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The Council 2
Messages 4
Preparing for the Global Forum on 6
Research and Innovation for Health
Joint 14th FERCAP annual International 7
Conference and 1st PHREB National
PNHRS Law: Transforming Policy 8
DOH-Health Systems Research 11

PCHRD Annual Report 2014 Management (HSRM) Program

8th PNHRS Week 12
PCHRD@32: Research and Innovation 20
in Disaster and Emergency Health
1st eHealth Summit: eHealth Innovations 22
for Universal Health Care
1st Lumad Summit: Sustainable Health 26
and Research Engagement

Cover and Content Page Photos by Jaspr James | Stone | gettyimagesp

Managing Research and Innovation 28
Improving Access to Health Research 36
Embedding Ethics in the National Health 42
Reasearch System
Strengthening Human Resources in 48
Health Research
Research for Better Health 56
Building Strategic Alliances 60
Resource Mobilization 64
Inside PCHRD 66
PCHRD Prime Movers 68
Annexes 72
THE COUNCIL A healthy Filipino nation that benefits from research-based
solutions and innovations.
The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development
(PCHRD) is one of the three sectoral councils of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST). It is a forward-
looking, partnership - based national body responsible for
coordinating and monitoring research activities in the country.
Since its founding on 17 March 1982, through the Executive
Order No. 784, PCHRD has brought technical excellence with a MISSION
soul into fulfilling its mandate.
As the national coordinating body for health research, we
The primordial source of health research leadership and provide central direction, leadership and coordination of
direction in the country, PCHRD resolves to foster healthier health S&T. To achieve this, we are committed to:
and more productive lives among the Filipinos through health
research and development (R&D). • Formulate agenda, plans, policies, and strategies for
health science and technology development
• Mobilize resources to support health S&T development
• Develop and strengthen capacity for health research
• Support the development of affordable, accessible, and
quality S&T-based solutions and innovations
• Ensure the dissemination and utilization of health
research outputs
• Monitor and evaluate health S&T activities
• Establish linkages and partnerships with local and
international organizations
• Advocate an ethical health research culture

Photo by: Jake Blnd | Images | gettyimages

2 | PCHRD Annual Report PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 3

T Message of I
he Philippine Council for Health Research and n 2014, PCHRD strengthened its ties and established new
Development (PCHRD), as it celebrated its 32nd connections with various stakeholders of the PNHRS.
Anniversary and the 8th Philippine National
Health Research System (PNHRS) Week, underscored
how health research and innovation can address the Secretary We commend the Central Visayas Consortium for Health
Research and Development (CVCHRD) which exceeded our
cross-cutting issues which affect peoples’ health during expectations, setting a new standard for organizing the
disasters and health emergencies, especially in the PNHRS Week annual celebration.
light of the country’s experience in the super typhoon
Yolanda (Haiyan). Truly, health is a concern of all sectors Our partnership with the Department of Health, starting with
of a society, hence, the need for a multidisciplinary the Health Systems Research Management System (HSRM)
approach to health research cannot be overemphasized. extended to a new collaboration with the Philippine Institute
of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) in the field
ICT in Health or eHealth is another area of convergence. of traditional and alternative healthcare.
In the First eHealth Summit in February 2014, the
Department of Health, Department of Science and Under the Council’s Drug Discovery and Development
Technology and Philippine Health Insurance Corporation Program, we identified additional three Tuklas Lunas
(PhilHealth) rolled out the Philippine eHealth Plan, which Development Centers (TLDCs) from Luzon, Visayas and
contained, among others, the setting up of the Philippine Mindanao. Now, we have nine TLDCs in the country.
Health Information Exchange (PHIE) that will enable
data exchange and interoperability of eHealth systems Our international collaborations, among others, led to a
in different health facilities. The PHIE will make health successful hosting of the 14th Forum for Ethical Review
monitoring and reporting more efficient and, thus, Committees in the Asian and Western Pacific Region (FERCAP)
ensure that valuable resources are optimized. International Conference and 1st Philippine Health Research
Ethics Board (PHREB) National Conferenc. Next year, we will
Science and technology transcends geographical host the Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health
barriers, and especially so today with the power of 2015. These events position the country, and PCHRD, as an
information and communication technology, the world able research and event collaborator.
is getting smaller. As a necessity, we need to strengthen
our linkages with our neighbors in ASEAN and the Above all, we do not lose sight of continually improving our
world. The Council is ready. With the DOH and PNHRS performance and strengthening our connections with the
partners, PCHRD is preparing to host the Global Forum target beneficiaries by delivering research services that make
on Research and Innovation for Health in 2015. The a difference in our peoples’ lives.
Council also successfully hosted the 14th Forum for
Ethical Review Committees in the Asian and Western I thank all the men and women of the Council who consistently
Pacific Region (FERCAP) International Conference. align their efforts with the goals of PCHRD. Among others,
The impact of research and innovation goes beyond they all worked to maintain our ISO certification, exemplifying
the transformative effects on health outcomes and our continuing compliance with the world’s standards on

increase efficiency of the health system. Research and quality management systems.
innovation aim to benefit every Juan(a); to give people
hope, for inclusive growth, for poverty alleviation. I am Mabuhay ang PCHRD!
confident that the Council would remain steadfast to
these goals and will continue to strive for excellence in of the
health research as its contribution to societal goals. Let
us continue to support their work.


4 | PCHRD Annual Report PCHRD Annual Report | 5
to host Global Forum 2015 in

Secretary Mario G. Montejo of the Department of

Preparing for Science and Technology (DOST) and Prof. Carel
Ijsselmuiden of Council on Health Research for
the Global Development (COHRED) signed the agreement
to host the Global Forum on Research and

Forum on Innovation for Health 2015 in Manila on 14

March 2014 during the 32nd Anniversary of

Research and the Philippine Council for Health Research and

Development (PCHRD) at Makati-Shangri-La
Hotel, Makati City.
Innovation The DOST, through the PCHRD together with the
for Health Department of Health (DOH), and COHRED, an
international non-profit organization based in

2015 Geneva, Switzerland, will be hosting the Forum

to bring together local and international relations
and expertise in research and innovation for
health. A record breaker, the Joint 14th Forum for Joint 14th
Ethical Review Committees in the Asian and
Western Pacific Region (FERCAP) Annual
International Conference and 1st Philippine International
Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) National
Conference registered the highest attendance
Conference and
since the conception of the international 1st PHREB National
conference in 2001. 900 participants came to
the conference.
continuing review of ongoing trials, 2) systems
Providing the platform for stakeholders in
approach in addressing ethical issues in health
international and local health research sectors
research, 3) building strategic partnerships
to discuss the leading concepts, best practices,
towards ethical research, 4) addressing ethical
initiatives, and successful models of ethical
issues in research; and 5) Revision of the Council
Bannered by the theme, infrastructures in national health research
for International Organizations of Medical
“People at the Center of Health systems, the Joint Conferences was organized
Sciences (CIOMS) Ethical Guidelines for
Research and Innovation,” under the theme, “Embedding Ethics in
Biomedical Research.
Forum 2015 will stimulate National Health Research Systems,” on 23 – 26
discussion and help define November 2014 at the Taal Vista Hotel,
The joint 14th FERCAP International
new objectives and strategies Tagaytay City.
Conference and 1st PHREB National
to improve health, equity Conference was hosted by PCHRD and PHREB in
and development. Highlighted in the conferences were: 1)
cooperation with the DOH, UPM-NIH, and CHED.
importance of standard procedures and
6 | PCHRD Annual Report PCHRD Annual Report | 7
PNHRS Vision

Translating Policy to Strategy A dynamic and responsive

health research community
ith the passage of Republic Act No. 10532 or the working for the attainment
Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS) of national and global
Act of 2013 and the promulgation of its Implementing
Rules and Regulations, the PNHRS Implementing PNHRS health goals
Agencies and Technical Working Committees (TWCs) came up with
a PNHRS Strategic Plan that sets the directions for health research Mission
in the next five years. The document was a result of a PNHRS
Convergence Planning held July 31 to August 2, 2014 and the pre-
and post-planning sessions.

The PNHRS To generate and use

Using a balanced scorecard, a Strategy Map was drawn to provide
knowledge, innovation,
a visual framework for integrating the System’s objectives in the Strategic technology, products and
five perspectives, namely: 1) stakeholders; 2) process excellence;
3) governance; 4) learning and growth; and 5) financial. Plan sets the services in promoting the
directions for health and well-being of
The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), the planning every Filipino by creating
facilitator, recommended the following actions: health research and sustaining an enabling
• Identify a permanent focal person/staff coordinating and in the next five environment for health
managing the PNHRS programs, projects, and activities years research
in each implementing institution;
• Pursue the PNHRS common fund contributions by the
agencies and institutions involved in the System;
• Institutionalize the submission of yearly program
workplan of the agency/institution contributing to the
Innovativeness and
PNHRS Strategic Plan; Creativity
• Develop a comprehensive Capacity Building Plan and Responsibility
Program for the PNHRS committees, focal person/staff Ethics
and secretariat; and Accountability
• Strengthen PNHRS monitoring and evaluation systems. Synergy

PNHRS Core Values

8| PCHRD Annual Report PCHRD Annual Report | 9
n its third year, the DOST-DOH partnership
continued. PCHRD managed the DOH’s Health
Systems Research Management (HSRM) Program.
DOH-Health Of the 50 research projects approved for funding in
2013, 12 were completed in 2014. Thirteen health policy
Systems papers were also completed.

PNHRS STRATEGY MAP Research Under the capacity building program, 10 Health Policy
Associates, 10 Junior Policy Interns and 10 Senior Policy
Management Interns trained under the mentorship of the UPM-NIH

(HSRM) from September 2013 -June 2014. 23 completed the

internship program and were given recognition during
Program their graduation on 30 July 2014. Training of CHDs and
regional hospitals were undertaken, among others, on
research management and research agenda setting.

The 15th National Health Research Forum for Action was

co-organized at the Manila Marriott Hotel in Pasay City
on 22-24 October 2014, with the theme, “Bridging Theory
and Practice to Achieve KalusuganPangkalahatan (KP).”

Photo by Kerstin Waurick | E+ | gettyimages

10 | PCHRD Annual Report PCHRD Annual Report | 11

Week celebration highlights Research & Innovation in
Health for Disaster and Emergency Management
12-14 August 2014
Radisson Blu Hotel, Cebu City

ith the Central Visayas Consortium for research champions and stakeholders from the
Health Research and Development 17 regions of the country.
(CVCHRD) at the helm, the 8th
Philippine National Health Research System The celebration focused on the role of health
(PNHRS) Week celebration became another research in disaster and emergency
successful gathering of the health research management. As many factors contribute to
community on 12-14 August 2014 at the health outcomes in emergencies and
Radisson Blu Hotel, Cebu City. disasters, all plenary and parallel sessions
revolved around the key areas, namely: science
Themed, “Research and Innovation in Health for disaster preparedness and actions, use of
Disaster and Emergency Management,” the information and communication technology and
event engaged more than 600 health and health tools and policies, coordinating mechanisms for
service delivery, and role of social media.

12 | PCHRD Annual Report PCHRD Annual Report | 13

Disaster risk
Importance of reduction and
health research professionals and
the role of
researchers can
in disaster and help draft action science to research that integrates all hazards and
disciplines and promote knowledge into action.
plans to identify and
emergency raise awareness on health In the special presentation of Prof. Virginia There should be clear definition on the role of
problems affecting the Murray, Vice Chair of the United Nations science, science that includes all health sciences,
management typhoon victims and come International Strategy for Disaster Reduction all social sciences, all engineering sciences,
up with solutions. Science and Technology Advisory Group, the among others.”
integration of science to the Post-2015 Hyogo
Framework for Action (HFA), blueprint for Prof. Murray also explained that for science to
global disaster risk reduction, was discussed. have a central role in the disaster risk reduction
According to Prof. Murray, incorporating science program, product of scientific research must
to such big undertaking requires evidences be useful and usable for the policymakers.
The keynote address of Sec. Panfilo that science can identify problems, develop She said, “The whole process of science must
Lacson, Presidential Assistant for understanding, inform policy and practice and be more pragmatic, much more reflective on
Rehabilitation and Recovery, highlighted can make a difference. She stressed, “Science what needs to be used. We need to ensure that
the importance of health research in the should demonstrate that it can inform policy into communicating complex scientific information
development of evidenced-based action practice by using a problem solving approach will help policymakers make better decisions.”
plans to make the Philippines effective
in responding and dealing with health

As a decision maker, Sec. Lacson affirmed

that approaches to disaster risk reduction The whole process of
must be deeply rooted in science in order science must be more
to achieve appropriate solutions and pragmatic, much more
better optimized the resources. He called reflective on what needs
for accelerated decision-making process to be used. We need to ensure
through improved dialogue between that communicating complex
scientists and policymakers. scientific information will help
policymakers make better
Sec. Lacson also encouraged researchers, decisions.
policymakers and stakeholders to
continue supporting health research
initiatives to help address health concerns
in times of disasters. He said, “Healthcare
professionals and researchers can help
draft action plans to identify and raise
awareness on health problems affecting
the typhoon victims and come up with
14 | PCHRD Annual Report PCHRD Annual Report | 15
Big data as
First Place
surveillance tools (P10,000)
Not All Taua-tauas Are Alike: A
during emergencies Morphological, Molecular, Genetic,
and disasters Phytochemical and Anti-thrombocytopenic
Profiling of Different Euphorbia hirta Linn.
Plants from the Philippines”
Ms. Maria Ressa, CEO of Rappler, led
the discussion on how powerful the Sheriah Laine M. de Paz , Angelo Augusto
social media in engaging and moving Sumalde, Criselda Jean Cruz, Joyce Ann Second Place
people to act especially during times of Robles, Emma Pajarillo, Perlita Apelado, (P7,000)
crises. She introduced Project Agos, a Ralph Julius Bawalan
collaborative platform that combines University of the Philippines Manila
top-down government action with
bottom-up civic engagement to help “Nephroprotective Effects of
communities learn about climate Cogon
change adaptation and disaster risk (Imperata cylindrica) Root
Aqueous Extract
reduction. The project uses technology 8TH PNHRS STUDENT ORAL on Sprague-Dawley Rats with
and social media to ensure significant RESEARCH COMPETITION Gentamicin-Induced Acute
information flows to those who need it (UNDERGRADUATE)
Kidney Injury”
Jonnel Poblete
before, during, and after a disaster. CATEGORY University of the Philippines
Ms. Ressa explained, “The vision of Agos
is to use the wisdom of the crowds – to
do crowd sourcing and combine it with
top-down government workflows, with
the first responders, collaborate and
“Anti-developmental Effects of
research. We need research to get the Callistemon viminalis (Weeping Bottlebrush)
insight out of the big data and use it to Leaf Extract on the Early Development
help us cope with the days ahead.” of Tripneustes gratilla L. (Sea Urchin)

Geraldine P. Cercado, Kevin Fritz Arnaiz ,

Angela Ivy Dy, Noel Filipinas , Ghanshyam
Joshi, Mia Coleen Lao, Raymond Moscoso,
Daryl Bess Pasco, Fritz Gerard Quirante,
Raiza Mae Rodriguez, Rachelle Marie Sy, Third Place
Cebu Institute of Medicine (P5,000)
Other significant activities during the celebration
include the Student and Professional Research
Competition, National Assessment of Health
Research Capacity presentation of initial results,
Workshop on Organizing Response to
Emergency and Health Care Delivery and a
lecture on How to Get Your Research Published.
16 | PCHRD Annual Re- PCHRD Annual Report | 17
“Biomechanical properties of an Improvised
Monoplanar External Fixator for Transverse Metacarpal
First Place Shaft Fractures AO/OTA 77-A2.3” First Place Second Place
(P15,000) Dr. Juan Agustin D. Coruna IV (P10,000)
Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional 8TH PNHRS (7,000)
Second Place
“Innovations for Anti-Microbial COMPETITION “The Effect of 100% Moringa oleifera
PROFESSIONAL ORAL (10,000) Therapeutic: Synergistic Inhibitory (Malunggay) Leaf Extract on the Heart
RESEARCH Effect of Allium sativum (Garlic), Rate of Male
COMPETITION Capsicum frutescens(Chili) and Mus musculus albinus (Albino Mice)”
Zingiber officionale (Ginger) Gladys May Cojo, Christie Marie
“Prebiotic Potential of Ubi Flour Against Staphylococcus aureus, Andrada, Diane Angeli Cabading,
Third Place (Dioscorea alata L.)” Ma. Eliza Codilla, Cheska Alyssa
“Climate Hazard Effects Eschiricia coli and Pseudomonas
(P8,000) on Socio-Environmental Dr. Lotis Escobin-Mopera Third Place Delgado, Francis Anthony Fernandez,
aeurginosa Including Drug
Health and Adaptation University of the Philippines Los Baños Resistant Strains” Kimberley Therese Gothong, Roy
Strategies in Two Coastal John Ric Evangelista , James Bonson Lim, Dawn Christie Sandiego,
Communities in Palawan Sumabagaysay Samanta Yu, Brooke Zamora
Island” Mountain View College, Bukidnon Cebu Doctors' University, Cebu
Dr. Patrick A. Rogeniel “An In Vivo Study of the Potential Hemo-
Palawan State University

cyte Effect of the Crude Extract from the

Leaves of Lagerstroemia speciosa L.,
Family Lythraceae (Banaba)”
Robb Ian Membrebe
MharaVennize Navarro
“Characterization of the Glucosinolates
Charmaine Rose Odiamar
and Isothiocyanates in Malunggay (Moringa
oleifera L.) Extracts and Determination of University of Perpetual Help – Dr. Jose
their Myrosinase Activity and Anticancer First Place G. Tamayo Medical University, Laguna
Activity” (P10,000)
Mr. Raymond S. Malabed
Ms. Marissa G. Noel
AWARD (P15,000)
Cebu Doctors’ University
Second Place
PROFESSIONAL POSTER Davao Doctors’ Institutional Ethics Review Board
“Antimicrobial and Third CARAGA Health Research Development Consortium
UV-Blocking Property Place
“Hypoglycemic Activity of Antidesma of Ag and SnO2
bunius L. and Mollugo oppositifolia L. Nanomaterials”
Fresh and Alcoholic Extracts in the Prof. Eduardo B. (P15,000)
db/db Diabetic Mouse Model” Tibayan Region 11 Health Research Development Consortium
Dr. Neil C. Tanquilut De La Salle Science Website:
Pampanga Agricultural College Health Institute

18 | PCHRD Annual Report PCHRD Annual Report | 19

Science-based solutions in
PCHRD @ 32: a local chief executive’s
Research and Innovation in Disaster
Keynote speaker Governor Jose Clemente
and Emergency Health Management Salceda of Albay exemplified how he, as a
local chief executive, adopted science-based
solutions for his province’s disaster risk re-
duction activities. He emphasized that Albay’s
resilience against disasters comes from effi-
cient programs that are anchored on science
or knowledge derived from research and

“The record of Albay lies in the consistency and

cohesion of good governance, socially desirable
and desirably ambitious goals for human devel-
opment, innovations in programs and projects As a take home message, Gov. Salceda challenged
both in social and economic dimensions of the health research community, “Come up with
development, productivity in resource utiliza- researches that provide evidence of the benefits
tion and allocation, and verifiable milestones in in investing in disaster risk reduction. This evi-
achievement of goals especially early achieve- dence is important to influence the development
ment of the Millennium Development Goals, of policies at the highest levels of the govern-
participatory planning and execution,” he said. ment.”

