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Health and Wholeness Primer

First and foremost, you must cut down on ALL sugar intake. That even includes natural
sugars BUT especially the processed ones.

Secondly, you must ONLY drink water (it can be infused with some supplements or
flavoring, but it depends), Tea - Black and Green are your go to but try to drink them
unsweetened (will work on the sweetener part gradually), some ZERO calorie Energy
drinks are ok, and coffee - black or black with cream (Again, we will work on the
sweetener part).

Step 3 - Nutrition - Eat less carbs and MORE protein and fats.

I know, eating fat sounds counterintuitive but they are actually very healthy for you.

There are 2 types of fats I want you to focus on eating....

a.) Monounsaturated Fat

b.) Polyunsaturated Fat

Some Saturated Fats are good for you, as long as they come from what YOU or a
restuarant (rarely recommend) prepare the food - mostly meats and some butters/oils

STAY AWAY from Trans-Fat 100% of the time.

I understand the lack of motivation, trust me, I do, but it's not as much work as you may
think it is. At most 1hr a day for 5 days a week. You do a laborious job, so right there,
you are getting in some cardio and you don't even know it.

Here's what I want you to do, take the extra step at work for now on. If you're up in an
attic with someone else, or down in a basement, and you guys need something from
the truck/van- YOU go and get it. Try to pick up some extra slack as much as you can.

This is a goal, remember why you are doing this. You are NOT weak - that is a frame of
mind - it's called lazy.

Cheat Days
With my plan, you can splurge out twice a mouth (sort of, I'm not telling you to eat a
wedding cake on top of 3 dozen donuts, but nonetheless, I want you to eat like you want
to 2 times a month and not worry about your diet so much).

Like I said, this is just what I want you to do now. I will help you to get the right routine
going, one that not only works for your overall goal, but one that allows you to have
plenty of free time to engage in whatever hobbies you have.

Just trust me, but most importantly, trust yourself. You can do this!!

BMR - Basel Metabolic Rate

We are want to find out your BMR (Basel Metabolic Rate) not BMI, but BMR.

This way we can gauge what we want to aim for in terms of caloric intake.

There are plenty of BMR calculators online, but you need to at least try to use 3 of them,
to get the most accurate data you can over the computer.

A BMR calculator measures your average calorie expenditure throughout the day (by
literally just existing). It will ask you your age, height, weight, job style, and all sorts of
questions - answer as accurate as possible.

Some calculators will even have a weight loss goal or weight gain goal suggestive
calorie intake - don't really pay attention to that. Your workouts, plus your everyday
job/movements, will not be factored in to their estimations.

So..... go on at least 3 (or more) BMR calculators. Fill them out, record what they tell
you. Try to stay away from processed foods (almost anything in a package or canned,
but some things are ok, it all depends - I'll explain later), BUT ESPECIALLY anything
with sugar, added sugar, etc... some natural sugars are ok right now (Real honey,
Stevia, Fruits, Real Maple Syrup - if you can afford it).

Diet II
Stay away from ALL soda, including diet. - drink water (infused is ok, black coffee or
with cream only, stevia ok too, drink black and/or green tea the same way - straight or
with some lemon and/or stevia or light amounts of honey.

SOME natural fruit juice that is 'Not from Concentrate' is ok too.

And last but not least, SOME zero calorie energy drinks are ok to drink as well - but all
that I listed is it!)

Consider your;

● Grocery Budget

● What foods you will absolutely not eat

● Are you putting in the little bit of extra work in at work.

Go to your local Walmart and grab the generic Whey Protein (Walmart Brand)

I recommend vanilla. Get you some kind of container to be able to shake it up in and
drink - only add water, if you need to add a LITTLE bit of cream/half and half (NO Dairy -
for right now). We'll work on adding all the flavor stuff to it later and make post workout
meal smoothies - with all sorts of good shit. But for now, work with this.

