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1st Edition 2015

A Handbook of

General Training Program

For District & Sessions Judges

Punjab Judicial Academy, Lahore.

Punjab Judicial Academy


Table of Contents
DIRECTOR GENERAL’S MESSAGE .......................................................................................................................... 3

CALENDAR ........................................................................................................................................................... 4

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................... 5

AIMS & OBJECTIVES OF GTP FOR DSJS ................................................................................................................. 7

TRAINING STRATEGY AND TECHNIQUES .............................................................................................................. 7

FACULTY .............................................................................................................................................................. 8

PHYSICAL TRAINING & SPORTS ............................................................................................................................ 8

LUNCH/DINENR WITH GUEST ............................................................................................................................... 8

ASSESSMENT POLICY............................................................................................................................................ 8

AWARDS .............................................................................................................................................................. 9

CODE OF CONDUCT .............................................................................................................................................. 9

ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY............................................................................................................................. 9

DISCIPLINE & CONDUCT ......................................................................................................................................10

DRESS REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................10

CAR /PARKING ....................................................................................................................................................10

AIMS OF THE PROGRAM: ....................................................................................................................................11

MANAGEMENT SKILLS.........................................................................................................................................12

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:...................................................................................................................................... 12
RECOMMENDED BOOKS: ............................................................................................................................................. 12

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................................13

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ................................................................................................................................................ 13

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: ............................................................................................................................................. 13

PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ..............................................................................................................................14

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ................................................................................................................................................ 14

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: ............................................................................................................................................. 14

CONSTITUTIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE LAW ...................................................................................................15

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ................................................................................................................................................ 15

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: ............................................................................................................................................. 15

LEADERSHIP ROLE OF THE DSJ .............................................................................................................................16

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ................................................................................................................................................ 16

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: ............................................................................................................................................. 16

SOCIAL & ECONOMIC DIMENSIONS OF JUDICIAL DECISION MAKING ..................................................................18

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ................................................................................................................................................ 18

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: ............................................................................................................................................. 18

COURT AND CASE MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................................19

Punjab Judicial Academy


LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ................................................................................................................................................ 19

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: ............................................................................................................................................. 19

ETHICS AND CODE OF CONDUCT .........................................................................................................................20

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: ............................................................................................................................................. 20

STRESS MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................................21

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: ............................................................................................................................................. 21

IT SKILLS ..............................................................................................................................................................22

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ............................................................................................................................................... 22

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: ............................................................................................................................................. 22

MESS REGULATIONS ...........................................................................................................................................23

ARRANGEMENTS FOR MEALS ....................................................................................................................................... 24

HOSTEL REGULATIONS ........................................................................................................................................24

LIBRARY REGULATIONS .......................................................................................................................................25

Punjab Judicial Academy


Director General’s Message

The Punjab Judicial Academy welcomes you and wishes you the best of luck
for your career in judicial service.

The Judicial Education plays an important role in the life of a judicial officer as
it adds into his expertise in conducting the trials in befitting manner and helps him in
delivering a quality judgment. The judicial education further helps a judicial officer in
minimizing the knowledge gap that develops due to passage of time and development
in law and society. The multi-dimensional approach of judicial education helps in
bringing new perspectives to the same old thing and thus the judicial decision making
makes the judiciary relevant to society.

In Punjab, the concept of continuing judicial education was not available in a

formal collegial setting until the establishment of the Punjab Judicial Academy in
the 2007 through the Punjab Judicial Academy Act. Since then the Academy is
putting efforts to raise the level of judicial education so that it can become an agent
of change for the benefit of the improvement in judicial dispensation of justice, the
ultimate beneficiary of which is litigant.

To establish a new regime of judicial education where every judicial officer

and court personnel is provided some of the professional training and education
every year, the Academy is in the process of designing pioneer General Training
Programs (GTPs) for different levels of judicial officers. The present program is first
one to come in this regard. The new program will commence in 2015. The present
GTP is especially designed for District & Sessions Judges keeping in view the fact
that they play an important role in administration of justice at District Judiciary
level. To make them a role model and good manager, the focus of a week long GTP
is on developing management skills, financial administration skills, human
resource management skills, court and case management skills, stress
management skills, IT skills and some skills in other dimensions of the office of
DSJ etc.

The constitutional and social context judicial education is also made part of this
program so that the DSJs are made aware of constitutionalism, social and economic
sciences relevant to judicial decision making. It is now for the District & Sessions
Judges to look into the contents of the program, to get maximum out of it and to guide
the Academy for future development and improvement of this program.

