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Compiled by the great scholar

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Al­Ḥabīb ʿUmar bin Muḥammad bin Sālim bin Ḥafīẓ
Ibn l­Shaykh Abī Bakr bin Sālim

67 $34  5 0  1  *2 "

May Allāh benefit through him
in the two worlds

SUFFICIENT IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF MY LORD ..................................... 203
ijk THE FULL MOON HAS RISEN OVER US................................................ 207
?<( S% ................................................................................................ 210
GREETINGS OF PEACE UPON ................................................................ 210
=&=>==' ?<2( 98 :  ;
4 3 U +3 T. ............................................................................................. 213
AHMED MY BELOVED ......................................................................... 213
 * @A  B C
 == + 9% SV 3............................................................................................. 214
O IMAM OF THE MESSENGERS ............................................................. 214
Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad Ḥabībika sh­Shāfiʿ l­Mushafaʿ
# 2W 3 .................................................................................................... 216
=&=>==' ?<2( 98 :  ;
4 3 O TAYBAH ........................................................................................... 216
XY 4  ................................................................................................. 218
 24 .2D #E = =F==G4 H4   ?<2(. THE LIGHT EMERGED .......................................................................... 218
MUHAMMAD IS BEAUTIFUL ................................................................. 221
Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad ‘Aʿlā l­warā Rutbatan wa ‘Arfaʿ SEEKING A GAZE FROM ALLAH ........................................................... 223
 =&=>==' ?<2( 98 : ;
4 3 ALLAH HAS FULFILLED OUR AIMS ....................................................... 228
2 % SZ 2 % ............................................................................................... 232
 % D .2D EKJ 3  ?=>==I.2 GREETINGS OF PEACE .......................................................................... 232
DUʿĀ’ AL­NĀṢIRĪ ................................................................................ 237
Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad Asmā l­barāyā jāhan wa awsaʿ

 =&=>==' ?<2( 98 :  ;
4 3
 ===L M N ;
4   C
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Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad wasluk binā Rabbi khayra mahyaʿ

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4 3
 J  9 @ O
 P D  ( D
Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad wa ʿāfinā wa‘shfi kulla mūwjaʿ

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4 3
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 ( D 
 <Q2  R <:
Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad wa‘aṣliḥi l­qalba wa ʿfu wa nfaʿ

4 257

THE SHIMMERING LIGHT .................................................................. 3

THE BURDA............................................................................................ 53 My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
Your Beloved, The Intercessor, The one whose intercession is
-1- ON LYRICAL LOVE-YEARNING ................................................ 54
AND PEACE ........................................................................................ 60
-4- ON HIS BIRTH ............................................................................... 67 My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
-5- ON HIS MIRACLES ....................................................................... 70 The highest and most exalted of mankind in station
-6- ON THE QUALITIES OF THE QURAN ........................................ 75
PRAYERS AND PEACE...................................................................... 79
GOD, UPON HIM BE PRAYERS AND PEACE ................................. 82 My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
-9- ON SEEKING INTERCESSION THROUGH THE The greatest and most sublime of creation in rank
PROPHET,UPON HIM BE PRAYERS AND PEACE ......................... 87
AL-QASIDAH AL-MUḤAMMADIYYAH ........................................... 93
WHAT IS RECITED ON FRIDAY ....................................................... 99 My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
THE DIWAN.......................................................................................... 147 Take us My Lord, down the (widest and) best of roads

‫  ا‬......................................................................................... 148
‫ ُِ اِْر‬...................................................................................... 158
ِ ْ َ ‫ راُِ ا‬............................................................................................ 165

" ِ#$ ‫ا ُِ ا  أ
َ َهَ !ِ  َ ا‬ρ ............................................................... 173 My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
‫ت‬ِ ‫ا‬+ ‫ِ )ُ(ُ' ِد ا‬% َِ#َْ ‫ راُِ ا‬..................................................................... 178 Give us well being, and cure every ailing person
-ِ ‫ ا‬% ‫ ِء‬$َ ‫هُِ ا‬................................................................................... 180
‫ي‬0‫ و‬.‫ أه‬............................................................................................ 183
‫ ا‬4 ‫ا‬2(3! .................................................................................. 185
$6! 0‫ رو‬....................................................................................... 187
ٌَِ8َ.................................................................................................. 190 My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
<=  ; 4 : .‫ آ‬................................................................................ 193 Rectify the heart, overlook my faults and benefit me
ASSORTED NASHEEDS ..................................................................... 195

1 YV 0V Y .............................................................................................. 196

256 5
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Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad wakfi l­muʿādī wa sarifhu wardaʿ Ṣalātaka 'l­latī tafī bi'amrihi
 =&=>==' ?<2( 98 :
4 3 Kamā yalīqu bi’rtifāʿi qadrihi
Your prayer is that which grants success in his business
 = =&=@A C
 9^ =_=" as befits his lofty worth.

Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad naḥullu fī ḥiṣnika l­mumannaʿ

?<2( D S  ,  n m ?<2(  l@
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4 3 
2 G  L  $ D  o  0 _
Thumma ʿalā ‘l­'āli 'l­kirāmi waʿalā
 24 Y2  c b 4  ( a
 4  ;
4 'Aṣḥābihi ‘l­ghurri waman lahum talā
Then bless his noble family and glorious Companions
Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad rabbi rḍa ʿanā riḍāka l­arfaʿ and those who have followed them.
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Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad wa’jʿal lanā fī l­jināni majmaʿ
Wa­l­ḥamdu lillāhi ‘l­ladhī biḥamdihi
Yablughu dhū ‘l­qaṣdi tamāma qaṣdihi
 =&=>==' ?<2( 98 :  ;
4 3 Praise belongs to Allāh by whose praise
those with an aim completely fulfillthat aim.
 =&=J. C
 Q < =N M N  = g 4
Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad rāfiq binā khayra khalqika ‘ajmaʿ

 =&=>==' ?<2( 98 :  ;
4 3
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4 3
Yā Rabbi ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammad Ya Rabbi ṣalli ʿalayh Wa sallim

6 255
\ & _  &    3[  `
 "D ;
4 3 My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
Restrain, divert and deter every aggressor
\  & 2 j s ( S hN 9  J D
Yā rabbi wa'nṣur dīnanā 'l­Muḥammadī
Wa'jʿal khitāma ʿizzihi kamā budī
O Lord, help our Muhammad an deen, My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
and make it end mighty as it began. Allow us to dwell in your impenetrable fortress
& <2  )
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Wa'ḥfaẓhu yā rabbi biḥifẓi 'l­ʿulamā
Wa'rfaʿ manāra nūrihi 'ilā 's­samā My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
Preserve it, O Lord, through the preservation of the scholars, My Lord, be pleased with us with your Most Exalted of
and raise the minaret of its light to heaven. Pleasure

  "r2  * v D O   D u ( D O ( D

My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
 4 3 w <t
  98 @  "r2 D And grant for us, in paradise a place of gathering
Wa'ʿfu waʿāfi wa'kfi wa'ghfir dhanbanā
Wadhanba kulli muslimin yā rabbanā
Pardon, grant well-being, make up for our deficiency
and forgive our sins and the sins of every Muslim, O our Lord. My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
4 hx
 &  ?<2( ; 4 3 98 :
 D Grant us all the company of the best of Your creation

4  Q &  #2 <2 ,2  C

Waṣalli yā rabbi ʿalā ‘l­mukhtāri
Ṣalātaka 'l­kāmilata ‘l­miqdāri My Lord, Send Your Mercy upon Muhammad
O Lord, bless the Chosen one My Lord, Send Your Mercy and Peace upon him
with your perfect prayer of blessing.

254 7
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ÉΟŠÅ_§ 9$# Ç≈sÜø‹¤±9$# zÏΒ «!$$Î/ èŒθããr& _
 " 6 < ( z> & <2( D
Wa'jʿal banīnā fuḍalā'a ṣulaḥā
ijk Waʿulamā'a ʿāmilīna nuṣaḥā
Make our sons virtuous and righteous,

ÏΒ tΠ£‰s)s? $tΒ ª!$# y7s9 t Ïøóu‹Ïj9 ∩⊇∪ $YΖÎ7•Β $[s÷Gsù y7s9 $oΨóstFsù $¯ΡÎ) 
scholars with action and people of good counsel.
9 K {>  n2 +  L < R <:
$WÛ≡uÅÀ y7tƒÏ‰öκu‰uρ y7ø‹n=tã …çµtFyϑ÷èÏΡ ¢ΟÏFãƒuρ t ¨zr's? $tΒuρ šÎ7/ΡsŒ 9 & 
   & J  L <  t
Wa'aṣliḥi 'l­lāhumma ḥāla 'l­'āhli
〈 ∩⊂∪ #¹“ƒÍ•tã #·óÇtΡ ª!$# x8t ÝÁΖtƒuρ ∩⊄∪ $Vϑ‹É)tFó¡•Β Wayassiri 'l­lāhumma jamʿa sh­shamli
O Allāh, remedy the situation of the people
and, O Allāh, make the reunification easy.
 &  C _  h2 R h D ;
4 3
$tΒ Ïµø‹n=tã ͕tã öΝà6Å¡àΡr& ôÏiΒ Ñ^θß™u‘ öΝà2u!%y` ô‰s)s9 
$ 3  s ( .2D ? G $ & 
βÎ*sù ∩⊇⊄∇∪ ÒΟŠÏm§‘ Ô∃ρâu‘ šÏΖÏΒ÷σßϑø9$$Î/ Νà6ø‹n=tæ ëÈƒÌ ym óΟšGÏΨtã
Yā rabbi wa'ftaḥ fatḥaka ‘l­mubīna
Liman tawallā wa'aʿazza 'd­dīna
O Lord, grant Your clear victory to the one
uθèδuρ ( àMù=2uθs? ϵø‹n=tã ( uθèδ ωÎ) tµ≈s9Î) Iω ª!$# š_É<ó¡ym ö≅à)sù (#öθ©9uθs? who takes charge and empowers the Deen,
0 s +  `  "D n |  r2 3 j  `
〈 ∩⊇⊄∪ ÉΟŠÏàyèø9$# ĸö yèø9$# ,>u‘
0 < k2 0 ( C b   3 &  } D
Wa'nṣurhu yā dhā 'ṭ­ṭawli wa'nṣur ḥizbahu
Wa'mla' bimā yurḍīka ʿanhu qalbahu
šÏ%©!$# $pκš‰r'¯≈tƒ Äc
4 É<¨Ζ9$# ’n?tã tβθ.=|Áム…çµtGx6Íׯ≈n=tΒuρ ©!$# ¨βÎ)  And help him, O You Who are forbearing, and help his party
and fill his heart with what will make him pleasing to you.
〈 ∩∈∉∪ $¸ϑŠÎ=ó¡n@ (#θßϑÏk=y™uρ ϵø‹n=tã (#θ.=|¹ (#θãΖtΒ#u

8 253
,2 t

~ hD zp  o  # t
,2 t ~  I seek refuge in Allāh from the Accursed Satan

Yā rabbi wa'jʿal da'abanā 't­tamassukā In the Name of Allāh, The Most Merciful and Compassionate
Bi's­sunnati 'l­gharrā'i wa't­tanassukā
O Lord, make it our habit to cling and devote ourselves
to the resplendent Sunna. “(Oh Prophet) We have indeed given you a manifest
#*2 <hx &   b  v .  2  `
 + D victory. That Allāh may forgive you of your sin that
which is past and that which is to come, and may perfect
#2  &  S & G    ( D C
  His favor upon you, and guide you on a right path. And
that Allāh may support you with a mighty support.”
Wa'ḥṣur lanā 'aghrāḍanā ‘l­mukhtalifah
Fīka waʿarrifnā tamāma ‘l­maʿrifah
Confine our manifold desires to You
and grant us full and complete gnosis.
9 & ( D w < ( $    2  & J D
“Indeed, There has come to you a Messenger from
9 {   Q2  4 [ ?2V u   :  D amongst yourselves, grievous to whom is your suffering,
concerned for you, to the believers gentle and
Wa'jmaʿlanā mā bayna ʿilmin waʿamal compassionate. Now if they turn away, say; ‘Allāh is
Wa'ṣrif 'ilā dāri 'l­baqā minnā 'l­'amal
sufficient for me. There is no god but He. In Him I have
Combine both knowledge and action for us,
and direct our hopes to the Abiding Abode. put my trust, and He is the Lord of the Formidable
~   L " ;
4 3    L "D
~   hN ; 4 3  2  hN D
Wa'nhaj binā yā rabbi nahja 's­suʿadā
Wa'khtim lanā yā rabbi khatma sh­shuhadā “Indeed, Allāh and His angels bless the prophet, oh you
O Lord, make us follow the road of the fortunate who believe! Bless him and salute him with a worthy
and make our seal the Seal of the martyrs, O Lord! salutation.”