PCHRD Projects showcased during PCHRD’s 32nd Anniversary

Beyond Identification: Changing Climate, Dementia & HIV:

DNA & Society Changing Health Responding
Outcomes to a Changing
•The Potential Contribution of Epidemiology
DNA Technology in the Efforts •Impact of Weather on
Dengue Viruses in Aedes •HIV Infection in Special
Towards National Recovery
“Come up with researches that provide After a Disaster (Dr. Maria aegypti Mosquitos in Selected Population: Managing an
evidence of the benefits in investing in Corazon A. De Ungria, Natural Sites in Cebu City, Philippines Emerging Disaster (Dr. Esdel
Maurice T. Salvaña, UP Manila –
disaster risk reduction. This evidence is Sciences Research Institute, UP (Dr. Frances E. Edillo,
National Institutes of Health)
University of San Carlos)
important to influence the development Diliman)
of policies at the highest levels of the •Disaster Victim Identification •Indoor Environments, •Responding to an Aging
Population: Focus on Dementia
government.” and Supertyphoon Yolanda’s Climate Change and Health:
Care (Dr. Shelley Ann De la
Dead (Dr. Raquel Fortun, UP Current Events, Issues and
Research Opportunities in the Vega, Prof. Cynthia Cordero, UP
-Albay Governor Joey Salceda Philippines (Dr. Emmanuel S. Manila)
Baja, UP Manila)

20 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 21

for Universal
Health Care

On 4 February 2014, the DOST, through the PCHRD, and the Department of Health sponsored the
1st Philippine eHealth Summit, with the theme, “eHealth Innovations for Universal Health Care (UHC).”
DOH Undersecretary Teodoro J. Herbosa presented the Philippine eHealth Strategic Framework and
Plan, the country’s roadmap on how to use ICT for health. Three parallel sessions tackled different
eHealth applications and developments.

The Summit featured an eHealth Marketplace that served as the platform for all stakeholders to
showcase their technologies and provide channel for each to forge collaborations in developing
innovative eHealth solutions for current and emerging health concerns.

Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE),

Standards, and Data Privacy
The Summit presented the development of the Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE) to
facilitate secured sharing of health records from different registries across different health care

Taking centerstage at the MarketPlace, Sec. Montejo The working groups on Standards and Data Privacy came up with guidelines which will be used in
demonstrated the successful use of TV white space the operation of the PHIE. Stakeholders were invited to comment on these documents through a
technology in Telehealth by holding a live Manila to Samar series of consultations.
video conference using the RxBox. PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 23
22 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014
Winners of
eHealth Summit First
Professional Category
Poster Exhibit Regional
First Prize Winner P10,000.00
The ActaMedicaPhilippina Online: A Dynamic Forum
Showcase for Philippine Research
Student Category
Dr. Jose Ma. Avila
University of the Philippines Manila
First Prize Winner P10,000.00
iXray, A Machine Learning-Based Digital
Radiograph Pattern Recognition System for
Second Prize Winner P7,000.00
Lung Pathology Detection
Free Software to Computerize the Prescriptions,
Ria Rodetter G. De La Cruz
Admitting Orders and Patient Records: Say
Trizia Roby Ann C. Roque
Goodbye to the “Kahig ng Manok” Hand Writing
John Daryl G. Rosas,
of Doctors
Charles Vincent M. Vera Cruz
Dr. Richard Mata
Macario O. Cordel II
Panabo Polymedic Hospital, Davao City
Joel P. Ilao
De La Salle University Manila
Third Prize P5,000.00
Heartbeat, Blood Pressure, and Temperature
Wireless Monitoring System
Second Prize Winner P7,000.00
Mary Regina Apsay
A Simple Lung Enhancement for Automatic
Our Lady of Fatima University
Identification of Lung Pathologies
Cadwaller C. Chua
Kevin Lloyd D. Cocuaco
Alexis Jamie R. Lao
Eldridge Sherwin S. Tan
Macario O Codel II
Joel P. Ilao, and Adrian Paul J. Rabe
De La Salle University Manila

Third Prize P5,000.00

Weighing Scale Integrated with
Automated Body Weight Management System
through Knowledge Base A regional version of the eHealth Summit was held, the 1st Regional eHealth Forum, last
Glocerine Anne T. Carmelo 28 August 2014 at the Marco Polo, Davao City. The Forum strongly recommended the
James Kevin R. De Jesus establishment of standards to integrate systems that are already being utilized. More
Adamson University involvement of the LGU and the private sector was underlined as key strategy to en-
courage development of ICT-based solutions and applications in support of the eHealth

PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 25

24 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014

Citing poor access to social and health The Summit was organized by the six Health
1st Lumad Summit: services as major health concerns, experts
recommended training the traditional healers
Research Consortia in Mindanao in cooperation
with DOST-PCHRD and the Philippine Institute
Sustainable Health and Research to add to much needed human resource of Traditional and Alternative Health Care
in the delivery of much needed services in (PITAHC) and was attended by more than
Engagement remote communities. Operation research 300 delegates from leaders of the indigenous

on the integration of IP policies into health people communities, representatives of
nder the theme, “Sustainable Health care delivery system was also mentioned as provincial and municipal health offices, medical
and Research Engagement (SHARE),” key to prioritize the health needs of cultural students, officers from NGOs and LGU’s.
PCHRD highlighted the vast knowledge communities in policy development.
on health and traditional healing practices of
the Lumads and advocated for the protection Vis-à-vis the growing initiatives to harness
of the indigenous people’s (IP) health rights traditional knowledge for research, the
during the Health of Lumad Summit on 19 – Summit pinpointed the growing vulnerability
20 November 2014 in Davao City. of indigenous groups to deception,
exploitation, and environmental destruction.
The two-day Summit facilitated discussions Experts emphasized on the need for strategic
and workshops on the multiple dimensions actions to protect the rights of indigenous
of health as experienced by the indigenous people to their cultural heritage. Encouraging
people in Mindanao. indigenous groups to actively engage in
research was recommended. Ethics in doing
research with the community was highlighted.
26 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 27

Come up with researches that provide

evidence of the benefits in investing in
disaster risk reduction. This evidence is
important to influence the development
of policies at the highest levels of the

-Albay Governor Joey Salceda

Photo by Rafe Swan | Cultura | gettyimages

28 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 29

National Unified
Health Research Agenda
Under the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA), PCHRD supports research
projects implemented by a network of institutions to generate knowledge and technologies
needed for health development.

Crafted to serve as the country’s template for health R&D efforts, NUHRA priorities from 2011 to
2016 include:
• Health Technology Development
• Health Financing
• Health Service Delivery
• Socio-environmental Health Concerns

In line with the NUHRA, 35 new projects were approved while 11 projects were completed in

DOST and PCHRD were able to fund a total of 7 projects in Diagnostics, 6 in Dengue, 20 in
Genomics/Molecular Technology, 58 in Drug Discovery and Development, 4 in Functional
Foods, 4 in Hospital Equipment and Biomedical Devices, 7 in Information and Communication
Technology for Health and 15 in other priority areas.
Photo by

30 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 31

Photo by Yagi Studio | Taxi Japan | gettyimagess
Completed Projects
The Usefulness of MODS assay in a Level II Mycobacteriology Laboratory
in Philippine Setting

The two-year study aims to establish the diagnostic efficiency of the Microscopic Observation Drug
Susceptibility (MODS) Assay Method for detection of tuberculosis (TB) and Multiple Drug Resistance-
Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in sputum samples.

The performance of the MODS Assay method was compared with the standard Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ)
method which used an egg-based solid culture medium and liquid MB BacT which applied an automated
culture system.

Results showed a significant advantage in the performance of MODS Assay over the LJ Method and the
liquid MB BacT culture system. Previous international studies also reported the effectiveness of the
method in detecting resistance of MDR-TB against drugs like rifampicin and isoniazid.
Photo by Tom Cockrem | Photolibrary | gettyimagesgi Studio Taxi Japan

The adaptation of the MODS Assay is highly encouraged due to its fast and accurate result delivery and
cost efficiency which will be useful for the control of TB in the Philippines.

Identification of Prevalent Serovars

of Leptospirosis in the Philippines

This study aimed to identify the prevalent

Leptospira serovars that infect humans and
animals in the Philippines. Development of QOL-APO: A Measure of Quality of Life among
the Filipino Elderly from the Perspectives of the Elderly,
The study identified the prevalence of Leptospira Family Members and Healthcare Providers
serovars, a taxonomic subdivision of bacteria
and viruses, among patients, high risk groups The study aimed to develop the QOL-APO, a needs of the elderly subjects. All interviews were
and animals from August 2010 to February 2012. novel and culturally sensitive assessment tool to recorded and transcribed.
measure the QOL of Filipino elderly who have
Results showed that serovar patoc was found no dementia, and to compare its psychometric A multi-source study, researchers examined
to be the most frequently occurring serovar in properties to globally accepted tests and and compared results taken from elderly people
humans. Twenty-seven out of 1,353 patients measurement standards and procedures already versus the data gathered from family members
were culture-positive, with one patient being in used. and health care providers to assess accuracy of
positive for both blood and urine cultures. the assessment tool.
The QOL-APO is developed to reflect elderly
Moreover, there were different prevalent people’s experiences, values, and aspirations in The study was conducted in three stages, which
serovars for each type of animal. Serovar their own language and assess the participants’ are, in sequence; a) ethnography for qualitative
tarassovi was found to be prevalent among cows QOL based on the six domains including social data gathering, b) tests construction for qualitative
and water buffaloes, poi for pigs, copenhageni for relations, psychological, resources, autonomy, analysis, and (c) validation for quantitative analysis.
rats, and manilae among dogs. Seven out of 51 health, and beliefs.
rat samples were culture-positive with 4 being Research results confirmed effectiveness of QOL-
positive for both urine and kidney cultures. MAT Data were gathered by interviewing 30 senior APO in measuring the QOL of elderly people in
results from the human and animal sera showed citizens, 30 family members, and six health care the Philippines. However, principal component
high antibody positivity against serovars. providers. The elderly participants were cognitively analysis determined 10 principal components.
normal, community dwelling elderly members The items grouped differently from the clusters
of the Marikina Senior Citizens and their family in the six domains was determined qualitatively
Further studies characterizing Leptospira
members. The healthcare providers were those by a panel of experts. The instrument had good
serovars in the Philippines were suggested to
who had been able to attend to the medical internal consistency, inter-rater and intra-rater
better understand and address the problem of
leptospirosis in the country. reliability.
32 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 33
Completed Projects

transmission in
Development of Aedes aegypti in Cebu TUKLAS LUNAS
Quality of City DEVELOPMENT
among Elderly To lessen the dengue cases in Cebu City, a field
study was conducted in four randomly selected DRUG DISCOVERY AND Through the Council’s Drug Discovery and
with Dementia areas to determine the dengue transovarial
transmission (TOT) process in mosquito Aedes DEVELOPMENT Development Program, Tuklas Lunas Centers
aegypti. TOT is the transmission of disease- (TLCs) are continuously being identified by the
causing agents from parents to offspring. Council to enable collaborative researches in
drug discovery and development in the regions.
The mosquito pupae were collected monthly
It was a challenge among clinicians and from November 2011-July 2012 and were In 2014, PCHRD identified four additional
researchers on how to assess the quality of reared in the laboratory. The viral ribonucleic research institutions from Luzon, Visayas and
life (QOL) of a person who is diagnosed with acid (RNA) was later extracted to determine the Mindanao, increasing the total number of TLCs in
dementia. Since foreign tests were limited in dengue virus (DENV) variation or serotypes. the country to ten. The newest TLCs are Cagayan
the country, a generic instrument known as Results showed that 62 out of 171 collected State University, University of the Philippines Los
quality of life of Filipino elderly with dementia mosquito pools were found positive of DENV Baños , University of Santo Tomas, and Ateneo
(QOLFED) was formulated and adopted which gradually increased during the dry de Manila University.
wherein data from elderly Filipinos with season.
dementia, their caregivers and physicians were The TLCs support research efforts in natural
used. Three serotypes were also detected substances for drug discovery and fostering
respectively: DENV-4, DENV-3 and DENV-1. partnership between academic and research
There were two major phases in the DENV-1 co-infected with either or both DENV-3 institutions in discovering potential drug sources
methodology of the study: Phase One which or/and DENV-4 during April 2012 while DENV-3 from indigenous species.
includes the conceptualization of domains, the and DENV-4 were detected in both relatively dry
development of the tool and the establishment and wet seasons. There were also more
of the psychometric properties and Phase DENV-infected mosquitos found from man-
Two which focused on the validation of the made breeding sites than field premises in
instrument. three out of four study sites.
The study confirmed that QOLFED is a valid The DENV occurrence surveillance and foci
and reliable assessment tool for measuring detection of A. aegypti during the dry season
the QOL of the elderly Filipinos diagnosed provide an early warning signal of dengue
with dementia and their perception and outbreak which helps suppress disease
experiences during the course of disease. transmission.

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Photo by University of Queensland

36 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 37

National Health
Research Registry

s an open platform that allows
researchers to upload, edit, and update
information, a total of 102 researches
were added to the PHRR in 2014. Out of these
researches, 82 were clinical trials and 20 were
non-clinical studies. 19 of these researches
were government-funded amounting to
PhP42,466,327.40. Of the 83 privately-funded
researches, only 42 disclosed their research
budget. Among the registered researches in
2014, 12 studies were completed.

38| PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 39

T he Council actively participates
in the development of the
Western Pacific Region Index
Medicus (WPRIM), a medical and
health journals online index published
in the World Health Organization–
Photo by La Sarcada Expedicion

Western Pacific Region (WHO-WPRO)

member states.

In 2014, 2,662 articles were uploaded

to the Western Pacific Region Index
Medicus (WPRIM) database. The
Regional Journal Selection Committee,
on the other hand, approved a total
of 10 journals, articles and abstracts
which were indexed in the WPRIM

Philippine Traditional
Knowledge Digital
Library Health Research
and Development

T he Council, in partnership with UP Manila

and the Philippine Institute for Traditional
and Alternative Healthcare (PITAHC), set
up the Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital
Library as the national electronic database on
The website protects the country’s cultural
heritage by encoding information in digital
format. It ensures equitable benefit-sharing
between researchers and cultural communities.
traditional knowledge in health. The site already contained data on 69 traditional
healers, 89 healing practices and rituals, and
The digital library provides information about 13,595 plants and natural products traditionally
the works of other researchers and scholars used for healing, registered 30 local ethno-

for free. Data include ethno-pharmacological pharmacology, and covered 25 ethno-linguistic
n 2014, a total of 4,199 research
documentation from available ethno-botanical groups in 48 provinces in the country.
articles were uploaded by partner
studies, traditional healing practices and
research institutions to the Health
rituals from old lexicographic and linguistic TKDL is now recognized by the Intellectual
Research and Development Information
documentation, current immersion research Property Office (IPO).
Network (HERDIN) database, the national
studies being conducted in selected ethno-
repository of published and unpublished
linguistic groups, plant compendium, and a
health researches in the country. 13 new
library of traditional healing.
institutions were trained on how to use
the system.

