~ 354)
**) $ 8 tašo s. n. Shaving. Trust, confidence, dependence on,
* cºsº s. n. Fear, alarm, fright, faith. 2. an assurance, or pledge of
dread, timidity. Yokºos &-ºoººo good faith.
S$ sº or 3 cºv$3~$o adj. Terri ºbots or *ēowoº v. A. l. To
fic, fearful, formidable, frightful, carry a load 2 to bear, or sustain. 3.
dreadful. & Cº. To be afraid; to maintain, or support.
** 128 *x

*85&o &c. adj. 1. Full, filled, com *S*S** s. n. 1. prosperity, welfare.

pleted. 2. nourished. 2. rank, distinction.
*ššo s. n. Light, lustre. *ěššo adj. Prosperous, happy,
*ścº S. n. A name of Siva. well, right.
* {}c & s. n. A name of Siva.
& 3 s. n. 1. A husband. 2. a lord, or
ImaSter. **Sº adj. 1. Happy, auspicious,
* † ys-633& s. n. in theatrical prosperous. 2. beautiful, handsome.
language, A young prince, designat 3. well, proper, fit. 4, future.
ed as the successor, and associated to & KS So s. n. A dog. & && So s. n.
the empire. The barking of a dog.
* :yºs-es s: n, in theatrical lan & Sesos. n. A large kind of black
guage, A princess. -

ºësº s. n. Ashes.
ºs-Sºo s. n. Threat, menace. & Š jor Gº Ś s. n. A bellows.
38, So s. n. Gold.
**** S. n. 1. A kind of arrow. 2. *\sJ
ºo Šc:S A bellows-blower.

a bear. & K, sº S. n. 1. Ashes. 2. calx.

& eºs or ºxº s. n. The *& eo or && eosº s. n. Eating,
marking-nut plant. Semicarpus ana
feeding. **śsº &c. adj. Eaten.
zy&Sº S. n. 1. Dressed food; food.

**śsº or & ex's Ko s. n. A bear. 2. a cake, & 3.0% v. a. To eat.

*oššo s. n. 1. An earthen pot. 2.
*W*-38-398 or 38 interſ, ex any vessel. 3. capital, principal. 4.
pressive of praise, or commendation. harness.
* Säcºšo &c. adj. Your's, your *o-G"Tºo s. n. 1. A store room,
honor's, &c.
a place where household goods are
*SS& s. n. A house, or dwelling. kept. 2. a treasury.
? & s. n. 1. Being, existing, the *Xàoº s. n. Fate, destiny,
self support of something already luck.
produced. 2. birth. *X&o s. n. 1. A portion, share, or
* Rºſsº adj. Like you. part. 2. a side, ºxê A partner. S"
* Sº s. n. The name of Parvatee, &Sºxswo The various depart
the wife of Siva. ments of business. "Y"NotS v. a. To
***Sº adj. Future, about to be. divide or distribute. Øy"Tºº So s. n.
***Sºrces The future tense. Subtraction, or division, in arith
, TVºy 120 wº
metic. *77°50'S To subtract, or *P \ºy <-38& S. n. The son of
a virtuous and loyal wife.
*XSãºo s. n. 1. The famous *Koçºs s. m. The sun. Yºo-sº
Hindoo poem termed the Bhagwat sº s. n. (from s. 5-5 a day.) Sun
Geeta. 2. a dramatic representation day.
of any part of the various incidents ** or ºf s. n. I. A passionate
celebrated in that work. ºx:5&c woman. 2. a woman.
* s. n. 1. A pious man. 2 in the *č & So s. n. The Mahabarat, or
plural, it also denotes actors. great sacred epic poem of the Hin
*WSox s. n. A sister's daughter. doos.

*W*C* s. m. A sister's son. *&^ s. n. 1. A name of Surusuater,

*83 s. n. The river Ganges. the goddess of speech. 2. speech.
W’ Sº s. n. 1. Destiny, fortune, wºsz. Sºcº S. n. 1. A moonec,
good or ill luck. 2. prosperity, felici , so called. 2. Drona, the military pre
ty. 3. riches, wealth. wºx$5 oš So ceptor of the Cooroos, and Pandoos.
&c. adj. 1. Fortunate, happy, pros *čSo s. n. & adj. vide 2) expº). 2. Sº
perous. 2. rich, wealthy. bºrº-5-ºxºo To throw the
wºssº s. n. Any vessel, as a pot, responsibility on one. 29% º
cup, plate, &c. -
Töoš. The body to be oppressed
G. *** s. m. A road. wºss or
by sickness. *880 tº or ººoºo
*****ě A traveller. vide ºve). To be ill, from overwork. SKQL
*ššo s. n. Price, especially paid 8&o R$7.5-8:30 ºrca The onus of
for the use of any thing, or person ; supporting me is yours.
wages, hire, rent. *Soº s. n. A pole, or yoke, for
. Wºos s. n. A sort of dramatic carrying burdens.
entertainment, described as one in avà adj. (from H. &J'aº)" Great,
which the interlocutors do not. ap
pear on the scene, or as the narrative
tall. 2. important.
of some intrigue, told either by the *śćy CŞo s. n. A diamond.
hero, or a third person. zºº S. n. 1. Lutchmee, the goddess
Wºy & s. n. The sixth Teloo of riches. 2. Parvatee, the wife of
goo lunar month; that in which the Siva. 3. Suruswatee, the goddess of
moon's change takes place, when the speech.
sun is in Virgo. s
wº S. n. 1. A name of Para

*> 130 *%
soorama. 2. a name of Soocra, or the organs of the body. 9. the abstract
planet Venus. -
idea conveyed by any word. 10, the
*8S s, n. A wife. simple idea derived from the root, as
*Y*ē)So s. n. The forehead. expressed in one class of derivatives,
*5 s. n. The eighth year, in the as a going, a doing, &c. 11, advice, in
Hindoo cycle of sixty. struction. Jºã) 959 v, a 1. To in
*5 s. n. vide 25°35. teod, or mean. 2. to fancy, or ima
*55 s. n. 1. Mental perception, gine. 3. to figure, or imagine, to one's-
self. -

recollection, the present conscious

G. :)"3) s. n. vide 25°3).
mess of past ideas, or perceptions. 2.
religious and abstract meditation. s. ** adj. Future.
tºw'ss-wºok. To view, or s.s. *ēs & adj. vide ºssº.
ºcão s. n. A sister's husband.
consider, in the light of a child. *
$533,5°K. To imagine, or figure, s. Wºs s. n. 1. Speech. 2. Suruswatee,
to one's-self. -
the goddess of speech. 3, a language.
*5&s. n. 1. State, or condition, of 4. the dialect of any language. **o
& V. a. To speak, converse, or talk.
being 2 natural state of being;innate
property, disposition, nature.3. mean *5׺ s. n. Speech. &vº's
ing, purpose, intention. 4. mind, soul. , or Wºotºo lit. another lan
5. state, or affection, of mind; emo guage. Interpretation, or translation,
tion, passion, sentiment, especially as from one language into another. S"
an object of amatory and dramatic <tos s. n. Speech.
poetry; two kinds of Bhavas are usu T. Wºº-sº s. n. 1. An ornament worn
ally enumerated, Sthayi, and Vyabhi on the head, on certain festivals. 2.
chary; the first of which comprehends sitting cross-legged. -

eight varieties, and the second thir

ty-three. The list blends both feel s: W*śSº s. n. A commentary, but
particularly the explanation and ap
ings and effects; and sorrow and sleep
and passion and death, &e. are equal plication of a technical Sootra, or ap
ly classed amongst the Bhavas; dra horism; hence applied to many of the
matic writers add two other classes, annotations on the grammatical apho
or Anoobhava, and Veebhava. 5. birth. risms of Panini, to comments on the
l'édas, &c.
6. act, action. 7. movement, gesture.
8. corporeal expressions of amorous s. Wºo s. n. 1. Light, brightness,
sentiments, or love of which the ori lustre. 2. a vulture, 3, a cock. wº-se:
gin and effects are ascribed to the v. n. To shine,

§§ 131 *58:

*Sočsºo adj. 1. Bright, shining 2. or religious mendieant; the bramin

enchanting, captivating. who has entered the fourth stage in
* d
* 8 &jºs s, n. A ruby. life, and subsists entirely on alms.
*ś. &c & s. n. 1. The sun. 2. fire. 3&T"c & A beggar.
#5 öSe &c. adj. Terrible, fearful,
*Sotº &c. adj. Luminous,
formidable, frightful.
splendid, shining. *śSočoc㺠The #9 or #6 s. n. Fear, apprehension.
Sun. -

ãočºve) sºo s. n. A short arrow, #be or #9% v. n. To be frighten

thrown from the hand, or shot through ed, or afraid. §§s &c. adj. Affaid,
a tube. frightened, fearful, timid.
? & s. n. A part, piece, portion, #sº S. n. Horror, terror, dread.
fragment, or bit. adj. Horrible, fearful, terrific.
* . . s. n. A wall of earth, or masonry. $38&s. n. War, battle.
+s -
$6 s. n. Tearing, rending. #3 *iºc & s. n. The second of the
£&8:30 or #33 s. m. The thun five Pandoo princes.
derbolt, the weapon of Indra. **& s. n. 1. A name of Siva. 2.
. §§§x &c. adj. 1. Split, broken, torn, the second of the five Pandoo princes.
rent, mutilated, disfigured. 2. divid S.
$8s & &c. or #85 adj, Timid,
ed, distinguished, other, different. 3. fearful.
blown, budded, opened. 4. joined,
connected. *tokº or *s, * S. m. Horror,
à)^_s. n. A wound. terror, dread; the property that ex
cites fear.
*:C^s. n. A barbarian of a parti.
cular tribe; perhaps the modern #s c & s. n. The grandfather of
Bheel, a savage race dwelling especi the Pandoo princes.
ally along the course of the Nurbud S -
* 5& s. n. The barking of a dog.
da, and subsisting chiefly by plunder. % Šo &c. adj. Eaten.
- 㺗 s. n. A physician, or doctor. * 3 s. n. 1. Eating. 2, food, a meal.
- ºys. n. Food, boiled rice. #)Kyº
3. possession, fruition, usufruct.
Scorched rice.
36x33 &c. adj. 1. Crooked, curv
%, or ?&o s. n. 1. Service. 2. ed, bent, bowed. 2. bending, stooping.
co o
hire, wages. 3. begging, asking. 4.
*oxsº-ºokº, or ºxº
alms. Öğ& s. n. A mendicant, or ,o
beggar. §§ocão s. n. The Sanniasy, s, n. A serpent, or snake. *oxº
23-3 132 *Gºº,

§} s. n. (from s. & which eats.) lurking in trees, animating carcases,

A peacock. and deluding, or devouring, human
CT) -

* @62;oxSc & s. n. A libertine, debau beings. 2. a demi-god. 3. a living be

chee, or lecher. ing. 4- an element, five Bhootas are
enumerated by the Hindoos, viz.
& s. n. 1. The shoulder. 2. the earth, fire, water, air, and Acasa or
arm. . .
tether, adj. Been, become, gone, past.
*62otº or ºooooºs v. a. To eat. *ě Sºesºo The past, or perfect,
**ś s. n. 1. A maid servant. 2. a tense of the verb. *S*ěščoº Uni
prostitute. - versal benevolence. **Šoššo
ºšSSo s. n. 1. A world. 2, water.
(from s. Kośs floating.) A deluge,
e55°2655So The infernal regions. a drowning of the world. & 350c
%3) s. n. The earth. -

& s. n. (from s. *ě lord.) Siva,

&" s. m. in composition. The earth; the king of demons,
as, & 's oxº~ An earthquake. ** gºv3 s. n. 1. Superhuman power, as
<sº & The terrestrial globe. ** attributable to Siva especially, and
*S*ö& s. n. A hog; as tearing up attainable by the practice of austere
the earth. & "3ºcº (from s. 35 and magical rites. 2. ashes. 3. prospe
a god.) A bramin ; as being a terres rity, success, riches.
trial divinity. & ºbsº (from s. 58 S. gºv3)0 s. n. 1. The earth, universe, or
supporting.) A mountain. The Hin world. 2, land, soil, ground. 3. a

doos believe the earth to be support place, or scite, & 'secs (from s.
ed by subterranean mountains. *
389 (from s. $9 a lord.) A king, or
g born.) The planet Mars, in mytho
logy the son of the earth.
sovereign. -

<-wºº, s. n. (from s. Sº th *Gregos s. n. Theatrical dress, the

earth, and s. Tº cº-" shade.) Dark costume of any character represented
IneSS. on the stage.
Q &-oxºs adj. Many, much, most.
*~2:30 s. n. (from s, & the earth, &vě s. m. 1. Gold. 2. a gift conferred

and s. 23 born.) A tree. at any festival, when bestowed upon

each person present, adj. Much, many.
~sº by s, n. (from s. 39°3 a 2\ºv 8:Svcºoğ) s. n. A jackal.
living being, and s. * &y a nurse.)
The earth.
~& s. n. A tree, said to be a
ŽºvščSo s. m. 1. A goblin, ghost, or sort of birch growing in the snowy
malignant spirit, haunting cemeteries,
#85 133 38
• *što s. n. Flattery, adulation, A visit, an audience; as applied to
praise, honor. &vº.o is v. a. To an inferior visiting a superior.
praise, or commend. ºw s. n. 1. Dividing, separa
*ščašo or &v=S. s. n. 1. Orna
ting; literally, or figuratively; as
ment, embellishment. 2. a trinket, or tearing, breaking, specifying, discri
jewel &ºissº &c. adj. Adorned, minating, &c. *

decorated, dressed. #& s. n. 1. Dividing, separating.

• *)ox& s. n. 1. A large black bee. 2. tearing, rending, breaking, &c. 3.
2. woody cassia.
distinction, difference. 4, kind, sort,
• *@oxºs s. m. widºoexex8. species. 5. disunion, discord, dis
. S- 3)08 or *)08842 S. m. One of agreement. #36 is v. a. To separate,
Siva's chamberlains. - divide, or disunite. 2. to break, or
s. *)^{3 s. n. 1. The name of a cele tear. 3. to pierce. v. n. 1. To differ
from. 2. to be purged. 3. to change,
brated moonee, and one of the ten
Brumhadicas or prajapatees, the sons
or alter. Waeo or *A* v. n. 1. To
be separated, or disunited. 2. to be
of Brumha and first created of beings.
torn, Or rent.
2. Soocra the regent of the planet
* Venus. 3. the Rishee Jamadugnee, #A s. n: vide 3a.
the father of Paras oorama, and the - #8 S. n. A kettle drum.
grand-son of the moonee Bhrigoo. 4. #&oãºs. n. A double headed fa
table land, the level summit of a
mountain. -
bulous bird, adj. Terrible, formidable.

s. *)0 s. n. 1. Wages, hire, salary. 2. º s. n. 1. A medicament;

maintenance, support. 3)3&c & A medicine. 2 imposture, deceit.
hired labourer, a servant, ºyº 38ssº &c. adj. Terrible, dreadful,
&c. adj. 1. Hired, paid. 2. maintained. horrible.
*A*Scº A servant, or slave. &cs s. n. A name of Siva, but
s: ºſsº adj. Much, excessive. adv. more especially an inferior manifesta
Much, exceedingly. -
tion, or form, of the deity; eight of
s: º adj. Fried. which are called by the common name
S. ºssº s. n. A frog. #3 A female 'Bhairava, and are severally... termed
frog. -
Asitanga, Ruru, Chanda, Crodha,
a. **ś S. n. (from H. Jº,23, a meeting, Unmutta, Cupati, Bhishana, and San
hara ; all alluding to terrific proper
ºr interview ; a present to a superior.) ties of mind, or body.
**ś 134 \@ oš9


- ºzºo s.

n. vide 2553.2; Sºo No. 1. || **


*8 s. n. A great, or loud, noise

- 25°oºoºo v. a. To eat from **śs
& 5 row s. m. wide ºs s.
*SoC& s. m., vide &ºo?cº, un
& q' v. der ºrvº.
35'xsº s. n. 1. Enjoyment. 2, plea #5°653C& s. n. The treasurer, or
sure. 3. wealth.4. nourishing, cherish
superintendent of gold.
ing. 5. a snake's body. 6, a snake's
expanded hood. 7. a crop. *Wołº (º, sº or @*s n. 1, whirl
ing, going round. 2. errot, ignorance,
v. a. To enjoy ; particularly as ap mistake, misapprehension, illusion.
plied to any carnal or sensual plea 3. confusion, or perplexity of mind;
Sure, -

etourdissment. 4. a temporary aberra

45°xsè s. n. 1. The capital of the tion of reason, delirium. 5. astonish
Nagas, or serpents. 2. the Ganges of ment, surprize. 6. desire, wish.cº,
the infernal regions. Scºo or Jºaº v. n. 1. To err.

*A s. n. 1. A serpent 2. a prince, 2. to be in confusion, or perploxity;

or king 3. a person who accumulates to lose one’s presence of mind. 3. to
money for particular expenditure. 4. be astonished. Ö 3XYotº or Úº
a person brought up in luxury, or oxyotº v. a. 1. To throw into confu
enjoying it. sion, or perplexity. 2. to turn round.
*As s. n. A royal concubine. v. m. l. To wander, or turn round 2.

**K$º s. n. 1. Enjoyment, or usu vide Öºsº. Sº, ºw-ee,

fruct; especially of land, &c. given Words void of reason; raving ; non
in pledge, or on mortgage. 2. a crop.
adj. Fit to be enjoyed, agreeable, (3) & eos s. n. 1. Whirling, going
delicious. round. 2. wandering.

35°2:Sº s. n. 1. Food. 2. a repast, Ú &ös &ex s. n. plu. Hair curl

or meal. 3. eating:
ed upon the forehead.
**cºs s. n. The name of a sove Ú &&. s. n. A large black bee.
reign of Oujein, who is supposed to Ö §o &c. adj. 1. Fallen. 2. figura
have flourished about the end of the tively, vicious, depraved ; fallen from
tenth century; he was a celebrated
patron of learned men, and the nine
wyess &c. adj. I. Whirled, re
gems, or poets and philosophers, are volved. 2. blundering, mistaken; un
often ascribed to his aera. der delusion, or in delirium.
*S* s. n. Food, adj. Edible. - \ºyob S. n. vide & sº.--ob
$oo 5 135 S$ocº

Ç) oë lit. vomiting and delirium. - <oxº s. n. The tree named Van

The disease in which both vomiting gueria spinosa.
and purging take place; cholera mor • Soxos s. n. An earthen vessel, in
bus, either spasmodic, or otherwise. which grain is scorched.
\ºy & s. Il, (Pyelº) A brother, . Soxo~"C& or $oxã) s. n. A bar

a uterine brother. Cºyºyºcº

ber. Koxes 3 s. n. (from r s 3 a
O knife.) A razor &oxes gºv3) The
(from s. 2; born.) A brother's son. third of the luuar mansions ; from it's
\gy,8) CŞSo &c. adj. Fraternal. similarity in shape to a razor.
&oxºsº or 3oxosº, s. n. 1. Hap
Wºjºyºs's Fraternal affec
piness, good fortune. 2. preserving
Property; taking care of what has
(* JºS s. n. 1. A brother's
been gained ; prudence, carefulness.
son, 2. an enemy. adj. Happy, lucky, fortunate, pros
\ºy ū)* s. n. A frying-pan. perous, faring well. soxº~5,
Q8, Šošc &- \º) soscºy & s. n. vide ºl **.
ŠošCŞo or \ºv, ŠošC& s, n. An S. &oxê Evēšo s. n. Tuesday.

\{*} |s. &ox*S* s. n. 1. The holy fig tree.

actor, in female apparel.
Ficus religiosa. 2. the Marmelos egle.
(36) $383 or (ºjšo 83 s. n. A frown,
adj. 1. Beautiful, handsome.2. auspici
\@Sºy s. n. (*3rºl) The eye-brow. ous, propitious, conferring happiness.
—o co

V&T') to So s. n. The embryo, or tud. Soº Soo s. n. (from s. Soo CŞ) A

foetus ; a child. bedstead, sºowºo The four
SSS pieces of wood, forming the frame of
-elſ||6|IIlle a bedstead.
& The fortieth letter, and twenty-fifth . Soº adj. 1. Good, excellent, virtu
consonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet. ous, proper. 2, handsome, pretty. 3.
fine, nice, commodious. 4. much,
T. &cº s. n. A wicked person, adj.
Wicked. great, severe, violent, heavy. So ot)&
$99. Sº s. n. A basket made of rattan adv. Very well; very good. &oºr.
work, in which water pots are placed, * A high tribe; a pure cast; a fine
when loaded on bullocks. sort, or kind. Soo ºr "So The Cobra
so ES5's S. n. The tree termed di cºpello, or hooded snake. The Hin
Pentapetes phanicea, doos term it the good spake, though
S$Soš) 136 & oº

its bite is nearly mortal, out of super heat, inflammation. S &%)$ocêo lit.
stitious dread of it; and they rather belly flame. 1. Jealousy. 2. envy. So
endeavour to propitiate it, than to *S*ě A furious, or passionate per
destroy it. &oº's Heavy rain.
&o tºº.) A violent or severe blow. &oºs & s. n. A sort of cake, made
&o ºv's lit. good oil. The oil of of wheat flour, but without sugar.
the sesamum seed. &otočSSo s. n. SoëošSo or SSSoč3So s. n. 1. A

1. Goodness, excellence. 2. reconci temporary building; an open shed, or

liation. 3. a friendly footing, or good hall, adorned with flowers, and erect
terms, with another. ed on festival occasions; as at mar
T. Sotº s. n. 1. Dew. 2. a fog, or mist. riage, &c. 2. an open temple, or open
3. snow. adj. Snowy. building, consecrated to a deity.
T. $ootºo v. a. To preserve, maintain, . & oë3 adv. vide 2) oë3.
nourish, or cherish. . Soč s. n. 1. A bough. 2. a vessel for

TUD. &oº s. n. (from s. Sooº.) 1. A

scorching grain. 3. the ankle. Šešo
§ The skull.
sort of stand, or shed, erected on four
long posts, in a field; for holding
- Kośxº s. n. The large black

persons who watch over the ripe scorpion.

grain. 2. a shelf. 3. a platform. Xäsoo &očSSo s. n. 1. Ornament, deco
* A stand; as applied to that gener ration. 2. trinkets, jewels.
ally used in Hindoo houses, for hold &o: So s. n. Scum, skimming,
ing any thing. froth, foam, barm, &c.; the upper
part of any infusion, in a state of
So 236 s. n. A compound pedicle; a boiling, or ferment. &očátēśc:S
fruit, or flower stalk.
(from s. 3.) to take.) 1. A distiller.
2. one who extracts fermented li
30-8 s. n. A certain weight, as ap
plied to diamonds only; I believe it quor from the palmyra, cocoaunt,
to correspond with a carat. date tree, &c. -

&oë& s. m. An ornament worn SočejSo s. n. 1. The disk of the

round the ankle, or toe. sun or moon. 2. an orb, a circum
O o
ference in general ; the circle boun
Sooee So or &oº adj Beauti ding the view, the sensible horizon.
ful, agreeable, pleasing. 3. a ball, a globe. 4. a wheel. 5. a

Soº"< s. n. A large basket, or box. province, region, or district, exten

Se” s. n. 1. Blaze, flame. 2. sore, or ding twenty, or according to some
acute, pain. 3. fury, wrath. 4. ardor, authorities, forty yojanas every way.
SSo..." 137 Soo&

6. the country or empire over which t. &o 3 s. n. A heap of the unthrash

the twelve princes termed Chacra ed ears of the great millet.
vurtees are supposed to have ruled. 7. & oë S& s. n. 1. A secret. 2. a
a heap, quantity, multitude, or as retreat, or concealment. 3. secret
semblage. 8. a sweet meat. 9- the consultation, private advice.
period of forty days. &or; 35.S&c 55Sočič) s. n. 1. Offence, fault, trans
& (from s. ** Sº lord.) A king, gression. 2, understanding, intellect.
or supreme prince, governing a *SoCºw s. n. 1. A division of the
&očejºo q. v. No. 5. -
Vedas; in the first or practical part,
&oã8) s. n. 1. An assembly, flock, or or Candum, it includes prayers, and
multitude. 2. a dog. 3. a cat. 4. a hymns, addressed to particular dei
snake. ties, and used as peculiar sacrifices,
. SSSočX&o s. n. The threshold.
&c.; in the Uttara Candum, it is ap
s. &oëöSo &c. adj. Ornamented, plied to addresses to Brumha, or
adorned. -

god, and to didactic explanations of

sºo’, s. n. 1. A wholesale shop. 2. his nature and attributes, &c. 2. a
an attitude in shooting; the right mystical verse, or incantation. 3. a
knee advanced, the left leg retracted. formula sacred to any individual
In the plural, it also denotes a sort deity. 4. secret consultation, private
of sweet cake. advice. 5. a charm. & 9 © ows v.a.
. &oºs v. n. 1. To blaze. 2. to smart, 1. To utter incantations; to charm,
or give acute pain. 3. to be in a fury, or enchant. 2. to advise, or give coun
or violent rage. &oão º v. a. 1. To sel. sºodººcº Or soul/R-A
inflame; to put in a blaze. 2. to put in s. n. A conjurer. So Sjöö oxº
a furious rage. Šºć)Soº v. n. lit. An amulet.
the belly to blaze or burn. 1. to be T. sooks, Tº s. n. A midwife.
jealous, or envious. 2. to be most
&o b, s. n. 1. A counsellor, or ad
severely afflicted. ºboš v. n.
viser. 2. a king's counsellor or minis
lit. the body to blaze, or burn. To feel
ter. 3. the queen at chess.
great anger. -
S. Sość s. n. A churn. SočSºo or
&ots-sº s. n. (H. Jº ***) &o Fºssºs. m. A churning stick.
A frog. $oš'3? s. n. The sea of milk. It is
&oãº"& s. n. The rust of iron, one of the seven fabulous oceans.
or refuse of melted iron. T.
&°8 s. n. A flock or herd, of cattle.
s &oº":8 s. n. The wife of Ravana. Se
&oč& &c. adj. 1. Slow, tardy. 2.
&o& f
138 S$oš

dull, stupid, heavy. 3.foolish. 4, thick. from five inclusive upwards, to make
s. n. 1. Thickness. 2, indigestion, loss them masculine or feminine ; as &
of appetite.SočAotº 1. To become očošoo88°5ex) Five gentlemen.
dull. 2. to lose one's appetite. vide &°88& s. n. 1. A house. 2. a
&BCŞ8).--&oSoc & s. n. The planet
city, or town.
Saturn, from his slow motion. Sooč
&98 s. n. 1. Medicine, physic. 2.
$)$9& A stupid person. &oë898
gunpowder, adj. Scarce. Sočej Swo
1. Dull comprehension. 2. forgetful § s. m. plu. Druggists. §3)sºoº s.
ness. Soºs"?\\ lit. dull fire. Want Il. Indigo. Sºoº. S. n. Opium. §
of appetite, or digestion. The Hin
doos ascribe digestion to internal fire, exº) or "ºssos Love-powder.
or heat. SoSö s. n. A stable.
35SočöSoo s. n. The mountain Mun . & 9733.03 s. n. 1. Negligence,
dara, with which the ocean was carelessness. 2. familiar repartee.
churned, by the Sooras and Asooras, &oS*:38 s. n. vide &oãº:8.
after the deluge, for the purpose of &os"§º s. n. Warmth, gentle
recovering the sacred things lost in it,
during that period. 2. Swurga, or the heat, adj. Warm, tepid.
solº) So S. n. A base, or low,
paradise of the Hindoos,
noise ; such as that of thunder.
&očbows v. a. To mention, say, or
&S 5oºššo s. n. The nectar, or
speak; as applied to an inferior ad
honey, of a flower.
dressing to a superior.
&očğso s. n. A high box. &s & s. n. 1. An alligator; the em
sºoººo or &oººººo s. n. blem of the Hindoo Cupid. 2. the sign
in the zodiac termed Capricornus. 3.
A smile ; a gentle laugh. one of Cubera's treasures. SS Oºoºc
&oº"Sº s. n. 1. The Ganges of & 1. The ocean. 2. the Hindoo Cu
heaven, 2. a woman sixty years old. pid. sºsºsº (from s. e3S 0.
&oº"S&o s. n. One of the five ce
horse.) Vuroona, the Hindoo Nep
lestial trees of Swurga, or heaven. tune, whose steed is the alligator. &
&ots"& s. n. Cloudy, or dark, § 6&očessex s. m. plu. A large
weather. sort of close ear-ring. &s 86°8 ra
&oº"& s. n. Modesty, shame, Sws.n. An honorary wreath or string
bashfulness. of flowers, &c., raised upon poles, and
Soã s. n. plu. People, persons; as carried in front, as an emblem of dis–
*N*&oà Many people. This term tinction.
is affixed to all the neuter numerals, S. §§§ 5 s, n, vide $$$$$$o No. 1.

33% 139
$ose s. n. Dirt, filth, impurity, adj. s &%& s. n. A name of Indra. 5,
Dirty, unclean, impure. *** s. n. The wife of Indra.
&škoso s. n. A crest, a headdress,
a crown, a tiara. • **Y* s. n. Excellence, happiness.
adj. Best, excellent.
- & 5 S. m. l. Affection, love. 2. de –o

sire, lust. 3, wish, inclination. T. & 8) s. n. 1. A mole. freckle, or spot

T. &#_ex s. n. plu. Bones. -6

on the skin. 2. a scar. &º.) S.

T. Sº s. n. A tax, or assessment, for -

any religious purpose. n. A natural mole, or spot on the bo

*S*& s. n. A sacrifice, or oblation. dy; one with which a person is born.
T. &X adj. Male. vide &ox-3Xé250 or . Sººyºos. n. Malice, hatred, envy.
&X&o s. n. 1. Manhood. 2. brave
& ºbowo or sº To en
ry, prowess.
&Xc & s. n. A husband. vide ºc tertain malice, hatred, or envy.
&. &XR"ex, s. n. (from T.e3ex, a . &#ys or & 8) s s. n. 1. Fondling,
wife.) A woman whose husband is caressing. 2. love, attachment, affec
alive. &Yo"oos. n. (from T. rovox, tion.
a stone.) The diamond. lit. the male
stone. &Xeſ"X3 s. n. vide €383 - sº S. n. 1. An upstair-house. 2.
No. 2. &XF"C& s. n. A man. a sample. 3. a model. &\exºa a
&X& 35 sº s. n. The country term string of little samples of gold, of dif
ed South Behar. ferent degrees of ascertained purity,
&Xù"e, s. n. A place with seats, in by comparison with which the purity
front of the house.
&^% adv. Aagin. Sox3% v. n. To
of other gold is defined, sº a
return. S^30% v. a. To turn an S. n. An enchanting powder, which
other back. allures the person on whom it is
&X35 s. n. A woman. thrown to follow the person who
—& -6 ->

T. <2, sº S. n. A loom.
throws it. & & )*3 or sºº-ºº:
& v. n. 1. To become soft, as ap To sprinkle that powder.
plied to fruit. 2. to be spoilt. T **A* 3 s. n. A large wood knife.
$SXA& &c. adj. 1. Plunged, dived,
immersed. 2, sunk, drowned. TUD. ºº)& s. n. (from s. &{\S) A
fish. (H. cºs) sºoes A wo
** s. n. The tenth of the lunar
man, lit, fish-eyed,
140 S$oč
$5 &S

sºa5 s. n. (P. J;**) A stage, or §§ Ol' &ºsº, Until, till, as

halting place, in travelling. far as, as much as, to such an extent.

&ºwº adv. Temperately, sparing
. & 2*śvö adj. (from A. J.3.3.) ly. sº-wºo's v. m. l. To fit. 2.
Before mentioned, aforesaid. to be sufficient for.
cro & v. a. To trample. 55.8353 eſ”&
tº J rº
sº s. n. Pith,
marrow, sap.
To trample all over.
sºgsº s. n. Bathing, ablution. &
T. S$o § oº::$ºys. n.The potherb,

termed Basella rubra or lucida.

235?’e A bathing room.
23 –6
S$o §§8 s. n. A short species of the
T. 55 &X s. n. Butter-milk. vide $3. acute angled cucumber.
T. & interj. expressive of praise, or SSST35
or &#3&
s. n. A ring, worn
commendation. on the second toe.
TUD. & 230 s. m. vide &ö30. . & & So s. n. A school, college, or re
‘t. & s. n. 1. A young palmyra tree. sidence for young bramins prosecut
2. a bough of any palm tree, as the ing their sacred studies. In the pe.
cocoanut, &c. 3. a leaf of the aloe, or ninsula, this word is usually applied
of cabbage, or of similar plants, or to the residence of a Mahunt, the
vegetables. head of some religious sect of wan
sºoks v. a. To lessen, diminish, dering mendicants; or to that of a
or depress. 2. to cut into small pieces. Gooroo, or Bishop.
- sº s. n. A particular fish. &:S s. m. A yoke of oxen, with a
<&ses s. n. A measuring yard. plough and all the other implements
of husbandry appertaining thereto.
<& or sºgºadjShort, small. vide ºč Š.
& s. n. (H. sº Earth, soil. adv.
<& s. n. A fold, or plait. & -
Since, from. º Ot ºšoº v. a. To fold, to dou
sº s. n. 1. Limit, bound. 2. mea
ble up.
sure, extent. 3. capacity, either as ap TU D. & &C83 s. n. (from s.sºsë) A
plied to measurement, or figuratively Wonna Il
to men, as denoting their ability, or 38.3% or & & Åo s. n. The heel of
powers of mind. 33.3rºv. a. To the human species only.
exceed; to transgress. &º-sº Or
T. 5-3.5 s. n. A small dam, or dike, for
*95) v. n. To decrease, abate, or grow
less. &ºes tº v. a. To decrease, stopping water.
moderate, diminish, or make less. & " . Soč. s. n. 1. A garden-bed, orplat. 2, a
S$589 141 SS3830C

paddy field. 3. purity. 4. a pure cloth. s. 39°s. n.1.A gem, or precious stone.
adj. Pure. &á* A pure cloth. & 2. the sting of the scorpion. Roºs &
*S*ěozº To be in a pure dress. or 50832)oč& s. n. The wrist. lit.
TS"ex)&á s. n. Urine. vide Sºe». the place where precious stones are
T. 55&cº adj. Stupid, dull. bound.&rd's "Scº s. n. A jewel
T. &écº v. n. To die, or expire; to ler, lapidary, or worker in precious
be destroyed. &éooowº or &&. stones. Sotº Köö Indra's bow; the
v. a. To kill, assassinate, or destroy. rain-bow. lit. the bow of precious
& & Fºe» or SSSãoºvex, S. n. A ti Stones. & rºys'> The name of

tle, assumed by the cast of washer the conch of Sahadeva, the fifth of the
Inen, Pandoo princes. Sorឺ (from s.
• S㺠s. n. 1. A deep or hollow #5 that which divides.) The dia
place, in the bed of a river, or tank. mond; as cutting other precious
2. purity. vide &á No. 3 and 4.
adj. Pure. & eºs oë & s. n. The bluejay.
. & v. a. To fold, plait, or bend. & e3s So s. n. A water jar, a pitcher.
& s. n. 1. A fold, or plait. 2, a . & 23X-53 e57'ors& P53's, u. A shop.
fold of beetle leaf, &c. S"exoso2SiS & e33 "So s. n. Merchandize, trade.
To make urine. lit. to bend the leg. || . Sotºčºo s. n. Murmur, vel blandi
The Hindoos always urine in a sort tide, in tempore coeundi.
of sitting posture. &S 3 s. n. &eºcº& s. n. The superintendence
A folding, or clasp, knife. of a village, or of a Hindoo temple.
. &&. s. m. wide &X3 No. 1. & récº,7V"C& The superintendent
- &# S. n. The lees, sediment, or re of a village, or of a Hindoo temple,
fuse, of any liquor. adj. 1. Dull, commonly termed The monigar.
stupid. 2. aukward, clumsy. . &eº v. n. To be folded, or bent.
& s. n. Great heat. adj. Very hot. & eo) is v. a. to fold, or bend.
- &s ; S. n. A hatchet. . Seabc}\, or & cooš) s. m. 1. A
sº S. n. A sort of small drum. maund, or Teloogoo weight, contain
. &37°K. Sºo s. n. Smoothing the ing eight viss, and of which twenty
ground with wet clay. make one candy. 2, the multiplication
& Focº v. n. To be bent; to be in of any thing by itself, as defined by
clined down. - - the english word fold; as five fold, six
& 28 s. n. (from the v. &eº q. fold, &c. 3. a pure cloth, as applied
v.) A fold. to the first of the two words only.
S$55 142 S$3-o

&rox33xºSex, s. n. A sort of sweet few in number; but a vast nnmber of

cake, made of wheat flour, sugar, and the Soodras, particularly in the nor
butter. thern and western provinces, belong
Ss assoxº or Sočox&Soo s. m. An to this sect, of whom the greater part
elephant. wear his emblem, the lingum, on their
SSSãox So s. m. The name of a moun body, either tied round the arm, or
tain. suspended in a silver box from the
neck. There are other Hindoo sects,
$$$$ox3 C&S s. n. The name of a
such as those who practice the infa
mous worship of the Suktees, or female
& 3&o s. n. 1. Purpose, intention,
energy of the different male deities,
wish, mind. 2. a religious sect. This
and those who worship the sun ex
last is the common meaning of the
clusively, or pay exclusive adoration
word in the peninsula, where the to Ganesa. But these sects have few
Hindoos may be considered as divid
followers; and those who worship
ed into three great sects. 1. The the Suktee, though very numerous,
Smartas, following the doctrines of conceal their profession of a sect
Sunkerachary, which inculcate the whose rites are disgraceful, and cele
worship of both Vishnoo and Siva. brated in secrecy only. -

The bramins of this sect may be

&āºs s. m. Excellence, happiness.
known by the three horizontal lines adj. Excellent, best, happiest.
marked on the forehead, with a spot T. 53-5°29 or &&.2x s. n. A large sort
in the centre of the middle one. 2. of blue light.
the Vyshnavas, who worship Vishnoo & 3 s. n. 1. Understanding, intellect,
only, but hold very distinct tenets, ac mind, common sense. 2. wish, will,
cording as they follow the doctrines desire, inclination. 3. advice, counsel.
of the two reformers Madhavachary, S$899 & v. a. To value, or appraise.
or Ramanoojachary, respectively. The vide T. &&ois.
bramins of the former sect are dis
sº tos s. n. 1. A bug. 2. an ele
tinguished by a single black perpen phant without teeth.
dicular line with a round spot at the S. &ö's 3Rs. n. An excellent woman.
bottom of it, while those of the latter
wear the namum Fºo q.v., or &3.30 &c. adj. 1. Pleased, glad, de
three perpendicular lines, in shape lighted. 2, intoxicated, drunk with
like a trident, on the forehead. 3. the liquor. 3. intoxicated with pride, pas
Syvas, or those who worship Siva ex sion, &c. 4, furious, mad, insane.
clusively. Of these the bramins are &3.5°8to:So s. n. 1. A furious ele
sºs 143

phant, or one in rut. 2. a painted which is left in the water, and en

wooden turret, or veranda, on the top tangles the fish that swim with the
of a large building, or palace. 3. an Current. &\S㺠S. n. A
enclosure of trees, &c. round the
fish-hook. & & ) SS T3"S&o The
walks of a princely residence.
. & E.'s. n. Intoxication, drunkenness. first incarnation of Vishnoo, as a fish.
. & 3.90% So s. n. A fence, or enclo - sº S& s. n. (from s. sºys a
sure, round the walls of a palace, fish, and s. e3, an eye.) The moon
either artificial as palisades, or natu plant. Asclepias acida.
ral as a grove of trees, &c.
crº . &#SS. s. n. 1.Churning 2. torture,
Tud. & ex or & º v. n. To be slaughter. Sãotº or $55% obootS v.
intoxicated, to be inebriated.
a. 1. To churn. 2. to torture, or kill.
TuD. &&. s. n. (from s. & 3) 1. In &?ö& s. n. Butter-milk, without
toxication, drunkenness. 2. pride, any watery admixture.
arrogance. 3. rut, as applied to that
&$8 s. n. 1. The city of Muttra, in
of elephants. &&Y'S v. n. To be
the province of Agra, celebrated as
intoxicated. Rºjº s. n. The the birth place, and early residence,
drowsiness of sleep.
of Krishna. 2. the town of Madura,
&öyö& s. n. 1. Envy, animosity, in the Tamil provinces, of the Indian
impatience of another's success or peninsula.
prosperity. 2. passion, anger. . &ööö-Koczó or &&Yºkoczó,
&ū) Soë s. n. Coarse or unrefined s. n. An elephant in rut.
sugar; the juice of the sugar cane, . SočS& s. n. 1. The thorn apple
either after it's first boiling, or after tree. Datura metel. 2. bees wax.
it is partially freed from impurities, . &&C& s. n. The Hindoo Cupid,
by straining. termed Camadeva.

&ū) Sãº&s. n. A country,enume . &ès sº s. n. The hemp plant,

rated amongst the midland divisions or Cannabis sativa, vide Xoº º,
of India. . & & s. n. 1. Joy, pleasure, delight.
- &{\S & s. n. A fish. &é) Sº 2. the juice that exudes from an ele
s. n. A fish-basket, a small basket phant's temple, when in rut. 3. spiri
used by fishermen to put the fish tuous or vinous liquor. 4. inebriety,
into when caught'; it is also some intoxication. 5. pride, arrogance. 6.
times, but less accurately, applied to insanity, madness. 7. desire, love.
a kind of snare, of reeds or grass, . & Sºc㺠sºn. The nutmeg.
sº 8) 144 §§§o

T. & CS"?oiš v. n. To grow, or shoot merated amongst those to the

out, well, or strongly. N. W. of Hindoostan proper.
TUD. & 8 s. n. (from s. $39 q.v.) Mind. & Soº s. n. Jaggory, or treacle,
&&oiš v. n. (from s. & & q.v.)1. produced from the fermented juice of
To be joyful. 2. to be proud, or ar the palmyra, date, or other palm
rogant. 3. to be intoxicated. 4. to be trees.
in rut. &&S = Seex s. n. plu. The new
&&oiS v. a. To appraise, estimate, cloths, dyed in turmerick, presented
or value. vide Sèois. to the bride and bridegroom.
S$8.8 s. n. Wine, spirits; sprituous, & Sº adj. Sweet, pleasing, agree
vinous, or fermented liquor. able, delicious. e58&&. s. n.
SSS$ox3 or SSSSo s. n. The stone Licorice.

sluice of a tank, whence the water S&R) s. n. 1. Spirituous liquor, dis

flows to the fields. tilled from the blossoms of the Basia

&S s. n. making in the inflex. latifolia; or according to some expla

sing. &&.93 A small thatch, placed nations, wine, or spirit, distilled from
on the top of a wall, to protect it grapes. 2. honey. 3. the nectar or ho
from the wet. - ney of flowers. 4. the month. 3 (3)
sº sº ºw s. n. An elephant in So q.v.5, the season of spring. 6. the
rut. name of a demon slain by Vishnoo.
sºs 8-365&-sºº or
&$5× s. n. A sheat fish. Silurus &5):3"So s. n. (from s. S & that
peborius. -

makes, s. 3 that drinks, and s. Oºr"

&$6 s. n. An aquatic bird; the to lick, respectively.) A bee, as pro
shag. ducing honey. &öö)cºs or &
- sº s. n. (from A. O.J.) Help, KrºśKocão s. n. (from s. 53) an ene
assistance, aid, succour.
my, and s. Kºśs a destroyer.) Vish
noo, as the destroyer of the demon.
33 stoº s. n. plu. A kind of &º-S&W'830s. n. Tippling;
loose ear-ring. drinking frequently and repeatedly.
Tup. Kºes. n. (from s. sº) A small $$$$) Sjös s. n. (from s. (Sjö
drum, beat with the fingers, used at observance.) The bee. &&.S 39C&S
native dances. s. n. (from s. S㺠a friend.) The Hin
&&. s. n. Wine; vinous, spiri doo Cupid, as partial to the spring.
tuous, or fermented liquor. sº s. n. (from s. ſº a
S. sovč, ć3 & s. n. A country, enu charioteer.) The Hindoo Cupid,
335 145 $383

whose car is driven by Vasunta, or & s. n. The Hindoo Cupid; as born

spring sº&ºšºw s. n. Bees in the mind. & SSS tº lit. mind
Wax. to come. To feel inclined. §§5?&S
&:S s. n. A girl arrived at puberty. §§) lit. to come to the mind. To
postpos. Between, in the midst. understand, or comprehend, º&
3& &c. adj. 1, Middle, cen Sº) lit. your wish. Just as you like.
trical, intervening, intermediate. 2. &S$ botºv. n. To be strongly, or
mean, low, vile. 3. middling, s. m. l. naturally, inclined. &Sºo lit.
One of the seven musical notes, the burning at the heart. Secret enmity.
fifth note of the Hindoo gamut. 2. & Sºčovº lit. to place the mind.
the middle finger. sº S. To be attentive; to fix the mind. 353
n. in grammar, The second person, SSyS㺠To be impressed on the
thou, you, &c. mindsºr's "Sº Mental pain. 3
& &c. adj. 1. Mean, low, vile. Tºrºšxº~ As quick as thought.
2. middling, s. n. 1. The waist, mid $858 or &&. s. n. A request, or
dle, or centre. 2, the middle sort & solicitation.
*S* 3s− s. n. A mediator. & Sº &K's s. n. Existence, living. §§§3
Ü & s. n. (from s. *O) might.) * S. n. A house.
Midnight. &$$$) & s. n. (from & Scº-Rºcºs s. n. vide Šorčoº-Rºc
s. Sº § abiding.) The navel. &T's & under & 83CŞ$30.
<º s. n. (from s ºf a day.) & or &&. s. n. A person; ap
Midday, noon, sº s. n. Me plied either to males, or females. **
diation, arbitration. adj. Middling. & Rºº. s. n. A woman.
T. 3535&c & s. n. A grandson. &S& &#3 s. n. Understanding, intellect.
ovex s. n. A grand-daughter. 3& s. n. A learned bramin, a
T. &5:30 pro. We. This is the plural pundit.
pronoun peculiar to the Teloogoo SSSS v. n. To live, or exist. §§§otº
language, used by the first person or SSKoš) v. a. To preserve, revive,
only, but applicable to the first and or protect.
second persons conjointly, to the ex sºcºs s. n. A man.
clusion of the third person. SSSKoTºoë3 or SSSKoź)3 s. n. The fe
& Sºo - SSSSSS Or 35&y S. n. 1.
male painted, or white footed, ante
The mind; or, considered as the seat
lope.<Kºsºs. m. The male paint
of perception and passion, the heart. ed, or white footed, antelope.

2. inclination, wish, desire. &S**c §§§) or & Košo s. n. 1. The settle

& Rºl 146 &S
ment of a marriage. 2. a husband. hibition. 2. hindrance, prevention.
&-8&Kosºv The marriage of a wo &\938 v. a. To excuse, pardon, or
man with a second husband. This forgive, $83.9%) s. n. Pardon, for
is forbidden among the Hindoos, and giveness. -

is never practised, except among &AW's v. a. To kill, or slaughter.

some of the lowest casts. &ñº. v. n. vide &S. **

s, &R) s. n. Menu, the legislator, and &Kº. s. n. making in the inflex, sing.
saint, the son of Brumha, or a perso Soë3 1. Earth, land, soil, dirt. 2. the
nification of Brumha himself, the cre painted, or white footed, antelope. In
ator of the world and progenitor of it’s second meaning, the inflexion is
mankind. The name is however a regular &S a. & Rºssvö Sº Il.
generic term; and in every Calpa, or plu. Zemindars, proprietors of land.
interval from creation to creation, &Sºcê s. n. The Hindoo Cupid.
there are fourteen successive Menus,
&FS s. n. 1. The lunar day on which
presiding over the universe for the the moon is full.2, the tendon forming
period of a Munvuntara respectively; the nape of the neck.
in the present creation there have
been six, of whom the first is Menu, &Sº S. n. 1. Sorrow, grief. 2. dis
tress, indigence. 3. wrath, anger, 4.
called also Swayambhuva, the sup pride.
posed revealer of the code of law pos
sessed by the Hindoos. 2. a muntra, *SSoč8& s. n. The reign of a
or mystical verse, or formula. Menu, a period equal to seventy-one
ages of the gods, or 306,720,000
sºsºs. n. A man. years of mortals; or, with it's Sund
*Trºcºsm. The Hindoo Cupid.
hi or interval of universal deluge,
sº-gSo &c. adj. Beautiful, hand 308,448,000 years. Fourteen Mun
some, lovely, pleasing, agreeable. vuntaras constitute a Calpa, the
53 Rºvº& s. n. Wish, desire. grand period of creation and destruc
sºrs) & or $555585 s. n. tion, or 4,320,000,000 years. Each
Daily house expence. - -
Munvuntara is governed by it's dis
355 Ruvºvić Šo adj. Beautiful, lovely, tinct Menu, and is provided with it's
own Indra and minor deities; ac
cording to Hindoo cosmogony, there
& s. n vide $$$$$. have been innumerable Munvuntaras
& Kºš s. n. Civility, politeness, res since the first creation of the world.
pect. -

| T. &S v. a. To break in, or train, any

a. §§SRTS, s. n. (from A. &s) 1. Pro animal.
$558 147 S$58

$º) s. n. 1. A cloud. 2. darkness.

*\S) &^x) Drowsiness, or heavi
nail, 38&º s. n. (P. £4.)The
In eSS,
screw of any jewel, or ornament,
which among the Hindoos is used
$$$$$$85 or $$$$$o"S"6$o s. n. The in
instead of clasps.
terest, or affection, entertained for
$898& s. n. The nectar, or honey,
other objects, from considering them of flowers.
as belonging to, or connected with,
39&oº’s Ko s. n. a A flower.
&cºso part. This is a sanscrit affix, &ös s. n. 1. A stain, spot, or blot.
2. a kid. -

which serves to form adjectives, at

tributive of that of which a thing is &ös & or $538&S $o s. n. An
chiefly made, or consists; as KS £95
&öS"C& s. m. The native comman
&cºogolden.é)tosocºsº Made der of a vessel. -

of grass..? &cºsº Made of reeds, $5CNS v. a. 1. To desire, or have a

Or arrows.
violent inclination, 2. to love. v. n. 1.
SSSooššo s. n. Wax, & oxº To be inclined, or devoted to. 2. to be
s. n. (from T. & a wick.) A wax qualified, experienced, or accustom
ed to. 3. to be trained. 4. to boil up.
T. & ove) s. n. (H. X.A.) 1. Dirt, foul &öc?\o $9 v, caus. 1. to cause to
ness, uncleanness. 2. imaginary impu desire, or love. 2. to make inclined,
rity. adj. 1. Unclean, foul. 2. impure. dovoted, qualified, experienced, or ac
& oveč Šx s. n. Blue vitriol, or customed. 3. to train. 4. to make
sulphate of copper. boil up.
& over-SF"oº. s. n. plu A cast s. 595 rošo s. n. Death, demise.
of beggars, who frequent the shops $538&ex) s. n. vide 350eočex).
of merchants. &$#& 6 s. n. (from A. “y”)
sºcºcºs s. n. A demon, and the repair, mending.
carpenter, or architect, of the Daityas. $536ex) v. n. vide Šoeoex).
&cºpso s. n. 1. Light, lustre, 53-5° 333 So s. n. the Mahratta
brightness. 2. a ray, or beam, of light, country. & O'é$oo s. n. plu. The
& Cº. s. n. The peacock.
&oºr"O"5 s. n. A chamelion; a 3975"Y& s. n. A sort of swan.
lizard. lit. the enemy of the peacock. $538 adv. More, further, else, again. So
. S$8 s. n. Any thing of a spiral form. bºys adj. Another, other, sº
& 53% s. n. A screw, lit, a spirall Besides, also, moreover $8.5% º
$5383 148 $3.
What more ? what else ? & 8tº: immortal, & Sºy expc& or $383
& Nothing else, nothing more, no ëSočcº or $8tººk & s. n.
thing further. Names for Indra.
&ö7 s. n. A vessel, made of a cer &öß) or Soč) v. a. (from ŠºćcK
tain soft white stone. No. 2 and 3 q.v.) 1. To teach, in
&58°sº, s. n. The Calingala, or struct, qualify, or exercise; to break
in, or train, s. n. Forgetfulness. Töö3
outlet, by which the surplus water
flows out of an artificial lake.
$)$ošć)ex; The loss of one's senses.
&ex s. n. 1. Love. 2. lust.
G. $$88 s. n. vide SeºC&.
TUD. $538&vös, n. vide sº sº. $85 s. n. Dumbness. adj. Dumb.
&&sº s. n. A kind of shrub,
S. $35 §So s. n. Pepper. bearing fragrant leaves.
Sº &56 s. n. 1. A ray of light. 2, a saint, &&#) s. n. A region devoid of wa
the son of Brumha, and one of the ter; a desert.
Prajapatees or Brumladicas, the first. & *šeos s. n. A spider.
created beings, and sovereigns of the &: *šº s. n. A monkey, or ape.
world. -

&SC& s. n. A man, or mortal.

3350s s. n.The mirage, or vapour, 8. <gss s. n. 1. Rubbing the
which in hot or sandy countries ap body. 2 rubbing, grinding, pounding,
pears at a distance, like a sheet of &c. sºgos v. a. To beat, pound,
grind, or rub.
& adj. and adv. vide &eº. sº s. n. A sort of drum.
T. &SX s. n. Shelter, cover; a screen
sºSo &c, adj. Rubbed, ground,
or shade, any thing that covers an pounded.
other, videº. v. a. and n, vide $5.57°E-& s. n, vide &epoRºº,
&öcK., under &eº.
T. 355&#3 or $383,385) v. a. To forget, &èyè So?" adv. Moderately, tem
vide &es tºo. §§630% v. caus. To perately.
cause to forget; to divert from a & S. n. 1. A joint, an articula
purpose, to amuse with an underhand tion of the body. 2. a vital member, or
design. organ. 3. secret meaning, or purpose;
TUD. 853&cós s. n. (from s, Šºvš.) The a secret, anything hidden, or recon
Hindoo Cupid. &&º (from 9% dite, &S, s. n. One that conceals a
a house.) Pudendum muliebre, Secret. *

$, SSS& s. m. 1. Wind, or air ; or its $3.8% s. n. The rustling sound of

deified personification, 2, a deity, an cloth, or dry leaves,
$$Se? 149 $$oe)

&T'Sº s. n. 1. Continuance in the T. &éº adj. I. Other, 2, next, adv. In
right way, propriety of conduct, return. &eº N*& Next day.
steadiness, rectitude. 2. a boundary, T. *S*X3 s. n. Shelter, cover. vide
a limit. 3, a bank or shore. 4. respect, $55&X3.
civility, politeness. 5. usual custom,
or established habit.
&eºššov. n. (from T. &eºq.v.)
To disappear, or vanish.
&º s. n. A variegated snake. T. Sºos s. n. An earthen pot.
& s. n. Patience, endurance. T. &eºč) s. n. 1. Retreat, shelter,
T. &es s. n. 1. vide & 8.2. inattention, cover. 2. armour, mail. vide &eº.
T. &eºs s. n. Inattention, forgetful
&; Fºº s. n. The large indian
fig tree. Ficus indica, commonly
termed the banian tree.
T. &es Tex s. n. A stilt, or wooden leg. $53°) s. n. A mountain.
T. &eecK. v. n. To boil, vide $35CNS &e)S. s. m. A twſst; a curved line.
No. 4.
Sex s. n. A herd of carriage bul
T. &exº: s. n. A dwarf, adj. Dwar locks, &c. with empty sacks upon
fish. them. -

&es tº or &es toº) v. a. To forget. &eº v. n. To turn round from

&es to 5:55 adv. Inconsiderate disgust.
ly. &ee&ois v. caus. To cause to Sejić orāśbex) is v. a. I. To carve,
forget ; to divert from a purpose ; or polish, stone. 2. to winnow grain,
to amuse with some sinister design. so as to separate it from small stones
with which it is mixed.
&eº) s. n. Forgetfulness.
T. &eočex) s. n. The daughter of a sºoºº. s. n. A female buffalo,
mother's brother, or of a father’s sis which gives milk after her calf is
ter, if she be younger than one's-self.
T. &eecö s. n. The son of a mother's Ge &oº)3& v. a (from A.
brother, or of a father's sister, or a -3.33).)To enclose in an envelope.
man's brother-in-law, if younger than T. &eyssoe) sºoeechó or 53 exºSex:Sv% v.
one's-self vide ºf.
n. To burn fiercely, or violently.
sºevex v. n. To return. &eobots, 8. $5S ex530 s. n. 1. Excretion of the
v. a. To turn back; to recall. &ese)
body; as serum, semen, blood, mar
adv. Again. row, urine, faeces, ear-wax, nails,
&eº adv, vide & 8. phlegm, tears, rheum, and sweat. 2.
$$e:37 s. n, vide $5-87. sin, 3, dirt, filth, 4, dregs, sediment.
$3ex) 150 3.
5. rust. 333e) &v (T3"Jex Human T. &exp? § v. n. To be extinguished.
excrement and urine. Sex:3) v. a. 1. To extinguish. 2. to
. &ecº s. n. A mountain, or turn, or drive, back.

mountainous range, from which the . &exºSex, s. n. plu. The joints of the
back-bone, near the waist.
best sandalwood is brought, answer
ing to the western Ghats in the pe . Sex & exps. n. 1. The second preg
nancy. 2. the second child.
ninsula of India. Sejoº So s. n.
&exºş, sº s. n. The dark lunar
(from sº, born.) Sandalwood; as fortnight.
produced in these mountains, &e & s. n. A litttle shallow earthern
cºšºvºo (from s. Sº vessel. - -

wind.) A southerly cool wind. &ºs & s. n. An oil vessel, a vessel

35Seydºğo v. n. To wander, or roam. made of the shell of a cocoanut, for

&eos s. n."Walking for pleasure, holding oil, whether for culinary pur
or amusement. poses, or for burning as a lamp.
Soeſ"& s. n. A string of glass & Seº & v. a. To beat the open
armlets, such as are worn by Hindoo hand on the shoulder, or thigh; as the
Women. Hindoo wrestlers do.

. 35395 & adj. 1. Dirty, filthy, foul. &2& s. n. Heat, closeness.

2. black. 3. vile, bad. 4. foul figura sº v. n. To wrestle.

tively, soiled with crime or vice, . Kºs. s. n. 1. Arabian jasmin, 2, a

sinful, depraved. s. n. Fault, defect. cup.
&ößSoapocº s. n. 1. The god of . Sºº or & 3 s. n. The jasmin
wro fre

fire. 2. the black faced monkey. 3. plant. &#ex The plural of this word
a vile or wicked man. 4, a dead also denotes the insects produced in
man, a ghost. the worst kind of small pox, which
the Hindoos, afraid of offending the
3596): 339 s. n. A musquitoe, or
goddess who presides over that
S. 33.9%tºcº s, n. 1. A thief 2.
disease, do not term insects, but jas
min flowers.
air, wind.
. Sº s. n. A monkey.
s. 3355SKºo &c. adj. Foul, dirty, un sº or & ºt ×e s. m. A wrestler;
a boxer.
T. Sexy S"'S s. m. The cold, or winter, —f

SCaSOIn. | T. & 230%.S. s. n. A heron.

