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Sulphur and oxygen are in the. the periodic table because (A) they cin react with each other @B), they cén formcovalentcompounds @ they Bave the same aunbor af eleciroas in their cuter shell ©) the atoinic number of sulphuris 16 and tbe relative atomic mass of oxygeriis 16 Which of the following statements is trae about the particles in a gas? (A). They gotlargerwhien heated, I Theycanmovein any direction, (Q _ Theyareverycloselypacked together. @) ° They have strong forces bétween them: and ¥ areisotdpes. Which of the following ‘would be true’ er the atoms Hand ¥? L They have the same number of electrons, TL They have the same number of Protons. Ul. They have different numbers of entrois. (4), only », “f8) , \LandTfoaly (© Wand Iifonly Lend it ei + Tie mass number of an clement is the numberof (A) neutrons in enatom ofthe element G) protons andelectrons in en atomof tife element (h reatrons andprotonsinen atom of the eleraent ©) protoné,ncutronsandelectronsinan atom of the element 37 CL G CAS en Sune 2010 fe "An isotope of lead can berepresente33 following symbol Pb. From thissymboljit can be deduced that one atom of the isotape has é (A), @2neutrons @F + 82protons (cy 12S protons ©) 207protons Whetmass of oxygen gescontains the same number ofmolesas 56 g of eulpiuur? Qelative atomicmass: §=32,0= 16) 0.56 g * 56g 56g 560g or “@) 2 g of magnesium are reacted with excess Uflute acid according to theequation Ma(s) + 2E'(aq) > Meg{aq) +34,(6) (Reletive atomic mass of Mg = 24, molar Yohune atroom temperature and pressure = 24 dn) ‘The volume of hydrogen, measured atroom temperature and pressure, that is producedis ~~ 1000'em ®), 1500cm 2.000 cm? ©) 240000m \ The values of x andy in the equation XKOH+3 By yKBr+KBrO, +3 5,0 are 14. ‘The mass concentration of a potassivin > “i ‘chloride sohition ts 6Ogdm™. “Whetis the mass of potassium chloride in 2S cm? of this solution? (A) 0.00152 B) 01S g CO ise @) 15g methane molecule is ar 4 i ® 6 © 8B ©) 10 Items 11-13 refer to the information in the table. below. ‘Melting-/ Solubility | Conducts in ‘Conducts in Point | “is Waiter Solution || (4)| High | insoluble Yes ‘Not Applicable | ®)| High [Soluble No Yee (©) Bich | tosolube. No ‘Not Applicable (D)| Low. | insoluble No - NotApplicable | Match each item below with ONE of the options, A,B, C,D above, Bach option may be used more than once, once ornot tall, 11. ‘Simple molecular structure TP 12, Ionit structure B 13, ~ Metallic structure Graphite can be used as4 lubricant because of e (A) strong attraction among the hhexegonallayersof arbonatoms (®S —_werkattactionamongthehexzgonal layers of earbonatoms (©) thelooseelectrons which canmove. throughoutthelattice ©) strongetiractnwithinthehexagonal layers of carbonatoms 45. , Which of the following substances is a \ suspension? CG) Milk (B), Gasoline (Cf Chalkinwaier ©) Sugarinwater GN ow Td TeRMRVT DAE 38 The. mumber-of shared electron-pairs-inx——~ il sulphate-S-weter begin 42 Sem Bese solubility ofeazpes( satiate Se deccessing decreases increasing temperature incresses with decreasing ‘temperature increases with increasing ‘temperature ‘easily ionized? c D _ Which of the following is NOT true ofthe 20. “ ) or ©) 39 In the portion of the periodic table indicated below, which ofthe elements, ‘A,B, C and D, is MOST 1 mw Vv ow vi Vit AsolutionhasapH of 1. This solution woul © group of elemeitsknownas the halogens? beexpectedto (A); | Theyséeallnonmetals. _ () — neutraliseasolution of pH¢ (@X_| They formnegativeions by the loss (@) —zeact with zinc metal to produce = ofelecttons frou eiraioms. + solutionof pHi 0~ « 4 ‘The boiling point of the elements react with zine metal to produce increases es theiratomicnumbers hydrogen increaie. ©) react with hydrochloric acid t= ". ‘The oxidizing power ofthe elements producea saltand water docrgasesastheiratoniionumbérs increase. a 21, — Bthanoicacid is a weak acid because it isacarboxylicacid does notinritate the skin isnotcompletely ionized in water produces one hydrogen ion pec molecale 22.“ Asubstance P, has the following properties. 23) 24 25, oO 1, Teis insoluble in water. I. Agasis evolved when Ris added to dilute acids. UL P gives off a gas when heated, P is MOST likely (A) inc oxide (B) calcium hydroxide (©) potassium carbonate I copperci) carbonate A specific base reacts with a salt to produce ages which tons dampred litmuspeperbhie. Which of the following iouis'doss the salt contain? ed Carbonate: es Nitrate(v) ©) Sulphatecvy Which of the following salts can be prepared by mixing tivo sohitions and then filtering? ‘L ‘Barfumsulphate TL. *Celoimmnitrate OL, . “Silverchloride “TV .Ammonitim carbonate 4 Tand IT only 5 Tend Utonly =. © | WandIV only Tl and LY only A solution, when treated with thé gaseulphur dioxide, becomes green. Which of the followingdees ie solution contain? (A) Potassiumaitrate (B), Potassium sulphate @) Potassium dichromate(VF) (©) Potzasiummangenate(VI) a1. 28. 26 In-whioh-of the following reaction sulphur dioxide acting as an oxidising agent? (A) 280,(z) + 0,(g)-» 280,(2) ®) — 80,()+2HINO,(aq)-+1,80 (aq) +2NO,(g) (©) 80,@)+H,0(1) > 4,$0,(a9) . or 80,(g) +.2H,S(g) > 2H,0(1) + 3566) Which of the following paizs of reactions would you expectt take place? 1 Zn(6)+Mg*(eq) + Mg(s)+2n™(aq) TL 2a(6)+Cut*(aq)—+Cufs) +n" (2g) UL Me(s) + Gu*%aq) + Cus) + Ma*(aq) « IV. Cu(o) + Mg?{ag) + Mg(s) + Cu(aq) (A). land Monly ey Tend! only TandlV oxily ® MlandIV oaly ‘Which ofthe following statementsaretrue? “ L Metals conduct electricity by the movemertofelectrons. JL Bleofpolytes conduct electricity by ‘ the movement of positive and nogetiveions, TIL Blectrolytes condust electiity by themovernentofelectrons. @S landTonly @) — IendIlfonly (C) Wand Woaly ©) [Dandi GOON TA THR NEYT PARP mis ___-—29._.... During the electrolysis ofequeous coppé=) ‘Temperature 30. 31. sulphate solt;ion using inert electrodes, fhe. ions migratingto thecathodeate (A) Cv" (aq) end (aq) S07” @) HY (eq) and OH (aq) ©, 80,* (aq) and OH" (zq) @F Cu (aq) and HY (eq) Item30refersto the following graphwhich 33. shows the changes in texmperature jth time, forasubstance heated untilno fiartherphysical change takes place. Time Atwhich portion of the curve, I, I, Hf and * TV, is the substance liquid only? BAY 5 set @®, x oe a Which of the following is NOT achieved by + ohne Faraday of electricity? Deposi: of one mole of any element daring clectrolysis Deposit of 12 ¢ of magnesium during electrolysisC (©) Migration of Avogadro's number of elgctzons (D) Passage of electricity equivalent to 96 500 34. a “= 32 —- What quantity’ of electricity passes through the electrolyte when a current af 100 A flows for 10 minutes? @ 100 2 @) 600 C (©) wo0c 60 000. c A piece of metal is reacted with an acid to produce hydrogen 4s, Which of the following procedures should be employed in ordérto increate the rate of the reaction? L Increasing the temperature at which thereaction iscarried out TE Subdividing tie lnmpofimetal I Reducing the concentration of the acid (3° Tend Ionly (B) TandTIlonly (© Wend only @) iW endm Rem_34 refers to the graph below which shows the rate of reaction for differeiit particle sizes of the same mass of magnesium, reacting with dilute acid. Yoluese of H, (em Time ‘Which line on the graph, I, 11, IIT or TV, would BEST represent the reaction with powdered ‘magnesiuin? os 1 @) a © sete ; Q® Ww Which of the follo 36 37, 38. endothermicreaction?. (A) Heatisgivenup tothe suroundings @ Heat is absorbed from the suroundings, © + Theprodiscts have less energy than the reactants, () — Theproducts have the same energy as the reactants, When crystals of potassium nitrate are dissolved in water, the temperature of the solution decréases because. (A) energy isrequiredto breakdownthe orystal structure ofthe potassium nitrate (B) —heat'is always absorbed when a substance dissolves (©) the energy content of dissolved potassium nitrate is lower than that of solid potassium nitrate @F the energy content of dissolved potassium nitrate is higher than thatofsolid potassium nitrate ‘The members of a homologous series have (A). "different chemical properties @);, "the same physical propaitties (Ff - ‘the sams funstional group @) different general formulae _ Whichbf the following compounds is NOT axmember of the alkene series? ® on, ef cw,- O cM, ©) cays” 39. 