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Photo by std |Moment | gettyimages

42 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 43

I n 2014, the Philippine Health Research
Ethics Board (PHREB) accredited three
Ethics Review Committees (ERCs)
for Level II accreditation and 11 ERCs
for Level III accreditation. Since 2012,
PHREB was able to recognize 23 ERCs
with three in Level II accreditation and PHREB ACCREDITED
19 in Level III accreditation including
the re-accreditation of University of the
ERCs for 2014
Philippines Manila - Research Ethics
Board (UPM-REB).

PHREB also supported and organized

a total of 14 trainings including one Level 2
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 1. Our Lady of Fatima University Institutional Ethics Review Committee
Workshop, six Accreditation Training 2. Pacific Eye and Laser Institute Institutional Review Board
Philippine Health Orientations and seven Basic Health
3. Asian Eye Institute - Ethics Review Committee
Research Ethics Research Ethics Trainings.

Board (PHREB) On 12 August 2014, PHREB conducted

a session on ethical issues in disaster
areas research at the Radisson Blu Hotel,
Cebu City as part of the 8th PNHRS Level 3
Week celebration. PCHRD and PHREB 1. Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center Ethics Review Committee
also successfully hosted the 1st PHREB 2. Chong Hua Hospital Institutional Review Board
National Conference simultaneously 3. Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center Ethics Review Committee
with the 14th Forum for Ethical Review 4. National Kidney and Transplant Institute –Research Ethics Committee
Committees in Asia and Western Pacific 5. Lung Center of the Philippines Ethics Review Committee
(FERCAP) International Conference last 6. Far Eastern University – Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation
24-26 November 2014 at Taal Vista Hotel, Institutional Ethics Review Committee
Tagaytay City. 7. University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center Inc.
8. Research Institute for Health Sciences Ethics Review Committee
9. Research Institute of Tropical Medicine – Institutional Review Board
10. University of Perpetual Help System - Institutional Ethics Review Boad
11. Medical Center Manila - ManilaMed Ethics Review Committee
12. Davao Doctors Hospital Ethics Review Committee

44 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 45

Philippine Health Research
Ethics Portal
Committee R aising the bar on how ethics
reviews are conducted, the
Philippine Health Research
Ethics Portal (PHREP) was pilot tested by
the NEC in 2014.
Pacific Region (WHO-WPRO), PHREB
and NEC.

Following the target set by PHREB

during the PNHRS Strategic Planning
regarding the training of ERCs, PCHRD
PHREP is an integrated online research has facilitated the training of the Our
management system designed to Lady of Fatima University – Institutional
automate review process through online Ethics Review Committee (OLFU-IERC)
submission, online review and built-in on the PHREP system on 8-9 January
The National Ethics Committee (NEC) began its communication system and to serve as 2014. OLFU-IERC is the first of the
operations in 2014 after its revival on 9 December database for researchers. The system seven ERCs eyed by the board to pilot
2013 as an independent ethics review body for health was housed in and maintained by test the portal for further improvement
researches. Guided by a new set of roles and functions PCHRD and developed with the help of of its reviewing process and archiving
and a closer collaboration with the Philippine Health system.
the World Health Organization-Western
Research Ethics Board (PHREB), the committee’s place in
the country’s health research system has become more
significant and recognized.

This year, the NEC conducted review of 15 health

researches through paperless method, made possible
by the use of the Philippine Health Research Ethics
Portal (PHREP).

To ensure timely and quality review, the NEC members

constantly attended ethics trainings and meetings,
participated in PHREB and PCHRD activities, and
R esponding to the increasing
need to form a body that
will assist ethics reviews and
provide channel of communication
among ERCs, the Philippine Health
PHREN’s founding members include
the Cluster ERC Region XI, MMC IRB,
Manila Doctors Hospital Institutional
Review Board (MDH IRB), Philippine
Heart Center Institutional Ethics
conducted peer consultations. The NEC also partnered Health Research Ethics Network (PHREN) Review Board (PHC IERB), Research
with PCHRD and PHREB in training Ethics Review was officially launched during the
Committees (ERC) in using PHREP in the health Research 32nd Anniversary of PCHRD on 14
Institute for Tropical Medicine
Institutional Review Board (RITM IRB),
researches review. Ethics March 2014 at the Makati Shangri-La St. Luke’s Medical Center Institutional
Hotel. Ethics Review Committee (SLMC
Recent and future endeavors of the NEC include writing Network IERC), The Medical City Institutional
about the founding of NEC, accreditation application PHREN is an organization composed Review Board (TMC IRB), University
by PHREB, PHREP training of more ERCs, assistance to of ERCs established to be the of the Philippines Manila Research
PHREB in the formulation of policies and guidelines, national platform for sharing health Ethics Board (UPM REB), and
and support to ERCs in the resolution of ethical issues research ethics issues, challenges, Veterans Memorial Medical Center
through consultation. information, and good practices. Institutional Review Board (VMMC
Dr. Saturnino P. Javier, Chair of the
Makati Medical Center Institutional PHREB-accredited ERCs are welcome
Review Board (MMC-IRB), was elected to join the Network.
as the head of the Network.
46 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 47
Photo by Yagi Studio | Studio | Digital Vision | gettyomages

The Council continuously invests on activities which aim
to capacitate the health S&T sector with highly trained
and skilled human resource.

48 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 49

The PCHRD Scholars Society elected a new set of Board of
Directors during its annual convention on 14 March 2014
DOST Accelerated at the Makati Shangri-La Hotel, Makati City.
Science and
Dr. Josefina A. Tuazon of the University of the Philippines
Technology Manila (UPM) was elected as president and Dr. Rommel
The DOST-PCHRD, in partnership with the Science Human Resource Salazar of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute (DLSHSI)
Education Institute (SEI), granted scholarships under Development as vice president. The new set of board members
also include Dr. Bella Panlilio of the Angeles University
the DOST-Accelerated Science and Technology
Human Resource Development Program (DOST- Program Foundation (AUF) as secretary, Dr. Eleanor Galvez of the
ASTHRDP) to 13 students (9 in MD-PhD Molecular
Medicine and 4 in MS Molecular Medicine) in 2014.
PCHRD Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) as treasurer,
Prof. Rogelio Cruz of the Centro Escolar University–
The new scholars joined the 189 ongoing scholars
who are still completing their graduate degrees under
SCHOLARS Manila (CEU-Manila) as auditor, Mr. Mac Gerald Cueto
of the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial
the ASTHRDP. As of 2014, 14 already finished their
studies. SOCIETY Medical Center (UERMMMCI) as public relations officer,
andDr. Benida Fontanilla of UERMMMCI, Dr. John Donnie
Ramos of the University of Santo Tomas (UST), Dr.
Nymia Simbulan of UPM and Mr. John Joseph Posadas
of UERMMMCI were elected as board members of the
PCHRD Scholar Society.

The PSS Website was also launched during the event. The
website will primarily serve as a database and a tracking
mechanism for all scholars who have completed the

On 27 October 27, 2014, PSS in collaboration with the

University of the Philippines Manila College of Nursing
(UPCN) conducted a seminar-forum with the theme
“Knowledge Generation through Active Engagement in PNHRS
Photo by Don Bayley | E+ | gettyimages

and MMHRDC.” The Society aimed to inform the scholars

MD-PhD Scholars in Molecular Medicine about the health research system and the opportunities
they can avail through the Regional Health Research and
Development Consortium.
The DOST-PCHRD signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the University of the
Philippines Manila (UPM) to renew their support for the fifth batch scholars of the MD-PhD in Invited guest speaker was Dr. Hilton Y. Lam, program
Molecular Medicine Scholarship Program on 8 October 2014.
coordinator of Metro Manila Health Research and
MD-PhD in Molecular Medicine Scholarship Program is a joint initiative of the DOST, through Development Consortium and senior lecturer of the
the Council, and UPM for human resource development in biomedical research. As the Department of Clinical Epidemiology, College of Medicine,
pioneering and only degree program in the Philippines that combines MD and PhD courses UP Manila. The activity was attended by 34
features, it offers a unique opportunity for talented, aspiring, young, Filipino scientists to train participants from the Society and UPCN.
for careers in basic and applied biomedical researches.

This year, nine (9)md phd scholars qualified for the program, all of whom graduated with
honors in their respective bachelor’s degrees and garnered 96% and above National Medical
Aptitude Test (NMAT) ratings of, with two achieving 100% ratings.

The new scholars were Inah Marie C. Aquino, Joannes Luke B. Asis, Federico Cristobal C. De
Jesus II, Eloina Faye S. Gampoy, Eric David B. Ornos, Joanne Jennifer E. Tan, Ourlad Alzeus G.
Tantengco, Mary Nadine Alessandra Uy, and Manuel S. Vidal Jr.

50 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 51

2014 PCHRD-Gruppo Medica
Award for Outstanding First Prize (PhP 60,000.00)
Undergraduate Thesis on The Anti-dengue Potential of the Quercetin
Herbal Medicine Fraction of Tawa-tawa (Euphorbia hirta) Whole
Plant, Papaya (Carica papaya) Leaves, and the
The PCHRD-Gruppo Medica Award is annually Combined Tawa-tawa (Euphorbia hirta) Whole
conferred to student-researchers in the hope Plant and Papaya (Carica papaya) Leaves Tea
of motivating young people to conduct relevant Preparation Using the Laboratory Criteria:
and innovative research in herbal medicine. Platelet Count and Hematocrit Level
Three researchers among 21 nominees were Lua Edirne I. Eugenio
given recognition during the 8th PNHRS Week Dave Eric P. Erosa
Celebration on 12 August 2014 at the Radisson Hazel Mae S. Lawas
Blu Hotel, Cebu City. Rachel Mae L. Nengasca
Harvey P. Tadle
Jann Carmina P. Tadle
San Pedro College, Davao City

Second Prize (PhP 40,000.00)

The Anti-urolithiatic Activity of the Tundan
Saging (Musa paradisiaca Linn.) Pseudo-stem
Capsule in Ethylene Glycol-induced Albino
Rats (Rattus norvegicus): A Potential Preventing
Agent for Kidney Stone Formation
Farrel Jay G. Batua
Sharmine Jane M. Befitel
Stephannie Louise B. Estipona
To encourage highly-trained overseas Filipino Benjamin Francis P. Fernandez
scientists, technologists, experts, and
Winners of Brendell John T. Roa
professionals to return to the Philippines, the 2014 Kariza V. Tan
the Balik Scientist Program (BSP) by virtue DOST-PCHRD San Pedro College, Davao City
of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 819 was Gruppo Medica
Balik Puso, created. It is now being implemented by the
Balik three sectoral councils of DOST with PCHRD
managing the health research sector. This
Third Prize (PhP 20,000.00)
The Anxiolytic Activity of Kaempferol Fraction
Pilipinas, allows the sharing of their expertise for the
from Busikad (Kylinga brevifolia) Leaves in
acceleration of the scientific, agro-industrial
Balik and economic development of the country.
Capsule Formulation
Diana Jane M. Cadiatan
Scientist The PCHRD, being the lead coordinating
Judith M. Abad
agency for the PNHRS, implements the Mahannah P. Bale
program through its network of 17 RHRDCs. Katreena Marie A. Brillante
The Council ensures that the research thrusts Charleen S. Ganason
being addressed through the BSP are aligned Ricca Bianca M. Guardados
with the NUHRA. San Pedro College, Davao City
Winners were mentored by their adviser,
In 2014, PCHRD supported five new Balik Professor Fatima May Tesoro of the College of
Scientists. Pharmacy, San Pedro College.

52 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 53

Alberto G.
Romualdez, Jr.
Outstanding The Outstanding Health Research Award (OHRA) was re-
Health Research named to Alberto G. Romualdez, Jr. Outstanding Health
Award Research Award (AROHRA) in honor of the late Dr. Alberto
G. Romualdez, Jr., PCHRD’s first Executive Director.

Novartis Next
T he Council facilitated the partnership
between DOST and Novartis
Pharmaceuticals for the Novartis Next
Generation Scientists Program which is
organized to support talented post-graduate
Program students from different countries through a
three-month long internship at the Novartis
We are pleased to work anew research facility. The Philippines is the first
Winner with Novartis and our other partners in Asian country to send delegates to the
strengthening our country’s scientific and program.
Neglected Tropical Diseases Study Group technological base for healthcare delivery.
UP Manila-National Institutes of Health Dr. Leslie Michelle Dalmacio and Dr. Hiyas Junio
We will continue to work towards local
Health Services Research Category of UP Manila and UP Diliman were the chosen
research that is dynamic, realistic, responsive
Filipino delegates to the Novartis Next Gener-
and relevant in order to meet global ation Scientist Program in Basel, Switzerland in
Dr. Vicente Y. Belizario, former UPM-NIH Executive Director and convener of the research challenges 2015.
entitled, “Neglected Tropical Diseases Study Group,” accepted the award for Health
Services Research Category and cash prize amounting to PhP 500,000.00 during the 2014
Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS) week celebration on 12 August 2014 -Dr. Jaime C. Montoya
at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Cebu City.

54 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 55

Photo by


National Medical Writing, Reviewing and
Health Policy Notes for Train-the-Trainers Workshop
Evidence-informed Policy Since 2012, the PCHRD, with the Philippine Association of Medical Journal Editors (PAMJE)
and Practice and the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Journal Editors (APAME), holds the National Medi-
cal Writing, Reviewing and Train-the-Trainers Workshop.
To translate research results into policies and actions, the
Council came up with policy briefs that transform research The workshop is conducted in selected regions of the country twice every year to capacitate
evidence to easy-to-read one or two-pagers to catch a local researchers in writing and publishing their outputs in scholarly journals.
policy maker’s attention, many of whom are pressed for
time, given the many competing concerns that they have to The training is composed of two parts: part 1 where the basic principles and guidelines for
address. medical journals writing were presented and part 2 where draft manuscripts of research-
er-participants were reviewed and commented by experts.
In 2014, the Council ran an inventory of its funded projects
with policy implications in the last five years. Among In 2014, the workshops conducted in Tagaytay, Cagayan De Oro and Davao trained 96 re-
others, policy briefs were prepared for dengue control and searchers and 23 editors.
prevention, and leptospirosis.

Under the DOH-HSRM Program, PCHRD facilitated the

production of 36 health policy notes.

Technology Commercialization: 2014 National Science

Creating Wealth, Accelerating and Technology Week
Economic Growth Celebration
The Council continues to assist research institutions to implement the Science Nation was the DOST’s catchphrase in its
provisions of the Technology Transfer Act of 2009 (RA 10055) by capacitating 2014 National Science and Technology Week (NSTW)
them to set up their technology licensing or business development offices celebration on 24-28 July 2014 at the SMX Convention
and monitoring technology commercialization of the research network. Center, Pasay City.
In 2014, PCHRD monitored the progress of UP Manila as technology The Council teamed up with the Industrial Technology
developer in its commercialization efforts for medicinal products such as Development Institute (ITDI), the Food and Nutrition
lagundi tablet and syrup for cough and asthma, the sambong tablet for Research Institute (FNRI), and the Philippine Nuclear
kidney problems, tsaang gubat tablet for biliary and intestinal pains and
Research Institute (PNRI) in staging the Healthcare
yerba buena tablets for fungal infections.
Outcome Exhibit.
To date, there are 18 adopters for lagundi syrup, 15 for lagundi tablet, nine
With the exhibit, PCHRD conducted three forums and
for sambong tablet, one for tsaang gubat tablet, and one for yerba buena
a health and wellness activity, namely: eHealth Forum
on the Philippine Health Information Exchange, Drug
Discovery and Development; Biotechnology Leadership
Camp 2014; and Hataw Agham Health and Wellness

58 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 59

Photo by

60 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 61

2014 International Conference of the
ASEAN Network for Drugs, Asia Pacific Association of Medical
Diagnostics, Vaccines, and Traditional
Medicines Innovation Journal Editors
During the 2014 APAME International Conference last 15 – 17 August 2014 in Ulaanbaatar,
The ASEAN Network for Drugs, Diagnostics, Vaccines, and Traditional Mongolia, two representatives from the Philippines were elected as officers. Dr. Jose Florencio
Medicines Innovation (ASEAN-NDI) conducted its 1st Community of Practice Lapeña, Jr., president of the Philippine Association of Medical Journal Editors (PAMJE), was
(CoP) on Traditional Medicine meeting at the Dusit Thani Hotel, Makati City elected as the APAME President and Ms. Merlita Opeña, Division of Chief of PCHRD’s Research
on 26-27 June 2014. Information, Communication, and Utilization Division, was re-elected as Chair of the Committee
on Education. Overall, nine Filipinos attended and participated inthe conference.
The meeting identified possible collaborative programs and projects
that would address the R&D gaps and promote the science behind the APAME aims to improve the quality of scholarly journals on medicine and health sciences in
traditional medicine use. South-East Asia and Western Pacific Regions.

The meeting was attended by 33 participants including representatives

from government agencies in the country like DOST and DOH and
Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN) member states who
affirmed their interest to participate on potential areas for collaborations,
particularly ICT use, researchers capacity-building, policies and regulations
harmonization and R&D projects execution. They also agreed to create an
ASEAN Database on Herbal Medicine.

