Review Paper Nondestructive Evaluation and Energy Technology: A Workshop Summary

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Materials Science and Engineering, 52 (1982) 195 - 206 195

Review Paper
Nondestructive Evaluation and Energy Technology: a Workshop Summary
Los Alamos National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1663, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (U.S.A.)
(Received August 1, 1981)

SUMMARY adequately addressed in their design. In the

present energy crisis atmosphere the develop-
The findings o f a recent Workshop on Non-
ment of new energy systems may well suffer
destructive Evaluation (NDE ) are summarized.
similar difficulties. At least one major cause
One purpose o f the Workshop was to recom-
of these problems is an unfounded faith that
mend basic research programs to develop the
materials, designs and operators perform
scientific base for improvements in NDE
according to the book, with few provisions to
capabilities. The research programs recom-
test, evaluate or inspect critical structural
mended span such disciplines as physics,
materials and system components during their
mathematics, materials science, mechanical
fabrication and use. When provisions have
engineering and electrical engineering and
been made, they are generally performed
include research with such objectives as
under the rubric of nondestructive testing
developing quantitative relationships for the
(NDT), but the activities and methods asso-
interaction o f various types o f penetrating
ciated with NDT frequently have been single
radiation (elastic and electromagnetic waves,
purposed and have been ignored, if possible,
X-rays, gamma rays, neutrons etc.) with
by designers and manufacturers. Because of
important material structures (flaws, welds,
this limited perspective, it is not surprising
cladding, grain structure etc.) and for the
influence o f these structures on material that the technological sophistication of NDT
performance (fracture, fatigue etc.). Addi- methods (e.g. elementary ultrasonic inspec-
tional research recommendations include tion techniques) has often fallen far behind
the inspection and detection methods (e.g.
examining the inverse problem in general and
acoustic emission in particular, promoting medical tomography) being developed in
other fields. Indeed, this slow-paced develop-
advanced instrumentation development for
ment is a contributing factor to the lack of
improved signal detection and discrimination,
credibility in NDT today.
for in situ and real-time operation and for
In order to raise the technological sophisti-
generation o f more easily interpretable data
cation of traditional NDT methods, a trend
forms (e.g. imaging and tomographic
toward increasing the support of underpinning
methods), and consciously promoting research
research has been occurring. Together with
on relevant promising new phenomena and
this, the phrase "nondestructive evaluation"
methods. An important facet o f the research
(NDE) has been emphasized to indicate the
recommendations is the affirmation o f the
additional need to supplement standard NDT
interdisciplinary character o f NDE and the
measurements and decisions by quantitative
importance o f interdisciplinary approaches to
measurements and scientifically based deci-
the research.
With the objective of defining research
areas which pave the way for significant
Energy systems are beset with problems improvements in the breadth and sophistica-
concerning their operational integrity and tion of NDE methodology (old and new)
reliability that were neither foreseen nor needed to address the inspection, character-
ization and inspection problems associated
*Permanent address: Laboratory of Atomic and with major energy technologies, we had the
Solid State Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY privilege of organizing a Workshop in June
14853, U.S.A. 1980 on NDE for the Materials Sciences

