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Email: salem96na@icloud.

com Salem N Alhajri

12 Dec 2019

HR Department,
Dear HR Manager

I am writing to apply for the apprenticeship program at your esteemed organization. I came
across your ad on, and after reading the description I was very much inclined to
apply for it.

I am a fresh graduate in Mechanical Engineering from University of Idaho, US. With my

engineering coursework and project experience, my innovative mindset and affinity for problem
solving, I believe I am a strong candidate for this program. As an undergraduate, I have balanced
a rigorous course load and a number of extracurricular activities that have allowed me to enhance
my skills relevant to this role. Specific to engineering, through my academic courses, projects
and experiences I have developed abilities in design and modeling, an understanding of
materials, and have practiced different manufacturing technologies. In addition to academic team
projects that require collaboration and strong writing and presentation skills, I have also
participated in several engineering competitions.

Moreover, for practicing my engineering concepts and enhancing my experience, I worked as an

engineering intern at KOC(Kuwait Oil Company), where I completed several projects which
helped me improve my interpersonal, time and project management skills. In addition to this, my
final year project also helped me enhance my team working and project management skills.

Throughout all of my experiences, I have used my dedication to efficient and creative problem
solving and my ability to prioritize and manage competing demands to positive ends.

I am looking forward to apply my engineering knowledge and skills at your esteemed

organization, and to learn and grow here. Will be awaiting your reply. Attached, please find my
resume for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Salim N Alhajri

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