ASEAN-US Science and The ASEAN-US Science and

Technology Fellows Pilot
Technology Fellows Program was launched on
Pilot Program April 1, 2014 at the ASEAN
Secretariat Office in Jakarta,
Indonesia. The program
aimed to increase the
capacity for science-based
policymaking through
strengthening of S&T prior-

Under the Program, the

Council hosted a post-doc-
toral health fellow, Dr. Ma-
ria Ruth Pineda-Cortel. She
is involved in the projects
managed by ASEAN-NDI.

62 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 63

In 2014, a budget of P566,318,642.00 was allotted to
the Council wherein 79.56% came from the government
fund and 20.44% from other sources. From this amount,
P398,822,192.00 has been utilized for grants-in-aid with
75.25% allotted for research and development, 9.57% for
capacity building and 15.18 % for science and technology

S & T Services

15.18 %
Capacity Building

Photo by Adam Gault | OJO Image | gettyimages

64 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 65

Behind PCHRD’s success are the people who are committed and motivated to consistently
deliver excellence in public service.

As of 31 December 2014, the Council’s diverse and talented human resource is composed
of 37 technical and 19 administrative and support staff, whom 33 are bachelor’s degree CESB Confers Presidential Honor to
holders, 15 are master’s degree holders, 2 are medical doctors, and 2 are doctoral degree Dr. Montoya for Outstanding Leadership

ISO 9001:2008 Certification The Career Executive Service Board (CESB) awarded the
Gawad Career Executive Service 2013 award to PCHRD
PCHRD maintained its ISO 9001:2008 certification after passing the Annual Surveillance Executive Director Dr. Jaime C. Montoya during the 13th
Quality Audit conducted by the Certification International Philippines, Inc. (CIPI) on 5 Annual CES Conference on 12-14 November 2014 at the
March 2014. This certification exemplifies the continuing compliance of the Council Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino, Cebu City.
with the worldwide standards for quality management and operational systems and The award recognized Dr. Montoya’s outstanding
maintenance of its QMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. leadership and exemplary contributions to the country’s
social development and nation-building. These include his
The certification covered the PCHRD’s processes on research management and initiatives to create the ASEAN-NDI, set up RHRDCs in all
development, research information, communication and utilization, human resource and 17 regions of the country, and support PHREB efforts to
institution development, and finance and administrative functions. ensure safety and dignity of human participants in health

66 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 67


68 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 69

Gelera, Guiditta L.
Governing Council PCHRD Officials Research Information,
CommunicatioN & Utilization Division Gepanaga, Jose Joy J.
Gochangco, Marianne Joy M.
Chair Office of the Executive Director Ababa, Joshua A. Guaring, Rogelio II. V.
Agron, Edmon B. Pacho, Mary Ann I.
Hon. Mario G. Montejo Dr. Jaime C. Montoya
Acosta, Richmond Q. Piñon, Raymond Christopher F.
Secretary Executive Director
Ando, Fhela P. Regencia, Zypher Jude G.
Department of Science and Technology
Angostora, Joana J. Sanchez, Claridel H.
Co-chair Division Chiefs Angoy, Meychelle S. Segarra, Madenn S.
Bahala, Renante G. Taguiang, Ma. Rosella L.
Hon. Janette P. Loreto-Garin Dr. Antonio D. Ligsay
Bongolan, Hope R. Tambio, Kristan Jela M.
Acting-Secretary Research Development and Management
Cadag, Ma. Cristina R. Tejada, Jeffry P.
Department of Health Division
Centeno, Benedict S. Terrado, Keziah Camille D.
Members Cortes, Athena Dana V. Tumlos, Pearl Kathleen C.
Ms. Carina L. Rebulanan
Estera, Michelle T. Zamora, Arianne C.
Dr. Jaime C. Montoya Institution Development Division
Garcia, Ullyann C.
Executive Director
H.Naif, Arief A. Finance & Administrative Division
Philippine Council for Health Research & Mr. Edgar F. Ortiz
Intia, Maria Violeta G.
Development Finance and Administrative Division
Itulid, Ana Ciaren H. Cajigas, Reinier S.
Lavapie, Neil Jerome P. Castillo, Christen D.
Dr. Carmencita D. Padilla Ms. Merlita M. Opeña
Luna, Laarnie T. Cuevas, Fe S.
Chancellor Research Information, Communication, and
Macapinlac, Mary Micah C. Dasmariñas, Glaiza C.
University of the Philippines Manila Utilization Division
Manaig, Magdalena P. Francisco, Arsenia R.
Marco, Mylene B. Franco, Grace E.
Dr. Mediadora C. Saniel
Martonito, Roselle L. Guevarra, Reden V.
Director PCHRD Staff Molina, Ronel D. Hernandez, Diego O.
Professional Services, Inc.
Pangandaman, Mubarak A. Jovellanos, Jessica M.
The Medical City Office of the Executive Director
Pereyra, Anna Bianca G. Laureano, Eric B.
Principe, Jeverly Ann S. Manalo, Eliza D.
Atty. Jose Maria A. Ochave Concepcion, Fabiana G.
Rausa, Rolly C. Manalo, Franciso F.
Corporate Vice President Desano, Carla Mae D.
Sonza, Jose Ronald H. Manalo, Ruben C.
Business Development Group Reyes, Clarissa B
Suerte, Jessica Marie R. Nuyda, Leo O.
United Laboratories, Inc.
Tano, Mark Joseph A. Ocon, Sylvia N.
Institution Development Division Tumlos, Vincent John H. Olatan, Buenalivia N.
Com. Minella C. Alarcon
Ubpon, Mohammad Faidz U. Orogo, Maria C.
Commissioner Alcaraz, Ruben Jr C.
Vios, Christian Anthony B. Pangan, Cirio D.
Commission on Higher Education De Leon, Paula Jane A.
Yacob, Abdul Jalil T. Paras, Natasha Camille L.
Balbuena, Maria Belen A.
Zamora, Kristine Dominique M. Ragotero, Marilou E.
Ms. Ma. Bernardita T. Flores, CESO II Berroya, Marie Jeanne B.
Sacro, Louie Vic N.
Assistant Secretary of Health & Catameo, Anicia P. Research Development & Taborda, Wilfredo T.
Executive Director IV Cortes, Anthea Maliz V. Management Division
National Nutrition Council Elechosa, Sabrina Arra P.
Grijaldo, Sheryl Joyce B.
Alcaraz, Ma. Cecilia N.
Dr. Antonio M. Montalban Miranda, Abigail P.
Alejaga, Cindy Grace D.
Orthopaedic Surgeon Parungao, Nico Angelo C.
America, Katrina Elaine B.
San Juan de Dios Hospital Pineda – Cortel, Maria Ruth B.
Balisi, Miko L.
Reodica, Maria Teresa C.
Bulao, Melissa C.
Dr. Charles Y. Yu Refuerzo, Reichel Ann P.
Cajigas, Ma. Elizabeth R.
Vice Chancellor for Mission and Linkages Roja, Lucila E.
Crisostomo, Marilyn E.
De La Salle University Santos, Wilma I.
De Leon, Paul Ernest N.
Dumol, Cecile G.
70 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 71

72 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 73

Antidiabetic Constituent/s from Moringa
University of the Philippines Diliman Development and Pilot Testing of Distal Targeting Isolation, Purification and Identification of
LIST OF R&D PROJECTS Device Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Metabolites from
the Leaves of Ipomoea alba obtained from Mt.
Anti-inflammatory Constituent/s from Moringa Orthopaedic International, Inc.
DOST-MONITORED oleifera Isarog Natural Park
University of the Philippines Diliman Development of an Affordable, Universal University of the Philippines Manila
Anatomic Knee System with Automated
ONGOING Anti-parasitic Constituent/s from Moringa Instrumentation MicroRNA Regulation of Drug Responses: Proof of
oleifera Orthopaedic International, Inc. Hypotheses
Regional Roll-out of the Biotek-M Dengue Aqua University of the Philippines Diliman University of the Philippines Diliman
Kit (Liquid Format) Development of New Antimicrobial Anoplin
University of the Philippines Diliman Bioactive Molecular Scaffolds from the Lipopeptides Herbal Extracts from Cordillera for Bioactivity and
- Philippine Genome Center Chemically-Engineered DCM Fractions of the University of the Philippines Diliman ADMETox Assays
Novel Endemic Annonaceae species, Uvaria University of the Philippines Baguio

PCHRD-ASSISTED valderramensis – A Diversity-Oriented Approach Development of Point of Care Test for the
towards New Antitubercular, Anti-staphylococcal Diagnosis of Cobra Envenomization Herbal Extracts from Mt. Isarog for Bioactivity and
COMPLETED and Anti-Alzheimer’s Agents Research Institute for Tropical Medicine ADMETox Assays
University of Santo Tomas University of the Philippines Manila
Development of Quality of Life Measure among Development of Whole Inactivated Monovalent
Elderly with Dementia Biological Activity of Solvent-Based and and Bivalent Vaccines for Leptospirosis Herbal Drugs Againt Tuberculosis (Y2)
St. Luke’s Medical Center Supercritical CO2-Based Extracted Phytochemicals Applicable in the Philippine Setting University of the Philippines Diliman
from Selected Medicinal Plants In Mindanao Using A University of the Philippines Manila
Development of QOL-APO: A Measure of Quality Two-Stage Bioassay Screening Hemostatic Agents from Radiation-Modified
of Life among the Filipino Elderly from the Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Developing the eHealth TABLET (Technology Polysaccharides and Their Derivatives: Product
Perspectives of the Elderly, Family and Technology Assisted Boards for LGU Efficiency and Development and Efficacy/Safety Evaluation in
Healthcare Providers Transparency) Prototype: A Bottom up Approach Animal Model
St. Luke’s Medical Center Cholesterol and Glucose Lowering Effects of Brown to the Development of an Electronic tablet-based Department of Science and Technology - Philippine
Rice Among Hypercholesterolemic Health Information System Integrative Nuclear Research Institute
Identification of Prevalent Serovars of Patients Application
Leptospirosis in the Philippines The Philippine Womens University Ateneo de Manila University In vitro Plasmodium falciparum Culture Facility for
University of the Philippines Manila Bioassay
Comparison of Selected Medicinal Plant Enhancement and Integration of PhilHealth University of the Philippines Diliman
Natural Transovarial Transmission of Dengue Extracts of Mindanao from Conventional Solvent Primary Care Benefits (PCB) modules with eHealth
Virus in Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) in Selected Sites Extraction versus Supercritical Carbon Dioxide TABLET system Immunomodulatory Properties of Moringa
in Cebu City (SC-CO2) Extraction and Identification of Bioactive Ateneo de Manila University oleifera Lam Constituent/s
University of San Carlos Compounds Department of Science and Technology - Food and
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Extraction, Purification, Preliminary Toxicity, Nutrition Research Institute
The Usefulness of the Microscopic Observation Technology Antioxidant Potential and Antimicrobial
Drug Susceptibility (MODS) Assay in a Level II Assessment of the Phytochemicals from Selected Malunggay derived Anti-Tumor Agents:
Mycobacteriology Laboratory in the Philippine Connecting and Sustaining Health Communities: Medicinal Plants of Mindanao Isolation, Characterization, Bioactivity and
Setting Integrating a Sector Wide Approach to the eHealth Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Molecular Targets
Philippine General Hospital Philippine Agenda Technology Department of Science and Technology - Food and
Ateneo de Manila University Nutrition Research Institute
ONGOING Fever as an Early Warning Tool for Dengue
Dengue Vector Surveillance in Selected Schools in (Project 2) Medical Teleparasitology for Laboratory
the National Capital Region Project 1 Department of Health - Center for Health Diagnosis of Parasitic Infections in the
An Intensive Community-Based Lifestyle Philippines
Intervention Program for the Prevention of Type University of the Philippines Diliman Development Metro Manila
University of the Philippines Manila
2 Diabetes Mellitus among Some Filipinos in San
Juan, Batangas, Philippines Detection and Purification of Peptide(s) with HLAB27 and HLADRB1 Genotyping of
Antimicrobial and/or Antioxidant Properties from Spondyloarthropathies and its Severity among Mobile Teledermatology Alert and Response
University of the Philippines Manila System for Leprosy Control
Ipomoea alba Filipino Patients
University of the Philippines Manila University of Santo Tomas Hospital Metahelix, Inc.
Analysis of Nutritional Status of Filipino
Mothers and its Associated Factors Using Data of Modulatory Role of Indigenous Medicinal Plants
the 2011 Updating of Nutritional Status of Filipino Development and Technical and Clinical Safety and Incidence of HIV in a Cohort of Men who Have Sex
with Men in Metro Manila Identified in Ilocos Norte in Acute and Chronic
Population Performance Testing of a Philippine-made Volume-
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine Inflammatory Diseases (Phase 1)
Food and Nutrition Research Institute cycled Mechanical Ventilator
Mariano Marcos State University
University of the Philippines Manila

