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Scientific Journal of Impact Factor(SJIF): 4.

e-ISSN(O): 2348-4470
p-ISSN(P): 2348-6406

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research

Volume 3,Issue 5, May -2016


Smit Kotak1, ParthThaker2
PG Student, L. J. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Faculty of Technology, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Abstract- In the mortar phase of concrete, the volume of water has to be more than enough to fill the voids between the
cement and fine aggregate. Also the volume of paste has to be more than enough to fill the voids between fine aggregate.
So, the excess water would cover each solid particle and excess paste would coat each fine aggregate particle. Hence, it
is suggested that water film thickness and paste film thickness have major effects on the fresh properties of mortar. In
this research, effects of water film thickness as well as paste film thickness on the flowability, cohesiveness and
adhesiveness shall be determined with increasing water, fine aggregate and cement contents for various zones of India.
It is found that water film thickness has greater effects on the flowability and paste film thickness has its effects on
cohesiveness and adhesiveness of mortar which should be taken in account for the mortar design.
Keywords- packing density, mortar, rheological properties, fresh properties, water film thickness
The concrete is considered as having a mortar phase and an aggregate phase. The mortar phase must be thick and
flowable to cover each coarse aggregate in the concrete. And it is important to study the fresh properties of mortar as
these are closely related with the fresh properties of concrete. The mortar portion of a concrete mix, should be flowable
to flow a long distance without seggregation. At the same time, it should be highly cohesive and adhesive. It is difficult
to get all these properties at the same time because if flowability of the mortar is increased by a superplasticizer, its
cohesiveness and adhesiveness would decrease.
The fresh properties of cement mortar are mainly dependent on water content, fine aggregate grading and the packing
density of fine aggregate. In a mortar mix, the water content must be enough to fill the voids so that there will be increase
in the volume of excess water to lubricate the solid particles. Also the paste has to be enough to fill the voids of fine
aggregate particles by which the excess paste can cover the fine aggregate particles.
In 2008, Albert H. Kwan and H.H.C. Wong carried out research to study the "Effects of packing density, excess water
and surface area on flowability of cement paste" In this research the authors measured the packing density of
cementitious materials containing different amount of cement, pulverized fuel ash and condensed silica fume. They also
worked out the flowability of paste formed with cementitious materials at different water content and correlated with
excess water contents.
For the tests, twelve blended mixes of cementitious materials containing different amount of admixtures were produced.
The experimental programme was divided in four parts: part A contained mixes of ordinary portland cement, 0 to 45%
pulverized fuel ash and no condensed silica fume while part B contained mixes of ordinary portland cement, 0 to 45%
pulverized fuel ash and 15% condensed silica fume. The part C contained mixes of ordinary portland cement, 0-45%
condensed silica fume and no pulverized fuel ash and also part D contained mixes of ordinary portland cement, 0-45%
condensed silica fume and 15% pulverized fuel ash. The W/CM(water/cementitious materials) ratios by volume were
ranged from 0.225 to 1.10 for the flowability tests. A polycarboxylated-based SP was used at its maximum dosage of 3%.
All the mixes were tested for wet packing test, mini slump cone test(Okamura and Ouchi) and marsh cone test(BS
EN:445 1997). The specific surface area of cement was determined from the method of blaine permeability (BS EN 196
Part-6:1992) and for condensed silica fume and pulverized fuel ash areas were determined from their particle size
The research shows that the packing density and the flowability of paste increase with the increase of pulverized fuel ash
.For W/CM ratio lower than 0.4, the addition of condensed silica fume upto 15% would also increase the packing density
and flowability. But beyond 15%, the packing density and flowability were deceased. The ratio of excess water to surface
area is found a significant factor governing the flow of paste.
In 2008, Jayasree C. and Ravindra Gettu studied the flow behaviour of cement paste with different types and dosage of
superplasticizers in their study "Experimental study of the flow behaviour of superplasticized cement paste". The
authors used an OPC of 53 grade (as per IS 12269-1987) for the marsh cone flow test, slump cone test and viscometer
test to study the flowability and rheological properties of paste. The standard consistency and blaine fineness of the
cement were 0.3l(as per ASTM C 187) and 316 m²/kg(as per ASTM C 04). The superplasticizers were used with solid
content of 32 to 44% and W/C ratio was taken 0.35 for all the mixes. The flow behaviour of cement paste was evaluated
with different types and dosages of superplasticizers under marsh cone test and mini slump flow test and the results
(depicted with the Bringham and Herschel-Bulkley models) were compared with the results of viscometer test. It was