252 9
 ! "     
       9 y
 *2  †
 _ &  "z> ( [ 9 k 2
" K \  0 <€  & 2 n   ;
 t  + ?o . $  n2  k2
"( [ $ 4 hx  &  j    Fa­qbal duʿā'anā bimaḥḍi ‘l­faḍli
Qabūla man 'alghā ḥisāba 'l­ʿadli
Accept our supplication with Your pure grace,
"[ "  k2D f rp  0 2V with the acceptance of someone who sets aside the fair
" + D  [ $ 3 C   2 ‡  ,2  #2   <2( $  D
\  C ƒ@4  1 ‚ C  <2( ?<:   <_
  #2 *2 | (  <2( O  | ( D
" + D  `  N  *   3 C   Wa’mnun ʿalaynā minnata ‘l­karīmi
Wa'ʿṭif ʿalaynā ʿaṭfata ‘l­ḥalīmi
= c  % f    4 L W { C  7   Bestow on us the favor of the Generous,
and show us the kindness of the Forbearing.
"& + „ e   $ * %  L 2 ?&% .2 C
 h& + 4  + 4 3  <2(  
=3[ „ & + S  ,  C  h_ : ?<2( D C
 h&  " ‡  2 3  <2( ˆ
" ( 0 ƒY _ :  .2 C  = Wa'nshur ʿalaynā yā raḥīmu raḥmatak
Wa'bsuṭ ʿalaynā yā karīmu niʿmatak
+  … w  `   L 2 6
  hD O Merciful, extend Your mercy over us
and spread Your blessing over us, O Generous.
 P {>   ==K „ [  &  \[+ n  k {  ƒ%
  2 N D

 _  A@  H 2 
   2    r@  0 <€D n   {  ƒ%
  2  hN D
 " ELD ?_b  .2D Y V Wakhir lanā fī sā'iri 'l­'aqwāli
Wa'khtar lanā fī sā'iri 'l­'afʿāli
Choose for us in all our words
and select for us in all our actions.

10 251
j 4  k2 ‰

j   r Š
   " D. Š  h% $ &  Praise be to the One who guided us
Wajāhi kulli man rafaʿta qadrahu Through His chosen slave, who summoned us
Mimman satarta 'aw nasharta dhikrahu
And the rank of everyone whose worth You elevated
both those who are concealed and those whose renown has To Him (Allāh) with authority, indeed he invited us
spread, At your service (Oh Prophet), Oh, you who guided and urged
us forward
 ,2 _
 &  ;
 h,  Š 37 j J D
 !  &   !2 ( {>   % Y j J D Allāh your Creator has sent His Mercy upon you
Indeed, We have been distinguished and favored through you
Wajāhi 'āyāti 'l­kitābi ‘l­muḥkami Oh, possessor of Intercession
Wajāhi 'l­smi 'l­'aʿẓami 'l­muʿaẓẓami
And the ranks of the firm ayats of the Book (And Mercy) Upon your pure family, they are the treasure
and the rank of the Greatest Supreme Name, trove of your highest secret
 Q2 @  * k2D ;
4 3 ;
4 3 For they are the ships of salvation, (they are) our sanctuary

 Q2 + z> *2  b

 C  3 3 6   (And Mercy) Upon your noble companions, the defenders of
Yā rabbi yā rabbi waqafnā fuqarā your religion
Bayna yadayka ḍuʿafā'a ḥuqarā They are models of loyalty to him (Muhammad)
O Lord, O Lord, make us stand as fuqara'
before You, weak and lowly. (And Mercy Upon) Those who follow them with truthfulness,
( [ $ z> ( [ c "( [  k2D so long as
The camel singer urges forward the caravan of love (with

? % $ [~  3 Y2 &‹ 3 2 ‹4

songs of affection) igniting the fire of yearning

Waqad daʿawnāka duʿā'a man daʿā By Allāh, never is the Beloved mentioned in the presence of
Raban karīman lā yaruddu man saʿā the lover
We call to You with the supplication of the one Except that he becomes passionately overwhelmed with joy.
who calls on a noble Lord who does not turn aside those who

250 11
 L <2( $ 3  f2 =~ =_A@  $ 3.2 z "{ c ( [ 0   j J D
Ž "K   ƒ*2    Œ  @* ~ n@   zD{ c ( [ 0   j J D
?*2 |2 `  A@  0 W2     f2 & t
 3 Y Wajāhi mā bihi daʿāka 'l­'anbiyā'
Wajāhi mā bihi daʿāka 'l­'awliyā'

 K r .2D  h" 0  Y V
And the rank of that by which the Prophets prayed to You
and the rank of that by which the Awliya' pray to you,

Q2 <8 …  h

 G X  D 4 {>  ‰
 J hK 2 [ GD{D  | Q@  4  k2 j J D
" b   L 4 n@ i2tG $~ _  GD [   {D Π e
  n + j J D
Wajāhi qadri 'l­quṭbi wa'l­'awtādi
V  & % 2 2 2 6  _
 A@  n@ + Wajāhi ḥāli ‘l­jarsi wa'l­'afrādi
And the rank of the power of the Qutb and the Awtad
"r2 m O  K 4 D  *   A@   % and the rank of the Jaras and Afrad,

he  A@  0 W2 u  :  D .2 V ‰ `  "D  e ~ j J D 4 N { j J D

" J D ‘ <h& 3 C  < Q2   y
 + D  Q2 ~ j J D n  { j J D
Wajāhi 'l­'akhyāri wajāhi 'n­nujabā
Wajāhi 'l­'abdāli wajāhi' n­nuqabā

)( *'    

%$ %&% 
# And the rank of the Akhyar and the rank of Nujaba'
and the rank of the Abdal and the rank of the Nuqaba',

 ' +
, -  +
. /%. 0 "   r2 D ’ ( 98 @ j J D
 P D ’  + 98 @ j J D
Wajāhi kulli ʿābidin wadhākir
Wajāhi kulli ḥāmidin washākir
And the rank of every one worshipping and doing dhikr
and the rank of everyone praising and giving thanks,

12 249
K s ( f `  &   t
 $  9  J D Where are the lovers who find ease

K “  + 9 & e   ht

 $  9  J D
In sacrificing their souls and every precious thing (for their
Wa'jʿal mina 's­sirri ‘l­maṣūni ʿizzahā
Wa'jʿal mina 's­sitri ‘l­jamīli ḥirzahā Never do they hear a mention of Ta-Ha, The Chosen One
Appoint it its might from the protected secret, Except that by it, the corrosion (on their hearts) vanishes and
and grant it protection by the beautiful veiling . they become revived

f D u ’ Q2 D [’ `

  9  J D
The souls have become excited, yearning for the meeting
f ,@ 3 L ƒ4 D $  ;
w e + O  . (with Muhammad)
Longing and asking their Lord for His pleasure
Wa'jʿal biṣādin wabiqāfin wabinūn
'Alfa ḥijābin min warā'ihā yakūn This is the state of the Lovers
By sad, qaf and nun, So listen closely to the life history of the one whose
place a thousand veils in front of it. intercession is accepted
‡  ,2  C
 L J D 4 " j e
 !   C , <   % j J D And lend an ear to the description of Ta-Ha the Elected one
Make your heart present and it will be filled with ecstasy
Bijāhi nūri wajhika ‘l­karīmi
Wajāhi sirri mulkika 'l­ʿaẓīmi
By the rank of the light of Your noble Face
and the rank of the secret of Your immense kingdom, Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually

‚  Y V 0 2V Y2 j J D Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You

j 4 3 g < x

  M N j J D
Wajāhi lā ‘ilāha ‘illā Allahu
Wajāhi khayri ‘l­khalqi yā rabbāhu
And the rank of 'la ilaha illa'llah'
and the rank of the Best of Creation, O our Lord,

248 13
 ! "     
         {  < ".2 ;
4 3 ; 4 3
 =@z> =J" n2 2Q2 1 ‚  "i "  & k2. r2 VD  < _
 G4  r2 V
=" =".2 \ f2 _ t  2 "4Z  " Yā rabbi yā rabbi 'anilnā 'l­'amnā
'Idhā 'rtaḥalnā wa'idhā 'aqamnā
O Lord, O Lord, give us security
0  $  j  = =( 0 W2 4  ~D when we travel and when we remain.

="= = 0   ! ( .2 • j   r
  ( b D  ( 4 “ ) *2 + D ;
4 3
: 0 2 k2 9  i2G • ?2&  #@ & + 4  K $  & J  8D D "4 e
 G ) *2 + D
Yā rabbi wa'ḥfaẓ zarʿanā waḍarʿanā
"+ 2 0   v D • + * < 2 Wa'ḥfaẓ tijāranā wawaffir jamʿana
O Lord, preserve our crops and herds,
?2Q= F l „ D   = E,t p & ht   and preserve our trade and make our numbers more!

 ".2 $ 1 p  9 _   E&`h= D $ 3  [ 
2  "[ 
2  9  J D
?h : 9k $ 4  ".2 f     h% D 6
 , t
 & D ˜  h_ &  #2 + 4 D
Wa'jʿal bilādanā bilāda 'd­dīni
"2 S [ 7 : n2 k2 Ž EB " ‰  @ Warāḥata ‘l­muḥtāji wal­miskīni
Make our land a land of the deen
g * h=%2 z—  6 D ;
  h~ 6
  and repose for the needy and the poor.
#2 :
 [  2  6   L 2 9  J D
"!2 Q 3 $ @ D r2 $( #’ <2* v2 $
#2D [ D #E   D #E   + D
Wa'jʿal lahā bayna ‘l­bilādi ṣawlah
Waḥurmatan wamanʿatan wadawlah
Give us force among the lands as well as respect,
impregnability and a polity.

14 247
‡ ,2  C
   v2 " `
 &   C
 <y2 M v2 "J 4  D
Allāh has announced to us (in the Qur’an) saying “Indeed
Wamā qaṣadnā ghayrabābika 'l­karīm a Light has come to you…” So glory be to the One who
Wamā rajawnā ghayra faḍlika 'l­ʿamīm informed us
We do not aim for other than Your noble door,
we do not hope for other than Your encompassing bounty. He is the One who Bestowed upon us the Gift: His slave Ta-
f@  !^  c  N $ ‰
 J 4 & 2 Ha, the light
As mentioned in the Reminder (the Qur’an) Oh! How
f@ ,@ 3 $ @ n@ Q@ G  
 *  magnificent was His Gift!