3% 151 $33°

&T'S So s. n. 1. An emerald. 2, a
&% cºroššo s. n. The country of |
Malayalum, or provinces of Mala sapphire.
bar, and Travancore, on the Western . Sotº"er" s. n. (from H. alla-sº
coast of the Indian peninsula. cery, seasoning.
Te &97 s. n. A shop.
33% or &V adv. Again, another
*** s. n. (rom A. c-sa) A
- rve evº
time, & v. n. To return, to turn
&Svěš s. n. The small pox, vide
back, or about ; to come back. &o 35%rºs. 30.
tº v. a. To turn, or drive, back, or
&Kyeošo adj. 1. Smooth, soft, not
about ; to recall, or bring back.’
hard, not rough. 2. bland, mild, unc
&#'s Ko s. n. A musquitoe. tuous.

***sº s. n. The smallpox. & &; & S. n. A bamboo. & 8 A

bramin of the fourth, or mendicant
“rºyº Small pock marks. order; because he uses a bamboo
33%"oššº The small pox to staff. x

break out, or appear. & Wººs & &S, §§o or&K. So s. n. The head;
3rºotSo To inoculate. the skull.
&ex s. n. (from A. Jºša.
* $ sº s. n. The brain.
kindled, lighted up.) A torch, or Kºš adj. Abundant, plentiful.
flambeau, ºb..) or sº-ºs-cº
*ść s. n. The watery part of curds;
s. n. A masaljee or torch-bearer. whey.
( çºxº~) & #8 s. n. (from A. ads.) A
sº or & s. n. 1. A black powder. general certificate, signed by all pre
2. ink. adj. Black. Sent.

sº s. n. Sediment. &*9 s. n. The Veena, or lute, of

T. 3553s s. n. Dimness of sight. Narada, containing seven, or one
3553 CNS v. n. 1. To be extended. 2. to hundred, strings.
be furious, or enraged. S㺠adj. 1. Great, large, bulky. 2.
353& Sºo s. n. A sepulchre ; a burn best, excellent, illustrious. s. n. Glo
ry, greatness.
ing, or burying, place.
. & Sö s. n. Grey colour. S. S$53-o Sºx' S. n. Greatness, either
& Sex, or & Sexy v. n. 1. To wander, in bulk, or rank. - -

time. 3.orto turn
boil about. 2. to idle away
up violently. i
T. $$$$." Fºs s. n. A general convoca
tion of the aboriginal casts of the
sº 152 &?:

country. lit. the great assembly. This or a period of four million three hun
convocation does not include the bra dred and twenty thousand years. So
mins; and other particular casts are #85 ºf s. n. A sovereign, or empe
also excluded, in various parts of the ror. 33.388"85& A particular hell.
country. $553-8&ro (S) C&Ss. n. A cowherd, or
S. $33-&) So Ile Light, lustre. , shepherd, as formerly one of the first
& "Sºyºos.n.(from A.J34°•) casts among the Soodras.” 3-6 ºc
& s. n. A name. of Kartecaya, the
Produce, particularly of the land;
Hindoo Mars, 2, the commander of a
the crop. sº-ºry» aros- Sº Il. great force; a commander in chief.
plu. Mahsooldars, officers employed 353%-853 & s. n. A kitchen.
to protect the crops from depredation. co
3533852;5&o s. n. Gold.
33%" adj. (from s. 53%-8% q. v.) o -

Great, much, eminent, adv. Exceed 35-366 23:55% s. n. Safflower.

ingly, excessively, very. 3.55:3–6 Svexc 335-36-ov Š, & &c, adj. Mahratta.
& s. n. A name, or rather form, of
Siva, in his character of the destroy s. n. The Mahratta language.
ing deity, being then represented of a Se & s. n. The earth. & "Cºjº
black colour, and of aspect more or s. n. A mountain, as supporting the
less terrific. 35938 Sº The wife of earth. sº-tº-sº s. n. A tree, as
Siva, and a terrific form of Doorga. produced from the earth. 53%-96 s.
$53-853e3:30 - 55%-85%) ŠSo or & n. An earth worm, as creeping on
#$$355:30 &c. adj. Of good family. the ground. $3%rºcºs, n. (from
33°3) 3) lit. long necked. A ca s. Koč a son.) The regent of the pla–
mel. &#5, ºo &c, adj. (from s. * net Mars; said to have sprung from
3,4- the soul.) Liberal, lofty mind the soil near Oojein, which was
ed, magnanimous. $53-835), 23 s.
m. lit. the great deity. Siva. s333-65o sprinkled with the perspiration of
Siva's body. - º

& s. n. Eternal emancipation, or

sº-oššº s. n. 1. A very large rat.
beatitude. &#83 s. n. Midnight. 2. the mungoose- -

$5:3-8&o:30 s. n. The emerald. lit.

$335-530 &c. adj. 1. Proper, right.
wery blue. Sº, & s. n. 1. One
of Cubera's Nithis, or treasures. 2. a agreeable, fit. 2. worshipped, reve
renced. -

large number, one hundred thousand

millions. SSS$ºcºox& s. n. A great | S. 33,3rv33 or $335-33% s. n. 1. Mag
Fooga, the aggregate of the four ages, | nitude, as one of Siva's attributes;
Śrex 153 $3+ $5

illimitability. 2. greatness in general, of an army, and animate the soldiers

literal, or figurative; glory, power. by martial songs. The minstrel
& 3rº s. n. A woman, or female.
forms a particular cast, said to spring
& "K& s. n. A buffalo. Sºrºs. from a Vysya father, and Chutriya
m. 1. A female buffalo. 2. the wife of mother ; in mythology, they are said
a king, but especially the one who to have been created at once by the
has been consecrated, or crowned; a will of Siva ; under the name of
queen. Bhauts, they are still numerous in
sºvo03) C&s.n. A name of Indra. some parts of India, especially in
&S ºr Sºcºs S. n. A name of Siva. Goozrat, where they are a privileged
& Cº Sesºs. n. The lotus.
& #8% s. n. The sea, or ocean. T. & "TV"ed s. n. Lands artificially irri
sº SSo &c. adj. Diligent, -

*7Sº s. n. Side, direction; as &

persevering, making great or strenu **** The eastern side.
ous efforts. s. m. Great effort, or exer
tion; energy. |t. *7"cº s. n. Mango pickle, of a
pungent taste. -

& Kºššo s. n. A large bull, or ox. T.

&é's or &&sº s. n. A fly.
&"CS v. n. To ripen.
S’s. n. A name of Lutchmi, the god
*** s. n. The eleventh Teloo
dess of prosperity, and wife of Vish goo lunar month, that in which the
7100. moon's change takes place, when the
& "Cºo s. n. Flesh. sun is in Aquarius.
& "osex &c. adj. Stout, strong, *S* s. n. The jasmin, termed
lusty. Multiflorum, or pubescens.
s. Sºś oššo s. n. The mango. T. Kroš tº sº. The drug commonly
T. Sv% s. n. A tree in general. called Machiputri, and described as
s"Xà s. n. 1. A sort of jasmin plant. pungent and bitter, anthelmintic, sto
J. auriculatum. 2. a dialect of the san machic, and a remover of phlegm and
scrit, the former language of south
Behar. ** s. n. 1. A word, an expression.
&"X&cºs s. n. A bard, a minstrel, 2. speech. 3, a language. 4. a promise.
whose duty it is to recite the praises &"º v. a. To speak, converse, or
of sovereigns, their genealogy, and discourse. Sºč3 S. To failin one's
the deeds of their ancestors, in their promise. Šºšš) Blame to come.
presence, and to attend on the march $ºoxº.) To give a promise. K

޺r $. 154 - Śrea

&5 S"5 A talkative, also an eloquent, Se 3-5-3 tº S. m. Plu. Parents; mo

person, Ště2 - §§§ or ëº, To fish ther and father. *-

out secrets. & "S"&vocºs s. n. A maternal

. &ve3S"eºš adv. Often, frequently. grand-father. .

& "º s. n. 1. A remedy. 2. ambush. & "ºr" s. n. A maternal grand

3. a time, period, oroccasion. 4. apiece mother. *.

of metal, put in to mend a vessel. v. & "& s. n. (from A. Lºlº conquer

a. To conceal, or hide. Sºo v. ed, reduced to the last extremity;
n.To disappear, or vanish. Sºo hence e'ss'º, or cyl-e Check
e29%To be hushed, or silent, at night.
. Svě s. n. Half of the coin termed a mate, shah mat.) 1. Checkmate, at
chess. 2. a remedy, vide & '899No. 1.
• sº or Sye: S:3 º s. n. The &včejº) (5) sº s. n. The thorn
crown of the head. apple, or fruit of the Datura. "
. Sºo v. n. To be burnt, or scorched, & "Sexoxs & s. n. Common ci
black, & "3º or Šºš) v. a. To tron. Citrus medica.

burn, or scorch, black. Fºx & " Svěšoexpc& s. n. A maternal uncle.

Sºoey ºf s. n. The wife of a mater.
&N To be sulky, sº or nal uncle. * ,

&v3$o Burnt rice.

. Svě s. n. 1. Manner, mode. 2. si & "tºys s. n. A mother. This word,
-U– when applied to books, denotes the
milarity, likeness.
original, in opposition to & Sºys a
$r coššć s. n. 1. A child not ex copy ; lit. a daughter. -

cecding sixteen years of age. 2. a ma

mikin, or man in a contemptuous s" (š) adj. Little. s. n. 1. A short
Sense. º syllable. 2. a pill.
Kºss s. n. A house lizard. K-US) &o adv. 1. Only, solely;
simply, merely, (exclusive and iden
3-28s Sº s. n. A ruby, or carbun- H tical, the very thing). 2. alone. s. n.
1. Quantity, measure. 2. computation,
Śvē s. n. 1. A mother. 2. a name of whether by number, weight, extent,
Parvatee, the wife of Siva. or capacity. CŞooë Sº Q3) So How
s. Svěšox& s. n. An elephant. much 2 Rºgoşssºs As
s. Stö ox3CŞo s. n. A man of a degrad much as I know.
ed cast; a Chundala, or outcast. <-y:Sº s. n. vide Sã)3&.
. ŠºšēśSC:s s. n. The wind. & '87 adj. of or belonging to the
s. Stöð s. n. The charioteer of Indra. Chundala, or chuckler cast.
- Srt S. 15 5

T... Sºv83 or & "Cey s. m. A pattern, A man of high, or strict, honor.

sample, or specimen, adj. Similar, 8. & "Siôcº s. n. A man.
like. S. Šºvšššo s. n. 1. The mind, the seat
&vášešo s. n. Citron. or faculty of reason, or feeling. 2. opi
& “yº & &c. adj. Like me, resem nion, sentiment. 3. the lake minas, in -

bling me, the Himalaya mountains.

Şyo \8, s. n. The wife of Pandoo, and S. & "SR’s sº s. n. The wild swan.
mother of the two youngest of the TUD. Šrºs & s. n. vide §ye tº §§ $39.
Pandoo princes. T. &vKY 3 s. n. vide &Yº:

Sºs So s. n. The second Teloogoo T. &º s. n. vide &&.

lunar month; that in which the T. & Kºs. n. making in the inflex. sing:
moon's change takes place, when the Sº or Šºš), 1. A tree. 2, wood.
sun is in Taurus.
adj. Fit, proper, worthy. v. a. To quit,
sº s. n."l. Sugar clayed, or can abandon, leave off, desist, or refrain
died. 2. the large creeping plant term from ; to renounce, or relinquish. v.
ed Gaertnera racemosa.
n. To be healed, or cured. &#93) -

Sºśc & s. n. A name of Vishnoo,

&“KN or & "Kotºv, caus. To cause
also of Vasunta, or spring.
to quit, &c.; to appease, to stop. v. a.
Kºšºv S. n. Sweetness of fla
To heal, or cure. Sºcº v. caus.
vour, or disposition. To cause to heal, or cure.
s"?.S. s. n. Spirituous liquor. T. & "Koššo s. n. IIonor.
. Sº s. n. A certain measure of ca
& "SSºx' &c. adj. Respectable, ve
pacity, of which sixteen make one merable. s. n. Lands either liable to a
toom, the greatest Teloogoo measure trifling quit rent, or altogether ex
of capacity.
& "SS3 s. n. 1. Measure in general, empt from tax. KºśSºcºs s. n. A
whether of weight, length, or capaci man holding such lands. KSS-5S
ty. 2. arrogance, haughtiness, pride. & s. n. Lands exempt from all tax
3. civility. 4. honor. In the penin
sula, this last is the common mean Šºć) s. n. 1. Evening, night; as -5
ing. Kºš º ox& s. n. (from s, & ox $)$º) Morning and evening. 2.
breaking.) Disgrace, dishonor, & "S foulness, dirt, impurity. In the first
S. 3 or Sº s. n. A woman ; as meaning, this word makes its inflex.
owing peculiar attention to the pre sing: & "sº v. a. 1. To destroy, or
- -

servation of her honor. sº-ºº:

-* *_ ! :
cface, 2, to make foul, or dirty.
$º-ecº lj6 Śrt 8 -

& 3 s. n. (from A. CŞLa.,) 1. TUD. & "cºšo s. n. (from s. Kroº q.

Pardon, forgiveness. 2. exemption. v.) Disappearance, vanishing. Sºoº.
§§§) or <-cº v. n. To dis
&vºx3 or Krzy" adv. (from &
appear or vanish.
§º, and º q.v.) Very well; very Sºooo s. n. A name of Siva, Agni,
Brumha, or Cama. 2. a juggler, or
Šºvš3 s. n. A father-in-law. Šºš's
Šºvšo s. n. A name of Vishnoo; be Sºoºo v. n. 1. To be destroyed, or
cause he and Ocean are reciprocally effaced. 2. to become foul, dirty, un
fathers-in-law to each other,
clean, or impure, vide Šºć) v. a. So
Kºčº s. n. The mango tree.
Mangifera indica. 3&Sväxjö or $)$"cºolit, a spot to be destroy
&očS-393 s. n. The cushoo nut
ed. To be entirely destroyed, or ef- *
faced ; so that not a yestige, or mark,
tree. Anacardium occidentale.
remains, 59% "cºo The head not
stºº, s. n. A particular village to be cleaned, at the usual time. Še
goddess. &S sºciº A poor helpless man;
G. &v Šºvex s, n. (from A.
U942...) as being unable to command the
Usage ; ancient, or established, comfort of a clean head.
Stö Coso s. n. Killing, slaughter.
Secº s. n. 1. Fraud, trick, deceit, (H. (591-9 to kill.)
deception, illusion, 2.juggling. 3; un T. $3v-5" & 5590 s. m. The mistaking one
derstanding, intellect. 4, wickedness, for another,
villainy, villanous deception. 5. trick S. Ště s. n. 1. The name of a certain
in negociation, political fraud, di
form of the goddess Doorga, suppos
plomacy. 6. philosophical illusion,
idealism, unreality of all worldly exis ed to preside over epidemic diseases.
tence, personified in mythology as a 2. a plague, pestilence, or epidemic
female, the consort of Brumha, or
Svö39 cºs s. m. in dramatic lan
god, and the immediate and active
cause of creation. 7, a holy Hindoo guage, Avenerable person;especially
city, so called. 8, a name for Lutchmi, the title of the manager, or principal
Parvatee, or Itutee, adj. Counterfeit,
false. Svoºey"Cà A deceitful fe G. & 5% ºs. m. (from A. e-3,” 1.
male. S-cºer-c: A deceitful man. knowledge. 2. account, cause. 3. by
Stoº s. n. A juggler, or con means of) I. Charge, possession; as
jurer, ~gº tº 5; ºr "K, 1
$3.8 - 157 Šreesy

have delivered that man to this man's that in which the moon's change
charge. S-553& 5 adv. By means takes place, when the sun is in Sa
of through the means of gittarius. * ...
T. S."& v. n. To be changed, altered,
or turned into a new form. s. n. 1.
&T. s. n. 1. Cleaning, cleansing; º

Buttermilk. 2. a second course of particularly of the person, by wiping,

dishes at dinner, 3. a time; as T39& bathing, or anointing it, 2, the sound
of a drum.
**ś two times, twice. & "S) v. a.
1.To change, substitute, alter, or sº & S. n. A brush, a broom.
turn into a new form. 2. to exchange. <-gº or <-gºes S. n. A
3. among the Vyshnavas, to serve up
food. Sººy s. n. Exchange. &-ºo::scº S. n. The sun.
*&c & s. m. A name of Cama, &-gox& * s. n. A drummer, one
- the Hindoo Cupid. who beats the sºe q. v.
<-853, S. n. Air, wind. 3-&-
sºvº; & s. n. Softness.
§ ºcès or & '89 s. n. (from s. 3 &ºys.n. vide under & '83. v. a.
To kill, or slaughter.
ãº, a son, and the patronymic affix sº CŞS s. n. vide ŚvēśSc33.
*}.) 1. A name of Hanooman, the
*** adj. Substituted, altered,
monky deity. 2. Bheema, the second
changed, adv. In lieu of.
of the Pandoo princes. &"eº adj. 1. Another, other. 2. sub
& "S&S or sº s. m. plu. stituted, altered, changed; as Šv
Enemies, foes. *****) Another shape; a new, or
> 3:33 º s. n. The tree termed altered, form. 2. turned, averted. 3.re
the Bel agle marmelos. plying, rejoining,answering; assºvebo
sº sº s. n. Exchange, particular ŠTºAn answer, or reply. adv. Again.
ly of money. º S. n. A time; as, &c.e.” Thrice.
S*čºos s. n. 1. An arrow. 2. re v. n. To shew prowess in battle. Sº
search, enquiry. 3. asking, soliciting, ex5"K, or sºvº To attack, or
begging. 53vºcê s. n. A beggar, oppose, in battle. Sºº & To op
or mendicant. pose in argument, or reasoning. Sº
Šºššº s. n. 1. A way, road, or path. eº s. n. A step-mother. & eºs
2, means, manner, mode. & To disappear, to vanish. Stebo
*838 sº or sº s. n.
Q ox O & Koč) s. n. vide StößSSSo un
The ninth Teloogoo lunar month; der T., & 5), Şveº Fºrey Cö s.
158 Sºrº
Śres -

m. (from T. Rºycésound) An echo. S. Krešoss s. n. A mountainous

. . sºvey v. a vide STSY range, described as one of the smaller

mountains of India proper, lying
Kree s. n. 1. A garland; a string, eastward of mount Méroo.
or wreath, of flowers. 2. a necklace.
3. a string of beads, a rosary. ** &vić's 33 & s. n. The province of
sºve, s. n. 1. A necklace. 2, the
scrofula. §§ºeſ "S"Sc Ss. n. (from S. . &vèX s. n. A building. This word is
-sºº who makes.) A flower seller; used among the Vyshnavas, with the
a florist, a gardener. word 359 prefixed to it, to denote a
, ºve, adj. of or belonging to the house ; as Tāş8+y, 83&vèx&
Paria cast. In the peninsula, this is § & Where is your honor's house 2
the principal or most numerous cast Tišeš-9x A subterraneous abode.
of outcasts, among the Hindoos.
& Sécºs s. n. An elephant driver,
They are adherents of the right hand usually termed A Mahowt. (4A3 Algº
casts, and were formerly slaves of
the soil, at least in the Tamil pro Muhawuth.) º

vinces. Kºve's "3 s. n. lit, a paria sº s. n. 1. The after-birth. 2, a

mango tree,
crow. A raven.
. Sºoey83 s. n. The great flowered jas
T. & tº s. n. 1. A horse. 2. the cover
ing a mare. -

min. J. Grandiflorum.
. 5-5 s. n. A time; as, 2.5 S".9 $rºs s. n. A patch.
&v=&ex s. n. plu. A sort of kidney
. &vös s. n. 1. A chaplet, or wreath,
of flowers. 2. a line, or row. G. sº s.n. vide & sºcºs.
, Kreš):\) s. n. Familiarity with child T. &vö$ § s. n. A woman who has no
ren. breasts, and who is never menstruous.
sºrtex v. a. To leave, or quit. §§§ |TU p. 53v3&o s. n. A weight equal to
sºred;5 or S^ess-bs adj. Useless. five sixteenths of a pagoda.
-à-vex)&vex To be idle, or lazy. S. SºvićS$o s. n. A month, either of the
. Sºrtex)K. v. n. To be dissatisfied. lunar, solar, or any other computa
s: $3 text 5&2 s. n. The Bel tree, or tion of the year. In Telingana, the
AEgle marmelos. month is exclusively lunar, and is di
Tup. Krö s. n. (from s &"o q.v.) A vided into the bright and dark fort
chaplet, wreath, or garland of flowers. night; each of which comprises fif
teen tithis, or lunar days, of variable
&veSº s. n. A chaplet, wreath, or
garland of flowers. | length, and commencing at different
Svºb 159 $Yo N3

times of the solar day. To make the T. *oxê s. n. The cream of curds.'
lunar time keep pace with solar com T. *oº v. a. To swallow. Yoox323 s.
putation, intercalary lunar months n. Swallowing. 8730.ox3 1. To swal
are inserted; and this is regulated by low down. 2. to suppress; as, Šoš pºo
assigning to each lunar month a par *Xºo?\Rºcãº. He suppressed his "
ticular corresponding sign of the solar grief. - .

zodiac. So often as the sun remains T.

$9.9% v. n. 1. To be above, over, or
in the same sign of the zodiac during beyond ; to exceed, or be excessive.
two days of the moon's change, the 2. to be high, proud, or arrogant. 3,
month to which the last change be to increase; to be exorbitant. 4. to
longs is reckoned over twice; 1st as elapse, or expire; to be gone bye, be
intercalary, and 2dly under it's proper yond recall. v. a. 1. To excel, or sur
name. In the course of a certain
pass. 2. to transgress. s. n. 1. Excess.
number of years, two intercalary 2. lightning. 3XYo Sočej adj. Exces
months occur within the space of one
year, in other words two months are sive, much, Foºowº To beat; to
give the first blow. Soo&#yo tºo 1.
reckoned over twice. In this event,
To go forwards, or in front. 2. to be
the proper month intervening be precipitate, or inconsiderate. 3&ºo
tween the two is entirely omitted
from account, and is termed the wast
& Business to go bye, or be beyond
recall. *

ed month. In every intercalary lunar T. $ºoč7V"C&S - 3\oočc:S or ºboč §c

month, the sun does not enter into a
new sign of the zodiac ; in the course & s. n. A gallant, or paramour. 399
&es’s s. n. (from S^3 to wish.) A
of the wasted lunar month, he enters
into two signs of it. lascivious female, within thirty-six
& "Kösº s. n. The scum of boiled years of age.
T. *** **** or sº tº S. n. Ex
T. &Tºo s. m. wide &&. cess, abundance. adj. Excessive. º

T. &ºs s. n. A patch. vide & "3s. &# 9 or ºxºo adv. Much, ex
In the plural, this word also denotes ceedingly, excessively, greatly.
Embarrassment, confusion. T. $ºe» v. n. To be over, or above;
&ššo adj. Monthly. s. n. A cere to be left, or remain, as a residue.
mony which the Hindoos perform S. n. Remainder, residue, remnant.
monthly, on account of their deceased *\ec?? v. a. To save or lay up
the remnants. 350Xeſ" or 3X3X3eſ"
ancestors, during the space of one
year after their demise. adj. Remaining. Soočºx 1. To
160 3.Nf3
§§ tººl

go before, or in front 2 to be preci S. **oºs &c. adj. Miserly, nig

pitate, or inconsiderate. gardly. *

3)béy-v5 s. n. 1. A cunning person. s. 3355So s. n. 1. Measure. 2. modera

2. a woman. adj. Hard, cruel. tion, temperance, forbearance. 3.
tº s. n. High, or raised ground. limitation, bounds. adj. Moderate,
adj. High, raised. §§o: Teeth temperate.
which jut out. ºº Very high $93 s. n. 1. Measuring, measure. 2.
ground, º'Sãº. So Full
limit, bound.
mid-day. to 3 s. n. Death. ºo 98°ox (from
T. toº or 3X33°3% v. n. 1. To T. Nº ox a natural enemy.) A name
jump, leap, or hop, along 2 to be of Siva.
puffed up with pride, or insolence.
twä9333 tº) To die suddenly. *\tºy cºs s. n. 1. The sun. 2. a
friend, or ally.
G* foºooºº s. n. (from H. &lº) $3939RSSo s. n. 1. A couple, pair, or
Any sweetmeat. brace, male and female. 2. the sign
$Yoãºočey-wºo v. n. To be excessive Gemini, in the zodiac.
ly hot, as applied to the sun. S. *:S adj. False, untrue. tº Sº
9. . .
T. 3×5×oš or ºbeoS v. n. To grieve,
mourn, or lament.
s. n. (from sº vision, knowledge.)
Denial of future existence; atheism,
T. ºotS v. a. To pour drop by drop.
heresy, ºssº (from s. 339
#Sočºorºo’īš s. n. A grass hopper.
understanding.) Error, mistake, igno
T. & s. 39% N*XSex or ºxºe» s. rance.
m. plu. A sort of small deadly snake,
which springs at the object it attacks. *g or tºº s. n. 1. A terraced
house, or one with a flat roof 2, a
T. $otos boºs v. n. To be quite at a
loss what to say, or do. house with an upper story.
T. 5022959 s. n. Glimmering, sparkling. *@9 s. n. A city, giving name also
to a kingdom, lying north east of
$otºko To glimmer, or sparkle.
foº #35°K. To dress, or Bengal.
ornament on’s-self, in a showy man
- assº S. n. (from A. tº:-) De
ner. Nevşâcº To polish, to duction, subtraction. - -

burnish. *KošSex, s. n. plu. I. The sciences.

§ocoox3e39 s. n. A spark of fire, $9 2. glittering, flashing.
coox3°29′3)&X3 The firefly. 9959×oex s. m. plu. The black pulse,
- $9 cº- § s. n. A flea. termed Phaseolus mungo, $6535 or
358 161 Sytc-7′w

3X353 adj. Of or belonging to that

39e3&-3) s. n. (from T. ***, q.v.
. ºš adv. Silently; quietly; with and T. 3-6) a look.) An upward
out emotion of any kind. * view; looking upwards.
. º.or £º s. n. making in the *eº s. m. plu. Dazzling. ºedo
inflex, sing, ºvo& The sky or at ** ^^* v. n. To be dazzled.
mosphere. 393&xi;exº) s. n. A *... s. n. making in the inflex, sing.
name of Siva ; as having the sky, to
form the lock of hair on the crown *# Raised or high ground.
of his head. ºº's (from T. *999 s. n. Glittering, sparkling.
R’s a river.) The heavenly Ganges. *9°ºs. n. The large blackbee.
tºss, &c. adj. Mixed, united;
... ººººo s. n. Excess, abundance. combined or connected with.
adj. Excessive. sº Or fºxee, S. m. A very small
. #953 adj. Of or belonging to the
, chili, or red Cayenne pepper plant. iron spoon. -

Capsicum frutescens. 3983 Sºcº, It's *(3) & or *@y & adj. Mix.
pod. . - •
ed, mingled, blended.
- so-sº s. n. (from A. cºyº- in
$39& or 30:33:30 s. n. 1. Pretence,

herited, hereditary.) Meerassy, or he excuse. 2. blame. 3. fraud, trick, de

reditary property in the land. This ception. 4. envy. -

term is equally applicable to the he T. ººs s. m. Glittering, sparkling.

reditary property of the village offi T. & 39 s. n. Fresh lustre.
cers,"in the lands which they hold *Sºocąex s. n. want of lustre,
exempted from tax, or liable to a
unfavorable change of countenance.
small quit rent only, as to that of the
villagers, or ryots, in the land paying
psºrs s. n. Frost.
full tax, which they hold. Soº-º-º- fo?"Scº s. n. The sun.
&cº A Meerassidar, or holder of & "CX3 s. n. The cream of milk.
meerassy property. *cºx's The cream to form on
. 396&or £9 & s. n. used chief. the surface of milk.
ly in the plural Đoëoºvex, Black . 3\ro Xºssº s. n. A fabulous ani
pepper. Bºbošć)*ě The powder mal, with eight legs.
either of black pepper, or of the &T-C7S"ex) s. n. The instep of the
chili or red Cayenne pepper. foot; the rising upper part of it.
53-85 162 £y tº

T. arcºe's s. n. The back of the second word makes in the mom, plu.
hand. - either 3\rvKoe», or 3XJoex).
T. #35 tº s. m. A lever. *Sºoššš s. n. A quail.
$xº~ v. a. To fillip, or strike with . ºr R-3, s. n. (from s, ºrº a fish,
the mail of the finger, against the ands, e& the eye.) 1. The daughter
thumb. §§§rvº To strike the of Cubera. 2. the goddess of Madura,
strings of the Veena, or Indian in the Indian peninsula, 3, a com
lute, & ºvoº-ºººººoo To toss mon Hindoo appellation.
up a rupee. Kºº To fillip the §y-sºok, s. n. One of the philo
nails of each finger, as from listless Sophical systems of the Hindoos, or ra
ness. s. n. 1. A fillip. 2. aggrandize ther a two fold system, the two parts
ment. of which form two of the six Dursa

. §Tö or ºrº postpos. 1. Upon, nas, or schools of philosophy; the

on, over, above. 2. against. 3. of, first part, the Poorva mimamsa or
respecting, regarding, 4, after, be mimamsa simply, originates with the
Moonee Jaimini and illustrates the
yond. 5. in. 6. by, by means of 7.
at 8, with. & FSºlo gºš Curmacanda of the Vedas, or the
practical part (the ritual) of religion,
Kºść. I shall come after midday. and devotion, including also moral
gcs.ºr-3 in future. &#"cºoºrºº and legal obligations. The second
es;&#oºśćKThis affair must be part, or oottera mimamsa, ascribed to
effeted by stratagem. oºººººº ešo Vyasa, is the same as the Vadanta,
gyeº's "50353. This must be founded on the jnana canda, or the
aone at leisure. §Kosºvºx theological portion of the Pedas, and
-as-R83°oors"K, I went to quarrel treating of the spiritual worship of
with him. the Supreme Being, or soul of the
3rs adj. Upper; being above.
gyrºs, n. 1. Top, or head. 2. fu 3rvöS v. a. To exceed, or transgress.
turity. 3. any thing, particularly v. n. To be haughty. This word is
money, tied up in a knot, and vowed also the plural of the pronoun *ś,
Thow. -

to be presented at a future period to

some deity. *ššo s. n. A mustachoe, or
s, ºs-Sºº or ºr Kos, n. 1. A fish. 2. whisker. It is generally used in the
the sign Pisces in the zodiac. The plural ºf "ex.
Soo to 163 &o:

T. Arsić's s. m. Excellence, adj. 1, draw up, any liquid. 4. to dip, as a

Excellent. 2. proud. pen in ink, &c.
. So adj. numeral. Three. This is a T.
Sooº. v. a. To dip, immerse, or sink
contraction of Kºš three q v, under any liquid. Figuratively, to
and is used in composition only, be
ruin ; ta vex, or annoy.
ing prefixed to the word with which o

it is joined, which then doubles the s. Sooººo s. n. A sort of grass, from

first consonant; thus, & "3S and the fibres of which a string is made,
23X:So the world, make &gxsex, of which the triple thread worn by
the bramin should be prepared. Sac
the three worlds. & & ).5es Three charum munja. sºooº; 3% cºs s. m.
eighths of a pagoda, &c. A name of Vishnoo, as having this
Sooxö s. n. A nose ring, worn by
Indian women. - -
sort of grass for hair.

&oxe adv. In front, opposite. Sºo T. Soo?"& s. n. The eaves of a house.

X® adj. Opposite, fronting, T. &oº s. n. The unripe kernel of the
T. &o-N*So $ 3 s. n. A particular palmyra fruit, so long as it is soft, and
kind ofsilken female garment. edible.
T. &ow">SXSex s. m. plu. A kind T. &oo FoxSs.n. (from T. &K before,
of golden bracelets.
&o? or sºo?Ks. n. The mungoose. and T. Fox's the hand.) The wrist.
Wiverra ichneumon. -
Tud. &oš s. n. (from s. Soo: So q.
&o?\) s. n. making in the inflex. v.) 1. A widow. 2. a whore. Sooč
TºrocºöS 1. To become a widow. 2.
sing. Soo?,*3 and in the nom. plural to be ruined. Soož Rovoxotó 1.
&oº The court yard, enclosed
To make any married female a widow.
within a native house.
2. to ruin. Soočºvá s. n. A widow.
T. &ox$ºsex s. n. plu. Curls, or ring This word seems a sanscrit deriva
lets, of hair. -

tive, from the Hindoo widow being

T. & s. sºo?"3 adj (from T. & be. bound to shave her head, in token of
jore, and s, Sºo anger.) Hot mourning.
headed, or hasty. - -

S. so:3 £20C& s. n. A wrestler.

&otošTºo or Šoo::$5"K. v.a. 1. S. &Soč5& s. n. Shaving, shearing,
To surround. 2. to cover, as applied cutting.
to heaps of insects, flies, &c. collect S. Kocłºśo or Šooë$3&o adj. Shaved,
ing upon any thing, 3. to take out, or bald, having no hair on the head.
&S 164 & S.

Socié s. n. A barber. - T. &s o°3 s. n. A name of Siva ; as

&c & s. n. 1. A small earthen pot, or having three eyes.
pitcher. 2. vide & S. ... &S 8 s. n. A nose ring, or orna
SoošŠv Šºć s. n. The cushoo nut ment, worn by Indian females.
tree. Anacardium occidentale. sº- Sec Śeº v. n. To be clever, or
&o?See s. n. making in the inflex. experienced. lit. to be thrice heated.
sing. Kooºe? or &oče3 1. The , sº ex s. n. Three quarters of any
front. 2. former or past time. 3. futu whole.
rity. adv. 1. Before, in front. 2. first, in
the first instance. 3. formerly, previ . &#_3 adj. Noseless; wanting the
In OSes
ously. 4. hereafter, in future. &cº
. &-U–
3 & sºn. An epidemic disease, adj.
e3 or Soč93 adj. 1. Fronting, oppo &# 3.
site. 2. former, previous, past. 3. fu
ture. As this word implies both past , sº s. n. 1. The nose, bill, or
and future time, it's precise meaning beak. 2. the end, or point. v. a. To
is to be found by reference to the con strain in easing nature. v. n. To be
text, and chiefly to the tense of the come spoiled, or damaged. sº sº
verb. &cºe}35 &) lit. to come in tº To perforate the nose. & $
front. To be promoted. & To blow the nose. sº &vejSSo
Koos s. n. adv. and adj. vide &oº The bridge of the nose. & &O

e8. &Sočo 55S Fore and aft; fore

wards and backwards; past and fu Cº) • The nostils. sº ºra
ture. snuff & The nipple of a
&oğo s. n. One of Cubera's female's breast. -

nithis, or divine treasures. & ë33)3073 s. n. A peculiarkind

& Scēoc & s. n. A name of Vishnoo. of silken garment.
&°º s. n. A crest, diadem, or . & ex s, n, plu. Very small broken
tiara. rice.
&šššo s. n. A mirror. . & K s. m. A measure of capacity,

& sº s. n. An opening bud. & equal to three fourths of the Toom,

Sºot. To shut, or close up, as a the largest Teloogoo measure of ca
'bud. pacity. r

*ś– s. n. A piece, portion, frag & Sºo &c. adj. 1. Released, liber
ment, or part. ated, loosed, let go. 2, liberated from
º —o
Soğ) 165 &&)
corporal existence. 3. discharged, to written communication. **\{y
loosed as a weapon. & Sośsº 3 or &&Svěšo s. n. Complai
A snake that has cast his slough.
sance.sº Sº s, n. The mouth
. & S. Śē adj. (from A. jaxº~) of a river, Šoš-šo ºëyvöotº To
frown. &#39 ºyā) & To listen at
Abbreviated, abridged, brief.
tentively, lit. having given the face.
& Sºes s. n. A pearl. & sº &"K)=-&#397 "Towards the east.
s. n. (from s. 359 a line or row.) A Soś"So 39 Face to face.
pearl necklace. sºy *>> (from &#25& &c. adj. Foul mouthed;
S. sy” to burst.) A pearl oyster. speaking harshly, or scurrilously.
• *š. s. n. Final beatitude, the deli &bāºotºčS$o or & 3pooč5&o-7No
very of the soul from the body, and adv. By means of, through.
exemption from further transmigra &#"??’ s. n. (from A. AA,UK.)
tion; the absorption of the emanci Comparison, collation, confronting
pated spirit into it's great primary &#Sº &c. adj. 1. Chief, primary,
source ; identification with God.
principal. 2. urgent.
• ****
*n (from A. J.s.) TUD. &X&o s. n. (from s. 303.) The

&4’33 s. n. 1. The mouth. 2. the T. &\cº v. n. To be finished, ended,

face, or countenance. 3. the entrance or terminated. Soño tº v. a. To fi
to a house. 4. commencement, 5. a nish, end, or terminate. &^oiº) s. n.
End, conclusion.
means, an expedient adj. 1. First, in
itial. 2. chief, pre-eminent, principal. &\ & or sº numeral. Three
3. urgent. sºciº S. m. A bramin, persons. This is the masc. and fem.
as born from the mouth of Brumha. form of &"º three q.v.
***śrosº lit. the ornament of sº S. n. Flour, or powder, of any
the mouth. The beetle leaf, eaten kind, used by Hindoos in ornament
ing the floor of the house. v. n. 1. To
with areca nut, lime, &c., which gives
ripen. 2. to be spoilt, or damaged.
the mouth a deep red tinge. Fº
sº or &&. s. n. A stupid, igno
* A foolish, or ignorant, creature.
****The appearance of the coun rant, foolish, or simple female.

tenance. So 395 & 5:30

O .
Word of
& adj. Beautiful, handsome.
—o -

mouth ; verbal, in contradistinction Kºš)” s. n. 1. Conversation, con

Soë3 166 Šºć.

ference, discourse. 2. an expression. T. sº v. a. 1. To touch. 2. to arrive

3. a circumstance. 4. beauty. 5. child at, to reach. 3. to bite as applied to
ish play. adj. Beautiful, elegant, hand snakes only. v. n. To be received; ob
some, fair. sºyººs To feel a tained, or paid. s. n. The menses, adj.
Menstruous. Sºv. n. To be men
strong inclination, or desire, for any
thing. struous. &#39s. A room sepa
. & t)ešč 5:So s. n. Perturbation, rate from the house, to which fe
males retire when menstruous. So§ O
sorrow, grief.
$o v. eaus. 1. To cause to touch. 2. to
& ºbs" s. n. (from Turkish or H.
cause to arrive, or reach ; to deliver.
&3's ..)A penal agreement in writ v. a. 1. To give; to pay. 2. to kindle,
ing. º -
sºs"K, v. comp. To
or light.
sº ºx30° s. m. The back of the touch. Sºsº or &º s. n.
neck. Tools, implements, materials.
&ºyºorsº ºbots v. a. To steal. & 3 s. n. 1. The beak, or bill, of
&#3) s. n. A thief, or robber, adj. birds. 2. the snout of the hog. 3. the
Deceitful. kernel of a nut ; a fruit stone.
&T.) adj. Of or belonging to the &%öex) s. n. plu. 1. Wrinkles. 2.
Moochee cast, who are generally pain knots in spinning, or twisting. 3.
ters, trunk-makers, saddle-makers, crumpling of paper, &c. .
paper cutters, &c. s. n. generally Sºo & or &Sãoº s. n. A knot. Šoš
used in the plural, & Ryº Shoes. S. adj. Knock-kneed; having the
&ºys-cºs s. n. A moochee man. knees touching each other. & &cº
SSoº%) 2\o-N-83 Gold-beaters leaf. 3) & 3) s. m. lit. a knot-opener. A
pick pocket. Koč5& v. n. 1. To be
. &zº's n. (from A. !;s.) 1. Re tied in a knot, 2. to succeed. 25°35′Sex?
mission, deduction. 2. a visit. wā-ºº: To knit the eye-brows.
Sºoby-vex s. n. Lumps of dried dung, & & & SA ex) s. m. plu. The great
used for fuel. millet, or Holcus saccharatus, in it's
333 s. n. 1. A siege, or blockade. &āºg s. n. A plain cloth, without
2. surrounding, environing, encom
any border.
passing. sºg&#& To besiege. &XSX3 v. n. vide &eocº.
T. sºsºs"> v. n. To kneel Sºots v. a. 1. To tie up in a knot,
down. or bundle. 2. to dress or ornament
& 5 167 &&.
one's-self, with flowers. 3. to bend, as *** s. n. A great grandfather.
applied to any member of the body. . So ºs s. n. vide &#3.
&#85"K. v. comp. 1. To tie in a -o -o

bundle, or knot, for one's own use. 2. & gº-º-o: & ºverex,

to dress one's-self with flowers. 3. toº S. m. plu. The cast of Mooterazoos,

bend one's own limbs. 4. to shrink, one of the Teloogoo subdivisions of
the Soodras.
shrivel, or close up. SočSá) or &
*) s. n. 1. A bundle of money, tub. ***.* Bºos or sº
jewels, &c. 2. ornamenting one's-self s: n, (from s. sº.") A pearl, sº
with flowers. *)**) A pearl oyster shell; mother.
T. & s. n. A bone. of pearl.
&#sº s. n. A coin, of the value & #3 or *...*&s s. n. A woman
of ten cash. -

whose husband is alive.

Kºśs. n. 1. The buttock. 2. the anus. & Sº S. n. 1. Suruswatee, the god
sºy-S S. n. The end, or last dess of learning. 2, a grandmother.
joint of the back bone. **S*& s. n. The name of a cer
&tos O'Sex, s. n. plu. Trouble, tain village goddess.
annoyance. -
&ā adj. Old, ancient. Kost; S30
&eºcº v. n. 1. To sink. 2. to be or *** s. n. Age, decrepitude.
drowned. 3. to dive. SeeabcN35°K. v. Sºcº v. n. To grow old. Kočºc
comp. To lie bent up, within a nar * s. n. An old man. &&s s. n.
row space. ="cº-exºse Sºcă An old person.
W*& lit. he is sunk by debt. He is &öö& s. n. A cloud.
over head and ears in debt. &&c Wo
*&^3 s. n. 1. Coarseness. 2. oppro
*S v. a. To immerse, or cause to brious or abusive language, adj. 1.
Coarse. 2. opprobrious, abusive.
sink; to drown another. &&S v. n. 1. To be mature ; to
Soea) is v. a. vide && S).
Gs sº s. n. (from *..., xx2x.) A || arrive at the period of full growth, or
maturity. 2. to increase. s. n. Matu
writer, accountant, or clerk. rity; full growth, or age, adj. 1. Ma
*ēs or &&s adj. 1. Coarse. 2. ture; fully grown. 2 old, relatively
opprobrious, abusive. -
only with others. Kočoº & 83Sexy
T. Matured or settled hand writing.
* #5 or & #583 s. n. 1. A grand
mother. 2. a great grand mother, 3. |t. *&Kö or &&Kö) s. n. An old
an old woman. The first word only is | person, adj. Old. vide SS8). 32:3
used in this last sense.
K9ößx s, n. Old age.
&& 168 Soğ)

Se &$#&ex, s. n. plu. vide Tºš ex).

kiss, &3 &) or sº To
&ºw S. m. A mallet; a mace, or
give a kiss. &5 tºy v. n. 1. To
weapon formed like a carpenter's be delighted. 2. to be handsome ; as
Fºw tº &vº *ś sº sºoë
&39× s. n. A hammer. º
When I see him, I am quite delight
TU D. sº: Ol' wºes S. n. vide sº ed. F-cºsT. & He is very
&3 s. n. A lump, an unshapen handsome. &exº~ex § To
mass. Sººs s.Sº. A peculiar chur be exceedingly beautiful. lit. to tie a
ning staff, with a lump of wood at the load of kisses.
point. & A sort of pease pud TUD. &cº.s. n. (from s. sº An
ding, lit. a lump, or mass, of split idiot.
pulse. T.
&exºsº, s. n. (from T. &ex,
- &gs sº.8 Foº S. n. plu. The
kisses, and T. & q.v.) A woman;
cast collectively, who smelt iron. as if a string of kisses.
&:S^03 s. n. A forge for smelting . &S) s. n. 1. A seal, or signet. 2.
Kºos Or sºowº’s S. Il. the impression of a seal; a stamp,

(from A. &sº a plaintiff.) A de or print. &SJoiº, or >\ºaº

To seal. &\º-seº or Sºes. n.
fendant at law. The term º ox (A.
A wooden stamp, for sealing heaps
cºs' J) is used to denote a plaintiff; of corn, &c. *(jºsº. s. n. A
and this word, which also in the ori
person who seals heaps of corn, &c.
ginal has the same signification, in
&\3) Śēs s. n. A man entrusted
Teloogoo is used to denote the defen
dant. by a Gooroo, or other high priest,
T. & 3 s. n. 1. Calamity, misfortune, 2. with his seal, and deputed by him to
peril, danger. settle disputes of cast, &c. & © &
&33 s. n. A woman. §§sº To unseal; to open a seal.
& s. n. 1. A kiss. 2. affection or &\8) Ś s. n. A ring on which cha
kindness, especially towards children. racters are engraved.
3, joy. adj. 1. Dear, affectionate, kind. &SS s. n. An immersion, or plunge.
2. handsome, delicate. 3. joyful. So &R s. n. A holy sage, or saint; a
&Go exoxö& s. m. A ring, worn for pious and learned person, endowed
ornament, on the little finger. sº with more or less of divine nature,
**: "is or sº-x v. a. To or having attained it by rigid abstract
&K, 169 & 8)
ion and mortification; the title is sing. &#9%éS, Former times, adv,
applied to Rishis, to the Brumhadi Formerly, before.
cas, and to a great number of persons T. & Kośo s. n. 1. A field of grain, of
distinguished for their writings, which part has been cut. 2. the front,
considered as inspired, such as or van, of an army. 3. any - thing
Panini, Vyasa, &c. - opposite.
T. $of s. n. 1. The end, or point. 2. |r. Kołº s. n. (from T. & former,
the beginning, or commencement. and T. &S water.) making in the in
&S㺠The point of the tooth.sº flex. sing. Kºº The sea. &
& The commencement of the escº Submarine fire; a being con
evening. &S"o s. m. A goad. sisting of flame, but with a mare's
T. & Sºcº s. n. 1. A great grand || head, sprung from the thighs of Oor
son. 2, the male of the fourth gene va, and received by Ocean.
. ration, in lineal descent. T. &;& A. eas a numeral adj. & sub.
T. &S355S-O"ex, s. n. 1. A great (from T. & three, and T. S"eº a
grand daughter. 2. the female of the hundred) making in the inflex, sing:
fourth generation, in lineal descent. & Kry 833 Three hundred.
& Rºcºs s. m. The year before T. & Nº adj. (from T. & three, and T.
last. 38 ten.) Thirty.
<& s. n. (from A. cºi...) A |T. &ºyös s. n. A three quarter part,
of any whole. -

moonshee, or teacher of any language.

T. &# *S*) s. n. Three quarters of the
&$#Sºcº s. n. vide s. Sºoº. coin termed a pagoda, or of the
&OK, adj. Former, adv. Formerly. In weight or measure termed a seer.
this last sense, it is sometimes writ T. & 3) 8 s. n. Three twists, adj. Thrice
ten &Kº. twisted. &Sö N'K v. n. Three
T, $3355S°F) adv. 1. Before, in front, passions, or affections of the mind,
first, 2. in former times, previously. to be felt simultaneously.
&Kocić v. m. wide Soearc N3. T. &S s. n. 1. Old age. 2. deceit,
<&xº-ºxº § or sºx fraud. 3. misfortune. -

*š' s. n. The plant termed Hy G. & Tºy or wº) numeral. Thirty.

peranthera moringa. T. &c.) 3. or &, à s. n. Three fold.
&Koš83 adj. Former. adj. Tweble. &sº,323 To multiply
§§§) s, n, making in the inflex. by three.
&e? 170 Šoš

sºck, s. m. wide & Sºc T. Koes s. n. A piece, orbit. Soeºdºo

&. v. a. To cut into pieces, or bits.
T. sº Or sºe, s. n. Milk for
. Kosº, & s. n. Vehemence, excess,
the first seven days after birth.
violence; especially of pain, or dis
ease. &sº, bois To grow vehe &exºs s. n. The citron leaved
ment, excessive, or violent; especi Morinda, or Morinda citrifolia, from
the root of which a red dye is ob
ally as applied to disease or pain. tained.
- <--> s. n. making in the inflex.
&bs or sº s. n. 1. An arrow. 2.
sing. &.e3 Three times, adv. the point of an arrow.

. Koº,55"ex, s. m. lit. tha instru. &#9% s. n. The radish, or Ra

phanus sativus.
ment with three points. A trident.
- &S v. a. wide & "cºw.
&º or &ex s. n. making in the
inflex, sing. Soots, and in the nom.
- sw8&s. n. A small drum, or tabor. plu. Sooš I. A thorn. 2. a spur, adj.
. &ö&Seſ"& v. n. To evince anger. Thorny, prickly. Kooste s. n.
&59 s. n. A flute, pipe, or flageolet.
(from T. S"o a staff.) A goad. &o:
Soo"6 s. n. A name of Vishnoo; as $oë The porcupine. sº-Kºsys"
the enemy of the demon Moora,
K9 or Fºx A thorn to pierce, or
whom he destroyed.
. & 63 s. n. Filth, dirt, nastiness, adj. Sº s. n. 1. A bag, or bundle, of
Dirty, soiled, unclean.
. SºoëToS) or SočS3) s. n. Exulta money, or jewels. 2. property in ge
tion, joy, gladness. Sobcºo v. n. 1. &Sãº73 s. n. A bullock in train
To exult, or rejoice. 2. to evince a
strong desire. t ing.
. &&.73 v. n. To putrity; £o become &SSºx, s. n. plu. A kind of foot
rotten, or putrid. s. n. 1. A bracelet.
2. an ornament worn on the tip of the &S& numeral vide &X$8.
ear. &öğo &c. adj. Stolen, robbed.
T. & & ) s. n. Beauty, adj. Beautiful. &$ 3 s. n. 1. The scrotum. 2.
T. &eºšoe? adj. Very little, inconsi the testicle.

derable; as, Soe?Soe? §§ 43 Incon &# & &c. adj. Obstinate, stub
siderable darkness. born, s. n. Obstinacy,
&reš 1% 1 & S)
Se &v$3 s. n. A dumb person.
& s. n. (P. c...) 1. The fist, T. &všče s. n. making in the inflex.
the clenched hand. 2. the hilt, or han
sing. Kºrºšč3 An earthen plate, used
dle, of a sword. 3, a handful of grain,
- o for covering pots.
given as alms. <āşşes C & TUD. &vX s. n. (from s. SºS) Dumb
( Q)ju- $. A wrestler, boxer. ness. adj. Dumb.
&vX v. a. wide & K. S.
&oš83 or &&S v. a. To collect,
or gather, in a crowd; to settle upon <rºyº v. a. To smell, by ap
any object, as flies, or insects; to plying to the nose.
surround. &vé2 s. n. A bundle, parcel, or
Košešo s. m. A pestle, particularly package; a load carried by a man; a
a wooden one, used in cleaning rice.
&vko& s. n. A lump of dried dung,
. Kºść) s. n. An old person, adj. Old, used as fuel.
aged. &Soč8) $55&o Old age. & "3S numeral adj, or sub., making
Soo'3%) s. n. 1. A name of Balarama, in the inflex, sing. & '83, or Kºvác
the elder brother of Krishna. 2, a €3 Three. v. n. 1. Tó be ended, or
house lizard. terminated; as S**3 °CºS’
&S$3 or &&CX3 s. n. 1. A veil. 2. ãoë His life is ended. 2. to happen,
a cover of cloth. &cºs v. n. or occur; as $ºssº lit. ruin to
To be veiled, or covered. occur. To be ruined, or destroyed.
. & SöS s. n. A constant or continued ŠºvćSo &c. adj. Foolish, ignorant.
rain. v. a. vide Šºš8. &-38ssº s. n. Ignorance.
&vcö s. n. (from T. Sovcºo q. v.)
G. Kośció s. n. (from A. 3-(º-s) 1. A cover, or top, for shutting, or
A renter, or farmer. closing up, that on which it is placed.
**...* adj. (from A. Jax...) 2. shutting, closing, or covering.
Prepared, ready. &rocēś3& To be shut. Fºx Sºc
Šošwº s. n. 1. A division of §33° lit. the ears to be shut. To be
time, the thirtieth part of the day. in a state of insensibility.
and night, or an hour of forty-eight 3&vö 23 s. n. A plank at the point
minutes. 2. a period selected, and of a shelving roof, to cover, or con
fixed, for any auspicious ceremony; ceal, the beams which support it.
as for a marriage, &c. &v8 s. n. The mouth.
T, Kºs s. n. 1. An army. 2. a multi & "Cºys s. n. Urine. &"Q) o
tude, concourse, or assembly. tº v, a Tourine, to make watºr.
Soye § 172 ºrg
. &včbo & v. a. To remind, to cau placed in it's scale; the seventh part
tion. of a Grama, or scale.
T, &T'S s. m. The chaff of castor oil
Tud. Sº sº s. n. vide Sºvrº ŠKo.
s. & " : So adj. 1. Fainting, fainted,
& "3) s. n. The upper part of the
losing sense or consciousness. 2. solid,
back. -

material, endowed with form or

&vº)öSo s. n. The hump which shape.
Indian cattle have on the shoulders.
s. Sº 3 s. n. 1, Matter, substance, so
&vcº v. a. 1. Toshut, or close. 2. to lidity. 2. the body, 3. figure, form,
cover. 3. to spit. & oxotó v. caus.
To cause to shut, &c. & "SS K v. bodyingeneral, or any definite shape,
or image. §§o $ºrºs-sºo'ssºč
comp. To shut, &c., for one's own
use, or benefit, or any member of By your gracious auspices, lit. by
one's own body. v. n. To shut of itself.
your possession of form. Vºy S$oºre

so: 3'S5's lit to shut the &s ex) The personification of the
eyes. To die. Trôxº~&S"º To Hindoo trinity.
hold one's tongue, to be silent, lit. to s &n 35S$ adj. Material, substan
shut the mouth. -
tial, hard, solid, having shape, or
&vö s. n. A cubit, the measure from substance.
the point of the elbow, to the extre
T. sºrgs s. n. The head. sºrgºs
mity of the fingers. -
co -

Kºrºšºv. a. To smell, by applica ex) s. m. plu. (from s. 2; born.) The

tion to the nose. -
hair of the head. sº §cão
sºr;Św &c. adj. 1. Foolish, igno s. n. (from s. eºs. sprinkled, a
nointed.) 1. A man of the second pure
rant, stupid, idiotic. 2, obstinate.
Hindoo tribe ; the Chutriya, or sol
<r; s. n. 1. An idiot. 2, an obsti
dier; one of the military class. 2. a.
nate person. king, a prince. 3. achief minister, a
<!-8) s, n. A swoon, or faint. Šx counsellor of state. Hindoo kings
8)?v.n. To swoon or ſaint. <-8) were consecrated by having poured
on their heads, while seated on a
6*X:So The epilepsy. <!-º throne prepared for the purpose, wa
To swoon away. 3rºbes To ter from some sacred stream, mixed
recover from a swoon. with honey, clarified butter, and spi
&ºs s. n. 1. Fainting, syncope, rituous liquor, as well as two sorts of
swooning. 2. a tone or semitone, as ' grass, and the sprouts of corn. The
$3rº 173 & Ro
term applies to the Chutriya as iden | T. &rºs s. m. Dumbness. adj. Dumb.
tified with the king, the duties of . vide &vX.
royalty belonging especially to the Se sºvº or & sº s. n. 1. A crucible.
military cast. 2. a mould.

sºsºx, S. m. A man of a $xº's So s. n. A rat, or mouse.

mixed class, sprung from a bramin, &Y&s. n. 1. An animal in general.
and a female of the second or Chutriya 2. a deer, or antelope. Kºś s.
tribe; the principal of the mixed m. (from s, tº thirst.) Vapour,
races, and soldier by profession. appearing at a distance like a sheet
&ve s. n. 1. A point of the compass; of water, and deceiving deer. Kyº
a quarter, or direction. 2. a corner. 3. &oºs & s. n. (from s. &oš's who
a braid, or tress, of a female's hair. bites.) A dog. &yº Šºvšs-š Sºo s. n.
4. a retreat. 5. a herd of loaded cattle.
(from s, & '85's S a cheat.) Ajackal,
6, a heap of the loads of cattle.
Šºve) s. m. The nineteenth of the as luring his prey. &YR-3 s. n.
lunar mansions. (from s. Tº the navel. A. Q-ºlj)
Se &veys Ko s. n. The radish, or Ra Musk, which is formed in a bag at
phanus sativus. tached to the belly of the musk deer,
&ve)sº s. n. 1. A root; the root of near it's navel. It is also termed
a tree. 2. origin, commencement. 3. &y&&. Syðvøs s. n. The
capital, principal. 4. the original text
of any work, as opposed to the Teeca, musk deer, sºyºº.cº. s. n.
or comment. 5, means. 6. cause. adj. (from s. Fºº's a vehicle.) Air,
Main, principal, original. &ve Soo wind; the deity presiding over which
7\"adv. By means of, through.Save has the antelope as his vehicle, sº)
sº-sºver $2 or ºve; os s. n. 7"ośc & s. n. (from s, eos a mark,
The disease termed the piles. &ve) or symbol.) The moon, the dark
§§§o s. n. (from s. 55 wealth.) parts of which are considered by the
Capital, principal, stock. Hindoos to resemble the antelope.sº)
SJ'exºS v. n. To groan, to moan, TºšSSo s. n. (from s, e&S eating.)
to make any noise from pain. s. n. A 1. A hyena. 2. a leopard. synºd, S.
groan, or moan.
n. (from s. 23, the eye.) A woman
Krešº S. n. 1. Price. 2. wages, with eyes like those of an antelope.

