BSBCUS501 Learner Workbook V1.6

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Manage quality customer

Learner Workbook
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................2
Candidate Details.............................................................................................................................3
Assessment – BSBCUS501: Manage quality customer service.......................................................3
Competency Record to be completed by Assessor........................................................................4
Activity 1A......................................................................................................................................6
Activity 1B......................................................................................................................................7
Activity 2A......................................................................................................................................8
Activity 2B......................................................................................................................................9
Activity 2C....................................................................................................................................11
Activity 3A....................................................................................................................................12
Activity 3B....................................................................................................................................13
Activity 3C....................................................................................................................................15
Activity 3D...................................................................................................................................16
Skills and knowledge Activity.......................................................................................................18
Major Activity..............................................................................................................................20
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Candidate Details
Assessment – BSBCUS501: Manage quality customer service
Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer for marking. This forms part of
your assessment for BSBCUS501: Manage quality customer service.

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________


Email: _____________________________________________________________

Employer: _____________________________________________________________


I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the
exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this
assessment has been written for me by another person.

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________

If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners
involved should be provided below;

This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it
was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that
no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where
we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been
written for us by another person.

Learner 1: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 2: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 3: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________
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Competency Record to be completed by Assessor

Learner Name: _______________________________________________________

Date of Assessment: _______________________________________________________

The learner has been assessed as competent in the elements and performance criteria and the
evidence has been presented as;

Assessor Initials






Learner is deemed: COMPETENT NOT YET COMPETENT (Please circle)

If not yet competent, date for re-assessment: ____________________________________

Comments from Trainer / Assessor:


Assessor Signature: ________________________________________________________

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Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through
observations or demonstrations. Your instructor will have a list of demonstrations you must
complete or tasks to be observed. The observations and demonstrations will be completed as well as
the activities found in this workbook. An explanation of demonstrations and observations:

Demonstration is off-the-job

A demonstration will require:

 Performing a skill or task that is asked of you

 Undertaking a simulation exercise

Observation is on-the-job

The observation will usually require:

 Performing a work based skill or task

 Interaction with colleagues and/or customers

Your instructor will inform you of which one of the above they would like you to do. The
demonstration/observation will cover one of the unit’s elements.

The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment,
depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration. Your
instructor will ensure you are provided with the correct equipment and/or materials to complete the
task. They will also inform you of how long you have to complete the task.

The learner will need to show they can:

1. Plan to meet internal and external customer requirements

2. Ensure delivery of quality products and services

3. Monitor, adjust and review customer service

The learner will also need to demonstrate their:

 Reading skills

 Writing skills

 Oral communication skills

 Numeracy skills

 Navigate the world of work

 Interact with others

 Get the work done.

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Activity 1A
Estimated Time 1 Hour
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to think about how to investigate,
identify, assess and include the needs of customers in the planning process.
Activity Individually or in pairs, discuss the following questions;

What is a customer driven organisation?

You are a manager in a retail distribution company. Who are your customers?
Give examples of each:

What are the four basic needs that a customer has? Explain each need briefly:

How can you identify what segment of the market your customers belong to?
Briefly outline the attributes of the organisation you know. Provide an
example of its segmentation and how the segment is researched and

What is the importance of consulting with stakeholder before? Who are they
and why do you need to refer to them when making a planning decision?

Look at the supply chain in the Learner Guide. What is the importance in
making sure that all communication is communicated clearly?
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Activity 1B
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with the chance to ensure that plans achieve the quality, time
and cost specifications agreed with customers.
Activity Individually or in pairs, discuss the following;

What must a good manager do? Why?

What is value added selling?

What is the key to the success of a customer/sales relationship?

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Activity 2A
Estimated Time 20 minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to deliver products and/or services to
customer specification within organisation’s business plan.
Activity Individually or in pairs, research the following;

What is the difference between a customer’s needs, wants and requirements?

What is a business plan about? So how can you use customer needs, wants
and requirements to deliver the organisation’s products within the business
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Activity 2B
Estimated Time 40 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to monitor team performance to
consistently meet the organisations quality and delivery standards.
Activity Individually or in pairs, complete the following;

In what areas can a commercial or professional organisation have success?

What does monitoring do? What measures can you monitor to identify
problems with your service?

What skills can you measure to determine that the staff member is meeting
staff needs?

How is success in understanding the customer/business relationship derived?

Which is innovation? How can innovation be used to build relationships?

How can you gain and retain customer loyalty?

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Activity 2C
Estimated Time 20 – 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to help colleagues overcome difficulties in
meeting customer service standards.
Activity What methods can you use to help your colleagues in overcoming difficulties
in meeting customer service standards?

If the assistance is required due to a performance problems? Which would you

choose? Why?

If the problem is actually in not a performance issue, but a lack of

understanding about how to apply a skill, which would you choose? Why?
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Activity 3A
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to learn how to develop strategies to
monitor progress in achieving product and/or service targets and standards.
Activity Individually or in pairs, complete the following;

What is the missing link?

