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TOPIC Page No:

1. Introduction 1
2. Product classification and specification 3
3. Five Product production Process 13
4. Aggregate production schedule 36
5. ABC Classification 43
6. Bill of Material 45
7. Product Structure Tree 46
8. Product Approximate Cost 47
9. Maintenance Requirement 48
10. Product Application 53
11. Product Technology Options 54

In 1656, Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch scientist, made the first pendulum clock, regulated
by a mechanism with a "natural" period of oscillation. (Galileo Galilei is credited with
inventing the pendulum-clock concept, and he studied the motion of the pendulum as
early as 1582. He even sketched out a design for a pendulum clock, but he never actually
constructed one before his death in 1642.) Huygens' early pendulum clock had an error of
less than 1 minute a day, the first time such accuracy had been achieved. His later
refinements reduced his clock's error to less than 10 seconds a day.

Around 1675, Huygens developed the balance wheel and spring assembly, still found in
some of today's wristwatches. This improvement allowed portable 17th century watches
to keep time to 10 minutes a day. And in London in 1671, William Clement began
building clocks with the new "anchor" or "recoil" escapement, a substantial improvement
over the verge because it interferes less with the motion of the pendulum.

In 1721, George Graham improved the pendulum clock's accuracy to 1 second per day by
compensating for changes in the pendulum's length due to temperature variations. John
Harrison, a carpenter and self-taught clock-maker, refined Graham's temperature
compensation techniques and developed new methods for reducing friction. By 1761, he
had built a marine chronometer with a spring and balance wheel escapement that won the
British government's 1714 prize (worth more than $10,000,000 in today's currency) for a
means of determining longitude to within one-half degree after a voyage to the West
Indies. It kept time on board a rolling ship to about one-fifth of a second a day, nearly as
well as a pendulum clock could do on land, and 10 times better than required to win the

Over the next century, refinements led in 1889 to Siegmund Riefler's clock with a nearly
free pendulum, which attained an accuracy of a hundredth of a second a day and became
the standard in many astronomical observatories. A true free-pendulum principle was
introduced by R.J. Rudd about 1898, stimulating development of several free-pendulum
clocks. One of the most famous, the W.H. Shortt clock, was demonstrated in 1921. The

Shortt clock almost immediately replaced Riefler's clock as a supreme timekeeper in
many observatories. This clock contained two pendulums, one a slave and the other a
master. The slave pendulum gave the master pendulum the gentle pushes needed to
maintain its motion, and also drove the clock's hands. This allowed the master pendulum
to remain free from mechanical tasks that would disturb its regularity.

Quartz Clocks
The performance of the Shortt clock was overtaken as quartz crystal oscillators and
clocks, developed in the 1920s and onward, eventually improved timekeeping
performance far beyond that achieved using pendulum and balance-wheel escapements.
Quartz clock operation is based on the piezoelectric property of quartz crystals. If you
apply an electric field to the crystal, it changes its shape, and if you squeeze it or bend it,
it generates an electric field. When put in a suitable electronic circuit, this interaction
between mechanical stress and electric field causes the crystal to vibrate and generate an
electric signal of relatively constant frequency that can be used to operate an electronic
clock display.
Quartz crystal clocks were better because they had no gears or escapements to disturb
their regular frequency. Even so, they still relied on a mechanical vibration whose
frequency depended critically on the crystal's size, shape and temperature. Thus, no two
crystals can be exactly alike, with just the same frequency. Such quartz clocks and
watches continue to dominate the market in numbers because their performance is
excellent for their price. But the timekeeping performance of quartz clocks has been
substantially surpassed by atomic clocks.

Product classification and specification

Classification of Watches:
A) Watches are classified according to the type of material used in their

Based On Types Picture Description

Brass The Raw material
used in this case is
the Brass. Brass is
used for watch
making because of
the properties of it
like malleability
allowing it to take
care easily.
The shine of brass
metal makes it
more attractive.

Steel Steel watches are

durable and can go
high amount of
Stainless steel is
used because of its
easy availability
and low costs

Alloy Alloys of Gold and
Silver are used to
make premium or
high-end watches.

Alloys are used

basically for
aesthetic and status
purposes of a

Polyamide Polyamide or
Plastic watches are
usually used to
make sports
watches. These are
easy to mould
watches and can be
given any shape
with ease.
Plastic is ideal to
make watches
water proof
because of its non
corrosive property

B) Based on Gender

Based On Types Picture Description

Gender Gents
Gents watches are
characterized by
the fact that the
case is broader
and has a dial
which is big
enough to fit a
persons wrist
Ladies watches
are characterized
by the fact that the
case and dial are
much smaller in
comparisons with
the male

c) Watches are Classifies according to their Shapes as

Based On Types Picture Description

The case is made
Round Round. Hence the
internal parts have
to be designed
The internal
components in
these case are
The case is Square
Shaped or oval or any other
than Round.
The internal
components in this
case have to be
customized as per
the case.

D) Based on Mechanism

Based On Types Picture Description

watches are the
first kind of
watches where
in the movement
consisted or a
spring which
when wound
stored energy
for movement of
the gear train
which in turn
rotated the

Quartz are the
newer kinds of
watches which
are operated by
a battery and
have a quartz
crystal which
rotates the hand.

2) The components of a Watch

The External Components of a watch are those components, which form the outer
part of a watch. These components are outside the case.
( The Frontal View of a Watch)

Watch Strap

Bezel Dial


Spring Bar

1. Bezel:
The outer case of the watch is called a bezel. The word bezel comes from the swiss
word, which means the outer case or box.
The case holds the internal components of the watch.
The container houses the movement of the watch and protecting it against D ust,
moisture, jarring and other hazards.