&-9 s. n. Maim, or defect, adj. - sº?-Gºjº sºn. (from s. 30 Gº,

Maimed, broken, gut off, lord, chief.) The lion.
$$e) $$.” 1 4 Tº:

§)xcº or sºy's Sº S. m. Chase, sº adj. Cleaned, cleansed.

hunting, $5%)^cºoc & s. n. A hunter, Tºos s. n. Abundance, excess. adj.
or deer-killer. Abundant, excessive.
sºyºº or sºyººs s. m. The Tºo? s. n. commonly used in the
fifth of the lunar mansions. plural FootSex Fenugreek. Trigo
&ya's s. n. A name of Parvatee, nella fenum gracum.
TUD. Rºos & or Foxwo s. m. wide &y
the consort of Siva. X&o.
$ºyºc & s. n. A name of Siva. T. ºš v. a. To eat.
$$y'5& &c. adj. Dead, expired, de T. º Or ºys";3 v. a. To ap
funct. Kyösöö To die. plaud, approve, praise, or commend.
&yº s. n. Death, demise. &yº”o
& To die. - -
The former word also denotes as a s.
Il. Applause, commendation, appro
&) #5 or &) & s. n. Earth, clay,
soil. bation. vide &S.
&Yºsë s. n. Death. &Yºsë) T.
Tººs s. n. The noise arising from
cracking the joints of the fingers, &c.
Kršº s. n. (from s. 5./K-5 a Tº Sex,38%. To make that noise,
jlower.) A sugar cane, as dying after
by pulling the fingers, &c.
flowering, sºyººs &rbs. n. (from s. T.
Tº s. n. Raised, or high, ground ;
Kº bearing, producing.) A crab,
which the Hindoos believe to die ground not irrigated artificially.
after producing it's young, eº) Tº v. a. To trample, to tread. s. n.
&Siô s. n. Untimely death. 1. The step of a stair. 2. a step, or
&yºy Or &yºy A s. n. 1. Excellent, degree. 3. a custom house, or place
where toll is levied. 4. the total, the
or rich, soil. 2. fragrant earth.
&)^ox$o s. n. A tabor, or small whole. 5. curds with a proportion of
drum. water. 6- a stop of the Veena, or
sºyºos Or &yº adj. Soft, gen Hindoo lute. This noun, in it's irre
tle, mild.
gular plural Foº, also denotes
. Shoes, slippers, or sandals. º
Rºss' s. n. A grape. adv. lit. to the step, to the whole. L.
&yº s. n. Battle, combat, war. At least, at any rate. 2. at last, in the
SyF-8&o s. n. The film, or fibre,
of the lotus stalk. T. Tº s. n. The neck. AºS’ošex s.
S. &)*. s. n. An untruth; a falsity, n, plu. The collar bones. Tošº'o S)
or falsehocd,
s. n. The back of the neck, W&x
"S.S: I75 • 3353

º lit. to tie on the neck. To force, T. Tº adj, vide ºčič).

constrain, or oblige, ºceſſºrs T. Tº s. n. Approbation, approval,
commendation. Soºyo & v. caus.
To push by the neck. FočN3%. A
neckcloth. SočR&-ex or Soº To cause to approve, or applaud. So
ex) lit. neck threads. An ornament
&Yo:SSTS v. caus, comp. To cause
to approve, or applaud, one's-self.
suspended from the neck, made of
vide Sotº).
golden threads plaited together.
Tºšš s. n. I. A grain of boiled
Tºsox's, n. 1. The body. 2 time, pe
riod. postpos. used in books only, By,
rice.2. boiled rice collectively.
by means of .
Totò adj. Soft, mild. Toos & v. a. To seize, or take
Tº s. n. Bedding; any soft hold of.
stuffed substance.
Toºs v. a vide º'cº.
* {^* adv. 1. Softly. 2 slowly. Toºs s. n. Raised, or high, ground.
T. Tºo $5 s. n. 1. Softness, meekness, Toößoš s. n. 1. Perplexity. 2. doubt,
mildness. 2. tardiness, slowness.
Tº £º adj. 1. Soft, meek, mild, 2. Töö Sočerºs v. n. To feel pain, as
slow, tardy. -
the eye when any small substance
T. Tºš v. a. To smooth a surface, by enters it.
plastering it with mud. s. n. The
mud thus used.
Točá s. n. A procession through
the streets.
Tºššo s. n. making in the inflex. Te
sing. Tºš88 The brain. Tº socºS3 s. n. Unbroken rice.
Tºšexor'āošSex v. n. 1.To move, or Toë SesoeSF-o: s. m. plu. Men
shake. 2. to wander, or go about. & " perfect, either in body, or mind.
Ś expºex, Money to be in hand. . Foboº or Seecº v. n. 1. To light
Toà8)otº3 v. a. To move, stir, or put en, as lightning. 2. to glitter, glare,
or shine, ºb% owe v. caus. To cause
in motion. Tºrv'São.3%)o tº 1. To
to lighten, or to shine, &c.
... speak. 2, to be eloquent, clever, or
able. | Tº SX3 s. n. 1. Polish, brilliance,
T. Točos s. n. vide Soč33. | shining, brightness, gleam, lustre. 2.
Tºšºv. n. 1. To be pounded. 2. to oil. 3. ghee. FošX #º v. a. To
be inured to, to be well versed in. 3. polish. Fºx & 68% The fire fly.
to associate with. ToSoß) v. a. 1. To T. Tºšić) or Foeºs. n. 1. Lightning.
pound, or grind. 2. to inure, to quali 2. glittering, shining, lustre.
fy. s. n. Anything mixed with flour, - i.
Te Tºw8S9 s. n. Lightning. v. n. To
to thicken it in baking, lighten as lightning,
T553 v 176 *ē3

T. Tºoed Socx s. m. plu. Exhibitions of T. * s. n. The body.

tumbling. $o? s. n. Fenugreek. Trigonella
Tºwe's ex s. n. plu. Tricks, frauds, foenum gracum.
T. Tºoeciº or Tºoexy?& v. n. To associate T. $'s s. n. A goat. §§ 303 s. n. (from
with. 2. to act according to another's
wishes, vide soo:3).
T. boã an eater.) A wolf ºš &%
Tºoexc3 or Soejcós s. n. A woman. s. n. A he-goat. §'s Sº s. n. The
T. Tºoey8) v. a. 1. To cause to * sign Aries, in the zodiac.'s "Sº
with. 2. to cause to act according to s. m. One of the seven primary notes
another's wishes. s. m. l. Association of music. *$32, s, n. A kid. Tºo's
with others. 2. conduct, behaviour. 3. Tºos s. n. A she-goat.
cleverness, experience. '#53 s. n. (from P. ***) A nail,
T. Toë) or Toš) S s. n. A twist. tent pin, or hook.
Tº s. n. A squint, squinting. adj. ioS’K. v. a vide Esox'S"Ko.
Squinting. Tºšoë3 adj. Squint išºes.n. A woman's girdle, or zone.

eyed. s. n. A crow. Fºrº) & tº


To squint, lit. to look a squinting

: Tocº v. a vide & 3.
$º or *** S. Il. (A& **)
Acloud. Aisé"S9 s. n. (from s.
Tºš s. m. 1. Slowness. 2. gentleness. #’sos light.) A flash of lightning.
ºw" or Fºw" adv. 1. Slowly. 2. ºšts S& s. n.(from s. as S5 a
softly. Tº adj. 1. Slow. 2, gentle. gate.) The sky, or heaven. ºšSRyo
Tº s. n. A hall. &c & s. n. (from s. N'S noise.) The
T. Wºs s. n. 1. Wakefulness; son of Ravana, whose voice is like the
watchfulness. 2. an expedient, or stra thunder of clouds. *ść): S:30 S.
tagem. &Xe) adj. 1. Watchful, n. (from s. 6)*N a flower.) Water.
on one's guard, careful, cautious. 2.
artful, clever. Soº-Nºëo’s To
ifiºsº-Sº, or sº Clouds to
be watchful, or cautious; to be on o

one's guard. Soºs & To be is&sº s. n. 1. The colour black,

roused. -
or dark blue. 2. the eye of the pea
T. Tºšić or SK Č) v. a. To eat. cock's tail, adj. Black, or dark blue.

Tºš"S& s. n. (from A. vºs...) *** s. n. (from P. :...) A table.
Labour, toil, trouble, exertion, pains, . §§ adj. 1: First, chief, excellent,
difficulty. -

noble, s. n. 1. A heap, 2, the chief, or

º I 77 ºšo

head, of a body, especially of under that the marrow of the bones per
ryots. forms to them.

Tºé & s. n. A ram. &as s. n. The earth.

** s. n. A house of two or more *::$8& adj. Smooth, soft, bland,
stories. -
unctuous, saponaceous.
** s. n. 1. The glomerous fig tree. ** s. n. Apprehension, conception,
Ficus glomerata. 2. that part of the understanding.
plough-handle which joins into the *** n. A learned man, a Sage,

plough. 3,35°s s. n. (from T. S"s a teacher.

a tail.) That part of the plough-han **śsº adj. Pure, purified.

dle which is held in the hand, sº *š adj. Connected through a pa
fe s. n. The nail, or pin, which fixes ternal aunt, or a maternal uncle. As
the handle to the plough.
Tāo & s. m. 1. The penis. 2. a ram.
Rºsex s. n. The daughter of a man's
sister, or of a woman's brother. $5
T. $5 s. n. 1. Pasture, forage, food for ºcºs s. n. The son of a man's sister,
any animal. 2. grazing, vide Tāooºo.
or of a woman's brother. As ºf s.
iššē s. n. 1. An eater. 2, a maistry, n. A paternal aunt, or the wife of a
or head of the lower casts, such as of
maternal uncle, ºssº s. n. A
the palankeen boys, washermen, cow inaternal uncle. *Sºs s. n. The
herds, toddy drawers, &c.
son of a paternal aunt, or of a mater
Tºššcºs s. n. A meek, or mild,
nal uncle, if older than one's-self. If
man. $8&ºex s. m. A meek or
he be younger than one's-self, he
mild woman. *sūššº s. n. Meek
is termed ºssoeºca. $55585
ness, mildness.
s, n. The daughter of a paternal aunt,
T. io:35 adj. Of or belonging to that or of a maternal uncle, if older than
peculiar cast who cut bamboos, and one's-self. If she be younger than
live by selling them, or baskets, &c. one's-self, she is termed Šoššeo
made of them.
& ex).
*&) s. n. Marrow, applicable ºšs s. n. One of the courtezans
not merely to the marrow of the of Swurga, and wife of Himalaya.
bones, but more properly to the cº) co

serous or adipose secretion that ºš's sº,2, s. n. (from sets, ºr

spreads amongst the muscular fibres, a daughter.) Her daughter, Parvatee,
and which is considered as perform the wife of Siva. -

ing the same functions to the flesh, T. sº s. n. The body.

º 178 Tāsex,
T. ºbs, n. An eater.
resides, attended and worshipped by
T. ºccº v. a. To eat food, as applied the Rishis, Gandharvas, &c.; the re
to any animal; to graze, or eat grass. gents of the points of the compass
% v. caus. To cause animals to occupy the corresponding faces of
eat ; to feed, or graze, cattle, &c. s. n. the mountain, the whole of which
vide ºč. Tºots v, caus. To consists of gold and gems. Consider
cause another to feed animals, or to ed in any but a fabulous light,
tend cattle in grazing. mount Meru appears to mean the
T, Tº s. n. 1. A limit, or boundary. 2. high land of Tartary, immediately to
an instalment. 3. a quantity of corn, the north of the Himalaya moun
given from the thrashing floor, to the tains. -

hereditary servants of the village, as ificº) S. n. A bead, suspended

their established fees of office, from the clasp of a necklace.
s. §§§ s. n. The sacred mountain T.
*es s. n. Laughter, ridicule. \,
Meru, in the centre of the seven con *S*& To laugh at ; to ridicule.
tinents, compared to the cup or seed *b* s. n. 1. Pure gold. 2. advan.
vessel of the lotus, the leaves of which tage, profit. -

are formed by the different Dwipas. *ex s. n. 1. Goodness, excellence.

It's height is said by the Hindoos to 2. worthiness, fitness. 3. happiness,
be 84,000 Yojanas, sixteen thousand prosperity. 4. kindness, benefit, 5.
of which are below the surface of the success, adj. l. Good, better, noble,
earth; the shape is variously describ excellent. 2. fit, proper. 3. high,
ed as square, conical, columnar, lofty, adv. Above, up. Interj.
spherical, or spiral, and the four expressive of approbation. Keos º
faces of it are of various colours, or S. n. An awning. Tišexo~3 s. n.
white towards the east, yellow to
A heap of grain ready, or fit, for
the south, black to the west, and red measurement. §ew #& To do a
towards the north ; the river Gan
kindness, or favor; to bestow a bene
ges falls from heaven on it's summit,
and flows thence to the surrounding fit. §oe»538% To be grateful.
worlds in four streams, the southern Tāsex8°K. -ºšoervK, OT ifive) K»
-U– -U-

branch is the Ganges of India, the v. n. 1. To awake of one's-self, to be

northern running into Tartary is the awake. 2. to be on one's guard. 3. to
Bhadrasoma, the eastern is the Sita, be roused. §exos"exº) To awake
the western is the Chacshu or Orus. another. Alex's 'exº')ex s. n". plu.
On the summit of Meru, Brumha '' Songs, used to awake the great.
- &s 179 Tºo &

T. isex” obs, n. 1. An excellent per T. &S"º v. a. To agree; to consent.

son. 2. a piece of good writing, to be ºšTex.) v. caus. To cause to agree,
copied by a person learning to write. of COnSent.

adj. Excellent. T. &^Töö s. n. 1. That end of a Hin

ºù s. n. Indian ink. &Yºré s. n. doo female's garment, which is thrown
a An ink-stand. over the back. 2. the ornamented bor
Tišov S& s. m. Meeting, union, as: der which runs across that end.
semblage. s &\º,589 tº s. n. A name of Agus
T. iščo s. n. 1. A band, set, or tya, vide exº Scº.
company, of dancers, or of singers. s. So Qy s. n. Friendship.
2. the music used by them. Åsº ºc
& s. n. A musician, or dancer. s. 3939Rºo s. n. Copulation, coition.
‘āoš 52 & v. a. 1. To mix. 2. to a. Sºº"SSo s. n. (from P. colº
unite in harmony the sound of vari A plain, or open field.
ous instruments. -
T. Jºs s. n. An enchanting powder,
$330 s. n. (P. Cº-s) 1. A ram. which allures the person on whom it
2. the sign Aries in the zodiac. †o is thrown, to follow the other who
throws it.
Wołocłº s. n. A name of Indra, as
having the testicles of a ram, which T. &S& s. n. Bees wax. $53): 3
S. m. A wax candle.
were substituted for his own, lost by
a curse. s. SR-SC’s s. n. A mountain in the
ioãroëKos, n. lit. a ram's testicle. Himalaya range, personified as the
brother of Parvatee.
Difficulty, perplexity.
º, s. n. Aewe. . .. 8. Rºčoºšo s' n. A spirituous liquor,
distilled from the blossoms of the
º:3-530s. n. 1. The penis. 2. urine.
-āo:3-5°x3 s. n. Urinary disease, Lythrum fruticosum, with sugar, &c.
T. Soo s. n. & adj. vide & ove).
especially inflammatory affection of
the urethra, including gonorrhoea. T. &o.
Sečo & s. n. vide & oveč iſ e

32 s. n. The body. SNeº) To T. &oã adj. 1. Stubborn, obstinate,

stretch out the members of the body, perverse. 2. maimed, defective. ºxo
as when first awake. Siôy"5 s. n.
3 - ºvo& Or Tºboãö5:30 S. Il,
vide eox-O"X-Ko. 3 & eº) s. n.
Armour; mail. Stubbornness, obstinacy.
Gs ºššo s. n. 1. Intoxication, 2, in t, ºxoºs s. n. A headless trunk, or
sensibility. 3. drowsiness. corpse. Swoº)7V"sº s. n. The
T333'3 180 TFoo ºxy .
-U— ed

moon's ascending node, personified as Tº adj. Rent free, exempt

the giant Rahoo, without a head. from tax.

Tºš Āš" s. n. (from A. a...cxx.) Tº adj. Male. s. n. The point, or

commencement. 2. the mouth of a
Matter, affair, subject, business ;
cause, in law. river, &c. Sooxê SSo s. n. Manhood,
Tºos & s. n. A post, or pillar. Tº manliness. Tºox Sºcºs s. n. A man.
$ 85, º,3 s. n. A large blackbee, Tºxê s. n. The male of any animal.
. Sooxã s. n. A bud. -

which makes it's nest in wooden posts,

and pillars.
T. ºxº~83, s. n. The name of a
G- certain village goddess.
**os adj (from A.J.,x.) 1. TUD. ºxsº s. n. (from s. & 3) . The
Certain, infallible, established, fixed.
2. appointed. -
face, visage, or countenance. Fºx Sº
. Tºo Sºley-os. n. (from A. **śo s. n. Complaisance. Sooxsºoš
Comparison, collation, confronting. &YoºTo disappear, or abscond.
Tºo Sºo s. n. (from A. G.) Tºx95% s. n. The Caldera bush,
or Pandanus odoratissima.
"Dwelling; place of residence.
T Foºs. n. A time, generally used with .
ºš s. n. 1. A germ, or young plant.
2. bluntness. 3. disgrace. Tº e5-8 *ś- prefixed; as *ś &W At
§) v. n. 1. To be blunt. 2. to be dis once, together, at bue time.
ºx3 & Or ºx3×) v. a. To close,
graced. Fº; ºs v. n. To be dis
graced. Sº ºes tº v. a. To dis or shut up, especially as applied to
flowers, or the members of the body.
ºc & s. n. A husband. vide &
ºš & S.A. s. n. A large species of XC23.
the great millet.
Tºx3ex s. n. (P. &^-) A cloud.
T. º; 3& S. m. l. An obstinate
man. 2. an elephant, without tusks. Tºšex)Tº s. n. (from T. CS-8 a.
Tºš cºs s. n. A clever, able, or road.) The sky, or atmosphere.
strong, man. . Tº s. n. A bud.
Tºos+r-osºbo or Åboš
Šo s. n. Ob ... Sºo s. n. The array of an army.
stimacy, stubbornness. º v. n. 1. To incline, or lean, to
*ś v. a. To prostrate one's-self. one side. 2. to trip. 3. to consent, or
s. n. Prostration, salutation. ºš agree. 4. to interfere. s. n. Learning,
ST’So v. comp. To vow. ºš. 233 s. or inclining, to one side.
n. A vow.
Tº v. a. To beat with the fist on
Tºo?S 181 Tºoee

a hard body, so as to produce a noise. T. FºotSö s. n. A milch cow. -

s. m. A blow of this kind. It is also T. & s. n. 1. A block, or beam, of

termed ºs-cº. wood ; a tree cut down and deprived
of it's branches. 2. a blockhead. adj.
T. Fºx: s. n. The penis. 1. Blunt. 2, stupid.
T. & 3 s. n. The corner of the wall,
near a door.
. Soos s. n. 1. The point, end, or ex
tremity. 2. an army. Soos"CŞo s.
. Tºo & s. n. 1. The total, or whole.
n. A general, or leader, of an army.
2. a flock, or multitude. T. & Scºo v. n. To rush in. *

. Soo & v. a. To smite, beat, or strike.

. Fooºs. n. making in the inflex. sing:
Tº go tº v. caus. To cause to smite, Toorºº The day before yesterday.
&c. º STS v. comp. 1. To beat - Tºo?y s. n. 1. An idiot. 2. an ob
one's-self, especially upon the mouth, stinate person.
in token of grief. 2. to grieve, or la . Soooooex) or FoodSoex) s. n. A cloud.
. Tºo' or Rºses s. n. A loud cry, or
. Sºe» s. n. making in the inflex. complaint. Rºbº To cry aloud,
sing. Sooč83 1. The beginning, or to complain. - -

commencement; the first. 2. origin, . Footºo adj. Rough, rugged.

source. 3. principal, capital, as oppos . Sooººo s. n. Calx, gravel. &Sö375
ed to interest. 4. the first, chief, or e) S. n. Calcarious soil.
principal among many. 5. the base of . Sooºoºo v. n. To emit sound. Soot;
a tree. The inflexion Soběšč3 is much o”939 v. a. To make, or cause, to
used as an adj. to denote - 1. First, sound.
foremost, prior. 2. chief, principal, . Fºob & s. n. A small winnowing
original. adv. 1. Since, from that time basket, used by children.,
forwards, from one extremity to the . Foo’SX3 or ºbes.cx3 v. n. 1. To
other. 2. even. Rºosexºcº or & bark, as a dog. 2. to shade, or cover,
&ex 33 v. a. To begin. Fº S the eyes, or face. s. n. A bark, barking.
Other, similar, et cetera. Tºo?Sexy or . Sooeos s. n. Defect, deficiency,
Tºšexps ºf adv. From, since, for maim.
wards. 98) - T500?: ex) or Foo:SexySTF) . Fooeb& s. n. 1. An idiot. 2. an ob
Henceforth. Sºbºšex)73& To be to stinate person. adj. Obstinate.
tally ruined, or spoiled. S #ºssex, . Fºxee sº v. n. 1. To be blunt. 2. to
Principal and interest. be disregarded, or disgraced.
*35X3 s. n. The grass termed . Sooee Sooeoeſºe or Fooeserv23 v.
Saccharum cylindricum. n. To evince anger. .
182 Tºre éco
. Fooe3S or º s. n. vide ºxeº S. leaves of the palmyra, or other palm
The latter of these two words Fº trees.

is also an adj. denoting-Defective, ºx's 8) s. n. An alligator. Boss?)

maimed, deficient. ~3 s. n. The sign Capricornus, in
- Fº: s. n. An outcry; clamour, the zodiac.

complaint. & Sº A very . Soº-S s. n. (from P. 34-) A seal.

loud and clamorous cry, vide º' ‘Rºwšs.n. A gold Mohur, or rupee.
. Sooey s. n. 1. The waist. 2. a large SJ's s. n. A germ, or sprout.
nail, or pin. Footº s. n. (from T. Tºrv S'ex) s. n. making in the inflex.
Tº a string.) The small string sing. Tºro S^{3 or ºv's "9 The
round the waist, which every Hindoo knee. & "S"é863) s. n. The pan
wears, and whence is suspended the of the knee. 53v Sºč) orº- ºr Sº
lungotee, or little piece of cloth con 8o $o or ºr's sº v. n. To kneel.
cealing the privities. Tºorºº’ex s.
n. A female's zone, of gold or silver, Tºº-3 s. n. A cable, or thick rope.
and sometimes set with precious T. &º v. n. To emit sound, as a
Stones. bell, &c.
. &es s. n. 1. A germ, or sprout 2. TºrošSSo adj. Vain, useless, fruitless.
the hard substance in a bile, which Tºrv S. s. n. 1. A plantain tree. Musa
causes the sore. Fºos ºo?"S s. n. sapientum. 2. the silk cotton tree.
Gold supposed to be produced by Bombar heptaphyllum.
snakes, and other animals. , o

. Fºoºoºo v. a. To sow, lit. to Tºyotºs & s. n. The plant termed

throw, in order to sprout. Hyperanthera morunga.
, Tooeſ ºr adj. (from A. &ck. &-3ss s. n. Liberation, freedom.
Plated, covered with gold, or silver. s. TºyotS v. a. To bear, or carry, a
m. 1. Plating, gilding. 2. any external burden. -

application to a sore. . Te Tººroº oxS s.

n. making in the inflex.

. Fºx & v. n. 1. To sprout, germi sing: ºrvº. The elbow.

nate, vegetate, or grow. 2, to rise, or . 53-82 s. n. vide $3,73. Fºrwè575°5 s.
appear, as applied to the stars of
n. The large bucket, in which water
is drawn up from wells.
- Tºgă Rs. n: A species of Jasmin. . Svěo adj. Dull, stupid, simple.
. J. multiflorum.
. ºS S. n.
. Sºº s. n. 1. A stupid person, a
The tender or young || blockhead, 2. a stallion. 3. the trunk
& ot, 183 Tºroğ

of a tree when felled. adj. Stupid, T. Tºrºš) s. n. 1. A large bundle, or

ignorant, dull. load. 2. a burden.

T. &roś$o s. n. Cloudiness. T. ‘Ārvº) v. a. (from T. &rocºo q.v.)

T. &vá s. n. 1. The thick part of the 1. To load a burden on another, 2. to

long pepper vine. 2. anything placed put upon, or charge against, another.
by a conjurer to try the ability of 3. to prop up. Sºvić)S K v. comp.
another, who if he is not equally To load, or take upon one's-self.
skilled is suddenly prevented by Wººjeo s. n. A charge, or accu
sickness, &c. from lifting it up. 3- any sation ; a load.
person's peculiar style of hand T. Töö- Töö § v. a. To brace a bow. .
writing. Tu D. &v$o s. n. (from s. Soo?) The
T. ºv:S s. n. 1. The trunk of a fell. face, or countenance.
ed tree. 2. raised, or high, ground. T. & "cºo v. a. To bear, sustain, or car
Tºro&-Sestº or 32% v. m. To be
ry, a burden. Fºr oxotº v, caus. To
cause to bear, &c. a burden. Fºr-S
T. Tºrºc & s. n. 1. (from ºvoº q.
S K v. comp. One's-self to bear, &c.
v.) A load. 2. (from T. \syaº Q.
a burden. vide FJ-3).
v.) A sound, a roar.
T. &vö s. n. The face, or countenance.
G. Troööð" s. n. (from A. as ºsa.)
The Mohturfa tax, levied on traders, ºr-33°6's n. Averting the face.
merchants, and artisans.
Tºrº’s s. n. A house, of which
the roof is made of grass, leaves,
G. ºrotºz85 on Fºots adj. (from
mats, &c., and not of wood.
A. jºr ...) Confidential, reputable,
T, Tºro& s. n. The coagulated blood,
trust-worthy. suffused under the skin, after a bruise.
T. Tºroč s. n. A bundle of leaves.
Tºrv 3 s. m. The under lip.
Se TºročS 30 s. n. A sort of sweet cake.
s. Tºrºššc & s. n. A thief, or robber.
S. * Sºrºššo s. n. Joy, delight, plea
Tºroššo s. n. Fraud, deceit, trea
sure, happiness. SS-Sotº To re
chery, trick. Sºvić 7-cº A deceit
joice, to be happy.
ºre & v. a. To beat. &r-SS"K.
ful or treacherous man. Fºx & A
deceitful or treacherous woman. Fº
v. comp. To beat one's-self. $3?\otº - ºvšić) wº - 53 o'S So
ºr-tº s. n. A tree bearing 3& or 3rº-ºº: v. a. To de
red blossoms. Butea frondosa.
T. Tºrºvë s. n. Danger, risk. ceive, delude, or betray. 53-38°53)
*I*. Tºrº s. n. A widow. v. n. To be deceived.
(5) ox 184
Tºrºs s. n. The sprout of any edi T. CŞos v. To burn; to consume. vide
ble root. &So?: S.
Tºrvå"S& s. n. The overpowering - Cº v. n. 1. To decrease. 2. to be
of reason by worldly allurements. come very soft, as applied to fruit. 3.
adj. Fascinating, stupifying, depriv to be overboiled, as applied to food.
ing of sense, or understanding. \S) *) s. n. vide &º).
Töövä"So s. n. 1. Love. 2. fascina
\S") Ko s. n. vide &vKö. -

tion. 3. loss of consciousness, a swoon.

Tºrožºvoº v. a. To lové." ($º) S.Nº. v. n. (from the foregoing)
TºrošvöSo s. n. The array of an To remain motionless, like wood.
army. Sºvá-80%. To prepare for Te \º Jo㺠v. a. wide 3×50X3.
battle. T. (Sºyº s. n. vide sº.
, sº ºn. (P.,,...) All the T. &yºyº s. n. Theft, robbery.
pieces at chess, with the exception of
the pawns. -
. (3998)ºx v. a. vide Sºx.
Tºrsº s. n. A fairy. USS) tº s. n. vide **).
s. Fºrvéºos, n. Beatitude, bliss, salva
Gºś s: n, and verb, vide º.
tion; the exemption of the soul from
further transmigration. Sºyºv. n. videº.
Sºoº s. n. A waist-cord, made of T. Vºre/X3 v. n. vide &vX3.
the holy grass termed Dhurba. Sºyº v. n. vide &SvX3.
tº #sº s. n. A pearl, . Sºy ey adv. Before ; in front.
&"SSX s. n. Silence, taciturnity. 3. *\c & s. n. The term used to de
&"Sºścºšo s. n. A man who beats, note a barbarian, but applied in the
or plays, upon a drum.
peninsula, to A Mahomedan.
& '8N s. n. A bow-string. oğ
S. sº s. n. 1. A diadem. 2. a lock of
-ºkºlºw- -
hair on the crown of the head. 3.
cº, The forty-first letter, and twenty
hair ornamented and braided round
the head. >
sixth consonant, in the Teloogoo al
phabet. -

&TÉ s. n. (P. , X′,′) Boxing, cºoë s. n. An elephant driver; a

sparring. charioteer. -

se & "3-wroës-Ścºsm. An astrologer. cºokö yº-38 sex s. n. plu. vide

T. &oº s. m. The tree termed
zsoë Sexy,
Vangueria spinosa.

cº?” 185 cº-ºw

S. CŞo Ú $o s. n. 1. A machine in ge 's.

&#& s. m. A sacrifice; a ceremony
neral; any implement, or apparatus. in which oblations are presented. It
2. a diagram of a mystical nature, or is used in the peninsula chiefly to
astrological character; a talisman, or denote that particular sacrifice in
cº * -
which a goat is smothered, and the in
****scº s. n. 1. An employer side film offat is dressed and eaten by
of priests at a sacrifice; the person the bramins; the person who cele.
who institutes it'sperformance, and brates this sacrifice assumes the ho
pays the expense of it. 2. a lord, or norary title of Somiyazooloo. cºz;
master. 3, an owner, or proprietor. 4. Kröjº Or cº'sbus Sº Il.

a husband.
cº) - y
The characteristic thread, worn by
S. cº) Ot" sº $33, s. n. The the three principal classes of the
Yujoosh, or Yajoor, one of the four
Vedas; it is divided into two princi cºS or cºS & s. n. A sacrificer
pal portions, the white, and black, or in due form, or agreeably to the ritu
al of the Pedas.
Wajusuneya; and Tyttreeyu; the for
mer of which is attributed to the saint cºs. n. A sage whose passions are
Yagnawalkya, to whom it was reveal completely under subjection; a reli
ed by the sun in the form of a horse; gious mendicant, especially one of the
and the latter to Tittree, to whom it Jaina sect. 2 in Teloogoo verse, the
was communicated by Yaksha, the first letter of every foot.
first pupil of it's original author, the cºśo s. m. 1. Effort, exertion,
sage Vysumpayanu. According to endeavour ; perseverance, energy. 2.
the Pooranas, the Tytriyu portion
was named from Tittri, a partridge, intention, design, purpose. vide 2:5
the disciples of Vysumpayanu being S&. Jºcºş A decree of pro
changed into those birds, to pick up vidence, oºo v. n. 1. To endea
the text of the Vedas as they were dis. vour, or try. 2. to intend, or design.
gorged in a tangible shape, by Yagna. S.
cºſ' adv. As, according to, to the
walkya, at the command of Vysum extent of adj. Usual, customary.cº
payanu : both portions of this Veda Tºº To run away in vari.
are very full on the subject of religi ous directions; to flee, or disperse, on
ous rites; and the prayers peculiar to all sides. Cº-Fº According to the
it are chiefly in measured and poeti. Shastras, o&T’ſ| 8 To the eartent of
cal prose.
capability; as much as possible. ~3

cºśc I86 &S -

†º As before, as it was s. m. For of the river Jumna his sister. His

steed is the buffalo.
mer'state, usual condition.
cºos s. n. The river Jumna, which
cºs-Soo s. n. Truth, verity adv.
runs into the Ganges, immediately
Truly, adj. True, real. below Allahabad. -

&#ss-cºs orsº cºoºº s. m. A monarch of India,

sºo adv. At one's will, as one pleases. the fifth of the lunar race. º
& Sºtº adj. Sufficient, suita cºšš733 & s. n. A country, most
ble, proper, adv. As much as may be
probably Bactria, or it may be ex
fit; precisely what is required, nei tended from that colony to Ionia, to
ther more, nor less. &$° £585 & 7Sº
which word it bears some resem”
$rº To say neither more, nor blance, or still further to Greece. By
less, than is necessary, but just what late Hindoo writers, it is most com
is proper on the occasion. monly applied to Arabia.
cºyº s. n. Wilfulness, indepen cºś &S s. n. A screen, or wall of
dence; following one's own fancies. -

adv. Of one's own accord. cºšocão s. n. A yavana, apparent

cºs so s. n. Alliteration, rhyme, ly at first a Greek, but since applied
the repetition of similar sounds either to both the Mahomedan and Europe
in the course of a sentence, or line, an invaders of India.
or at the end of two corresponding cºSexy s. m. plu. Barley. Hordeum
Stan ZaS. 7terastichon.
cºśS&o s. n. Restraining the pas cºśćSo s. n. Meadow, or pasture,
cºśo s. n. A pair, brace, or cou oso's ex3%) s. n. Sour gruel, prepared
ple. by the spontaneous fermentation of
cºšS&ex s. m. plu. Twins. water, in which rice has been boiled.
cºo s. n. A sage, Moonee, or per & sº or cº, Sºś s. n. Bishops
son restraining the passions. weed. Sison ammi. Lin.
cºcº s. n. Yama, the deity of asoškº or cºcºocłº s. n. A
Naraka, or hell, and judge of depart- |
younger brother, or man younger
ed souls; also presiding over the than one's-self.
southern point. He is often identi
cºšoº s. n. A younger sister, or
fied with death, and corresponds with
the Grecian Pluto, and Minos. The woman younger than one’s-self.
sun is his father, and a personification | G, cºs. Sº S. n. vide cºrt's S&.

eSºreč 187
s: cºsº or cºś) s. n. Fame, re cºgs 3 s. n. Cubera, the god of
nown, celebrity, glory, reputation. riches. -

cº s. m. 1. A staff, or stick. 2. a sº ** sºn. A name of Drowpudi,
necklace. 3. a string, or thread, espe wife of the Pandoos.
cially of pearls. *ēs s. n. Torment, acute pain,
&&sSo s. n. Liquorice, or the agony.
root of the Abrus precatorius, which cºrvéSo s. m. wide §§ 30.
is used for it in India. C޺ cºrvåSSSo s. n. Boiled rice,
. oºs & E-853&o s. n. Perfumed san kept cold overnight, for breakfast.
dal, mixed with camphor, agallochum, oğvěšoº"Kocão s. n. A giant, or
musk, and saffron, in various propor goblin.
cºy s. n. 1. Travelling, moving,
. cºcºs s. n. A demi-god, atten proceeding, marching. 2. a pilgri
dant especially on Cubera, the god of mage. 3. the procession of an idol, at
riches. any holy festival; or the festival itself.
cºśs s. n. Pulmonary consumption. CŞ"&#39 s. n. The sea, or ocean.
cºśSo s. n. A fierce aquatic, or
oºrox& s. m. wide cºgs.
amphibious, animal.
. cºrvº s. n. A coin, in value equal oºvčğ"o:33 s. n. 1. Varoona, the
to ten cash.
indian Neptune. 2. the ocean.
. cºves adj. vide §§. . cºrvº Kºs.n. (from P. casſocyt,)
A memorandum.
cº-S$ 3 s. n. Begging, asking, adj.
Begging. cºrvå s. n. (P. o.3) Recollection,
memory, attention. -

cºścºs s. n. A beggar, or men

dicant. - cº adj. As like, how i.e.
o -
which like.
cºro-SS or sº s. n. Begging,
cº-oš-3-2 &ys s. n. A ship, vessel,

asking, requesting cº-ºokº To beg or boat. -

of any one. cºvššo s. n. 1. A vehicle, or

cº-ºšššo s. n. A thing borrowed conveyance. 2, going, marching.
for use. -

o cºs s. n. Spending, or passing

, cº-2:SSC’s s. n. An officiating priest, away, time.

or bramin who conducts any part of S.

os-ºss &c, adj. Low, vile, con
a sacrifice.
temptible, - -
cºx 188 cSSX

constant revolution. These they de

. &.3 or cº-º numeral adj. and nominated Sox Soe», or conjunctions;
sub. Fifty, vide Qc2S8.
periods which seem to have been
cºvššo s. n. (H. .(s-) A watch, calculated by the bramins as the pro
or period, equal to three english bable dates of some remote conjunc
hours. CŞ3-3X35 or cºbsº s. m. tions of the heavenly bodies, which
Night. oºº-ºosºcº s. n. A patrole, they assumed merely to assist astro
moving round at every watch. nomical computations, but which
. cºve) adv. Why, wherefore vide have been implicitly adopted by the
Serv. vulgar as real eras. The first of these
, cºrvetºexy s. n. plu. Cardamom four ages is named syßcºoxsº, re
seeds vide $9. ferring apparently to some conjunc
cºvšš & or CŞvs So s. n. 1. A tion which is supposed to have taken
kind of pulse. 2 sealing wax. 3. lac, place at the §§§ creation; for, ac
the red animal dye. cording to the Hindoos, the supreme
cºvský adj. All, entire. s. n. The being created the world in the first
age of this name. It consists of
whole. adv. Wholly, entirely, alto
17,28,000 years. The 2d is denomi
&-K adj, wide Šć. nated ū) tº-cºox:30, the conjunc
cºo Šo &c. adj. Right, proper, fit. tion of the Ü) tº or three sacrifici
2.joined, or united with. s. n. Pro al fires ; so called, because the great
priety, fitness. sacrifice in which these fires are used
cºo # s. n. 1. Propriety, fitness, 2. is supposed to have been introduced
inference, deduction from circum during this period, which contains
stance, or argument. 3, an approved 12,96,000 years. The 3d is named
or good argument, or plea. 4. an *S38&xsº a compound of &S
excellent expedient, a happy thought. two, and 35 the newt, that which
5. advice, counsel.
followed the two first, viz. the third ;
cºox:30 s. n. 1. A pair, couple, or this comprises 8,64,000 years. The
brace. 2. a yoke. 3. age, as applied to 4th, or present age, is known by the
that of mankind. 4. an age of the name of Śēcºox So, properly signi
world. The people of Telingana, fol fying vicious or sinful. To this age
lowing the astronomical system of they assign a period of 4,32,000 years,
the bramins, divide what they term of which, in the present year of our
, the infinity of time into four great Lord 1821,4921 are already elapsed.
ages, which they suppose to be in ll If the years in the fourth age be dou
CŞ35°33 I89 &yez;

bled, the number of those in the 3d | G. àºre, s. n. (from T. Sº to

is given. If multiplied by 3, the ascend, or mount.) The Teloogoo
length of the 2d is found ; and if multiplication table. . , a

multiplied by 4, the product is the ºš postpos. Of The sign of the

length of the first age. genitive case.
cºox{& or cºxºs. n. A pair, arºjº s, n. The tie of a yoke.
brace, or couple. | &T"X&o s. n. 1. Junction, union. 2.
cºbs. n. A woman. coition, copulation. 3. meeting, con
cºxSºs.n. i.Any vehicle, or con flux. 4. abstract or religious medita
veyance. 2. any yoked animal. tion. 5, a lucky conjuncture; good
cºošššo s. n. I. A pair, or couple. fortune, or luck. 6. a particular mode
2. a female garment. of religious worship. §rºx 3.33,
cºoëSo &c, adj. Joined, united, S. n. Welfare. &rex§§ s. n. The
combined, connected. second sight, obtained by devotion:
*śs s. n. War, battle, combat, & "Tºº Sº The keeping the
contest. cºo::$5oxsºo The field of body in a fixed posture, for spiritual

battle. worship.
&??& s. n. The eldest of the S, & "A s. n. A devotee; an ascetic
five Pandoo princes. in general.
cºos s. n. The ninth year, in the &cº S. n. Lead.
Hindoo cycle of sixty. Se
&º s. n. 1. Ability, cleverness,
cºse s. n. A young woman. merit.2. worthiness, fitness, capacity.
assº s. n. A young prince, S.
& XSº &c. adj. I. Worthy, fit,
especially the heir apparent, and as proper. 2. clever, skilful.
CT) - ,
sociated to the throne. Gs &rvº S s. n. 1. Consideration, deli
cº's s. n. A louse. beration, reflection. 2. counsel,
cº"$$o s. n. An assemblage, flock, advice. 3. expedient, means. &vºo
or multitude. *S v. a. To consider, or deliberate.
cº"?.S. s. n. A species of Jasmin. J. &vºxo? s. n. A name of Sutyu
vutee, mother of Vyasa, the sage and
&rºss s. n. A post to which the poet.
victim is bound, as a sacrifice. cº

&-2:Sº s. n. 1. A yojana, or na
cº"<$x s. n. Peasc-soup, or por. cº,

ridge. ... 1 tive league, 2, vide, 53roº: S. .

Šox3 190 * 8.
Z –0

assº s. n. A warrior, combatant, or tre, shining. Soºcłº s. m. A

soldier. painter. Šoxº, s. n. The painting
&vK) s. n. 1. The vulva. 2. cause, the floor with figures. SoTS"oo-S-
origin. 3. place or scite of birth. 80x33x9 or 80×33& Tº paint.
9 o
a33-33 or &rº & s. n. A woman. S. ôo 2,530 s. n. Gladdening, rejoic
cºrvés & s. n. A nuptial gift, or ing, 5ozºoiº v. a. To gladden, to
present. please. v. n. To be glad, to rejoice.
cºrº S&S s. n. Youth, manhood.
&vs Sočeosº, s. n. (from s, e& &cº or 8 ozºe v. n. To be glad,
to a mark, or sign.) 1. Beauty. 2, the or pleased; to rejoice.
ôoč s. n. A widow.
breast, the bosom.
Ö ôo& s. n. A noise; clamour:
8o03) So s. n. A hole, fissure, cavi
ty, or chasm.
8. The forty-second letter, and twenty
seventh consonant, in the Teloogoo
T. ôoššo s. n. A carpenter’s saw vide
eso:35X. Šoš7N"c & A person who
alphabet. -

works with a saw ; a sawer.

T. Soš s. n. Adultery, fornication, de
öoº s. n. 1. A plantain. 2, one of the
bauchery, videº cº-ºoºoºº; To courtezans of Swurga.
impute adultery, or fornication, to
any one. Šošeſ-Cà s. n. A loose fe ôoã)ö& s. n. The lowing of cattle.
male. ŠoščSSo s. n. Whoredom. Šoš-8 s. n. 1. Speed, velocity. 2, the
ôoŚc & s. n. A poor, indigent, or speed of a car, or chariot.
avaricious man ; a miser. S. Šoć-Sºo s. m. Speed, haste, velocity.
Šošš) s. n. A sort of deer; the spot TU D. 8s, º s. n. vide O*&.
ted axis. | TU D. 8 : Scº s. m. wide"C"&Koc &.
T. So 3 s. n. A roar; bellowing, or low T. & § v. a. To scratch, or tear with
ing the nails, or talons. s. n. A scratch, or
Sox:So s. n. 1. The place where act tear.
ing, &c. is exhibited ; a stage. 2, a
field of battle.
85. K. v. m. 1. To extend. 2. to grow.
&ox8o tºo or öox8)0 & v. a. To
S. 8 Šo s. n. 1. Blood. 2. the colour
blend or mix together, with the fin
red, adj. 1. Bloody. 2. red. 5 §§ s. n.
ger, any solid and liquid substance. (from s, º' that drinks.) A leech. S
Tup. & ox3 s. m. (from s. 5 ox. Pu X3, 8.3 &c & s. n. Garooda, as having
* - ... e. Q -
1, Colour, paint, tint, dye, 2, lus red wings, *.*.*& s. n. The
X23 191. > **

pomegranate, from it's red seeds. 3. S. Szºse s. n. A menstruous female.
is.& s. n. 1. A buffalo.2, a dove; o
8&ssee) v. m. To become men
from their red eyes. 8 s.338& v. struous.
a. To bleed, or draw blood. §§º
7\vöö v. m. To bleed; blood to flow. Se &sº s. n. 1. vide 8 &So. 2, the men
8 º' &c, adj. Attached to, fond of strual evacuation. 3. the second con
8="3, s. n. The fifty-eighth year, in dition of humanity, the quality or
the Hindoo cycle of sixty. property of passion ; that which pro-r
Sw 8 3 s. n. 1. Affection, attachment. 2.
duces censual desire, worldly coveting,
excessive joy, or pleasure. pride, and falsehood, and is the cause
8×eo v. n. To burn, or flame, 8%
of pain. -

ë)otº v. a. To kindle, or light, a fire.

8 *s. n. (from A. Léy) Permission,
8×osº, or 8×3: K. v. comp.
To take fire of itself. -
leave; leave of absence.
o -o

& 35 s. n. 1. Literary composition. T. 8 ** s: n, plu. Vain, or useless,

2. becoming, or orderly, arrange words.
ment. § 60% or ö toooººo v. a. To o

s. Ö*ēs. n. A rope, cord, string, or tie.

compose a literary work. 83 swº
Šešššo s. n. The noise of burning
adv. In good order, agreeably, plea flame.
&#3 s. n. The exposition of another's
§§) s. n. 1. A court of audience. 2. vices, or faults.
betraying, or divulging, a secret. 3, a T. & s. n. Betraying; divulging a se
quarrel, or dispute. 8 º S. n. A Cret.

plank, used as a seat. s: 8 cosº s. n. War, battle.8 cox).3->

& S. n. A washerman. s. n. A house, built over the gate of
a fort & eos;sożej Ko or ö co’ſ oxº
8&ss s. n. 1. Silver. 2. gold, adj.
s. n. The field of battle.
cºo o

White. § 2;&"SeSo s. n. (from s. |TUD. & Coşo s. n. vides. Ú &b$o.


€95e) a mountain.) Mount kylasa, the s. & Co’ſ coššo s. n. 1. Anxiety, regret.
residence of Siva. • 2. love, desire.
TUD. §§5&o s. n. vide s. &.
özº s. n. 1. Night. 2. turmerick. s. 833) &c. adj. Intent on, actively
Šºšo s. n. 1. Dust. 2, the dust, or occupied, or engaged in, s, n, Copu
pollen, of a flower, lation, coition.
192 §§

S. 83 s. n. 1. Rulee, the wife of the Hin T. 83 s. n. 1. A disturbance, or noise.

doo Cupid. 2. coition, copulation. 3. 2, a report unfavorable to one's cha
attachment, desire, passion. 4. the racter, 3. betraying; divulging a
name of the small weight used for Secret. *

emeralds, 88% exº) To copulate, G. §§ s. n. (from A. J.) 1. Rejection,

§§§o s. n. 1. A jewel, or gem, 2.
the best of it's kind, or species. Šē. repulsion; setting aside, disallowing.
2. rescission. 3. rendering null and
X* = s. n. (from s. Xºs embryg.) void.
The earth; as producing gems. 853.
X%s-CŞo s. n. Cubera, the god of &Yoko v. caus, of Šiš) to come,
wealth. §§As oº s. n. A figured q. v. To cause to come; to send for.
carpet. Šºššo s. n. 1. Speed, velocity. 2.
&\ls, n. The closed hand, or fist. joy, delight.
8." öğ& s. n. 1. A car, or war chariot. öS s. n. A name of Lutchmi.
2. the car of an idol. 3, any carriage, S.
&to s. n. Beauty. §§tº s. n. A
or vehicle. §§§ “S s. n. A number, beautiful, or handsom, female. 838
or multitude, of cars. §§ S"&CŞo cSSo
adj. Beautiful, pleasing,
s. m. A maker of cars; a coach maker,
charming. & adj. 1. Charming,
or carpenter. §§ ºš To ascend a
pleasing, delightful. 2, commodious,
car, &c. &-X&3).5%3) or 5* agreeable.
ex, To drive a carriage. 8 Fox<x, Se &cocês s. m. A husband.
S. n. 1. A wheel, or any part of a
öS*S㺠adv. At a guess; on an
carriage. 2. the discus of Vishnoo. 3.
average; more or less.
the ruddy goose.
öğ-ööScóo or §§ Kc33 s. n. A Sºooº or 8 tº oxoº. v. a. To copu
warrior, fighting in a car.
öcºs s. n. Speed, velocity, preci
S&S s. n. A carriage, or high, road. pitation.
8 FSF'ss S. n. Common talk,
the talk of the high road. &s & s. n. A blanket.
T. öğ s. n. 1. A diamond, vide eºs. 2. a
8&Sº s. n. A carriage horse. small particle of anything; small shot
& or 8ssºs s. n. §§oö lit. as much as a particle. s. n.
The lip. A very little, a trifle, adj. Wery little,
S. & SS or & s. n. A tooth, a Some.
tusk. | S. § 5 to s. n. A hand-bell,
83 193 83

85 cosº s. n. An ornament of any the camphor of quicksilver. A sort

kind. - of muriate of mercury, the prepara
65 co:So adj. Sonorous, sounding. tion of which is particularly explain
ö5So s. n. Sound in general; a cry, ed by Ainslie, in his Materia medica
a noise. of Hindoostan. It corresponds very
T, 85.55 adv. Quickly, hastily, precipi nearly with calomel. A "&S $39
tately. Mercury, or quicksilver.
& SºT s. n. (from P. ai J) A §§§ 3 s. n. A kitchen.
5 Se 63 Fºo s. n. Alchymy. 3×3:ye &
pass, or passport, adj. Dispatched, s. n. An alchymist.
sent off, forwarded. 8-5 ex$o s. m. wide à-ºººo.
& 3) s. n. The sun. 8T-S35:So s. n. 1. Butter-milk. 2.
G. ö3) Š s. n. vide eoš Š. the elixir vita of the alchymists.
gºv. m. gile sº. S. Öğre s. m. Curds, mixed up with
G, Ö3S s. n. (from P. G*3 J custom,
sugar and spices.
fashion.) Established or customary S. 8 & 'ejöo s. n. 1. The mango tree. 2.
fees. 833e3Sex, Fine, or excellent, the sugar cane.
beetle leaves. T. & or &S s. n. The pus, or matter,
of a sore.
&S s. n. vide eºs.
S. 8. º s. m. A woman's zone, or girdle. 8’S$ 85Sº s. n. Possession of taste,
S, & 3, s. n. 1. A ray of light. 2. lustre. as regards literary composition, or
T. 83 CŞ"à s. n. The sugar cane. female dress.
S. & S s. n. The tongue. Se 8?oścºs s. n. A man of taste, es
8, öğo s. n. (H. ow) 1. Juice, sap, pecially as regards literary composi
exudation, fluid, liquid. 2. mercury tion, or female dress.
or quicksilver. 3. flavour, taste, S. & 5:So s. n. Sound, noise, thunder.
savour; as sweet, sour, &c. 4. taste, 8Kºšš Šo s. n. Garlick.
sentiment or emotion, as an object Ge 8 & s. n. (from P. ow) Store of
of descriptive poetry, of which nine
are enumerated, viz. love, mirth, grain, or provisions, laid up for an
tenderness, anger, heroism, terror, army. -

disgust, surprize, and tranquillity or S. Ö3-8330 s. n. A spinning wheel.

content. ÖK 3. s. n. (from s. : that T. 8:3-&-" or 83-ºx s. n. The being
knows.) The tongue; as discriminat much frequented, or used.
ing tastes, & *T*s-ºw s. m. lit. G, 8:3-5°5 s. n. (from P. CŞyſ, X*!y)

-ovs’ 194 -o-o:5

The collection ofduties on the high arrival. O's 3%) v. n. Not to come,
or arrive.
roads. 8:3-7.56°3 A passport,
specifying these duties to have been ||s. *š s. n. 1. The full moon, or lunar
paid. day on which it is full. 2, a girl in
8:3-5S° s. n. A secret, a mystery. whom menstruation has newly com
adj. Secret, private.
&" s. n. Desire, wish. TUD. O." Sºo s. n. vide ovć%.
8&-83 &c. adj. Destitute, bereſt, s. O’Kºo s. n. 1. A mode in music, of
which the Hindoos reckon many, and
left, abandoned.
frequently personify them in poetry,
T. 83r-53 otö oxº s. n. (A →Aey) and mythology. 2. mental affection in
A ryot, or cultivator. general; as sorrow, joy, &c. 3. envy.
& s. n. 1. Preserving, saving, pro ****S*śsex s. n. plu. Envy and
tecting. 2. an amulet, 3. the actual
cautery, often applied by the native T. O'N s. n. Copper.
doctors, as a cure to diseases of vari- || T. ****ś s. n. The poplar leaved fig
ous kinds 83,539 &c. adj. Preserv tree. Ficus religiosa.
ed, saved, protected. 53% to s. n. ||r. -ovXää)§ S. n. A circular ornament
Preservation, protection. 8&ots v. ed plate of gold, worn by Hindoo fe
a. To preserve, save, or protect. males, on the crown of the head.
8&cºs"K. v. comp. 1. To pre- |T . O’Nex, or ~\º v. n. 1. To shine.
serve, &c, one's-self. 2. to nourish
2. to be glad, to rejoice.
or protect another, for one's own use,
To"NSºx s. n. plu. The grain termed
or advantage. **& s. n. lit, at Madras Natchenny, or raggy. Cy
protecting the foot. A shoe. §§ 720s?17°24& Corazcayazus.
§§º &c, adj. Preserving, protecting, S. Tºščc:S s. n. A name of Rama.
saving. –b o

B, §§§) s. n. vide ovčSocãº. Tup. O" & adj. (from s. Cºzsä-) Of or

T. To" s. n. 1. A stone. 2. a king. belonging to the cast of Ratsawars,
tºos 5&o s. n. Any thing manufac. found chiefly in the northern circars.
tured of wool," or hair. They are originally descended from
the Raja, or Chutriya casts in the
Tovoº & s. n. The bamboo staff of
north of India, and are of the second
a religious student.
pure tribe of Hindoos; but have, for
T. º's or Sºs & s. n. (from T. Stº many generations, been settled in Te
to come q.v.) Coming, approaching, lingana, where many of them, in for
o *—a

Tovº; 195 Tree;

mer times, assumed and held regal
sway. They have a very high sense
*ść, s. n. (from s. sº a wife.)
of honor; and, from want of attention A queen. Sºº adj. Sprung from
to their prejudices and notions on
a royal race. "O" & "x=-sºo s. n.
this point, we have, on more than one O •º

occasion, driven several of this fine The high way. O'º's s. n. A

O -

cast of men to suicide. A remark palace. Gºzº §§ºo The duties in

able case of this kind took place, in O

open court, when one of them stabbed cumbent on a king. Gººd s. n.

himself to the heart, rather than part Justice, and other conduct becoming
co —o

with his weapon, when it was attempt a king. O'23"O" & s. n. 1. The king of
, ed to disarm him ; another occurred kings; an emperor, or universal mo
more recently, where, rather than narch. 2. Cubera, the god of riches."o"
submit to the usual process of court, Q.
*&Sºsn. A large species of snake.
a Ratsawar first destroyed his whole
re-ºr-cº S. n. A sacrifice per
family, and then himself.
formed only by a universal monarch,
TUD. & S. TO’ s sº s. n. 1. Affairs of attended by his tributary princes, as
state. 2. news, information. in the case of Yoodhishtira and others.
T. Tö"tºo v. a. 1. To rub. 2. to cover with
any substance; to whitewash. 3. to wºos or cº-oss...i.
the king swan. 1. An excellent king.
file. O"<SST:Ś v.comp. To rub one's- 2. a superior kind of white swan, with
self against any thing. red legs and beak, by some supposed
T. *&-9 s. n. (from Sº a kiny, and to be the flamingo. wº-s Östºo s.
wºvex achild.) Aprince, orprincess. n. An inferior sort of diamond, from
the country Virata, not used as an
T** adj. in compos. 1. Royal ; of or ornament, but deemed propitious to
belonging to a king. 2. eminent, chief, the sovereign who possesses it. To"
excellent ºnSº s. n. Royalty. *ox< s. n. Regal state. Cººs &
**ossa, S. n. plu. The fore s. n. The oppression of the govern
ment, as opposed to ºs ºo evil
teeth. Tº s. n. A metropolis preordained by providence, or the
or royal residence, **Sex, 8. In, visitation of God.
A man of the regal, or military, tribe; r. Gºsses s. m. plu. A superior
being the second pure Hindoo cast. kind of paddy.
Tovey 196
© •ovº;
**śrºsex s. n. plu. The pulse tº s. n. A king. -

termed Dolichos catiang. Tº s. n. A post, or pillar.
o T. TC’80 s. n. 1. Bºghtness, lustre. 2. af.
***ś, s. n. Pulmonary con fection. O'tºo & v. n. To shine, to
•o be splendid.
T2:3 s. n. The bluejay.
To" tº s. n. (*...it) 1. A queen.
Tºšº s. n. Pride, arrogance, pre 2. a wife. Tré sº s. n. (from s.
sumption. FK residence.) I. A seriglio. 2.
75°28 s. n. A line, or row. residence in a seraglio.
Tº v. n. To shine. Tº’eºs s. n. An army.
Tº adj A . .3 y)
adj. (from A. Satisfi G.
*ē s. m. wide Gºyce.
ed, contented, agreed, pleased, wil
T. Tº adj. Made of stone. Tºx3o &
ling. O & Fºr s. n.(from A. &-clj S. n. A heart of stone; bravery. O'
{{}}S Rock salt.
) A written agreement; an ac
**") T“U8) s. n. (II. cº'y) Night eºs
knowledgment of a cause being final
ly settled, given by the plaintiff. º'Cº') s. n. Midnight. c (ºycox
Tºsº s. n. 1. A large fish. Cipri. § Night and day. O' (0,& s.
nus niloticus. Buch. 2. the lotus. m. A man frequenting at night the

** s. n. (H. [s-L)Aking, prince,

houses of harlots. TC" (8,938c:s
cºo cº)

or sovereign. 2. a man of the regal, Or *@ “SöSC’s s. n. (from s. 38

military, or second pure IIindoo who wanders.) 1. A goblin, or fiend.
tribe. 3. a master, or lord.4. the moon. 2. a thief. 3. a patrole. ~0,2,3, S.

TC& v. n. To take fire; to begin to n. (from s. 2; born.) A star. *Q)

burn. Cºcº' To kindle, light, *x& m. (from s. º-x8 who
or set on fire.

TºSºx s. n. 1. A kingdom, coun wakes.) A dog.