Syed Khurshid Anwar Rizvi

Director General

Punjab Judicial Academy


Over the year 2015, TEN batches each consisting of 13 District & Sessions
Judges will attend this course. Tentative dates are as under:

1. __________________________

2. __________________________

3. __________________________

4. __________________________

5. __________________________

6. __________________________

7. __________________________

8. __________________________

9. __________________________

10. __________________________

Punjab Judicial Academy


The Academy was established through the Punjab Judicial Academy Act, 2007
(Pb. Act XV of 2007) (hereinafter the Act) for training of judicial officers and court
personnel in Punjab. The Preamble of the Act reads as under:

“Whereas it is expedient to establish an academy for imparting

training to the judicial officers and court personnel with a view to
develop their capacity, professional competency and ethical
standards for efficient dispensation of justice and matters ancillary

The functions of the Academy have been defined in Section 4 of the Act which
reads as under:

a) impart pre-service and in-service training to the judicial officers and court
b) develop the skills and techniques for court management, case
management, delay reduction, alternate dispute resolution and judgment
c) conduct examinations and award certificates and diplomas;
d) develop training courses relating to administration of justice including use
of information technology;
e) hold conferences, seminars, lectures, workshops and symposia relating
to court management, administration of justice, law and development and
legislative drafting;
f) publish books, journals, research papers and reports on important topics
relating to administration of justice;
g) promote research on case management, court management, trial skills
and judicial reasoning;
h) encourage legal and constitutional research;
i) inculcate and promote ethical values and standards in judicial officers
and court personnel;
j) coordinate with other educational and training institutions including the
Federal Judicial Academy;
k) conduct training and examinations of other officers and personnel on the
direction of the Board; and
l) perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the Board.

The Act of the Academy provides guidance that the Academy shall use all modern
techniques for imparting judicial training while teaching methods and evaluation
system shall be at par with international standards. The Academy is striving hard
to explore, understand and apply the modern teaching techniques and at the same
time it is working on establishing an authentic regime of evaluations of the
trainers, the trainees and the Academy itself.

Punjab Judicial Academy


Prior to establishment of this Academy, the judicial officers were sent to the
Federal Judicial Academy, NIPA and the Shariah Academy, IIU Islamabad for
getting some sort of pre- and in-service training. They were also attached with
courts for learning the judicial work from their peers. However, said regime was
not effective for proper judicial education and training of the judicial officers and
court personnel. The Academy has now taken up this challenge to meet the ever
rising demands for training of the human resources of the judiciary in Punjab.

The present GTP is one of the programs being offered by the Academy. Apart
from this, the Academy is also offering pre- and in-service programs for all the
trainees as mentioned in the PJA Act. Likewise, and in accordance with the new
rules applicable to judicial officers that a judicial officer will not be promoted
unless he or she attends a promotion related training program at the Academy and
successfully gets through it, the Academy has also taken up this challenge and
has conducted a number of such training programs as well.

It is hoped that the GTP for the DSJs will provide them an insight into their
day to day working as far as their leadership role is concerned at District Judiciary
level. The other continuing judicial education requirements of DSJs will be met by
some different programs which will be designed and run by the Academy in the
meantime. They will also be attending a number of seminars, workshops,
conferences, symposia etc. The Academy also intends to add diversity to its
training programs by inviting judicial officers from other provinces so that the
judicial officers in Punjab can learn through sharing of experience and ideas
available in such jurisdictions.

The PJA is an autonomous body with its own Board of Management headed
by the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court. Its present campus is at 15-
Fane Road, Lahore. The new building of the Academy is being constructed at Kala
Shah Kaku Education City on a piece of land measuring almost 393 kanals. The
purpose built campus will further facilitate the working of the Academy to impart
quality judicial education to almost 1500 judicial officers and 18,000 court

The administration of the Academy is under general control of the Board of

Management while the Director General is the Chief Executive Officer as well as
Principle Accounting Officer and is responsible for the affairs of the Academy
before the Board.

At present, the faculty consists of a Director General, a Director (Admin) and

five Senior Instructors. The Director General and all the Senior Instructors have
LL.M. degrees. One Instructor IT is also part of the faculty. Two of the Senior
Instructors and Instructor IT are Ph.D. fellows in their respective fields.