0025-5416/82/0000-0000/$02.75 © Elsevier Sequoia/Printed in The Netherlands


Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, can more fully appreciate NDE, its problems,
U.S. Department of Energy. The Workshop its needs and its potential.
was held at the Los Alamos National Labora- There are two different and very important
tory. In this paper we present the main stages of NDE development. In the early stage,
features of the Workshop' report [1], the many NDE and related methods are first used
parts identifying the NDE problem areas in as laboratory tools to aid metallurgists,
energy systems and the research activities that materials fabricators, designers etc. For
will provide a scientific base for making NDE example, such methods have been important
a reliable field procedure. in developing many of the advanced materials
The principal difference between this paper and joining methods in current use. In the
and the report is the elimination of the later stage, as experience is gained with new
priority research and policy recommendations methods and their associated instrumentation
and the appendixes. The appendixes consisted concepts, routine use becomes practical, and
of a reprint section providing a sample of it becomes necessary to engineer the transi-
technical and background information about tion (technology transfer) from the first stage
advanced NDE concepts, techniques and (laboratory tools) to the second stage (general
problems and also contained the abstracts of usage).
the technical presentations made at the Work- The need for technology transfer is imme-
shop, each accompanied by a bibliography. In diately seen as an intrinsic element of NDE
this paper we reduced the reprint section to a development; however, it is also a problem for
list of references [2 - 13] ;the bibliographies NDE development which is unsolvable by
are listed under the title of the presentation scientific research alone. The difficulty is that
and are Collected together to give an overall the transfer of research to technology in the
bibliography. As a result, the technical details natural course of events, if it occurs, generally
and technical flavor of the original report are does so with great difficulty. The needs for
absent; however, they can be recovered by NDE in energy technology are too pressing to
judicious use of the references and bibliog- allow the transfer to occur naturally; to be
raphy. Copies of the entire report [1] are effective, any comprehensive NDE research
available from the Materials Sciences Division program should include a component designed
Office, U.S. Department of Energy, Washing- to facilitate this needed transfer. However,
ton, DC 20545. our primary purpose is to delineate research
needs for NDE. To do this we first identified
NDE problem areas in energy systems.
2.1. Energy system problems
This analysis has three parts. In the first In our task of identifying the NDE problem
part (Section 2.1) we identify problems in areas we limited, for practical reasons, the
energy systems for which NDE may provide number of energy technologies and NDE
solutions. Problems likely to be completely methods considered. The technologies con-
resolved with applied engineering develop- sidered (fossil fuels, fusion and fission) are
ment were excluded. In the second part high technologies that have NDE problems,
(Section 2.2) we discuss areas in physics, and we are confident that we identified the
mathematics, materials science, electrical major generic problems and that these
engineering etc. for which both basic and problems exist in other high technology
applied research are required in order to pro- energy systems. Also for practical reasons we
vide the needed solutions. In the last part examined entirely new methods for NDE only
(Section 2.3) we present a prospectus of briefly. Traditional methods need improve-
current NDE activity by discussing the NDE ment, but even with improvement they may
reprint sampler that was appended to the be insufficient to ensure comprehensive NDE
original report. This sampler is a collection of reliability.
timely papers, designed to keep the main We identified nine major problem areas.
body of the report trim and concise and yet The first four are problem areas in existing
to provide appropriate scientific and technical energy systems components while the
information from which an interested reader remainder are problems in improving NDE