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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 3,Issue 5, May -2016, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

concluded that the flow time obtained from the marsh cone test, mini slump flow spread and the rheological parameters
show same pattern with change in dosage of superplasticizers. Also, from the marsh cone test, it was evaluated that
rheological parameters increased with the increase in time and the rate of change was more important at the dosage below
the saturation dosage.
In 2009, Albert K.H. Kwan and W.W.S. measured the packing density of fine aggregate and mortar in their research
"Packing density measurement and modelling of fine aggregate and mortar". The authors measured the packing
density of fine aggregate blended in different proportions under dry as well as wet condition. The packing density of
mortar mixes of different cement-sand proportion were measured in wet state. The effect of compaction was considered
in both the dry and wet condition, while the effect of superplasticizers were considered under wet condition. The packing
densities obtained by new wet packing test were compared with the predicted values of two available models.
Fine aggregate of maximum 1.18mm were used. A polycarboxylated-based superplasticizer was used with its maximum
dosage of 3%.A dry packing method as given in British Standards BS:812:Part 2 was used to determine the dry packing
density of fine aggregate while a new wet packing method was employed to measure the packing density of fine
aggregate and also mortar . It showed that, under wet condition, packing density is higher and less sensitive to
compaction than under dry condition. By comparison, the measured packing densities were found very close to the
predicted values. Such good results proved very good accuracy of wet packing method.
In 2010, Albert Kwan, Fung and Wong studied the effects of water film thickness in their research "Water film
thickness, flowability and rheology of cement-sand mortar". The authors studied the effects of packing density,
excess water content and surface area of solid content in the mortar on the fresh properties and rheology of mortar. These
effects were evaluated in terms of water film thickness of mortar. Mortar mixes of different water contents, different fine
aggregate grading with a maximum size of 1.18mm and maximum SP polycarboxylated-based of 3% were produced for
packing density, flowability and rheology test. The W/S ratios by volume were 0.335,0.375 and 0.415. All the samples
were tested under mini V funnel test, mini slump cone test, wet packing test and vane test.
It showed that packing density was varied from 0.715 to 0.762.Here a difference of 6% which was seemed very small but
this small difference have great effects on flowability and rheology of mortar. By the regression analysis, very good
correlations were obtained between the water film thickness with flow and rheological properties. These showed that
water film thickness is an important parameter which governs the flowability and rheology of mortar.
In 2011, Albert Kwan and Leo Li made an attempt on "Mortar design based on water film thickness”. The authors
have developed a mix design method based on the water film thickness of mortar. In which mortar mixes of different
water content, different fine aggregate grading were produced for flowability and rheology tests. An OPC which
complied as per BS 12:1996 and measured as per BS EN:196-6:1992. The specific gravities of OPC(BS 4550-Part
3:1978) and fine aggregate(BS 812 Part 2:1955) were 3.11 and 2.48. A polycarboxylated -based SP of maximum 3%
dosage was used. The W/C ratios were in the range of 0.75-1.50 by volume the C/A ratios were varied from 0.3-0.9 in
steps of 0.1 while. The mixing was achieved by mixing all the ingredients in a standard mixer as per BS EN 196-Parts 1-
3. A new mixing procedure of adding all the water at first and then to add SP and cement sand mixture in several
fractions was used. The samples were tested under mini slump cone test, mini V funnel test, wet packing test, sieve
seggregation test, stone rod adhesion test and vane test.
The authors produced a design chart of water film thickness at different W/C ratios and C/A ratios. The results showed
that bleeding would occur or sieve seggregation index would exceed 10% when water film thickness was increased to
more than 20μm. The maximum adhesiveness was achieved at water film thickness around 0-10μm. Also, very good
correlations were obtained between the water film thickness and the flow and rheological parameters.
In 2012, Albert Kwan and Leo Li studied combined effects of water film thickness and paste film thickness in their
research "Combined effects of water film thickness and paste film thickness on rheology of mortar". Different
mortar mixes were produced with C/A ratios by volume from 0.3-0.9, while volumetric W/C ratios were in the range of
0.75-1.5. The fine aggregate with maximum 1.18mm size were used. A polycarboxylate-based SP was used with its
maximum dosage as 3%. The packing density of the mortar mixes and the fine aggregate were measured by new wet
packing method developed by authors' team. Mini slump cone test and mini V funnel test were performed to measure the
flowability. Also vane test was used to find the rheological properties of mortar. To measure the cohesiveness of mortar,
a new version of sieve seggregation test (europian guidelines of self compacting concrete) was used. The stone rod
adhesion test developed by authors' team was used to measure the adhesiveness property of mortar.
By regression analysis, correlations of water film thickness and paste film thickness with the flow parameters and
rheological parameters gave R² value nearly close to unity. These values showed the importance of water film thickness
and paste film thickness in the mortar design.
In 2013,Joseph Craus and Ilan Ishai described basic analytical method to calculate specific surface areas of fine
aggregate and in their research "A Method for the Determination of the Surface Area of Fine Aggregate in
Bituminous Mixtures". For directly determining specific surfaces, various equations were derived from the particle size
distribution. The specific surfaces were obtained based on the assumption that all the particles were spherical. This
method mainly suggests to bituminous mixtures technology but it can also be applied where the surface area of fine
aggregate is necessary. The authors calculated specific surface of sand and fine particles such as limestone, hydrated
lime, glass beads, dolomite and basalt by their own method and compared their values with other conventional method

