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Vocabulary Daily routines Il ® Tick the words/phrases you know. Then do the exercise in PEREUEITENP p132. getGe gotobéd leave hime have breakfast havelinch have dinner start wérk/olésses fish wirk/clisses work stidy sleep ine apt heme TIP » In these vocabulary boxes we only show the main stress in phrases, b Match two of the words/phrases from 1a to these times of day. 1 inthe morning getup 3. inthe evening 2 inthe afternoon 4 tight ‘© Work in pairs. Compare answers. Are they the same? Reading and Speaking Ed a Lookat the photos of Kari Matchett. What's. her job? bb Before you read, check these words/phrases with your teacher. atVsnow asiicio Team your tines giimorous hale make-up © Work in pairs. Guess the times that TV actors do these things. 1 getup 2 have breakfast Read the article and check your answers. 3 start work 4 have lunch Read the article agai. Are these sentences true (Mh or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. canada Kari Matchett rom keeAngeles. F TV actors get up very late They have breakfast atthe sudo, ‘They work for 8x hours before lunch, They have hat an hou for lunch Vocabulary daily routines Grammar Present Simple (1): positive and Wh questions (/you/we/they) This week I talk to neuro eons a nega pers er DAVID Where are you from, Kari? KARI I'm from Canada, but live and work in Los Angeles, 1 Can you tell us about your day-to-day life? Well, TV actors work very long days and we start work very early D What time do you get up? K Iget up at 4.30 in the morning. D Wow! You get up very early. sive de. HELP WITH GRAMMAR Present Simple (1): positive (I/you/we/they) ‘© We use the Present Simple to tak about daily routines. 2 Find the verbs in these sentences. They are in the Present Simple, 1 1@EWDeat 430 n he moming 2 You getup very ea, 3. We start work at about 700, 4 They have an hour for lunch. b |s the Present Simple the same or different after, |, you, we and they? pisa [cor Listen and practise the sentences in 4a. Copy the stress, | g8t dp at four thirty in the méming, i a Look at Karis answers in the article again. Underline all the verbs in the Present Simple. b Work in pairs. Compare answers. Re ens eee ae Te HELP WITH GRAMMAR Present Simple (1): Wh- questions (I/you/we/they) ‘Look at the table, Notice the word order in questions, question | auxiliary | subject | infinitive word What time | do you | getup? c do you [have | lunch? TIP + Present Simple questions are the same for b Write questions 1-3 in the table. i Yes, and ['m not very good in the morning, so its always What ine io ves H «ficult! LTeave home at 8.30 and I gett the studio a 41 Where do you have dre? | shout 6.00, Thats when people do my har and make-up ¢ Check in EEIIIINER? p24, What about breakfast K Thave breakfast at about 6.15 in the make-up room. Then Ja Make questions with these words. ve start work at about 7.00, 1 Where / live / you Where do you live? We have lich a 1,00 and we start work again a 2.00 3. Whal time / get up /you do ? ia sc 2 5. o/What tm / get / you home? EZ Fead about Kati’ afternoon and evening routine. papel he hea A Fill in the gaps with these verbs. EER 52 GERM Listen and check ee E Notice Row we say do you /j. Then isten again frie a oF "oe and practise. Where do you /Ajo/ live? D When do jou Anis WOH © Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions ' K Most days we ! finish at about 9:00 in 10a. D You work at 7.00 and you ® work at 9,00! b Be ee its very long day, but sometimes 1 Get ready ... Get it right! : © What time do you get home? Write eight questions about people's routines in KI home at about 90. the week or atthe weekend. Use words/phrases Where do you have dinner? from ta. Usually at home while Hearn my ine for the nextday Wat time do you go to bed in the week? ‘ then I! to bed at 11.00 Wen do you getup atthe weekend? © Sw do yon have a glamorous life? K Not when I'm at work, 110 deflnitaly nod Ask other students your questions. For each question, find one student who does this at the i same time as you. DG a Wirte six sontonces about your dally routine, Use |b Toll the class two things that you and other ; words/phrases from 41 students do at the same time | start work at hall past eight. sti bb Work in pairs. Compare sentences. An office job i i ft activities (1); time Vocabulary tree time act pases with on if, at, every grammar Present Simple (2): negative and Free time es/no questions (you 6/ Vocabulary Free time activities (1) El @ Work in pairs. Which of these phrases {do you know? Then do the exercise in HELP WITH GRAMMAR Present Simple (2): negative (I/y¢ wwe/they) bb Work in new pairs. What are your fve favourite things to do on Saturdays? ED ® Lookat the tabi, Notice the word order. subject auxiliary infinitive Listening = 1 100k at the photo of Freddie and Jeanette = dono Where are they? Are they good friends, do dont = you think? : ED 2 EES Listen to Freddie and Jeanette's Conversation. Are these sentences true (1) or false (FY? b Wiite sentences 1 and 2 in the table 1 Fred fl Wateralerei ne wae; 2 They 2. They don't watch TVin the da 8 They © Check in FEETIIIER} 5 Fredale and Jeanette a Ba Text sentences that are tn b Listen again. Tick the things in ta that sentences negative, we for you. Makes telat Jeanette does in her free time, tis 7 1 gout ater work 2 Iphone my family every 2. watch TV in the evenings | don't phone my family ec 4 watch alot of DVDs 7 4 weeks. 