2. Back Cover:
The Back cover actually forms the closing unit of the Bezel. thin metal strip that can
be either snap fitted or screwed to the bezel

3. Strap:
The component used to wear the watch unit over the wrist.

4. Crown:
Knurled or grooved knob located on the outside of a watch case and used to
manually wind the watch. In the case of quartz watches the crown is used to set the
time and change date and day settting

5. Dial:
Disc or plate made of metal or another substance, inscribed with various markings,
including obvious indications for the hours, minutes and seconds. Uniquely varied in
shape, decoration and material, they are inscribed with numerals, figures, symbols,
divisions and other information

6. Spring Bar or Torsion Bar:

In wristwatch-cases, a thin metal rod fixed between the horns, for attaching the

7. Movement Hands:

Indicator usually made of a thin, light piece of metal, very variable in form, which
moves over a graduated dial or scale. Watches usually have three hands showing the
hours, minutes and seconds.

The Internal Components of the Watch

The Internal components of a watch are as follows

(The Rear View of a watch without back Cover)

Back Cover Movement

Drive Train

( Front View of a Watch Case or bezel)

The Lug

Mineral Glass Mineral Glass Gasket

Inter Lug Distance

Component Pictures:
Movement Movement Holder Mineral Glass Mineral Back Cover
Glass Gasket


1. The Movement:
The Movement is the main chief assembly of the watch. The different types of
movements are the mechanical movents used in mechanical watches which take
energy from a wounded spring and the electronic movements of the quartz
watches whicha are powered by a tiny battery. The movement is the assembly
making up the principal elements and mechanisms of a watch or clock: the
winding and setting mechanism, the mainspring, the train, the escapement, and
the regulating elements.

This is the chief driving unit in the watch assembly. Mechanical movements are
manufacturing and designed by Switzerland where as the electronic movements
are designed by Large Scale integration technolgoies, by advanced countries like
Japan. Some Japanese giants like Citizen Industries and Seiko are the chief
movement exporters in the world. Countries like India are whole dependant on
Japan and China for the supply of Movements.

2. The Movement Holder: The Movement holder is a plastic unit, which holds the
movement inside a case. The main purpose of the movement holder is to keep the
movement in the fixed assembled position even in case of heavy jerks while using

the watch. The movement holders keeps the movement from rolling in the case
and thereby the maintains the smooth operation of the hands of the watch.

3. Mineral Glass: Mineral glass is a thin plate of glass or transparent synthetic

material, for protecting the dials of watches, clocks, etc. This glass protects dial
and also serves the purpose of transparency to check out the time.

4. Mineral Glass Gasket: A gasket covering the mineral glass. This gasket enables
the glass to fit correctly over the metal or plastic case. The purpose of this gasket
is to make the front part of the watch where the glass fits waterproof.

5. Back Cover Gasket: The Back cover Gasket is a rubber gasket ring that is rolled
over the back cover so that the space between the back cover and the bezel groove
becomes waterproof.

Five Part Production Process:

1) Manufacture of Brass Bezel:

Model Type: Model 4001

Shape: Brass Round Bezel
Bezel Ring: N/A

Raw Material: Brass

Raw Material Shape: Brass Billets
Raw material Size: ∅22 * 25 mm

Process Title: Press Processes
1) Hot Forming:




Molten Billet

Hot Forming Press

Hot forming is the process of heating the metal to the temperature just below its
melting point and then deforming it by a external force inside a cavity where in it
takes the shape of that cavity when it cools down.
The brass metal is heated till it becomes yellowish red in color.

The eccentric press in this case provides the external force. The red-hot brass billet is
placed in the die of the required shape and the punch hits the metal by the downward
movement of the ram of the press. The metal in its heated form has atoms in a loosely
bound state and hence the metal flows into the various cavities of the die. On getting
back to the solid state the shape of the watchcase in the die is taken up by the metal,
which is pulled out of the cavity and then cooled by water. This particular output of
the initial process is called a Bezel.

2) Punching

The Punching process is the process of punching the diameter bore of the watch in the

Tools used: Punching Die and Punch.

Here in this case the a punching die is used in the ram of a 100T press to bore the
initial bore of the bezel. The process creates a fixed diameter bore in the bezel.

3) Trimming

The initial bezel has extruded metal along the edges known as flashes. These flashes
need to be removed so as the smoothen the edges of the bezel. This is done either in
the press or a lathe during the later process of boring. Using a press for the process

reduces the costs. The bezel is placed in the trimming die and a trimming punch
slashes of the flashes.

Machine Used: 100T Trimming Press

Tools Used: Trimming Die and Punch

Trimming Press

4) Acid Cleaning

Process Title: Machining Processes

Machine: Done Manually
Tools Used: None
Consumable Used:H2SO4 sulphuric Acid & HNO3 Nitric acid

The bezel needs to be cleaned so as to remove the oxides deposited on it during the
process of hot forming. This is done by first cleaning the bezel in a concentrated

solution of Sulphuric Acid and then cleaning it in a concentrated solution of nitric

The final job termed as press finished is sent to the machine shop of machining.

Machine Shop Processes

1) Rough Boring

Machine Used: Lathe and Special Purpose Lathes

Tool Used: BT3 S6 Boring Tool
Process of Rough Boring on a Lathe



BT3 S6 Tool

Tool Stock

Conventional Lathe

Special Purpose Lathe

Hydraulic CNC Lathe

The bezel already has a bore cut into it in the process of punching in the press shop.
This bore now has to be standardized as per the tolerance limits of the design

drawings. Initial rough boring process actually increases the diameter up to the outer
diameter of the bore. Then bezel is then checked up by quality control department
before being forwarded for fine boring.

2) Fine Boring
Machine Used: Lathe
Tool Used: BT3 S6 P30 Boring Tool
The process of fine boring reduces the bore down to the tolerance limits of the drawings.
The allowances left for the next process of buffing and polishing are left as need.