practices. The solution of these problems will slurry, drastically reduces the service lifetime
lead to a more reliable economical design and of the pipe system. Both stress corrosion
operation of energy systems. From these cracking and erosion must be detected and
problem areas we have defined numerous corrective actions must be taken to avoid
NDE scientific research needs and opportuni- catastrophic failure. This requires improved
ties, which are the subjects of Section 2.2. detection and in situ monitoring methods.
Assessment of austenitic stainless steel welds
2.1.1. Problems associated with specific and cladding in pipes is almost as much of
energy components a problem as for pressure vessels. Pressure vessels. These are currently
used in all fission reactors and some fossil fuel Heat exchangers. These are large
systems. Items of similar construction (plasma assemblies of varying design for extracting the
reaction chambers, vacuum vessels and cryo- energy from the primary source and delivering
genic magnetic enclosures) will be used in it to the working fluid (usually water) that
fusion reactors. Inspection of the finished drives the electric turbines. The main problem
multipass thick welds needed to form large is the inspection of thousands of feet of
vessels from smaller plates is the overriding tubing of small (around 1 in) diameter for
problem. The inspection is difficult because a variety of flaws, surface corrosion and wear
of the attenuation of the probing signal and at tubing supports. Useful methods must be
the inhomogeneous anisotropic nature of the fast and reliable; existing systems fall short in
welded region. Related to this is the develop- both areas.
ment of more reliable welding methods and
techniques for detecting weld defects as they Turbines. These range in size from
are introduced. The fracture mechanics and the large metallic rotors that drive electric
failure prediction analysis of welds needs generators to the small experimental turbine
development: an aim of NDE is not only engines that may some day provide more
defect detection and characterization but economical localized power sources (possibly
also, when defects are present, the assessment replacing the internal combustion engine
of whether they are a problem or will grow currently used in automobiles). Turbines are
(e.g. by fatigue) into a problem. The determi- designed to operate at high rotational speeds.
nation of whether cladding on the inner As a result, a single failure can rapidly produce
surfaces of thick-walled vessels is present and a large amount of damage. Quantification of
whether it is properly bonded is another defects is needed in order to assess the
important unsolved problem. remaining useful component life. Especially in
the smaller turbines, the higher operating tem- Piping. All methods for generating peratures possible because of the use of
electrical energy currently use a primary ceramic components would result in improved
energy source (fossil, fission and fusion) to efficiency, but reliable use of structural
generate high pressure steam to operate ceramics needs research and development in
turbines. Much large-diameter piping is processing improvement, defect quantification
employed in the high pressure, high tempera- and fracture modeling.
ture, primary cooling loop as well as in
auxiliary cooling systems. Stress corrosion 2.1.2. Problems associated with improved
cracking, accentuated by the high tempera- engineering and inspection practice
ture often present, is a major source of high Hostile environments. Many
pressure water pipe failure. The fracture systems are shut down for periodic inspection
mechanics of stress corrosion cracking is and routine maintenance in order to ensure a
poorly understood. Again there is the need further period of safe, reliable and economical
not only for defect characterization but also operation. During shut-down, human opera-
for failure prediction. Through similar piping tors are often required to make inspections
in some commercial fossil fuel systems are and measurements under hazardous condi-
pumped slurries as the input fuel to the reac- tions because of high temperatures or radia-
tion chambers (burners). Erosion in such tion levels. More thorough and cost-effective
piping, caused by the abrasive action of the inspections would result if a majority of these

measurements could be performed remotely, characteristics, improved methods for auto-

possibly even during the operation of the matically monitoring the production pro-
system and possibly even by computer. This, cesses themselves are needed.
in turn, probably means that sensors and
some instruments with manipulators must be Designing reliability and inspec-
placed within rather hostile environments tability into systems. NDE has methods that
(high temperatures, limited access, large would result in more reliable processes and
gamma and/or neutron fluxes etc.). Where systems if it were possible to use them under
human-assisted on-site measurements are the given circumstances. It is necessary to
necessary, their effectiveness could be make inspectability one of the engineering
increased and their time for performance design requirements of critical energy systems.
decreased by developing easy-to-use auto- Thus, knowledgeable NDE researchers would
mated data-recording instruments. Although work with others on a design team so that the
a survey has not been made, it is likely that various compromises that exist in any real
the development of long-lasting sensors is system would at least involve some sensitivity
needed. Work on portable measurement to matters of inspectability and other NDE
systems and the development of better cali- considerations. It appears to be particularly
bration procedures and standards is certainly worthwhile to begin or continue discussion of
needed. the NDE requirements for the emerging
energy technologies since final designs are Joining dissimilar materials. This is years to decades in the future.
an evolving technology area that relies heavily
on the physical and mechanical characteriza- Standards. The development of
tion of the surfaces to be joined. Methods are suitable standards of flaws, conductivity, per-
needed to measure many different materials meability, gamma attenuation, cladding thick-
characteristics (e.g. metal grain size and ness, interfaces etc. for comparison of results
residual stress), sometimes on a spatial scale from various laboratories, for use with differ-
of a millimeter or less. Of particular impor- ent methods of detection and for calibration
tance is the development of a nondestructive of instruments is needed. Quantification of
means for measuring bond strength and many NDE methods is inhibited by the lack
internal surface corrosion. This is also a of suitable or reliable standards. It is important
particularly important aspect of problems in to establish the relationship between artifact
materials processing, which we now discuss. standards and real flaws. An example of
problem standards, which are often required Materials and process development. in many ultrasonic NDE procedures, is those
An important use of NDE is in the routine based on the "flat-bottom hole".
characterization of materials that go into
assemblies. This use infrequently occurs 2.2. Nondestructive evaluation research needs
because of inadequate methods. If it occurred and opportunities
regularly, materials and energy would be con- As discussed above, the NDE requirements
served and materials processing would be used in fossil energy systems, fission energy systems
more effectively. In addition to fast reliable and anticipated fusion energy systems have
convenient means for measuring materials generic needs for cost-effective convenient
properties, especially surface characteristics, reliable quantitative procedures for detecting
methods are needed for in situ monitoring. mechanical faults in materials, equipment
Specific important tasks are assessing the components, structures, thick sections,
degree of surface treatment (e.g. ion implanta- piping, cladding etc. and for quantitative
tion, laser surface annealing), monitoring in procedures for deciding the degradation
situ crack propagation, characterizing the implied by the presence of these faults. Since
properties of new materials (e.g. ceramics) nearly all these energy processes produce
and detecting the onset of material degrada- hostile environments, these needs pose very
tion (e.g. stress corrosion, radiation damage, challenging problems for the NDE community.
carburization). Besides methods directed Our review of current NDE techniques and
toward specific phenomena and materials of the supporting scientific base for these