5. go shopping on Saturday morning 51 es 6 gout on Saturday evening 6 I heneor te eens et 7 visit her parents on Sunday atteroc 7 thave tun 8 goto concerts 8 work a a b : HELP WITH GRAMMAR Present Simple (2): £ yes/no questions and short answers (U/you/we/they) a Look at the table. Notice the word order YESINO QUESTIONS ) the questions. | SHORT, ANSWERS Yes, Ido. No, I don't : b Write questions 1 and 2 in the table. 1 Do you goto concerts? 2 Do they watch TV a lot? ¢ Fill in the gaps in the short answers column with do or don't. @ Check in EETIIERD piss. HELP WITH LISTENING Weak forms (1): do you a EGE 54 Listen to how we usually say do you. YOU EXPECT TO HEAR YOU USUALLY HEAR Do you /dus ju:/ Do you /dja/ Do you /dlut ju:/ go out after work? Do you /dja/ go out atter work? b [ETB 55 Listen to these questions. Fill in the gaps. You will hear each sentence twice. 54 What in the evenings? i to the cinema? 3 What at the weekends? ‘ to concerts? EG a Fillin the gaps with do, don't or a verb from the box. geout visit goout watch go (x2) 1 A Do you gout alotin the week? B Yes, we 2A you your parents at the weekend? B Yes, aA you to concerts at the weekend? B No, we aa you shopping on Saturdays? B Yes, 5A your parents on Saturday evenings? 8 No, they They stay in and 1. b [EE S6 EEMIMTEMMMM Listen and check. Listen again and practise. Copy the stress and weak forms. Do you /ja/ 96 out aI in the week? ¢ Work in pairs. Take turns to ask the questions in 8a. ‘Answer for you. Vocabulary and Speaking Time phrases with on, in, at, every BD 2 Write these words and phrases in the correct place. Some words and phrases can {go in more than one place. Then check in 133. a week the afternoon day the evening month half past three night the week — Mondays | Monday momings — the weekend | moming Sunday afternoon 'b Work in pairs. Test your partner. “the weekend | at the weekend Get ready ... Get it right! Work in two groups. Group A p105. Group B pt10. EZ} World routines daily routines; Present Simple: positive and Wh- questions Student A What time/ | When/start | Where / When / Where/ | What time / get up? work? | have lunch? | finish work? | have dinner? | go to bed? 8.45 at home at the 6.30 tocol 5.30 10.30 8.45 at the office 12.30 Student B Where / What time / When / start When / Where / ‘work? have lunch? | finish work? | have dinner? | go to bed? at home 745 12.15 at the oy restaurant 6.30 at home Away from home Vocabulary and Speaking Free time activities (2) El Tick the phrases you know. Then do the exercise in 135. take phé the aim watch spo play video games slay tannis read bdoks or magazine gocclng go swimming go riinni g0 clubbing _ listen to missic isten to the fe can say play video g computer games, b Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the free time activities in ta, Do you watch | | No, never sport on TV? Yes, every weekend. Listening and Speaking EW « Botore you read and listen, check these words with your teacher. stars the weiter an ssdrvatory jay hot b Read the email and look at the photo. Where is, Trevor? Who is Polly, do you think? ¢ [EillF6e Listen to Polly and her friend, Lorna Choose the correct answers 1 Tevor isn Argentne/ Chil, 2. Trevor and Polly aro/arn't rariod 3. Trevor's got tnree/four weeks’ holiday 4. The hotel issn very good El 2 Work in pairs. What does Trevor doin his free time, do you think? Choose six activities from ta. bb [EElIFo9 Listen tothe rest of Polly and Loma's conversation, Are your guesses correct? Vocabulary free time activities (2) Grammar Present Simple (3): positive ang negative (He/she/it) HELP WITH LISTENING Linking (1) 4d, fete.) sounds at the eng j,0, u) sounds at the beginning of B12 Bath 0 ston and notice the linking bb Look at Audio Script ISBN 69 pt87. Listen again and notice the linking in Polly's part of the conversation. people are nice ople HELP WITH GRAMMAR Present Simple (3): positive and negative (he/she/it) El 2 Look at these sentences. Then complete the rules He plays video games. He doesn't lke the weather He watches lots of DVDs She doesn't tak 1 him very often o In positive se s with he, she and it we add toth infinitive sentences with he, s/ TIP * have is irregular: he/she/it has ssons every week He has tennis Hi Polly Here's a photo of Cerro Paranal observatory this evening.|sn't it beautiful? What a great place to work.The only problem is ~ you're not here! Lots of love Trevor the spelling rules in [i Eb it forms of Get ready ... Get it right! Choose a partner, but don't talk to him/her. Look at the sords/ phrases in the box. Guess what your partner does ordoesn't do in his/her free time. Complete the sentences ith the positive or negative form of the verbs in brackets. Listen and finitives and the he/she) My partner's namo rms of the verbs in eich watches’ fin He/She tennis. (play) He/she sport on TV. (watch) ps with the correct form of the Heise vote gyi ey erbs in brackets He/She books/magazines. (read) 4o/She video games. (play) ; He/she eycling. (a0) aot ate Horshe Gol of DVDs. (wat Mec Hin Heysne cubbing. (90) fi shop. In their free ead) alot but Polly y) tennis al s (watch) TV. Ac the weckised' Make questions with you for each sentence in the box. >t stay) in London, Do you go swimming? 