74 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 75

Molecular Discovery Project from Selected Philippine The Changing Epidemiology of the HIV Positive Blockade of Airway Inflammation and Airway Comprehensive study on virus quasi-species and
Indigenous Medicinal Plants for Treatment of Patient Before and After Accessible Anti Retroviral Hyperresponsiveness Caused by Inhibition of Group vascular permeability factors in severe dengue
Diabetes Mellitus Therapy: Areas for Intervention in the Time of a V Phospholipase A2 Activation: Effect of Humanized infection in humans for innovative epidemic and
Visayas State University National Epidemic Antibidy Directed against Group V Phospholipase A2 clinical managements
University of the Philippines - Philippine General (Year 2) St. Luke’s Medical Center, e-ASIA Joint Research Program
Nationwide Dengue Vector Surveillance Hospital St. Luke’s College of Medicine
Department of Science and Technology - National Deployment of eHealth TABLET with PCB system in
Capital Region The Prevalence of Genetic Polymorphisms Product Development of Biotek-M Dengue-seco Kit 450 selected LGUs Nationwide
Associated with the Risk for the Development of (Lyophilized Format) Development of a Portable Industrial Grade
Non-Pharmacological Home based treatment for Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, and Coronary Artery University of the Philippines Diliman - Philippine Biomedical Diagnostic Device for Remote Maternal
Dementia Disease among Filipinos Genome Center and Fetal Health Care Monitoring, Phase II
St. Luke’s Medical College University of the Philippines Manila - Philippine Genome University of the Philippines Diliman
Center Forensic DNA Analysis Procedures for Human
Quantitative Molecular Signatures and Predictors Remains Identification The Impact of Speech and Lip Reading Training and
of Leptospirosis and the Development of its Validation of the Proposed XDP-MDSP Rating University of the Philippines Diliman Adjustment Counseling on the Elderly Individuals
Complications using Gene Expression Markers and Scale for the Evaluation of Patients with X-linked Ability to Cope with Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Pathway Analyses Dystonia-Parkinsonism (XDP) Y Chromosomal DNA Variation of the Filipinos across St. Luke’s Medical Center
University of the Philippines Diliman Philippine Children’s Medical Center Inc. families using Rapidly Mutating (RM) Y-chromosome
Specific Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Markers An Observational Study on the Effects of Ballroom
Pharmacogenomic Studies on Commonly Prescribed Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological Study University of the Philippines Diliman Dancing among Filipino Elderly with Mild Cognitive
Drugs for Filipinos with Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, (PURE) Impairment
and Coronary Artery Disease University of the Philippines Manila - Philippine General Anticancer, Antiinfective, Antiinflammatory St. Luke’s Medical Center
University of the Philippines - Philippine Genome Center Hospital and Toxicity Studies and Chemical Profiling of
the Expressed Juice of the Bark of Scyhiphora Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia and
Preclinical Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety TIPS 3 (The International Polycap Study 3): A hydrophyllaceae Thalassemia in the National Capital Region,
of Parenterally Administered Avian-Derived Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-controlled Trial University of Santo Tomas Philippines: Implications on Policies on Anemia
Neutralizing Antibodies Against Extracellular for the Evaluation of a Polypill Low Dose Aspirin and Department of Science and Technology - Food and
Histones in the Prevention of the Complications of Vitamin D supplementation in primary prevention. Critical Assessment of the Free Radical Scavenging Nutrition Research Institute
Sepsis University of the Philippines Manila - Philippine General and Chemopreventive Properties of Ficus
University of the Philippines Manila - National Institutes Hospital pseudopalma Chronotype of Filipino Non-shift Workers and Shift
of Health University of Santo Tomas Workers (Project 1)
Epidemiology of Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, University of the Philippines Diliman
Prevalence of HIV among at Risk Patient Population and Zoonotic P. knowlesi in Southern Mindanao, the Evaluation of the Antidiabetic and Antihypertensive
at the Philippine General Hospital Philippines: Geographic Distrbution, Mutation in properties of PRP-1 from purple yam (Dioscorea alata Exploring the Potentials of Philippine Ferns and
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine Genes that Confer Drug Resistance L.) and of manunggal (Samadera indica Gaertn) Lycopods as Therapeutics for Chronic Inflammation
University of the Philippines Los Baños Visayas State University and Cancer
Standardized Antihypertensive Product/s from Central Mindanao University
Moringa oleifera Herbal Extracts from Benguet for Bioactivity and DNA Barcoding for the Authentication of Philippine
University of the Philippines Diliman ADMETox Assays Medicinal Plants Myko-mining of Wild Edible Mushrooms and Other
University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila Allied Species in Central Luzon for their Anti-diabetic
State of the Art Researches on Ageing in the Properties
Philippines Herbal Extracts from Negros for Bioactivity and NEW Central Luzon State University
University of the Philippines Manila - National Institutes ADMETox Assays
of Health University of the Philippines Diliman Assessment of the Field Performance of Evaluation of Candidate Genomic Variations as
Commercially Available Larvicides in the Philippines Pharmacogenetic Markers for Commonly Used Oral
Species Diversity Analysis of Schistosoma japonicum In-vitro Nephro and Hepatotoxicities of Bioactive University of the Philippines Manila Hypoglycemic Agents among Filipinos
and Oncomelania hupensis quadrasisIsolated from Extracts from Terrestrial Organisms University of the Philippines Diliman - Philippine
Endemic Provinces in the Philippines University of the Philippines Diliman Community and Home-Based Balance Training Genome Center
College of Public Health Foundation Inc. Intervention for Filipino Elderly at Risk for Falls
Molecular Identification and Extraction of Bioactive St. Luke’s Medical Center Correlation of Candidate Genomic Variations
Subchronic Toxicity Studies of Virgin Coconut Oil on Compounds from Foliar Epiphytic and Endophytic for Susceptibility and Risk Assessment of Type
Sprague-Dawley Rats Fungi from Benguet, Philippines Comparative Study of Thiel Method and Use of 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Related Medical
De La Salle Health Sciences Institute University of the Philippines Baguio Formalin in Preserving Cadavers used in Anatomy Conditions
dissection University of the Philippines Diliman - Philippine
Subchronic Toxicity Studies of Yacon 500mg Capsules Plant Extracts from Plants Endemic in Davao Region University of the Philippines Manila Genome Center
in Healthy Sprague-Dawley Rats for Bioactivity and ADMETox Assays
De La Salle Health Sciences Institute University of the Philippines Mindanao
76 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 77
Transcriptional Profiling & Pathway Analyses for Dose Formulation of Lagerstroemia speciosa, Generation of Recombinant Humanized Single-
Complications of Type-2 Diabetes Milletus Zingiber officinale, Euphorbia hirta and a Fixed-Dose PCHRD-Monitored chain Fv (ScFv) targeted to TAG72 for the
University of the Philippines Diliman - Philippine Combination of all Three COMPLETED Construction of Immunoliposomes
Genome Center De La Salle Health Sciences Institute University of the Philippines Diliman
A Web-based Interactive Genome Library for the
Association between Pharmacogenomics & Development of an Antibacterial Psidium guajava Surveillance, Detection, Characterization and High Throughput Simultaneous Detection
Clinical Response to Anti-Asthma Drugs among Ointment Monitoring of Influenza Virus Infection in the of Waterborne Parasitosis from Household,
Filipino Patients with Bronchial Asthma in the PGH University of the Philippines Manila - National Institutes Philippines Recreational and Environmental Water Samples
Outpatient of Health University of the Philippines Manila - National Using Microarray Technology
University of the Philippines Manila - Development Institutes of Health University of the Philippines Manila - National
Foundation Development of an Antiparasitic Herbal Medicine Institutes of Health
University of the Philippines Manila - National Institutes Bioavailability of Iron, Zinc, and Calcium
Heavy Metals, Work Proximity to Major Roadway, of Health from Malunggay Leaves and Fruit: An In vitro Identification of Genes in Filipino Subacute
Blood Pressure, and Lung Function: Exposure Assessment Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) Patients
Assessment of Traffic Enforcers of the Metropolitan Development of an Oral Herbal Medicine for Department of Science and Technology - Food and University of the Philippines Manila - National
Manila Development Authority (MMDA) increased Ocular Pressure Nutrition Research Institute Institutes of Health
University of the Philippines Manila - Development University of the Philippines Manila - National Institutes
Foundation of Health Deployment, Training and Monitoring of OL Traps In vitro cytotoxicity and binding studies of
in School-based OL Trap Roll-out (Project 2) Anti-TAG72 Immunoliposomes Loaded with
Mutational Analysis of SLC26A4 and Audiological Anti-inflammatory and Anti-Pain Agents from Department of Science and Technology - Regional Doxorubicin
Outcomes among Filipino Cochlear Implantees Terrestrial Organisms Offices University of the Philippines Diliman
Newborn Hearing Screening Reference Center University of the Philippines Diliman
Philippine National Ear Institute Dietary Fiber Composition and Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of
Anti-Hypertension and Cholesterol-Lowering Dietary fiber characteristics of HCC49 Immunoliposomes in Nude Mice
Project 1: Peptides and Small Molecules as Compounds from Terrestrial Organisms Malunggay Leaves University of the Philippines Diliman
Antidiabetic Drugs University of the Philippines Diliman Department of Science and Technology - Food and
University of the Philippines Diliman Nutrition Research Institute Production of Probes and Antigens (Project 1)
Anti-Diabetic Bioactive Hits from Plants St. Luke’s Medical Center
Project 2: Synthesis of Imidazole-based Antifungal University of the Philippines Diliman Production of 1 Million Ovi/Larvicidal Trap Kits for
Agents Aedes Mosquito for Distribution Screening for Immunodulatory and Anti-cancer
University of the Philippines Diliman In Vitro Equivalence Testing of Selected Generic to the Department of Education (Proj 1) Activities of Herbal Extracts from IB-UPD and
Essential Medicines for BCS-based Biowaivers Department of Science and Technology - Industrial Other External Sources
Project 3: Synthesis of Deguelin Derivatives as University of the Philippines Manila Technology Development Institute University of the Philippines Diliman
University of the Philippines Diliman Induced antibiotic production in extremophiles Roll-out of Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap Standardization and Chemical Profiling of
from Philippine hyperalkaline springs in Poon Bato, System for Aedes Mosquito Medicinal Plants
Project 4: Synthesis, Derivatization and Zambales and Manlalueg, Pangasinan Department of Science and Technology - Industrial Ateneo de Manila University
Antihypertensive Activity of Benzimidazoles University of the Philippines Diliman Technology Development Institute
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology Generation for the Production of
Technology Project 1. High-throughput Multi-omics Discovery of The Efficacy of Malunggay Leaves Multi-Nutrient Growth Mix
Bioactive Marine Compounds and Establishment of a Sprinkle in Improving the Iron, Vitamin A, B Department of Science and Technology - Food and
Project 5: Diversity-oriented Synthesis of Potential Marine Chemical Library and Informatics System Vitamins and Calcium Status of 8-10 year old Nutrition Research Institute
Anti-inflammatory and Anti-cancer Agents Based on University of the Philippines Diliman Schoolchildren
α,β-Unsaturated 4-Hetereocyclopentanone Scaffolds Department of Science and Technology - Food and The Pan-Asia SNP (Single Nucleotide
University of Santo Tomas Project 2:Anti-Pain and Anti-Neurodegeneration Nutrition Research Institute Polymorphism) Initiative
Drug Candidates: Discovery and Development University of the Philippines Manila
Field Evaluation of Effectiveness of Sticky Trap using University of the Philippines Diliman ONGOING
Crude Extract A. aepgyti mosquitoes The Prevalence of CYP2D6 Gene Polymorphisms
Rainiers Research and Development Institute Inc. Project 3: Anti-Infective Drug Candidates: Discovery Construction of Drug Immunoliposomes Among Filipinos and their Use as Biomarkers for
and Development University of the Philippines Diliman Cancer Risk Among those with Lung Cancer
Herbal Extracts from Beach Forest and Mangroves of University of the Philippines Diliman University of the Philippines Manila
Aurora and Other Selected Sites for Bioactivity and Dengue: Climate, Evolution and Transmission
ADMETox Assays Implementation and Evaluation of the Proposed (DenCET) NEW
University of the Philippines Diliman Model for Integrated TB-Paragonimiasis Surveillance University of the Philippines Diliman
and Control in Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines A Web-based Interactive Genome Library for the
Dose Formulation of Lagerstroemia speciosa, University of the Philippines Manila Design and Development of a Lateral POC System Surveillance, Detection, Characterization and
Zingiber officinale, Euphorbia hirta and a Fixed-Dose (Project 2) Monitoring of Influenza Virus Infection in the
Combination of all Three St. Luke’s Medical Center Philippines
De La Salle Health Sciences Institute University of the Philippines Manila - National
Institutes of Health
78 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 79
Bioavailability of Iron, Zinc, and Calcium from Identification of Genes in Filipino Subacute Demographic Variables and Child Caring Practices
Malunggay Leaves and Fruit: An In vitro Assessment Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) Patients of Less Fortunate Households in Relation to Child
Department of Science and Technology - Food and University of the Philippines Manila - National Institutes REGIONAL PROJECTS Morbidity and Mortality Rate in the Selected Cities
Nutrition Research Institute of Health COMPLETED in Region X
Mountain View College
Construction of Drug Immunoliposomes In vitro cytotoxicity and binding studies of anti- Evaluation of the functionality of the health care
University of the Philippines Diliman TAG72 immunoliposomes loaded with doxorubicin delivery referral system Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Selected
University of the Philippines Diliman De La Salle Health Sciences Institute Communities in Zamboanga City
Dengue: Climate, Evolution and Transmisson Western Mindanao State University
(DenCET) Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of HCC49 Improving Enrolment Practices of LGU’s in the
University of the Philippines Manila Immunoliposomes in Nude Mice Sponsored Programs of PHIC in Region 2 Factors Affecting Availment of Mother and Child
University of the Philippines Diliman St. Paul University Care Program in Region 1
Design and Development of a Lateral POC System Pangasinan State University Bayambang Campus
(Project 2) Production of 1 Million Ovi/Larvicidal Trap Kits for Microbial Analysis on the Quality of Drinking
St. Luke’s Medical Center Aedes Mosquito for Distribution to the Department Water Sources in Metro Santiago Health Mapping of Selected Heavily Commercialized
of Education (Project 1) University of La Salette Agriculture Areas in Bukidnon
Dietary Fiber Composition and Dietary fiber Department of Science and Technology - Industrial Mountain View College
characteristics of Malunggay Leaves Technology Development Institute PNDF- A Nationwide Assessment of its Two
Department of Science and Technology - Food and Decades of Implementation and Impact in the In Vitro study of the Potential Anti-microbial
Nutrition Research Institute Production of Probes and Antigens (Project 1) Public Health Sector properties of “Moti-Moti”
St. Luke’s Medical Center De La Salle Health Sciences Institute San Pedro College
Effect of Aqueous Quassia amara L. leaf extract
on the Behavior, Locomotion and coordination of Roll-out of Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap System for Aedes Prevalence of Zinc Deficiency Among Type II Adult Impact of Devolution in the Delivery of Health
Albino rats Mosquito Diabetic Patients in FEU-NRMF Medical Center: A Services in Region 1
University of the Philippines Manila Department of Science and Technology - Industrial Cross Sectional Study Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
Technology Development Institute Far Eastern University - Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical
Effect of Aqueous Quassia amara L. leaf extract on Foundation Impact of Tropical Typhoon Sendong on Iligan
the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Functions of Screening for Immunodulatory and Anti-cancer Survivors: Groundwork for Mitigation and
Male Sprague-Dawley rats Activities of Herbal Extracts from IB-UPD and Other ONGOING Adaptation Programs with Emphasis on Health
University of the Philippines Manila External Sources Iligan Medical Center College
University of the Philippines Diliman A Gastropod Survey and Geographical
Establishing the Biofunctional Activities of Combined Distribution of Snail Vectors of Schistosomiasis in Linking the Epidemiology of Dengue Fever to
Formulation of Sampung Halamang Gamot Seasonal Fluctuations of dengue Vectors in Selected Talacogon, Agusan del Sur, Philippines Climatic Variability, Population Density and Social
University of the Philippines Manila Endemic Areas in the Philippines Caraga State University Dynamics in Southern Mindanao
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine Davao Medical School Foundation
Evaluation of the Safety and Health Potentials of Adequacy of Philhealth Insurance Case Rate
Bawang and Ampalaya in Hypertension and Type 2 Standardization and Chemical Profiling of Medicinal Coverage for Medicines in Pediatric Patients with The Safety and Efficacy of 595-nm Pulsed Dye Laser
DM through Metabolic Profiling Plants Pneumonia Admitted in a Government Hospital with Tazarotene 0.05% Gel versus Tazarotene 0.05%
University of the Philippines Manila Ateneo de Manila University San Pedro College and Southern Philippines Medical Gel alone in the Treatment of Nail Psoriasis among
Center Filipino Patients in Southern Philippines Medical
Determination of Normative Reference for the The Efficacy of Malunggay Leaves Sprinkle in Center: A Randomized, Single-blind, Intrapatient,
Definition of Sarcopenia Among Filipinos Improving the Iron, Vitamin A, B Vitamins and AMP-Protein Kinase Activity of Selected Philippine Left-to-Right Study
University of the Philippines Manila Calcium Status of 8-10 year old Schoolchildren Plants with Known Anti-Diabetic Property Southern Philippines Medical Center
Department of Science and Technology - Food and University of Santo Tomas
Generation of Recombinant Humanized Single-chain Nutrition Research Institute Risk Factors for Pre-eclampsia Among Pregnant
Fv (ScFv) targeted to TAG72 for the Construction of Association Between Tumor Necrosis Factor- Women in Four Districts Health Centers in Surigao,
Immunoliposomes The Pan-Asia SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) Alpha-308 G/A Polymorphism and Chronic Del Sur
University of the Philippines Diliman Initiative Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Patients of the Surigao Education Center
University of the Philippines Manila University of Santo Tomas Hospital
High Throughput Simultaneous Detection University of Santo Tomas Utilization of “Red” and “Native” Guava Genotypes in
of Waterborne Parasitosis from Household, The Prevalence of CYP2D6 Gene Polymorphisms the Formulation of Antimicrobial Products
Recreational and Environmental Water Samples Among Filipinos and their Use as Biomarkers for Bioluminescent Enzyme Immunoassay for the Lyceum Northwestern University
Using Microarray Technology Cancer Risk Among those with Lung Cancer Rapid and Specific Detection of Rabies Virus
University of the Philippines Manila - National Institutes University of the Philippines Manila Far Eastern Univeristy - Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical NEW
of Health Foundation
Technology Generation for the Production of Multi- The Efficacy and Safety of Spirulina Supplementation
Nutrient Growth Mix Bioluminescent Enzyme Immunoassay for the in the Treatment of Iron Defeciency Anemia in Pre
Department of Science and Technology - Food and Rapid and Specific Detection of Rabies Virus School-Age Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Nutrition Research Institute Far Eastern Univeristy - Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center
80 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 81
Child Abuse Victims Seen at MMMHMC Woman and Development of Food Products from Moringa oleifera Indigenous Knowledge Management on Medicinal A Cohort Study and Implementation Research on
Child Protection Unit: An Depth Clinical Study (Malunggay), Zingiber officinale (Ginger) & Coconut Plants & Animals for Maternal & Child Care among the Use of Subdermal Implants as a New Family
Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center Flour the Mamanuas in Lake Mainit, Surigao del Norte. Planning Program Method of the Department of
Marinduque State College Mindanao State University Health
The Anti-Hyperglycemic Properties of the Ethyl UPecon Foundation
Acetate and Hexane Extracts from Kondol Leaves Characterization and Toxicological Evaluation Of Mosquito Larvicidal Activity of Eucalyptus deglupta University of the Philippines Diliman
(Benincasa hispida Cogniaux) Guyabano (Annona muricata) Leaf Extract Crude Extract and Analysis of its Bioactive
Angeles University Foundation Bicol University - Tabaco Campus Compounds A Study of the Death Certification and Registration
Partido State University Process in Selected Areas and Sector
Kinect-Operated Bed: Innovative Posture Detection ICT Needs Assessment of Rural Health Units in University of the Philippines Manila
and Bedsores Preventing Device Zamboanga Peninsula Capacities & Needs Assessment for Health
Systems Plus College Foundation Western Mindanao State University Emergency Management among Conflict-affected Assessment of Health Workforce Service Capacities
and Disaster-prone LGUs Along the Ligawasan within a Service Delivery Network (SDN)
Efficacy of Mandibular Advancement Device in the Clinical and Metabolic Profile of Male-to-Female Biodiversity Wetlands Reserve (LBWR) University of the Philippines Manila
Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Transgender in Zamboanga City Mindanao State University - General Santos City
among Filipinos: A Pilot Study Zamboanga City Medical Center Financial Monitoring and Evaluation of Department
Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center HEALTH SYSTEM RESEARCH of Health Hospitals 2009-2013
Health Insurance Enrollment Coverage among Ms. Maria Hilda Resurreccion
The Validity of HBA1C in the Diagnosis of Type 2 Informal Workers of Organized Groups in MANAGEMENT PROGRAM
Diabetes Mellitus among Individuals at Risk Seen Zamboanga COMPLETED PROJECT Determinants of Rural Retention of Human
in the Outpatient Clinics of DLSU Medical Center: A Western Mindanao State University Resources for Health
Cross-Sectional Study Achievement of the MDGs in KP Context: A Review University of the Philippines Manila
De La Salle Health Sciences Institute Screening of Immunomodulatory Activity of of Current Evidence
Canarium ovatum Ethanolic Pulp Extract Assessment of the 2012 Policy, Planning, Research Development of Client Satisfaction Tool for DOH
The Effectivity of Theobroma cacao L. Seeds, Pulp, & Bicol University & Legislative (PPRL) Fellowship Program of the Hospitals
Seed Pod Extract in Inhibiting Tumor Cell Formation DOH University of the Philippines Manila
Cagayan State University Demographic Variables & Child Caring Practices Development of Harmonized Monitoring and
of Less Fortunate Households in Relation to Child Evaluation for DOH Evaluation of Health Promotion Interventions in
The Effectiveness of Theobroma cacao L. Seeds, Pulp, Morbidity and Mortality Rate in the Selected Cities Advocates for Development Management and Different Settings: An Assessment of the Red Orchid
and Seed Hull Extract as an Agent against Salmonella in Region X Sustainability Health System Research Management in Awards for Local Government Units
typhi Mountain View College the DOH Website Development University of the Philippines Manila
Cagayan State University
Health Mapping of Selected Heavily Commercialized Impact Evaluation and Monitoring of the Cheaper Health Seeking Behavior of National Household
The Validity of hba1c in Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Agriculture Areas in Bukidnon Medicines Act of 2008 Tracking System (NHTS) Poor Families
Mellitus among Individuals at Risk Seen in the Mountain View College Rainiers Research and Development Institute Inc. Asian Eye Institute
Outpatient Clinics of DLSU Medical Center: a Cross-
Sectional Study Impact of Tropical Typhoon Sendong on Iligan Institutional Strengthening of PITAHC as DOH Improving Access to Medicines in the Philippines:
De La Salle Health Sciences Institute Survivors: Groundwork for Mitigation & Adaptation Research Arm for Traditional & Alternative A Cross-sectional Mixed-Methods Analysis of
Programs with Emphasis on Health Medicine Geographic Accessibility and Availability of Private
Health-Risking Social Behaviors, Protective Factors, Iligan Medical Center College Ateneo de Manila University Generics Pharmacies
and Mental Health among Adolescents: Basis for Advocates for Development Management and
School-Based Mental Health Program Health Services Utilization and Customer Medium Term Health Research Agenda Setting Sustainability Inc.
De La Salle Health Sciences Institute Satisfaction in the Inter Local Health Zones in Lanao Alliance for the Improvement of Health Outcomes, Inc.
del Norte, Region X Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (DSM V)
Essential Intrapartum and Newborn Care Mindanao State University Sustaining KP Operations Monitoring at the DOH Among Children Aged 16 to 36 Months in the Visayas
Implementation In Marinduque University of the Philippines Diliman National Children’s Hospital
Marinduque State College Utilization of Health Information for Policy
Formulation, Priority Setting & Resource Allocation Support to Young Adult Fertility Survey 4 Program Evaluation of Health Emergency
Essential Intrapartum and Newborn Care in Iligan City & Oroquieta Interlocal Health Zones to University of the Philippines Diliman Management Staff (HEMS)
Implementation In Romblon meet National Health Goals University of the Philippines Manila
Romblon State University Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technical Consultancy to Sec Ona- Research
Technology Translation to Health Policy Cancer Registration in the Philippines
Essential Intrapartum And Newborn Care University of the Philippines Manila Philippine Cancer Society
Implementation In Occidental Mindoro Child Labor in Dump & Quarry Sites of Key Cities
Occidental Mindoro State College in Region X: Effects on Physical Health of Working ONGOING PROJECT Technical Assistance for Health Research Project for
Children Policy Making and Standardization of Rehabilitation
Essential Intrapartum And Newborn Care Mindanao State University Actual Out-of-Pocket (OOP) Expenditure of Program of Schizophrenic Patients as Part of Their
Implementation In Oriental Mindoro Households for Health Care Services and Health- Treatment (Camiguin)
Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology Related Products & Activities National Mental Hospital
Ateneo de Manila University
82 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 83
2014 Registered Researches in PHRR
CLINICAL TRIALS A multi-center, randomized, double-blind, Ongoing Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare
Project active-controlled, 8-week study to evaluate the Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc.
Public Title Implementing Agency Funding Agency
Status efficacy and safety of LCZ696 in comparison to
A 12-week treatment, randomized, blinded, Completed Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare olmesartan in patients withessential hyperten-
double-dummy, parallel-group study to assess Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc. sion
the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of NVA237 An Observational Follow-Up Study for: A Phase Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme
(50 µg o.d.) compared to tiotropium (18 µg o.d.) III Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial (IA) Corp. Philippines (IA) Corp. Philippines
in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Odanacat-
disease (COPD) ib (MK-0822) to Reduce the Risk of Fracture in
A 26-week treatment, randomised, double-blind, Completed Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare Osteoporotic Postmenopausal Women Treated
placebo-controlled, parallel group study to Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc. With Vitamin D and Calcium (Protocol 018) (MK-
assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of 0822-083)
NVA237 (50 µg o.d.) in patients with chronic ob- Comparison of TAK-875 With Sitagliptin When Terminated Takeda Global Re- Takeda Global Re-
structive pulmonary disease Used in Combination With Metformin in Patients search and Develop- search and Develop-
A 52-week treatment, multi-center, randomized, Ongoing Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare With Type 2 Diabetes ment Center ment Center
doubleblind, double dummy, parallel-group, Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc. VESTRI A 6-month safety and benefit study of Ongoing GlaxoSmithKline USA GlaxoSmithKline USA
active controlled study to compare the effect of inhaled fluticasone, propionate/ salmeterol com-
QVA149 (indacaterol maleate / glycopyrronium bination versus inhaled fluticasone, propionate
bromide) with salmeterol/fluticasone on the rate in the treatment of 6,200 pediatric subjects 4-11
of exacerbations in subjects with moderate to years old with persistent asthma
very severe COPD AUSTRI A Safety and Efficacy Study of Inhaled Ongoing GlaxoSmithKline USA GlaxoSmithKline USA
A Blinded Extension to 5 Years of a Phase III Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme Fluticasone, Propionate/Salmeterol Combination
Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial (IA) Corp. Philippines (IA) Corp. Philippines versus Inhaled Fluticasone Propionate in the
to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Odanacatib Treatment of Adolescent and Adult Subjects with
(MK-0822) to Reduce the Risk of Fracture in Oste- Asthma
oporotic Postmenopausal Women Treated With A Phase II/ III study of aH5N1 Vaccine in healthy Pending Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare
Vitamin D and Calcium (MK-0822-018) subjects 6-<18 yrs Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc.
A Phase III, Randomized, Double Blind, Active Completed Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme A 12-Month Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Ongoing Pfizer Inc. Pfizer Inc.
Comparator-Controlled Parallel-Group Study, (IA) Corp. Philippines (IA) Corp. Philippines Safety and Tolerability of Pregabalin as Adjunc-
Conducted Under In-House Blinding Conditions, tive Therapy in Pediatric Subjects 1 Month to
to Examine the Efficacy and Safety of a Single 16 Years of Age with Partial Onset Seizures and
150 mg Dose of Intravenous Fosaprepitant Dime- Pediatric and Adult Subjects 5 To 65 Years of Age
glumine for the Prevention of Chemotherapy-In- with Primary Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures
duced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV) Associated
A Phase III Multicenter, Double Blind, Random- Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme
With Moderately Emetogenic Chemotherapy
ized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate (IA) Corp. Philippines (IA) Corp. Philippines
the Safety and Efficacy of MK-0431A XR (a Fixed
A Phase III Clinical Trial to Study the Tolerability Completed Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme Dose Combination Tablet of Sitagliptin and Ex-
and Immunogenicity of V503, a Multivalent Hu- (IA) Corp. Philippines (IA) Corp. Philippines tended-Release Metformin) in Pediatric Subjects
man Papillomavirus (HPV) L1 Virus-Like Particle with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Inadequate
(VLP) Vaccine, in 16-to 26-Year-Old Men and 16- Glycemic Control on Metformin Monotherapy
to 26-Year-Old Women. (MK-0431A-289)
A Long-Term Effectiveness, Immunogenicity, and Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme A Phase III, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Random- Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme
Safety Study of GARDASIL™ (Human Papilloma- (IA) Corp. Philippines (IA) Corp. Philippines ized Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy Corporation Corporation
virus [Types 6,11,16,18] Recombinant Vaccine) in of the Addition of MK-3102 Compared with the
Young Men Addition of Sitagliptin in Subjects with Type 2
A Study to Test the Safety and Effectiveness of Terminated Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme Diabetes Mellitus with Inadequate Glycemic Con-
MK0906A (Finasteride) and Tamsulosin Taken (IA) Corp. Philippines (IA) Corp. Philippines trol on Metformin
Either Together or Alone in Patients with Benign
Prostatic Hyperplasia (MK-0906A-149)