Avoid Milk for now; The problem with milk is the lactose (sugar). Later on, it wont be a
problem. We want to get you on a cutting diet right now - which is mostly meat, fish,
greens, and fats.

Some natural sugars are ok right now (fruit, honey, REAL maple syrup, stevia, even
some RAW cane sugar - but I would stay away because it's very easy to overdo).

When it comes to dairy -

● Cream

● Butter

● Plain Greek Yogurt

● 4-6oz Cheese Daily is ok (even cottage cheese - which I like)

● Obviously Whey

● Obviously Casein

Now, some of these products have natural sugar - it's ok

We want to limit as much as we can though.

When it comes to meat, dig in (unless traditionally fried - theres Keto/healthy ways to fry
foods that taste just as good, if not better, but for now, stay away from all fried food. TRY
to stay away from processed meats as well. I say TRY because I know you're not a
millionaire here and sandwich sliced meat, canned meat, or packaged meat is an easy,
less expensive opinion - JUST KNOW fresher is better, and if you want sandwich meat
(if you can afford it) get the big packaged meats from the Deli and slice your own
sandwich meat.

Meats -

● All Beef - Packaged sausage is ok.

● All Fish - Fresh is best, but frozen and canned is ok.

● Even Shell Fish - Shrimp has HIGH cholesterol though so in moderation

● All Turkey

● All Chicken

● Eggs - Hard boil you a couple. They make great snacks or on the run breakfast. You
can eat 2 eggs everyday. They fight off bad cholesterol.

● All Lamb

● All Pork (even bacon and sausage, yes I know its processed/packaged, but it's ok
right now)

You need to eat foods with collagen.

● It can be found in Peppers, Coconuts, Broccoli, etc...

● Supplement Collagen if you have to. It's great for your skin.

We want to eat as less carbs as possible, but we are going to do this somewhat slowly.
We are going to wean off of them, that includes most natural sugars like fruit (extremely
overrated) and a lot of vegetables (you really only want to eat greens anyways, trust
Carbs for right now -

● Sweet Potato

● Yams

● Brown Rice

● Quinoa

● Plain Oatmeal (Steel Cut are the best, but you have to cook them yourself.
Microwaveable [NO flavor BS] is ok. It actually tastes great with a splash of cream and a
scoop of protein powder and cinnamon.

● Legumes - Most Beans, regular peanuts, Peanut Butter, Peas, Lentils, pretty much
all legumes are high in protein but they are NOT a complete protein. You need to mix
them with a grain (rice or any other grain. Rice and beans are a complete source of
protein) or meat in order to make them a complete source of protein.

● Whole Grains - Mostly breads and pastas, but LIMIT these. Wild and Brown rice are
also a grain. That should be the only grains you eat.

● All Fruits (for right now. It'll help come of the sugar, but LIMIT them)

● All Vegetables - mostly Greens though (Iceberg lettuce is NOT a green)

● 100% Natural Honey - Helps to come off of sugar.

Slowly we will be coming off of carbs, almost all the way. They will be a rare treat
down the line, so enjoying them while you can. Some of these you will rarely eat again
(just until you get the hang of this nutrition bullshit, then you can decide on how to go
about your eating habits, but for now, just trust me.

Fats -

● Oils - but only Sesame oil, Almond oil, Peanut oil, Coconut oil, and Olive oil (Extra
virgin, or whatever your taste buds like [and fish oil but that's a little different]

● Almost all Seeds - Sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, flaxseed.

● All Nuts - peanuts are NOT nuts.

● Avocados & Coconuts - I know I said fruits, but these are a staple in a clean
nutritious diet

● Natural Fats - they will come with the foods you eat. Remember, saturated fats are
ok on meat that you or a restuarant cooks (NO TRANS FAT EVER!!!)

Fats increase your testosterone, libido and better brain function.

