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DIRECTION: Define the following in your own words. Minimum

of 100 WORDS per topic in your OWN WORDS. COPY PASTE is
1. Radio Wave Propagation
2. Polarization
3. Analog Signal
4. Digital Signal
5. Noise
6. Data Communication
7. Broad Band Communication System
8. Frequency Modulation
9. Oscillator
10. Digital Transmission

DIRECTION: Define the following in your own words.

Radio Wave Propagation- The radio waves propagation has an outwards from the
antenna, at the speed of lights. This exact nature has an these waves is to determine by
the transmission medium. These in the free space they had a travel in the straight lines,
have they whereas in the atmosphere they generally travel in theme curved path.

Polarization- The polarization is the attribute that was wave oscillations have that
definite the directions relative that direction of the propagation of the waves. The EM
waves are the transverse waves that may be polarized. That direction of the polarization
is to define that be direction parallel to the electric field of that EM waves.

Analog Signal- That we analog signal any continuously signal for which that the time-
varying feature of the signal is that presentation of that some another time varying
quantities, that analogous to another time that the varying signal.

Digital Signal-
Data Communication-
Broad Band Communication System-
Frequency Modulation-
Digital Transmission-

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