2 pale Work with your partner. Take turns to ask your questions. hapsearairy sa, How many of your guesses are correct? her parents very often becaite they vet Do you go swimming? | | Yes, Id No, I don’t England Yes, sometimes, Tell another student about your partner. Alex doesn’t go swimming, but she plays tennis a lot Vocabulary Adjectives (2) @ Work in pairs. Which of these adjectives do you know? Then do the exercise in EEEITEESD 138. b Work in pairs. Test your partner on the opposites. happy _ unhappy Listening and Reading EB 2 Look at photo A. Where are the people? What's their reiationship, do you think? b [EEE Listen and read. Who is taking? How [ive in Bristol with my parents and my sister. hirtcenth birthday yesterday and here was a big party at our house. About thirt 1d we were lucky because cry hot day. I was happy because my \ddad was here from Liverpool. There were nly two things wrong. My best friend Robert wasn't here because he was ill. And my two brothers weren't here because they're in the USA, Bur it was a fantastic party! bout the party again. Which of these not in the text? fe at the pat people not at the party birthday presents Vocabulary adjectives (2); years Grammar Past Simple (1): be (postive ang negative, questions and short answers) HELP WITH GRAMMAR Past Simple (1): be (positive ar nega ED @ Look at the text in 2b again. Undertine al the examples of was, wasn't, were and weren't b Fillin the gaps with was, wasn't, were and weren't. POSITIVE (s) NEGATIVE (-) © Check in FEI pise EB Read about Matt's thiteenth birthday party. Choose the correct words ‘a3 /wwere born in Liverpool in 1974 and I was thirteen in 1987, Our house very big, so my party re house. The house asn'tiweren't randparents washwere cold and t weren't very nice. Only about twelve people ere at the party and there Swasn'thwven Is my age. So the party *teas were a bit bor Listening and Speaking EB ® GEER 2 Look at photo B. Listen to Jason ask his randtather, Albert, about his thirteenth birthday party Where was he’ Why was his birthday a special day? bL ten again and answer the questions. Albert's 13° birthday 5 were his grandparents? HELP WITH LISTENING ms (2): was and were @ a [zs Listen and notice the weak forms of ind were. in Liverpool with my parents, wat, ‘waz/ the food good? ‘wa/ your grandparents there? b Look at Audio Script EZ 2 p158. Listen again and notice the weak forms of was and were in pink. HELP WITH GRAMMAR Past Simple (1): be (questions and short answers) 2 Look atthe table. Notice the word order. Then wate questions 2,4 and 6 from &b in the table, question | was/were | subject word When was Albert's | 13 birthday Were his friends | there? b Fill in the gaps in these short answers with was, were, wasn't or weren't. Yes, I/he/she/it Yes, you/we/they Fill in the gaps with was or were. 1A When you born? 8 bor in 1940, 2 A Where Matt born’? B He born in Liverpool Check in EEEIIESD piso. © d+ co Listen and practise. Copy the stress and weak forms, Iwas /wa2/ in Liverpool with my parents. ED 2 Work in pairs. How do we say these years? 1835 1800 1990 2018 b EGBbs EMMETT Listen and check. Listen again and practise. © Write the names of five people in your family. Then work in pairs. Swap papers. Ask your partner when and where the people were born. When was Miguel born? || In 1986. @ Make questions with you, K 1 / at work yesterday? Were you at work yesterday? 2 Where / last night? 3 / at home yesterday afternoon? 4 Where / on your last birthday? 5 Where / last New Year's Eve? b Work in new pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Give more information if possible. Get ready ... Get it right! oe a Work in pairs. Student A p105, Student B pt10. f 5A El p41 a Work on your own. Write questions with you or your about when you were thirteen. you your partner 1 /happy at school? Were you happy at school? Who / best friend? / good at languages? What / favourite food? alin iain What / favourite TV programme? b Write your answers in the you column. ¢ Work with your partner. Ask and answer your questions. Write your partner’s answers in the table. d Tell another student about you and your partner when you were thirteen. | was happy at schoo! when ! was thirteen, but Paola wasn't. 5A i p41 a Work on your own. Write questions with about when you were thirteen. ‘ 1 /tall for your age? Were you tall for your age? 2 Who/ favourite teacher? 3 /good at sport? 4 Who/ favourite singer? 5 Where / thirteenth birthday party? Vocabulary Life events Ea Work in pairs, Fil in the gaps in the phrases with these verbs. Check in [TRETEIEEP pis. leave make be divorced a film/a lot of money a film director/famous eve write study win mo have _ children/a dream house/ English/phy \k/a letter 10 a b Work in pairs. Take turns to test your partner on the phrases. married | | get married Speaking, Reading and Listening Ed Work in groups. Look at posters A-D. What do you know about these films? What do you know about the director James Cameron? Ed 2 Check these words with your teacher. Spot succésstul b Read the article about James Cameron's life. Fill in the gaps with these dates and numbers. wove 1999 August 16"* 1986 © Work in pairs. Compare answers. & EEEEB 6 Listen and check your answers, Famous films Vocabulary life events Grammar Past Simple (2): regular and irri, verbs (positive and Wh- questions) James Cameron was born in Ontario, Canada, on * 1954. His family moved to the USA in» to California State University and studied hoes English, James went He left university alter only e wanted to become a film director. He worked as a bus driver in the day and