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Maou no Keiyakusha

by Namekojirushi

Novel Updates

Translation Group: Shinmai Maou Translation Project


Opening Lines

Prologue: Facing the Winding Season

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5
Part 6

Part 7

Chapter 1: Tell Me the Meaning of Stopped Time

Part 1

Part 2
Part 3

Part 4
Part 5
Chapter 2: The Reunion

Part 1
Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7
Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Chapter 3: With You on This Night of Resolution

Part 1

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Chapter 4: Even So, Don't Give Up on the Future

Part 1
Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7
Part 8

Epilogue: Facing the Future with Unwavering Determination

Part 1

Part 2
Part 3

Part 4



Thank you for everything up till now. I was happy… From the bottom of my

There was a place full of boys and girls feeling a sense of freedom all at once.

As the third semester’s closing ceremony comes to an end, within the campus of
Hijirigasaka Academy as they head to the after school Their expressions as they
left their classroom and went towards the entrance through the halls was bright.
There are those with dark expressions mixed among them, due to the poor results
as given to them by their homeroom teacher but, there’s also some fun in that.

However, among them are those who remain in their classrooms, reluctant to

– Hijirigasaka Academy changes the class order after every year. When April
comes, they won’t be with the same classmates as this year.

There’s a girl in class 1-B who feels that loneliness as well as something else.
Naruse Mio remained in her seat in silence. In the midst of her classmates’
conversations and moving about, Mio sat in the seat she had spent this third
semester, her gaze falling on her desk.

…Today is the last time I’m sitting here, huh?

And then, as she thought back to this last year.

“…What’s wrong?”
Softly, a quiet voice asked from next to her – it was Nonaka Yuki. Yuki was
beautiful to begin with, but of late it seems like she grew increasingly so. At that
Yuki, Mio instantly stood from her seat, to answer that question, “Nothing… I’m
just thinking of some things.”

She shook her head with a difficult smile.

“…I see”

Like she understood that feeling, Yuki let her gaze wander off Mio and to the
classroom around them.

As such, Mio too looked to the same thing as Yuki. The scenery of this 1B which
she belonged to.

With that Naruse Mio again, thought of the passing of time.

– After they returned from the demon realm, Naruse Mio was able to spend her
days ordinarily.

While there were incidents with Maria and Zest right as they returned, they
became something they could laugh at now. On the chores in the Toujou
household, she talked about it over with Zest and they split them up, and now it
isn’t strange to see the two of them in the kitchen side by side.

…That being said, there is something they can’t laugh at of late.

Maria who had completely regained her spirit after the introduction of Jedovas,
is just trouble with how she goes on in perfect form to the point it’s an
inconvenience to others. She had argued with Maria about this before but, …
That time, was seriously the worst.
As a result of seeing the other girls with Basara, Mio fell to a strong effect of the
master slave curse, her whole body attacked with a burning fever of intoxicating
sweet sensations and in the end, her eyelids flutter over her wet eyes saying “put
me in too…”. She remembers Maria’s expression then, proud like having won
“if you were honest to begin with, you wouldn’t be in this much pain to begin
with you know?” and “if you want to join in, you should plead more lewdly”,
Mio hadn’t forgotten the words said as they were carried away by the mood.

…Remember it.

One day she will take it down with a strike.

That being said, on that point there hasn’t been a point where their lives are
filled with anxiety for danger.

That’s what Mio and the rest always desire, what they wish to attain – that is, a
tranquil and peaceful everyday.

…A year had passed.

Mio earnestly ran through her memories of the last year.

Last year in spring. When Naruse Mio came to this Hijirigasaka Academy, she
was alone.

It wasn’t as if she didn’t know anyone at all, there were a few who came from
the same middle school as her.

However – they did not assertively seek to interact with her.

Because they knew of the brutal murder of her parents.

– Of course, it isn’t that they knew the details of Mio’s upbringing. How she
isn’t related by blood to her parents, and that she was adopted. That they were
demons, and so was she. And that Mio was the only daughter of the previous
demon lord Wilbert.

Those secrets of her lineage isn’t something to be known by normal people.

So while there are those who kept a respectful distance from Mio taking pity on
her, in this high school – there are those who she started to get along with more,
bit by bit, in this class, soon, those who came from her middle school too started
talking to her normally.

However. In this class, there are people who know of Mio’s lineage, the one who
understand it as the truth.

That is, Yuki who is by her side,

…And Takigawa too.

Mio took a glance at his seat. However, Takigawa Yahiro is no longer there. As
the demon spy named Lars, He had disappeared to some place when homeroom

The two of them knowing Mio’s true self, is from the beginning of second term.

– And the impetus for that, is a meeting right before summer break.

From that meeting, Mio’s situation had moved rapidly.

In this one year – she had met many, and just as much she had faced many fights
and dangers that risked her life.
Those days of fighting is not one she would be able to overcome by herself by
all means.


She made a new family. Those she can trust slowly increased in numbers. That’s
why, Naruse Mio was now able to finish the first year of her high school life.
She faces this day with a smile.


So, Naruse Mio thought – I, we are alright. With that.

“Hey~ what are you two doing?” “We should leave soon”

At Mio and Yuki who are as they are, two voices called out to them. It’s their
friends from class, Aikawa Shiho and Sakaki Chika. Mio and Yuki promised to
go out with them after this.

Hence, Mio took her bag and stood from her seat and went towards Aikawa and
Sakaki with Yuki.

“Sorry to keep you waiting”

As she apologized with both hands clapped together, Aikawa gave a sigh before
changing to a mischievous smile, “Haha~n, thinking of wanting to be in the
same class as Toujou next year, you two got all melancholic huh~?”

At how Aikawa was able to hit the bullseye, Mio and Yuki looked at each other.

“Well… I suppose” “I won’t deny it”

Mio laughed uneasily in return, and Yuki replied smoothly back. Those words
weren’t lies or misrepresentation. The thoughts on wanting to be in the same
class next year, it’s the truth of both Yuki and Mio.


Because of that, that should not be just in hope. In the future, they will without a
doubt be in the same class.

The difficulties surrounding Mio and the demons and demon realm has only
reached the first step of its resolution.

The moderate faction and current demon lord faction had just started their
negotiations, and there are also other forces within the demon realm. Not all the
situations are resolved, and not all problems are cleared – on that, they don’t
know when that would be. And then, as they don’t know what would happen
next, it would be better if they are in the same class. As such, in the same way
Yuki and Takigawa was put in the same B class as Mio, there are plans to put
Mio, Yuki and Takigawa in one class.


There’s also plans for Kurumi who’s a year younger to join them as a new
student in Hijirigasaka Academy. As such, it should be possible to have Aikawa
and Sakaki in the same class as well.

But for safety, to reduce risk and using magic to be in the same class, and the
personal feeling of simply just wanting to be surrounded by people she gets
along with is different.

To force her way through with whatever she wants, is much like betraying those
she treasures around her. The moment she does that, it could cause harm to her
surroundings. As such, though Mio wants to be in the same class as Aikawa and
Sakaki, that is something she hopes and wishes for, she would not betray them
who are her friends.

“…But it’s been awhile since the four of us went out like this”

Sakaki said softly as they changed their shoes at the locker, having moved there
from the classroom through the halls.

“That’s true… Usually Toujou would be with us”

Said Aikawa, thinking about it. After returning from the demon realm, there is a
risk of those who would like to disrupt the negotiations between the moderate
faction and the current demon lord faction. As such for safety, they have been
mindful to stay together when they go outside.

“–Oh, what’s up with Toujou?”

At Aikawa, who asks as she taps her shoes on the floor to fit it on, “Basara has a
plan with his friend too”

Yuki answered ahead of Mio.

“Oh, in that case would that be with Takigawa-kun?”

Everyone knows that Basara gets along best with Takigawa from class. It’s not
strange to think that Basara and Takigawa are going out together. However,
Naruse Mio shook her head as if saying no. And then, on Basara’s plan.

“It seems like, he has something to talk about with Tachibana from the class next

The students walking to the halls from their class, then to the entrance.

There’s a place located far from the bustle of their movements.

A room which has the duty of representing the students – the student council

And then now, there is a person in the chaos of the student council room.

It was Toujou Basara. He, who had taken a different path from Mio and the rest,
as he placed a hand on his forehead, “Sorry Tachibana… I don’t think I heard
you wrong, but can you say that one more time just to be sure?”

The person who he asked in this place – his friend, Tachibana Nanao.

“U-um… well, so…”

Nanao in front of him, wrapped her hands around her own body as she spoke.

“…My body, from the beginning of the year it stayed as a girl’s”

Basara, who just heard this earlier and hearing it again.

“So that’s the case…” “Um… Toujou-kun, could it be you realized it?”

At Nanao who asked with her face red of embarrassment, Basara nodded a yes.
…At this rate, it’s probably impossible to turn back to a boy…

Since he came back from the demon world, Nanao’s femininity had seemed to
have increased from before – of course, Nanao had a cute look from the
beginning. But, …Somehow, she got cuter since the sports festival…

When he was in the sports festival committee with Nanao, she was still in a
“cute like a girl” sort of level, so he wondered what happened. Since Christmas,
Nanao had been in a level of “definitely a girl”.

– The half-vampire Tachibana Nanao, has the special ability of body shifting.

Before 18, their gender isn’t set and hence they go back and forth between a
male body and a female one. The change happens every month or so. And it
seems like the final gender would be one that Nanao herself would have a strong
affinity with. However, at Christmas, Basara was able to confirm with his own
eyes and hands that Nanao had a female body – normally, it meant that from then
to today in the last day of school, Nanao should have changed bodies twice.

“Before now, have you had a late transformation before?”

“No, this is the first time…”

Nanao shook her head at his question.

“I thought my mother might know something about it so I thought of asking her,

but I couldn’t get a hold of her… That’s why I wanted to ask you who knows the

“I see…”

“What should I do? Do I have some sort of illness?”

Nanao’s eyes trembled as she said that. It was a first time experience and she
herself does not know what to do in reaction to it. Of course she ends up
worried. Hence, “…I got it. First let’s think of why your body stop transforming”

Toujou Basara rested his hands on Nanao’s shoulder to assure her, “Don’t worry
so much about it, we don’t know if it’s a bad thing yet. I don’t know much about
half-vampires but I’ll think up of the solution with you”

“Toujou-kun… Yeah, thank you”

Nanao said that with a happy expression on her face.

“That being said, it’s hard to think up of how this could happen with no reason.
Tachibana… Do you have any ideas of what might have? For instance, if you’ve
experienced something for the first time…”


With the question, Nanao’s face was flushed red, her embarrassment obvious to

“…What is it?” “That’s… Probably that Christmas eve”

Nanao mumbled,

“Christmas Eve… during the launch of the sports festival?”

“Yeah… After we ate, we did some party game, if you recall?”

“…Yeah that”

Basara said dejected. It was during the time Basara’s father Jin infiltrated the
school as Azuma Takehito but – it was quite a game.
“At that time, the two of us had to change into a girl’s school uniform in the
toilet right?”

“Y-yeah… That’s right”

No, it’s not wrong it’s just there’s… Not much to say to that.

“On top of that at the time you kissed the nape of my neck right? I’ve never done
anything like that before… In the midst of that I had this feelings I didn’t

“…I see”

If this is heard by someone who doesn’t know what happened, it’ll sound like a
story that could end in different ways, but with that Basara thought up of a
possibility. With this new experience to her body, the memory of it was engraved
deep in Nanao and hence it’s probably that’s why her body stayed in this form –
in that of a girl. In short, with the intense experience it linked to her spirits and
took shape, her body being in a nervous state and taking that. Even though this is
nothing more than a hypothesis, The way to do it is to erase the memory of that

That being said, just to erase that one bit of memory is mostly not possible.

…So in that case.

Basara began thinking if there is another approach to it.

“U-um, Toujou-kun”

Nanao pulled on his sleeve reluctantly, speaking as if scared.

“There… is something I’d like to try”


Hijirigakasaka’s school gate, has a flow of people.

It was like a one shot expulsion of students making their way home.

Walking against that wave was a single girl, She is heading towards the school

“…Ah, Kajiura? I thought you went home earlier?”

A puzzled voice called out to her, belonging to a boy. It was Kanou Santa. A boy
who worked as the treasurer of the student council this year. At Kanou who
called to her, “Yes… That’s how it should be but”

Saying that, vice president Kajiura Rikka stopped walking, having brushed past

Just now, the other executives of the student council gathered with her.

In short, it was a simple meeting. Together with the other members, they plan to
meet at the student council room.

Kanou Santa, Takei Touko, Tachibana Nanao – the three of them plus Rikka
herself makes four.

Tachibana Rikka thought Kanou’s question is reasonable. This is as with the end
of school, each of them have plans with their friends, and it was Rikka herself,
who announced as such they should finish quickly. Rikka too, has plans with her
friends after this. But, “I forgot to send the latest data for the school festival to

“You forgot you say… But if it’s just the data, did you not send it yesterday?”

“Yes, that was up till yesterday. What I forgot was the updated version from

“You’re coming to school tomorrow so you could do it then… You sure are

That’s right. Tomorrow, the student council members including Rikka would
come to school. On top of summarizing the previous year, they have to prepare
for the school festival that would begin with the new semester, and hence they
have to work during the spring holiday. To Kanou, who has a ‘seriously?’
approach to this, “Well… I thought of that but”

As she said that with a small sad smile, Kanou in front of her looked at her in an
unexpected way.

“…What is it?”

“You sure changed”

Kanou said to the puzzled Rikka.

“You were too diligent before, and you do things by yourself too much”

“…Sorry for being so painful to look at”

“No, it’s not like that—”

At Kanou who panicked, Kajiura chuckled.

…That’s right.

She isn’t sure on too diligent, but if what Kanou meant was ‘inflexible’, Rikka
thought she was indeed like that before. If you work hard diligently, put in effort
appropriately, what she’s done up till now will become something. But since the
sports festival, she understands that there are times when you can’t exist,
unreasonably, with just that.

During such moments that’s unreasonable, those times when one own’s strength
isn’t enough, one must rely on others.


If she has changed, she feels it’s probably because of that.

A bit before this, Kajiura Rikka became interested in a boy.

A boy one year younger than her who participated in the sports festival
committee. Hence at the end of last year, Rikka had invited him, “join student
council activities next year” but, since she asked at the start of winter break, ‘he’
is still mulling it over undecided, having said “please put it on hold a little
longer”. When she asked it seemed like he has a bit of a complicated home life,
and surely that meant a lot of difficult things are undecided for him. She’s sure
he’s thinking about it seriously. After receiving his answer, …Yeah

Even if it was a no, Rikka would be able to accept it.

There’s a slight warmth in Rikka’s chest.

“You’ve really changed after all …”

Kanou said, shrugging his shoulder, as he said a name.

“–This is thanks to Toujou too huh?”

As she suddenly heard ‘his’ name.

“W-why are you suddenly talking about Toujou?!”

At once her face heated up. Though she can’t see due to the absence of mirrors,
her face has turned completely red. With that, “Nah~ Don’t worry. Though really
people don’t change that easily after all ”

Having grasped her weakness, Kanou grinned as he spoke.

“It’ll be nice if he joins us next year. Since starting next year you’re president,
you can use your power to make sure you don’t lose to those girls he lives with,
coming up with an appealing plan right?”

“…Stop saying idiotic things, hurry up and go home!”

“Damn, okay, see you tomorrow”

With Rikka raising her voice without the concerns of the other students around
them, Kanou stepped away from her and towards the school gate with a teasing


Rikka watched as Kanou’s back disappeared from her, taking a deep breath to
calm herself down, Rikka turned her heels to head towards the school, walking
with her cheeks flushed.

What Nanao would like to try, is the complete opposite approach of what Basara
thought of.

In short – it’s a replication of that Christmas eve.

Nanao’s guess is something along the line of, as her body had been stuck in the
girl’s form ever since Christmas eve, that experience must’ve given her a shock,
so with that it stuck her body in this form. As such, if she experienced the same
shock again, it would be able to get her to change genders once more.

Even if that fails, Basara’s moves on her now might also be able to lessen how
vivid that memory is. For Nanao presently, that Christmas Eve further deepens in

If one reduces that, it may calm her condition down and she can return to how it
was – that kind of idea.

…But still.

No matter how vivid something is, if it happens again, even if for a little, it could
increase her resistance to the vividness of that memory. As such, to do the same
thing to weaken that intensity, if they’ve to do that then it’s important to do it
more intensely than the first time. But if it creates a new vivid memory for
Nanao, would it instead fixed on her body as that of a girl? In that case, then
there is no need for something more intense, and just have the same kind to calm
his spirit, or so he felt. However, for one to grow a resistance then it would need
one to do the same action over and over. In that case, he would try the first idea
first, then adjusting if that does not work.

…Though it would be good if there’s some other way.

They thought of ways to make Nanao’s masculinity more strong, but they
couldn’t think of anything that would fit with the level of femininity she
experienced till this point, and on top of it if he’s to be stuck as a male next, that
would cause problems too. More than anything, this is Nanao’s personal
problem. Basara should lend a hand in what Nanao would like to try. With that,
“..Um… So shall we begin?”

At him, who spoke as if reluctant.

“Y-yeah… Please”

Nanao, who’s already flushed red, had changed into a girl’s sailor outfit uniform.
On that, she’s also changed her panties of that of a girl’s. The approach method
is to go into this intensely. In the end, there’s no meaning to go in the same way
as that evening.


There’s a possibility of her standing it more, as it goes gradually stronger.

With that, Basara gave a deep sigh as he prepared himself mentally.


He’s to treat Nanao in front of him like he does Mio and the others when the
master-slave contract appears on them – then to have himself as an absolute
presence for Nanao, getting a strong submission from her. Hence, “—Nanao”
So she understands the relationship between them, he chose a purposely cold
tone, with her name being called with Basara like that, Nanao jolted but still
replied with a “yes”. To that Nanao, “First, lift your skirt up with your hand…
Show me how you’ve become a woman”

As Basara said that.


Nanao answered that with a nod, embarrassed. After that – with Basara’s
instruction she began to use her left hand to lift her skirt up slowly.

With that, her cute red-checked panties became visible.

“…I-is this good?”

She asked commendably, as her cheeks are bright red. Hence – Basara said.

“Yeah… So continue for me”

“C-continue… But I can’t lift it up more than this”

Replying to her confusion,

“Did I not say? Show me how you’ve become a woman”

As Basara told her the meaning of his original words.


With the astounded word, Nanao took a couple of steps back.

Seeing Nanao’s condition and expression, Basara had a moment in which he

isn’t sure if he wanted to continue at this pace.
– We can stop here. And, if he tells Nanao his aim, surely she would be assured.
But then he won’t be able to use the same method again. Even if he changes
things up on the same method, Nanao would still feel assured somewhere inside
her. At that, …There’s no meaning to having started this at all .

That’s why he continues. Basara drew a sigh on purpose.

“What are you saying… Didn’t you say you wanted me to do this to you?”

Saying that, Basara closed in his distance with Nanao. She took steps back.

“But, this kind of method…”

Nanao spoke with a trembling voice, she was cornered till she cannot move back
any more, and right by her face, Basara placed his hand on the white wall.

“– So should we stop?”

He asked Nanao with a piercing voice. At that, “…”

Nanao wordlessly hung her head down, for a short while, she remained like that
in silence.

Then, not long after.


Like she determined herself, she slowly inserted her hands under her skirt.

As she inserted both hands into her skirt, she thought of one thing.

…I’ve to do what Toujou-kun asked of me.

As Basara said, she was the one who asked him to help her with this. If she steps
back now just because she’s embarrassed, she’s barking her wishes up the wrong

And this is something Basara does thinking about her. There’s no way she would
reject the Basara who’s like that. Hence, Nanao brought her hand up her own
waist, both her hands to wear the panties are – she pulled at the rubber of the
waistband with the thumbs of both her hands.


Like that, she pulled it down with her hands. With that, under her skirt her most
private spot was exposed.

…Mm, the air is…

With the cold air of the student council room stroking against her spot, she grew
even more bashful. But, …I’ve to grow even more embarrassed…

Saying that to herself, Nanao dropped her hands. She then bent down as far
down as she could while still standing – she slipped the panties down her skirt
line so it goes down to her thighs.

However, it can’t end here. Because Basara told her to show him she had
become a woman. Hence – this is what Tachibana Nanao did. She lifted up her
skirt with her thumb and index finger, lifting it up slowly. With that, “See,
Toujou-kun… My body is that of a woman…”

At the moment she said that, she looked up to meet Basara’s gaze.

Basara’s hand then, suddenly roughly grabbed her breasts.

Ignoring how Nanao was dumbfounded by his sudden movement, he pulled
down the zipper at the front of the sailor suit. With that he removed the front
hook of her bra and that exposed her breasts. However, his target was not her
breasts. Basara followed along the exposed Nanao’s collar bones to slip the shirt
off. With that result, the sailor suit was just on her shoulders, and her white nape
is presented to him with nothing covering it. Could it be – as she thought that,
Basara moved his lips to her nape.

“Ah, Toujou-ku– Aa, aaaaaaaaaaaah ♥”

Though she was about to call his name, it turned to a sweet sound as her throat
arched back.

Basara intensely sucked on her nape. With that, Nanao felt a sweet sensation that
is incomparable to that of Christmas eve. But he did not just suck on her nape,
but he pushed towards her crotch, and on top of it he fondled her nipples lewdly.

And then – just as she realized for herself the pleasure, she had already reached
an intense climax.

“No… Fuahh ♥ Aaaah…. Haaaah ♥”

With the waves of pleasure from the depth of her body, she wrapped her arms
around Basara’s back gripping tight as her body shook. At that pleasure, …
Amazing… I… Am like Kajiura-senpai at the time…

At that Christmas eve where Basara sucked on Nanao’s neck, Rikka had her
breasts fondled by Basara. While in the end the fact Nanao was a half vampire
was wiped from everyone else’s memory beside her own and Basara’s, but at the
time Rikka had climaxed from Basara’s hand in enough times. The always cool
vice president was unbelievably spicy then, and was even more beautiful than
usual. She now is the same as Rikka at that time.
Thinking of that truth, Nanao became drowned in the sensuality of the time.


From behind Basara’s shoulder, Nanao saw something she could not believe.

Since when was the door to the student council room open, and there, was a
single girl.


She saw what she could not believe with her eyes, just the person Nanao had
been thinking of, her senpai a year older than her – Kajiura Rikka.

Obviously Basara with his back to the door was oblivious, but Nanao herself
thought of nothing as she was done by Basara and she too, did not notice the
door opening. There should’ve been a sound, but it was probably masked under
the sounds of Nanao’s pleasure. With that, “–”

Rikka saw them – at that moment, Nanao did as if by reflex.

The eye of half-vampires.

However, due to the climax under Basara, she was unable to do it well.


It was stronger than Tachibana Nanao intended, and receiving that Rikka fell to
the ground.

“It’s no good, she’s completely unconscious.”

Basara who spoke, while holding Rikka and shaking her awake, “What should
we do…?”

Tachibana Nanao, regretted what she had done. On top of the sailor suit with the
zipper Basara had broken, she had the gakuran he lent draped over her shoulders,
she held on tightly to the sleeves with a bitter look.

Just in case, Nanao used her half-vampire power, “People Avoidance” to make
sure people don’t come near the student council room area but, as the pleasure
Basara dealt was enough to make her pass out and the effect of the power
seemed to have weakened.

And furthermore, Rikka had come by in that timing.

On top of it, the magic eye that was used on Rikka was something that Nanao
had used on her at the spur of the moment.

She wanted to cancel the effect of it, but the effect was much stronger than she
imagined, possibly even more than Nanao could understand.


To begin with, when Rikka lost her consciousness, eyes closed, there was
nothing that Nanao could try.
“I, what should I do…”

As panic began to swell up within her, Nanao started to call out in a heartbroken
voice, “Let’s take her to the infirmary.”

Basara said that to her.

“To the infirmary?”

“Yeah, if it’s Hasegawa-sensei, she would be able to do something about this.”

To Basara’s words,

“If it’s Hasegawa-sensei… Ah, so then it’s true, Hasegawa-sensei… is like that

Nanao asked with a surprised face,

“Yeah… She’s lent me all sorts of powers.”

Those words and expression gave truth to Nanao’s impression. However, Nanao
could not confirm Hasegawa’s true form. Neither Basara nor Hasegawa said
anything to her, and she did not want to pry. With that, “And then… if it’s okay
with you, can you come with me to the infirmary?”

That was most likely, to talk about Nanao’s true form to Hasegawa.

Vampires, have had a history of being prosecuted by Heroes.

Although Nanao only have half of that blood, a half-vampire, there had been a
misunderstanding at sports festival and she fought Basara at the time. Thus, her
being a half-vampire is something she’d like to get away from as much as
possible. However, “— If Toujou-kun says so.”
Nanao replied to Basara with a sure nod. She had caught a glimpse of
Hasegawa’s true form from Basara. But how Nanao had told Basara her secret,
was evidence of her trust for him. Even as she felt apologetic to the unconscious
Rikka, Nanao is happy with that fact.

“Is it alright?” “Yeah… Because I trust you.”

To begin with, Rikka’s present condition was caused by Nanao. It would be odd
to just leave it to Basara, and more than that, if Nanao who had used the magic
eyes went, it would be easier for Hasegawa to solve this.

Furthermore, for Basara to bring up Hasegawa’s name to overcome this problem,

then he must trust her. The decision of Basara was one Tachibana Nanao will not
question - she trusts him.

“Is that so… Then.”

And then, to Basara who quickly changed how he held Rikka, “Wait. Before that
I, haven’t changed to the boy’s uniform…”

She wasn’t embarrassed, with the fastener of her sailor outfit broken, but she
wouldn’t be able to make an excuse from what people would think, with her
going with Basara towards Hasegawa who he’s intimate with in this state. As to
not trouble Basara that much, Nanao reached out for her own gakuran that had
been folded away, as she did so, “No — my gakuran that you have draped
around you, if you would button that and could stand it that way, just use it that

“That — I don’t really mind but”

From here, walking towards the infirmary, they could cover themselves with
magic so they won’t be crowded, and they’d be able to move without being seen
by ordinary people. Basara’s gakuran is also a size that could cover Nanao’s top
half, she definitely wouldn’t be embarrassed if seen. However, “But then
Hasegawa-sensei might be able to figure out what we did… Is that alright?”


To the her who was muddled up, Basara nodded.

“Since senpai came midway through, we haven’t managed to resolve this for
you… But sensei might be able to help not just senpai but your problem too.”

Basara’s words, show he worried for her difficult to solve problem. But despite
that, “If that’s… Okay with you, Toujou-kun.”

As Nanao said that, Basara said “then that’s decided” to her.

So then, the two of them, holding Rikka, left the student council room.

As they went to the infirmary, Hasegawa grasped the situation as if she had seen
everything. She then instructed them to carry Rikka to a bed.

“– Tachibana, come here.” “Y-yes…”

Nanao, who was called over went to Hasegawa, and as she did that, Hasegawa
placed her hand on Nanao’s face.

“…Hm, is that so. That’s enough”

Saying that after a few seconds, she now approached Rikka on the bed and
gently placed her hand on Rikka.

She mumbled words that Nanao didn’t understand. As she did that, there was a
high pitched sound —

“Just now —”

She understood something happened, but Nanao still let out a surprised sound.

– Just now, Nanao’s magic eye that tied Rikka was dispersed.

Nanao herself wasn’t able to do anything, but Hasegawa who understood

everything easily as always, “It’s alright now. She’ll open her eyes by herself in
a little bit”

With that, she gave a calm smile. Seeing Hasegawa’s power right in front of her.

…Was amazing…

Nanao stared on dumb-founded and surprised. Hasegawa’s power is

incomparable to hers.

– To begin with it’s a whole dimension of difference in level.

Nanao who witnessed how amazing Hasegawa is could only droop her head.

…To this person, I’m…

And then within Nanao, a miserable feeling welled up.

— At the end of winter break, just a little after third semester started.

There was a time when Nanao went to the infirmary to visit Hasegawa. Being
worried as Basara was returning late from the demon world, she had gone to ask
if Hasegawa had any details. At the time, she felt jealousy towards Hasegawa.
To hide the fact she was half vampire, she wasn’t good regarding people, and
was able to join the student council thanks to Hasegawa. She still felt that debt
towards her, as well as thankfulness — even as she felt that way, she felt
insecure, since she saw Hasegawa went into the taxi with Basara on Christmas
night, Nanao kept thinking what they had done after that, and during winter
break it had stayed in her heart. She didn’t want Hasegawa to take Basara
somewhere — that feeling probably existed within Nanao.

— However, the difference in power between her and Hasegawa caused riot on
that feeling.

To say it falls short was an underestimation — there’s that definite difference in


She could feel that with Mio and Yuki who just came back from the demon
world had a huge increase in power. Most likely, to be with Basara, only people
with frightening power can do so. Thinking of that, there seemed to be a large
distance created between her and Basara. Nanao who hung her head down,

“—So then, what were you two trying to do?”

As Hasegawa asked that, drawing close the curtain of Rikka’s bed, Basara who
stood by Nanao placed a hand on her shoulder.


Nanao looked to Basara surprised, his profile facing Hasegawa.

“I want to erase her anxieties… With that, I want to try what I can do. That is my

The loneliness within Nanao that she felt from that distance with Basara was
calmed down, Basara from now on would be unchanging — no, from now on,
will continue to think more of Nanao.


Understanding that, Nanao felt like she was going to cry.

…She can’t…

Basara said he wanted to erase Nanao’s anxieties. If she cries here, she’d further
worry him… Thinking of that, Nanao tried hard to hold back her tears.

“I see… So first, one has to stabilize and fulfill Tachibana’s spirit.”

Said Hasegawa with a gentle smile.

“In order to do that, it’s essential that we stop the origin of the discord between
the body and the spirit… Tachibana, do you mind if I say it?”


As Hasegawa suddenly asked her, Nanao replied without thinking. As she did,
the Basara next to her, “Sensei, do you have a guess?”

“More than a guess, I’m sure of this… Well, it’s something Tachibana isn’t
really conscious of, so I suppose I should say it.”

Said Hasegawa with a little mischievous smile — And then, she said

“—Tachibana, you want to be seen as a woman by Toujou.”

At those words,
“Me… by Toujou-kun?”

It can’t be, Nanao thought of saying. But after that, she was at a loss for words.


It was not that she shut up as the truth was guessed — she just couldn’t say

…W, why…?

As Nanao received a surprise to level she was dumb-founded, “You used the
magic eye. To push down the feeling for Toujou inside of you—”

A pause.

“That is, on yourself.”

Hasegawa affirmed.

“Most likely, you used a mirror or something like it. The effect is beyond one of
self suggestion and is more like self hypnosis, as it’s originally from your own
power. You also did not notice that you’re under your own magic… It’s a good
technique. However, in the end your feelings towards Toujou are strong. That’s
why the reaction came out on your body in this way.”

“I… My magic eye on myself”

“It is all you. You shut down your feelings that might trouble Toujou.”


“— What should we do?”

Hasegawa said, to Nanao who hasn’t fully believed this.

“You should probably be able to dispel your own magic but… Just like what I
did for Kajiura, I can erase it for you. I can wipe your feelings for Toujou too. In
that case, just like before you’d be going back and forth between your male and
female form until your eighteenth birthday. This is your problem, so you should
decide for yourself Tachibana. I’m good with it either way, you know?”


Presented with this choice, Nanao stayed quiet, unable to decide right away and
with that, “— Isn’t it okay?”

Said Basara beside Nanao, looking at her.

“Even if what sensei said is true, if the reason you used the magic eye on
yourself is me… Then, it wouldn’t be troubling me at all.”


To her, who replied surprised.

“Receiving feelings from anyone, is an honor and not at all trouble. Whether it’s
love or as friends.”

That’s why, said Basara.

“If, like what sensei said… You wish me to see you as a woman, I will do that
from now on.”

And a little shyly.

Once again, Basara called out to her — upon hearing those words.


Something snapped inside of Tachibana Nanao. And, …This is…

It all rose up in one go, the memory of being held by Basara — with her
condition in this way, Nanao understood. The effect of the magic eye she was on
had just now disappeared.

And then, what resurfaced in her memory was herself in front of the dressing
room mirror of her house.

“…Toujou-kun, I…”

To Nanao, with sudden tears misting her eyes, “Could it be, the effect of the
magic eye…”

“Seems like it.. Most likely, the condition set to dispel the magic eye was for
Toujou to accept her feelings.”

The guess that Hasegawa said to the shocked Basara was the truth - and nodding
to Nanao, “I see…”

After just saying that, Basara gently embraced her shoulders. At his kindness,
Tachibana thought — in the end, it’s good that she likes this person - that she
likes Toujou Basara. With that, “So then — we’d have to finish this up.”


As Basara, who was hugging Nanao, asked by parroting Hasegawa’s words,

“Even if the feelings are stabilized, the body isn’t yet. But Tachibana had already
decided. Then, truthfully, there’s no need to wait till she turns eighteen. To erase
Tachibana’s anxieties, then it’s best to resolve this today – about living as a girl.”

“S-sensei, can you do something like that…?”

As Nanao was surprised by Hasegawa’s proposal, “It’s related to Toujou-kun…

Then it’s easy. That’s why I said so earlier. This is a problem of your life. The
one who gets to decide is you, Tachibana.”

So then, Hasegawa.

“Even if you don’t do anything, your feelings towards Toujou is fixing you on as
a girl… If that gets stronger, then your sex is stable as a girl.”

“Making my feelings stronger… How do we do that?”

If she could become a girl now, Nanao would definitely want that. However,
even now she has had a lot of feelings for Basara, even to the point of wanting to
cry… So to Nanao who was confused at being told to make it stronger, “You
don’t understand it? Then let me demonstrate.”

Hasegawa said with a mischievous smile, she wrapped her arms around Basara’s

And then — Hasegawa’s lips met with Basara’s lips.

At the sudden, stolen kiss,

“Wai, sensei…?”

Basara quickly took his arms off Nanao, grabbing Hasegawa by her shoulders
and parting their kiss.

“What’s wrong? What Tachibana needs now is to have a stronger feeling as girl,
she should be happy for you to see her as a girl… There’s no other method for

Hasegawa said, unruffled. Adding on an “and then”, “Isn’t it cruel to just

suddenly let the Tachibana who knows nothing to think it up all by herself?”

“…But, because that’s…!”

Basara’s face turned red as he looked at Nanao.

At the sudden act, Nanao turned redder than Basara. However, completely
ignoring Nanao’s reactions, Hasegawa gently pulled Basara’s hand, away from

“Within Naruse’s group, there are girls who aren’t used to being honest right? …
But how were they? Watching you do that with other girls, don’t they end up
wishing the same for themselves?”

She whispered sweetly in his ears.

“That is…”

That is true. Kurumi was guided by Zest to open her heart to him, and when
Basara tied his contract to Yuki, Mio had opposed it. Mio too, had asked Basara
to do it with her when she saw him with Maria.

Then in that case — for someone like Nanao, who pushed down her feelings
with her magic eye for so long, in the same way, would need someone to help
push her along.

“You don’t mind continuing do you? What you and I are showing, is connecting
the way for Tachibana’s wish to be a woman from inside of her.”
At those words from Hasegawa, Basara glanced at Nanao.

“…I understand.”

If it is for Nanao - Basara nodded, this time, he kissed Hasegawa.

As he inserted his tongue, Hasegawa entwined her tongue with his, “Nnn.. Chuu,
haah… Nchuu… Toujou… Nnn ♥”

With their noses against each other, their kiss rose up in sensuality, and then
beyond this is just between a man and a woman.

As Basara kissed Hasegawa, they undressed each other. Basara and the blouse
underneath Hasegawa’s white coat, Hasegawa and Basara’s shirt, all was
unbuttoned and with that, Basara began to lewdly fondle Hasegawa’s large
breasts as he took off her bra, Hasegawa removed the belt at Basara’s waist.
They matched, their movements without any hesitation as it was something that
they’ve done many times before.

Just the other day — Basara had spent a year with Hasegawa inside a barrier.

While that was to tie the contract with ten god Hasegawa - Afureia - within that
barrier, for a year they had both gotten unspeakable climaxes.

And as such, they took off each other clothes like it was so easy, in tens of
seconds Basara had Hasegawa in just her panties, and the garter belt holding up
her stockings, and Hasegawa had Basara in his boxers.

And then, in the midst of their clothes thrown about the floor, Hasegawa pressed
Basara’s enlarged member at her crotch.

“Aah ♥ nn… Haah, aah… Nn ♥”

Hasegawa wiggled her hips happily, with Basara’s member pressed against her
sensitive spot, and even though there’s her panties over it, a wet sound could be
heard. With just kissing and light teasing of her breasts, Hasegawa’s sensitive
spot was already overflowing with womanly honey.

— The relationship between Hasegawa and Basara was different than the
master-slave contract he had with Mio and the others.

To ensure that a master slave contract with the Ten God Hasegawa could be tied
securely, Basara needed to achieve complete submission from Hasegawa, as a
result — Basara had gotten Hasegawa to completely fall as his sex slave.

However this isn’t just something Basara forcefully wanted, it’s Hasegawa’s
wish too - it’s a mutual agreement, more than anything. While they still have not
crossed that last line, if Basara so wished it, Hasegawa would give him her
virginity. But to achieve complete submission from Hasegawa, it would likely be
easier if she was still a virgin. Furthermore tying that would lose them
Hasegawa’s ‘weak point’, without going to the last point, it actually dominates,
Hasegawa’s mind more. And then, even without going there there is much she
could learn as a sex slave, as Basara stopped the kisses and parted away from
Hasegawa, “Fufu,”

Along with a fascinating smile, Hasegawa moved her red tongue down Basara’s
neck to his chest, then to his stomach, sliding it downwards. Before long, she
reached ‘that place’, pulling down Basara’s boxers — she placed Basara’s
hardness in her mouth just like that.

With his member wrapped in the soft warmth of Hasegawa’s mouth, she began
to service him.

Hasegawa now knows everything.

“Mm… Licks, chuu… Haah, nchuu… licks… Hmm… Chuu ♥”

With the way she lewdly used her tongue, lewd sounds of excitement arose, it
had further rose Basara’s sublimation, so Basara used one of his hands to pet
Hasegawa’s head, as if praising her, while his other hand fondled her breast.
With that, “Nn… Aaah… Nchuu.. Haaaahn…. Nchuu ♥”

While Hasegawa wiggled her hips happily, Basara’s member was sucked in
strongly, like it was by a vacuum. Furthermore, she pressed her chest lewdly
against Basara’s thigh, and as she used her hands to rub against his, Basara
received a pleasure that would make a man happy to have been born. And in that
- Hasegawa, in being able to be a sex slave for Basara again too received

An impulse came out, unsuppressed,

“—I’m coming.”

Saying it in the tone of a master, Basara cupped Hasegawa’s head with both his
hands as he began to thrust his hips assertively.

An action, simply for his own pleasure.

Each time Basara thrust his hips, Hasegawa’s long black hair shook, spreading
out like wings at the impact. With something so violent, she should be feeling
pain, but —

“Nnbu ♥ Nnchuu, chuu ♥ hmm, chuu ♥”

The beautiful sex slave accepted the dream-like joy from the rough treatment.
That Hasegawa further pushed Basara to excitement and pleasure.

