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Mars, the Father of Rome

Denizen of the Rage Aspect

Mars is the Roman God of War, Destruction, and Masculinity. He was the father of Romulus and
Remus, who would go on to found the Roman Empire, and thus he is the father to the roman
people as well. When Romulus and Remus were thrown out as infants by King Amulius, Mars
sent his animals, the Wolf and the Woodpecker, to take care of them. He is the guardian of both
soldiers and farmers, and while he is as proficient at war as his grecian counterpart, he fights to
defend those under his protection, and for the eventual goal of peace, as much as he fights for

The Quest
Land of Conquest: A Land of empires, conquerors, and mighty warlords. The Denizen has
chosen a handful of the Consorts in the Land to be his champions for the purpose of challenging
the Player. He has trained them in the arts of war, close combat, and agriculture and sent each
of them to build an empire and to hone the prowess of their armies for the battle that is to come.
Now the Consorts have been divided between these mighty kingdoms, some are in perpetual
war with each other to sharpen their blades, others go on the defensive, building fortresses and
stockpiling weapons, yet others simply decide to take a step back and gather information on
their enemies for later use. Most of the Consorts aren’t really happy with this arrangement, so
the Player must subdue the Denizen’s mighty champions (by force or by diplomacy), topple or
take over their empires, and challenge the Denizen once and for all.

The Battle
Mars, as a god of military might, is quite powerful indeed. He would often create specifically
crafted Legionnaire Underlings, a breed of Intermediate and Advanced Tier Underlings that
grow more potent as more of them congregate, to fight in his battles or to simply attack the
Player before it comes to that. He is also quite a proficient combatant himself, capable of
wielding any weapon to its utmost effectiveness and enhancing it further. His agricultural affinity
also comes into play, allowing him to heal his allies within a certain radius by bathing the ground
in blood, either that of himself, his enemies, or even his own troops.

The Prize
Spear of Mars - A heavy roman spear made out of an unknown metal. It does not rust, and
while it can bend, it cannot break. At all. For all intents and purposes it is indestructible. The
spear can detect any negative intent aimed at its wielder or anyone or anything they love or hold
loyalty to. When any of those are threatened, the spear alert the wielder to the threat, in order
for them to prepare or attempt to remove it before it becomes problematic. In battle the spear is
quite formidable, possessing stats above most other weapons and the ability to never miss
when thrown.

Strife Portfolio

Call to Battle
Mars is quite an important deity to the romans, as both a god of martial prowess and as a
guardian of both soldiers and farmers alike. The ancient soldiers of rome would swear to him to
be valorous in battle. This ability allows Mars to create a special Template of Underlings known
as the Legionnaire. It is actually three templates divided among the three tiers of Underlings,
Soldier (Basic), Centurion (Intermediate), and Legate (Advanced). Soldiers slightly increase
their physical attributes the more of them there are in a Strife. Centurions can direct Soldiers
effectively, granting Teamwork bonuses to any Underling in their presence while also boosting
their Soldier’s physical attributes. Legates are even better than Centurions, capable of granting
the Teamwork bonus from anywhere should the Underling be considered under their command,
and granting a greater physical attribute bonus to boot.

Gradivus and Ultor

Mars is known as Gradivus to the romans when he rampages, and it is to this name that they
swear their honor as warriors to. Similarly, he is also known as Ultor, the Avenger, to represent
roman triumphs and vengeance. This ability has three effects. First, it allows Mars to wield any
martial weapon, or anything created with the intent of being used as an instrument of harm, to
its utmost effectiveness. He can bypass most requirements to use such weapons, including
such specific terms as being a particular person, age, or having a particular Aspect. Second, it
allows Mars to expend Shenergy in order to enhance his martial prowess. Granting him
temporary boosts in his Physical Attributes and his skill in any weapon he can wield. Finally, it
grants a permanent increase to Mars’ physical stats, making it noticeably greater that what it
should be.

Fields of Blood
It is through war does Mars achieve peace, for the fruits of his labors are grown through the
shedding of blood. This ability allows Mars to heal all of his allies within a certain radius by using
a blood tribute. Each and every one of his underlings would gain a small amount of health for
every drop of blood spilt upon the battlefield. From the blood of a Carapace or Underling, to the
immortal ichor of the god tiers, to the Eldritch cruor of the Horrorterrors, the results shall be the
same. Should someone die near Mars with this ability, he and his troops shall heal a great deal
of damage. Of course, this won’t do anything for the dead. Countering this ability would take
either the use of extremely potent area of effect attacks, because Mars’ troops would obviously
gather all around him, or better yet, using an ability that specifically negates healing effects.
Watch out for Mars killing off some of his own soldiers to heal the others.

Treasure Hoard

Spear of Mars
A traditional roman spear made of an unknown metallic material. It does not have any
inscriptions or engravings, and does not bear any rust or wear despite its age. Its stats are quite
high, even for Ultimate Weapon standards.
War Is Brewing - The weapon can detect when the user, or any person, object, or place they
care about, is in danger. When this happens, the weapon shall tremble and point itself towards
the source of the threat. And whisper the name of the one that is in danger to the wielder.
Unbreakable - The weapon is one blessed by Mars himself. It cannot break, though it can
bend. Its Durability is infinite for all intents and purposes. The only way to destroy it would be to
use abilities that specifically ignore Durability in order to strike at the very core of the weapon, it
Pax Romana - After war, there comes peace. Once strife has ended, the spear would heal both
its wielder for up to 5% percent of their maximum health. In addition, this ability would heal an
additional 5% for every other object the wielder or their allies hold with a feature of ‘Pax
Straight and True - The spear seeks the blood of its enemies. When thrown the spear can
never miss, even it logically should have or if the target has moved away. Not even teleporting
can save the target for the spear shall always appear lodged in whatever it is seeking the
moment the user throws it. Should the user wish it, they may retrieve the spear from anywhere
with but a thought.

Shield of the Centurion

A rectangular shield, one that would have no problem covering its wielder completely. Its design
and engravings mark it as being of ancient roman origins.
Pax Romana - After war, there comes peace. Once strife has ended, the shield would heal both
its wielder and their allies for up to 10% of their maximum health. In addition, this ability would
heal an additional 2% for every other object the wielder or their allies has that has a feature of
‘Pax Romana’.

Horn of the War God

A large brass horn curved into the shape of a G. A crossbar braces it’s structure and allows it to
be carried upon one’s shoulder. It is a special instrument used by Mars to command his legions.
Call to War - The horn summons forth a part of Mars’ forces to aid its user in battle. This aid
usually comes charging in from somewhere beyond the sight of any of the user’s opponents,
usually from where they would gain the most strategic advantage, even if it would be logically
impossible for the summoned legion to have been hiding there for any amount of time. Other
times the legion merely appear around the user in a flash of purple lighting. The summoned
legion is usually composed of a few dozen Basic Soldier Underlings, a handful of Centurions,
and a Legate, though this number can be greater or smaller depending on the number of
enemies they have been called to fight against. The legion cannot be summoned in a one-on-
one confrontation unless the enemy is signifigantly more powerful than the user. Should the
user somehow obtain Mars’ permission, the horn could summon a much larger legion, one of
Mars’ several expeditionary forces. Such an army can be composed of up to thousands of
Soldiers and Centurions, with a few hundred Legates to lead them. This type of army can,
invariable, only be summoned once, usually upon the Battlefield against the Dersite Army or a
simmilary powerful opponent, such as a First Guardian or Horrorterror.

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