Famā rajat min khayrika 'ẓ­ẓunūnu He is the Mercy of our Master, Reflect upon His words
Binafsi mā taqūlu kun yakūnu “Rejoice…” So come and go in utter happiness because of
Minds only hope for Your blessing him (Muhammad)!
by the simple fact that you say 'Be" and it is.
9@ :~  h C
4 3 ; 4 3 (Rejoice) While taking hold of the reliable grip
and clinging to the Rope of Allāh, our Originator

9@ %~  h C
 D C  3 2 & 
Yā rabbi yā rabbi bika 't­tawaṣṣulu And experience the lights of the one, who when asked
Limā ladayka wabika 't­tawassulu When were you a prophet? Replied, when Adam was
O Lord, O Lord, arrival is by You
to what You have and seeking the means is by You!
Between earth and water! So awaken
      4 ‰
 ". ; 4 3 From your heedlessness concerning this and become
  &    ` + ‰  ". ; 4 3
Yā rabbi 'anta ruknunā 'r­rafīʿu
Yā rabbi 'anta ḥiṣnunā ‘l­manīʿu
O Lord, You are our high pillar of support!
O Lord, You are our impregnable fortress.

246 15
n s 3  2
=8=4 4  % .2 ?2V  =( D C
 h& Q " L   L < 9 e
( D
  4 x
<@=@Q =3 CG4  k@ f2 Ds e  3 Y2  L "œ2
".2 Y€ V 6
 h=  =P $ …
  h* G ™ Waʿajjili 'l­lāhumma fīhim niqmatak
Fa'innahum lā yuʿjizūna qudratak

"7 \
 “ D ?h+ K M N

O Allāh, hasten Your revenge among them
They cannot stand before Your power.

 =J N  k2 4w N $ 4Z N "i22 C
 h& `
 ( 9 _   ; 4 3 ;
4 3
L 2V
 X w ,2 " $ CG `
 " s  D  & `
 h(   k2
Yā rabbi yā rabbi biḥabli ʿiṣmatik
j 4 hN j =& =+ 1 ‚  j  L W2 Qadi 'ʿtaṣamnā wabiʿizzi nuṣratik
O Lord, O Lord, Our protection is by Your love,
 "V 0 <š& 2    D and by the might of Your help.

=hD  `  D j    D 0 _

 D  <2( $,@ G Y2 D  2 $ ,@ 2
 D .2>  k2 ›
    ; ~ 4 M k =  2V #E 2W2  < , G Y2 D
Fakun lanā walā takun ʿalaynā
Walā takilnā ṭarfatan 'ilaynā
Be for us and do not be against us.
Do not leave us to ourselves for a single instant.

)( *'    

%$ %&% 
#    < „E  k@  Q W2 . & 2

 ' +
, -  +
. /%. 0 "   * < #E <2+   |2 h%  Y2 D
Famā 'aṭaqnā quwwatan liddafʿi
Walā 'staṭaʿnā ḥīlatan linnafʿi
We have no power of defence
nor have we any device to bring about our benefit.

16 245
   n2 +  L < n  .D And traverse to the secrets of
My Lord preserved and continued to transfer me through the
  R 3 "[  D  t
  loins of the best!

Wa'abdili 'l­lāhumma ḥāla 'l­ʿusri

Bi’lyusri wa'mdudnā birīḥi 'n­naṣri Never did two lineages branch out
O Allāh, change the state of hardship except that I was in the better half until the time arrived for my
for ease and help us with the wind of victory. emergence
# <2o  „ o  ?<2(  2 9  J D For I am the Best of the Best, I have come into existence

0 <2W2 $  ?<2(     Hr2 .2  `  k D

Marriages (no adultery in my lineage) My Lord has guarded it
Wa'jʿal lanā ʿalā ‘l­bughāti ‘l­ghalabah for me
Wa'qṣur 'adhā sh­sharri ʿalā man ṭalabah
Give us victory over the aggressors Allāh has purified, guarded, and chosen him
and contain the evil among those who asked for it. Never has a human being been created of his like

 L k2 s 3s ( 3 " (  L k D

To love, mention, give victory to,
 L ! 
& `
 3D  L <2 +  `  * 3 And respect him, the Lord of the Mighty Throne has ordered
Wa'qhar ʿidānā yā ʿazīzu qahrā
Yafṣimu ḥablahum wayuṣmī 'ẓ­ẓahrā
Overpower our enemy, O Mighty, with a force
which disorders them and crushes them.
 L  %   N D  K [    , ( D Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually

Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You

 L 3.4  t p  .D  L P J S s K D
Wa'ʿkis murādahum wakhayyib saʿyahum
Wa'hzim juyūshahum wa'afsid ra'ayahum
Overturn what they desire and make their efforts fail,
defeat their armies and unsettle their resolve.

244 17
 ! "     
       f@  + 3D ?k2o  2 Q  3
0 G" 0 2p   
 "  k2D 2 K f@   3D ?,2 < L 
"= G  2 =L    h,@ 
 Yā munqidha 'l­gharqā wayā ḥannānu
Yā munjiya 'l­halkā wayā mannānu
O Saviour of the drowning! O Compassionate!
&2 $ =  =  …  š2 2 N .2 O rescuer of the lost! O Gracious Bestower!

="t  + V #’ & , + $  ,@ h=G7 

 e   3  & % 3 …  |2  …

$ =   h2  @%4  =@ z> J D 
 3 k2 3  3 % 3 z‚ D   s (
Ḍāqa 'n­niṭāqu yā samīʿu yā mujīb
="=( . f2 _ `  GD f2 D`  GD ʿAzza 'd­dawā'u yā sarīʿu yā qarīb
Words are lacking, O Hearing, O Answerer!
?*2 |2 `  &   L   k .2 D    k2 The cure is difficult, O Swift! O Near!

=",2  D #E = =G4 C  2   ! ( .2 O

 @ {  4 "[    k2D
SZ  Q2  M N {>  z> J f VD L 2 O
 | <^ " J 4  4 C
Waqad madadnā rabbanā 'l­'akuffa
="[ " $= zp   ‰  _G f2 & 3 Waminka rabbanā rajawnā 'l­luṭfa
To you, our Lord, we have stretched out our hands
w P n@ D .2 S %p  #2  .@ 3 and from You, our Lord, we hope for kindness.
 k2 0  &    O
 |@ 2
?>=">=G2. Y2 ˆ ^ =k2 ". w * =   D
 4 0  &   b
4 D
9 k@D ˆ2  G 9 % D  24  H[ ".@ ?h+ Fa’lṭuf binā fīmā bihi qaḍayta
=" c  x
 2  e  " C
  Q2   & t
 3 Waraḍḍinā bimā bihi raḍīta
Be kind to us in what You decree
and let us be pleased with what pleases You.

18 243
 < <2b
 r2 V \ L G \  ‰

 <2“ r2 V *@  G \  ‰  ".2


'Anta ‘l­ladhī tahdī 'idhā ḍalalnā Indeed The Divine has spread mention of his attributes in the
'Anta ‘l­ladhī taʿfū 'idhā zalalnā revealed books
You are the One Who guides when we are misguided. He has clearly announced them to us
You are the One who pardons when we slip.
He took the covenant from the prophets (saying)
& < ( ‰  Q <2N  9 @ ‰  % D I have given you Wisdom and goodness under condition that

& < + D #E & + 4 D #E 2.4 D

If My Messenger (Muhammad) comes to you, then you must
Wasiʿta kulla mā khalaqta ʿilmā Believe, give victory to, and become helpers of him
Wara'fatan waraḥmatan waḥilmā
You have full knowledge of all You have created
and encompassing compassion, mercy and forbearance. They announced to their people as good news the coming of
 Q2 + .2 [ J  
    2D the Chosen one
Oh how great is that station and rank!
 Q2  .2   c  ( &  Y2 D
Walaysa minnā fī ‘l­wujūdi 'aḥqaru Although he was sent the last, he will be given precedence (on
Walā limā ʿindaka minnā 'afqaru the Day of Judgment)
There is no one in existence more lowly than we are (All the Prophets) Will walk under the banner of the one who
nor poorer and more in need of what You have than us. called us!

j  N $  3 f t
 +   % D 3 Oh Ummah of Islam! The first Intercessor
And the First one whose intercession is accepted is mine! I
j M v2 H[  3 Y2 D H4    ( will not hold back
Yā wāsiʿa 'l­'iḥsāni yā man khayruhu
Until it will be said to me, Rise (from prostration), ask and
ʿAmma ‘l­warā walā yunādā ghayruhu
you will be given
O you of vast kindness! O You Whose good encompasses all
Say and you will be heard, for the star of your Glory has
mankind, and no other is called on!
become manifest

242 19
\== 9 J 1 p   & + z‚  D  ht
 " M Q *2  ž
2 v2 3 C
="= e
G7 YE D {> D & h " O
 L 2 3 C  <2(
".2 1
p  ?2<( g < x
  S   .2D 'Ilayka yā ghawtha'l­faqīri nastanid
ʿAlayka yā kahfa 'ḍ­ḍaʿīfi naʿtamid

"= =+ 0  1
‚  c  +  Q2 <22
O Succour of the poor, we trust in You!
O Cave of the weak, we rely on You!

$ 9 J • ?b  h2 C
 | 3 u  t  2D Š & o  O   ,2  (  " \  ‰
"L " j |2 ( $(  :  QG ˆ
’   Š t
_      J " \  ‰  ".
'Anta 'l­ladhī nadʿū likashfi ‘l­ghamarāt
’ & _
 :  D   r 4  2 1
p  'Anta 'l­ladhī narjū lidafʿi ‘l­ḥasarāt
You are the One on Whom We call to remove our adversities, and
" ;  @<Q@  $ ( R 3sG & 2 You are the One we hope will dispel our sorrows.

e  G" Y2
h€ #@ 3   ‰

 G L   v2 $ #E 3& +

)( *'    

%$ %&% 
# 'Anta 'l­ʿināyatu 'l­latī lā nartajī
Ḥimāyatan min ghayri bābihā tajī

 ' +
, -  +
. /%. 0 "  You have such concern for us that we cannot hope
for protection which comes through any other door.
0 <y
 2 ;    ? t
 " \  ‰  ".
0 <" †
 *2  ? v . $  S   .
'Anta 'l­ladhī nasʿā bibābi faḍlihi
'Akramu man 'aghnā bifayḍi naylihi
We rush to the door of Your bounty
and You honour the one You enrich by Your gift.

20 241
H4   $   t
   ?2V  !@ " And the banner of the Praise of Allāh Most High will be in my
H G & 2 L  $   @_
 2 And the first to enter Paradise will be me!
'Unẓur 'ilā mā massanā mina ‘l­warā And I am the Most honorable of creation to Allāh
Faḥālunā min baynihim kamā tarā Indeed Allāh has woven (into your essence Oh, Muhammad)
Look at what we have experienced from people! Compassion from Him
Our state among them is as You see.
"  D 9 k2D   & J 9 k2  k2 And your Lord will give you until you are Pleased, Exalted is
"4  k2 ]
 & e
  $   ˆ _  "D the Giver!
Our intellects will become incapable of comprehending the vastness
Qad qalla jamʿunā waqalla wafrunā of His bounty upon you
Wa'nḥaṭṭa mā bayna ‘l­jumūʿi qadrunā
Our troops are few and our wealth is little. By Allāh, mention the attributes of Muhammad time and time
Our power has declined among groups. again
„ P D #E 2  P "*@  y
 h% D So that it may remove the corrosion from the hearts

„ ( D „E  ( "`
 Q2 h% D
Wa'staḍʿafūnā shawkatan washiddah Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually
Wa'stanqaṣūnā ʿuddatan waʿiddah
They have weakened our solidarity and strength Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You
and diminished our numbers and our preparation.

 3 Y2 0 ,@ <  $  3 $ _

 <2o 3 Y2 \ € C
 K e
  " @
Fanaḥnu yā man mulkuhu lā yuslabu
Ludhnā bijāhika 'l­ladhī lā yughlabu
O You Whose kingdom cannot be pillaged,
give us shelter by Your rank which is never overcome!

