CSEC Maths July 2020 P1 Answers

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1 Cp PT C2 sequal $45 written as common Hachem, in Aty a 2p sunplest Forth, ts (Byte «) 5 » on : +h 3 » 4 BS 2. What ts the val 9 ue Of the digit 2 in the number 48.6219 the digit 2 in the Gi a wy 4 5 a 4 (By 2 6. Dan suld 4 concert Wekets in 5 days ut Lach day he sold 3 tekets MORL than the 1c) 2 previous day “The pber of tickets he sold on the third day s (Dy) 200 cars BY ; cy) 10 3. Using the distribuuive propery (i a aye IT sayy 17 refers to the following Venn diagram 49-20 Biad which shows the number of members a -20 ia 38 + hh sports club who play rugby of basketball (D) 52> 66 b Rugs Barkerboll 4 Atotal of 540 beads are shared in the rate 4:5. The LARGER share of beads 1s (Ay 60 (yy 240 e300 7. The number of members whe pla (Dy) 432 but NOT haskethsit as tay 2 hy 1s (Cy ts (Dy) an Scanned with CamScanner % The shaded region represents Ap (8) (Pups (Cy Pug ‘Dy onP Liems 9-10 refer to the following Venn diagram which shows the universal set (L). and two sets, T and C. that represent the students ina class who play tennis (7) and chess (C). “ Doug How many students play BOTH games? way 2 (By 3 we 4 im 6 10, How many students play EXACTLY ong game? tall (B) «cy (Dd) Deu formation [tem LL refers to the follow on the description of 3 sets P {prime numbers todd numbers| teven numbers} Which of the following sets is empy? (Ay POR (B) PUG (Cc) Png +B Ok 12,0 Wat) = 14, n(B) = 13, and 241n a) = then 1B) is. (Ay 2 (B) 19 44 33 (D) 29 1A dress whieh costs S180 16 ty aa discount of LHe discount is The umoutit of the (Ar SL so (B) S$ 1.00 TES isa (BD) si7000 Scanned with CamScanner 14. 16, u. Sr at @ restaurant was ad, Nertised at The S80 plus 19 total bill for this 0 tan, dunner was 'Ab $60.00 TH STOR (Cy S78 00 (Dy Sst eu The cost prive ofa reffigerstoris$) KsciN) A buyer whois given a discount of 5 cash purchase will pay for (Ar S942 50 (BY St S45 no Te 8175750 (DiS. 1350.00 The annual interest rate on a mortgage on 2 house assessed at a Value UF SASH U0 is $ cents on every SI paid on the morgage fir the first year? What os the inerest ny) 1750 aH 2 500 ci 00) (D) S117 S00 The simple interest on a sum of money "sper annum for 3 years was invested suo. The sum of money invested was (ApS Sa (Br S150) Sain iD) $1850 19, 20, At the end of any year car is worth § Jess than what i sits orth at thy hewanaing ofthe year If a eat as warth 89 S00 a December 2016, then its value an Januar 2016 was (Ay $ 9028 (Hy $9995 ston (Dy) Simons A television set casts $380 cash When Han hire purchase, 9 deparsin ot $36 fequited, followed by 12 munitily payment OF S30 cach How much i saved by pe cash? (Ar st0 (By $25 (sao +L sas A man’s revular pay 1s $3 per tous up A hours, Overtime se twice the pay for regular time Ihe was paid Stim, soe many hours af os cetin ce Ay gs 48+ ole hos mn as MW 4i = 6, (Ay ase aH, m 1D Scanned with CamScanner b (A) dba) (By ab (C) 6a-4 4D) lub Ip +g =-1 and py= Sra) 19 (B) 13 iran) 25 (Dy 35 that satisfies the 6. then p’ y inequality <6. an elastic stri 26, The distance £ that Lis stretched by hanging an object of mass » varies directly as the mass of that objec Ifa S-ky object stretches the string 31 cin how far will a 29-kg object stretch the suing? (A) 4.68 em (B) 62 cm (C) 135.72em =D 179.8 cm fs 27. Given thar =| 5 5 3 | tien 4 equals f3.9 -9) - e 0 1s} [46 ® [63 e [39-6 © le ous 20 6 (Dy bes a Hem 28 refers to the follow pls 6) 28. The determinant of Pa, Ay : ab « Wy % Scanned with CamScanner Pp ¥ 4 2, The vector p 1Or D - qs cepresenite i iN ' A. (By s 12, aa [5 i> (D) uv reters to the Fallowig diagram of POR in which £1 the mapomt a