techniques indicates that significant progress procedures; (5) phenomena that can be under-
has been made in the ultrasonic detection and stood in a materials sense and utilized in a
characterization of idealized defects in simple failure predictive sense (acoustic emission,
geometries and stress configurations. This positron annihilation, exoelectronic emission
progress represents an example of successful etc.}; (6) control of materials processing (via
multidisciplinary cooperation in a goal-driven NDE technology} to provide improved
research program (the Defense Advanced materials and to reduce the need for final
Research Project Agency-Air Force Materials NDE analysis and for the rejection of faulty
Laboratory Quantitative NDE Program). In material; (7} guidance to new materials
this particular program, interactions among synthesis to improve reliability and ultimately
researchers doing scattering theory investiga- to reduce the dependence on NDE.
tions, fracture mechanics studies and ultra-
sonic experiments resulted in a confirmation 2.2.2. Advanced instrumentation for non-
that certain ideas regarding the interaction destructive evaluation
between flaws and sound waves, the weaken- The demand on NDE is now to quantify
ing effect of the flaw and the rate of growth materials properties as they relate to service-
of flaws were correct. Progress has also been ability. In this context we must explore new
made on other diagnostic methods such as phenomenologies for probing materials and
eddy current systems, X-ray inspection and must improve the interpretation of data
acoustic emission, but they are not yet devel- obtained by classical methods. We also need
oped to the same level of quantitativeness as to search for new methods to obtain needed
the ultrasonic methods. data.
The multidisciplinary nature of the science Improved instrumentation and procedures
base for the NDE capability is clearly recog- will permit better theoretical separation
nized and, in acknowledgment of this, between properties of the material and prop-
research needs and opportunities that we erties of the instrumentation. Relevant stud-
identified from our review of energy system ies under this general heading are (1) the
problems are discussed in the context of the use of multimode systems for the acqui-
following five more narrowly defined areas. sition of complementary information, which
might take the form of simultaneously (but
2.2.1. Materials science for nondestructive independently} probing with two or more
evaluation different modes such as ultrasound and X-rays
NDE instruments provide new information or interactively probing as in photoacoustics
in materials science research. In turn, materials where intermittent absorption of radiation by
science provides a knowledge base for orient- the material results in the generation of sound
ing the NDE procedure toward a more effec- waves, (2} the development of transducers
tive use. We identified several materials and probes for the interaction of electro-
science topics that exemplify this relation magnetic waves with materials (these trans-
between NDE, properties and use: (1) ducers and probes should yield reproducible
surface characterization and its relation to results, suitable for definitive interpretation},
improving the bonding and joining of materials (3) the development of improved ultrasonic
as well as the coating and cladding of transducers and improved coupling techniques
materials; (2) quantitative NDE characteriza- capable of yielding more reliable and repro-
tion of flaws in materials (inclusions, voids, ducible results, (4} the adaptation of existing
cracks etc.), their interaction in stress environ- technologies such as ultrasonics, acoustic
ments and their importance to materials emission, holography and eddy currents to
reliability; (3) quantitative NDE characteriza- studies relating material microproperties to
tion of the physical state of materials (residual gross characteristics of an engineering -
stress, grain size, heat treatment etc.) and its material, (5) the processing and transform-
importance to materials reliability and use; ing of conventionally acquired data into
(4} knowledge of material failure modes and forms that maximize information and are
their relation to expected environments and more usefully perceived by an observer
conditions of the materials used to provide (imaging displays, for example, might be of
improved guidance for development of NDE great importance especially in multimode stud-