Boring Process

BT3 S6 Boring Tool

SB Hole
CP Hole

Inner Diameter Outer

Back cover diameter

Lug Milling

3) Lug Milling:
Machine Used: Lug Miller vertical type
Tool Used: Milling Cutter

Milling Machine

Up to 100 to 200 bezel are placed on a supporting rod and then milling is done on the
lug as per the requirements. This process is a slow in comparison to other processes.
Hence more machines are needed.

4) Outer Diameter Cutting

Machine: Lathe
Tools Used: BT3 S6 P60

The Outer diameter of the watch is cut in this process where in the mineral glass in
the case fits. The outer diameter cutting is done till the buffing allowance limit is

5) Inner Diameter Cutting

Machine: Lathe
Tools Used: BT3 S6 P60

The inner diameter for the watchcase is cut where in the back cover fits.

The inner diameter of the watch is cut in this process where in the back cover gasket
in the case fits. The inner diameter cutting is done till the buffing allowance limit is
reached. The diameter fits the back cover in this case in a snap fit.

6) SB Hole Drilling

Machine: Drilling Machine

Tools Used: 10mm drill bit

Drill Bit


The spring bar holes are drilled into the bezel lugs. These are the holes where in the
spring bars of the straps fits.

The drilling Process is the process where in the case is mounted in vices and the holes
are drilling as per the designs. This process is done in a conventional machine where
in only a single bezel is drilled at a time.
Conventional Drilling Machine

7) CP Hole Drilling

Machine: Drilling Machine

Tools Used: 6mm drill bit
Drill Bits

A CASE PIPE hole is drilled. This is the bore into which later the crown of the
case fits. This crown is used to set up the watch time and other functions

This machine-finished bezel next moves on to the buffing Shop.

Process Title: Buffing Processes

1) Rough Buffing

Machine Used: Buffing Machine

Tool Used: PVA Wheels

Buffing Machine

Transform virtually any metal surface from a dull rough finish to a lustrous shine!
The key to that satisfying gleam is knowing where to start and understanding the
difference between polishing and buffing. Polishing removes a heavy amount of
material, like during sanding or grinding. Buffing is the process that brings out the
actual full brilliance of a part. Parts with dented or scratched surfaces will first require
some conditioning before buffing can be effective.

The watch is held on collets and is made in contact with a buff wheel.
In a buffing machine Buffers spin at a high RPM (usually 3600 rpm), which is more
than enough to launch parts across the room or into you if the part is not held
properly. Contact with the lower portion of the wheel. The wheel should pass over
corners and edges, not toward corners and edges. The piece is tightly and applies light
(about 2 lb.) pressure against the wheel.
Buffing removes the material in micron thus creating a even surface.
Rough buffing is done so as to achieve micro cut of the material so a to form a even
surface of later final buff and a smooth surface for plating process.

2) Fine Buffing

Tool Used: PVA Wheels

The process of fine boring is a process like rough boring and is done in a similar
machine but with more precision and accuracy so as to make the bezel ready for
diamond cutting and electroplating.

Process Title: Machining Process

1) Diamond Cutting
Machine Used: Special Purpose Lathe
Tool Used: Diamond Tools

The diamond cutting process is delicate process where in the diameter where the dial
fits into is cut. The diamond cut surface is given a very smooth surface, which shines
like a mirror and reflects the dial inside it. The diamond cutting process is done with a
diamond tool on a special pupose lathe which has customized collets for holding the
bezel and a tool post to hold the diamond tool.
Diamond cutting process is similar to a outer diameter cutting process but is done by
using a diamond tool.

Diamond tools

Tools Having Diamond

tipped cutting edges.

Process Title: Plating Process

Machine Used: A Electroplating tank

Chemical Used: Gold Plating Cyanide


Electroplating is a process by which a thin layer of gold, silver, palladium, and other
metals are deposited onto a conductive object to enhance its appearance and value.
Utilizing an electrical current, positively charged metal "ions" travel through a liquid
solution known as an "electrolyte", and are deposited onto a negatively charged metal

any type of metal or conductive surface can be plated. We have successfully plated
over titanium, stainless steel, mild steel, and numerous other base metals.
Electroplating over copper, bronze, aluminum and silver are the most commonly
plated materials. We do not plate nonconductive items such as wood, plastics, leather,
or stone.

We can plate objects with the outside dimensions of 18 inches x 18 inches x 24


Plating Cyanide

Gold Plating Tank

The most important difference in watch gold plating is layer thickness. Items
designated as "gold filled" can be up to 200 times thicker than the heaviest gold
electroplating available today! Gold-filled items are created by using heat and
pressure to permanently fuse a layer of karat gold over a less costly base metal
design. The minimum layer of gold must equal 1/20th of the total weight of the
finished item. The surface layer of karat gold is usually 10kt, 12kt, or 14kt. As an
example, an item marked as "1/20 12k GF" would mean that 1/20th of its total weight
must be 12 karat gold. One disadvantage for gold-filled items (i.e. watches) is that
once the layer of gold wears through to the base metal, it will need to be resurfaced
and re-plated to prevent discoloration. Gold filled processes are still being utilized to
produce fine watches, writing instruments, and assorted jewelry items. Gold
electroplating, especially with advent of super hard plating materials, are widely used
on designs, which have intricate or complex shapes.

In case of plating a watch gold plating cyanide forms the anode and the watch bezel
forms the cathode. On electric discharge in the tank the gold particles form and move
over and affix on the bezel. The process is controlled by regulating the current flow.
A layer of 0.6 to 1 micron of gold layer provides us with a beautiful finish.

The Schematic Process

Process Title: Assembling Processes

1) Wiping
The fresh bezels from the plating sections are inspected in a ultra violet almp to check
for cracks. Then a visual inspection of a the case reveals dents and scratches. All the
scratched items are removed from the lot and only those who pass the inspection
move on to the further assembling process.
The case is wiped with acetone to remove finger prints and other dirt settled on the

2) Case Pipe Fixing

The next step is to fix the case pipe to the case. The case pipe is a tiny pipe with a
diameter of about 0.6 mm. The case pipe actually protects the rod which connects the
crown to the crown

3) MGG Fixing
The next step is to place in the mineral glass gasket, which hold the main glass

4) MG Fixing
The mineral glass is then fixed in to the outer diameter cut of the mineral glass.