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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 3,Issue 5, May -2016, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

like ASTM C 204-63, Haveem method and Duriez method. They found the specific surface with the help of particle size
distribution and apparent specific gravity of given material.
The specific surfaces found by this method for sand, limestone, hydrated lime, glass beads, dolomite and basalt were
8.34, 258, 750, 78, 183 and 217 m²/kg respectively. The results were very accurate to those which were obtained
experimentally. For sand, the absolute difference of specific surfaces measured by the suggested method and Haveem
method was 11.39% while for fine particles like limestone, hydrated lime, glass beads, dolomite and basalt, the absolute
differences between suggested method and ASTM C 204-63 method were 1.93%, 15.86%, 10.25%, 10.38% and 13.82%
In 2014, Albert Kwan and Leo Li studied the combined effects of water film thickness, paste film thickness and mortar
film thickness in their research "Combined effects of water film, paste film and mortar film thicknesses on fresh
properties of concrete". The authors studied the effects of water content, paste content and fine aggregate grading on
the concrete. The authors produced concrete mixes with different water content, paste content and fine aggregate grading
to study the fresh properties of concrete. An OPC (specific gravity 3.11)of strength class 52.5 N which complied BS
12:1996 was used. Fine aggregate of maximum 1.18mm and coarse aggregates of 10mm and 20mm sizes of same origin
and specific gravity of 2.56 were used. The W/C ratio was set from 0.25-0.55 in steps of 0.1. A maximum 3% of
polycarboxylated-based SP was added to each mix. All the concrete mixes were tested under slump flow test, V funnel
test, sieve seggregation test(europian guidelines of SCC) and U box test. By regression analysis, very good correlations
were obtained between the water film thickness, paste film thickness and mortar film thickness with the fresh properties
of concrete.
In 2015, Albert Kwan and Leo Li studied the "Effects of superplasticizer type on water film thickness and flowability
of cementitious paste". The authors studied the paste behaviour under different types and dosages of superplasticizers
and related it with the water film thickness of the paste. The authors have launched an experimental program composed
of three parts. In all parts, three SP conditions were without SP, with polycarboxylated-based SP and with naphthalene-
based. In first part, the polycarboxylate based SP or naphthalene based SP dosages by mass of cementitious materials
were 0.5%, 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.3% while for second and third part, PC-based and naphthalene based SP by mass of
cementitious materials were 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% respectively. W/CM ratio was fixed as 0.6 for all the mixes. In first
part, ordinary portland cement(BS EN 197-1:2011) was the only material. In second part, pulverized fuel ash was used in
place of ordinary portland cement . Finally in third part, condensed silica fume was used in place of ordinary portland
cement. Both admixtures were 20% by weight of cementitious materials. All the samples were tested for the wet packing
test, and mini slump test(Okamura & Ouchi). The packing densities of mixes were determined from wet packing method.
From the research, it was found that adding any type of SP would be beneficial but the PC based SP gives higher
flowability and water film thickness than the other one.
From different research works on cement, mortar and concrete, some conclusions are drawn which are stated below:
 The newly developed wet packing method by the authors' team, which determines the maximum solid
concentration at different water content, is more accurate than the dry method and is applicable to the fine
aggregate, cementitious materials, mortar as well as concrete.
 For fine aggregate, the packing density obtained by wet packing method is greater than that obtained by dry
packing method.
 Packing density of the fine aggregate of an individual fraction is lesser than that obtained by blending different
size fractions.
 The mini slump flow spread, marsh cone flow time and rheological parameters shows a same pattern with the
change in dosage of superplasticizers.
 The parameters water film thickness and paste film thickness directly gives the measure of the effect caused by
excess water, excess paste and surface area. These parameters control the fresh properties of mortar and these
should also be considered in the mortar design.
 The mortar film thickness also affects the fresh properties and rheology of concrete and therefore it should be
considered in the design of concrete.
 The new stone rode adhesion test by authors' team was used to measure the adhesiveness of mortar.
 A design chart of mortar was developed based on the water film thickness of mortar.
The author would like to thank Prof. Parth Thaker for his helpful guidance and discussions. Also very grateful to the
C.E.P.T. University for providing useful resources and references to present this work.
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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
Volume 3,Issue 5, May -2016, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

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