ies) and (6) the acquisition of data in hostile from less objectionable sources (e.g. disloca-
environments for in situ study of critical tion motion). If the sources are in a welded
materials and components under operating region, the problem is more severe. Quantita-
conditions, which will often imply an applica- tively, the emission of sound from these
tion of robotics and machine intelligence. sources, especially from fracture modes, is
poorly understood.
2.2.3. Mathematical and theoretical
sciences for nondestructive evaluation 2.2.4. Systems and information sciences for
This research encompasses efforts in nondestructive evaluation
applied mathematics, theoretical mechanics, The NDE environment is often not only
mathematical physics and statistics in addition hostile but also complex. The complexity
to the strategic utilization of computers in manifests itself in many ways.
simulations and diagnoses. Specific statements (1) Signals can be weak and obscured by
regarding research needs include the following. competing noise.
(1) Elastic and electromagnetic theories for (2) There are complications due to com-
ultrasonic and eddy current NDE should plex geometry and non-ideal instrumentation
address model defects with more complex configurations.
geometries (e.g. partially open cracks, rough- (3) There is often the non-trivial task of
surface defects) and in more complicated interpreting data.
geometries (e.g. surface and near-surface The system and information sciences area is
defects). The extent to which scattering from one of explosive growth, and there is need to
non-idealized features may obscure the scat- make available the power and benefits of this
tering from the basic important geometric growth for NDE research and practice.
feature, such as a crack edge, on which failure Accordingly, research in the following is
and fracture modeling is based, can limit the appropriate.
technical feasibility of some NDE applications (1) Digital signal-processing techniques are
and is poorly understood. needed for the acquisition of weak acoustic
(2) The theory of elastic and electromag- emission signals from materials and of com-
netic fields in polycrystalline, porous, eroded • plex acoustic emission signals from structures.
or corroded materials needs more develop- (2) Similar digital signal-processing tech-
ment. Both materials characterization and niques are also needed for data acquisition in
NDE interpretation are at present limited by all other instrumentation approaches where
an inadequate theoretical base on which to weak signals are obscured by noise.
relate engineering and macroscopic properties (3) System diagnostics, estimation and
to microscopic details. identification research are required in the
(3) The inverse problem, directly inferring context of NDE tasks. In a sense, this is also
from a measured signal the character of its an inverse problem but the methodology is
source, is the essential objective of most NDE more general. A simple example is the assess-
methods and needs much attention. Little is ment of whether an NDE monitoring system
known beyond scalar wave problems. Issues is secure against the occurrence of various
include defining (if possible) algorithms to contingencies based on its ability to determine
solve the inverse problem, determining their required response patterns from specific trains
sensitivity to errors in the data and assisting in of stimuli.
the optimization of data acquisition proce- (4) High level automation (or machine
dures. intelligence) is required for NDE. NDE in
(4) The theory of acoustic emission from hostile environments will have to be imple-
microsources and propagation therefrom mented in automated ways. The automation
should be examined. Many different sources would be not only in terms of "hardware",
(e.g. martensitic transitions, second-phase i.e. automated operation of sensors, trans-
hardening, crack growth, dislocation move- ducers, and data acquisition but also in terms
ment) contribute to acoustic emission signals. of data interpretation and decision making.
It is a major problem to distinguish by some Automation of such reasoning and decision
measurable property of the signal the exis- functions ordinarily performed by humans
tence of fracture modes (e.g. crack growth) needs to be explored with the use of proce-