“Kuh…. ah….!”
As he reached his limit, Basara released his semen into Hasegawa’s mouth.

At the moment of this violent ejaculation, Basara’s member jerked around on

Hasegawa’s tongue.


However — Hasegawa accepted all of it naturally.

“Nn, chuu…. Hnn chuu ♥”

She lovingly drank it up till the last drop, her eyes upturned to look at Basara.
Basara carefully drew his hips back, taking his member out of Hasegawa’s

“Show me,”

So he ordered. At that, Hasegawa took a sitting posture with both of her hands in
front of her, she lifted up her head.

“Nn… Hahh… ♥”

She showed him the plentiful amount of semen that Basara poured sat collected
on her tongue.

And so,

“Good, drink it.”

“Nnn, nn…. Aah… Nn ♥… Nn… Aah”

As her throat sounded her drinking of Basara’s semen, her waist trembled, and as
she drank it all up she let out an ecstatic sigh. She then tucked her messed up
black hair to the back of her ears.
“What’s wrong Tachibana… Surely you’ve realized our special relationship from
a while back?”

She said to the Nanao who had sagged down on the floor with a calm smile.

To Hasegawa’s provocative words, Nanao didn’t move from her stupor.

…They really do things like this…

She had a bit of of an idea about the relationship between Hasegawa and Basara
- but the reality was completely over Nanao’s imagination. Just watching had
completely flushed her body, and dubious thoughts floated softly in her mind.

To that Nanao,

“What are you just there for Tachibana… Now, you who wants to become a
woman too”


At Hasegawa’s words, Nanao quickly stood up, as she did so, “Eh… W,ha…?”

Even though she had lifted herself totally, she could not stand well on trembling
knees. Then, “–”

Basara walked over to Nanao — wordlessly, he held out his left hand.


Upon seeing that, Nanao gulped down. Nanao understood what would happen if
she takes that hand — she would be doing what wouldn’t be far from the actions
between Hasegawa and Basara. That’s why she didn’t take it, to provoke her,
Hasegawa who looked at Nanao and Basara, “If you’re still not in the mood,
we’ll show you a more intense part of our relationship… Is that okay?”
The words Hasegawa said to her, gave Nanao enough determination and


Deciding with taking Basara’s hand, his gakuran on her shoulder fell to the floor.

At that moment, the path towards Nanao become a full fledged woman had
begun. Firstly, Nanao, Basara and Hasegawa, to the bed next to where Rikka was
sleeping… The bed next to the window, separated by a single curtain. To Nanao
sandwiched by Basara in front of her on the bed, and Hasegawa behind her.

“So, let’s begin with taking off your clothes… Come on.”


Nodding in reply to Hasegawa’s words, Nanao took off her sailor suit easily in
front of Basara and Hasegawa. Just like that, she took off her bra too and now
Nanao’s top half is completely naked.


The Nanao who just let out a now embarrassed voice just noticed. Her nipples
had perked up lewdly after witnessing the affair between Hasegawa and Basara
in front of her.

“No… This is, it’s not like that… I wasn’t planning of…”

Nanao moved to quickly cover her breasts, but Hasegawa behind her spread out
her arms and held them.

“Fufu… Why are you embarrassed now?”

Instead, she was in a posture that let Basara see her clearly. And then, “—Relax,

Suddenly, Hasegawa whispered in her ear.

“Embarrassment and all that, there’s no need to hide or falsify yourself. Having
feelings for Toujou, you pushed down your wish till your body turned into a
girl’s first right? You’ve worked plenty hard. That’s why you should accept and
release yourself.”

“Release… myself…”

Hasegawa’s words deeply dyed into her heart, releasing away the tensions from
her body.

With her pupils glazed, Nanao,


With some hints of accusation in his voice, Basara called to Hasegawa, but
Hasegawa, calmly, “It’s alright, leave it to me… Come on Tachibana, you
understand why your body was flushed hot, right?”

Nanao nodded. A sweet fever swelled from inside her body.

“This is something that had been damned by your magic eye up till now, your
sense as a woman… From here, that sense for Toujou would be amplified many
more times. However, you can’t just be passive about it. You have to seek it for
yourself, just like me earlier… Can you do that?”

“…Yes… Sensei…”

“Good… Then, look at Basara in front of you well.”

At Hasegawa’s words, Nanao faced Basara in front of her once more.


As she did so, the naked Basara in front of her, his carefully trained body, but
more than that how his member stood aroused, jump to her eyes.


As she said his name without thinking, a thrill rushed down her spine.

It was a little scary… But more than that, she felt good. The embarrassment that
was inside of Nanao disappeared, and what remained was a pure, womanly
instinct. So, “— Please, come”

Nanao voiced out her desire. And as she did so, “Yeah… I understand.”

Basara gave her a firm nod in reply.

“—I will make you a woman.”

At that moment — the infirmary bed became the training place Nanao would
learn the ways of life as a woman.

— But, Basara and Hasegawa were not holding back on the beginner Nanao.

Basara sucked her taut nipples shamelessly, and Hasegawa fondled her butt
lewdly over her underwear.

“Fuaaah – haah, nn… No…, haah… ah, aaaaah ♥”

It was a different dimension of pleasure from the time with Basara earlier in the
student council room, Nanao quickly had an impossible to describe climax, and
being a woman was carved into her heart and body.
Being messed up to reach a climax by two people, the slighting bit of reason
were uprooted away from Nanao’s head. And then, she fell to the pleasure of her
sex to the point of cruelty, “Haahn…. No, ahaa… nn ♥”

Without realizing, the color of ecstasy rose on Nanao’s face, she had completely
become a prisoner of the pleasure dealt by Basara and Hasegawa. She didn’t
know how many times she came. Naturally, her panties were wet from her
womanly honey, and even the bedsheets were lewdly stained.

However, to the point of not thinking of her pride, Nanao was taught plenty by
the two on how she was a woman. Changing positions, with Basara fondling her
breasts with both hands from behind her, Nanao was immersed in the happiness
of a woman.

“—That’s not good Tachibana, feeling good by yourself.”

With a teasing tone, Hasegawa poked Nanao’s forehead, “How long are you
going to make Toujou-kun wait?”

With those words, Nanao became aware of the hard thing against her back.

…This is, Toujou-kun’s…

It was, unmistakably, Basara’s member. As Nanao reached for it, “There’s no

way you’ve forgotten what I demonstrated earlier… Can you do it?”

Hasegawa said with a smile.


So Nanao nodded, switching from front to back, taking a posture to face Basara.
“I’m sorry it was only me who was feeling good… I want to make Toujou-kun
feel good too, is that okay?”

She asked with her pupils melted in pleasure. As she did, “—Yeah”

Basara nodded of course. So, receiving happiness, Nanao, “It’s my first time,
please teach me lots on what could make Toujou-kun feel good.”

With a fascinating smile — Tachibana Nanao began to lewdly suck on Basara’s


“Nn… Chuu, licks… Nchuu, haah… Chuu… ♥”

Firstly, with her tongue Nanao licked carefully from the pole to the glans, Nanao
covered Basara’s member with her saliva until it was slippery. The male scent
and pheromone was frightfully choking, but more than that, …I’m, licking

More than anything, that truth gave Nanao an unbelievable excitement. She no
longer remembered how she was sucking his member. Before she realized it, she
was already lewdly into it.

“Nnm… Chuu… Hahh, mm… Lick, chuu… Hmm, nfu… Chuu ♥”

As her sucking obscenely entangled it with saliva, clear liquid also overflowed
from Basara’s tip making an obscene cocktail in Nanao’s mouth. And with that,
From how well she used her tongue, Basara let out a sigh, as if holding back
something, and his member grew somewhat harder and bigger in Nanao’s
mouth. To Nanao who could feel that, …Toujou-kun, is feeling good…

Thinking that, she can no longer stop.

“Haah… nfuu… Toujou-kun… Hah mm, chuu… licks… Hachuu… Chuu ♥”

She performed service with her mouth to the point breathing came later, and it
was only when she did have to breathe that she let her mouth leave Basara’s
member, using her hands too, she wanted to give Basara the utmost pleasure, it
was the best service she could conduct. At that time, Hasegawa was able to
service Basara with her plentiful breasts, but unfortunately, Nanao didn’t have
that size.

That’s why Nanao desperately thought,

…What also can I do. No, what only can I do…

That is, her own weapon — at the moment she thought that …Ah…

Tachibana Nanao realized her own ‘weapon’, “–”

Not long after she realized it, Nanao put it into action. With Basara’s member in
her mouth —

she drew out her teeth a little.

Fundamentally, when servicing someone with one’s mouth, using teeth is a big
no-no. Acts like biting, intended to give pain to the other party, should be
avoided on sensitive male genitalia.

But — Tachibana Nanao is a half-vampire. From a clan that has special fangs,
which, when used to suck blood by impaling it in skin, the other part would feel
pleasure more so than pain.

That’s why Nanao did it. Precisely as it’s something she can do as a half
vampire, using her sfang to give Basara supremely sweet pleasure. But the effect
of it far exceed Nanao’s estimation, “….Aah–”
In a moment, Basara screamed as he thrust his hips, ejaculating a load into
Nanao’s mouth.

“Nnnnn, nn… Npuu, haaah ♥”

Although Nanao tried to make sure she did not spill a drop, letting Basara’s
semen flow down her throat, due to the intense amount and with Basara drawing
his hips back, removing his member from Nanao’s mouth, some cum spilled on
her face and glasses.

“Haah… Haah… Nanao, that was…?”

Nanao, who was asked by the Basara who sat on his butt upon the bed sheet,


Trembled, in the enormous sense of her accomplishment. She was able to give
Basara a level of pleasure that even surprised him just now – In that pride,
Nanao received the utmost happiness as a woman. Then, “It was good right…?
I’ll give it to you one more time.”

Saying that, Nanao came close to Basara — and once more began to service him.

From then on, Nanao completely drowned in pleasure through Basara.

Gaining confidence in bringing Basara to climax, Nanao turned into an

aggressive girl, using her fangs to give fellatio to Basara.

However, to Nanao who was still weak to pleasure, was quickly once again
brought it by Basara.

And then – after they’ve been in the infirmary for some time.

“—Fufu, you’re making quite a good face now”

Hasegawa, who watched from the corner of her eye as Nanao continued to be
done in by Basara, gave a ‘seems like fun’ smile. However, Nanao couldn’t look
at her. There was something in front of her that she couldn’t take her eyes off.
That was, the window of the infirmary, that by Hasegawa’s power was turned
into a mirror reflecting Nanao’s own form –

Nanao was now, on the bed, learning from Basara that she was a woman.

— That form, which should have been naked, wore the girl’s uniform. Hasegawa
had decided that in this way, Nanao could develop a stronger sensation of a girl,
and once more she put on the uniform.

Basara too, returned to his shirt and uniform trousers.

However, while Basara was properly dressed, Nanao was in a half naked

Nanao had her sailor suit, draped over her, the zippers having completely broken
and it revealed her breasts. Her skirt, as well as the left leg that wore her over-
knee socks were left as is.

Basara embraced this sensational looking Nanao from the back.

Basara’s left hand fondled Nanao’s left breast. And then his right, approached
her crotch – slipping in within her shorts. Within Nanao’s shorts, a lewd, wet
sound was formed. To the point that she can’t say where Basara’s finger touched
“Aah – No, Toujou-ku… Fuaah ♥ haan…. Toujou-kun, aaah…. ♥”

As her most sensitive place for a woman was rubbed against, Nanao wriggled
her hips lewdly, “I understand Tachibana… When Toujou touches that place, I
get happy too.”

Hasegawa said those words with a smile, but Nanao had no all owance to listen
to her. Although she moved her hips, as if running away from the terrifying
pleasure Basara dealt, Basara’s finger was able to reach Nanao’s most sensitive
spot anywhere – trapping Nanao in a labyrinth of pleasure. – And then, its that
time again. Just a little before waves of climax, “No… I’m, again…. aaaaaaaah

On Basara’s lap, Nanao’s lewd voice rose up, her hips bucking up in the intense
pleasure, at the same time, Basara’s hand in Nanao’s panties was drenched in her
womanly shower.

“Ah… Aah… ♥N…o…. Hah…. ♥”

Her uterus vibrated, as if knowing happiness, sounds of ecstasy leaking from

Nanao. Basara carefully withdrew his hand from her panties And then, “—Do
you get it?”

Saying that, Basara moved his right hand to Nanao’s face to show her.

Basara’s hand which had gone to Nanao was drenched lewdly in the womanly
substance of her intense climax, on top of it, there was even faint traces of steam.

That is, a fever that came from the climax Nanao received as a woman.

“…Hah…. Nn, chuu… lick…. nn ♥”

To clean up Basara’s finger, Nanao gently sucked on it with her lips. And then,
“Completely a woman’s face… This way, you can’t lose sight of your own
gender anymore could you?”

Hasegawa said, as she chuckled seeing that form of Nanao, “—Toujou, it’s about
time you thrust into Tachibana.”

“Yes… You’re right.”

Saying that, Basara unzipped his trousers, drawing out his member. Perhaps
excited by Nanao’s foolishness, Basara has grown valiant there – and then,
Basara, created a gap in Nanao’s panties, near her crotch, by inserting his middle

“Nn… Haah… Toujou-kun… What…?”

To Nanao who asked, looking at him over her shoulders with glazed eyes,

“It’s alright Nanao… It’s until inside your underwear.”

Right after he said that kindly, Basara moved his hardness through the gap he
had created, into the hot, wet inside, screwing it in.


Nanao was confused at the sudden action. Why was it, that suddenly her line of
sight moved rhythmically up and down, and every time her waist moved down,
there’s a indecent watery sound from inside her panties.


She looked down, dumbfounded. And there, she saw her most sensitive
womanly place, being rubber by Basara’s member which pointed upwards. As
her thoughts were unable to catch up with the situation, “It’s alright, Tachibana.”

Said Hasegawa, with an amused smile.

“It might seem like the sensation didn’t quite catch up in strength – but you’ll
soon recognize that pleasure for what it is, and enjoy it the best.”

Whatever Hasegawa said, Nanao wasn’t able to comprehend right away. But,

Basara who called out to Nanao at her ears from behind her, ran his right hand
gently through her hair, in that way tilting her head to the right. In that way, the
nape of her neck was exposed in its unguarded form.

“– You are, without mistake, a woman.”

Saying that with their sight tilted, at the same time, Basara bit down on her white
neck with a strength that gave her sweet pleasure, intensely sucking at it.

At that moment – Nanao was able to connect all of the sensations.


On Basara’s lap, she jolted and lifted her body, letting out the lewdest voice of
that day. Climaxing as her sex as a woman was determined by Basara, Nanao
gave a sensual cry of being born.

After Nanao was completely a woman.

By Hasegawa’s power, the sailor suit zipper was fixed, putting the clothes on
her, Basara placed the now unconscious Nanao to sleep on the same bed as

And then, with a click of Hasegawa’s finger, the sheets returned to a clean state,
and on the bedside window, Basara spent time with Hasegawa as she desired.

After they stripped off all their clothes, “Nn… chuu, haah…. licks, chuu… nnn,
I can finally have you all for myself.”

Wrapping her arms around Basara’s neck, entangling their tongues in a deep
kiss, she parted her lips gently with a small moan, gazing at him with damp eyes.

“Praise me… I was patient through that time you spent making Tachibana into a

“Yes… You worked hard.”

He pet her head gently, and pushed her down on the bed, as if shielding her. And
then, “I won’t let you get away with this much… Today, you have to take
responsibility and spoil me plenty.”

At any rate, said Hasegawa

“Tomorrow is spring break… Because you’re all leaving again, I’ll be filled with
loneliness again, just like during winter break.”

“– That’s true.”

Basara replied with affirming words, wrapping his arms around Hasegawa’s
back, he grabbed her butt to sit her on his lap. In this cowgirl position, Hasegawa
led his hands to her plentiful breasts. Basara, with no hesitation, fondled
Hasegawa’s breasts from below, lifting them up, “Aah… Nn, haah… It had been
five years since you’ve returned to the << village >>, or had it been six?”

Hasegawa asked, as the pleasure her breasts being fondled received caused her
to twist her body “Yes – ever since I was expelled with my dad.”

As he enjoyed playing with Hasegawa’s breasts, Toujou Basara thought of the

situation he was in.

– One week ago, Yuki and Kurumi received an order to return to the << village

The time being spring break – and then.

…How he should come along with Mio.

However, this is something that can’t be helped. The situation they were
involved in, was after the highest demon Zolgia had fallen – Kurumi, who had
been dispatched as Yuki’s assistant too, had changed plenty to this time. Going
to the demon realm, bringing home Zest from there, was not a decision that
followed their situation. In short the << village >> could no longer overlook this.
But it wasn’t just the observers Yuki or Kurumi, but they also ordered for them
to bring Basara and Mio with them.

…On the other hand, this could be a chance.

Not just Basara, who had been expelled from the Hero Clan, but also for the
previous Demon Lord’s daughter Mio to enter the << village >>, would be
normally unthinkable.

Or it’s possible that the elders were trying to compromise with them. That’s why
Basara accepted the invitation. If he was too refuse, it would cause suspicion and
risk, and he can’t risk Mio being placed as an erasure target again. Rather than
avoiding a short term risk, it would be better for them to go to the village and
discuss directly, to ensure there’s no future threats.


Even so, it’d be dangerous to see this optimistically. For them to be caught
careless during friendly talks, and all at once – that kind of possibility isn’t at

Thus, he decided to move considering such emergency situations.

“—Be careful, Toujou.”

Hasegawa said with worry suddenly, with her body enveloping him, as if
shielding him.

“I’ve told you this before… Regarding the contract we exchanged the other day,
during our trip to the onsen, it gave you a large amount of my power. However,
due to me having submitted to you too much, the power that I’ve lent you was
too great. Now, you’re unlikely to be able to control my power inside of you….
To trigger it, or even to perceive it, should be difficult.”

Yes – it was something he understood later but, as a result of how Basara thought
of just forming the contract with Hasegawa, and of Hasegawa submitting to him,
the two of them might have overdone it. For it to have turned out this way, was
not something either of them planned.

“Even so, with the contract with me, your basic combat power had increased…
With the side effect of overusing the medicine the succubus Sheila had given, in
that demon blood my Togami power had entered, and it also strengthen the
divine being blood you have through Raphaeline. Knowing you have this demon
blood, those of the heroes village wouldn’t risk it. That’s why you can decide to
go to the << village >> now.”

However, said Hasegawa.

“I think you would have realized this but… With the imbalance situation within
you right now, you can’t use << Banishing Shift >>, the ability up till there and
its triggering condition, still has secrets even its users don’t know.”

“Yes. After I tied the contract with sensei, I tested things out to see the change,
and I can’t use << Banishing Shift >> alone… However”

He didn’t mind that, that was Basara’s real feelings.

…That is because.

In any case this time, he wouldn’t be using << Banishing Shift >> In the <<
village >> which had been a site for a tragedy, Toujou Basara did not want to
repeat an imitation of the sin he had caused. Then, “It would be good, if I could
come too.”

Hasegawa said a wishful thing.

“As expected, that’s impossible…”

Basara gave a bitter smile without thinking. If Hasegawa came close to the <<
Village >>, there’s a risk her true form as a heavenly being, or even worse, as a
Ten God, would be revealed. Basara and the others went to the << Village >> to
show that they are not a threat – to achieve a peaceful daily life. Hence, if the
Ten God Hasegawa joined, it might cause some misunderstandings and an
unfavorable situation. “Sensei had already given us all sorts of power, it really
helped us… That’s why this time, we will try our best first.”

“Then at least, let me do this much,”

As Hasegawa said that, she gently touched Basara’s right cheek, “—”

As he closed his eyes, a warm wave washed over Basara’s body.

“Sensei, that was –”

“If you meddle with the divine and demonic powers within you, it could collapse
the balance so. In exchange I released Brynhildr’s power in your thoughts

“Brynhildr’s power…?”

To his question, Hasegawa answered with a nod and a “yes”, “The soul of those
who fall to your magic sword – that is, the ability to suck out their soul. That,
which remained from when you went against the divine realms… Putting it in
the form of a magic sword, that power won’t be gone. You’d be able to use that.”

“That kind of thing…?”

“My contract with you just held you back instead of helping you so…”

Hasegawa chuckled at Basara whose eyes widened in surprise, “Thank you…

At Basara’s expression of gratitude “It’s natural of me who’s your servant.
There’s no need to thank me.”

But, said Hasegawa.

“If you think of me, please let me know that through your action. Just like I said
earlier, I watched like a good girl as you did Tachibana… To be able to receive
my master’s love, is the reward I want.”

Saying that, something soft touched Basara’s crotch – Hasegawa’s hand.

And, with a lewd movement, Basara’s member soon grew big.

“Yeah – if that’s good, then anytime.!

Toujou Basara nodded, and rose up slowly.

“— I’m starting, Afureia.”

To those words of Basara, Hasegawa nodded a ‘yes’, and on the bed she got in
position, on all fours. And then, raising up her butt, “Come, Toujou… Teach my
hymen the taste of your semen.”

She opened up her already wet secret spot lewdly, looking at him.

— That was the form, of the most beautiful sex slave which had fallen to
pleasure through Basara.

That’s why Basara, as Hasegawa’s ultimate master, coveted her.

In that infirmary – gaining climaxes from him, Hasegawa lost her consciousness.

Two and a half hours on the express line from the large terminal in the city

After that, moving on to a local line for thirty minutes.

Four hours after they left the Toujou home, Basara and the others arrived at a
particular station.

Passing through the station gates, Basara was greeted by a scenery that was not
much different from that which remain in his memories, “It’s been five years,
since I even came to this station…”

It had been five years since they were banished from the village. In that time
neither Basara nor Jin had ever returned.

Feeling a deep sense of nostalgia, he could not help but to let out a spontaneous

— But, the place they’re aiming to go to is still beyond here. With that, Mio
appeared to stand next to Basara. Locking the wheel of the suitcase that contain
change of clothes and other things needed for their travel, Mio spoke, “We’ll be
going on car from here?”

She asked as she took in the scenery that greeted her for the first time. What Mio
was asking was on how they’ll get to their destination - the Hero Clan’s Village -
from here. Hence, “Yeah, bus or taxi. I’m sure the transportation network had
changed in the last five years but… it should be fine around this area right?”

As Basara ask this, Yuki, who took to Basara’s side on the opposite side of Mio
gave a single nod, “It’s fine. As briefed about before, this area had not changed
much since you were last here.”

“But it’s not climbing season, so a car could only go around halfway there”

Kurumi who was behind them said to supplement Yuki’s words. Then, “What
should we do? Should we use my flying magic?”

Kurumi said, offering a different method than cars. It was something Kurumi had
suggested before even coming here. And without a doubt, using magic to fly is
definitely a plausible method.

With a barrier too, they would not have to worry about being seen by on-lookers.


It was not something that could be entirely safe. In a different meaning from the
demon world, this visit is one they must take the utmost precaution for. Hence,
Basara shook his head and spoke, “Let’s not do that… At the moment, it’s best
to take the most regulated way. We should take regular transportation until as far
as we could”

Going into the mountain in just a bit from here, this area is already within the
Village’s territory.

To be discreet and not be seen by normal people, and not reveal about the hero
clan — that is the rule of the Village.

— Of course, there are times where one could ignore regulation for efficiency.
Cases for flying magic or super seed is not rare.


Those cases are those permitted by case by the Village. It’s also restricted to the
members of the clans. Basara, who had been banished, and Mio, a demon, is not
part of the Village’s rules and decorations.

At any rate.

The order for Yuki and Kurumi to return, and to bring Basara and Mio with
them, was without a doubt not one of jubilation and welcome.

“As such, for now Zest-san and I will remain here”

Maria said with a displeased tone. Basara used his right hand to pet the head of
Maria, who was pouting.

“Sorry… The elders asked for just me and Mio. It’s not impossible for you and
Zest to come, saying you’re our escort but”

Like the demon world, they could not do what the opponent say, and prioritize
consideration for their safety and go against the words of the elders, that much
had always been a choice.

And it was not a wrong way of thinking. But, “No, we must avoid putting you
and the others in a bad spot wherever possible, Basara-sama”

Zest, who had come all this way with Basara said firmly. However, despite the
resolution in her voice, Zest wore a gloomy expression. Most likely, her true
feeling is one the same as Maria, of wanting to go with Basara and the others.

Bringing Maria and Zest, who are demons, will somehow serve as a sort of
impetus to the Village. Especially as Basara and the others have a special
connection to the moderate faction of the demon world, and through clauses of
peace that gives them a connection to the current demon lord faction too. If
they’re to bring Maria and Zest too — at the worst case, they can’t deny that
their current situation might end up being used against them.

For instance if the Village has some sort of secrecy going on in regards to the
demons that leaks out, they’ll look to Basara suspiciously. At that moment, the
Village could judge to oppose Basara using how he had brought Maria and Zest
on his own free will, without getting permission from the Village.

…And in that case.

All of the hero clan will see Basara and Mio as dangerous — as their own secrets
are leaked out, it isn’t impossible for them to accuse them falsely of that

…Although he doesn’t want to think about that.

Basara’s anxieties came from how he doesn’t trust the other party, of thinking
suspiciously. If it was his true feelings, he doesn’t want to have misgivings about
his former friends — about his hometown. But, there was no harm in making
sure that he doesn’t make any careless mistakes.


If they act strongly carelessly it could risk causing trouble for Yuki and Kurumi
— and not just them, but the Nonaka house that they were connected to within
the clan. Once instructed to exterminate Mio, Yuki had gone against the Village’s
order on that point.
They must avoid making Yuki’s standing any worse than it is now.

…That’s right.

Think of the different situations that could arise, reading the different leads that
could get to it and have reactions and plan to counter them — then, if such a
thing happens, execute it as quickly as possible. With this, eventually they would
be able to match up an opponent much stronger than them. It’s not over thinking
of things that would be unnecessary, but thinking as far as possible for when it is
— it is because of this that Toujou Basara was able to overcome his adversity up
to this point.

“That’s the case so, I’m sorry but you two should be on stand-by while we go
there. Are you okay for accommodation?”

“Yes, as you have instructed, Basara-san, we have a reservation at an inn near

the last station we changed at”

Maria answered his question with a smile.

— It wasn’t that there is no accommodation near this particular station.

As it was closer to the area of the village, and with how there are still open inns
despite the fact it wasn’t mountain climbing season, Maria and Zest initially
wished to stay in this area. In the slimmest case that they may be required, that
would mean that they were able to go to Basara as quickly as possible.


If they stay so close to the village, there may be claims that he had them on
reserve for a time. While he must think of a time if something may happen,
Basara did not want to cause issues with the Village. With that, he got their
understanding for them to go back to the other station and to stay at an inn near
there for stand-by. However, “Everyone… if something happens, contact us and
we will be there right away”

“Yeah, I got it…”

That’s right — if it comes to it, there’s no need to be particular about their

method. They’re to meet with Maria and Zest right away and work it out from
there together. Then, after they confirmed each other’s movements from this

“Anyway, from here on we will go by bus and taxi. As we have quite a bit of
luggage if it’s taxi it’ll be pretty tight unless we get a minivan of some sort…
It’ll be good if we can get one with good timing but”

As he said that, a SUV approached them, at that moment, “It’s one of the
Village’s cars…”

Saying that, Yuki thinned her eyes to focus on it. The Village sending someone
to pick them up, wasn’t something they did not think about, they had thought if
that was to happen the Village would’ve arranged for the car to wait for them
before their arrival. Upon arriving and seeing such, they had thought that the
possibility was no longer there but, it could be — that they were being watched
from a distance.

…How difficult.

Being able to outwit Zolgia, Belphegor and other demons, had come from the
fact that they do not know Basara and his group. But the Village knows Basara.
Even though this does not mean that they could read everything about him, they
would be able to read his plans better compared to the demons. He has to brace
himself for this — thinking about this, Basara watched the car with vigilance.

In front of Basara with furrowed brow, the car went past them without stopping.


All of them were dumbfounded, as the car went past their backs, the brake ramp
seems to be in a panic as it suddenly stopped with a halt, then stopping right at
their gazes. And then, the door of the driver seat opened, “Hmm… I’m not used
to driving after all ”

A man came out shaking his head exasperatedly as he exited the car. Upon
seeing this man, with Japanese-styled clothing and long hair up to his waist
exiting to stand, Kurumi exclaimed, “Eh… D,dad?”

At how his own daughter exclaimed in confusion, the man — Nonaka Shuuya —
said “hi”

easily to them, and then walked towards them, and then, as he arrived in front of
them, “Welcome home… I’m happy you two seem well”

Saying that to Yuki and Kurumi both, he has a relaxed smile. And then to that,
“…I’m home, but why you dad?”

Yuki spoke the words of reunion with a soft look on her face, then with her
question, her expression stiffened, “Is it that strange for a father to pick up his

“…To the point of doing things like driving a car that you’re not used to?”

Kurumi said, eying him. At being questioned by his puzzled younger daughter,
Shuya gave a bitter smile.
“Your return this time is an order. As soon as you get to the Village you will be
required to report to the elders right away. In this way, whether you want to or
not you’ll be involved in the tension. That’s why I wanted a chance to be able to
talk to you personally in this way before all of that. With you girls—”

And then, his gaze shifted over.

“And with them too”

Saying that much, he fixed his gaze on Basara.

At Shuuya who, from a long time ago — from five years ago, had not changed
much, “Ojisan…” “Basara-kun, it’s been a while, you have really grown”

As Basara searched for the appropriate words for their reunion, Shuuya
remarked on his growth, seemingly happy to see that, his voice nostalgic.
Shuuya’s eyes thinned naturally at this. Basara, who stood in front of him, surely
had let him see the past. To the Basara five years ago — the Basara who at the
time was expelled from the Village.

— Thinking of that, he has no reply. He felt he must say something, but it also
seems like saying anything would gloss over the present and the past. But
thinking staying quiet is cowardice, “Ojisan, I…”

Shuuya placed his hand on the shoulder of Basara, who seemed desperately
trying to tie words together, “Surely you have a lot of things to say, piling up
after all this time… It’s the same for me too”


“That isn’t something that will come with thinking about it. The more you think,
the further away words get from the truth. That will increase the distance
between those who had been apart”
However, said Shuuya.

“There is one thing I must say to you”


“Welcome home, Basara”

Smoothly, like a breath, the words that left Shuuya’s lips were gentle.


At his own self who was happy of the words given to him, Basara wondered if
he was worthy of such, and his body trembled a little. It was to the point he was
unable to find a reply.

At that Basara, Shuuya grasped onto Basara’s shoulder tighter with his kindness,
then, he moved his glance away to the girl beside Basara — and then he spoke,

“So you’re Naruse Mio-san… right?”


At the question Shuuya asked quietly,


Naruse Mio thought, as she bowed down her head lightly, as she responded.

…This person, is Yuki’s and Kurumi-chan’s dad.

He seemed like a kind man, that was Mio’s first impression of Shuuya. From
earlier on, he had given a kind and calming smile towards his daughters, and he
interacted with Basara who was banished from the Village gently. He has this air
which made it hard to believe that he was one of the Hero Clan, fighting against
the demons.

— However, Shuuya’s position within the village was not by any means low.

In fact, it was the opposite. Not counting the elders who govern the Japanese
heroes, Shuuya was supposedly one of the most influential voices within the
Village. Mio had received an explanation before coming by from Yuki, about her
parents who she was to meet, as well as the elders of the Village and other things
such as that. She had heard about Shuuya’s standing during that explanation too,
and after that she had this thought that Shuuya must’ve been a strict person. Of
course, it was not that the opposite, in which he seemed to hold a kind aura
meant that he was lacking in abilities. There are a number of people who has
hidden abilities despite how they look at first glance.

Mio took a glance behind her. With that, “…”

Maria and Zest, who had been silent all this time — they had taken a step back
as if to not disturb the reunion, but they are vaguely tense. Looking at it from
their perspective as demons, it was natural for them to be cautious when meeting
a member of the Hero Clan for the first time. However, on the other side, a
member of the Hero Clan like Shuuya should have some tension building in
front of the daughter of the previous Demon Lord Mio, and demons like Zest
and Maria, but yet there was no such mood from Shuuya.

— It was not to say that Shuuya had no awareness. He noticed the tension from
Zest and Maria. Even as he stood like this so naturally, there was no opening to
him whatsoever. In his thirties like Jin, it was not yet suitable for him to be a
figure of authority yet, but even so in this Village right now where Jin had left,
Shuuya was a strong candidate for the position of the next elder. Having that
Shuuya come all the way here to pick them up, was perhaps in a way treating
them somewhat like a guest of honor.


Shuuya noticed the grim expression that came with Mio’s silence, and he smiled

“It’s hard to say not to worry as you’re heading to the Hero Clan’s Village, you
may end up with some unpleasant memories of our home… That is a possibility
I cannot deny, as unfortunate as it may be”

At those words,

“…Yes, I understand”
She was resolved for that much before coming here. During the incident at the
Demon Realm, knowing their own bad standing, Yuki and Kurumi had come
along. Of course, that was in large part for Basara’s sake, but in the same time it
was for Mio’s sake too. Up to this point, Mio had been helped by Yuki and
Kurumi of the Hero Clan multiple times.

…That’s why.

This time it’s my turn, Naruse Mio had thought. She wasn’t sure what she can
do. Perhaps, it was even better for her to not be around and she may do
something bad for this. But, if Mio’s and Basara’s actions may have worsen Yuki
and Kurumi’s standings, she cannot run from it. If she was to take such a
cowardly action, she would be ashamed to be by their side from there on.

She would want to avoid that much. At Mio, who clenched her fist as she vowed
that in her heart, “—The place you are to visit now, is an area of the Hero Clan”

Shuuya spoke once more.

“But, it does not mean that you are without all y. You have my daughters and
Basara. My family and I too, plan to support you as much as we can. Of course,
this isn’t something I can absolutely guarantee. But, I would be happy if you
could believe that you can at least breathe”

Those words contain the weight of truth in them. Hence, “Yes… Please take care
of me.”[1]

Mio finally made eye contact with Shuuya as she said that. With that, Shuuya
gave a nod to affirm and went towards Maria and Zest who stood behind Basara
and Mio, “It is unfortunate but the two of you can’t come to the village this
time… I have previously heard about how you two had taken care of my
daughters in all sort of ways, so it pains me”
It was the most concern that Shuuya could express for demons like Maria and
Zest due to his position as a member of the Hero Clan.

“…Understood” “Well, it really can’t be helped”

To that Shuuya, Zest and Maria said words of understanding.

— But, it wasn’t simply because Shuuya had told them that.

The two of them accepted their role to be on standby as Mio and the others
requested it of them. Like Mio, Maria and Zest do not wish to make things
harder for Basara, Yuki and Kurumi. Like Mio had chosen to go, the two of them
had chosen to be left behind.

And then, as Shuuya finished greeting the group that gathered there, “—Sorry,
but can we have one more person come along with you?”

With a cheerful tone, the voice came from behind them.

“That’s a pretty big car, surely you still have plenty of space”

There, a young man clad in black coat stood.

“Takigawa… Why are you here!?”

Basara asked, surprised. Basara and Takigawa had all sort of things done at the
back — they had the kind of relationship where they had done important things
together. But, seeing Basara’s surprised reaction, …Basara didn’t know about

If so, then for what reason and aim is Takigawa here for? Mio and the others had
their guard up as they’re unable to read the situation, “Is it that unexpected? I’m
put in charge of watching over you guys remember?”
Saying that, Takigawa became the center of attention right there, and he simply
said good grief at them, “Besides, this isn’t some sort of travel. For Naruse to be
called in by the Hero Clan, whether you want to or not that holds a potential for
political problems among the demons. There’s no way they can approve of you
guys going without them getting involved,”

Have some self-awareness,

“You guys are now in a pretty high political position and situation. Of course we
can all ow you guys some level of freedom, but it has to be within scope of the
higher ups. If not it would cause trouble for me on this position,”

Takigawa said with a sigh, and at him,

“I see… So you’re Takigawa Yahiro-kun, the demon in charge of watching over

Naruse Mio-san”

Shuuya said, narrowing his eyes. Information regarding Takigawa, was

something already ascertained to the latest information with reports through Yuki
and Kurumi after the incident with Zolgear — before the sports festival, ahead of
the time Takigawa was returning to the Demon Realm. In short, how he was a
spy from the Moderate Faction towards the Current Demon Lord Faction, and
how he was dispatched by the Current Demon Lord faction to watch over Mio.
As such, the details of the condition and position from the Demon Realm was
yet to be reported. Even so, the Hero Clan’s precaution was plentiful.

“Considering the responsibility you have, I must say I understand that you
cannot stay quiet and just let Naruse Mio come to the village without you”

However, he said, taking a glance at Maria and Zest before returning to

Takigawa, “Those two girls who served as her protectors have to hold
themselves back. So I would be grateful if you would do the same. We simply
cannot just have any uninvited guest come to the Village. Especially if that
person is a demon”

“Well, I thought you would say as much, considering your position”

Takigawa said with a shrug, as he reached inside his coat pocket.


At once, Yuki and Kurumi had a sharp expression on their faces, “—Takigawa”

Basara said in a low tone, with the intention of controlling the situation. With
that, “Don’t worry. I’m not going to do anything rash”

With a sad smile, Takigawa took out a white document. Then, he showed the
back of the envelope. It was sealed with a red seal — Naruse Mio knew the two
emblems that were put side by side on it. Because not too long ago, she had seen
it time and time again while in the Demon Realm.

“Truth is, this time, other than as someone who watches over them, I also hold
the role of an envoy. From the current demon lord faction and the moderate
faction — I came here as a representative for the two sides of the Demon Realm,
to deliver this confidential document… As such, can’t you understand me
wanting to go with you guys?”

“——I see. If what you say is true, then it is without a doubt that the letter is of
utmost importance”

After listening to Takigawa, Shuuya muttered in understanding. However,

“Unfortunately, this isn’t something I can determine by myself personally… As
a messenger who represents the demons, I would think that one can use the same
route as the time of the last armistice?”
At how Shuuya was unwilling to budge, Takigawa shrugged, “It’s not like we
didn’t consider that you know? However, unfortunately, this has all sorts of
situations. We can’t just use a window like last time. The reason why is that this
secret document is addressed for the Japanese Village of the hero clan. If it’s not
something you can determine, it’s too rash to turn me down right here. I’m sorry
that it’s so much trouble but get me an elder who can determine it. Surely you
can just call them to ask?”

The words have logic in them. Watching the banter between Takigawa and
Shuuya, Mio tensed and gulped down, “…I understand, let’s do that”

Perhaps thinking that a demon like Takigawa won’t abide so easily, Shuuya said
words of agreement.

And then he took out a phone from his pocket, and began to use the screen to
navigate the options, “I’m sorry, but please wait a bit…”

He said with a serious face, he then walked towards Yuki and Kurumi, “…You
two, what should I do with this?”

“Dad… do you still not remember?”