Punjab Judicial Academy



The GTP aims at:

1. Transforming a judicial officer of senior rank into a judicial leader having

administrative and other expertise.
2. Sensitizing the DSJs on the constitutionalism and the role of district judiciary
in administration of justice.
3. Developing a competent and effective district judiciary through well oriented
4. Ensuring maximum and best utilization of financial resources available with
the district judiciary.
5. Establishing the district judiciary as one group with harmonized
understanding of administrative decision making for better administration of
justice at district judiciary level.
6. Providing guidance on the skill to think out of the box for resolving the issues
relating to the judiciary within itself and with other state functionaries
bodies working in the district.
7. Raising the standard of the judiciary for better administration of justice so
that litigant feels more confident and receives fair justice.


1. The training methodology and techniques include lectures, extension
lectures, seminars/ panel discussions, case studies, workshops, class
presentations, syndicate work, book reviews, public speaking, study tour.
2. Lectures are one of the modes of imparting instructions. These are,
however, not routine lecture but are in the form of discussions, encouraging
greater participation by establishing an effective two-way communication
between the resource person and the trainees. Presentations by trainees on
topics assigned by the Instructors form an integral part of class room
sessions. The Academy believes that the lecture method has to be
supplemented by other teaching tools. These will be discussed at relevant
place below.
3. Extension Lectures are delivered on selected topics by experienced judges,
advocates, technical experts and members of the academia distinguished
speakers who have achieved eminence in their respective fields of
4. Seminars/Panel Discussions: Distinguished scholars and professionals
are invited, from time to time, to participate in seminars and panel
discussions on different contemporary issues related to the syllabi. Trainees
who possess specialized knowledge or skills in any of the subjects are
encouraged to participate in panel discussions either as respondents or as

Punjab Judicial Academy


5. Case Studies: It is one of the modern teaching tools. The Instructors at the
Academy as also visiting faculty effectively use this important method of
teaching. The trainees are given important cases decided by the Hon’ble
Superior Courts and then discussions are opened for critical thinking and
developing logic and reason about the conclusion so that same are applied in
like situations which the trainees/participants may face in a real court room
6. Class Presentation are important to develop effective communication skill
and to impart whatever one has learnt during group discussions etc. This is
a regular activity of every training program in the Academy.
7. Syndicate Research: The participants/trainees will be assigned topics in
smaller groups wherein they will be writing their paper on the topic assigned
to them and then will present the syndicate research report at the end of the
8. Book Reviews: Each trainee is assigned a book on general topic to review.
The review is to be submitted before the end of the program. It may be
followed by a presentation subject to availability of time.
9. Public Speaking/ In-House Panel Discussion: The Trainees are provided
ample opportunities for public speaking at public speaking sessions.

 Hon’ble serving and retired judges of the Supreme Court and High Court.
 Serving/Retired D&SJJ
 Faculty of the Academy
 Academia
 Senior Advocates
 Experts


1. The participants are encouraged to get up early in the morning and to go for
a morning walk.
2. The Academy has also arranged table tennis and badminton facilities for
During every training program, Hon’ble Judges of the Lahore High Court are
invited to join the trainees either at lunch or at dinner, as the case may be, for
informal discussions and developing interaction between the Superior Courts and
District Courts.


Punjab Judicial Academy


The GTP will be assessed through a written exam to ensure that the participants
take the activity seriously. Results of the assessment will be shared with the
Lahore High Court. Assessment criteria will be as under:

Subjects Marks
MCQs 60
Essay 20
Attendance 05
Code of Conduct/ Etiquettes 05
IT Skills 10
Total 100

“A+” 80 percent and above
“A” 70 to 79 percent
“B” 60 to 69 percent
“C” 50 to 59 percent
“D” 40 to 49 percent
“E” Below 40 percent

The Academy intends to distribute Award of Best Performer in a GTP.

Trainees are required to abide by the Code of Conduct as laid down by the
Academy. Deviations from and non-adherence to the Code of Conduct and
prescribed policies, procedures and instructions are liable to be dealt with in
accordance with the prescribed procedure.


The trainees are required to be present in all academic, social and sports activities
during the GTP. Absence from these activities without due permission will be
reflected in their assessment report under Assessment Policy.

Leave is allowed in specific cases and in accordance with leave granting rules
applicable to the trainees.

The trainees are not allowed to leave the campus during academic and training
activity without showing authorization signed by the competent authority.

The trainees are required to be present and punctual in all appointments,

engagements and programs. The attendance and punctuality of the trainees is
marked through bio-metric devices.

