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30 5 FORM TP 2020004 ‘CANDIDATE —PLtasn Sore: 01212010 JANUARY 2020 AST COL CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCHL ECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE? EXAMINATION CARIBBEAN 8) CHEMISTRY Paper 01 - General Proficiency, Thour 15 minutes 20 JANUARY 2020 (p.m) CAREFULLY. READ THE POLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS ‘This (scConsists of 60 items. You will have | hour and 15 minutes to answer them, In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet Each item in this test has four suggested enswers lettered (A),(B), (C), (D). Read each item you ‘are about to answer and decide whieh choice is best On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having, the same letter as the ariswer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample ltem “The SI unit of length is the Sample Answer (A) metre DOO (B) newton (©) second (D) kilogram ‘The best answer to this item is “metre”, so (A) has been shaded. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. ‘When you are told to begin, turn the page and work 2s quickly and as carefully as you ean. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. You may do any rough work in this booklet. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARF TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2018 Caribbean Fxaminations Council All rights reserved. 01212010/3/CSEC 2020 2 One property of ionic compounds is thar they (A) contain molecules (B) are solids and vaporize easily (C) usually dissolve in organic solvents (D) conduct electricity when m slien er dissolved in water Which of the following processes does NOT provide evidence in support of the particulate nature of matter? (A) Osmosis @) Diffusion (C) Filtration (D) Brownian motion Sulfuric acid is stronger acid than etha- noie acid (acetic acid) in aqueous solution because sulfuric acid (A) is more comosive than ethanoic acid (3) ismore concentrated than ethanoie cid (© ionizes to a greater extent than ethanoic acid (D) causes sugar to char whereas cthanoic acid does not Which of the substances, represented by the options, A, B, C and D in the following, table, is MOST likely sodium chloride? Botting | Conductivity items refer to the four sets of properties Substance | Point So represented by the options, A, B,C and D, CO) | State | Star below. ae a 1465 | No | Yes @) 44a [No | No Relative | Approximate © 2600 | Yes | __No Charge Mass (2 @ [35 [No | ves @ + I = B) ° i © el 0 Isotopes of an element contain sien 2 Which sét of properties above refers to a neutron? Which set of properties above refers fo proton? 01212010//CSEC 2020 (A) different numbers of protons (B) the same number of neutrons (©) the same number of electrons as neutrons: (D) the same number of protons as electrons GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 8 9. i. element, X, hr What mass of oxygen atoms contains the 18, An an electronic same number of moles as 112 g of sulfur configuration 2, 8 J. At which of the atoms? following positions is the element in the periodic table? IRAM: 0 = 16; 2] (A) Period 1 Group H (a) 056g (B) Period t Group I @) 5.60 8 (©) Period 3 Group 1 ©) 56.00 (D) Period 3 Group T @) 560.008 ‘Two solutions are to be mixed in order to demonstrate endothermic change. Which of the following techniques would be MOST appropriate? (A) Taking mass readings (B) Taking temperature readings (©) Monitoring the pH of the solutions @) Carefully observing colourchanges Lem U1 refers to the following equation which represents the reaction between ethene and chlorine. iH a 7 \ I exe +e) smear a H ca What type of reaction does the equation above represent? (A) Addition (B) Substitution (C) Addition polymerization @) Condensation polymerization GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 0121201 0/1/CSEC 2020 R 13. 14, 15. Which of the following groupsofmixtures 16. is arranged in or particle size? (A) Colloids, solutions, suspensions (B) Solutions, suspensions, colloids (©) Solutions, colloids, susper.sions () Suspensions, colloids, sofutions “Tonic bond formation’ results from the (A) donation of electrons from a non: metal to a metal to achieve stability (B) donation of electrons from a metal to a non-metal to achieve stability (C) attraction between the positively charged ions of a metal and a pool of electrons (D) sharing of electrons between the atoms of a metal and non-metal 7. An acid may be defined as.a (A) proton donor ®) neutron donor (©) proton acceptor (D) neutron acceptor Ethanoie acid reacts with ethanol to form an ester and water. How many moles of ethanoie acid are required to produce 0.5 mol of ester? (A) 0.05 @®) Os © | @M) 2 01212010/5/C88C 2020 be From which of the following substances can a solid be obtained by the process of sedimentation? (A) Suspensions B) Emulsions © Foams (D) Gels refers to the following geaph which shows the variation of the pH of the mixture formed when Solution ¥ is added to a fixed volume of Solution X, 1B pay, Enel Volume of Solution Y added (em?) ‘Which ofthe following pairs of substances can represent Solutions X and ¥? a ae ies ee [kon hao eee @) HCl, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 18. 