Homework 4 Open Essay 1

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Open essay 1

Nowadays there is a great expectation about the way we will move between
different places in the near future because there’s a great truth, that means we
have been using for the last 100 years is no longer sustainable. Regardless, I
think that in the future there will be more vehicles than now, and in the following
essay I will explain my point.

First at all, there’s a fact that mobility necessities will be greater by that time
than now. A population study shows that, by 2050’s there will be 9billion people
living around the globe. Furthermore, the size of the actual mega cities will grow
dramatically, in some cases there will even double their size. Thus, the mobility
necessities will be stronger than now. For example, in my own city, Quito, as a
mass population had become bigger through the years, the amount of cars had
also grown, resulting in massive traffic jams that we wasn’t used to it around 20
years ago. So, as much as the population increases, their car necessities will
increase too. This is just a little example, I’m not even talking about cities like
Beijing or New York were the traffic is a problem that had only increased as the
years had passed.

Secondly, there will be developed new technologies which allow us keep using
different kinds of vehicles. If well the internal combustion engines have their
days counted due to the origins of their fuel (I mean oil), there will be new fuel
technologies that will allow us to reduce the contamination regardless our
access to new vehicles. Right now there are companies like Tesla Motors which
have achieved significative goals as alternative fuels means, like battery cells
with a big storage capacity and great efficiency levels. In my personal case, if
electrical vehicles were available in a good price-quality proportion here in
Ecuador, I would gladly acquire one of those. Some of the related expenses to
the use of oil fuels are basically cero when we talk about an electrical car, and
most important I will be giving my own to reduce the impact of oil fuels in the

In conclusion, I think that in the future there will be more vehicles than now.
Because of human’s necessities of mobility, and because of new technologies
developed in order to reduce the contamination.
Open essay 2

So often we hear from our elders, “you have to this, or that, or, this is the way
that things must be done”. That’s because as they say, they only wish the best
to us. But what is best to us, it’s not necessarily the things that we have been
told to do. Most of the time that is up to us, and what are we purchasing by
doing something in certain way, or by doing something at all. In the following
essay I will give to reasons through which I believe that is much better to do the
things that we like rather than the things we should do.

First at all, we live in a defiant and constantly changing world. Since the
moment we are born, we are the receptors of every expectation that our parents
and the society had deposited upon us. That’s why is a necessity to find the
ways to release all that summoned stress on us. As well as our necessity to
develop our true self in order to become an active part of this crazy world, and
not only another brick on the wall. As for example, in my personal experience,
when I was attending high school I joined into the school’s theatre group. By
that time I was always late for everything, and had no time for new things, given
my prior obligations, such as studies, particular classes, English classes and
other “important things” that “I had to do”. However, I was intrigued by that
theater group, and since I became part of it, and found the joy in it, I had time
for everything. Even better, suddenly most of the problems related to my other
occupations seemed to be really easier to solve than before.

Secondly, when you are doing thing that you actually like, you become more
productive. Is demonstrated that we always do better the things that we love
rather than other. Then again, through that means you can find yourself
personal and professional development. They say “that’s no work when you’re
doing what you love the most”. In my case, that was just as it, ever since I
entered the University, had only thing in my mind, get my degree and find a job
in the oilfield industry. Eventually I did it, and some of the best years of my life
were while I was working there, on the field, in the middle of oil, sweat, heat,
insects. At the end of the day, nothing was most satisfactory to me than been
there and doing what I always wanted to do. So I became a good professional,
and in a relative short time I got promoted.

In conclusion, I am in favor to do what we like rather what we are told to do, the
results will talk by themselves.

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