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Metis, the Advisor

Denizen of the Mind Aspect

Metis is one of the Titans of Greek Mythology, that of Wisdom and Good Counsel in fact. She
was the one who came up with the plan to have Kronos regurgitate the Olympians and advised
it to Zeus. She prophesied that she would give birth to a son stronger than Zeus that would
overthrow him, as he had overthrew Kronos. Zeus decided to swallow her, as Kronos swallowed
the Olympians. Metis was still alive there however, and pregnant with Zeus’ child, Athena, who
was born fully grown and with clothes, armor, and weapons and came out of Zeus’ head. She
continues to advise Zeus from within his head, for some reason.

The Quest
Land of Sovereigns: A Land divided into hundreds of thousands of Domains, each with a Ruler
to call their own. Each and every ruler wishes to become the True Ruler of the Land, to stand
above all others, and the only way to do that is to secure the greatest of advisors. That is where
the Player comes in, he is tasked by a Ruler (or perhaps multiple Rulers) to find Metis and
convince her to their side, for her counsel would ensure victory to any Ruler that secures it. The
Prospitians and Dersites are also searching for Metis, for her counsel would be invaluable in the
Battlefield. The Player must find Metis before others do, for if she were to side with their
enemies, then they may well be doomed.

Land of Consultants:: A Land ruled by the Consultants of Metis, their advice followed by all as
if it were the decree of fate itself. Through these Consuls, Metis rules the Land, and she has
decided to hinder the Player. The Consuls have turned the Consorts against the Player, and
now they must fight against both the Underlings and their Consorts. The Player must confront
Metis and end this, before her schemes come to fruition.

The Battle
Metis is a fearsome Denizen. Though her physical attacks are lacking for a Denizen, she more
than makes up for it with her tactical ability. She always knows the Player’s weaknesses and is
able to capitalize them, every vulnerability, every chink in their armor, every clause and
exception in their powers would be abused relentlessly. Her tactical ability would allow her to
use her field to it full potential, breaking walls and demolishing it to further hinder the Player.

The Prize
Spear of Wisdom - A golden spear with hundreds of fortune cookie advice engraved upon its
shaft. It advises the Player on day-to-day activities as long as they hold it, from the most earth
shaking decisions to what clothes to wear on a lazy day. In terms of damage it is mediocre at
best, though its ability to unerringly find weaknesses in the enemy is indispensable, the only
beings exempt from this power are those that draw upon the Void.

Strife Portfolio

Metis’ main ability, the power to analyze the powers and abilities of a target. Scrutinize can only
be used on one target each turn. Used on a Player, it will reveal, their stats, Echeladder Rung,
Title and how many powers he has in store, though not their specifics. Used on an Item, it will
reveal how it was created, its stats, and any special abilities it has. Used on an ability, it will
reveal its purpose and all of it’s limitations. Only Void powers can prevent this ability from

Metis can see all possible splinter timelines and is able to determine the actions that would lead
to any future. She can use this ability to gather information on any of her enemies and how to
further her plans. Using Scrutinize along with this ability, she can gather all information on any
Player, with the exception of Void Players, granting her full knowledge on what each can do
before even they can realize it.

Treasure Hoard

Spear of Wisdom
A golden spear with hundreds of fortune cookie advice engraved upon its shaft. It can deal a
mediocre amount of damage, though its ability makes up for it.
Advisory Apparatus - The object can advice it’s user on any action so long as they keep a hold
upon it. This can range from what to wear, to what wire in a bomb to cut, to what angle an attack
should be aimed at, to how the Black King should be slain. It also reveals the weaknesses of
any enemy it encounters. Only beings that draw upon the Void are exempt from this ability.

Helm of Metis
A helmet of ancient grecian design, it appears to have been made of valuable metals, yet age
seems to have worn its finnish, though it is still intact.
Sealed Consultant - The helm holds within it the soul of a being from ages past, in this case
Metis. As she is bound to the helm, she must aid it’s wearer on any endeavor to the best of her
ability, and she would begrudgingly do so. She cannot attempt to influence the wearer except
through her advice, the helm prevents her from doing so.

Misc. Items
Metis keeps mountains of ancient scrolls, forbidden grimoires, sealed tablets, and fortune
cookies within her hoard, for she values all wisdom. The cookies have gone stale, yet their
fortunes are intact, a part of Metis’ power. They’re probably magic at this point, though only
Metis would know exactly what they do.

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