5) PMH Fixing
The plastic movement holder is the device which holds the movement. It fits into the
diameter cut to place the PMH.

6) Back Cover Gasket and Back Cover Fixing

The back cover gasket is fitted to the back cover and then fixed to the case

The total watch assembly Process

1)The movement is first fitted with the crown on a vice.

2) The movement is fitted into the case and the straps are fitted with the help
of a spring bar.

3) Insertion of the movement Ring

4) The Crown and case pipe is fitted into the case.

5) Fixing of the back cover.

6)Water proof testing process

The case is fitted with the back cover and put a rubber crown and then subject to
water at a pressure of 10 atmospheres in a waterproof tester.
The cases are then taken out of the machine and then heated on to check for moisture
condensation inside the case. All cases showing traces of moisture are rejected in the
process and those who pass are then subjected to ultra violet light to dry.
Final wiping of the watch is done with acetone to clear then of any deposits of
residue from water and also to remove of the finger prints.

Testing case


Manufacture of Back Cover

Model Type: Model 4001
Shape: steel round
Bezel Ring: N/A

Raw Material: steel

Raw Material Shape: Steel Strips
Raw material Size: 25mm * 20mm

Process Title: Press Processes
Machine Used: Mechanical Press
Tools Used: Die and Punches
1) Blanking
Blanking is the process when the strips of steel are fish cut from the main strip into
sizes according to the requirements

Mechanical Eccentric Press

2) Cupping
The cupping process then converts the blanks into tiny cups . the tool used in this
case is a cupping die and a punch. The blanks are placed on the die in a 50 T press to
make them into cups.

3) Coining:
The coining process converts the cups into coins which take the shape of the
backcover. The machine used here is 50T press which is either mechanical or
hydraulic. The back cover is then moved for machining processes.

Process Title: Machining Processes

1) Outer Diameter : In this process the outer diameter of the front face of the back
cover is cut
2) Inner Diameter: the diameter of the rear of the back cover is termed as the inner
diameter. A special purpose lathe is used to cut the diameter and do the facing
The tool used in this case is the V6 Tool which is used for facing and a V tool for
cutting the diameter.

3) Back Cover Slot Cutting:

A lathe is used to cut the back cover slot where in the back cover fits.

Process Title: Buffing Processes

1) Outer Side Buffing:

The outer edge of the back cover is buff give it a satin finish. The horizontal table-
buffing machine is used for this purpose.
The back covers are placed on the table collets and three PVA wheels grind and buff
the surface.

Rotating Table Buffing Machine

PVA Wheels


Back covers

2) Back Cover Etching

The process of etching is used to put the name of the company on the back cover.
The etching is done in copper sulphate solution. A screen is made and the back cover
is treated with the solution so that the print comes only over the place not protected
by the screen.
Check out in the process the back cover is etched for print.


Manufacture of Tools

Manufacture of Die

Raw material: High Carbon High Chromium Steel

Size: 120mm diameter

1) Turning:
The process of turning is to bring the diameter of the job to that of the required for the
die. The process is done on a heavy-duty lathe. The steel is first cut on a hack saw
machine and then the turning is done on a lathe.

2) Boring
The boring process is done to sink a bore into the blank. The book is done so that it is
later much easier to sink a copper cathode during the process of EDM.

3) Grinding
The grinding process removes the material from the face of the blank so that you get a
clean and smooth flat surface.
The machine used is a Surface Grinder.

4) Wire cutting
The wire cut process removes the material from the bored shaft up to the dimensions
up to the required state of accuracy.

5) Electro discharge machining

The electro discharge is the main process in the manufacture of a die. The cathode is
first prepared so as to take the shape of the watchcase. The copper is made from
copper using a 3D engraver machine.




The cathode is fixed as in the EDM and the die forms the anode. 12A of current is made
to flow from the system. The cathode reciprocates up and down in rhythmic motion.
Sparking is done between the die and the cathode and material is removed in a fine
manner through electric discharge.

The die is kept submerged in flowing kerosene so as to remove the carbon generated.
A sparkonoix discharge machine is used for this process.

Sparking Electro-discharge Machine



Aggregate Production Schedule:

Model Types:
The different model as basically classified as Brass round, Brass shaped, Steel Round,
Steel Shaped. Each of this is further classified as gents and ladies models.
The brass round gents models are called the 4000 series models. The series ranges
from 4001-4016.
The brass round ladies models are called the 2000 series models. The series ranges
from 2001-2008
The brass shaped gents models are called the 5000 series models. The series ranges
from 5001-5016

The brass shaped ladies models are called the 3000 series models. The series ranges
from 3001-3008
The steel round gents models are called the 8000 series models. The series ranges
from 8001-8012.
The steel round ladies models are called the 7000 series models. The series ranges
from 7001-7008
The steel shaped gents models are called the 9000 series models. The series ranges
from 9001-9008
The steel shaped ladies models are called the 6000 series models. The series ranges
from 6001-6008

Models Series Range

Brass Round Gents 4000 4001-4016

Brass Round Ladies 2000 2001-2008
Brass Shaped Gents 5000 5001-5016
Brass Shaped Ladies 3000 3001-3008
Steel Round Gents 8000 8001-8012
Steel Round Ladies 7000 7001-7008
Steel Shaped Gents 9000 9001-9008
Steel Shaped Ladies 6000 6001-6008

Order for First Quarter Jan 2005 to Mar 2005
Model type Lot Size No: Quantity Date
4001 510 8 4000 20/1/05