TO vºcê šo s. In a Demonstrated
try, or province. 2. the administra
tion of sovereignty. truth; proved and established fact.
~gº or Gºo s. n. A spin TO’S. s. n. 1. The name of a celebra
ning wheel. ~gºsº To spin. ted Gopi, mistress of Krishna, during
his residence with the cowherds. 2.
&oºoººººo s. n. A whirling ma
chine, in which the lower classes the sixteenth of the lunar mansions.
amuse themselves, at festivals, &c. 3. lustre, lightning. *
Tºw:So 197 Tövcºo

ºãºcºs s. m. A name of Kurna, brother of Krishna, the son of Rohini,

celebrated in the Mahabarat.
born at the end of the Dwapara or
T. T&3 - O'K)3 or -5°ooã s. n. third age.
(from t. Tº q.v.) 1. Rubbing. 2. S.
~&#883, S. n. Rameswarum, a
filing. holy Hindoo place, with a celebrated
Tºcº. v. a. (from Sº the infini. temple, situated between the island
tive of 5 &) to come, and 33 to of Ceylon, and the Coast of Coro
seize.) To recover, or regain. mandel, where the Hindoo deity
Te TO”?»exp^3 s. n. A heron. Rama is said to have formed what is
T^** s. n. Powder, either produced called “Adam's bridge,” and thereby
by rubbing, or filing, or from stone. to have passed from India to Ceylon.
–º cºo

*25°cá or ~25°3 s. n. A queen. TUD. To"CŞotº s. m. wide Oºz;3-o:3 No.

s. T'S s. n. A woman. - 2, under ~3.
• Tºº & s. n. Assafoetida. To"CŞcºs s. n. 1. Master, lord. 2. a
Tºº?” s. n. plu. A sort of fish. title assumed by many as a surname.
Tºxºx s. n. plu. A species It's plural 75°CŞex) was the title as
of paddy. - sumed by the last Telinga dynasty;
T'Sºrosº s. n. The second epic the kings of Bijamagur.
75°oº"S&S or o'cº-Sºo s. n.
poem of the Hindoos, recording the A negociation ; embassy.
adventures of Rama, the son of Da. T. Toºoºoººoºy".83 s. n. A Roysoom,
saradha, sovereign of Oude, written
by the poet Valmeekee. or native secretary.
T. "o" cols. n. making in the inflex. sing.
To">C& s. n. A name common
to three incarnations of Vishnoo; Pa Tºº,and in the nom.plu.Tº §Astone.
rasoorama, the son of the moonee Ja *oxºcº lit. to throw a stone. To
madagni, born at the commencement obstruct, or prevent. O’oºš3 lit. a
of the second, or Treta yoog, for the stone to fall. To be obstructed, or
purpose of punishing the tyrannical prevented. 9:3 E-Ovoo s. n. A brick.
kings of the Chutriya race; Ramachun ëSTO” ox lit. a leaf stone. A file.
dra, the son of Dasar, daha, king of "o" oxº) Stones, &c.
Oude, born at the close of the second T. TO"cºo v. a. 1. vide "C" 'S. 2. vide
age, to destroy the demons who in Cºy cºo. 3. to become hoarse.
fested the earth, and especially Ra T. "O"cºocão s. n. The title assumed as
vana the Daitya sovereign of Ceylon; a surname, by the Velma cast, in
and Balarama, the elder and half the northern circars.
•: 198
Trfºray 8 -o
-6 co —o

T. & s. cº-ow 2° s. m. wide tº 230-23' the eighth planet. He is a demon whose

head was cut off by Vishnoo, but the
No. 1, under wº. head and tail retain their seperate
T. TO"O"3) s. n. Hard, or continual,
existence, and being transferred to the
stellar sphere, cause eclipses, especi
"O’ex) v. n. To fall, or drop, down ;
ally the former, by attempting to
applied particularly to leaves. O'ex, swallow the sun and moon.
*S -"O"exjö) or ~ecr's v. a. To s. Tºšš s. n. The forty-ninth year,
knock off; to cause to fall, or drop of the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
down. -

s. Ovčo s. n. A female "O" &c &

To"Stoocºs s. n. The king of Lunka, q. v.
or Ceylon, killed by Rama.
75°S Soo s. n. Sound, noise.
s. O'éScēo s. n. An evil spirit; a
demon,a vampire, a fiend ; but who
T. Tºo & v. caus, (from O’ the infi
appears to be of various descriptions,
mitive of S$) to come.) To cause to
come; to send for.
and is either a powerful Titan, or
enemy of the gods, in a superhuman
-o-º: s. n. The poplar leaved fig or incarnate form, as Ravana and
tree. Ficus religiosa. others; an attendant on Cubera, and
T. -5-3) 5s. or "Co (#) § s. n. An orna guardian of his treasures; or a mis
ment suspended from the hair, on the chievous and cruel goblin, or ogre,
forehead of children. haunting cemeteries, animating dead
T. Tº s. m. 1. vide "C"cºocłº. 2. vide bodies, and devouring human beings.
TO"CŞC&S No. 2. s: boºp s. n. The hoof of a horse.
º? or ºf s. n. 1. A heap, stack, s. Boë283&o s. n. 1. Slipping, stumb
pile, quantity, or multitude. 2. a sign ling. 2. stammering.
of the zodiac. oººoºo To heap, T. 8oNS s. n. The fluttering of wings.
TUD. as s. n. (from s. 7300&) A star.
or pile up.
*@* S. n. An inhabited country, s. 8. § So &c. adj. 1. Empty, void. 2.
realm, or region. poor, indigent.
s. 8§& s. n. Wealth, property.
-5-3 (39% s. n. A game played by
children. Se systs s. n. An heir ; one who suc
Tºš & So s. m. An ass. ceeds to the property of the deceased,
Tººwo or "O"33-boy) s. n. Rahoo son and gives the funeral cake. -
of Sinhika : the moon's ascending s. 693 s. n. The crackling offlame.
node, personified by the Hindoos as TUD. b. § adj. 1. vides. 8. § & 2. useless.
199 &:S
& &S
53)C& s. n. An enemy. Sº s. m. 1. Disease, sickness. 2, over
êSS adv. 1. Suddenly, abruptly. 2. throw, destruction.
quickly, speedily.
83, s. n. 1. Sickness, 2, evil, misfor &º s' n. (from A. s.s.) 1. re
tune. turn, turning towards, appearing. 2.
ê; s. n. Disrespect, irreverence, dis reference.) Proof, conviction, adj.
regard. proved, established.

ērosº adj. Oozing, dripping, leaking, & º s. n. Anger, wrath, passion.

& s. n. Destruction, ruin, havoc.
ë3 s. n. 1. Manner, mode, method, adj. Destroyed, ruined. -

way. 2. brass; pale brass, prince's &^5& s. n. Weeping, crying.

metal. & v. a. To rub any thing on the
5833) s. n. vide §3) No. 1. body, in order to clean it.

&c. s. n. A sort of brazen drum.

&;> &c. adj. 1. Surrounded, be
girt. 2. obstructed.
&ołóSo s. n. 1. A headless trunk or
tub. 8, & cº. s. n. The plant
body. 2. a decapitated head. termed Basilic basil. Ocimum basilicum.
83% s. n. 1. Sickness, illness, dis Se &\5%-8, s. n. A cemetery, or
ease. 2. lustre, light, splendour. place where the dead are burnt, or
838.5% s. n. Gold. buried.

85.53 s. n. A name of Rutee. Se & Cº.) tº s. n. A name of Doorga,

or Purvatee, wife of Siva.
& &c. adj. Bent,crooked,curved.
&sºs s. n. An ornament for the
& Vºy& Rººs s. n. The tree term
ed Elaeocarpus ganitrus. It's seeds,
neck, or breast. named & Tj Šex), are much used
öSt. s. n. 1. Taste, relish. 2. desire, for rosaries, by the worshippers of
wish. 3. lustre, light. 4. beauty. Stoo Siva.
$S v. n. 1. To yield a taste, or relish. & Co, & s. n. 1. A name or form
2. to be to one's liking. &º-3 of Siva. 2. one of the demi-gods, or
To try, lit. to see, the taste of any inferior manifestations of Siva, eleven
thing. & ºščSo adj. Delicious to in number.
the taste. & © & So s. n. Blood.
& 88° adj Beautiful, handsome, & Sºë s. n. The fifty-seventh
charming, pleasing. year, in the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
8&Sºadj Beautiful, pleasing, cap G. &S or S㺠S v. a. To throw, or
tivating. fling, vide tº.
&re:3 200 T3očo

T. &axyv.a. To grind, in a mortar, any 3& s. n. A beautiful person of either

thing first moistened in water. &^\ sex.<-330°ex.)To assume aform.
ºv ū) Şo s. n. The stone pestle used S. & vis-às, s. m. (from s. & "3 beauty,
therein. &ayStex) s. n. A mortar and e335 who lives by.) A whore,
made of stone. harlot, or courtezan.
&:3 s. n. 1. The salt mines of Samba Tup. & ºvox," s. n. (from s. ***S
har a town in Ajmeer, 20 miles west
silver.) (P. 22.3 5 j) A rupee.
of Jayanagar. 2. the wife of the mon
key Soogreeva. •
& "3o tºo v. a. 1. To prove, or de
monstrate. 2. to corroborate, or con
G. 835-e or &Svex s. n. (from P.
U-2y) A handkerchief, or towel. firm.

& "3) s. n. 1. vide & "3S. 2. man

89595) s. n. A sort of deer. ner, mode, way. & "3)Kºš) (from
&S s. n. A coin, in value equal to T. & "3) to destroy.)To kill or destroy.
five cash.
& Cº. s. n. 1. Silver. 2. a rupee.
835& s. n. Anger, wrath, passion. &vºstºv adv. (from P. 3535) ) Face
&Şo s. n (from A
* - - - ex-J) Cus -

to face; before; in one's presence.

tomary fees.
T. (3 vs. s. n. 1. Money in general. 2. T. & "& s. n. Fever.
the small coin termed a funam, either S. &véSºo adj. 1. Harsh, unkind. 2.
of gold, or silver. rough, not smooth.
& "º adj. 1. True, certain, ascer ~80°-es: 25°3) v. m. lit. to go to two.
tained. 2. public, common, famous, To go to ease nature. This phrase is
notorious. 3. budded, blown. 4. born, derived from the custom in Hindoo
produced. schools of the children holding up
&T'é. s. m. 1. Fame, notoriety. 2. ex one finger when they want to go to
perience; practical knowledge. 3. tra urine, and holding up two fingers,
ditional or customary meaning of a when they require to ease the other
necessities of mature.
word, as opposed to it's etymological
signification. T. Töožo numeral adj. & S. n. making
&všššo s. n. 1. A drama, or dra in the inflex. sing. Soes or "Soãoë3
matic poem. 2. shape, form, figure. Two. Töo:S3: S v. m. lit. to be two.
& "3X s. n. 1. Figure, form, shape. To disagree ; to become disunited,
2. appearance, semblance. 3. beauty. or divided. T503e3e3C is lit. to think
& "3S ošoCºS s. m. A handsome man. two. To betray. Scè33&*č) vide
& "350 s. n. A beautiful female, & " | T3083 versºcºsº),
*śx 201 $3
T, Tºº) v. n. 1. To low as cattle. 2. to inflex, sing. Tºxé Arich black loam,
be proud, or ostentatious. or soil in which cotton is usually
T. ºg s, n. 1. The upper part of the planted in the peninsula of India;
arm. 2. dung of birds. thence commonly termed cotton
TS3 s. n. Double fold, adj. Double,
sº Three fold.
T. CNS v. n. To increase in degree,
power, or influence; to be excited.
Tºowº v. a. 1. To double. 2, to
oppose. 3. to repeat. ©c{3 v. a. To excite, or set on.

T. **
Töczó -> *
s. n. The jujube tree.
- -

Tº s. n. A very coarse long cloth.

T. -82 s. n. 1. The Rheddy, or princi S. &s 3 s. n. 1. Respiring 2. purg
pal aboriginal Telinga cast of culti Ing.
vators. 2. the head of a village. tº s. n. A horse's paces.
T. T3:3733333 v. n. To be hungry. *s s. n. The name of Parasoo.
T. Těšy s. n. vide ºy. rama's mother.
T. Tö3)TS s. n. vide esºs. Törºğ) S. n. Dust.
T. 3 or 3ox s. n. Night. Töäcs A3 s. Se -35 §) s. n. The seminal fluid.
n. Night-blindness, adj. Blind at T. TéK. s. m. wide Töczóź º:
night. *\by & 6 s. n. (from \8) tº s. n. The morning, or dawn.
&5 a wanderer.) A giant or giant: T. §) s. n. making in the inflex, sing.
ess. 3 (Sjºcºs s. n. A giant. Ö ºšº 1. To-morrow. 2, the morning,
zoxex Day and night. Töö903 s. n. or day before mid-day. 593-9
Moon light &cºs s. n. (from T. Morning and evening.
& lord.) The moon. Těšeocx3 Ts Técº) v. a. To excite, or set on.
or Ösº s. n.(from Foxx, lustre.) 35 or & s. n. The letter 8.
The moon. Téº &c. adj. Low, vile, contemp
T. Tés s. n. Aline, streak, or stripe. tible, or base.

T, ** s. n. 1. The leaf of a flower. 2, a Tās s. n. The river Nurhadda, or

sheet, or plain cloth, used as an upper
Ts 5s 3;o s. m. wide Téx:.
garment. 3, a thin plate of metal.
Tºšš v. n. To be increased. S. Tösö s. n. 1. The wiſe of Balarama.
#2 s. n. 1. A line; a row. 2. a line, 2. the twenty-seventh lunar mansion.
streak, or stripe. 3, a gesture. T. tº s. n. 1. A harbour, or port. 2, a
T. Tºxº, or 3x3 s. n. making in the ford, 3, a beach or bank. 4, a wash-"
Sºx 202 Sºsº,
ing place. º v. m. To arrive sickness. ©o.6°Kºo The venereal
in port. pox.
Tºros s. n. 1. Howling, roaring, 6°N s. n. (H. …?) A patient; a
2. killing.
sick person.
6°oč s. n. The haunch. o

6°o3 s. n. A catarrh, or cold. 6°ºssº s. n. 1. vide R*S*&

2. the lime tree.
6°o3 s. n. Mud, clay. o

5°s, sº s. n. 1. Ready money, cash. 6°&-53 s. n. A tuft, or curl, of

2. wealth, riches, property. hair round the neck of a horse, or on
6°48') s, n, vide 6°o%. the lower part of it.
6°3; s. n. (H &29) i. Bread, 2. Sºść, adj. Elegantly dressed, or
a loaf. ornamented; splendid, brilliant.
S-8oš) S. n. Light.
S-gº oxS s. n. The left hand.
6°5 s. n. An outcry, or noise. 6°ce v.n. To pant. s. n. 1. Panting,
6°39, s. n. vide esºs breathing hard. 2. a day, from Pj13J.
T. 8°cts s. n. 1. Uncleanliness, dirt,
... 6"cºs s. n. A prawn, or shrimp.
Sºo's s. n. making in the inflex. filth. 2. human ordure. 3. disgust,
sing. Sº The ashes on live coal. Sºo s. n. Weeping, crying,
6° s. n. 1. Wealth, riches. 2. value, lamentation.
price. This word is also affixed to
nouns, as a vocative particle; thus, 9 Sº s. n. 1. Heaven, paradise. 2.
the earth.
Š- 5° 0 elder sister. erºs” O elder -

brother.6° Socas.n. (from T. RecA Se 6°º or 6*$$) s. n. A shore, or

a woman.) A harlot, or whore. lit, a
priced female. 6°3rosº or 6°sº s. n. 1. A dis
T. 5’s cºooº s. n. 1. A large pestle, turbing or bewildering of the mind;
a confusing, or confusion, of ideas.
without any iron ferrule at the end. 2- an arrow.
2. a species of black insect.
5°s & s. n. 1. A hole. 2. light. 8°sso;Šos.n, 1. Ruminating, chew
ing the cud. 2. eating, without chew
T, S’so s. n. making in the inflex.
ing what has been once swallowed,
sing. Sºscº, and in the nom, plu. and again brought into the mouth.
S” Šoš. A large pestle. 6°sº s. n. Hair; a hair. Sºss
S. 5°xºs s. n. (H. —ſº Disease, tests & s. n. Ahare, lit. hairy-eared.
Stºre 203 es of,

6"sºº"3 s. n. A line of hair, ex 6°3r"tº s. n. 1. Indra's bow un:

tending down the breast, to the navel. bent, and invisible to mortals. 2.
Sºś-ºw s. n. A pore of the blood, adj. Red. Sºrºscºs s.
skin. lit. the pit of the hair. S^3%g) n. (from S. e3S a horse.) The god of
Úº, Sºssºs-ºs-ro:30, 8°53'vo fire; as mounted on a red, or fiery,
& or 8*śrgºs s. n. Horri.
pilation, the erection or rigidity of Sºrºs. m. The female white foot
the hair of the body, conceived to be ed antelope.
occasioned by, and to express, ex 5°ºr-330 s. n. A species of white
quisite delight. deer.
Sºłóczºs s. n. 1. The name of a O -

& "S&S $o s. m. The tartar of the

certain Moonee. 2. a man whose body
is overgrown with hair.
T. avčo s. n. 1. A stone. 2. a rider.
Sº-ºs-to-cºs s. n. The penitent
Soota, pupil of Vyasa, and supposed s. 8." & Jº adj. 1. Terrible, terrific,
narrator of the events recorded in the fearful. 2. sharp, acute. 3. wrathful,
Pooranas. violent.
T. 6°ox s. n. A stake at play. STS) s. n. The fifty-fourth year, in
T. 6°330 v. a. To hate, or dislike. v. n. the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
To be wearied, or tired. 5°oºzy"cº 8'5& s. n. One of the divisions
*3%. To affront, or outrage. of Naraka, or Tartarus.
Tup. 6°össº s. n. vide 3'853. Sºº-ºoºocº s. n. 1. A name of
Se S-3 ooººo s. n. A large black bee.
Balarama. 2, the planet Mercury.
T 8"ex, s. n. making in the inflex, sing. ed
6°3 or 5*ex. A mortar for pounding
any thing.
Sºsº s. n. Anger, wrath. Sºotº ea The forty-third letter, and twenty
eighth consonant, in the Teloogoo
or 6°ºs v. n. To be angry. Sº alphabet.
7\"Cºo s. n. A passionate man. esos s. n. Adultery, vide Ścº.
8°33'3 s. n. 1. A girl nine years of eboš s. n. 1. A festival. 2, a play, 3.
age. 2. the mother of Balarama. 3. an outcry.
e: o33S0 s. n. A saw.
the fourth of the lunar mansions,
personified as one of the daughters escº v. n. To weep, or cry, vio.
of Dacsha, and wives of the moon. lently.
êºxy 204 - ejoš

T. epo"33 s. n. An awl. | T. ºy OY & S. n. The branch, or

T. eºs. n. Ill fame; disgrace. bough, of a tree.
T. e85 s. n. 1. A diamond. 2. a small par T. Fºx: s. n. A species of grass.
ticle, vide § 5. Saccharum spontaneum. e

T. e85e05eVºo v. n. To evince anger. T. ºrex, s, n. A name of Kooma
T. e858) s. n. 1. Sound. 2. any of the
musical notes. raswamy, or Kartecaya, the Hindoo
T. e5?S s. n. A sort of bodice, worn by
T. ºš5 s. m. The Cusha Dwipa:
females, like a small close jacket, to rv

confine the breasts. wide Śā āşş.

T. &ex s. n. plu. Feathers.
T. ess S s. n. 1. Ill fame, disgrace, 2.
abuse. T. & &_ s. n. A small wild animal,
T. &S" s. n. A stone. -
described as resembling a dog, but
T. E"CX s. n. A deceitful female. climbing up trees, and famed for de
T. Fox s. n. making in the inflex, sing. stroying tigers.
'Evê A stone, vide Oºoºo. T. & s. m. A king.
T. e8s So particle, affixed to adjectives T. Évº's s. n. The plant termed
or substantives, to express their ab
stract meaning; as, Tºše3s & s. n. Cassia fistula, -

–0 T. e5 "º v.a. 1. To drive away. 2. to

Greatness. *; *ššo s. n. Rela beat. 3. to grumble.
tionship. T. e5 "Sº, s. n. 1. A female's breast. 2.
e - -

T. & on s. n. plu. Cries; clamour. the breast, or bosom.

T, &y adj. Motionless.

T. eSºcº s. m. wide Sºcº.
T. e85S s. n. The fluttering sound of T. e5 sº v. a. To seek, search, or look
T. e5°o v. n. To weep, or cry aloud.
T. eºsº adv. Quickly, hastily.
T, eº or eºS v. a. To throw, or (H. G.29)
fling, vide Sãº.
T. Eës s. n. 1. A wing. 2. the shoul -

der blade. 3. half a plantain leaf. 'eº • The forty-fourth letter, and twenty
ninth consonant, in the Teloogoo al
§ e5 exº) s. n. Afolding door. phabet.
T. &S s. n. The eye-lid. &Yºº & s. oos s. n. 1. The capital of Ravana
s. n. A wink, CºS Fºx) To wink. | in Ceylon; the name is extended also
205 cocº

to the island of Ceylon itself, which pass or cross over. 2, to leap at, or at
according to the notions of the Hin —o

doos is much more considerable in T. exo~5. So s. n. A bribe.

size, and lies further from the conti o

ment, than reality; it is described as exoz; or oozºs s. n. A prostitute; an

being equal to H of the equatorial cir adultress; a kept woman. ecºsº,
cumference of the earth, and is one of s. n. Prostitution.

the places lying under the first meri T. eyo & or eoš s, n. A mean, obstinate,
dian, whence the longitude is com or wicked, person.
puted. It is thus placed in the eas: T. exoşè2 s. n. 1. Indisposition, disorder.
tern ocean south of Ceylon, and ac 2. fatigue, exc3°33 & v. n. To be in
cording to Wilford is the peninsula of disposed, or fatigued.
Malacca; according to some Hindoo exoşºcºs s. n. A lecher, libertine,
accounts also, it is distinct from Cey
whoremonger, or gallant.
lon, from which island Lunka is said T. exoşū’s. n. The son of a female slave.
to be just visible. 2. an unchaste wo exo~533 s. n. 1. A long necklace;
man. 3. any island. -
one which depends from the neck to
rup. exos cošo or exo-peošo s. n. vide the navel. 2. depending, descending,
eyoğoššo No. 1 and 2. falling.
T. ejošo tº v. a. or exošotSS"Ko v. S. exo~$o adj. (H.Lº J)1. Spacious, ca
comp. To catch, seize, or take, by ar pacious. 2. great, large, broad, long ;
expanded either in breadth or length,
T. exos s. n. 1. The rope fastening two or both. 3. pendulous, depending.
animals together. 2, the tying them exo~$ tos's s. n. (from s. s ros- the
together. -

ear.) A hare, eosºcºs. n.(from

T. voº s. n. A small piece of wood, s.éº & the belly.) Ganesa, the Hin
tied to the neck of a bullock, &c. doo deity always represented with a
Ge exoxS s. n. (from P. 3.J) An an large paunch.
exo~ ā adj. Of or belonging to the
chor. exox& Rºcºo To anchor. exox
Brinjary, or Lumbady cast. These are
&ö& To weigh anchor. a very useful description of Hindoos,
... ejoišššo s. n. 1. Abstinence, fast
resembling in habits the Gypsies of
ing, when sick. 2. a day of fasting, Europe. They are the great inland
from sickness. 3. leaping, springing, carriers of the country, especially in
passing over. ocłoś v, a 1. To the peninsula, where there is no in

e) N3
206 eg *

land navigation, and speak alanguage s, exºcºs s. n. A security, or surety.

of their own. Their principal articles s, exºşo s. n. 1. The rising of a sign,
it's appearance above the horizon;
of traffic are grain and salt; they have the oblique ascension or the divisions
no fixed domicile; and the males are
much given to theft, particularly of of the equator, which rise in succes
cattle,while the females steal children. sion with each sign, in an oblique
sphere. 2. a period selected for any
s, ecºs s. n. The uvula, or soft palate. auspicious ceremony, such as mar
G. ex:38) or exabeº s. n. A reed pen. riage, &c, adj. 1. Attached to, intent
, oº, s. n. 1. A species of the on. 2. ashamed. 3, joined to, connect
ed with.
bread fruit tree. Artocarpus lacuch". o
Rox. 2. a lime. s: º33 s. n. Excessive lightness; ab
T. eSºoš s. n. A small bird. sence of weight, especially as an attri
T. e5 8 s. n. A sort of weapon. bute of supernatural power.
T. ex: s. n. (H. A31ſ) 1. Lac, the red s. oºº &c. adj. 1. Lightest, very
light. 2. very small, least.
animal dye; it's nest, of a resinous s. ex:Sovejoº s. n. The root of the fra
substance, is used as sealing wax. 2.
grant grass termed Cuss-cuss, or An
a lac, or one hundred thousand, adj.
Painted, lackered. dropogon muricatum
Tup. e. Sº s. n vide ex$ 225So. s. ex:ºxº) adj. I. Light, not heavy. 2.
better in health. 3. less severe, abat
g. oºcº& s. n. (from A. c.33)
ing, on the decrease; as applied to
till, until) Commencement, begin disease. 4. slight. 5, trivial, trifling. 6.
ning, ow"cºot. From a long swift, quick. s. n. 1. A short vowel. 2.
time since.
vide eiðxegºšo. 3. tumbling, leap-.
s. ex}\otS v. n. To agree, or coincide, ing. eiº S^*So A small or slight
in sense or meaning. fault. e59&Sºo s. n. Lightness; tri
s. ex3&o s. n. 1. A club bound with vialness. º To grow easy,
iron, or made of it. 2. a staff, or stick. to get better, to recover, ºù7"
Tup. oxº adj vide tº except No. #3835 &YK. It may easily be done.
6. s. n. vide the same word No. 3. e;&Yošš 25°3) To go to urine.
T. e5 s. n. Escalade. eşºx-ºš Or
TUD. e & YS& s. n. vides. eSºtoş.
<º Toscale, as a fort, &c. TUD, cº)ºys. n. vides. *..
Tup. ººo s. m. wide ex-Sºo No. 2. s: egor e.g. s. n. Shame, modesty,
T. ex:S s. n. 1. Welfare, prosperity, hap o

piness, 2, food, victuals. bashfulness, timidity. egº adj.

* QoS3 20 ex3

* Bashful, or modest. e38 So adj. evotºs s. n. A necklace hanging as

Abashed. e? Oiśv.n.To be ashamed. low as the navel.
• G. ex-Gºo" s. n. (from H. &#1) A ee>S. s. n. 1. A woman. 2. a wanton
battle, or fight. exeſ”&2&S s. n. The forehead. eyeſ"&5-
s. e5 or exºs s. n. A creeper, or climb Ö39&o or Ö3) That which is writ
ing plante Točºvs. n. (from s.90 ten on the forehead ; destiny. The
êend) lit. the extremity of a creeper, Hindoos believe that Brumha writes,
viz. A flower. ex & "o?. s. n. lit. cree on the front of the skull, the future
per bodied. A woman, referring both events of each one's life.
to the elegance of the female form, exeſ"&ššo s. n. A chaplet of flow
and to the dependence of the weaker ers, hanging over the forehead.
on the other sex.
eyeſ"&Soo &c. adj. 1. Chief, princi
s. & T. e8&"S s. n. A young girl. pal. 2. beautiful, agreeable, charming.
T. e º s. n. 1. Casualty, misfortune, 2. s. n. An ornament, chiefly such as is
a blow. (H. Gºſſ) worn on the forehead.
TUD, ex$$s.n. Lac ; the red animal dye. So ex3)3&o&c. adj. 1. Wished, desired. 2.
T. e.g. or 93 s. n. (H. Xaj) The dung beautiful, lovely. 3. wanton, dallying.
4. shaken, tremulous. s. n. A branch
of horses, asses, elephants, or camels.
of feminine action, arising from the
s. ex:35&o s. n. 1. The mouth, face, or passion or sentiment of love; lolling,
countenance. 2. talking. languishing, languid signs and ges
s. ex3355So s. n. Voice, or speech. tures indicative of passion.
Se eºs s. n. The product, in arithme exs oxºSoos. m. (H. LK.J) A clove.
tic. ex35 ox3Fº Se Il, The clove trees

Se egº &c. adj. Obtained, gained, ac exoxº; S. n. Cinnamon.

quired, received. oysterc& Se I),
e) Stošo s. n. Salt, adj. Salt, saline.
(from s. & eos praise.) A learned e); SSX s. n. Reaping.
man, a Sage. s. e5 & s. n. Reaping, adj. Little, or
Be exºSº adj. Attainable, procurable. small.
s: exoS s. n. Equal time, in music and
e) 3) Úº S. n. A sickle.

dancing. ešossº s. n. Garlick.

s, excºs s. n. 1. Destruction, loss, 2. oš.S & s. n. The middle of a bow,
the root of the Andropogon muricatum where it is grasped.
or cuss-cuss grass, bowo is v. n. To ºště s. n. A stream, or flood; a
be destroyed. large wave, or surf,
erºš 208 treeſ-e

Se ośs. n. A lac, one hundred thousand. *erº Thus, in this way, servič
oštos s. n. 1. A sign, or mark. 2. In that way, Śerº How 2 in what
an indication, a predicate, any thing way ? *

by which an object is designated, or eſ"$5& s. n. 1. Lightness, slight

distinguished. 3. a rule in science. 4. ness , delicacy. 2. easiness, facility.
perfection in outward form, or shape.
ex$ Soo s. n. 1. A butt, or mark. 2. aim.
3- Servişş& or § Servişşo
Slight of hand.
eș, exc *s s. n. Lutchmana, the
eſ"?. s. n. The sack for loads, placed
younger brother of Rama. upon horses or asses.
ešº s. n. A mark, token, spot, eſ"CºS v. a. To wish, or long for.
or sign. -

eå, s. n. 1. Lutchmi, the goddess o eſ”&ex) s. m. plu. Fried, or wetted,

wealth and prosperity, and wife of grain.
eſ’āşo s. n. A horse-shoe. eſ”&
Vishnoo. 2. prosperity, success, for
tune, riches, wealth. 3. turmerick. 9 sº To shoe a horse.
8,5 & So &c. adj. Prosperous, suc T. eſ" & s. n. A sore on the back ofany
cessful, fortunate, rich. eºs oč330 animal of burden, produced by it's
&c. adj. Fortunate, rich, wealthy.edº,
~& s. n. Thursday, or Friday. T. ex-ºššo s. n. A rod, or switch.
S, eşşº s. n. 1. A mark, or butt. eſ"C3 s. n. A stranger.
eſ"? & or eſ”2)So s. n. 1. Gain, pro
2. aim. 3. care, regard, respect. e&S fit, advantage. 2. interest on money.
sº v.a. 1. To aim, 2 to esteem, ey wº §§es Profit and loss.
regard, value, or respect. SK F-85
of Sºč. He does not care for, or erºs ºf ºil, owess.
mind, me. exºcºöSoo s. n. A stable.
ey voxejSo s. n. A plough. ey-ºoºo v. a. To approach.
erºo?&"esºo s. n. A hairy tail, as eſ-ex s. n. Slaver, saliva, spittle.
a horse's, &c. eyveyS or eſºe) SS3 s. n. Caressing,
|S. eſ"of SSo s. n. 1. A mark, or sign. fondling, eſ'9038 v. a. To caress, or
2. a name, or appellation. fondle. U-95> & adj. Caressed,
ey"Sexy s. n. plu. Small pieces of fondled.
stick, used by indian weavers. S. eſvejº s. n. An ardent desire.
eſ"?S v. a. To draw, pull, or drag. s. S. ey "ey'SSo &c. adj. Devoted to, attach
n, l. Mode, manner, way. 2, short ed to.
drawers, reaching only to the middle eſ"eſ"43's Kos, n. A trinket worn on
of the thigh, 3. tumbling, jumping, the forehead, -
dox 209 bæ)
erºs. m. The lullaby sung to children. Those amongst the Balaja cast, who,
eſ"35 PoSoos. m. A list of soldiers, &c. worshipping Siva, wear on their
eſvö 89Sov RS", cºo To enlist sol body his emblem, the phallus. The
diers, &c. places at which Siva is principally
er's tº s. n. Beauty, loveliness. worshipped in the peninsula, under
eſ"& s. n. A sort of quail; perdiz this form, are the *)?50oxsº or
chimensis. lingum of earth, at Canjeveram; the
eſ"56 s. n. A big, robust, strong, or ©ºbox& or lingum of water, at
Jumbookeshwurum ; the Tââºdoxsº
corpulent person.
erºs. n. 1. Strength, robustness, or lingum of light, at Tiroonomalee;
bigness, largeness, fatness. 2. size, di the ººcºoboxso or lingum of air,
at Calastry; and the es S** @ox:30
mension. adj. Strong, robust, big,
large, fat. or atmospheric lingum, at Chellum
eſº)ex s. n. plu. Feathers. brum. Oox Sºcº The small box, in
eſ-SS So s. n. A peacock. which those who wear the lingum
eſ-S3 s. n. A female dancer. on the body place that emblem.
ex-K&c & s. n. A dancer, actor, or |s. oššsº ... m. wide ošs.
mime. 9.3 S. in. A small sickle.
erºssº s. n. Dancing. | 93.90% or 93°oots, v. a. To write.
. Jºbs. n. Drunkenness, intoxi *** &c, adj. 1. written. 2drawn,
delineated, painted. s. n. Scripture,
eſ”& s. n. 1. A lac, or hundred writing, manuscript. (H. L*éXJ to
thousand. 2. lac, the red dye, or an || write.)
insect which is analogous to the co . O'Nº adj. 1. Inferior. 2. defective,
chineal insect, and like it forms, when wanting. 3. poor. s. n. 1. Inferiority.
dried and prepared, a dye of a red co 2. defect. 3. poverty, distress.
lour; the nest is formed of a resinous ©X\{) s. n. A deer.
substance, which is used in sealing se
93 s. n. 1. Writing in general, hand
wax, and is usually termed Shellac.
writing, a writing. O& S"Scºo s. n.
box& s. n. 1. A mark, spot, stain, (from s. ST6 a maker.) A scribe, or
sign, or token. 2. the penis. 3. the writer.
phallus, or Siva under that emblem.
93% &c, adj. 1. Smeared, anoint
4. nature, or Pracrootee, according
ed. 2, infected, tainted, or envenomed.
to the Sankhya philosophy, which
considers this as the active power in ... ºys. n. Wish, desire.
creation. 5. gender. Öoxºe» - *9%) s. n. Wealth, riches.

Jºy 210 Tºšá

S. bá s. m. wide 0%. T. ºšywº Or º adv, vide º'.
$, to s. n. 1. A branch of feminine ac . 3 adj. a contraction of Öcé q v,
tion, proceeding from love, or the interj. Get up! up with you ! In this
imitation of a lover's manner, speech, sense, it is a contraction of the im
gait, &c., by his mistress, to pass the
time in his absence. 2. play, sport,
perative of the verb écº, q.v.
Tºs s. n. This is the negative verbal
pastime in general. 3. amorous or
wanton sport.
participle of Sexº, q.v.; affixed to
a noun substantive it denotes 1, with
b% s. n. A nit.
expok "SC& s. n. A thief, or robber.
out. 2. or, or if not; asºgºsº
ex,&_ s. n. Cutting off, dropping,
& I cannot go without a horse.
93F"ºse as Either this, or
S. egºcs s. n. A fowler, or hunts that; this, or if not, that. Added to
the infinitive of any verb, it denotes
unable; as, $oº
3s Unable to do.
**se. adj. Covetous, greedy, ~3s Unable to come. §§ 383
desirous, cupidinous. * §§º s. n. adv. Otherwise, if not. §§§o& To
Covetousness, avarice. be absent.
wº S. n. A miser. ** s. n. A letter. ºx. s. n. A
exerºs s. n. A male buffalo. ex) writer, or scribe. ºpSºo s. n. Writ
eſ" on s. n. A female buffalo. ing, scripture.
exre 83 s: n- (from H.J.,23)) Plunder, 3*g *SC&S s. n. Indra.
** s. n. 1. A reed pen, 2. an iron
sacking. -

exºs s. n. A spider. style.

exºS$30 adj. Cut. ºc?. s. n. A sucking calf.
ex"S$$$$90 s. n. A tail. T3×c 3cºvč) s. n. A cow, newly

: Tºos s. n. A servant, or peon.

& S. n. 1. An account. 2. arith
metic, reckoning. 3. figuratively, re
gard, esteem, as : & $3& v. a.
with calf.
R}cº v. m. To rise, get up, or arise.
vide écs).
Tº s. n. The bough, or branch, of
1. To reckon, to count. 2. to regard, a tree.

mind, or esteem. 33– oš v. a. To T. * Fºx& s. n. Turning the face

reckon, to count; to make up an retreating. *

account. 33 s. n. An antelope. Tāās oë3 s. n.

ºy adv. vide ºn". s. n. & adj. lit. antelope eyed. A female with the
ride 2\"XS,
vived glance of the antelope.
355 211 erºs.

T. Técé adj. Tender, soft, young &cé tº or 3803 s. n. This is the nega
55& or 3cºe}s 30 s. n. Infancy, tive verbal noun of sex, q.v. de
youth. noting Non-possession,non-existence,
. & adv. This the neuter third per and thence poverty.
son singular of the negative aorist of *b*Sº, or 353-53 s. n. A
Ś ex)\ q. v. Besides the power which Serpent, or snake.
is there explained to belong to that Tºšo s. n. A small quantity. adj.
aorist, as an auxiliary verb, when Small, little.
conjugated through it's several per 733-30 or Bºss, S. n. An electu
sons, this word used indeclinably as ary, in medicine.
an adverb has two senses peculiar to e”oº v. n. 1. To become low, or
itself. 1st, placed after a nominative humble. 2. to yield.
of any of the three persons and the
infinitive of any verb, it is a simple • **) or e^* adj. Inferior, less,
deficient. -

negative particle denying the action

of the verb with reference to the past
a) erºs Or
efºš3,é5-epºvč33,83 erº Rock
ºrod Cº, S.

time only; as T'Sºcº& I did n. A camel.

not do. 2dly, used independently of T. *ššº s. n. A sunken eye.

itself, it is a simple negative particle, T. ergºes, v. n. To prove, or render,
denying existence, applicable to all false. 2..to click, or smack, the tongue
persons, but without reference to any against the palate.
time, and opposed to Ts’S, which *śs. n.The small earthen pot, used
denies essence, quality, &c. The con in collecting fermented juice from
trary of 3& there is not is sº there palm trees. ergº S. n. A drun
is; but the contrary of Sºčo is e kard.

{}K, q.v. erº º' v. a. To mix any liquid.

Tºssº s. n. Plastering, smearing. *** s. n. The span from the point
73:3:30 s. n. Plaster, mortar, cement; of the thumb, to that ofthe forefinger.
*$º s. n. The tree named
a medical external application. (H. Symploeos racemosa. Rox.
LºsAJ to plaster.) *postpos. In. The sign of the local
ºcº) v. a. To'cause to arise, or get ablative. adj. Inner, inward, inside.
up; to raise, rouse, or awake another. erºes S. n. The palm, or inside,
This is the causal form of Ścis q.v. of the hand.
. & s. m. A woman, S eſts So s. n. A world, a division of

eſt. Sº 212 eſ-625.

the universe. In general, three lokas fifth Janaloka, to be that where ani
are enumerated, or heaven, hell, and mals destroyed in a general confla
the earth; another classification enu gration are born again. 2. sight, see
merates seven, exclusive of the infer ing. 3. man, mankind. (H. UT.3]
nal regions. Bhooloka the earth ;
Bhoovurloka the space between the
and Lſ.2J)4. a multitude of people.
earth, and the sun, the region of the eſ” #36& s. n. (from s. &# lord.)
Moonees, Siddhas, &c.; Soowurloka Brumha, the creator.
the heaven of Indra, between the sun eñº Sºeſts &o s. n. A mountainous
and polar star; Mahaloka, the usual belt, surrounding the outermost of
abode of Brighoo, and other saints, the seven seas, and bounding the
who are supposed to be co-existent world.

with Brumha, during the conflagra eſ”535 adj. Subordinate, inferior,

tion of the lower worlds, the saints subject to. erºs Röss"K, To re
ascend to the next, or Janaloko, which duce, or bring, under one's authority.
is described as the abode of Brumha's erºst £83, adj. Excellent, elegant,
sons, Sanaca Sananda, Sanatana pleasing, or agreeable, to all.
and Sanatcoomara ; above this is the erºxê s n. making in the inflex, sing.
eſ”xè3 Former times. adv. 1. For
fifth world, or the Tupoloka, where
the deities called Vyragees reside ; merly. 2. previously.
the seventh world Sateyaloka, or eſ”x& adj. Former, previous, fore
Brumhaloka, is the abode of Brumha, going.
and translation to this world exempts eſ” adv. 1. Formerly, previously.
beings from further birth; the three 2. inside. 3. within, as applied to
first worlds are destroyed at the end time, or any fixed period. 4- mean
of each Culpa, or day of Brumha, the time, while, whilst. 5, in the course of
three last at the end of his life, or of eſºs. n. making in the inflex. sing.
one hundred of his years; the fourth - erºe? The interior of a house.
loka is permanent, but is uninhabita
er-8X3 v. n. To retire, retreat, or go
ble from heat at the time the three back.
first are burning. Another enume
ration calls these seven worlds earth,
erºs's s. n. 1. The pupil of the
sky, heaven, middle region, place of eye. 2. lamp-black. o

births, mansion of the blest, and abode erºss ºn 1. The eye. Kerº
of truth, placing the sons of Brumha SKo s. n. Spectacles, or glasses, for
in the sixth division, and stating the the eye.
errºcºs 2 13 >

eſ”éx, s. n. Loss, detriment. * &c. adj. 1. Slaling, tremu

erºë—s adj. Remaining, s. n. Re lous, moving, 2. desiring, wishing,
mainder, residue. cupidinous.
T. erºs s. m. Depth, adj. Deep. erºexº, &c. adj. Very desirous,
Sº erº, So s. n. A tree, the bark of Or COVetous.
which is used in dying, Symplocos ra *ēs. n. A large brass water pot.
CentOSøs T. eſ”: ā adv. vide efºxê.
T, erº adj. Inner, inward, inside. T.
eºs s. n. Former particulars, or
e^*K's. n. making in the inflex, sing. circumstances. adv. Formerly, before.
erº The interior, or inside. erºs s. n. A clod, or lump, of
T. erºčov. n. To submit, or yield, eſ's
3e3+& v. a. To reduce within one's
erº-3-8s & s. n. The plant
termed Achyranthus triandra.
power. *

erº-sºo s. n. (H, tº3) 1. Iron, ei

erºo s. n. Rejection, cutting off in
general, especially used as a gramma ther crude, or wrought. 2. any metal.
tical term, for dropping letters, sylla 3. steel. eſ”:3° S."&c & s. n. (from
bles, &c. s. Sº maker.) A black smith; an
erºses, n. making in the inflex. sing, iron smith, erº & s. n. (from s.
eſ”38) The inside, or interior; the *ě conquering.) The diamond; as
inner, or inward part. adv. Inside, superior to iron in hardness.
within. postpos. Within, among 8s efºr-3s sº s. n. A ruby.
erº-sºº, s. n. The wife of the
saint Agustya.
erºvºo s. n. (H. 395) 1.
errºrvå & s. n. A fox. Blood. 2. the colour red, adj. Red.
s. ePºotº v. n. To disappear; to suf er-s?yves-ox3c23 s. n. (from s, eox
fer elision, in grammar. a body.) The planet Mars.
erºjº s. n. Plunder, booty. Sº 5'8s & &c. adj. Mundane, secular,
worldly, human, what prevails
S. *** sin. (H. 24,L5J) Covetous amongst, or is familiar to, mankind.
mess, avarice. erºssº s. n. Covet
5*$$$C& s. n. A secular, as opposed
ousness, parsimony, erº) s. n. (H. to a spiritual man ; one of the secu
& ré! 3) A covetous man ; a miser. lar, as opposed to the regular, or re
efºšo s. n. The hair of the body. ligious bramins. -

erº So s. n. The pole cat.
e^*cºs s. m. A deep pit, or crater, on -ºkºlº
the top of a mountain, $ The forty-fifth letter, and thirtieth
3ox3 214 of 83

consonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet. §oNovº v. a. To bend or make

It is substituted for initial ś, when crooked; to cause to stoop. 2. to
words beginning with 3 are preced humble, lower, or reduce. § oxº
ed by nouns in the nominative case, or Sox #& To force to stoop, or
even when used accusatively, or by bend.
any part of the verb ending in &-S -> -e

and A, or by the words eºs 3& T. Sotº or Sotº S3 s. n. The ace, in

& and ºšč. dice.
co co

$os s. n. 1. Crookedness, tortuosity. ŠovšS or Šoć SSX s. n. Delusion,

2. a side, quarter, or direction. 3. a
watercourse. 4. pretence. 5. blame. trick, deceit, cheating, fraud. Šoš
adj. Crooked, tortuous, twisted. Soš &c & s. n. A rogue, cheat, deceiver,
S**ex lit, crooked words. Irrelevant knave, or impostor. Soběšo &c.
expressions. Tº osºvº Look adj. Tricked, deceived, cheated. So
+\ois To deceive.
towards me. §§5os The mother's T. Sotº v. a. 1. vide SoNois under
side. Tº &os x * Blood to flow, SoNº. 2, to pour.
like water in a watercourse. T. Soº s. m. wide 29& No. 2.
T. Šošč adj. Crooked, tortuous, twist Q

ed, uneven. s. n. 1. Crookedness, a s. Soº’es s. n. The tree termed

Jonesia asoca.
bend or curve. 2, blame. 3. a fault.
Šoššºew s. n. plu. A species
T. Soº s. n. 1. Cooking, or dressing,
of paddy. food. 2. any thing cooked, dressed, or
Sos’cº s. n. The vegetable usually prepared. 3. dried dung of cows, &c.,
at Madras termed Brinzal ; the egg used as fuel. Soto oºº s. n. (from
T. §º a house.) A kitchen. 5 oëSey
plant, or Solanum melongena.
T. sos s. n. An armlet of a waving |
A cook maid. Soº-cºs s. n.
form, worn by Hindoo females. | A cook. Soto'ºeºsº or Köö$5 s. m.
T. So 3 s. m. wide Zoo 5. Fuel.
§ox adj. Of or belonging to the T. 50°S $0 s. n. Food, victuals, boiled
Brinzal, or egg plant. s. m. A crop of
that plant. Síotos & s. m. A part, share, or
T. 50X&o s. n. A family, or race. portion.
Šox& s. n. 1. Tin. 2. lead. . Šoć8 adj. in composition only, affix
Tup. Sox & s. m. wide s. Soiſs, ed and not preceding the word with
T. SoNº v. n. l. To bend down, or which it is connected. Such, like. Fº
stoop. 2, to become low, or humble." Soº? Such as me, & 4x5cº Whº'
Soš 21 a &\sy
like * **śoº Such as that, like T. Soº) s. n. Crookedness; a bend, or
that. 9°So°3 Such as this, like this. curve. 395oº)ex lit, bendings of
*oºs, n. An ox, without his tail. the head, Disgrace.
50% v. a. To cook; to dress, or s. Soß & s. n. 1. Race, lineage, family,
prepare, food. Soão º v. caus, To extraction. 2. a bamboo. 5 of Sès
cause to cook, &c. S. n. (from s, S 8s a dancer.) A
Soë s. n. Vexation, grief, O

Sočctºo v. a. To direct, or cast, rope, or bamboo, dancer. Soº"Kºš

the' eye, in a wanton manner; to běšo s. n. (from s. e5K, implying

glance wantonly. succession, and $85 proceeded.) A

*otº s. n. A share, or portion. 2, a chronicle, or genealogical history.
turn by rotation.
So?"sº s. n. (from s, esse a row
Soºs s. n. A bridge, |
or line.) Genealogy. Soiſsºs- s. n.
Soč s. n. A hundred.
The original progenitor of any race.
Sočss” s. n. The ornamented Sočeoso s. n. The groin ; the pub
arch of a gate way.
lic and iliac regions.
Sočº s. n. Obeisance to a bramin,
or superior, by touching the feet, *š-š4 or S.; numeral. vide zos.
&c.; reverence, worshipping, ador. she s. n. (from A. J.*3) ana.
ing; respect, civility. gent, ambassador, or representative.
T. S.
Sočğs. n. A piece, fragment, or bit. *** s. n. The plant termed M.
****S*) adj. Civil, complimenta musops elingi,
ry, polite. T. & S. n. 1. Areca nut. 2. a bit, or
5*s. n. A panegyrist, bard, herald, piece, of any hard substance. s: er
or servant whose duty it is to pro Šeº Areca nut and beetle leaf s3–
claim the titles of a great man, as he ÖotSov.a. To split, or break, in pieces.
passes along; or a poet who sings T. & to s. m. wide & to.
the praises of a prince in his pre tub. 5: 8&s. n. 1, vide sûjº. 2.
sence, or accompanies an army to vide *\}*.
chaunt martial songs; a praiser, a
flatterer, T. Sºrbois v, a vide zºo.º.
Sºo's or Soč8 v. n. To grieve, io s, 5 # sºn. A speaker. & 5-Sºº adj.
be sorrowful or vexed. Proper, fit to be spoken, or said.
ŠoćSö s. n. (from the foregoing.) s: º – jº s. n. The face, counte
Sorrow, grief, vexation. nance, or mouth.
Foºs s. n. A barren female, §, *\s) §35&ey 8. In , plu. in Teloo
Sº 216 $5 °3

goo grammar, this term denotes the verb, are respectively added, as auxi
diphthongs 9 & 3". liaries, to the infinitive of any verb, to
$5 Ü Šo adj. 1. Crooked, awry, dis denote liberty, or the want of it ; may
torted, curved, bowed, bent. 2. cruel, or may not. T$533&-ovº I may
malignant. 5 (8 Joiº v. n. The pla not do. Any part of this verb, when af
nets to move in an irregular course. fixed to the present verbal participle
&\syßex s. m. plu. In Teloogoo ofanother, gives to the action express
grammar, this term denotes the vow ed by that participle the meaning of
els & & 29. long habit, or continuance. Đoàsoë
T, 5X s. n. 1. Melancholy, grief, vexa & "C"Sº You must continue to
tion. 2. foppish gestures. 3. a sort, or send. ex-xx-Sèsº He un

kind. 4, manner, mode, way, means. derstands that language. lit. that lan
5X's". & or 5Xerºs s. n. A ſop. ow-de-Soº)
guage to him comes.
5Xenºcê s. n. An affected female; a sºosºyººssº & This rice
coquette. will last (lit. will come) for a year.
5XiS v. n. 1. To grieve. 2. to pon zººs $) lit. To come to the body,
der, or consider, 5Kö) s. m. Grief, af. To be sick.
fliction. § 2" s. n. (from A. &A33) Deduc

. S. Kºš v. n. To be finally settled, or tion, subtraction.

decided. SXTºowº v. a. To decide, or
settle, finally.
Se 5&jºrrºw S. m. A clap of
six& S. m. and adj. vide ºx8. º
. Sºx&) v. n. vide 20x8). sºjºs s. n. The blossom of
the sesamum.
& S. s. n. Orris root.
S5Vejºs. n. I. A diamond. 2, a thun

§§§§o s. n. 1. Speech, speaking, 2. derbolt; the weapon of Indra. $5Vºy

a sentence, dictum, or aphorism. 3. 733-3) A strong constitution of
prose. Sºo is or §§coooºº v. a. To body.
say, to speak. Sºy So or Sg83, S. n. Glue.
‘’l- O. .
Söğ) s. n. vide $5 & & No. 1 & 2.
$5 & s. n. The sword of Siva.
&) v. n. 1. To come. 2. to arrive,
- § 3, s. n. Indra; as having for a
happen, or occur, & 3)K and "C" weapon the thunderbolt.
°, the third persons neuter of the af. Se sºs &ex) s. n. plu. Pulse ground
*firmative and negative aorists of this' and fried, in oil or butter,
217 sa
* @,
sº or sº s. n. The ba * @º v. n. To be agreeable, or
nian tree. Ficus indica.
pleasant. -

. SºotS v. n. To starve.
S \ºyè or *\e) & adj. Round,
§ ºc & or $5 °3985) s. n. The Brum circular. § \ºy §§oë or *(*~JS
hachari, or religious student, after à s. n. The letter e). & Q3) otS3 v.
his investiture with the sacred thread.
. $5§sº s. m. Premium to the receiver, a. To make round, or circular.
šč s. n. 1. The hot or land wind, 2. a
and discount to the payer, or profit
sort of cake.
and loss respectively, by exchange.
- sº Or sº sº s. m. plu. The §§ or såcº-sº v. a. To filter, or
testicles. Sºgeox" º v. a. To geld,
šč3 s. n. The northern point.
or castrate.
Sºcº v. n. To tremble, or shake.
• *śadj. 1. Empty, void, blank, plain,
bare. 2. useless. 3. false, untrue. 4.
mere, quite. Sºcº s. n. A dry
cow. §§s-ex, s. n. The shinbone.
: &#xoč s. n. plu. Hail.
sºsto s. n. 1. A leathern dress,
worn by huntsmen. 2. a leathern rope,
used by the toddy drawers.
easººyº That is a downright & s. n. A sort of mess, prepared
from the grain termed green gram,
. §§§§ s. n. The root of the fragrant
split and soaked in water, with salt,
grass termed cuss-cuss, or Andropogon pepper, assafoetida, &c.
5&ºcº v. a. To strain, or filter.
. 35 § v. n. To be drained, or dried up. T. S㺠sºn. A name of Bheema, the
s. n. 1. Drying up, or draining. 2, the second of the Pandoo princes.
joining of two pieces of wood. 3, an . Söex v, n. To fade, or wither.
adjuration. T. §§§ or S&S) s. n. Mañner, mode.

- sºs? S. m. A pole, on which 53 s. n. 1. Quickness, rapidity, brisk

sacks of grain, &c. are carried. . ness, sharpness. 2. severity, violence.
. § \ºyś S. n. Roundness. Sº (*) & adj. , 3, vide Zoë No. 2.4. vide cºö No. 2.
Sãxo~& A clever, quick, or
: 85 \º) Tº v. a. To mind, regard, or brave man.
evince respect. 5&cºcê s. n. Filtering, straining.
• * @y & s. n. A purse for beetle leaf, T. S. &cº v. n. 1. To drip down. 2. to
be expended.
218 Q
sẠ"ex or S㺠e s. m. The weapon | S. §§yosº, &c. adj. Affectionate, kind.
termed a sling. 5:35:30 s. n. 1. The face, counte
5&S$ v. a. To spin. nance, or visage. 2, the mouth.
sºx3 s. n. 1. vide éScºššº. 2. 5383 or 5& v. n. To prattle, or
vide 5 °C §S. chat. 2. to grumble. § <&sº S. Il"

$5 à or $5 à S. n. Interest on money.
A chatterer. §§§ex s. m. plu. Tat
sºs? Compound interest. tling, babbling. . .
S5gotº v. a. To serve up a meal; to r sººrs. m. wide exºsº.
place food before one. $5 #5 s. n. Dis
r.. $800 or $300 v. n. 1. To become
tribution of a meal. - loose, or grow slack. 2: to be expend
sºox&gs. n. The woodpecker. To quit, give up,
ed, as money. v. a.
sº-cºorsºo? s. n. A carpenter. or renounce. 559948 - 5890° or
Sºx) v. a. 1. To slacken, loosen,

: 5% s: n, plu. Paddy.
scºcê3 or Stºos v. n. To tremble,
or shiver. s. m. Tremor, trembling,
untie, or liberate.
2. to cause to ex

s’s’ssº &c. adj. Generous, libe

shivering. § c38o3So v. a. To shake ;
ral, beneficent.
To cause to tremble. saº or 58Koº s. m. 1. The daugh
sº s. n. 1. A merchant, or tra." ter of a mother's brother, or of a fa
der; one of the third pure Hindoo ther's sister, if older than one’s-self.
tribe. 2. the sixth of the astronomical 2. the elder sister of a wife, or hus
periods called Kurunas, correspond band; or an elder brother's wife.
. 5&Sexy adj. Loose, slack. v. m. & a.
ing to the half of a lunar day.
5 **śs s. m. Traffic, trade, com vide sºo. 5&exps S v. a. To
merce, abandon, or relinquish.
S. 55 o'S$30s. n. 1. Acrest. 2. an enemy. sº postpos, vide *3.
Tup. : 3 s. n. (from s. s. 3) The wick s: A corrupted form of Seoš or
of a lamp, or candle. ºšš): 3 s. 555&, the third person neuter of
m. A wax candle. Sºč)5 # A se the negative aorist of the verb so
ton, when applied to a sore. cºo; affixed, as an auxiliary, to the

§ §) s. n. A child. infinitive of another verb, it denotes

obligation or necessity negative of it's
5 §38& s. n. A steer. .
action, must not ; but having rather
sºyºos. m. 1. A calf. 2, the breast, an imperative, than an indicative
or chest.
sºyººs s, n. A year. meaning; it may generally be trans
sº. 219 Sö

lated Do not, do’nt. O'S §Dont conte, affected airs, or gestures, adj. Co
=-&is & They must not go. Used loured, painted. SSAS 3 s. n. An
independently by itself, it may be affected female, a coquette. Sºº's "c
often translated No; it is not neces & s. n. A fop, or coxcomb. & Tºp 3)
sary, or required; I do not want it, &c. expx3 s. m. The pheasant, lit. the
§§ s. n. Murder, killing. Sºots or painted bird.
$5 poooowºo v. a. To murder, or kill. SS s. n. A multitude of groves.
$5&$) s. n. 1. A wife. 2. a bride. 3. a $5 Sº adj. Wild, savage, sylvan.
daughter-in-law. 4. a woman in ge . § 3 s. n. The mucus, or glutinous
secretion, of the flesh, or bones.
& & "3 s. n. A young woman. . §§§ So s. n. 1. Shaving. 2. sawing.
s&S& s. n. A man deserving of . Sº, or Sº)S) s. n. The body.
5 §jºs, n. 1. A rampart 2, a field.
SSSve s. n. The garland worn by & CŞy (8): s. n. (from s. Gyº
Krishna, thence he is called & SS-8). sport.) 1. Butting, as of an elephant,
SSSo or & Soº s. n. 1. A forest, or or bull, &c. -

wood. 2. a grove, or garden. 3. water.

§§§§§) s. n. 1. Vomiting. 2. water
sº s. n. (from s. 2. born.) A ejected from the elephant's trunk.
lotus; as produced in water. SSãs . §§55& s. n. Vomiting.
30 s. n. The flower termed Michelia . Sº, adj. Of no effect, useless.
champaca, as illuminating a garden.
. Soº or scº) s. n. 1. Age, time
s sººs s. n. (from s. 38 that of life. 2. puberty, youth. Soº §cº
wanders.) A monkey. s. n. A man in the prime of life. Soº
55& v. n. To grieve, or be afflicted. *S s. n. A female friend. § &
s. n. Melancholy, grief. s. m. A friend, or contemporary.
5 §§N3 s. m. A tree which bears fruit, . Soº-ººs. m. A car, or chariot.
but has no apparent blossoms, as se T. S. ox's sº s. n. The particulars, or
veral species of the fig, jack, &c. detail, of any thing. Soošsºon”
& Rºs s. n. A woman. adv. At large; particularly; in detail.
S$3&cłºs s. n. A beggar, or mendi & 8 s. n. A term, or limit. §§§3 or
cant. & Until, till, to, up to.
5RS’s Sºo s. m. A monkey, or ape. . 58 s. n. A scabbard, or sheath. vide
5&cº or 5 & s. n. 1. Colour. 2. zoes. 55& "cº To unsheath, or
the lustre of metal, or gems. 3, draw, out of the scabbard,
S5 × 220 $ 89

58 o'ís So s. m. A pimple, or sore, T. 583 s. n. 1. A line, or row.2. order,

on the face. arrangement. 3. relationship, 4, a gift
. Sºo:So s. n. 1. A pimple on the presented by a procession of relations.
face. 2. a heap of grass, 3, a veranda, 5. a turn by rotation. 6, a time, as
or portico.
once, twice, &c.
. §§§§oex) s. n. plu. The pulse term
ed wild kidney bean. T. $83-8-5-ov or 58%rº s. m. The
. 58& adv. Until vide T. Sö. gold coin termed a pagoda.
. 5öX®otºs v. n. To shine, or glitter. 5-ov &S$ 530 s. n. 1. The seed vessel of
. S & 3 s. n. A goose, or female swan. the lotus. 2. the small shell termed a
58&ºe»s. n. plu. Lumps of dried dung. Cowree.