wrote film scripts at night. James’ first job as a director was on afilm called Piranha 2. One night after filming he had a bad dream about a robot from the future. The next day James stated writing the script of The Terminator. The film was very successfa and Cameron became famous all around the world. He then made Aliens in # Terminator 2 in 1991 and Titanic in 1997. At that time James loved diving, and he visited the Titanic he started making the film. Titanic made ‘ eleven Oscars. His next film was the 2009, which he made in 3D. James met Linda Hamilton Connor in the Terminator films st Avatar movie in Sarah in 1984 and she became his fourth wife in 1997, They had one daughter, but they got divorced in £ A year later he married actress Suzy Amis, who was in Teanic They have two daughters and P WITH GRAMMAR Past Simple (2): regular and irregular verbs (positive) a Look at the regular Past Simple forms in blue in the article. Then answer these questions. do we make the Past Simple of regula Jo when the.verb ends in e 00 when the verb ends in © (move, love, tc.)? (study, marry, eto.)? b Look at the irregular Past Simple forms in pink in the article. Match them to verbs 1-9. 1 4 7 meet 2 5 8 win 3 90 6 make 8 write The Past Simple is the same for all s we, they), © Check in EEEIIIENEES List, pt67, bjects (, you, he, she 39 and in the Irregular Verb EN ERENGS fal WINNER} “ten b Look at the article, Check your answers. HELP WITH AMMAR Simple (2): Wh- questions @_Look at the table. Notice the word order in questions. ‘Then write questions 3 and 4 from Ba in the table. uestion | auxiiary | subject | infinitive word 5 a «Et EXQUIMM Listen and practise the cba fe artis Ql shok Past Sipe 2b Check in EINER pis0 Which end with the sound /xd/2 @ b [Ee AMMEN Listen and practise the Make questions with these words. rs in 4B and their Past Simple forms. 1 Hid / you / What / ¢ 2 ' Where HELP WITH LISTENING 3 What t Simple or Past Simple 4. see /les ete okailiystt @ 2 LeBh> Listen to these sentences. Notice the 6 jen the Present Simple and the b * TI Listen and check. Notice how ference betw Past Simple we say did 1 Hove ail his fims. HToved all his flms What live in LA. They lived in LA 1 © Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in 10a b EEF 10 Listen to six pairs of sentences. Which ae ad do you hear first, the Present Simple or the Past [ ae _ Get ready ... Get it right! Simple? Work in pairs. Look at pt14, Irregular Verb List infinitive become eg break bring hold know learn Past Simple past participle infinitive Past Simple past participle ‘was/were ‘been leave Teft ‘eft became become lose lost lost began begun make made made, broke broken meet met met brought /bro:t/ brought /bra:t/ pay paid paid bought /bo:t/ bought /batt/ put put put could been able read read /red/ road /red/ caught /koit/ ‘caught /ko:t/ ride rode ridden chose chosen run ran mun came come say said /sed/ sald /sed/ cost cost see saw /s3i/ seen] cut cut sell sold sold did done /dan/ send sent sent drank drunk sing sang sung drove driven sit sat sat ate eaten sleep slept slept fell fallen speak spoke spoken felt felt spel spelled/spett spelled/spelt found found spend spent spent flew /flu:/ flown /flaun/ sland stood stood forgot forgotten swim swam swum got got (US: gotten) take took taken gave given teach taught /to:t/ taught /to:t/ ‘went been/gone tell told told had had think thought /@0:t/ thought /Oat/ heard /ha:d/ heard /hs:d/ understand understood understood held held wear ‘worn ‘worn knew /nju:/ known /naun/ win won won orien learned/learnt write wrote written Pronouncing “ed” Endings + “ed” endings may be pronounced in one of the following three ways: Note: There are several exceptions to the rules explained below. Each of the following words do not follow the “ed” ending rules. For these words, the “ed” ending is. pronounced like “id” * aged + dogged = ragged * blessed * learned © wicked * crooked naked * wretched 1) “ed” endings are pronounced “t” if the end of the word sounds like: K.S, Ch. Sh, F, P, Th Example: I hefped my mom make cookies yesterday, CF * In this example, the end of the word “help” sounds like [?. So, the “ed” ending is pronounced “t” Directions: Write your own sentences that use “ed” endings that sound like “1” D 2) 2) “ed” endings are pronounced “id” if the end of the word sounds like: TorD & A Example: I wanted to go to the beach last weekend. ae + In this example, the end of the word “want” sounds like 1. So, the “ed” ending is pronounced “id”. Directions: Write your own sentences that us! 1” endings that sound like “id” » 2 3) “ed” endings are pronounced “d” for all other ending sounds: A, B, E, G, HT, J, L, MLN, O,Q. RLU, VW. X,Y. 2 Example: I played soccer this afternoon. + In this example, the end of the word “play” sounds like Y’. So, the “ed” ending is pronounced “d” Directions: Write your own sentences that use “ed” endings that sound like “d”. 1) 2) Directions: Pronounce the following “ed” endings. Write (7) for a “t” sound, (1D) for an “id” sound, and (D) for a “d” sound. Example: We wrapped the Christmas presents last night. Tr 1) Tlaughed at the joke. 2) Our work is finished 3) The snake killed the mouse 4) The teacher helped the student. 5) When I was younger, I wanted to walk on the moon 6) We hiked to the top of the mountain. 7) James rented his apartment. 8) We can’t go swimming because the pool is covered 9) That old house is haunted. 