4007 510 14 7000 24/3/05

4011 510 15 7500 12/1/05

4012 510 16 8000 11/1/05

2001 510 2 1000 20/2/05

3001 510 3 1500 15/2/05

5001 510 2 2000 8/3/05

5002 510 6 3000 9/1/05

5008 510 2 1000 24/2/05

7001 510 3 1500 12/2/05

7007 510 4 2000 11/3/05

7008 510 4 2000 20/1/05

9001 510 3 1500 15/2/05

9003 510 2 1000 8/1/05

9006 510 2 1000 9/3/05

9007 510 2 1000 12/1/05

9008 510 4 2000 11/3/05

6001 510 4 2000 20/3/05

6008 510 2 1000 15/3/05

Aggregate Plan:

Model Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
4001 8
4002 10
4007 14
4011 15
4012 16
2001 2
3001 3
5001 2
5002 6
5008 2
7001 3
7007 4
7008 4
9001 3
9003 2
9006 3
9007 3
9008 4
6001 4
6008 2

Machine Scheduling Plan: A sample View

The machine Scheduling Charts show us how we can schedule all the machine in
accordance with the aggregate plan.
The Model forms the columns and the Machines form the row. Each machine is given
the process it has to perform for the day. The charts also shows the machine that is
under maintenance so as to avoid scheduling it and carry out the repair works

A) Brass Models

Plan for Press Shop

Model Series
Machine 4001 4001 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 2001 Process
E.Press100 Forming
E.Press100 Punching
H.Press100 Hot Form
E.Press100 Blanking
E.Press75 Blanking
E.Press75 Blanking
E.Press75 Blanking
E.Press75 Maintenance
E.Press75 Blanking

Machine Shop Machine Schedule
Model Series
Machine 4001 4001 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 2001 Process
Wan-legar OD Cut
Wan-legar ID Cut
Wan-legar Boring
Wan-legar Boring
Lathe1 Diamond
Lathe1 Diamond
Lathe1 Boring
Drill1 CP Cut
SB Drill SB Cut
Milling1 Lug Miller

Buffing Section

Model Series
Machine 4001 4001 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 2001 Process

Buffing m/c 1 Rough Buff

Buffing m/c 2 Rough Buff
Buffing m/c 3 Fine Buff
Buffing m/c 4 Fine Buff

WIP Tracking Chart

In case of the WIP tracking chart we get to know the exact amount of inventory in the
form of lots of particular model .
The stock is updated at the end of everyday so that the nest daily schedule can be
done in accordance to priority given to the lots of a particular model.

Shop Press Machining Buffing Plating Assembly

Section Division Division Division Division
Model Open Close Open Close Open Close Open Close


ABC Classification
Stockroom inventory is classified into categories called ABCD.
“A” - items are the highest priority, the tightest control, frequent deliveries, close follow-
up, and accurate records. Planning and Scheduling these parts utilize MRP (Material
Requirements Planning), DRP (Distribution Requirements Planning, or EOQ (Economic
Order Quantity) or other lot sizing techniques such as Lot for Lot. 10 % of the “A” items
volume accounts for 70% of the total inventory value
“B” - items are the priority when low or out of stock. Normal control is used and good
records are maintained. EOQ and other lot sizing methods can be used effectively with
these items. “B” items account for 20% of the total inventory value, and 20% of the
“C” - items are the lowest priority, simplest method of control. Min/Max used for
ordering. These parts are usually expensed, as there are no records for them. These parts
represent 10% of the total value, and 70% of the volume.
“D” - items are discontinued products or assembly bench stock.

Class A Class B Class C

Bezel Movement Holder Rubber Crown

Back Cover Mineral Glass Loctite
Bezel Ring Mineral Glass Gasket Screws
Movement Mechanism Plastic Movement Holder Bezel Crystals
Strap Crown Spring Bars
Strap Lock Dial Torsion Bars
Movement Hands Crown Pin
Press Buttons
Strap Pins
Back Cover Gasket
Case Pipe

Bill Of Material
A bill of material (BOM) is a list of all parts, ingredients, or materials needed to make
one production run of a product. The bill of material may also be called the formula,
recipe, or ingredients list in certain process industries .The way in which the bill of
material data are organized and presented is called the structure of the bill of material
or the structure of the product.

A variety of display formats are available for bills of material. The simplest format is
the single-level BOM. It consists of a list of all components that are directly used in a
parent item. A multilevel bill of material provides a display of all components that are
directly or indirectly used in a parent item. When an item is a subcomponent, blend,
intermediate, etc., all of its components, including purchased parts and raw materials,
are also exhibited. A multilevel structure can be illustrated by a tree with several
levels. An indented bill of material is a form of multilevel BOM. If an item is used in
more than one parent within a given product structure, it appears more than once,

under every subassembly in which it is used. The summarized bill of material is
another form of a multilevel bill of material. It lists all the parts and their quantities
required in a given product structure. Unlike the indented bill of material, it does not
list the levels of parts and does not illustrate the part-component relationships.
Moreover, the summarized bill of material lists each item only once for the total
quantity required.

BOM For a Watch / List of Parts

Sl Part No Description Type/ size Quantity Required
1 PP10 BEZEL 4001 1
2 PP12 BACK COVER ∅27.3 1
3 PP13 MOVEMENTS ∅25.0 1
5 Pp15 MINERAL GLASS ∅27 1
8 PP18 DIALS ∅26.8 1
9 PP19 HANDS 2
10 PP20 CROWN 1.6 1
11 PP21 BEZEL RING ∅27.8 1
12 PP22 CRYSTAL ∅22.2 1
14 PP24 SPRING BAR 3.5 2
15 PP25 STRAP 1
19 PP29 SCREWS 6