Snacks -

● You should be able to find some things to snack on through all that I gave you above,

● Pork Rinds

● Nuts and Seeds

● Cheese sticks even with pepperoni

● Hard Boiled eggs

● Quest Protien Bars - Or any LOW carb protein bar

I may have left some things out, but this stuff right here is what you should be shopping
for at your local grocery. Sugar and carbs are literally more addictive than Cocaine,
believe it or not, so I know you will have a tough time with getting rid of these things
from your diet.

Grab a piece of fruit instead.

Grab plain Greek Yogurt and add honey or Stevia

Make some oatmeal with fruit and protein powder, add stevia

Do whatever you can to stay away from sugar and carbs.


● No starches - Corn, potatoes, bread, pasta, cereal, etc....

● We all ready know NO SUGAR

● No soda, diet or of any kind

● No Fast Food!!

● No Fried Food - I don't care what it is.

● No soda, diet or of any kind

● No Fast Food!!

● No Fried Food - I don't care what it is.

● No Soy

We will gradually work you down to a nutritious diet that's not only good for you and will
help you achieve your goals, but will eventually taste great, I promise. I know you might
not think so at the moment, but please, just trust me, things will get easier for you. This
is like a detox - and I have to go through it too. I have pretty much been eating like a
slob and sitting on my ass for 2 years. I also have some work to do, but I have the know
how. Let me help you.

Some things to pick up -

● Whey Protien - Whatever flavor, but try to get 30g per serving. I find that Vanilla goes

● Fish Oil Supplements - They're a MUST

● A Men's Multivitamin

● Zinc - Helps regulate/build Testosterone

● Magnesium - Helps regulate Testosterone and other hormones

● ALWAYS try to get 6hrs of uninterrupted sleep. Sleep releases HGH (Human Growth
Hormone) and regulates other hormones as well. This will be VERY important once you
start lifting weight. Your muscles need SLEEP to synthesize the nutrients to not only
repair but GROW.
If your budget allows for it -

● BCAAs - it's a flavored/unflavored powder you can mix water. BCAA stands for
Branch Chain Amino Acids. You 1000% NEED these to get your muscles to repair and
grow. Almost all food contain these - legumes only contain a portion of these, and that is
why they are not a complete source of protein. That is why you need to eat legumes
with grains, to create that "branch-chain", in order to get a complete source of protein.

BCAAs are essential. Without them, your muscles will not heal, nor will they grow.

It is good to supplement them to make sure that your muscles are synthesizing the
protien you put in your body throughout the day.

These will be recommended when you start to lift weights.

● Creatine - There are multiple versions of this. Long story short, they work with the
ATP in your muscles to make them have more stamina and power.

This will also be recommended when you start to lift weights.

How to count carbs when you are out.

Everything in the US has "Nutrition Facts" on the package somewhere.

In all of those facts you will find a few things to keep your eye on....

● Calories - amount per serving, what's the serving size?

● Fats - What kind of fat? NO trans fat, limit saturated fat unless you or restuarant
cooks. Monounsaturated fats are GREAT. Polyunsaturated fats are GREAT

● Protein - The more the better, remember, "amount per serving".

● Carbohydrates - This is the number you're looking for. The less, the better. Almost all
carbs turn into glucose, which turn into sugars, which turn into FAT ON YOUR BODY.

Important -

How to count carbs - try to stay under 80g carbs a day if possible. This is your goal right
now. That and no sugar.
On the "Nutrition Facts" it will say Carbohydrates somewhere on the package. Then it
will tell you the amount in grams (don't worry about the percentages, they're not for

Underneath that it will say: Fiber or Dietary Fiber, Total sugars, Sugars added, Sugar
Alcohols, etc.

For example, if it says;

Total Carbohydrates 37g

Dietary Fiber 4g

How many Carbs are in this package?

Answer: 33g

No matter what, you ALWAYS subtract the "Dietary Fiber/Fiber" and/or "Sugar Alcohols"

On almost all protien powders or bars you will see "Sugar Alcohols".