40, 4. (A) CH, ®) CH, (©) CH,(CH,), Coon CH, (CH,), OH Match each item below with ONE of the Options above, each of which may be used ‘more than once,.once or not at. all. Analeobo) An alkene 1B Isomerismisapropeity showmby compounds postessing (A) the same structures but different moléculz: formulae @) different structures and different empirical fomaulae (CQ the same structures but different exopizical formulae 7 etierent structures but the same molecule formulae GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 44, Which of the following stot Which of the following statements.are, cue | _-—_—— an-unsaturated hydrocarhon?.. for the fermentation af cazbabydrates to produce ethanol? # er ‘ | \ eal .L The enzymes ase obtained from‘, “A c=c—c—ca Yeast. a” | TL. —Thereaotion mixtre is kept at 50°C. i H TL Carbon didxide isa by-product of the , reaction, a TV. Ethanol isobtained from the mixture a i a | bytitestion i or pitas fey lena daly # vere @) — IandIVonly \ (© Wandltonly s eee a = @) Mand IV only 5 oO si eas eras = © BH—-C—C ‘ [eae 48. Whichof the following compounds produces H Ez aminoacids, when hydrolysed? (A) Fat HH B @)_ Starch Meee Protein @) (ea Le ©) Polyemins = a. Bie 49, Sodium chloride solution is used in the Iaboratory preparstion of soap to oRa5. ' Whenethanoicacid andethanolzeactto form éthyl-ethanoate, the catelystusedis (A) increase fie solubility ofthe soap (B) make the soap more biodegradable (SF Gilutesulphiuricacid (©) make the soap produce more lather (8) Giluiphydrochloricacid in hard water we, QQ ” concentratédtnydrochloricacia @Y” separate the glycerol formed for ‘Aust @) _ conctatratcd pulptiiviciicid™ © * ~ i tho-soag "+ - 46. * When hydrocarbons with 5 to 12 carbon stome are cracked, which of the following «cain be obtained? «.. 1. Bthene TL -Propene : 7 Ti Methane TV. Petroleum (A) Land Ionly (B), Land IV only 1, Mand Monly a @) 0, Mand IV only GO ON ‘20 THENEXT PAGE 44 Which ofthe followin; polymers ére tus? iE Polymers are long-chain =dlecules made by joining together a large saumber of rionomer units, a8 Cobdensation polymers. are generally thade up from one type of 1. Adiition polymerization involves the breaking ofa C=C double bond ‘fn themonomer, (A). Tasdtonly" "| @ Tard only (©) Wendt only ©) Lvadm Which of the following compounds are naturally occurring? te Terylene Nylon am Fats Iv. Proteins A) IencTonfy * @) and Ionly ©, Wanditéniy IandIVonly 8 statements aboit= “52, Which of the following can decolourize Potassium manganate(VII7 x x esa orice H 5 He inet @ eer HOW Hee aor peers hast |e @ “u—c—c_¢_y tif fo ©) H-—c—cHg ee eae H 48 ene Item 53 refers to the following structures, mm 1. 53, -.Which structures represent branched alkanes? a Tang only Tend IV only (©) Wand IV only (@) 1 Wand Il only 55, Which of the following are pr: —mete! - = 1. High melting point I — Good oxidizing agent TL ‘Good cendoctor of electricity TV, Lowdersity (wy Land only (B) Wand IV only (©) 1, Wand It only ©) |. Wane 1V only ‘Which of the following can be extracted by shemical reduction? (A) 7K @B) Ca (Gy Me Fe GO ON TO THENEXT PAGE, py : ————-56. Which of thé following Haber Process? Catalyst ‘Temperature Pressure aD (A) Vanadium(V) oxide 500°C 200 atm @), Vanadinm(V) oxide 500°C 50 atm CF iron 450°C 200 atm ©) ton - 200°C 1000 ata, ‘57. ‘Whattype of reaction occurs when zinc metal 59. ‘is adcied to copper sulphate solution?” ~ Steel is often used in place of iron because it (A) is cheaper (A) Combustion (By is stronger Displacement (©) bas alowermelting point (C)_ Neutralisation (D) is more susceptible to corrosion ©) Decomposition 50, Nitrogen must be ‘fixe! in onder to be used 58. Which of the following aqueous solutions will byplauisand animals, Fixing nitrogen means produce a blue precipitate with aqueous sodium hydroxide? (23 recycling itin nature ) absorbing itrom the soil (A) Calofumnitrate (© consuming nitrogen in food ®) — kronnitrate toes P) combining it with oxygen or (Q, Aluminiumnitrate Hattie: ‘hydrogen Coppex(I) nitrate AE'YOU FINISH BEFORE ‘CIME 1S CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 47 - SUA 2S ee Which of thé following phrases illustiates 5. diffusion? a : (A) Perfume scent throughout the sir in aroom (B®), Therandom motion of pollen dust in water ee (C)’ The swelling of red beans when soaked in water t (Dy The loss of heat from a hot body to acold body Itedhs 24 refer to the following table. | Number of | Number of [ Number of ¢ article 4 : Protons _|' Electrons | Neutrois v 8 8 at Ww 16 16 16 x 8 8 9 ¥ 16 18 16 ims The particle X is an atom of (A) chlorine @) nitrogen (C) oxygen : (D) sulphur e i 8. Which of the following particles represents an anion? . A.V @ w- We, Q x @ '¥ Which of the following pairs are isotopes? (A) Vand w @) Wandy (C) Xandv @) = Yandx 10/F 2011 9 Sieh aaa ar ao) Which of the following ions requires fae 4"? LARGEST dumber of moles of electroms to liberate one mole of it? (art ® ct © ca Oy OF Items 6 -7refer to the following information. ‘The atomic number of Blement Z is 13. In which group of the’periodic table should Blement Z be placed? A 2 @) 3 . 4 5 (Dyas: i The oxidation state of an ion of Element Z, “would MOST probably be A +s @ 3 © # @) 45 Which of the following mixtures can be referred to as a standard solution? (A) Iodine in 50 om of ethanol (®) _Sodiiim chloride in 50 cm? of water (C) 30 gof sodium chloride in water (D) 30 g of iodine in 50 cm? of ethanol GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 35 ‘When solid lead nitrate is heated, : + balanced equation for this reaction is (B) PD(NO,),(s) + PbO(s) + NO,(g) + O,(2) (©) PbINO,),(s) + PbO(s) + 2NO,(6) + 0,8) @) —_ 2PHENO,),(s) + 2PbO(S) + 2NO,(g) + 0,68) (A) 2Pb(NO,),(6) + 2PLOL) + 4NO,(@) + 0,(@) decomposes giving off nitrogen (IV) oxide and oxygen. ‘The A Which of the following compounds has the °13. GREATEST percentage by mass of carbon presentin one mole? (M,=relativemolecular - mass; relative atomic mass: H= 1; C= 12; Z 0=169, Si 10. @ @) () @) CHO, (M, = 60) CHO (M, = 60) C3H,0 (4, = 49) CH,,0, (M,= 180) 14. 