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Science Technology
-it is process of discovering, explaining, and predicting -activities that apply the principles of science and
natural or social phenomena. mechanics to the solutions of a specific problem.

Apply is the word. So it means na si science is the

“idea” or the “knowledge”, and anything that we “apply”
that knowledge and idea is technology.
As a concept, science is the body of knowledge and is Technology as artifacts or Hardware  Products
a discipline that deals with the process of learning. fabricated by humans to meet specific needs. Tools,
machines, implements.
Science is an organized, hierarchical activity that Technology as knowledge and methods  A
investigates nature and human nature by system of tacit and explicit knowledge, techniques,
experiment and observation. and materials utilized in using, making, or repairing a
certain kind of artifact.
Its goals are explanation, understanding, prediction, Technology as a human cultural activity or
and control. Science improves life and helps you profession  e.g. military or civil engineers, crafters,
to survive life, hence, interwoven with people’s machinists.
Science is an idea since it includes theories and all Technology as a total societal enterprise  e.g.
available systematic explanations and observations “American technological know-how.” R&D, invention,
about the natural and the physical world. patronage, mass production and mass consumption
CONTENT  Body of organized knowledge about It refers to the activities that apply the principles of
nature science for addressing a specific problem and
From Latin scientia - knowledge attributed as the application of the discoveries of
METHOD  Of obtaining that knowledge, science.
experiment, observation, hypothesis, theory, law
ATTITUDE  Organized and systematic skepticism
GOALS  Explanation, understanding, prediction,
LANGUAGE  Mathematics and technical
TOOLS  Uses Instruments and technologies
COMMUNITY  Discipline, education, credentials,
careers, patrons, societies, “turf”
PROCESS  organized, but very diverse activity
shaped by social forces and historical change


The intellectual roots of STS lie in the history, philosophy, and social study of science and technology, an arena
where often-controversial issues and choices interface with values and influence public policy. STS prepares
students to understand both the technical and social dimensions of science and technology, helps them become
more thoughtful and better-informed citizens of our high-tech society, and develops their critical

interdisciplinary thinking, research, and communication skills. Students flourish intellectually in an environment where
critical questioning is encouraged and opportunities for research are abundant. The STS program maintains a full
slate of guest speakers, often co-sponsored by other departments, for the benefit of students and the larger

 Automation
 Dominant in an industrial society, the replacement of human labor with machinery and equipment
that is self-operating.
 Mechanization
 Dominant in an agricultural society, the use of tools to accomplish tasks previously done by hand.
 Cybernation
 Dominant in a postindustrial society; the use of machines to control other machines.

On a personal level,

• Interdisciplinary education for life.

• Relevant to every field of study.
• A great major or double major or “the minor for all majors”.
• A way to improve your writing and communications skills, problem-solving abilities, and ability to adapt to
changes in science and technology.
• Attractive to potential employers.
• Needed at all levels, in education, government, the private sector, and internationally.

Academic STS

• Scholarly Study of Science and Technology.

• History, Philosophy, Sociology of S & T.
• Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary.
• Perennial and structural problems of history, philosophy, and human nature.
• Science dynamics
• Technological dynamics
• Informs activist STS issues.

Activist STS

• Gets involved in current issues.

• Covers a broad social spectrum (not just academic).
• Builds coalitions:
o Awareness of a problem
o Need to take responsibility o
Draw on externalexpertise
o Make decisions and take actions
▪ (demonstrate, litigate, educate, legislate, etc.).
• Strengths —relevance, empowerment, democratic.
• Weaknesses — ad hoc, emotional, NIMBY.
• Examples: nuclear power, toxic wastes, health care, climate change action.


• The golden age for people committed to scholarly life in science. However, it was also a deeply trying
moment for some scientists who wanted to stand for their faith, religion, and theological views
• It has always been interwoven with the society
• Intellectuals People who made scientific activities in order to know everything that surrounds them. It is a
product of their curiosity. They are for scientific discovery and not for glory and honor given by the public.
They experiment, theorize and implement.

1. Science as an IDEA - Includes ideas, theories, and all available systematic explanations and observations about the world
2. Science as an INTELLECTUAL ACTIVITY Encompasses a systematic and practical study of the natural and physical
world. It involves systematic observation and experimentation.