Product Structure Tree


Strap Bezel Back Cover

Strap Sp Bar Dials Bezel Case Pipe Mineral BCG

Pins Ring Glass

Hands Crown MGG Screw

Product Approximate Cost


BEZEL Rs 18 1 18*
BACK COVER Rs 0.5 1 0.5*
MOVEMENTS Rs 40 1 40
MINERAL GLASS Rs 2.50 1 2.5
BACK COVER GASKET Rs 0.25 1 0.25
DIALS Rs 6.0 1 6.0*
HANDS Rs 1.50 2 3.0
CROWN Rs 0.25 1 0.25
BEZEL RING Rs 2.00 1 2.0
CRYSTAL Rs 1.50 1 1.5
STRAP LOCK Rs 1.00 1 1.0*
SPRING BAR Rs 0.25 2 0.5
STRAP Rs 25.0 1 25*
RUBBER CROWN Rs 0.10 2 0.20
SPRINGS Rs 1.00 2 2.0
SCREWS Rs 0.15 6 0.9

* Production Costs
# Cost per Bezel
Therefore Total Cost: Rs 110.60

Maintenance Requirement

Whether you are dedicated watch aficionado or who just needs a way to tell time, proper
watch care is a must. The value of a watch arguably depend on the way it is maintained,
whether for aesthetic or practical purposes.

Here are a few of the most watch care and maintenance pointers that you need to know to
keep your watch ticking perfectly.

When does a watch need preventive servicing?

A mechanical or a self- winding watch needs to be serviced every 5 to 8 years depending
on the manufacturer's recommendation. Like any automobile, a watch mechanism needs
to be lubricated regularly to keep it running smoothly and to prevent damage of parts
caused by abrasion from the fine dust that accumulates in the movement. This fine dust,
usually created by the friction between the parts, builds up when oil deteriorate over a
certain period of time. This will result in the inaccuracy of the watch.

Quartz watches hardly need servicing at all because they have very few moving parts.
The only servicing needed is the one- or two-year battery change, along with the gasket
replacement for protection against water seepage.

A watch exposed should have its water resistance checked once a year to ensure water
resistance ratings. Resistance can decrease due to the deterioration of gaskets, o-rings,
crowns and pushers from the dust and sweat encountered daily.

Winding watch?

A mechanical watch needs to be wound everyday before using, and occasional winding is
needed when the watch is kept for a long period of time to prevent the movement's
lubricants from congealing.
An automatic watch, on the other hand, should be wound approximately 20 to 30 times
before each use when the watch has completely stopped. This allows the watch to regain
reserve power that permits it to run more accurately. The automatic watch similarly needs
to be wound when kept for along period of time.

It is not advisable to wind a watch while worn on the wrist as this motion may place some
unnecessary stress on the stem of the watch. Instead, hold the watch tightly in one hand
and position the crown between the thumb and index finger.

Setting the time and dates on my watch?

You may turn the crown of your watch in either direction provided you are only setting
the time. Is your watch is equipped with a calendar funtion, be it regular or perpetual, it is
advisable to wind it in a clockwise direction only (only the ULYSSE Nardin Perpetual
Ludwig may be turned in both directions).

Move the hands away from the area coverage by 9:45 to 3:15 before using the quick
calendar adjustment setting (first position of the crown) when setting the date. Since this
is the instance when the calendar is being engaged to turn, changing the date at this time
will damage the calendar setting mechanism.

Maintaining the accuracy of my watch?

Heat and cold have an effect on the accuracy of a quartz watch. Watches which are fitted
with quartz oscillating crystals are designed to function optimally under room
temperature. A temperature of 100 Fahrenheit will throw the timing off by 1 second a

day, as well as one of 32 Fahrenheit.

However, for a mechanical watch to differ by 1 second a day or less is not a very big
factor since we do not expect the same accuracy as a quartz watch. Advances in
metallurgy have also very well controlled the effects of temperature on watch accuracy.
This is why some self-winding watches are subjected to extremes in temperature to be
certified as chronometer standard.

A watch should also not be exposed to extreme temperature. This affects the viscosity of
the oil that lubricates the movement, and thereby affects the movement's accuracy.

A watch should always be worn on the outside of the wrist (not inside), with the dial up
and the crown down (nearer the hand than the elbow). Most watches are regulated based
on the right handed person, so this means the watch is worn on the left wrist, with the
components in proper position. Any other position may yield some differences in
accuracy unless otherwise regulated at the desired position. This is true only for
mechanical watches.

It is also not proper to wear a watch too loosely as it may loosen the individual links of
the bracelet and clasp when constantly exposed to shock. A watch worn too tight on the
other hand may deform the bracelet, apart from giving an uncomfortable fit.
Nearly all-mechanical watches are equipped with anti-shock devices that protect the
watch's balance-staff pivots-parts of the watch movement most vulnerable to damage
from impact such as those encountered from tennis or golf. Nonetheless, there is a small
chance that a hard knock could damage not only the balance but also the rotor axle. So
deciding whether or not to wear your mechanical watch when playing sports is a matter
of risk assessment. A quartz watch on the other hand, is not so affected by shock hen
used in sports as it does not contain the delicate parts of a mechanical watch.

Battery life expectancy?

The average silver oxide battery will last 2 to 3 years, while a lithium battery will last an
average of 10 years. These batteries are, nevertheless, not interchangeable, as some
watches have specific battery requirements.
Except for watches with "end of life" indicators (EOL), your battery life will usually
expire at the time when you expect it, and may cause you immeasurable inconvenience. It
is advisable to change the battery at least six months before you expect its energy to run
out. This means approximately 1.5 years from the date it was installed. Keep note of the
installation date; some spent batteries may start to leak chemicals into the movement and

damage the circuit module if not immediately replaced.

The pulling of the crown of a quartz watch will stop the hands from moving, and possibly
save you 75% to 80% of the watch energy. However, the savings is marginal when you
consider that a silver oxide battery will lose 5% to 8% of its energy per year even when
unused. This may also cause the lubricants to congeal.