Kurumi said like she was tired of it, as she was asked on how to use the phone,
“No, I’m just really bad with technology…” “Let me do it”

At Shuuya who spoke while tilting his head, Yuki took the phone and began
going through it, Looking at this sight, Takigawa said quietly, “Hey Basacchi…
Are we really going to go on this mountain road with this old man who can’t
even use a phone driving? It seems pretty dangerous”

“…No, that’s, well”

As Basara found it hard to say much, Shuuya received his phone back from Yuki
and began talking to someone on it.

Then — Getting permission for Takigawa to go with them, was yet another
twenty minutes.

With the Basara and the others on board, the car runs through a road surrounded
by mountains.

The large SUV has a spacious interior, and Kurumi sat next to the driver Shuuya
— in the second row, Mio and Yuki sat side by side, with Kurumi in the
passenger seat, the three girls chatted among themselves, with Shuuya
sometimes joining into their conversation.

The topic of their conversation was answering Mio’s questions regarding the
Village. That being said, the content of the conversation was generally things
that had been covered before, and it was a means of ice breaking with Shuuya.

And then, behind them were three seats.

“Hmm… So that’s one of the dams. Even though deep in this mountain is the
mysterious Hero’s Village, it is relatively close to tourist spots.”

Takigawa spoke as he looked up information from his phone.

At that, Basara nodded a yes to Takigawa, “It seems like this area being a tourist
spot was nothing recent.”

To have the elders approve of Takigawa coming along, surely they had given
them a gist of the situation. They were told it was unrelated to Basara’s problem
and was related to the Village itself.
With that, “Well, if you think about the duties of the hero clan, while they can’t
have regular people know of their identity, they have to be able to grasp the
knowledge and situation regarding this world. They chose a way to not reject
any sort of development while hiding themselves, it seems”

Takigawa’s guess the bullseye. The hero clans’ duty to begin with is to protect
the human world from the magic of the demon realm. And then throughout
human history, technological innovation happened. If they were to themselves
from present society, it would make it close to impossible for them to do their
duty. Presently, the Japanese hero clan took a form of the Village, a form present
in other places such as Oceania or Africa, on the other hand, other districts of the
clan may be located in places that is more intermingled with regular society.

“I don’t know the details but… If I’m not wrong in the US, they have this
department for the Hero Clan in a secret information agency directly under the

Takigawa’s casual words were new to Mio who was sitting in front of him. Even
as she was engaged in talking to Yuki and the others.


Perhaps hearing the talk behind her, she turned her back a little towards them.

— They’re only grazed lightly upon the hero clan overseas. Though even on
that, the talks about the Japanese village had been limited to the scope needed so
that there will not be any trouble. As Mio has demon blood in her, and Maria and
Zest are demons themselves, if they were given deeper information, they may be
perceived as dangerous by the hero clan.

The political fuss that happened in the demon realm over Mio was finally sorted.
There is no more risk of Mio being targeted, and as long as they understand
there’s no risk to this world, even if they can’t be released from under
observation, there was no more risk of something as deeply dangerous as an

However — Takigawa was not in the same position. As he was being deployed
as a special envoy, Takigawa was a representative of both the moderate and
current demon lord factions. For the village to approve of him, surely he must’ve
had to demonstrate himself as suitable for this position. That being said, “You
know quite a lot about the situation here…”

“Well, I have to know this much to do my job”

At Basara saying that dumbfounded, Takigawa shrugged.

Hence Basara sighed — his gaze then fell to the interior of the car, to his feet.

…Most likely.

Even though the elders agreed to have Takigawa go with them, they most likely
have ordered Shuuya to ascertain if Takigawa is truly an envoy. In a moment,
Basara’s gaze ran to the rear view mirror and did not see a change in the driving
Shuuya’s expressions. While gripping on to the steering wheel, Shuuya
occasionally joined in with the girls’ talk — even so, there is no doubt he’s
listening in to their conversation in the back too.

How much relevant information one knows is a barometer to determining one’s

standing. It’s the same with human society, where management would know
information the regular workers don’t, while the top admin knows information
the management don’t. However, by saying all the information he knows like
that, besides ensuring his position with the demon realm, he put a higher risk on
Mio as she’s hearing more of it. That is something Basara and the others wish to
avoid. However, he does not think that Takigawa would purposely put them in a
bad position.

Hence Basara spoke with his voice lowered, “You’re being so aggressive, what
are you thinking?”

“I want to ask that too… It’s not like I particularly want to have to watch over
you guys, or be sent as an envoy, you get that right?”

Takigawa said with an annoyed tone,

— Presently Yuki and Kurumi, had made notes on Takigawa’s presence to the

That was in part due to various situations, problems regarding the period they
know of Takigawa’s true form, how they had cooperated with Basara and other
conditions. However, there are parts where they neglect to tell the Village as part
of their duty, as if they’re not careful with the information regarding their
relationship, it may cause Yuki’s and Kurumi’s position to worsen. And then
between Basara and Takigawa, they have secrets to keep, not just from Shuuya
but the girls too. As such they don’t all ude to any great depths, only letting their
conversations reach the surface. Even so, with word play, Basara and Takigawa
were able to come to a mutual understanding with each other. At Takigawa’s
displeased words, “So that thing about being a special envoy earlier, it isn’t just a
means to go with us?”

“Obviously… It’s not that easy to come and go to the hero village?”

As Basara spoke like he knew of the real intent, Takigawa replied sounding
displeased. Considering his personality, the statement is like a sort of self
introduction for Takigawa. Most likely, this was something he meant for Shuuya
to hear. And then, the words also contained implications that this particular
instance had much to do with the higher ups of the moderate faction as well as
the current demon lord faction.

…In that case.

After the war that set itself as a landmark for the future of the demon realm —
the day Basara and the others returned to the human world, the current demon
lord Leohart arrived at the base of the moderate faction, Wildart. That was to
negotiate the terms for post-war peace. It had been three months since — besides
how Takigawa was to continue on watch over them and return to the human
world, the details on the development of the peace conference was not passed on
to them.


While it’s not something admitted publicly, the theory for Ramsus with Wilbert,
and how Basara was able to bring the truth out for so many people, the mood for
Leohart coming in for the peace conference was more peaceful with that, and
this is a bright component for the current Demon Lord faction and Moderate
faction to achieve peace. The letter earlier had two seals on the envelope — that
of both the current Demon Lord faction and the Moderate faction. Basara would
like to believe that was a sign of peace between them. Hence, “…”

The situation at the Village they’re heading to, the situation between the current
Demon Lord and Moderate faction that they left in the Demon World. And then,
thinking of his own position between the two, Basara considered the choices
they must take from here. And then, at the same time, he mustn’t forget for the
time he - for Toujou Basara to do things by himself.

Yes — all to protect the things he will never give up on.

Basara slumped down into his seat.

…Somehow, he ended up thinking of a lot of things.

Regarding Basara, if it’s about protect the family he treasures, Mio and the rest,
Takigawa Yahiro knows how cold he could be. For that sake, he would do
everything no matter what. And then, one of those things is Takigawa himself.

After the first time they fought - the time he realized Takigawa’s true form, they
decided to secretly join up. It wasn’t a bad deal for Takigawa, and truth is he was
interested in why a former hero clan member like Basara chose to protect the
previous Demon Lord’s daughter.

He had a feeling that being with Basara might put them in stalemate situation.


He wasn’t able to predict this situation.

Basara had killed Zolgear, Basara had killed Belphegor, he was able to drive
back Majin Chaos, he brought the current Demon Lord and Moderate Faction of
the demon realm to an armistice.

Of course, it wasn’t that Basara did it all alone. On Zolgear and Belphegor
Takigawa had helped, and they have had Leohart’s sister Liala help them as well
in dealing with the Cardinals. The current state between Current Demon Lord
faction and Moderate faction is also due to Leohart’s and Ramsus’ charisma, and
to begin with the path was carved by Wilbert, one lauded as the strongest Demon

…Even so.

All of those were separate points. Without a doubt, the one who tied that
together, brought it to form into a solid shape was Basara.
But that Basara sometimes gives off an ominous feeling.

At the time Liala who just finished dealing with the cardinals and Jin came to the
same place.

Takigawa did not step into the special observation room. Or rather, he could not
have. It was not that he was scared. However, he had judged that if one went into
it carelessly, there was a risk of losing one’s life. Most likely, Basara had felt the
same thing.

…This guy here.

However Basara, went straight in without even dropping his speed.

— Did the sense of fear from the overwhelming power of Majin Chaos numb

No, that could not have been the case. Chaos at that time surpassed the force
exerted by both Liala and Jin. And surely Basara had seen Takigawa stop in his

But Basara, without minding that stepped forward, stepped above it — the line
of certain death.

That’s why Takigawa had decided. He would follow Basara for as far as he can
— but if the time comes, he would pull himself back.

…Well, up till now there had been a lot of times he wanted to pull back as is.

That being said, being entrusted with a secret document from both Ramsus and
Leohart is also a reason he must grit his teeth and not run. In particular, he didn’t
want to play hide and seek with the murderous monster who said “Don’t shame
Leohart, if not oneechan would be mad”, betting his life on the stage of demon
and human world both.


Hence Takigawa gave an exasperated sigh, and he put his hands behind his head

There’s no use in thinking about everything so pessimistically. He should just do

what he has to do. Basara too, in the same way, would do what he personally
would have to do. And then as silence falls between Basara and Takigawa, and
as the conversation between the girls fall to a close, the inside of car then
descend into a quiet state - but the car itself kept moving.

— And before long, they saw a traffic light.

At the right there’s a tunnel, and there right in front of it, two guards stood. The
tunnel can’t be used by cars without permission to do so all days of the year, and
the two of them are there to ensure that this is no ordinary car. Further, as it’s not
in season, they should really walk from here. But, as Shuuya used the car
blinker, “—”

The two of them stepped aside so naturally, letting them push through.

“I see… So while there is a management company here for the regular visitors,
as needed the Hero Clan would use shikigamis as gatekeepers.”

In a moment, they could see the guards are shikigamis. At that, “Indeed…. Well,
as you can observe, leaving Shikigamis out normally is like saying there’s
something here. The guards are usually just regular people.”

Shuuya said with a small smile. Takigawa did not just possess sharp eyes, saying
“as needed”, he spoke with understanding regarding the concealment of the

“—Then, let us keep going”

Shuuya said, the car continuing inside the tunnel — it ran just like that for a


Around just the middle of the tunnel, Mio who spoke in the middle raised her
voice softly.

Takigawa too, raised his eyebrow with a twitch. Just now —they could feel the
car they were in cross a dimensional barrier. And then, as they exited the tunnel,
“I see… So this is the reason why it’s called a hidden village” “Yeah”

At his muttering, Basara who stood by him answered.

At the end of Takigawa’s sight — right outside the car window, a countryside
view spread widely around them. which was a sharp contrast to what was
actually supposed to be on the other side of the tunnel. If they had continued on
to the other side of the tunnel, it should have taken them to a famous tourist spot,
littered with hotels and restaurants. There was nothing of that sort here.

There was no denying that this was the ‘Village’ of the Hero Clan in Japan.

He could tell, even from within the car, that there was not a drop of demonic
energy in this holy area. From what he can tell, the surrounding mountains were
creating some sort of dimensional barrier to hide and cleanse the area.

No wonder the Elders of the Village didn’t deny him entry to the village. With
the barrier in place, Takigawa couldn’t even use half of his powers here.
He also saw signs of water pipes, power lines and telephone poles, suggesting
that the infrastructure was somehow connected to the outside world. Perhaps this
very car they were in had some sort of ‘passport’ which all owed it to travel
between dimensions.

No, that wasn’t the case. It’s the barrier itself.

“I see… So the barrier itself determines what goes through or not. So I guess,
packages addressed to this “Village” won’t have any trouble passing the

“You are quite the clever one.” Shuuya had to praise Takigawa’s sharpness.

“Most people are unable to see the kinds of things we see. However, if for some
reason they found their way here, the barrier induces a form of memory loss that
makes the person forget the details and also makes him or her not want to talk
about the place.”

“Well, that’s quite the precaution…”

Takigawa snickered and looked out the window, only to stare in shock at the
sight before him.

It wasn’t a sight of beauty. No, far from that.

“What the hell is that….”


Basara could only stare at the scene in front of him.

He saw from the windows of his vehicle, a massive crater, - no -, a gaping hole
in the side of the mountain. If it was a meteor or something, it should have left a
crater in the side of the mountain. Instead, something punctured through the

But what scared Basara wasn’t the sheer size of the destruction unleashed on the
cliff side. What scared him was that this scene was identical to what happened 5
years ago.


Mio heard Basara mutter to himself from her seat in front. But there wasn’t
much she could do to comfort him. After all, she was not there 5 years ago, to
understand what exactly Basara was going through. Her words of comfort will
not do anything to alleviate the nightmare that Basara has been trying to repress
in the back of his mind all this time: the memory of wiping out entire families
and houses.

Mio glanced towards Yuki and Kurumi, in the hopes that they could comfort
Basara, but instead saw them maintain their silence as they stared down at their
“That area where your powers went rampant… it seems like time has simply
stopped in that exact area.”

Shuuya spoke with a heavy heart as he continued driving.

“It’s as if that area has been cut off into some separate dimension. Whether it be
physical matter or magic, nothing seems to affect that area.”

In other words, Basara’s sins will remain there forever, a gaping scar in the
beautiful face of Mother Nature.

“So that’s why…”

Basara understood now. Understood why Yuki was so cold to him the first time
they met again at school. Why Takashi and Kurumi were out for his blood, and
why the girls were acting quiet. While Basara was trying to put the events of 5
years ago behind him after being ousted from the village with his father, the
people of the village were reminded of the tragedy every single time they looked
outside. And this will not change for the foreseeable future.

Basara’s sins and his mistakes were forever.


Heavy silence settled in the car as they passed some houses. Yuki spoke up
softly, over the sound of the whirring engine, to break the silence.


Basara looked up to look at Yuki, only to have his breath caught in his throat.
For right in front of him, towards the left side of the road, lay a building he was
very familiar with. His childhood home. The Toujou household. And on the
other side of the fence, the Nonaka household.

Basara desperately tried to hold back the emotions that were bubbling within
him. After all, he didn’t come here to reminisce. Of course he will forever
shoulder the sins that he committed that day 5 years ago, but for now, there were
other things that he had to do.

Because Basara now has things that he must protect.

“I know it’s been a long trip from Tokyo, and I’d more than want you to take a
rest, but with unexpected guests and everything, time is really of the essence. So
I’m sorry but I’ll have to take you to the elders right now.”

Shuuya spoke apologetically, and the usually aloof Takigawa responded in a

rather mature manner.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. We’re fine.”

But something seemed a bit off for Basara.

“Um, may I ask a question?”

“Of course.”

“You just said ‘unexpected guests’, am I to assume that there are guests other
than Takigawa here today?”

Shuuya didn’t respond to Basara’s question, and in fact, you could see the
nervous look in his eyes from the rear view mirror.

“Hey, if you need to speak about something I shouldn’t be listening to, do you
want me to cover my ears or something?”

Takigawa suggested in a joking manner, but Basara was once again the serious
one here.

“Uncle Shuuya, if it’s about Takigawa, don’t worry. He is someone we can

definitely trust. And if something was to happen, I’ll personally take


Takigawa gave a slight retort but he knew what Basara meant. If Takigawa was
to leak whatever Shuuya had to say, there will be consequences if the
information went to the wrong people. Even though Takigawa was one of the
few demon friends that he had, he was Basara’s responsibility the moment he
decided to tag along to visit the village. So it will be on him to make sure
Takigawa didn’t misbehave.

“The Vatican notified us that they are sending a Hearing Officer. The officer will
be arriving tomorrow.”
“Th-the Vatican….!?”

Basara was at a loss for words. For this was the topic he was just talking to
Takigawa before in regards to other Hero Clans around the world. The Hero
Clan in the United States have found their way in the upper echelons of the
intelligence agencies and the military of the US government. The Heroes in
Europe, on the other hand, were able to move around their base of operations for
centuries, under the guise of ‘religion’. Currently they occupied the Vatican, and
had an influential grip over the aristocrats and the ruling elites throughout
Europe. The European branch of the Hero Clan had the longest history, and you
could even say that they acted as the headquarters and governing body of all
Hero Clans.

And the Hearing Officer that Shuuya referred to, wasn’t some priest to give a
sermon. They were the handpicked elites chosen from the best Heroes in the
European branch, to handle special missions like combat against high ranking
demons and to dispel any quarrels and infighting in the Hero community. But as
elites, they weren’t just sent off to any random mission, but only those of the
utmost importance.

“Correct me if I’m wrong but… was it perhaps the Vatican who summoned me
this time and not the village?”

What Takigawa said before was starting to make sense. It wasn’t surprising that
the village would want to make a move on them before Basara and co become an
even bigger threat to the village. But Basara did not, even for a moment, expect
that the Vatican will involve themselves. Of course Basara now had something
that he needed to protect, even to the point of taking on the Vatican.

But Yuki and Kurumi can not just follow Basara’s path. They had to think about
the trouble that they will bring to their parents. Even the meeting this time
wasn’t just for Basara to introduce himself to the elders, but for him to argue for
the Nonaka sisters to continue living with him.

“Oh no, it was very much the elders who summoned you. The Vatican just
decided to interfere in the last minute. It took the elders completely by surprise
as well. That’s why nerves are high. It’s not always that we have a Hearing
Officer pay us a visit after all.”

“I see…”

Basara considered what Shuuya just said and came to the conclusion that things
weren’t at their lowest point but it still wasn’t looking that great. Currently he
didn’t know if the Vatican was going to butt heads with Basara and co, or if they
were going to quarrel with the Village.

Regardless, it probably isn’t something that will sort itself out with just a
friendly conversation.

It also now made sense as to why Shuuya was chosen to escort Basara and the
others. Usually, as Yuki and Kurumi’s father, and someone who is close to
Basara, he would not be a suitable choice to escort them. In fact, it would have
probably been better to have somebody else, somebody who won’t disclose any
information to them. But the elders had to have their ‘insurance’ in this situation.
By having Shuuya speak to Basra about the Vatican, Basara will be entering the
talks without being surprised and would be able to act in a clear headed manner
in case something was to happen.

And the confusion that will occur with the sudden interference by the Vatican
might play to Basara’s hand when negotiating with the elders. The fact that the
village already planned to invite Basara before the Vatican interfered also proved
that the village may have some certain issues and conditions that they did not
want the Vatican to change or to know about. So Basara was not about to let go
of such an opportunity.

“Thanks for everything ojisan.”

Basara gave his thanks and looked ahead at the large manor. The building that
will host the swordless duel that is about to take place. The manor of the elders.

The manor stood atop the hill that overlooked the village. The manor was
designed differently to the other houses they saw on their way. The manor itself
had 3 different buildings lined up in a triangle connected by corridors, with a
large building in the middle of said triangle.

The dignified looking structure was the inner shrine, where sacred rituals and
ceremonies to bond spirits took place.

“This way.”

After parking the car, Shuuya led Basara and the others down a long corridor.
Basara could feel the air around him being purified with each step he took. It
meant that they were closing in on the most sacred of places within this holy

But something was off.

As he trailed Shuuya, there was a nagging feeling at the back of his mind. The
Hero Clan gets their power from signing pacts with the spirits and mythical
creatures. So more than anything, the Hero Clan is careful not to corrupt or
expose the spirits and the creatures to any impurities.

When the Hero Clan attacked Mio that one time, the reason why Takashi and
Shiba set up a dimensional barrier to create a copy of the city, was to keep the
fight away from the forests and nature where a lot of the spirits reside. That was
the lengths they are willing to take in order to ensure that the spirits aren’t

Yet, the place they were heading to now, “The Ceremonial Chamber” was one of
the most sacred sites in the Village. Of course, by going there, the sheer sanctity
of the chamber may be enough to seal away Takigawa and Mio’s power all
together. But it will also mean exposing the chamber itself to demons, which will
threaten its sanctimony.

If they were using the chamber to accommodate the Hearing Officer from the
Vatican tomorrow, Basara would understand the reasoning for using the
Ceremonial Chamber. But if it’s just to repress Mio and Takigawa’s demonic
spirit, then they could have easily set up a separate holy dimension elsewhere.

Then why would they use the chamber?

Because the elders have other plans. That was the only logical conclusion that
Basara could think of. And whatever that other plan was, they were about to find

Mio let out a slight gasp and Basara turned to see her worried face. Of course
she was afraid. She was nervous when she visited the Demon World. But back
then, they knew that they had their supporters within the Moderates Faction. But
now? Mio was going to face people who didn’t see Naruse Mio. She was going
to engage with people who only see her as the daughter of the previous Demon
Lord, Wilbert. And to top it all off, she was about to see them in the most sacred
location in the Village.

In contrast, Takigawa looked just like he always did. His life as a spy, always
slipping behind enemy lines sure have prepared him for moments like this. No
wonder both Ramusas and Leohart put so much faith in his abilities. But it
would be nonsensical to expect Mio to display the same amount of calm.
So Basara put his hand on Mio’s shoulder and gave her a small reassuring grip
and a thin smile.

Without saying anything, he told her that everything was going to be alright.
And just like that, Mio’s nerves disappeared and she returned a smile of her own.

“Are you guys ready?”

Basara and the others nodded to Shuuya’s question, and he turned to face the
double doors at the end of their path.

“Please excuse me. I have brought Toujou Basara, Naruse Mio, and the one who
calls himself the special envoy.”


With the command from the raspy voice from across the door, Shuuya pushed
open the double doors and they made their way in.

Mio was taken back by the Ceremonial Chamber. To keep its sanctity, there was
not a single window in the chamber. Nor were there any lights or candles. Yet,
there was a warmth and glow in the room.


Mio saw the source of the warm glow of the room. She saw some items places in
the four corners of the chamber. And one of them, she definitely recognized. The
long white spear was the weapon used by Hayase Takashi to try and kill her.


The tranquil way it lay in its corner was very different to the out-of-control spear
she remembered.

That meant that the other three weapons lying in their respective corners must be
“Suzaku”, “Seiryuu” and “Genbu”. Judging by the layout of the room, the
weapon to the left of Byakko should be Suzaku, with Genbu to the right. And
Seiryuu across the room on the other side.

The sanctity of this chamber was most likely brought from the existence of the
four weapons. And it would explain why spirits found it easy to relax and sign
pacts in this chamber.

Surprisingly, even with her demon blood, Mio didn’t feel like the chamber was
rejecting her. Although the large room did have a slight chill in the air.
“You’re…. Here.”

In front of them, sitting on a slightly elevated platform, were three old men. The
one in the middle was the one who spoke. The old men were exactly like how
Basara described them to be before they arrived at the Village.

They were the Three Elders who governed the Hero Clan of Japan.

Which would mean, that it was these three men, who drove out Basara and Jin
from the Village 5 years ago.

Mio cares very deeply for Basara. And no matter the reason, she just couldn’t
find it in her to trust these men who made Basara suffer so much.

But that being said, if Basara was never driven out of the Village, the two of
them would have never met. And even if they did meet, if the circumstances
were different, they may have even been enemies. The irony of all of this might
just be something she can never really figure out.

However, it wasn’t just Basara and Mio. All of them were raised in the most
ironic of situations. Sisters who live with the outcast and demons while serving
the Village, a succubus who had to betray her master in order to save her own
mother, a daughter created by a monster who now lives as a maid.

And it is because of such ironies, that they are all able to live together.
Overcoming many trials together and surviving together.

But what if this was the trial they couldn’t overcome? What if the Village didn’t
accept them for what they were? Mio was lost in her nervousness when she was

“What are you doing just standing there? Come here.”

The Elder on the left spoke in his rough voice.

Shuuya approached the platform then sat on his heels right in front of it. Mio and
the others also walked towards where Shuuya was sitting.

“Well, you lot should take a seat as well. You must have been tired from your
long trip.”

With that, Mio and the others all sat down as well, with Basara sitting between
Yuki and Mio, and Kurumi sitting next to Yuki. While they all sat on their heels
in the polite Japanese manner, Takigawa opted to sit with his legs crossed on the

“Hey! Takigawa…”

Mio hissed at his rudeness.

“Let him sit as he wishes.”

The elder ignored Mio’s hiss and looked at Takigawa.

“You must be the special envoy from the Demons that Shuuya spoke about. I
heard that the two factions decided to send you here. They did…strongly insist.”

While the elder spoke in a joking manner, it was nothing but, and suddenly
tension in the room became thick.

“Yea well, both Basacchi and the old man there said the same thing too. But ya
know, I’m just a lowly henchmen. The higher ups wanted me here so here I am.
If you guys wanna complain, please direct your anger their way.”

“Well, depending on the contents of your top secret document, we might just do
After saying so, the Elder in the middle turned to Mio.

“So you must be the daughter of Wilbert.”


Mio couldn’t say anything. For she saw in their eyes, something very cold.
When Elders in the Hero Tribe assume their position, they are given a name for
their position. The Elder in the middle must be “Fuji”, and the Elder on his right
being “Kumano” and the Elder on his left, “Atsuta”. Their names are chosen
from the 3 mountains of Japan where the gods are said to reside.

Ancient China also worshiped 4 different gods. When their culture came over to
Japan a long time ago, Japan also started to worship the 4 deities from China.
And they are now represented by the 4 weapons in this very chamber.

It was no accident that 3 Japanese gods were chosen along with the 4 Chinese
gods. By having even and odd numbers, there are no power struggles between
the two groups, which means that any additional dimensional barrier created by
the gods will not negate each other. Further to that, together they form the
number 7. 7, as is displayed in the number of days, holds a very special power
on its own, and it was this type of power that led to the powerful barrier
protecting the Village.

Mio maintained her silence as she stared at the Elders. While she could not hide
her nervousness, she wasn’t scared. After having faced the likes of Ramusas,
Leohart, Belphegor and Zolgear, she has built up some tolerance towards things
that scare her.

And of course, she has Basara with her. Yuki and Kurumi too. And Zest and
Maria were not too far either. So there was nothing to fear.
As if to see through Mio’s strength, Fuji spoke up.

“Ahh… I see. That’s how it is.”

He stroked his beard with his right hand.

“Well then…”

And with these words, the meeting began. All the Elders faced the man sitting
next to Mio.

“It’s been a while… Basara.”


“Yes, it’s nice to see you sir.”

Basara bowed as he greeted the Elder. Then Atsuta and Kumano also chimed in.

“I guess it’s been 5… no, 6 years.”

“We were receiving reports but you look like you’ve been doing well.”

“…Yes I have.”

Basara was controlling the way he spoke. Not just to show politeness to the
Elders who he hasn’t seen in a long time, but also to keep his own feelings in
check. There will be nothing gained by having the Hero Clan as their enemy.

But there was indeed something strange.

While it was strange enough that the Ceremonial Chamber was chosen for this
meeting. But there was a more pressing issue.

Where were the guards?

If they were to count Yuki and Kurumi on Basara’s side, the Hero Clan only
have the Elders and Shuuya. And while the chamber will negate a lot of attacks,
that still didn’t remove Mio and Takigawa as threats. And with Basara’s
Banishing Shift was the very reason he was driven out of the Village in the first
There is absolutely no reason as to why they wouldn’t have guards. Especially
with the Elders being unable to fight. This wasn’t because they were powerless
however. After all, they did rise to the position of Elder through their strengths.
It was because their powers being used to uphold the various dimensional
barriers to protect the Village from the outside world.

But that meant that the only one capable of fighting was Shuuya. Of course,
Shuuya was no pushover. In the war he was second to Jin in strength, and that
was the reason for their close friendship. So they had to avoid fighting Shuuya at
all costs. But Basara knew that Shuuya had taken a back seat from combat ever
since he lost his eye in the war, the eyepatch on his left eye a testament of his

The worst case scenario for the Elders would be if Basara and the rest all
decided to attack them at once.

While Basara had no intention to do that whatsoever, was it really wise for the
Elders to leave Shuuya as the sole individual responsible for their well being? In
order to maintain the dimensional barriers and to protect the Village, the Elders
are supposed to prioritize their own safety foremost. But currently, the only ones
in the chamber were the Elders themselves and Shuuya.

In that case…they must have prepared some sort of “insurance”.

And so, Basara started to think of the various plans he would have made if he
were in the Elders’ shoes.

“You don’t have to be so alert.”

Fuji spoke as if looking right through him.

“It is true that we have had our ‘disagreements’ in the past… and it is true that
we have invited you here to this place. I can understand that there are a lot of
things that are going through your mind at the moment.”

“But I hope you believe us when we say that we no longer have any intention to
draw our blades on you.”

“Well…at least for now. If the situation arises, that will be a matter for then.”

Kumano chuckled at Atsuta’s joke at the end before staring at Basara.

“It’s been 8 months since you and Jin took in that girl… and your circumstances
have been changing and we too, have been adjusting to your situation.”

“…I see.”

“We have been receiving reports from Yuki and Kurumi. But living with you and
spending time with you, their feelings are bound to become softer.”

Fuji continued.

“And so, for things to continue, we decided that it would be for the best if we
saw for ourselves how you guys are, in order for us to pass any judgment.”

“I understand.”

Basara nodded in understanding. Of course he wasn’t just going to take what

Fuji just said with open arms. He was certain that the Elders were definitely
plotting something from this. But he will find a way out of this.

Atsuta took over from Fuji.

“Well then… why don’t you tell us about the things that have happened so far?
The things you’ve been doing since you left the Village and how you’ve been
living your life.”

Per the request of the Elders, Mio and Basara spoke about their past. Yuki
Nonaka, stood beside Basara, listening to their story. About how Basara lived
after being driven out of the Village. How Mio grew up as a human and being
loved by her parents.

The Elders simply nodded while they listened. They didn’t say anything, but
their eyes were sharp and they were analyzing each and every word to make sure
there were no holes in their stories.

Yuki already knew all this. Not only her, but Kurumi, and Zest and Maria as
well. After all, they were a big family living together in the same house. Just
because the problem at the Demon World was solved for now, didn’t mean that
they wouldn’t have to face any challenges in the future. So in order to deepen
their bonds and get to know each other better, the girls have all told each other
about their story and their background. And that indeed gave birth to the strong
bond that they all shared.

“And so, last summer, my father told me that he was getting remarried and that
was when I met Mio and Maria for the first time.”

They finally got to the part where they met. From here on out, they will have to
be careful on what information they disclose. After all, there were some things
that were best kept away from the Elders. But Mio and Basara will never mix in
a lie. They will simply omit some parts of their story.
Basara did not want to betray the Village. While it is true that they did ostracize
him and it is true that many in the Village do hate him, for Basara, the Village
was still the home that he grew up in. And it was still very dear to him.

But they did have to cover their tracks. Since the moment they were summoned
by the Village, Basara and the others got together to discuss what they will omit
from their stories. What they decided not to disclose was Basara and Takigawa’s
various dealings, the Master-Servant contract between Basara and the girls, and
about the identity regarding Basara’s mother.

Yuki and Kurumi also made sure to not cover these topics whenever they made
their routine reports to the Village. After all, there will be suspicion placed on
them if their reports and the stories here didn’t match up.

“…And that is a summary of all the things that occurred.”

Basara finished by talking about the peace treaty between the Moderate Faction
and Current Demon Lord Faction in the Demon World. He also told them that
Kurumi and Yuki took part in the fight as members of the Moderate Faction.

But this was something the Nonaka sisters have already informed the Elders
about. They reasoned that taking part in the fight in the Demon World, will end
the conflict there and will prevent demons from coming to the Human World to
try and hunt down Mio. They made sure to emphasize that they fought in the
battle to represent the Hero Tribe and to ensure that the Human World was kept
away from danger. And they also made included that Mio has better control of
the powers she inherited from Wilbert and even suggested that, while they
wouldn’t go as far as to suggest that she be removed from the watch list, but
have Kurumi and Yuki continue to observe her.

“….I see.”
Kumano nodded in understanding.

“I think I have a clearer picture of your situation now. And if the two factions in
the demon world did indeed sort out their quarrel, it would explain why they sent
their special envoy here.”

Atsuta also chimed in.

“If what you say is true and they are indeed moving towards peace, that would
be a historic change for the Demon World.”

While stroking his impressive beard, Fuji looked Basara in the eye.

“So then Basara… how would you assess your involvement in the two factions
finding peace?”

The trap has been sprung.

Basara knew that this question signaled the start of the true intention of this

What Basara and the others accomplished was no small feat. Peace between two
opposing factions in the Demon World does not happen often. But this is not an
accomplishment they can just brag about here in the Village. For the Village, the
new peace treaty between the two factions would only increase their threat to the
Human World.

While Basara and Yuki made a claim that ‘resolving the dispute in the Demon
World ensured that Mio Naruse would not be targeted in the Human World’,
there were those in the Hero Tribe who believed that the best strategy would
have simply been to watch the two factions destroy each other. Some even
suggested having Yuki and Kurumi sabotage the peace by fanning the flames of
war between the two factions while they were there.

However, that would mean supporting the killings and fighting between Demons
who bore no threat to the Human World. Encouraging such actions will
definitely lead to ‘corruption’ and will risk their relationships with the spirits and
gods they have signed pacts with. The very reason they agreed to Wilbert’s peace
treaty to end the Great War was to ensure that they didn’t ‘go against peace’ and
risk angering the spirits and gods who did not wish to see a world in conflict.
Of course Basara could use that as his defense. He could say that they were
respecting the wishes of the previous generation by maintaining the peace. But
by doing so, and legitimizing their actions, they would be ‘making excuses’ and
‘going against’ the Village. That was a position he didn’t want to put himself and
the others in.

“I cannot say for sure how much of an influence we had on the peace treaty
between the Moderates Faction and the Current Demon Lord Faction. All we did
was fight to keep our way of life and our peace.”

Basara was very careful with his words. He made sure that there was no lie in
what he said.

“But you could roughly estimate your influence can’t you?”

Atsuta didn’t let him off the hook however.

“As you surely understand, the peace treaty between the two factions is very
concerning news for the Village. We just want to make sure that we understand
everything that took place and all the options that were considered.”

“While that may be so, the actions we took were to protect Mio and our
livelihood in the Human World. It will not be a fair assessment for us to compare
our independent actions to the overallpeace process as it was never our intention
to bring the two factions together. That was simply the result of many different

That was Basara’s angle: That their actions were taken independently without
any intention to influence the outcome.

“Ah, well we don’t mind if it’s not a fair assessment. You guys were right there
in the turning point of history. Don’t think over the details too much and just tell
us how you felt.”

Basara knew that the Elders were leading them into a trap. He could see the
various escape routes being cut off in the argument. He knew that if he were to
speak based on how he felt, they would use what he said against him down the

When he was wracking his brains for an escape, his eyes glanced towards
Takigawa and an idea popped in his mind.

“While I understand… we are currently joined by the special envoy sent by the
two factions of the Demon World.”

“Huh? Me?”

Takigawa was taken by surprise with his sudden inclusion in the conversation.

“We just overcame the whole situation between the Demon World and Mio. If I
were to say something here that causes a misunderstanding, we will risk having
some new problems on our hands.”

Basara knew that the Village wouldn’t want to risk having any disputes or
misunderstandings with the Demon World. Especially with the Hearing Officer
from the Vatican arriving tomorrow.

“Perhaps you do have a point…”

Fuji gave the impression of agreeing, before turning to Takigawa.

“Then let me ask you special envoy… how would you assess Basara’s
contribution towards the two factions finding peace this time around?”
Basara bit down on his tongue. They got him. If Basara was to say something,
there would be a risk of him offending the Demon World, but if a demon himself
was to say something, there will be no risks.

“Hmmm… his contribution huh…”

Knowing Basara’s situation, Takigawa feigned boredom while analyzing the

question. If he was to say that Basara did have a big part in the two sides finding
peace, the Village will use that as a reason to prove Basara’s closeness with the
demons. On the other hand, if he were to say that Basara’s actions didn’t do
anything to affect the outcome, the Village could press him as to why he didn’t
take any measures to sabotage the peace. It was a loaded question designed to
implicate Basara regardless.

But Basara had faith in Takigawa’s aptitude.

“As I said before, I’m just a messenger. I can’t speak for the Demon Lord or the
Moderate Faction. If I were to say something here and you guys took it the
wrong way, I’ll have a lot to answer to once I get back. If you guys really wanna
know, you guys could always meet up and discuss with the higher ups of the
Demon World.”

And just like Basara, Takigawa found a weasel his way out of trouble.

“I see. Sorry for pushing that question on to you then.”

Fuji backed down. While he could interrogate Basara with further questions, that
kind of disrespect to Takigawa will have its consequences. Consequences he
cannot risk to shoulder. Basara made eye contact with Takigawa and he saw
what he was saying with his eyes: “You owe me.”
Basara conveyed his thanks with a look then focused on the situation at hand. By
now, it was obvious what the Village is trying to do by implicating him. The only
reason Basara got off this time was because his relationship with Takigawa was
kept a secret.

But one thing was for certain. The Village did not see Basara in a favorable light.
But if they did see him as an enemy, they wouldn’t have invited him all the way
out here. Instead of doing something so troublesome, they could have just
launched an ambush.

Or was it that they were afraid of angering the gods and spirits? They have
already tried to assassinate Mio once, only to fail and put her on watch again.
Unless they can prove that Basara and the others were a threat to humanity and
the world, killing them would most likely ‘corrupt’ the relationship the Village
had with many of their gods and spirits.

Damn it.

Basara had to control himself. There was just so many ways this meeting could
go wrong and so many things he had to consider. But he has to keep his cool and
find an opportunity to end all of this.

“Well then, all ow me to change the question a little bit.”

It was Kumano who spoke next.

“Knowing that Demons are no longer coming after you for now… what do you
all hope to achieve? And what is the future that you envision?”

That was a questions they knew they were going to be asked. And they did
prepare for it. Even to the point of choosing who would answer the question.

In a quiet, yet strong voice, it was Mio who answered.

“I wish to live with Basara.”

That was Mio’s answer to Kumano’s question. And it wasn’t something they
made up. That was her putting out her real feelings on display.

“I wish to continue living with Basara and the others just like we always have…
That’s my goal…

that’s the only thing I wish for.”

“I was raised in this world as a human. After my parents were killed and meeting
with Maria, I was faced with the reality that I’m a demon. But I still wish to live
as a human, and this is the world that I want to live in.”

“I just want to live normally with Basara and Maria… with Yuki, Kurumi and
Zest…. That’s all .”

A deafening silence followed Mio’s declaration. No one spoke a word. Mio

gripped her hands into fists on her lap. She said everything that she had to say.
She didn’t ask for anything more. Just what she really felt from the bottom of her
heart. She prayed that her feelings reached the Elders.

“Well then… how can you prove that you are saying the truth?”

Fuji’s words broke the silence.

“It is easy to say things. But how can you prove that your words are not lies and
that you don’t have any other motive?”

Kumano followed with his input.

“Or, how could you assure us that your feelings will not change down the road?”

“Even if it may be the truth now, people’s feelings change… you might change
in the future and pose as a threat to the world.”


“I mean, have you all considered the current strengths you possess?”

Atsuta cut in with a biting tone.