10) We hunted for her keys, but could not find them. Directions: Read the following passage using the correct pronunciation for “ed” endings. Write (7) for a “t” sound, (LD) for an “id” sound, and (D) for a “d” sound in the space provided. The bear jumped ( ) out of its cage and into the crowd. She must have realized ( ) that this was her best chance to escape. The bear’s trainer looked ( ) as though he were about to faint from the terror of it all: it seemed ( ) like his worst nightmare come true. He scrambled (_) to his feet and started ( ) waving his hands and shouting to get the bear’s attention. She stopped ( ) her wild rampage only for a moment at the sound of her trainer’s pleas. She quickly turned (_) back to the crowd and resumed ( ) knocking people to the floor. The trainer suddenly had an idea. He reached ( ) into his pocket and pulled ( ) from it a large chocolate covered ( ) treat —a known favorite of the bear. He shouted (_) the bear's name once more and she turned (_) to face him. She saw the treat and ran in full gallop towards him. He threw the treat into the cage and the bear followed (.). He locked ( ) the door behind her and fell to the floor in relief. Apparently, the bear valued ( ) food more than freedom. 9 of 9 Vocabulary natural places A trip to Egypt Grammar comparatives QUICK REVIEW Adjectives Work in pairs. Write six adjectives that can describe places (crowded, safe, etc.). Take tums to say sentences about places you know. Use the adjectives on your list: The town centre is very crowded on Saturdays. Vocabulary and Speaking Natural places El 2 Tick the words you know. Then do the exercise in [EETUEIIEEP p14: b Think of three famous natural places in your country. Use vocabulary from ta and your own ideas. © Work in groups. Tell other students about the natural places you chose. There's a beautiful lake in Hungary called Lake Balaton. Reading Ed 2 Before you read, check these words/phrases with your teacher. the Pijramids go snorkeling b Read a holiday brochure about two holiday places in Egypt. Choose one place for a holiday. Tell another student why you chose it. ¢ Read about the places again. Find three things you can do in each place. Read these sentences. Which sentence is false? a The Sols Hotels smaller than the Shokran Hotel Calo is hotter than Sharm Ei Shei ¢- Cairo is probably noisier. 4 Calo is more crowded than Sharm Ei shein The holiday in Cato is more expensive Shokran Hotel (126 rooms) Cost per week (including flight): €1,490 : Average temperature (April-May): 30°C Cairo Egypt's busy capital city is a wonderful place to visit. Most people ‘come to Cairo to sce the Pyramids at Giza and the famous Egyptian Museum. You can also go on a guided tour of Old Cairo to see the beautiful mosques and old buildings, or go shopping in the famous Khan al-Khalili market. In the evening you can enjoy traditional Egyptian food in restaurants all over the city, r you can go on a boat trip and have dinner on the River Nile. Come to Cairo - and have the holiday of a lifetime! HELP WITH GRAMMAR Comparatives Ed 2 Look at the comparatives in bold in 3. Then complete the rues. © Most 1-sylable adjectives (smal, old) + add _-er 1-syflable adjectives ending in consonant + vowel + consonant (hot, big, etc.) + double the last consonant and add 2-syllable adjectives ending in -y (noisy, happy, etc.) + change the -y to and add * Other 2- and 3-syllable adjectives (crowded, expensive, etc.) * put before the adjective. ® The comparatives for good and bad are irregular: good —* better, bad ~* worse. b Look at sentences a, b and d in 3. Which word do we often us® after the comparative? © Check in FEIUIIIEE piss. Eh Write tn 1 seer 4 7 10 . " 3 6 ° 12 luck Listening and Speaking Patrick and Juliet planning a holiday in Egypt. joes each person want to go? Find one reason why they form of the adject Sharm El Sheikh People come to Sharm El Sheikh from all over the world to go diving and snorkelling in the Red Sea ~ the beautiful coral reefs and colourful fish are amazing! You can also rent © Work in pairs. 4 motorbike and go into the desert to see the in 6b - Pat red mountains, or maybe go on a camel ride fe liaerteoe instead. And at the end of the day you can enjoy fresh seafood in one of Sharm El Sheikh’s excellent restaurants and then in 6b. Copy the stress and w go clubbing with your friends, Whatever you ‘Sharm want from your holiday, it’s here in Sharm El Sheikh! a holiday? Listen and check. and practise the sentences ~ak form of than, k and Juliet went on A mmodation Get ready ... Get it right! Sels Hotel (39 rooms) o Write five sentences comparing two friends or two people Cost per week (including flight): €1,670 in your family. Use these words/phrases or your own ideas, Average temperature (April-May): 26°C Carlos is younger than Diego. Diego's got a more interesting job. HD @ Work in pairs. Tel our partner about the people you chose in 9. Give more information if possible Carlos is younger than Diego. Carlos is 27 and Diego is 30. 