What is the link between the relationship between profits, customer

satisfaction, employment and the organisation?

You have identified that there is a decrease in sales. What do you need to do?

What strategies could you use to find out the cause for the decrease in sales?
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Activity 3B
Estimated Time 1 Hour
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to learn how to develop and use strategies
to obtain customer feedback to improve the provision of products and/or
Case study Individually or in pairs, complete the following;

In recent months your customers have slowly been withdrawing from using
your products. The end of year month report identified that one of your
largest customers has been purchasing from your competitors and sales are
down. You receive raw material from a supplier, you use the raw material
from the supplier to make a part that you sell to the customer which is a part
of a product that they sell to another business.

You believe it is a quality issue but you are not sure.

In this instance how would you try to find out why sales are decreasing? Why?

Develop a telephone questionnaire in the space provided below.

What strategy would you take if the following problems were identified?
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Explain why you would take that strategy. Give an example.

 The level of customer has dropped

 The customer claims that they are getting a lot of returns for broken
equipment that stems from the quality of the parts that they are
provided with.

As a part of an open system, there should be a sharing of knowledge between

the supplier, the customer and yourself. Is this happening?
What is wrong and how could you fix it?
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Activity 3C
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to learn how develop, procure and use
resources effectively to provide quality products and/or services to customers.
Activity Individually or in pairs, complete the following;

What are the three types of resources? Give an example how you would
develop, procure and use each.
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Activity 3D
Estimated Time 30-40 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to make decisions to overcome problems
and adapt customer services, products and/or service delivery in consultation
with individuals and groups and keep records, reports and recommendations
within the systems and processes.
Activity Individually or in pairs, complete the following;

What happens when you respond to a complaint by thanking them for the

In your own words, use the customer service flowchart in the Learner Guide,
to solve the following problem. Write down questions that you could use to
resolve the issue.

You pick up the phone and an angry customer is ranting. All you can decipher
is that they purchased a mobile phone and it does not work correctly.

What is the importance of keeping records?

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Write the standards for the following:

Issue Standard
An accident happening in the

Issue Standard
Customer complained about level of

Issue Standard
Return damaged goods

Issue Standard
Receiving Stock

Issue Standard
New employee starts with the
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Skills and knowledge Activity

Estimated Time 90 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the
foundation skills, knowledge evidence and performance evidence.
Activity Complete the following individually and attach your completed work to your

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your

organisational requirements for each one.

The answers to the following will enable you to demonstrate your:

 Develop and manage organisational systems for quality customer service

 Develop and review plans, policies and procedures for delivering and
monitoring quality customer service
 Implement policies and procedures to ensure quality customer service
 Solve complex customer complaints and system problems that lead to
poor customer service
 Monitor and assist teams to meet customer service requirements
 Develop, procure and use human and physical resources to support
quality customer service delivery
 Reading skills
 Writing skills
 Oral communication skills
 Numeracy skills
 Navigate the world of work
 Interact with others
 Get the work done
 Outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation relevant
to customer service
 Describe organisational policy and procedures for customer service
including handling customer complaints
 Identify service standards and best practice models
 Summarise public relations and product promotion
 Outline techniques for dealing with customers including customers with
specific needs
 Explain techniques for solving complaints including the principles and
techniques involved in the management and organisation of:
o customer behaviour
o customer needs research
o customer relations
o ongoing product and/or service quality
o problem identification and resolution
o quality customer service delivery
o record keeping and management methods
o strategies for monitoring, managing and introducing ways to improve
customer service relationships
o strategies to obtain customer feedback.
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1. Outline the ways in which you deal with complaints within your
organisation. Discuss the techniques that are used and the related
organisational policies.

2. How are teams monitored and assisted within your organisation in order to
meet customer service requirements?

3. What methods are used within your organisation to obtain customer


4. Think about your own organisation. Outline the ways in which customer
service could be improved.

5. What are the service standards of your organisation?

6. Research ‘best practice models’ and relate your findings to your own

7. Research ‘product promotion’. Outline how your organisation used product

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Major Activity
Estimated Time 60 – 120 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the
entire unit.
Activity This is a major activity – your instructor will let you know whether you will
complete it during class or in your own time.

You must individually, answer the following questions in full to show your
competency of each element;
1. Plan to meet internal and external customer requirements
2. Ensure delivery of quality products and services
3. Monitor, adjust and review customer service

In relation to your own organisation, consider how quality customer service is


1. Outline how you determine the requirements of your customers.

2. Give a brief description of who your customers are?

3. What is value added selling? Give examples of when it is used within your

4. In what ways is team performance monitored?

5. In what ways can you assist your colleagues in overcoming difficulties in

customer service?

6. Outline ways in which you monitor, adjust and review customer service.
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