“Naruse Mio…You and that demon Zest are both S class mages. That succubus
Maria is a sub S class, with Yuki and Kurumi also being around the same.”

His eyes then shifted towards Basara.

“And Basara… when you were still in the Village, people were praising you as
the ‘prodigy’ but you lacked any real combat experience. That made you a B
rank at best. And even when you defeated Takashi, we still only considered you
an A rank.”

“But currently, you are a S rank, and one that is far stronger than Naruse Mio.
The growth that you all went through in this short amount of time is simply
incomprehensible. And your immense strength is a threat. All of you together are
way past the point of us simply keeping tabs on you.”

There was nothing Mio could say against that. She was prepared that her feelings
might not have reached them. She knew that no matter what she said, some in
the Village would not accept her simple because she was the daughter of Wilbert.

But their strengths were not because of their desire for fame and fortune. They
had to get stronger in order to survive. But if the Village was to reject this, how
exactly were they supposed to have survived all this time?

Mio bit her lip in anger. She really had no response to the questions.

“Why remain quiet? Are you not saying anything before the words from before
were simply lies?”

Atsuta didn’t hold anything back in his interrogation.

A tear was about to form in Mio’s eye. For the Elders have rejected everything.
She simply tried to convey her honest and true feelings. But they swatted that
away in an instant.

She just felt so weak…

She knew that the longer she held her silence, and if she was to shed a tear, the
Elders will use that as evidence against them. That they would determine them a
threat that must be exterminated.

So she had to speak. She had to say something.

“I-.. I…”

It was at that moment when Mio spoke up, that she heard someone else speak

“Sir Elder, could you please take back what you just said?”

It was Basara.
The piercing gazes of the occupants in the room all focused on him. For up until
now, Basara had maintained a very polite and professional tone with them. But
his current tone was anything but gentle.

Just like how Atsuta cannot overlook the rising threat of those living in the
Toujou household, Basara too couldn’t just oversee what he said to Mio. Basara
knew all about the girls in his care. That’s why there was no way he could
forgive those who denied their past and how they grew up.

“You’re telling me to take back my statement?”

Atsuta snapped at him.

“Trusting someone’s feelings only comes from those who trust each other. And
the future is ful of different possibilities. It would be impossible to guarantee and
make promises based on that.”

“You were the one who asked us questions, yet to refuse to accept any of our
answers and reject them. Is that a worthy behaviour of someone in your

He took a breath.

“And in this chamber of all places?”

Just as he said that, the air in the chamber started to thicken. This was the
judgment by the gods and spirits who reside in this room. The ‘corruption’ has

“This is…”

The Elders could logically understand the situation but they couldn’t come to
terms to it. They should know about this Ceremonial Chamber more than
anyone. But they could not understand why there was corruption taking place
inside this chamber.

Of course they wouldn’t.

The Elders do not know that Basara is able to borrow, and is contracted with,
Hasegawa, an ex 10 God. Further to that, they spent a year together, in a
different dimension, on their hot spring trip, so currently, the blood of
Raphaeline, his mother on the God’s side, coursed through his veins as strong as

Which all meant that Basara was under the divine protection of 2 individuals of a
Togami class. And their positions were far higher than that of gods, including the
4 Gods, residing in this current chamber.

So that is why Basara remained non-confrontational with the Elders up until

now. If they were to fight, the corruption from such an encounter won’t just
threaten the chamber but the very Village itself.

But Basara cannot let this meeting continue in a way that will lead to the end of
the peace his family was striving for. And in order to keep that peace, he decided
that it was okay to let a little bit of corruption run through the chamber. There
was no way the Elders would all ow for corruption to remain in the Chamber of
Ceremonies. And if they were to realize that it was their own words and actions
that caused it, it would lead to a big shift in their behaviour as well.

“But as Elders, it is our responsibility to make sure that our Village is safe. It’s
only natural that we eliminate or weaken anything that threatens the Village.”

Basara did not back down.

“It’s ridiculous to expect absolute certainty for our futures. And if it is the
Village’s responsibility to eliminate anything that might become a potential
threat in the future, what’s the Village’s proof that they will continue this?”

Fuji spoke up to retaliate against Basara.

“Our history is our proof.”

‘Our ancestors have been protecting this world from the very beginning and our
Village has been protecting this country as well. And it will remain this way in
the future as well.”

However, Basara saw the weakness in that point raised by Fuji.

“But isn’t that based on our past accomplishments? How is that proof, or
guarantees the Village will continue to protect this country?”

“That’s because when we say ‘future guarantee’, we do not refer to it as the

100% you see in statistics and data. It depends on whether we can entrust the
future to you.”

This was Atsuta trying to define the word ‘absolute’ to legitimize their argument.

“For centuries, the Hero Tribe has been protecting the Human World from
Demons. Our history and track record is the very proof we need that we will
continue to do so in the future.”

Basara paused. Not because he didn’t have anything to say back. But because he
finally understood their angle. The Hero Clan has a record of protecting the
world. But Mio does not have any record of her not being a threat to humanity.
And in fact, after inheriting Wilbert’s power, there have been a number of
assassination attempts on her life. Basara could see that they plan to argue that
Mio’s existence itself is a threat if people come and try to attack her.

Basara turned to see Mio’s defeated look as she kept her eyes on the floor. And
so he placed a hand on her shoulder and shook his head when she looked his

Of course there was the risk of people making an attempt on Mio’s life in the
future. They can’t rule out the possibility of someone trying to do so.

But that was the same for the Hero Clan. While they preach about absolute
guarantees based on their past accomplishments, they refuse to accept Mio’s
words because she lacked any past records.

So Basara took a deep breath and looked at the Elders in front of him.

“Well…. If we’re talking about past accomplishments… how would you explain
the tragedy from 5 years ago?”

Basara’s words could have frozen the air in the room.

“How can the Village guarantee that there won’t be another person like Seito-
san, who will go berserk with rage, and a person like me who won’t be able to
control their power?”

This was Basara’s last resort. To use his own tragedy as the piece to break the
‘logic’ of the Elders.

“Last time, you were able to keep the casualties and damages to within the
Village, but there is no guarantee that the next time something happens, it will be
conveniently within the barrier of this Village.”

“How dare you… Basara, do you plan to abandon your responsibility for your

Atsuta spewed in anger.

“No, not at all sir. I am to blame for that tragedy and I do not plan to run away
from it. It is something I will have to shoulder for the rest of my life.”

Basara took a breath.

“But if you all say that any future you create is based absolutely on your past
accomplishments, then you will be sidelining that tragedy to ‘something that just
The corruption in the room became thicker still. But that was not because of
Basara. What he said were his true and honest feelings of regret. The spirits and
the gods have understood what he just said and have even sided with him. So
any further disputes by the Elders will only worsen the corruption.

“So could you please take back what you said?”

There were two things that the Elders would have to retract. The first would be
their denial of Mio’s future plans. The other, being the idea that they can just
ignore the tragedy from 5 years ago and claim that the future of the Hero Clan
shines brightly with absolute confidence.

In order to stop the current corruption in the chamber, they would most likely
have to retract both statements. The Elders knew that the tragedy in the Village
must never be forgotten, so it will be relatively easy for them to retract that
statement, but they can’t show weakness in retracting their statement regarding
Mio’s future.

But Basara did not specify which statement they had to take back when he made
his request. But that was the beauty of this strategy. Even if the Elders didn’t
know what they were retracting, doing so will win them back the favor of the
gods and spirits and the corruption in this room will most likely disappear. But if
they were to not retract either one, the corruption will only worsen. That meant
that the Elders will have to retract both in order to appease the gods and spirits.

“…We understand.”

“Yes. Please excuse me for my behaviour as well.”

Basara answered almost immediately, which felt very strange for Kurumi. But
then she saw why he quickly forgave Fuji. The corruption had disappeared. And
it all started to make sense now. The reason why Basara immediately accepted
Fuji’s apology was to remove the corruption right there, and not show the Elders
what the source of the corruption was. And that would help prove that Basara
and the others did not come to the Village to fight against them.

Fuji took a deep breath of understanding, before asking.

“So let me ask…what is it that you guys wish for?”

“Exactly what Mio said before. That is what we all wish for. But we
unfortunately don’t have any proof to show how serious we are, but if you give
us the opportunity, maybe we can discuss on how and what we can do to build a
case for our goal and to provide proof for the Village that we won’t turn into a

The keyword here was “discuss”, not “tell us”. That splits the power balance
between the Village and Basara and the others, while also making the Elders
partially responsible for any outcomes as the outcome will be the result of their

Kurumi was shocked. Basara had completely outsmarted the Elders and only
leaving them the option to accept and discuss with Basara, or else they annoy the
spirits and gods any further.

“I see, well then…”

Just as Fuji was about to finish what he was saying, the door to the chamber

“Of course, I will be the judge of whether your conditions are apt or not. If you
can’t convince me, there will be no agreement.”

Basara looked back towards the voice the echoed through the ceremonial.

As he did so, two people with looks he wasn’t familiar with stood a step away
from the door.

One of them was a man who wore a dark navy suit. The other, was a woman
who wore a gold-designed cloak long enough to reach her ankles, her face
covered with a white hood. Basara narrowed his eyes as he saw the design of her
shining emblem.

…That is.

Without a mistake – it was the emblem of the << Vatican >>. Furthermore,
despite being shadowed by her cloak, she was armed with a sword. Basara could
make shape of it right away.

And then, she probably noticed the same thing of him. On the upper stage – on
its side, Shuya was silenced, “I can see you’re the inquisition from the
<<Vatican>>… But I have heard that you were not supposed to arrive until

“–So that our plan could go faster, we had been told from the top”

The woman said, as she walked up gracefully.

There’s a thin, calm smile upon her lips.

“I think this is improbable but… It’s so before our present hearing, those here in
Japan do not hold a covered up discussion for your own conveniences.”

At those words, Basara understood the goal of the <<Vatican>>, which did not
have conclusive evidence.

…The subject of this proceeding is both us and the << Village >>, huh…

Of course, it wasn’t as if they had optimism that it had nothing to do with them
but, …Damn, even though it’s just a little more…

Without thinking, Basara clenched. The meeting with the elders had been
brought to a good conclusion here; the path for the argument to be concluded
was being opened… Just a little more. They’re not decided at the worst possible
time. If the proceeding open here, the talk clumsily turned around – at worst,
their united talks with the elders could be completely turned over.


As the <<Vatican>> woman saw Basara grinding down the back of his teeth.

“Please don’t make such an awful face Basara… Just as we are meeting again
after a long time”


At his confused tone the woman walked over and stopped by him.

And then – she took off her hood.

The figure underneath was of brilliant blonde hair and translucent emerald eyes.
From her calm manners, he had thought that she was an older woman, but she
was younger than his expectation… She was most likely around Basara’s age, a
beautiful young girl.

– That girl had said ‘meeting again after a long time’.

In Basara’s past, when he had contact with the << Vatican >> would have been
before he was expelled from the village – that means, at most 5 – 6 years ago.

…That’s right.

There was a time when they exchanged combat tactics with other districts,
including that of the << Vatican >>. At the time, Basara and the rest were still
small, so they didn’t go overseas but from one of the << Vatican >> units that
came, there was a girl that was about their age. From the form of the girl in front
of him, Toujou Basara was able to see a vestige of the girl he met in those past
days, “Celis…?”

As Basara dumbfoundedly spilled out the name of his childhood friend from
overseas, “Yes… So you do remember me”

She said, happily, the girl – Celis nodded, she then moved her eyes to those
beside him,
“Yuki and Kurumi too, I’m glad you all seem well”

To that Celis who’s smiling,

“Celis-nee, it’s you…?” “Why… Are you here?”

At this unexpected timing, to be able to meet again put Kurumi and Yuki to
confusion first. To that, Celis gave a sigh.

“All of you are too surprised… Well, it can’t really be helped”

Because, “There’s a lot to talk about – a lot between us”

Celis said, her eyes glazed with nostalgia. The meanings of those words were in
regards to, the tragedy that happened when they were apart, and how that
changed their standing and relationships. The tragedy that happened in this
Japanese << village >> was told to the other Hero districts too.

Celis too knew – what happened in this << village >> with Basara. But, “…I
apologize, but first I must do my work”

Saying that, Celis faced the elders directly. Then, she put her hand on her chest.

“Greetings to all three of you elders… So, just in case, I shall introduce myself
once more”

A pause.

“Celis Reinhartd. Coming here on the behest of the Pope from the << Vatican

Then, indicating the youth behind her with her eyes.

“This is my aide, Cleo Angeles” “…”

At Celis’ introduction, the youth named Cleo just gave a silent nod.

“As such – the two of us shall perform the hearing here for everyone here”

She said, a loud declaration.

So then, with the Vatican officer intervention, the discussion was rushed to a new

In the midst of that, Toujou Basara refrained his remarks, and waited for the
words Celis would choose next.

…First, to know the aim of the << Vatican >>.

The possibility for this kind of situation had been in the corner of his mind since
he had heard from Shuuya that a car is bringing the hearing officers to the <<
village >> from Shuuya. However – this time, his opponent is the << village >>.
Still holding on deeply to the trauma of the tragedy, no matter what, his
consciousness would be concentrated in front of nervous eyes.

He also didn’t regret having retaliated on the elders’ unreasonable pursuit of

Mio, and he did not think that was a mistake.


He had lacked a little cool.

– That fact was undeniable.

In one on one debate, there are times where feelings would go through, but that
was a no go with a discussion with the three of them. If his reasoning was
agitated, it could have an opening for it to be stabbed by logic. He must not turn
both the << Village >> and << Vatican >> into his enemies, avoiding a 2-on-1

…On top of it.

How Shuuya had leaked the coming of the << Vatican >> party to Basara and the
others, there’s a chance that the elders don’t know that. Even if the elders might
know, it was unexpected that the hearing officer would be Celis. In other words
they can play dumb, stunned at this opportunity.

More than anything, Celis’ declaration of earlier just now. Although she had said
‘for everyone’, the statement was issued right after her greeting to the elders. Of
course, it could be pointed to everyone here, but so to say, the elders know that
her real role was to perform intervention on behalf of the << Vatican >>. In that,
just as Basara resolved to wait, “It’s been a while, Miss Celis… For you to be the
hearing officer from the << Vatican >> was a surprise”

The one who sparked that was Kumano.

“A hearing in regard to us, that is quite unsettling… Furthermore, coming earlier

due to the possibility of us carrying out an unjust discussion, we have only heard
that officers from the Vatican would come, without knowing the intention. In
this, we would have no way to hold any of such.”

“Yes… That’s why, as I have mentioned, I too think it is improbable.”

To Kumano who had a nasty smile surfaced on his face, Celis replied with once
more, a calm smile.

“So then – let us ask the details behind our hearing.”

This time, it was Atsuta who had asked aloud.

“Why did the << Vatican >> decide this was necessary?”

To those words,

“–Naruse Mio”

Celis let out Mio’s name quietly.


Beside Basara, Mio gulped down in surprise, looking at Celis. Having her name
said out like that – that’s a natural reaction. But on the other hand Celis, without
looking at Mio, continued to fix her gaze on the elders.

“No, more than simply her, all of Basara’s group that had included Naruse Mio”

Upon saying that – she made decisive words.

“We know that presently, the << village >> in Japan had been monitoring them
but – the Vatican determined, that there’s a problem with this decision.”

The words Celis said was more than enough to tense up the whole place.

The face of Mio beside him paled, Yuki and Kurumi’s expression crunched up,

Toujou Basara thought of the meaning of Celis’ words calmly.

…Which is it?

She said it vaguely, on whether or not the brunt of the problem faced their side or

That being said, as a result of being silent to this point, the flow which had taken
a bad direction was irreversible, and there’s a danger his chance to strike would

Therefore, Basara decided to move before it was too late.

“Celis… Is the << Vatican >> thinking it’s reasonable to erase us?”

As he asked with a soft voice, Celis turned to him, “—No, I do not mean to say
that. In our judgment, we see you monitored as more reasonable than erasure….
Although the rank for that is definitely a Special S”

With these words, Mio sighed in relief, for the time being.

– However, Basara’s face was still stiff.

The words earlier, still did not contain Celis’ – << Vatican’s >> intention.

“We would be thankful if you could tell us, how you agreed with our decision to
monitor them, but there’s still a problem with it. If it was just the difference
between S-class and Special S-class, they would not send a party from overseas,
I’m sure”

“Yes, of course… Although monitored, there may be problems that arise that
required it to be switched to erasure, and depending on the situation, assistance
may be required”

Celis responded to Fuji’s words.

“However, unfortunately, presently the Japan << village >> does not have a
fighting power that would be effective to just deal with the Special S-class that is
Basara’s group… We << Vatican >> think so, and we question your decision”

At those words of Celis,

…So it’s like that.

This was the point of agreement. And, at the same time, it strengthens Basara’s
conviction. The << Vatican >> was not aiming at them – but at the << village
>>. At the very least in this case, they were not on a lone struggle, cornered by
both the << Vatican >> and << village >>.


This close-to-call situation continued. Depending on the flow of the talk, it

would not be strange for them to be sparked up.

To the Basara, who watched over this with worry, “…There’s concerns on
whether our fighting power is not effective towards Basara’s group?”
“Rather than a concern, it would be more appropriate to say there’s a suspicion”

At the words of Atsuta, which is laced with anger, Celis answered, her gaze
looking upward to the right.

What those emerald eyes were looking at was one of the ‘Four Gods’ – The spirit
spear “Byakko”.

“A few months ago… You had decided to switch to erasing Naruse Mio from
monitoring her, and it seemed that it was with Takashi who wield the spear

It wasn’t odd for the << Vatican >> to know about the usage of “Byakko”. It
can’t be helped, that the usage of one of the “Four Gods” out of the village
would disrupt the village barrier.

Therefore, there needs to be an explanation for the reason the village dealt with
the outside – along with a legitimate one to use “Byakko”. With this, Celis
narrowed her eyes and she gazed at “Byakko”.

“And then… After that, you quickly returned to monitoring”

A pause.

“For “Byakko” to run reckless, and on top of that with Basara’s group… There’s
no more shameful result than this failure”


Atsuta replying, but quickly swallowed his words.

When “Byakko” ran reckless, it was within a barrier in the city. Of course, when
one of the “Four Gods” was taken out, The Vatican tracked the wave of it to
watch over “Byakko”, foreseeing that the power of it weakening and a possible
“reckless” running of it – and Basara’s group convergence with it was something
they should know. Of course, with the << village >> not reporting their own
blunder, and that of Mio’s state being returned to being monitored, as they
should with appropriate reasons.

Most likely.

Celis has some ability as a hearing officer. Whether it’s to perceive the waves
given off by “Byakko”, or he doesn’t know if she could communicate directly
with “Byakko”, but she must have some way to know the truth of that time. As
such, with someone with that ability, any excuses would have the opposite effect.

To Atsuta, whose rebuttal was sealed,

“Yuki’s actions were affected… but even so? If you’re going to use that excuse,
then that does not just say about your decision to send Yuki to monitor to begin
with, but also for her to return to it after – returning to a misleading situation.
That evidenced your lack of grasp on the situation.”

She said, with a cold tone of voice.

“Fact is – you had previous records. We admit you had drawn the army of the
previous demon king Wilbert, and brought it to a cease-fire. Because of this, we
the << Vatican >> had tolerated the monopoly of supervision and management
over Jin-san who’s touted as the strongest and his only son Basara.”

But, said Celis.

“On the tragedy five years ago, you had kept it confidential without consulting
the other districts… Saying you’re not done handling Basara or Jin-san, you
here, not wanting to call upon us in your weakened state, giving us the finished
post report.”

A pause.

“—With Basara and Jin, expelled from the heroes”

At those words


Silence descended upon the ceremonial. It occurred, as everyone was at a loss

for words. Even while embracing their bitter thoughts, each had their own
feelings. The sadness that was born from that tragedy, and the resentment that
came with it. As an outcome, they could no longer accept the being that caused
it, or even looked at him. Ever since that day, they all lived with a sense of loss
and crushing despair. Losing an important person – an irreplaceable person, is
like that. And then, “…”

Celis, whose remark caused the silence, also diverted her eyes in sadness.

That expression was not one that came out with ill intention or callousness in her
remarks. Celis understood what her words had meant to the people here. Even
so, there was still anguish for the person who had to say that.

However – Celis continued on her responsibility.

“As a result of the determination to expel Basara… Jin-san too had held
suspicion for the << Vatican >> and other district representatives, taking a
distance from us. Though the Vatican archbishop had offered protection, Jin had
seemingly said, “If you come close to us, you will cause hostility”

“My old man saying that…”

What Celis said, was a truth Basara didn’t know.

…Old man.

Toujou Basara thinks of his father who’s far away. Recently, Basara had just
heard of the hopes and expectations, along with what they’ve given for him. The
Raphaeline who had risked her everything to birth him, Sapphire who lived
away from her standing – and Jin, who raised Basara with the thoughts of his
two wives, must also have things he could not take that happened as a result of
that tragedy. In front of Basara who was quieted, “However, if the << Village >>
had cooperated with the << Vatican >> on seeking a judgment, when it wasn’t in
this complicated state, it wouldn’t have gone to this…. We do think that. And it
would be best not to repeat the same mistakes. So then, as to not get the worst
results in leaving it in your hands, we had decided to move more aggressively”

Celis Reinhartd declared to the elders.

“The << Village >> is to give up all authority and responsibility on Toujou
Basara and his monitoring, for this to be given to us – that is, the consensus the
<< Vatican >> had come to.”

At Celis’ announcement, the elders made a dark face as they’re pushed to

silence. Fol owing where their eyesight had landed,

…As expected.

Toujou Basara’s conviction was further deepened. The underlying aspect of the
<< Vatican’s >> intervention this time, is to bring the leadership struggle within
the << village >> through the matter of Basara’s custody.

Originally, in this home of the hero clan – was under jurisdiction of the main
church European based << Vatican >> but, due to the achievement of Jin in the
previous war, they have come to a ceasefire with the demon realm. In according
to that, the authority of the << Vatican >> in the Heroes’ << Village >> was a
mere facade. With this matter, they aim to dispel that.


The << Village >> won’t just accept that with a “yes, we get it”. Even if they
may be able to accept the << Vatican >>‘s ambition, for them to recognize the
<< Vatican >>‘s request, there is a chance it may snowball into more. If they
don’t handle it well, not the << Vatican >>, but other areas may put the <<
Village >> under siege.

At the worst case, it is not impossible for the << Village >> to be dissolved and
absorbed into the << Vatican >>, putting Japan under the << Vatican >>‘s direct

“Hmm… We understand the << Vatican’s >> criticism of us. It is an expected

move with regards to us in this situation.”

But before that, says Kumano.

“Since the rationale of the << Vatican >>in anxiety over our fighting power… In
that case, do you have what’s needed to respond to Basara?”

“Yes. It is possible. Within our secret military’s hearing officers are those
enrolled in S-class Holy Knights.”

Upon hearing the situation calmly stated by Celis, “…Basara, is that so?”

Mio who was beside quietly whispered to him. Basara said “yes” with an
affirming nod, the “<< Vatican >> had collected those with powerful abilities
from various heroes territories”

Jin had also been affiliated with the << Vatican >>, as he had heard from his
pillow talks during his time within the barrier with Hasegawa. Though that being
said, Jin who tends to act on his own, eventually collided with the upper levels
of the << Vatican >>, eventually returning to the Japan << Village >>, but
Raphaeline had known of Jin from that time and the story held interest.

“…That’s some great confidence you have”

Said Atsuta at Celis words. “But means would you do? Are you planning to
appoint those S-class officers here in Japan?”

“No. As you know, Europe is the region that has lots of areas that borders on
many alien worlds, especially that of demon world. The numbers of missions too
is incomparable to here… At this point in time, isn’t realistic to devote the
manpower of the S-class officers here”

“Hmm… In other words”

At Fuji’s words, Celis nodded a “Yes”,

“Hand over the custody of Basara and the others – the << Vatican >> will
monitor them”

At those words,

“– Wait, Celis”

Basara interrupted without thinking,

“Ah, what is it Basara? Might you have objections?”

Celis looked at him with an elegant smile. While her facial expression and tone
is calm, it carries a pressure on Basara. In a roundabout way, the smile tells him
that he does not have a choice. Because the heroes had overlooked it, it was
placed as ‘monitoring target’ rather than ‘erasing target’. It could be said they
had purposely overlooked it. And then that judgment, depending on how the
correspondence goes, could possibly switch to ‘erasing target’.

…This is bad.

The negotiations with the elders had been effective, but to the center of it, during
the “Ritual” of the village, the situation of the hearing officers from Vatican
arriving had complicated the matters.

If Kegare happens in this place, the elders would be held responsible.

The home-court advantage can be used by the opponent instead.

– However, the Celis who had come from Vatican isn’t using this hand.

To begin with, the management of this place isn’t under the << Vatican >>, and
no matter how ??* this place would be, it’s still possible to push through with
differences in their opinions.

…Even so.

The elders had lost this debate. To further fight the << Vatican >> here is to risk
the << Village >> being attacked all at once.

…No, even before that.

The criticism Celis stated of the << Village >> is legitimate from the standpoint
of the << Vatican >>. Even if it’s just backdoor political speculation, that doesn’t
matter. It is likely that Celis who is here doesn’t doubt her own sense of justice.
She surely believes taking Basara to the << Vatican >> is the best choice.
Straight on, the point of naivety – precisely because of this did the upper levels
of the << Vatican >> dispatch Celis in this particular instance. On the other hand,

Basara, took a cursory glance at Cleo at Celis’ back.


Celis appeared in the ceremony, Cleo had not said a word. Nothing can be read
from his expression, and in a way he’s more eerie than Celis is. He had been said
to be Celis’ aide, but whether that is true or not remains unclear. It wouldn’t
matter if Cleo is just a decorative figurehead, but alternatively it is possible that
Cleo is who’s truly involved with the upper levels of the Vatican and was sent to
closely watch the situation. It’s best not to show poor movements.
They had fought to achieve peace. This time too, their objective for coming to
the << Village >> is to put an end to their observation. That aim had gone a step
further. But – Even as an ‘observation target’, for them to be taken to the
<<Vatican >>is further away from the peace they wish for.


If the intervention this time has a seductive underlying motive for << Vatican >>
– one can’t think that they would stop with taking Basara to the <<Vatican>>. It
is likely the upper echelons of << Vatican >> would conspire by making use of
Basara’s presence. Being monitored by the most powerful force among the
heroes, an unfamiliar situation – this adverse condition makes it uncertain
whether or not they could secure Mio’s safety.

That being said, they condition is sealing their path to refute. Thus, …To
overcome this situation.

While thinking of this, Toujou Basara sees. By intervening on the problem

between Basara and the << Village >> they tilted the flow of the problem to all
ow outside presence to pull into the << Village >>.

Takigawa Yahiro. With that, Takigawa glanced at him.


After shooting an unpleasant look, he scratched the back of his head.

“Ahh – What to say, sorry to raise up this talk”

Saying that with a tone mixed with a sigh, his sight lands on Celis.

With that remark, all attention in the room turned to Takigawa Yahiro.

…Aah, how troublesome…

These things are not originally Takigawa’s role. Without being in the front,
moving at the back til the end, unseen till the end – however, achieving
maximum results.

Precisely that, is what’s sought after by Takigawa as a spy. He had learned much
from the course of it, one of which is to not do excess things. Gathering attention
to himself now is absurd. To add to it, Takigawa is putting himself on the stage
of ‘politics’, which he hates. Furthermore is an opposing hero clan, the place
their home – right at the centre. Since Takigawa had decided to act with Basara’s
group, the word expelled had been floating within his mind.

…This really is an unnecessary risk.

To add to it, as this is a problem that deeply involves Basara’s group, it could
also be forced on Takigawa.

If Basara is right in guessing that Ramsus is Wilbert, a father would not all ow
Takigawa to risk his precious daughter, and not completing his duty as a special
envoy, that beloved psycho woman of Leohart would kill him with a smile.

It was the worst condition. Not to be self-pitying, but they had reached the point
of which they can run.

As the three elders of the Japan village bask upon the sight of the Vatican holy
knights who serve as hearing officers, Takigawa thought back sadly to his own

“On such a sacred place, it’s not just for any demons. More so, while it’s on
Naruse Mio’s escort… We now, are talking about an extraordinarily important
circumstance. Do not interrupt unnecessarily.”

Came Celis’ misunderstood statement.

…Well, can’t be helped.

How Takigawa goes along with Basara’s group is something Shuuya and the
elders know about. But even now in the situation of Basara’s return to the <<
Village >>, Celis couldn’t have grasped Takigawa’s standing. With that, Celis
had said “more or less” with a cold gaze fixed upon him.

“To disregard Naruse Mio and come crashing in… It’s the same as smearing
mud on her face”

Rebuking him, Takigawa laughed as he moved his sight over to Basara.

“—Basacchi. Sorry, can I go home?”

“I get your feeling, but do your job Takigawa…”

Basara sighed, and then.

“Celis… He’s not looking down on Mio. He’s an envoy from the combined force
of the moderate faction and the current demon king faction. Bringing here, a
secret letter from the two forces”

“An envoy… If I get it right, your name is ‘Takigawa’. I see… From the report
you’re a spy who works with the demons.”

Celis, who finally realized said. The daughter of the previous demon king Mio,
is not a presence the heroes as a whole could pass by. There’s also Basara to
consider, the information raised by Yuki and Kurumi to the << Village >> would
be shared with the << Vatican >>, and it’s possible that they had picked up
information about Takigawa as well.

…In any case.

Evaluation of Takigawa is not likely to be good. On this, or on his secret

cooperation with Basara in the demon world, knowing of Belphegor coming out
bit by bit.

That being said, those being exposed is bad for Basara too – if the Vatican knows
of this, they could be more extreme in their advances.

…Well, in general.

As they don’t know how far has Celis grasped Takigawa, it’s best that they do
not run their mouths more than necessary. As Takigawa tells himself that, “– So
then, what is it do you want to say?”

At Celis’ question, Takigawa nodded with a “yes”, “Like you have your duties
from the Vatican, I too have mine in bringing secret information for the higher
ups. I want to finish that up and get rid of this uncomfortable feeling but…
Before I could, you and those elders start on about the Vatican. Badly timed with
this place, if the talk further deepened I’ll just get into more unnecessary
things… I’m not fond of it going there. As your talk seems like it’ll get more
complicated, I want to finish my job and go home”

It’s just, Takigawa says as he takes out the secret document inside and envelope
from near his chest.

“This secret letter I’ve been entrusted with is addressed to the hero clan, but it’s
meant to be passed to the elders of the Japan << Village >>… As to prevent any
alteration of its content, I am meant to open it and read it out loud before I pass it
over to you”


“It includes Basacchi, so it could be unsightly, and it seems like this could be a
bargaining chip…

Though I’m pretty reluctant as a special envoy, I want to open this in front of
everyone to avoid involving you in more problems.. What do you think?”

As Takigawa said that, holding the secret letter between his finger, “….If you
say it I don’t mind”

As to not show an aggressive agreement, Basara first nodded.

“Yes, I too do not mind…”

Celis approved once more. So then,

“The elders don’t mind too right? You wouldn’t want to have any more
misunderstandings about the << Village >> hiding things after all ”

Not forgetting to stab in the nail on the three elders with a calm smile.

…It’s done well, regardless…

Having it said like that, it’s not possible for the elders to refuse. If they try to
hide the content of the secret letter, this fact may be exploited << Vatican >>. For
that – as them being partnered with the demon world behind closed door, and if
they modify the content this time too.

Exploiting the opponent’s weakness is standard for politics. To prevent this it’s
important not to make such a hole to begin with. This is something the elders
who are long involved with politics know better than anyone. With that, “…We
understand. We have no objection to this”

With the approval of Fuji, the intention of the place had been agreed on. With
that, Takigawa, “–So then, I’ll go on ahead”

Saying that, he used his spiritual pattern to open the envelope’s password. With
that, the seal wax emblems of the moderate faction and the current demon king
faction glowed blue and black respectively – with that, the severely shut off
secret letter was opened.

And then, Takigawa open the folded letter.

“Aah – “We, those who proudly live as demons–”, I can just skip this part right?
For all our sake’s, I’ll get straight to the important part”

“I think expressing the content properly is a special envoy’s job though…”

Said Celis with an exasperated expression.

“No need to act so elite, just excuse me from having to say all these meandering
political greetings… You’ll confirm the content in writing later anyway. If you
want to read some formal political greetings, you can go read it yourself later.”

Saying that with a snort, Takigawa,

“Let’s see. With the death of previous demon king Wilbert, the ceasefire
condition of the last great war had been a mere facade, the moderate faction and
current demon king faction both want to offer a truce once more to the heroes…
Something like that”

“Hmm…. I see” “Well it is like that”

This was within the scope of assumption. Neither Celis nor the elders show
surprise at the content Takigawa read out loud. Not saying whether they agree or
disagree, is a careful fear in regards to political standing.

Takigawa who had expected as much gave a low laughter and continued to read
the content.

“However… This peace between the moderate faction and the current demon
king faction is largely due to the achievement of Naruse Mio, who had
participated in the war between the two factions. However, if the achievement of
Mio, the daughter of the late demon king is made public, it may cause renewed
ambitions and unnecessary discord within their own camps.”

Saying that.

“In short, if one tried to use Naruse Mio’s influential power exclusively, it’s
likely conflict would occur between the two sides once more. They matched in
opinion in that fundamentally, they are not to inflict future harm on Naruse Mio.
This too, extended to those close with Naruse Mio, including Toujou Basara,
Maria and Zest…. And”

There are those who showed relief at that. Mio, Yuki and Kurumi, the three of
them. Accomplishing their goal in the demon world, furthermore getting that
commitment from the top of the two forces. There’s a realization that the fight
they had risked their lives for was rewarded, on the other hand “…”
Just Basara made no change in his expression, particularly looking at nothing.

His gaze fell to the floor in front of him, deep in his thoughts.

…That’s right.

What Basara is looking for is a hand that can overturn the << Vatican >>‘s
assertion that Celis takes custody of them. Now, he’s building a basis for it in his
mind. If there’s something in Takigawa’s secret letter that could assist in that, it’s
good. But it’s important to not just rely on an unclear secret letter, but to think of
their own situation in parallel to it. Mio and the others are probably doing the
same, but Basara’s thoroughness on this is almost too much. But nothing good
had come to him yet. Basara’s face is yet to soften. So then, …It must be

Takigawa made a sad smile, and his gaze fell back to the letter.

“But – the act of non-interference towards Naruse Mio must not be respected by
only the demons”

He said it with a small tone of a telling smile. At the same time, “—”

A slight change can be seen in Basara’s expression. However, this time Takigawa
did not mind it even if he did notice, “The heroes had judged that the presence of
Toujou Basara and Naruse Mio is effective for the demons. Any malicious
actions regarding them could interfere with this historic peace”

With that.

The terms for the new ceasefire – is for neither demons nor heroes to be able to
lay a hand on their ‘sanctuary’, this is an absolute condition”

As Takigawa read that out loud,

“…–Wh, what is that!?”

Celis cried out with a tone laced with surprised and upset, but Takigawa ignored

“This letter will lodge a new ceasefire agreement, if it is found that the heroes
made an attempt to take advantage of Toujou Basara and Naruse Mio – the
combined forces of the moderate faction and the current demon king faction
must warn in advance that this is considered a serious sabotage against peace
and they must declare war on the heroes based on this condition… That’s the

“How dare you, such lies…!”

“Hey, hey, I opened this letter in front of everyone here. Formally, everyone here
is witness to there being no fraudulent actions. If you still don’t believe it,
here… Take a look with your own eyes”

“–Even if you say so!”

With her voice in a mess, Celis grabbed the secret letter.

At the same time – the secret letter was converted to a language Celis could read,
her emerald eyes scanning through the words. However – it’s a waste of time.
What Takigawa had read out loud was the content of the letter without a lie.
With that, “…”

Takigawa smiled at Basara’s group who looked at him with surprise.

…What, no need to worry,

With things being so dramatic and romantic, do what you can without trouble.
The secret letter had given a good situation for Basara’s group as they had left
much achievements in the demon world, but also because of the affection and
bonds of their blood.

…It’s not just that.

While it’s true the demons would be troubled by the heroes utilizing Basara or
Mio, on the flip side, a sanctuary for Basara and Mio can be utilized and
convenient for them. If everything is cleaned up neatly, that isn’t politics – a
heart-warming story is just fabricated. This thing called politics, could use a
useful fabricated story more than a useless truth. And then, “This can’t be… This

To Celis, who had read to the end with her shoulders trembling, “So… What
would you do? They had offered a new ceasefire. Whether you would accept or
reject it, it’s best to carefully consider it”

However, said Takigawa

“If you take Naruse Mio to the << Vatican >> – at that moment, as it’s written
here, would be a cause for them to declare war right?”


At Takigawa’s words, Celis bit down on her lips bitterly. Being a hearing officer,
surely she was entrusted with corresponding authority from the top of the <<
Vatican >>.


The current situation had gone above the present hearing officer or the leaders of
a district.
Since the judgment in this case could cause an all out war with the demons, each
of the heroes district’s representative should be part of the consideration.
However, as it is also between the < Village >> and << Vatican >> there’s a
political side to it too. The discussion is bound to get more complicated if the
United States and the other districts are present. It would take time to settle their
opinions too. In that time, the peace between the moderate faction and the
current demon king faction should have been settled. With this information, it
would put the hero families to more of a panic and create more disputes. As

…That’s probably enough to buy time.

Takigawa thinking that,

“But… More than determining the ‘sanctuary’ status for Basara’s group, we
should clarify who’s in charge of their supervision”

Even so, Celis is eating it up.

Celis Reinhart is racking up her brains.

…At this rate, she isn’t giving up.

Once the ‘sanctuary’ for Basara’s side is determined on the demon’s side, it can’t
be messed around – so in theory, it’s good for Celis to interfere before the
settlement is made. Although that’s quite an aggressive interpretation, …It
should proceed in a logical manner…

Taking advantage of their opponent needing time to decide. With that, “I see…
However, while we are waiting on the verdict regarding accepting the terms for
armistice this time, the current situation is correct”

A male demon called Takigawa, saying that to dismantle Celis’ logic.

“The Nonaka sisters from the side of the hero clans, and myself from the demon
side had been dispatched for observing them… That’s the present situation, and
it’s a good form for both sides”

At those words.

“No… It isn’t so”

Celis was firm in not acknowledging this.

“Our concern was as we had expressed. Presently, the Japan << Village >> does
not have enough strength to deter Basara’s group effectively…. The ones that
can fulfil that task is us, << Vatican >>”

That’s why they wanted to take Basara with them – continuing those words like

“Yeah – in that case there’s no worry”

A voice with a dark smile could be heard in that place.

It did not come from out of the room like Celis did earlier. So it was, “–”

Celis and Basara too, looked over to that side.

With that, at the back of the three elders – just beside the sacred objects of the
four gods, a young man stood. The young man took a fruit that had been placed
as an offering, a red apple in his hand, biting it with a crunch, finally meeting
their gaze, “– To handle Basara’s group. I think I’d be able to do that?”