84 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 85

A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Ongoing Dainippon Sumitomo Dainippon Sumitomo
Placebo-Controlled Study of SM-13496 for the Pharma Co. Ltd. Pharma Co. Ltd.
Treatment of Bipolar I Depression
A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Dou- Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme
A Long-Term Study of SM-13496 in Patients with Ongoing Dainippon Sumitomo Dainippon Sumitomo
ble-Blind Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Corporation Corporation
Bipolar I Disorder Pharma Co. Ltd. Pharma Co. Ltd.
Safety of MK-3102 Versus Placebo in Subjects
with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Moderate or A Dose-Blinded, 2-Dose Level, Parallel-Group, Ongoing Biogen Idec Research Biogen Idec Research
Severe Chronic Kidney Disease or Kidney Fail- Multicenter, Long-Term Extension Study to Limited Limited
ure on Dialysis Who Have Inadequate Glycemic Evaluate the Long-Term Safety, Efficacy, and Im-
Control munogenicity of BIIB023 in Subjects with Lupus
A randomized, 8-week, double-blind, paral- Pending Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare
lel-group, activecontrolled, multicenter study to Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc. A Phase 3 Randomized, Double-blind Study of Ongoing Pfizer Inc. - USA /and/ Pfizer Inc.
evaluate the efficacy and safety of LCZ696 200 PF-05280014 Plus Paclitaxel Versus Trastuzum- ICON Clinical Research
mg in comparison with olmesartan 20 mg treat- ab Plus Paclitaxel for the First-line Treatment of Services Inc.
ment Patients with Her2-positive Metastatic Breast
An 8-week randomized, double-blind, place- Pending Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare
bo-controlled factorial study to evaluate the ef- Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc. Safety and Immunogenicity of a Four Influenza Ongoing Novartis Vaccines and Novartis Vaccines and
ficacy and safety of LCZ696 alone and in combi- Vaccines in Children Ages 6 Months Old to Less Diagnostics Diagnostics
nation with amlodipine in patients with essential Than 4 Years Old
hypertension Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Pending Pfizer Inc. - USA Pfizer Inc.
An open-label, long term (52 week) extension Pending Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare Parallel-Group Study to Assess Cardiovascular
study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc. Outcomes Following Treatment With Ertugliflozin
efficacy of treatment with LCZ696 monotherapy (MK-8835/PF-04971729) in Subjects with Type
and LCZ696 in combination with amlodipine in 2 Diabetes Mellitus And Established Vascular
patients with essential hypertension Disease
A three-year extension study to evaluate the long Ongoing Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare Efficacy and Immunogenicity Study of Quadri- Ongoing Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Pasteur
term efficacy, safety and tolerability of secuki- Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc. valent Influenza Vaccine Administered via the
numab in patients with active psoriatic arthritis Intramuscular Route in Healthy Children Aged 6
to 35 Months
A Study to Assess Different Diagnostic Criteria of Ongoing Janssen Pharmaceuti- Janssen Pharmaceuti-
Chronic Constipation in Asia cals, Inc. cals, Inc. A Phase 3 Clinical Trial to Study Short Duration Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme
Versus Standard Response-Guided Therapy with Corporation Corporation
Ozurdex DME Study 206207-026 Pending Allergan Healthcare Allergan Healthcare
MK-3034 (SCH 503034)/Boceprevir Combined
Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc.
with PegIntron and Ribavirin in Previously Un-
OMNEON A Multicenter, Phase III, Randomized, Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme treated Non- Cirrhotic Subjects with Chronic HCV
Placebo-Controlled Trial to Assess the Safety and Corporation Corporation Genotype 1 in Asia
Efficacy of MK-3102 Monotherapy in Subjects
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Ongoing Anthera Pharmaceuti- Anthera Pharmaceuti-
with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Inadequate
Phase 2/3 Study To Evaluate The Efficacy And cals, Inc. /and/ Pacific cals, Inc.
Glycemic Control
Safety Of Blisibimod Administration In Subjects Clinical Research Pte.
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme With IgA Nephropathy Ltd.
Multicenter Study to Assess Cardiovascular Corporation Corporation
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Ongoing Pfizer Inc. Pfizer Inc.
Outcomes Following Treatment with MK-3102 in
parallel group, multi-center trial of pregabalin as
Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
adjunctive therapy in pediatric and adult subjects
MetMab Lung Ongoing Roche (Philippines), Inc. F. Hoffmann-La Roche with primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures
INTEREST in CD2 Ongoing Ipsen Pharma SAS Ipsen Pharma SAS
A 12-month, phase III, randomized, dou- Pending Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare
A 6-Week Randomized, Parallel, Double-Blind, Ongoing Sunovion Pharmaceuti- Sunovion Pharmaceu-
ble-masked, multicenter, active-controlled Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc.
Placebo-Controlled, Fixed-Dose, Multicenter cals Inc. ticals Inc.
study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two
Study to Evaluate The Efficacy and Safety of
individualized regimens of 0.5 mg ranibizumab
Lurasidone in Adolescent Subjects with Schizo-
vs. verteporfin PDT in patients with visual im-
pairment due to choroidal neovascularization
secondary to pathologic myopia (Brilliance) Reduced-dosed rivaroxaban in the long-term Ongoing Bayer Healthcare AG Bayer Healthcare AG
prevention of recurrent symptomatic VTE

86 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 87

A 104-Week, Flexible-Dose, Open-Label, Multi- Pending Sunovion Pharmaceuti- Sunovion Pharmaceu- A Randomized, Open Label Phase III Study to Ongoing Boehringer Ingelheim Boehringer Ingelheim
center, Extension Study to Evaluate the Long- cals Inc. ticals Inc. Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Afatinib Singapore, Pte. Ltd. Singapore, Pte. Ltd.
Term Safety and Effectiveness of Lurasidone (BIBW 2992) versus Intravenous Methotrexate in
in Pediatric Subjects with Schizophrenia and Patients with Recurrent and/or Metastatic Head
Subjects with Irritability Associated with Autistic and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma who have
Disorder Progressed after Platinum-based Therapy
A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Double-blind, Ongoing Janssen Research and Janssen Research and A 24 month, multicenter, randomized, open-label Pending Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare
Multicenter, Phase 2 Dose Ranging Study To Development LLC Development LLC safety and efficacy study of concentration-con- Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc.
Assess The Efficacy And Safety of CNTO6785 In trolled everolimus with reduced calcineurin
Subjects With Active Rheumatoid Arthritis De- inhibitor vs mycophenolate with standard calci-
spite Methotrexate Therapy neurin inhibitor in de novo renal transplantation-
A Randomised, Double-Blind, Parallel Group, Ongoing Samsung Biopes Co. Samsung Biopes Co. Advancing renal TRANSplant eFficacy and safety
Multicentre Clinical Study to Evaluate the Effica- Ltd. Ltd. Outcomes with an eveRolimus-based regiMen
cy, Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Immunogenici- (TRANSFORM)
ty of SB2 Compared to Remicade in Subjects with A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, pla- Pending Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare
Moderate to Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis despite cebo controlled phase III study to evaluate the Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc.
Methotrexate Therapy. efficacy, safety and tolerability of serelaxin when
A Phase III Randomised, Double-Blind, Parallel Ongoing Samsung Biopes Co. Samsung Biopes Co. added to standard therapy in acute heart failure
Group, Multicentre Study to Compare the Effica- Ltd. Ltd. patients
cy, Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Immunogenicity Efficacy and Safety of Tedizolid Phosphate vs. Ongoing Bayer Philippines, Inc. Bayer Healthcare AG
between SB3 (proposed trastuzumab biosimilar) Linezolid Phosphate in ABSSSI Patients
and Herceptin in Women with Newly Diagnosed A Phase IIb, Multi-Center, Randomized, Dou- Ongoing Merck KGaA Merck KGaA
HER2 Positive Early or Locally Advanced Breast ble-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multidose, 24-
Cancer in Neoadjuvant Setting Week Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety
A Phase 3 Randomized Double-blind Study Pending Trius Therapeutics, Inc. Trius Therapeutics, of Atacicept in Subjects With Systemic Lupus
Comparing TR-701 FA and Linezolid in Ventilated Inc. Erythematosus (SLE)
Gram-positive Nosocomial Pneumonia Xarelto for Prevention of Stroke in Patients With Ongoing Bayer Philippines, Inc. Bayer Philippines, Inc.
This is a Multinational Study Comparing the Ongoing Astellas Pharma Eu- Astellas Pharma Eu- Atrial Fibrillation in Asia (XANAP)
Efficacy and Safety of Two Medicines , Solifena- rope B.V. rope B.V. Efficacy And Safety Evaluating Study Of CT-P6 In Pending Celltrion Inc. Celltrion Inc.
cin Succinate and Mirabegron Taken Together, Her2 Positive Early Breast Cancer
or Separately, or a Mock Treatment (Placebo) in
Subjects With Symptoms of Overactive Bladder Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Mi- Ongoing National Institutes of Astellas Pharma Glob-
cafungin Versus Conventional Amphotericin B for Health - University of al Development, Inc.
THEMIS Pending AstraZeneca Pharma- AstraZeneca AB the Treatment of Neonatal Candidiasis the Philippines - Ma-
ceuticals (Philippines) nila, Institute of Child
Inc. Health and Human
Kaitlin Pending Roche (Philippines), Inc. Roche (Philippines), Development
Inc. BOTOX® Treatment in Pediatric Lower Limb Terminated Allergan Healthcare Allergan Healthcare
A randomized double-masked, phase III study as- Pending Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare Spasticity: Double-blind Study Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc.
sessing ranibizumab intravitreal injections versus Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc. BOTOX® Treatment of Pediatric Lower Limb Pending Allergan Healthcare Allergan Healthcare
sham control in patients with visual impairment Spasticity: Open-label Study Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc.
due to macular edema (ME) secondary to branch
retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) [Blossom] A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Pending Pfizer Inc. - USA Pfizer Inc.
parallel group, multi-center trial of pregabalin as
A randomized double-masked, phase III study as- Pending Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare adjunctive therapy in pediatric and adult subjects
sessing ranibizumab intravitreal injections versus Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc. with primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures.
sham control in patients with visual impairment
due to macular edema (ME) secondary to central A Phase II, double-blind, controlled trial to assess Pending Takeda Vaccines, Pte. Takeda Vaccines, Pte.
retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) [Camellia] the Safety and Immunogenicity of different Ltd. Ltd.
schedules of Takeda’s Tetravalent Dengue
Randomized, Double-Masked, Vehicle Controlled, Ongoing Alcon Research Ltd. Alcon Research Ltd. Vaccine Candidate (TDV) in healthy subjects aged
Clinical Evaluation To Assess The Safety And between 2 and <18 years and living in dengue
Efficacy Of Nepafenac Ophthalmic Suspension, endemic countries in Asia and Latin America
0.3% For Improvement In Clinical Outcomes
Among Diabetic Subjects Following Cataract MK-8835/PF-04971729 vs. Placebo in T2DM Sub- Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme
Surgery jects with Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease Corporation Corporation