3. Science as a BODY OF KNOWLEDGE Subject or discipline, a field of study that deals with the process of learning about
the world. This is also known as SCHOOL SCIENCE


Science is both knowledgeable and activities done by
human beings to develop better understanding of the world around them. It improves life and teach us how to survive

Some Intellectuals who contributed to the Development of Science

1. Aristotle
• Greek philosopher; developed geocentric model
• Movement of the planet and stars are circular
Geocentric model – earth is the center of the universe

2. Claudius Ptolemy
• Greek astronomer; expanded Aristotle’s theory
• Introduced trigonometry methods

3. Nicolaus Copernicus
• “thought experiment”
• Epitome authored by Mueller influence Copernicus. This book contains Mueller’s observations of the
heavens and commentaries on earlier works of Ptolemy
• Book: “Little Commentary” in 1510
• Book: “De revolutionalibus orbium coelestium” which was cited as the start of scientific revolution
Heliocentric model – sun is the center of the universe; earth is just a planet and revolves around the sun
Copernican Model – everything moved around a single center at unvarying rates

4. Johannes Kepler
• Elliptical orbits
• Planetary movement is a mathematical formula
• His book is New Astronomy in 1609

5. Galileo Galilei
• Supported the heliocentric model
• Designed the 1st telescope and introduced the Law of Dynamics
• Book: Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems-Ptomemic and Copernican in 1632
• Was accused of heresy (crimes against church); he was a catholic; Protestant Reformation
6. Isaac Newton
• Law of Motion – every object in the universe attracts every other object
• Book: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy in 1687
• “universe is a giant clock that God set in motion”

7. Andreas Vesalius
• 1st to dissect human bodies
• Book: On the Fabric of the Human Body in 1543

8. William Harvey
• Book: On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals in 1628
• “heart pumped blood through arteries by means of contraction and constriction

9. Francis Bacon
• Developed the scientific method; was an English politician and writer
Scientific Method:

10. Rene Descartes

• French scientist and mathematician
• Introduced the analytical geometry (links both algebra and geometry)
• Developed new tools for scientific research
11. Charles Darwin
• Famous for his “Theory of Evolution”
• He changed our concept of the world’s creation and its evolution

• Published the book “The Origin of Species” in 1959 one of the most important works in scientific literature

• He also published the book “Descent of a Man” impressive yet very controversial
• He developed his interest in natural history during his time as a student
• 2 Fields which he made major contributions:
1. Evolutionary biology
2. Philosophy of science

12. Sigmund Freud

• Famous in Psychology
• Rosenfeils described him as a towering literacy figure
• Method of Psychoanalysis observational method to gather reliable data to study human’s inner life
• He is not a traditional thinker, which was according to Wiener
• He introduced the dissociation from one’s self


• It includes the entire area of central America from southern Mexico up to south America


One of the most famous civilization that lasted for 2000 years

Incorporated their advanced understanding of astronomy into their temples and other religious structures that
allowed them to use their temples for astronomical observations. Example the pyramid of Chichen Itza in
Mexico is situated at the location of the Sun during the spring

Predicts eclipse and using astrological cycles in planting and harvesting

They are known for measuring time using two complicated calendar systems

Developed the technology for growing different crops and building using machineries and tools.

They built hydraulic systems with sophisticated waterways to supply water to communities.

Built looms for weaving cloth and devised a rainbow of glittery paints made from a mineral called mica

One of the earliest people who have produced rubber products 3000 before Goodyear

Mayan Hieroglyphics


Made advanced scientific ideas considering their limitations as an old civilization

Road paved with stones

Stone buildings that surmounted earthquakes and other disasters

Irrigation system and technique for storing water for their crops to grow in all types of land

Calendar with 12 months to mark their religious festivals and prepare them for planting season

First suspension bridge

Quipu - A system of knotted ropes to keep records that only experts can interpret

Inca textilesUsed for clothes and fashion


Mandatory Education, they value education

Chocolates. Chocolates were used as their currency. Natural source is Theobroma cacao

Antispasmodic Medication. Prevents muscle spasm of the GIT and relaxes muscle during surgery

Chinampa. Aztec technology in agriculture farming, in which lands are divided into rectangular areas and surrounded
by canals

Aztec Calendar. Enabled them to plan activities, rituals, and planting season.