11. , Ametallic bond is formed when + (A) cations are held together by a sea of mobile electrons (B) positive metal ions are held together by a see of anions 16. (©) anions ereheld together by negative electrons (P) metal atoms are held together by molecular forces 12, An exainple of a substance with a macro- molecular structure is i (A) starch (B) solid iodine (©) copper sheet (D) —ethylethanoate 01212010/F 2011 20\' Which of the following # the CORRECT formula for emmonium’ carbonate? (@)-NBCO,. (@®) NH{CO,), | © WEH),COo,) | . ®) WH),(CO)), Graphite is used as an electrode because it (A) does not bum (B)+ has mobile electrons (©) ise metal () — isareducing egent ‘Which of the following statements about covalent compounds are TRUE? 1. They are mainly solids. I They usually have low melting and boiling points. I, They ere usually insolublo in water. TV, They contain only fons. + (A) Tand If only (B) Land IV only (©) Mand Hl only (D) and IV only GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 16. v7. ---—distilled water in a container. - The“ gas—~ A piece of calcium was added to some 19. produced would be expected to (A) relight a glowing splint @). _ givea ‘pop’ with a lighted splint (©), decolourize acidified aqueous potassium manganate (VII) @) tum acidified aqueous potassium dichromate green 20. A spparating funnel can be used to separate a mixture of (A) kerosene and water (B) kerosene and ethanol Fi (©) solid sodium chloride and water @) solid sodium chloride and kerosene One way in which hydrogen resembles the Group 7 elements is that hydrogen 21. (A) is acolourless gaé like the halogens ) is one electron short of a rare gas ei structure (©) donates its one electron very easily and fornis an H* joi @) has its atoms held together by electrovalent bonds Waal in the range 5.0 aout The pH of fiesh sugar cane juice which is_ .5 can be chang ed to 75 - 8.0 for more efficient processing by adding : (A) acetic (ethanoic) acid, CH,CO, Ht ®) _ limestone, CacO, (©) slaked lime, Ca(Orn, ©) sodium chloride, NaCl Sulpliuric ucid is a stronger acid than ethanoie acid (acetic acid) in aqueous solution because sulphuric acid -* (A) _ ismore corrosive than ethanoic acid (©) is obtainable in bigh concentrations (C) causes sugarto cbar whereas ethanoie acid does not @) — ionises to a greater extent than ethanoic acid .Which of the following is NOT a normal salt?" @) Ko, @) KNo, (©) —_Na,Co, @) —_ Nexico, 5 ‘The ionic equation for the reaction between an acid and a carbonate may be represonted as (A) “Mag) + COR(a9) +» HCO,” (0g) (8) © 2i9%(—9) +0009) > H,CO,(aq) (C) 2H%(aq) + CO,™(aq) + CO;(g) + H,00) @) Haq) + CO;*(aq) > CO,(g) + H,0() 2010/F 2011 ae GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ese Items 23 24 refer to he compounds in the ~27. ———- following equation: NO,(g) + SO,(g) + NO(g) + $O,(e) - Which of the compounds is reduced? (A) No, @®) so, .@ No Lp) 80, ‘Which of the compounds is the oxidising - agent? NO, ®) 80, ©) NO . S a 28, Acidified potessium mangenate (VII) is usually used 28 (A) areducing agent (8) an oxidising agent (C) both en oxidising and a reducing agent (D) —adehydrating egent 29. Which of the following occurs to a metal atom when it becomes an ion? (A) Gains electrons and is oxidised, (B) Gains electrons and is reduced, (C) Loses electrons and is oxidised. (D) Loses eleotrons and is reduced, O1212010/F 2011 201) Tnwhich of the following does hydrugen have ~a iegative-oxidation number? —§. aa CA RRICER, Spat ® #9, © Ne ©) Nat ‘Item 28 refers to the following apparatu: whigh is used to meagure the relative conductivity of various substances. 6¥ de. Supply eee Graphite. * | H-Graphite rod 5 EL riguid under investigntion If solutions containing one mole of solute per di? of aqueous solution are investigated, which solution should cause the bulb to glow BRIGHTEST? (A) Ammonia (B) —_Bthanoic acid (C) Sulphuric roid () Water Which of the following will NOT conduct electricity? (A) ‘Solid calcium @) Solid calcium chloride (©) Molten calcium chloride (D) A solution of calcium chloride in water GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE A current of 5 amperes was passed for 153 Seconds through a solution oF copper (7) sulphate using copper electrodes, The nase of copper that would be gained at tho (A) anode is 0.005 g (B), cathode is 0.005 g : (Q) anode is 0.320 g ©) cathode is 0.320 g Relative atom mass of Cu = 64; Faraday canstant = 96 500 coulombs par mole) Which of the following eleniénts does NOT react with H (aq) ions to give hydrogen gas? (A) Copper @) tron (C) Lead ®) Zine Which of the following statements BRST characterises a catalyst? (A) Tealters the quantity of the products formed. @) Itis alway’ unchanged chemically at the end ofa retotion. (©) tis always unchanged physically at ; the end of a reaction, (D) Its abvays used up in» chemical Teaction, ‘ Which éf the following statements would be TRUE of exéthermic reactions? 1. Heat energy is absorbed from the surroundings. IL Heat energy is given out to the surroundings, UL The products possess less energy than the reactants, (A) Tonly (8) Monly (©) Tand 11 only (0). Mand tt only 4, nn an 34, 35, 36. 37. 38. 53 The: Teaction ocourring at the cathode, duxing ihe electrolysis of copper sulphate tsing ine electrodes is given by the equation (A) @) Cr +2e 4c © 2H +2¢—H, ©) 40840" 297.0 +0, Which of the following substances conducts a spcttic cnirent but remaine chemically unchanged? () Aqueous copper (11) sulphate () Copper (©) Sulphur ©) Sodium chloride Items 36 - 3g ‘Tefer tothe following information. Acompound when treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid gives offa greenish yellegs 828 which bleaches moist ed litmus paper, The compound is MOST likely to be (A) copper (H) sulphate (8). non (MM) oxide (©) manganese () oxide ©) potassium manganate (11) The concentrated hydrochloric aoid is acting as (A) anacid (B) — acatalyst (QC) areducing agent @) snoxidising agent The gas given offis (A) chlorine (B) hydrogen sulphide (C) nitrogen dioxide ©) sulphur dioxide SO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 39. -—properties-would BEST confirm this? 40. 41, 42, oe Avrecently discovered clement is thought to 43, beametal. Which of the following physical~ (A) Density (B) Hardness (©) Melting point ©) Electrical conductivity Items 40-41 referto the following compounds. (A) co @) CaO © HS ©) 80, eee Items 40-41 require a particular choice fom the compounds above. The choice may be used more than once, once or not at all. Which compound ee is one of the MAIN substances responsible for the formation of acid rain? may be used to counteract the effects of acid rain on the soil? 45, Item 42 refers to the following types of chemical reactions which occur in the carbon cycle. 1, Decomposition . Combustion Ti, Synthesis Which of these reactions would be responsible for returning carbon dioxide to 4 the atmosphere? (A) Tonly (B) Monly (C) Land Monly (D) 1, Dandm 01212010/F 2011 54 201 Over time, dluminiuim articles do ¢ Gcteriorate in airas do iron articles. Whi é the foltowing statements gives the CORREC— reason? (A) Aluininium is higher up in th activity series than iron, there °in it is more resistant to coro ot than iron. Afuninium is lower than iron ir “hy sotivity series, therefore it ret less readily with air than iron, Both metals. form hydroxide e~at: but the aluminiuin hydro: de + prevents fyither' reaction while the jron hydroxide does not, Both metals form oxide coats ul aluminium oxide provents furtner reaction while the iron oxide docs not ®) © @) ‘Which of the followirig elements is MCT electropositive? A) Aluniniom (B) Copper (©) Magnesium ©) Zine Ammonia may be produced inthe laboratt_y by heating a mixture of ammonium chlor. = and (A) copper (B) —caloium hydroxide (©) ammontum sulphate (©) calelum chloride Which of the following substunces is t catalyst used in the manufacture of culphurie acid by the contact process? (A) tron (B) Nickel (C) Aluminium oxide (D) Vanadium pentoxide i t GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, molecule has insufficient hydrogen atoms Yriohotth following would be cheaserito ‘fahomologous series? “* — All members possess the’ same gensral molecular formula. E. Bach member differs from the next by e common group, HL All members have similar chemical properties. IV. The physical properties of members change gradually as the relative molecular mass changes. J@) Tonly @) ‘IendIVonly (©) Wand monly ©) 10, Mandiv ‘Which of the following pairs of structural formulae are isdmers of C,H,,? 