88 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 89

MK-8835/PF-04971729 And Sitagliptin Co-admin- Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme
istration Factorial Study Corporation Corporation
To Demonstrate Equivalence Of Pharmacokinet- Pending Celltrion Inc. Celltrion Inc.
MK-8835/PF-04971729 vs. Glimepiride in T2DM Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme ics And Noninferiority Of Efficacy For CT-P10 In
Subjects on Metformin Corporation Corporation Comparison With Rituxan (rituximab)
Effects of Canned Pineapple on Nutritional Sta- Completed The Philippine Wom- Del Monte Philippines, A Study Of PF-05280586 (Rituximab-Pfizer) Or Ongoing Pfizer Inc. - USA Pfizer Inc. - USA
tus, Immunomodulation and Physical Health en's University System Inc. MabThera® (Rituximab-EU) For The First-Line
- Manila Treatment Of Patients With CD20-Positive, Low
A Phase IIb, Multi-Center, Long-Term Extension Ongoing Merck KGaA Merck KGaA Tumor Burden, Follicular Lymphoma (REFLEC-
Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of TIONS B328-06)
Atacicept in Subjects with Systemic Lupus Erythe- Clinical Study To Evaluate The Safety, Immunoge- Pending Novartis Healthcare Novartis Healthcare
matosus (SLE) who Completed Protocol EMR- nicity And Efficacy Of Investigational Flu Vaccine Philippines, Inc. Philippines, Inc.
700461-023 (ADDRESS II) Compared To Approved Flu Vaccine In Children
A prospective, multicenter, comparative, open la- Ongoing LG Life Sciences, Ltd. LG Life Sciences, Ltd. A Phase III Multicenter, Double-Blind, Random- Ongoing Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme
bel, randomized phase III study to assess immu- ized, Active Comparator-Controlled Clinical Trial (IA) Corp. Philippines (IA) Corp. Philippines
nogenicity and safety of LBVP0101-01{fully liquid to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Reformu-
pentavalent vaccine, Diphtheria-Tetanus-whole lated Raltegravir 1200 mg Once Daily Versus
cell Pertussis-Hepatitis B-Haemophilus influen- Raltegravir 400 mg Twice Daily, Each in Combina-
zae type b(tetanus toxoid conjugate)} compared tion With TRUVADA™, in Treatment-Naïve HIV-1
with Euforvac-HibTM {reconstituted pentavalent Infected Subjects
vaccine, Diphtheria-Tetanus-whole cell Pertus- A Randomized, Open Label, Phase III Study of Pending Merck Sharp & Dohme Merck Sharp & Dohme
sis-Hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type Overall Survival Comparing Pembrolizumab (MK- (IA) Corp. Philippines (IA) Corp. Philippines
b(tetanus toxoid conjugate)} in healthy infants 3475) Versus Platinum Based Chemotherapy in
Effects of Nutrient-fortified Milk-based Formula Completed The Philippine Wom- Mead Johnson Nutri- Treatment Naïve Subjects With PD-L1 Positive
on the Nutritional Status and Psychomotor Skills en's University System tion (Philippines) Advanced or Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung
of Preschool Children - Manila Cancer (Keynote 042)
A Randomized, Double-blind, Event-driven, Place- Ongoing Janssen Research and Janssen Research and
bo-controlled, Multicenter Study of the Effects of Development LLC Development LLC
Canagliflozin on Renal and Cardiovascular Out-
comes in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
and Diabetic Nephropathy NOn-CLINICAL TRIALS
A Multinational Study Comparing The Long-term Ongoing Astellas Pharma Eu- Astellas Pharma Eu-
Efficacy And Safety Of Two Medicines, Solifenacin rope B.V. rope B.V. Public Title Project Implementing Agency Funding Agency
Succinate And Mirabegron Taken Together, Or Status
Separately, Or A Mock Treatment (placebo) In
Evaluation of Dietary Ser- Completed Food and Nutrition Re- Department of Health Cen-
Subjects With Symptoms Of Overactive Bladder
vice in Selected Hospitals search Institute, Depart- tral Office
in the Philippines ment of Science and
A Clinical Trial To Evaluate Efficacy For Patients Pending Celsion Corporation Celsion Corporation Technology
With Primary Liver Cancer Scheduled To Be
Baseline Research Study Ongoing University of the Philip- Philippine Council for
Treated With Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA). This
on the Occupational Dis- pines - Manila, College of Health Research and De-
Study Will Compare RFA Plus An Investigational
eases Among Workers in Public Health velopment, Department of
Drug Of Liposomal Doxorubicin Versus RFA With-
Public Healthcare Facilities Science and Technology
out Investigational Drug.
and DOH Offices
A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Ongoing FibroGen, Inc. FibroGen, Inc.
Projected Impact of Mutual Completed University of the East Ra- Department of Health,
Controlled Study Of The Efficacy And Safety Of
Recognition Agreements mon Magsaysay Memorial Health Human Resources
FG-4592 For The Treatment Of Anemia In Chron-
on the Philippine Health Medical Center, Graduate Development Bureau
ic Kidney Disease Patients Not On Dialysis
Care System School
NHTS Health Seeking Be- Ongoing Asian Eye Institute Department of Health Cen-
havior Study tral Office

90 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 91

State of the Art on Researches on Aging in the Ongoing National Institutes of Philippine Council for NHTS Health Seeking Behavior Study Ongoing Asian Eye Institute Department of Health
Philippines Health - University of Health Research and Central Office
the Philippines - Ma- Development, Depart- Implementation And Evaluation Of The Proposed Ongoing University of the Philip- Philippine Council for
nila, Institute on Aging ment of Science and Model For Integrated Tuberculosis- Paragonimi- pines - Manila Health Research and
Technology asis Surveillance And Control In Zamboanga Del Development, Depart-
Oral azoles for pityriasis versicolor Ongoing University of the Self-funded Norte, Philippines ment of Science and
Philippines - Manila, Technology
College of Medicine, The Philippine Chronotype and Social Jetlag Ongoing University of the University of the
Department of Clinical Survey Philippines Center for Philippines Center for
Epidemiology Integrative and Devel- Integrative and Devel-
Monitoring and Process Evaluation of the DOST Ongoing Food and Nutrition Department of Sci- opment Studies /and/ opment Studies /and/
PINOY (Package for the Improvement of Nutri- Research Institute, ence and Technology University of the Philip- Philippine Council for
tion of Young Children) Department of Science Regional Offices pines - Manila, College Health Research and
and Technology of Public Health Development, Depart-
Sustaining, Expansion and Advocacy of the FNRI Ongoing Food and Nutrition DOST Central Office ment of Science and
Technology on Complementary Food Blends in Research Institute, Technology
the Regions Department of Science Anti-Diabetic Drugs from Philippine Plants Ongoing University of the Philip- DOST Central Office
and Technology pines - Diliman, Insti-
Medical Teleparasitology for Laboratory Diagno- Ongoing National Institutes of Philippine Council for tute of Chemistry
sis of Parasitic Infections in the Philippines Health - University of Health Research and Standardized eanti-hypertensive extracts from Ongoing University of the Philip- Philippine Council for
the Philippines - Manila Development, Depart- Moringa oleifera pines - Diliman, Insti- Health Research and
ment of Science and tute of Chemistry Development, Depart-
Technology ment of Science and
Exclusive Breastfeeding among Selected Com- Ongoing Western Mindanao Philippine Council for Technology
munities in Zamboanga City State University - Main Health Research and Anti-inflammatory and Anti-Pain Agents from Ongoing University of the Philip- Philippine Council for
Development, Depart- Plants pines - Diliman, Insti- Health Research and
ment of Science and tute of Chemistry Development, Depart-
Technology ment of Science and
Health insurance enrollment coverage among Ongoing Western Mindanao Philippine Council for Technology
informal workers of organized groups in Zambo- State University - Main Health Research and
anga Development, Depart-
ment of Science and
Effects of CYP2D6 Alleles on Plasma Endoxifen Ongoing National Institutes of National Institutes of
Levels of Breast Cancer Patients taking Adjuvant Health - University of Health - University of
Tamoxifen the Philippines - Ma- the Philippines - Ma-
nila, Institute of Human nila
Nutrient Composition of Popular Street Foods Completed The Philippine Wom- Department of Health
en's University System Central Office
- Manila
A Cohort Study and Implementation Research on Ongoing UPecon Foundation, Department of Health
the Use of Subdermal Implants as a New Family Inc. Central Office
Planning Program Method of the Department of
Forensic DNA Analysis Procedures for Human Ongoing University of the Philip- Philippine Council for
Remains Identification pines - Diliman, Natu- Health Research and
ral Science Research Development, Depart-
Institute, DNA Analysis ment of Science and
Laboratory Technology

92 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 93

Cruz, Merlyn Malecosio JR, Serafin Odiaman Valle, Demetrio JR Lim
ACCELERATED SCIENCE Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Epidemiology Biology
AND TECHNOLOGY University of the Philippines Diliman University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Diliman
HUMAN RESOURCE Cruz, Rogelio Sacluti Maramag, Cherry Cristobal DOCTORAL DEGREE
DEVELOPMENT Biological Sciences Epidemiology
PROGRAM (ASTHRP) University of Santo Tomas University of the Philippines Manila COMPLETED
SCHOLARS Cuarto, Ceazar Ryan Umali Miranda, Sheila De Vera Ballad, Charisse Gennevieve
DOCTORAL DEGREE Chemistry Pharmacy MS Tropical Medicine
University of Santo Tomas University of Santo Tomas University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial
COMPLETED Medical Center
Dalet, Jay Tuason Obusan, Marie Christine Merca
Bundalian, Reynaldo Biochemistry Environmental Science Bawalan, Raplh Julius
DrPH PH Microbiology University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Diliman MS Tropical Medicine
University of the Philippines Manila University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial
De Jesus, Editha Evea Ongpoy, Romeo Capistrano JR Medical Center
Burgos, Jacqueline Rose Biological Sciences Pharmacy
PhD Molecular Biology & Biotechnology University of Santo Tomas University of Santo Tomas Camitan, Neri
University of the Philippines Los Baños MS Environmental Science
De las Llagas, Ma. Cristina Sampaga Oruga, Myra De la Pena University of the Philippines Los Baños
Chua, Racquel Biology Health Promotion and Education
PhD Plant Biology, Magna Cum Laude University of Santo Tomas University of the Philippines Manila Casingal, Cristine
Saint Louise University MS Molecular Medicine
Dimaguiba, Justin Rachelle Pontillas Osillos, Precelita Liwag St. Luke’s Medical Center
Corcolon, Elvira Biology Biology
PhD Botany Saint Louise University Saint Louis University De Leon, Marco
University of the Philippines Los Baños MS Biochemistry
Galvez, Eleanor Javaluyas Pastor, Christ John Mejia University of the Philippines Manila
Legaspino, Requel Health Education and Promotion Biochemistry
PhD Biology University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila Fernandez, Eisha Vienna
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of MS Biological Sciences
Technology Gregorio, Ernesto Ramos, Jr. Quezon, Mayrose Lilagan University of Santo Tomas
Health Promotion and Education Pharmacy
ONGOING University of the Philippines Manila University of Santo Tomas Loquere, Christina
MS Chemistry
Ang, Mary Jean Curameng Guce-Bigol, Ursela Palma Ramirez, Ma. Anna Rita Marfil Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of
Medical Microbiology Biochemistry Nutrition Technology
University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Diliman
Posadas, John Joseph
Amosco, Melissa De Lumen Gundran, Romeo Sabinay, Stephen Gubac MS Asian Health Practices
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Epidemiology Molecular Biology and Biotechnology University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial
University of the Philippines Diliman University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Los Baños Medical Center

Baco, Fortunata Larosa Hipol, Regina Lourdes Bronola Safra, Sheila Arelli Garcia ONGOING
Epidemiology Botany Health Education and Promotion
University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Los Banos University of the Philippines Manila Angeles, Junlie Marie Resultay
Applied Physics (Medical)
Bacudio, Ana Maria Aceveda Juangco, Susan Sucol, Yusuf Abe University of Santo Tomas
Medical Microbiology Health Promotion and Education Environmental Science
University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Los Baños Arago, Alyssa Gaye Reynoso
Asian Health Practices
Bondoc, Jonah Longno Lardizaval, Mechelle Pawchong Talavera, Maria Theresa Madrid University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial
Environmental Science Biology Nutrition Medical Center
University of the Philippines Diliman Saint Louise University University of the Philippines Manila
Arbis, Eugene Matildo
Bonifacio, Julie Chairmain Oca Manalo, Daria Varona, Gracia Fuentes Epidemiology
Biology Medical Parasitology Parasitology University of the Philippines Manila
University of the Philippines Diliman University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila

94 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 95

Arceo, Richard Castro Buhain, Rose Mabelle Clemente Estrella, Emmanuel Pantaleon Pagarigan, Geraldine Falgui MD
Molecular Medicine Epidemiology Clinical Epidemiology Tropical Medicine
St. Luke’s Medical Center University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila

Arimado, Joshua Banaria Cabanilla, Carl Vincent Duran Espaldon, Marya Laya Ortega Palileo, Lia Aileen Marasigan MD
Pharmacy Chemistry Environmental Science & Management Clinical Epidemiology
University of Santo Tomas University of the Philippines Diliman University of the Philippines Los Baños University of the Philippines Manila

Arvesu, Vermont Estrada Cabral, Loraine Kay Dela Rosa Fajardo, Lindsay Sydney Nano Quingking, Cherie Grace Geda
Pharmacology Molecular Medicine Molecular Medicine Clinical Epidemiology
University of the Philippines Manila St. Luke’s Medical Center St. Luke’s Medical Center University of the Philippines Manila