'b Tell the class two things about the people your Partner chose. A crowded planet Vocabulary the environment Grammar willor prediction; might QUICK REVIEW Present Perfect. Work in pairs. Ask questions with Have you ever... ? and find three. things you've done in your life that your partner hasn't done. Ask follow-up questions if possible. Vocabulary and Speaking The environment Ei Work in pairs. Fillin the gaps in the diagram with these words/phrases about the environment. Check in Ise, sed the environment Listening and Speaking Ef a EZ: Listen to an interview with Dr Andrew Scott, an expert on the environment. Tick the things he talks about. the world population in 2030 the world population in 19% olttion the number of people over cities in the future food and water protecting wildlife we lation. the world Bopul protecting rainforests 'b Listen again. Which of these sentences does Dr Scott think are true about the year 2030? Correct Look at these sentences. Tick the ones that you think the false sentences a are true for your country. 1. The planet will be very crowded. The cost flings nerasna 2 There wilbe about 8.2 bllon people onthe plane i ‘There is more pollution than there was 10 years ago. 3° China will have a bigger population than India. 3 Mot peopl want to protct wife andthe envionment 4 We might have 10 tie wth popuaton of over 4 Mycaunty produces most ofits ovn food. 2m There are move floods than there were 10 year 90, 5. hwon' be ey to produce fod for everbody ¢ Our county produces more green ener than itd & Green energy wl be very mporant 10 years ago. © Work in pairs. Do you agree with Dr Scott's bb Workin groups. Discuss the sentences in 2a. prediction? Why2/Why nat? Prediction; might a Look again at the sentences in b. Then answer the questions. b Make questions with these words. What are the positive and negative short answers to these questions? people De green energy think / gre n energy / use / wil ? © Check in a Look at these other ideas about the year 2030. Write sentences you think are true, Use will, won't, might. pensive than oil 10st people all our homes / us people in the world / speak Ci ren / have all their lessons online omputers inside thelr heads expensive for most people reen eneray inese have be 8 most people / have 3D TVs in their homes b Work in pairs. Compare sentences. Give reasons for your ideas if possible. Work in new pairs, Student A p105. Student B p111 HELP WITH LISTENING 1 and won't Ed 2 BEB: Listen to how we say these phrases. Notice the difference 1 Istay M"istay $2 youhave —youttihave 2 3 wego well go 2 4 theyhave — they'thave 5 Iwant | won't b [E> Listen to these sentences. Circle the words you hear. 1 tay at home all day, 2 They'll have their own families, 3 We/Weill have two children, 4 IN! speak English fluently. 5 6 We want to/won't be in England, | want to/won't have children, @ TEBE: Listen to some people talking about fein the year 2030. Match conversations 1-2 to the things they talk about a-d work and studies ing abroad © his/her future family 4 age and appearance b Listen again. Make notes on what each person says. © Work in pairs. Compare notes, Do you have the same information? Ga: Listen and practise. Copy the contractions (/', etc.) iy at home all day. a Get ready ... Get it right! GE) write five sentences with will, won't or might about you or your family's life in 2030, Use these ideas or your own. job © home © appearance retired © martiedorsingle © English money ® children © free time Hi] 2 Workin groups. Gompare sentences. Are any | the same? | | b Tell the class two of your group's predictions. Vocabulary collocations (2) Grammar be going to; Never too old | as mos an ani Vocabulary Collocations (2) ox rect verbs in these HELP WITH GRAMMAR es and ambitions be going Reading, Listening and El «100k at nese se Speaking \ces. Then answer questions 1 these phrases in 1-3 in 3a. Which verb form comes after the infinitive with to or verb+ing? infinitive with to 'm looking forward to e I'mthinking 2 {Pa tke his andi or I'm thinking of © Check in EINES p37, Complete paragraphs 1-3 with the correct ‘orm of the verbs in the boxes. Which people n photos AC said them, do you think? drive regoing to* buy _acamper van and from San Francisco to New ork. Welre hoping some old 1ds on the way, and Meryl's thinking of 1 blog about our journey. team spend buy Pn a house by the sea, either in Thailand or Barbados, and oking forward to? late every day. I'm hoping ery noon at the beach and I'd ike how to dive buy fea n going to ® anew camera and t'm looking forward to ® how to take photos of animals in the wild. 'm also thinking of on holiday to anda. | want 9 a gorila face- face, 7 Listen and check. wring a bldg» 5 -Méry'’s thinking of writing a biog HELP WITH LISTENING going to a © Liston and notice the two different ways we say going to. Both are correct. 5 a fm going to /gaumto/ buy a new camera, 2» Were going to /gana/ buy a camper van. b [EBB 10 Liston to these people's sentences, Do you hear: 1 /gauinta/ or 2 /gana/? a Wo'te going to drive across the USA. 2 b_ He's going to live abroad. I'm going to wrte a blog. 4 They'e going to have a great time, t Sho's going to retire next year When are you going to retire? @ Wiite six sentences about your plans, hopes and ambitions. Use be going to and phrases from 5a. 1'™m going to study Chinese next year. 1'm thinking of buying a new laptop. b Work in groups. Tell each other your sentences from 9 Which are the most unusual? ‘@ Ask other students your questions. Try to find ‘someone who answers yes to each question. Then ask two follow-up questions. b Tell the class about two people's plans, hopes or ambitions. cop Murder mystery QUICK REVIEW Prosent Perfect for giving news Think of four pieces of news about yc people you know. Work in groups. Tell the other students your news: A My sister's just taken some exams, Ask questions about the other students’ news: B Has she got the results yet? nd, Speaking and Vocabulary Crime [Work in pairs. Discuss tr 1 Do you, or people EB Work in the same pairs. Which of these crime words do you know? Check in EE Fill in the gaps in the table with these words. Then check in KIC 1 steal miirderer burglary __rdbbery thief robber minder birglar verb criminal crime ‘ob steal theft burg murder [i _ Choose the correct words in these sentences. 