oe ee k L. b Pr a e 30, Pl expressed in terms of aand b is b) (ay th—a) ww SS a) wc PS ») om 8 W241) ME CSEE 2020 M RR, aa. ey rettes expressed it The length 1 Sti aniline! The solume of 3 cube with edge Hm ts Ay ivem a) tn ow ) ind cin, theron The distance atuund the ede af'a circular pond is 8A metres. The nadius. in metres. tAr Xa (By Ven o # +B tein 4 reters to the follow mg diary drawn ta seale, which shows 9 cst radius Jem and height § em The wolume of the evtinder + fay (By Dy OOIN TO ThE Ser Batit Scanned with CamScanner ltem 3S ter, Mem 3S refers to the foltowsmp jqnan leaves tiasne ut not drawn to seate, wh a Be festinsation al 4 0) hours eakk sh va sector teaches | 7 tle wath venire O the tullowiny day 40 the i tn Its Jwvurs did the sourney ta P 35. Ifthe Length of the minor are Qt 8 em. what ts the circumference of the encle? OXY loom em ss em (Dp) otem Scanned with CamScanner 9. Hem 38 refer not dra 1 the follow WH t0 scale. which ot set De Which cor 15 4.om, what figure” 9. 40. lems 39240 refer to the following histogram which shows the number of children aged 4. $. 6, 7 and 8 who took part ina survey Number of ehildren ar Age in sears What Was the modal age” is Be Te 7 res How many children took partin the sure Scanned with CamScanner ——— zz 42. -10- Ms Cathe ap TaN EE the her stutents enna eS 43. NE Sth score fan EE Mee and selected oF the te SIMD purposes Which *sttcal Measures did Ms tA) Mean {Hy Mtge (Cy Range ABE Median The pie chart below, drawn te seate, shows hhow ct student used 12 hours in studying Poshsty (2), Mathematies LMA, French) and Geography 4G) 44. The amount of time spent studying Mathematics is APPROXIMATELY (XT hour (| Thours oF hours (D) Ahours woo4 (B10 wy 12 we te tem 44 re followrng which shows t , persons. trom 2 m R- Respandents Attitude Towards Ethnicity Mathematics P Total A respo ‘ ts the probability that he has = powiteve attituds towards Mathers (Ar 020 BL 037 wr 043 1D) 060 Scanned with CamScanner 48 Which ot the Mustratey a tungygyys S MaEOM HES fens ta the tallowins graph straight he y © i wy o ° ' ° 1 Hy Oo \— | mo 4 46 The straight line A cuts the pans at cr Ar.) my 10.2) «Wy oe TH o Wem 47 refers to the followin ey Pte straight tine 0 ’ raph ot a 47. HPN EMEC SEE 2020. Scanned with CamScanner 49. 50, Ward 20 el Sh. 332 abe oy «17 wD) 38 4 i eae ft +4 The values of cat the points where the eurve ye de —e amberseets the Tine » = Ore Scan v= Oand =F SB iB) eT Dandy = 2 (Cyc ands (Dy co ands 4 “The masimum point of y= C= 8 wm a «By 10,4) . wr 42) Di (2.4) every I shite (a paiked: to the following diagram which sh ows a ansfonnation that maps \OP¢ "2 imo sory: g " 4 , i |. ; 1 1 I Ht gle] 1d. < 56. The type of trensfonnation tat has taken place is a FA) rotation af 90" about the o rotation of -98° about the engin )cellestwon in the I : 1D) reflection én the ongin Scanned with CamScanner refers to the following diagram of shes tem 87 reters to 7 ae to the following h shows 2 wansformation , B6s,7) BS KL ALS) ee " 4 is mapped onto 4°B" is represented by ary | © 3 s Dr Inthe disgram, the wanstation by which 48 gg. 2 diagram [tem §8 refers to the followin) whigh shows a wanstormatron O24. OBB and OCC are straight lines AABC is mapped onto A180 b tA) = 6) a Ts Scanned with CamScanner Mem $9 reters ty the Mmilar triangles # pai ot titer tito é 0 SY J A oom a M oven 59. The length of 410, in centimetres» 50,, The-dhapmm abvive, aridrawa ta scale shorwa thoonbp: anglesit dépeeeene of a (Ay o25 Pont frm 2480 HA TO me (By 30 fram X the height of 17, a metres. « +e 35 (Dy 70 — VO tan io iy 100i 40 wy WOeus wy Mheos ty Scanned with CamScanner

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