240 21
 ! "       
x G c <@&  C
 , <  s  
 2 GD 
 G $  4  k2 †
 * x
’ & + {> “ D  ‰  k D "[ &2 Liʿizzi mulkika ‘l­mulūku takhḍaʿu
Takhfiḍu qadra man tashā watarfaʿu
"2  k2 j z> P  $ f r V $( Kings are humbled to the might of Your domain
and You lower or elevate whomever You wish.
=KD ‰   #@ {>  S~ {‚  0  ‰ <2& +
j [~ 4 C
 2V 0 <^@   {D
",2  0 2p  ?<2( .2 L 2 $  w =
j  Q ( D 0 <^+ C
 3 D
$  1 p   ( 4 hx &   D $ Wa'l­'amru kulluhu 'ilayka radduhu
"K   H.24  w <|€ &  ’ ( Wabiyadayka ḥalluhu waʿaqduhu
The entire affair returns to You,

0 L J D 0 W2 4 "  & o 3 f2 2  k2

and the release or conclusion of all matters is in Your hand.
 2V "  .2   24  k2D
"( f `&  $ p  ?2V H% D
 <2(  *2  b
 " ,2 P  k2D
$   L    ‡  ,2  w P K $   K D Waqad rafaʿnā 'amranā 'ilayka
Waqad shakawnā ḍuʿfanā ʿalayka
Ÿ `  k@ $  u ’    ( We have presented our affair before You,
and we complain to You of our weakness.
0 ="i=P E&,+ ?( 3 j  D & ( n@ s 3 Y2 $  3  & + 4 2
"P C  2  “ s ( .2 ?2<h(   k2 & + 4 n@ s 3 Y2 D  *  y
Fa’rḥamnā yā man lā yazālu ʿālimā
Biḍuʿfinā walā yazālu rāḥimā
Have mercy on us, O You Who know our weakness
and continue to be merciful.

22 239
 *2 &  0 h& + 4 ?2V $  3
~ |2 y
 &  i@e
 < 3 0 2V $  D When the time drew near for the emergence of Ahmed
And permission had been granted by the One who willed him
Yā man 'ilā raḥmatihi ‘l­mafaru into being
Waman 'ilayhi yalja'u ‘l­muḍṭarru
O You to Whose mercy one flees! The Truthful mother, the daughter of Wahb became pregnant
You in Whom the one in need and distress seeks refuge! with him
j Y2   3  *   
 3 k2 3D The one who’s station has been elevated by the Divine

j ( [ $  98 @  
2 o  3D (She bore him) By the chosen one, Abdullah the son of
Wayā qarība ‘l­ʿafwi yā mawlāhu Abdul-Muttalib who saw the evident proof
Wayā mughītha kulli man daʿāhu
O Master, You Whose pardon is near!
O You Who help all who call on Him! For the light of Ta-Ha (who was in his loins) was visible on
his face
*2  y
~   2 o  3  šo h%  C
  It was then transferred into the protected son (Abdullah) for
everyone to see
?*2 2 D ‰
 ".2 ;
4 3   t
_ 2
He (Abdul-Muttalib) is the son of Hashim the Generous
Bika 'staghathnā yā mughītha 'ḍ­ḍuʿafā Who is the son of Abdu-Manaf, who was the son of Qusayy
Faḥasbunā yā rabbi 'anta wakafā
We seek Your help, O You who help the weak!
You are enough for us, O Lord!
His (Qusayy’s) father was labeled “The wise”
CG4  k@  ! ( $  9 J . 
2 2 His affair had been elevated, Indeed the lineage has been
strengthened by them
CG | % s 3s ( $  s ( .2 Y2 D
Falā 'ajalla min ʿaẓīmi qudratik
Walā 'aʿazza min ʿazīzi saṭwatik
There is nothing more majestic than Your immense power
and nothing mightier than the might of Your force.
238 23
H G ?h+ ?*2 |2 `  &  n2 :.@ )  *2 + D
""( 0 :.@ Š  pt< %

=% V 0      <2( D O  k c  L 2
"   ; } f2 2 92 ( & =    
#¡  7 0  ‰
 <2& + & + D 
" t   @ N i 3 E¢P C    G  2
& t   ; 4 $ O  | <^ £ 2 + .2 L D
The Imam, the Gnostic, my Master
"s + {D  ¤2 D H2r{>  ?`  k .
Muḥammad b. Nāṣir al­Darʿī (May Allah
0  ‰
 & <(  z> J  k2 & 2 Š  .24 D be Pleased With him)
"  {>  u   P $ &L A@  f .2
    h% 2 L | 
 $  L |^ 
" b 4 ‰  (  Gi@2 a  x  A2  "[ D
Translated by
L e
  98 @ $ 4  ">{ ‰  <e GD Aisha Bewley

"+  *   A@  [  2  ‰  k  2 Š 
HL    & P Š  “  .2 w e
 2 92  k@D
"`D E,2     _    L ¦2

<  1
p  Y V „2  k@ Y2 D n2 + Y2 D ) : # S©D ª (Š 4.)  .2 1 ‚ D 1
‚  Y V 0 2V Y2 D 1 p  & 2 D 1p  f2 _
 % 1
. 0G& <2 [   D 0P ( #2 "“ D 0 t
p *" b
 4 D 0 Q <N [  (  . #’ !2 _2 98 @

24 237

h@k 0  $w ¦2 $ t+
D And memorize the lineage of the Chosen one
Until you reach in his lineage Adnan
S2v@ 3 0 
Walī ḥusnu ẓanin bihi qurbatī At that point stop, and realize
Wabirabbī waḥasbī bihi yā ghulām The lineage is traced back to Ismael who was a helper to his
And I have good opinion, through which I would draw near father
[to Allah]
And by my lord, sufficient for me is He, O young man
[D` ~  92 <v2
*3 1 ‚  ?t( And when Aminah was pregnant with him
She did not complain about anything that befalls (pregnant)

[Q@  C 2D 3 _  9 :


ʿAsā Allahu yashfī ghalīla 'ṣ­ṣudūd For Gentleness from the Lord of the heavens encompassed her
Biwaṣli 'l­ḥabāyib wafakki 'l­quyūd And Barred from her all harm, worry, and sadness
May Allah heal the burning of being turned away
With a connection to the beloved and dismantling of the
shackles She saw (in a vision), as was narrated to us
That the Guardian (Allāh) was going to Honor the Creation
[D[D ‡Z  2 Z +4
S&  3 $ ?2<( [ e3 Through the pure one who was in her womb, so she Rejoiced!
And the time for labor drew near, so she was filled with
Farabbī raḥīmun karīmun wadūd pleasure!
Yajūdu ʿalā man yashā bil­marām
For my Lord is Merciful, Generous, and Loving And the lights emanated from all directions
Shows generosity to whom He wills, with what is desired For the birth of the one given intercession had arrived

And before dawn, the Sun of Guidance emanated

The Beloved became manifest, honored and protected

236 25
%3% )% W    y  Q2  9 &2 9@ &3
 &     4
5 )6
 " 4
So D 0 kP $ s~ hL3D
Ṣallā Allāhu ʿalā Muḥammad Yamīlu kamayli 'l­qaḍībi 'r­raṭīb
Ṣallā Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam Wayahtazzu min shawqihi wa'l­gharām
It inclines like the leaning of a wet branch
% %%  2  89
# +
%   2  7.1
# And it shakes from its yearning and passion
Yā Nabī salām ʿalayka
Yā Rasūl salām ʿalayka
 *  c 2r Š
 4“ D Š
% %%  4 ;
   2  : .0
# ? &  LD S ¬ C
Yā Ḥabīb salām ʿalayka (Yā Rasūl Allāh) 'Amūtu wamā zurtu dhāka 'l­finā
Ṣalawātu Allāh ʿalayka Watilka 'l­khiyāma wafīhā 'l­munā
I would die and I haven’t visited that open space
 2 A@  4  Q2  
 A@  1
‚  “  =F=2. And those tents and in them lies that which is to be desired

Abraza Allāhu l­mushaffaʿ

"[ $   ‹3 f@ [. 2D
Ṣāḥiba l­qadri l­murafaʿ
S&  ;
 PD _ &   š2<
 =&=J.2 f  ,2  9 @  (
+  4 ~  & Walam 'adnu yawman maʿa man danā
Lilathmi 'l­muḥayyā washurbi 'l­mudām
Famalā n­nūru n­nawāḥī (Bi Rasūli Allāh) And I have not come near, even a day, with those who drew
ʿAmma kulla l­kawni ‘ajmaʿ near to kissing the face and drinking from the drink

 G c  
  D c’  P S  :
 .2 ‰
 ,8 ="
h@v 2 2K f2 2 $¢2
Nukkisat ‘aṣnāmu shirkin
Wa binā sh­shirki taṣaddaʿ

h@ 3D
"s+ n2 @W 3D
La'in kāna hadhā fayā ghurbatī
 s ( s G  * ,@  ?& + D # 3¤ ‰
 k D "[ D Wayā ṭūla ḥuznī wayā kurbatī
If this is the case, then how estranged I am
Wa danā waqtu l­hidāyah (Bi Rasūli Allāh) And how prolonged is my grief and my sorrow
Wa ḥimā l­kufri tazaʿzaʿ

26 235
,@ @k J4
+D4 Š

SD[ ,@ 2V \`2kD

s(D Allah's blessings be upon Muhammad, Allah's blessings be
Warāḥātu rūḥī rajā qurbikum upon him and peace!
Waʿazmī waqaṣdī 'ilaykum dawām
The comfort of my soul is hoping for your nearness
My determination and my endeavor are to you always Oh Messenger, Peace be upon you!
Oh Prophet, Peace be upon you!
 <2k f2 2 fV ‰  (  2 2
$2W D 0 <K. $(    V Oh beloved, Peace be upon you!
Falā ʿishtu 'in kāna qalbī sakan The blessings of Allah be upon you!
'Ilā 'l­buʿdi ʿan 'ahlihi wa'l­waṭan
May I not live if my heart accepts
Being distant from its people and its homeland
Allāh has manifested the Intercessor
$2|k2  k2  2 
 L ~+ $ D The Possessor of the Elevated Station

S2!   &J
Waman ḥubbuhum fī 'l­ḥashā qad qaṭan
And his light filled the horizons
Wakhāmara minnī jamīʿa 'l­ʿiẓām It encompassed the entire Universe
And those whose love has dwelled within
And permeated throughout my every bone
  2   r   <2Q   2rV
The icons of Idolatry have been torn down
š,2  c 2rD g Q  \[DD And the edifice of Idolatry has crumbled

'Idhā marra bi'l­qalbi dhikru 'l­ḥabīb

Wawādī 'l­ʿaqīqi wadhāka 'l­kathīb
When the mention of the beloved comes across the heart And the Time of Guidance has drawn near
And the valley of ‘Aqiq and that sandhill And the Fortress of Disbelief has violently shaken

234 27
 24 Y2  4  Q2  r2 3 C
E =L% D 
E K .2 E +  [[   *`
"D tG 9L2
Marḥaban ‘ahlan wa sahlan
Bika yātha l­qadri l­arfaʿ S2Q&  O
"_ &G 9KD
Fahal tusʿidūnī biṣafwi 'l­widād
 =2 =G Š
 2m 0  $  # 2%  9 K . S  V 3 Wahal tamnaḥūnī sharīfa 'l­maqām
Will you give me joy with pure love?
Ya Imām ‘ahli r­risālah (Ya Rasūl Allāh) And will you allow me a noble station?
Man bihi l­‘āfātu tudfaʿ
2  92 K.@ 3 @  ( ".
 s =*=G g < ¬
2  9^ @ C
 2 r¡   