Always subtract that number from the Carbohydrate total.

Same thing goes with "Dietary Fiber" or "Fiber".

Sugar Alcohols are a added sweetener aka sugar substitute.

Dietary Fiber does not count as a Carbohydrate even though they count it as one. Your
body does not absorb it.

Meal Preparation

I would spend anywhere from $45 to 75 a week at the grocery store and I bough
EVERYTHING there, including hygiene, laundry detergent, or whatever else I need.

A protien container should last you ALMOST 2 wks. It all depends.

I would pick ONE day out of the week, 4hrs, and cook just about everything I had - then
store it in Tupperware. Shit is SOOO much easier that way.

Then buy steel cut oats (about the same price).... trust me. You can throw walnuts,
cinnamon, or whatever in there to make the best oatmeal ever.... make it extra creamy
and add whey protein powder when it's done cooking. Its soooo fucking good.

Let's just say your BMR is 3500.

This means you want to aim for

3000 kcal a day.

We'll work on your other values when we can set up a lifting routine.

3500 calories is equal to 1lb of fat.

If you can shave off 500 calories a day, you'll lose 1lb of fat a week, and this needs to
be done right. Don't rush shit.

You'll end up with loose skin.

Just TRUST ME. I got you. In 3-6 months, you'll be in VERY noticeable shape. It all
depends though. Everybody has a different body and metabolism to work with.

Muscle and Body Facts

When your body uses energy - It goes for the carbs (glucose [sugars], glycogen, which
is basically stored water in the muscles, from carbs). Then it will breakdown your
muscles (mico-tears, and eat away at your muscle/protien - valine, isoleucine, and
leucine [which are your BCAAs]). Then, and only when your body as exhausted all of its
resources (sugars, carbs, protiens), will it start to eat away the the fat you have stored.
This is a great reason why to supplement BCAAs. You're essentially giving your
muscles an INSTANT repair when using BCAAs.

Again, they are found naturally with food but your body won't receive those nutrients
until after strenuous activities and when you finally are able to enjoy a meal.





BCAAs = Protien = a completion of these 3 Amino Acids -

■ Valine ■ Isoleucine ■ Leucine

You need ALL 3 in order to have a complete source of protein

Here's the goal -

We get your diet right, make sure you're getting the proper amounts of your Macro
Nutrients (Fats, Carbs, Proteins). We then work on getting some Micro Nutrients in
order - I cannot stress to you how important Magnesium, Zinc, and Omega-3s (Fish
Oil) are.

Of course, they are plenty of other micro nutrients that we can mess with latter down the
line. This is why I said to get a Men's Multivitamin for the time being. Buy that separate
from the above listed micros.

Then we will shock your body - weight training. For the first week, we will be all over the
place but only to stretch and put minor stress on ligaments you are not using.

This is a gradual process.

How do you feel about skipping breakfast? Then a small lunch, and HUGE dinner - just
for right now, while you work. It will really help you to meet your carb goals..... and yes,
you will fill sluggish at first. Maybe drink some coffee in the morning, and just try it?

If you can't skip breakfast, then NO CARBS (or under 20g) - This is only for a short time,
I promise.

Try to eat 2 to 3 eggs (however you want them, that's why I suggested hardboiled - Fast
& Easy.) with a few ounces of cheese would be ther perfect meal.

Here - 2 to 3 eggs with 2oz of cheese and a piece of fruit.

Almost all fruit are a low glycemic carb - meaning that they take a while for the carbs to

Can you do a small breakfast like this? I'd rather you try to skip breakfast altogether if
you're able - AGAIN, just until we get to lifting.

Remember what I said, this transformation will take place betweens 3-6 months, but it
ALL depends on you.... and some other uncontrollable factors, but mostly YOU.