Punjab Judicial Academy



1. Courteous behavior is expected during all training activities both inside and
outside classes. Trainees are expected to show due courtesy to the
permanent and visiting faculty, their colleagues and the staff working at the
2. Smoking is not permitted in class rooms, library, auditorium, mess, lounges
and official public transport.
3. Trainees are required to abide by the seating plan as notified from time to
time. Violation results in negative assessment by the faculty.
4. Trainees are not allowed to receive visitors, messages or to receive or make
telephone calls during working hours.
5. No lecture may be missed except in an emergency, and that too, after due
6. Mobile phones are not allowed in the class.
7. Trainees are issued name tags during registration with the PJA. The name
tags are to be worn at all times during classes. In case of loss of name tag, a
new one can be procured on payment with the approval of Director (Admin)
8. The Academy has zero tolerance for incidents of moral turpitude, including
cheating in examinations. Such cases are liable to attract disciplinary

1. Trainees are expected to be properly dressed on all occasions as prescribed
by the Hon’ble High Court.

Dress code for specific occasions like mess night etc. will be notified by the
Academy separately.

1. The Academy allows trainee officers to park their cars on the campus.
However, for security purposes, trainees are required to obtain stickers from
the Academy's administration. Entry of only those cars will be allowed
which display the sticker issued by the Academy.

2. There are designated car parking areas for faculty, trainees and visitors.
The trainees are required to park their vehicles in the designated area only.
Violation of specified parking is likely to result in withdrawal of the car
parking facility.

Punjab Judicial Academy



O u t l i n e

Aims of the Program:

1. To provide a new dimension of management skills to the District & Sessions
Judges as heads of District Judiciary.
2. To inculcate Human Resource Management ideas and inspirations for
effective management of human resources working under the control of a
3. To sensitize DSJs on different aspects of Office Management and Financial
4. To highlight the issues involved in planning and development at District
Judiciary level.
5. To introduce the concepts of Case and Court Management.
6. To highlight the Leadership Role of DSJ in Administration of Justice in the
District Judiciary in accordance with constitutional norms and fundamental

Punjab Judicial Academy


Management Skills
Learning objectives:
 To equip judicial officers about the importance of management skills in
performance of their administrative duties
 To make the District & Session Judges as judicial leaders in administration of
District Judiciary
 To empower the DSJs to effectively utilize the human resources for better
performance of District Judiciary
Sr.# Topic Description
1. Leadership Development  Leadership characteristics
 Leadership Style
 Decision Making
 Negotiation skills
 Media management
2. Human Resource Management  Trends and strategies in human
resource management
 Human resource planning
 Job analysis and evaluation
 Recruitment and selection
3. Communication &  Effective interpersonal communication
Presentation Skills  Effective writing
 Presentation skills
 Communication Skills
4. Office Management  Forms of official communication
 Handling of official papers
 Secretariat business/ filing system
 Noting/drafting skills
 Various Rules
 Professional ethics
 Correspondence with superior courts
and other departments

Recommended Books:
1. Mondy, R & Noe, R, 2008, Human Resource Management (13th Edition), Prentice Hall, USA.
2. Dessler, Gary, 2008, Human Resource Management (11th Edition), Prentice Hall, USA.
3. Specific Readings and Cases (to be provided by the Course Instructor).
4. Baratton, J and Gold J, 2003, Human Resource Management Theory and Practice, (5 th
Edition), Macmillan, UK.
5. William Anthony, 2006, Human Resource Management: A strategic Approach, (8 th
Edition), The Dryden Press, USA.
6. Wayne F. Cascio, 2003, Managing Human Resource, (8th Edition), Irwin/McGraw Hill, London.
7. Journal of HRM Havard Business Review, Latest Articles, HR Sites.
8. Communicating as professionals by Terry Mohan (2004, Nelson)
9. Communication for business by Shirley Taylor (2005, 4th Edition, Pearson)
10. Guide to managerial communication by Marry Munter

Punjab Judicial Academy


Financial Management
Learning objectives:
 To explain the basic concept of budget making
 To understand the role of DSJs in budget making and financial management
 To sensitize about the principles and practices of financial management

Sr.# Topic Description

1 Basic Concepts of Budget  Basic concepts of budget making
Making-I  Preparation of budget at Provincial
level and District level
 Preparation of budget by DDOs
 Preparation of SNE
 Practical exercises on budget making
2 Basic Concepts of Budget  Proper utilization of budget
Making-II  Review of budget utilization
 Preparation of excess and surrender
3 Financial Management-I  Maintenance of financial discipline
 Duties and responsibilities of DDOs
 Reconciliation of Accounts
4 Financial Management-II  Delegation of financial powers and re-
 Purchase procedure under purchase
 Matters relating to store and stock
 Audit procedure (how to avoid and
deal audit paras)