dures currently used in "machine intelligence" reprinting these papers we placed them in a list
research. Some ingredients of such method- of references [2 - 13]. Next we discuss this
ology are the use of high level computer list. The list is not all inclusive, and just
languages to design such "intelligent" systems, because some method, topic or researcher is
the construction of "knowledge bases" to unrepresented does not imply that the topic
serve in place of the knowledge base used by or method has a secondary status or that the
humans and the implementation of partially researcher's contributions are less significant.
automated systems to be used as computer However, we believe that this selection will
aids for "friendly consultants" to minimally provide a reader with a reasonable orientation
skilled operators. in the field.
(5} Display methodology research including Without specifically using the phrase "non-
computer-based tomographic image recon- destructive evaluation", McClung [2] illus-
struction and real-time imaging is needed. trates the meaning and goals of NDE versus
NDT and emphasizes the importance of
2.2.5. New concepts and unexplored
developing many different NDE methods.
Kino [3] reviews the recent progress in
As the experimental sciences continue to
quantifying ultrasonic NDE methods and in
evolve, new phenomena are being observed
improving ultrasonic NDE instruments. The
and new measurement techniques are being
fairly technical papers of Gubernatis et al.
developed. Improved scanning electron micro-
[4], Budiansky and Rice [5] and Achenbach
scopes, scanning Auger microprobes, scanning
et al. [6] illustrate the kind of scientific
ion microprobes and electron scanning for
activities that led to some of the progress
chemical analysis and extended X-ray absorp-
reviewed by Kino. Although the progress is
tion fine structure techniques will undoubted-
itself interesting, part of our purpose in
ly continue to give rise to new techniques and
listing these papers is to show that NDE can
newly observed materials phenomena. Fresnel
be made more effective if incentive and
lenses are becoming available for focusing
support are given to interested basic
X-rays and eventually perhaps for scanning
researchers. We assert that similar progress can
focused X-ray beams. In terms of large-scale
be made for other NDE methods.
instruments, synchrotron radiation and pulsed
An example of an NDE method and instru-
neutron sources are new classes of probes
ment for which increased support would be
whose potential for materials research needs
useful is described by Kruger and Morris [7].
closer attention. All these developments will
The tomographic system described is based on
lead to new concepts of prime importance to
the same principles as the computer-assisted
the practice of NDE and should not be missed.
tomography scanners found in major medical
For example, some of these new instruments
centers. (Tomographic systems are not found
will be ideal for studying materials artifacts at
at most major NDE centers.) The particular
the millimeter and submillimeter scale.
instrument described by Kruger and Morris is
When rapid technology growth is occurring
interesting because its modular design permits
in any of the many disciplines embodied by
the use of different radiation probes. To be
NDE, the opportunity of developing new
most effective, tomographic principles need
NDE concepts becomes possible. Any basic
explicit relations between the penetrating
sciences program for NDE purposes should
properties of the radiation used and the
consciously support efforts to explore such
material's microstructure. Research to find or
new concepts and opportunities, taking risks
improve such relations and to include ultra-
in research funding if the potential warrants
sonic tomography is needed.
A relation between penetrating ultrasonic
2.3. Prospectus of current nondestructive waves and the material's microstructure is the
evaluation activity subject of Vary's paper [8]. He has a simple
In our original report [1], to provide tech- thesis.
nical and background information about (1) The fracture toughness of a material
advanced NDE concepts, techniques and depends on its microstructure.
problems relevant to this report, we appended (2) The wave propagation parameters of a
an NDE sampler. In this paper, instead of material depend on its microstructure.