. § 5 coSo s. n. An outer building, 5-ovensºo s. n. A small shell termed

enclosure, or wall of masonry. a cowree, used as money, in some
. 5 Ö Ús. n. A leathern thong, or girth.
parts of India.
. §§& s. n. A torrent, or flood. 5-ovº or 5-Sºo s. n. A coarse cloth.
58& &c. adj. Propitious, favora 5-5°3-5S0 s. n. A hog. 5-5-ox3-65 Eye
ble, indulgent. & s. n. The third incarnation of
. Söğ) or & Sãº) s. n. A drought, or
Vishnoo, in the shape of a boar. .
want of rain.
$8 s. n. Paddy.
. §§§o s. n. A boon, favour, blessing, 58o33 or $58ooootS v. a. To desire,
or supernatural gift; especially grant wish for, or covet
ed by a deity, or bramin. adj. Best, 567 ex) s. m. plu. vide $5.8s Soexy.
excellent. STS"oxSo s. n. (from s. sès or 55& &c. adj. I. Larg
°o? a member.) the chief member of est, greatest, best, most preferable.
the body, viz. 1. The head. 2. a pri . §§SX3 s. n. 1. Vegetables, or fruit,
vate part. preserved in a dried state. 2. leaning.
. Sjöex) s. n. plu. The large circular or inclining to one side. v. n. vide
rings of burnt earth sunk in a small 20 &\}.
well, to prevent the earth from falling sº s. n. The ridge, or dam, divi
ding one irrigated piece of ground
. SºčS. s. n. A channel of supply, to an from another. ' ' ... •
, artificial lake.
$5& Cº. s. n. 1. A husband. 2. a bride
s. Sö5 ºs-Å s. n. An excellent, or vir
tuous, female. groom. 3. a son-in-law. -

58° s. n. Income, profit, pay. & Soces& s. n. Varoona, the Hindoo

5öß’s s. n. A servant, 565)*3:30 Neptune, or deity of the waters, and
s. n. Service.
regent of the west. -
$ 3 ET 221 & ºs- º

T. 5833 s. n. vide 583. §§§7," adv. II quail. Perdic dioeca. §§s-Ścºs s. n"
Regularly, in good order. A merchant, or trader. -

5& "3 So s. n. A sort of ledge, round Sös SSo s. n. 1. Staying, abiding.

a carriage, as a defence from the 2. profession, occupation, livelihood.
effects of collision. 5 §s 5 s. n. Established, fixed, or

§ & ºf s. n. An army. customary fees; especially those

payable in grain to the village ser
$5 ºr Sº &c. adj. Chief, noble,
vants for their livelihood.
principal, pre-eminent.
§: $5.8 s Sº So s. n. 1. News, intelli
Sgs s. n. 1. A class, or tribe. 2. a gence, information; intimation, no
multitude of similar things. 3. a chap
tice. 2, in grammar, the present tense.
ter, or section. sº's gº s. n. A
5ös-&T's sº s. n. A crow’s nest.
dress, or suit of clothes.
53s s. n. 1. Sandal, or other per

58)Sys, n. 1. Form, figure, shape. fume, for the person. 2. the wick of a
2. light, lustre. lamp. 3. the foil placed under a pre
sº adj. Fit to be refrained from, cious stone, to increase it's lustre.
º -
abandoned, or avoided. s. n. An un
lucky period of the day. $ 85-93° v. Sös-oº-ººs-ex or 50s-ºv. n. 1.
a. To relinquish, give up, or aban To act, or behave. 2. to be going on,
in a state of action. -

don. Fºssº &c. adj. 1. Abandoned, sº adj. Stationary, fixed.

avoided. 2. excepted, excluded.
$5 east-S or $5 tos-Sºo s. m. 1. Praise, 5&s-e So adj. Round, circular, glo
bular, spherical.
panegyric. 2. describing, expatiating.
explaining; pointing out qualities, $3,5-8 or $3,5-sºo s. n. A road,
or excellencies, Štěstoº v. a. To path, or way.
praise, or describe. §§ E-3 s. n. A carpenter,
5 tos-S$30s, n. 1. A tribe, class, cast, or Sºs-Sºo &c. adj. Increasing, grow
order. 2. colour, hue, tint. 3. the or ing, thriving. s. n. Increase, growth.
der or arrangement of a song, or 5×s-S"S& &c. adj. Prosperous,
poem. 4, a musical mode, 5, a letter thriving, increasing. 5 §s-à So &c.
of the alphabet. & eos-tº-3 c6 s. n. adj. Increased, grown, thriven. §§s"
Surusuratee, the goddess of learning; §§adj. Growing, or thrivings?"
as formed of letters. º or Ś ºstex v. n. To grow, thrive,
*S* Seás- s. m. wide $5 &c &. or prosper. §§s-otS- v. a. To pro
Sös-sºs. m. 1. Traffic, trade, com mote ; to cause to grow, &c.
merce, 2, a horse's hoof 3, a sort of **s-Kºšššº s, n, Alid,
35 ex . 222 Se]

38, sº or sº s. n. Mail, armour. T. Sejiće, s. n. making in the inflex. sing

s&Sº &c. adj. Chief, principal, ex Šešč) or Sość3 The right side. Sey
cellent. 39 adj. Right. Šeše adv. On the
right side. Šešeňos s. n. The let
S&E to So s. m. Raining.
$5&F-85SC:S s. n. A eunuch, or at ter ET, which is always written on the
right side of the syllable before
tendant on the women's apartments.
5&E-soo s. n. 1. A year. 2. rain. 5 which it is pronounced.
às-ows v. n. To rain. S$=-39so . Seº) s. n. 1. Love, affection, fond
s. n. (from s. ée a stone.) Hail. § ness. 2. smell, fragrance.
$g-sºoš38& Rain to fall. §§s"so Seá) s. n. 1. The wooden frame of a
º)& Rain to stop. thatch. 2. a temporary building, on
5*s-ºšić) s. n. A frog. the roof of a house.

5&s-šo s. n. The body. Šešo s. n. 1. Size, dimension. 2, big

: 5e0?& s. n. An old jackal.

See 8 or Seº & s. m. Flood, deluge,
torrent, or inundation.
ness, fatness. adj. Big, fat.
$59&5 s. n. The conch of Vishnoo.
Secºs s. n. 1A bracelet, or arm
Sesex) v. n. To shine. let. 2. an inclosure.
: sº s. n. A pungent taste. Sooºººo adj. Surrounded, encom
S5º's n. A heap, or quantity, adj. passed.
Much. Secºo v. a. To wish, want, desire, or
<e s. n. A net se-ºcº or *: covet. Sº, or se? Sa the third
To throw, or cast, a net. person of the past tense, and Seycºo
T. Seo8 s. n. A clever, or skilful, person. & the third person of the affirmative
T. Sey's "85Xex) s. m. plu. The airs, or aorist, of this verb, are affixed, as
gestures, of an affected female. auxiliaries, to the infinitive of any
T. Sex"Kö v.a. To surround, or encom verb, to denote obligation, or neces
pass; to walk round. sity, without reference to any parti
5 exº So s. n. The middle, the waist. cular time, and may be translated by
5e) tºo v. a. To love. v. m. To smell, the English word must. The third
or emit perfume. Šešotº v, caus. person neuter of the negative aorist
To cause to love. of this verb is irregular, namely 5e
Sejčo vide s&. SS or Seº, more commonly con
ses postpos, vide $3. tracted into S$. It is used nega
Seño s. m. 1. An expedient, strata tively in the same manner as the af
gem, method, manner, 2. beauty, ex firmative tenses before-mentioned ;
cellence, but when affixed to infinitives, it has
S$) 223 & © -

rather an imperative, than an indica T. $975% s. n. Open texture, of cloth,

tive meaning, as is explained under &c.

the head & q. v. These tenses of Söcºo v. a. To love. ->

Secºo are also occasionally added, in sès sº s. n. The edge of a thatch,

the same indeclinable state, to nouns - 5 §3.4% S. n. A monkey.
in the nominative case, to denote want
Sex & v. m. wide zoe»$3.
or desire. In this construction, the
Sexº adj. Great, big. s. n. Great
affirmative $7359 - se?sa and so
ness, bigness. -

cºorºo invariably take before them & exps s. n. A cloth.

the infinitive "S", vide "S"s exoSo ;
but the negative & $ does not re sº adj. Like, resembling, similar.
quire it; thus, ×gs Ryvä3 Sos SRSo Sºß vide under Secº. -

I want a horse. Kgºss? I sº sº or sº os s. n. The bark

of a tree."
do not want a horse. In this construc
tion, the noun denoting that which is $$. s. n. A bridle, or rein.
wanted is placed in the nominative sºčº s. n. A horse's gallop.
case, but the noun or pronoun denot $5gºë adj. Handsome, beautiful, soft,
ing the person who desires or wants tender.
is placed in the dative. T.
Sº postpos. vide Šeš.

T. $5e)"C"?” s. n. A name of Cama, the sºs & or 55.5 & s. n. 1. A hil

Hindoo Cupid. § o-o-º-º: S. Ile
lock, or mole hill; grotind raised by
insects. 2. a snake's hole. vide Öğ.
Siva as his enemy. . T. & postpos. By, by means of, with,
T. sesſeåoº) or sesſee's v. n. from. s. n. 1. Stratagem, expedient. 2.
To weep or cry, very violently, or convenience, adj. 1. Convenient. 2.
loudly. possible. Sººs".9S adj. 1. Impos
Se:S s. n. The fleeing, or removing, sible, 2. much, excessive, large.
of people from their homes, from fear. T. sº, sº s. n. making in the inflex.
so:3-8& or º) v. n. People to sing. Sº, Sºes A cemetery, or place
flee from their homes, from fear. for burning, or burying, the dead.
B, 59& adj. White. s. n. The colour S538 s. n. The Veena, or Indian lute.
white. T. S$ 3 s. n. 1. Misfortune, evil, 2.
T. $59 adj. Cold, cool. s. n. Cold. 598 blunder, booty.
*N s. n. (from T. B&S a mountain.) Sºº's &c. adj. Beloved, desired,
-The snowy, or Himalaya, mountains. dear, $º, ºcão s, n. A husband.
* :
* 24 §§oo

sºbs. n. A creeper, or climbing overpowering, or obtaining posses

plant. 2, a compound pedicle. sion of, by charms, drugs, or incan
§§§cºs s. n. 1. A cook. 2. a herds tations.

man, or cowherd. 53 Sºč.c. adj. Dependent on, hum

bled, overpowered.
Se sº, or sº, s s. n. A creeper, or cºo

climbing plant. tup. Sº s. n. vides. Sº.

sºok v. a. To learn, or get by S. 53 s. n. 1. The serum, or marrow, of
the flesh. 2. the marrow of the bones.
heart; to repeat from memory.
sº-8s s. n. Dried flesh. SKočºvº. s. n. The indian cuc
T, sº adv. Yes, good, well, right, &c., -

expressing approbation, or consent. 5K oë Ko s. n. 1. Spring; the deity

s. m. Repeating from memory, or presiding over it is termed Sºo
learning by heart. &SC&S. -

... s. Gºjºs s. n. A noosed rope; T. §§oöSo s. m. Water, mixed with

a noose. S3; Sºy &zº"exy s. n. turmerick, and fine lime.
§§8 s. n. (H. residence,
Varoona, whose weapon is the noose. Cºº
Te 58 & s. n. 1. Manner, mode, me from tº...) 1. A house, dwelling,
...thod. 2. expedient, stratagem, 3, vide º
or residence. 2. an allowance; pay.
zºº. . adj. (from car,º Commodious,
sºjºs s. n. A superior species agreeable.
of the Areca nut.
8, 59 s. n. 1. The folds of the skin,

sºss syn. Cloth, or clothes.
T. & Fºº s. n. An active vegetable
above the navel. 2. vide cº No. 2.
Te Sºvcº or 5.5~& s. n. A Tup. SK Ko s. n. vide sº sº.
man of a cast, among the parias, or T. 55eſ" s. n. One piece of wood, join
a outcasts, superior to the rest of that ed to another.
tribe, and considered in the light of 5RTS" s. n. A veranda.
their priests.
53 s. n. 1. The sister of a husband. & s. n. 1. A thorn, 2. a spike.
2, a female elephant. &ots or sºooooowº v, n. To dwell,
55 & s. n. 1. Possession, custody, reside, or lodge.
charge. 2, subjection, submission, 3. 35 &*: & s. n. The celebrated peni
authority, supremacy. § § Ś & 23& tent, or moonee, Vasishta.
(from 8. § 3 º making.) Subduing, | S, §§oº & or sº n.The earth.
Tyvoº 225 ->e 7:

;865. 5 §3&c's s. n. The father of s. Sºoššo adj. Vomited.

Wº: Arishna. Wºoë s. n. Vomiting.
sº or 5&8 s. n. The earth. Foº Scº s. n. A flute player; a
. 5&ö s. n. 1. Wealth, substance, piper.
riches. 2. a ray. 3, gold. 4. a kind of ~$$83 s. n. A porpoise.
demi-god, of whom eight are enume **cs s. n. A river.
rated. Dhava, Droova, Soma or the **cs 5 s. n. Retching to vomit. vide
moon, Vishnoo, Anila or wind, Anala $os 8under %s 80+3.
or fire, Prab,hoosha and Prabhava. T, *80 s. n. making in the inflex.
G. 5&vex s. n. (from A. Jºey” |
sing. Rºses, 1. A door. 2. the thres
lection, acquisition. | hold. Fºos ex s. m. plu. Port
dº s. 5 § s. n. (A. law;) 1. The abdomen, ers, door-keepers.
:33 ~$S or wº. s. n. 1. A word. 2.
or lower part of the belly. 2, the end
of a cloth. speech. Fºs S*ēSºo s. n. Ele
& Kºč) s. n. 1. Thing, article, mat- - gance of speech. **ścºs.
ter, substance. 2. natural disposition, Verbal recommendation. F33 sº
essential property, nature, essence. A promise. lit. that which is given.
35 sº So s. n. Cloth, clothes, rai
by word. FTS& s. n. A verbal
ment. ** G3. So Food and rai dispute, or altercation ; an argument.
ment. § & wº s. n. Strain Fºres s. n. A deposition.
ing any powder, through a dry cloth. s's S3 s. n. A name of Brumha, or
s?rºots, or 53rvoots v. a. To of the planet Jupiter.
~s Sº s. n. I. A sentence. 2. a
bear, support, or sustain:
rule, or aphorism. , -
sºr" s. n. A book ; an account book.
*S*Xö s. n. A painting brush.
53rº. s. n. 1. Fire, or it's deity Agni. T. ="X;& s. m. The circle round a
3 & or §§§) s. n. The breast,
posom, or chest. 5 gºSãºo s. n. thrashing floor.
| T. "Esox3 s. n. 1. An army. 2. a torrent,
(from s, & 3" that which rises.) A or current, of water. v. n. To sound.
female's breast.
v. a. To chatter, or prattle.
-> * s. n. The mouth.
º ºvX35 s. n. 1. A snare, or trap. 2. a
-> *ois v. a. To bow down; to bend.
Se ~ *otº s. m. 1. Wish, desire. 2. love, net for confining deer. Fºbºcãº
attachment. Sºo?otº To desire, s. m. A hunter.
long, or wish. | T. Fv7 s. n. The rein of a bridle.
Tºroëd 226 -Eye &

+-A, s. n. A talkative, or loquacious, Tyves or Svē8s s. m. A garden, or

wº; ox's n. A name of Surus watee. Sº s. n. 1. A street. 2. vide %3.
=-&ocºcº s. n. A holy sage. ~&s tº A street, or range of
practising rigid taciturnity, devoid of houses.
passions, and unmoved by pain or is ºxº s. n. The oleander plant
pleasure. Nerium odorum.
co -

-ºš7-8) s. m. Wind, blowing from

T. Evºs ºo s. n. Reading fluently.
–5 some point intermediate between the
Tsvöſes tº v.a. lit. to beat the mouth. four cardinal points of the compass.
To beg alms. Indian beggars, or com ºvcá s. n. Sharpness, as applied to
plainants, often beat the mouth, with weapons or instruments, adj. Sharp
a loud cry, to attract attention. "secă3& To become blunt. Sºcé
**oxx. s. n. A talkative man. $53%C&S. s. n. A brave, or valiant man.
ºváš or Frºs s. m. l. Practice,
ºššo s. n. News, tidings, intel
experience. 2. habit, custom. 3 use.
ligence. adj. 1. Customary, usual, habitual. 2.
75° tº v, n. 1. To swell. 2. to have a versed in, experienced in. 3.. used,
longing, or desire for. v. a. To sound. made use of.
Sºčºv & s. m. The eaves of a house. T. isvcº pro. He, that man. This is the
O masculine remote demonstrative pro
ºv2:530 s. n. 1. The feather of an
noun of the third person. Nouns, de
arrow. 2, a wing, or feather. 3. speed, noting the agent, are often formed by
haste, celerity. adding this word to the inflexion of
*S** s. n. 1. A bird. 2. a horse, 3, an
a substantive noun; as 90°F"cº
lit, he of the house. The house-owner
Fººs oºo s. n. A particular
Frºsvcº My man, relation, or ser
sacrifice, so called. vant.
="3% or Fºy adj. (from A. isvº, v. m. To wither, or fade. v. a.
--"3) Just, expedient, proper, 1. To make use of 2. to talk, speak,
right, reasonable. or tell. SvěoS’K v. comp. 1. To
Tºšo s. n. 1. Convenience. 2. make use of, for one's own benefit. 2.
means, expedient. Fºss To be to be generally talked, or spoken of;
usual, customary, or convenient. to be the common talk.
****śo s. n. 1. A way, or path. 2. a ... sºrº s. n. 1: Speech. 2. Suruswatee,
line of houses, a range of building. the goddess of speech. serºcºs
Sv S. 227 Toyº CSO

s. n. Brumha, her husband. *S* common red earth worm. Sº S^38

ºve? A voice, from heaven. cºo v. n. To rain. S"Söcºo To
="3& s. n. Traffic, trade, com stop, or cease, raining. -

Imerce. -
Tºyos, Čy; s. n. The Hindoo in the
ºvešć s. n. 1. A female, literally, or third prescribed stage of life, when
figuratively, intoxicated. 2. a danc he leaves his wife and family, for the
ing girl. life of a hermit in the woods.
. Svö s. n. 1. The actual cautery, 2. *S*SSSo s. n. A monkey, or ape.
the mark which it produces.
*S*S*Sº s. n. A tree bearing
-sw85&ºo s. m. The Palas tree.
Butea frondosa.
~55% s. n. 1. Air, wind. 2. rheu
matism, goat, inflammation of the

fruit, from blossoms, as the mango, &c.
Fºº v. a. To create.
Fºčovášo s. n. A loom.

F& s. n. A large oblong pond, pool,

joint. *sū, tº s. m. A swift an or lake. -

telope, surpassing the wind in speed. Tºššo adj. 1. Shaved. 2 sown.

isvěšº'86 s. n. (from s. Tºp a F*ś) s. n. A swelling, or protube
charioteer.) Agni, the god of fire. rance. R*@"º)ex; s. n. Dropsy.
-sw's "cºw s. n. (from s, ecºs ****) v. n. 1. To cry aloud. 2. to
going.) A window, or air hole. chatter or talk idly.
. EyeTöee s. m. The lower lip. lit. the F’s s. n. A beautiful woman.
skreen of the mouth.
~&#39C& s. n. Siva.
- ~&S s. m. A whirlwind, or hurri
S, *S*& Kocáo s. m. A short man, a
Callee - -

dwarf. SvöSoN'S E3'58.30 s. n. The

-sºo s. n. Discourse, dissertation,
fifth incarnation of Vishnoo, as a
discussion, dispute, argument & dwarf, to prevent Bali from obtain:
~& Alchymy, lit. mercurial
ing dominion of the three worlds.
Tºššo adj. 1. Left, not right, 2.
. Sº s. n. A plaintiff, or complainant.
pleasant, beautiful. s. n. vide $330.
†Svöotº v. a. To argue, debate, cº)

dispute, or discuss. ~59erº (from s. erºs the

*** {{yº s. n. A musical instru eye.) A handsome woman.
ment. F*& exº~ &5) s. n. A hillock; an
=-& or ~3° s. n. 1. Any ant, or mole hill.
musical instrument. 2. music. Fºo s. n. 1. A mare. 2, a she-ass.
~5 s. n. Rain, adj, Rainy, Fºs Fºo s. n. A heap of straw.
#"> s. m. lit, a rainy snake. The S. F*cºššo s. n. Sweet meats, or
Tºyot, 228 -Eye &

cakes, the eating of which is no breach T. *Svöeo adv. Fairly, well, agreeably.
of a religious fast. Svö Pozº s. n. The plantain tree.
=-& s. n. A crow. F"cº" Musa sapientum.
tovë it's enemy, The owl. Se EvêeoSo s. n. 1. An elephant, 2.
Fºox, s. n. making in the inflex. warding off a blow, guarding. 3. de
fence. •.
sing. Evē, 1. The mouth. 2, the edge
of any cutting instrument, 3. such a ~vötö"?o s. n. Benares, the most holy
quantity of grain as a mortar can city of the Hindoos.
contain at once. In this last sense, . Evöäy's s. n. The veranda, or por
the inflexion is regular. tico, of a house.
ESvobootS v. a. 1. To beat, sound, or Fºčo s. n. 1. A day of the week.
play upon any musical instrument, 2. a multitude, or quantity. 3. a time ;
except wind instruments, to which is as once, twice, &c. -

applied the verb écès q. v. 2. to 5v5-5° easºos. m. 1. Armour for the

beat, or give blows. body, or breast. 2. a quilted jacket.
. = ovoe»º s. n. The plant -EyeS &” n. A courtezan. -

termed Ocymum gratissimum. -sw-oved?) s. n. vide Svöߺ.

. Svoboº" s. n. (from A. ses 3 a
*Sv-ova s. m. wide §o 35.
promise, bargain.) An instalment, or -sw-5°3ro s. n. A sow.
term of payment. #Sw8 s. n. 1. Water. 2. an elephant
Tºvo&#38 oxºoe» s. m. plu. A sort trap. 3. the place where an elephant
of medical plant, used as a vermifuge. is tied, or fastened. ="bºss S. m. A
Tºwcôoš) s. m. wide Fúšo. F"cº lotus, as produced in water.
§Sºo To be flatulent. Sºcº); †SvěotS v. a. 1. To drive away. 2. to
$30& Medicine which dissipates defend, or ward off; to guard. 3. to
flatulency. prevent, or oppose.
Tº s. m. 1. A bundle of thread, for Fºëe0 s. m. A leathern cable.
weaving, containing eight Punjums. 2. Tºyo 8 coś tº
s. n. A piece of stick, used
variance, difference; especially in ac in fixing the yoke to the plough.
counts. 3. a side, or corner, adv, Aside. Tº 8&So or Svē Eye:3-sºo s. n. A
-sw8's adv. Constantly, continually, cloud.
... sº sº s. m. wide g. 5 sº. ~8 s. n. A leathern belt, or strap.
Fºčá s. n. Deficiency. v. n. To be strained of water, as ap
F** v. a. To quit, abandon, or plied to boiled rice, v, a 1. To strip,
leave off. -
"SSTo ex) 220 ‘s vić

or cut off, the hedge of palm leaves. adj. I. Long. 2, sloping. 3, sharp. Sº
2. to heap up. exº or "ex). v. a. 1. To slope,
T'Sº s. n. 1. A name of Agustya, lower, or incline down. 2. to wink, or
2. a spirituous, or fermented, liquor. shut, the eyes. 3. to place one thing
3. the west. 4. the twenty-fourth lu so as to slope, incline, or lean, against
nar mansion. another. . n. A woman hav
TºS5& s. n. A horse. ing large, or long eyes.
5-8) or "S"SiS v. a. 1. To wait 5,8 s, n. The author of the Rama
3. for. 2. to strain off the water from
S, Tºyo

boiled rice. 3. to offer up daily prayers. || F-5& Sc3 s. n. A fluent, bold,
F&N s. n. Straining rice as above. or loquacious speaker.
S. Tº s. n. 1. Tidings, intelligence, 5°9's. n. Relationship. Sºtº's To
news. 2. conversation. F ſeſ"& To commit incest, lit. to neglect rela
speak, or converse. tionship.
S. Wººs & orºs s. n. The Brin Tºš)6 adj. 1. Very much. 2. fre
jal, or egg plant. Solanum melongena. quently.
S. sºrs s. n. 1. Old age. 2, an as T.
F-805%, s. n. The plant termed
semblage of old men. Vitea negundo.
T. Tºššo s. n. A horse.
~g*S*s. n. Old age. Ge Hºyo: S. S. m. wide Tºyo Tºš.
=-sº, or sº a n. A G.
F-3 or sº adj Better, either in

ºve)? s. n. A hairy tail. health, or as to quality; preferable.

Tºe) So s. n. A tail. º
s, n. Preference. 5-8e05) v. n. To
S- ~e-àSs.n. An ornament of gºld, be cured. F-332% v. a. To cure.
S^eys s? Surplus, in measurement.
&c., with, or without, jewels set in it,
worn between the divided hair, on
&#~~3 Fascination, of countenance.
~3 is also affixed to words denoting
the forehead. 2, a garland of flowers,
fractions, as a mere expletive. e8 S'
binding the hair.

? Half stex F-3 A fourth part, &c.

Tsve Sºcºz;So s. n. The onyx. 'Ev? §§o s. n. The chirping of birds.
is "exº~ & s. n. A hairy tail. i Se TSv3$ Kgs s. n. A woman dressed
. Ryveſ "cºadv. Always, constantly. with all her ornaments, waiting, in ex
‘svá) s. m. The monkey son of Indra. pectation to receive her husband, or
Tºvey v. n. 1. To bend, or incline lover.

down. 2. to light down, or perch, as a Fºx s. n. A bed chamber.

bird, &c, s. n. 1, A sword, 2, a slope. : F*SW s, n. 1, Smell, odour, fra
++3+ 230 gy: 3

grance, scent, flavour. 2. the present s. 5-3-5 s. m. 1. An army, or force. 2.

consciousness of past perceptions. * a river, F-3-838 s. n. (from s. 30
lord.) The leader of an army.
Ksº v. a. To smell; to try the
s, 3) part. A sanscrit particle, prefixed
smell. Sºº - sº. ‘āošo or Sº
to words of that language, and imply
footº To emit fragrance, or smell. ing, 1. Certainty, ascertainment. 2.
$º w"S& s. n. Alouse, abode, dwel
ling, or residence. r -
separation, disjunction. 3. aversion,
repugnance. 4 impatience, intoleº
*T, Fºos, n. The rafter of a building: ance. 5. variety, difference. 6. cause:
~~K 3rºoºo To place the rafters on motive. 7. motion, progress. 8. priva
a building. tion. It generally corresponds to the
S. -5°Sö& s. n. A day. English adjuncts a er de dis in unt
5v5 ºcão s. n. Indra.
&c., and is frequently an expletive.
T. &ox& s. n. 1. Separation, parting.
•. wº s. n. Cloth, clothes.
2. beauty. 3, a wonder, adj. Separate,
T. wºreovejºs.n. Apeon, or the apart. 3) oxão º or 3)oxêotº v. a.
lowest civil officer, nominated to su
1. To separate, or divide, 2, to ar
perintend cultivation. range, or put in order. -

S. sº adj. Perfumed, scented. T. §otºs v. a. To break.

S. SvKoš s. n. The king of serpents. T. & S. oo::::38 or toº-sºº, S. II.
S. ~&#écès.n. Anameof Krishna. A chowri, the tail of the Bos grunni
. Frºs s. n. A cloth cover, for a jar, ens, used to whisk off flies, &c. :
&c.; particularly that in which trice T. &oes adj. Of or belonging to a bow.
is boiled by steam. zywºošoe» a vide &º. 3)037°º s. n. The sign
Cakes boiled in steam. - Sagittarius, in the zodiac.
~ $5S's adj. True, real. s. m. Re T, Šoš s. n. A curiosity, or wonder, adj
ality, truth. . . Surprizing, wonderful, marvellous,
curious; strange, foreign.
zºº) s. n. 1. The scite of a habita
tion. 2. a house, or dwelling. r, tºo:So s. n. 1. An invitation to an en
wº s. n. Indra, tertainment, or the entertainment
itself. 2, a relation either male or fe
Sºścº s. n. A bearer, carrier, or
porter. -
male. ºoººoºo To give an enter
**ś"S&o s. m. A vehicle, or con
tainment.32&ex $8To invite to
an entertainment,
Yºyance of any kind; a carriage, car,
- horse, &c, s. £o&5) adj. 1, Intelligent, knowing.
Tºo-3 2, liberal,
***Tº s, n. A horse,
3)-so 231 ºvy .
S. £oºšº's. n.The Vindhya or Bindh $38% s. n. 1. A bird. 2. scattering.
mountain, or the mountainous range 3)syºs, n, 1. The twenty-fourth year,
which runs across India, from , the in the Hindoo cycle of sixty. 2.
province of Behar, nearly to Goozerat change, or alteration, of any kind.
and properly divides Hindoostan §§yº, adj. Changed, altered. §)
from the Deckan. syū’s'8% adj Ugly, deformed,
£oš 3 s. m. Twenty ; a score. disgusting. -

$39% sºo adj. Twentieth. $$. So s. m. A young elephant.

sº adj. Blown, expanded, 3% v. n. To stretch out the limbs,
spread. as on first waking.
& sº adj, Awful, terrific, frightful. S.
3 &J's s. n. The fourteenth year,
s. n. 1. A malicious obstacle, or impe in the Hindoo cycle ofsixty. . .
diment. 2, a contradiction. 3. disa
greement, dissension. $)$830 tº 1. To &\s) & s. n. 1. Heroism, prow
throw impediments in one's way. 2.
ess, valour. 2. great power or strength.
". º to contradict. 3. to disagree with the &\s) *NotS To display one's va
0 l' - º health. lour, or power. - - -

*sjss s. n. 1. Praise. 2, ironical * Ú ŠºšE-c3 s. n. The famous

or "unmerited praise. 3. egotistical . Hindoo sovereign Vikramarka.
, ſſ,
Pújº s. n. Selling, vending,
T. 3. § 8 tº Sve sºoe»s, n. plu. The cross
lower beams of a shelving roof. * Sä, ö or 5 (8) oxºcºs s. n. A
seller, vender, or dealer. 3), š joxo
bºy, §§ &c & s. n. The sun.
* v. a. To
Wendible, sell. & #,cº adj.J
saleable. - -

t; &S eSºx adj. Optional, admitting of

two uses. s. n. Doubt, indecision; S.
*...*&c, adj. Overcome with fear,
§§§otº - ?) sº or ºščex v. n. or agitation; bewildered,
Júš, To blow, or expand, as a flower. So
&#98) adj. Noseless.
S. & Sº s. n. 1. Change, transmuta **'S3 s. n. Fame, celebrity, noto
tion, transformation, alteration. 2.
sickness, disease; change from a state riety. §§ S㺠&c, adj Famous,
notorious, known. -

of health. 3. ugliness. adj. 1. Ugly. 2. Se

unnatural. -
3×5× adj. 1. Gloomy, dark, ob.
scured. 2. gone, departed. ' '
39'S "8 s. n. The thirty-third year, in
the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
*@* &c. adj. Noseless, -

& SºśS. s. n. Expansion, opening, *\º & s. n. 1. The body. 2, an

display, image, or idol. 3, war, battle, contest,

232 £23
ted, beautiful, or wonderful adj. Wa
& X, 3rºo:3) To comtest, or dispute, riegated, beautiful, or wonderful.
§§Se3s or 559&cº s. m. The six
tieth part of a Hindoo hour, T. sº s. n. A small ball of thread.
§§§§o s. n. The residue, or re
mains of food, which has been offer T, ** Neº adv. According to one's
own uncontrouled inclination; at will,
ed to the gods, the manes, to a vener
able guest, or to a spiritual preceptor. or pleasure. -

§§vösº s. n. An impediment, obs: sº s. n. Dispersion on all

tacle, or hindrance; a prohibition. * sides; scattering about. º
53-8:303& To hinder or impede, T. 3) tº) v. n. To become open, or
S, 3) º s. n. Hindrance, obstacle, loose ; to burst ; to be cracked, or
impediment. - broken. v. a. To open, or loosen ; to

foº S&cºs s. n. Ganesa.
untie; to undo. tº a s. n. A

£33e):So s. n. A particular species of drawn sword. -*

Jasmin. To **)& v. n. To come.


3,38)s s. m. Itch, scab, herpes. **, 3 s. n. Loss, destruction.


3) & tºo &c. adj. Wise, learned, sº adj. Disunited, parted,

clever, able, skilful. -
separated ; miscarried as applied to
O females.
3-580 s. n. Investigation, inquiry.
sºs s. m. Separation, disjumc
pºss s. m. 1. Investigation, re tion, removal, * - * *
flection, 2. grief, sorrow. & Rºbotº $235& s. n. A solitary, or private,
v. a. 1. To investigate, or inquire
into ; to reflect. 2, to condole with ; place.
pºos s. n. The twenty- seventh
to console, ºběšº &c, adj. In
o year, in the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
vestigated, judged, discussed. ** S. zºosºoks s. n. A mecklace of
zos & E. s. n. An inquirer, a super
O 54 strings,
intendent. & W-83& To be sorrow Q

° - -2 £2;&S$xö&s, n. 1. The city of Bij

ful. 3)-N-80%) s. n. Inquiry, exami magur, the capital of the last
Telinga kings, on the banks of the
8, ****) s. n. Doubt, uncertainty. Toombuddra. 2. Vizianagrum, a town
S. 3) {} ūjº S. n. Any thing variega in the Vizagapatam district,
º $) ºcc 233 $225S

*Y& s. n. A tame, or village,
$ºcº& s. n. Conquest, triumph,
hog. -

victory. tºassºciº 1. To go. 2.

8&obokºv.a. To extend, or expand."
to come. This phrase, of two such $389 s. n. Release; setting at li
opposite meanings, is used only when berty. -

speaking of the great. ** s. n. 1. The cotton produced

. cºck n. 1. A name of Arjoo from one pod. 2. time, opportunity,
na. 2. the porter at Vishnoo's gate. occasion. adj. Unloaded, untied,
loose. Očºo v. n. 1. To set off 2.
$290?ois v. a. To unfold, or dis
to break loose. Šá7V" adv. At liberty,
idle, unemployed.
*gs &c. adj. Skilful, able, clever, T. 3) &&e) or £asº's S. n.

A halting
COn WerSaút.
- tºss S. n. Knowledge, science;
conversancy with painting, or archi
*** s. m. A lodging, or temporary
3)éSoč s. n. Wealth, riches.
rºsºs S. n. The famous
**cºs s. n. Beetle, with areca
book in Hindoo law, also named nut, &c.
the Mitachera, written by sºS $3d&o v. n. To reside, or halt.
&c.2: S. 8& v. n. To become loose, slack,
*g'ssSº s. n. An address, repre separate, or untied; to part. 3)&tº
sentation,communication,solicitation, v. a. 1. To loosen or slacken ; to
or application. sº&ois To repre- || untie, or undo. 2. to leave, quit, re
sent, address, communicate, apply, linquish, abandon, or give up. 3. to
or solicit. These two words are used depart. 4. to shoot, or discharge. v. n.
with reference to the communication
To cease, or terminate. 33% otºs v.
caus. To cause to loosen, &c.; to
of an inferior, to a superior.
3 *-os & s. n. An aviary; a dove release. S㺠To leave off, to
cat. quit entirely. §§S"º v. a. To dis
$42's "CŞo s. n. A gallant or lover. charge, or dismiss. 2. to abuse. 39&
. £426°So adj. Topsy-turvy. <) s. n. Quitting, leaving, relinquish
ing, abandoning.
. $993× s. n. The expansion of a
tree, or it's branch with new sprouts. T. $)$5 or &&. s. n. in composition,
*% s. n. A tree. Time; as, Zoš 3)&ö Once, &c.
**C& s, n, vide 3 ºs-cx, T. 3)&e s, n, vide 3)3&e.
3 * 234 $88 - -

r. 5:35,3 s. m. wide #&#89. S. tº gº s. n. Wealth, property, sub

$) ºo or *S* s. m. wide 3)&cº stance. *

So" -
Sº s. n. A seed. v. a. To sow. # 90
+$o v, caus. To cause to sow
sº s. n. Obstinacy, adj. Obsti asºcºs s. n. A learned, or clever,
man- -

£50& s. n. Criticism; refutation,

subverting another's opinion, and
as') s. n. A dry, or desert, soil.
establishing one's own. tºº So s. n. A country, Sup- -
£50&5) s. n. A widow. |
posed by Wilford to be Berarproper.
3) & 5:30 adj. 1. Expanded. 2. per 3)&ex) or 3988)otS v. a.
3)2S3) otSS -
vaded. 1.To shake, or beat, outthe dust, from
289 s. n. A quantity, or multitude; anything. 2. to reject with anger.
a clump, or cluster. gy&#39 s. n. 1. Split pulse, a piece
3)6330 s. n. A falsehood, or lie, adj. of any split substance 2. dividing,
False. -

splitting, ºbois v. a. To split.

388 toº s. n. 1. Gift, donation, 2. gyzs"8to:So s. n. Splitting, dividing.
cleverness, ability. *aš 's n. An intermediate point
£88–3 s. n. 1. Doubt. 2. delibera of the compass.
tion, discussion.8) 83 ovº v. a. 1. |
S. £35:30 &c. adj. 1. Known, under
To doubt. 2. to canvass, or discuss.
stood. 2. agreed. 3. solicited.
853, s. n. A raised quadrangular | TUD. 338& s. n. vide S. Asºo’s No. 1.
building. S. g):35&c.3 s. n. 1. An intelligent man
£5 & s. n. A long span, measured 2. the younger brother of Droota
by the extended thumb and little | rashtra.
finger, considerd equal to twelve gy&#S. s. n. A learned female.
finger's breadth. 3)-à3-ášo s. n. A district in the
rup. 3)E" or §§ adj. (from s, Kyº") province of Behar, corresponding
Useless, vain. with the ancient Mithila, and modern

gyº"S3 s. n. Being without motion. Tirhoot.

foº"$3&S v. n. To become motion S, 3) gºalſ Bored, perforated, pierced.
less. S.
*S or tº s. n. 1. Science, know
Se $oº"S&os. m. 1. An awning, or cano | ledge, learning. 2, a language, or
| tongue. 3, an art. 4, juggling **S
py. 2. an assembly, or multitude. |
§ {Ss s. n. A seed. ---
*s-, adj. Desirous of acquiring sci
&R$5 * * •
a $3. 235

ence, s. n. A student. §§Serº To $)$50&C& s. n. Rahoo, the perso

juggle; to play tricks oftegerdemain. nified ascending node.
assºrs & s. m. Circumstance, si $9859C&S s. n. 1. The moon. 2. Vishnoo.
tuation, condition, adj. Being, exist
ing, present. t
$)$830 s. n. 1. Separation. 2. agi
tation. -

**'Sºcº s. n. A demi-god, of a 583&C& s. n. A widower.

certain class. & "SS3 s. n. Shaking, trembling,
£&S & s. n. Lightning, tremor.

*@5& or ºccº) <sºs. n. Flight, *†cºs &c. adj. Compliant, docile,

retreat, running away. tractable, obedient.
3) (8) tº v. a. wide 35&]ois. &S $ 6 s. n. Hearing, listening.
3) & sº s. n. 1. Coral. 2. a ten 3) Sö s. n. The wife of Kusyapa, and
mother of Garooda and Aroona.
der, or young, leaf, or shoot.
$35&o &c. adj. 1. Bent, bowed,
*Soscºs s. n. A learned man; curved. 2. humble, low. 3. modest.
a man of letters, a pundit.
ow Soº-ºo: s. m. A learned wo. & SoSSo s. n. 1. Humility, suppli
cation. 2. mildness. 3, reverence, obei
Inarts -

sance. 4. politeness, civility.

S. at Sº s, n. Enmity, hatred.
oRº" or 3) R-Tº adv, Without, ex
3585 s. n. Pay, wages, hire.
cept. 3) Foots v. a. To except, or
§§§os.n, 1. Manner, way, mode. 2. exempt. -

kind, sort. -

goRS-3 s. m. wide 355Soë38.

535 s. n. A widow. 3) RS"cºcºs s. m. Ganesa. *

gº's or ºcºs s. n. Brumha, &R"3 & s. n. 1. Ruin, destruction,

the creator. -

annihilation, 2. disappearance, loss.

S. **"Sºo s. n. 1. Way, manner, 3) R5 or §§ 3 s. n. Hearing, listening.
mode. 2. contrivance, expedient, 3)^550SSo s. n. Barter, exchange.
means, method. 3. rule, precept.
fośćSovXSo s. n. Giving, or parting
3)3 s. n. 1. Brumha, the creator. 2. with, any thing, for a consideration, or
destiny, fate, luck. 3. a sacred pre
in expectation of some advantage.
cept, act, or rite, prescribed by the
Vedas, effecting certain consequen
8s Sºcão s. n. A humble, modest, or
ces. 4, a decree, order, or command. unassuming man.
5, an act, or action, ººoº v. a. To *K, s. n. The sky. v.a. To hear. Sº
order, command, ordain, or prescribe," tº.{R&otº or 3) Koścºv, caus. To
236 3)3

cause to hear. The two latter forms, misapprehension (the reverse of rea
however, as well as 555%) or 8 son, or truth), inverted order, or suc
Scoº, used impersonally with the cession, (the reverse of that which is
dative case, denote - To be heard. usual, or prescribed), &c. *
Rºš3)^3\otoo? I have heard. $3TSS sº s. n. Contrariety, con
3)KQ8 s. n. Praise, commendation. & tradiction, opposition, reverse.
K990 to v. a. To praise, or commend. 838) & s. n. A pundit, or learned
3) Rºo s. n. 1. Eagerness, vehe bramin.
mence. 2. play, sport, pastime. S.
393&C& s. n. 1. An enemy, foe, or
3) S355&o s. n. Sorrow, grief, adversary. 2. an opponent, or dispu
affliction.8) §§25°S) To be sorrowful,
tant. *
or afflicted.
$Yū’s So s. n. 1. Unexpected result.
Tup. Sº s. m. wide ºgrºssº. 5 2. the consequence of deeds done in
Kºšoots or 3) Rºot® v. a. To re a previous existence.
present, address, or solicit; to make $53,5&o s. n. A forest, or wood.
application. 3)3)e s. n. The earth.
3) Sº foºo s. n. Worth, worthiness. $)$939 adj. Large, great. 2. deep,
adj. Worthy. profound.
tº s. n. The sky. -
$3%) v. a. To untie, or loosen. adj
3)3O+) s. n. The Weena, or Hindoo Extensive, large.
lute. 3) \$)$)$º adj. Remote, distant.

S㺠s. n. A shop, stall, or market. oùyāº or *\Syeo's S.

$3 9 or 53 & s. n. Adversity, ca n. Separation, absence; disunion,
lamity, distress, misfortune. especially of lovers.
95/93 s. n. A woman deceived or
$385 So s. n. A bad road.
535 A$º &c. adj. Unfortunate, de tricked by her lover.
clined, fallen into adversity. 3)&jº-ºw S. m. plu. Bramins
who have lost cast, and live by beg
9:35& adj. Contrary, opposite, re
verse, inverse. ging at the houses of other bramins.
£388& s. m. l. Contrariety, op *& 98As s. n. A female fortune
position. 2. reverse in general, and
thence applied to that of which re *\})^* s. n. A bramin. -

verse is predicted, as misery, calami: 8,

3);5& s. n. 1. Warfare in which
ty, (the reverse of fortune), error, the sovereign is not concerned ; af.
fray, tumult, predatory devastation. | S, $36cºs, n. A lord, master, or owner
2. rapine, extortion. 3. evil, calamity. $3.6% adj. 1. All-pervading, omni
ºše)& adj. Wain, idle, unmeaning, present. 2. eternal.
useless, fruitless. 33%"3 s. n. 1. Superhuman power,
3)2XS3c2S s. m. 1. A god, or immor consisting of eight faculties, especi
tal. 2. a learned bramin, or pundit. ally attributed to Siva, and supposed
$335 s. n. A ray of light, lustre. to be attainable by human beings,
through a course of austere worship,
£3. 3 s. n.in grammar, The case of
a noun.
attended with magical rites, in honor
of that deity and his spouse Doorga;
3) ºcło s. m. One who has divided, the eight properties thus supposed to
with his coparceners, his paternal or be assumable at will are e9e333 ex
hereditary estate.
cºy -
treme minuteness, or invisibility
3) & 2.5 s. n. 1. Separation. 2. allot ešoº extreme lightness, or incor

ment of shares, or portions. 5*** poreality. Ç) & attaining or

7\" adv. Separately. reaching any thing, as illustrated by
the power of touching the moon with
§3 ºzºotºo v. a. To divide, share, or
make a partition.
the tip of the finger. Cºyº’s sº
3) º'S s. n. The second year, in the the fulfilment of every wish. & 3
Hindoo cycle of sixty.
& illimitable bulk. *35 supreme
dominion over animate or inanimate
$525 SSSo s. n. Substance, property, mature. § 8& the power of en
wealth, riches.
chanting, or of changing the course
S. foºvščc:3 Or 3) ºvskóczº S. n. 1.
of nature, and s”& "Sº oë the
The sun. 2. fire, or it’s deity Agni.
accomplishment of every promise, or
$Yºkºo s. n. Share, part, portion, $) engagement. 2. ashes of cow dung,
*Notº v. a. To divide, or share. &c., with which Siva is said to have
3) Jºë So s. m. The dawn, or day. smeared his body, and thence used
break. -

in imitation of him by devotees.

35%)"58 s. n. The night. 3) & "3SeoSo s. n. Ornament, embel
5%gs sº s. n. The beleric myroba lishment, decoration.
lan. Terminalia belerica. où & s. n. 1. One ofthe classes
§§§roscº s. m. The name of the of feminine actions proceeding from
youngest the passion of love ; youthful caprice,
Ceylon. brother of Ravana, king of t
whim, wantonness, capriciousness, 2.
238 £5.

error, mistake, blunder, 3. doubt, ap worldly affairs; disregard for one's

relations, or connexions.
prehension.4, whirling, going round. -

se $555&cºs s. n. An enemy. T. goºxczyżo v. n. To be proud, or ar

Se &g S&s, n. Grinding, rubbing, rogant. §§x^*** s. m. Pride,
pounding, º
£5 exicº s. n. The name of a cer
S. £38) s. n. Inquiry, investigation, !
examination. $)$95)owe v. a. To in tain Hindoo king.
S, & 83 s. m. Stopping, ceasing, rest,
3) &esºo &c. adj. 1. Immaculate,
$85 sº adj. Wide, separated by an
undefiled, pure, white, clean. 2:
better in health. interval.
tºrtº'cºs s. n. A step-mother's T. $83.8 s. n. Heat, ardour, inflamma
SOn. tion. 389& v. n. Tobe inflamed.
S. 3)SSvFSSo s. n. 1. A car, or chariot, 38:33, s. n. Rupture, or disagree
of the gods, sometimes serving as a ment, among friends.
seat or throne, and at others carrying $53°So s. n. Separation; parting,
them through the skies self-directed, especially of lovers.
and self-moving. 2. any car, or vehi 38%t, oët: s, n. A woman whose
cle. 3. a horse. 4. a palace; the palace lover or husband is absent.
of an emperor or supreme monarch. 3)"O"X&o s. n. The absence of desire,
S. §sº 3 s. n. Liberation, especially or passion; disregard of all sensual
final emancipation from further
transmigration, £39 º' &c. adj.
Liberated, freed. -
*** sin. God, the supreme being.
T. 3) Oºo s. n. A tax, or impost.
Scºoxs. n. The Ganges, or river T. $)-5-9 s. n. The pain of separation,
of heaven.
3)&roX:30 s. m. Separation, disuni from a husband, or lover.
on ; absence, especially of lovers.
pºss s. n. Noise, sound.
3)6 s. m. A flower.
T. Scº s. n. Connexion by affinity,
or marriage. scºsºe, s. n. The £80%&txº or 33596 s. n. Brumha,
connexion of mothers-in-law to each the creator. - - -

other. 8&Soścº s. n. The con- | £825°cá or $835°-3 s. m. A woman.

mexion of fathers-in-law to each other. £8& v. n. To expand, or blow, as a
$ss Scº To become connected, ſlower; to crack, as lime-stone, when
by marriage. -
burnt. §eºcº *S*šS"K, To wear
** tº $ 3 s, n, Aversion, or disgust, to the hair all dishevelled.
.3 e5 239 £3
$83X3 v, n. 1. To break, or become | T. *; §§ v. m. To be puffed up; to be
broken. 2. to be defeated. 3. to curdle. large, big, or proud. -

$383 tº v, a. 1. To break, or reduce, to 990°So s. n. Slowness, tardiness,

pieces. 2. to kill, or destroy, as ap procrastination, loitering.
plied to mercury when mixed, or Se
&eož) or $8 of) s. n. The thirty
amalgamated with other medicines?. second year, in the Hindoo cycle of
to counteract, as applied to poison. sixty. -

*ēºsºv, a Topinion. £8x8°º S. 3) evož)öSo s. m. Slow time, in mu

v. a. To rout, or defeat. sic; adagio,
T. $53%33 s. n. A remedy ; a counter $ºot® v. n. To lament; to be in
acting remedy. grief, or affliction.
go&vºrošocão s. n. Siva, who is $e):S s. n. vide Be).
worshipped under this name, denot T. booerºt's or 3)ey3Meyer"&
ing his having three eyes, at Humpee, v. n. To be convulsed, or in convul
on the Toombuddra. sions.

Se 3) &včeos s. m. Censure, blame, £eº v. n. To shine.

abuse, reviling. &ečeošo adj. 1. Other. 2, unprece
dented, extraordinary.
$5°º s. n. Purging,
o $e)& &c, adj. 1. Astonished, sur
S. 28°3;&c.33 s. n. 1. The sun. 2. the prized. 2. abashed, ashamed.
son of king Pruhlada, and father of S. §ervKºos.n. Lamentation, weeping,
Bali. grief, distress, &erºos v. n. vide
3)eyāootS. •

g) St& s. n. 1. Enmity, animosity.

3)ey "SSX's. n. 1. One kind of feminine
2. opposition, contradiction. 3. pre
vention, hindrance. g)5-6ôoiS 1. To action, considered as proceeding from,
oppose, withstand, or contradict. 2. and indicative of, amorous senti
ments; change of place, posture, gait,
to prevent or hinder,
Se 36°3 s. n. 1. An enemy, or oppo or look, on the approach of the lo
ver; as, hiding at his approach, as
ment, 2. the twenty-third year, in the suming a look of displeasure, &c. 2.
Hindoo cycle of sixty. sport, pastime, play; especially amo
£5"º sºn. The forty-fifth year, rous pastime, dalliance, wantonness,
in the Hindoo cycle of sixty. -
T. &eois v. a. To sell.
T, &eº or £e3% s, n, Extent, adj. Ex T. 3)ex; s. n tide Fe. :

tensive, large, || Sw à éâşş s. n. Smearing, rubbing,

3) St. 240 $ºre

or plastering; particularly the body, s: 89. Sº s. m. Alonely, or solitary,

with unguents or perfumes. place.
. . º s. n. Rice gruel. s: £85& adj. Various, multiform,
£er"& s. n. The reverse; oppo diverse.
site order, or course, adj. Reverse, s. §§s & s. n. Discrimination, judge
contrary. ment; the faculty of distinguishing
3)§oxsº s. n. A claim, or dispute. things by their properties, and class
Kºsºgokºg” Without any the ing them according to their real, not
smallest claim. This is a phrase in apparent, nature; in the Vadantha
bills of sale, transferring property system, it is applied to the power of
without any the smallest reservation, separating Bramhi, or the invisible
or future claim. spirit, from the ostensible world;
, º or Đex, s. n. making in the inflex. truth, from untruth; or reality, from
sing $o°3, and in the nom, plu. So illusion. §§s.& Sºys"K, One’s-
º, A bow. §ex Sºcło s. n. An ar self to acquire this faculty. §§§ s. n.
cher. ºe»º The sign Sagittarius. A person who has acquired it. §§§o
*}}_** To brace the bow. §§ *To communicate to another the
§ Aotº To unbrace it. SexºSs. means of acquiring it. £300+ v.a.
m. Archery. To exercise this faculty; To discri
. $55& s. n. Particulars, details; ex minate, to distinguish,

planation, a descriptive account. 3,5

#'s. Sº Yº s. n. & adj vide hº
boºs v. a. To particularize; to de TUD.Šo.
s. $3 s. n. Ordure, excrement, dung.
£5& s. n. A hole, chasm, or va.
cuity. s. 35 ošēºo adj. Great, large.
#355s-Sºo s. n. Revolving; turning s: $3 & adj. Pure, clear, white; evi
round; circumambulating, dent, apparent, manifest. 393 &eo-SS
$5%&s. n. Aperson who has aban v. a. To explain, make clear, or ma
doned all worldly notions, and whose
mind is fixed on a future existence, s. §§ cºšo s. n. Doubt, uncertainty.
$5KSočcºs s. n. The sun. s. $º'4” s. n. The sixteenth lunar
By mansion.
& Fºčor $95'8% s. n. 1. A contest, |

dispute, or quarrel. 2, litigation, a s. 3)"42&s, n. A name of Kooma

law suit. raswamy, or Kartecaya.
***º-sºo s. n. A marriage, or wed s. 27°öö& &c. adj. 1. Eminent, 2.
ding; matrimony, wedlock. learned, wise, 3, confident, bold,
3) 3y 241 **'S
s. Sºes. n. The city of Ougein. S.
$) (39) $So &c. adj. Known, cele

S. tºes s. n. Width, breadth. brated, famous, notorious.

s. 27°oso adj. Great, stupendous, s. sº s. n. Separation,
disunion ;
large; spacious, extensive, broad. especially of lovers, or of husband
s. 3)? 3 s. n. A high way, or carriage and wife.
road. - S. *Soº's s. n. The earth.
s. 234's s. n. An arrow. goš Soºck s. n. 1. Vishnoo. 2.
2%3 s. n. 1. Purity, purification. 2. Indra.
removal of doubt. 5%;s &c. adj.
95 SS & 6 s. n. A dog trained
1. Pure, clean, cleansed. 2. pious, for the chase. .
virtuous. s go’ſS$ 8, s. n. The artist of the gods.
s. 35 yovesº, &c., adj. Unchecked, SãSºč, s. n. A particular sacrifice,
unrestrained, unfettered. -

or ceremony.
s. 373.<eos s. m. in grammar, An
tº Sºssex, S. n. plu. Demi-gods
of a certain class, thirteen in number.
s. Sºº's n. 1. Distinction, diffe
3): Sºcº s. n. Siva, especially
rence. 2 in logic, the peculiar attri
bute, predicabile proprium. 3. any as worshipped at Benares, under this
Iname. - - -

thing extraordinary, or unusual. 4. CT) -

detail, particulars. 5. a charitable, or 3); Sºziº S. n. Dry ginger. .

virtuous, action. adj. 1. Different, goºSºo s. n. The universe, or world.
distinct. 2. extraordinary, unusual.
3. much, great. 4. charitable. tºo $5 Siș s. n. A widow.
+S v. a. To state in detail; to parti- |s. 87 Sº, Or tº Sºcº S. n. Brum
ha, the creator.
se **S* s.º h. in grammar, A §§§ºycº s. n. A moonee, or
sage, so called, originally a monarch,
s. 32 Üß S. m. l. Rest, repose. 2. but who, by long and painful auste
vide CŞ9 No. 2, 3} \?” Joë Sºo &c. rities, became a Brumharishi.
adj. Rested, reposed. 3 (37) 58& SºśScº s. n. One of the celes
s, n. Rest, or repose. & Ú 3Xbo-Šo tial singers.
or *\{y^oks"K9 v. n. To repose, |s.
*TSssºs. n. 1. Truth, faith, con
rest, or refresh,'one's-self. fidence. 2. kindness, favor. **S &
s. 39 \º, toRºos, n. Gift, or donation. & &c. adj. Faithful, confided in
& 242 §§§c

95 Sºok v. a. To confide in, or | |

s. &Rºos s. m. A horn, tusk, or fang.
trust. S. &āºššº s. n. Sadness, lowness of
$33,823& &c. adj. Dejected, des. spirits, dejection.
ponding. $95& s. n. The fifteenth year, in the
& So adj. 1. Uneven. 2. odd. 3. Hindoo cycle of sixty.
unequalled. 4. painful, difficult. 5. $)$$)$5 & or ºssº s. n. The
evil, bad. §§§ "cºoºocºo s. n. equinox.
(from s. “Scºot: a weapon.) The **** s. n. The epidemic cholera
indian Cupid; as having an odd morbus.
number of arrows, his quiver con &_& s. n. A bird.
taining five. assº s. n. Wicked,
& S. n. A world.
or evil, disposition. §§§oo & v. n.
sº S. n. A seat, stool, chair, or
To be painful, mortal, or difficult of
couch. -

cure, as applied to disease.

S. $º s. n. 1. Poison, venom, virus. *ść, §C& s. n. Krishna, or
2. water. §§§§§o s. n. (from s. Vishnoo.

<8 keeping.) I. A serpent or snake. &# S. m. Consigning to torture,

2. a cloud. §§§&c & s. n. 1. Siva ;
casting into hell.
from his having eaten the poison
which blackened his throat. 2. a 9% s. n. Foeces, human ordure. §)
cloud. §§§ "SSo Dispelling poison. #otº To ease nature.
**ś. Poison to mount, or take * VTS") oščo
§§§ oššo s. n. A flower.. Cli

effect. 3)3&oëX3 Poison to be coun torea ternatea.

teracted. §§§oëois To counter *ścº or *ść, S. m. Vishnoo, one
act poison.
of the three principal Hindoo deiti
s -
$33,CŞSo s. n.1. An object of sense;
as colour, form, flavour, odour, and es, and the preserver of the world.
sound. 2. an object in general. 3. res During the periods of temporary an
nihilation, he is supposed to sleep
pect, relation; in such phrases as,
on the waters, floating on the ser
in this respect, in that respect. postpos.
Respecting, regarding. pent Sesha, Brumha is fabled to
$33.coo s. n. An organ of sense. have sprung from a lotus, which ori
ginally grew from the navel of Wish
**oots v. a. To copulate.
Cy noo, and the holy river Ganges is
*S*S$ so s. n. The greek par- || said to spring from his foot. The
tridge. Perdia rufa. different Avataras are considered as
3) S 243 gº-6

emanations of this deity; and in Krish n. 1. To extend, spread out, or ex

na, he is supposed to have been real pand. 2. to dilate. The first of these
ly and wholly incarnate. Lutchmi is three verbs is also used in an active

his wife, and he is usually represented sense, in the two meanings already
as a mild and benevolent deity. given; and, also in that sense, de
notes, to publish, or make public.
*ēºrs oršš& s. n. The 978s s. n. 1. Abundance, a great
sky, or atmosphere.
deal, plenty. 2. diffusion, extension.
*śse s. n. The Ganges. adj. Abundant, much, ample, large,
T. SKºsº, Or SKºsº s. n. A fan; great.
a punka. a ros-> . adj. Expanded, wide,
TUD 39:330 s. n. vide $33,39. great, large.
S. $)$5& s. n. A flock, multitude, or 9 & s. n. Surprize, wonder.
S. tºy *** s. n. A pustule, or boil.
$)$53 or ºS8% v. m. To blow as the
&S, cºsº s. n. 1. Surprize, or won
wind. v. a. 1. To fan. 2. to grind. 3.
to brandish or flourish about a sword, der. 2. pride, arrogance.
&c. 4. to shake or swing about in the $9,539 &c. adj. Astonished, sur
wind. 5%83& To sling, or throw
from a sling. SS, Sº s. n. Forgetfulness. Sº, yū
tºo S. n. 1. Abandonment, re So adj. Forgotten.
linquishing. 3)CŞ, oº, s. n. 1. Trust, confi
3):3 %SSo s. m. 1. Relinquishing. 2. dence. 2. affection, regard.
gift, donation. & S. & s. n. A smell like that of
$)Käs-roºo s. n. Spreading, extend raw meat.

ing. -

3) & & s. n. Old age, decrepitude.

