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3 Exam of Concrete Structures I

Integrated Master Degree in Civil Engineering
Responsible: Prof. José Camara
17 July 2013
1 Semester
Comments: Duration: 3h. Is only allowed to query forms and tables. Justify all your answers. Disconnect and store the
phone and use only machines allowed calculation.

Take the structure model presented, that corresponds to the central alignment, B, of the pavement shown
in the following figure. As actions consider the structural own weight plus an extra dead load and a live
2 2
load of, respectively: r.c.p. = 0.5 kN/m ; sob = 6 kN/m . Take into consideration as well the horizontal load,
E of 200 kN.

E = 200 kN

Secção AA
0,5 0,4

7,5m 7,5m

g = 1,35

q = 1,50 e = 0,18 m 4,0

Rec. nominal = 3,0 cm A

C25/30 B

A500 NR SD A
2 = 0,40

NOTE: Do not forget that the loads to be supported by the beam are, essentially, transmitted by the slabs.

(3.0 val.) a) a1) Calculate the main reinforcement quantities needed for assuring beams safety for flexion. Take
bef = 1,60 m and consider only the uniformly distributed live load pattern over all the beams.

(2.0val.) a2) Comment and justify the following sentences:

 The effective beam width has no special influence on the design reinforcement quantities, you
obtained in the previous question.

 The consideration of the alternate live load positioning, to maximize the load effects, is of
minor importance due to the stress resultant redistribution capacity of reinforced concrete
(2.0 val.) b) b1) Based in the same principles of question a1) calculate the amounts of transversal reinforcement
needed near to the continuity support and at the extremities. Answer only to what is asked for.

(1.0 val.) b2) Explain the following sentence:

 The maximum beam shear resistance is limited by its geometry, and can only be increased to
a certain point, through the concrete resistance increase and/or the angle  chosen for the
safety verification.

(1.0val.) c) c1) Evaluate the bottom reinforcement needed close to the supports at the extremities. Explain why
this reinforcement is required.

(2.0 val.) c2) Based on your calculations of a1), b1) and c1) and others that you may consider important, draw
and detail the longitudinal and horizontal reinforcements needed for the beams.
NOTE: There is no need to calculate the distances where there is reinforcement curtailment.
Adopt current values without explicit calculations. Explain the options.

(2.0 val.) d) d1) Take the quasi-permanent combination of actions for the beam previously designed, knowing
that the elastic deformation of a continuous/simply supported beam is given by:
1 pl
ac = 184.6  ,
Evaluate the short and long term deformations considering a rectangular section with the web
width, 0.3 m, and take fctm = 2,5 MPa,  = 3,5. Comment the order of magnitude of results.
NOTE: Consider, as a simplification, a unique determinant section.

(1.0 val.) d 2) Why is the parameter l/h so important to limit beams deformations, being used in codes for
indirect deformations control?
Nethertheless for usual beam dimensions it is not determinant for design. Explain.

(1.0 val.) e) Why do we have to take special care on the design of reinforced concrete when its surface is left with
no other coating? What type of measures have to be considered? Is it different if the construction is to
be built near the sea? Why?

(2.5 val.) e) e1) Taking the simplified structural model in the figure verify safety for flexion and shear at the central
column, considering only the first order effects and geometry imperfections.
Take both combination of actions (A and B):
A – 1,35 g + 1,5 q and B – g + 2 q E
NOTE: Take additional axial forces in superposition to the ones from the loads:
Ng = 500 kN and Nq = 700 kN

(1.5 val.) e2) Detail the transversal section taking into consideration all specific recommendations for columns.

(1.0val.) e3) Which other behaviour characteristics the transversal reinforcement has to garantee behond the
role of resisting to shear? What measures are proposed to garantee such behaviour?

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