Weight Lifting Workout

Squat; 135 lbs 3x5

Bench Press; 135lbs 2x5

Pull up locks; 1xfailure

Pull yourself up, over hand grip, hands about shoulder width apart. Pull up to about
halfway and squeeze your back and shoulder blades together- hold for 5sec - release
the squeeze but NOT the grip of the bar or whatever you are using. Do this as many
times as you can, until you can no longer squeeze or hold on.

Bicep Curls (preacher curl, single bar); 40lbs 2x8

Shoulder press; 60lbs 2x5

Immediately after do shoulder raises

Shoulder Raise (single bar, seated); 5lbs per hand 1xfailure

Stand tall and like a bird, flap (but with form, keep your arms straight) do this as many
times as possible - raise the weight to neck level and bring it down, but not all the way -
keep tension on your shoulders. Do this until you can't anymore.

Push Ups; 1xfailure


We wont go into deadlifts yet. This should be your first workout, it's only goal is to
shock your joints and ligaments. You should get this all done within 20-30min

Only take about a 2min rest between these workouts - Everything else will change. I will
draw you up a plan. Then we can focus on building muscle and the right routine. It WILL
change from time to time.

We need to figure out of you have "fast twitch" muscle fibers (a lot of power with little
stamina) or "slow twitch" muscle fibers (a lot of stamina with little power). We will know
within about a month.

I will look up some videos to show you proper form and what I would like you to do. We
will be doing a lot of circuit training (that's one exercise right into the next without a
break). We will also focus on compound movements. Like I said, I will get you some
short videos to look over.

I have to work tmrw, so give me until Wednesday to have some vids and another
workout, assuming that you will do this all tonight, huh? Lol

It WILL get intense, don't let this little bs I'm having you do represent what I am after. It
will take your body about 2wks to get used to these movements, so for the first 2wks, it
will be somewhat light, only to make sure your ligaments, joints, and muscles can take
this new form of movements. Your body is not prepared as of yet, so understand this.
Like I always tell everyone, the first 2wks SUCK!! You're sore, you see no improvement,
it gets annoying, etc. Push through and it will happen.

■ Muscle is built on the "Eccentric" part of the lifts -

"Concentric" movement is when the muscle shortens while producing force

(contracting the muscle). This happens when you are raising the weight during a biceps
curl. "Eccentric" movement is when the muscle lengthens while producing force. For
example, when you're lowering the weight back down during a biceps curl.

So ALWAYS (and slowly, if you can help it) control the weight as you are in the 2nd have
of the lift (that's generally the eccentric part of the lift) - For instance - Bench Press - you
are not gaining the muscle from the 'push up' of the bar, but from the slow descent of
the weight to your chest. This is the case with ALL movements. It's the descent of the
weight (eccentric movement) that provides the micro tears your muscles need to grow.

Each exercise should be done right after the other. Try to keep a 2-4min window
between each exercise. STAY HYDRATED!! After it's all said and done, wait 45min
before you eat a single thing or drink anything with any calories (your body with
be in 'fat burning mode').

After the 45min has elapsed, reach for a Protien Shake - just power and water (a little
bit of unsweetened cream if you have it, but just a little, like a splash), and one piece of
fruit, or add it to your shake of you have a blender.

For a meal.Try to eat some Chicken Breast, Turkey, or Fish if possible. If not, eat some
type of meat - Beef or Pork. Eat a moderate amount of Brown rice with moderate butter
and pick a green leafy vegetable to eat with it all - Romaine lettuce with some apple
cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil is good or eat a handful of spinach (which I
recommend, it's like a natural steroid - maybe mix it with your cooked rice.) Just find a
leafy green to eat.

You can also do negative pull ups (start at the top, and slowly lower yourself).

We will also develop into Incline flys, and Incline presses. These are KEY to chest.

Breakfast when you workout

I want you to eat (every morning), as of right now, plain oatmeal with a scoop of Protien
mix in after you cook the oatmeal (NEVER cook protein powder) alternate with 2 eggs
and a shake. So every other morning.

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