Create A Unit Purpose

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Create a Unit


This assignment is designed to allow you to experience a curricular model in greater depth and
giving you a base to begin applying the model to your teaching.

 This assignment may be completed in groups of 2 or 3.

 There are two options available. First, is to follow the tactical model in creating a unique
(not previously done by you or the text) 10 day unit for a sport of your choice. For those in
the class who have already demonstrated a solid understanding of the tactical model (e.g.
on the initial information gathering quiz administered in this class) and / or have created a
curriculum using this model previously, you are welcome to choose from any of the
following models.
o Adventure Education
o Health Related Physical Activity
o Sport Education
o Personal and Social Responsibility
 Remember that the ultimate purpose is to challenge you to learn and prepare lessons in a
curricular model resulting in a greater understanding of this model and to encourage you to
branch out in preparing to teach kids with a different model than you currently use.

o Create a 10-day block plan. An excellent example of block plan is included in your
text on page 27. It must minimally include the tactic of the day and at least one
pertinent skill that will be incorporated / essential for that tactic. See Rubric for
more detail.
o Create at least 10 lesson plans that match the block plan and complete a 10-day unit
of a specific sport. The lesson plans must be written in a format similar to the
planning format provided on Page 11 of your text.
o For those who choose to create lesson plans for any of the other curriculum
models, you must get approval of format prior to beginning.

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