1 H€-CH,-CH,-CH, T., ‘H,C- CH - CH, eI i. H,C-CH,- CH, iV. H,C-CH,-CH, I cH, (A) Tand only @) and If only (©) Mand IV only @) Mand IV only 51, 52, 53, 54, @) xesokbke nwater @) benwithe bine flame (© contain the —COOR group @) have pleasent odour Items 51-53 refer to the following organic compounds. (A) Bthegol @) Ethene (©) Bthanoic acid “©) Ethyl ethenoate In answering Items 51 - 53 a particular choice from the above may be made more than once, once, or not at all. Which of the organic compounds "undergoes addition reactions? is immiscible with water and is sweet smelling? is dehydrated by concentrated sulphuric acid to produce @ gas which decolourises bromine? Which of the following is used in the breathalyser test to detect the presence of alcohol? (A) Lime water (B) Lighter splint (©) Bromine water (D) Potassium dichromate GO ON TO THT NEXT PAQH 85 } 56, 5s 58. Item 55 refers to the reaction represented by the equation below. . . . RCOQOH(2q) + NaOH(aq) — RCOONafaq)-+ H,0(1) ‘Which of the following processes CORRECTLY describes the reaction above? _ (A). Decomposition “@) Neutralization (©) Precipitation 2 @) — Reduction |] The MAJOR natural source of alkanes and alkenes is (A) petroleum @) ~ natural gas (©) the earth's crust (D) the atmosphere ‘The process by which large molecules of hydrocarbons are broken up into smaller ‘molecules is called (A) condensation ) cracking (©) "polymerization ©) saponification The reaction of fats with concentrated aqueous sodium hydroxide is commonly referréd to as (A) condensation (B) esterification (©) neutralization ) saponification Which of the following linkages:s found in an amide? . ® on Teale ve ® og: Wek F —con— - © o - Teal oe I al eo eeNe Which of the following types’ of polymer may be derived fiom compounds like the one below? i H—C— COOH. | NH, (A) Polyamide (B) —Polyalkene : (©) Polyestor ©) Polysaccharide F YOU PINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECiK YOUR WORK ON THIS Tis. 912120 L0/F 2011 FORM TP 2012056 = Test cope 01212010 : = MAY/JUNB 2012 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION CHEMISTRY Paper 01 ~ General Proficiency 73 minutes 05 JUNE 2012 (p.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 75 minutes to answer them, 2, In addition to this test booklet, you should have an anewer sheet 3. Bach item in this test has four suggested answers letteréd (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you aré about fo answer and decide which choice is best, : Oa your answer sheet, find the number which orresponds to your item and shade the space ‘baying the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sasnple item bélow. Sample Item ‘The ST unit of length is the Sample Answer (A) mette 8®© (B) newton (© setond (D) kilogram The best answer to this item is “rnetre”, so answer space (A) has been shaded, 5. Ifyou want to chanige your answer, erase it completely’ beforé du fill in your new choice, 6," When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as youcan. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. ‘You may retum to this item later. Your score ‘will be the total number of correct answers. eS 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 9. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to enswer items, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO so, Copyright © 2010 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. . Be gy 2 ra Which of the following features is TRUE for the particles in a gas? (A) Larger when heated (8) Further apart when heated (C) Very closely packed together () Strong forces between them Hem 2 refers to the following experiment, ‘Funnel Si rate — Mixture of and calcium sulphate A mixture of ammonium chloride and calcium sulphate is heated, in the apperatus shown above, until no further change takes place. The sublimate would MOST. probably be (A) ammonium chloride @) calcium sulphate (©) caloum sulphate and ammonium chloride ©) éalciuin chloridé end ammonium sulphate The atomic structures of X and ¥ are 2, 8, 5 and 2, 8, 6 respectively. Which of the following pairs of properties represents X and ¥? x a A Metal ofi-metal ®) Metal metal (©) -Non-meral metel non-metal ©) Non-metal 4. 6, ‘The mess number of an element is the number of (A) neutrons in an atom of the element (B) protons and electrons in an atom of the element (©) neutrons and protons in an atom of ~ "the element @) protons, neutrons and electrons in ‘en atom of the element In the diagram below, X represents the symbol of a positive ion. 40 a 20 Which of the following represents the number of neutrons and electrons in X? Number of Number of Neutrons “Electrons “@ 20 20 @) 20 18 © 60 18 ©) 60 20 ‘The arrangementofelementsin the Periodic Table is based on (A) etomic number ®) mass number, (© relative atomic mass (D) relative molecular mass —~+ The mass. concentration of @ potassium chloride solution is 60 gdm, What is the mass of potassium chloride in 25 cm? of this solution? (A) 0.0015 g ®) 015g Om eion: ®) 1505 8. 10. The quantity, ‘1 mole of atoms of an element’, refers (A) 1 atom of the clement (B) the element which contains 6.0 x 10? atoms (©) the element which occupies 24.0 dm? at STP (P) the element which combines completely with to the mass of 12 g of carbon -12 Which ofthe following equations correctly represents the thermal decomposition of lead(II) nitrate? A) 2PbqVO,)() + 2 Pe@vo,), © +20,g) @) — 2Pb(NO,) (9) — 2P00,(s) + 4NO,(@) (©) 2P(NO,)(8) + 2PLOG) + 4NO,(g) +0,(g) @) — 2PINO,),(s) > 2Pd(6) + 4NO,(g) + 20,(g) Which of the following compounds has the GREATEST percentage by mass of carbon present in one mole? (M, =relative Molecular mass; relative atomic mass: iW. H=1;C=12;0™16) (A) C,H,0, 0M, = 60) @) CdH,,0, 0M, = 180) © CHO MM, =46) © #0 M@,=60) 12. 13. 459, Items 11-12 refer to Compound X, which melts at 18 °C aind boils at 55 °C, Which of the following statements is true about the intermolecular forces of attraction in Compound X? (A) "They are strong: @) ‘They increase above 18°C. (C) They decrease above 18°C. @) They inoréase above 55°C, Compound X is MOST likely to be )- agiani molecule “B) aliquid metal (©) a simple molecule ©) anionic compound Which of the following élements can exist in more than one form in the SAME state? Carbon ®) ton (© Iodine ©) Neon 14. 16. 17 Graphite can be used as a lubricant because of the (A) loose electrons which can move throughout the lattice (B) weak attraction among the hexagonal layers of carbon atoms (©) strong attraction among the hexagonal layers of carbon atoms (P) strong attraction within the hexagonal layers of carbon atoms Sublimation can be used in separating (A) suspended solids from a liquid (B) —_apair of liquids that do not mix (C) components of a liquid with similar boiling points (P) a solid with weak interparticle forces from one with strong forces Which of the following stibstances would be expected to show the LEAST solubility in water? (A) Ammonia (8) Ethanol Ss (©) Iodine (©) Lithium chloride Silicon (Si) is in the same group of the Periodie Table as carbon. The compound formed between silicon and hydrogen is likely to have the formula (A) SiH, @) SiH, © siB, ©) SiH, ‘a 18. 19. 