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AISAT Online Classroom Guidelines

(applicable to all levels, unless otherwise


For Student and Faculty guidelines:

1. All material for the week will be posted online by Monday 9am. These include recorded
video lectures, materials, other videos, reference materials, activities and quizzes. 2. All
activities, quizzes, assignments must be completed and submitted by students online by
Friday 5pm of the same week of posting. Late submission may be rejected by the instructor.
3. Instructors must return the graded activities, quizzes, assignments by Wednesday 5pm
of the following week. 4. Instructors are online at the
published class time.
I. For JC: Students must be online to meet with the teacher. Attendance will be taken and
classes will be conducted at this time. Teachers may do live lectures or choose to go over
his/her recorded video during this time. II. For College: Students are not required to be
online but may meet with the instructor online for consultation. However, if he plans to give a
live lecture on a particular week, he must announce this by Monday 9am so students may
join the live lecture or know that there will be additional material that will be available after
the live lecture, as the live lecture will be recorded and posted for students to view after. 5.
Students may directly chat with faculty during the published consultation time either in the
classroom, google chat or by email. Outside consultation time, instructors will reply to
communications within office hours. If instructors are unresponsive, students may request
for assistance from the program head or from the OSA. 6. Students must be polite during
online chats and communications and may be excluded
from the class by the instructor for being rude after receiving 2 warnings. 7. Students who do
not comply with the weekly activities will have their names listed as “Students with
Incomplete Submissions” and should approach the instructor to explain their situation.
These students will also be reported to the guidance office. 8. Students may contact the
following for the different concerns:
Tuition fees and payment : c​
Enrollment : ​ ​Student Affairs : ​Guidance : ​
Health : ​​ph Library :

Department Heads: Aviation : Engr. Apolinar Cafe :

IDT : Kaye Lodia : ​ ​HRS : Karina Ingrid Theresa : SHS : Aubrey Maceda :

9. Students may fill out faculty evaluation forms at the end of each exam or long quiz.

10. All exams will be posted at 9am on the first day of the examination period (or long quiz)
and due for submission at 5pm on the last day. 11. Examinations will be given online, with
only 1 attempt with no time limit. 12. There will be no special examination unless for valid
reasons that are timely (before the end of the exam period) raised to the instructor. A
student who does not complete the examination by the deadline will have a “zero” grade for
that particular exam. 13. Examination and long quiz schedule is listed below:

COLLEGE: ​PRELIM: September 14 -18, 2020 MIDTERM:

October 19 – 23, 2020 SEMI-FINAL: November 16 – 20, 2020
FINALS: December 14 – 18, 2020


FIRST LONG QUIZ: September 10 - 11, 2020 FIRST

QUARTER EXAM: October 14 – 16, 2020 SECOND LONG
QUIZ: November 12 -13, 2020 SECOND QUARTER
EXAM: December 9 - 11, 2020

14. Fees must be paid on time to avoid incurring late fees of P500. The deadline for
payment is listed below:
September 1,
2020 October 1,
2020 November
1, 2020
December 1,
(3) ​No Lab
with Lab
Laboratory (GradeSheet of Lec teacher with
(GradeSheet of Lec Teacher with
(GradeSheet of Lab teacher) no lab subjects)
Lab subjects)
Quiz/Assessment 20% 10% 50%
Assignments + Others 30% 10% ---
Laboratory --- ​30%** ​---
Exam/Practical 50% 50% 50%
TOTAL 100% 100% 100%
**Taken from the laboratory grade in (3)
A laboratory schedule will be announced once the government allows for such activities.
In the meantime, there will be online activities in lieu of laboratory activities.

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