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--Smart Vehicles--
Problem Brief: Currently traffic police and cameras are only deployed at traffic signals. This limits
them to report violations only if they happen within the vicinity leaving room for large stretches of
blind spots. Another constraint is the capacity of these personnel to quickly capture as many
violations photographs as possible towards proof before the vehicle rushes away. Vehicles
automatically identify and report traffic violations on the road around them as they move around
thus acting as crowdsourced law enforcement.

Solution Ask- Leverage front-mounted mobile phone/dedicated cameras on car windshield to

identify, photograph, and report traffic violations anywhere on the road thus reducing dependency
on static cameras and human personnel.

--Clean Water--
The mechanism to manage and monitor the distribution of water

1. Online monitoring of residual chlorine at endpoints.

2. Method for Equal quantity distribution at all consumer ends.

3. Synchronization of pipeline networks, pumping stations, and energy management.

4. Method for Equal quantity distribution at all consumer ends.

--Healthcare and Biomedical Devices--

We are aware that certain medicines are temperature sensitive and have a certain specified
maximum temperature. If the medicine is kept for a certain period on a temperature higher than
specified limits, the medicine is not recommended to be used. During transportation from
production units to distributors/retailers etc and the consumers, chances are always there that the
temperature exceeds the specified range and may not be recommended to use. As of now, there is
no mechanism to track the temperature range violation. If a sticker can be designed for medicines
and other dietary products which can change its color with the change in specified temperature, it
will be highly useful in maintaining the quality of the various products. Major expectations from the
device - Programmable in terms of temperature and exposure duration - Passive in terms of power
requirement - Cost-effective - Robust, temper proof autonomous and intelligent.
-- Agriculture and Rural Development--
To develop a tool to assess irrigation water requirement of crop and an automated mechanism to
start and put off tube wells (This will save much-needed irrigation water).

-- Health--
One of the most critical needs today is access to good healthcare. Billions in the world
particularly people in the Indian subcontinent, struggle because they do not get proper access to
healthcare. Even those with access have a sour experience. We have apps that let us book movie
tickets and seats in a jiffy or even find that perfect restaurant! However, finding doctors is still
unbelievably tough. Patient records are either maintained in fat files or if they are online, they are
often not accessible or not understandable. Doctors do not usually have time to go through all the
reports and this may lead to a compromise on the health front. So being an engineer what solution
can you find to this problem which may have a contribution to the development of the society
towards health?

--Waste Management--
Urban Areas generate 1, 88, 500 tonnes of municipal solid waste, and waste generation
increases by 50% every decade. More than 80% of this waste reaches open dumpsites causing public
health issues, environmental degradation, and resultant climate change. Plastic and e-waste form
the major chunk of this waste. There are very few facilities to take care of such degrading
substances. We engineer need to find a solution, so what solution can you find to manage e-waste
and reuse them efficiently?

-- Smart street light management system--

Context: Currently we use manual systems to operate the street lights, an enormous amount of
electrical power is being used by the street lights which remain switched ON throughout the night.
This causes a huge wastage of electrical power across the whole world and it should be minimized.

Hack: The main aim is to develop a smart system that can monitor the street lights without human
interference. The light should ON when there is need and OFF or reduce the brightness when it is
not needed by sensing the motion of pedestrians and vehicles.

-- Tackle Urban Mobility Problems—

Context: Mobility should allow people in the cities to move more freely and easily, through better
utilization of existing infrastructure and sharing of transport systems. Developing cities like
Bangalore, Delhi, and Mumbai are facing crippling traffic jams daily, costing them billions of dollars

Hack: How can the metro cities such as stated above create new data sources, utilize existing data,
or better capture missing data, to address those problems and improve mobility in cities?

-- IoT based monitoring system for Comatose patients --

Context: As we know a coma is a state of unconsciousness in which the patient cannot feel or
respond to the pain, light, or sound, it does not initiate volunteering any actions. Patients in this
state need to have continuous updates of Blood pressure, temperature, heartbeat, humidity, etc.
Doing this manually can become almost impossible to keep the update of multiple patients at the
same time. To address this an automatic system is needed.

Hack: The task is to design an automatic system to get continuous updates on patients’ condition
without any delay would be helpful to avoid the risks.

-- Pollution Control--
Smog is an example of air pollution that is visible to the naked eye and capable of standardized
measures that have been created, such as the air quality index, also called the pollution standards
index. The air quality index allows for the comparison of pollution levels in different cities etc.


 Participants should choose one of the problem-statements from
 Participants should find the template of the paper in the given link.
 It should be filled with details about the problem statement chosen
and submitted by tomorrow 11 am.
(Link: )
 Participants who fail to submit will be disqualified and once the
problem statement selected can’t be changed after the submission
of the paper.
 On the final day, i.e on 27th participants should present their
solutions to the problem statement chosen with PPT’s and
simulated output.
 Participants will be judge by the panelist based on their
presentation and efficient solution to the chosen problem

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