A smile surfaced on his thin lips.

– Shiba Kyouichi stood there.


The sudden appearance of Shiba was enough to change the air of the place.

Toujou Basara felt that the ceremonial hall is now enveloped in an inevitable

That was how strong the presence of this young man, Shiba Kyoichi.

At this tense air that would make anyone hold their breath, “…Why are you

Celis, obviously tense, asked Shiba,

“As per Kyoichi’s words, regarded hearing officer… This is the insurance we
have to deter Basara’s group”

It was not Shiba, but Atsuta who answered in his place. At those words, “What
kind of foolish words? More than anything, using this man… Even if you can
control poison with poison, there has to be another way”

As Celis voiced to the elders, “Poison, how cruel… Don’t you think so Basara?”

Shiba who shrugged his shoulder, asked for affirmation from him. But, “….”

Basara, without replying with anything, thought of one thing.

…As expected it’s Shiba-san

Just as one of the elders Kumano, had said to Celis’ criticism earlier. That they
should be properly open regarding the Vatican’s concern that they are unable to
deter Basara well enough. Due to the speed of the talk, that matter was left
where it was – but when he heard that proclamation, Basara had thought of the
possibility that the elders would use Shiba as a trump card. However, even if he
had that preparation, with this confrontation once more, just letting one’s wander
for a little bit would cause one to be crushed in an unfamiliar eerie pressure.

…For Shiba-san to appear in this timing…

Thinking of the meaning of that send shivers down Basara’s spine. Having been
read the secret letter by Takigawa, they had a reversal on the assertion of the
Vatican as stated by Celis. However, with Shiba’s appearance it is not possible to
properly respond.

– Shiba should normally be shut up in prison. And then, the elders have not
moved since the start of the meeting. They did not make any movements to
indicate for Shiba to appear. Of course, the possibility of them using a spiritual
power to instruct for Shiba to appear through a super secret back door without
anyone realizing is not zero but,

It’s not that.

No matter how much Celis pressed the village, the elder did not seem trapped,
like they still afford some room somewhere. In that case, there’s most likely just
one answer – Shiba was let out of prison in advance, in preparation for this

…That means.
The problem was, the timing for when they judged Shiba should appear. Was it
at the point Basara’s group had decided to go home, or was it during the time the
hearing officers came from the Vatican, or perhaps at the special envoy from the
demon world, Takigawa – Who was this risky existence called Shiba is being
used as a trump card against becomes the focus.

They had heard from Shuuya that the interference of the << Vatican >> is putting
the elders on the edge. If that is to be believed, then there’s a high probability for
this to be a measure against the << Vatican’s >> internal affairs. However, …
Even so.

Toujo Basara cannot let his guard down. Previously even with Takashi’s group as
a decoy, Shiba had appeared. And then as Celis said, The << Village >> had
failed to erase Mio even with ‘Byakko’. To begin with, the talk that had called
them to the << Village >> is the perceived danger that came with their increasing
strength. In this case, they have to think of Shiba as a card against them. If Shiba
is their opponent, even a slight gap could lead to death. Even just the smallest
carelessness could lead to death – So, “—”

Basara looked on towards Shiba with the utmost vigilance.

“Aw, I don’t like that face. It’s been such a long time since you came back to the
<< Village >>…

Right, Basara?”

With a mocking smile, he moved his gaze from Basara to Celis.

“And… So how is it Celis-chan? Are you not satisfied with me being Basara’s

Asking with a plastered-on smiling face, “Yes… It’s doubtful”

Even as she was pressured by Shiba, without yielding Celis, “You are someone
who had always been held in confinement… Regardless of how strong you
might have been in the past, there’s no guarantee that this had not decrease”

With that subduing declaration,

“Mmm, even though you say that, weak… In that case”

Shiba, who pointed to himself with his index finger disappeared in a split second
to appear right in front of Basara.


Just as Basara and the others gulped down, Shiba was already wearing a vicious
red-black aura, “—If you hate, hate Celis-chan”

Before those words, his right hand had swung down on Basara.

What Shiba aimed for was Basara’s throat. Sharply penetrators sucking into
Basara’s throat, “–”

However, they were stopped before it reached him.

– It was not stopped by Shiba himself.

There are those who stopped him – three girls.

Unsheathing her spirit blade ‘Sakuya’, breaking through Shiba’s penetrators

before reaching Basara, Nonaka Yuki.

Using her embodied spiritual gauntlet, and projecting numerous magical

deployments, Nonaka Kurumi.
Having unsheathed her sword and pointing it straight to Shiba’s nose, Celis

Surrounded by those three, the air of the place was as tense as it could be, “–”

Basara watched on wordlessly, Shiba pulling back the penetrators with his right

“I didn’t think you would interfere… What are you three thinking?”

Exaggeratedly shrugging his shoulder at the girls who had stopped him, Shiba
said that with a bitter smile, at that, “Just stopping your violence… There should
be no problem with that”

With a cold expression, Nonaka Yuki answered, her blade pointed at Shiba.

Before coming to the << Village >> there was something Basara’s group had
discussed and decided on beforehand. Find a way to avoid conflicts with the <<
Village >> as much as possible. Secondly, for Mio who could easily be the aim
of attacks and Yuki and Kurumi who may be blamed, to not go upfront in the
meeting with elders and try to talk as much as possible through Basara. And then
thirdly – if there is a problem, for Yuki and Kurumi to respond to it.

They were called for problems in regards to Basara and Mio. So then to avoid
showing opposition to the << Village >>, it is necessary for Basara’s group to
not show and indication of wanting to fight.

– However, even if they have no willingness to fight, there is a possibility that

attacks may come on to them.

When they talked to prepare for such a situation, it was Yuki and Kurumi who
offered up their names. If it’s Basara and Mio – especially Mio, the situation
may turn into a serious confrontation right away, however if it’s Yuki and
Kurumi who are members of the Hero Clan, their act is answerable to the <<
Village >>.

However, it was not to say they want all the blame to fall entirely on Yuki and

It was to the end, just that this was a preferable choice to Basara and Mio. But –
even so if the other side should do so, in that case Yuki and Kurumi would move
to fulfill their duty, unyielding. If it wasn’t something they did not initiate, but is
to the end a defensive move, there’s little chance that they would be blamed for

Since the discussion started – No, since the moment they left the Toujou
household even if they don’t show it they were ready to fight.

So then now – Yuki and Kurumi had definitely protected Basara from a sudden
attack from Shiba.


To say it another way, the fact they were able to respond to Shiba’s attack is as
their bodies and heart was ready to begin with. – But, that isn’t the case for
Celis. Despite having been shaken by the sudden appearance of Shiba, Celis was
able to respond to Shiba’s movement.

…On top of it, that sword.

Celis’ sword is a special kind, combining four magical blades of different colors.
It is likely that it is not a sword she received with her post of hearing officer, but
with another title.

…The << Vatican’s >> Holy Knight, huh…

She was a childhood friend who had grown up far away overseas, and for sure
now, she is at a place that only then chose among all the world’s heroes could
reach. While they vaguely held the feeling of that truth, now there’s no other
way for Basara and the others to think about it.

The movement just now – it was initiated by Shiba. Yuki and Kurumi is not to

…Essentially speaking anyway…

However, thinks Basara – this is a place of high politics. As so, the justifications
given may not follow justice. Basara’s worry, became true with Shiba’s smile.

“I’m only trying to show my strength. Regarding the appeal of the elders on
whether I can deter Basara’s group, presenting to Celis-chan who is doubtful of
how effective they could be In short.

“My action is appropriately answering to the political will of both the << Village
>> and << Vatican >>. The two of you obstruct that… I wonder if you have any
objections to that?”

To Shiba, who’s hunting them down with a deepening smile, “No. It is just that
my older sister and I responded automatically to your killer intent, Shiba-san, we
do not hold any ill-will to interfere with the << Village >> or << Vatican >>”

Said Kurumi after a bit. In the political arena, she showed a political conduct.
Kurumi’s remarks are meant to give legitimacy to their actions. In any case,
there’s a possibility that Shiba’s incomprehensible power might be invoked
without ceremony, such as that of setting a barrier. Shiba’s power is perhaps,
higher than that of the “four gods”, the four godly weapons combined. Letting
pass an attack like that, being careless, might mean Basara losing his life. As
such, Yuki and Kurumi’s movements are implicitly, an appropriate defensive
maneuver. And then, “To begin with, in a ceremonial place like this an offensive
attack can’t be deployed”

This too is convenient. If Shiba’s power blew away the barrier of the “Four
Gods”, Kurumi could use her magical ability without restraint or if Shiba’s
ability does not affect it then Yuki’s “Sakuya”, as even if it’s restricted in its
spirit power could be used as a normal blade.


Seeing the blade of Celis’ sword that’s derived from magic, the barrier against
attacks in the ritual place might be gone. Of course, this is a weapon of a <<
Vatican >> Holy Knight. It’s undeniable that with its power that is likely equal of
the four gods, there would be effects but, …If the barrier is gone.

Then it did not disappear with Shiba’s attack or when he appeared in this hall.

At these two timing, there’s no visible changes to the space of the ceremony.

As such, with the elders having decided to use Shiba as a trump card, it’s
possible that at that when Basara arrived the barrier was already gone. Thinking
about it like this, the elders had decided to leave this place unguarded. – Of
course, this is all theories. Even though there is a system here for a barrier to seal
offensive powers, there is no way to confirm whether it was deployed. Wanting
to avoid confrontation with the << Village >>, they cannot test out their own
abilities and Shiba’s and Celis’ powers are too unknown to them.

The truth is hidden deep inside. However, their political defensive game is not

“No ill-will huh… I see. But, this isn’t a place to all ow for such things. If you
don’t understand that, then you have no business being here – right, elders?”

At Shiba’s words, Fuji nodded affirmatively after a short silence.

“Shuuya… Remove Yuki and Kurumi” “– Did Kyoichi not move first?”

The ordered Shuuya, appropriately questioned the instruction, “I moved only as

desired, there is no problem at all … As evidence of that, see”

Shiba, spreading out both arms,

“It’s apparent that “Kegare”* has not occurred in this place. It was
acknowledged by the gods and spirits… My actions are legitimate”

Insisting on his being correct by having his power touch the barrier. Accepting
that, “…”

Shuuya could only be silent. Shiba could appeal that his power has nothing to do
with the barrier but, as this is the Shiba who was in kegare, the << Village >>
had neglected to prepare insurance they would be able to suppress Shiba in times
of emergency and they’re admitting this in front of Celis, a hearing officer of the
<< Vatican >>. On top of the accusations that deterrence against Basara being
insufficient, they must avoid getting further pressed with anxiety with the
treatment of Shiba.

“…I understand. Yuki, Kurumi, both of you put down your weapons”

At Shuuya’s words,


Yuki called out softly to him. What should she do, she’s asking. So, “It’s
alright… Thanks for saving me”
Basara said that to Yuki and Kurumi, before returning his gaze to Shiba.

“Leave it to me from here”


So then Yuki and Kurumi, were escorted by Shuuya out of the ceremonial hall.

However – the man who had chased them out, Shiba, remained in place.

It’d be good if one could avoid this place being clawed in further by Shiba but,
But, This critical situation where Yuki and Kurumi had been drawn out, a
development that once again had collided to a place where he could not easily
reach, was a situation Basara would have liked to avoid.

…More than anything.

Was this situation something the elders who had involved Shiba had thought of,
or was it something done by Shiba.

And then whether the situation is one where the elders can possibly control
Shiba, is an unclear danger.

Drawing out the other side’s expectations and plans as much as possible. With
that, “So then… What should we do? I’m sure the << Vatican >> now recognize
my ability to deter Basara?”

“Yes, of course… But despite that, I will not let it pass if you act insolently
again. With this holy sword ‘Georgius’, I will cut you down”

To Shiba who once again toed the line, Celis said while sheathing her magic
“Your proof, had been a truth from a past problem. To begin with, there’s doubt
on whether or not your nature will all ow you to accomplish the task set to you
by the hero clan”

While there’s no problem with the power, there’s a human problem – Therefore,
that judgment that his power was enough to subdue Basara was not appropriate

“But, the elders here, had decided that I am appropriate. There’s a difference in
opinion huh. The decision of the << Village >> and the << Vatican >> is split”

Said Shiba.

“In that case – whose way of thinking is right, can only be decided through a


To Celis who asked, confused, Shiba nodded a ‘yes’.

“Once again, where no one can interfere, I will show my power to subdue
Basara’s group”

In other words – a fight between Basara’s group and Shiba.

“Wait… That’s”

As Basara turned to object,

“Will you be quiet, Basara – This is a problem between the << Village >> and
<< Vatican >>. While you are definitely the person of interest, you do not have
the right to interrupt this conversation”

Shiba cut off his words.

“How is it, Celis-chan… Are you going to say no? Refusing without even testing
it out, your qualification as a hearing officer would be questioned on points of
fairness from below you know?”


Getting the brunt back of her earlier words, Celis’ face turned sour as she,
“That’s… If Basara purposely lost it would cause an advantageous situation on
that side”

Shiba’s appearance is more over what Basara did not want, that much is
impossible… But at Celis’ objection made to cut off Shiba,

“Hmm, I suppose that’s true… Then what would be good”

Putting his hand to his chin as he thinks, suddenly, in a flash “– So if Basara

loses, I will kill Yuki-chan and Kurumi-chan”

At those words,

“– Shiba-san!”

Basara shouted out in a roar.

“Huh? What’s wrong Basara? I think it’s a pretty good idea. Because, in this case
Basara won’t hold back right?”

“Don’t joke around, I won’t forgive such stupidity—”

At the Shiba looking blankly, Mio who had been quiet up to this point showed
“Stupidity? What are you saying? The one who’s trouble now is you Naruse
Mio… The S-class you and female demon Zest who’s with you, Semi-S class
succubus Naruse Maria. And counting Basara who has already been expelled
from the heroes, that’s three more S-class. And then the << Vatican >> had
classified you as Special S class… This situation is serious”

Shiba threw a scornful smile in their direction.

“This can show the right way to deal with you… And then the hero clans have a
duty to protect the world from any evil. They stake their lives on it. At best, for
the two of them it’s time for them to pay to that duty”

“…Please wait. There’s the condition of the secret letter from the demons. Until
the decision comes from all of the clans, we can’t be careless, and risk putting
Basara’s group in danger”

Said Celis, attempting to keep in check the risk of war with the demons, but,
“The demons’ conditions only cover Naruse Mio, Naruse Maria, Zest and
Basara, the four of them. Yuki-chan and Kurumi-chan aren’t included, isn’t that
right, the demons’ special envoy?”


At Shiba’s words, Takigawa could only return silence – An affirming silence.

The ones the demons disallow from being touched is just Mio, Maria, Zest and
Basara. This is Mio and the people who could constrain Mio – in other words,
it’s to protect those Mio hold dear.

In that case, it should have included Yuki and Kurumi but, …Damn…

For Yuki and Kurumi to be excluded from the secret letters ‘Sanctuary’ can’t be
They’re demons, while Yuki and Kurumi are members of the hero clan. At a
secret letter sealed by the demon’s moderate faction and current demon king
faction, there’s no way that they could include requests regarding members of
the heroes faction. If that’s to spill, it would cause revolt from within both. For it
to have included Basara must have been after heavy consideration.

And then, if it’s know that such a potentially destructive letter to have been
handed to the hero clan, the support for the top of the factions, Ramsus and
Leonhart might waver. In that case, then the peace achieved by the moderate and
demon king factions might be broken from the inside.

…For sure.

Ramsus and Leonhart could not have predicted what Shiba had spilled out.
Instead, it would be normal for them to think that Yuki’s and Kurumi’s safety is
ensured by the Hero Clan.

The trump card that was effective for the elders and Celis became scrap in front
of Shiba. With that, “…For us, to want to go that far”

Celis said with a pained expression. She too definitely didn’t wish for a situation
where Yuki and Kurumi could be harmed by Shiba. To Celis too, Yuki and
Kurumi are her precious childhood friends. However, “Well, well the Vatican
hearing officer, to be so swayed from one’s own declarations so easily, how
unreliable… We need to be absolutely certain and resolute, did you not say so,
so arrogantly”

In front of Shiba, there’s nothing that Celis’ real feelings of friendship could do.

“To begin with, you’ve been picking on our inability to respond to Basara’s
group but, can we really rely on the << Vatican >> to really stop Basara’s group
if it comes to it?”

“O, Of course…!”

“Then – we’ll get that proof from your hand, Celis-chan”

At Celis who objected, Shiba smiled.

“Firstly have Basara and Celis fight, show us a win properly Celis-chan… Well,
the observation of Basara’s group is not your personal talk but the << Vatican
>>‘s, if you fight against Naruse Mio the demons won’t shut up so a 1-on-1 with
Basara would be good. This at the worst, would show us the << Vatican >>‘s
thoroughness with Basara right?”

“…If I do so, would you hand Basara’s group to us?”

Celis narrowed her eyes and replied quietly to Shiba’s suggestion. It’s not an
altogether bad condition but… It had more or less reverted to the original
situation. With that, “I said ‘firstly’ did I not… If Celis wins against Basara, then
it’s time for the << Village >> and << Vatican >> to fight, for us to fight to see
whose power to subdue Basara’s group is more appropriate. At that time, it could
be all out between the << Village >> and << Vatican >> though”


Celis was silent at Shiba’s words. She was likely calculating the situation of the
<< Vatican >> and << Village >> which includes Shiba.

“In that case…”

Basara opened his mouth this time.

“If – If I win against Celis?”

“Oh no Basara, asking something you already know”

Shiba smiled at the Basara who asked quietly.

“At that time, then the << Village >> has to show to the << Vatican >> that they
have the power to effectively subdue you”

After a pause, he spoke facing Basara – so naturally.

“– A fight between me and you.”


In the midst of the discussion in ceremonial hall, Yuki and Kurumi had been
dismissed by orders of the elders.

And then following after Shuuya out of the ceremonial hall, the two of them are
currently on their way back to the Nonaka home, leaving Basara and the others
in the middle of discussion. They didn’t use the car they had used to get here
from the station – after all that belongs to the <<Village>>. As such Yuki and
Kurumi, walked following behind Shuuya’s back with the goal of their parents’

– However this isn’t the elders’ instruction nor Shuuya’s decision.

It’s something that had been decided in the discussion with Basara before
coming to the << Village >>. If in the case the << Village >> was provoked, at
that moment it was decided that Yuki and Kurumi would carry the burden of the
frontline roles – in the case that the reason for their action might be broken off,
to avoid the chance that they they would fall as hostages or bargaining chips.

At the Elders’ manor, Basara’s group is right in the midst of the discussion with
the << Village >> and << Vatican >> – Then, there’s the demon world special
envoy Takigawa, if they act like they oppose the terms of the secret document,
there’s a risk of invoking an all out war with the demon world. Shiba’s
appearance was no small surprise but, it wasn’t just them who stopped Shiba, but
Celis from the << Vatican >>. at the very least that should guarantee Basara’s
and Mio’s safety in the proceeding meeting. However, …We can’t do that.
With her gaze falling to her feet, Nonaka Yuki assessed the situation calmly.

The << Vatican >> has complained that the << Village >> doesn’t have enough
strength to properly suppress Basara and Mio – in that case, it’s not limited to the
elder’s use of Yuki and Kurumi to suppress Basara. It also can’t be denied that
among the hero clan, even more than those who belong to the << Village >>
would be using this to their own advantage, politically and in the bigger picture.
The hero clan are those who protect the world from the threat of evil –

That duty isn’t one that can be fulfilled with just beautiful words.

That duty of theirs is one they take nobly, thinking of it with pride. However,
they can’t be an impediment to Basara. Luckily, although the elders had told
them to leave the hall, they had not said they must wait in a different room. Most
likely, they expelled them following Shiba’s ad-libbed suggestion, they stopped
at just dismissing them from the room as per what Shiba said, as they took into
consideration that Shiba may go against their expectations and goal Yuki and
Kurumi took that chance. The manor of the elders is in short, the elders’ field.
They had to be at the utmost level of alert. And they wouldn’t know where or
what trap might await them.

However, in the Nonaka home Yuki and Kurumi are completely familiar with the
structure and surroundings. At the very least, more than at the elders manor, they
could they could prepare provisions in case of emergency, so that they don’t end
up getting used for the political speculation of the elders or village.


As Yuki and Kurumi were dismissed, they don’t know much about Shiba’s goal.
Say if Shiba used the two of them during the meeting, at least they could object.
However, he had taken them by surprise and attacked Basara suddenly. Now that
Yuki and Kurumi had been dismissed from the meeting, at the very least he isn’t
able to use them to take advantage of Basara and Mio’s kindness, twisting the
direction of the meeting. Then, at that.


When she looked at Kurumi who called out gently to her, Kurumi’s sight is
directed elsewhere –

to the surroundings around them. Kurumi had been examining the area without
letting her guard down, it’s something Yuki noticed earlier – it’s the eyes on
them. It takes twenty minutes for them to walk to the Nonaka home from the
elders manors. Under good noon weather, normally they should have
encountered someone along the way. However, despite almost reaching the
Nonaka house, up till now they haven’t passed by anyone. It’s completely like
the whole Village is holding their breaths quietly within their homes. However
although there is no one, they can feel eyes on them. In short, this too could be
the elders’ instruction for the Village.

It’s not just Basara or Mio. Yuki and Kurumi too, are put under surveillance. So,

Nonaka Yuki, as she’s placed her eyes on the back of Shuuya who’s walking
ahead of them, thought about how she and Kurumi had given their beloved
father such a heavy problem, …As expected.

This situation can’t get put off any more than this – so, “….Father”

She called quietly to the back of Shuuya, who till now had been walking ahead
of them. With that, “Yeah… But, we are almost there. Let’s talk when we get
The words Shuuya said while walking ahead were the truth. At the end of their
sight, they could see the Nonaka house – That’s why Yuki, didn’t say anything,
lined up with Kurumi as they walked on behind Shuuya.

Walking alongside a stone fence, stepping onto the ground through the gate, the
front door is right in front of them. Just ten meters or so, Yuki and Kurumi
moved forward – and then the moment Shuuya is in front of the door, it opened
to their home, “–Both of you, welcome home”

The warm voice that welcomed them, was their mother Kaoru. Though the two
of them carried such a serious problem with them, she had smiled gently at them
without showing an atom of feeling that.

“Mother –”

At the moment they saw that Kaoru – Kurumi who stood by Yuki spilled out a
voice that sounded like she was about to cry.

“Oh, what face are you making… But, what good timing. It’s a bit early but I
just started preparation for dinner. I’d like help from the both of you. Come on

Kaoru made a small bitter smile, turning a heel to head back inside.

So Shuuya followed behind, with Yuki and Kurumi through the door. – At that
moment …Ah…

Mixing with the nostalgic scent of their home, floating through from the kitchen
was the scent of Yuki and Kurumi’s favorite of Kaoru’s cooking.

That is, a menu that Basara and Jin who often came to the Nonaka home liked.
They’ve learned how to make it from Kaoru, It’s the beef stew that Yuki made
after the fight with “Byakko”, as she was put back to observe Mio in the Toujou
home. That’s why – as Yuki was inside that, inevitably, “…”

Yuki, bit down on her lips, as she took off her shoes at the front door following
Shuuya’s lead, he turned to them as he stepped inside the house, “Welcome
home – Yuki, Kurumi”

It held a different nuance from when he had picked them up at the station – it
was words to welcome back family. At that Shuuya, Yuki and Kurumi expressed
what is sure for them now.

With a natural feeling on it – I’m home.


The meeting, which in addition to the elders and Celis had mixed in Shiba, drew
its curtains for the moment.

Mio, who became the focus of the problem, as well as the treatment of Basara
had been put on hold, and in turn they await the duel between Celis and Basara.

Their fight is to happen tomorrow. The place is the large area outside of the
proud << Village >> – said to be part of a mountain used for training exercises.

– And then, one hour after the meeting. Mio stood amongst white steam.

Leaving the ceremonial hall, where the elders had dictated Basara and Mio
should stay at tonight – that is, the house where Basara had once lived with Jin,
Mio had soaked herself in the bath.


In the tub, she subconsciously let out a sigh, that was born from her relief at
being released from the stress she was under.

Since they arrived at the << Village >> – No, from the time they saw Shuuya’s
face at the station, Mio’s heart and body had been under a tense condition, but
she was finally able to breathe.

– That’s why all kinds of things came to her mind After Basara and Jin were
expelled from the << Village >> – time at the Toujou house had stopped as it
was, it didn’t feel like it was that old. A house without its master would quickly
decay. Cleaning and tidying up after it was decided Mio and the others would
come would’ve been too late for it. Most likely, someone had taken care of it
periodically after Basara was exiled.


Naruse Mio thought – the person who did was most likely Yuki.

The emotion she had shown towards Basara during the time it was ordered for
Mio to be erased, what was shown by Hayase Takashi, wasn’t as simple as an
emotion of a childhood friend. The Kurumi they’ve completely reconciled with
now too, at that time with no doubt showed clear hatred for Basara. Most likely,
it should have been that no one in the << Village >> protects Basara and Jin.
Now thinking about it, in the five years Basara had left, Yuki is who kept
thinking about him all this time. As to not trouble her family, she must done this
is secret.


All alone – at the thought of young Yuki, going alone to the Toujou home, Mio
thought of her.

And then Mio’s next sigh – one more, is of worry. At that, “…Basara, will it be

Leaving the ceremonial hall, the elders manor behind them, Basara continued to
make a serious expression. That is most likely – no, definitely, because of that
man, Shiba Kyoichi.

…What kind of man is he?

Mio had not heard in detail about Shiba. Just how once something occurred for
him to be held in the prison in the << Village >>, and that of his fearsome

However – after Basara’s << Banishing Shift >> went berserk, after getting rid
of the malevolent spirit on him, at first there was discussion about how Basara
should be shut into the prison with Shiba. However that is something Jin
opposed, and at the very end Basara was exiled instead – to Basara, that must
have been a truly cruel punishment.

…Even so.

Even in that form, Basara was given freedom. And then the hero clan, as she
came to understand from the previous meeting, greatly values lawfulness in their
conduct. As such, if Shiba’s action was on a scale and depth that was not as bad
as that of Basara’s, then it should be natural for Shiba to be released.

However – Shiba was never released from prison.

In that case, there’s only one answer. Even more than << Banishing Shift>>
which can expel all to the zero dimension, The << Village >> had concluded that
Shiba’s ability is more fearful.

Even though she wanted to hear information about Shiba if possible, if she
approached the matter poorly it may harm Basara who’s tied to that tragedy.

If at least there’s Yuki and Kurumi, she would be able to ask about that but –
Unfortunately since they left the ceremonial hall they were unable to meet up.
From what was said by Kumano one of the elders, as they had acted without
restraint to stop Shiba who attacked Basara, they had gone back to the Nonaka
home in order to calm down.

At such, Mio who heard that was at first relieved.

In the end, Shuuya didn’t return to the ceremonial hall, and she had thought there
may have been some sort of punishment dealt towards Yuki and Kurumi.


At the time Yuki and Kurumi were dismissed, Basara had been calm. Most likely
even though Shiba wasn’t blamed for attacking first, he understood that fairly,
Yuki and Kurumi shouldn’t have been punished. Thinking of that, …The
unfortunate one is in actuality Takigawa.

The place for the special demon envoy Takigawa to stay was, in the manor,
together with Celis and Cleo of the << Vatican >>. This was as called for by

…Well, but it can’t be helped.

At the conference, though the << Vatican >>‘s upper hand seemed more or less
sealed, the secret letter that Takigawa carried had at once changed the flow to
favor them.

Because of that, if they carelessly let Takigawa in with them, that may have
affected the duel with Celis tomorrow, Celis says that she wants Takigawa where
she could keep her eyes on him, and the elders had approved of that.

As such, it was just Mio and Basara who came to this house that was once the
Toujou home.

As it was the house where Basara was raised there must have been strong
emotions, she hesitated to be able to talk about that easily with Basara. Basara’s
memories aren’t limited to happy ones – Basara after all had to leave the <<
Village >> and this home.

Furthermore, he must want to think about the duel tomorrow with Celis, and
various things about Shiba. Even if he returns to his childhood home after a long
while, Basara had been quietly thinking in the living room all this time.

As to not disturb Basara, Mio went to bathe first. Asking permission from
Basara, he had given an “of course”, and that’s why – Mio now is in this warm
water. However, from Basara’s side, she had suddenly asked to go bathe first.

…He probably thinks I’m being selfish.

At that possibility, Mio cast her eyes down, however the master-slave contract
did not activate. Having a guilty conscience towards Basara, more than how he
might think she’s selfish, it’s more important not to disturb his thought – Mio
convinced of that. …Furthermore.

Probably, Basara understands how she feels. Not to be conceited – but what’s
between Mio and Basara is a bond that can make her believe that.


Mio gave a single resolute nod, bringing herself up from the tub to the front of
the mirror of the washing area. Even though after Basara and Jin left, all the gas,
and electricity should’ve been stopped but, when it was decided they would
come, some sort of lifeline had been put on for them. Soap and towels had also
been prepared but, they had used things they brought from home.

If they could use what’s normal as much as possible, they could be calmer.

Mio started with shampooing her head, her rinsed hair was put with a treatment
that takes some time, and she started washing her body while that goes on.

Once he put his thoughts together, Basara would come talk to her.

“They said someone would bring us dinner later…”

Mio murmured, remembering what one of the elders had said as they parted.

She thought for a moment it would be good if there’s Yuki and Kurumi, but
quickly changed her mind.

– As they had talked with Basara, they had moved to return to the Nonaka home.

They’re with their family after a long time. They should have some time for

…That’s right.

Naruse Mio thought. Even though her own had been lost – Yuki and Kurumi still
have parents who love them.

Even as Mio began bathing, Basara’s condition of being in thought continued.

Just as Mio had been considerate, leaving him alone.

So what Basara must do, was to decide their action, deciding on it quickly, in
just an instant.

– The condition as it was, he had been able to sort it out when they were in the
ceremonial hall.

The way the << Village >> perceived him as a danger, the interaction and
judgment from that was something he could see through, Celis’ and – the <<
Vatican’s >> goal, making use of how the << Village >> thought and dragging
Basara’s group along, reinforcing their influence within the clan, that kind of
political calculation was something he could understand. That’s why, he could
respond to it in real time during the ceremony.


What could Shiba be thinking – his true motive isn’t something he can
completely read.

Just as the elders said, Shiba has the power to act as deterrence towards Basara
for the<< Village >>, and if Shiba plans to devote himself solely to that role,
there was no need to stir up the hearing to that extent.
However Shiba drove it to a situation where Basara and Celis must fight – and
furthermore after that a clash between Shiba and Basara and in addition, the
possibility of an all out war between the << Village >> and << Vatican >> exists
too. With this, he doesn’t think that this situation is within the elders’ calculation.
Not knowing the conclusion of Basara and Celis’ duel yet, but an all out
conflict… Surely this wasn’t something the << Vatican >> desired either.

In that case, then this is Shiba’s sole decision.

…With this, what kind of profit would that person get?

Depending on the result of Basara and Celis’ duel, Shiba’s actions would change.

Whether it’s a battle with Basara, or one with the << Vatican >> starting with
Celis. And then –

winning either of that he would show that he is suitable as a deterrent to Basara’s

group, proving the usefulness of his own existence. With that result, he would
surely get at least a little more freedom.

Thinking of it this should be right. It’s all logical.

However, there’s one more thing.

There’s another possibility. The current condition that Basara’s group wants to
preserve – in short, for them to live together in the Toujou home in Tokyo, they
can’t have themselves be taken to the << Vatican >>. As such, in tomorrow’s
duel with Celis he can’t lose.

And then, even wanting to avoid Shiba who magnificently appeared, his true
intention is to win against Shiba who’s in the reserve.

…Even so.
Putting aside the possibility of winning and losing, if he wins against Celis who
was dispatched here as a representative by the << Vatican >>, and on top of it
against Shiba who was chosen by the elders as a deterrent against Basara’s group
for the << Village >>. In the end, Basara’s group would affirm the deep fear the
hero clan holds against them.

The dilemma that Basara’s group had been cornered to, what kind of gain would
it give to Shiba.

However – There are those like that in the world. Those who just simply enjoy
causing confusion and chaos.

And then the impression Basara has of Shiba, is really that.

A mystery, with an unknown core… That’s the existence Shiba Kyoichi.

That’s why he doesn’t understand. What he himself – what they themselves

should look out for.


Basara pressed his right hand to his forehead, as he ruffled up his hair.


Softly, a sound echoed through the house. The bell from the entrance.

That is, to inform that a visitor had come, …Who was it?

Basara was snapped out from his thought at once, heading out from the living
room to the doorway.

He thought it could’ve been Yuki and Kurumi but it wasn’t so. From the location
he could get from the master-slave contract, Yuki is still in the Nonaka home. If
so, then it’s likely Kurumi is with her too. As so, “–Yes?”

From the doorway, he responded vigilantly.


A deep voice came from beyond the door. As so, “Eh…?”

Toujou Basara responded subconsciously. It wasn’t that he didn’t expect dinner.

He had heard that as they were leaving the manor from Kumano.

What Basara was surprised at was “the voice” – He had heard it before, and
while thinking it can’t be he opened the door, just as he thought, a sole young
man stood there.

And he said his name without thinking.


To Basara who calls to him as if surprised, Takashi made a displeased face.

“When I met the elders coincidentally last night, they told me to take care of
your meal – take it”

Saying that, he thrust out his left hand to hand a large cloth-wrapped package.

“Ah, aah…. thanks”

He didn’t think that Takashi would come. Basara took it as was said, Takashi
gave a huff of his nose as he said.

“– Sorry, but I can’t guarantee the taste”

He understood the meaning of those words, but he didn’t understand it right

“…….Eh, that…. Could it be, you made this…?”

Finally, Basara with confusion.

“It can’t be helped. I was ordered to take care of your meal”

Sounding disappointed, Takashi said that.

“I, I see… Mm, you really helped… But”

Basara said, thinking of what’s good to say.

“To take care of it doesn’t mean to “Make it”… It’s just to get us something I
think? In other words, “go get someone to do it” or something”


Takashi furrowed his eyebrows at those words.

“No, it’s just a maybe but…”

Basara unable to return anything other than that, “……..”

Takashi was completely silent.


Basara thought of why. Judging from the size and weight from the package that
was handed to him, it was probably a four or five tiered box that took a great
deal of time to make.

Takashi is fundamentally serious. Surely as he was counted on, he felt he had to

work his best to make it. In that tragedy, Takashi’s mother had been killed by the
malevolent spirit that rode on Seito’s hand so, it was said Takashi had been
living alone. If that was so, he must have picked up housework in general,
including cooking.
Without being able to bear how Takashi continued to be silent, “…Um, if you’d
like would you like to eat with us?”

It could be too much for him to eat with just Mio, …Furthermore.

Going home Takashi would be alone. Even though that may be a normal day for
Takashi, this kind of joke-like miraculous coincidence happened. Therefore,
there must be some sort of bond.

Thinking that, Basara had suggested.

“…Hm, I’ve no intent of mingling with you”

Takashi turned his heels like this was ridiculous, leaving to go outside.

At the back that was leaving,


Toujou Basara called out to stop him. Leaving the lunch box on the shoe cabinet
by the wall, Basara waved as he stood there, saying to Takashi.


It’s not like. He thought with this the hostility Takashi held towards him had

To begin with, it can’t disappear.

Basara and Takashi too, can’t return to how they were once.

Even so – Basara expressed what he honestly felt now in his words.

It’s not just Yuki and Kurumi. It’s not just Celis.
No matter how much their relationship changed, no matter how much time has

Hayase Takashi is still, Toujou Basara’s precious childhood friend.

At that, Takashi looked over his shoulder.

“– I heard there’s the duel tomorrow”

Some time has passed since that at the ceremonial hall, and the battleground is
still within the village. What had been decided at the hearing surely had spread
through the << Village >>. At that, “It’s been half a year…”

Takashi muttered. That’s how much time had passed since they were reunited
again. And then half a year from that now – Takashi in front of him said.

In a sure tone.

“Show me… Your choice now, and then your resolve”

That is surely – The words Takashi thought he must say to Basara now.

– Half a year ago, Basara’s group fought Takashi who controlled the spirit

During that fight, Basara was forced to make many choices.

And then after that too, there are a lot of things, and in that process Basara made
many choices. The situation continues on to change, his relationship with Mio
and the others change to.

But – there are things that don’t change. That’s why, Basara with sure strength,
“Aah… of course, I’ll show you”
At him saying that, Takashi said nothing else and left this time.

While watching that back, Toujou Basara thought. He clenched his right fist, …
That’s right

After that battle, there is something he told Takashi.

– Continue to carry your past, but fight for those important to you.

That is resolve. That is how he lives even as he was expelled from the hero clan.

In this case, he doesn’t know what Shiba’s motive is. He also can’t read his

But – the words of that time, aren’t a lie to Toujou Basara.

If so, what he has to do was decided.

It’s not thinking of Shiba’s motive and thinking from there, being torn up about
not being able to read his plans. It’s to face his own goal, and moving bit by bit
towards it.

To protect what he can’t hand over to anyone.

And then.

To not lose to Shiba Kyoichi.


After parting with Basara and the others, taking the express train to a stop along
the way, Maria and Zest arrived at the day’s lodging.

Since there was still time left till dinner, Zest and Maria worked to understand
the interior of the inn and furthermore surveyed around the building as well. This
was all preparation in case of emergency.

Knowing there’s no problem with safety, the two of them returned to the inn –
and then now, they’ve entered the communal bath together.

There are two types of baths – natural stone and natural wood, with a system that
alternates the usage timing for men and women. Zest and Maria visited the stone
bath for women.

“Is this, this world’s onsen…”

Though she knew of it from before, this is her first time to one.

As she soaked in the open air bath, Zest scooped up some of the water in both
her hands. With that, the low-alkali spring water flowed with exceeding
smoothness, enveloping her body softly. Containing its positive ions, it most
likely has a regenerative effect.

Both the bath inside the bathhouse and the open air one is made of natural
stones. Adding to the initial natural spring heat, the bath is further heated by
radiation from the natural stones.

…It’s well thought out.

Zest, who from the ore elements is most adept in the ‘earth’ magic, a bath that
keeps in mind the properties of stone is most comfortable.


Zest let a long sigh spill from between her lips.

– Initially, Zest didn’t plan for this kind of luxury.

Zest has sworn loyalty as Basara’s servant and maid. Even if they are apart, she
would await orders from him and following that, the best place to be able to run
back to Basara as soon as possible in case of emergency would be to find an
appropriate camping spot.

However – Zest and Maria are demons. And then Basara and the rest are now
visiting the hero clan’s << Village >>, and there may be trouble there. If Zest and
Maria are carelessly in a deserted place, it may be judged as a danger and there’s
a possibility of attack.

Also, Basara and the rest told them to stay at a proper lodging.

Zest and Maria normally do most of the housework in the Toujou household – as
such, Basara and the others wanted them to take this chance to let their hair
down. Happy at their consideration, Zest and Maria looked for lodging
themselves and found this inn.
At a station along the local line – just a little away from that is where their
lodging stands. Designed by a contemporary architect, the building manages to
incorporate Japan’s traditional beauty with modern sharp sensibility, that
alongside an inn, it’s filled with the mood of an art museum.