20. a. Dove Barium (Ba) is an element in Group Il of the Periodic Table. Itreacts with cold water to give hydrogen and another substance of formula (A) Bad (®) Ba, (© BaOH ©) Bao), Which of the following is NOT true of the group of elements known as the halogens? @ They are all non-metals, (B). They form negative ions by the loss of electrons from their atoms. (©) The boiling point of the elements increases as their atomic numbers increase. (0). The oxidizing power of the elements decreases as their atomic numbers increase. ‘Item 20 refers to one mole of EACH of the following acids, L -HS0, i CH,COOH Hl. - . (COOH), Which of the: above.acids require more than one mole of NaOH(aq) for complete neutralization? (A) Tonly @) -land Wooly (©) Wand tl only ©) 1 Mandi Which of the following terms BEST describes strong acids? @) "Concentrated (B) _ Pattially ionized (©) _ Ionized to a large extent (D), Concentrated and partially ionized 22, 23, 24, 25, Bis Acsolution, when treated with the gas sulphur dioxide, becomes green. The solution contains potassium (A) nitrate @) sulphate © — dickromatecviy ©) manganate(vip Which of the following observations would be expected when aqueous sadiyin hydroxide is. added to en ammoniunrsalt andthe mixture is warmed? (A) Alkaline gas produced (8) White precipitate soluble in excess (Q)” White, precipitate insoluble in excess ®) Green precipitate insoluble in excess Which of the following pairs of substances ‘Would be MOST suitable for the preparation of copper sulphate crystals? A) Copper and.dilute sulphuric acid: (B) Copper and concentrated sulphuric acid (©). Copper nitrate and dilute sulphuric acid (D) Copper oxide and dilute sulphuric acid ‘When chlotine reacts with sodium to form sodium chloride, the chlorine is acting as (A) abase @). anacid (©) areducing agent @) — amoxidizing agent a, a 26. Whats the change in the oxidation number of nitrogen in the equation below? 4NH, @) + 50, (@) > 4NO() + 69,0 27. 28. 29. 6 (A). +3to+2 ®) +3t0-2 -© ~3t0+2 @). ~3t0-2 Which of the following reactions would ‘you expect to take place? L 2n(s) + Mg™(ag) > Mg(s) + Zn(aq) Tr Ma(s) + Cu™(aq) > Cu(s) + Mg(aqy MIL | Cols) + Mg*(aq) > Mats) + Cur(aq) ) Tonly ®) tonly (© — Tand tt only ©) | Wand monly lems 28-29 refer to the following acids, (A) Sulphuricacid ~ (B) Hydrochloric acid © Nitric acid (@) - Bthanoic acid Match EACH item below with ONE of the options above. EACH option may be used more than once, once or not at ail, Which of the acids above has a basicity of 23 is weakly ionised in-aqueous solutions? Ze uG= if ie a 30.) WRIT oF HE TeHOW "Tigi 34 refers to the graph below Which lyte? shows the rate of reaction for differed par- ticle sizes of the same mass of magnesium (A) Molten lead reacting with dilute acid. (B) Molten lead bromide (©) Aqueous ethanoie acid @) Dilute hydrochloric acid x ‘ 8 ir wi a m 31. During theelectrolysis ofaqueous copper(II) E sulphate solution using inert electrodes, the 2 wv ions migrating to the cathode are Z = (A) Ce (aq) and SOR (aq) (B) -H*(aq) and OF-(eq) . Time (C) SOF (aq) and OFF (aq) 34, Which line om the giaphy I, I, IIL ot IV, would T the reaction with powdered (@) Cu (aq) and H* (eq) pee a Seu Pare : ; A I 32, In the anodizing ofan aluminium pot, which & ir of the following is TRUE? © om : o Ww (A) Hydrogenis given off at the anode. (B) A layer of aluminium hydroxide forms on the pot. 35. Which of the following statements is true (©) The aluminium pot is the anode in about the reaciants:and products in an the cell. exothermic reaction? ©) The electrolyte is a solution of sodium chloride. (A) Products have ¢nore stored energy than the reactants. (B) - Reactants have more stored chergy 33. How many coulombs (C).of electricity than the products. passes through an electrolyte ‘when’ a “ (©): Products and reactants heve the current of 100 A flows for 10 minutes? same amount of storet! enbrgy. : 5 (D) “ Redetarits have less Energy than (A) 100, the products sinée energy is (B) 600 absorbed from the surrountiings. (©) 10000 ®)~ 60000 soe . 3 by a 37, 38. 39. When crystais of potassium nitrate are dissolved in water, the temperature of the solution decreases because (A) energyis required to break down the crystal structure of the potassium nitrate (B) heat is always absorbed when a substance dissolves (© the water absorbs the energy from the potassium nitrate (©) the energy content of dissolved polassium nitrate is lower than ‘that of S6lid potassium nitrate In which of the following industrial reparations is a cstalyst NOT used? 40. 1. Sulphuric acid Tl Chlorine MW. Ammonia (A) Lonly ®) Monly (C) Land only @) Wand DW only 41. A metal, M, can be extracted by roasting its ore in air with carbon. Metal M could be (A) Mg ®) Al (© Ca @) Fe 42, Which, of the following metals ep be extracted by electzeiveis? €1 Leal rg @ K ®) Ca @) Al ©) Fe 63 Jiems 40-42 refer to the properties of four metals, W, X, ¥ and Z, which are summarised in the following table, Metal | Reaction With Water/Steam W | There is no reaction, “X | Reacts with steam but not with cold water. YY | Reacts rapidly with cold water, 2 | Reacts slowly with cold water. z| Which of the metals is NOT likely to react with dilute hydrochloric acid to give hydrogen? @ w @) x © ¥ © Zz “Which of the metals is likely to form a soluble hydroxide? : w a @) x Oaey @) z For which of the following pairs of metals is the first MOST likely to- displace. the . second sohition? iter aa we 2 Bear © wx @ 42y 43. 45, Which of the following compounds will 44 NOT evolve carbon dioxide upon heating? (A) Calcium carbonate (B) — Copper(ii) carbonate (© Lead(tt) carbonate ©) Sodium carbonate Which of the following observations is likely when EXCESS aqueous ammonia is added to 2 solution of copper(Il) sulphate and the mixture is shaken? (A) Green solution (B) . Green precipitate (C) Deep blue solution ©) Light blue precipitate Which of the following are the raw materials end conditions required for the fermentation of sugars? Raw Materials ‘Temperature pH (A) Glucose + yeast room temperature 7 ®) Starch + yeast 30 °C above room températuie 7 (C) Sucrose + yeast 30 °C above room temperature Jess than 7 @) — Sucrose + glucose room temperature less than 7 46. 41, During the digestion of polysaccharides by the’human body, the main process occurring is (A) condensation ®) hydrolysis (©) néutralisation ©) — polymerisation ‘To which homologous series does the following stricture belong? 48. H Hd ° rie eel, ie scam é 49, ! a Ha 0-H (A) Acias 8) Alkanes © = Alkenes @) Alcohols Items 48-49 refer to the following options, GH, @ cH, (©) CH(CHy,coon @) CH(CH),coH ‘Match EACH item below with ONE of thie options above. Each option used more than once, onte or not at all An alcohol An alkene BnmRehmReHrRtieHrRrRteHrRnrEerTtmix = x 50. The compound ethone is describedes being unsaturated. This means that the (A) carbon atoms in ethene are linked by single bonds @) — carbon’atoms in the molecule are very reactive (©) molecule has insufficient hydrogen afoms @) — molecule contains at least one double bond Si. The functional group present in carboxylic acids is (A) @) if -Cc=0 (Omer Con H ©) 52. When ethenoic acid and ethanol react to 54 form ethyl ethanoate, the catalyst used is (a) @) © @) dilute sulphuric acid eS dilute hydrochloric acid i concentrated hydrochloric acid concentrated sulphuric acid 53. Ethanol can be converted to ethanoie acid using the apparatus shown below. -————Bthanot ;-— Water hath Reagent X Heat Reagent X could be (A). aqueous bromine (B) ~ concentrated sulphuric acid (Q) acidified potassium dichromate(Vi) (@) , . aqueous sodium hydroxide items 54-55 refer to the following compounds, (A) Fat 7 ®) Starch (C) Protein ©) Polyester Match EACH item below: with ONE of the options above: Each option may be used more than once, once or not at all, Which compound produces amino-acids