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MODULE 2 Learning Activity 3


Wi-Fi is defined as an A teacher demonstrates to

abbreviation for wireless his/her students to connect a
fidelity, meaning you can access laptop to a wireless fidelity zone
or connect to a network using in school. He asks the learners to
radio waves, without needing to connect their laptops after him.
use wires.

A virus is any of a large group A physician exhibits on live

of submicroscopic infectious television the causes how a
agents that are usually human being could possibly
regarded as nonliving catch the Corona Virus and
extremely complex molecules, demonstrates how a person can
that typically contain a protein somehow prevent it.
coat surrounding an RNA or
DNA core of genetic material
but no semipermeable
membrane, that are capable of
growth and multiplication only
in living cells, and that cause
various important diseases in
humans, animals, and plants.

To fly is to move or the A science teacher discusses

capability to move in the air. about motion. He presents a
video showing how the bird fly
from one nest to another.
Afterwards, she asks her
students to imitate it.

A galaxy is a gravitationally The National Aeronautics and

bound system of stars, stellar Space Administration
remnants, interstellar gas, dust, consolidates images and videos
and dark matter taken from outer space in one
searchable location so that
anyone who wants to see them
could easily download data.

Hyper Text Markup Language is A programmer encodes symbols

the standard markup language to a simple HTML Document,
for creating Web pages. It presents and explains how the
describes the structure of a Web codes work while the
page, consists of a series of participants are attentively
elements that tell the browser watching and engaging actively
how to display the content and in the presentation.
label pieces of content such as
"this is a heading", "this is a
paragraph", "this is a link", etc.

Mark Anthony M. Reyes, CT-1

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