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Performance Criteria Checklist

Name of Trainee: Edgar Marollano

During the performance of the activity did the trainees perform according to the required

Criteria Yes No
Were you able to:
1. Set the activity completion of the self-paced non graded
activities to “students must view this activity to
2. Require a passing grade of 80% for all the quizzes in your
LO (except pretest)?
3. Set Activity Completion of to “require a passing grade”
for quizzes?
4. Restrict all access of the learning materials, except
pretest, to the completion of pretest?
5. Require a passing grade of 80% for submission bins of
task sheet?
6. Set Activity Completion of to “Student must receive a
grade to complete this activity”?

For satisfactory achievement, all items should receive a yes response.

Comment/s: competent

John Raymund Mabansay

Name and Signature of Trainer

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