Anta fī l­ḥashri malādhun
&K  ,@ @k
Laka kullu l­khalqi tafzaʿ 'Anā ʿabdukum yā 'uhayla 'l­wafā
Wafī qurbikum marhamī wa'sh­shifā
 =2!= nw  K $ K [ k2  H G f2 D[= =3D I am your servant O people who fulfill the covenant
Wa yunādūna tarā mā (Ya Rasūl Allāh) And in your nearness is my ointment and my cure
Qad dahā min hawlin afẓaʿ 2*e
  n @|
"&Q tG 
2 2
<. 0=  " ?
A  5C
<. 0=  "
<. 0=  " 7$   91
<. 0=  S & 
 2D 9w : ~  D
Marḥaban Yā nūr ʿaynī marḥaban Falā tusqimūnī biṭūli 'l­jafā
Marḥaban Jadda l­Ḥusayni marḥaban Wamunnū biwaṣlin walaw fī 'l­manām
 G  *2 P  H[= =GD  =et
 =h=2 ‰
 ". L <22 So do not make me become ill by a long alienation
And bless us with a connection even if it is in a dream
Falahā anta fatasjud Wa tunāda ‘shfaʿ tushaffaʿ
,@ + ?2<( +.D Š
 ===PD 4 ~     ?<=: 1
‚ C
 =2<==2 ,@  \ s( D ,@ 32
8r@ D
Faʿalayka Allāhu ṣallā Mā bada n­nūru wa shaʿshaʿ 'Amūtu wa'aḥyā ʿalā ḥubbikum
Wadhullī ladaykum waʿizzī bikum
 =&=t=3 ›
    0 2VD n i2t
 =" $ & =+  C
 D I die and live upon your love
And my humility is in your presence and my honor is through
Wa bika r­Raḥmānu nas’al Wa’Ilāhu l­ʿarshi yasmaʿ

28 233
  Greetings and a Welcoming
To you, Oh possessor of the Ennobled rank
Greetings of Peace
Qasidah al­Habib Abdullah al­Haddād
  C  t&2 SZ  2 % SZ 
2 % Oh master of the people of Revelation
The one whom evil is repelled by
S 3   +.@ ,@ 2<(
Salāmun salāmun kamiski 'l­khitām
ʿAlaykum 'uḥaybābanā yā kirām You are a refuge on the day of gathering
A greeting of peace, a greeting of peace, like a seal of musk For all of creation (men and jinn) shall flee to you
upon you, our dear beloved ones, O noble ones
  t  "@. K  r $D And call out to you saying
S"{>  2K 6   2 4Z "D “Look at what has overcome us from atrocious terror”

Waman dhikruhum 'unsunā fī 'ẓ­ẓalām

Wanūrun lanā bayna hadhā 'l­'ānām
Who’s mere mention is our intimacy in the darkness Welcome! Oh, light of my eyes, Welcome!
A light for us between this creation Welcome! Oh grandfather of Hussein, Welcome!

[   ;
4 D \[@ h 2,% And for it (the intercession) you will Prostrate
[&  ?`k.D
 h".D And will be addressed, “Intercede, for your intercession is
Sakantum fu'ādī warabbi 'l­ʿibād
Wa'antum marāmī wa'aqṣā 'l­murād
You’ve taken a home in my heart, (I swear) by the lord of the For Allāh has sent Mercy upon you
servants So long as light shines and disseminates
And you are my aspiration and the utmost desired

And by you, we ask the Most Merciful

And the Lord of the Throne hears us

232 29
# "  &EM
NA  O'
P K L = .  "4
# " I91JA 7 =EF
G H S { ?2*|2 `&
     <N3  <x # J

Rabbī faghfir lī dhunūbī (Yā Allāh) Fī jannati ‘l­khuldi yudkhilnā
Bibarakati l­Hādī l­Mushaffaʿ (Yā Allāh) Maʿa 'n­nabī ‘l­muṣṭafā 'l­'akram
&J  ?*2 |2 `
 &  = <2& P ;
 4 3 $ A2   !( 3 [May] Into eternal paradise He enter us
With the Prophet, the Chosen One, the Most Noble
Ya ʿAẓīma l­manni yā Rabb (Yā Allāh)
Shamlanā bi l­Muṣṭafā ‘ajmaʿ (Yā Allāh)
h=x3 " &(  6
 ? t+ 2QG  h k(D
 & |  9 @ 0   | ( D  2V  =@!=" 0 D Waʿāqibatnā taqaʿ ḥusnā
Fī ḥīni mā ʿumrunā yukhtam
Wa bihi fanẓur ‘ilaynā (Yā Allāh) And our end turns out good
Wa ʿṭinā bih kulla maṭmaʿ (Yā Allāh) In the time that our life is sealed

 24 D Š
 2m  2[ D 3  9 @  =*=D e
 (. 22 Rw `2 ?2<( "% 0  $ ?2<( ^<:

Wa kfinā kulla l­balāyā (Yā Allāh) Ṣallū ʿalā man bihi sudnā
Wa dfaʿi l­‘āfāti wa’rfaʿ (Yā Allāh) ʿAlā faṣīḥin kadhā 'aʿjam
Send your prayers upon the one through which we were made
&     4 "&
 "  4 "&
Over Arab and also non­Arab
Ṣalla Allāh ʿalā Muḥammad
Ṣalla Allāh ʿalayhi wa sallam " GD Š` X
 "D ? v2 $ 92 | c  + 
 =&=L=3 n | K E_
   =š=v ;
B 4 3  Q % D Mā ḥarraka 'ṭ­ṭabla man ghannā
Wanāḥa bi'ṣ­ṣawti wataranam
Wa­siqinā yā Rabbi ‘ghithnā Bi ḥayan haṭṭāli yahmaʿ As long as the one singing moves the drum
And mourns with his voice and sings
> J D ? Q   $ t
p + D ­t_
   &    hN D
Wa­khtim l­ʿumra bi ḥusnā Wa­ḥsini l­ʿuqbā wa marjaʿ

 & =e=G $ t

@  0 2 $ ?=o =G 1
p  „@ :
Wa ṣalātu Allāhi taghshā Man lahu l­ḥusnu tajmmaʿ

 P  t  # _

 D 0 7D  =L=^|  & =+.2
Aḥmada ṭ­Ṭuhra wa ‘ālih Wa ṣ­ṣaḥābah ma s­sanā shaʿ

30 231
 Q 3   K4 "D   ‰2*:
 2k 2*:
 #2<2 My Lord! Forgive my sins. Oh Allāh!
By the Blessing of the Interceding Guide. Oh Allāh!
Laylat ṣafā qad ṣafat maʿnā
Wanūruhā baynanā yuqsam
A delightful night has become pleasant for us Oh Possessor of great bounties, Oh Lord!
And its light is divided amongst us Gather us all with the Chosen one
 3  1
 J 4D  |G 9 | #@ bD
Waḍarbatu 'ṭ­ṭabli tuṭribnā
Warājīu Allahi mā yuḥram And by him, Glance upon us
And the beat of the drum moves us And by him grant us all that we desire
And the one hoping in Allah will not be deprived
J  2<( K  0@D  x
L2V P+ And avert from us all calamities
Ḥāshā 'ilāhī yukhayyibnā And divert and raise all afflictions
Waluh mawāhib ʿalaynā jam
Far be it from my God to fail us
And He has [bestowed] many gifts upon us Allah's blessings be upon Muhammad, Allah's blessings be
 22 jr 5 M x
 < " ƒ2k 0  J  $ t+ upon him and peace!

Ḥusnu 'r­rajā fīhi qā'idnā

Lilkhayri fī dhih kadhā fī tham And give us to drink Oh Lord! And come to our rescue
Our good hopes in Him is our guide With a life giving rain which pours down
To the good in this life and in the next
 " yo D 2|  $   <3 0<y2* ?t( And culminate my life with excellence
And beautify the return (to You) and end affair
ʿAsā bifaḍlih yuʿāmilnā
Mina 'l­ʿaṭab wa'l­ghaḍab naslam And may the Mercy of Allāh enshroud
May He treat us with His kindness The one who embodied all of beauty
From destruction and the wrath we would be saved
Ahmed, the Pure and (upon) his family
And the Companions, so long as light shines

230 31
 ! "       
        2  2<( 0@ $  2 D  4 j  ‰2W
EJ% YE +  x  2    _  D Ṭābat bidhikrih mashāribnā
Wakam minan luh ʿalaynā kam
By His mention our drinks have become delicious
=" D ="  "2. $ = 0 < And how many favors does He have over us, how many

’ & + i2 ˆ
@ _
 G ?2 &  #@ 3(4 D  ". 2 D S,2 G 2 D ? v2. 2 D 9y*2 G 2 D
Wakam tafaḍḍal wakam 'aghnā
"( D ‹ W  $w + 98 @
 Wakam takarram wakam 'anʿam
How much kindness, how much he enriched [me]
#¡ = =3 l@  l@ S~ {‚  0 h b
 4 .2  k2 How much generosity, and how many blessings

"  k2 K  % $  #¡ & <+ D L . $ \

 Y2  f_ %  L% "J  ( D 2r
Dhā waʿdu jānā bilāsahnā
=K  % #¡ =3 l@ Š       k2 Subḥān mawlāya man 'alham
This is a promise that has come to us without delay
="=+  2 L Q2 h( .2  w L 2 .2 Glorious is our Master who has inspired
 3 f. 0@<N [ f  ?  " ( HL  ? 
0 =h+  =2 0 2  Q@ N   3  2 Mabnā ‘l­hawā ʿindanā mabnā
"G.2  @ 3_   2D ?2*|2 `  &  Bi’sh­shani dākhiluh 'an yaslam
The home of love, with us is indeed a great home
Its nature is that one who enters is safe
=lV 98 @
 O Z * x   ; 2  f .2
J  G $ 0 Q _
 <G 9<k2 ?  0@D 02QQ+ 0@D
="2D $ &  0 h+  *2  $w  = Waluh ḥaqīqah waluh maʿnā
Qalīl talḥaqhu man tarjam
#’ +  *2  O
 ,2 2  * ,@    2K For it is a reality, and for it is a meaning
Little of which reaches the one who translates
2 h V [’ @ \  r $ 

32 229
(„!  13 Y.) j[% L h _
Maḥabbathum saʿādah ('ala yallāh binaẓrah)
Loving them is felicity (O Allah, a gaze)
The Beloved was conceived and he fell into Prostration
4"D …   ` K 4 “ $ ‰ x3 Y2 . To Allāh, our Creator and Originator

tG 0@<| 9^ @
 h L 2V And the protection of the Lord encompasses Ahmed
'Alā yā bakhta man zārahum bi'ṣ­ṣidqi wa'ndar In every moment, hidden and manifest!
'Ilayhim muʿtanī kullu maṭlūbuh tayassar
O how fortunate is the one who visits them with sincerity and
goes out to them being mindful, all of his requests will be The mother (‘Aminah), then Thu-waibah nursed him
facilitated Along with Halimah, the one whose felicity had appeared

3 4
   )Q 5R Thu-waibah gave the good news (Of Muhammad’s) birth to
Allah has fulfilled our Aims her master Abu Lahab
Qasidah of al-Habib Ali al-Habashi And he freed her out of happiness
L   &J   n2 “D " :
 2Q 1
‚   & G 2k
Qad tammama Allah maqāṣidanā Our Creator didn’t forget his happiness
Wazāla minnā jamīʿa ‘l­ham At (the birth of) the Chosen one, as the Hadith informs us
Allah has fulfilled our aims
And removed from us all worries
That his punishment is alleviated on every Monday
(  2<( 0@<y2D j[J  P 4 ~  # 2   Because of his happiness (at the birth of) the one sent to us
Bibarakati 'n­nūri shāfiʿnā
Jūduh wafaḍluh ʿalaynā ʿamm
This is with kufr, so how about happiness (because of the birth
By the blessing of the light, our intercessor
of Muhammad)
His generosity and blessings have enveloped us
From a heart that is filled with Iman.