(3) Therefore, the fracture toughness and 3. C O N C L U D I N G REMARKS

wave propagation properties must be related. W e have summarized the main content of
Empirically, Vary proposes the form of the report of the Los Alamos N D E Workshop
such a relation. As far as we know, there is [1]. Now, we would like to add several com-
neither an explanation for it from first prin- ments. First, we feel that the problems
ciples nor certain universality; however, the and the research needed to overcome them
paper clearly shows the need for related
are not restricted to the energy systems of
research and exemplifies a type of materials any one nation, so we welcomed the oppor-
research appropriate for NDE. tunity to present our report to an interna-
Our reasons for citing the next paper by tional journal audience. Second, although
Giza and Papadakis [9] are quite similar to most of current N D E is directed toward
those for listing Vary's paper. Giza and material properties and problems, materials
Papadakis improved the speed and reliability science is only one of the research disciplines
of the hardness testing of gray iron castings
required to develop the needed N D E capa-
by finding through comparative procedures a
bilities.Advances in other disciplinessuch as
correlation between the (Brinell) hardness and
mathematics, systems analysis, mechanical
the response of eddy current signals. (Other engineering and signal processing are needed.
methods such as ultrasonics were also studied, Third, while such advances are necessary, in
but no correlation between hardness and our view, they are not sufficient: N D E
signal response was found.) Giza and Papadakis
requires interdisciplinarycooperation. This is
describe the empirical laboratory procedures usually m u c h easier said than done but it can
used to develop this particular NDE test and be achieved and, having participated in inter-
the implementation of the test in a foundry. disciplinary N D E research ourselves, we can
They also briefly discuss the physical princi- say from experience that it is both profes-
ples behind eddy current testing. In the area sionally and personally rewarding.
of eddy current methodology, many interest-
ing opportunities for research exist.
The technical presentation given by
McClung at the Workshop (and published Important cooperation by many people
previously [10]) is the next paper. Al- made the Workshop and report possible. We
though prepared as a report on the NDE thank the Council on Materials Sciences, its
needs in reactor systems, McClung compre- chairman, R. J. Maurer, and the Materials
hensively highlights generic problems regard- Research Division, Office of Basic Energy
ing the needs for improved NDE methods and Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy, for
instruments. their cooperation and interest; likewise, we
In the last three papers [11 - 13] a glimpse thank the Workshop participants. B. W. Max-
of NDE activities in other countries is given. field, R. W. McClung and D. O. Thompson
The first two papers in this group are from assisted in organizing the Workshop sessions
British researchers. Sharpe [11] discusses a and they, together with D. Janney and Yoh-
British NDT center at Harwell and also briefly Han Pao, helped to summarize the Workshop
describes the research problems associated findings and discussions.
with different NDE methods; in ref. 12 the Besides ourselves, the Workshop partici-
interdisciplinary nature of NDE is emphasized pants were as follows: J. D. Achenbach, G. A.
and five different views of the nature and Albers, G. Birnbaum, O. Buck, C. V. Dodd,
needs of NDE and NDE research are pre- W. A. Ellingson, D. H. Janney, G. S. Kino, K.
sented. In the third paper, Onoe [13] Kliewer, T. U. Marston, R. J. Maurer, B. W.
describes a Japanese experience in NDT, Maxfield, R. W. McClung, Yoh-Han Pao, C. A.
involving a cooperative program between Tatro, R. B. Thompson and D. O. Thompson.
different Japanese professional societies and
energy industries. Also contained in Onoe's REFERENCES
paper is useful background information on
I Panel report on nondestructive evaluation of
NDE methods of acoustic emission and on materials, DOE Rep. (Materials Sciences Division,
the inspection problems associated with U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC
welds. 20545).

2 R. W. McClung, Into the looking glass: an intro- S. J. Dapkunas, Materials development for high tem-
spective view of nondestructive testing, Mater. perature gasifier applications. In Proc. 4th Annu.
Eval., 33 (2) (1975) 16A - 19A, 43A - 45A. Conf. on Materials for Coal Conversion and
3 G. S. Kino, Nondestructive evaluation, Science, Utilization, 1979, in DOE Rep. CONF-791014,
206 (1979) 173. 1979 (U.S. Department of Energy).
4 J. E. Gubernatis, J. A. Krumhansl and R. M. C. R. Kennedy, Refractories for application in
Thomson, Interpretation of elastic wave scatter- slagging gasifiers. In Proc. 4th Annu. Conf. on
ing theory for analysis and design of flaw-charac- Materials for Coal Conversion and Utilization,
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