Recommended Books:
1. Financial management in Pakistan by Javed Insari, Muhammad Naeem and Jamal Zubairi,
Oxford University Press, Karachi.
2. Fundamental of financial management by Van Horne and John M. Wachowicz, Jr.
3. Financial management: theory and practice by Brigham
4. Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Act, 2009 (VIII of 2009).
5. Punjab Procurement Rules, 2014.
6. The Punjab Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 2006.
7. Chart of Accounts.
8. Financial Audit Manual.
9. PIFRA website.
10. Auditor General Punjab website.

Punjab Judicial Academy


Planning & Development

Learning objectives:

 To introduce the PC-I preparation skills to DSJs

 To understand the tools and techniques of project management

Sr.# Topic Description

1 PC-I Preparation  Introduction to PC-I
 PC-I Preparation
 Formulation of Development Plans/MTDF &
 Project concepts, project cycle and various
sources of project identification
 Project Designing
 Concept of Time Value of money
 Calculation of Discounted Measures
 Project Appraisal concepts
 Preparation of Cost Estimates of Building
Component by the C&W Department
 Exercises & Presentations
2 Project Management  Planning & Planning Process in Pakistan
 Project concepts & its Definitions
 Various Phases of Project Cycle
 Introduction to Project management
 Monitoring of Development Projects
 Project Monitoring tools
 Preparation of Work Breakdown Structure
 Project Management through Network
Analysis- CPM Technique
 Project Management Through Network
Analysis (Exercise)
 Using MS Project for Project Management
 Using MS Project for Project Management
 Visit of a Project Management Unit
 Resource Allocation in Project Management
 Role of Project Director in Project
 Evaluation of Development Project

Recommended Books:

1. Instructions to Fill-in-PC-I Proforma issued by Govt. of Punjab.

Punjab Judicial Academy


Constitutional and Administrative Law

Learning objectives:

 To sensitize about the powers of Courts for judicial review under the
Constitution of Pakistan
 To sensitize about the fundamental rights in Constitution

Sr.# Topic Description

1 Judicial Review of  The powers of the Courts under
Administrative Action Constitution of Pakistan
 Legal regime dealing with judicial
review at district judiciary level
2 Fundamental Rights &  Different kinds of fundamental rights
their Enforcement in Constitution of Pakistan
 Issues in enforcement of fundamental
 Role of the Courts: Powers, Duties and

Recommended Books:

1. Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973.

2. Fundamental Law of Pakistan by A.K. Brohi.
3. Judicial Review of Public Action by Justice Fazal Karim.
4. Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan by Hamid Khan.
5. Principles of Administrative Law by Hamid Khan.
6. Precedent in Pakistani Law by Dr. Muhammad Munir
7. Judicial Review of Administrative Action by De Smith

Punjab Judicial Academy


Leadership Role of the DSJ

Learning objectives:

 To explain the contents of PER and how to write ACR/PER

 To highlight leadership role of DSJ in Administration of civil and criminal justice
and to make him/her a role model for other courts
 To sensitize the importance of meetings with judicial officers and other
administrative bodies in the District.
 To establish a regime of District Judicial Education Program

Sr.# Topic Description

1 Performance Evaluation  How to write ACR/PER objectively
 Sensitization on latest judgments on PER
 Explaining the content and dimension of PER
 Importance of counseling
 Adverse remarks to be supported by
2 Leadership Role of DSJ  Monthly meeting with Judicial officers,
in Administration of transfer and entrustment of cases
Justice (General)  Designing and Running District Judicial
Education Programs
 Bench-Bar Relationship
 Media & Courts
3 Leadership Role of  To highlight the role of DSJ in District
D&SJ in Administration Criminal Coordination Committee
of Justice (Criminal)  Jail and Judicial Lockup Inspection
 Legal Aid Committees
 Coordination with Administration,
Prosecution, Police, Probation and Jail
4 Leadership Role of DSJ  Inspection of Civil Courts
in Administration of  Copy Branch – Issues and Challenges
Justice (Civil)  Record Room Management
 Coordination with Administration and
Revenue authorities.