when hydrolysed? Which compound is NOT considered to be a polymer? es oe Break jy seal mee 56. A polyamide is formed by a condensation ‘Item 59 refers to the following structures reaction between a molecule containing ¢ HOH # (A) atleast one-OH group with another ctl containing at least one -NH, L w-c-c-c-a group iE I (B) atleast one-OH group with another HS cMen: containing at Ieast one COOH + 1 group a (© | at least one -COOH group with another containing at least oné A -NH, group © eon groups with another gc containing two -COOH groups | Tae H-C-c-¢-# ete 0 57. Which of the following statements about Hn polymers are trite? t 1. Polymers are long-chain molecules made by joining together a large’ i. H-C-H number of monorier nits. leat Condensation polymers are w-¢-C-H generally made up from one P| ” type of monomer. H SI Addition. polymerisation involves ae eo < the breaking’of C=C double fl bond-in the monomer, x (A) Tand only 3 Tand II only Nv. aes (© Wand I only Ls ©) Land or Hc C-H ie H-C-H 58. . Which of the following types of polymet 1 may be derived from compounds like the ve ‘ ‘one below? H 59. Which of the structures above represent | branched alkanes? H="C- COOH ~ (A) aid D only NB, (8): "Land IV only —.. Q, Wana IVonly (A) Polyamide (D) [Mend UT only @) © Polyalkene : (© Polyester (D) Polysaccharide fa 2 Mess suber’ is the number of Ay neutrons plis protons @) __ neutrons minus protons “© _ dlectrons plus neutrons ®) _— dlectrons plus protons ‘Which TWO of the following features are ‘ene about the arrangement of electrons, ‘protons and neutrons in an atom? = Protons and neutrons are found in ‘the nucleus. HL —_Electrons can be found anywhere outside the nucleus. EL The number of protons always equals the number of neutrons. Tv. The number of protons always equals the number of electrons. ® Land Moly G) landIVonly © and Monly ®) Wand IV only Items 3°5 refer to the following types of substances. A) Salt . ® Base © Alkali @) Acid ‘Match EACH item below with ONBof the options above. Each option may be used more than once, once or not at all. Which of the substances aboye cen be described as the oxide of 2 metal? supplies protons as the ONLY positive ions jn aqueous solutions? is one of the products in a neutralization reaction? 6. a Jone 2013 ‘The atomic number of Element Z is 13, In ___which group of the periodic table should. Element Z be placed? A) «2 ®) 3 cae (hs 4s ae @) 5 ‘Thearrangementofelementsinthe periodic tableisbasedon (A). stomicnumber © + @®) mass number + (©) relative atomic mass _ @) _ relative molecular mass Item 8 refers to the following quantities of atoms. Ls 12gofcarbon : I. 16 gof’sulfer i Ml, * 23 gofsodium IV." 12 gof magnesium (Relative mass number: C = 12; S = 32; Mg= 24; Na=23) Which of the: following pale represents equal quantities of atoms? (A) TandIonly (B) land IVonly . (©) Wand. only @) Wand IV only EE Yin solid lead nitrate is heated, it decomposes giving. off nitrogen(IV) oxide and,oxygen: ‘The “BALANCED equation for this reaction ie AY 2PONO = 2PHO(6) + 4NO,B) + 0g) ee ®) — PoNO,),6) + POG) #NO,~) +0) rege (© PHONO, (8) + PLO + 2NO,(@) + O,(e) ©) 2PHNO (9+ POG) + 2NO,(g) + O,(2) 0. hich ofthe ellowing diagrams Mustates 41. Anew element R shows chemical properties td siinilar to thé elément sodium. What is the bonding in chlorine? 2 conrect: ‘formula Of oripovnd formed with ‘Rand vulgar? @ Rs, @) RS (OAR Sih @) RS, 42. An example of a substance with a gient " tholéouiar siructure is (A) diemone @) ethyl ethanoate bi (©) copper sheet () solid iodine 13,, «Which of the following elements can exist, .»: inmore form in the SAME state? (4) ° ron ae ®) _ Neon © “ Iedine ae Item 14,refers to the following information, 18. ZOID One of the ways in which hydrogen resembles the Group 7 elements is that 14, 15. 16. ‘W7. ‘Element “~--~ Atomic Number hydrogen -. ae 1 3 (A) has atoms that are held together by a 6 electrovalent bonds ot 7 B) donates jts one electron yery easily Vv 18 ‘and forms an H* ion (©) isone electron short of a rare gas ‘Which TWO of the elements above when ‘structure: combined with each other form, MAINLY ionic compounds? (A) LandILonly pb. () Land W only... (© Wand IV only @) | Wand IV only Which of the following Gestures are usually true of covalent compounds? Lj. Tnsqlublein-water, + « IL,; Existing in the solid state I. Easily boiled and melted (A) Land Ionly 20. <®@) aLand HLoaly (©) - dland.H only ©) Land it From, which of the following mixtures can a solid’ be’ obtained by the process of“ “" sedimentation? @ © Gels @) Emulsions (© Foams @) Suspensions A separating funnel can be used to separate amixture of (A) water and ethanol (B) water and kerosene (©) water and solid sodium chloride (D) kerosene and solid sodium chloride ©) _ isacolourless gas like the halogens * The pif of fresh sugar catié juice which is usually. 5,0-5.5 can be changed to 7.5-8.0 for more efficient processing by adding (A) _acetic,(ethanoic) acid, CH,COH (B) limestone, CaCO, (©) __ slaked lime, Ca(OH), (©) sodium chloside, NaC ‘Which ofthe following salts is prepared by precipitation? (A) ‘Barium sulfate @)_ Calcium chloride oO irate (D) Potassium carbonate -'NiVhi¢h 6Pthe'followiig compoundsis NOT anormal selt? ) oe Potassium carbonate ©. © (py soasumverogen cabonste 22. A ‘weak acid’ is BEST described sone 24. Which of the following salis aresoluble in ‘that yields a ater? (A) lowieading on the pHi meter I, Ammonium carbonate (B) low concentration Of acid in I Calcium sulfate aqueous solution W Lead nitrate (© _ high'concentration of hydrogen its in sdltition (A) TandIonly ©) ‘lowedioentration of hydrogen ions @®) and Monly in aquedus'solution (©) * Wand it only sin @) '¥, Wend DI Item 23 refers to the following equation. a sir : 25. Which of the following substances is a NO,(g) + SO,(g) -> NO(g) + SO,(e) weak electrolyte? (A) Aqiféius cthiindic acid’ *lwiniiet Of the’ f6llowizig compounds is @) _ Dilute hydrochloric acid reduced? (© Molten lead cau “e(Dye*- Mélteit lead broinide @ ole “ gan Nite ® 50, i 26. Which of the following changes to a metal See atom happens wheit'it ‘becomes an ion? © No Clanton st fina (A) Gains electrons and is oxidized. ©) 80, - (B) — Gains'electrons and is reduced. 3 (©) Loses electrons and is oxidized. @) Loses electrons and is reduced. 7. In which ofthe following resctions is sulfur dioxide setng ns an oxidizing agent? 1 fA), «0 280,(2)£Of8).-:280,8) + @®) — SO,(g) + 2H, S(g) -> 2,01) + 38(8) © $0{g)+ #00) + #,80,(29) @), 80,G) + 2HNO,(aq) + H,S0aq) +2NO,(¢) ae a 30. -6- Item 28 refers to the following apparatus ‘which is used to investigate the relative . conductivity-of various substances. 6V ae. Supply If solutions Containing 1 mole of solute per drm? of aguédus sohition'are investigated, which ‘of ihe folloWixig ‘solutions would cause the bulb to glow BRIGHTEST? (A) Asionia (B)° Bthatioie aid’ (© Sulfuric acid (D) Hydrochloric acid ‘Which of the following substances does ‘(NOT conduct electricity? (A) Solid caltum: @) Solid calcium chloride (©) Molten calcium chloride’ (D) Aqueous calcium chloride ‘Which of the following observations is expected with the, electrolysis of ‘concentrated sodium chioridesolutionusing, graphite electrodes? (A). Chlorine is evolved at the anode. (B), The pHi of the solution decreases. (C) Oxygen is evolved at the anode. (Q). Sodium is discharged at the cathode. ; Ors 31." ” Which of the following statements BEST describes a tatalyst? ‘" ~~ (A) ~~ It itcteases. the-zotivation energy —— ~~ of a chemical reaction. (B) Halters the‘quantity of the products, formed. - © ' (© _ Ibis unchanged physically, at the end of a reaction. (D) It is unchanged chemically,at the end of a reaction, 32. An'excess of migiésiim powder was added to 50 cm? of dilute sulfuric acid, and the reaction was allowed to continue {intil id moze hydrogen evolved. “Which of ihe folk ‘graphs BEST sepresents the complete reaction? a Noite of oS ‘The condensation ofsteamisanexothemic 37. reaction. Which of the following statements tande . 