1. 20. 2 Which ofthe fottowing halogens is liquid aL room temperature? (A) Sodine @) Fluorine (C) Chlorine ©) Bromine A piece of metal is reacted with an acid to produce hydrogen gas. Which of the following steps should be employed in order to increase the rate of the reaction? 1. Increasing the Cemperature at whieh the reaction is carried out Ul, Subdividing the piece of metal 111, Reducing the concentration of the (A) Tand Ionly (B) and IIf only (©) Mand IT only ©) 1, Mand it Which of the following properties increases across Period 3 of the periodic table? (A) Atomic radius @) Atomic number (©) Tensile strength @) Metallic character Which of the following substances do NOT. produce water when reacted with acid? (A) Carbonates (B) Metal oxides (©) Active metals @) Metal hydroxides 01212010//CSEC 2020 23. 24, 3 refer to the following Hems_22. information, 4 piece of calcium was added to se alistilled water in a contsiner and the following obser recorded, 1, Bubbles of gas evolved I], Acloudy suspension was formed, ‘The gas produced is expected to (A) relight a glowing splint G3) give a ‘pop’ with a lighted splint (C) ten acidified aqueous potassiuim dichromate green (D) — decolorize acidified aqueous potassium manganate(VID) A sample of the suspension was filtered and the pH of the filtrate determined ‘The expected pH of the filtrate should be approximately « @) © 1 Saue Which of the following salts isan acid salt? (A) NaHiso, (B) Nao, (© NaPo, (D) —Na,SOf GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 25, 26. Sodi nix m hydrogen earbenate and hiycdretloric acid reacted to produce sodium chloride, ‘Phe effervesced. ‘The effervescence is causeil by the evolution of (A) oxygen (B) hydrogen (©) carbon dioxide (D) hydrogen chloride Which of the following diagrams illustrates bonding in oxygen? “w 2 CO) 7 CO) CO) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010//CSEC 2020 27, 28, 29, the correet bonate’? Which of the folto formula for ammonia tA) NH,CO, @) NAC), «) - (NH),CO, ©) WH), ae Which of the following produets would be produced by the clectrolysis of di sulfuric acid’? ‘AtCaihode | AtAnode “ i, °, ® . x, | [co H, |S o) Ey A solution of sodium hydroxide is neutral- ized by the addition of dilute hydochl acid. The results obtained are used to plot the graph below. Q Temperature CC) Volume of acid added (emn") Which of the points on the graph above represents the neutralization point of the reaction? (Aa) @) © P) BROW 0121201 0/1/CSEC 2020 30. 31. 32. Item Af refers to the toflowing apparatus which is used to measure the relative conductivity of various substances, 5 VDC supply }~ Substance uuder investiga If substances containing one mole of solute per dm® aro investigated, which substance should cause the bulb to glow BRIGHTEST? (A) Water (B) Ammonia © Sulfuric acid @) — Bthanoie acid When & piece of magnesium ribbon is burnt in air, magnesium oxide is formed. The magnesium oxide is then placed in water and tested with litmus solution, which turns blue The above experiment shows that magnesium oxide is (A) insoluble (B) neutral © i ©) When a metal atom becomes an ion, it (A) gains electrons and is oxidized (B) gains electrons and is reduced (©) _ loses electrons and is reduced (D) loses electrons and is oxidized GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 33, Some caleium carbonate was roavicd — 34 Potassium isa metal. From this information with exeoss dilute hydrochlotie acid, ‘The ONLY, it may be deduced that potassium volume of carbon dioxide evolved was recorded and plotted against time. Which (A) issoft of the following graphs represents thi (8) is very reactive reaction? (C) has. low melting point oy (D) isa good conductor of electricity (A) & i (ite 38. Analloy is 2 (A) alype of element 2 {B) _ aminture of metals E (C) — a.compound of metals z (D) tho same as aluminium = @) & 36. Which of the following methods is used for S the extraction of alurvinium? = 3 (A) Electrolysis of its molten oxide 3 (B) Reduction of its oxide using coke = (C) Electrolysis of its aqueous chioride 3 (D) Reduction ofits oxide using carbon é ee Gay ‘monoxide a ©) Bt > 37. Which of the following statements explains g why, over time, aluminium products de S NOT deteriorate in airas do iron products? z 3 (A) Aluminium is lower than iron in the 3 activity series, therefore it reacts 2 = Jess readily with air than iron. ime (min) (B) Aluminium is higher up in the gE activity series than iron, therefore om &f itis more relate Yo sorrasion ¢ than iron. 3 (©) Both metals form oxide coats but 2 the aluminium oxide prevents 3 further reaction while the iron = oxide does not. = (D) Both metals form hydroxide coats é but the aluminium hydroxide prevents further reaction while the iron hydroxide does not. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010/1/CSEC 2020 ae tem 38 refers to the followin and TV represent the progressive stages io the FCO, —Ls reo! reo, lll Fe (80,), 38. A.suitable reagent that could he used at Stage LV i (A) steam (B) hydrogen ©) sald copper oxide {D) aqueous sodiuin hydroxide qhience of reactions invaly cquence, » compounds, where 1, NTU -!Y 5 recon, ace eee 39. Which of the following elements is an 41, important constituent of chlorophyll? (A) Magnesium @) Calcium (©) Copper () tron 40. The existence of millions of organic compounds is due primarily to the ability of carbon to form 1 le bonds Ii. ting structures IIL branched chains 2. (A) Land ILonly (B) Land HT only (©) Hand only @®) 1 and Wt 01212010/1/CSEC 2020 Copper and aluminium are both good conductors of electricity, but aluminium is preferred to copper for overhead electrical cables because (A) aluminium is obtained in a very high degree of purity (B) “aluminium is lighter and resistant to corrosion, (©) copper, a transition metal, forms a coloured coating (D) copper rapidly reacts with grease present in air Which of the following aqueous solutions will produce a yellow precipitate with aqueous potassium iodide? (A) Lead nitrate (B) Zine sulfate (©) Caleium chloride ©) Sodium carbonate GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 43. Which of the following outcomes iz 14 Hexane isanatlsane with six eatbon afoms observed when PXCESS aqueous ammonia per molecule, Which of the following is is added to a solution of copper(I) sulfate? the formula for hexane? (A) Green solution ®) Green precipitate Cd, (C) Deep blue solution ®) CH, (©) Light blue precipitate © om, ©) Cai, em 45 rofers to the following structures of wo organic compounds, Land 1, whose molecular formula is C,H,O. abt tb oe Vuk bid 45. Compounds I and II are known as the (A) isomers of C,H,0 (B) isotopes of CHO (©) condensed formulae of C,H,0 (D) _ molecular formulae of C,H,O 46. Which of the following metals will react the MOST vigorously with dilute acid?” A) Iron ®) Zine (©) Lead () Copper GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 0121201019/CSI Es 2020 aa a Which of the following ahout ethane is correct? u Ben (A) Svetural formula Ye = eZ (B) Molecular formula» C,H, (C) Empirical formula ci, (D)— Gonerat formula. C, 48, Which of the following correctly identifies the homologous series to which each compound belongs? Q 8 | Ester ~~ [Aleohot @)_[Asid Alcohol Ester [© _[Atcahat ster Acid @) [Acid Ester Alcohol 49. Which reaction involves the boiling of a fat or oil with aqueous sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)? (A) Hydrolysis (B) Dehydration (C) _— Saponification (D) — Esterification GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0121201 0/1/CSEC 2020 50, Whichofibe following is the fully disp steuctural formula of 2-bromobutane? | @ ® © © fe re nee aero n-€=tat—c at b&w om oo now » ee Scae-c¢-c—n uw 1 1 1 Bon ow eee ieee n-c—c—~c—c—H Tei eeneeee H Br HO 52. H 1 HH—C—HH 1 7 1 u—c¢—c—c—H v 1 1 uo Br 01212010/1/CSEC 2020 Which ofthe followi of alkanes and alkenes’? 1. Both alkanes and alkenes burn in air to give eaxbon dioxide and wat T. — Alkanes undergo substitution reactions whilstalkenes undergo addition reactions. HL Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons whilst alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons. (A) Land I only (B) Land Mil only (©) Wand Mi only () 1, Wand tT ‘A solution has a pH of 1. This solution would be expected to react with (A) zine metal to produce hydrogen @) hydrochloric acid to produce chlorine (C) zine metal to produce a solution of prio (@) _ hydrochloric acid to produce a salt and water Which of the following compounds will react with ethanoic acid to form an ester? ( CHLCH, (B) CH,CH,CI (© CH,CH,OH @) CH,CH,CO,1 GO ON TO THR NEXT PAGE, sd. 56, “13. Which of the following equations represents (he fermentaiion of sugars, using glncuse as the substrate? A G4H,,0, + 2C,H,O1+ 20, (B) 6CO, «6,0 > C,11,,0, + 60, © — CH,0, + 60, 6CO, + 611,0 (D) CHO, + GH,,0,~+ C,.H,,0,. + H,0 Ethene is deseribed as being unsaturated, ‘This means that the (A) motecule has insufficient hydrogen atoms (B) molecule comains at least one double bond (©) carbon atoms in the molecule are very reactive (B) carbon atoms in ethene are linked by single bonds ALL members of a homologous series have similar (A) densities (B) boiling points (©) chemical properties () physical properties GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010//CSEC 2020 57. Whieh of the Tallowiins compounds sor decolerize potassium manganatecV I)? “ou le @) n-o-onH i Hou s. @) now on eee seal (© a—-c—ce—c—H tid non aon ©) ia, w—c—c—u 60, | u END OF TEST Which of the Follow of hiydiroeatbons? (AY Carbou (8) Methane (©) Uydrogen (DB) Peiroteum Which of the following types of polymers nay he derived from monomers ofthe type shown below? u i C— Coon tT NH, (A) Polyester (B) Polyalkene (©) Polyamide (D) Polysaccharide Which of the following hydrocarbons is the MAJOR constituent of natural gas? (A) Methane (B) Propane (© Ethane (D) Butane YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 012120102/CSRC 2020

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