§§§ or §§§ s. n. Fatigue, weari 3):3-vox355So - 3)3·voxsºo or 3):3-ºx
mess, tiresomeness. v. n. To be fati & s. n. 1. A bird. 2. an arrow.
gued, or tired. &$ots v. a. To tire,
or fatigue. -
Sºo's s. n. A pole for carrying
$ $530 s. n. Prolixity.
$3°oºs s. n. The sky, heaven,
, º 8 - 3) #8 or § 3 ovš s. n. A || or atmosphere.
dish, or plate, made of fresh green || $3°ösº s. n. Walking, or roaming,
leaves, sewn, or stitched together. for pleasure. §§věoiš v. n. To walk
* ~e? ~: -

s. 3) Kao tº - 3) 58-9 or & $8. V, for pleasure, or amusement.

§ 29 244 $8

335-5So s. n. Friendship, intimacy. of the finger board; the extent of the

instrument is two octaves; it is sup
adj. 1. Amiable, friendly, intimate, 2.
proper, fit. posed to be the invention of Narada
tº-Sex &c. adj. Overcome by fear, the son of Brumha, and has many va
rieties enumerated according to the
agitated, beside one’s-self.
number of strings, &c.
tº s. n.confusion,perplexity.
Tup. § 3 s. n. 1. vide bro. 2. a box for
§cš s. n. Courage, boldness. musk.
§CX3 v. n. 1. To retire, go back, or
$6-5°Kc3% s. n. A man who has
retreat. 2. to become large, or big.
štº s. n. A wave. subdued his passions.
§cº v. m. & a vide ºº, except §3 ºt Q9) C& s. n. Agni, the god of
the active meaning No. 2.
§ 3oº. v. n. To blow as wind.
§§s s. n. A fan.
§§ or T. £3 s. n. 1. A street. 2. a row
$83 or $83.5 s. m. The beetle plant. or line. 3. a road.
$83 s. n. Ravage, plunder. . §§eos. m. plu. The ears. §§esoë
$acrºss - $º or $*S* s. n. s. n.]it. ear eyed. A serpent ; because
vide ºčoºšº. it is supposed to admit sounds
$ºs s. m. 1. A city. 2, an army. In the through the orifice of the eye.
former sense, it makes in the intº #3) s. n. The back. #3) & "3) To
sing. $83 v. a. To quit, or relinquish. turn the back ; to flee.
v. m. To be separated, loosened, or $8tos s. n. A species of drum.
unfastened. $5tasºos. n. A fragrant kind of grass
§c:9 pro. He, this man. This is the $85 &SC& s. n. Cama, the indian
proximate demonstrative pronoun of
the third person masculine. $83 & cºs s. n. One of Siva's at
tº K. v.comp of $ºo q. v. To give tendants.
up, leave, quit or take leave. §*QX)
- 5&#90, s. m. plu. Ornaments for
#) v. comp. caus. To send away, or ...the middle toe.
dismiss. §§sº) Ś s. n. An ornament for
T. 5*S* v. n. To be exchanged, by
the middle toe.
mistake. $630 s. n. Heroism.
$22 s. m. The Hindoo Weena, or lute,
a fretted instrument of the guitar - $83.3 Foº s. n. plu. A particu
kind, usually having seven wires or lar class of itinerant beggars, who
strings, and a large gourd at each end practise incantations.
SQE."o 245 *2) &
S. .#8& s.n. A hero, warrior, or cham intelligence. 2. detail, particulars. 3.
pion; a brave man. an event, or occurrence. -

Se §§§sº s. n. A creeper, or creeping $). 9 s. n. 1. Livelihood, profession,

plant. means of acquiring subsistence, 2.
§§º s. n. 1. Bravery, valour. 2.
fortitude, firmness. 3, strength, pow &\s, sº S. n. Darkness.
er. 4. semen virile. Se
*\ºjº S. n. A demon slain by In
£eoã s. n. A foolish, or silly, person. dra, who thence is called sº Ú
§ey:S v. n. To succeed. §eSºtº v.
a. To cause to succeed ; to arrange. $)"P" or §§ adj. Wain, useless,
fruitless, adv. In vain.
#35 s. n. A fan.
§§§o s. n. 1. The sixteenth part, or §§§º s. n. Old age.
fraction, of any thing. 2. a share.
S, §§ Üücks S. n. A name of Indra.
§§§ s. m. A little, or small, quantity. *S* s. n. Old age.
§§8.25% v. n. To begin to spoil. §§ S. n. 1. Increase, augmentation,
#Tº s. m. The weight termed a viss. extension, enlargement.2, prosperity,
S. #36 or §§ to:So s. n. Sight, seeing. success. 3. interest, usury; especially
§§aotº. v. a. To see. returning the principal with a pro
portionate increment, as in the case
$$$º adj. 1. Visible, perceptible. of seed corn lent. §§§ºcº Se
2. wonderful.
m. A usurer.
syoësº s. n. The foot stalk of a leaf, sº §§cº s. n.
or An old man.
or fruit.
$5.gºes S. n. An old woman.
sys sº s. n. A wolf.
systs&cºs. n. A name of Bheema. s. Syº & s. n. Ginger.
sºys & S. m. l. A scorpion. 2,
: sºyººs & s. n. Sin.
sy's sº &c. adj. 1. Chosen, selected.
2. covered, defended.
sign Scorpio.
systosº s. n. The testicle.
syßož Šº s. n. A cat.

sº s. n. 1. Surrounding, encom
passing. 2. an enclosure. sº s. n. 1. A bull. 2. the sign
5)3. So &c. adj. Round, circular, or Taurus. adj. in composition only,
globular. s. n. 1. Conduct, practice. Pre-eminent, excellent.
2. profession. syº s, n. 1. A bull. 2, the sign
Sºot; W s, n. 1, Tidings, news,' Taurus, 3, virtue, moral merit. 4.

246 * $3
sº -U-

virtue personified as a bull, the vehi T. sox9s. m. A foolish, or silly, person.

cle of Siva. T. Tºok adv. 1. With, along with, in
sykö s. n. A girl who before marri company with. 2. behind, after ; as
age arrives at the age of puberty; regards situation, but never applied
hence also a woman of low cast, a to time. TºokoRSoº To go or follow
Soodra female. The superior Hindoo close behind. Soºcºo To follow,
casts always marry their females or accompany.
while infants, though of . course the T. Tºoë3 s. m. A straw-rope.
consummation of marriage is deferred
Fo (e)'s "cºs, n. A crab.
to a subsequent period; and they T.
consider a female who reaches the ToQº)s s. n. A hair; more gene
rally used in the plural to denote The
age of puberty without marriage, as
well as her family who suffer it, to hair; as, 5oCº, sexºS To
comb the hair.
be highly dishonored.
$)$ºoc㺠s. n. A Soodra, or man of T. Tºo & S. s. n. A species of the mun
the fourth, or lowest, pure Hindoo
goose, or Viverra ichneumon.
tribe. Toà s. n. Silver, adj. Silver, adv,
sº-sº-ow s. m. 1. Parvatee, the Again, once more.
wife of Siva. 2. Lutchmi, the goddess T. Sočcºo adv. Again, once more.
of riches. 3. Sechi, the wife of Indra.
T. Boščeſ tºo v. n. To grope ; to
4. Swahadevi, the wife of Agni, god search for.
of fire.
Tozyº adv. vide Sob. Scoão & v.
Sºść s. n. 1. Vishnoo. 2. Siva. 3. a. To follow, or accompany.
Agni. 4. Indra.
Ts Toº s. n. A foolish, or silly,
sºc㺠s. n. Indra, person. -

sº s, n. Rain.
sº K & s. n. 1. Dislike, repug
Syºğ& s. n. A tree in general. nance. 2. repletion of food. 3. seve
Sº 5)&E"eºs s. n. A garden, or grove, sity, S$ 336 v. n. 1. To dislike.
attached to the residence of a minis 2. to be full to repletion, 3, to be
ter of state, or of a courtezan, &c. severe, or displeased.
sy®. s. n. 1. A carpenter's 53 boºs v.a. To mimic, jeer, mock,
chisel, or adze. 2, a hatchet. ridicule, or laugh at. Fä,-895 s.
n. Mimicry, jeering, ridicule.
Kºšo s. n. 1. The hog plum,
or wild mango. Spondias mangifera. T. 53–0 s. n. vide º-.
2, the tamarind. T. Tºš.
~f- s. n. The hiccup, or biccoughs
"E:. 247. º:55
v. m. To hiccup. F.; * }_ & T. Włºck, s. m. Cama, the Hindoo
iS To sob, in weeping. | Cupid. -

T, Tºx” s. n. I. Harshness of taste, 2. T. Tº sax3 s. n. A foolish, or silly, person.

satiety, repletion. -

Te Sºº's s. n. A thorny plant.

. 5X& s. n. 1. Being without motion. tud. Fö s. m. wide SR35.
2. surprize, astonishment.
T. *ěš or R&S v. a. wide E33.
Expº s. n. vide S$ 330,
F8 s. n. 1. The sowing of seed. 2. the
75%) s. n. 1. Heat. 2, ſever. adj. Hot. rutting season. 3. grief, pain. S&W"
'Sº Yºo or sº s. n. Heat, $3? A sowing machine. 57.5%) A cow
ready for the bull.
warmth. sº adj. Hot, warm.
—o Tºššor $835, v. a. To search, look,
or seek for.
Tºyºo s. n. 1, Expenditure, ex -6 -6 .
pence. 2, purchasing trifling articles
T. Tºº v. a. vide **)?.
on credit, 5 &YRºcłę s. n. An ex Föö s. m. The bamboo. adj. Of or
travagant, or dissipated, man; a belonging to that plant, 5&25°o
gallant. ^ s. n. A bamboo pole.
• Fºs or 5550"ex, s. n. A widow.
TSS)? v.a. To scatter, or cast about.
WR's postpos. 1. Behind, after; ei
*g. S. n. A physician. ther as refers to situation, or time. s.
T. s: s, n. Heat of the body. m. Former times, SSS 83 adj. 1. For
*3 s. n. The performing the lowest mer, previous. 2. subsequent, follow
village offices, such as eooly, or por ing, RSS $or 55§ -*@To retire
ter's, work; sealing the grain heaps, or withdraw.55's &v.n. To draw
&c., without pay, in consideration of back, retire, retreat, retract, or pre
fees in grain, or of lands enjoyed free varicate. TSS sº To hang behind.
of assessment. 33=-cº A man Tºššcº 1. To fall behind. 2. to
thus employed. remain as a surplus. Sºsºcº 1.
T, Tº adj. Extensive, large, wide. To throw, or keep, behind. 2. to save
Tºščºvšoºs &s.n. (from ºre a surplus. Sº oxº) To return,
& face, and ºos & a beast.) The or give back. SSS & oëö lit, the
lion. back to be in front. 1. To be in con
T. Tºčex v. m. To set out. fusion, 2. to be, as to time, a little
Fäexº) or 5% ºxy s, n, Breadth, | º
earlier or later, SS's fis s. n. The
adj, Broad, i back,
"Rag 248 -55

Top Sºcºs s. n vide &T"cS3$3c23, , wonder. See Wºo's v. n. To be as

T. Tº or 3 & Syºğ s. n. Butter, tonished, or surprized. -

..T. TºšNº s. n. A sort of sweet cake. Teºº"33, s. n. A scare-crow.

T. TSKºlor &&. s. n. 1. The back. 2. an T. *:: adj. 1. Mad. 2. foolish, silly, 3.
ear of corn. Fºº) To retire, or inferior in it's species. s. n. 1. Mad
retreat. Sººyº or 3 ºšos s. ness. 2. folly.
m. The back bone. SKoščew-5SA sº s. n. The liquor extracted
from the palmyra, date, or cocoanut
& or 3WA& To follow, or pursue. tree.
TKºç& s. n. Vishnoo, Tºše) s. n. Price, value, rate.
Tºšº or FKºš s. n. The TSejoš - Seoc8 or 5e) cºoš s. n. A
main and middle beam of a shelving WOman, - -

roof, supporting those on each side T.

of it, TeXº s. n. The tree named
Feronia elephantium; the elephant, or
T, ºp s. n. Moonlight. Nº wood apple.
obscure moonlight. Sºº-N"cº T. Teše, s. m. The outside. It's inflexi
Moonlight to shine. on is 5e).383 or 53e):38) also used as
FoxS or sex numeral adj & s. n. adjectives, to denote Outer, outside.
A thousand.
73e).53 adj. Of or belonging to the
T, Töö58s, n. A clever, skilful, or adroit Vellama cast, one of the principal of
person. the Teloogoo Soodra tribes. -

. Söğ)3 s. n. Contrivance, expedient, Tecºvex s. n. (from T. "Se price,

method, adroitness. and T. &ex, a female.) A courtezan,
. Tºšić) s. n. 1. Contrivance, expedi or harlot.
ent, method, adroitness, 2, skill, cle T. Tecº v. n. 1. To be pleased. 2. the
Werness. deity to vivify an idol. 3. to shine, or
Tº s. n. The total, or whole, adj. be splendid. Sex oxois v. a. To ren
Total, entire. der splendid.
Tāeº s. n. Fear sesseek-seek Or Tºese 25% v. n. To become pale,
or stupified.
Teº tº v, n. To fear, or be afraid.
Tºeſ "S) v. a. To lose.
‘5e0%otº or 3e330+& v. a. To T. Tº s. n. 1. Whiteness, 2. excommu
frighten, or terrify. Seº) or 3e39%) nication, or exclusion, from cast- adj.
B. n. Fear,
1. White, 2, outer, outside. 595csº
T. T53e3?S s. n. Surprize, astonishment,
v. a. To eject, or excommunicate, from
Taşex) 249 º F#S ---

a cast, or sect. 595 & To drive T. FoxSooes s. n. A bear, vide Sex,

X^23. - - ---
out. " .. Go ->

308wcº, v.n. Torecline, or lie on T. "Sexyx3-ove or '5ex35"cº v. n.

the back. - * To become hoarse.
307-8s s. n. Borax, used in sol T. #oºr Seº V. a. To wind thread.
dering, and in medicine also. 'sex tº of Repô s. n. Light, ins: .
. Soº -,s. n.* (from
-- *
T. 30
* **
and tre, shining. - : -

-o -

*S$ taste.) Adultery. ".

sense sºn wide Bose.-- -

T. ises&exºs.n. plu.Asort ofpaddy.

303&g s, n. A sort of quail. T.
Fºx's& v. n. To set out; to go out.
T. Tºës. n. 1. Deficiency. 2. vulgarity, Fºx'sbows v. a. To drive away. .
lowness, adj. I. Inferior, less. 2. low, T.
Tº s. n. The colour white. adj.
vulgar. 3. deficient, 4. open, having white. . - º* * * * * * º
interstices. - - --
T Egºeşe ady. On the back ; by the
Böös S. s. n. (from T. So white, back. • - -- - -

and r. 98) a mount.) The paradise T. F3 or sº s.h. A flood, or inun

of Siva. • *.
dation ; a stream, or current. . -
* .
Tº s. m. The ashes of dried T. Fººbºo v. m. (from *g a flood, -
dung cakes. * -

and 38cºo to expand.) To be spread

Tºso v. n. 1. Rain to stop. 2. co
lour to fade. 3. vide secº No. 2. abroad, or become notorious. --
T. Rexy?) s. n. Garlick. - - --
T. Tºšs. n. A village of Pariars. lit. ºn fro -

an outer street; as these outcasts T. 75%) s. n. Breadth. adj. Broad. *3

dwell in the suburbs only. tº adj. Broad. vide Sãeº). -

T. Fººs, n. That part of a beam which -T, is? v. fl. 1. To go, proceed," or”.

-- - juts out. beyond the wall. depart 2 to flee, or run away. Fºo.

Resex -n. Light, lustre, bright 3. Rºss or sº Rºy v. a. --

mess, shining. v. n. To shine, or give *To drive out, or away. sº - º

light. 39cAotº or Seychotº v. a. The bowels to be loose, or out of or -

To make, or cause, to give light ; to der ºcº v. a 1. To vomit. 2. -

kindle, or light, a flame.ºexicº to disgorge, or give back under con-e

$3\rºcłº s. n. (from T. S8:\rvcº a straint. Fºrºs v. a. To promise,
king, or lord.) The sun. or declare, publicly. . - -

Fºx3 s. n. A hedge. T. is'ssºr adv, Separately.
5 -$
&A. $30


T. 3K s. m. Haste, speed. #cº-tº To spy.ºcx escº

* **
* TUD. Tºšššo s. n. vide *Š $30. S. n. A spy. ".
T. 33e) or 3:373 s. n. A small earthen T. Sc *S v. a. 1. To fry, or gill. 2, vide
pot, with a wide mouth. ...
$33. -

T. 3 adj. 1. A thousand. 2: frequent, of r. Act, s. m. 1. Hunting, the chase, 2.

ten, many, much;: as #33 vees
- Of
€50 Uften
* a sheep, or goat, for slaughter. #ce)
. . times, adv. Quickly, hastily. . . • ‘s"C& s. n. A huntsman, or hunter.
T. #oºsºo W. 11, To come, or go, as
applied to- the great only. +5 oxº
º - S. *ścº s. m. A hound, or dog
... nºComing, or going as so applied: trained for the chase. Écerº To
T. *$ovº, sº º*. Hºhen, * e hunt. - -

the sun, or of any pungent taste”. r. 3:42, s. n. 1. A blow, or stroke, 2.

T. 3: $88 s. mºregnancy. adj. Preg - the firing of fire arms, ºs To
nant, as applied to women only. fight. -* - -

a. *cs s. n. Fever... " T. 3& s. n. Heat adj. Hot, warm. Åc


T. 3535 s. n. The morning, or dawn. . &#exy s, n. The sun. lit. the hot
- * -cº * *
deity. - * *
rºsar's s. m.The morning watch; T. sas"o s. m. wide Šēšºv. “
the dawn of day.
T. isãº. S. Il, Heat, warmth. "
ºf s. 3x adv. Hastily, speedily, quickly.
s. 3x3 s. n.1. Haste, quickness, speed, t, #& v. a. 1. To beg, pray, or solicit.
º velocity. 2. violence, impetuosity, se 2. to wish, or desire. #&S";3 v.
verity, sudden impulse, adj. 1. Quick,
comp. To beg, or solicit, for one's-self.
speedy. 2. violent, severe, impetuous. it. Bºs s. n. 1. A spectacle, or show.

adv. Quickly, speedily. 2. pomp. 3, a curiosity, 4, eagerness.

r, ºdiº v. m. To wake of one's self; d

adj. 1. Pompous. 2. curious. 3, plea
* to watch without sleeping. * -
sant, amusing, happy, pleased. *:S
• * -
"T. *#Wo:3) 8, 11. The ceremony perform. | §§§ To be happy, or pleased.
... ed on the consummation of a mar T.” $ºgº.s. n. A courtezan ; an
s"riage.- i. adultress.
º *

(from #x) Haste, i #&#-s-cº s. m. A gallant, or lover.

** up.ºs.
Il- S. T.

speed, expedition. - -
| S, #8 s. n. The hair, particularly of
Tºcº s. n. Spying, secretly prying || females or children, braided or plait
* into adj. Ofor belonging to the dawn || ed, and hanging down the back.
of day. v. n. 1. To dawn. 2, to bel iseº s, fl. 1. A flute, or pipe, 2, a
fried, 3, to watch without sleeping." bamboo.
ºx; -

251 #cº)
Ge #4, 5, s. n. (from T. 3.2 hot, and das prosody. Jyotish or astrºno-ºn
T. §§ waters.) Hot water." -
my, and Niroocti, or the explanation -
- --

T. Scº s. n. (from the root ** q.v.) of the difficult or obscure words -

1. Throwing, casting. 2; a throw, or * Phºes that occur in the Vedas.

cast. - - - #zsočso. s: m. The theological **_
3& s. n. Wages, hire. part of the Vedas, considered collec - - -
# = n. A sage, one who knows ºtively, it is contained in the many --
- -

the nature of the soul and God. - humerous passages, or chapters, of -


3 Cº) <s. n. A rattan, reed, or cane. *the Vedas termed Upanishader

* 5, &ck s. n. (from 68 who which inculcate an abstract spe and

holds)" A porter, mace-bearer, or | culative monotheistical worship, and

door-keeper. . - -
- *
- * these have been . further explained ---
s: Bºoksº sºn. An elephant, ºr - and illustrated by later writers; the Q
s. 335 s. n. 1. Perception, sensation. founder of the school is Vyasa, and
subsequently Sancarachary is it's *
2. pain, agony, distress, 3. knowledgerſ
3& s. n. A Peda; the generic most eminent teacher. 3+08 s. n.
term for the sacred writings, or scrip A "Vadanti, a follower of the Vadan
tures, of the Hindoos, supposed to tº philosophy. - -
have been revealed by Brumha, and - -
* s. n. 1: Brumha.2, a raised floor,
- -

after being preserved by tradition for especially one used as an altar.

- -

a considerable period, to have been -

Ras s.n. vide #3 No. 2. - -

arranged in the present form by T.

Pyasa; the principal Vedas are three *** * * Madness, fºllyºad.
Mad, foolish. º, -

in number, the Rick, Yajoosh, and S.

35 s. n. 1. Brumka. 2. pain, trouble,
Sama, to which a fourth the Athar
va is usually added, and the Ithihasa annoyance. Hºo & v.a. To torment,
or annoy. - ---
and Pooranas, or ancient history and --

mythology, are sometimes considered #38& &c, adj. Bored, pierced,

as a fifth, 3°ox& sºn. Asacred perforated. -

science, considered as subordinate to, #5 adj. in composition, Many; as, - -

and in some sense a part of the Ve

#5 jeo Many thousands. -

das; six sciences come under this -- -

denomination ; Siksha, or the science scº

S. n. The tree termed


of pronunciation and articulation. ****, or Neem. Melia azadirachta

Calpa, the detail of religious ceremo iššč, s. n. Tremor, trembling.
mics, Vyacarana or grammar. Chhan #&@ s. n. Frying.
#e3s 2 52 *ść)
T. 3cK)& s. n. A frying pan, adj. Fied, -
member taking his distinct portion of
baked, dressed. - the paternal property. §eºs adj.
353 s. n. A loom. (from T. Zoš one.) Another, other.
+$356.3% or #:Srees adv. offen, con Sa ºffey s: n, I. Time. 2. limit, boundary. .
3. the sea shore.
stantly. - -

T. *os s. n. A sale by auction. ,

#sº s. n vide #: <āş.
30°s. n.A burnt sacrifice.
†oo numeral adj. & s. n. A thousand. T.
3& v. a. 1. To throw, cast, or 90 s. n. making in the inflexion
sing #01. A finger, or toe. 2. it is
fling; to discharge a missile weapon,
or fire arm. 2, to place, or put. 3. to also the plural of $ooq. v.-v. n. To
hang, or be suspended. §erºo W. Il
put on the person, to dress. 4. to pour.
Added to the past verbal participle To hang, 25°43&53ex s. n. The
of another verb, this verb gives to the thumb, or great toe. oes 553eo s.
n. The little finger, or toe. Sățo flex,
action denoted by that participle the
s, n. The middle finger, or toe.
meaning of being perfectly, complete:
ºšević or isexy v. a. To offer up
ly, or entirely, accomplished; and is
a burnt sacrifice.
to be translated by our adverbs off,
away, out, up, &c.; as Sºckºo To cut. T. ‘Sexº, or Hexy S. m. A god, or
Sºścºo To cut off. Sºo To deity. adj. Of or belonging to the
deity, or to heaven.
push. sºoºo To push away. ë
T. #oyº a n. A female fortune
& To draw. &#& To draw out. teller. -

#83 To pluck.ᚺ To pluck up,

Tº adj. Suspended, tremulous,
or out. §ootº v, caus. 1. To cause hung.
to throw, place, or pour. 2. to fry. Tº s. n. A time, period, or opportu

T. 3850 or #830s. n. Natural enmity, nity. *ść s. n. 1. To-day. 2. this

as that of the cat to a mouse, &c. time. es#8 s. n. 1. That day. 2. that
1. 383 sºn. A root in general • time.

G. +5% adj. Separate, different, dis G. †"sº s. n. Playing, joking,

tinct, other, another. - -
T. Teº s. n. 1. Madness. 2. a mad T. i80%"es s. n. A field ploughed
person, adj. Mad. - last year, but this year lying fallow.
** s. n. Separation, division. §eº T. #8% s. n. *plu. The vomiting, and
* v. n. To be separated, or divi other signs of pregnancy.
ded ; especially as applied to a Hin
doo family separating, and each | T, +5Fº S. n. vide #&s.2: "Soo.
Tºš Šo
T, ºë's numeral adj & s. n. plu. A noo, who is thence called & Sočcº
thousand persons. *
3\Syoğs s. n. A kind of gem,
Sº # oëss. n. A small pond, or basin. said to resemble the diamond, both
S. 33 30 or ##ss s. n. The in appearance, and in properties.
abode of harlots. G. S 46 s. n. 1. Conduct. 2. manner.
#3.5% s. n. A house. 5.5% v. a. To throw, or fling.
+$5.Š S. Il. A prostitute, or courtezan. 32,55&o s. n. The last month of
iššo or āśsº s. n. 1. Disguise, uterine gestation.
a mask. 2. ornament, dress, decorati sºonSo s. n. Indra's palace.
on. ŠKºšcº To put on a dis-,
guise. ŠKº"8 s. n. A person in
sºob in 1. A flag, or burr.
2. a kind of garland.
disguise; amask.
#sº s. n. Gum, resin. 34-85% s. n. The lapis lazuli.
#5§3 s. n. 1. Surrounding, that 3:25& s. n. The bamboo seed.
which encompasses ; hence 2. a tur 3 &SC& s. n. A man who plays ou
the Veena, or Hindoo lute."
band, or tiara.
3 38-3 s. n. The river of hell.
#5So &c, adj. Surrounded, en 33°953c & s. n. A bard, whose
compassed, enclosed. º

duty it is to awaken the prince at

- ºs s: n, used by the Vyshnavas dawn, with music and songs.
only, A garment.
sº Sº s. n. 1. Cunning, craft. 2.
Te ºššoń or āśā) s. n. The Summer;
cleverness, dexterity.
or hot weather. • *

ºše. s. n. 1. Fatigue. 2. vexation.

3.8%) s. n. 1. Dumayunti, the wife
of Nalarazoo. 2. Rookmunee, one of
Te *Kášo s. n. A mule.
Krishna's wives.
T, ºše, or Årees v. n. 1. To be fati.
38s & adj. Scriptural, derived
gued, or tired. 2. to be vexed ; to fret.
from or conformable to the Vedas;
. §§"ex, s. n. plu. vide $º. not secular. It is opposed to 5’ §§§o
5. S$ 3&c's s. n. A jeweller. q. v. 3.8%& s. n. A regular, as
3 sess s. n. Perturbation, dis opposed to a secular, bramin.
quietude. S.
3 & or 3&Sº s. n. Learn
3 * $º s. n. A garland, or chap ing, sapience.
let, worn as a scarf. S. is 33- S. n. Sita, the wife of Rama
3$oššw s. n. The paradise of risk. Sw & Sºci&s, n. Áform of Siva,
F5 254 S$9
presiding over one of the divisions of s. 35°S-sº sºn. Change of colour,
Patala. or complexion.
S. 5 §§ s. n. 1. Medical aid, advice, s. 35&Sºcº s. n. Yama.
or prescription, 2, the science of me- | ... 3 º'à’so s. n. 1. The second lunar
dicine. -

month; that in which the moon's

3.35.& or 3 &s.n. A phy change takes place when the sun is
S1Clan. |
in Taurus. 2. a churning stick.
Tº 5*S* s. n. Widowhood.
S. 5 §§ck s. n. A man of the third
Se 3.53&cº s. n. Garooda.
pure Hindoo tribe, whose profession
T. 3. Sºos, n. 1. Detail; particulars. 2. is trade.
convenience. 3. affair, circumstance.
4. cause, reason. 5. manner, way.
§s. * @ Sºcłº s. m. Cubera, the god
of riches. -

3 & s. n. 1. A direction, side, or

quarter. 2, an expedient. 3. conveni . E3 SSSCŞs. n. Agni, the god of
ence. -

3 & Sºo or 5. *S*x:30 s. n. 1. 335& s. n. The sect of Vishnoo.

3:6& s. n. A follower of Vishnoo,
Wealth, riches. 2. happiness. one of his sect. w

E K- ܺ &

S. S. m. A step mo
TJ”% s. n. 1. A porter, or bearer. 2. a
ther's son. charioteer.
3 cºroščeocºs.n. A grammarian. *Soxsº s. n. A freckle, or natural
3 & s. n. Enmity, hatred, hostili spot on the skin.
ty. 3 8s a Sºss or 3 8×3 S. co

n. Revenge, retaliation.
*Sozºsº s. n. External indication
of inward feeling.
3 ºr Sº S. n. 1. The absence of
worldly passion, or desire. 2. the pro- ||* $ºss s. n. I. Sauce, condiment.
fession of religious mendicity. 2. a spot, mark, sign, or tokem,
. 3 tº adj. (from P. SS -: So &c. adj. l. Evident, mani
oljºy) De- ||s.

fest. 2. wise, learned.

solated, waste, depopulated, ruined.

*S 3 s. n. Specific appearance, or be
3.8 s. n. 1. An enemy. 2. a hero.
- o ing; individuality.
3:Sºcê s. n. The sovereign ||s. *Sū) $9 &c. adj. Bewildered, per
plexed, alarmed.
3 & sº s. n. Haste, speed, S. *$9sº& s. n. Misfortune, calamity.
sº 3 & ºcºs s. m. A chandler, or ven- || s. Šºć §§§ 5, n. 1, Contrariety. 2.
der of grain, oil, fruit, &c, difference,
= $st †S &
§s S** or $88.83% s. n. 1. *S*S** or ~$4.5 s. n. A
Contrariety, opposition, reverse. 2. comment, or gloss; explanation, ex
difference. position.
*Sº s. n. 1. Pain, distress. 2. alarm, *S*5 So s. m. 1. Obstacle, impe
fear. diment. 2, the thirteenth astronomi
(T) cal Yoga.
SS #)-is-8:30 s. n. 1. Prostitution, 2. *SUs) & s. n. A royal tiger, adj.

erring, straying, Sººboº To go in composition. Best, pre-eminent.

astray. -
~s (śī) *3& s. n. A sky lark.
$ºs. h. The twentieth year, in the *sº s. n. 1. A pretence. 2. fraud,
Hindoo cycle of sixty. deceit, cunning.
*Sassº s. n. 1. Expenditure, ex T.
FS“Sº s. n. A law-suit, dispute,
pense. 2. ruin, destruction. or quarrel. FS*S*& To dispute.
*S* &c. adj. Useless, vain, fruit *S*S*58) To settle a dispute.
less, unprofitable, unmeaning. *S*śsºck A quarrelsome, or dis
: Sós's s. n. Deceit, delusion, trick. puting, man.
*S*Tºdºo s. m. 1. Effort, industry. ~$º s. n. Sickness, illness, disease,
2. cultivation. sšē-cºas malady. '
To cultivate. *Sºcº s. n. A hunter, or fowler.
S. ~$5&º:So s. n. 1. Law-suit, litiga Se = $ss s. m. One of the five vital
tion. 2. civil administration, manage airs; that which is diffused through
ment of public affairs. 3. usage, cus out the body. *

tom.4, profession, business. SS** S. *S*sº &c. adj. Pervading, diffu

8otº 1. To make use of 2. to dispute, sive, comprehensive; spreading or
or litigate. sššºssºas To
administer, or conduct public affairs. extending widely. FS$9%To per
vade; to spread, or extend.
5s $ºswoºos. m. Copulation, coition. = $º-assº s. n. Killing, slaying.
Se *S*S*s. n. 1. Sorrow, grief 2 ca *S*-ºs. n. Evil design; malice
lamity, misfortune.
S. §§ 2030 s. n. A grammar. ºvč& s. m. Trade, commerce"
tº, Šejšo &c. adj. Perplexed, con
founded, bewildered.
*S** &c. adj. 1. Pervaded 2.
encircled, surrounded.
sºs" & &c. adj, Blown, or bud FS # s. n. Pervading; inherence,
ded, as a flower, the inherent and essential presence of

any one thing, or property, in an T. Ú S. m. wide S.Š No. 2.
other; as of oil in sesamum seed, heat T.
in fire, or the deity in the universe, Sys, bots v. a. wide sºotº
&c. under S -U–
S .
* Sº s. n. A fathom; the dis \ºyº) v. a. To tear open, or in
tance between the tips of the fingers pieces.
of each hand, when the two arms are
extended. sjºs S. n. 1. A flock, herd, or

FSoº-ººs s. n. 1. Fatigue, la multitude. 2. a cow pen.

bour. 2. business, occupation. Ú ºs s. n. Wandering about.
*S*So s. n. 1. A snake, or serpent. Ú **śo s. n. A sore, ulcer, or
2. a tiger, or beast of prey. 3. a vici wound.
ous elephant. -
Ú 89 s. n. A creeper, or climbing
Se ~$5 *ēścińs s. n. A counsellor,
or minister. plant.
FSK) & s. n. Praise, commenda \ºy tº s. n. Any meritorious act
tion, eulogium. of devotion; the voluntary or vowed
observance, or imposition, of any
FSSox& s. n. Experience, or
knowledge, in learning. penance, austerity, or privation ; as
~$º S. n. 1. Diffusion, extension. fasting, continence, exposure to heat
2. the diameter in geometry. and cold, &c. (5) 6 s. n. One who
FSºc㺠s. n. The sage Vyasa, who performs a 59 &.
compiled the Vedas. Us, cºs s. n. Expense, expendi
= $88So s. n. A word; speech; ture.
an articulate sound.
Gº, cºSºx' s. n. plu. Slices, frag
S. §)§§º s. n. 1. Dawn, break of day.
ments, bits, pieces, splinters, &c.
2. rice boiled and kept cold over T. Ú &Sv. n. To be broken in
pieces, or bits.
*TS; *&c. adj. Arranged, arrayed.
*TS9 s. n. Weaving. (SC) Šºš's n. A sort of prickly
• *TS-> S. n. 1. Military array. night shade. Solanum jacquini.
2. a multitude, or flock. & Sºº Usycé s. n. (from the root \scº
#863) or eº) To place in array. cº, q.v.) Writing, hand-writing.
S. T.
Gycés' & sºn Ascribe, writer,
ºšºs s. n. The sky, heaven, or
atmosphere, Ol' accountant.
§ 257 § 02)

Gyê $º s. n. A flock, multitude, #os s. n. 1. Doubt, uncertainty, sus

or assemblage. picion. 2. fear, awe, terror, appre
\S") cºo. v. a. 1. To write. 2. to de hension.3 ošēśx &c. adj. 1. Alarm
lineate; to draw, or paint. Usy oxo ed, frightened. 2. doubtful. 3 osotº
& v. caus. To cause, or make, to or 3 os & To doubt, hesitate, or
write. \SS) &S Ko v. comp. To suspect. Yo Sºsy % s. m. lit. dis
write on one's own account, or for pelling doubt. 1. Easing nature. 2.
human excrement.
one's own benefit.
§ oš &cós s. n. Siva.
\sye s. m. plu. I. Letters of the
alphabet. 2, writing. +5 Gº, ©O S. m. § ošš eos-Sºo s. n. 1. An ass. 2. a
Signature. lit. hand-writing. camel. 3. a mule. , *

§ oše s. n. 1. A chisel. 2, a pair of
(99%) s. n. Excessive eagerness. pincers, or nippers.
Uby &or Utyºs s. n. Shame, bash § ošić s. n. 1. A pin, stake, or pole.
fulness. 2. the trunk of a lopped tree. 3. the
Vºyº S. n. Paddy of various sorts, gnomon of a dial.
or kinds. - 3 oš-šāºšo s. n. A small shell.
J) cš Šo s. n. 1. Wonder, surprize. 3 ohº s. n. 1. A conch, especially
2. excess. 3. weight, heaviness. as used by the Hindoos either in li
bations, or when perforated at one
J) XS s. n. Weight, heaviness. end, as a horn. In this sense often
CŞ, & s. n. A blow, vide #ces. written 3 o'º. 2. one of Cubera's
Gyeº v. a. To throw, or fling, vide treasures. 3. the number formed by
-ácº. the addition of sixteen cyphers to
ū) eſº v. n. To be suspended, or # oß s. n. Lightning.
hanging, vide #erº under §ex. § ozo&Svcº s. n. A fisherman.
Ö ex v. m. & s. m. wide Åex. Yoº s. n. The thunderbolt, Ol'

T. CŞ$2.3 adv, (from t. Jº, ex) the

weapon of Indra.
-* finger, q.v.) In an instant; in a crack 5 ozoö& s. n. Water.
of the fingers. à oð86&s. n. The name of a certain
5’ Dailya. Yoo-o-8 s. n. Cama, the
Hindoo Cupid, who destroyed that
3 The forty-sixth letter, and thirty-first Daitya.
consonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet. |s. & oveeS. s. n. Stock for travelling
§ 3 258 $ 85

expences; provender for a journey. personification of Siva, and worship

§ oax's & - 3 ozoğ) or Yozy's so ped, sometimes literally and secretly,
S. m. A bivalve shell.
or only figuratively and publicly, by
Yoº &. s. n. Indra's thunderbolt. the sect of Hindoos termed Sacias, 5.
*** s. n. A bawd, or procuress. an iron dart, or spear.
3 oºcº or Yoº s. n. Siva. º$$º &c. adj. Possible, practicable.

*** s. n. 1. Praise, commendation, 3 & C& Indra. & Cº, sº

s. n.

flattery. 2. wish, desire. -

His bow; the rain bow. * @ *Y 55
& Cº, &c. adj. 1. Told, said, de & His abode, the sky.
clared. 2. certain. -
# *s & s. n. A bull, or ox.
***śo s. n. 1. A cart.2 in chess, § Xorš Šºs.n. Heat, either internal,
or external.
the bishop. -

§§§o s. n. An era; especially "that § 638 s. n. The wife of Indra.

of Shalivahana.
*** s. n. 1. Jealousy. 2. displeasure,
§§ exºo s. n. A part, piece, or por anger, 3. envy. § &otso or 3 &oooo tº
tion. V, n. To be angry, envious, or jealous.
§§očo s. n. A bird. *** &c. adj. Wicked, perverse, de
§ 35:30 s. n. (P. ox<) An omen, praved, dishonest.
& toº s. n. Hemp. (H. cº)
or augury, especially as derived from
the flight of birds. **S*3 s. n. Indra's thunderbolt.
§§§ s. n. 1. A bird. 2. the maternal # 8 º’s. n. A weapon; it is gener
uncle of the Kowruva princes. ally supposed to be a sort of fire arms,
§§§º s. m. A fish. or the ancient Indian rocket ; but it
is also described as a stone set round
Ys) & s. n. Foeces, excrement.
§ ŠKo&c. adj. Able, capable, strong, with iron spikes.
powerful. -
# 63 yº s. n. Brumha.
§ 355 Úss s. n. The wood pecker.
* *** (H. ex. power, L. K.
§ 3; <\5) sº s. n. The lotus. Nelum
to be able.) 1. Power; regal power as
resulting from majesty, perseverance, bium speciosum, or Nymphaea nelumbo.
and counsel. 2. power, strength, prow § 3.38 s. n. A centipede.
§ 5%);3- § 5%);330 or § 53°6's. Il
ess, force, ability. 3. the energy or
active power of any male deity, per The twenty-fourth lunar mansion
sonified as his wife. 4. the female or S. § ºscº s. n. A name of Indra.
gan, as the counterpart of the phallic ***śs s. n. A pala, or certain
$ 2. 2.59 * 8.
* ~.

weight, used for the precious metals. ceives.) The ear, ?&P'( Šjº s. n.
s: 3 &s. n. A hundred adj. 1. A hun Grammar. § gots v. n. To sound,
dred. 2, many. or emit sound.
s. § 6 Sºjº s. n. Lightning,
º 2)3 Or *@ S. m. Evil, misfor
s. § 3"o׺ s. n. A car, or chariot.
tune, injury, adj. Unfortunate, bad,
s: 3 & Sotocº s. n. 1. Brumha, the wicked. -

ereator. 2, the eldest son of Gowtama. ? & Sº s. m. Mental tranquillity,

S. *Cºck or ºf Q95 s. m. An ene calmness.
§ 3555*Sº s. n. The river Jumna, or .
my, foe, or adversary. * CŞ) &Sº
s. n. Enmity. it's personification.
G. 3 SXex s. n. plu. The pulse termed & sºcłº s. n. A name of Yama.
Chenna, or Bengal horse gram. Cicer § 3330 s. n. Tranquillity, quiet,
arietinum. peace, rest, calm. §ºots or 3 º'
s. 3 S or ? Sº Sºcºs s. m. The planet oxo~$ To be at rest; to be tranquil,
Saturn, or it's regent. §§ &yoºs or quiet; to be pacified. § 395 Sºo &c.
s. n. The emerald, or sapphire; as adj. Pacified, appeased ; quiet, sedate.
dear to Saturn. Yºsvößo s. n. Sa 3 &es s. n. Foeces, ordure.
turday. -
3 cºx. s. n. 1. Sleep. 2. a bed, or
s: # 35& s. n. 1. An oath; a protest couch. § cºots v. n. To rest, re
ation, or asseveration, by oath, or or cline, or lie down. -

deal. 2. a curse, or imprecation, 3 cºcº s. m. A bed, or couch;

s. * * Sº s. n. 1. An oath, confirma bedding. -

tion of the truth by oath, or ordeal. 2. 3 cºsº s. n. The hand.

imprecation, curse. § cºrvº s. n. 1. A sleepy or slug
s: 3 & s. n. A corpse. gish person. 2, the boa, or large snake.
a. * *S*ex s. m. plu. The hair round § cºS s. n. A bed, couch, or sofa.
the privities. ? & toº s. n. 1. A house. 2. refuge,
s. * *&ces s. n. One of the half savage asylum. 3. protection, aid. 4. quarter
race, who inhabit the woods and in battle.

mountains of India, wearing leaves, # 8 eas s. n. vide # 8 cosº No.2 & 3.

&c. -- # 8& s. n. vide # 8 to:30 adj.
s: - 3 °os s. n. A variegated colour. Fit to be protected; poor, needy.
s. § **s. m. 1. Sound in general, noise. ? & s. n. The sultry season, or that
2, a sound; a word. 3, a voice. ?§ of autumn, vide # 8-yº under
&yº-ºw (from s. C. § - that re. , 2\\) &S$).
* *
260 Trºsſ
5 °S
# 835 & s. n. A fabulous animal S. § ex$cs S. n. A king, maternal
with eight legs, inhabiting the snowy uncle to Yoodhishtira.
mountains. 3 gºs. n. 1. Muslin cloth. 2. any cloth
§ 5%0 s. n. 1. An arrow. 2. a sort of without a border.
grass. Saccharum sora. 3. water. 3 º' § 5& s. n. A corpse, or dead body.
K 5:30 or 3 o'S& s. n. (from s, “º #3 & s. m. A hare, or rabbit. §§ 35
5 to throw.) A bow. Scóo s. m. (from s. 358 having.) The
# 8:Sº s. n. A mark, or butt. moon, either from it's dark spots
§ Cº. s. n. The fine levied from resembling a hare, or from that ani
those who steal ears of corn. mal being the emblem on her banner.
§ 5°5&o s. n. A lid, or cover. # *oścº s. n. (from s. bos a
# 88:30 s. n. 1. The body. 2, the con mark.) The moon.
stitution, temperament, or health. à ºð5&o s. n. A hawk, or falcon.
§ 58 s. n. An animal, or sentient 33 s. n. The moon.
§ 3 & s. n. A sort of cake.
being. -

§ § sº s. m. The side, or branch, # &S$o s. n. 1. Young grass. 2. hair

round the privities. .
of a family.
3 & adj. Happy, right, well, ex
§§ 8 s. n. 1. Sugar. 2. gravel. §§ cellent. s. n. Happiness, excellence.
bes) s. n. Soil abounding in gravel. §ſGºjº s. n. A weapon, or surgical
#3,39s.n. Joy, pleasure, happiness. instrument, in general. #, Šj.S.
¥858 s. n. Night. *

* *S* s. n. A name of Parvatee, &SC& s. n. A surgeon.

{&SC & s. n. Siva.
TºogošC& s. n. 1. A shell cutter ; a
worker in shells. 2. the player, or
Yoº s. n. A grass-hopper. blower, of a conch.
Yee So or 3 e5 s. n. The quill of 7°oššo or ?"oš9 s. n. Patience,
a porcupine. endurance; meekness, mildness,
3 e5 s. n. 1. Order, command. 2.
calm, tranquillity.The former word is
leave, permission, conge. 3. expense,
also an adj. Patient, meek, mild, &c.
*ozně s. m. A female juggler.
# eſ's s. n. 1. A javelin, dart, or 73°oºš) s. m. Parvatee.
arrow. 2, a ramrod, peg, or pin.
*****ēs. n. Unripe fruit. Tºšº s. n. (H. Lºſt.) 1. A pot
se 3 eSº s. n. 1. vide 3 ey's - 2, a
herb of any kind; a vegetable. 2
bone, 3, a thorn.
one of the Dwipas, or divisions of
261 • Fºg)

the world; being that surrounded or imprecation. 2. an oath. Wºo:3

º v. a. To curse.
by the milky ocean.
Tešºvšč3:30 or 7°s 7"85&o s. "2)S So s. n. The young of any
ſ d:
n. A field of vegetables; a kitchen animal.

garden. **So interj. (from P. Cºlºſ
Se *S*ść s. m. A female divinity of an Bravo ! excellent "
.# -
inferior kind, especially attendant on
º Siva, or Doorga. Tºš, sº s. n. 1. Sacrificing 2.
; : tying cattle.
A! s
7'42 s. n. (P. ...[3,) 1. A branch, 2.
* 8.5 s. n. Suruswatee.
hiſ? a bough, or branch, of a tree. *** *&^ s. n. The tree termed Echites
33 5x830 s. n. A suburb. lit. the scholaris.
branch of a city. 7°8 s. n. 1. The bird termed the hill
**śyºos. n. A monkey, orape. Myna. Gracula religiosa. 2. a piece,
73°33 s. m. A tree. -.
or man, at chess, &c. 3. an elephant's
Tºšo or ?"e3 s. n. 1. A sheet. 2. housing ºbšeš sº s. n. A check
a petticoat, or dress. ered board, or cloth, for chess, &c.
se **św s. n. Wickedness, villany. Se 7°88 s. n. vide ºë No. 1.
*:Sosº s. n. A meadow. º'ºs-Sºo s. n. A bow, particularly
Tºroño s. n. (P. colº") 1. A touch that of Vishnoo; hence termed
stone. 2. a grind stone. ** # ET.

73°5 s. n. (from T. *cºo q. v.) 1. Tºos s. n. The royal tiger.

Action, or deed. 2. conduct, behavi *S9 s. n. The thirty-fourth year,
our, 3. a ceremony for the dead. in the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
se Tºššoº So s. n. Gold. **e s. n. 1. A hall, a chamber 2, a
Tº adj. 1. Happy, well. 2. fee line, or avenue, of trees. -

ble, thin. 3. sharpened, whetted. S. *3) s. n. Paddy, adj. in composition

encº Töysºs s. n. Enmity, hatred. To only, Possessing, having ; as **
* © Wise, from 2\º wisdom
(5) 6& s. m. An enemy.
**) Sºvičocło s. n. A sovereign of
&; Be 73°&o s. n. Mud, mire.
India, the enemy of Vicramarka and
B. *R* s. n. Much, plenty, abundance, institutor of the era now called Saca,
a great deal, adj. Many, numerous, who is represented as borne on a
ſº very, long, adv. Greatly, exceedingly. cross,and thence, and from his birth,
sº Tº s, n. 1, Acurse, malediction, &c., identified by Wilford with
** :

+- 3: 262 **
Christ, of whose history and cha marily connected with some other
racter, as received through the spuri word, to limit it's application ; as the
ous gospels, those of Sulivahana are Vadantha Sastras, or treatises of phi
probably transcripts. losophical theology; the Dhurma Sas
7"exjö or "exº~ s. n. (P. H. Ulº) tras, books of law, &c. It is also ap
A shawl, especially those from Cash plied to less important branches of
2ntre. knowledge, as the Cavya Sastras, or
*exy" Sºo s. m. 1. A frog. 2, the poetical works, and Silpi Sastras,
esculent root of the water lily. works on the mechanical arts. In the
singular number, it is also used com
*e,0 s. n. The silk cotton tree.
Bombar heptaphyllum. prehensively to signify the body of
all that has been written on the sub
7°5&o s. n. Imaginary pollution,
ject, as Dhurma Sastra, the institutes,
proceeding from the death of a rela
or code, of law.
Tºš'SéSo &c. adj. Eternal, perpe 3oz. s. n. A bow-string.
tual. **ścº s: n, Siva. ?oº s. n. The tinkling of metal
*SSSo s. n. 1. An order, edict, or lic ornaments,
command. 2, a royal grant of land, Se 3ozº s. n. 1. A bow-string. 2, an or
or of privileges; a charter, &c., usual nament for the feet.
ly inscribed on stone, or copper, 3. . ?oº or 32% s. n. The pod of any
a writing; a deed, a written contract, pulse. - -

or agreement.
*śexps. n. plu. Grains of rice mixed
*** s. n. (from P.A. ax.) A coin.
with turmerick, &c. used on auspici ing die ; an impression; a stampt
ous occasions. . COll. -

Fºot's v. a. To reprimand, or pu 34 s. n. 1. Point, top in general. 2. a

nish. lock of hair left on the crown of the
* & s. n. Punishment, reprimand. head. 3, a branch. 4, flame.
8, *CŞy & s. n. Scripture; science; **otºs. m. 1. The lock of hair left
institutes of religion, law, or letters ;
on the crown of the head, at the time
especially considered as of divine of tonsure. 2. a peacock's tail.
origin, or authority. Used singly, it S. 34.03 s. n. 1. The son of Droopada.
implies works of literature or science 2. a peacock. *
in general; and it is therefore custo Sº **& sºn, The point, top, peak,
-> º

3e) 263 " ***.


or summit; especially of a tree, or |s. ?esºs. n. 1. A small earth-worm. 2.

mountain. -

gleaning ears of corn.

34.8 s. n. 1. A mountain, 2. a tree. o

S. 34,813 s. n. A dish of curds, and **** s. n. Bitumen.

sugar, with spices.
35o Úº s. n. A mushroom.
34°58 & s. n. A peacock. Se
*b* s. n. 1. A bec. 2, an are
8s 34° s. n. 1. Fire. 2, a peacock.
S. 35:30 adj. 1. Painted, sharpened, S. ?eyº S. m. An art; any manual, or
whetted. 2. thin.
mechanical, art. 30) or ?eys ºc
38 s. n. 1. The colour white, 2, the * = n. An artisan, or mechanic.
colour black. S. 35 s. n. 1. A jackal. 2. Parvatee.

3&esºo adj Slack, loose, lax, flac- ||s. ?ss & s. n. A post, or pillar, to
cid, flabby, old, used, decayed. which cows or calves are tied.
3 $ºck s. n. Siva. - o

35 s. m. A fibrous root. 35 §§§ ºcão s. n. The planet Mars.

??) s. n. The name of a monarch. 35 & 6 s. n. Propitious, conferring
??)s s. n. A palanqueen. happiness, or fortune.
S. %5&sºn. A camp, or encampment. 35& s. n. 1. Prosperity, happiness,
s. 38 sºn. A vessel of the body, really, pleasure, auspiciousness. 2, inspira
or supposed to be of a tubular form; | tion, either by the deity, or by an evil
as a nerve, tendon, or gut. spirit.*ss's To make contortions
& & or 38s s. n. 1. The head. 2. |
of the body from the inspiration of a
spirit, good, or evil.
the top of a tree, 38 º’sºo is lit. ? &c.ºs.m. The proper name of Siva,
to carry on the head. To obeyim
plicitly. 3 SºKyºs. n. An upstair | the most formidable, and perhaps
most popular of the Hindoo triad.
house; a turret, 36°3 s. n. The
neck, as supporting the head. 38°53 *38s s. n. The cold season, vide
$vºo s. n. (from S. & 3" that grows.) ??8º0& under **65.
The hair, i
3%s"& s. n. The gangetic por.
G, **b* s. n. Ink. poise.
Se 35& s. n. The tree termed Mi- º 8%iº s. n. 1. A child, infant, or
mosa shirisha. babe. 2. the young of any animal.
| S.
33Aº s. n. The penis.
º e) s. n. (H.
H )A Stone, *sº Sº
*šº' &c, adj. Obedient, docile.
SSS. s. n. A mountain, |s. %§ S. n. An order, or command,

39 264 §3 º

s. **S* s. n. A disciple, pupil, or || adj. Of a good, or amiable, disposi

scholar. -

$ooë s. n. An ignorant, illiterate, or

336 s. n. 1. Instruction. 2. punish.
stupid, person.
ment, correction, chastisement. 3&
&c's s. n. 1. A learned man. 2. a &oë s. n. Dry ginger. -

man who is punished. 3&ots v. a. %9% s. n. 1. An elephant's trunk.

2. spirituous liquor. ".
To punish, or chastise. 2. to teach,
or instruct. $o Gºos s. n. An elephant. .
$os & s. n. A parrot.
** 8se, s. m. plu. Thin rain, or 36&cº s. n. The son of Vyasa, the
rain driven by wind. .
author or narrrator of the Bhagavut.
#-s-cº s. n. A species of unripe §§§ S. n. Sorrow, grief, distress,
acid fruit, used to cleanse the head,
from the oil with which it is anoint
& 3 s. n. A pearl oyster.

3,39, So s. m. Speed, velocity, ex $6 Bºs s. n. A pearl.

§§ ܺ s. n. Semen virile.
pedition, diligence, promptitude,
§o & cº. s. n. The planet Venus,
haste. adj.Quick, speedy, adv. Quick
ly, swiftly, speedily. -
or it's regent, the son of Bhrigoo,
#823& Or #5 ºvšcº s. n. The and preceptor of the Daityas or
Titans. &\s, Fºčo s. n. Friday.

8, *** s. m. Cold, chillness, adj. $º s. n. The third year, in the Hin

Cold, chill. doo cycle of sixty.
** s. n. The cold season wide 888 - $º adj. White. s. n. 1, white
QX) &$) under Q)0&$).
colour. 2. Semen virile. $68,3&&.
***) s. n. Rum distilled from mo
The bright lunar fortnight.

lasses. s. 36."#"ox& s. n. The peacock.

