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Lethe, the River of Oblivion

Denizen of the Breath Aspect

Lethe is the Spirit of the River of Forgetfulness and Oblivion down in the Underworld. When the
dead arrive in the Underworld, they must drink the waters of Lethe and forget everything. The
more is consumed, the more is forgotten. Those who forgot everything would leave behind the
world of the dead and reincarnate. Only those who have infallible memories could resist Lethe’s
power, and the only cure for it would be to drink upon the Mnemosyne River. Lethe borders the
Elysian Fields and runs through Hypnos’ cave, where her murmurs would experience
drowsiness and be put to sleep.

The Quest
Land of the Lost: A Land of confused Consorts and Agents. The Denizen has enchanted all
the water within the Land, causing anyone who drinks them to forget more and more. Most of
the Consorts have already forgotten who they are, and the few Agents the Kingdoms have snt
are starting to feel it’s effects as well, having forgotten where they came from and how they got
on the Land. Only the Underlings, particularly those who learned to fly and to avoid water, are
left unaffected. There is a solution, within the Denizen’s Palace lies a lake where all the lost
memories are gathered, it would restore any memories the drinker has lost. Even those lost
naturally or through a magical effect. The Denizen guards this lake jealously, and must be
confronted before any of its bounty could be retrieved.

The Battle
Lethe’s battle tactics are… annoying to say the least. She mostly relies on her memory erasing
water powers to make the Player forget what they were fighting for, or even that they were
fighting in the first place. The Player must either obtain an infallible memory or learn to avoid
memory erasure. Lethe’s other annoying power would be her voice, which has a sleep effect
applied to it, causing the Player to feel drowsiness and making them easier targets. Learning to
stay alert, even while asleep, is advised. Or maybe just learn to wear earplugs, those would do
just fine.

The Prize
Lethe Water - A sample of the waters of Lethe’s river. It would cause the drinker to slowly forget
their everything. The effect is both subtle and potent, with the victim unknowing of their
obliviation until they fail to remember their own name. Each drop would erase a whole day’s
worth of random memories, while a full glass could completely blank out a target altogether.
Strife Portfolio

River of Obliviation
As the Spirit of the River of Forgetfulness, Lethe has complete command over those waters.
This ability allows Lethe to create and manipulate the black liquid that makes up her river. This
manipulation could take on many forms, mostly in the realms of water based constructions and
River Spirit minions, along with the simple method of drowning here and there. As her
manipulations are absolute, she may go against most laws of physics and logic with her
manipulations. The waters also have a forgetfulness effect, causing the target to slowly forget
who they are should the water enter their digestive system. Simply making a target forget
everything is a favored tactic of Lethe.

Murmured Lullabies
Lethe’s Murmurs are really relaxing for some reason, they’re so relaxing in fact that most who
hear it would get too sleepy to do things like dodge a torrent of water or to not drown in her river.
This ability magically enchants Lethe’s voice, making all of her dialog sound like incoherent, yet
strangely voluminous, mumbles. While this would cripple her ability to communicate, the
mumbles do allow her to put others to sleep. Instantly knocking out those with weak wills while
making others drowsy enough to make critical mistakes. Only those who are somehow
deafened, or those who cannot sleep in the first place, are immune to this ability.

Treasure Hoard

Lethe Water
A flask of black liquid, taken straight from the river of Lethe. When poured out of the flask, it
would take on a transparent color and could seamlessly blend in with any other liquid with the
drinker none the wiser.
Tabula Rasa - Consuming the liquid would cause the drinker to slowly forget their everything.
The effect is both subtle and potent, with the victim unknowing of their obliviation until they fail to
remember their own name. Each drop would erase a whole day’s worth of random memories,
while a full glass could completely blank out a target altogether.

Mnemosyne Water
A flask of tealish liquid, stolen from the lakes that Lethe was guarding. When the flask is
opened, you can hear faint whispers coming from the liquid, always near yet never
Liquid Memories - When consumed, the liquid has two effects. First, it negates any and all
effects that would suppress, alter, or otherwise tamper with, the user’s memories. This includes
both natural suppression or deviation and supernatural alteration up to and including God Tier
Shenanigans. Second it enhances all the user’s memories, allowing them to recall everything
with crystal clarity and even relive precious moments. This might be a curse to some, for there
are things that are best left forgotten.

Forget Me Stick
An aluminum baseball bat painted black, it has the words “Forget Me” and a smiling picture of
Lethe’s face upon its surface.
Brain Damage - When the bat strikes a target’s head it can, with sufficient force, cause them to
forget the last few minutes of their lives. As this is done mostly through a concussion, it would
require the target be fragile enough to be vulnerable to physical harm.

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