1. “Heat is absorbed: I Heats evolved. IL» ABs negative. (A) Land'Honly (8B) Tand.ll only (©) Wand ULonly 1, [and HL 38. ©) ‘tenn 34 refers to the Haber prosés for the _ production of ammonia, according to the equation N,@) +3H,(e) > 2NH(e), AH =~92 kJ mot 38. “ThenotationAH=-92KI mol” means that 92 KJ of energy are 7 (A) '» released during the reaction (B) _ required to form the bonds in NH, (© - required forthereactionto proceed @®) required to break the bonds in N, and H, 40. Which of the following substances conducts, an electric current and remains chemically unchanged? (A) ‘Aqueous copper(I) sulfate @) Copper 5 © © Sulfur @) — Sodium chloride 4a. ‘When hested, which ofthe followingnitrates decomposes to produce the metal oxide, oxygen and nitrogen dioxide? (4) > Ammonium nitrate ®) Copper nitrate (©) Potassium nitrate ©) Sodium nitrate 3 , Physical properties A recently discovered element is thought to be a metal. Which of the following (A) Density (B)_ Hardness (©) Melting point @) Electrical conductivity Axvelement that is a non-metal (A) canact as a reducing agent @) conducts electricity (©) forms an acidic oxide (@): isa solid atroom temperature Which of the following elements can be extracted by chemical reduction? @ «K @) ca © Fe ©) Me Which of the following elements would NOT ‘form an acidic oxide when burnt in air? (A) Carbon ®) Sulfur © ~~ Nitrogen @) Magnesium Which of the following observations is expected when aqueous silver nitrate is added to aqueous potassium chloride? (A) Apungent gas is evolved. B) A biue precipitate appears. (©) Awhite precipitate appears. ®) ‘A brown precipitate appears. ROAD ae 42, Which of the following gases is alkaline? - 47, - To which homologous, series does the following structure ‘belong? ee an a ee ®) ‘Carbon dioxide HEHE (© Nitrogen dioxide elie @) — Sulfur dioxide Bee (a a HH 43. Ammoniameybeproducedinthelaboratory by heating amixture ofammonium chloride (A) Acids and (@). Alkenes (©) Alkanes (A) copper @) Alcohols (®) calcium hydroxide (©) ammonium sulfate 4 () __ calcium chloride Tem_48 refers to the compound shown i below. + 44, Which of the aqueous solutions below produces a yellow precipitate with aqueous # 6 potassium iodide? (A) Calcium chloride B) Lead nitrate (C) Zinc sulfate (yy Sodiean cartcnste 48. Which TWO of the following terms comectly describe the compound shown? 45. Which of the following elements is the LAnslcobol MOST electropositive? I. Abranched alkine MI. — Reactive with sodium @) Atminium Peaaat “WW. ---Not-reactive with acidified (8) Copper potassium dichromate (© Magnesium Re ERMY Cries 258 @) = Zine (A) and Hl only eB) Land FVonly: (© Wand only 46. ALLmembersofahomologousserieshave ‘similar (A) densities 49. ®) _ boiling points (©) chemical properties ©) physical properties 4 ©) Wand Wionly” ‘The compotind Which has the Yormula CH, CH=CH CH,CH, CH, is = 2. ‘fsfhiyl ethanodite. diid ‘fais are classified’ as ‘Items 53-54 refer to the following options. esters. From this information it can be ——-—deduced that BOTH —- nee Oe —- T@) Tsomerism (A) are soluble in water + (©) Esterification @®) burn with’a blue flame ®) —Polymerisation (©) contain the —COOR group. } (@®) haves pleastint odour Each option may be used once, more than ‘once ornotatall to answer the items below. 1. Which of the following reactions occurs between propene and bromine? 53. What is the name of the process in which eae: analooholanda carboxylic acid reactusing (A) Addition a catalyst? @) Condensation (© © Substitution ©) Precipitation 54, What is the name of the process in which } proteins are formed from amino acids? 2. Which of the following compounds would increase inmass when treated with hydrogen in the presence of nickel? @ CH, ® CH, . i : “© ‘CHOH Fj as @), GHC. , F 5. RCOOH(aq) + NaOH(eq) > RCOONA(@q) + 1,0) Which of the. lowing processes CORRECTLY describes the reaction above? (A) Precipitation zi ry ity 5 (8) ‘Neutralization 4 (©) Reduction () Decomposition ‘When large alkane molecules are cracked, the products are a mixture of {A) small alkane molecules (B) small elkene molecules (©) _ lange and small alkane molecules (). small alkane and alkene molecules ns a TEN a 58. (Othe: cat "s crust — # (D)=, the atmosphere oi “The fermentation of sugars, using glucose as the substrate, can be represented by the equation (A) C3H,,0,+ 60,4 600, + 61,0 B) CH,,0,+ CH,,0, > CH, + HO (© CH,,0,> 2C,H,0H + 2CO, (D) 6CO, + 6H,O + C.H,,0,+ 60, ‘A protein, X, is liydrolysed.using 2 dilute acid. The BEST method of separating and identifying the products is by (A) chromatography ) crystallization (©) distillation (©) fractional distillation ' ‘A polymer has the structure ~CHX-CH,-CHK-CH,- CHK-CH,- CHK CH, ‘The formula of the monomer 1s (A) XCH-CHX ®) cH-CHX © cH-cEx @) cHpoHX END OF TEST JF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK) ONTSIS TEST Which of the following movements denic's + Brownian motion? (A) Pollen grains moving at random in water (B) Water mioving from sea water into brine through cellophane (©) The scent of perfume moving ‘through the air in a room (D) The movement of sugar particles {nto the blood stream through the intestine wall ‘The arrangements of clectrons in atoms of X and Y are 2, 8, 5 and 2, 8, 6 respectively. Which of the following options represents Xand Y? x x, (A)_[ Metal ‘Nonmetal (B)_{Nonmetal _[Nonmetal (©)_|Nonmetal_| Metal ()_| Metal Metal tem 3 refers to the following graph which shows the changes in temperature with time, fora substance that is heated until no further physical change takes place. ‘Temperature ar Tine During which portion of the curve is the substance a liquid only? oe @) ou © Ww © WwW 7 ye DUNE gop ‘The mass number of an element is the number of particles in the nucleus of an atom of that element. ‘Particles’ refer to (A) neutrons (B) protons and electrons (©) neutrons and protons (D) protons, neutrons and electrons ‘Which of the following elements has 7 electrons in its outer shell? (A) Hydrogen (B) Oxygen (©) Nitrogen @) Chlorine Inthe equation XxKOH+3Br,>yKBr+KBrO, +3H,0, the values of x and y respectively are (A) xeSy @) x y (One @) BY Of the following ions, the one which requires the LARGEST mumber of moles of electrons to liberate one mole of t is a) ar @) cr OQ a @) oO ‘The quantity ‘] mole of atoms of an element’, refers to the mass of (A) 1 atom of the element (B) the element which contains 6.0.x 10" atoms (©) the element which occupies 24.0 dem’ at STP (D) the element which combines completely with 12 g of carbon -12 GO ON TO THE NI XT PAGE 10. iu 12. Wish of the following substances does NOP aves giant stracture? (A) Copper @) Grophite (©) Oxygen ©) Sodium chloride ‘Which of the following statements BEST describes the formation of a metallic bond? A metallic bond is formed when (A) anions are held together by negative electrons (©) metal atoms are held together by molecular forces (C) cations are held together by a sea of mobile electrons (D) positive metal ions are held together bya sea of anions From which of the following substances can a solid be obtained by the process of sedimentation? (A) Gels 8) Foams (© Emulsions (D) Suspensions The mass concentration of a potassium chloride solution is 60 g dm. What is the mass of potassium chloride in 25 om" of this solution? (A)” ‘o.o01s i. @) Os g © 13e ©) 1502 Separation of mixtures is based on specific properties of the components in the mixture, Which of the following properties is used to separate 2 mixture of ofl and water? (A) Solubility {B) Viscosity (©) Particle size {D) Boiling point 4 15, 16. 