Of course, the price for it is as appropriate.

The one who arranged for their stay is Maria. At first, she placed candidates
divided by some values and looked up information on her phone. And then
initially, Zest showed difficulty staying somewhere expensive. While she would
never deny the price for their services, no matter how much Basara and the
others recommended it, they don’t need to spend that much on themselves.

However, if they purposely chose a strange but cheap place they would risk
making light of Basara and the others’ consideration for them – or so said Maria,
reasoning, and Zest was unable to argue back. Purposely picking a cheap inn to
be frugal, may end up showing contempt for her master. At that, Zest’s judgment
wavered. Consulting with Basara who happened to be in their living room at the
time, his eyes fell to this inn from those Maria had chosen from.

Upon opening the page, it was managed by the same group as the inn Basara
went to when he went to the world heritage site with many hot springs in its
surrounding. Hearing that, even Zest was drawn in by it.


“The inn I stayed at was really good, how about you two stay here” – as Basara
said that, Zest couldn’t think of doing anything other than that.

And then now – the two of them, let themselves be spoiled by Basara and the
others’ kindness.
“That being said—”

Zest rising from the open air bath towards the inside – to the bathing area. With
that, apart from the main large bath, there’s something like a bed of wood lined

It’s a shallow bed-bath. On one of those, resting her head on the rim headrest is a
young girl.

It’s Maria.

“Hafu~ This is the best… Ah, Zest-san. If you’d like, how about joining me?”

Noticing her, the completely relaxed Maria said.

“…No, it’s fine”

Zest refused curtly. And then,

“Completely relaxing like that… Are you not worried about Basara-sama and
the others?”

“Of course I am. Because of that, shouldn’t we completely recharge ourselves

for due time?”

Furthermore, said Maria.

“I worry but – more than that, I believe in them”

She spoke in a quiet tone.

“If the situation is out of hand for Basara-san, Mio-sama and the others, they will
surely call for us. At that time, I will rush to their side, and I will make it in time.
Because I think that’s the duty of me who’s on standby”
Those words – are something that Maria who’s been fighting at Basara’s side for
longer than Zest can say. At the words of faith from their piled up history, “Or, is
it not like that for you Zest-san?”


Zest who was asked, answered with her best effort.

As Maria said. If anything happens, Basara and the others will contact Maria –
with that promise, there’s no need to worry unnecessarily, and that’s the same as
trusting Basara and the others.

Zest thinks – at this time, she’s not at Maria’s level yet. As she honestly respects
Maria in her heart, despite that what she says is a little bitter, “That being said…
Making such a slack face like that. You’re going to be looked at by those

Feeling the eyes of the other guests on them, Maria said, vexing “No way, the
one who’s being watched is not me but Zest-san, for sure”

“If it’s me, then it’s because of my unusual skin color I would think”

At the present, Zest like Maria has total human form. However her dark brown
skin is as such, so she’s likely thought of as a foreign tourists by the other guests.

“That would be one factor, but beside that it’s your ecchi body”

Ufufu, said Maria.

“Because you live with us now… No, because you live with Basara-san, your
body is turning more and more lewd, Zest-san”

“…You’re too much”

As she said that, Zest who does feel the other guests’ eyes on her felt
embarrassment and hid her chest. However since meeting Basara again in the
demon world her chest had grown larger and her arms cannot completely hide
her already luxurious breasts.

– But this isn’t just Zest.

Mio breasts too had grown even larger, Yuki and Kurumi too compared to other
girls their age have large breasts. It’s irrelevant for Maria, but when she
transforms – not just her breasts but besides that, her body and the sensations for
her had also gotten more lewd. That’s just like Zest and the others, a natural
transformation as they submit further to Basara and continue to raise their
service to him.

Zest and the rest now, have skin that is more familiar with Basara’s skin than to

However that’s nothing to be ashamed of – to Zest, it’s a point of pride.

With that she can further bring pleasure to Basara. With that, “Yes, yes… By the
way, this onsen, seems to have a beautifying effect you know?”

At Maria’s casual words, Zest’s ears turned pink.

“If Zest-san looks different when we go back, what would Basara-san think?”


“Well, he would surely be happy, Zest-san being prettier, you might be doted on
even more”

“Oh, Zest-san, where are you going?”

“I’m feeling chilly… I will go back to the open air bath once more”

Saying that Zest returned to the open air bath’s direction.

To make Basara happy – thinking only that, she heated up her body in soaking in
the water.

The clock that hung on the white wall – the clicking noise of the second hand
that marked the time echoed within the space.

That is, the living room of the Toujou house within the << Village >> that Basara
and Mio are staying in.

And then, Basara who sat on the sofa by the wall couldn’t completely calm his
heart down. It’s not entirely nervousness for his duel with Celis tomorrow. It
wasn’t as if he didn’t have any will to fight, but how tense he was came from his

Although he could grasp from the locator of the master-slave contract that Yuki
is within the Nonaka household, even as the clock shows that it was eleven at
night, he hadn’t received any direct contact from either Yuki or Kurumi. Even
though one could say they were neighbors, and they could peep from the garden,
there’s some distance between houses out here in the country, which makes it not
possible for him to truly grasp the condition of the Nonaka home.

Though there’s the possibility of a temporary house arrest at the Nonaka house,
not knowing the situation worries him.

Mio has the same worry as Basara, she wanted to stay awake until they could
confirm the safety of Yuki and Kurumi, but Basara had her go to sleep first. It’s
clear to Basara’s eyes that Mio, who had been invited to the hero clan’s <<
Village >> was unable to sleep most of last night due to her nervousness, and her
physical as well as mental state isn’t at its peak. If they go into tomorrow
without their condition at its best, their consciousness and concentration at the
worst, if they can’t react properly, and if something were to happen where
neither could make proper decisions, it could possibly lead to a fatal situation.
As such, promising that he would wake her up if anything happens, Mio
reluctantly went off to sleep – and she instantly fell quietly asleep.

That’s why now, Basara thought of Yuki and Kurumi’s situation by himself. It
would be well and good if they were simply spending time with their parents,
who they’re finally reunited with after such a long while. However, …Could it

They were captured for stopping Shiba’s attack on Basara during the hearing – in
that case, they would be under heavy investigation. Even within the << Village
>> their mobile phones still work and he could contact them through that – But
Basara is hesitant to contact them carelessly. As they may be perceived as a
problem due to their support of Basara and Mio, they may be under surveillance
and them contacting Yuki’s side first may place them in a worse situation. On the
other hand, calling the Nonaka house may cause problems for Shuuya and
Kaoru. That being said, if any danger was to come to Yuki and Kurumi they
already said they would inform them right away, and furthermore their strength
is enough to be able to run and break through into the Toujou house.


….Even so.

Nothing is truly certain. This is because Yuki and Kurumi’s actions may
endanger their parents Shuuya and Kaoru. Right now Yuki and Kurumi are in a
situation, where it’s like their parents are hostage to the << Village >>,that’s why
Toujou Basara can’t just stay quiet and wait.
He would take action before it’s too late. Looking at the clock on the wall, he
had set an alarm. When the day changes – no, just before it changed, he would
move to the Nonaka house.

In that case, there’s no way he could leave Mio here. He would wake her up,
deciding for it to be around 20-30 minutes before he moved. In short, …Thirty
more minutes.

Basara started counting down.


Basara let out a voice realizing something. Yuki who was at the Nonaka house
began to move in his direction.

So he went out of the front to leave the house. On the dark night road, there are
two shadows that came towards him – it was Yuki and Kurumi.

So then he patted down his chest and gave a large sigh, Yuki and Kurumi quickly
appeared in front of him, “…Sorry Basara, for being late”

Yuki said that, averting her eyes apologetically. At her, “No it’s fine… Are you
two alright?”

At Basara who asked the two who had been dismissed from the middle of the
ceremonial hall, Kurumi said “of course”

“I’m sorry. It’s been a while since we’ve been home, we ended up talking about
all sorts of things with mom and dad”

“Is that so…”

Basara is reassured that his worry had been irrational.

“Basara… after we were dismissed, how did the meeting go?”

“Aah, that’s – no, let’s go in first. We’ll talk then”

Even though it’s spring, in the mountains night times are the same as winter.
With Basara saying that, Yuki and Kurumi came back inside with him. And
facing them in the living room, he went through the basics of what happened.

“On the way back, did you two hear about it?”

“After dinner, father was contacted by the elders… At Shiba-san’s suggestion

Basara is to fight with Celis”

“And the details of that?”

“We have heard roughly. It’s to prove the deterrence ability of the << Village >>,
first for the<< Vatican >> to demonstrate, and Celis-nee gulped that down

At Kurumi’s words, Basara nodded with a “yes”.

“Then… From then?”

At that question, the two of them shook their heads.

…So that’s how it is.

The content was as is, but they did not truly express it to the Nonaka household.
Even at most, though Shuuya might have been told by the elders, he didn’t tell
Yuki or Kurumi. That much may be the kindness of a parent on Shuuya’s part,
but if Basara didn’t tell them it would simply be hiding it from them. That would
hurt their trust – so that’s why he told them.

“As you guys have heard, tomorrow I will fight against Celis first… And if I win
that I will go against Shiba-san”

And then

“If I lose against Shiba-san – Shiba-san said he would kill the two of you”

That’s a condition so Celis doesn’t hold back against Basara, as well as for
Basara to give his all . At Shiba’s suggestion, the elders had said nothing. They
didn’t permit nor disallow so in short – the elders acknowledged Shiba’s
suggestion. That they decided that the << Village >> didn’t mind using Yuki and
Kurumi as sacrifices, and that’s why Basara can’t contain his mounting

…It’s enough with me.

It can’t be helped that Basara was expelled from the << Village >>. Basara
himself could understand that.

– However, it’s different for Yuki and Kurumi. It’s true the two of them had
fought for the sake of Mio, but just for that their training full of pain and
hardship, the battle they risked their lives for spilling their blood for humanity
lost all value and worth, and they’re thrown away as sacrifices for some political
means… It can’t be that way. That can’t be it at all .


Looking at them, Basara gritted his teeth. Yuki and Kurumi are precious and he
would never hand them over to anyone. He wouldn’t forgive anyone who would
hurt them. If Shiba was to killthem, Basara would go against that – no matter
what he has to do. As Basara held such a dark resolve, Yuki and Kurumi faced
each other.

“…Kurumi” “Yeah… We’re not mistaken after all ”

Saying that, a bitter smile appeared on their faces.

“Not mistaken… Do you guys already know this?”

Basara asked in disbelief,

“There’s no way for us to… Just, earlier that condition that Shiba-san came out
with is obsolete, that how he would kill me and onee if we lose”

“How do you plan for that…?”

Basara asked if there’s such a way to get a good situation, Yuki opened her


“Basara– Kurumi and I are removing our surnames, and leaving the clan”

“W…Wait Yuki, you said you’re leaving…”

Toujou Basara couldn’t understand what Yuki said right away.

“Could it be, it was because you interrupted Shiba during the hearing? Is this the
elder’s decision?”

He asked, as his thoughts were muddled up, however Yuki shook her head.

“No… This is something Kurumi and I decided. This is probably the best choice
for everyone.

That’s why we asked our father Kurumi and I –”

Severing their connection with their family, leaving the clan… At Yuki’s

“In this way, even if we continue to be your ally we won’t trouble mom and
dad… After all, we no longer have any connection”

Said Kurumi.

“On top of that, in the scenario where you might lose against Shiba-san, if we
are part of the hero clan we have to submit if he wants to kill us and we are
ordered to right?”
However, if they leave the clan, they no longer would have the obligation to
follow orders, and they wouldn’t have to submit to Shiba if he wants to kill
them. The two of them can fight alongside Basara without restraint, and due to
this too their family – that is, Shuuya and Kaoru, may no longer be blamed for it.
However, Basara couldn’t fully agree with this. After all, isn’t it so.

“When you say it’s the best for everyone… You’re not including your parents
are you?”

As he said so, Toujou Basara felt immense regret for the naivety of his own
judgment. Not wanting this situation, wanting to protect what’s important for
Yuki and Kurumi… That’s why Basara, had avoided saying this choice himself.
If he said so, Yuki and Kurumi may end up choosing this – they may put Basara
and Mio ahead of their own feelings.

– However, the two of them had made this decision for themselves.

In that case, this is what he has to say – he has to tell them strictly that they
can’t. That choice, which becomes a obligation to Yuki and Kurumi is wrong.

However Basara hadn’t completely believed it.

“You decided on this… You couldn’t have wished to leave the clan right? How
do you even get the elders to approve this?”

Duty to the hero clan isn’t something that can be put after one’s own feelings.
Furthermore, if they leave with this timing they would be acknowledged as
Basara’s allies. While it’s not that the elders don’t know that, thinking of it in the
context of the political problem with the<< Vatican >>, it’s even less likely it’s
something the elders would approve of. With that, “We didn’t do anything
special… All we did was express our feelings. That even if the << Village >> is
to be our enemy Kurumi and I will always be with Basara. With that, not
wanting to trouble mom, dad and << Village >> too, we wish to leave the clan”

At Yuki’s words.


Toujou Basara, could perceive the reason why the elders may have to accept
Yuki and Kurumi leaving the clan. Yuki and Kurumi belong to the << Village >>
– What would happen if they go against the << Village >>‘s orders to be with
Basara’s group? While from within the<< Village >> their parents Shuuya and
Kaoru may be held accountable, to the << Vatican >>, America, <<Village>>,
and other hero clans.

On the side of the aggressive << Vatican >>, Yuki and Kurumi leaving the clan
may be something they overlook but, it would be a deep wound if they betrayed
them while belonging to the << Village >>. The official reason for Yuki and
Kurumi’s leave could be stated as them causing harm towards Shiba who had
been chosen as deterrent against Basara in front of << Vatican >>‘s hearing
officers, and with that the << Vatican >> should be calm. Having a heavy
punishment in consideration for the << Vatican >> it would be difficult for the
<< Vatican >> to criticize the << Village >> on the political front. Regarding the
fear of them moving to join Basara’s group, to begin with it could be said their
reaction was a response to what happened as Celis, in other words the <<
Vatican >>, doubted the strength of Shiba, and doubted the authenticity of Shiba
and Basara’s fight. In other words, they could say that the << Vatican >> had
cornered Yuki and Kurumi. Even if they’re going to wring out an investigation
for Yuki and Kurumi, at that time too Celis protected Basara from Shiba’s attack
– so it’s not something the << Vatican >> can attack Yuki and Kurumi for. Most
likely, the elders had taken time to balance all this before making this decision.
There must be more advantages to them in Yuki and Kurumi leaving – in that
case, “…In exchange of the elders you letting you go, what conditions did they

At that question from Basara, Kurumi shrugged a “pretty much”

“To return my spirit gauntlet and onee’s spirit sword “Sakuya”… Those belong
to the village after all . Well, that much is true and if we make too much of a fuss
it’ll be trouble, so it’s best to follow what they ask for as is”

They didn’t forget to take away Yuki and Kurumi’s fighting power before they
left the clan… It truly is crafty. However, “It’s alright… Kurumi and I have
asked Sheila and Lucia through Maria, and it’s already prepared. As we can’t get
Maria here, she could assist right away on this”

At Yuki’s smooth words,

“She has it prepared…”

Basara is at a loss for words. To have a spirit sword at the level of “Sakuya”, as
well as a gauntlet, even with the strongest succubus Sheila putting her all into it,
it’s not possible to get it done overnight.

“You two, since when…?”

Basara asked, half dumbfounded,

“A little after we came back from the demon world. Around Maria and Zest is

“The two of us consulted with each other – the way we should live”

Their faces calm as they told him – their expression showed that.

Yuki and Kurumi, had resolved their decision to leave the clan.
– So Toujou Basara understood the last piece of the puzzle.

For he himself, even though he understood their intent and goal, he may not
agree completely, but he really didn’t get at all how Yuki and Kurumi’s parents
Shuuya and Kaoru would agree. Between the time they left the hearing, and till
now there had been some time it wouldn’t be enough to get to an approved point.

Yuki and Kurumi had surely told their parents of their intent in advance. To
escape the village’s investigation, there is only one way they could tell Shuuya
and Kaoru. That timing was most likely, during the order to return to the village,
bringing Mio and Basara with them.

At first opposing it, but with Yuki and Kurumi’s explanation, they ended up

Leaving the clan, was their own decision.

…And then, ojisan…

Welcoming them at the station, was not just to inform them of the << Vatican >>
hearing officers arrival, surely, even just for a bit more, they wanted to spend
more time with their precious daughters.


At that emotion of Shuuya, Basara hung his head down wordlessly.

“Basara… Don’t make that face”

With the quiet voice, something touched his cheek – that is, Yuki’s left hand.

“Kurumi and I have chosen to live with you… We have chosen that for the best.
Of course, if we could have everything we hold dear and continue to live that
way that’s ideal.”


“That’s not something that can be for everyone… At least, it’s impossible for
Kurumi and I. But that isn’t your fault. There are a lot of things in the
surroundings, things Kurumi and I can’t control”

At that word, Kurumi nodded a “exactly”

“Don’t misunderstand… It’s not that we want to be like Basara away from the
clan, or Mio with losing family. What Onee and I want, what we can do… We
chose what we really cannot give up. With you putting your hand with that
Takigawa, with Mio deciding her path in the demon world, we have chosen ours

More than the life of a hero.

“–We want to live with you, Basara”

Even if they can’t meet their parents anymore. Understanding their feelings,

Toujou Basara thought – What the words Yuki and Kurumi said was.

For them who threw away their parents, clan, and way of life words of thanks
are not right. However, apologies are even more wrong. It may be right to ask
about the time they spent with Shuuya and Kaoru. However, the very last words
they exchanged with their parents belong to them alone – it was definitely not
something that would be good for Basara to ask.

There’s only one thing parents would wish for for their beloved daughters – to be
happy. That’s all.

However, to Basara who they had made such a painful decision for, he wasn’t
qualified to speak a word on happiness – that’s why, without words, he acted for
this now spilling emotions.

Toujou Basara, held each of their arms.

And then then hugged both of them – all his feelings put into it. And then, “–—”

At how sudden it was they stiffened – However they instantly accepted it and
relaxed. With that their bodies softened and their arms wrapped around his back,
in this way they hugged him back.

“–Basara, please”

Softly, Yuki whispered in his ears.

“Tomorrow is your fight with Celis… Firstly, we have to win that”

That’s why, she spilled embarrassed

“Please let us – be your strength somehow”


Having decided to completely accept Yuki and Kurumi, Basara had no reason to
reject their offer.

As they haven’t tied a Master-Servant contract, and the dark element received
from Lucia was entrusted to Maria before they went to the << village >>,
Kurumi wouldn’t get a power up from participating in the spiritual energy
exercise but, it wasn’t possible to leave her out all the same.

– They’ll do it as three. That was inevitable for Basara and Yuki and Kurumi. As
such, the three of them went to Basara’s bedroom from the living room. And
then, to make sure they don’t disturb Mio who was already sleeping, they set up
a barrier that blocked out sound, and soon there was nothing to stop the three of

That’s why Basara got up on the bed naturally. It was there, they had taken a nap
together innocently when they were young. In the bed that contained so many
memories, Basara takes Yuki and Kurumi’s lips alternatively, entwining their
tongues together while taking off clothes. As they dreamily sought out his lips
and tongue loving him to the point they can’t stand it, Basara answered to their
desire by removing their clothes, and soon, they were in just their underwear.
With that, the moonlight from the window illuminated their naked bodies, it was
awe-inspiringly beautiful, “–”

At that time, Basara, who was naked except for his one piece of underwear, like
the two of them, was in a state where his desire for the naked Yuki and Kurumi
in front of him increased all in one go.

Like always – Basara was sandwiched between Yuki and Kurumi, being licked
all over his body by the two of them would surely enhance his excitement.
However, today was different. The feelings of desire they all felt, was to an
extent they couldn’t answer to normally, that’s why Basara leaned his back
against the headboard of the bed, and at the same time, Yuki and Kurumi took of
Basara’s pants – starting an inevitable fellatio.

“Nn, chuu… Basara… hmm ♥” “Basara-ni chan… licks, chuu ♥”

The sisters, whose eyes were already misty, licked and sucked Basara’s member
lewdly. They alternately entwined their tongue and sucked at his hardness,
running their tongues down his pole till it’s soaking wet, in that way, then they
moved their tongues to dance on his balls, as they’re sisters with coordinated
breaths, they could also move their tongue lewdly in unison.

Basara, who received pleasure from the two of them, placed his hands on their
heads, left and right respectively, with that they made a happy-sounding ringing
sound from their nose, and began to service Basara’s member more aggressively.

And then, as they did their fellatio, a lewd sound appearing from that, and
without him realizing, they also began to used their hands – and then Basara, had
his left and right testicles serviced by Yuki and Kurumi’s mouth respectively,
while his length was stroked by their hands. With that lewd usage of their fingers
and tongue, Basara’s pleasure was increased all in one go, feeling strength
moving to his lower abdomen as he bucked up his hips.

“…Coming…. a, ah….!”

Just like that he released his semen. With that, the two of them moved their
hands to right above his tip, for his cum that spurt out like a fountain to rain
down on their faces.

“Aah… Nn, haah…. n ♥” “Aah… Gu,lps…. Haah ♥”

Yuki and Kurumi lewdly stuck out their tongues to accept Basara’s semen.

And then, after Basara completed his long ejaculation.

“…Haah, Kurumi…” “Nn… Onee*…”

The two sisters began licking Basara’s semen on each other’s cheeks indecently.
Awed by the sensuality, it didn’t take long for Basara to get hard again.


As they gulped down with a sound, Yuki and Kurumi soon realized the condition
he was in.

“Haah… nn, Basara…” “Basara-ni chan… come”

With a glazed look, they invited Basara to subjugate them as he liked. That’s
why, “Yeah… Of course”

Toujou Basara, with a nod, this time turned to give pleasure to Yuki and Kurumi.

Nonaka Kurumi, took the pose as ordered by Basara’s desire.

Laying with her back on the bed, she lewdly spread her legs.

And then – on top of Kurumi in that way, Yuki got on fours, as if shielding her.

– With that, Kurumi’s underwear began to grow lewdly wetter. Where Kurumi’s
own woman honey had bled out from, connected with a lewd string with the love
juice on the underwear of Yuki above her dripping down. With that indecent
pose …Ah…

Nonaka Kurumi trembled, as she thought of what would Basara’s action towards
them be from then on.

Then on, their lewdly wet sensitive places were put together – and then, Basara
thrust his member where it folded. Moreover, aware of Kurumi’s weakness,
Basara was able to use not just that to make her submit.

Yuki is on top so he was able to grip onto her weak point of her ass. And then,
Kurumi was below so she could show Basara her submitted face as well as show
Yuki her condition.

This is to increase Basara’s fighting strength with Celis – in other words, he

needs Yuki, who he has tied a contract with, to submit. For Kurumi too, who was
better if she didn’t participate, would also deepen her emotional bond with her

That is, to show her submitted form to Yuki. When Kurumi shows her intense
submission to Yuki, it would raise up Yuki’s sensuality, and from that it would
induce more of her submission to Basara – that was Kurumi’s role.

For that sake, now, the preparation to attack Kurumi’s weakest point was fully

On both sides of Kurumi were hypersensitive pads – at first sight, they’re like
those massagers which helped tired bodies. However, these are special objects
from the succubus Maria, and it gives out a low frequency that stimulates the
pleasure center. It could be used to get submission from Kurumi who could hear
it, while Yuki couldn’t. Maria had talked about preparing such other items to get
to the weakness of Zest and others when they hear it too.
The cables of the pad was connected to the operational instrument at Yuki’s
neck. That device light was already blue – which meant it was operational, and
dialed up a little, the lamp would turn red and the pads on both sides of Kurumi
would assault her mercilessly. And then, “I’m starting.”
With that declaration from Basara, Kurumi gulped down, and Yuki on top of her
lowered her waist slowly towards her. With that, their sensitive spot was folded
on one another, and their already soaked underwear made a wet sound, “Nn…
♥” “Ha… aah ♥”

Kurumi and Yuki’s body trembled in pleasure, and the two of them moved their
hips indecently.

“To activate Kurumi’s pads, I’m leaving it to you Yuki… Is that alright?”

With those words, he entered the space between their sensitive spots, his tip
pushing against it, “…Nn, I understand”

Nodding on top of Kurumi, Yuki met her glance.

Those eyes said – she didn’t mind him starting. So, “…Yes”

With a decisive nod from Kurumi, Yuki, with her hands placed beside Kurumi’s
face before, moved her right hand, to turn the dial of the device on her neck –
and at that moment. From her sides, a different dimension of pleasure came,

Kurumi left out an involuntary scream as her body shuffled, at the same time –
Basara screwed his hardness through the sister tunnel.

As she felt her sensitive spot rubbed against at the same time as Kurumi, Yuki
received an intense pleasure.

Whenever that place was attacked, she would flood with womanly pleasures and
quickly lose her thoughts – however, now, Yuki was governed with a surpassing
sense of pleasure of heart and body.
This is a terrifying arousal she had never felt before. What brought that feeling,
much like being moved for Yuki, was right in front of her eyes – that is, her
sister, right below her, which received pleasure more than Yuki’s own arousal.
Wrapping her arms around Yuki’s neck, clinging tightly, was Kurumi going
crazy as she continues to fall into the ultimate climax. Basara rubbing against
their womanly sensitive spot. Yuki too, had reached several times. However, the
intensity of the climax Yuki reached was incomparable with that of Kurumi.
Already, at the area where their womanly parts touch, her crotch was flooded
with Kurumi’s woman shower by to a ridiculous amount.

“— ?”

Kurumi, raising up her voice with a sensual face never seen before, would soon
exhale all the oxygen in her lungs, being unable to breathe. However, the pads
Maria created were to measure Kurumi’s state – if Kurumi was unable to breathe
from her nose or mouth,the adhesive surface would provide her with oxygen, the
more intense the climax, the more it will continue to supply Kurumi.

Therefore, Kurumi could safely drown single-mindedly into a vortex of pleasure.

…Kurumi like this, for the first time…

Without her realizing, a desire to see her cute little sister be more intensely
messed up bubbled up within her – without realizing, Yuki had been
unconsciously dialing up the device.

“— ♥”

Kurumi was messed up more, and became cuter. Right now, she let her desire
grow stronger with just seeing Kurumi dumbfounded, but it’s about time for
Basara to violently fondle her butt. With that, Yuki too would be messed up just
like Kurumi.
– Soon, she too would be messed up in submission to Basara.

That’s why, until then – she thought, she would continue to gaze down and
Kurumi who had her arms around her neck, without caring for the nail on her

However – being in a dream-like state as she looked at Kurumi, she didn’t

realize her own big mistake. And then, stretching down Yuki’s back that had
been marked countless of times in one go – and then, going inside her


In an instant, it was too late for Yuki to even take a breath. Kurumi’s hands,
which were wandering around, gripped on Yuki’s butt – with that, the inside of
her shorts became wet and her ass slippery.

Immediately – a small pop sound could be heard from her ass, at that moment,

Nonaka Yuki’s entire body stiffened. From her end to her brain, she obtained a
sense of being pierced hotly by something. Then, she looked back in disbelief,
her butt welcoming Kurumi’s second finger into her hole.

“…Ah…..♥ Aah….♥”

Even though she was appalled, with her butt, her weakness skewered, Yuki’s
whole body skewered and she let out a voice similar to Kurumi, but Kurumi, due
to Maria’s device, didn’t understand Yuki’s state. As it was, she furthered her
grip on Yuki – at the same time, her middle finger reached the root within Yuki.

At that moment – Nonaka Yuki no longer could hold on to her consciousness.

Somewhere far away, the wind howled.

Nonaka Yuki knows – that was the sound of the storm that came with a heavy

– When she was young, Yuki was afraid of stormy nights.

In her darkened room, its light switched off, when she heard the sound of storms
in such a darkness she felt like if she was to sleep she would fall into the
darkness of the night, swallowed whole – that’s why, whenever Shuuya and
Kaoru would stay late with the << village >> council, she would tremble in bed
together with Kurumi.

Worried for the two of them, Shuuya and Kaoru would drop them off at Basara’s
house on such stormy nights… On the bed, Basara would hold on tightly to her
and Kurumi, and Yuki who slept with Basara that way gradually overcame her
fear of the storm.

– And Then, without realizing it, Yuki began to long for such stormy nights. On
those stormy nights, if she suddenly opened her eyes, there would always be
Basara there – holding kindly to Yuki.

Being enveloped in his kind warmth, that was happiness for the young Yuki.

And then – with a pleasant, happy feeling within her heart, Yuki woke from her
deep slumber. Perhaps as she had closed her eyes for so long, her sight was hazy.
Yuki was unable to tell where she was right away, but before her own location,
she realized something else first – how her body was unbelievably flushed red.

A high fever, perhaps she had caught a cold… But, that fever felt good, and Yuki
shivered from that, and not from chills.

With that, her sight returned to normal, …This is… a bath…?

With her mind still basked in the sweet fever, Yuki understood – she was in the
bath of the Toujou family in the << village >>, her body without a single thread
of clothes. Until Basara was exiled from the << village >>, Yuki and Kurumi had
been in this bath with him many times. As those happy memories appeared in
her mind, “Nn…. Haah, chuu ♥ Basara-ni cha…. Licks, hmm…. Nnchuu ♥”

Suddenly beside her, Kurumi’s sweet voice spilled out, as if she was in a dream.

Kurumi’s form was sitting in a maiden pose, and just like Yuki she was naked –
that’s why, this is the bathroom after all, Yuki thought absentmindedly,

“Chuu, haah… Nmm… – Nn, fufu… Onee, seemed to have woken up.”

Kurumi, who suddenly noticed Yuki, glanced at her with a smile.

That expression of Kurumi was unconsciously seductive – however, Yuki didn’t

understand why Kurumi made such a face. The fever coursing through her was
so unbelievably sweet, she had no space to think of other things deeply.

“Fufu, onee…. licks ♥”

Kurumi, going over on all fours like a dog, sweetly licked her cheek, “Nn…
Kurumi… Haah…. – Ah”
Yuki, who leaked out sweet voices in the sudden action – she realized, how her
eyes met Kurumi’s, who was on all four – Yes, Yuki realized she was at the time,
on both her feet and hands on the floor Why – The question gripped her absent-
mindedly and, “– Yuki”

Suddenly, Basara’s voice from behind her, Yuki, on fours, turned around in
response. As she did so, there was Basara, looking at her with a gentle look on
his face – to that kind expression, “Basara–”

Yuki, who attained happiness, knew now. Her form, on all fours, lifted up her
butt lewdly – that butt of hers, reached out to Basara’s right hand. And then, …

Yuki, instantly, didn’t understand what had awoken. She didn’t understand the
meaning of the scenery in front of her. However, she was able to feel for exactly
what she saw.

In Yuki’s back hole, Basara inserted his middle ring finger – it completely
sucked at it, twitching on it like it was play-biting on the finger. Upon seeing
that, “No… Basara… Th, I…–?”

Yuki, whose thoughts have awoken, realized then – Yuki’s consciousness quickly
understood the taste of forbidden pleasure, with that pleasure, with a strength
that was hard to comprehend, was all owed in simultaneously to Yuki’s body. At
the same time, from within her, a wave of sublime pleasure – the feelings
completely overflowed, “AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAaaaaAAAaaah– ♥”

As if being wrapped by her own body, Yuki’s thighs trembled, as she reached an
intense climax. The woman shower that came down from her crotch indecently
to the bathroom floor, was hotter than the hot water.
Yuki’s butt that received that pleasure, brought her to a frightening, lewd climax,
“Nn, aah… nn… Haah…. ah ♥”

Reverberating with the intense climax, Yuki’s entire body spasmed

uncontrollably, its entirety filled with pleasure, sighs flowing out with deep
sensuality. Her pose on all fours, had dropped down so that her arm fell to her

– However, even so Yuki’s butt was lewdly raised up.

Basara’s finger was still inserted in it. As she dropped her waist, she received an
even stronger pleasure.

It isn’t dropping.

With that – as if lending a shoulder to Yuki, Kurumi wrapped her hands around
Yuki’s body to support her.

“Fufu… Onee, you’re making such a vulgar face. It must feel really good”

Aroused by the sensuality, Kurumi’s eyes had a sadistic glint, lifting up Yuki’s

With her face, melted with pleasure, Yuki, “No… Kurumi, that… – Aah ♥”

Quickly, the talking that vibrated her own diaphragm, was changed to pleasure
with her butt, hot and sensitive, and she let out moans of sweet agony, “Let go,
accept it go deeper, onee… Submit to Basara-ni chan more than this, you’ll get
stronger together right?”

“…T, tha is… Haah…. Nn…”

At Kurumi’s words, Yuki looked at Basara’s with eyes filled with pleasure. At
that, “– Can you keep going?”

He asked her, with concern in his voice. – So then, …No good…

Even though Yuki wished to be done by him, as so to give him strength. The best
that she can do, while she’s away from her own kind, not having “Sakuya” on
her,was to go as far as possible in her submission to him. Yet now she concerned
Basara – she had made him worry.

Nonaka Yuki thought. Basara worried for her, and that made her happy.

But – Yuki can’t give herself more pity than that. That’s why, “…Do it more”

Yuki desired for Basara – she wanted to submit more to him. To her, “…– I

Basara stated that, and answered to Yuki with his action. He began taking in and
out his middle finger in Yuki’s butt – and then, the moment that sensitive butt’s
mucous membrane was rubbed against, “— ♥”

Nonaka Yuki, having her weak spot stimulated directly, had a grand climax.

– From then on, her reason had completely flown away, a time dedicated only to

As the in-and-out grew faster and more intense, Yuki felt like her butt was
roasted with the pleasure brought about by Basara’s finger as she climaxed
countless of times, finally collapsed from her all -fours position to fall face down
on the bathroom floor – from then on too, she dreamily went crazy with Basara
and Kurumi. The three of them touched each other’s sensitive places, and as they
work up a deeper desire to their sensuality, Nonaka Yuki remembered something
of her childhood. Of once before, completely innocent, pure, a happy memory of
Basara and Kurumi’s warmth. But now, the warmth that Yuki received was more
intense and hotter than before – together with a terrifying pleasure, Yuki felt
Basara and Kurumi existence strongly.

But, for the three of them, the goal was Yuki’s submission – naturally, the two of
them ganged up on Yuki, so as she received happiness while sitting on Basara’s
lap facing him, her butt impaled with his finger, rubbed her hands lewdly against
his member. However Kurumi, from behind her, gripped onto her breasts,
touching the tips of Yuki’s lewd breasts. At the same time, Basara too sucked
strongly on Yuki’s nipples, “Aahn…. Basara…. Haah, Basaraaa… Nn ♥ chuu…
Aah, Kurumi….Haah…. Noo, nn Kurumi i….

Ah, AahhhAaaaAAh — ♥”

Yuki’s hair swung messily with her intense climax, tossing her head back,
showing her white neck, wetting Basara’s member with her lewd woman shower,
while not stopping her hands that rubbed at his hardness.

For a stronger submission, she not only needed to receive pleasure, so she
continued to dreamily service Basara. With that, Basara’s member grew bigger
and harder – soon, Basara would cum too. And then Yuki, at the happiest being
able to service as a woman, “— FuaaaaaaaAHN ♥”

Her butt, which was baked with the pleasure she received, was cooled down, she
reached again with a jolt of her body. And then, “Haah…. No, aaahn♥ Nn,
Kurumi… Wha….-!?”

Yuki turned back her head, and upon that, she gasped. Kurumi stuck something
to her left butt. That is – the pulse device Maria had made for Kurumi’s pleasure,
“Thinking about it, this can be used on others beside me. It worked on Mio and
her breasts – it’s time to tease onee’s butt plenty”
Kurumi, who said that with a chuckle, handed the switch to Basara. Yuki, who
was certainly just attacked relentlessly, asked ‘why’ with her eyes, “Because… If
I use it, it’s no use, onee isn’t supposed to submit to me right?”

The important bit was for Yuki to submit to Basara. So, “Later… Nn, haah….
This is… good”

Kurumi to the right side – on her weak point, she added one more pad. And then,
holding her from behind, Kurumi whispered in a sweet tone at her ears.

“It’s alright, I’m with you… So don’t hold back, it’s fine to fall down to

“Nn… Kurumi… Hah, aah–…”

Those words from her little sister was enough to make the last of Yuki’s reason
fly away – Yuki gulped down.

In a little bit, they would submit to Basara without control.

However, she wasn’t afraid. On the contrary, there’s also a happy, warm feeling
of security. Throwing away her life as one of the heroes, breaking away from her
parents, and all that was left was one truth – to be with Basara, sisters who had
chosen to live with him, going anywhere together. She could feel that much.
That’s why, she stated to the boy she and Kurumi had entrusted their destiny to.

“Please Basara… let Kurumi and I ease you”

Stating that she wanted to submit, while feeling the happiness of making Basara
cum, “–Yeah”

Basara nodded – and then,

“Hey, Kurumi…” “Yeah… Onee”

Yuki and Kurumi, putting their right and left hands together to envelop Basara’s
member, and in that way, began rubbing him lewdly. Putting their skin together,
they could feel each other’s body warmth, sure of the warmth of the present and
feeling the future, …Surely.

Nonaka Yuki thought – they could no longer go back to normal childhood

friends or sisters.

– However, even so, she didn’t mind.

No matter how much it changed, their bonds as sisters or childhood friends will
never disappear.

From here on they’d be together, living together.

And then finally, that time has arrived.

“Ugh…. I’m cumming…!”

As he said that, Basara thrust his hips, intensely releasing his semen – at that

“—” “—”

The two sisters, once part of the hero clan, closed their eyes at the same time.

Right after that – their pleasured voices rose up to echo in the Toujou house
bathroom till it trembled.

Basara turned the dial of the device in his hand to the highest setting.
Enveloped in Basara’s warmth, drowning in the pleasure that Basara dealt, the
pride they held fell.

They sang out, in the happiness and delight of the ultimate pleasure.

And then, not long after Yuki lost consciousness, Kurumi too passed out.


Basara thought, as he held them in his left and right arms.

He felt their warmth, their softness, and then the weight of their feelings and

He will never lose the two of them – and then, he would never let anyone take
them away from him.

They resolved to throw away their precious family who had raised them. Toujou
Basara must answer to their feelings.

Yuki and Kurumi had decided to dedicated everything to him – most likely, they
can’t return to mere childhood friends. Not to those times they laughed together

– However, that relationship had disappeared the day of that disaster.

Those happy memories were a thing of the past, all they are in front of their eyes
now is the truth.

However, they didn’t simply lose things. They also gained something new.

…That’s right.
From now on too, Nonaka Yuki and Kurumi, the sisters would continue to
dedicate themselves to Basara, Basara had taken these two. Then he should be
able to proudly say – to declare.

That these two were his. He would never hand them to anyone. He would never
let go of them.