Recommended Books:
1. Lahore High Court Rules and Orders.
2. Civil Courts Ordinance.
3. District Judiciary Bench Book.
4. Instructions issued by the Lahore High Court.
5. Criminal Procedure Code.
6. Police Orders, 2002.
7. Jail Manual.
8. Prison Rules.
9. Civil Procedure Code.

Punjab Judicial Academy


10. Judgments of superior courts on Bench Bar Relationship.

11. Judgments of superior courts on Court – Media Relationship.
12. PEMRA Laws.
13. Civil Service Laws: A Study in office management by Shahid Hussain Asad, Directorate
General of Training and Research (Inland Revenue), Lahore (online paper).
14. Developing the Judicial Education Discourse by Geeta Oberoi (2013), Thomson Reuters, India

Punjab Judicial Academy


Social & Economic Dimensions of Judicial Decision Making

Learning objectives:
 To sensitize about the impact of judicial decisions on society
 To highlight the constitutional concept of dignity and justice
 To understand the concept of Dignity and justice in Islam
 To comprehend the importance of international legal documents dealing with
human rights and their local application
 To explain the legal research methodologies

Sr.# Topic Description

1 Economic and Social  Social context: Meaning & import
Dimensions of Judicial  How judicial decisions impact society
Decisions  What are social issues relevant to
judicial decision making
2 The Constitutional Concept  Concept of Justice in Constitution
of Dignity & Justice  Concept of dignity in Constitution
3 Concept of Dignity &  Dignity as explained in Fiqh literature
Justice in Islam  Concept of Justice in Islam
 Principles of Democracy, Freedom,
Equality, Tolerance and Social Justice
as enunciated by Islam
4 Human Rights  International concept of human rights
 Treaties/covenants signed by
 Application of international legal
documents to local situations
 National and provincial bodies
established for enforcement of human
5 Research Methodology  Legal and judicial research
 Use of IT
 Use of Literature
 Critical thinking

Recommended Books:

1. Law and Economics by Robert Cooter.

2. Law and Society by Steven Vego.
3. Law and Literature by Richard Posner.
4. Judiciary and Gender Bias, by Mrs. Justice ® Nasira Javed Iqbal (Conference paper).
5. A Theory of Justice by John Rawls
6. Idea of Justice by Amartya Sen
7. The nature of social justice in Islam by Syed Qutab (available online)
8. Adab Al-Qazi by Imam Khassaf
9. International Human Rights: A Comprehensive Introduction by Michael Haas, Routledg, 2008
10. Economic Analysis of Law by Richard Posner

Punjab Judicial Academy


Court and Case Management

Learning objectives:

 To understand the concepts of court and case management

 To learn the skill of court and case management
 To learn how to manage stress
 To develop a skill to create a balance between health and work
 To sensitize the importance of balancing the work life and family life
 To sensitize on Case Flow Management System for District Courts and Special

Sr.# Topic Description

1 International best practices  Court and case management in USA,
on Court & Case UK, Australia and India etc.
Management  Important tools on court and case
management relevant to local
2 Court & Case Management  Sensitizing on court and case
 Skills in case and court management
 ADR/Mediation
 Redundant provisions of procedural
3 Case Flow Management  CFMS and its working
System  Relevance to the actual working of
courts viz a viz case management
 Information Technology and its role in
court and case management

Recommended Books:

1. Case Flow Management System and Court Automation by Zafar Ahmed Khan Sherwani DSJ,
Karachi East (online Article).
2. Case management handbook, Federal Court of Australia (2011) (available online).
3. Code of conduct for judicial officers issued by the Hon’ble Lahore High Court, Lahore.
4. Lahore High Court Rules and Orders.
5. Instructions issued by the Hon’ble Lahore High Court, Lahore on time to time on ethics and
professional conduct.
6. Pakistan's Experience with Formal Law by Dr. Osama Siddique
7. Reforming Justice: A Journey to Fairness in Asia by Livingston Armytage, Cambridge, 2014
8. Technical Assistance: Strengthening of Institutional Capacity for Judicial and Legal Reform,
September 1999, Final Report submitted to Government of Pakistan by Livingston Armytage

Punjab Judicial Academy


Judicial Ethics and Code of Conduct


 To sensitize about the role and corresponding position of a judge in the society;
 to make the officer behave in the manner befitting to his exalted status and the
professional requirement.
 to sensitize the officer about peculiarities of his job viz-a-viz socialization.
 To learn about productive interaction with the Bar and other Stakeholders.

