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According to the reading passage, in spite of the expressed doubts, it is

proved that Robert Peary, a well-known arctic explorer, reached the

North Pole on April 7, 1909. On the other hand, the lecturer finds the
presented reasons in the reading dubious and unconvincing and
provides counter evidence to refute them all.
The first reason discussed by the reading is that the committee put
together by the National Geographic Society declared that Peary’s
accounts were consistent and he had actually reached the North Pole.
Conversely, the professor states that the committee was mostly
consisting of Peary’s close friends who had funded his trips, so it did not
act objectively and their investigation took only 2 days which shows it
was not a thorough examination and can not be considered as a proof.
Secondly, the reading asserts that due to the same trek made by Tom
Avery, which was so similar to Peary’s, it is believed that Peary’s trip
could have also ended up in the North Pole. On the contrary, the speaker
explains that Avery’s trip had been different in many ways, ; for
example, although he had the same sled as Peary’s, he carried less
weight by his sled and the weather in which he started his journey was
highly favorable which is in direct contradiction with the weather in
which Peary had set off.
The last argument explained by the reading is that the position of the
Surf calculated by the measurements of the shadows in the photographs
taken by Peary shows that he had indeed been at the North Pole on that
day. However, the lecturer casts doubt on this point and highlights the
fact that the photographs were taken by a primitive camera and were so
blurred and fainted, so they could have not shown the precise
measurement of the shadows and therefore calculate the position of the

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