1. Three men robbed/stole a bank in London last right and robtied/stole over £2 milion. This was the third bank robbery/burglary inthe city this month, 2 Last night my car was burgled/broken into and my satnay was robbed/stok 3. Aman was stolen/murdered yesterday in Los ‘Angeles. The police have arrested/robbed two 8 ns in connection with the murder! 4 My brother his laptop was flat was stolen/burgied last week and folen/burgled. Vocabulary crime Grammar relative clauses wi who, which, that and viene Listening and Speaking Ga Th ore has been a murder in Yately, a village in England, Listen to the conversation and match the people to their descriptions. Mar the murder victim Alice the new person in the vilage Barry Clark Etien and Jack's son i the owner of the flower shop Jack Miller ack's wile Adam Jack's business pa b Work in pairs. Who are the people in pictures A~C? a [Ed}2° Listen again and answer these questions. 3 7. Why was Adam sent to prison? ‘8 When did he come out of pris HELP WITH GRAMMAR Relat with who, which, that and wh e clauses a Look at these sentences. The underlined clauses are called relative clauses. They tell you which person, thing or place we are talking about That's the place where they found the body. He's the man who/that was murdered Her marriage is the only thing which/that makes her happy, b Complete the rule with the words in bold in 7a. To introduce relative clauses. or for 0 use: ple or for things. e for places. © Check in [EENIEUNIEP 1150. Complete these sentences with who, which, that or where. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 1. Jack Miller is the man 2 The big house at the end of the vilage is the Miller family lives. ‘owns the flowe has been in prison who was murdered, 3 Alice is the woman 4 The only person is Adam. 5 The police never found the money Adam stove. 6 Mary thought Yately was a sleepy vilage nothing ever happened. Make a list of suspects. Who in groups. ae a asaa van tink evi murdered Jack Miller, b Compare answers with the class. Get ready ... Get it right! ID. Work in two groups. Group A p07. Group B p11 Kil © Work in pairs with a student from the other group. ‘Take turns to point to the things in the picture and tell er what you know about them. Use relative This is the person who b Who do you think murdered Jack Miller now? How | and why did the murderer do it, do you think? a EiSSR20 Liston to a news report about the murder | trial. Who is the murderer? 'b Look at Audio Script [EEE}s0 p65. Read and listen to the news report again. How did the murder happen? How did the police catch the murderer? Why did the murderer kill Jack Miller? Reading and Writing Portfolio 5 i rit yaragra tin A night to remember wang re ome sw Past Simple; adjectives EI Read about Miyu's evening out. Then put the pictures in order Review Past Simp! ee / The day I met Keira a) : had a very 9 p really good and Keira Knightley se the food was great 4. Aftor we lot aurant we walk ; again ~ and there was Keira Knight nallo and she was really friendly to me. We talke about five minutes and then my friends took some of me and Keira togethe told them about my birthday. ! als 16 and Keira! t really was a nig 1 Freaa the text again. Tick the true sentences. Correct the false sentences. abi ie ine § The Japanese restaurant was quite empty v fas Miyu's 18” birthday. 2. The day after they arrived Miyu met Keira Knightley in the street Iwas Miyu's 21* birthday. 3. Keira Knightley is her favourite actress. 7 Keira wasn't very friendly 4. Miyu liked The Chilaren's Hour. When Miyu got home she phoned her frends, HELP WITH WRITING Paragraphs (1); connecting words (2): after, when, and then Match a-e to paragraphs 1-5 in the text, (tenting Kae » | | atthe theatre « (1) inttocuction @ [_] atthe restaurant ] ho end ofthe evening TIPS * We usually start a new peregrenh wn ws takeout trent pecs or ne * We d'art 8 new paregranh for vary ertanes a Look at these sentences, Notice how we make sentences with after, when and and then. Underline the verb that happened first. 1 After our classes finished we went for coffee in Leicester Square. 2 When the play ended we went for a meal in a Japanese restaurant. ‘3. We talked for about five minutes: land then my friends took some photos. b Choose the correct answer in the rule, We often use after, when and and then for things that happen at the same time/at different times. © Underline all the examples of after, when and and then in the text. TIP + We can also use then without and, We usually use a comma (,) before then: We talked for about five ‘minutes, then my fends took some photos, Put these sentences together. Use the words/phrases in brackats. 1” Heft the party. | went nome. (ater) _ After [left the party | went hone. 2 Martin had dinner. He watched TV. (and then) eet ‘8. I got home. | phoned my brother. (when} 4 finished the report. | went to bedt (after ‘5 Gwyneth did her homework. She went out. (and then) ‘a Think of a night to remember that you had in the last six months ~ or invent one! Look at these questions and make notes in the table. When was it? 1 ‘What did you do when you got home? 