Sr.# Topic Description

1 Norms & Behavior of  Inside and outside court
Judicial Officer  Islamic prospective
 Litigant & public while hearing a case
 With members of Bar
 With staff
 With officers of other Departments

Recommended Books:

1. Code of conduct for judicial officers issued by the Hon’ble Lahore High Court, Lahore.
2. Lahore High Court Rules and Orders.
3. Instructions issued by the Hon’ble Lahore High Court, Lahore on time to time on ethics and
professional conduct.
4. Punjab Civil Servants Act 1974
5. Punjab Civil Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules 1999
6. Punjab Government Servants (Conduct) Rules 1966
7. Judgments of Hon’ble Superior Courts on Issue of Conduct and Ethics to be observe by
Judicial Officers

Punjab Judicial Academy


Stress Management

 To identify the permanent source of stress and the common ways to avoid
 To learn about maintaining balance between work life and personal/family life.
 To know how to tackle difficult situations

Sr.# Topic Description

1 Stress Management  Sensitizing on issues arising out of
work stress
 Managing the stress
 Health and work: A Balancing
2 Tackling a difficult  To sensitize about ways to avoid
situation creation a difficult situation and how
to manage it.

Recommended Books:

1. Luthan Fred, (2005), Organizational Behaviour, McGraw Hill Inc.

2. Atkinson R. C., & Smith E. E. (2000), Introduction to Psychology (13th Ed.), Harcourt
Brace College Publishers.
3. Fernald, L. D., & Fernald, P. S. (2005), Introduction to Psychology, USA: WMC Brown
4. Hergenhahn, B. R. (2001). An Introduction to the History of Psychology, New York:
5. Goodwin, C. J, (2000) Research in Psychology: Methods and Design, (3rd Ed.), New
York: John Wiley & Sons.
6. Synder, C. R., & Lopez, S. J. (2007) Positive Psychology, USA, Sage Publications.
7. Allen, B. P. (1997), Personality Theories: Development, Growth and Diversity, (2nd
Ed.), Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
8. Cohen, R. J., & Swerdlik, M. E. (2005) Psychological Testing & Assessment (6th Ed.),
New York: McGraw-Hill.
9. Corcini, R., (2000). Current Psychotherapies. London: Thompson & Co Publishers.
10. Comer, R. J. (2004). Abnormal Psychology, USA: Freeman & Company.
11. Schwartz, B., Wassernman, E., & Robbins, S. (2002), Psychology of Learning and
Behaviour, 5th Ed. Norton and Company.

Punjab Judicial Academy


IT Skills
Learning Objectives:

 To understand the importance of information technology in Administration of

 To know the use of IT in justice sector institutions including the Courts
 To develop a skill of computer assisted legal and judicial research
 To learn the use of modern IT gadgets (Computer, Laptops, Smart Phones etc.)

Sr.# Topic Description

1 Law and Information  Role of information technology in the
Technology field of law
 IT and courts
3 Computer Assisted Legal  Use of computers and internet for
and Judicial Research legal and judicial research
 Online research tools and techniques
 Legal databases
 Legal Information Institute (LII)
movement and its impact on
Courts/Justice System
4 MS Office  MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access,

Recommended Books:

1. Online legal databases of courts and bar associations

2. IT Skills, Selected Readings, Civil Services Academy, Lahore.
3. Using Microsoft Office 2007 By Ed Bott, Pearson Education

Punjab Judicial Academy



 All trainees shall be members of the Academy Mess. All Faculty Members
of the Academy shall also be ex-officio members of the Mess.

 The Mess Management Committee shall be constituted from amongst the


 The Management Committee shall consist of the President Management

Committee, Secretary and one member from each training course if there
are more than one training courses at a time.

 The President of the Committee shall be the senior most judicial officer
residing in the hostel and Secretary shall be chosen by the trainees with
mutual consent or by majority votes as the case may be.

 Where male Judicial Officer happens to be the President of the Mess

Management Committee the senior most female Judicial Officer residing
in the hostel shall be the Secretary of the Mess Management Committee.

 Administrative Officer and Assistant Director (Admn.) shall be ex officio

members of the Mess Management Committee (MMC).

 The President, Secretary and Members of the Mess Committee can be

removed at any time in case of violation of Code of Conduct and/or Rules
& Regulations notified by the Academy.

 The Management Committee shall be responsible for the efficient

management of mess affairs and mess functions within the allocated

 The Mess Management Committee shall meet in the office of

Administrative Officer of the Academy.