Invention of CANOEA. Light narrow boat for traveling in water systems

• It is the biggest continent in the world


A huge peninsula surrounded by vast bodies of water and fortified by huge mountains

Known for manufacturing iron and metallurgical works

Iron steel. considered to be the best and held with high regard in the whole roman empire

Ayurveda. a system of traditional medicine that originated before 2500 BC, alternative medicine

Sursuta Samhita. describes different surgical and other medical procedures

Year 360 days with 12 equal parts of 30 days each

Bisht Indian known for mathematics in Indus Valley Civilization

Aryabhatiya. introduced a number of trigonometric functions, tables and techniques

Brahmagupta. said that gravity is a source of attraction

Madhava Sangamagrama. founder of mathematical analysis


Acupuncture; observed heavenly bodies; used lunar calendars; known for traditional medicines

Compass, papermaking, gunpowder, printing tools

Invented the first seismological detector

Developed dry dock facility

They made significant records of supernovas, lunar and solar eclipses and comets


7th and 8th century until 13th century – golden age of Islam

Ibn al-Hayhtam – father of optics (theory of light)

Arabic numeral system – came from india but muslim mathematicians made several refinements

Jabir ibn hayyan – father of chemistry

Muhammad ibn Musa Al Khwarizmi gave his name to the concept of algorithm while the term algebra was
derived from al-jabr

Ibn Sina pioneered the science of experimental medicine and was the first physician to conduct clinical
trials. Authored “Book of healing” and “Cannon of Medicine”. “Book of Healing”, a philosophical and scientific
encyclopedia. He pioneered the use of clinical trials to prove certain theories and principles in medicine and
the youngest arab who memorized the entire “Quran” at the age of 10.
✓ Ancient Egyptian civilization – develop geometry as a product of necessity to preserve layout of ownership
of farmlands of the Egyptians
✓ Egypt – known to be a center of alchemy
✓ They tried to study human anatomy and pharmacology for the treatment of diseases
✓ Lebombo bone – tool for multiplication, division, and simple mathematical calculation; oldest known
mathematical artifact



1. Ramon Barba
- Tissue culture on Philippine mangoes
- “distinguished achievements in the field of plant physiology, focusing on induction of flowering of mango and
on micro propagation of important crop species.
2. Josefino Comiso
- Observed the characteristics of Antartica by using satellite images
3. Jose Bejar Cruz
- Known in the field of electrical engineering
4. Lourders Jansuy Cruz
- Research on Sea Snail Venom
5. Fabian Dayrit
- Research on Herbal Medicine
6. Rafael Guerreo III
- Tilapia Culture; director of Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research
7. Enrique Ostrea
- Meconium Drug Testing
8. Lilian Patena
- Plant Biotechnology; developed a tissue culture on garlic production
9. Mari-jo Ruiz
- Outstanding educator and graph theorist
10. Gregory Tangonan
- research in communication technology
11. Abelardo Aguilar
• He worked on Eli Lilly Company Inc.
• He is a native from Iloilo, Philippines
• He discovered the antibiotic “Erythromycin” which was traded as “Ilotycin” during that time
• He was never paid according to some news and research and died peacefully.
• Erythromycin is commonly used for tonsillitis.
12. Quisimbing
• Biologist and known as the leading authority with regards to plants
• He served as director of the National Museum of the Philippines
13. Felix Maramba
• Coconut oil powered generator
- led the development of a method to generate high-contrast images of semiconductor sites via one photon
optical beam-induced current imaging and confocal reflectance microscopy.
- confocal laser scanning microscopy, signal and image processing, neural networks, and complex adaptive
- famous scientist in marine science.
- coral reefs, marine ecology, marine culture education, and resource management in his
- promotes research on Natural products chemistry and biotechnology
• 1977 – he created the first artificial coral reefs
• Theory: “The 25 % Solution”

Other Filipino Scientist:

• Fe del Mundo
- First Asian to have entered the prestigious Harvard
- Incubator
• Gregorio Y. Zara
- He was the inventor of the first videophone (two way television telephone)
• Agapito Flores
- inventor of the Fluorescent lamp
• Daniel Dingel
- water –powered car
• Eduardo San Juan
- Lunar Rover / Moon Buggy
• Julian Banzon
- researched methods of producing alternative fuels ; Experimented with the production of ethyl esters fuels
from sugarcane and coconut.
• Marc Loinaz
- Inventor of the One – chip video amera (process the colors)
• Roberto del Rosario
- sing along system (Karaoke)
• Juan Salcedo Jr.
- “Enriched Rice” – fortified with Vitamin B1 (prevents beriberi)

Factors that Influence the Development of Filipino Scientists

• Individual interests in Science
• Natural Environment
•Teachers and Learning Environment
•Schools and Laboratories where they studied and worked.


• Science education focuses on teaching, learning, and understanding science.

