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Nemesis, the Inescapable

Denizen of the Mind Aspect

Nemesis is the Greek Goddess of Righteous Indignation and Retribution. Daughter of Nyx, the
Night Bringer, Nemesis has sided with the gods of Olympus, working as the bringer of Divine
Retribution, a Dispenser of Dues. She would often punish mortals for their hubris, their
arrogance against the gods. Well, in theory anyway. In practice most gods are content to bring
their own retribution to bear for those who dare to offend them. She merely take notes of what
the offender’s say to ensure a proper retribution. She is very serious about this endeavor, as
she had remained to record the insults and crimes of the mighty Typheous instead of running
away from him like most of the others. She would also ensure equality of fortunes by bringing
good luck to those with an excess of bad luck, and bad luck to those with too much good luck.
One of her most well known works, the Curse of Narcissus, caused the youth to fall in love with
his own reflection as he wasted away.

The Quest
Land of Retribution: A Land of interesting lives, diametrically opposed fortunes, and
retribution. The Denizen has casted a curse upon the Land, one thatwould balance the scales of
karma, in her eyes anyway. This curse directs Underlings to attack those who deserve it and
enhances their abilities and stats while doing so. Problem is that the Denizen has a skewed way
of determining who deserves punishment. This category includes minor offenses, such as
insults, overconfidence, and having too much good luck along with all the major offenses such
as murder, theft, and forgery, all crimes are equal in the Denizen’s eyes. This isn’t justice, its
insanity, and its the Player’s job to sort it all out.

The Battle
Nemesis is a terrifying Denizen to be sure, and one that can be potentially annoying to deal
with. Oh, she is amicable enough should the Player either be righteous or at least neutral to her,
but fighting her is always going to be a pain in the ass. Her first ability merely allows her to track
others based on how much crime they have done or how much good or bad luck they have
experienced, which isn’t all too terrible. Her second ability is slightly more annoying, as it
basically reverses the effect of all probability manipulation within its (very wide) range.
Annoying, yes, but one could probably plan around it or even exploit it to their advantage. It’s
her last ability, that of divine retribution, which is the main problem. It allows her to avenge
offences to the divine with a powerful curse, as she always counts as being pert of the divine
and attacking her is an offence against her by definition, it would allow her to curse the Player
whenever they attack her. Her favorite tactic is to curse the Player into suffering a fraction of the
Damage they inflict upon her.
The Prize
Karmic Ledger - A large book bound in real leather, its insides posess some sort of space
bending quality that allows it to contain infinite pages within a finite space and mass. The ledger
contains the records of all the fortunes and misfortunes everyone suffers all through out their
lives, along with the details of these incidents and any probability tampering that was involved.
Should the user speak the name of a person to the book, it would immediately flip over to the
page that contains their record. Besides keeping track of the whims of fate and fortune, the
ledger also possesses the ability to ‘balance’ a person’s record, granting them good luck should
they suffer from too much misfortune, and bad luck if the opposite is true.

Strife Portfolio

Implacable and Unavoidable

The Retribution and Dues dispensed by Nemesis are inescapable, for she will always find her
quarry. All it takes is a little time. This ability allows Nemesis to detect and track those who have
comitted crimes and those with an abundace of fortune (of either kind), the greater the crime or
unbalance of fortune, the ‘brighter’ it would be to this power’s effect. This would allow Nemesis
to easily locate and punish those who have done great wrongs and those who have too much
luck on their side, to make it easier to punish them and balance the scales of justice and
fortune. Similarly, it would allow Nemesis to locate those who have suffered great misfortune
and perhaps find a way to recompese these beings for what they’ve gone through. Void powers
can only blind this ability if they are of a greater power than Nemesis herself, while those
connected to the Light Aspect cannot hide of this ability under any circumstances, even through
the previously mentioned powerful Void abilities.