 The Mess Management Committee shall prepare the menu and ensure
that the approved menu is duly notified and is adhered to by mess staff.
It will supervise mess arrangements and ensure that the mess premises
are kept clean, and the mess staff is properly dressed at all times.
Deviations in this regard will be brought to the notice of Director (Admn.)
of the Academy for suitable action.

 In case of any difference in arriving at a decision by the Mess

Management Committee, the matter shall be referred to the Director
(Admn.) whose decision shall be final.

 The Secretary Mess Management Committee will on daily basis check

non-perishable / perishable stores purchased by mess staff for quality

Punjab Judicial Academy


and quantity of food stuff.

 Complaints about the quality of food and other mess matters shall be
made to the President MMC, who will in consultation with the Secretary
and other members of the MMC take prompt action for their rectification.
For this purpose, a complaint and suggestions book shall be kept in the
dining hall.

Arrangements For Meals

 Meals shall be served only during the hours notified from time to time by
the MMC in consultation with Director (Admn.).

 All trainees are required to have their meals in the dining hall. Except in
cases of illness, [when prior permission for room service has been
obtained from the Director (Admn.)], meals shall not be served in the
hostel rooms.

 All trainees are required to be dressed as per guidelines given in the

Handbook (separately provided) while taking their meals in the dining
hall. It would be the responsibility of the Mess Management Committee to
ensure that trainees attend mess properly attired and to report violations
to the Director (Admn.) of the Academy.


 Trainees who are given hostel facility are not allowed to stay the night
out on working days without the prior written permission of Director
(Admn.) of the Academy.
 Serving of meals in rooms is not allowed except as provided in the Mess
 Ironing is not allowed in the hostel rooms.
 All trainees are required to ensure that the peace and quiet of the hostel
is not disturbed in any manner. Loud music is not allowed in hostel
 The proper use of fixtures, fittings and furniture in the hostel rooms and
the lounge or any facility provided by the Academy in the hostels, is the
responsibility of the trainees who may be required to make good any
damage caused by them during their stay in the hostel.
 The trainees shall be responsible for the safe custody of their valuables.
No responsibility will be taken by the Academy administration for the
loss of any valuables.

Punjab Judicial Academy


 Gates of the Academy SHALL be closed at 10.00 P.M. on working days

i.e. Monday to Friday. On weekends i.e. Saturday and Sunday, the
closing time shall be 11.30 P.M. (Public Holidays would be treated as
weekends). Departure from / entry in the Academy would be monitored
through bio-metric devices. Trainees are thus required to mark their
departure from / entry in the Academy on bio-metric machines installed
at gate(s).
 Entry of male relatives or male trainees to female hostel and vice-versa is
not allowed. Trainees are expected to entertain their guests in the lounge
rather than their rooms.
 Trainees are expected to wear proper dress when using the lounge.
 All visitors to the trainees shall be allowed to stay only up till 10:00 p.m.
 Keeping of guests in hostel rooms is not allowed.
 Smoking is not allowed in common rooms / lounge.

 The library is for the exclusive use of the trainees and faculty of the Academy
and other researchers who may be allowed temporary membership by the DG.
 The library hours shall be determined by the faculty member in charge, which
will be notified accordingly.
 The library shall remain closed on all holidays except as otherwise notified by
faculty member in charge.
 The trainees may not borrow more than three books at one time.
 Books drawn by the trainees may not be kept for more than three days.
However, books may be reissued subsequently for a similar period if any other
trainee has not placed a demand. Books included in the reserve shelf shall not
be issued at all.
 Trainees requiring books already issued should place a requisition with the
library staff that will make available such books on their return to the library on
a first-come-first-served basis.
 A fine of Rs.50.00 per day will be charged from the trainees for each overdue
 The Librarian shall communicate to the faculty member in charge the name of
any trainee who does not return a requisitioned book on the due date.
 The faculty member in charge shall, on such report, direct the return of such
overdue books.
 In case a book is disfigured, damaged, marked or been written on, it will have
to be replaced by a new copy, or paid for at a PRICE determined by the
Competent Authority.

Punjab Judicial Academy


 In case a book is lost, current estimated price shall be charged.

 Journals, magazines, newspapers and reference material are not issued and
shall not be removed from the library.
 Smoking or taking refreshments/food in any form shall not be allowed in the
 Silence shall be observed in the library at all time.
 Trainees should be properly dressed when using the library.
 Photocopying of books and other material on photo copy machines available in
the library is permitted on payment, subject to copyright law.


Punjab Judicial Academy

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