'b Write about your night to remember. | Use your notes from 6a. ‘* Start a new paragraph for information 1-< inthe table. '* Use when, after and and then. '* Read and check for mistakes. '* Give your composition to your teacher next class. Tick the things you can do iin English in the ‘Reading and Writing Progress Portfolio, p88. Reading and Writing Portfolio 2 Reading persona emai Writing connecting words (1): dition ang A personal email cones wi oval 1) Review Past Simple fr telling a story. relationships El ead the email quickly and tick (V) the correct answers 1 Theemallis a to Poppy from Katy “s aa fom Popoy to Kay assy Bee % 4 2 Poppy and Katy are probably To: | poppy_wesley@auickmailnet 5 a colleagues. b friends From: _ 3 Ollie is Katy’s = See boyfriend. ~ 'b husband. Dear Poppy. How are you? Sorry | didn’t reply to any of your emails, but | only checked today. Last week was a busy and very exciting week. Oltie and | went out for dinner on Friday. We were celebrating our anniversary — we started going out four years ago. Four years! | can't believe it. He | wanted to surprise me and he did — we went to Jamie Oliver's restaurant! The food was amazing. It’s also cheaper than | thought. However, that’s not the reason I'm writing After the meal. we were having coffee and Ollie asked forthe bill. When it | came, he gave it to me. | laughed, but then | saw a lot of waiters looking at me. What's more, they were all smiling. | didn’t know what was happening. | when | looked at the bill! knew. It just said “Will you marry me, Katy?" in | ollie’s handwriting. Then Ollie gave me a small box. It was a ring! | put it on and very nervously said yes. The waiters started clapping and I went very red! ‘The restaurant gave us a bottle of champagne. We didn't drink it. though. We ‘can have it when you next come to London. And we can also go shopping! {need a wedding dress and someone to help me choose it! Love. katy Read the email again and answer the questions. 4. Why didn't Katy email Poppy last week? Because she only checked today. 2 Why did Katy go out for dinner with Olie last week? 3. Who chose the restaurant? 4. Why did Olle give Katy the bil? ‘5 What does Katy want to do with Poppy? What's more, it was very exciting. b Underline the examples of also and what's more in Katy’s email. ‘a Look at these sentences. Notice how we connect the ideas using but, however and though. 1. Sorry I didn't reply to any of your ‘emails, but | only checked today, 2 Sorry I didn't reply to any of your emails. However, | only checked today. 3 Sorry | didn't reply to any of your emails. | only oecked today, though. } > Underline the examples of ‘however and though in Katy's email, HY Choose the correct answers in the rules. $1. And links ideas in one sentence, Abo and What's more link ideas } _ inone/two sentences. + 2 But contrasts ideas in one sentence. However and though Contrast ideas in one/two sentences. 3 We put also before/atter the vero be and before/after other verbs. We put however at the beginning! nd of a sentence and though at the beginning/end, TIP = We puta comma () after What's more and However. _Imagine you have some exciting news about an event in your family. We bought a new car last year and Mike got a new job. (What's more) (However) We got engaged last month, but we're not going to get married until next year. (though) My parents met in 1985 and they got married that year. (also) cM ae ere Wie EEE AR eS Look at these questions and make notes. Whenisthe event? Who does it What happened? involve? is going to happen next? Write an email to a friend about your news. Use your notes from 7a. Use connecting words from 3a and 4a to connect your ideas. Read and cheok for mistakes, Give your email to your teacher in your next class. | met a nice man last week, but he's already going out with someone, Tick the things you can do in English in the Reading and Writing Progress Portfoli Write Your Own Draft Paragraph Before you draft your own paragraph, read Jeanette Castro’s annotated draft below. (You saw her developing her main point in Chapter 3 and support- ing it in Chapter 4.) ‘Training for a Marathon Title Training for success in a marathon demands several important steps. Topic sentence First, runners should get a schedule that was developed by a profes- ——— Support point 1 Writer uses chrono- sional running organization. These schedules are available in bookstores | carafones or on the Web. A good one is available at All of the training schedules suggest starting training three to six months before the marathon, Runners should commit to carefully following the schedule. _}—— Support point 2 [Supporting detail ‘themselves. T a Clr to te ie ofthe marae, Tune Shou make sre hey are reared forthe ie day The nis Bs race, they should eat carbohydrates, drink plenty of water, and get a ‘good night’s sleep. On the day of the marathon, runners should eat a ‘Supporting | ‘good breakfast, dress for the weather, and consider doing @ light warm- ‘up before the race’s start. Before and during the race, they should drink refers ae main - plenty of water. Running a marathon without completing the essential steps will not bring success; instead it may bring pain and injury.

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