228 33
2  $  Š  .24  #@ & <+ Š  .24 D   # & + 4 ƒ_% Š[J 4  ?2<(
"Kr {>   +  ’ & _   Š  D
4 b  X  D K + D
L  f2 2  k2D \  š 0 2 4 [ ʿAlā bashshāri jādat saḥā'ib raḥmati 'l­bar
Waḥayyāhum birawḥi 'r­riḍā rabbī wabashshar
Upon Bashar the clouds of mercy, from the Doer of Good,
"J E ot  
 , 3 ‰  3 showered
And greeted them with the spirit of pleasure, my Lord and
® _   z> J f .2 #2 <22 0 , 2 gave them glad tidings

" P ?b  4  @  Š     = "@4  ¯

~ D  G[% L
 k2D ‹" 2.2 #@ k2  Š
 4 [ D "@“ "
 <2k ;   +.D "@<K.D
Bihā sādātunā wash­shuyūkhu 'l­ʿārifūnā
" P f2 2,2 Lh 3D [ ‰  & % Wa'ahlūnā wa'aḥbābu qalbī nāzilaūnā
In it are our masters, the knowing scholars,
 & <% D LhQ2  4 j  ,2 ".2 Our families, and the beloved of my heart reside
" W k2 \[ @ ƒ%
 K $D
"Y2   ?2<( 4Z e+ .2 4Z eP.
2|(. C
 r2 $ LG 0 + t
=+.D E4eP2. g |2 ".2 $  f2 _  %
Waman hum fī sarā'ir fu'ādī qaṭinūnā
"_ % ?*2|`  & 
 G E4e= Bisāḥah turbuhā min dhakiyyi ‘l­miski 'aʿṭar
And those who are in the depth of my heart dwell
In a space that its’ dirt is fragrant with perfumed musk

)( *'    

%$ %&% 
# („!  13 Y.) j[% M N n“ 
Manāzil khayri sādah ('ala yallāh binaẓrah)

 ' +
, -  +
. /%. 0 "  Homes of the best Masters (O Allah, a gaze)
(„!  13 Y.) j[2k Œ  98 ,@ 
Likulli 'n­nās qādah ('ala yallāh binaẓrah)
To all people, leaders (O Allah, a gaze)

34 227
9ƒ% C
  w  \[J 6( 3 Y2 . And Halimah saw from the blessings of Muhammad
That which bewilders the intellects

n“" f2 2k \ 

  c 2r ?2<(
'Alā yā ʿayn jūdī bidamʿin minki sā'il
ʿAlā dhāka 'l­ḥabībi 'l­ladhī qad kān nāzil Her breast became filled with milk for him (Muhammad)
O eye be generous with flowing tears For her son used to go to bed weeping and hungry
Upon that beloved that was residing
9+4 *% R :.D & 
Yet the night the beloved came
4, j $ n D 
 <2Q ?t.D He (her son) went to bed fully content and satiated
Maʿānā fī ‘l­marābiʿ w'aṣbaḥ safir rāḥil
Wa'amsā 'l­qalbu wa'l­bāl min baʿdih mukddar Her camel’s (udder) began to flow with milk
With us in the meadow, and in the morning he traveled And her flock became healthy, as it was an affair
And in the evening the heart and the mind became grief
(„!  13 Y.) 1
 t+ $,2D Which bewildered her companions
While the trees and the rocks saluted our Master
Walakin ḥasbaya Allah ('ala yallāh binaẓrah)
But Allah is sufficient for me (O Allah, a gaze)
(„!  13 Y.) 1  { 9^ @ D Glory be to the one who made the trees and the rocks speak
Wakullu 'l­'amri lillāh ('ala yallāh binaẓrah) Saluting the Chosen One, Oh what a Glory!
And all matters are for Allah (O Allah, a gaze)
(„!  13 Y.) 1 H% ?2Q 3 Y2 D
Walā yabqā siwā Allah ('ala yallāh binaẓrah) Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually
And nothing will remain except Allah (O Allah, a gaze)
Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You

226 35
 ! "     
  jM`  ?&(2. H% L2<( ±_3 Y2 D
„’ M t
2  i2
 "  k2D 2 K 2,2. f2 2 9Q3 f2 2 9 Q ‡  (
Walā yaḥriṣ ʿalayhā siwā 'aʿmā 'l­baṣīrah
 ( ?G.2  D #’ b    ʿAdīmi 'l­ʿaqli law kān yaʿqil kāna 'afkar
And none are covetous over it except the one with blind inner
0 =>=[.2 $ 1 p 6  ( j (  G sight
Has no intellect, had he had understanding he would have
 + V
 = =    3[i G $ t  + .2 been more reflective
(„!  13 Y.) K 2
 ,8 *2 3
#’ * ( r2 E pt_   EkD:    2
Yufakkir fī fanāhā ('ala yallāh binaẓrah)
"   #’ " .D „’  =h=@D He reflects in its’ perishing nature (O Allah, a gaze)
(„!  13 Y.) K ( „š2
w k^ GD #’ ( e
 P D #’ & K r2 Wafī kathrat ʿanāhā ('ala yallāh binaẓrah)
" t
 + ?`h_  G Y2 Sw 4 ,2  D And its’ many hardships (O Allah, a gaze)
(„!  13 Y.) K v #<k
& t
  9 K .
  K D 6   {> 
 ( [ Wafī qillat ghināhā ('ala yallāh binaẓrah)
": $ & L A@  0 2 6   {   " And in its’ few riches (O Allah, a gaze)
 G L  $& ?@W  l@ ?@|2

 j .2 4 DsG S~ {‚  0  ‰ K r2
&P $ T
   # ( 2W
"2 S &    L  rV #2 = ==2W Faṭūbā thumma ṭūbā liman minhā taḥadhdhar
Waṭallaqhā wafī ṭāʿati 'r­raḥmāni shammar
?G.2 k2D L | 
 ?*2 |2 `  & D So glad tidings, and glad tidings for the one who is cautious of
it, divorces it, and in the obedience of the All­Merciful roles
"m 0  % $ ‰ ° % 0 <2( up his sleeves

36 225
Wakun ṣābir washākir ('ala yallāh binaẓrah)
And be patient and grateful (O Allah, a gaze)
(„!  13 Y.) 2¦D s32 $@,G
Indeed the Beloved was raised in a pleasing manner
Indeed he did not commit a sin
Takun fāyz waẓāfir ('ala yallāh binaẓrah)
You will be victorious and triumphant (O Allah, a gaze)
Watching over him was the Eye of Allāh, the One who refined
(„!  13 Y.) ƒt
  9 K2. $D him
Indeed the Prophet was perfectly refined by Him
Wamin 'ahli 's­sarā'ir ('ala yallāh binaẓrah)
And from the people of the innermost soul (O Allah, a gaze)
w <2k \r 98 @ $ 1
p  n@ J4 He grew up truthful, and beneficent
Possessing virtue, chivalry, and trustworthiness
L|2   W2 "   &J $ ?*`
Rijālu Allahi min kulli dhī qalbin munawwar Possessing aspiration, bravery, and serenity
Muṣaffā min jamīʿi 'd­danas ṭayyib muṭahhar And many noble attributes to many to count
The men of Allah, from every enlightened heart
Purified from every blemish, good and pure
jMš2 Ll[+ 0"[ "[ jrD He was labeled the Trustworthy one (on earth)
And Most Trusted in heaven, protected by the Guardian
 k2 LG  D jMQ + Lh(D (Allah)

Wadhih dunyā danīyah ḥawādithhā kathīrah His mother took him to visit his father in Taibah
Waʿīshathā ḥaqīrah wamuddathā qaṣīrah The place where his (Muhammad’s father) death occurred
And this Dunya is lowly, its’ events are many
Its’ way of life is wretched, and its time is short

While the Chosen one was still in her womb

Yet now six years had passed from that time

224 37
L ( J4 6  + Š  & KG.2 k2D S=T$ 4
# UV
" +  <| A@   ( j  _
 2 Seeking a Gaze from Allah
Qasidah Al­Habib Abdullah Al­Hadād

0 & y
 2 S & 
  j 2D 6
 h % #&+  6
   $  „!  13 Y.
" J 0<2( O  |    2  ° ( #&Q% a
w . $
  9 @ \DG
=D   & ¬ 2  5 ’ <3 N ‰   0 h |2 N
'Ala yallah binaẓrah mina 'l­ʿayni 'r­raḥīmah
Tudāwī kulla mā bī min 'amrāḍin saqīmah
O Allah, a gaze from the Merciful Eye
"P  *  A@  Š  “ + $ 3   = That would heal what is in me of ailing diseases

L 2 7 L 2 ?2& g Q +  k2 eyGD ]seG Y2 X:3 X:3 Y.

",2  D E( E% ‰  2" JGD &_G
2 3[2Q& < <8% D
'Ala yāṣāḥ yāṣāḥ lā tajzaʿ wataḍjar
{  e  2   b    #E <2, 
  9 + D Wasallim lilmaqādīr kay tuḥmad watu'jar
O my friend, my friend don’t become anxious and annoyed
".   @ + # ,2 
 [  % And submit to the divine decree so that you’re praised and
e   [ kD D 9 Q   #  % $ ( [ D ?2& 4  k2 &
b4 $@D
"( .2D 0 & <( $  f2 _  %  >{ ›
4 1 yk2 ˆxtG Y2 D
Wakun rāḍī bimā qaddari ‘l­mawlā wadabbar
Walā taskhaṭ qaḍā Allah rabbi 'l­ʿarshi 'l­'akbar

)( *'    

%$ %&% 
# And be pleased with what was ordained and planned by the

 ' +
, -  +
. /%. 0 "  And do not be angry with the decree of Allah, the lord of the
great throne

38 223
Rh*G zp &t
  ;. 0 2 X&3 $ M N &_
  And death overcame her on her way back
So Abdul Muttalib showed him affection
Muḥammad khayru man yumdaḥ
Lahu 'abwābu 's­samā'i tuftaḥ
Muhammad is the best of those who are praised
For him the doors of the heavens open Two years passed and death overcame him
1 f .2
 ?2Q 3D R2<. 02<( ?<:
 $D So his uncle whose heart had been filled with compassion
embraced him
Waman ṣallā ʿalayh 'aflaḥ Wayabqā fī 'amāni Allah
And whoever sends prayers upon him will succeed The daughter of Khuwaylid engaged him when he was twenty-
And will remain in the safety of Allah five
1 S 
2 2 9+ KD 1  ( $ 3 &_
  She attained with the Intercessor a huge affair

Muḥammad yā bna ʿabdi Allah

Wahuwa ḥāmil kalāma Allah Her hopes were granted by the Divine
Muhammad O son of Abd Allah She received salutations (from the Allāh) and a high station
And he carries the words of Allah
1 9  %
 KJD ?2Ql „ D  Ct& G And he solved a dispute over placing the black stone
Tamassak bi'l­ʿurwati 'l­wuthqā Wajāhad fī sabīli Allah In the Ka’bah, When he made clear to everyone
He grasped a firm handhold
And struggled in the way of Allah
h .@ n %
4 3 n2k &_
  The vastness of his understanding, and radiant sagaciousness
Glory be to the One who taught and assisted him
Muḥammad qāl yā rabbī Su'āl 'ummatī baʿdī
Muhammad said O my lord
The questioning of my nation after me
1 ;
 "^  4 *v2 D 
 " $  L _%D Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually

Wasāmiḥhum mina 'dh­dhanbi Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You
Waghaffāri 'dh­dhunūbi Allah
And forgive them from sin
And the one who forgives sins is Allah

