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Avoiding Lockdown in Oldham

In Oldham the number of people with

Coronavirus has been going up.

The council are asking people to follow some

rules so that this stops and they don’t have to
have another lockdown.

The rules

You should not have visitors to your home

unless they are in your support bubble.

A support bubble is when two households spend

time together. One of the households should be
a single person household. This means an adult
who lives alone or who just lives with children.

You will not be able to visit people in care

People who are shielding should carry on doing
this until the 14th August.

Your support worker will still meet with you in

person but they will meet you outdoors if

You should also keep following the rules about staying safe:

Don’t go out if you don’t need to.

Work from home if you can.

Keep social distancing – stay 2 metres apart

from other people if you can.
Only meet up outside with up to 6 people,
unless they are in the same support bubble.

Wear a face covering when you go to places

where there are other people if you can.

Keep washing your hands for at least 20


If you have Coronavirus symptoms you should

get a test.

If you do have Coronavirus you should follow

the rules for self isolating.

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