Product Application
A watch is a small portable timepiece, which provides convince of seeing the correct time
anywhere. Traditionally watch had only one application i.e. to see the time. But with the
change in technology, the uses of a wristwatch have also changed. Today a watch has
several applications. Some of the applications are as follows:

• A Night Vision Watch can shine a clear, bright beam to lead you through
darkened home or illuminate a winter night’ s walk. It also has a small red LED locator
light that flashes every 10 seconds to guide you to it in a darkened room.
• It can show the world time.
• Can be used as a single port for USB connectivity as well as headphones
can be attached.
• Today’ s watch also display the date, month and year i.e. it’ s a chronograph
• It can be used as a stop watch.
• A watch is there which can be used as a blood pressure meter.

• Watch comes with a wireless headset, and a keypad that is only half fixed to it’ s
wrist band, so that it can be lifted up for thumb-typing. I.e. it can be used as a
substitute for a mobile phone.

Product Technology Options

Multipurpose Watches

Timing up to 1.5 second.

Timing up to 30 minutes.
Timing telephone conversations.
Tachometer scale (Q).

Pulsimeter scale (S).
Telemeter scale (R).
The dial of this chronograph has several scales for various purposes. The illustration
shows one of the many combinations that can be supplied.

Q = Tachometer scale
R = Telemeter scale

S = Pulsimeter scale

Minute Recording Chronograph

Timing to 1/5 second [C].

Timing up to 30 minutes [D].
Timing telephone conversations [E].
The dial of the chronograph No. 3 is calibrated for timing 1/5 second.
Timing up to 30 minutes, or in some cases 45 minutes, is possible with a minute-
recording chronograph. For each rotation of the chronograph hand the minute-recording
hand moves one division. Both hands return to zero simultaneously.
Charges for telephone calls are usually based on periods of 3 minutes; the special 3rd, 6th
and 9th-minute divisions show at a glance the number of three-minute periods that have
elapsed. (Note this was prevalent in the 1950's to the 1980's)

C = 1/5 second divisions
D = Minute recorder
E = Three minute divisions for telephone calls

Hour Recording Chronograph.

Timing to 1/5 second [C].

Timing up to 30 minutes [D].
Timing telephone conversations [E].
Timing up to 12 Hours[F]
The dial of this chronograph is calibrated for timing 1/5 second. Timing up to 30 minutes,
or in some cases 45 minutes, is possible with a minute recording chronograph. For each
rotation of the chronograph hand the minute-recording hand moves one division. Both
hands return to zero simultaneously. Charges for telephone calls are usually based on
periods of 3 minutes; the special 3rd, 6th and 9th minute divisions show at a glance the
number of three-minute periods that have elapsed.

F = Hour recorder

Tachometer Chronograph
Timing to 1/5 second.
Timing up to 30 minutes.
Timing telephone conversations.
Tachometer scale (Q)
The tachometer scale is calibrated to show the speed of a moving object, such as a
vehicle, over a known distance. The standard length on which the calibration is based is
always shown on the dial, e.g.1,000, 200 or 100 meters, or in some cases, one mile. As
the moving vehicle, for instance, passes the starting-point of the measured course whose
length corresponds with that used as the basis of calibration, the observer releases the
chronograph hand and stops it as the vehicle passes the finishing-point. The figure
indicated by the hand on the tachometer scale represents the speed in kilometers or miles
per hour. (see number 9).
On the tachometer scale of the chronograph illustrated opposite, the speed of an aircraft
flying above a runway 10000 meters long is shown to be 700 kilometers per hour.

Q = Tachometer scale

Telemeter Chronograph

Timing to 1/5 second.

Timing up to 30 minutes.
Timing telephone conversations.
Tachometer scale.
Telemeter scale (R).
By means of the telemeter scale it is possible to measure the distance of a phenomenon
which is both visible and audible. The chronograph hand is released at the instant the
phenomenon is seen; it is stopped when the sound is heard, and its position on the scale
shows at a glance the distance in kilometers or miles separating the phenomenon from the
observer. (Calibration is based on the speed of which sound travels through the air, viz.
approximately 340 meters or 1,115 feet per second).
During a thunderstorm the time that has elapsed between the flash of lightning and the
sound of the thunder is registered on the chronograph scale as illustrated on the opposite
side. The distance between the observation point and the thunderstorm, in this case, is
1600 meters.
On this dial there is also a tachometer scale, which is shown by blue circles (See number
8). This is used in the following way: if the minute-recording hand points to 0, the speed
will be shown on the outer circle (speed between 1,000 and 60 kilometers); if the minute-
recording hand points to 1 minute, the speed will be shown on the middle-circle (speed

between 60 and 30 kilometers); if the minute-recording hand points to 2 minutes, the
speed will be shown on the inside circle (speed between 30 and 20 kilometers).

R = Telemeter scale

Pulsimeter Chronograph

Timing to 1/5 second.

Timing up to 30 minutes.
Timing telephone conversations.
Pulsimeter scale (S).
The pulsimeter scale shows at a glance the number of pulse beats per minute. The
observer releases the chronograph hand when starting to count the beats and stops at the
30th, the 20th or the 15th beat according to the basis of calibration indicated on the dial.
The hand shows at a glance the number of pulse beats per minute.

S = Pulsimeter scale

Asthmometer Chronograph

Timing to 1/5 second.

Timing up to 30 minutes.
Timing telephone conversations.
Pulsemeter scale.
Asthmometer scale [T].
The asthmometer scale shows at a glance the number of respirations per minute. The
observer releases the chronograph hand as the patient begins a respiration and stops it on
completion of the 15th, the 20th or the 25th respiration, according to the basis of
calibration indicated on the dial. The hand shows at a glance the number of respirations
per minute.

T = Asthmometer scale

Production-Counting Chronograph

Timing to 1/5 second.