222 39
 ! "     
       -#W 5)X

 1 p 
 +   9@ 3 J j G.2D Muhammad is Beautiful

$ & +    = ==3 z— + 4 v2 L& #  <2W S3 T.3 9&  03V
0 <2% 4 .  l@ ž2  2 š 0 & b
 D 'Īh 'l­ʿamal yā Aḥmad Yūm ṭalʿati ‘l­mashhad
What will happen O Ahmed On the day of witnessing

 "p  =<=( C  ~4 D . k V 1 n@ %4 C"V LG  {‚  9^ @
Kullu 'l­'umam tashhad 'Innak rasūlu Allah
f .2 j Gi2 *2 N
 Ell2 (  2 When all the nations will bear witness, that you are the
Messenger of Allah
"( V 0     G ² ]   :
 V 62*`" &Q2  g 
 " 0 2 $3“ 1D $3“ &_
0 =8= 4  `    K D Hr2 {  š@2 Muḥammad zīn wallāh zīn
Lahu 'nshaqqa 'l­qamar niṣfayn
?="h3 Y2 f2 2 D 4 @,    K D Muhammad is beautiful, by Allah he is beautiful
For him the moon split in two
   W2 .2D #@ ³  N ‰  G 1 ‰
 D „y2 V 6 l #2<2 ˜( D
" =@ z‚ r2 {>   hP 2 6  t p & x= Waʿarraj laylat 'l­'ithnayn 'Ilā 'l­ḥaḍrah wabayti Allah
He ascended on the night of Monday
{ j    2 E( [ E*Ql2 ?G.2D To the Presence and House of Allah
\[“ Y2 D z—   \[  $  % &_
" ` 0  Dv .2 9 4 e  + Muḥammad sākini 'l­wādī bilā mā'in walā zādī
L =@Q W  n2 Q2 2 ?G.2 n  e   C <2 Muhammad lived in the valley without water or provision
1 ‰
 D # 2, V \[+3 M t
8 + D
" Q
eG4 .2 9 • Y2 :nQ2 2 Waḥaththi 's­sayri yā ḥādī 'ilā 'l­kaʿbah wabayti Allah
O cameleer urge forward to the Kaba, the House of Allah

40 221
L 33 9 k2D ‹(% L 2V
Sir yā rasūlī 'ilayhim Surʿan waqabbil yadayhim
Go to them my messenger
Gabriel came to him with revelation from Allāh
Quickly and kiss their hands
As he was in the cave of Hira’ worshipping the Most Merciful

"&+ 3 L < 2 =L2<(

2 % .k D
He embraced him thrice then
Wa'qra' salāmī ʿalayhim Laʿallahum yarḥamūnī Released him (with the words) “Read” and “Your Lord has
Give them my greeting of peace taught man”
Maybe they will have mercy on me
C_< `
  .2 n2 2kD C_y
"J So he invited secretly (to Islam) for three, Then revealed to
Jānī rasūlī yaḍḥak Waqāla 'abshir biṣulḥak him was
My messenger came back laughing “Proclaim what you have been ordered to” so he invited
And said, “Rejoice for your settlement openly
f D( D2. n:   K C_<D C( g _
  Affliction increased upon him, yet he is the forbearing for His
Biḥaqqi ʿayshak wamilḥak Hum bil­wiṣāl 'awʿadūni Lord
By the right of [what was between you of] bread and salt He showed gratefulness (To Allāh), and he did not show
They have promised to keep in contact” weakness

Khadijah and Abu-Talib died when he was fifty

So the persecution increased manifold

He came to Thaqif as a caller (to Islam), And they chased him

with stones, after misleading the children concerning him

The Angel of the Mountains came to him and asked “Shall I

collapse the two mountains on them? He replied “No, for I
have hope in their offspring!

220 41
~  0 *2 < N ?<:
 D ?22A 0  H% .2
"@<& _
 3 K ‰
 <@kD =3=2|&  S . ‰
" J D EN“   K P D 9@ % Māziltu 'ummi ‘l­maṭāyā Waqultu hum yaḥmilūnī
I have not ruled out the best of rides
And said they will carry me
?< Š  D & t  ?2V     2˜   (

"([ D Y2 D D4% Sw =2k n “ = = V
"Y H.24
 %  ,@ D ›    D 'Ilā manāzili qawmin Sārū walā waddaʿūnī
To the homes of a people
w  =š== z> J „  e  L  f@ r p D That left without bidding me farewell

"“ D ‡  ,2   <2  ?K [ “  0 2

"+ D .2 ž@<š2 R :
 6= lY S 3 L hk 4 2
Fāraqtuhum yawma ‘l­thnayn Ṣubḥa 'th­lūth 'awḥashūnī
EK e
  D E( [ E( S k2i22 I departed from them on Monday
Tuesday morning I yearned for them
" ( . 0 2 "2 0 _ :  D
"( $ ‹[
="@*=<N „¡ [ % K
 L G:.2 ?G.2 r2 V f2 ==2 =3 Y Hum sādatun khallafūnī 'Abkī daman min ʿuyūnī
They are masters that left me behind
" V  `  f2 D~=_  =3 Y2 9 Weeping blood from my eyes
f `o  …
 2 M | 
= 2l4 ?h+ ‰
’ & _
  f i  E&! GD E4k2 Bakaytu ḥatā rathā lī Aṭ­ṭayru fawqa 'l­ghuṣūni
"7@k 0 <y  2
 <2G  k2 r V I cried until my pain was felt by
The birds on the branches
 2 D E e( 0 Q < N $ D.24  Q2 2D
 [ i2 Ek=P ‰
~  fV 1
"K r {>   +  DK P  k2 BiAllahi 'in mittu shawqan
By Allah if I die from yearning
Bi'admuʿī ghassilūnī

With my tears wash my body

42 219
YU 9$ The Lord then took him on the night journey and all the
The Light Emerged Prayed behind him, and he witnessed The Barzakh and

"eP . c  +  J  D
="=2,2i2 X
 Y2 4 ~  Paradise

An­nūru lāḥa fa'abkānī Wa'l­majdu ḥarraka ashjānī The Beloved then ascended into the highest heavens
The light has emerged and caused me to weep (Witnessing) the Throne, and Pedestal, He then gazed upon
And the passion has moved my sadness our Lord!

"N V3 ?t"2. ‰
 @  Permission was granted to migrate to Yathrib
Mā kuntu 'ansā yā 'ikhwānī Ḥubba 'n­nabiyī 'l­ʿadnānī Through him (Muhammad) the noble city illuminated and
It is not for me to forget, O my brothers beautified
The love of the ‘Adnani Prophet
f   [ %D $ _
 " =  & hJ  g Q  ?2<( He stayed there ten years inviting people and struggling,
And his companions were his helpers.
ʿAlā 'l­ʿAqīqi 'jtamaʿnā Naḥnu wasūdu 'l­ʿuyūni
Upon the valley of ʿAqiq (also named the blessed valley) we
met, us and the one with the Dark Eyes They didn't raise their voices when he approached,
They lowered their gaze and didn't stare,

" J †
   $ J  k2 ?2<=2 f@  =e $ ¦2 
Māẓanna majnūnu Laylā Qad junna baʿḍa junūnī
In recognition and reverence of Muhammad 's position,
Majnun Layla didn’t think
They had read in the Quran of his merit.
That he has attained a portion of my insanity

"=( 2
Verily they’ve seen amazing things in his character,
Fayā ʿayūnī ʿayawnī Wayā jūfūnī jafūnī
And how many have they witnessed that would bewilders the
O my eyes, they have tired me minds.
O my eyelids, they have shunned me

"@k4 2 \ ?2<( = =
> `G
Wayā qulaybī taṣabbar ʿAlā 'l­ladhī fāraqūnī
And O my little heart have patience
With the ones who departed from me

218 43
Eb GD x t  D E*( D E2
  „  2 c4 D“ .2
G  .@ ?<2v .2 ..   "
" + D #E = =_ $ + ]   d
 D Nabīnā 'aghlā 'umniyyātī 'Azūrak law marah biḥayātī
Our prophet, my most precious of wishes,

E"  :
 {>  6  $  z‚ & D
Is to visit you at least once in my life
"7 Q@  <@GD
4 @ r D µ:

 c4  e
="==34 E4P ?_b  .2 ´  d 2 D Wabijiwārik ṣallī ṣalaty
Wa'dhkur rabī wa'tlū 'l­qur'ānā
’ & + .2 s J  ‰  & !@ (  k2 1 p D and near you perform my prayers,
invoke my Lord, and recite the Qur'an
 < $ &L A@   24 c   3 \[ L  S D Q@  c  
  # 3 &  .. c  
=`   $ 3   ( D E % s v2 Q2 2D Bushrāki ‘l­madīnah bushrāki
Biqudūmi ‘l­hādī yā bushrāki
"  4     k2 YE J 4   _ = Glad tidings O Madina, glad tidings
for the coming of the leader of guidance, O glad tidings
w hD 0 _
 D 0  S   .2 " % 4  ~2 .. ?<& G.2 c & +
 HD i 
 9L 2
 +V  L   Q _  .2 ; 4 3 ..." % @ 4 "
Fahal lī ma'awā fī ḥimāki
'Atamallā fa'n­nūru sabānā Nūrukum sabānā

)( *'    

%$ %&% 
# So is there a shelter for me in you sanctuary?
For me to fill up …The light has captivated us

 ' +
, -  +
. /%. 0 "  Indeed, your light has captivated us

44 217
K . Z
# Generous and forgiving, munificent and humble,
The palm trunk sobbed out of love and affection,
O Taybah
"  D [ 3 # W2 3 # W2 3
And the water flowed from his fingers,
"[ " HL D "[ " HL D C Q hP And the armys’ thirst was quenched.

Yā ṭaybah yā ṭaybah Yā dawā 'l­ʿayyānā By Allah!

'Shtaqnālik wal­hawā nādānā Wal­hawā nādānā The miracles of Ahmed are beyond comprehension.
O Tayba, O Tayba O cure of the sick The Guardian (Allah) raised his rank.
we yearn for you, and desire has called us, and desire has
called us

"*2 J    D D4 %
 "   &  4% & 2 He fought in twenty seven battles with his companions,
Lammā sār 'l­markib nasānī Sārū wi'd­damʿi mā jafānī Both walking and riding.
As the ship departed, they forgot me
they sailed away and my tears never dried up Honour him and his companions and their followers! Oh Lord!
"2¤    G3 # W2 3
" J  
< k2 D@ N .2 Gather us with them by your goodness!

