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S50 Abstracts / Personality and Individual Differences 60 (2014) S48–S78

Age differences in the level of deception detection between deficits in emotion regulation and internet abuse and
A. Fominykh emphasize the need to address these underlying vulnerabilities
Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Russia when treating internet abuse.
The study is devoted to the relationships of deception detection
and the structure of values.
Subjects were 200 students (aged 12–22) of secondary and high
The level of deception detection was investigated by narrative Altruism and Oocyte Donation: Motivational dimensions and
method. In addition, the numerical index of understanding of decisions in women donors
deception was introduced. The structure of values was assessed by the R.M. Limiñana-Gras, L. Colodro-Conde, E. De Andrés-Giménez,
variant of Schwartz’ questionary ’Justice – Care ’’ (Molchanov, 2006). L. Sarabia-Cos, M.A. Vincenti, B. Giral-Sánchez, C.M. Ruíz-Mira
Basic conclusions: Universidad de Murcia, Spain
1. Understanding of deception links with value orientations.
The choice to enter an Oocyte Donation programme is an impor-
2. Recognition of the presence or absence of fraud in the
tant decision that not only affects the life of the egg donor, but also
situation of uncertainty
to the mother receiving. Is it an act of solidarity, altruistic, com-
is associated with the type of fraud (voiced or default)
pletely selfless and without more interest than the satisfaction of
and the degree of
being helping another woman to become a mother? The aim of this
intimacy with those who are cheated.
study was to achieve a better understanding of the donors’ motiva-
3. The level of understanding of deception is related with
tions, perceptions and values to enter an Oocyte Donation pro-
age characteristics.There are qualitative changes in relation
gramme. This study included 57 women potential donors that
to fraud with age: from varied and non-uniform to more
approached a fertility clinic. Their average age is 26.28 (SD = 4.35)
unambiguously expressed.
years (range 18–34). A specifically designed questionnaire was
administered before the donation. The data were analysed descrip-
tively, using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS. This
descriptive analysis of the data showed differential results according
to demographic, personal and contextual variables.
Aggressive behavior in Lebanese University students
M.J. Sanchez-Ruiz, A. Baaklini
Lebanese American University, Lebanon
Aggressive behavior (AB) among youth is a complex phenomenon
that negatively affects individuals, families, and societies around the Analysing Differential Item Functioning in the problem video
world. This study investigates the relationship between aggressive game playing test: A pilot study comparing the Spanish and English
behavior (AB) and individual factors, namely trait Emotional Intelli- versions
gence (trait EI), traditional personality dimensions, emotion regula- O. Lopez-Fernandez, G. Guilera, J. Gómez-Benito, M.L. Honrubia-
tion and self-worth; as well as social factors, namely accepting/ Serrano
rejecting parenting styles and exposure to violence. The sample con- University of Barcelona, Spain
sisted of 252 university students in Lebanon (154 female), with an It has been undertaken a study to analyse the possible Differen-
age range of 16–30 years (M = 19.44, SD = 1.77). Results showed that tial Item Functioning (DIF) of the Problem Video game Playing
Sociability (trait EI factor: social awareness, emotion management (PVP; Tejeiro Salguero & Bersabé Morán, 2002) in Spanish and Eng-
and assertiveness), openness to experience, and exposure to violence lish adolescents. The presence of DIF in linguistic versions of a test
were significant positive predictors of AB, while Self-control (trait EI can threaten the validity of inferences based on comparisons
factor: emotion regulation, stress management and impulsiveness), between groups. We conducted a DIF analyses on both versions of
conscientiousness, emotional stability and self-worth were signifi- the PVP applying the Mantel–Haenszel and standardization proce-
cant negative predictors, controlling for age and gender. Implications dures. A total of 1996 adolescents (52.5% from Spain and 47.5% from
for future research are discussed. England) participated, from 11 to 18 years old (M = 14.14,
SD = 1.727) and gender unbalanced (male: 58.2%, female: 41.5%). It was administered a paper-pencil questionnaire from 2009 to 2010
in high schools with the previous permissions and guaranteeing
the confidentiality. Results showed that most items functioned dif-
Alexithymia and internet abuse in young adults ferentially, predominantly favouring the Spanish group. It is impor-
R.N. Taylor, R. Koerber, J.D.A. Parker, S.B. Maitland tant to detect items with DIF to improve the validity of future
University of Guelph, Canada assessments on playing video game problems.

Problematic internet use has become a growing concern in recent

years due to expanded access and dependence on the internet. This
study examined the relationship between alexithymia and internet
abuse in a sample of young adults (165 males and 650 females).
Participants completed the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) and the Assessment of ADHD based on parameters related to visual
TAS-20. The alexithymic group (n = 105) scored significantly higher detection of changes
than the non-alexithymic group (n = 532) on all of the IAT scales: I. Alves de Oliveira Bezerra, N. Torro Alves, J.A. Amador Campos,
withdrawal scale, F(1,632) = 31.21, p < .001, g2 = 0.05; time manage- J.A. Aznar Casanova
ment scale, F(1,632) = 70.75, p < .001, g2 = 0.11; reality substitute Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
scale, F(1,632) = 59.36, p < .001, g2 = 0.09; and total scale, The diagnosis of attention disorders (ADHD) is controversial
F(1,632) = 60.14, p < .001, g2 = 0.09. The results support the link and the question of what constitutes an attention deficit still
Abstracts / Personality and Individual Differences 60 (2014) S48–S78 S51