Timing up to 30 minutes.
Production counting scale (U)
The production-counting scale is especially useful to large-scale manufacturers, as it
enables them to determine the number of articles produced per hour.
The production-counting scale U on the dial of this model shows the production rate per
hour; no calculation is necessary if the basis of observation (the time taken to

manufacture a single article for instance) does not exceed 60 seconds. The observer
releases the chronograph hand at the beginning of the observation and stops it when the
observation is completed; the figure shown by the hand on the scale represents the
number of articles produced per hour.
If the time of manufacture is very short (up to 5 seconds, for instance), it is necessary to
take as the basis of observation the time taken in manufacturing several pieces. The
product of the number of pieces taken as the basis and the number shown on the scale
represents the production rate per hour.
The chronograph dial on the opposite page shows the sweep hand pointing to 770 after
the production of one piece. This would be the number of pieces produced per hour. If 5
pieces were produced during the same time, the production per hour would be 5 times
770, or 3,850 pieces.
It is, of course, possible to observe production times exceeding 60 seconds; the quotient
obtained by dividing 1 hour (3,600 seconds) by the number of manufacture taken as the
basis represents the production rate per hour.

U = Production counting scale

Tide Chronograph

Timing up to 1/5 second.

Timing up to 30 minutes.
Timing up to 12 hours.

Special calibration for yachting (X).
Dial showing "solunar periods" (Y).
The minute-recorder dial of this chronograph is divided into 6 sectors, each representing
5 minutes, and is specially designed to yachtsmen. In yacht racing a gun signal gives
warning that in five minutes' time another gun signal will start the race. Thus the
yachtsman is able to maneuver his yacht so that he crosses the starting line on the second
signal. This small dial thus shows at a glance how much time remains before the starting
This chronograph shows the "solunar periods" as well as the official time. These periods,
which are marked on the small dial Y, show the daily tidal times for a given port or
latitude. This lunar dial is fitted with a rotating disc divided into 4 coloured sectors. The
two opposite blue sectors represent high tide, while the two yellow ones represent low
tide. As tidal times differ from place to place, a pusher Z is fitted for setting the coloured
sectors accordingly.
Lunar time is also used by anglers, hunters and naturalists who are familiar with the
"solunar theory", for which tables have been published since 1930 by Mr. J. Alden
Knight. These give a daily forecast of the feeding-times of fish and game, or in other
words, the most favourable times for fishing and hunting.
According to the scale of the chronograph shown opposite the tide will be its lowest
around 6 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. that day.

X = Yachting dial
Y = "Solunar period" dial
Z = Pusher for setting lunar time

Chronograph With Direction Hand (Indicating North)
Timing to 1/5 second.
Timing up to 45 minutes.
Timing telephone conversations.
Indicator hand showing North. (E')
Adjustable second hand. (F')
This chronograph is fitted with a small red indicator hand E' bearing the letter "N"; this
hand completes one turn of the dial in 24 hours and is adjusted by means of crown O.
Bearings may be taken by turning the watch, held horizontally, so that the hour hand
points towards the sun, in which case the direction of North is shown by the indicator
hand E'.
This model is so constructed that the small second hand F' can be set to the exact time.
Crown G' is simply pushed in and turned; this moves the second hand F', which can thus
be set, for example, to correspond exactly to the time given by the time signal.

E' = Indicator hand showing north

F' = Small second hand

The Power of a Palm Handheld on Your Wrist

The Wrist PDA can do most anything any other basic Palm handheld can do. With a
respectable 2 MB of flash memory for the operating system, and an additional 2 MB for

data and applications, you can store thousands of
addresses, including names, e-mail
addresses, phone numbers, and notes. Drop-
down menus allow you to easily navigate
between different functions. You can also input
years' worth of appointments, schedule recurring
events, create and mark off to-do items, and
receive reminders so that you'll always be on top
of your schedule.

The ingenious, intuitive PDA-timepiece

interface is designed to make it easy to access all
your important information.

• A three-directional rocker switch to the

right of the watch face lets you easily select Up,
Down, or Enter.
• Buttons on either side of the rocker switch are for scrolling up and down within a
screen of text.
• A button on the left takes you to the previous screen.
• A stylus, cleverly sheathed in the watch band when not in use, lets you use the
touch-screen features--including the Jot input system, which allows you to write letters
directly on the PDA screen.

You can even beam data to any other Palm device using the infrared port. The 160 x 160
pixel, 1.4-inch screen is a small wonder in itself, delivering surprisingly crisp text and
icons, and backlit for easy viewing under most lighting conditions.
Running the Palm operating system (version 4.1), the Fossil Wrist PDA works with any
type of Palm application--including games, database programs, and more--as well as with
desktop programs such as Chapura that enable information sharing between your PDA
and your PC.

This revolution in Palm handheld devices is the brainchild of Fossil's vice president of
technology, Donald R. Brewer, and was developed through collaboration between Fossil
and Flextronics, (the company that handles the manufacture of Microsoft's Xbox game
system), and PalmSource, the company behind the Palm operating system. Adapting the
Palm OS to the Fossil PDA's smaller screen proved to be one of the biggest challenges,
and required months of rewriting the basic code behind the OS. Also crucial to the design
was developing hardware compact enough to fit into a watch casing--the developers were
well aware that a bulky watch which didn't allow a shirt sleeve to slide smoothly over it
would be unlikely to find favor with consumers. In other words, the challenge was to
build a device that was not just a wrist-mounted novelty, but something that seamlessly
functioned as both a watch and a PDA.
The efforts of Fossil, Flextronics, and PalmSource ultimately paid off in a big way, as the
device went on to win the award for Best Mobile Device at COMDEX, the prestigious
technology trade show. "We are very excited to be chosen as the Best Mobile Device at
COMDEX," said Fossil's Brewer. "This award recognizes the Fossil Wrist PDA with
Palm OS as the first wearable Palm Powered product of its kind that combines the
functionality of the Palm OS and the portability of a wristwatch."


Productions And Operations Management- II
Project: Watch Industry

Submitted to: Submitted By:

Prof. Y. K. Gaur Biswa Ranjan Dash
Gaurav Mahajan
Hamenth Nayak
Sufian Salim
Survika Chowdhary


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