§ & &c. adj. l. Thin, small, slen % tº s. n. 1. Purification, purity. 2.
the colour white, 3, vide tºº.
der. 2. wasted, decayed, withered.
4, fire, adj. 1. Pure, pious. 2. white,
§§ §§o s. n. A helmet.
clean, purified, cleansed. 3. free from
S. *es s. n. 1. Nature, quality, dis fault or error.
position, 2. good conduct, steady s & 68°o s. n. The moon, from it's
observance of morals.”vºodºx &c. white light,
- 265* tº ex

&#s &c. adj. 1. Pure, purified, 㺠º Plain, or simple, rice. &

clean, cleansed. 2. faultless, correct. 㺠e s. m. plu. Fuel. § otº
3. entire, complete. s. n. The bright v. n. To become lean, or dry. §
lunar fortnight. *gow adv. En
& Joº-ex Mere, empty, compliments.
tirely, wholly, completely, perfectly. s & s. n. 1. Ability, strength,
Se &goss S. n. A seraglio, or power, prowess. 2. light, lustre.
haram. S. 30s, as s, n. Agni, the god of fire.
§§ s. n. Purity, purification, cleans
|s. #'s 393 s. n. 1. A caterpillar. 2.
ing. -

a scorpion.
§§§ Ko s. n. A dog. ś s. n. A s. *s & s. n. The beard, or awn, of
bitch. §§§sº, The impression
barley, or paddy. -

of a dog, branded upon criminals. S. *Cº) adj. Of or belonging to the

$9.8 s.) & s. n. The thirty-sixth fourth pure Hindoo tribe, the Soodra,
year, in the Hindoo cycle of sixty. or servile cast. *\ey.s. n. The
%3 & s. n. 1. Welfare, happiness, wife of a Soodra; a Soodra female.
good fortune. 2. any auspicious cere & Sycº, s, n. A man of the
mony, adj. Happy, well, right, for
| Soodra tribe.
tunate, auspicious, prosperous.
& Wºo?. s. n. 1. Rutee, the wife of ls. **śº adj. Empty, blank, void,

the Hindoo Cupid. 2. a handsome vacant. s. n. Incantation, sorcery,

female magic.
$63, sº adj. I. White. 2. pure, *8%53; sº, s. n. The country
clean. s. n. 1. The colour white. 2. about Mathura.
purity, cleanliness, & Cºyotºcº s. *Scº s. n. A hero. *8&
s. n. The moon; from her white rays. s. n. Prowess, heroism, bravery.
8. $69 & s. n. 1. Toll, duty, or cus s. *8. Sºo s. n. A winnowing basket.
toms, payable at ferries and passes. S. *2, s. n. An image of iron.
2. a present by the bridegroom to 8. §re s. n. Pain, ache.
the bride.
|s. *os s. n. A trident, pike, dart,
%eyº s. m. Copper. stake, or spit. **śsº adj.
& Jº" / 3 s. n. Service, serving, Roasted on a spit, ºb or ****
§§ sº adj. Dry, dried. %; 88 e3 s. n. Siva, whose weapon is the
Sycº, A man miserably poor, & trident,

339C 266 $º
s - 3.304 exº s. m. 1. A chain, or fetter, the serpent race; a large snake, with
a thousand heads, at once the couch
especially for an elephant, 2, a man's
belt, or zone. and canopy of Vishnoo, and upholder
of the world, which rests on one of
Wyox38% s. n. Ginger. his heads. -

. §§oxsº s. n. 1. The horn of any

animal. 2. a horn, or trumpet. 3. a . 385* adj. Cold, fresh. s. n. A cold.
syringe. 4. the summit of a mountain. . .393 s. n. A mountain.
Fºyo-wºº's sº s. n. A place where 3erº s. n. A lion.
four roads meet - 3ered S. n. An actor, dancer, or
. §§ow-83 s. n. 1. The passion, or
sentiment, of love; as an object of • 35° s. n. The sect of Siva. adj. Of
poetical description, or dramatic re or belonging to that sect, or deity.
presentation. 2, beauty. 3. ornament, . 35 ex or 3~ossin. An aquat
decoration, embellishment. #yo~8 ic plant.
S8 A female; as being ornamented. . 350° s. n. A river, in general.
iſyo~80% v. a. To adorn, or deco
Tº sº s. n. Childhood.
rate. * Sorboiºs"K, v. comp. To
. #'s sº s. n. Grief, sorrow, affliction.
adorn, or decorate, one's own person.
, sº **— %cºs. n. Agni, the god of
. §§o-N-8&º s. n. The indian fire.
Cupid. -

*oº S. n. Light, lustre; radiance,

. 3.}ow s. n. A horned animal. flame.
#483, s. n. A chaplet, or garland, *ros s. n. Crimson. 5° raēēšo
of flowers, worn on the crown of the s. n. The ruby. $*rēgºs s. n. 1.
head. adj. Excellent, best. Blood. 2. sanguis mulieris, in coitu.
- *33. 33%) Tā;3 - Or º - $*35& s. n. 1. Search, examination,
s. n. The penis. research. 2. refining, cleansing. sº §o
- T#3) s. m. Time, period. *S v. a. To search, or examine. 2. to
- º s. m. Understanding, intellect. try. 3. to refine, or cleanse.”&$3c23
. Tº s. n. A treasure, or Nidhi, as s. n. An examiner, critic, or visitor;
belonging to Cubera the god of riches. scrutator. ***** &c. adj. Examin
& s. m. The remainder, rest, ed, strained.
or residue. $*** S. n. A broom.
*& s. n. The king, or chief, of S
*º- S. n. 1, Beauty. 2, light, lustre,
*, *) \ºy;
radiance, splendour. 3, swelling. * Sº S. n. A girl within sixteen
$* * Š) & s. n. The thirty-seventh years of age.
year, in the Hindoo cycle of sixty. * Sºsº adj. 1. Black, or dark blue.
§º'sSo s. n. 1. The consummation 2. green. s. n. These colours respec
of a marriage. 2. the ceremony on that tively.
occasion, adj. Propitious, splendid, * Sºe s—n. A name of Parvatee.
auspicious. TS-39s adj. or s. n. Black, or
**oss-à"; ev or $*** v. m. To dark blue.
shine, to be splendid. TSX's sºos. n. The grain termed
$ s. n. Fainting from weakness. Panicum frumentaceum.
$"><25%) v. m. To faint. ºSºx adj or s. n. Brown.
**.css v. n. To be dried up ; to ºšš. S. n. A hawk, or falcon.
lose the strength of the body; to be º s. n. A female hawk, or falcon.
affected by pulmonary consumption. Ö $ S. n. 1. Faith, belief, devotion,
Fočğcºs s. n. A distiller, or vend confidence. 2. wish, desire, strong in
er, of spirituous liquors. clination.
*33, s. n. 1. Purification, cleans 8, J gº s. n. A woman longing
ing. 2. easing nature. 3, excrement, for any thing; as in pregnancy, adj. 1.
ordure. -

Faithful, believing. 2. desirous.

# 8 s. n. Vishnoo.
Ú% s. n. A fart. Üßos v. a. To
#'853, s. n. Strength, power, he
roism, valour, prowess.
Úsº Or Ú& s. n. Labour,
Tº cºs s. n. A superintendent of toil, fatigue, weariness, difficulty,
tolls, or customs.
trouble, distress.
#"g)yºcão s. n. A copper smith, or
Ü5 £930 s. n. 1. Hearing, listening.
2. the ear. 3. the twenty-second lu
$º.) S㺠s. n. Sprinkling. nar mansion. Ös Fāo (8) oğSo
3. *S$o s. n. A cemetery, or place The sense of hearing.
where dead bodies are burnt, or Ösº Or Ú &) s. n. The ear.
buried. ÇJoës &c. adj. 1. Fatiguº, tir
3. & 6 s. n. The beard; musta ed, wearied. 2. calm, tranquil.
cheos, &c. | S. \º sºn. A funeral ceremony,
& 268
Ús -

observed at various fixed periods, and i S, (3) S*šč's s. n. 1. The Chicacole

for different purposes, consisting of district in the Ganjam province. 2.
offerings with water and fire, to the the town of Siccacollum, near Masu
gods, and manes; and gifts and food lipatam.
to the relations present, and assisting S. (8, sº* : s. n. Calastry, near
bramins. It is especially performed Madras.
for a parent recently deceased, or for
three paternalancestors, or for all an Vºy £očSo s. n. Sandal-wood.
cestors collectively, and is supposed § 2*Côo s. n. Cama, the Hindoo
necessary to secure the ascent and resi
dence of the souls of the deceased, in Cupid.
a world appropriated to the manes. (8) ºs s. n. A peculiar species
Gy;36& s. n. Fama, the re of the palmyra tree, growing chiefly
gent of death. in Ceylon, and producing a very
\32/5 rosº s. n. 1. The fifth Teloo broad leaf, much in request for books,
goo lunar month; that in which the the writing being indented on it with
moon's change takes place, when the an iron style.
sun is in Leo. 2. the pincers used by Q,&cs s. n. Cubera, the god of
goldsmiths. riches.
\ºys' Sº adj. Harmonious. &jºck, (3,50 s. n. One of
&y s. n. 1. Lutchmi, the goddess of the names of Vishnoo.
riches, plenty, and prosperity, and (8) &očSo &c. adj. Rich, wealthy,
wife of Vishnoo. 2.fortune, prosperity,
success, thriving. 3, wealth, riches. 4. prosperous. (8) SSSo&C& s. n. Vish
beauty, splendour, lustre. 5. Surus
watee, the goddess of learning. 6. Par (8) S$542 s. n. The seventh year, in
ratee, the wife of Siva. 7. light. 8, an the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
auspicious invocation, at the com- || (?,*** s. m. A letter from a

mencement of any writing. 9. a pre Gooroo, or bishop.

fix of respect to proper names. 10. Jº, 80xºtos s. n. The city of
poison, venom. 8, sºcºs s. m. Seringapatam.
(from s, Šoš the throat.) Siva, as § Šox$o s. m. Seringham, near
having swallowed the poison produc Trichinopoly, renowned for it's sanc
ed at the churning of the ocean. (8) tity, and it's famous Hindoo temple.
*** adj. Giving fortune, or pros Gº, sº s. n. A horse, having a
perity.. curl of hair on his breast.
~3 & 269
Jº Zoº & Sº
Jºy sº s. n. A particular mark, transmigration. 3. good fortune,
said to be a curl of hair, on the breast
of Vishnoo; who is hence termed prosperity. Ö, 3-sossº &c.,di.
1. Fortunate, prosperous. 2. virtuous.
Wysºcºcº & sºo Or -5
3, §º &c. adj. Best, most excel
Ścº. lent, pre-eminent.
(8) Fºos. m. The lotus; as the \$ºy ** s. n. Rice gruel.
abode of Lutchmi. (3*) *3 s. n. The hip, and loins.
ūjºs s. n. The holy fig tree. \$ºyeescº S. n. A cripple.
Ficus religiosa.
(8) ºcê s. n. A name of Vishnoo. (3*) Ü & s. n. The ear.
\º) 39s s. n. The pagoda of Shri (3') Ú) cºcº s. n. A bramin,
versed in the Vedas.
Shylum, also termed Purvatum, a
place of superior sanctity among the
3.& adj. Slackened, loose, relaxed.
Hindoos, situated in the Kurnool 3.§º adj. Small, fine, minute.
country, on the river Krishna, and Se
Žº s. n. Applause, praise, appro
described by Captain Colin M'Ken bation, panegyric, eulogium.
zie, in the fifth volume of the Asiatic
researches. -
jš S. n. A figure of rhetoric; choice,
& & s. n. Sacred science, holy or connection, of words, so as to
admit of a double interpretation; a
writ. adj. Heard.
CŞ, ° s. n. 1. The Vedas, or Hindoo species of pun.
scriptures. 2. the ear. 3, a division of 3s,< *... n. The phlegmatic hu
the octave ; a quarter tone, or inter mour; one of the three principal
humours, or fluids of the body.
val, of which twenty-two are enume
rated ; four constituting a major tone, $ºss, S. n. 1. A verse, or Stanza. 2.
three a minor, and two a semi-tone; fame, celebrity. -

the Srootis are personified as nymphs. *S** s. n. A night during which

& tº s. n. 1. A line, row, or range. dogs bark, or howl.
2. a street. § S**cº s. n. A man of the Chun
Úrds S. m. A tent. dala, or outcast, tribe.
Újºss or’ Jasº S. n. 1, *S Ú * s. n. A hole, gap, or
Virtue, or moral merit. 2. final bea chasm. -

titude, the delivery of the soul from *Sº s. n. Intumescence, swell

body, and it's exemption from further ing, dropsy.
wº _º
270 Ś oš

§§36&cº S. n. A father-in-law, G. &c Gºo & s. n. vide Kºścº.

ºS & © S. n. A mother-in-law. S. & oë.
ed s: n, & adj. Sixty. (P. cavaš, )

§§ (#) ſº s. n. Welfare, hap s- sº §§§oe» s. n;

plu. A sort of paddy,
piness, prosperity, adj. Happy, pros of quick growth. -

perous. -
&ésº adj. Sixtieth.
~f ~f - --

§§§§cº s. m. Air, wind; or the & adj. Sixth.

deity thereof. <º s. n. The sixth lunar day, of
#Sºtº or TS & s. n. Breath either lunar fortnight.
ing ; breath. *& s. n. A gallant, paramour,
or libertine.
TSSº s. n. A dog.
F'S35° s. n. A beast of prey, in &áš s & s. n. or adj. Sixteen.
general. §§§§ 30 adj. Sixteenth.

3S ū) & s. n. The white leprosy, º

*Séoxºs s. n. A lion. -IllllóIIIlle

§ Theforty-eighth letter, and thirty-third
*S* So s. n. 1. The colour white. 2.
silver. 3. a rupee. adj. White. *S* consonant, in the Teloogoo alphabet.
It is substituted for initial S, when
Fá-Roc & s. n. A name of Arjoo
na ; as riding on a white horse. words beginning with tº are preceded
& by nouns in the nominative case,
->}>{}<<– even when used accusatively, or by
any part of the verb ending in &, S,
< The forty-seventh letter, and thirty and A, or by the words exº,
second consonant, in the Teloogoo
alphabet. 9&São and º.
$o particle in composition only,
**śo s. n. A multitude, heap, or With, together with, &c., being the
optional form of writing K55.
Koºc & s. n. A eunuch, or impo.
tent man.
Košºo s. m. 1. Trouble, misfor
tune. 2. difficulty. 3. illness, indispo
$º s. n. Six in number. &-a-5
Koc & s. n. (from s, e355 a face.) A sition, pain. adj. Narrow, contracted.
Šošeš s. n. A sort of coarse bread.
name of Koomaraswamy, or Karte
caya, the Hindoo Mars. §os & So s. n. 1. Sweepings, dust. 2
**Y& s. n. A large bee. mixing, blending. 3. a mixed cast, or
*** s. n. The fourth note of the race; one proceeding from the pro
Hindoo gamut. miscuous intercourse of the four pure
$o-É 2 l *- Sox

Hindoo tribes in the first instance, wink, or token. 2. design, resolution,

and again from their commerce with engagement. 3, a rendezvous. So $30
the descendants of such a connection, tº To design, resolve, or engage. So
or the indiscriminate cohabitation of
"S&#3& To appoint a rendez
those descendants amongst one an Wous.
other; most Hindoos of the present
age are of one of the many branches S. Kos ss. n.1. Shrivelling up, con
of this race, the highest of which is tracting. 2. hesitation, timidity, mo
impure, and inferior to the Soodras. desty. §ost oo is v.a. 1. To shrivel
Kośs-eabcºo s. n. A name of Bala up, or contract. 2. to hesitate, &c.
rama, the elder brother of Krishna.
Kocs, o&cºs.n. A nameof Indra.
Šoš exy:So s. n. A resolve ; mental So
Koćysºs s. n. Difficult progress,
determination, or resolution; voli making way through what is nearly
tion, will; project, design, 2. a religi impervious. 2. a bridge, or other
ous or solemn vow, or declaration. means of effecting such a passage.
So sesscº s. n. The Hindoo Cu S.
KočJºos v. a. (from the above.)
pid; as born from the will. Kos byo To encroach on.
is To resolve, or determine. Ko Gº) oë or Šovš) Sotoșo s. n.
S. Koš Šoššo &c, adj. 1. Unsteady, fic The actual passage of the sun, or
kle. 2. uncertain, doubtful. other planetary body, from one sign
§o's"? So &c. adj. Like, similar ; in of the zodiac, into another.
composition only. S. Koºs s. n. 1. Number in general. 2.
S. Kośros-sºo &c. adj. 1. Crowded, con a number, or numeral. 3. counting.
fused. 2. miscellaneous, mixed, im Koº'sso&C& s. n. A learned bra
pure min, or pundit.
#3ošás-S or Košás-5& s. n. Ce T. §ox& s. n. Help, assistance, aid.
lebrating, praising. T. KoKå s. n. 1. A kind of boat, con
Tup. Koš s. n. vides. § o?So No. 1. structed of two trunks of the palmyra
S. 73ošešo adj.2. 1.inconsistent,
impervious. Confused, crowded,
contra tree, hollowed out. 2. friendship. 3. a
dictory. º
Koxb s. n. 1. Association, union, 2.
s. Kość) s. n. A civet cat. §ošščo subject, matter, affair, business, cir
s. n. Civet. cumstance, occurrence, contents of a
T. So Sey s. n. A fetter, or iron. writing, Koxbow's To happen, or
S. Kołºś. s. n. I. A gesture, nod, OCCUT,
Šoš 272 Koč5

T. 3ox&&NS s. n. A natural lake, near Košºváššo s. n. A flock, multitude,

a village. heap, or quantity.
-o -

Kox359:30 s. n. 1. Meeting, union, Soº's 83%) s. n. Earnest money.

junction, association. 2. copulation,
coition. 3. confluence, as of rivers. 4. §o Scºo s. n. A heap, multitude,
the adaptation of two things to each quantity, or number.
other. §ow"5S0 s. m. Traversing, wander
Koxsº s. n. Union, junction, con ing, roaming. Soºboº v. n. To
fluence. wander, or roam about.
Se Sox& s. n. 1. War, battle, com T. §oto or § of s. n. A purse, or bag.
bat. 2. promise, assent. T. Kotos or $otos s. n. A section, or
T. Ko-Koš or §oº s. n. A friend, part of a book, written on palmyra
companion, or comrade. leaves.

Koń8:30 s. n. Vocal music; a song, Se Kołośsºo adj. Amassed, collected,

singing. gathered.

. KoR*& s. n. Half of the whole pro . Soto s. n. Knowledge of finesse,

duce of the crop. or niceties.
$3 oùº s.m. l. Collection, ac -b

quisition, amassing. 2. compilation. 3. Tup. Koz. s. n. (from s. Soº's.) Twi

abridgment. 4, taking, seizing, re light, evening.
ceiving. Ko09 ºvokº To acquire, Koś, s. n. A cluster of four
or amass. houses.
Koçwy & s. n. War, battle, com Koźs. n. 1. A gesture, token, or sign.
bat. 2. the technical name of any affix, in
Ko Sºy-sº s. n. 1. The fist. 2. *
Q agº or scº § &c. adj. Knock
* 23° - -

the gripe of a shield.

*SošSè25 s. n. 1. Meeting, encoun kneed.

tering. 2, occurrence, Koš80% T. $oš s. m. A fair, or market day.

v. n. To occur, or happen. *306S sºo s. n. Signature.
Košošo s. n. A multitude, or num §oöö& adv, Always, constantly,
loer, of living beings. eternally. -

$o㺠or Košššo s. n. 1. §oš8 s. n. 1. Race, lineage. 2. off

Rivalry, vieing. 2. rubbing, tritura spring, progeny, issue.
tion. T, K-55 s. n. 1, Agreement, or con
Soºs" 273 Kotºv

cordance. 2, obtaining, procuring. 3. pecially for tying cattle. Soºs"Rösºo

joining, junction. &c. adj. Bound, tied.
S. Kotº #30 &c. adj. Suffering pain, or S. Koºs adj. Doubted, questioned.
distress. *
s. n. Doubt.
s. Sość & s. n. Universal, or great, TUD. Koścºšo s. m. wide Koč3-39.
darkness. -

T. Soë0 s. n. making in the inflex. sing.

T. Soč8oº v. a. To nourish, or feed. either Koë83, or Šošš) The arm,
s. Soč3s-to s. n. The ceremony of from the shoulder to the elbow.
feeding bramins. T. ººoº s. n. An ornament worn
Tud. Kočºv or Koč"Kºo s. n. vide upon the shoulder, or upper part of
Ko&’sº. the arm.
s. Koº"S& s. n. 1. Offspring, proge T. Kočo s. n. 1. A lane, or narrow
ny, issue. 2. race, lineage. street. 2. a cleft, or opening. 3. an in
s. Soºs s. n. Cream. termediate space of time. 4. a direc
s. Soº"3So s. n. Heat, burning heat; tion, side, or quarter. 5. an opportu
torment, pain, distress. Koº &ots nity.
To be afflicted, or be in distress. T. Kočºx3ex) or Kosº's W. n.
Tud. Soš s. n. vide Šoć"S& No. 1. Evil spirits to affect children.
s. Kočºw s. n. Joy, delight, plea s. Kołł &s.n. News, tidings, inform
sure, satisfaction, happiness, gladness. ation; a message. Šoć 3~&ces
Kočºowº or Košº v. n. To (from s. 3"8 who takes.) A messen
ger, or envoy.
rejoice, to be pleased, glad, delighted,
s. Koł3-sºo s. n. Doubt, uncertain
or happy. Kočº &c. adj. De
lighted, pleased, satisfied.
ty, scruple, hesitation, suspicion. Ko
s: Kosºv s. n. A pair of tongs, or ºo: v. n. To doubt, hesitate,
nippers. or suspect.

T. &983 s. n. Noise, clamour, disturb s. Kosºvºo s. n. A flock, multitude,

ance. Kočáois To make a noise. or assemblage. -

TUD. §b Úso s. n. vides. K &\ºw.

Se Kosº s. n. 1. Convenience. 2.
s. Koš s. n. 1. A vow, or promise, 2.
opportunity. 3, occurrence. state, condition. 3. steadiness, fixation.
s. Kośs-sº s. n. Looking, seeing. s. Koºs s. n. 1. Mixing, joining.
Šoš?s-ows v. a. To look, or see. 2. combination, association, intimate
s. SoCŞ-5&o s. m. A rope, or cord; es union. Soº"Rotº v. a. To join, or

§otºro 274 §oº

unite. Soº"Kö So &c. adj. United, Kozłºśw s. n. Acquisition; earn

bound. 1ng.
So? s. n. 1. Union, junction, connex §o:3)**śo s. n. A casket, or covered
ion, combination. 2. peace, making box.
peace, pacification. 3. a hole, or §oßy"eos-Sºo &c. adj. Complete,
chasm. 4, a hole made in a wall, or finished, whole, entire.
underneath it, for hostile, or feloni Koºoxº or Sočo?\º s. n.
ous purposes. 5, the union of letters, The plant termed Michelia champaca.
*~ * -

to avoid dissonance, or hiatus. . So,\º/

3 & s. n. A p
person who aids a
§ o?otº v. a. 1. To join, or unite. 2. village Curnum.
to fix, or place; as an arrow on the Se
Kovºoks v. a. To compare, or ex
bow. v. m. To meet. So?& &c.
amine, especially books or accounts.
adj. Joined, fastened, tied. Koč, CŞ"cºo s. n. Traditional
§ o?& s. n. A cow with calf, or that doctrine; what has been transmitted
has taken the bull. from one teacher to another, and is
So?ex, or Ko㺠v. m. To meet, or established as of sacred authority. 2.
come in contact. usage, custom.
Koºs s. n. 1. Twilight. 2, the daily S. Kºjūrºxsº s. n. Connexion, re
prayers and ceremonies of the first lation; mutual proportion, depend
three pure Hindoo tribes, especially ance, or association.
of the bramins. Koºs ~&N To
Košº adj. Blown, blossomed,
perform these ceremonies. expanded.
Koš8-Koź3% or Kość s. n. Suc Se §oooº Sos. m. Connexion, relation;
cess, prosperity; increase of wealth, affinity either natural, or essential.
power, or happiness. -
§oooºoºs v.-n. To be related, or
$ošššo &c. adj. 1. Accomplished, connected.

completed, effected, obtained. 2. §oočSo s. n. 1. A festival. 2. joy.

prosperous, fortunate, thriving, . Šoº) s. n. A procuress, or bawd. -

happy. S -
Koºs s. n. Wages, salary, hire.
Košºvcºs s. n. 1. War, battle, §o?”& adj. Narrow, confined,
combat. 2, calamity, adversity." impassable.
Koš & S. n. 1. Meeting, contact. Koºs s. n. Spicery.
2. union, mixture. 3. copulation.
T. Koºx. s. n. plu. A particular
*oº"eois v. a. To procure, obtain, species of paddy.
acquire, get, or earn. Soºvé5 or S. *Soº'ss s. n. 1, Birth, production.
Kočo 27 Šoš
2. cause, origin. Soºowº-Koº Šošo'ºotº v. m. 1. To be enraged.
º or Koºx v. n. 1. To be born. 2. to evince arrogance, or prowess.
2. to happen, or occur.
Se §oö&to s. n. Support, maintenance,
§oº"SSo s. n. Provision, prepara nourishment. Kočáotºv.a. To sup
port, nourish, cherish, or maintain.
tion; getting every thing ready, or
Śo"O"5&o s. m. Sound, noise.
§o& "#So adj. 1. Budded, blos
Soº"S.5 s. m. 1. Honor. 2. a present,
somed. 2. audacious, presuming.
or reward. Soº"3) ovºo To honor, to
KoSºos v. a. To hinder, impede,
or prevent.
§oº"<29330 s. n. Conversation, dis
course. Soº's co-ºoºo.To converse, Kośćyº s. n. A year. Kośćyº"
or associate with. -
& s. n. The new year's day.
$oSös-ššo s. n. The plough of
Kožº's. n. 1. The mouth of a ri
ver, 2. the confluence of two rivers.
Balarama, which was also his weapon.
Šošēs So s. n. 1. Destruction of the
Koºxsº s. n. 1. Enjoyment, plea world. 2. a cloud.
sure, delight. 2. copulation, coition.
F3 o:5°Aois Or Koºx.<oºcºo W.
Šošēs's s. n. The new leaf of a wa
ter lily.
a. To copulate. §oššššo s. n. A village.
Kokº, SSo s. n. 1. Fear, terror. 2. §oº"S$o s. n. Communication of
flurry, confusion. 3. honor, respect.
4, joy, pleasure. 5. grandeur. So ū
intelligence, or news. Kos"80%
To communicate, or talk.
3DootS v. n. To be elated.
§ossº-Sºo s. n. Rubbing the per
Socº&8 s. n. The city, or capital, son; kneading the limbs.
of Yama, the judge of departed souls. Koš) &s. n. Understanding, intellect.
Kockºos. Ko or Socºočºo &c. adj. KoščKos, n. The sacerdotal thread,
1. Compounded, united, joined, an when suspended round the neck only.
nexed. 2. endowed with, possessed of. adj. Surrounded.
3ocºox&s. n. War, battle, combat. Kosºyºo &c. adj. Covered, con
§ oëSo-Yºo sºn. Intimate union, or cealed.
association. Se Koãxsº s. n. Hurry, flurry.
Kočovº& &c. adj. Joined, an S. Koāā sº s. n. 1. Sleep. 2. dreaming.
nexed, attached, S.
Kos-Sºo s. n. 1. An upper gar
Soo-Sºº s. n. An ink bottle. ment, 2. vesture, cloth.
Se Sočoº & s,n. 1. Rage. 2, arrogance. Se Koi.oğos, n. Doubt, uncertainty,
276 $38
scruple, suspicion. Kołowoº To S. Koš-8 s. n. A flock, multitude, or
doubt, or suspect. assemblage.
§ °CŞy cºšos. n. Protection, asylum, Šoć-S530 s. n. 1. The body, or
refuge; a place of safety. So Ú OOOO constitution. 2. rubbing the limbs.
+SS To court one's favour, or protec Košº s. n. 1. Destruction, anni
tion. hilation, killing. 2. the end of the
Kołº, s. n. An embrace. world. So:3-5 owe v. a. To kill, des
Koššo &c. adj. Contiguous, ad troy, or annihilate.
joining, near. Koºr's s. n. 1. An arrangement of
KoKºśs.n. An assembly, or meeting. the text of the Vedas into short sen

Šošč 22&3 s. n. A highway. tences, regulated when the style is

K of "& or Koń)0 s. n. 1. A fa verse by the species of verse, and
mily. 2. a wife. Kołºb s. n. A man when prose by the subject, and deno
who has a family. minated after the person or persons
Koło § s. n. 1. The natural state, or by whom the arrangement was origi
nally made ; it is also sometimes con
quality. 2. nature, disposition. sidered as synonymous with a Sacha,
Koś8& s. n. 1. Memory, recol a branch or school of the Vedas, of
lection. 2. a purificatory rite or cere which sixteen are reckoned to the
mony. 3. apprehension. Rig Veda, one hundred and one to
Koš yºsº adj. 1. Wrought, artifi the Yajoosh, one thousand in the
cially made. 2. finished. 3. adorned. Sama, and nine in the Atharvan, 2. in
4. excellent, best. 5. prepared. s. n. grammar, proximity of two letters
Language grammatically correct ; without an intermediate pause, Sundhi
the Sanscrit tongue. or junction,though usually considered
Koi...Sº s. n. 1. An assemblage, rather as the state preparatory to the
or heap. 2. vicinity. 3. expansion. actual junction, than the junction it
S. K º s. n. 1. Continuance in the right self.3. a compilation, a code, a digest.
way; correct conduct. 2. an assembly, Śo $.33, s. n.-Abbreviation, a
or meeting. 3, a royal mandate, or bridgement. adj. Abridged. §o
ordinance. 4. death, dying. &otS v. a. To shorten, or abridge.
se;’ss s, n. A large hereditary S. §§e):So adj. All, entire, whole. s. n.
landed estate. The aggregate, or whole.
***Y* = s. n. Touching, contact. Tup. K. 85& s. n. vide §§§s.

277 $385

K86) or v. m. To neigh. §88)oë s. T.

n. A neigh, neighing.
Kgo S. m. plu. The grain termed
Holcus spicatus, vide Xoºxy.
§§º s. n. An average. -p

K Šć) s. n. Flour. tub. ****** s. n. 1. Resin in ge.

neral. 2. the resin, or exudation, of
*# s. n. The thigh. the Sal tree.
§ 39 or §§oº s. n. (H. cº-) A
** s. n. 1. An ascetick's clotted hair.
woman's female friend, a confidant. 2. a mane.
K 4×cºs s. n. (H. (8%.) A friend. T. *** s. n. An untruth, or lie, adj.
**S*s. n. Friendship. False, untrue.
KX* or KX3ºx s. m. wide 383&s. §§ex v. n. 1. To become slack, or
: KX&o s. n. The half; a moiety. loose.2. to be degraded, or diminished.
S -
§Xöcºs s. n. 1. The name of a cele Kå s. n. 1. Noise, clamour. 2. no
brated sovereign of 4yodhya. 2. a
potter. K &otº v. a. 1. To pound, or beat,
se 3Xt rice, so as to deprive it of it's husk.
Úc&s. n. A distant kinsman, 2. to beat. Sãoº)ex) s. n. plu. Rice
or one sprung from a common ances beaten as above.
tor, and connected by funeral obla
tions, of food and water. &\ex s. n. plu. The joints of the
Kº ** 1: To be degraded. 2. to
grow feeble. 3. to be diminished, or
*ś s. n. Regard, esteem, honor. 3
§§cº, v. a. To esteem, regard,
honor, respect, or care for.
* sº S. n. Eating together.
or T. K gºcºs S. m. The husbands of two
Kºcess. n. A counsellor, or minis sisters stand to each other in the rela
ter. 2. a companion, or friend. tion defined by this word.
Kºšeš-ššo s. n. Bathing with * v. n. To grumble, or mutter.
one's clothes on, especially after any s. & 5 adj. in composition only, Good,
great defilement.
–0 -
virtuous; as St. Sº, A good or
virtuous action.
*3 s. n. A bed, or couch.
Tup. Kö s. n. (from s. Kär) The num
Kºss &c. adj. 1. Of honorable ber seven, as applied to the dice.
parentage ; well born, respectable, T.
Śēšo adj. 1. Eternal. 2. certain,
reputable. 2. good, virtuous. permanent.
278 &
K. 3 s. n. 1. Parvatee. 2. a virtuous cause of truth, and the predominance
woman. 3. a woman in general. of which renders the person in whom

sizes s. n.
Honor, respect, po it resides virtuous, gentle, devout,
liteness. Kä_bois To honor, to charitable, chaste, honest, &c., and
evince respect. the thing pure, mild, &c. 2. substance,
Kū s. n. 1. Juice, sap, essence. 2. re thing ; either elementary substance
sult, effect, use. 3. power, ability. as earth, air, fire, &c. or any thing of
~f -

TUD. S. s. n. vide § 3. which some property may be predi

cated. 3. nature, natural property
§§ s. n. Being, existence, adj.
or disposition. 4. vigour, power,
Excellent, good, virtuous. strength. 5, essence, substance. 6.
Kºš s. n. 1. Pewter. 2, sediment, life, principle of being 7. an animal,
refuse. a being.
;3:95) or Kºšš s. n. Strength, KöS ÖSo s. n. Quickness, swiftness.
force, capability. ŠćSSo s. n. A house.
Kºšorºs or Kaşs sº S. Il. K &Soºdºo v. a. To kill,
Ratification of a bargain. murder, or assassinate.
KöSº s. n. 1, Truth. 2. an oath. Ge
K38%r adj. (from A. Jew) Be

*ścº s. n. (from S. s3 º forementioned, aforesaid.

speech.) A sage, saint, or seer. ;3& or Kºšš) s. n. 1. An assembly,
§§§sóstºck s. n. A name of a meeting. 2. vide T. Qº) TSSS.
Wyasa, as the son of Sutyavutee. S. K&S&s. m. 1. An assistant, or by
Stršº's So s. n. Traffick, com stander, at a sacrifice. 2. a spectator.
375° adv. Always, at all times. 737so
merce, trade.
x3 s. n. (from s. X8 going.) The Wind.
Kirşºssº s. n. vide Kºšo's 83.
Kū) & sig, sº S. m. l. A
S. $375°35& adj. Eternal.
Kºšº s. n. A sort of fennel.
sacrifice. 2. a choultry, or halting
house for travellers. § Ú 73°e) S. n. Anethum pammorium.
;375°35)cóo s. n. Siva ; as always
A choultry in which food is daily
distributed in charity. auspicious.
KöS> s. n. 1. One of the three Kºº &c. adj. Like, similar.
Goonas, or properties of man and $3 #3.$o adj. Near, proximate.
nature; the quality of excellence or $$. s. n. Sound, noise, interj, Hush!
goodness ; that which enlightens, silence 1
constitutes knowledge, and is the S. Kºo s. m. A house, or dwelling.
§§3. 279 §330

§§§§§§o s. n. A village. sence. 2. proximity. 3. appearance,

§ FS adv. At this present instant; perceptibility. .
at present. Kºššo s. m. A morbid state of
the three humours.
ŠSXex s. m. plu. vide 3 SXex. -

* Sº K-Scº s. n. One of the four §§A*Sºo &c. adj. Like, similar.

sons of Brumha, and the eldest of Kºšº sº s. n. An open space,
the progenitors of mankind. either in a town, or it's vicinity,
SF5& &c. adj. Eternal, perpe where the people take exercise, or
tual, permanent. diversion.

§ FéSC& s. n. 1. Brumha, the cre &\8 s. n. Praise, commendation.

ator. 2. Vishnoo, the preserver. 3. Si. SKA305& v. a. To applaud, or
va, the destroyer and reproducer. praise.
KTº adj. Joined with; placed on. KRºssº s. n. A Sanyasi, or bramin
TUD. K8 s. n. vides. 3 S. in the fourth prescribed stage of life ;
Kēēsº adj. Near, proximate. that of the religious mendicant. §
TUD. Sº s. n. vide se; No. 1. RTA. Sº s. n. The profession of
Sº adj. vide & KSA Kroexo a Sanyasi. K. KA Sºo's To become
& lit. to spin thin threads. To a Sanyasi.
become lean. § Nº.5sos.n. Homage, honor, polite

**** s. n. (from A. C.:...) A writ neSS. Sr., toº To honor, or pay

respect to.
ten order, deed, or grant.
$3&\cºs S. n. An enemy, foe, or
%3 sº &c. adj. 1. Armed, mailed,
accoutred. 2. arrayed, prepared. * ~e & -

**os s. n. Worship, reverence,

*Nº s. n. 1. Thinness, leanness. adoration, or respect.
2, fineness. 3. smallness. adj. 1. Thin,
lean. 2. fine. 3. small, little, narrow. & K&o:Scès s. n. A kinsman, especial
KANovº or KRAAex v. n. To grow ly one connected by the offering of
the funeral cake, to either or all of
- thin, or emaciated; to be lean.
the manes of the father, grandfather,
KNºw s. n. 1. Armour, mail,
and great grandfather, and their wives
accoutrements. 2. preparation.
respectively, as sprung from them in
§§Ašº s. n. A stone on which directly collateral lines; the relation
articles are bruised.
ship stops with every fourth person,
**A*ss or sº s. m. 1. Pe. as the fifth cannot perform the offer
K ºf 280 S$o

ing of a cake to the father even of men. ŠºvščSc:3 or Kºśc:S S. T.,

the deceased. . One of a company, or assembly. Sº

§§§ So s. n. 1. Seven. 2. the cere Š"& An assembly to collect, or
mony performed on the twelfth day meet. Kºš"&N To assemble a
after death.
meeting. Sº Sººyoºs v. caus. To
§ 53:3-scº s. n. A name of Agni, cause a meeting to be assembled.
the god of fire. § 388& s. n. One who is fit for an
K Ščočič) s. n. A sacrifice, or cere assembly.
mony in which oblations are pre K5 A sanscrit particle, prefixed to
words of that language, and imply
§ 3.3 adj. Seventy. ing 1. Union, junction (with to
K Šºš3's So adj. Seventeen. gether.) 2. assemblage, collection. 3.
*ść sºo adj. Seventeenth. beauty or perfection. 4. intensity.
:# & adj. Seventh.
As a prefix it may be said to corres
pond with the English prefixes con
§ 3 º' s. n. The seventh lunar day, co com &c.
of either lunar fortnight.
K Še s. n. The double jasmin. J.
Ksºcłss &c. al. 1. Right, fit,
proper. 2. correct, accurate.
Zambac, fl. multiplicatis.
K 33-S; & or K-ºs- S. n. Agni, T.
Kºsºs tº v. a. To prepare, to put
in array, to keep in readiness.
the god of fire; as being seven hand T. §§§§3-& or SSSSSSvöS v. n. 1. To
ed, or formed of seven flames.
conspire, coincide, or agree. 2. to
KºśScº s. n. (from s, K ŠET succeed. 3. to happen, or occur. SSSS
seven, and s. e53. S a horse.) A name š"&) v. a. To cause to agree, or
of the sun.
coincide, succeed, or happen.
S. *3 & s. n. A horse.
Ksºjº adj. All, entire, full, com
Tud. Sº Yºo s. n. vides. S&NSo. plete.

T. Kºyoºs s. n. Abuse, of the vilest S. *::::: S. n. Reputation, fame, reno wn,

or most obscene kind.

Kº s. n. Soap. (H. coºle) &z's s. n. An assembly, or meet
Kºyº s. n. Sago. Ing.
* * s. n. (H. tax.) 1. An assembly, §§§s & adj. Exceeding.
or meeting. 2. a house. 3. a royal S. S$$$o &c. adj. 1. Like, similar. 2.
court; an assembly of wise and learned equal 3. cquable, uniform. K SSS so
33 281 }<<re

+\cºo To level, or equalize. Kºº sence, sight, adv. Before, in presence,

_ššo s. n. An equable temper. or in sight of.
§§oºšo s. n. 1. A time, or oppor
S, & "sºs s. n. A smell diffusing
tunity; season fit or proper time for fragrance.
anything. 2. leisure. 3. an oath. 4. §§"?.S. s. n. I. Fame, reputation.
a confederation, or engagement. 2. confederation, convention.
T, §53&o v. n. 1. To die, or expire. T, §§º"S30 s. n. 1. News, tidings,
2. to be diminished, expended, or intelligence, information. 2. a mes
worn out. §§§ooooowºo v. a. 1. To kill. sage. 3. an occurrence.
2. to wear out. ** o

§ & s. n. Battle, war, combat, *S*** s. n. A crowd, flock, or

multitude. .
T. §§§ 3 s. n. The first appearance of Kºrg S. n. vide **** No. 1.
the menses. S.
*****śx s. n. 1. Conciliation,
Kºśs &c. adj. 1. powerful, strong. agreement, consent. 2. tranquillity,
2. able, capable. 3. perfectly versed peace. 3, reconciling differences.
in, or master of *** s. n. 1. Deep meditation, re
$5553s s. n. A name of Yama, the straining the senses and confining the
regent of Tartarus. mind to contemplation on the true
§53 swoºsºo s. n. 1. A flock, multi nature of the spirit. 2... reconciling
tude, or assemblage. 2. one of the differences. 3. perseverance in a diffi
categories, or Padarthas, in logic. cult undertaking. 4. a grave, or tomb.
relatio. S.
**ś &c. adj. 1. Like, similar.
$33,333 &c. adj. Mixed, mingled, 2. equal. s. n. One of the vital airs
supposed by the Hindoos to exist in
RS sº adj. Collected, assembled. the human body; it's place is sup
$35, 3 s. n. The end of a Calpa, posed to be near the navel, and it is
and destruction of the world. considered essential to digestion.
$355 $39 adj. 1. All, whole, entire, §§"3S30s. n. 1. Slaughter, killing,
complete. 2. compound, compounded. destroying 2. conclusion, completion.
Kºš s. n. Part of a stanza propo
Se §§ 3. s. n. End, conclusion.
sed by one person, to be completed T.
& "30% v. a. 1. To manage. 2. to
by another, as a trial of skill.
§§§§ or S&$$$$$9 s, n, Pre §§ºo s. n. in grammar, Compo
$$$30 282 "Scººroo

sition of words, formation of com T. Kºścºs s. n. The superinten

pound terms. . dent over several villages.
Kºčºvs. n. Assemblage, aggre se ****šº &c. adj Ill behaved,
gation; collection, either in fact, or misbehaved.
thought. Se Kºść *** s. n. 1. Food vomited.
KK's S& s. n. 1. A name, or
appellation. 2. a match, main, or 2. raising, lifting up. 3. eradicating.
contest, of cocks, &c. s. SSo Ús or &&c. & s. n.
Kºobs. n. 1. An assembly, or multi The sea, or ocean.
tude. 2, war, battle, combat.
s. Sºº-sºo s. n. A flock, crowd, or
§º s. n. 1. Fuel. 2, war, battle,
combat. multitude; a heap or quantity.
s. Kº sº S. n. Thriving, increase, pros
K ºf s. n. vide Kºś. No. 1.
**s sº s. n. War, battle, combat. perity, success.
$563< adj. Near, proximate, conti s & 9 s. n. 1. Consent, assent, ac
guous.s.n.Proximity, neighbourhood. cord, acquiescence, compliance. 2.
Kºrosº, or K. 508;& s. m. wind, pleasure, command. Sº, {}otº To
or air.
consent, or agree.
Kºšos. n. Presence, proximity. s. Sººs s. n. Joy, pleasure, happi

***\cºs s. m. in grammar, Iness:

Conjunction of words; the power of & gº &c. adj. Crowded, confus

the words and, also.
K$530 *Q CŞSo s. n. 1. Elevation, ed. s. n. War, battle, combat.
s. Kººis-R s. n. A broom.
height, exaltation, 2. enmity, opposi TUD. Sº, or Sºcºs s. n.(from s. Kºss

sº ** &c, adj. Abandoned, cº) Confederation, convention,

left, quitted.
ŠKoścºšo or 3:30 as "cºo s. n. T. Sºº,” s. n. A sledge hammer.
A multitude, number, heap, or quan s. SSc)?” s. n. A paramount sove
tity. -

reign prince, who has performed the

Kºo'º"ox'où v. a. 1. To console, Rajasooya sacrifice, and exercises
or condole with 2. to pacify, or allay despotic sway over others.
any passion. TUD. Kosºvo adj. (from s. *S*) Own;
*śsº s. n. A casket, or covered as SºcłºśK cº-ooty & That
man is my own younger brother. "
Sö 283 S5

T. Soooo tº v. n. To agree with ; to KößSočc &s. n. The sea, or ocean.

be agreeable to. Se
T. K of s. n. A wink, or sign.
KößS9 s. n. 1. The goddess of
speech, and wife of Brumha. 2.
Tup. Kootºo adv. vide $35-533.
speech; the faculty, or it's exercise.
TUD. Kośc & s. n. vide $58) &.
3. a river, 4. the river Sarsooty,
T. Scºrsº Koºrºº
Ol' S. Il.
in the province of Dehli.
Touching with the hand, or finger, T. Šºvš) or Kºvºo s. n. (from A.
in play, or joke. Q-3ſya) A shroff, money changer,
a. § &S s. n. Friendship. or banker.
º, . regard, care for.
Soº adj. 1. Fit, proper. 2. easy,
K8&ºaº To regard, esteem, or convenient.
care for. T.
§º"S6 s. n. (from P. CŞysiſ,”
T. §§X3 s. n. Swiftness, speed. KöX
An average. --

adv. Speedily, quickly, swiftly. T. Kö adj. 1. Right, proper, fit, just 2.

s. 385& s. n. A bee.
equal. 3. even, not odd. adv. expres
s. 3642 s. n. A lizard, chamelion, or
sive of assent, Good, very well. §5
3& v. a. 1. To put in order, or ar
s. Körö s. n. Way, road, or path.
s. Söð. s. n. A short cubit, from the range. 2. to level, or make even. 3. to
elbow to the extremity of the closed complete, or finish. Köß) v. n. To
fist. be finished, or completed. K8Häcºo
r. Köc)3 s. n. Friendship. or $83) tº v. a. 1. To adjust; to ar
s. 35& s. n. A bitch. range, or put in order-2. to distribute,
s. KöSo s. n. A pond, or pool. 2, a so that nothing remains. 3. to
string of pearls, or wreath of flowers. finish, conclude, or complete. $83&
s. Söğ So adj. 1. Candid, sincere, ho v. m. l. To be on good terms. 2. to
nest. 2, straight, upright. 3. easy, fit, or suit. 3. to be right, or proper.
simple. 4. to agree with one's wishes, habits,
s. Kööex s. n. plu, in grammar, The taste, &c.; to be pleasing or agree
soft consonants, viz. X & 3 & 9. able. 5. to be complete. 55%-49 v.
r. Köğ adv. Near. a. To examine, or compare, carefully.
s. KößSo adj. Juicy, s. n. A joke. $57," adv. 1. Properly, rightly,
s. Köß - Köß) or $8% s. n. A pond, correctly. 2. equally. 3. in good
orpool. 38%&-sº (from **** order. 4. completely, fully, perfectly.
that grows.) A lotus. §5X s. n. Gold, or silver, lace.

$g 284 Śey

*67 s. n. 1. A gold necklace. 2. s. ;38 Sºo S. n. A snake, or serpent.

gold, or silver, lace.
Kºyº) s. n. Clarified butter. Ghee.
$8& s. n. A river in general. Kößy S.
8 or ŠēēSočcºs s. n. (from s. 39 §§Soß" s. n. The earth.
lord, and s. sº the possessive affir.) *&^* s. n. 1. Water. 2, the soul,
The sea, or ocean. or spirit. 3. the sky, or atmosphere;
T. Sö Tºoeş-KöTºsca or 35 ºf s. m. A the wind. 4, the mind, adj. All-per
sort of gold chain, or necklace. vading.
Köß s. n odds and evens. KöSºč s. n. The twenty-first year,
Gs Kēśv$ s. n. (from P. <yº) in the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
Boundary, extremity, frontier, limit. *S㺠&c, adj. Omniscient, all
$3 ë)3% s. n. A snake, or serpent. wise. KöSºcłº s. n. A name of Siva.
§§§ s. n. Goods, articles, commo KöSFö s. n. The twenty-second
dities, merchandize. year, in the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
K&º, s. n. (from P. S,
KöSº adj. All, entire, whole, com
A superintendent.
***,x*) \

plete, universal. KSSºc & s.

§§§o or §§§ v. a. 1. To arrange. n. (from s. 37:35 inflamer.) A name
2. to distribute what is enough for a of the Hindoo Cupid. Sesºsc
& s. n. (from s. 25 &S who eats.)
few only, in equal shares, amongst
many. KS&S"Ko v. comp. To ar Fire, as the destroyer of all things. SSS
range, &c., for one's own benefit. &oxê s. n. A name of Parvatee s
T. KSex s, n, plu. Chaplets, or wreaths aS ever auspicious. is $3.S&cºs s.
of flowers. n. (from s. *Sº lord.) Siva, as the
G, § 3S, s. n. Glue.(from P. Gº,”) universal deity.
o KöS9 s. n. An iron crow.
K5°º s. n. The lotus. KStee ŠTS??"S& s. n. Assembling a
S. m. A pond abounding with the complete army.
lotus; a multitude of lotus. &ex s. m. plu. A sort of mus
Kºš S. n. (from Py 8,” ) 1. The
tard seed. Sinapis dicho.
government. 2. a district compre Kū‘ax, s. n. vide Kºš)
hending several Purgunas. . Kos s. n. 1. A small sack. 2. a quan
§§ s. n. A chapter, book, or section. tity in capacity, equal to two and a
*3° s. n. 1. Creation. 2. abandon half tooms.
*.*linquishment, 8, nature, natu Šexº~8 s. n. A Hindoo spade, or
ral disposition, -


** *
YSS 285 §3 o
T. ** s. n. Human ordure. Sex 2. the juice, or honey, of flowers.
S’s To feed on ordure. *58° s. n. Requisite implements,
Seá" s. n. (from A. M.A.) 1. articles, &c.
Peace, concord. 2. advice, counsel, Kºsboºv. a. 1. To supply, or fur
**ś s. n. A sledge hammer. nish. 2. to arrange, or put in order, 3.
*en-sºo or Ser-23 s. n. A pearl to prepare.
fishery. & SKS 7" adv. As if observing, but
§ey"So s. n. (from A. exº~) The pretending not to see; as if winking
usual Moosulman salutation; safety, Kºsºvës. n. (P.
blessing, peace. . 9'?” from 5'3",
$9eº.s. n. Water. mounted, riding; a rider.) A convey
T, Kºč) v. a. 1. To make, or do. 2. to ance of any kind; but especially a
wage, or carry on. v. n. To give se palanqueens
were pain. s. n. Severe, or acute, pain. Gs ***ex s. n. (from A. Jyº A
Kºssº s. n. Conversation, familiar question, or interrogatory.
discourse. Kºois To converse, or
Kºyº & or S$8 s. n. The sun.
talk familiarly. K80) s. n. A mother.
º, Köß) v. n. 1. To grumble.2. to give Kºššo adj. Near, proximate.
acute pain. s. n. Severe pain, also
termed Sö 38o3. Kö53% ºy s. n. An ornament
worn by Hindoo females, on the hair.
T. § v. n. To become slack, or loose. Kö8%) Assº, s. n. The Bos
adj. Loose, slack, F-cºs; grunniens.
Wind to escape behind; to fart. SööSo or $58:30 s. n. The hair
run. KS3 s. n. (from s. 338A) The of the Bos-grunniens.
wives of the same husband stand to
Kºšº adj. Left, not right.
each other in the relation denoted by
this word. & Sööğ. A step-mother. **S*o s. n. A name of Arjoona.
3 #S *: & s. n. A charioteer.
Te $5& s. n. 1. Specimen, sample, or
pattern. 2. a sort, or kind adj. Like, te & s. n. 1. Grain, corn. 2. relish, 8.
similar. health. -

Kºšo s. n. 1. A sacrifice, Or Cere Kjºs s. n. An imaginary coin, of

mony in which oblations are presen the value of forty cash.
ted. 2, bathing, preparatory to a sa Kºšº s. n. Grain, corn.
crifice, ** adv. 1. With, together with, 2.
Kºšws, n. 1, A sacrifice, or oblation, even, also.
K3:3* 286 *oss
Sºv's "85% s. n. A fragrant kind Kº Gº &c & s. n. Indra. lit.
of mango. thousand eyed.
K$3v SºčSC&S. s. m. An assistant, or || §§ºoººo s. n. 1. Assistance, suc
associate. cour, aid. 2. protection.
Sã-X:35:30 s. n. (from $3" with, §§ºdºocºs s. n. An assistant, com
and XSoš going.) The burning of a panion, follower, or adherent.
widow alive, with her dead husband. Kºvoº or 33r-oxotó v. a. 1. To
§:3° SöScèS s. n. An attendant, suffer, support, endure, or bear, 2. to
companion, or contemporary. pardon.
$3rºo adv. 1. With, along with.
$3:3-2 s. n. (from s. Sãº" with, and s.
o 2. even, also. adj. Accompanied, in
2; born.) A sister. company with.
$3 tº adj. Patient, enduring,
§:3-2:So s. n. (derivation as above.)
Nature, disposition, adj. 1. Natural, resigned.
innate. 2. proper. 3. true.
§§º)& s. n. A good hearted
§:3-epc& s. n. (derivation as above.)
A brother. §§§§§c:S s. n. (from s. Sº with,
Kºváš)c:3 s. n. The fifth, or and s. 655 the belly.) A brother of
whole blood, one by the same father
youngest, of the Pandoo princes. and mother.
Kºš8, 3 s. n. A wife, or woman
Kä-Sºº adj. 1. Sufferable, to be
married according to the ritual of the
borne. 2. agreeable.
T. Fre adj. in composition, Half; as, Tºre
Kºš-ššo or §3-& s. n. Patience, Toño The half body.
quiet, resignation.
$3.3 vºye S&S 8,
n. Association,
*-os Sº s. n. The Sankhya sys
friendship. tem of philosophy, ascribed original
Kº-C޺ss S. n. The discus, or ly to the moonee Kupila.
missile weapon, of Vishnoo.
*-ox& s. n. Association.
$33ro CŞū) So s. n. A lotus. lit. **oxso adj. Perfect, complete. To
thousand leaved.
8**QX&Complete from beginning
to end.
Kºš" \º)
(š, º&cºs s. n. The sun, lit. *otºs.sº S. n. 1. Conciliation, re
thousand rayed.
concilement. 2, appeasing, consoling.
rºſe Šys S. n. A thousand.
3. entreaty, begging.
*rºc?.3 287 **as
*"ossº s. n. Pleasing and conci. draw out, or elongate, 2, to impor,
tune. *-cxxº To beat out, to
liating language.
*oºs & s. n. Immediate conse elongate by beating. "cKäckºo
quence. To send off, or away. Tº"cNots v.
*'où) So adj. Coarse, gross, thick. caus. 1. To cause to go on, advance,
Tºrºo:375°CŞ3:30 or Rºo;375°oobščoo or proceed; to carry on. 2. to cause
to take effect, to establish. 3. to culti
s. n. War, battle, combat.
*oº?5)cº or ºozºocºs s. n. A
name of Siva, including also his con Te *cºas. n. Cultivation.
sort Parvatee. T. *ēr Sºčo or ºver-z58:30
Tºrºo \ºy tº s. n. Benzoin, *ogy s. m. Barter.

tº 3 s. n. A kind of candle, made T.

**** adj. Like, similar, equal.
chiefly of benzoin, and producing *** s. n. The seminal fluid.
the fragrance of frankincense. T. Trººvgoadj. Of or belonging to the
*"ocº-09&s. n. A voyaging Satanee cast, who worship Vishnoo
merchant. exclusively.
TUD. +S-88 Sº Ils vide Trča. **& s. n. A number of travellers.
Te º'cè3 v.a. 1. To foster, cherish, or *ēss & s. n. One of the Bhavas,
mourish. 2. to bring up, or educate. or classes into which the affections of
S. n. A pretence. the mind, or their expressions, are
T. Tºxº"8 s. n. The aloe. distinguished, in poetry and the dra
Se †"Kößo s. n. (H. rºle.) The sea, ma. This class holds a middle place
between the Sthayi and Vyabhichari
or ocean. Tºxºoc)3 s. n. (from s. Bhavas, and implies the honest and
eoº vesture.) The earth.
spontaneous indication ofstrong feel
T. *X5& s. n. The large leathern ings, as evinced especially in eight
bottle, or bag, used in conveying oil, acts, viz. inability to move whilst
ghee, &c., in India the faculties or limbs are unaffected,
T, †"cKs. n. 1. vide £oãºve So.2, cul perspiration, horripilation, inarticu
tivation, adj. Cultivated. v. n. 1. To late speech, trembling or tremore
go on, proceed, or advance. 2, to ex change of colour, tears, and mental
pand, spread out, or become elongat absorption or indifference, approach
ed; as red hot iron, by beating. 3. to ing to loss of sense, to every object
take effect, to be of considerable
one which engrosses the atten: a
duration. WrcKåcº v, a 1. To
288 **śre
* T, ** adj. (from P. solº.) Plain, *5 s. n. (P. H. o'- A whet

unornamented. stone, or hone.

*A s. n. A charioteer; an elephant Ts *Tº s. n. A lady, a female of rank or
respectability. It is used chiefly as an
***);Sº s. n. Resemblance, si
affix; as, S^3\'s A lady. To
milarity. **o? s. m. plu. Dancing girls,
*:35 & s. m. 1. Practice, exercise, sºo'ſ, *** s. n. A mid
usage. 2. a document. 3, an instru wife. *A*-& s. n. A Rheddy's wife.
ment. 4, any thing eaten with rice. T. *"S"s s. n. An earthen vessel, or
Tºšš s. n. 1. Denial. 2. practice, deep plate.
usage. **ś, s. n. A mountain.
TºšS:30 s. n. 1. Contrivance, ex | Ss **ść s. n. Table land, level ground
pedient, means, 2, instrument, agent. on a mountain.
3. cause. 4. the penis. 5’ premises *3& v. a. To eat.
leading to a conclusion. 6, authority
for the use of a word. *~3;á53, s. n. Friendship.
*T*8 to s. n. 1. The forty-fourth G. ***) adj. (from A. esta) Clean,
year, in the Hindoo cycle of sixty. 2. pure, clear.
a harlot, or courtezan. Ge
7-#3 adj. (from A. ca,[3) Proved,
****śrošo &c. adj. Common, ge established. -

neral, applicable to all.

**@ois v. A. I. To succeed by dint ||
T. **&oësº s. n. Power, authority.

of perseverance; to take, or conquer. *** *y s. n. A thing, article, mate

2. to deny. rial, or implement.
Tº or *Sº adj. 1. Good, virtuous, **śāş, S. n. An elephant.
pious, pure. 2. proper, right, fit. 3. Tºo s. n. 1. The Sama, or third
excellent. 4. handsome, pleasing. 5. of the four Vedas. 2. conciliation,
well born. 6. tame, docile, not vicious, reconciling, appeasing:
as applied to tame animals. *s; Sº s. n. 1. Power, strength.
***Sº &c. adj. 1. Possible, prac. 2. ability, adequacy, cleverness, capa
ticable. 2. curable. -
bility. 3. prowess.
**ścs S. n. An inferior deity, or *S**ścăo s. n. One of an as
demi-god. sembly.
.*S*. m. A chaste wife. G,
**** * * (from P. c.u.L.)
ºrečo 289
Things, articles, materials, furniture, musical instrument, like a fiddle,
apparatus, tools, instruments. mounted with five wires, and played
with a bow.
s. Fºr's Sº adj. Common, general.
TUD. Rºo s. n. vide *S*. *örð s. n. A sluice, drain, or canal.
*öð s. n. A charioteer. . .
r ºrºgots - frºë or ºots s. n. 1.
A proverb, or common saying 2, a *& s. n. 1. The pith, or sap, of
parable. trees. 2. strength, vigour. 3. the es
sence of any thing 4 marrow.
*-ºſ-ºs. n. Proximity.
T'So s. n. Any bodily exercise; as *öäocº& s. n. A dog.
fencing, &c. *83 &ex s. n. plu. vide 2:08 sex.
Tºo Újšº s. n. 1. The inter *& s. n. 1. A lotus. 2. the indi
pretation of spots on the body: 2, a an Crane.

book on that subject. -

Tºroºooo or ºv-5° s. n. Spirituous

*sº s. n. 1. Equality, sameness. liquor, of any kind.
2. likeness, similarity. Tö s. n. in composition, A time, or
** sy & s. n. Imperial rule. turn, in rotation; as zos T-6 once,
**Cºos-esº- 'ºo & sº or &c. -

Tº "cºoë S&S s. n. The evening. *öö Fºoë2 s. n. A crop in low

Toºs & s. n. 1. An arrow. 2. a
wet ground.
sword. -

T-835) S. n. A ridge, or small bank.

Tºrºoººo s. n. Tvening, the close of
*****S* s. n. Obtaining the
same form as that of the deity.
rup. Toº s. m. wide ##"cº.
Tº" & s. n. I. Presents to a daughter
s. ºoº-ºººo s. n. Evening. when sent to her husband's house.
T. +S-oxosºvoº's. m. vide avāzoáš.
2. a pawn, or piece, at the game of
ex-Evoğ. Sogetaloo. 3. a potter's wheel.
s. *~~~$º s. n. Union with the
T. *T3R-T3 or RF-T33 adv. Often,
deity. -
s: ºr "8 ox& s. n. 1. A deer or antelope.
2. a large black bee. 3. the bird term *}< s. n. A multitude; especial
ed the Chataka, or Cuculus melano ly of similar animals, or of travellers;
Zeucos. 4. an elephant. 5, a cloud. 6. a CaraWall.

vide & '8oN.