Scales of Fortune
Nemesis is the Dispenser of Dues, for she shall inflict misfortune upon with too much good luck,
and felicity upon those who have suffered too much bad luck. This ability affects everything
within a Long Radius. It allows Nemesis to bring ‘balance’ to the fortunes of the world, which
basically means it reverses the result of all probability manipulation effect in a Long Radius.
Increasing a chance woud decrease it, making something nigh impossible to happen would all
but guareentee it’s occurance, stealing luck would give it away, etc.. This does not merely effect
Light-based probability manipulation, but also that of every other Aspect that can do so (such as
Time, Doom, and Hope). Certain powers can grow powerful enough to resist or even become
outright immune to this effect, but such abilities are far into the realms of the God-Tiered.

Divine Retribution
Beware of offending the divine, for Nemesis is always watching, and she could make it so that
you would regret ever being born. This ability allows Nemesis to detet and punish offences
against godlike beings. Whenever something still in the Mortalitiers insult or harm someone in
the God Tiers or equivalent level of power, Nemesis shall always know, she shall know and
record this incident. Nemesis may then inflict some sort of curse upon the mortal party unless,
of course, the God Tier inflicts some sort of retribution on their own or if Nemesis thougt the
offence was justly inflicted. This curse shall always be tied to the crimes it is paying back for in
some way, usually by twisting or taking away whatever it is the mortal party is most proud of or
by inflicting the same harm as they had wrought upon the God Tier. Nemesis, of course, counts
as a godlike being for this power’s effect, and may indeed curse those who have harmed or
offended her. A common curse for harming her in strife is for the attacker to suffer a fraction of
the Damage they inflicted in her stead.

Treasure Hoard

Sword of Nemesis
An iron longsword carved with the sigil of Nemesis on the center of the crossguard. Aid
crossguard also happens to be forged so as to imitate a pair of feathery wings. Symbols of luck,
be they good or bad, corrode in it’s presence, four leaved clovers wilt in seconds while black
cats are driven away in fear of it.
Karmic Edge - The blade of Nemesis hungers for the blood of the guilty and undeserving, so
much so that it seems to sharpen and quicken against them. This ability increases the weapon’s
Damage and grants a bonus to it’s attack roll when it is used against an enemy that has willingly
done wrong, or who is benefiting from undeserved good luck. The greater the wrong or the
undeserved luck, the greater these bonuses shall become.
Felicity’s Bane - This object, along with any actions made using it, is immune to probability
changing effects, such as Time or Doom’s ability to limit possibility or Light’s power over luck.

Scourge of Fortune
A very long whip studded with hundreds of sharp iron spikes upon its length and tip. It can
obviously do some serious Damage.
Equal Possibility - The very presence of the whip seemingly wards away luck (of either sort)
reverting chance back to its original state. This ability changes the user’s Felicity stat, reverting
it to 0 and prevents any and all attempts to alter it, be it from the user themselves or by some
outside force. The user’s Felicity shall return to normal once they have ejected the weapon from
both their Specibus, and their Sylladex. This effect also transfers to anything Damaged by the
weapon, although this would only last a short time, the exact length of which is dependant on
the user’s Rung. Besides turning people's Felicity to 0, this transference also disperses chance
and probability based effects, though stronger ones may need to be Damaged by the whip more
before actually being dispelled.
Karmic Ledger
A large book bound in real leather, it's insides possess some sort of space bending quality that
allows it to contain infinite pages within a finite space and mass. Despite this, it is still quite
heavy, heavy enough to kill a cat or to break someone’s leg if you’re not careful. It’s name is
written upon its front and its spine in gold leaf.
Balance of Fortunes - The ledger contains the records of all the fortunes and misfortunes
everyone suffers all throughout their lives, along with the details of these incidents and any
probability tampering that was involved. Should the user speak the name of a person to the
book, it would immediately flip over to the page that contains their record. Besides keeping track
of the whims of fate and fortune, the ledger also possesses the ability to ‘balance’ a person’s
record, granting them good luck should they suffer from too much misfortune, and bad luck if the
opposite is true. This essentially multiplies a person’s Felicity with a -1, turning positive scores
negative and vice versa. This multiplier can be increased (decreased?) to a -2 should the target
be capable of some form of probability manipulation, either through their own power or through
some item they posses.

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