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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 9862 Ficst edition 1850.08.01 Geotextiles -- Sampling and preparation of test specimens Géatextiles — Echaniittonnage et préparation des éprouveties Reference mymber ISO 9889:/890/E) 180 9862:1990(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Sandardizalion) is 2 worldwide lederalion of national standards bodies (SC meraber bodies) The work of preparing Internstional Standards is acrmally carried oul [hrough ISO lechnical commillees. Each merbar boy interesiad in # subjec! for which a technical cormiflee has been aslablished has lhe right to be represcnled on that committec. Internationa: organizations, govern mental and nop.governmental, in fiaison with iSO, also take part ia the work. SO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (FC) cn all matters of electrotecknical standardization Dra international Standards adopted by the lechnical committees are cireulated to the member bodies lor voling Publication as an Inierna- honal Standard requires approval by at leas! 75% of the meraber bod casting 2 vole. international Standard (SO 9862 was prepered by Techalcal Comrmlttee ISQVTC 38, Texirles. 2 iso. 1920 Ale signts reserved. Ko part of is pualleation may be reprocuces c* ullized in any fern Er by any Sweans isctenrue or eshanent inekisina ph sloronyinn Al "ers, eRe ocmgerge In ring from the pabisher rieesaiionai Orgoriralian for Slandaraizaion Gace Postate 656 CHAIN Gondun 2 © Siirartand Puntod in Suatzerans ISO 9862:1990(E) Introduction Geolestifes are produced in many different ways, partly using traditional lextile procedures, party using procedures no! commen_y recognized a8 lexlile procedures. Geviexillus are Used in engineering, batiding constuction, hydraulic works, eft, all outside the textile industry. Geolexitfes are usually supplied in rolls. typically with an area of 500m? per roli for a product of average mass per uni area Typically, se of goatextiles ts based upon utilization of the entire roll in one piece. Tharetore, whist the testing of geolextiie somples shoutd ensure the best possible statistical sinnificance of the average result and the coefficient of variation, there are practical inmits to the possible gistributign of samples and specimens over the entire iol and its single units suppiied to @ duitding site INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 9862:1990(E) Geotextiles — Sampling and preparation of test specimens 1 Scope 4.1. This international Standard establishes gen- eral principles for te camping of geotextllas and preparation of test specimens from the samples 1.2. The sampling principles are applicable to gedlextifes suppked in rolls. [SC 188 may be used for units in othar shapes, 1.3. The specimen preparation principles are ap- pheable lo ali geciexliles 2 Normative reference The following standard contains provisions which, through veference in this text. constitute provisions of this Intemational Standard, At the time of pubi- calion, the edition indicated was valid, Ail standards are subject to revision, ant parties lo agreements based on this International Standard are encour aged to iavestigate the possibility of aprying tne most recent edition of the standard indicaiad heiow Mambers of IEC and 1S maintain registers of cur rently vatid fnternational Slandarcls {SO 186.1985, Paper and board ming average quality Sampling te deter 3 Procedure 3.1 Sampling BAA Selection of rolls 3.44.1 The number of rolls from which semntes ze cit shail be agreed between the parties invalvest 34.12 With the exception of lasts made in con nection with claims, each roll selected shail fool undamaged and the wrapping, if any. shalt be intact 312 Cutting Information regarding the number of test specimens, their shape and any requirements shail be obtained for all tests le be made on tha sample. 4.1.22 The first lwo turns of the rot shall nol pe sed for sainpling, 34.23 Cut from the roll, over its full width, per penticulsr to the machine direction [production ¢ rection — roll tengih direction}, the length necessary to oblain ai! the svecimens required, distributed in accordance with the prinsipies described in this international Standard (sae 2] 3.4.24 Since specimens shall not contain damened parts as delined in 4.2.2, eilher such parts shall be avoided in selecting the Sample, or the sample shall he cu large enough to obtain the necessary sumber of acceptable specimens, 3.4.3. Identification of sample 34.3.1 Wher the two fares of the geotentile are sigaificanty different, the sample shalt he marked to show which face was Insite ar which was oulside the turn of the rolt Another mark (e.g, an arrow) shall be used Io indicate the machine direction of the sample, The sample shali be marked for identilica lion purposes with the following informelion: brand/producer/sunplier, pe description, 6.9, guality sumber ar crade: roll number or other identification if more then one roll of the same type is sampted ~ dale of sampiing 180 9862:1490(E) 3.41.44 Hf not being cut into specimens immedistey the sampte shall be kept in a dry, dark place, free from dua}, al ambient lemperaiure and protected against chemicat and physical damage. The sarnte may be rotied wp Sut nol folded, 32 Preparation of specimens 3.2.1. For each type of test, the required number of specimens shail but cut from positions evenly dis tributed over the full width ard leagth of the sample, but nol claser than 100mm io the setvedge 3.2.2 Except for specimens for tesis to be made in connection wilh claims (see, specimens shell nol contain any girl, irregular areas, creases, hoies ex other visitle delecis of accidental oriyin produced subsequent fo manufacture, 3.2.3 For the same type of tesl, the some fongi- tudinal or tranverse position of two or more speci- mens shali he avoided Jf unavoidable (a9. dua fo narrow roll wisth), a note to this ct shali be In. cluded in the sampling report 3.2.4 Except when additional tests are required, the sperimens shall he cul along tke marhine and transverse directions, When the test procedure calls for the specitnen to be marked with the machine ci rection, the marking indicating the mactine direc- tion cn the sample shall be transferred to the specimen, of Ihe specimen shall he kept separate In such a way that there can be 60 risk of a mison derstanding. 3.28 The specimens shall be cut to the accuracy required for the particular lest. In fests where accu: racy of dimensions is cf special importance. the specimens mzy be cul 10 ani oversize and only cul or frayed to the exact dimensions afler conditioning 3.2.6 The idantification markings on the sample shail be Catefully transferred to all tesl specimens 2.27 Belore culling structured gevlextiles, detailed instructions for cutting shail be laid down, and these Insiructions shall be followed with great sare, 328 Hf the cutting causes fragments of the geoiextile to become loose, or if accidental (raying occurs, all loose fragments shall be kept with Ihe specimen unit the test is carried out. # the foosen- ing of Iragraents cannol be avoided and this is likely to influence the fost result, the fact thal loosening has occurred snail be reported in the sampling re- port as weil as in Ihe tes! report 3.28 The speciniens shall ba kept ina dey, dark place free trom dust, at ambieal temperature anct protected agains! chemicai and physical damage unlit the les! is performed. 4 Sampling report The sampling report shall include the following par- licuises: aj a siatement thal the sampling and preparation of specimens was performed in accordance with this International Standard, b) dotaits of any special observatioas made during the selection, sampling or preparation of spec mens, such a: — ah unusually high number of defects, ~ loosening of fragments from the geotextile — the necessity for taking specimens tor the same ‘est in anly one fongitudina’ or trans- verse ditection: ©) details of any deviation from the specified sam- pifag procedur the date of cutting of the sample, and ths refer eane aumbers of the roils selected

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