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1st Exam - Concrete Structures I

Integrated Master Degree (MSc) in Civil Engineering

Responsible: Prof. José Camara
06 de January de 2015
1 Semestre
Note: Duration: 3h. Consultation of Formulary and Tables Justify all answers. Identify all examination sheets. Please
turn off the cell-phone and house it. The use of calculators is only allowed for the authorized models of calculators.

Consider the structural model represented in the following figure, as well as the drawings of the structure in
0.2 A

Secção AA B B
A500 NR 0.3

6.5 6.5
c = 3 cm

Consider that the principal amounts of bending reinforcement and shear reinforcement in the beam are
given by:
2 2
As,span = 28 cm ; As,support = 36 cm

Asw 2 Asw 2
 s ap extremidade = 10 cm /m ;
 s ap intermédio = 18 cm /m

(4.0 val.) a) Detail the reinforcement of the BEAM, using the drawing given in Annex, considering the following
a1 – The longitudinal bottom reinforcement in the edge supports should be greater than, or equal, to
14 cm
a2 – The reinforcement arrangement should attend, with reasonable margins, the minimum
reinforcement prescribed by normative references.
a3 – Note that calculations are not required for the locations of curtailment of bending reinforcement
and shear reinforcement. Please simply indicate curtailment locations that are considered
(2.0 val.) b1) Calculate the ultimate design load of the beam in bending, assuming a uniformly distributed load
along the entire length.
NOTE: 1 – Please use the most conservative value for the effective width bef.
2 – Please verify if the available ductility of the beam is sufficient.
(2.0 val.) b2) Consider now the amounts of detailed shear reinforcement, and the ultimate design load
calculated in b1). Please verify safety at Ultimate Limit State of shear (including the equilibrium at
the edge supports).
(2.0 val.) c) Consider now, for the region of the beam near the middle support, that for a given combination the
design shear force Vsd acts simultaneously with design torsional moment Tsd (can be positive or
such as:
VSd = 400 kN; TSd = ±160 kNm
Please verify safety in this situation, and adapt the detail of reinforcement considered above in point (a).
Explain the calculation options that were considered. The evaluation of the effects on the longitudinal
bending reinforcement is not required, however, verification of compressions in concrete is necessary.
(2.0 val.) d) Consider the following service loads:
 Self-weight of the structure, and weight of the partition walls: p = 40 kN/m
 Quasi-permanent load combination: p = 65 kN/m
Calculate the difference between the long term deflections of the beam (consider  = 2.50), and the
initial deflections caused by self-weight of structure and partition walls.
NOTA: Consider in the calculations only as determinant the mid-span cross-section, using a
rectangular cross-section with 50  80.
Verify that the EC2 limit for deflections, L/500, is verified. Comment the obtained results.
(2.0 val.) e) Explain the following sentences:
1 – "The minimum amounts of reinforcement have two different purposes, ensuring the non-
brittleness at failure caused by applied loads, and limit the crack opening for the effect of
imposed deformations"
NOTE: Please explain based on the mechanical behaviour of reinforced concrete that lead to
this result.
2 – "The distribution of the reinforcement, even in an isostatic reinforced concrete beam, is based on
the lower-bound theorem of Theory of Plasticity, however with some limitations."
NOTE: Please include in the answer the definition of angle , and its admissible values.
f) Under the action of a horizontal force applied in the structure (can act towards right or towards left), the
bending moment diagrams in the beam (V) and in the column (P) are given as follows:
M 2 (V) M 1 (V)

M 2 (P) M 2 (P)
M 1 (V) M 2 (V)


M 1 (P) M 1 (P)

(0.5 val.) f1) Please indicate the relations between the following three variables:
 M1 (V), M2 (V) e M2 (P)
 M1 (P), M2 (P) e V (P)
NOTE: V(P) is shear force in the column.
(1.5 val.) f2) Considering the following inner forces at design level, given for the two load combinations, verify
safety of the COLUMN and calculate the amounts of reinforcement necessary for:
1 – ULS of bending with axial force.
2 – ULS of shear.
NOTE: The second order effects, as well as the geometric imperfections, should not be
Combination 1 – M1,Sd (P) = 300kNm M2,Sd (P) = 300kNm NSd (P) = 1000 (compression)
Combination 2 – M1,Sd (P) = 50kNm M2,Sd (P) = 100kNm NSd (P) = 3000 (compression)
(2.0 val.) f3) Carefully detail the reinforcement of the column (cross-section and elevation), using the specific
drawing given in annex. Detail of the column reinforcement should specifically include the detailing
in the nodes (foundation and beam). Explain the assumptions considered in detailing.
(2.0 val.) f4) Comment the following sentences:
1 – "In a sway, frame type, structure it is not correct to consider that the second order
eccentricities are different in each column."
NOTE: Please explain this idea, including in the answer reference to the axial stiffness of the
beams and slabs that connect the columns.
2 – "The additional transversal reinforcement usually adopted near the nodal zones of the
columns, has as main function to increase ductility in bending, and it is not effective to provide
shear strength to the entire column."
NOTE: In the answer, please specifically explain how the transversal reinforcement increases
the ductility of the cross-section, and why the additional shear reinforcement near the
nodal zones is not effective in increasing the shear strength of the column.

0.4 0.4

0.5 0.8




Nº _______________ NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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