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Samantha Lund

Math 1040
ePortfolio Signature Assignment
The goal of this assignment was to analyze and summarize data. We needed to identify
what variable was being graphed and whether the variable was qualitative or quantitative. We
also needed to identify what type of graph was being used, such as a bar graph, dot plot,
histogram, or pie chart, and if this type of graph was suitable for the type of data that was
presented. For this assignment, I chose a graph that used the varying methods used in the United
States to find a job, which is a qualitative variable. This graph is depicted as a bar graph, and I
think that it was an appropriate type of graph because we are analyzing categorical data. The
most common category depicted in this graph is 'online resources and information', and the least
common category is 'job fairs, conferences, and other events'. The relative frequency of 'online
resources and information' is 22.3%. If there were 5000 individuals, 1,115 of them would fall
into the category of 'online resources and information'. One aspect of this graph that could be
confusing or distracting for readers is the percentages shown total to more than 100%.
In this assignment, I learned specifically what should be analyzed to thoroughly
understand the information that is being presented in various types of graphs. I also learned how
to critique aspects of graphical data that may lead to a potential misreading of the graph. I think
that this was one of our more important assignments because being statistically literate is an
integral part of understating many different facets of academic, work, and personal life. In
sociology and social work, I know that I will need to be fluent in categorical and qualitative data
and this course has provided an introductory overview into interpreting and comprehending that
This specific assignment was important in problem solving and critical thinking because
it required me to not only identify that information that was provided in the graph but also
required me to think about what that information might mean when more broadly applied to a
larger demographic. It was also beneficial for critical thinking because it required me to consider
how the information was presented and if it was an accurate description. I think that it is
important to apply critical thinking to the information that is presented to us and to not
immediately accept it at face value, but rather judge its merits and credibility. This assignment
solidified real-world math application in the respect that it made the concepts and assignments
more tangible and made apparent the value understanding statistics beyond this course.

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