*śs-ºves s. n. A trader, q;
se *čoń s. n. (H. 3) le.) A small merchant.

frºg) 290 *USR"

*Sºrsº s. m. The elephant of Vedas, the repetition of which forms

Cubera, stationed at the northern an essential part of the ceremonies
point. -
enjoined to the bramin, as daily ob
S. *Sºrºccº s. n. An emperor, servances; the prayer is personified
or universal monarch. as the wife of Brumha, and mystical
**e s. n. 1. A hall. 2. a stable. 3. an mother of the Hindoo classes, which
aVenue. -
are regenerated by investiture with
Tºvey \º) SSSSSo - †"3) \º) $5&o the sacrificial string.
Or **ecºy §§o s. n. The Sala **śoxsº s. n. (from Š with, *š
gramum, or stone sacred to Vishnoo,
eight, and 99X the body.) Prostra
said to be found in the bed of the tion to the ground, so as to touch it
river Gunduk. at once with eight different members
of the body; viz. the two hands, the
Teºoºs s. n. A doll, or puppet.
Tešo s. n. 1. A wall round any two feet, the breast, the forehead,
and the two shoulders.
building. 2. a tree. 3. the Sal tree, or
Shorea robusta. T-e); yoxº S. Il,
T. Tºščex s. m. plu. vide ºvex).
*śS. s. n. The dewlap of an ox.
The coping of a wall.
*eſ's 6 s. n. A female overcome, or **śo s. n. Violence; the per
won, in battle. petration of any act of rapine, or ag
Teſ"&ys so s. n. 1. A dog. 2. a gression.
wolf. 3. a jackal. - *****oš& s. n. A name of Vic
T. Rºcºorſ." Ö3)&X3 s. n. A spider.
* 3 S-cºs s. n. A weaver.
*:3- Ü & s. n. 1. An army, or de
tachment, a thousand strong. 2. the
*"erºssº, s. m. Obtaining exis aggregate of...thousands.
tence in the very place where the
**cº s. n. 1. Assistance, aid,
deity exists. succour. 2. friendship.
**śS㺠s. n. One of the fifty *****6 s. n. A groom.
six countries, enumerated by the *****Sº s. n. 1. Classical know
ledge. 2. an implement.
T'S's"? So s. n. Leisure. -

T. Tºrº;3-co"S"& s. n. (HJ's 220.) A.

*S*"Sºo adj. Directing the at
tention to one object. Soucar, or banker.
G. ****śs s. m. wide 3:3-5-33. *-ūNº. 89% v. n. To appear, or
S Tºrvg) \ºy S. n. The holy verse of the manifest one's-self; as *Sºc &
*Soºre 291 fo&

*-Wºº boº, The deity appear s. ºoºººoºo s. n. videº ošºvcosº.

ed, or manifested himself. s footºo's, n. A throne, as in
s. Tº s. n. A witness, an evidence. India being supported by lions.
Tup. ºbox:So s. m. wide Koºs". s. Footy" s. n. 1. The mother of Rahoo.
T. ºoo-Wºº s. m. A bow. 2. a lioness.
rup. ºoº-8:30 s. n. videº yo~3°. s, boºr's s. n. The mother of Rahoo.
s, foo;3° to So s. n. I. The mucus of the Tup. §§ s.n. vide 34. *
nose. 2. the rust of iron,
co s. *sū s. n. Sandy soil.
s. $ogs. n. 1. The tinkling, or jingling, s, fosty"3Sºcºşo s. n. A sand hill, or
of ornaments. 2, the twang of the bow sand bank;anisland with sandy shores.
string. T. º. s. n. (from P. A. ax…)". A
© -

s. So?& s. m. A bow-string,
seal, or stamp. 2. their impression.
S. foo:33; 30 s. n. The country of
Sa ** s. n. 1. Bee’s wax. 2. a grain of
Sind, along the Indus. boiled rice.
s, fooºººoorºo’s “5:So s. n. 1. Red
lead, minium. 2. an elephant.
S. §§§º s. n. vide T. &#.
Tud. SX s. n. vide 33) No. 2.
s, fooºoë) s. n. 1. The sea. 2. the river
Indus. &oº cºcão A name of
T. §§s. n. 1. Shame. 2 modesty, timi
Vishnoo; as reclining on the ocean. dity. 3. disgrace. §§-95 adj.
s. ºooº s. n. A legume; a pod. Shameless, impudent. ** 3& v. n.
s. £oo:3°3S3 s. n. I. A lion. 2. the sign To be ashamed.
Leo, in the zodiac. adj. in composi- || S. *ścº s. m. Cloth, clothes. "
tion, Pre-eminent. foots-Ryvösºos. m.
T. ºººo s. n. A flag, or banner.
1. A lion's roar. 2, a war hoop ; a r & 3 s. n. 1. A beam of wood, fixed
shout, or war cry, on the onset º on the top of another by a pivot, and
?Soº-65 & '8839 The fourth incarna
tion of Vishnoo, as Narsimha, or in turning, both horizontally, and per
the shape of a man, with a lion's head pendicularly up and down. 2. the sus
and claws. ºocº"eej"tºº or $oo:3v pension of a person from a raised
*5ervè5550 A lion's head on any or beam of this kind, by a double point
nament, or in architecture. ed hook, fixed in the large tendons
ºo::cº 30 s. m. The island of of the back. By lowering the other
end of the beam, he is raised to a
Ceylon. great height, and is swung round
a. Soº-Koº-Essº &c, adj. Hand hanging by the hook, as a sacrifice to
some, well shaped.
- 292 **
the village goddess. This is a cere s: ºbs, n. The day preceding that
mony in which the bramins take no of the new moon. -

part. It is also termed 7"eº G. &#"ox" or 3ºvox vs. n. (from P.

to distinguish it from the same cere cººl**) An indian soldier.
mony, in which, in lieu of the hook,
a basket is used, in which the victim
s. Soºs s. m. A camp.

is seated. This last is termed Kość. T. ºbży s. n. A brazen cover. Śrovºo

§§§o adj. White. s. n. 1. White co &\ The scale of a balance. (P. . . .
lour. 2. sugar. & G"S&C& s. n. Ga º ( 3.j}
rooda, the bird and vehicle of Vish
noo; as being white faced. T. &&yº s. n. 1. Shame, 2. modesty.
T. ºyº S. m. A blotch, or scab.
& Sº, & s. n. Camphor.
&ºcº s. n. Saving in expendi. s &6 s. n. Any tubular vessel of the
ture. body, or one so considered ; as a
$3 S. n. 1. A large leathern bottle, nerve, artery, or tendom.
used for oil, &c. in India. 2. a brazen T. &º s. n. Indian ink.
oil bottle.
run, so a vide & No. 1,2 & 3.
&; sº s. n. A state of readiness, or T. &ex3 s. n. 1. Danger, peril. 2. cala
preparation, adj. 1. Ready, prepared. mity, misfortune.
2. true, certain. T. §§ s. n. plu. A kind of spear, used
Rºos& s. n. 1. Demonstrated in urging on the elephant.
conclusion, established truth. 2. a fa T. &SoN s. n. The leopard.
mous sanscrit work, on astronomy. a. * $ s. n. vide? §, under & I
*::: S. n. The fifty-third year, in cannot trace the derivation of this
, the Hindoo cycle of sixty, word. As opposed to 5 & (from P.
*: §§ S. n. 1. Fulfilment, accomplish Lºscy the hand) money in hand, it
ment, completion. 2. result, effect. 3.
denotes, money outstanding uncollect
Success, tºok v. n. To succeed, or
ed; but when used without reference
take effect; to be accomplished. to that word, it denotes a fired as
sessment in money, as distinguished
&#& S. n. A demi-god, inhabiting from a variable tax, or assessment in
the region between the earth and sun. kind.
º * s. n. A blotch, or scab. S. $5 s. n. 1. A furrow, the track of

*ś, ** s. n. Dried or salt fish. adj. the ploughshare. 2. the wife of Rama.
Scabby. 3, one of the four great branches into
* * toºrs 293
which the Ganges was divided on it's & A particle, and prefix, analogous
fall from mount Meroo. to good, well, or the Greek Eu, and
**śes s. n. The custard apple. implying reverence, worship, honor.
Annona squamosa. 2. assent. 3. increase, prosperity. 4.
TUD. §63 S. n. vide $83. excess, exceeding. 5. pain, distress.
6. pleasure, delight.
*S*s. m. Ploughed, or illed, land. TUD. Šoššo s. n. (from s. §§ So
&&. s. n. 1. The slough of a ser q. v.) Toll, customs. Soš 6 s. n. A
pent 2. poverty, indigence. *

collector of customs, or toll. §oš 6

§§º S. m. The anus. º A custom house.
§§ s: n, 1. A boundary, or limit. 2. T. Soë s. n. A little, adj. Little, short,
a country, or district, and hence ap trifling.
plied to designate, 3. Europe.*&S" Soč6s &c. adj. Bcautiful, hand
& s. n. A turkey, lit, a European fowl. some. Soºb A beautiful female.
$35,063, s. n. 1. A separation of the Koš expc& s. n. A man, liberal in
hair on each side, so as to leave a giving, and using:
distinct line on the top of the head. 2. &S & So adj. Easy, practicable, at
a purificatory and sacrificial ceremo- | tainable.
my, performed in the sixth or eighth s. & '839 &c. adj. 1. Soft, smooth,
month of a Hindoo female's preg
tender. 2. young, youthful.
tud, &c & s. m. wides. 39Sycº.
§3000 s. n..A woman.
$8& s. n. A plough. $83°3 s. n.
Šoš)3& s. n. 1. Virtue, moral
merit. 2, fortune, auspiciousness.
Balarama, the elder brother of §4's - S$ sº or &xsº s. n. 1.
Krishna; as using the plough for a Happiness, pleasure, delight, joy. 2.
weapon. health, welfare, adj. 1. Happy, &c. 2.
be s. n. A nail, pin, peg, clasp, or healthy. Kºº s. n. A pleasant, happy,
screw, of wood or metal. or healthy man. KºotS or Koºp
T. kosso: s. n. The ankle. oxotó To feel pleasure, or joy; to
be happy. sº Kºššo Asafe and
s. §§§sº s. n. Sewing, stitching.
easy delivery, in child-birth. Kośc
*** a n. (H. Les.) 1. Lead, 2. § 290 lit. the pain from pleasure.
* - poetry of aparticular measures The venereal disease.
.o. ** s. n. (from P.&#,A#,) A bottle, SXo3 s. n. A perfume; fragrance.

* * **
glass, or phil. ..
* - - *
* **
** as

s&ei= s, n. The mºnks king,
* ** * * -- * º: ge -

* . * . . .. ºf
. . ~
ºz. ... ', *:... . *

: *, *, aſ:
§oë 294
o - §§y -

the friend and confederate of Rama. §§ s. n. 1. Nectar ; the beverage of

º, &*Scós s. m. A good, virtuous, or immortality, 2, lime, mortar. & Tºo
respectable, man. %cº s. n. lit, nectar rayed. The
T. Så s. n. 1. A whirlpool. 2. curled moon; the supposed repository of
hair. Soã7R-0 A whirlwind. &&^* this beverage. Soº"& "tº The divine
Ko To surround, or encircle. Sãcºo || physician ; as bearing in his hands
To whirl round. S&S & To become this beverage.
confused in battle, & 3 Few s. n. A §§§ s. n. The council, or assembly,
missile weapon. of gods. - |
T. Sãoº s. n. Half a load of beetle leaf. Ge STS"ootº v. a. To plait clothes.
S. SR-8&cs S. n. A name of Indra,
$87V"& s. n. A cemetery, or place
for burning, or burying, the dead. Koš$9 &c. adj. Virtuous, good,
S& s. n. A flock of one hundred
sheep. ***.* n. 1. A cypher. 2, the letter
. §§ s. m. A daughter. °. Sºº lit. to put a cypher. -

T. &ö adv. 1. Since, from. 2. even, also. To refuse, or decline to give.

$5990 s. n. The sixth lower regi &\8 s. n. (from A. cºol. Cir.
on, or hell.
TUD. & 6 s. n. vide s. CŞ,9 No. 3. cumeision. 2, the traditions of Moo
8, S&C& s. n. A son. T.
T. &lº s. n. A hammer.
*A*s a Lime, or mortar. Kºsº.
*** The chunam box used by -

&\SD/scăss. n. A name of Indra. Hindoos, in which a little fine lime
$8 s. n. The point, or end, of any * kept to be rubbed on the beetle
thing. leaf, before it is chewed.
$89 s. m. A female with handsome T.
*A s. n. Powder of any kind.
teeth. -
Kºšºs 5. n. Garvoda, the bird and
S. & "Sº s. n. The discus, or vehicle of Vishnoo; as having a plu
missile weapon of Vishnoo. mage of beautiful feathers.
§§ sm. A sort of white clay, or Kºsº S. n. A god or deity. -
pumice stone.
TUD, §§ s: n, vide §3. & # s. n. Sleep, sleeping.
So (3) &#3 s. n.The elephant at
**** The moral of a fakia, or
tale, the northeast point adj. Handsomeº
well -
- - - made: º
-- - -
&º * º

Soreys. 295 Syvs’

8. §§erºs s. n. Eloquence, ele T. & Cºok's v. a. To throw away, in

gant discourse. disdain.
*Usy * to Scº s. m. A name of the TUD. §38cºS Or SST3 S. n. vide $38s.

Hindoo Mars ; as being the peculiar T. S&º s. n. Red-wood.

guardian of the bramins. | T. Kös"8:30 s. n. Saltpetre.
Koºx& &c, adj. Pleasing to the eye, s: Seº &c, adj. Easy; feasible, at
grateful to the sight. tainable; of easy acquisition, of at
Koº & 2 s. n. The wife of Arjoona, tainment.
and sister of Jagnatha.
Ko&S&Cº. s. n. A god, or immortal.
... serºsº ºn. Spectacles, or eye
Koš35:30 or & SSSSSSo s. n. A flow glasses. .


er, Kºrº s. n. (from s. 523 T. &S) or &exºs. m. I. Facility. 2.

lightness, as opposed to heaviness. 3.
5 dust.) The pollen of a flower.
s, KoćSºśRocºs.n. A name of Dooryo an expedient, or means, adj, vide &
eyº S.
dhana, the chief of the Cooroo family.
s, Sö s. n. Spirituous, or fermented, s. SS tos-ºw s. n. Gold, adj. Of a fine
liquor, adj. in composition only, Of
or belonging to the deities, or gods; s. Sººs s. n. A woman residing in
her father's house.
as, Sö *ścº sºn. (from **ś -

elder.) Brumha, the creator, T. &S interi. This is the chorus used
Kočox& s. n. A hole, such as is by women, at the close of their songs,
made by rats, or by burglars, or in in beating rice.
blasting rocks. -
|s. KSKK. s. n. Exquisite ‘beauty, or
Te SöTN-3) s. n. A whirlwind. splendour.
T. &öö v. n. To flee. s. Koś9 s. n. The gourd, termed Mo
T. Sö& s. n. A fly brush, usually made || - mordica charantia.
s. Sº,8So s. n. 1. A hole, 2, a wind
of the tail of the Bos grunniens.
instrument. *
s- Söö& s. n. Copulation, coition.
$83 s. m. A perfume, or fragrant s. Kºśo adj. Cold, frigid,
s. S&3.s.n. Profound, or deep, sleep.

§§ex s, n, plu. The gods, or deities. 8, §s adj. Well, excellent.

Sº"6 s. n. (from s, ebb an enemy.) s. &Y)&c & s, n. A friend, lit, kind

An Asoor, or infernal being.

5- Sº"Košiº s, n, Yeast, barm, or good hearted. -
s, & "Stºos, n. A hog, * …•
froth, |
"*- *" -

* ..

* * -- a º t
* *
º. --
- º
296 SyvöSc
o a -

tence, enjoining some observance in

Krºść s. n. A spy, or informer.
cº, law or religion, or intimating some
Šºš s. n. A hint, gesture, or ges rule in grammar, logic, &c.; in each
ticulation; conveying intimation by case it is the fundamental and primi
tive part of Hindoo learning, and is
signs. Krºss adj. Conveying the form in which the works of the
meaning, by gestures, or signs. ST early and supposed inspired writers
too to To hint, by signs, or gestures. appear; the ingenuity and labour of
Śrº s. n. A needle.
subsequent authors having expanded
Šºvš s. m. 1. Aim. 2, an expedient. and explained the original Sootras, in
. KräX$oe» s. m. plu. Bracelets of a various commentaries, and glosses.
peculiar make. 4. an opinion, or decree, in law.
. Sºvá &s. n. A rare, or curious, thing. Kºčokoº'ox s. n. The loadstone.
. Sºrºs s. n. An enemy, or foe. Šºšššº &c. adj. Destroying, kil
s. Krešš & s. n. 1. The imaginary ling.
pollution, proceeding from the birth
- Sº
KºśS. s. n. Split pease dressed, 2.
of a child, or from the death of a re mud, or mire. -

Kºrea s. n. A needle.
lation. 2. mercury, or quick silver.
Sºcão s. n. A cook.
Šºvššo s. n. Mercury, or quick §r's s. n. A slaughter house, or
place where animals are killed.
Š-8 s. n. 1. Birth, delivery, parturi Šºvššº s. n. A flower.
tion. 2. offspring, progeny. 3. sewing. Šºvšcºs s. n. A son.
Krôcº s. n. 1. A charioteer. 2. a Kºššo s. n. True and agreeable
man of a mixed race, descended from
a bramin woman, by a man of the se Šºvš'S"&c'.3 s. n. A cook.
cond or martial tribe. 3. the name of
& "3&vāş Şo s. n. Assafºetida.
a sage, pupil of Vyasa.
Šºššo s. n. Split pease dressed.
Krö, *&cło s. n. The princi Śrós 8. s. n. A small knife... *
palactor, or manager, of a company, Kºčeos s. n. The root termed
and chief interlocutor in the prelude
to a drama. Arum campanulatum.
Sº v3,590 s. n. 1. A thread. 2. an s"C" sº s. n. Saltpetre.
expedient, or contrivance. 3. a rule, s. & 6 s. n. A learned man.
a Precept, in morals or science; a & "Scº s. m. l. A learned Duan, 2.
short obscure and technical sen." the sun,


Kºš 297 Tºs

9) *
Tº Kºrº s. n. A side, or direction. Šºšois or º)*o-S v. a. To create,
K-3-K s. n. A kind of triangu 9
make, or form. Šà oð) S. n. Crea

lar parasol. tion. -

Kººyºos, n. A winnowing basket.

*s or ºx s. n. Warmth. Tox8°
Kºrb, s, n. An image of any metal. X&o.
K-8S sºoës s. n. A gem, some Tºseſ"& s. n. Woollen cloth.
times applied to crystal, but usually -->
. -

to a stone of fabulous existence and *Šoš v.a. To evince disgust, or

properties. horror.
Krºścº s. m. The sun. Krºść,
*g S. n. (H. **) e 1. A bed, or
(SJ C& s. n. (from s. &\ºy 0. son)
couch. 2. a basket.
1. Shuni, the planet Saturn. 2. Yama.
3. Varoona the indian neptune. Śr" *š s. n. The title assumed by all
*Šošoxsº S. n. (from s. 9očo members of the Beri, Comtee, or Ba
the moon, and s. Sox& conjunction.) lºja casts, who trade as merchants
The day of the new moon, when it of any description, and usually at
rises invisible. y - Madras written Chitty.
Krš,sº &c. adj. 1. Little, small, Tºxex s. n. plu. vide & SXoo.
minute, atomic. 2, subtle. 3. thin, fine. • *&^ s. n. Danger, calamity, peril.
- §§Sºo Sº Il. The corner of the

Ky& S. n. A short
by the hand.
- - -

arrow, thrown
:. Tošoã s. n. Friendship.

*** s. n. A cant word, used in mea

*uring to denote either a score, or
one hundred.
Kywºo< S. n. (P. Jºãº) Ajackal. . Tºo?"o s. n. A goad.
Kywºos s. n. A female jackal. . Recº v. n. To run about, as appli
Kºyré S. n. An elephant hook. ed to cattle.
Kºyrés' s, m. Saliva. Roºs s. n. A cascade.
Kyº S. n. 1. Way, road, or path. 2. ** = n. The corner of the mouth.
going, proceeding. T. Toei') s. n. vide Yeº).
Kºš Or º-ess. S. n. A bill, or • *s. n. Evil, harm.
beak, of a bird. —sº
*&S so s. n. A cloud.
sa Kºš S. n. 1. Creation, creating. 2. —s ‘2 - - --

mature, natural property or disposi *čS& s. n. 1. Sprinkling. 2, drip

tion, Kºšº &c. adj. Created, made. ping, oozing.
298 *o:3)
*S -

ºść) s. n. 1. A bridge. 2. a cause: T. SK s. n. The place where the hair

way, bank, or mound. parts, when combed down on each
soč s. n. 1. Fatigue. 2. rest. ºx3-3 side of a female's head.
&) To refresh another. T. ºeos. n. plu. A quantity of rice,
*& S. Ile Agriculture, cultivati thrown on the heads of the bride and
Oil, *:Sºcks A cultivator. bridegroom, during the marriage
is . (H. L.) An army.* - -

Tyvoxsºo s. n. (from s. €90X a limb or s. Toºs & s. n. A horse.

S. ºo::ses toº s. n. Rock salt ; as
member.) A component part of an produced in Sind.
army; as elephants, cavalry, chariots,
infantry, &c. *Ryº s. n. 1. Kooma s. Rºssº s. n. A sand bank, or
island with sandy shores.
raswamy, the Hindoo Mars. 2. a
commander or general. "F*** s. T. Rºssº adj. 1. Small, little, minute.
2. handsome.
m. 1. A general or commander. 2, a
title assumed by the heads of the T. Rºx s. m. A sign, hint, token, or wink.
Jandra cast, one of the subdivisions run. Tºcº v. a. To endure, bear, or
of the weaver tribe. suffer.
Tºš) s. n. making in the inflexion TUD, Tºé $o adv. vide &vés.
sing ºë A space, period, or in T. +,&#23 s. n. A brother, or sister.
terval, of time; the time or duration Se -ºcºs s. n. 1. A guard, centinel,
of any event, action, or occupation. or piquet.
Tup. ToğSo s. n. vide $ºsº.
+s -

T. *83 s. n. (***) The measure of s, ºšº s. n. An army.

Tºo (8) s. n. A female artist.

capacity, or weight, termed a seer. T. +3 tº ºn. Patience. `boº v. a.

*5 s. m. Service, servitude, worship, To endure, bear, or suffer.
devotion, zeal. S&C& s. n. A ser S. º s. n. A buffalo.
vant, or attendant ; a man devoted,
or attached to. Tºots v. a. 1. To rup. §"oë8 s. n. vide ŠKoë.
serve, or attend. 2. to serve, worship, T. º sºadj. Ofor belonging to one's-
or honor.
Tºsº s. n. A divine treasure. T. & "o:3) s. n. Beauty, elegance, har
- **Sº s. n. Ploughed land. mony, adj. Beautiful, handsome, ele
—s gant, harmonious. §to:*& To be
*S* &c. adj. Worthy of service, beautiful, agreeable, or pleasant, ºvo
or adoration.
&’sº 299 §§2)

㺠v. n. 1. To shine. 2. to be hand wealth. 3, a jewel, or ornament.

some, or beautiful. frºë7 S. n. vide es;&x337.
§§ S. m. vide Sº v. n. To reel, §"88 S. n. 1. A row of trees, &c. 2.
or stagger; to be intoxicated, or stu successive order. 3. abundance, much.
pified; to be faintish. §§ otSov, *&^ s. n. A shark.

a. To cause to reel, &c. TU D. & 8& s. n. vide KS&.

*xº~ew s. n. A sort of Hindoo T. §"&7Wvš3 s. n. A dry leaf.

backgammon. T. *&^ s. n. 1. The drawer of a table,
*Xctºo v. m. wide *š. or box. 2. a dry leaf v. n. To be in
clined, to fall down from weakness.
*XS or ºxºs.n. Beauty, come *ecº v. n. To be in a languishing,
liness, elegance. adj. Beautiful, hand feeble, or fainting, state. §"ex3) S. Ile
Feebleness, faintness.
fºg s. n. Rice, or broken rice, boil T. *cº s. n. An evil spirit, or Titan.
ed after having been first well heated,
T, * & v.a. 1. To touch. 2. to contract
in a dry state.
by touch; to be affected by contagion.
*gadi & s. m. wide ºf: t. §ºx adj. Long.
*& s. n. Property,
–ſo goods, estate.
perty, g
**** v. n. (from T. sº to
T. &’s s. n. 1. A funeral pile, or a place
touch.) To reach the sky, or the head.
for burning the dead. 2. the fire used §: S. n. A clever, able, or patient,
at the funeral pile. 3. any distressing Iſlan,
intelligence. -

&^** adj. Borne, suffered, endured.

*5 s. n. 1. A cascade. 2, vide *. sy * & s. n. Irony, sneering.
*** s. n. (from H. L.;iyº) Gold.
*&c & s. n. A brother of whole
*Rºle? s, n. (H.Júja gold, or |
blood; lit. of the same womb.
silver, smith. (H. C393. the busi
T. §'a or §º s. n. Fortune-telling.
ness of a goldsmith.) T. * as: s. n. A female fortune-teller.
T. **** * n. (from P. Öt3,” TUD. *::$º s. n. and adj vides. Sº
Ljj" çºby”) A sort of indi
- - 1I]Ollan $º.
T. §'s s. n. Rain ; thin, but long conti
nued, rain.
. *ox3 s. n. Beauty, adj Beautiful. S **śs s. n. A stair, or step.
- **3, º v. n. To swoon, or faint. §ºcié) s. n. Caraway seed.

- *3, s. n. 1. Property. 2. riches, Tup. & 25 Sws, n, vides. **św.

Rºº 300 ****
T. *3 s. n. A blotch, or scab. - Rºzº s. n. Goodness, mildness.
§33:90 s. n. The moon plant. As
. Rºzsvæof or fººls. n. Light
clepias acida. $835.3% s. n. One who
drinks the juice of the asclepias acida, , Rºššo s. n. Any grand edifice; a
at asacrifice.*šosºvº or "sº palace, or mansion.
One who offers the juice of the ascle . RPSoºs s. n. The club of Bala
pias acida, in oblations, at a sacrifice. 7'a?/10.

§ºvěšo s. n. Monday. . RºšCŞo s. n. A butcher.

T. *śr-8s. n. An idle, lazy, person. §s . Fro #$$o s. n. Nocturnal combat.
& "855& s. n. Idleness, laziness.
º *w-x$º S. n. 1. Auspiciousness,
Tud. &’sº s. m. wide s. &#'s. good fortune. 2. the fourth of the as
*>'cºs s. n. 1. The moon. 2. Siva. tronomical Yogas.
3. Cubera.
Rºss s. m. The forty-third year, in
T. & 60A35 s. n. The indian whiting, the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
T. Kºčeoxoë s. n. making the nom. . Nºw &c. adjMild, gentle, placid.
plu, either regular, or *čeoxoğ A *ścº S. n. Boodha, the regent

hole in the wall, or ceiling, used both of the planet Mercury.

as a window, and a chimney. - *8& S. n. Fragrance, odour.
*e s. n. The third subdivision, by R"&"5& s. n. The solar, in con
quartal fractions, of the toom, the tradistinction to the lunar, month.
greatest Teloogoo measure of capaci
ty, of which this word consequently - **s, *rs s. n. The country
denotes the sixty-fourth part. near Surat.

§"ex v, n. To reel, stagger, or be *ě s. n. Saturn.

faint. . R*ēścão s. n. A vender of spirituous
*ºośSºo s. n. Irony, sneering, liquor.
Foº s. n. Beauty, loveliness. . R*& s. n. Beauty, adj. Beautiful.
Rºsº s. n. 1. Health, good con s. RT"> SE-exes easºo s. n. Sochal salt.
dition. 2. convenience. adj. Healthy, . Rºš833 & s. n. A district, appa
in good condition, convenient. rently the part of the Gangetic pro
**S* s. n. Pleasure, happiness. vinces, occupied by the Siveras now
called Sooirs.
*Xoës & s. n. 1. The white water
lily. Nymphea lotus. 2. a ruby. 3. sul Rºšºvs. n. 1. Beauty 2 goodness,
phur. excellence.
Rºcºs S, In, A tailor. *
- ****So s, n. Friendship.
º 2) 301 Q)
§ o&c & S. n. A name of Kooma 35°sº s. n. (from s, 8°35
raswamy, the Hindoo Mars. hair.) A hog. lit, stiff haired. * *
$ 93s S. n. 1. The trunk of a tree. Fºssº s. m. wide Tºššo.
2. the shoulder, or head of the hu
$º adj. 1. Unsteady, shaking,
wavering. 2, wet, moist. º *-
§ oº's "Ssº, s. n. A camp. §3 or Š5& s. n. Pfaise, flattery,
§ Nº adj. I. Fallen, fallen down,
or from. 2. oozing. encomium, eulogium, panegyric. &
boºor $90000+& v.a. To praise,
§ºss s. n. 1. Stumbling, slipping, flatter, commend, or approve."
tripping. 2. falling from virtue. 3.
making a mistake in speech, or pro $8$º &c. adj. Laudable, praise
nunciation. 4. a knock, or shock ;
collision. . . . §º s. n. A mound, heap, or
S. $oss s. n. 1. Circumvention, 2. pile, of earth, &c.
–S * - º

filling, tumbling, slipping. lºcłº s. n. A thief, or robber.

&oºšo s. n. 1. A shrub. 2. a clump º S. n. Theft, robbery, ºos
of grass. 3. a sheaf of corn. S. n. A thief, or robber.
Šo 38& s. n. An elephant. §§Św s. n. Little, small.
Šo? & s. n. The suppression of 3.05, sº s. n. Praise, flattery, ap
any faculty, by magical means. plause, commendation. &. Uors To
Koº & s. n. 1. A post, or pillar. 2. praise, commend, or flatter.
£ºs s. n. 1. A heap, number,
insensibility, want offeeling, or exci
tability. 32% ow's To cease, or stop.
flock or multitude. 2. riches, wealth.
*%, S. m. A woman. adj. Female,
Se _ºssº s. n. A woman's breast. Š
Soºcºocºo An infant at the breast. C)

$5 oxº) s. n. A cloud. & Čozºs s. n. Beetle nut, and

'Kºššo s. m. Thunder.
§§§º s. m. Milk. S.

$2, §§30 s. n. A cluster of flowers,

Šećes S. n. 1. A levelled square
piece of ground, prepared for a sacri
a nosegay. fice. 2. property, wealth.
$28s & s. n. 1. A fence, or rail
ing. 2. a pillar. §se S. n. I. A carpenter. 2, a so
sº &c. adj. 1. Stopped, blocked vereign. 3. a guard, or door-keeper,
up. 2, firm, stiff, 3, dull, stupid. Keº
or $ºs s, n. 1. A place, or

Tºrº 302 *AS
site. 2. soil, dry or firm ground 3. S. &&. &c, adj. I. Stayed, stopped. 2.
* residence. standing,
Sº $28s &c. adj. I. Old, aged. 2. s. &8 s. n. 1. Condition, state. 2. pro
firm, fixed. perty, wealth. *#9 Landed pro
S - §§s &c. adj. Wery fat, corpulent, perty. $ºscºck A man of pro
or big. perty.
s. # twº S. n. 1. Siva. 2, the trunk of §'ss. nn. The earth
§§ -

a tree from which the branches have

§§s &c. adj. 1. Firm, fixed, steady,
been lopped off.
8. #'ss's s. n. A city, or town. immoveable, stable. 2. permanent,
S. #sŞo s. n. 1. Place, spot, site, situ ** s. n. 1. An iron image. 2, an
ation. 2. a house, or residence. anvil. 3, a post, or pillar.(P.c,5*):
"s. §sses S. n. A fixed worshipper, S. §res &c. adj. Big, corpulent,
. . in a Hindoo temple. bulky. s. n. A tent.
s - #ss #’ss& Or s. n. Fixing or Sº §r-9 S. m. A camel.
concentrating the thoughts. #85 Tºšº S. m. Firmness, steadiness,
& adj. Firm, steady, established. o

#&ois v. a. 1. To establish, make
good, or confirm. 2. to place, or TºššC& s. n. An initiated house
• deposite. holder, a man of the three first class
s. ** adj. Permanent, steady, firm, es who, having completed the term
invariable. prescribed for his studies, becomes
S. #esºs S. n. The overseer of a a housekeeper; if at the end of this
period, he has not acquired a know
ledge of the Veda, he is called Vra
S. ão s. n. A cup, bason, or plate; any tasmataca, if he has acquired that
culinary vessel. knowledge earlier, he is termed
S. #o s. n. Any small pot.
Vidyasmataca, and if he finishes his
S. †s & adj. Fixed, stationary, sta regular studies at the same time that
ble, immoveable; real, as applied to the period of study expires, he is
property. named Ubhayasnataca.
S, §sº adj. Permanent, firm, Sta
TASS or Šºššº s. n. Ablu
ble, durable, eternal, tion, bathing.
Kyeo KSº,
*"sº s. n. A tendon, or muscle, recollect, or remember. 2. to be ma
nifest, or clear.
S. łºśs &c. adj. Smooth, bland,
S, Kybox< s. n. A spark of fire. "
soft, oily, unctuous.
Koš s. m. A daughter-in-law.
*yº s, n. The expanded hood of a
*º-sº s. n. 1. Friendship, inti serpent
- macy, affection, kindness, 2 oil, un *yers s. n. A boil, or tumor;
guent. *A*otºv.a. To cultivate, hence, in Teloogoo, used to denote
£he small por.
or court, another's friendship.
§.cºšo s. n. 1. Pride, arrogance, 2.
Tºrºcºs s. n. A friend, compa wonder, surprize.
mionºr comrade.
ŠNº. s. n. Envy, emulation, rivalry. §,5so s. n. Recollection, memory.
Ś.80% or § 5 oxo tº v. a. 1. To
Kyö) s. n. Contact, touch. think. 2. to recollect, or remember, 3.
Kyºs s. n. 1. Touch, contact. 2. to invoke, or meditate on.
the wind, or air.
3.86% s, n. Cama, the Hindoo Cu
Kyºsosº S. n. A frog. pid. SºNSScēº s. n. Vishnoo, as his
KS$º adj. Clear, evident, manifest, o

apparent, conspicuous, easy, intelli spiritual father. É,83 Sº s. n.

gible. (from s. *S* a flag or banner.) The
KS Sºos v. a. To touch, to feel. penis. §§§32& s. n. (from S. Kº
Ky sº s. n. Contact, touch, feeling. a friend.) The moon.
*N Sº s. n. Wish, or desire. 3.53% S. n. A smile, adj. Blown, ex
S, Kyºs. n. The expanded hood of a S.
§, 99 s. n. 1, Recollection, remem
serpent. brance, mémory. 2. law, the body of
Se Kyºs's s. m. Crystal. law as delivered originally by Menu,
S. tºyºs, adj. Large, great. Yajnawalkya, and other inspired le
*yś- s. m. The buttock. . gislators, to their respective pupils,
and committed by them, from recol
S. ºyºs adj. 1. Much, many, 2. cn lection, to writing. 3, a law book, a
larged. code of laws.
&yº adj. 1. Blown, opened, ex S. KSośsº s. n. 1. A car, or chariot,
panded. 2, apparent, evident, mani 2, dropping, oozing. -

fest. §ºw s, n. Specd, velocity, swift

$: Sybok OY Kyºs v, n, 1. To Il CŞS.
\ºyö KS3 304

KSSAs adj, Flowing, dropping, Tud. KSoššo adj. (from s. KS self)

trickling. One's own; proper, private, peculiar,
§ºrsSo s. n. 1. Time. 2. a cloud. belonging to one's-self.
3.an ant-hill. - -

KSºo& &c. adj. Unrestrained,

* Sºcº, Or *Socº s. n. A uncontrouled, self-willed.
wife's brother. -

KSºº adj. Pure, transparent, pel

Šºššº s. n. A sack, adj. Sewn. lucid.

STS9 s. n. Sewing, stitching, - Ksºcºs S. n. A distant kinsman.

Sršº s. n. A sack. .. . .

Ú/3. Or
Sjøsº S. n. A chaplet,
º *Séoùº adj. Independent,
free, self-willed. s. n. Independence.
wreath, or garland. KSöSºx' S. n. 1. Self-existence, in
Čy X3 v. n. vide Kºš. dependent being, 2. own right, or
SJ; S. n. A fart. property.
Ú So 8 s. m. A river. KS39 s. n. An axe.
\Syss Or \Riv /5 Šo s. n. Drop KSºo s. n. Sound.

ping, oozing. Č. &ois To drop, or KSºśs. n. 1. A dream. 2, sleep*S

§§§oxić. To dream.
\º S. n. Brumha.
KS*X, s. n. The seventeenth year,
S. US/Sº, adj. Fallen down, off, or
in the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
* -* O
*S*5& s. n. Nature; natural
(Syºğ– or QS) & s. n. A sort of
state, property, or disposition.
ladle, used in pouring ghee, into the
sacrificial fire. KS&otºs & s. n. 1. Articles re
Š) $ v. n. To become less, weak, quisite for the preparation of food.
or fatigued. s. n. Fatigue. Š)§ 23; W.
2. cooking or preparing food. KS
cºoººs s. n. A cook.
a.To make less; to weaken, or fatigue. S. KS&oºcºs S. m. lit. self-existent.
\Syöß adj. Dropped, fallen, 1. Brumha. 2. Vishnoo. 3. Siva.
\S/9 s. n. Dropping, falling, §§ºošššº s. n. The ceremony of
\Syššo s. n. A ladle, used in sacri a young female selecting her own
husband, from a large assembly of
(*) & or (* Jöß) s. n. A na young men. §§Sość s. n. A girl
tural, or rapid, stream. who selects her husband.
(* ) &Sº S. n. A river, ޺w s, n, 1. Sound, 2, a musical
* SS 305 *Sè
note. 3. vocal sound, the voice. 4. an *S*s S. n. Sleep, sleeping.
accent. 5. air, breath through the mos *"Sº S. m. 1. A god, or deity. 2. a
trils. 6. in grammar, a vowel. chief, lord, or master. 3, a husband. 4.
KS& s. n. Heaven, Indra's para a king, or governor. 5. an owner, or
dise. proprietor. * Sº \Sºº-sº Trea

KS& s. n. Indra's thunderbolt. son; treachery to a superior.

*"S&Sº s. n. Principal or chief
KS & "3So s. n. Natural figure,
aim, object, intention, or meaning. lit.
shape, form, state, or purpose. KS&" it’s own juice. adj. Pleasing, delicious.
3F"? Sºo s. n. lit. destruction of *S** S. m. Indra.
the natural form. Disgrace.
KS& s. n. Gold, KS;s'8& A
*S. Sº s. n. 1. Wealth, property.
2. content, happiness. 3. fortitude,
gold Smith. firmness.
KS&A s. n. The Ganges of heaven. *S*" interj. An exclamation, used
*Stºck s. m. Rahoo, the perso in making oblations to the gods, s. n.
nified ascending node. A personification thereof, as the wife
K.S."Ś So s. n. Heaven. of fire, and goddess presiding over
burnt offerings.
KSºYºo adj. Very small, or few; §s-83, S. n. Adoption. *S*ěois
trifling. To adopt.
KSK s. n. A sister.
*Sº &c. adj. Own, relating or
KS & s. m. A particle, expressive of belonging to one's-self.
—S O
benediction, or approbation
*śsor *Soissº s.n. The mind, *S&Soe» s. n. plu. Worms, in
sects, &c. engendered by heat and
or faculty of thought and feeling. damp. - -

*São S/Sº s. n. Independence. “Sº s. m. An iron plate, used as a

*"Sº s. n. The fifteenth lunar man frying pan.
sion, consisting of the star Arcturus.
“Sº s. n. 1. Sweat, perspiration.
*"Sººs s. n. The grape. 2. warmth, heat.
*"Sº s. n. Sweetness, excellence.
adj. Sweet, excellent, agreeable. TºS & or Tº Sé adj. Self-willed,
* Sº Sº S. n. Inaudible read unrestrained.

ing, or muttering of the Vedas, &c. ºS8:3

S. n. An adultress, or un
ss *—SS & s. n. Sound, noise. chaste wife.

3-5S 306
3-> T. *& s. n. An opportunity.
- U16'llite- S. :3-Kºssoočáč - 3-Koš-šocãº-3-
:3-o The forty-ninth letter, and thirty Košocão or $*NoS$o s. n. The mon
fourth consonant, in the Teloogoo key chief Hanooman, the ally and spy
alphabet. of Rama, in his invasion of Ceylon,
3-voř3 or $voººo s. n. 1. A swan; a since deified, and worshipped by the
fabulous bird of that species, thought followers of Vishnoo.
now to be extinct. 2, one of the vital 3-Koš) s. n. The jaw.
airs, ºvoSayvävKocão.s.n. Brumha; 8, 3-voº::$roë's sºos. m. The shrub term
as having the swan for his vehicle. ed Nerium odorum. .
3-votºs sº s. n. An ornament for the zºvoº s. n. A horse. Svoº's"
feet, described as resembling the Kocášo s. n. Cubera, whose vehicle is
swan's foot. the horse.
3-voššves So s. m. The hump on the $vö to:So s. m. 1. Taking, accepting,
shoulder of Indian cattle.
seizing, carrying off. 2. a special gift,
zºvoº s. m. The female of the ºoº as a nuptial present, &c.
q. V. 3-8&o adj. Expelling, delivering ;
sºck s. n. The sun. counteracting evil effects. *boº
$vºr"eos s. n. 1. The gate of a man or 3~8 oxyotº v. n. 1. To expel, de
sion. 2 a royal court. liver, take away, or counteract evil
zºo s. n. A market, or fair. effects. 2. to be digested. v. a. To car
ry off, or usurp. 3-8otSS"Ko v.
Se 3vě So s. n. Violence, rapine. K-Tº"
tº bois To violate, or force. comp. To possess a strong power of
ise :--sºn" adv. Suddenly. digestion.
Se $3.8 s. n. 1. A lion. 2. a snake, or ser
3věššC&s. n. A coward, or poltroon.
$vššo &c. adj. 1. Killed, beaten, pent. 3, a monkey.4, a horse. 5. afrog.
6. Vishnoo. 7. Yama. 8. Indra. 9. air,
destroyed. 2. disappointed.***&#5 wind. 10, the moon. 11, the sun. 12.
cºo v. a. To kill, destroy, or ruin.
green colour.
. Sº v. n. 1. To be joined, or attach 3-8&cs s. n. A thief, or robber
ed. 2. to be obtained, as applied to a
Se 3-bºcão s. n. Siva.
situation, or employment. § 30°
T. 3-8&ºe» s. n. A basket boat, such as
v. a. 1. To join, unite, or attach, 2 to is used on the Tomboodra, and other
bestow, or give, an employment.
| rivers, in the Deccan.
S. *-i-S s, n. Murder, slaughter, kill |

! S. 3-8:30:55% s. n. 1. A yellow, or
3-8 307 $3 vºo

very fragrant species of, sandal-wood. Se 3-83& s. n. Siva.

2. one of the trees of paradise. T. 3-&$) s. m. Contrivance, method,
$"bºos s. n. 1. A deer, or ante address.

lope. 2, white colour, adj. White. T, *** s. n. (P. 3,98.3°) A mes

*b*.. n. (H oxº 1. A deer, 2. senger, courier, or spy.
a golden image. *8. Sº s. n. A palace, or great
$*ěčo s. n. The colour green adj. mansion.
Green, verdant. <-85%.S& S. n. Indra.
3-575-8:30 Or t3-838 30's. n. Yel <-8Sks S. n. A lion.
low orpiment. Se <-8$ºcºs s. n. Cubera.
3-8& s. n. 1. The colour green, 2. *śs-Ko s. n. Joy, gladness, happi
a quarter, or point, of the compass. ness, ºs-ow To rejoice. 3-&s-
3-83 §§cº s. n. The sun. & So &c. adj. Rejoiced.
*BS, s. n. Turmerick. $veyS$o s. n. (H. J.9) A plough.
#-85,28 s. n. An emerald. *erºes s. n. 1. A sort of poi
tº-8&oºs & s. n. Chick pea. Ci son, 2. the saliva of a horse. .
cer arietinum. S. *0 s. n. Balarama, the elder bro
*3-85o&c & s. n. Indra. ther of Krishna.
§-6 ºr easºos. m. A small metal plate. *Sºo adj. Ploughed, tilled.
3-83 & s. n. Siva. *gs & s. n. The red lotus.
8, *b*A*Sºcº, s. n. A sovereign, $ºgs"sº or <-ººo- Se

the twenty-eighth of the solar dynas n. Tumult, confusion, disorder.

•º -

ty in the second age, celebrated for *S*@ex) s. n. plu. in grammar, The

his piety and liberality, and who on
those accounts was elevated, toge *sº s. n. 1. Calling, a call. 2.
ther with his subjects, to heaven ; sacrifice, oblation.
having been insidiously induced by Se
*9&ys. n. Anything offered, or
Narada to relate his actions, with intended to be offered, as an oblation,
‘unbecoming pride, he descended from usually clarified butter.
Swurga, a stage at each sentence, till
stopping in time, and doing homage *śSº s. n. An offering to the gods.
•º * wº

to the gods, he was fixed, with his **S**śwcº *S*** or -

capital, in mid-air. 3rošŠ Fºcșo s. n. Fire, as bear

3-8:3-cºocąśo s. n. 1. The sun. 2. ing oblations. -

Indra, *Šoë s. n. A portable furnace.

3-88 308 £y-8

. 3's Sº s. n. (H. Lººkº to S. *es.n.Vinous, or spirituous, liquor.

laugh.) Laughter, laughing. -
**śves s. n. A sort of poison,
or Venom.
. 3 vºo s. n. A laugh, or smile.
3- s. n. The thirteenth lunar *9 s. n. Joy, gladness.
-2 - -

mansion. *sº s. n. Any feminine act of

. .3" Kºo s. n. 1. The hand. 2. a cubit. amorous pastime, or tending to ex
3. the elephant's trunk. & Söes cite amorous sensations; coquetry,
blandishment, dalliance.
The palm of the hand. 3-5:36.8 s.
n. Hand writing, signature. *** s. n. 1. Laughing, laughter.
3ro º s. n. An elephant.
2. a jest, jeering. 3. mimicry.
3r"ox38 & s. n. Vermilion.
. 3-0 §§4's s. n. A raised place over &-oxºs. m. Assafoetida.
the gate of a city, or fort. ºrvosº, s. n. (H. 3,549) I.
. 3 #5 s. n. 1. A female elephant. 2.
a female of one of the four kinds A long palanqueen. 2, one of the per
sonified musical modes.
into which women are classed, and
described as of low stature, corpulent & "os s. n. 1. Injury, mischief 2.
habits, curly hair, dark complexion, murder, killing. 3. trouble, difficulty.
£roo Vºy So &c. adj. Mischievous,
libidinous appetite, and furious pas
sions. hurtful, injurious. 33°oºoowo v. a. 1.
To injure. 2. to kill.
. 3 #3&C& s. n. An elephant
driver. £rs s. n. Hiccup. …

. 3 #3)& s. n. The city of Delhi. 3r-530 or ºvº) s. n. An agreea

. 38°35 & s. m. Gold. | ble, suitable, or obliging, service. adj.
. §º s. n. 1. Loss, privation. 2. da Agreeable, fit, acceptable, suitable.
mage, harm. 3. ruin. 4, abandoning. 3rºcºs s. n. A friend.
. 38o35& s. n. A year. & "sº s. n. 1. Frost. 2. snow. 3.
. §ºooo s. n. Happiness, quiet, peace. winter, adj. Cold. 3-335očo The
adj. Happy. -
Himalaya mountains.
*öğcós s. n. 1. A thief. 2. a cheat, £rossoºvexys or 3rºvá-Sº S.
or rogue. 3. a gambler. n. Camphor.
. 3883 s. n. vide tº 3. S. 3rºos s. n. Hoar-frost.
*& s. n. A necklace, or garland. 3-8 ra.cºsº adj. Golden.
, sº adj. Pleasant, charming, agreea-||s. 3-8 tº s. n. 1. Gold. 2. wealth,
ble. property. 3-8 rºšxºrck St In.
sº 309 +rº)

Brumha ; as springing from the sºcºs S. n. Vishnoo.

mundane egg of gold, or golden co 3:);* &c. adj. Pleased, glad.
lour. *8t-Sº-ºw. & s. n. Siva ;
Tºš s. n. pl. Eunuchs.
as golden armed.
ºr'ssº &c. adj. Deficient, defective.
+ºbs S. n. 1. Gladness, plea
sure. 2. caution, precaution.
2. vile, low, base. 3. left, abandoned.
;: s. n. Lutchmi.
Ts ºrvº) v. n. To increase, or become
S & "8& s. n. (H. yº ) A diamond. augmented adj. More, much."ºr"ºyo
* v. a. To augment, or increase.
<wo sº Or sºvos)0 s. n. (H. -S co

JKº) A roar, or loud noise. Švoo *čºo s. n. Passion, anger.

*0 s. n. 1. Flame. 2. a weapon.
ŚēotSo To roar aloud. ºr-tº s. n. Cause, reason, origin,
3-woà or ºvo & s. n. (from H. motive.
cº *...}} 13) A bill of ex *r-sºočo s. n. Winter; the cold
change. season, vide ºvºotº un
Švoë, "3-woë3 s. n. Great haste. der 2000&S$).
- ºrvºys'& s. n. The flower
$ºw& s. n. A small drum, in
shape like an hour glass. termed Michelia champaca.
*r-sºo s. n. Gold. ºr two tº 1.
*wēzóš - ºvásávcº or To become gold. 2. to become puffed
3-woº Koc & s. n. The god of fire.
up, by riches.
<w$3_ or <-wºos s. n. A lie, or Tºrºeof) s. n. The thirty-first year,
in the Hindoo cycle of sixty.
3-orw8 s. n. A call, calling. *r-sº-oxºcºs s. n. 1. Brumha. 2.
3 orw8).5×o s. n. Crookedness; li
teral, or figurative.
-Érossºv \ºy s. m. The mountain Me
3:)0 s. n. The taking away by force, 7°00,
or fraud. 3.)& adj. Taken by
force, or fraud. ºrvºo-ocºs s. n. Ganesa.
zºossº s. n. 1. The mind; the +r-ović:30 adj. Much, many.
seat, or faculty, of thought or feeling.
ºre s. n. Wanton dalliance ; lasci
2. the heart. -
vious endearment.

zºo adj. Dear, beloved, che Tºrº Sºo s. n. Disrespect, disregard,

rished. contempt.

zºsº s. m. An organ of sense. Tºrº s. n. The sun.

*s 310 &cº

Tud. Érºs $ož) s. n, vide ºrse,03). §

s ºrº s. n. Neighing. —->{44—

ºv$5.8 s. n. Parvatee. 2, the Gan * This is the fiftieth letter, and thirty
ges. fifth consonant, in the Teloogoo al
s, ºr cºox$530s. n. 1. Clarified but phabet; but no words in the language
ter, prepared a day before it is used. begin with it.
2. fresh butter. &
T. ~&vootºs"8 s. n. A person who de -e—O—e- -

ceives one, in one's own presence.

& The fifty-first, or last letter, and thir
*SvocºSexy s. n. A gesture, or affect
ty-sixth consonant, in the Teloogoo
ed gait.
Tºč s. n. A priest presiding over a s &ots s. n. Apatient man.
burnt sacrifice.
s. & eos s. n. Night.
Tºšo s. n. A burnt offering; the & eo Ú & or Štěš s. n. Lightning.
casting of clarified butter, &c. into the
sacred fire, as an offering to the gods,
Se &tos s. n. An instant, or moment,
accompanied with prayers or invoca of time.

tions, according to the object of the S, <& s. n. Blood.

&ësº s. n. A wound, sore, or hurt.
s. Tº s. n. An hour; the twenty s. & 3 s. n. A charioteer. - *

fourth part of a day. s. & Úsº s. n. The second pure Hin

T. Tº s. n. 1. Expedient, contrivance. doo tribe, the regal or military cast.
2. a person clever at expedients.
s. Tº s. n. The Holi feast. & ©ycºrrº A female of that tribe.
&\5, sºck s, n. A man of that
S. Cºyº S. n. A deep lake. tribe.
S., (3-) & adj. Short, little, low. &:3 Night. &#yvš83c23 S. The
S. n.

s: n, in grammar, A short vowel. The moon; literally, causing night.

(#5) as s. n. 1. Indra's thunderbolt. s. & s. n. 1. The earth. 2. patience.
º,lightning. §
3. pardon, forgiveness.
s' Q&D) s. n. Shame, modesty. Very go s. &&. s. m. 1. Patience. 2. pardon,
So or &y 5& &c. adj. Ashamed. forgiveness. adj. 1. Patient. 2. able,
S. \ºyº s: n, vide ºrº, capable. &#80% v. a. To pardon,
or forgive.
se *& S. m. Joy,
pleasure. s. &cºs. n. 1. The sixtieth year, in the
& eos. 311 R$.5
Hindoo cycle of sixty. 2. consump &ös s. n. Sneezing.
tion. 3. loss, waste, decrease. &owo S. && or Šºš s. n. Hunger.
tº To be destroyed, wasted, or de S. & (8) So &c. adj. 1. Small, little. 2.
creased; to decay. mean, low. 3, mean, niggardly, avari
&cºo s. n. 1. A destruction of the
cious. 4. cruel. 5. poor, indigent. §§
world. 2. loss, waste. 3. a house, or
(º) exºs. To tell tales of any
One. & Gyeo'à& To intrigue,
&5&č) s. n. 1. Sneezing. 2, a cough.
or conspire.
&5&o s. n. 1. Sneezing. 2, black
Se &#8& &c. adj. Hungered, hun
&Wºoë s. n. Patience, forbearance.
s. SNP&So s. n. A famine. ÚSö Ús S. m. An arrow, with a

&W'ös & s. n. A blossom, or young horse-shoe head.

bud. &ö& s. n. A razor.
tºo s. n. 1. Salt. 2. black ashes. &6 s. n. A barber.
&8 s. n. 1. The earth. 2, an abode,
&ºssº &c. adj. 1. Little, small. 2.
or dwelling. 3. wane, loss, destruc hard. 3. poor, indigent. 4."ºw, vile.
tion. 4. the period of the general de
struction of the universe. 5. wicked, malicious, abandoned.
& &c. adj. Thrown, cast, sent, &veats s. n. Disgrace.
dismissed. * 5, scº s. n. A son born of

*\s, sº adj. Quick, adv. Quickly. the wife, by a kinsman, or person

$33, adj. Thin, emaciated, feeble,
duly appointed to procreate issue to
slender, less. the husband.
&asso &c. adj. Drunk, intoxicated. ū) ºcé S. n. The soul, the
4.8s s. n. 1. Milk 2 water. emanation of divinity residing in the
$º-sºs. &cºp or 48"< body.
s.n. The sea of milk; one of the seven * 5, sº s. n. 1. A field. 2. the
seas, surrounding as many worlds.
$ºsses S. n. Lutchmi; as
body. 3. a wife. 4. a pure, or sacred,
spot; a place of pilgrimage, as Be
sprung from that sea. nares, &c. 5, a geometrical figure.
S. &eqSKo &c. adjl. Versed in sacred **śros s. n. 1. Sending, directing.
science, but described as unable to
2 passing away time.
explain, or teach it. 2. bruised, -º.

pounded. * |' S, &#13 s. n. An oar,

Râş 312 *S*
S. Rºssº s. n. 1 Sending, dismissing. S* & tº s. n. The earth.
2.throwing, casting. 3. delay, dilatori S. & s. n. Powder, pulverized
ness. 4. disrespect, contempt. 5.pas substance, dust.
sing away time. & s. n. Grief, sorrow. &ºo &
Ríºs &&cadj. Auspicious, pro To grieve, or be sorrowful.
pitious; conferring good fortune, or Ǻys s. n. Honey.
happiness. Gººs s. n. 1. An airy room, on
S, $$$$$o s. n. 1. Happiness, well the top of a house. 2, wove silk.
being, welfare, health. 2. preserving, & Sºo s. n. Shaving.
protecting, keeping what is acquired. Cº. s. n. The earth. [5]
-6 *) & s. n.

3. final emancipation, or eternal hap A king ; as protecting it.

piness. adj. Happy, well, in good Sº S. n. 1. A war whoop, or battle
health, prosperous. cry. 2. a bamboo rod, or stake.

Page. Column. Line.

2 2 29 For hand in, Read hand, in

5 l 24 35 bathe 35 bathe,
5 1 30 35
e.Soë3o43 52 T. &Soë3o43
7 1 27 35
ID. 33 Tud.
7 1 27 25 vid 55 vide
7 2 17 33 eSoč7V-23 33 €90&TVocê3.
9 l 24 35 froms. 33 from s.
9 2 3 32 from s.
25 froms.
10 2 16 es) 55

14 1 11 39 *Cºy & *Cº) sº

16 1 37 33 frm from
18 2 6 52 e5 soxc X* º 35 €922.cxc?"&co
24 l 35 35 moarls. 33 morals.
39 2 35 esº, e83. 33 ex3, tº •
52 2 16 » desease
35 disease
53 l 26 93. *2 privative 33 ° a privative
55 2 33 2x diety 50 deity
55 2 35 25 &BS ey'Seº e3Seºšešo
56 2 33 33
61 2 9 33
€35:5-5:30 55 s. & CŞS$5.8%)
67 1 5 39 recline. 53 recline
83 2 33 33 988s. 39 gº3T3.
88 2 33 first of
33 93. first day of
96 2 5 35
eradicate 95 to eradicate
107 1 28 35 êºx3 33 écx3
115 1 28 $ció)
#3) 22
133 1 26 35 T. Se

139 2 21 32 of dark of a dark


140 1 24 33
rght 13 right
149 2. 14 92 tow 25 two
171 2 28 3.p
fingers 32 a finger
173 1 32 3.3.
's-SSc:3 >> Tsvá) SC&
180 l 30 §§ 8 :
Page. Column. Line.

180 2
29 For lingfal Read falling
181 6 55 Ot. 23 Ol'
182 I 59 daugther , daughter
I83 22 33 buffaloe , buffalo
198 3 33
§ cºo 25 Sºcºo
206 28 33 És º sºo 35 és jº
212 30 55
T.Xº , s. X&o
231 18 35

244 31 35 sº Goºse º
T. EO ,, s. too? ºs
252 23 25 crakling , crackling
261 27 52
S. n. 1.
S. n. 1. A
- - -

267 l 25 negligence , negligence,

297 17 39 authers , authors
298 4 33
skilled , or skilled
303 I 53 . ,, .3038
303 2 32 as as-
,, .3s 38
322 3 92 35

3.31 27 33 **, l
2nd Volume.
1, languages.

lions , loins
32 14 5. tooms , 5 tooms
40 27 23
37s, ecº 33 3~,9&
‘āyvöS$30 -āyviº So
55 23 33 95

COCoaunt cocoanut
58 33 35
yviº So 23
59 35

60 12
§§y • *. $30
35 , & &)
61 10 35 *:
,, Auger,
, Šošº
77 12 33

77 21
º:3-#983 , Tºo $383
78 14 35
subºrb , suburb
85 33
rtain , strain
104 26 33 lation , regulation
126 12 33
zeal e , zeal,
160 30 35
on's-self ,, one's-self
164 33
sº-socães, , sº sešess
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