If there was something to get in between that, Toujou Basara would never
forgive it.

Whether the enemy is the <<village>> or <<Vatican>> – or whether it’s Shiba


The morning of the decisive battle had arrived.

At the first sign of morning light shone softly upon the << Village >>, Basara
was already away from the Toujou household.

Before dawn – Basara had left alone, leaving the sleeping Mio in the bedroom
and headed to the corner of the mountain. This is where time had stopped during
that day.

It was a deep crater that was created by << Banishing Shift >> having ran havoc,
remains of the place of that tragedy.

…No, that’s not right.

Standing at the rim of the crater he took in the sight of where he had once stood.

This isn’t the remains – even now, and always, it will be the place of tragedy.

Looking at it, the crater is washed over in morning light, flickering like it was on
a mirror. This is most likely the substance of stopped time Shuuya had said.

It had been six years since then. Despite that, not a single tree had sprout out in
this place. “A dead land”, that is one meaning of those words.


It has been an hour since he arrived here. He has not a single word since.
Coming here, Toujou Basara did not carry with him any words that he could

Coming here, Toujou Basara did not hold any expectation that anything would

Much less, coming here, and having any illusion that something could be

Toujou Basara would not allow for that much.

– The heroes of Japan, from now on too would continue to live in the << Village

Together with this place, scarred by the tragedy of that day.

And – Basara too would live carrying the memory and truth of it. Remembering
the crime he had committed, and could not take back. Even so, he will not look
away from this truth – it is like this that he will fight Celis.

…That’s right.

His reason for coming here, is to reconfirm that much.

What had he, in the past, caused her. What he, in the future, will do.

The answer to that is all here. That’s why, facing it one by one, Basara thought of
what he must do from here on. Closing his eyes quietly, staying there like that
for a while.


And when he reopened his eyes, filled with determination, he turned his heels
and began to walk.
On the mountain road with cool early morning wind, he walked alone. And then,
“– Basking in sentimentality?”

An unknown voice from the side, and Toujou Basara stopped his tracks. Looking
towards the row of trees there is one – at the giant bark, a young man rested his
back while standing still. It was Shiba.

“Getting all nostalgic about what’s lost in the past, carelessly regretting, instead
of feeling self-satisfaction, it’s more of an intoxicating bad taste you know?”

“…That’s not my intention”

Despite Shiba’s mocking words, and his vigilance being one-on-one with Shiba,
Basara stated without being agitated, to that, Shiba, “So, were you thinking more
about what was lost yesterday?”

I heard, said Shiba.

“I can’t believe Yuki-chan and Kurumi-chan are leaving the clan… And
disinherited, as to not trouble Shuuya-san and the others. While this escaped the
condition I laid down, I can’t believe those girls picked such a reckless move”


Basara, saying nothing, walked away ignoring Shiba. The talk was going in a
bad direction. It’s dangerous to keep on being here if he’s careless. However,
Shiba did not let him escape with his cold words.

“Hey… What’s a worse punishment to you Basara? The bond that Yuki and
Kurumi lost with their family or”

A pause.
“The one just off from here – that place, where the corpses of your comrades had

Those words stopped Basara in his path, he turned slowly towards Shiba.

“Purposely taunting me with your words as I’m about to fight Celis… Do you
want me to lose?”

“Not at all . I don’t have any intention like that at all . Rather, you can say I’m
cheering for you”

Because, said Shiba

“If Celis wins against you, she at least shows she can act as your deterrent. In
that case, then the << Vatican >> would close in. Even if the << Village >> has
lower combined fighting power, they could decide on how my existence is a risk
and winning they’ll put me as a loyalist”

That’s why

“If you lose to Celis-chan, the << Village >> and << Vatican >> end up fighting
– I’ll have to gut Celis-chan in retaliation”


At Shiba’s unbelievable words, Basara shouted out without thinking.

“You’re loud Basara…. You’re going to turn me into Yamahiko.”[2]

Shiba said that like he’s troubled, but his smile deepened.

“Yuki-chan and Kurumi-chan left the clan, after making it so Shuuya-san and the
others aren’t blamed… Surely you have thought of losing on purpose, letting
Celis take credit for the victory? It would take some time to evaluate the strength
of the << Village >> and << Vatican >>. With that, there is time to hurry and
contact the Demons to negotiate peace and have it so you’re not taken to the <<
Vatican >> through that. Other than what that special envoy brought, surely they
would be able to prepare other documents for you. At that too, it would excuse
Celis’ responsibilities. In fact, winning against you, she would get a great
evaluation from that”

Shiba rambled on his reasoning,

…This person really thought of everything, Basara thought, clicking his tongue.

“But after you lose to Celis, and I kill her, the Vatican would surely follow on.
I’ll be doubly sure to kill others they sent after that properly too. It’s fine if I give
up after that but, on their honor, their pride as the center of the heroes, they will
definitely take you with them to the << Vatican >>… I wonder what hand you
can use then”

Shiba said, like he was having fun,

“You get it don’t you Basara? That I can do that. I’m sure your life surrounded
by the holy knights and officers in a new land would be truly exciting. After all,
it was because of you a number of their precious comrades would be killed.
Their ill will, would surely extend to you more than to me, who would be far
beyond the seas. Under the name of surveillance and deterrence, pretenses like
that is easily degraded”

“If you recklessly kill Celis like that, don’t you know what’ll happen to

“Of course. Even if I kill Celis-chan, nothing would change to how they treat
me. Just like now, I’ll keep on being imprisoned”
After all, said Shiba

“Both the << Village >> and << Vatican >> – neither of them can kill me”

“? What does that…”

Shiba’s words, laced with a dark smile had a ring of truth to it, and at Basara’s
puzzled question, “In any case it’s like that so, good luck on your duel”

Shiba said, going around Basara’s words.

“Celis-chan generally has her strength acknowledged by the << Vatican >>,
coming here bearing the role of hearing officer and holy knight. By my
diagnosis, her holy sword and your affinity is definitely not good”

Furthermore, said Shiba, peeking through slit-eyes.

“In addition to it, this << Village >> is a place where your spiritual power is
easily felt”

Good luck… Saying that, Shiba stepped down the mountain.

Pushing down his words within him, Basara was left in that place.

And then – as the sun appeared in the perfectly clear sky, rising as high as it
could go.

The time of Basara and Celis’ duel finally arrived.

In an area of the mountain outside the << Village >> used for real battle training
– in the middle of that, a large basin much like caldela. There is wild grass
growing within the depth of the crater, as well as on the surrounding slope,
separating out the soil from the flatness.

– It was much like a natural arena.

And then, on top of the slope from this site of battle are those who came as
audience, having already gathered to watch Basara and the others, belonging to
various factions.

The eastern clan of heroes – together with the three leaders, others of the <<
Village >> are seen in all directions. There are those who come from houses of
influence like Shuuya and Kaoru, as well as those with considerable battle skills
such as Takashi. And then, those who are related to the sacrifices of the tragedy
and wished to watch was also present. And then Shiba, who had instigated this
battle, was right at the elders side with a thin smile on his face. Among the
varied members of the village, Cleo Anzels, who was dispatched from Vatican
was present.
And on the west side are those who came with Basara to << Village >>. Naruse
Mio, Nonaka Yuki, Nonaka Kurumi. That is, the girls who live together with
Basara, deciding his future. Yuki and Kurumi, who should be standing on the
heroes’ side till yesterday happened, is now there – existing on Basara’s side.
The envoy from the demons, Takigawa, is also seen near them, Those who
gather there all came to watch, for their own future.

The result of this battle would decide each of their destiny.

And the two of them who fight carry many futures on their backs – Toujou
Basara and Celis Reinhardt’s figures, were already standing in the midst of the
field in the eyesight of the audience.

“…” “…”

However they stayed silent, not exchanging even a word.

Basara closed his eyes, concentrating on his spiritually, while Celis gazed down,
regulating her breath.

That is, a body and mental preparation for them to unleash their full strength.

Childhood friends who are reunited after seven years, forced to fight due to
Shiba’s schemes – it’s easy to imagine how Basara and Celis both lament over
this situation.

“Why do we have to” “Why is this happening” …Thinking of saying that, there
are many words that could be said.

– But neither Basara nor Celis said anything.

A peaceful method – a path that could end without any fighting, surely that
However, the situation is as they could see it now. There, they have not even the
slightest all owance for sentimentality or presumption of kindness. Basara who
holds the demon sword Brynhild, Celis with her holy sword Georgius. That is
the indisputable truth of this reality.

And then, at the apex of this anxiety – the air surrounding them twisted for a

At that moment, the figures of those who watched them from the slopes

The boundary had been set up. With that, a booming voice, an announcement
using magic came from somewhere.

“This fight, is to the end between us the << Village >> and << Vatican >> to
establish our effectiveness in being able to suppress Basara and his group.”

It was the voice of one of the three elders – Fuji.

“To prevent any major damages as a result of this fight, the space within the
barrier will be recovered to its original state after”

That is, the same barrier as the time they had fought Takashi and “Byakko”.

“That is not just to do with the surrounding. Of course, to prevent you from
losing your lives… And any huge damage to your bodies would be contrary to
our goals to evaluate properly, and hence this barrier is akin to a training space
that would convert damage to your bodies to one of stamina and spiritual
damage. It is fine for both of you to not hold back.”

It is a popular boundary for training matches between heroes.

– That’s right, this battle does not gamble on their lives.

But – the end of this battle holds the future and destiny of Basara and Mio and
the other girls who live with him, of the heroes clan in Japan, << Village >> and
of the heroes clan in Europe, << Vatican >>.

… Beside.

This practice barrier has both its merit and demerit. With the no death safety,
they can go out with their full strength – what kind of moves and attacks would
that hold would really grow to be sublime. It’s also not for themselves but for the
<< Village >>, and it’ll be accomplished earnestly.

And then, though they will not sustain physical damage there are other factors.
Changing it to spiritual damage, and in that losing out stamina – in other words
there is still pain involved in the process.

The death that is possible in a fight, while at times cruel and ghastly, also could
be a saving grace that ends it. With gaps in power, to avoid useless suffering it
could lead to another choice.

– So, if it’s between two with balanced strength, in a fight with no death, what
would happen?

It’s a fight about killing each other’s hearts, very easily becoming intense.

And then Basara and Celis both have things they do not want to lose, with that
they pierce through with their resolutions… And then in a bit, they can no longer
avoid the intensity of battle.

Even if that is exactly as Shiba planned. And then, “—”

Toujou Basara, slowly unsheathed his blade. At that directly in front of him,
Celis who no longer looked down stood. She looked at him with clear eyes,
composed and beautiful – her emerald eyes showed the same determination as
Basara. So, …Yes, that’s right.

Basara once more thought of the meaning of this battle. There was a possibility
he was swayed by Shiba’s threats. But with the truth it contained he cannot lose.
He cannot let Shiba kill his precious childhood friend Celis.

If Basara lost, it is likely that the battle to prove the power between << Vatican
>> and << Village >> would too, use this kind of boundary.


There is no doubt that even so Shiba would find a way to kill his opponent.

And then, Basara had not forgotten the words of his childhood friend Takashi
last night.

– Takashi had asked of Basara’s resolve.

It had been half a year since he fought Takashi and the spear “Byakko” – how
much had he been able to change since then, Toujou Basara isn’t sure.
Furthermore, he had not yet found a way to truly face the tragedy of that day.
However, almost greedily, the number of things he must protect kept increasing,
and to protect that all he can do is to fight to his utmost. Still, the strength to
protect all that is not something he has yet.


It’s good to just ignore his own place now. Despite that, he would still not give
up – So “Begin”

At the same time as Fuji, who announced the start.


Toujou Basara stepped off from the ground, charging forward.


Under the blue sky, the battle between two who hold wishes they can not give up
on unfolds.

There was a vibration. Yet it was not simply one thing that did – At the clashing
of their swords with loud metallic echoes, the waves that came from the attacks
they unleashed made the ground shake in its destruction.

– The source of all that was Toujou Basara and Celis Reinhardt.

With the slopes of the large crater serving as a wall, the sounds of their fight
reverberate. The echoing sound had a complex twist, it was due to the sound
waves – after one is generated, it was soon intervened by the following.

That phenomenon is due to the super high speed of the unfolding of their fight.
Basara and Celis attacked with exchanges faster than the wind – that is the
curtain lifting on the clashes of their respective blades.

To the demon blade “Brynhildr” Basara used, Celis met with her holy sword
“Georgius”. Though he did not understand this from the time Celis had
unsheathed the blade against Shiba the day before, now he knows it as she
unsheathed the blade and called out the name “Georgius”. That is the name of
the famous dragon killing saint – and the sword that bore that name is one of the
prided weapons of the << Vatican >>. In this storm of swords which did not all
ow for even a breath or a blink.
…For sure.

Basara thought of the Georgius Celis wields. The sword meeting his demon
sword that can control all four elements fire, wind, water and earth – is that
“Georgius”. A name that meant “farmer”, its name originated from the dragon-
slaying saint who protected the common people.

For farms, it is important to be blessed with land that is blessed by the heavens.
In short, the plentiful earth would contain an earth element, the rain that falls
upon it, water element, the clouds that brought rain would have the wind
element, and the sun that shone bright upon that land would be a fire element, all
these are needed, the sword Georgius would then be able to wield all these
elements. The namesake, Georgius had slain a dragon using a spear, so for it to
be a sword, it must be because it was decided that this is a more effective
fighting style for the four elements.

That being said, Basara’s Brynhildr is also considered the strongest of demon
swords. Therefore there is no lethal difference between their weapons’ potential.
The victor of this battle, will be decided by the skill of the person who wields
those weapons. However, as he crossed swords with Celis, Basara realized the
difference between himself and Celis. There is no doubt he is stronger
physically. However, …In swordsmanship, Celis is unmistakably better…

She take the blows he dealt out – and then, the sharpness and break in how she
attacked is beyond his skills. While there is still a way to climb up to bridge
these differences, the sensation he felt is similar to the fight with Zolgia or
Leohart .

– Once, when Celis had came to the village for the visit when they were young,
Basara had a practice match against her. Due to her skill even then being
amazing, of the Village children only Basara could square off with her.
And then, as Celis grew older, to compensate for the physical gap between men
and women, she surely had focused on her swordsmanship.

However, back then Basara had managed to somehow win against Celis.

The aspect that broke their match at the time – is what Basara has that remained

What he trusted on, even during the match with Zolgia and Leohart.

Speed. So then,

“—Let’s go”

Putting strength in how he stepped off the ground, – As a result, Basara brought
out his fastest.

During the time he was away from Celis, she continued to hone her
swordsmanship – Basara too, with the battles up to now and his contract with
Mio and the others, continued to hone his speed.

During the time against Zolgia and Leohart, he didn’t win with just speed, there
are other aspects of his swordsmanship too. But his opponent now is Celis,
Hence, Basara brought his speed and physical strength to surpass Celis’


Instantly, a pained expression on her face. Basara’s speed and strength began to
pressure down on Celis’ sword. The clashing is a one way attack from Basara.
With this he pushed down all at once – with that thought, Basara continued on
his relentless attack, breaking Celis’ posture,

Celis, who unknowingly gulped down, her posture shaken at the exchange - At a
small moment of opening “Haaaaaaaaaaah!”

The cutting scream that Basara let out, comes with a full power sweeping attack.

It wasn’t possible for Celis to dodge by moving back. That being said, taking
this carelessly would cause her to be overpowered, she leaped to the side and
moved up to meet his attack.

Hence, Brynhildr moved down in one swing – yet it did not manage to do as it
intended to the end.

What Brynhildr cut through was just air. Celis surpassed Basara’s attack. She
had moved back to dodge, again, then flew up. That seemed like it was
impossible physically. Celis’ figure completely disappeared from Basara’s sight
– which is why Basara looked up. There, around 20m from the ground, Celis’
figure could be seen with her white cape fluttering behind her. The sword she
held in her right hand had brought her up in an instant – the Holy Sword
“Georgius”, the magic blade with four layers configured in its blade, was lit up
as it was surrounded by green-colored particles.

“I see, that’s—”

Basara understood as he gazed up – at the end of his gaze, was the power of one
of four elements within Georgius. And then, “I have received reports but…
You’ve truly grown strong Basara, you truly have”

Celis said, looking down to the ground.

“If that was the strength you’ve cultivated since we were away then —”
A pause.

“–This time, it’s my turn to show you mine”

Her eyes glinted coldly. Celis who’s unleashing Georgius’ power has the same
long range as Mio and Kurumi, as a long range mage. However, from how she
had dodged his attack in an instant, she must not have a need for any special
arrangements or incantations. Hence, “–I won’t let you!”

In an Instant, Basara moved. With an opponent who can wield the four elements,
having an opening here is fatal.

Hence Basara lashed out Brynhildr, swinging it to the side from his posture
starting at his hips. With that, he’s releasing Brynhildr from its dimensional
shaft, unleashing “Jigenzan”.[3] However Celis is now, completely out of
Brynhildr’s reach – Hence, Basara’s goal in unleashing his demon sword and
dropping his spiritual energy is to respond to her. From its base to its tip, the
sword trembled as its unsheathed, with a high pitched shrill noise, it shook the
air around it, as well as the unclear dimensional space as it launched. With that,
with Brynhildr ahead of him –

Basara launched himself up to Celis. While Basara could launch himself up at

high speed, cutting through the air, there’s a high chance Celis would counter it.
However, …With this!

If he could take on the sword, Basara who knows magic would be able to cut it
off. And then, this should be the first time Celis sees this move – with it, there’s
a large enough chance he would be able to respond to her.

Basara chose to come flying with “Jigenzan” and met with Celis’ brandished
Georgius. Just as he aimed – Basara thought as Celis swung her sword in the
opposite direction. There was a clang however, it was Basara’s “Jigenzan”.


Basara let out his surprise without thinking. He was not surprised at how
Jigenzan was stopped – but rather, in the method of which Celis had chosen to
do so. What blocked Jigenzan was not Georgius itself – but rather, a Basara
made of air that was produced by it. And that also means that it met him at equal
force. Though he’s stunned at this as is, …So the opposite swing was…!?

The way Basara had cut upwards, has set his course with how he had unleashed

However, Celis had come down to meet him with a swing with force. With that,
“— What are you so surprised at?”

A calm voice said from above him.

“An unsheathing using the dimensional barrier… That kind of move is truly
sharp but, but to say simply, it is in the end a sword of air. It is inevitable as it
cuts up to here that it will have its strength decreased by friction, won’t it?”

And then.

“Even as I unsheathe it, my Georgius can sharpen past the air and cloak it.
Repelling it is a simple maneuver.”

Celis said casually as she looked down upon Basara – And Georgius in her hand,
had somehow changed from the color of wind to that of red flame, the blade
surrounded with a super high temperature, blazes flickering.
“– Could it be, what is meant by using it ‘at will’ is that, you can use the
elements at the same time –?”

“That’s obvious. There are many others who can use the four elements, and
many types of magic that does that. When I said at will, this is what I meant”

Celis who said that, readied Georgius to her side.

“And then, with this I will cut through again – haaaaah!”


Celis took the same stance as Basara as she came down with her attack again,
Basara took a large leap back – Right after, the basin they were in had all its wild
grass cut down in one stroke. Even so, there was not a single noise or strike. It
was all in the aftershock. The moved Celis unleashed far exceeded Basara’s
“Jigenzan”, and like a polished mirror it spread over the crater and to the area
around it – and continued on further.

“…What’s this power…”

With the careless words, Basara’s impression of it was wrung out.

“That speed… Indeed, you’re indeed quite difficult”

So then, Celis said that, but she brandished a single sideways sweep. Basara
responded by moving back. However this time, she did not cut through the area.
Instead, in its place, when Basara is about to land, “–What?”

The ground beneath him shook strangely, catching down Basara’s feet as he
landed – and then, as he looked.
Celis’ Georgius is no longer wind or fire, but shone with the color of water and
earth, with that, the trembling of the ground increased “It can’t be —”

In that instant, Basara saw the route of Celis’ swing go upstream. With that, it
included the slope up north – As he just thought of that, in the next moment he
saw an avalanche of earth and stones moving much like a tsunami.


Basara had a moment to judge his initial response to it, and on the trembling
ground he began running to the south.

The area permitted for the fight between Basara and Celis is not just this crater.
It spreads in the valley of the mountains for this training space. As such, there’s
no reason to stay in this crater facing an opponent like Celis, who wields
Georgius. Perhaps he could move somewhere that’s at least a little better to fight
on. Yet – seeing Basara’s plan to run to the forest to the south to fight.

“– Do you think I’d let you go so easily?”

Celis’ next attack quickly smashed through. The attack she just unleashed, this
time hit the slope of the south to go down on Basara.


Even with the path closed off, Basara continued to run south. Switching to east
or west, would simply cause Celis to do the same to those sides.

“In that case, then it’s better to just keep on like this– Uoooogh!”

As Basara kept running on ahead, he used Brynhildr’s tip to dig into the ground,
swinging it upwards. With that impact which thrust up the earth, Celis’
avalanche which blocked his path flew off for a few meters, opening up a path.
“Tch, with this – Gah!?”

However, right as he leap on forward – Basara went upwards from below. The
earth that rose up with Celis’ Georgius, hit up Basara’s torso.

In one moment to the sky – Basara’s body which was brought up to the same
height as Celis was completely defenseless.

“Didn’t I say… I won’t let you go so easily”

Celis let out a cold voice, which Basara could hear from right behind him. With

“Guh…. Ooooooooooooooooooh!”

Basara forced his body to twist back, attacking to his back.

“– Take this”

As Celis’ voice could just be heard – Basara received an attack straight to his

Georgius used the wind around it, unleashing the air it wrapped around itself on

It was inevitable for Basara, who received the brunt of Celis’ attack to come
flying off.

Tossed off to the corner west side – and soon after, a thundering came from the
far off forests.

Basara had crashed into the forested area. And then, a rumbling impact came
from the forest. It was not just Basara that fell to the ground as he was blown off
by Celis, the impact also hit the floor of the forest and some of the trees fell.
Mio, who watched as that was shown outside the barrier, “Basara…!”

She let out a pained voice without thinking. She had never thought that Celis
would be an easy opponent but, even so Basara was able to fight the present
demon lord Leohart and succeed in facing off against the demon god Chaos. Of
course, in general, one can’t say if Celis is stronger than Leohart or Chaos. In the
demon realm, where demon particles are stronger, Celis of the hero clan and the
sword Georgius would be considerably weakened. If so, “What’s with, that
sword… Isn’t this cheating!”

As a demon magic user herself, Mio finds herself growing irritated with Celis’
all -purpose fighting style. The High Wizard Mio and the Element Master
Kurumi too, can wield all four elements – but something like using them at the
same time, as well as without incantation is preposterous. Though that magic
usage itself is plenty overwhelming, Celis also had amazing sword skills.
There are those magic sword users that did not fully excel in either magic nor
swordsmanship, but combined them together, but Celis is on an exceptional level
for both her magic and swordsmanship. Furthermore, there is another reason
why it’s one-sided in her favor. That is, “As expected, Basara is–”

The words spilled from Yuki, who’s beside Mio – something that Basara had
been in distress about.

From the beginning of the fight, Basara had not been using Banishing Shift.

If he had used that or a similar move, he surely would be able to go against

Celis’ rock avalanche.

However, Basara did not – no, he cannot.


He’s surely hesitating in using the ability that had caused the tragedy once, in
this place where it happened. However, Celis did not have any hesitation and
doesn’t feel lost about it.


With a cold expression, she used Georgius’ wind to fly over, following after
Basara who had flown to the forest in the west. Yes… The fight is not over.

And then – Mio can do nothing but watch on in this situation.


Basara who fell to the west forest, is now in the midst of earth and trees that
were as such, still being slashed down.

“Guh… Gah… Ah… Guh…!”

Though he frantically moved Brynhildr to counter the earth and large trees,
there’s no break in the earth and trees from all directions.

– But, there’s something that stopped Basara from moving back. However, it was
not any of the ruins. It was a large opening on the ground he could not see the
bottom of – a ten meter wide cliff.

Furthermore, the cliff on the opposite side is a rock wall which is tall enough he
would have to look up to see the top of it, moving hard towards it, Basara would
have to get to the rocky wall without falling.

“Gah… Ah…!”

Releasing all the oxygen he had taken in, he let himself fall into the valley of
unknown depths as he took in and held another breath. He was flown off to the
forest to the west of the field. With the geography of this in mind, Basara had a
grasp of the bottom of the valley. As he heard the sound of water flowing under
him, he could ascertain there was indeed a stream below him, “—Damn!”

He moved Brynhildr, previously thrust towards the rocky walls of the opposite
cliff, choosing to escape to the waters below.
He thrust at the water not due to the possibility of attack. As Celis is compatible
with all elements, falling into water could be a decisive moment when not
careful. With that, “—That is not the wrong decision”

Celis’ voice could be heard from right over him. She had surely chased him here
with her flight magic.

“However, how naïve… Did you forget the attack that sent you flying at the


At once, Basara kicked off the stone walls to fly to the sky. With that, the stone
wall he had thrust Brynhildr to, had pillars shooting up with a loud sound.

It was a close cal . Yet, Basara’s mind was already on the next move. In the field
earlier, he was trapped by the stones Celis sent at him from both north and south.
Hence – the moment he thought of that, the stones he had flown off then had a
pillar of stones as well, “So it is like that…!”

At the condition he successfully read, Basara arranged his body towards the sky,
and as the stone pillars rose up he was able to rush away from the way it leaned
upwards, in the opposite way of that. With how Celis’ next attack runs up to him,
he let his body fly into the thickly growing forest.

…Even when they fight like this, Celis won’t win…

As he run through the line of trees, Basara gritted his teeth.

Firstly by hiding he will gather himself – he will challenge Celis after that.

Celis lost track of Basara’s figure as he ran into the forest.

Even as she surveyed the area carefully, she could not feel an indication of


Wordlessly, Celis used Georgius to descend down to the ground from the sky.

Because of the way the trees cloak, if she was to attack from above with wind
too, it would not be of considerable strength.

Besides that remaining in the sky, is like telling Basara who’s hiding to come and
aim at her. She could respond in her earlier dimension wrapping as she drew her


She isn’t sure if Basara really does not have something to be able to respond
from a further distance with greater power. If she wasn’t able to escape from an
attack coming from a blind spot properly, there is a chance that it could end up
being a one stroke victory for Basara. Besides,

…It was certainly exhausting.

With a light dizziness on her, Celis thought of her own condition. The sword
Celis carries, Georgius could be called all purpose in how it fights but, it has one
weakness – in that it is exhausting to both the user’s physical and magical
strength. With how it has no need for an incantation, and its ability to wield more
than one element at the same time, it takes up four times more the magical and
spiritual energy of a regular magic sword. With how she’s fighting right now, she
would most likely be able to last for another hour. There’s also a chance Basara
who’s hiding himself is trying to fight on terms of exhausting energy. Here too,
she may have to soon suppress Georgius’ power and use regular swordsmanship.

Basara had that godly speed. He is running through the line of trees at top speed
but, that means that her visibility is further lowered. Though he was exiled from
it, this forest was once akin to a backyard to Basara. There’s a possibility he was
able to move effectively through it without wasting energy. This condition could
be of risk to her later.

That’s why, Celis Reinhardt has to make her launch with preparation of
exhaustion on her.


Concentrating her will, on a single magic as wielded by Georgius.

The result of that is from the sky – rain began to fall.

With Celis’ movement, Toujou Basara who’s hidden in the shade of trees nearby
began to be unclear.

What kind of attack type is coming – and with that too, …What is she aiming at?

The sound of rain erases all presence. Of course, the wet ground would betray
his footsteps, but by the time she caught up with that sound he would’ve been at
a different location. With the fog and mist too, the low visibility of the forest
would simply be lowered.

Thinking about it, it could be a way to reduce his speed and movement with how
muddy the ground is. If that is the case, then she was definitely taking away his
greatest weapon. However, Basara will not sit still and be cornered. Though he
isn’t sure what Celis’ aim is, if he goes on it’ll be clearer.

Thinking of that – Basara began his movement with a shout.

He will flip this from a defensive fight on his side to an offensive one. As he
flew out from the shadow of the trees, Basara is already at his top speed. Using
the rustling sounds of thick trees to mask and fake himself, Basara aimed to
confuse Celis from outside her field of vision – angling himself to her weak
point, he planned to cut Celis from there. With the single stroke, it’s best to go
straight for her neck – and that’s what he did. Basara comes with his all from the
side, swinging the back of his sword “–”

But Basara’s attack did not touch a hair on Celis.

It wasn’t a close dodge – he completely missed her.



Celis Reinhardt heard Basara’s surprised voice as she slightly opened her eyes.

— Celis is presently, able to completely read Basara’s movement.

As Basara moved within the forest at his top speed, she could not completely
follow him using her sight of movement and she solved it by a surveying attack
from outside it. That’s why she chose to use Georgius to completely cover the
area. She is using water, wind and earth all at the same time. The raindrops that
fall upon Basara sense the flow of Basara’s movement, the earth he stepped on –
feeling that movement, with that Celis could see Basara’s movement. And then,

…No, more…!

Without balking at the strain on her body and spirit, Celis further rose Georgius’

With that she has complete view of the spiritual levels of the area – from
understanding Basara’s movement it rose to being able to predict it.

“– Over there!”

With a certain shout Celis shouted and swung Georgius with a water magic.
The water that came from the tip of her sword, in a second it enveloped in

“Guh… Koh…. Nnh…”

Basara frantically struggled to be able to escape what captures him, enveloping

his body but, the water transformed to a whip, wrapping itself around him and
not letting go. With that, “I won’t let you go now–”

Celis said, this time changing to attack.

She waved Georgius like a conductor’s stick.

Right after – she sent a shock right through the forest and Basara within that


Celis moved at the speed of which her hands looked hazy, swinging Georgius
and cutting through with it, a 8 beat super speed. In a normal space, he would
not escape death as it breaks all the bones in his body and ruptures all his organs
and vessels. But here within the barrier – he isn’t going to die.

In exchange of that, Basara is quickly losing both stamina and spiritual power.
At the start Basara was able to escape effectively, but due to how Georgius’
water whips catching to him and him feeling that,his body had been weakened.

And then – after three minutes passed he began to no longer feel all the
resistance. The trees, the ground, the rocks all came to attack Basara, the shock
on his body had exceeded over a thousand hits. The trees falling around Basara
that’s cut by him, it began to form a clear space.

…It’s about time.

Celis stepped light to the left-front, like she’s thrusting forward her hips, and she
swung Georgius – With that, the tip of the sword which she had been releasing
the water whips from, mince forward to Basara with a wind cutting vooon
sound. It was a bedrock, high enough you could look up to it crashing into
Basara’s back – with the intense vibration came the loud sound, a large spider
nest ran up. With that, “…”

It topped Basara, letting him fall on his backside. By then, Brynhildr and armor
are both gone —

- the physicalization of them having broken off during Celis’ attack.

Basara was expressionless as he leaned against the bedrock, it wasn’t visible as

he hung his head down, his face covered by his long bangs. Though there is no
damage on his actual body, his clothes are torn up, dirtied too by the dirt that
clung on as trees and earth attacked him – it’s long near destroyed.

“–Basara, what are you doing?”

Celis Reinhardt asked, Georgius in hand, she began to shoot another. That
question was, “The attack just now – You could’ve escaped it with Banishing

Toujou Basara heard the question Celis asked.

The damage he had taken due to Celis’ water whip is considerable, he is in no

place to waste energy with just any answer –but he heard her. With that, “With
this, there is no doubt you will lose to me… Even so, do you still plan to not use
your strength to the very end?”

Could it be, said Celis.

“To begin with, the risk that is seen in you is how your power could run wild like
the time of that tragedy. Even if I’m to win against you like this, it still does not
prove that the Vatican has enough power to act as a deterrent against you…
Could it be you’re planning something so naïve?”

Her merciless words pierced through. At Celis’ words, …Why…

Basara didn’t understand the situation, He didn’t understand why Celis said
those words.

She’s thick skinned even though she knows of the tragedy Basara had caused
here – he isn’t planning to say that. It’s more on how her duty as an officer of <<
Vatican >> is to win. She could go on without thinking much of it, and should
aim to do so quickly – but that isn’t what Celis is doing.

In short, Celis is trapped by the doubt she voiced.

Winning without Basara using Banishing Shift would not solve the political

– But there’s a reason Toujou Basara isn’t using Banishing Shift in this battle.

It’s due to the balance that’s tipped within his body. As he tied the contract with
Hasegawa and received great strength, a negative side effect of adding the power
of a heavenly being is he’s imbalanced and isn’t able to quite use Banishing Shift
without the activation condition. Although he cannot disappear completely, it is
still possible to have it forcefully in burst, as well as work out
Shoumetsukensen*, (*literally Extinction Sword*) as per his training with Jin in
the demon world. As Celis said, it was possible for him to use this to escape
from her water whips earlier.

With that,

“Or is this – your atonement in regard to that tragedy?”

Basara did not move at Celis words – however, atonement was not in his plan. If
it was, then it would just not be in this village, but he would refrain from ever
using Banishing Shift ever again anywhere, it would be meaningless otherwise.
Yet since he’s met Mio, in all the fights since he repeatedly used Banishing Shift.
To do so holding back on it as he goes to the village would not be atonement – it
would just be deception.

But, it is the truth that in the Village, in that site of the tragedy, using Banishing
Shift or Shoumetsukensen* (*Extinction Sword*) is something he hesitates to
do, feeling the obligation of that much.


There’s a reason why Basara cannot use Banishing Shift or Shoumetsukensen*

(*Extinction Sword*). But it isn’t a reason he has to say to Celis. Finally, at
Basara’s silence,

“–So be it, then watch”

With that Celis put energy into Georgius in her hand, it shone with the four
colors of her magic.

That means it holds Fire, Water, Earth and Wind.


In that condition Celis swung down Georgius, it happened.

The bedrock behind Basara – it had disappeared without a trace.


Those outside the barriers too, saw that Celis made the bedrock behind Basara

There was just one person who could speak during that, when everyone was so
surprised that they were at a loss for words.

“Could it be… Celis can do Banishing Shift too?”

It was Takashi who spoke in a way that showed he did not believe his own eyes,
to that, “No, that’s something else”

Came a voice with a smile lacing it – it was Shiba. They did not realize when the
thin-eyed young man who should be standing a distance away closed in nearby.
However, Takashi was not surprised by Shiba’s sudden appearance by him –
Shiba Kyouichi after all, was a man of such powers.

“…What do you mean, Shiba-san?”

Only questioning the words Shiba said, Shiba nodded with a “hm”, “The
material of this world is configured in three dimensions. But, that is all to do
with the shape of the material and the existence of a material also has two more
factors to it that can be moved. The first is the weight… The other, is the flow of
time. The material could simply disappear there… However using the passage of
time the material could also disappear from the place and it could be counted
like that. In short, using the power of the four elements, an item that would be
erased when it hit with it will disappear – And hence, that’s the role it can play”

“So it’s through the circumstance of “Georgius”, which can wield the four

Takashi murmured, being convinced of this argument.

“Yes, that is indeed so. Well, from a while ago Celis has been using a lot of
energy as she attacked using the five powers but, there is a necessary vector to
release this from a distance. Oh dear, this is truly the holy sword the Vatican took
so much pride in.”

Said Shiba.

“Anyway, being able to utilize the power of Georgius in this way, and on top of
it completely showing us its capabilities… Celis-chan is really something. Well,
even so as Celis-chan is able to do so with Georgius, it’s still dependent largely
on external factors.”

But, said Shiba.

“Her opponent Basara’s Banishing Shift, even before he held Brynhild he had
always been able to do it. In short, it is entirely an internal power – a power
Basara himself possesses. Furthermore, regarding the bedrock Celis erased
within the barrier that could recover, Basara could erase it, as is using his magic
sort of super power.”

At this Shiba opened his eyes slightly.

“If the target is a something with a sort of magical power – a being with some
sort of spiritual energy, it has to be erased alongside that. Further, the internal
spiritual energy and, the external energy that comes with the relating surrounding
goes both ways. And in that flow of time, all of it exist. If that is sent to the Zero
Dimension where time does not exist, all the axis of time too must also cease to
exist… There won’t even be a miniscule amount of twist to it. Furthermore, as it
completely ceases to exist, it also causes friction with the small details regarding
the surrounding of the materials and that must be calculated for.”

Do you understand?

“Basara’s Banishing Shift erases it completely… At the worst it intervenes to the

ninth dimension, it’s an ability that consist of unleashing out the perfect balance.
It’s completely twisted.”


At Shiba’s words, Takashi found himself at a loss for words. It is true that
Banishing Shift is an ability unique to Basara alone, so they had thought of the
mysteries and logic of it among themselves. Even asking Basara himself, they
would not be able to get roughly what it is, but not the full gist of it. If what
Shiba says is true, …Basara, what are you…?

Just as Takashi thought of his childhood friend who held incomprehensible


“– This is the power I’ve developed during our time apart”

Celis’ voice could be heard, alongside the image for what’s inside the barrier.

Toujou Basara looked up to see Celis.

With that, in front of him Celis looked down upon him with coldness in her eyes.

“I understand your evasion that came from a fear of your own power…
However, even if you look away from it, your regret will not disappear. That
power exists with you. You cannot run from it.”


“Those girls who you wish to protect – even now, in this moment where you are
trapped by the tragedy of your past that cannot be undone, they stand by your
side. They let you lean on them and support you. They try to understand the pain
that you hold. But Basara… The you right now, don’t you take advantage of
their kindness, and drag them into the pain of your own tragedy?”

Celis had said that, expressing another side to Basara.


Basara who called out her name dumbfoundedly, now understood Celis’ true

Her harsh words and attacks, they’re all done thinking of Basara. With that,
“Please don’t misunderstand me. Of course you should not forget your past. It’s
most likely that you have to resolve yourself to carrying the burden of that
tragedy as you live on, for the rest of your life. I do not mind that being the
case… But, you are due to give your ‘answer’”

Do you get it?

“Atonement isn’t something you can find in the past – It’s only in the present
and the future. So the answer should be from what you hold dear now, as it
should be of those who currently hold you dear to them. For you live on into the


“If, your power now might endanger those you love, as well as endanger this
world… It is in that time I will stop you, Basara”

A pause.

“Even if – I have to kill you with my own hands”

That answer is Celis’ resolve, and she wiped her tears with her left hand.

“— It’ll be decided by this next move.”

Saying that, she raised Georgius up high, holding it with both her hands. At the
same time, at the tip of that, a large magic formation could be seen. It grew
bigger gradually – at that, the surroundings grew dark. When you look, over the
large amount of magic forming, a large blazing rock floats, and then Celis swung
down her Georgius – At that moment, Basara clenched his fist tightly, Celis’
resolve resounding at the back of his mind, it is precisely because of that he
thought of those he cannot let go of, and then he remembered.

Last night, what Takashi said to him – that Basara has to show his resolve now.
– That time, Takashi is asking him what Basara is.

Is it alright for the answer to be someone that is trapped in the past, as he lost to

…No, way…

That’s why he has no time for hesitation. Finally, Toujou Basara will play his
trump card. The power he received from Hasegawa Chisato – he will unleash the
power of Brynhildr.