• Teaching science involves developing ways on how to effectively teach science
• It explored pedagogical theories and models in helping teachers teach science


Government program for the gifted students in the Philippines

A service institute of the DOST whose mandate is to offer free scholarship basis for secondary course with
special emphasis on subjects pertaining to sciences

School maintains dormitory for all of its students

Based on RA 3661
✓ Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 73 and No.51

It identified elementary schools that participated or were identified as science elementary schools in the
✓ It aims to develop Filipino children eqquippred with scientific knowledge and skills
✓ Promote the development of lifelong learning skills
✓ Provide a learning environment to science-inclined children through a special curriculum that
recognizes the multiple intelligence of the learners

✓ Foster the holistic development of the learners


✓ Established on September 17. 1967
✓ Originally named as Quezon City Science High School turned to Regional Science High School for NCR
students in 1999
✓ The school is for students who excel in mathematics and science
✓ The school is well-supported by LGU and PTA


✓ Established on October 1, 1963
✓ First science high school in the Philippines
✓ Emphasis on Science and Mathematics


✓ Home and pioneer of the prominent school-based innovation known as the Dynamic Learning
Program (DLP)
✓ The school that takes pride in its Research Center for Theoretical Physics in 1992


• Indigenous science is one of the foundations of modern science.

• It is the reconciliation of tradition, superstitions and rationality, which is continuously evolving until this
• Science education provides skills and knowledge that are necessary for a person to live in the age of
• Indigenous knowledge is the foundation of indigenous science.

A. Indigenous Knowledge that are taught and practiced by the indigenous people are:
• Predicting weather conditions
• Use of herbal medicines
• Preserving foods
• Classifying plants into families and groups
• Preserving and selecting good seeds
• Building local irrigation systems
• Producing wines and juices from tropical fruits

B. Indigenous Science as guided by culture and community values such as:

• Indigenous science used science process skills such as observing, comparing, measuring, problem solving
and predicting
• The land is the source of life. It is precious gift from the creator
• The earth is also known as the “Mother Earth”. It is the origin of their identity as people
• All living and non-living things are interconnected and interdependent with each other
• Human beings are stewards or trustee of the land and other natural sources
• Nature is a friend of human beings- it needs respect and proper care


Homo sapiens
Primates who think (a lot)

Homo farber
Primates who make things
Manipulative  are able to control their fate and their environment as a result of the use of tools was emphasized.

B. Changes matter undergoes

1. Evaporation  Liquid to Gas

2. Condensation  Gas to Liquid
3. Melting  Solid to Liquid
4. Freezing  Liquid to Solid
5. Sublimation  Solid to Gas
6. Deposition  Gas to Solid

C. The Marijuana Plant

• From Cannabis sativum or Cannabis sativa
• Young marijuana does not contain the euphoric property that makes the hitter high/euphoric
• Mature marijuana contains the euphoric property
• Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannibinol is the constituent responsible for the euphoric property of marijuana that
makes the hitter high
• Hashish  Resin found in marijuana
• Illegal in the Philippines
• Known to have treat cancer, N/V induced by cancer chemotherapy, epilepsy and other CNS diseases

D. Importance of Water in the Body

• Water improves our total well-being
• It reenergizes our body through improving the flow of blood and in turn would oxygenate cells and tissues
for proper functioning

E. American Era
✓ Educational System and Engineering
F. Spanish Era
✓ Carpentry and construction
G. Telephone
• Discovered by Alexander Graham Bell
• Uses radiowaves to receive and make calls

H. Leprosy
• Leprosy is also known as “KETONG”
• Caused by Mycobacterium leprae
• Jose Rodriguez have proposed ways and methods to control the spread of the infection

I. Cloning
• Sheep is the first mammal to be cloned

J. Solar Cells
• is the best energy source in view of keeping environment clean since it does not destroy any of the nature

K. Albert Einstein
• Theory of Relativity

L. Isaac Newton
• Greatest mind before Einstein
• Theory of Gravitation
• -9.8m/s2pull of gravity
• We have the same mass on earth and in moon
• Our weight in moon is different from our weight on earth
M. Diosdado Banatao
• According to our discussion, he invented the 10Mbit CMOS coupler
• Microchip for IBM

N. “I love you virus”

• Computer virus or worm originated from the Philippines which affected windows 1999-2000

O. Areca catechu
• “Ma-ma”, or “Nga-nga”

• Alkaloids Strengthens the teeth

• Tannins Esophageal cancer
P. Alloy

• Mixtures of metals

• Bronze Copper (Cu) + Tin (Sn)

• Brass Copper (Cu) + Zinc (Zn)
• Amalgam
• Silver (only metal with oligodynamic property), Gold (King of all metals) and Copper (most
commonly used conductor of electricity) are metals

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