7. 18. Which of the following separation techniques is NOT used daring the extraction of sucrose from sugar cane? (A) Biltration (B) Precipitation (©) Centrifugation ) Chromatography Barium is below calcium in Group 1] of the Periodic Table. When these metals react with water, the main differences in observation is the (A) ges evolved @B) rate ofrreaction (©) colour of the product ©) colour change with litmus Graphite can be used as a lubricant because of the (A) loose electrons which can move throughout the lattice B) weak sttraction among the hexagonal layers of carbon atoms (C) strong attraction among the hexagonal layers of carbon atoms () strong attraction within the hexagonal layers of carbon atoms ‘Which of the following halogens is aliquid at room temperature? (A) Bromine (B) Fluorine (©) Chlorine (D) Iodine Which of the following terms BEST describes strong acids? (A) Concentrated (B) Partially ionized (C) Tonized toa large extent (D) Concentrated end partially ionized 21. 22. A solution has a pH of 1. This solution would be expected to react with (A) zine meta) to produce hydrogen (B) zine metal to produce a solution of pH 10 (©) hydrochloric acid to produce chlorine (D) hydrochloric acid to produce a salt and water ‘tem 20 refers to one mole of EACH of the following acids. L #50, gL — CH,COOH m. (COOH), Which of the above acids would require MORE than one mole of NaOH(aq) for complete neutralization? (A) Tonly (B) Land I only (C) Mand Wl only ) 1, Uand Which of the following terms BEST describes the oxide of a metal? (A) Salt @) Base © Alkali (D) Acid Asofution, when reacted with the gas sulfur dioxide, becomes green. The solution contains potassium (A) nitrate (8) sulfate (©) dichromate(v) (D) — manganate(VI1) 23. 24, 25. In the electrolysis of aqueous copper(I!) sulfate solution using copper elecrodes, the anode (A) deoreases in mass {B) increases in mass (C) __tmdergoes no change in mass (D) is the site where reduction occurs ‘The equation for the reaction of silicon with chlorine is Si(s) + 2C1,(g) > SiCI,(0. In this reaction, silicon is the reducing agent and is, (A) oxidized with an inerease in oxidation state ®) oxidized with a decrease in oxidation state (©) reduced with an increase in oxidation state (D) _reducedwitha decrease in oxidation state ‘Which of the statements below is true for ‘the following equation? Mis) + #,SO, (09) + Mg8O (aq) +7 (@) (A) Mgisreduced from oxidation state #2100. (B) _ Mgisoxidized from oxidation state 010 +2. (©) Hydrogen is reduced from oxidation state +2 to 0. (D) Hydrogen is oxidized from ‘oxidation state 0 to +1 CA AN TO THE NEXT PAGE. 27. 28. 29, 30. 2.32 g of an oxide of iron were heated in dry hydrogen. When tbe reaction was completed, 1.68 g of iron were formed. [RAM: Fe=56;0= 16] “The oxide of iron was (A) reduced (B) oxidized (©) neutralized (D) decomposed ‘Acidified potassium manganate(VII) is (A) ereducing agent (B) — enoxidizing agent (©) adehydrating agent (D) doth an oxidizing agent and reducing agent Daring the electrolysis ofaqueous copper(I) sulfate solution wsing inert electrodes, the fons migrating to the cathode are (A) Cu* (aq) and 80,"@0) (B) _H*(aq) and OFF a) (© 80*(eq) and OF (e9) (D) Cu (aq) and H (29) Jtems29-30 refer to the following options. Bach option may be used once, more than once or not atall td answer the items below. (A) Ion (B) Lead (©) Comper (D) Magnesium Which element forms an oxide which cannot be reduced by hydrogen? would be liberated from an aqueous solution of is salts during electrolysis? 31. 32. 33. 34, 38. Which of the following statements about electrolysis is NOT correot? (A) Theelectrons leave the solution via. the positive electrode. (8) Theelectrons enter the solution vis ‘the negative electrode. (C) Decomposition of the electrolyte at the electrode produces an slectric entrent. (D) Decomposition ofthe electrolyte at the electrode is due to an electric current. ‘How many coulombs (C) ofelectricity pass ‘through an electrolyte when 2 current of 100 A flows for 10 minutes? A 100 600 1.000 ) 60.000 ‘The rate of a chemical reaction does NOT depend on the (A) presence of a catalyst (B) concentration of the reactants (©) __ energy change of the overall reaction (D) temperature of a reacting system ‘At a flour mill, there is the risk of an explosive reaction occurring when a mateh ig struck. This is due MAINLY to the (A) increased pressure in the area (B) increased concentration of flour (©) high temperature caused by the Tighted match (D) _ large surface area created by the large number of smell particles Which of the following metals can be extracted by electrolysis? (A) Zn (B) Ca © A @) Fe ro When crystals of potassium nitrate are 37. Which of the following pairs of substances dissolved in water, the temperature of the is MOST suitable for producing carbon solution decreases because dioxide? (A) energy isrequired to break down the (A) Dilute hydrochloric acid and crystal structure of the potassiom calcium carbonate nitrate (B) Dilute bydrochlorie acid and (B) heat is always absorbed when 2 calcium hydroxide substance dissolves (©) Sodium hydroxide and calcium (C) the water absorbs the energy from carbonate ‘the potassium nitrate (D) Dilute sulfuric acid and calcium (D) the energy content of dissolved hydroxide potassium nitrate is lower than that of solid potassium nitrate Items 38-39 refer to the following sequence of reactions involving iron compounds, where 1, {1, II] and IV represent progressive stages in the sequence. FeC0, Ls Feo! + Fe,0, 2+ ¥0,(80,), > Fe(OH, 38. _Inwhich stageis the oxidetion state ofiron 39. A suitable reagent that could be used at lV increased? is eer (A) steam ® w (B) hydrogen © m (©) __ solid copper oxide © wv (D) - aqueous sodium hydroxide 40. Which of the following metals can displace zinc from a solution of zinc sulfate?” (A) Iron A B) Lead (C) Copper () Aluminium Items 41-42 refer to the properties of four metals, W, X. ¥ and Z, which are summarised in the following table. Metal| Reaction With Water/Steam Products Formed When Nitrate is Heated W_ | There is no reaction. Reacts rapidly with cold water. Z_ | Reacts slowly with cold water. X _ | Reacts with steambutnotwith cold water. Meial, NO, and O, Oxide, NO, and O, Nitrite and oxygen Oxide, NO, end O, “The onder of reactivity oftese metals, with 42, Which of these metals forms a carbonate the MOST reactive FIRST, is which is stable to heat? A WXYZ “a WwW @) X%YZ,w ®) xX © YZwx © ¥ ©) YZKW @) Zz ‘Which of the following substances forms Item 46 refers to the following equation dense white formes with ammonia gas? peer ee, ji Vee A) Onygen 6 C=C 6 —u+ box (8) Hydrogen 1 1 (©) Nitrogen dioxide a 5 (D) Hydrogen chloride 46. What is the correct structural formula of ‘Which of the following observations is likely when EXCESS aqueous ammonia is added to a solution of copper(I) sulfate and the mixture is shaken? (A) Greensolution (B) Green precipitate (©) Deep blue solution (D) Light blue precipitate Which of the following molecules could be obtained by cracking the alkane, C,H,” Gre 1 CH TL Cig, (Ay Tonly @) [and Ilonly (C) Wand Ui only @) Lilend x? Hjn ahs er Vege label ol @ H-c-c-—c—c—H ile Bro Br oH OB HeieHaece

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