Babasa, Ace Lennon Natal Caburatan, Lorrene Cabanug Gestuveo, Rommel Jalbuna Ravelo, Celia Ravelo
Asian Health Practices Biology Molecular Medicine Pharmacology
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Mindanao State University, Iligan Institute of Technology St. Luke’s Medical Center University of the Philippines Manila
Medical Center
Chi, Jean Pauline Cordes Intal, Ma. Verna Yco Rebugio, Jesamine Flor
Bacay, Brian Acosta Asian Health Practices Nutrition Environmental Science
Parasitology University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial University of the Philippines Diliman University of the Philippines Los Baños
University of the Philippines Manila Medical Center
Javier, Anna Katrina Aquino Romero, Daryl Colanta
Bayona, Princess Wendy Andaya Calibjo, Hartzell Mariano Epidemiology Epidemiology
Molecular Medicine Epidemiology University of the Philippines Manila University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial
St. Luke’s College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Medical Center
Kawashima, Kent Diel
Barbas, Lord Ryan Damian Cochon, Kim Lim Molecular Medicine Tamayo, Diane Rollo
Epidemiology Biostatistics St. Luke’s Medical Center Clinical Epidemiology
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila
Medical Center Lamac, Maria Ruby Lamboto
Cristobal, Catherine Coronel Epidemiology Tan, Irving MD
Barile, Monique Desamero Epidemiology University of the Philippines Manila Molecular Medicine
Pharmacology University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial St. Luke’s Medical Center
University of the Philippines Manila Medical Center Landicho, Shenjira, Arnobit
Epidemiology Tanchanco, Lourdes Bernadette Sumpaico MD
Banzon, Joseph Joy Gozon Cruz, Mardonie Dominguez University of the Philippines Manila Clinical Epidemiology
Medical Technology Environmental Science University of the Philippines Manila
University of Santo Tomas University of the Philippines Diliman Lawag, Ivan Lozada
Chemistry Tapia, Narciso Alcuizar MD
Bautista, Eva Ilagan MD Cu, Richel Erin Bismonte University of Santo Tomas Medical Microbiology
Clinical Epidemiology Epidemiology University of the Philippines Manila
University of the Philippines Manila University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Llido, John Paul Sumacolob
Medical Center MS Molecular Medicine Tayao, Gamaliel Guillermo MD
Bautista, Felix Calabines Jr St. Luke’s Medical Center Clinical Epidemiology
Environmental Science David, April Joy Guerrero University of the Philippines Manila
University of the Philippines Los Baños Epidemiology Malenab, Ma. Charisma Tamayo
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Environmental Science Usman, Lourdes Consolacion Roco
Bautista, Tomas Dumagpi MD Medical Center University of the Philippines Los Baños Pharmacy
Clinical Epidemiology University of the Philippines Manila
University of the Philippines Manila De Jesus, Christopher Carlos Manansala, Teddy Sinsoa
Pharmacology Biochemistry Uy, Elenore Judy Bungcasan MD
Bayna, Recylyn Isureta University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila Clinical Epidemiology
Applied Nutrition University of the Philippines Manila
University of the Philippines Los Baños De la Cruz, Ane Castro Mendoza, Lei Lanna Colle
Pharmacy Medical Microbiology Fabella, Terence Diane Ferranco
Bernabe, Enrique-Rene Gacho University of Immaculate Conception University of the Philippines Manila Pharmacology
Pharmacy University of the Philippines Manila
University of Santo Tomas Dimafelix, Paul Raymond Santos Otero, Maria Catherine Bernolo
Epidemiology Medical Microbiology Franks, Wally Bulawan
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial University of the Philippines Manila Occupational Health
Medical Center University of the Philippines Manila
96 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 | 97
Furia, April Dyan Radaza Mondres, Teddy Roowell Umbao Rosario, Mary Rose Dilag Uy, Hilda Talavera
Biostatistics Epidemiology Clinical Epidemiology Epidemiology
University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial
Medical Center
Garcia, Cristina Jacinto Monlinong, Jason Paul Calonge Rubian, Fjorda Kim Rosinto
Nutrition Molecular Medicine Applied Physics (Medical) Valenzuela, Madonna Morales
University of the Philippines Manila St. Luke’s Medical Center University of Santo Tomas Biostatistics
University of the Philippines Manila
Guzman, Mariane Amparo Peren Morales, Lyndon Dela Cruz Salvoza, Noel Calumno
Population Studies (Demography) Biostatistics Molecular Medicine Verzosa-Canta, Cynthia Villarama
University of the Philippines Diliman University of the Philippines Manila St. Luke’s Medical Center Molecular Medicine
St. Luke’s Medical Center
Ladion, Wendell Lou Bacalso Moria, Francis Garabiles Sayson, Alton John Tumampo
Biology Molecular Medicine Epidemiology Villarta, Namnama Paraso
Mindanao State UniversityIligan Institute of Technology St. Luke’s Medical Center University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Clinical Epidemiology
Medical Center University of the Philippines Manila
Lamento, Em-em Barbarona Napulan, Roderick Manzo
MS Molecular Medicine Biostatistics Serdina, Jan Michael Bastillo William, Karmille Allyson Dangcil
St. Luke’s Medical Center University of the Philippines Manila Applied Physics (Medical) Epidemiology
University of Santo Tomas University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial
Limpoco, Anna Guia Orejola Nogrado, Kathyleen Sumilang Medical Center
Clinical Medicine-Family Medicine Parasitology Solana, Marikka Thaenia Villafuerte
University of the Philippines Manila University of the Philippines Manila Clinical Medicine-Family Medicine Zimmer, Mary Christine Go
University of the Philippines Manila MS Molecular Medicine
Lopez-Visconde, Carmina Clarice Dela Serna Oco-Panganiban, Maria Michelle Joy Perez St. Luke’s Medical Center
MS Tropical Medicine Family Medicine Soldium, Andrew James Apolonio
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial University of the Philippines Manila MS Molecular Medicine THESIS & DISSERTATION GRANTEES
Medical Center St. Luke’s Medical Center
Pelgone, Alfons Jayson Orbase Briones, Jonathan Carlo
Lucero, Jennifer Limon Applied Physics (Medical) Soriano, Simonette Cordero MS Biological Sciences
MS Molecular Medicine University of Santo Tomas Epidemiology University of Santo Tomas
St. Luke’s College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila
Placino, Catherine Jane San Miguel Javier, Maria Catherine Jane
Macatangay, Sheila Hidalgo Epidemiology Tayco, Crimson Condes MS Pharmacology
Epidemiology University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Molecular Biology & Biotechnology University of the Philippines Manila
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center University of the Philippines Diliman
Medical Center Macawile, Janet
Pontillas, Shienna Marie Abraham Toledo, Franklin Ugsod PhD Biology
Malonzo, Charmaine Ardales Chemistry Applied Physics (Medical) De La Salle University
Microbiology University of the Philippines Diliman University of Santo Tomas
University of the Philippines Los Baños Maypa, Alfie Dominic
Racadio, Charles Darwin Trono Tradio, Marcelino Jr. Dela Rama MS Medial Technology
Manuel, Kaycee Gamohay Environmental Science Chemistry University of Santo Tomas
Epidemiology University of the Philippines Diliman University of San Carlos
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Palmares, Aaron Jan
Medical Center Reyes, Jerica Isabel Llige Tuballes, Rehjin Lumogda MS Medical Technology
MS Molecular Medicine Molecular Medicine University of Santo Tomas
Marzan, Emil Guzman St. Luke’s Medical Center St. Luke’s Medical Center
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Reyes, Kristine Malang Tun, Jortan Oste
Medical Center Occupational Health Molecular Medicine
University of the Philippines Manila St. Luke’s Medical Center
Mendez, Janzen Vallente
Applied Physics (Medical) Roa, Marylette Bautista The, Davidson Basilio
University of Santo Tomas Molecular Medicine Epidemiology
St. Luke’s College of Medicine University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial
Mendoza, Nikki Yvette Baldonado Medical Center
Medical Microbiology Romero, Emily Vargas
University of the Philippines Manila Applied Nutrition
University of the Philippines Los Baños
98 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 |99
Regional Workshop on Health Research Priority Significance of Indigenous Plants in Drug Discovery Consultative Meeting on the Development of
REGIONAL TRAININGS, Setting (Bohol) Controversies in the Use of Herbal Drugs Ethnobotanical Study in BASULTA
SEMINARS AND DOST PSTC-Bohol, Tagbilaran City Understanding the Importance of Experimental (Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi), ARMM
WORKSHOPS April 11, 2014 Animals in Biomedical/Herbal Research
Fort Ilocandia Resort Hotel, Laoag City
Marcian Business Hotel, Zamboanga City
October 9, 2014
MHRDC Strategic Planning Workshop June 26, 2014
JPI Session 4: Methods of Presenting Data New Camelot Hotel, Quezon City Training on Research-based Policy Formulation
University of the Philippines Manila April 15-16, 2014 Why Publish: The Importance of Reporting New Pearlmont Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City
January 3, 2014 Science, October 13-15, 2014
Workshop for Applied Ethics in Research (Basic Getting Started: Writing The Introduction
JPI Session 5: Data Entry using Epi-Info, MS Excel Course) Describing Methods & Reporting Results ARMM HRC Basic Ethics Training on Health Research
University of the Philippines Manila Dipolog City Writing an Effective Discussion Grand Regal Hotel, Davao City
January 10, 2014 May 7-8, 2014 Responsibilities of Authorship October 14-15, 2014
Pythochemical Analysis: Method of Extraction
Forum on Intellectual Property Rights Protection Regional Health Research Summit Identification of Compounds by HPLC/TLC Basic Training on Ethics Review
Cagayan de Oro City Leyte Normal University (LNU), Tacloban City Use of MS in Herbal Research Brent Hospital and Colleges
January 16, 2014 May 14, 2014 Fort Ilocandia Resort Hotel, Laoag City October 28-29, 2014
June 27, 2014
5th National Medical Writing and Peer Review 2nd CVCHRD Research Forum Training on Statistical Data Analysis with Computer
Workshop Cebu Institute of Medicine R1HRDC-RUC 2014 Regional Research Contest, Application(Qualitative
Taal Vista Hotel, Tagaytay City May 22-23, 2014 Exhibit Caravan and Dissemination Forum and Quantitative Research)
January 23-24, 2014 Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology,
PHREB Accreditation Orientation/Training Bacnotan, La Union Iligan City
Health Research Forum: Updates on Dengue National Kidney Transplant Institute, Quezon City July 18, 2014 November 5-7, 2014
Research June 1, 2014
Cebu Institute of Medicine Writeshop on Research Proposal Workshop for Applied Ethics in Research
January 24, 2014 1st Multidisciplinary Research Forum Alvis Café, Daraga Albay DMSF-MTRC, Bajada, Davao City
De La Salle Health Science Instutute, Cavite July 21 - 23, 2014 November 11-12, 2014
Module 3 (HPA & SPI): Writing and Presenting June 5, 2014
Research Papers Effectively 6th National Medical Writing and Peer Review Special Session: Animal Care and Use in Health
University of the Philippines Manila First Health Research Contest Workshop Research
February 12-14, 2014 Liceo de Cagayan University, Cagayan de Oro City Hotel Koresco, Cagayan de Oro City DMSF-MTRC, Davao City
June 13, 2014 August 4-5, 2014 November 12, 2014
JPI Session 6: Data Management (Data Processing)
using Epi-Info and MS Excel Training on Ethics in Health Research Training on Basic Research Methods Health of Lumad Summit
University of the Philippines Manila Playa Tropical Resort,Currimao Ilocos Norte Pampanga Agricultural College, Pampanga Brokenshire Resort and Convention Center, Davao City
February 19, 2014 June 18-19, 2014 August 6-8, 2014 November 19-20, 2014

JPI Session 7: Concepts of Statistical Inference Basic Health Research Ethics Training Principles of Health Research Ethics and Good Training on Technical Report Writing
(Estimation and Hypothesis Testing) Bicol University, Legazpi City Clinical Practice Pearlmont Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City
University of the Philippines Manila June 24-25, 2014 University of the Philippines Manila December 9-10, 2014
March 7, 2014 August 27-29, 2014
HERDIN and NorMinCoHRD Website Content Seminar with a Lecture on Updates on Antimicrobial
Regional Workshop on Health Research Priority Uploading Training Consultative Meeting on the Development of Resistance
Setting (Cebu) Mindanao University of Science and Technology, Ethnobiological Study of Muslims in ARMM Provinces MMMHMC Batac City, Ilocos Norte
DOST 7 Lahug S&T Complex, Cebu City Cagayan de Oro City El Bajada Hotel, Davao City December 10,2014
March 10, 2014 June 30-July 1, 2014 September 12, 2014
Research and Development Workshop: Mentoring
Special Lecture on Tables and Graphs for the SPIs Training Workshops for the Members of the 3rd Quarter Management Committee Meeting Approach
and HPAs Technical Review Boards DOH-R1 San Fernando La Union Starwood Hotel, Baguio City
University of the Philippines Manila of the Regional Health Research and September 12, 2014 December 17-18, 2014
March 27, 2014 Development Consortia (RHRDCs)
Manila Manor Hotel, Manila Technical Review of Researches
Conduct of lecture on the Awareness of Spread of June 30-July 2, 2014 DOST Conference Room, Palo, Leyte
dengue and Issues on September 22, 2014
Indigenous Plants in Medicinal Research
PSTC Basco, Batanes Research Proposal Workshop in Infectious Diseases
April 2, 2014 (Presentation of Revised Proposals)
DMSF-MTRC, Bajada, Davao City
October 9, 2014
100 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 |101
July 22, 2014, PWU marks Nutrition Month with March 31, 2014, Mango leaf extract promotes wound July 01, 2014, How bee propolis may prevent tooth
MEDIA MILEAGE talks on nutrition disaster preparedness healing, study found decay
Philippine Daily Inquirer PCHRD Website PCHRD Website
Print July 24, 2014, E-health Forum set at NSTW 2014 March 31, 2014, Moringa potential ingredient for September 09, 2014, Award-winning study
January 30, 2014, Outstanding undergraduate The Philippine Star mouthwash, toothpaste demonstrates malunggay’s potential anticancer
thesis in herbal medicine, open for nomination PCHRD Website property
Zamboanga Today July 26, 2014, Expo showcases scientific innovations PCHRD Website
Philippine Daily Inquirer April 15, 2014, Pomegranate peel-whey powder
January 14, 2014, Mosquitoes attracted by exhaled mixture may enhance antioxidant properties of September 22, 2014, Davao students wins first prize
carbon dioxide July 27, 2014, Challenge accepted functional foods, study recommends for research on anti dengue property of papaya and
Manila Bulletin Manila Bulletin PCHRD Website tawa-tawa
PCHRD Website
February 8, 2014, Aquino reappoints Aguiluz as July 30, 2014, Recto decries lack of S&T researchers April 30, 2014, Fast food products: more energy but
special envoy of GCC Manila Bulletin low in fiber, study says September 22, 2014, Banana may prevent kidney
Manila Bulletin PCHRD Website stones, study says
July 31, 2014, Life-saving discoveries featured at PCHRD Website
February 10, 2014,Mga Pinoy, maaring National Science and Technology Week April 30, 2014, Anti-microbial resistant Salmonella
magpakonsulta sa espesyalista gamit ang Manila Bulletin detected in commercial swine September 24, 2014, Local plant shows promise in
internet PCHRD Website treating anxiety in a study
Balitanghali, July 31, 2014, NSTW to highlight health and PCHRD Website
wellness April 30, 2014, UP researchers develop software to
The Philippine Star monitor fast food diet
February 18, 2014, Tawa-tawa versus dengue PCHRD Website
SunStar July 31, 2014, Medicinal uses of mango leaves,
People’s Journal April 30, 2014, Gene-diet interaction influences
February 15, 2014, World Cancer Day Ginunita colorectal cancer risk, study found
MCM, PCMC at SanofiEspoir Foundation sa Stage July 31, 2014, Photo/NSTW features medical device PCHRD Website
Play: “Kakulangan sa Healthcare Professionals suited for remote
Lumala at Kaalaman ukol sa Diabetes Isinusulong Newsbytes Philippines May 9, 2014, Ginseng may prevent influenza A virus
sa PCP Health Forum” infection, study found
Dyaryong Tagalog Online PCHRD Website

February 21, 2014, DOST recognizes outstanding January 08, 2014, Study identifies gender, level May 15, 2014, Psoriasis may indicate HIV infection,
college theses in herbal medicine of income, type of membership, as predictors of study says
SunStar Philhealth underutilization PCHRD Website
PCHRD Website
February 25, 2014, A software for patient’s safety May 15, 2014, Proteins in urine may be used for
SunStar January 10 2014, More men develop head and neck prostate cancer detection, say Filipino scientists
cancers, experts say PCHRD Website
February 26, 2014, WVHRDC calls for 2014 health PCHRD Website
research proposals May 21, 2014, Maternal nutrition before conception
SunStar January 17, 2014, Length of babies’ nasal bone may may alter baby’s genes: study
predict probability of Trisomy 21 PCHRD Website
February 5, 2014, Gov’t starts to tap ICT for PCHRD Website
healthcare access May 30, 2014, More Filipino patients do not
Newsbytes.PH January 23, 2014, Researchers spot effective contact understand doctor’s prescription, according to study
lens solution against eye infection PCHRD Website
March 17, 2014, Forensic expert says Yolanda PCHRD Website
death toll could reach May 30, 2014, “Bayag-usa” plant shows anti-cancer
Malaya February 24, 2014, Combination insulin therapy properties, researchers confirm
limits hypoglycemia incidence in diabetic patients PCHRD Website
May 14, 2014, Summer is the best time to fight PCHRD Website
dengue mosquitoes, DOST study says June 04, 2014, Malnutrition prevalent among cancer
Philippine Information Agency March 24, 2014, Choramphenicol still ideal for Hib patients – study
disease, study found PCHRD Website
July 11, 2014, Magnificent sayote PCHRD Website
People’s Journal June 23, 2014, Experts identify a possible genetic
marker for oral cavity cancer
PCHRD Website
102 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014 PCHRD Annual Report 2014 |103
104 | PCHRD Annual Report 2014

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