'Akhadhū qalbī maʿ janānī

Yā ṭaybah yātīma ‘l­walhānā
They took my heart and my soul with them
O Tayba, O you who enslave the one passionately in love Our Lord! Send Your Mercy and Peace perpetually
ƒ“ C
<( :
p ‰
h<2 k Upon Your Beloved, The one who invited us to You
Qiblatī baytu Allahi ṣābir ʿAllanī yawman laki zā'ir
My direction of prayer, the house of Allah, I'm patient
Perhaps a day I will come to visit you
" i f  & o GD #  ,2 <  ¦ "
" G 9K H G 3
Ya turā hal tarānī nāẓir
Lilkaʿbah watughmurni bi'amānā
I wonder, do you see me looking
upon al-Kaba and it envelopes me with safety?
216 45
 ! "     
   ,2 _
 D S 2,+ {    4  t
~ D Š
 + :
z‚ >=(~ Ṣāḥibu 'l'āyāti wa's­sūari
Manbaʿu 'l­'aḥkāmi wal­ḥikami
0 @:
 D .2 $ ‰    Š
  P .2 Q2 2D
The Possessor of the Verses and the Chapters
The source of the laws and wisdoms

"e P {>    L G ;  @<Q@ 

_  G 0 =G =%D j 3e% D 0 =G 3=% ‰2W Z & k2
Qamrun ṭābat sarīratuhu
t 3 & 2 0 <2( ?= =l.2  k2 1 ‚ D Wasajāyāhu wasīratuhu
A moon, his soul has matured
Ž " l2 f@ @,3 D.2   n@ Q2  \D his natural disposition, and his comportment

( [  k2  ƒ t  5 E=B =+ $ , 2 S  _

 D 98 _
  9 K .2 n@  ( 0 =GM N D \4  „@  * :

Ṣafwatu 'l­bārī wakhīratuhu
"+ D = =8=4 „  * :  R 3&  ʿAdlu 'ahli 'l­ḥilli wal­ḥarami
The choicest of the creator and His best
 L K „ [  =&  J s h  r VD The most just of the people outside the sanctuary and within it

"J 4 D =" =Q2 \3.2  2 "  H4 

 0 W2 92 š HG 
 2D 6
Z ( Š
Mā ra'at ʿaynun walaysa tarā
= =L=2V
<   + {  +  < Mithla Ṭaha fī 'l­warā basharā
No eye has ever seen nor does it see
"( [ 0 2V $ =& 6  <%  h a human like Taha in all of mankind

0 = =*=:D 0 =  +D j 4 h=x    

D …

2 N {  K 2W l2.2 Hš …
 2 $ M N
KHayru man fawqa 'th­tharā 'atharā
" + 0  0  [ J  $ 3“ Ṭāhiru 'l­'akhlāqi wash­shiyami
The best one above the earth, a sign [of Allah]
 4 3  4 3  4 3 Possessor of the purest of character and behaviors

" ( [   J .2  < k  ?*2 |2 `  A@ 

46 215
= 2
O Imam of The Messengers
\& h 1
p ;
 "2. \ % 3 9 % ~  S V 3 THE SUPPLICATION
Yā 'imāma 'r­rusuli yā sanadī
'Anta bābu Allahi muʿtamadī Indeed I have signaled towards the attributes of the one
O Imam of the Messengers O my Reliance Whose characteristics give life to the heart and ignite the fire
You are the Door to Allah and the one on whom I depend of yearning

\  N 1
p  n2 %4 3
=G =N7D \" 2 And Allāh Himself has praised him
Fabidunyāy wa'ākhiratiy So what is our praise worth when compared (to Allāh’s praise
Yā rasūla Allahi khudh biyadī of Muhammad)?
So in this world and in the hereafter
O Messenger of Allah take my hand However, it is a Love established deep in the heart
Which motivated and called for the Praising of the purest of
H%  Qt
 D ?2&   HK 6
 +  e
 k2 our Lord’s (creation)
Qasaman bin­najmi ḥīna hawā
Now that we have become fused with the love (of
Mā 'l­muʿāfā wa's­saqīmu sawā
I swear by the star when it falls
We lift our hands of poverty and hope
The well-one is not equal to the ill-one
  D ;
+ H% C
 ( 6
 "2,  <2N 2
To our Lord, The One, The Unique, The Most High
Fakhlaʿi 'l­kawnayni ʿanka siwā Interceding by the one who called us to Him
Ḥubbi mawlā 'l­ʿurbi wa'l­ʿajami
So remove the two worlds from you with the exception of His chosen one, His beloved, His purest
Love of the Lord of Arabs and non-Arabs The beauty of existence, by him the Divine has favored us
 D D   9 K . ž
@ 2v w y
  $ Š
 [t  %
Saydu 's­sādāti min muḍarin Our Lord! Our Lord! Our Lord!
GHawthu 'ahli 'l­badwi wal­ḥaḍari By the chosen one, accept us and answer our supplications
The Master of Masters from Mudar
The Helper of the Bedouins and the people of the City

214 47
" N r@ 3  2 ‰
 ".  2 ‰  ".2 [ .0
# 5\V
" N .@
D "~ j  K 5 Ahmed My Beloved

 = ="r2  * v D n2  + {>   2 R <:  .2 C2<( S%

  + 3 &+ .2
'Aḥmad yā ḥabībī Salām ʿalayk
"|N.2 f V
 4  N  G Y2 D Ahmad O my beloved
peace be upon you
?*2 |2 `&  0 W2  L "
   C  <@% D C2<( S% 
 3o  f2 (3
"|2 N     2  S  k2 ?<2( ‰  = =2l Yā ʿawna 'l­gharībi Salām ʿalayk
O helper of the stranger
’ & + .2 #2  < W2 C  9w y  *2  "4 .2 peace be upon you

"( G b    6  ( #’ e  L  5 S%p  C

 3[ S%D $Z  .2
'Amnun wasalām Dīnaka 'l­'Islām
 =2<= =+ nw + 98 @
 0  ˆ  4 D Safety and peace
Your religion is Islam
"Y2 D $D [ D $ n2 = =+D ‡2 ;
Ÿ 4 $ +4 ;
Ÿ 4 $
"z>  " ;  J . $D 6  t p_  & D Min rabbin raḥīm Min rabbin karīm
From a Merciful Lord
":D .2 E W2 D …  @Q @  \Dr2 D From a Generous Lord
e& h Š
 s @ +h ‰
  & J
 E( % D $ 3 b   2 D
Ji'ta bi't­tawḥīd Fuzta bi't­tamjīd
" G ‰ ".2 C  3 3 6   $ _  " K You have come with monotheism
You were victorious with praise
 2 % g Q8 _  2 c " J 4  Q2 D $&+    ( $ f7Q@  ‰
"( [  ==p=I  3 C  <y  *2   I  D Ji'ta bil­Qur'ān Min ʿindi 'r­raḥmān
You have come with the Qur’an
From the Most Merciful

48 213
You are sufficient for us! You are sufficient for us, For You
K4 s s ( D
( Š    fœ2 are our refuge
In this world and in the Hear after

„ 4 : $ t
 + .2 \
  2 L@2š& h2
Fa'in baʿudat ʿannī waʿazza mazāruhā Rectify our states and forgive our sins, My Lord!
Fatimthāluhā ladayya 'aḥsanu ṣūrati And don’t hold us accountable if we err
If it became distant and difficult from me to visit
Then the image that I hold within me is the best of pictures
Take us down the path of Ta-Ha the Chosen one
 D 4 $ t
 + 5 6    u
  W2 j s ".@ And make firm our footsteps in treading behind the Beloved

 L  D \ % D
@ L @<t2
Through Your grace, show us the emergence of Ahmed with
'Unazzihu ṭarfa 'l­ʿayni fī ḥusni rawḍihā all of his splendor
Fayaslū bihā lubbī wasirrī wamuhjatī As the Eye of Your satisfaction watches over us
I delight my eyes in its beautiful Rawdah
So my heart, innermost soul, and core become free from all
worries and grief Strengthen our bond with him (Muhammad) in every state
 |@k3 ". L2 And (strengthen) the bond of those who love and support us

h<( zp 2*P EkP L<@ k2.@ And those who do goodness, and those who answered our call
Fahā 'anā yā quṭba 'l­ʿawālimi kullihā And those who have rights over us and those who asked us to
'Uqabbiluhā shawqan l'ishfā'i ʿillatī pray for them
So here I am O head of all of creation
Kissing it in yearning to heal my illness
’ & _
  [ J    |@k ?2<( 98 :
 D And those who are present (in the gathering) and those who
assist in establishing gatherings
Here we are between Your hands (Oh, Allāh), For truly, You
# “ 9 @  ( _& G L „2¶ : see us
Waṣalli ʿalā quṭbi 'l­mujūdi Muḥammadin
Ṣalatān bihā tamḥū ʿannā kulla zallati Indeed we have Invoked You, So by Your Grace,
And send your mercy upon the head of creation, Muḥammad. Answer our requests Oh You who Hear our Prayers
A mercy that will wipe from us every slip

212 49
 0 W2 #2 %    `
 "D #2 W2 a
 42. 5 f @2A ?<( SZ %
"[ ( $ 9 @  & k D a  4{>  ]   e&D 9 y
 *2  $ & +   0 `
 N $  D
 L  Œ i2  Q % D  2V  !@ "D Salāmun ʿlā 'l­madfūni fī 'arḍi ṭaybata
Waman khaṣṣahu 'r­raḥmanu bi'l­faḍli wa'l­majdi
Greetings of peace upon the one buried in the land of Ṭaybah
E J ( u  ( D O  P D and the one who was distinguished by the Merciful with
graciousness and nobility
 & hN $ t p + D Š  J  2   2 † k D L D $ t_  1
‚  j  +
° "
" Q ( $ _
 .2D Š  & A2   (  & _
   k2 4 “ ’  ?@|2
 2 E + .2D   & J D ; 4 3 Nabīyun ḥabāhu Allahi bil­ḥusni wa'l­bahā
Faṭūbā liʿabdin zāra qabra Muḥammadi
" J 4 3 ΠD[ *  c 4 [
 A prophet that was favored by God with goodness and beauty.
So glad tidings for a servant who has visited the grave of
0 7D 0 <2( 98 :
 ?*2 |2 `  &  Muḥammad
E:2k # 3A2   _
 "   4 3.
"`v .2 = =` R 34 ‰  2  + 
 & _
% q <8 2
'Ayā rākibā naḥwa 'l­madīnati qāṣidan
’n?tã íΝ≈n=y™uρ ∩⊇∇⊃∪ šχθàÅÁtƒ $¬Ηxå Í﨓Ïèø9$# Éb>u‘ y7În/u‘ z≈ysö6ß™  Faballigh salāmī lilḥabībi Muḥammadi
O you riding towards Al-Madina intending
Convey my Salām to the beloved Muḥammad
〈 ∩⊇∇⊄∪ šÏϑn=≈yèø9$# Éb>u‘ ¬! ߉ôϑptø:$#uρ ∩⊇∇⊇∪ šÎ=y™ö ßϑø9$#
ho D \
   ? t
 @  0 hb
 D 4

+ D4D
 < k2 2*P LD
Fī rawḍatihi 'l­ḥusnā munāya wabughyatī
Wafīhā shifā qalbī warūḥī warāḥaty
In his beautiful Rawdah is my hope and desire and in it is the
cure for my heart and spirit, and my comfort

50 211
And use us in giving victory to the Sunnah of Ta-Ha
" 2 throughout the earth
And restrain every aggressor to us
Greetings of Peace Upon
   $  4 s3 ¸w k2 ?<( SZ % And Glance upon us, and give us to drink from the cup of
 & _
  LD #bD ?<( SZ % And quickly cure all of our sick
Salāmun ʿlā qabrin yuzāru mina 'l­buʿdi
Salāmun ʿlā 'r­rawḍat wafīhā Muḥammadi And take care of our affairs,
Greetings of peace upon a grave that is visited from far And beautify our last moments at the time of death, and
Greetings of peace upon al-Rawdah and in it is Muḥammad rectify our end affair

0 4 9 <
 4 “ $ ?<( SZ %
Oh Lord! And gather us and the beloved ones
 Q  98 @
 ;  @v A2  0 o < 2 In your abode of Firdous (the highest place in Paradise) For
we have hope in You
Salāmun ʿlā man zāra fī 'l­layli rabbahu
Faballaghahu 'l­marghūba fī kulli maqṣadi (To gather us) With the Chosen One. And Send Your Mercy
Greetings of peace upon the one who visited his lord in the upon him
night So He gave him what is desired in every aspiration and upon his family so long as the eastern winds sway
". $  
y  < n2 k $ ?<( SZ % branches

 & _
 ". 1 p  n@ %4 n2 2Q2 (Glorified be thy Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from that which
they attribute (unto Him)
Salāmun ʿlā man qala lilḍḍabbi man 'anā
Faqāla rasūlu Allahi 'anta Muḥammadi And peace be unto the messengers.
Greetings of peace upon the one who said to the lizard “Who
am I?” So he replied, “The Messenger of God, you are And praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.)

210 51

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