needs to be unequivocally answered. Hence, it is important to husbands and fathers). The study is supported by RFBR (project 12-
define objective indicators that could help in reaching a diagnosis. 06-00342).
Several studies have found a high relationship between some tasks
related to perception and attention with/without hyperactivity
disorders. In order to verify a relation between ADHD and binoc-
ular vision we tested 24 children (12 with ADHD and 12 Controls)
in an experiment using the paradigms of binocular rivalry and
Attachment styles and personality disorders
change detection. We recorded the alternations rate, the time at
K. Czubak
the onset of rivalry, and the exclusive predominance periods for
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland
each percept. Analysis of theses parameters (ANOVA) derived from
binocular rivalry task revealed differences between ADHD and The goal of this research is to form a statement regarding the
Control groups. In conclusion, our data provide support to the link relationship between attachment styles and personality disorders.
between ADHD and binocular rivalry, i.e., visual attention and bin- Based on the literature it is assumed that the model determines
ocular vision are narrowly linked. the development of attachment patterns in the cognitive-affective
spheres of emotion, motivation and self perception. This model is shaped in early childhood and affects the way in which closer rela-
tions in the later stages of life are formed as well as the emergence
of a variety of mental disorders. The study involved a group of 150
individuals. Based on the research, the relationship between attach-
Association genetic study within the framework of Zuckerman’s
ment styles and personality disorders was analyzed. This analysis it
psychobiological personality model
allows for the verification of how attachment style formed in early
L.F. García, A. Aluja, J. Fibla, O. García
childhood predicts the likelihood of the emergence of personality
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
disorders. The results of this research show a significant relationship
This research explores if some polymorphisms associated to Sero- between attachment styles and personality disorders.
tonin (5-HTTLPR and 5-HTTVNTR), Dopamine (DRD2), testosterone
(CAG and GGN) and two enzymes (COMT [Val158Met] and MAO-
A) may be linked to differences on Impulsive-Sensation Seeking,
Neuroticism and Extroversion factors of the Zuckerman’s personality
model. Hypothesis reproduce the concrete paths raised by Zucker-
Attracting sympathy: Individual differences as a predictor of get-
man’s Psychobiological model (Zuckerman, 2005) from differences
ting/non-getting social care
on serotonin, dopamine, testosterone, COMT and MAO-A to differ-
A. Bochaver, K. Khlomov, O. Zavodilkina, I. Donenko
ences on personality basic traits. Several phenotypic personality
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Russia
measures (ImpSS, N-Anx, and Sy from the ZKPQ, P from EPQ-R, Barr-
att’s Impulsivity Scale, and N, E, and C from the NEO-FFI) were Railroad station is a place collecting people in difficult life situa-
applied to two samples: 153 inmates and 105 controls. All males. tions who could not return home. To organize an agency of social
Results give some support to the Zuckerman’s psychobiological care for families with children in difficult life situation we investi-
model since phenotypic differences were mostly in the predicted gated attitudes towards treatment of this people within railway sta-
direction when the role of different polymorphisms was considered tion employees. 100 respondents (watchmen, porters, cashiers etc.)
conjointly. answered questions about their representation of the target group
and ways of treatment. The results obtained by content-analysis
Reference show that the key construct respondents use to differentiate target
group is attraction sympathy. Families attracting sympathy among
Zuckerman, M. (2005). Psychobiology of personality. New York: Cambridge. employees are described as sad, poor, ill, and they get voluntary help
University Press. 2nd ed. revised and updated. by accommodation, meal, money, tickets, etc.; families that awaking
fear or anger are described as imprudent, dirty, dishonest, and do not get any help. In conditions without clear regulations towards treat-
ment among employees person in difficult life situation depends on
employee’s personal evaluation of his/her individual characteristics
Assortative mating: Personality and values and decision about attracting sympathy.
O. Parshikova, Y. Chertkova, O. Alekseeva, I. Kozlova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
The purpose of the study is to analyze different aspects of assor-
tative mating. One of the goals is to compare spouse similarity for
personality (broad and narrow traits) and values. The second aim Autistic traits predict weaker visual influence in the McGurk effect
is to compare self-ratings and spouse ratings (‘‘perceived assort- Y. Ujiie, T. Asai, A. Tanaka, K. Asakawa, A. Wakabayashi
ment’’). Lastly, the study compares perception of spouse and percep- Chiba University, Japan
tion of the same-sex parent (for example, how wife perceives her The McGurk effect is a well-known illustration that demonstrates
husband and her father). The sample includes nearly 1000 married the influence of visual information to hearing in speech perception.
couples whose marriage duration varies from a few months to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) show weaker
50 years. The results support: (1) higher spouse similarity for values visual influence in the McGurk effect. This might result from abnor-
than for personality; (2) higher similarity for self-rating than for malities in the processing of facial information. In this study, we
cross-rating and (3) difference between husbands’ and wives’ examined the effect of face perception (holistic vs part-based pro-
‘‘spouse-parent’’ perception (husbands’ evaluations of their wives cessing) and the individual differences in the McGurk effect among
and mothers more similar as compared to wives’ evaluations of their 48 healthy students. The McGurk tasks were tested under 3 presen-

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