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Subject: ITCCN

Assignment on Unit 4

1. Determine a generator polynomial of a BCH code which can correct t=1,

2, 3 and 4 errors. Assume the block length to be 15.
2. For binary BCH(15,5) triple error correcting code with generator
polynomial g(x)=x10+x8+x5+x4+x2+x+1 Find out the error location if the
received polynomial is r(x)=x5+x3
3. Design (7,3) RS double error correcting code. Use the primitive
polynomial over GF (23), x3+x+1. Find systematic RS code for the
message (,3, 5)
4. For a (7,5) RS code, the received code word polynomial is given as, .
r(x)=x5+5x4+2x3+x2+6x+3 where  is element of GF(23) Find the
corrected code word polynomial, if there is a single error in the received
5. A convolution encoder has a code rate=1/2 constraint length k=3 and
generator given are g1=[111] and g2=[101].Draw the trellis diagram by
using Viterbi algorithm decode sequence 010001000.

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