– And then, as Basara who seemed like he was deliberating was about to move.

The blazing rock Celis had for him, akin to a small sun, was already closing in
on him.

At that time, Celis Reidhart’s figure could be seen in the sky.

So she was not hit by the effect of an explosion, she had used her magic to fly up
to the sky.

Celis waited for the decisive moment around 1 km away from the place.

– Just now, she had used Georgius’ all four elements for the Banishing move.

But now Celis has water and wind turned off, and in turn she has a forceful earth
and fire element with each other – releasing a super high heat ball and letting a
meteorite descend down.

The intense force combined with the super high heat flame, would easily scorch
Basara’s surrounding.

If he does an incomplete Banishing Shift, it’d be the same as it splintering out

into the surrounding. In this condition, it shouldn’t be possible for him to
completely make it disappear. Hence,

…With this.

She would win against Basara – And then, she would be able to take him to the

– When she heard about the tragedy at << Village >> when she’s overseas.

Basara was already expelled, Yuki and Kurumi, and Takashi and others too had
changed, and more of their friends lost their lives, these were the people Celis
befriended when she could visit Japan.

All Celis Reidhart held dear was completely lost. But as she watched Yuki and
the others grit their teeth and eagerly grow stronger, Celis had a new resolve.

That she too would grow stronger. That she would achieve power where she
could protect those she held dear.

And then, she finally came this far, a Vatican Holy Knight, chosen to wield
Georgius – she’s now in a place where she could protect Basara and the others.

Among her comrades in Vatican, there are those who would see Basara’s group
as an enemy, and her superiors may use them for their political advantage. But
expecting such a situation, Celis and those she trust would protect them from it.
Besides, expelling Basara was decided by the Village in Japan alone. The
Vatican could refute that, and restore Basara to the hero clan, for him to be a
holy knight like Celis then, would not just be a dream. In that case, Yuki and
Kurumi who had left the clan could return too. While Mio and the other two
demons may be more difficult, as their contract with Basara is recognized, surely
something could be managed somehow.

And after establishing his place in Vatican, surely he could return to Japan on a
transfer or dispatch in the future as well.

Celis, who envisioned that future, watched the moment as she flew in the sky.

As the large meteorite she cast fell to the ground.


She gulped down with her surprise. No explosion happened. The large meteorite,
was dispersed by an attack – it’s different from an incomplete Banishing Shift, as
it flew in a completely different way. What happened… The shocked Celis
realized that.

That in front of her is Basara, cloaked with a crimson aura.

Toujou Basara had used a certain power to guard against the large meteor.

It’s the power of one of his two mothers, the demon side – the power of

When he faced Leohart and the demon Chaos, he had fought in a similar way.

– But now, Basara had used the power in a different way than at that time.

The soul inside Brynhildr – using the soul of that man.

That is, the power of the high ranking demon that long supported the demon
world in the background.

The magic of the cardinal sin Belphegor. Basara is controlling and amplifying
the power of the highest reigning power of the demon world type.

To turn over the magic that is already there and further amplify it, then opening
it fixed to anti gravity – With that, in all nature of things it’s difficult to pull, a
snapping power.

Creating a space that should be said as infinite, it holds a power that expands to
all that, it is the exact opposite of Banishing Shift which deletes everything to
the zero dimension.

It is << Banyuusekiryoku >>. In short it is complete defense against all physical

and magic attack.[4]

With that he’s able to repel Celis’ attack – but it didn’t delete the effect. As such,
Mio, the others, the elders who are outside presently that were affected by the
sight-related magic, should not be able to see how Basara is now. As such, this is
his chance to use his utmost power. Then, the moment is coming up.


The Banyuusekiryoku he used for defense earlier, Toujou Basara will use it to

Celis Reidhart’s Georgius is currently using absolute zone.

Basara is away from that right now, and knows the exact moment to make his
decisive strike. Further, if she knew Basara had escaped her attack, he could turn
it around on her in an instant.

And then – Celis could feel Basara planning to attack her.


But then, right after she let out a surprised noise, when she realized it, Basara
was already right in front of her. The magic blade of Georgius in her hand was
cut off as a result of that, the magic she’s using to fly was rendered as negated,
and she inevitably began falling from the sky.

When she gulped down, Basara’s already made her drop down from the sky.

However, even just a little the blade of Georgius remained – hence “Kuh…!”

At once, Celis recovered her concentration. She put all her power into the
element wind, creating wind that helped carry her to the ground, but still, Celis
fell on both her thighs to the ground. Due to the large amount of magic used for
the meteorite and absolute defense, then to muster in magic into the wind to help
her land, her magical and spiritual power is significantly depleted.

And then – There in front of her, Basara stood.

He did not descend after Celis. He was there before Celis even landed.

Surely he had been there before Celis even prepared her wind.

It was an unbelievable – no, it was an unthinkable speed.

…Most likely.

The power which he used to attack Celis, it too gave his own body and heels
godly speed –

one that exceeded the sound wave barrier without making waves, much like
scattering it. She could guess that much of a theory, and think of it as such.

However it was the fastest – a speed that cannot be done by humans, and is in
the realm of gods, surely?

Up till now Celis had never thought of Basara as a threat.

The one who thinks that is the upper echelons of the << Vatican>> and
<<Village >>.

To Celis, Basara had always been a childhood friend of hers in Japan, and even
as he was assigned an S-class assignment, that did not change for her.

However, who could stop such an overwhelming power – with that thought,
Celis felt something akin to fear. Yet, “Hey… Celis, do you still want to go on?”

Basara’s voice spoke softly, tainted with the colors of hesitation – Once you see
it, you can see the reddening of his cheeks as he averted his gaze away from

“? Why are you looking awa—”

As she said that, Celis grasped her own condition. The clothes she wore were
torn apart, and her white skin was mostly exposed.

“…Kyaaaaa, when did this happen..?”

With a screech, Celis covered her chest and her precious place, and at that,
“Umm… It was scattered about around the time you fell down from the sky
using your wind, I think”

Basara said awkwardly.

While their physical bodies are preserved within the barrier, their clothes are not
within that limit.

And then, to be able to overtake the strength of the Vatican’s holy knight battle
armor, Basara must’ve overwhelmed it earlier with great speed and rendered it
useless – And the moment it reached its limit, was likely the last bit before she
landed with the wind.
In short – Her clothes came flying off right in front of Basara’s eyes.

To Celis, who was obviously embarrassed with a good reason “…In any case, if
it’s okay please wear this first”

Basara stripped off his own top and passed it to her, then he turned around facing
away from her.

He left his back uncovered. Hence,


Celis thought. When Basara asked her if she’d still want to continue earlier she
did not give an answer, and hence the battle still continued. If she used all her
remaining strength she would be able to recall Georgius again – she could attack
his back right here. Yet, “…Haaah”

Celis Reidhart sighed, and with it came a bitter smile.

For Basara who could not be taken with Georgius to be taken with her naked
body… Somehow it makes her feel relieved. Indeed, Basara’s strength may be
fearsome. However, stopping him probably did not require some sort of greater

– To begin with, that tragedy happened when Basara’s power ran berserk while
he wanted to protect Yuki.

Basara is kind – Hence, that horrible tragedy happened. Hence, what’s needed is
not a power that’s greater than him, but a way for what’s precious to him to be
protected. In that the condition suggested by the demons, that might be the best
after all .
Although the feeling of not being able to forgive the village for making the
decision to expel Basara without consulting the others still burns within Celis, …
I too, am trapped by the past aren’t I?

To protect what’s important to him, Basara had won against Celis.

While holding onto the past, Basara is moving forward – holding on to the
kindness that remained unchanged from that time.

“I acknowledge it… I have lost”

Saying that – Celis Reinhardt lowered the curtain on this fight.


After the fight between Basara and Celis, the sun was starting to set over the
Village. Guided by Yuki and Kurumi, Mio was being led to a certain location
between the mountains outside the Village.

“Wow, it’s beautiful.”

They led her to a natural open air hot spring. Wrapped in just a towel, Mio
soaked in the view of the sunset.

“I was surprised that the Village had a hot spring like this.”

Yuki, who stood next to her, replied.

“This hot spring was made in the past with Jin-san’s suggestion.”

“Huh? Jin-san?”

Mio never actually got the chance to get to know Jin-san since he left for the
Demon World right after she moved into the Toujou household. But from the few
times that she has met him, she knew that he was a free spirited man who did
whatever he wanted. After all, he did get hitched with the Demon Lord’s
younger sister while being a Hero from the Village. For him to request and build
a hot spring up here in the mountains didn’t sound like a far-fetched idea.

“It would have been nice if Basara was here with us…”
Basara went to a hot springs alone recently, and when Mio found out about it,
she made him promise that they will all go together next time.

“Don’t be ridiculous Mio!”

A flustered Kurumi spoke up.

“Not only is this pool for women only, the entire area is surrounded by seals that
ward off men.”

“I know but… don’t you guys want to take a bath with Basara too?”



The silence of the Nonaka sisters spoke of their desires. But Mio didn’t say that
to tease them but to cheer them up.

Because both Yuki and Kurumi essentially cut their ties to the Village, and to
their family, in order to be with Basara and their budding little family. And so,
Mio really wanted to take the girls here to this hot spring after hearing about it
from Basara. Of course this won’t be enough to make them forget their pain, it
would be very satisfying for Mio if it helped raise their spirits a little bit.

Yuki and Kurumi helped and fought with her in the Demon World. So she had to
be there for them when they were suffering.

With Basara defeating Celis, they overcame the first trial. But they couldn’t relax
just yet with the second trial awaiting them: the fight with Shiba Kyouichi.

With the damage Basara sustained from his fight with Celis, the fight with Shiba
was scheduled in a month’s time during the Golden Week holiday. But Basara
and the others couldn’t stay in the Village until Golden Week as April will bring
the start of the new school year. While the Elders were against them returning to
Tokyo, they were granted permission after a certain someone intervened.

“I’m coming i i in.”

The door to the makeshift changing room opened and Celis made her way out to
the pools. As the Vatican sent her to the Village for her to check whether
Basara’s powers can be controlled, Celis’ approval would mean that Basara and
the others would be all owed to live in Tokyo on their own. The only condition
she presented was that she would be all owed to live in the Toujou household as
an observer.

Since Mio and the others wanted to avoid butting heads with the Hero Clan at all
costs, it seemed like an amazing deal to be able to live free of the Vatican
breathing down their necks, just by having Celis live with them.

“Thanks for coming Reinhardt-san. Have you already finished reporting to the

“Oh don’t worry about it. That’s already been taken care of.”

“So…what did you want with me?”

Celis was all business now with some caution in her eyes. Kurumi took the
chance to try and cut the tension in the air.

“Um Celis-nee, Mio didn’t call you out here to fight with you.”

“While we have known you for a while, Mio only met you for the first time
yesterday. So she wanted to take this opportunity to get to know you better.”

Yuki supported her sister.

“And I’m not sure if you know, but in Japan we have a culture of getting to
know each other better through bathing naked together.”

“Also, once you start living with us, there’s going to be 7 of us in one house.
And as our observer, you might end up taking baths with us, so it’ll help to get
used to it early on.”

“While I understand that, do we really need to practice right now?”

“Well…it’s just that… there’s a rather problematic member in our family.”

Mio tried to explain while fighting her guilt and embarrassment.

“She’s not a bad person… it’s just that she’s awfully honest with her feelings and
desires… and ends up dragging everyone into her schemes. Yuki, Kurumi and I
have all been victims of her plans, and so we just wanted you to know what
you’re getting yourself into by moving in with us…”


Celis couldn’t stop her nervous gulp. Did she perhaps make her decision to move
in too quickly? Maybe she should have rented a house nearby to observe them…
but no… she had already submitted her report to the Vatican so there was no
turning back now.

“And there was something else I wanted to tell you…”

She knew that Mio had more in mind that just to take a bath together. Celis
calmly braced her position so she could take on any surprise attacks.

“Thank you Reinhardt-san.”

Mio looked at Celis and bowed deeply.

“Huh…what are you doing?”

Celis didn’t quite know how to take Mio’s gratitude.

“All we want is to live a normal life… to return to Tokyo. You listened to our
pleas and helped us protect our wish. So for that I’m really grateful and I wanted
to let you know that.”

“If that’s the case then you don’t have to thank me. I only did what I believed to
be as right. But why did you have to say your thanks now and here of all

If Mio wanted to show her gratitude, she could have easily done it the moment
Celis agreed to their wish to live in Tokyo, right after the battle.

“Wouldn’t it have been problematic if I had said my thanks to you in front of the
Elders? I don’t think they would have taken to it too kindly to know that you
were giving the daughter of the Previous Demon Lord any favors.”

“And I wanted to tell you my honest feelings away from the prying ears of
others. I didn’t come to the Village this time to talk politics but to tell everyone
how I really felt. I’m not sure how much of that reached the Elders but I’m sure
that my message reached you.”


Celis couldn’t believe it.

“How can you think like that? I’m a representative from the Vatican here to
negotiate with the Village and do politics.”

“That’s true. And like with diplomacy, I’m sure that a lot of the things you said
were probably not true or representative of your real feelings. So I can’t judge
you for the things you said.

Mio added.

“But when Shiba suddenly attacked Basara, I saw the way you protected Basara.
And Yuki, Kurumi and Basara all vouched for you and said that I can trust you.
So even if I don’t know you, I know them. And so, I know that I can trust you.
Their word is all I need.”

Celis Reinhardt was starting to understand why Basara and the others gave their
all to protect Mio.

“So Reinhardt-san that’s why I wanted to…”

“Call me Celis.”

Of course Mio is still the daughter of Wilbert, the strongest ever Demon Lord.
And it is true that Basara, Yuki and Kurumi, and herself all had their respective
political positions that they need to see through. But she trusted them and they in
turn, trusted her. So if they trust Mio Naruse, she should at least give her the
courtesy that she deserves. So it felt only fair that Mio call her by her given

“Um… then Celis… would it be okay for me to wash your back?”

“Sure. Thank you.”

Just as she said that, she felt the towel wrapped around her body being ripped

“Huh? Kyaaaaa!”

Celis let out a scream and jumped into the water in fright.
“Wha- what are you doing?”

Her face turning scarlet from the embarrassment and rage, Celis screamed at

It was no surprise that she would get angry but Mio had to make sure Celis was
prepared for the problem that was Maria. She had to make sure that Celis built
up some sort of immunity to this type of behaviour before she moved into the
Toujou household.

And Mio also wanted to be friends with Celis. Yuki and Kurumi started out as
her enemies, but they were able to bond over time to become good friends. With
Celis they started off as political opponents. This means that Celis might always
be holding back her true feelings and what she has to say in order to maintain her
political position. So Mio wanted to take opportunities like this to really get to
know each other without hiding anything. And what better way than a naked
bath together. Mio giggled as she held onto Celis’ bath towel.
“Didn’t you agree to having your back washed? You can’t do that with a towel

Still blushing in anger Celis really didn’t hold back.

“Don’t tell me that the problematic member of the Toujou household is you?”

“Huh! How dare you compare me to that Ero-loli succubus!”

Mio did not take that well and you could hear the girls bickering all the way until
the sun set past the mountains.

After sending the girls out for their bath, Basara was relaxing on the couch,
thinking over all the things that happened today. The worst possible outcome
was averted for now. If Basara had lost to Celis, that really would have ended in
all out war between the Vatican and the Village and Celis would have probably
lost her life to Shiba. And regardless of who would have won between the
Vatican and the Village, it would not have ended well for Basara and the others.

But having Celis by their side will really play out. While Basara did defeat Celis,
there was still no consensus reached between the Vatican and the Village as to
who will be chosen as the observer to keep tabs on Basara and the others. Had
Celis lost, it wouldn’t have been a good look for the Vatican. And Celis would
have probably received orders to stay in the Village to smooth things out with
the Elders diplomatically, resulting in Basara and the others unable to return to
Tokyo until their next fight with Shiba. Staying in the Village would have also
given Shiba the opportunity to strike Celis somehow. So going back to Tokyo
with Celis as the observer was another way to protect her. She would be safe as
long as she remained near Basara.

All that mattered now was how Shiba would make his move. He was still unsure
as to what Shiba’s goals were. But he was only a month away from facing him,
so he had to start thinking about different possibilities and approaches to the
However, now that Yuki and Kurumi had cut ties with the Village, they wouldn’t
be killed even if Basara was to lose. But that being said, he still has to prepare
for the fight and all that can happen. He wouldn’t put it past Shiba to try and kill
Kurumi and Yuki in the middle of the fight.

And if Shiba did kill Yuki and Kurumi, he will simply justify it by saying that he
will have no qualms or second thoughts with killing Basara either, so the Vatican
should give the Village the authority to observe and monitor Basara.

But if Basara was to defeat Shiba, the Hero Clan will consider them to be a
threat and fighting will be inevitable. However, he still had his precious people
that he has to protect. And Basara will protect them, even if it means fighting
against the gods themselves.

Basara gripped his fists tight in determination. Just then, his cell phone began to
buzz and he saw that he had an incoming call from the Nonaka household.

“… Hello?”

“Hello, is this Basara-kun? Sorry for calling you so late. Do you have a

It was Shuuya on the other end.

“Yes, of course. Is this about Yuki and Kurumi?”

The decision that the two Nonaka sisters made this time resulted in them cutting
their ties with their parents as well. And both Shuuya and Kaoru Nonaka must
have been upset.

“Well… it’s not unrelated to that but…”

“It’s in regards to your fight with Shiba Kyouichi.”

That caught Basara by surprise. His fight with Shiba was already set in stone.
Shuuya wouldn’t have a reason to call him about it.

Could Shiba have made a move!?

“I just received a call from Elder Fuji.”

“You fight with Shiba has been scrapped.”

“Scrapped?… As in called off?”

“Yes. Your fight with Shiba was supposed to show the Vatican that the Village is
strong enough to control and repress you guys should the need arises. But we
just received contact from the Vatican and they decided to drop the issue, and
thus, we won’t need to have the fight to prove our capabilities anymore.”

“But…why so suddenly?”

It’s true that Celis lost to Basara. And as the ever diligent one, she must have
already sent her mission report to the Vatican with news of her defeat. The
Vatican could have used her defeat as enough evidence to leave matters in the
Village’s hands.

But was that really enough? This whole issue started with a power play from the
Vatican to exert political might on the Village. It would seem strange for them to
just give up on their mission so quickly just after one defeat.

Or perhaps… Celis was influenced by Shiba? He could have threatened Celis by

declaring to kill Basara and the others. That would mean Celis could deliberately
lose the match, and volunteer as an observer to provide protection to Basara and
the others. And if she had reported to the Vatican about the threat of Shiba, it
would make sense for them to back down.
“Um excuse me, does Shiba-san know about the match being called off?”

Basara couldn’t think that Shiba would take this news in stride.

“Oh yes, he has already been briefed of the situation. After all, he was the one
chosen by the Elders to fight you. We were quite surprised when he accepted the
cancellation. He simply said ‘If that’s what was decided then it’s not my place to
argue.’ and returned to his cell. He’s been sealed back in as well.”

“No way… that would mean that he can’t venture outside anymore… for him to
just accept that…”


“Maybe this is all hard for you to swallow since you had so much at stake. But in
the world of politics, it’s all too common for things to take a sudden turn in a
direction you weren’t expecting. What’s important is that you carefully analyze
your situation so you can make your next move. ”

“I… Yea… Thanks for the advice. But…”

If this is really how it ends, all it would have resulted in was a broken up Nonaka
family. And the Vatican, the Village and Shiba wouldn’t be any worse off. It was
simply unfair.

Or could this have been Shiba’s objective from the very beginning? Could this
have been his way of killing boredom from within his prison cell. To tear up
families and stir trouble between groups.

“As I said, Basara-kun. Learn to analyze the situation with a cool head. I know
that my daughters were forced to make a painful decision. I too, suffered from
the decision they had to make. But I would much rather suffer from that, than
have to see you fight Kyouichi.”
“And just maybe, their determination to cut ties with the Village may have
resulted in this outcome. We would never know the result of a battle between
you and Kyouichi. In the future, you two may face each other with much higher
stakes. In that situation, it will probably be a lot easier for you guys to navigate if
my daughters were free from their obligations to the Village. They would be able
to fight fully for you and to protect their friends.”

“At least that’s how I would see things if I was to analyze the current situation.”

“Sorry… for being… so self-centered.”

Basara really did feel bad. Him arguing about this outcome will be downplaying
the sacrifice that Yuki and Kurumi made to leave the Village. No one was
suffering more than the Nonaka family. He had to think ahead and think about
their next moves now. To make sure that their sacrifice was not in vain.

“Does that mean that Celis will no longer be our observer once we return to

“Hmm… the Elders didn’t say anything about that. Let me check with them then
get back to you. Would that be fine with you?”

“I see, in that case, I’ll also get Celis to check with the Vatican. Maybe the
Vatican simply didn’t relay that information yet.”

It would probably be better to confirm with the Vatican as well. Only relying on
one source has its risks after all .

“Yes you should do that.”

“Toujou Basara-kun.”
“Please… take care of my daughters.”

Even if Shuuya couldn’t see him, Basara nodded and straightened his posture.

“Yes. We will all support each other. And I will make sure to take care of them.”

Beneath the night sky lay an area where four colors overlapped. It was the
Chamber of Ceremonies that lay inside the three houses of the Elders. The lights
shone down into each of the 4 Gods.

Quietly, the doors to the chambers opened and a figure tiptoed in. Without a
sound, the shadow walks towards the center of the room.

The shadow suddenly froze in the middle of the room. Light started to gather
right at its feet and started getting bigger. A magic circle, As the magic circle
started getting bigger, the shadow whispered.

“This should do it…”

“Oh, what shall it do?”

A voice spoke up from behind the shadow.

The shadow turned around to find the Holy Knight, and Hearing Officer, of the
Vatican, Celis Reinhardt.

“That magic circle of yours, it’s a corrosive spell used to break down barriers am
I right? Georgius was acting up a little bit so I came to check and look what I
find. Reveal yourself, intruder!”

As she pointed Georgius to the intruder, the shadow turned around and the light
that reflected off Georgius revealed the intruder’s face. Celis stood there in


Celis couldn’t believe it. Right in front of her stood Cleo Angeles, the fellow
inquisitor from the Vatican who accompanied her for this mission.

“Why are you…doing something like this?”

“It’s the orders from the higher ups.”

“The… higher … ups?”

Celis did not hear of such an order from the Archbishop. She was only told to
temporarily rescind the Vatican’s original plans. That means that the ‘higher ups’
that Cleo refers to would either be someone higher than the Archbishop, or a
superior from a different faction.

But to create a barrier destructing spell in the holy Chamber of Ceremonies in

the Japanese Village.

“What do you think you are doi-…!?”

Celis felt the floor under her feet give way and turn to liquid. As she felt herself
being dragged down into the floor, she pointed Georgius to the floor and shot a
beam of light.


Before the beam could hit the floor, the floor sprung and knocked her off her feet
and into the wall.

The walls in the Chamber of Ceremonies were built to resist against all physical
attacks. So the impact of her crash landing on the wall sent a shockwave to her
internal organs and she was winded.

Not only was she out of breath, the damage to her body from her fight with
Basara, and the shock of seeing Cleo acting on orders from a Vatican with an
ulterior motive, have sent her into a state of shock that rendered her useless and
unable to fight back.

“Goodbye Celis Reinhartd.”

Cleo’s right hand was surrounded by a reddish-purple hue of light.


Cleo was forced to jump back before he could release his energy shot. A thin
white line appearing just where his face was moments ago.

Celis was just able to lift her face up to see the back of the person who just saved
her from what was a guaranteed death.


“Don’t speak. Your lungs are damaged.”

Takashi spoke to Celis while gripping his spear and keeping his eyes on Cleo.

“You… you’re a demon right?”

The attack Cleo was trying launch to launch was a dark element magic only
demons had an affinity for.

Cleo’s silence spoke for itself.

“No way… the Vatican… sided with demons?”

Celis could only utter in despair and shock.

“No no no, Celis-chan. He’s not working with the Vatican. He’s working… for

A chuckle rang out from behind Cleo and a slender figure appeared in front of


Takashi could only mutter the name of the man who should have been locked
away in prison right now. Cleo would explain his escape from prison, however.

“What are you planning…?”

“Oh I don’t think I have to answer such a question.”

Shiba chuckled.

“I have nothing to say to the likes of you, Takashi.”


Takashi returned Shiba’s provocations with silence. He remained his calm

composure and his mind was without anger. The fact that Shiba was the one
pulling the strings did not fetter him at all.

And so, in the next instant, Takashi moved at godly speeds and closed the gap
between himself and Cleo. With one mighty thrust, he cleaved Cleo’s body in
half and his body dispersed into dust.
“Oh, in one hit. That spear of yours, it’s a replica of the Reienkyo right?”

Shiba easily discerned that the spear was the one used by a Chinese general who
later became a god. The weapon had been preserved in the vaults of the Village
since the incident 5

years ago.

“How cruel for the Elders to give you Seito’s old weapon.”

The incident that led to Basara being ostracized from the Village 5 years ago. It
all started with Seito Ooba trying to release the seal of Brynhildr by using the
replica spear of Reienkyo. Possessed by the spirits sealed in Brynhildr, Seito
went on a killing spree and killed Takashi’s only family member, his mother.
And now, Takashi was using the very weapon that Seito was using that day.

“But, considering that you looked up to Seito, I’m sure he’s happy that his old
weapon is in your hands. Oh, but I guess he can’t. Banishing Shift did send him
to some other dimension after all .”

None of these provocations affected Takashi. He simply gripped his spear tighter
for his next strike.

“You know, I heard that you continued to train after being defeated by Basara.
That speed of yours right now, it’s probably faster than what Basara showed
today at lunch when he defeated Celis-chan over there.”

“You’re next.”

Takashi faced Shiba with an impassive look.

“Oooh, scary. I like that type of confidence.”

“But it only suits certain people.”

By the time he finished speaking, Shiba had already closed the distance between
himself and Takashi, with a fist ready to strike Takashi right in the abdomen.

Instead of the dull sound of fist hitting flesh, he heard a light ring as his fist
connected with spear handle.

“Oh… nice block.”

“Like I said… you’re next.”

Just as Takashi was about deliver a slice that would have cleaved Shiba, he
coughed up a lot of blood and collapsed onto the floor.

“Urgh.. cough… cough…”

“Tsk tsk tsk… You see Takashi… you never learned about my fighting style. It’s
not a good idea to take a direct attack of someone you don’t know the fighting
style of.”

“But if you had kept your distance, you wouldn’t have been able to save Celis-
chan. That kindness of yours is your down fall and your limit.”

With a snap of his fingers, the magic circle that Cleo created expanded to cover
the entire chamber. The runes from the circle covered all the walls of the
chamber. That resulted in the dimensional barrier in the room being broken, and
the seals on the 4 Gods were broken. Three of the 4 Gods floated towards Shiba
as if controlled by some sort of power. They took their positions behind his back,
but only the spear lay floating near Takashi, refusing to move.

“Oh well… for you to reject me. That boy right there couldn’t even control your
power. Perhaps you can’t make decisions after you went berserk, or maybe
you’ve gotten attached to the boy. How unsightly of you, Byakko.

Byakko did not respond. The only thing it could do was to stay beside the one it
has chosen.

“Hmmm such disobedience… But I guess that wouldn’t matter if I kill the owner
of the spear.”

Shiba gavea cold smile to the spear and lifted his right leg to stomp on Takashi’s

But no one heard the sound of a head being crushed. In fact, they only heard
Shiba’s foot crushing through the floor where Takashi was laying before.

“Hmmm, so many of you just getting in my way.”

Shiba looked up to see a figure carrying Takashi on his shoulder.

Toujou Basara.

Basara saw Takashi’s peril just as he entered the chamber and he rushed to save
him. But he did not use Banyuusekiryoku. Not because he didn’t. But because he

Basara did not have the skill to control Banyuusekiryoku and he was still heavily
injured from his fight with Celis that day. If he were to use it now, he may lose
control of his power the same way Mio lost control of Wilbert’s power that day
in the park. If he lost control, he would risk involving Takashi and Cecil, and
that was something he wanted to avoid at all costs. He did not want to lose
anyone anymore because he lost control of his own powers.

So by moving at godly speeds, he was able to pick up Takashi and evade Shiba’s

“Ba… sa… ra…?”

“You’re alright now Takashi.”

One look at Takashi and Basara knew that something was wrong. His eyes were
out of focus and the blood loss was starting to affect his consciousness.

“Of course you’d show up. I was hoping to get out of here before you showed up
but I guess we can’t have everything we want in life, can we Basara?”

A red and black aura started to surround Shiba and Basara knew that that must
have been the technique that injured Takashi.
“Takashi, anything is fine, tell me what Shiba did to you.”

“ I… don’t know… I thought I… blocked it with… my spear…”

“I see…”

With that, Basara lay Takashi on the floor.

Takashi took damage even when he blocked the attack. Of course that
information alone won’t help him identify the skill used, but he could still
prepare for it.

“Celis, are you okay?”

“Yes I am…”

She did try to get up but she was still weakened. While not as serious as Takashi,
Basara could tell that she was injured as well.

But Basara knew that it was impossible to carry the two to safety while fighting
Shiba. Even carrying one of them would be hard. Shiba will strike them at any

Basara glanced around the room and realized that the seals for the 4 Gods had
been removed. This might even affect the very dimensional barrier that the
Elders use to keep the Village protected.

Basara recalled Shiba easily breaking through the barrier set up by demons.
Perhaps Shiba’s abilities were related to breaking barriers. It was for that reason
that Basara did not use his Extinction Sword during his battle with Celis. If
Shiba was to deliberately break his barrier during his fight with Celis, she would
have taken physical damage, and at worst, could have been killed. Basara was
under the impression that Shiba was trying to frame him for Celis’ murder to
gain an outraged response from the Vatican to attack Basara.

His goal probably isn’t to fight us but to get his hands on the 4 Gods. But was his

“Ugh….the… 4 Gods…”

Takashi gasped from below him.

“Shiba aims to get the…4 Gods… for what purpose… I don’t…”

“Okay, stop talking now.”

Basara looked up towards Shiba.

“I thought you were just trying to stir trouble and help out the Elders against the
Vatican so they’ll let you out of prison… but I guess your real objective was to
get your hands on the 4


“Hmmm, that’s not the only reason but sure… actually you hit the money in all
your guesses.”

“For me to do what I have to do, freedom was necessary. While I was able to
keep the Elders distracted, it wasn’t so easy to manipulate you Basara. You’re
able to analyze and act impulsively, so it was quite a hassle to manage you. But
in the end it all worked out.”

“Knowing you though, if the fight was scheduled to take place a month from
now, you probably would have come to the prison to strike a deal, or would have
come to eliminate me after perceiving me as a threat.”
“Just like how you went behind Mio Naruse and Yuki-chan’s back, to partner up
with your Demon Spy friend and to assassinate the Cardinal Sins.”

“…Where did you find out about that?”

Only a small handful of people knew about Basara killing Belphegor. Only
Takigawa was directly involved, but Basara was sure that Jin was aware of what
had happened. That would mean that Sheila and Ramusas was most likely to
know as well. Basara recalled Leohart being slightly wary of him when they met
the last time outside Wildart castle. If Leohart knew about it, Liara should have
known about it too.

Regardless, they were all individuals that Shiba had no ties with. So how could
he know?

But now was not the time to ponder such things. He had to focus on Shiba.

“But Basara, you were always alert and wary of me. So I had to make sure that
there were enough distractions to keep your mind preoccupied. For example like
the Nonoka sisters.”

“!! Don’t tell me that attack in the meeting”

And it all hit Basara at that moment. Why Shiba attacked. Why he didn’t attack
in the fastest of speeds. It was all to make sure that the Nonaka sisters would
react and fight back. Forcing them to make a tough decision.”

All of this was planned to make sure that he could achieve his objective without
being impeded by Basara.

“While your foresight is incredible to deal with problems, you have a weakness
of worrying too much about everything. All I had to do was prepare the
ingredients to make sure that you couldn’t think straight at all times.”
“So I hope that helped you Basara… I hope you’re a little smarter now.”

Basara could only grit his teeth without moving. Even while he was talking so
much, not once did Shiba give him an opening to strike.

“You did arrive here a lot faster than I thought you would, but you were too

“What do you mean?”

If Shiba’s goal was to capture the 4 Gods, he still had to get his hands on

“Wha-… no way!?”

A shout came from where Celis lay, and Basara watched in disbelief as Georgius
glowed then disappeared.

“Oh, don’t worry. I just simply cut its contract with Celis-chan and made it sign
a new contract with me.”

“Because Georgius is infused with the 4 main elements, it’s easier to attune it to
the 4 Gods.”

And with a snap of his finger, Georgius remodeled itself to a spear, similar to the
one laying beside Takashi.

“Well, with this, now I don’t have to deal with stupid uncooperative tigers.”

This was bad. Basara knew that he had to stop this man. While he did not know
what Shiba’s goals were, he knew that someone strong enough to freely shape
and change god-tier weapons should not be left unsupervised.
At that moment, Basara knew that he had to destroy any of the 4 Gods to make
sure that Shiba cannot control their combined powers.

He summoned Brynhildr then created his Extinction Blade, only to have to

dodge red lasers shooting from above him. If Basara was to switch his targets
from the 4 Gods to the red lasers, he would be able to get rid of them but would
give too many openings to Shiba.

Basara charged towards Shiba while the red lasers descended on him.

“Geez, what a hassle.”

The red lasers never hit Basara. Instead they collided with dark magic orbs that
appeared in front of them.

“You okay Basacchi?”

“Yea, thanks for that Takigawa.”

As the smoke from the collision cleared, they heard a chuckle.

“What a mess.”

Basara saw two young men floating in mid air above them. One was Shiba. The
other was the inquisitor from the Vatican, Cleo Angeles.

“No way… Takashi killed Cleo…”

Celis whimpered.

Basara’s gaze wasn’t directed to Cleo, but to the godly weapons floating behind
“I see… you used Georgius’ 4 elemental Extinction Blade powered up by the 4
Gods, to cancel out my Extinction Blade.”

“You’re right. In power alone, it’s 4 times stronger than the Georgius.”

“It’s difficult to adjust its power the first time, so we actually wanted to leave
before you got here.”

“But enough talking for today. We really have to get going.”

With that, both Shiba and Cleo prepared to make an exit.

“Wait up!”

It was Takigawa who spoke up.

“You can’t seriously be leaving here dressed like that can you?”

He was speaking, not to Shiba, but to Cleo Angeles.

“Oh, I guess you found out.”

By the time he turned around, Cleo was in his demon form.


Basara knew that face. He was the young man assisting Leohart as his right hand
man… Balflear.”

“Since I’ve been a spy for so long, my eyes help me scope out my ‘coworkers’.”

“I thought it was weird for you to just disappear during the fight between the two
factions, but I never thought you’d be here. I didn’t say anything since I believed
that you were here under orders. But to think I’d see you team up with Shiba
over there.”

“Why did you betray Leohart?”

“I did not betray him. I simply work with those that all ow me to achieve my
goals. I have known Lord Kyouichi long before I met his highness or you guys.”

Balflear did not speak anymore because they had guests.


It was Mio, Yuki and Kurumi.

“Well, it seems like time’s up. I’ll take my leave for today. There’s something I
have to do so I can’t stay here and play with you guys.”

And with that, Shiba, Cleo and the 4 Godly weapons melted into the air and

What was left behind was an empty and broken Chamber of Ceremonies and an
injured Takashi and Celis. And the reality that they couldn’t capture the maniac
that was Shiba.

Basara tightened his fist. He had to find and stop Shiba. With the power of the 4
Gods, Shiba had a power similar to the Banishing Shift. The ability to wipe away
everything. It was simply too dangerous a skill for a person like Shiba. If he
wills it, he could go around destroying whatever he wanted.

And he may just as well destroy the world itself.


To everyone who has read this book, and to those who plan to read it after this,
those who have this in their hands, thank you very much. This is Uesu Tetsuto.

So then, the first thing is definitely this topic! Presently, TV Anime “Shinmai
Maou no Testament BURST” is airing. During the first publication of this book
they should be nearing the final stage, I would think it should be nearing the last
episode. If you could please continue to watch it till the end, all of us involved
would be very happy!

And, from here I will talk a little about the content of the book. In this ninth
volume, Basara went over to the the Hero <<Village>>. This time, there’s two
types of battles, on top of the regular fight, a more political dispute is also
included. Although there had been political expectations in the Demon World
Arc with Mio too it wasn’t something that Basara and the others were really
involved in, but now with the intervention of the hero village, Basara has to
challenge a more complex political situation. Furthermore, there is new
characters of Yuki and Kurumi’s parents, the village elders, and the reappearance
of Takashi and Shiba who have appeared previously, with regards to Basara who
had been exiled from this clan, there’s all sorts of expectations and feelings
jumbled in. For Takashi who is serious from start to end of the plot progression,
in a good way, writing himself, he had become a guy with charms. It’s a must-
– So, now to express my thanks to those involved in making this book.
Nitro+Plus’ Ookuma-

san, in your busy situation, thank you for having provided too many illustrations
this time.

Miyako-sensei, who is extremely busy with the serialization of “LIGHT” in

Shonen-Ace, for doing the illustration, thank you, thank you very much. Yanagi-
sensei too, for giving Shinmai’s characters such liveliness in the extra parts,
thank you. Kiso-sensei, for giving Shinmai fans excitement with the manga,
thank you. To all the anime staff, thank you for the second season. Please keep
up the good work for the manga OVA next year. There are also other related
parties, at this time too, I have truly caused the worst of troubles, I deeply
apologize… Thanks to you all, I was able to publish this. Thank you.

– And then, to the bookstores and all those who bought this book, I express my
sincerest gratitude.

So then, I have planned the next volume number ten to be on a magnificent scale
in this Shinmai Maou history, I wish to give it to you, but that may take some

The following page is a preview for the next volume. Please look forward to it!

– Uesu Tetsuto


“Please Basara (Oni chan)… Please hold me”

Taking the four “Divine Weapons” by force, leave the village, Shiba’s plans—
That brings into the light the darkness of the heroes Breaking the balance
between human world, demon world and heavenly realms.
Basara and the rest who chased after him, had no way to find out how Shiba’s
powers had gone far above their imaginations.

In the midst of that, in order to grasp victory, Mio voiced out a resolute wish,
which would surely cross that last line they can no longer go back on —

1. “Yoroshiku onegaishimasu” *I chose please take care of me because of

context* [↑]

2. I had to research this first… Yamahiko is a Japanese spirit of sorts? And

there’s some myth regarding their name and calling out in mountains which
is where Shiba and Basara are at. [↑]

3. Uh… this whole part confused me cause I’m not familiar with Basara’s
move set, this being my first full on fight scene translation. Basically this
move literally means ‘Dimensional Cut’, but unlike Banishing Shift which is
katakana, it’s written in hiragana, and I’m also having a bit of difficulty
imagining this move happening… [↑]

4. The move name is literally ‘Universal Rejection Power’? [↑]

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