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The 20th and 21st centuries are characterized by all the momentous

changes they have made in human’s lives. Perhaps the most important
milepost of these two centuries is education and the most controversial
part of this issue is children’s education. One of the most contentious
questions, which is often raised regarding this issue, is whether parents
today are more involved in children’s education than were they in the
past. I strongly contend that nowadays children’s education is mostly
managed and led by their parents and in the following paragraphs I will
delve into three conspicuous reasons to elaborate on my standpoint.
The first reason coming to mind is that in the modern world, most of the
people are educated and knowledgeable and are well aware of the
impact of a good level of education in on one’s future and success. These
sophisticated people are focused on giving their children a chance of
having a high level of education and being provided by all kinds of
needed facilities. Based on a recent statistics conducted in this area, the
more people study and improve their own knowledge, the more time,
money and energy they spend on educating their children.
The second significant reason supporting my idea is that from a
sociological point of view, the modern families are not expanded as
were they in the past and today most of the families have only one or
two children and this highly suggests that parents probably have more
time to spend on their children’s education and supervise them.
Moreover, financially speaking, parents with even limited budgets can
afford to provide their children with an acceptable level of education
and improve their knowledge.
The last but not the least point to be mentioned is that the world we live
in has enormously changed and today the criteria on which the
assessments are based have altered and education has become a very
influential factor in one’s success. Therefore, parents who are quite
obsessed with their children’s overall performance, take any effort to
enhance their level of education and help them guarantee their future
To wrap it all, all the aforementioned information lead us to an
undeniable fact explaining that the modern era offers golden
opportunities and unassailable victories solely to the members of
society possessing acceptable degrees of education and this fact is the
main reason why modern parents are more involved in their children’s
education than were they in the past. And finally, in an intellectual life,
are not the young generation are not expected to act perfectly and
surpass the old ones while they are provided with all types of
educational facilities and financial aids by their parents?

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